Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (2017)

KID 1: Come on, everybody.
I want a Wonka bar.
Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it with dew
Cover it in chocolate
and a miracle or two?
The candy man
The candy man can
The candy man can
'Cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world
tastes good
Who can take a rainbow
Wrap it in a sigh
Soak it in the sun and make
a strawberry lemon pie?
KIDS: The candy man?
The candy man
The candy man can
The candy man can
'Cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world
taste good
KIDS: Me! Me!
Willy Wonka makes
everything he bakes
Satisfying and delicious
Talk about
your childhood wishes
You can even eat the dishes
Who can take tomorrow
Dip it in a dream
Separate the sorrow
and collect up all the cream?
The candy man
Willy Wonka can
The candy man can
The candy man can
'Cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world
taste good
And the world tastes good
Cause the candy man
thinks it should
MAN: Thank you, Charlie.
Say "hi" to Grandpa Joe for me.
Are... Are you okay?
Sorry, but I had to do that.
I couldn't let you eat that poor mouse.
Things can't be that bad, can they?
- Wow. Sounds like you guys haven't eaten in days.
You know, I bought these for my family,
but you're welcome to have one.
(CHUCKLES) Glad you liked it.
Well, thanks, I appreciate it.
It's okay.
You don't have to pay me back.
I'm Charlie. Charlie Bucket.
Tom and Jerry.
Pleased to meet you.
Wow. Look at all that candy.
And every bit of it
made by the great
Mr. Willy Wonka himself.
It's the most incredible candy
anyone can imagine.
And if I keep saving up,
I'll be able to afford a real Wonka bar.
Someday, maybe for my birthday.
Oh, well, who needs a Wonka Bar anyway?
Nice meeting you, Tom and Jerry.
Charlie's late tonight.
He works too hard for a boy his age.
He needs more time to play.
With none of you out of bed in 20 years,
it takes a lot to keep us all going.
One day, I'm gonna get
out of this bed and help him.
MRS. BUCKET: Oh, Dad, you've
been saying that for years.
Hi, Mom.
Wake up everyone.
Charlie's home.
Hi, Grandpa George, Grandma Georgina.
Hi, Grandma Josephine.
Grandpa Joe.
Cabbage soup?
Is that your supper, Grandpa?
Well, it's everyone's supper, Charlie.
I'm tired of cabbage water.
Tonight, we're gonna have
a real banquet. Look.
(GASPS) Charlie, where did you get this?
I bought it with my salary.
I had two of them,
but I gave one to some new friends.
That was very generous of you, Charlie.
Well, I just hope these new friends
of yours appreciate it.
MAN: Wonka bar
for a deserving boy?
WOMAN: Panhandlers.
MAN: No thanks.
Last one. (GRUNTS)
And that makes 5,000 boxes
of Wonka bars delivered early.
I bet there's a big bonus in that for me.
Now, was that just Wonka bars?
Or were there Scrumdidilyumptious, too?
Huh? What gives?
I knows I delivered that box.
(LAUGHS) Must've have left it on the truck.
I don't get it.
It's got to be somewhere.
GRANDPA JOE: You see, Charlie,
no one's seen Mr. Wonka
since he locked himself
in his own factory years and years ago.
But he still keeps putting out
the most delicious,
the most incredible candy
anyone can imagine.
But, Grandpa,
why did Mr. Wonka lock
himself up in his own factory?
Because of Slugworth.
Slugworth wanted to steal
all his recipes, every last one.
Oh, that Slugworth.
He was the worst.
And it was on that fateful day
that Wonka closed the gates of the factory.
And since then, no one ever comes out.
And no one ever comes in.
I got it.
Tom? Hey, Grandpa,
this is Tom and...
Where's Jerry?
Uh... What's in the box, guys?
What are we waiting for?
Let's eat.
Grandpa, did you ever see so many?
But, how did you...
I mean, how did you guys ever buy so many?
Uh... You guys
didn't buy these, did you?
GRANDPA JOE: I don't think
they did buy them, Charlie.
I'm sorry, guys,
but these don't belong to us.
(SIGHS) They have to go back.
Oh, I gotcha, you rotten candy thief.
(YELLS) I'll get you!
Nobody gives Spike the slip.
- Huh?
Who put out the lights?
Whoa! (GRUNTS)
I'll get you, you lousy candy thieves!
MAN: Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it with dew
Cover it in chocolate
and a miracle or two?
The candy man
The candy man can
Charlie Bucket.
Yes, Mr. Turkentine.
I shall need an assistant.
Come up here.
Now, mix together in the way
that only I know how
these extremely dangerous liquids
make the world's finest wart remover.
Pour 'em in, Charlie.
KID: Did you see that?
- CHARLIE: Did I do it wrong?
- (COUGHS) Not at all.
- This is for very large warts.
What's going on out there?
Willy Wonka is opening up his factory.
We just heard.
He's giving away tons of free chocolate.
Free chocolate?
But it's only for five people.
He's hidden five golden tickets,
and whoever finds them,
wins a lifetime supply of chocolate.
Golden tickets, eh?
Where has he hidden them?
Inside five Wonka bars.
You gotta buy Wonka bars
to find the tickets.
Class dismissed.
Tom, Jerry, did you hear that?
Boy, if only I had some Wonka bars.
Hey, it's a Wonka box.
There must be
a hundred Wonka bars in there.
Good work, guys.
We're sure to find a golden...
Sorry, but those Wonka bars
don't belong to us.
It's official.
Wonkamania has descended on the globe.
Hidden among countless
billions of Wonka bars
are five golden tickets,
and the people who find them
will win the most fabulous
prize anyone could wish for.
Do you think I've got a chance to find one?
I'll bet you find all five.
No! It's not right, guys.
Wait, this just in.
The first golden ticket has been found.
We go live to Dusselheim, Germany,
to meet the lucky winner, Augustus Gloop.
I'm here with Augustus Gloop,
the pride of Dusselheim.
Augustus, how does it make you feel
to be the first golden ticket winner?
Hungry. This is gonna cost
Wonka a fortune in chocolate.
Mrs. Gloop,
you must be so proud.
Of course.
Augustus loves to eat chocolate.
It was only a matter of time
before he found
- a golden ticket.
(SIGHS) One down, four to go.
Don't worry, Charlie.
You'll find that golden ticket.
VERUCA: Where's my
golden ticket, Daddy?
Why haven't they found it yet?
Veruca, angel,
they've been working for ten straight days.
Then make 'em work nights!
I want my golden ticket!
Sweetheart, there are
only four tickets left in the world,
and the whole world's searching for them.
Mr. Salt, I've got it!
I've found it!
(GASPS) Give it to me, I want it.
I did it. I found it.
I found the golden ticket!
Anxiety runs high as the world
enters its 43rd day
in the hunt for golden tickets.
But today, the small town
of Miles City, Montana,
had reason to cheer.
I'm here with the winner
of the third golden ticket,
Ms. Violet Beauregarde, who...
Hi, friends, Sam Beauregarde here
with all today's great giveaway bargains.
The finest values in the entire country.
Can it, Dad.
They don't care about you.
Hi, everyone.
Violet Beauregarde here,
and I found a golden ticket.
How do you like that?
MAN: Tell us
how it happened, Violet.
VIOLET: Well, normally
I'm a gum chewer.
I've been chewing this piece
for eight solid weeks.
When I heard about this Wonka thing,
I switched to chocolate.
But then, I went straight back to gum.
If I could just jump in here,
these deals are going fast, folks.
- So, come on down while they last.
That's right, folks, there's only
one golden ticket still out there.
'Cause right here in Marble Falls, Arizona,
is lucky winner number four.
Mike Teevee.
Mike, can we talk to you for a second?
Quiet. I'm trying
to watch the show.
He won't talk until the commercial break.
Mike loves TV.
I serve all his meals right here.
What about that golden ticket, Mike?
Bang! Got you.
Relax, it's just a cap gun.
Isn't he the cutest thing?
- Only one golden ticket left.
- Don't worry, Charlie.
You've got as much chance
of finding that golden ticket as anyone.
It's okay. I'm happy with
the great scarf I got for my birthday.
There's one more present for you, Charlie.
A Wonka bar?
Where did you get it?
I've been saving up.
When I had enough,
Tom and Jerry went to the store,
so I wouldn't have to get out of bed.
They bought the last Wonka bar in town.
Open her up, Charlie.
Show us that golden ticket.
You open it, Grandpa.
I'm too nervous.
Okay. Here goes.
You know, I bet those golden tickets
make the chocolate taste terrible.
REPORTER: Wonka bars
are vanishing fast.
Local merchants, unable to
meet the demand, close early.
The nation's dwindling supply of Wonka bars
is held under the tightest security.
It won't be long before finding
a Wonka bar is impossible.
Wait! It's over, it's all over.
The fifth and final golden
ticket has been found.
The lucky winner
is millionaire industrialist
Alberto Minoleta of Paraguay,
who had this comment.
I've never been happier. Ole.
Turn it off. Poor Charlie.
Little boy's gotta have
some hope in this world.
What hope's he got left now?
We shouldn't tell Charlie tonight.
Yeah, let the boy sleep. Let him dream.
Oh. These must've gotten
hidden away during the contest.
Oh, well, at least I can restock.
One Wonka bar it is.
Wait till Grandpa Joe sees this.
We're gonna have a feast.
We repeat,
the fifth golden ticket is a forgery.
Alberto Minoleta of Paraguay
has just been taken
into custody by the police.
Ay caramba.
Which means there is still
one golden ticket out there.
(GASPS) Look! Look!
The kid found the golden ticket!
MAN: The golden ticket!
MAN: Is this real?
Is that the real one?
- No, it mustn't be.
- Yes! It must be!
MAN 2: No, I wanna see it.
WOMAN: I wanna see the ticket.
MAN: Run straight home, Charlie.
Don't stop.
Congratulations, little boy.
You found the last golden ticket.
May I introduce myself?
Arthur Slugworth, president of Slugworth
Chocolates Incorporated.
Mr. Wonka is my sworn enemy.
He is currently developing
an incredible invention,
the everlasting gobstopper.
If he's successful, he'll bankrupt me.
So I need your help.
You must get a hold
of an everlasting gobstopper
and bring it to me,
so I can find the secret formula.
If you do as I say, you'll be rich.
A new house for your family.
Plenty of food and security
for the rest of their lives.
I want it all
I want his whole world
All that I need
is one kid to betray him
At last I'll repay him
and how
I want what's Wonka's
I want his secrets
And Wonka so scrumptious
Gobstoppers or go bust
Give it to me
I want it all
I want the whole world
I want to lock it all up
in my pocket
It's my ball of chocolate
Give it to me
I want today
I want tomorrow
I want to wear them
I will if I dare
And I don't want
to share them!
I want to party
with rooms full of laughter
Ten thousand fans adore me
And if I don't get
the things I am after
I'm going to scream
I want the works
I want the whole works
The world on my plate
It isn't too late
to seal Wonka's fate
And now
Don't care how
I want it now
Don't care how
I want it now
CHARLIE: Look, everyone.
The fifth golden ticket is mine!
You're kidding, Charlie.
They're all gone.
Read it, Grandpa.
"Greetings to the finder of this
golden ticket from Mr. Willy Wonka."
"Bring this ticket to my factory
"at 10:00 in the morning
on October the first
"and do not be late.
"One member of your own family
may accompany you.
"A day of unimaginable
surprises awaits you both."
Charlie, it's real!
You did it!
Grandpa, it says I can take someone along.
I want you to come with me.
Jumpin' crocodiles, Charlie.
Ah. That's good.
Whoa. Whoa!
Are you okay, Grandpa?
Oh, yeah.
I'm fine, Charlie. I'm fine.
Look at me.
I never thought
my life could be
Anything but catastrophe
But suddenly I begin to see
A bit of good luck for me
Cause I've got
a golden ticket
I've got a golden twinkle
In my eye
I never had
a chance to shine
Never a happy song to sing
But suddenly
half the world is mine
What an amazing thing
Cause I've got
a golden ticket
It's ours, Charlie!
I've got a golden sun
up in the sky
Slippers, Charlie.
I never thought
I'd see the day
When I would face the world
and say, "Good morning"
Look at the sun
I never thought
that I would be
Slapping the lap of luxury
'Cause I have said
- It couldn't be done
- Oh!
But it can be done
Oh! The cane, Charlie.
Here I go!
Watch my speed
I never dreamed
that I would climb
Over the moon in ecstasy
But nevertheless it's there that
I'm surely about to be
Cause I've
got a golden ticket
I got a golden chance
to make my way
And with a golden ticket
it's a golden day
Good morning
Look at the sun
'Cause I have said
it couldn't be done
But it can be done
I never dreamed
that I would climb
Over the moon in ecstasy
But nevertheless it's there that
I'm surely about to be
'Cause I've got
a golden ticket
I've got a golden ticket
I've got a golden chance
to make my way
And with a golden ticket
it's a golden day
October first.
(GASPS) That's tomorrow!
Grandpa, there's something else.
On the way home,
I ran into Mr. Slugworth.
CHARLIE: Time to go, Grandpa Joe.
Don't forget the ticket.
I've got it right here.
I can't believe we're really
gonna meet Mr. Willy Wonka.
I can't either, Charlie.
Good luck!
Oh, I'm gonna be late for work.
In just ten minutes,
at 10:00 a.m.,
the legendary Willy Wonka
will open his factory doors
for the five lucky ticket winners.
The anticipation is palpable.
Hey, Ma, we're on TV.
Look at me, I'm a star!
Hey, friends, Sam Beauregarde here.
If you're looking for bargains,
don't forget to visit the
biggest car dealership...
Cut it out, Dad.
This is my show.
Hi, everyone! Still chewing.
Week 10 and counting.
Check out this stretch.
I'm going in before anyone else.
I want to be the first.
Yes, angel, of course.
Augustus, wait until we get inside.
Grandpa, I can't believe
we're actually going inside.
And we're gonna meet
Mr. Willy Wonka himself.
WOMAN: It's time now.
WOMAN 2: What's that?
WOMAN: What's taking so long?
WOMAN: So glorious.
Oh, dear.
MAN: Is he all right?
MAN: Some type of
illness, maybe.
MAN: Should we help him?
Thank you!
Welcome, my friends!
Welcome. Today is going to be
such an exciting day.
But first, may I see your
golden tickets, please?
I'm Veruca Salt.
A pleasure, Veruca.
And how pretty you look in that mink coat.
It's expensive.
And I have lots more at home.
Wonderful. And Mr. Salt,
would you please step this way.
Huh? Oh!
Augustus Gloop.
Good to see you, Augustus.
You're looking healthy, and
Mrs. Gloop, this way please.
Violet Beauregarde.
Darling child, welcome to my
chocolate factory.
Got any gum here?
Delightful, delightful!
Just over here, please.
It was right here.
It's gotta be here somewhere.
I know I had that ticket.
Where could I have put it?
I know I had it when I left the house.
The name's Mike Teevee.
Bang! Gotcha!
Wonderful to meet you, Mike.
Ooh. Where's that ticket?
Oh... Oh.
And, Mrs. Teevee,
what an adorable little boy.
This way, please.
- Charlie Bucket.
- Well, well, Charlie Bucket.
I read all about you.
So happy to meet you.
- And this is my Grandpa Joe.
- A pleasure, sir.
A joy, a delight.
Are we ready?
- Good, in we go, everyone.
This way, please.
Hurry, please. We have
so much time and so little to see.
Wait, strike that. Reverse it.
- SPIKE: (CHUCKLES) Who is it?
- Open the gate, you fool.
Just trying to be careful, boss.
Everything is going according to plan.
Charlie Bucket and the other
children suspect nothing.
- By the end of the day,
Charlie Bucket will get exactly
what's coming to him.
And then this chocolate factory
will have a new owner.
Enough. Lock the gate.
That's it. I'm gonna get you candy
thieves if it's the last thing I...
Come back here, you!
Oh! My eyes.
(SLURPS) That is delicious.
Oh, this won't end well.
It's more than I was expecting.
VOICE: Who dares trespass
into my candy factory?
Don't you know it's dangerous down here?
Good thing I was able to
shut everything down.
I'm Tuffy.
I'm an Oompa Loompa.
You mean you never heard of Oompa Loompas?
Why, they only run Wonka's
entire candy operation.
Mr. Wonka brought
them here years ago
from a strange and dangerous land.
They do the work,
and he gives them
a nice, safe place to live.
I wanted to be an Oompa Loompa,
more than anything.
But I didn't meet the height requirement.
But if I keep trying as hard as I can,
I know I'll be accepted as an
Oompa Loompa someday.
Say, what are you guys doing here, anyway?
Wow! Your friend found
a golden ticket?
Then he must be on the tour right now!
Here in the factory?
Oh, he's up to no good, that's for sure.
We'd better warn Mr. Wonka.
If we go through here,
we can catch up with the tour.
I know it looks weird,
but it's totally safe.
Trust me, fellas, I know
everything about this factory.
Huh. I actually
didn't know about this.
Relax, fellas. I got you here,
didn't I?
Feast your eyes on
the chocolate room.
This is the nerve center of
Willy Wonka's entire operation.
Everything here is edible.
Eatable. I mean,
you can eat it.
It's the tour. I figured
they'd come through here.
We better lay low.
Mr. Wonka's not
too crazy about cats.
Hold your breath.
Make a wish.
Count to three.
Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of
pure imagination
Take a look and you'll see
Into your imagination
We'll begin with a spin
Traveling in the world
of my creation
What we'll see will defy
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around
and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world
There's nothing to it
- Come on, Grandpa.
- TUFFY: Jerry, come back.
There is no life I know
To compare
with pure imagination
Living there, you'll be free
If you truly wish to be
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around
and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world
There's nothing to it
There is no life I know
To compare
with pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly
Wish to be
You guys wait here.
I'm gonna go warn
Mr. Wonka about Slugworth.
Maybe he'll even make me
an official Oompa Loompa.
Augustus, no!
Please, dear boy, don't do that.
My chocolate river must never
be touched by human hands.
Help! Help!
My chocolate! My poor, sweet,
beautiful chocolate.
AUGUSTUS: Help me!
- Help!
- Grab hold!
Don't just stand there, do something.
- Help!
- When he floats around to this side,
Tom can dive in and save him.
AUGUSTUS: Help me!
Get me out of here.
What do you mean you can't swim?
Don't just stand there, do something!
Oh, it's too late.
The suction's got him.
- Grab hold!
Where is my Augustus?
Oh, just watch the pipe.
So, what happens now?
Oh, the pressure will build up
and shoot him out like a bullet.
Take Mrs. Gloop straight to
the fudge room.
But hurry, before the child
gets poured into the boiler.
How could you let this happen?
I'm sorry, but all questions
must be submitted in writing.
Thank you.
Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
I've got
a perfect puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
If you are wise
You'll listen to me
What do you get when
you guzzle down sweets?
Eating as much
as an elephant eats
What are you at
getting terribly fat?
What do you think
will come of that?
I don't like the look of it
Oompa Loompa doompadee dah
If you're not greedy
You will go far
You will live
in happiness, too
Like the Oompa Loompa
doompadee doo
What kind of outfit
you running here, Wonka?
Mesdames et messieurs,
prepare to embark, s'il vous plait.
Embark? Embark on what?
All aboard.
Whoa! Good thing
I taught myself to breathe under chocolate
using sippie straws.
You sure this thing is safe, Wonka?
Safe-ish would
be more accurate.
Step aboard, please.
Grandpa, I thought I saw
Tom and Jerry over by the river.
Tom and Jerry?
No, you must be imagining things, Charlie.
Come on, guys.
We still have to warn
Mr. Wonka about Slugworth.
You will tell Wonka nothing, small mouse.
It seems the three of you
have become a danger to my master plan.
And so, you must be taken care of.
Gotcha, candy thief.
Thought I was diced up
and attractively packaged?
Well, guess again.
If you want Mr. Wonka's candy,
come and get it!
I'm blinded by sweetness!
(GROANS) No, what is...
Watch out!
Looks like the suction's got 'em.
(GROANING) This is going to hurt!
That won't stop Slugworth for long.
Good thing I always keep
a spare boat by the river.
Hop on.
The ride might get a little rough.
What's that? Go faster? Okay.
There's no
earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There's no knowing
where we're rowing
Or which way
the river's flowing
Is it raining?
Is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a-blowing?
Not a speck
of light is showing
So the danger
must be growing
Are the fires of
hell a-glowing?
Is the grisly reaper mowing?
The danger must be growing
For the rowers
keep on rowing
And they're
certainly not showing
Any signs
that they are slowing
Here we are, fellas.
Willy Wonka's fabulous invention room.
I know it looks a mess,
but this is where
Mr. Wonka creates
all his amazing inventions.
Including this here
sticky-looking wallpaper.
It's sticky as all get-out,
but it's pretty tasty.
Mmm. Banana.
No, don't, please!
I'm sorry but this is the most
top-secret device in my factory.
Old Slugworth would give anything
to get his hands on this.
- What's it do?
- Well...
If you really wanna know.
Stretch your tail out, Jerry.
I'll try to pull you free.
What is it?
It's an everlasting gobstopper.
You can suck 'em forever and
they'll never get any smaller.
I want an everlasting gobstopper!
- Me too.
- All right.
But I can only give them
to you if you solemnly swear
to keep them secret and
never show them to anyone
for as long as you live.
- Agreed?
- Agreed!
Here you go, there's one for everyone.
Ooh, Charlie, look!
There's Tom.
- Tom, what happened to you?
Hey, there, I'm Tuffy.
You must be Tom
and Jerry's friend, Charlie.
Nice to meet you, Tuffy.
But, what are you three doing here?
We're here to warn Mr. Wonka
about his archenemy, Slugworth.
Tom and Jerry saw him
sneak into the factory.
Slugworth again!
We'd better tell Mr. Wonka.
My wall! My beautiful,
beautiful licking wall.
Is this cat fur?
Now the factory will
have to be triple-sanitized.
Whoever's responsible
will be permanently banished
from the premises forever.
Oh, that's not cat fur,
Mr. Wonka.
Some of my mustache came off
when I was licking this wall.
Are you sure?
My mistake. Please forgive me.
Now, if you'll follow me,
I have something very special to show you.
It's a three-course dinner.
Hey, check it out.
Some kind of weird gum.
Oh, Violet, please give it back.
That's dinner-gum and it's not
ready for human consumption.
You heard Mr. Wonka, honey.
Zip it, Dad, it's gum.
That's my thing.
Stop. Don't. Come back.
Mmm. Wow.
It's like a
full-course dinner.
I can actually taste it.
Tomato soup and roast beef.
It's delicious!
We have to warn Mr. Wonka
about Slugworth, Grandpa.
But if Wonka finds out about Tom,
he'll throw us all out.
You'll lose the lifetime
supply of chocolate.
Mmm. Oh, boy!
That was terrific.
And wait... Mmm.
Here comes the dessert.
Blueberry pie!
It's incredible.
Hey, what's going on? Violet?
You're turning violet, Violet!
What are you talking about?
Her face! It's all blue.
I know, she's turning into a blueberry.
It always happens when
you reach the dessert.
Oh, well.
I'll get it right in the end.
I feel funny. (GASPS)
Would you roll the little girl down to
the juicing room at once?
She'll have to be squeezed immediately.
Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
I've got
another puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
Your grandpa's right, Charlie.
You can't let your family
lose that lifetime supply of chocolate.
But what about Slugworth?
You stay with the tour.
Leave Slugworth to us.
Thanks, Tuffy.
And you too, Tom and Jerry.
But it's repulsive,
revolting and wrong
Chewing and chewing
All day long
The way that a cow does
Oompa Loompa doompadee dah
Given good manners,
you will go far
You will live
in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa
doompadee doo
I'll get you for this, Wonka!
I got a blueberry for a daughter.
Well, well, well.
Two naughty, nasty little children gone.
Three good, sweet little children left.
Shall we move on?
You're going to love this next invention.
What's it doing, Mr. Wonka?
It's making fizzy lifting drinks.
The drink fills you with gas
and the gas lifts you right
off the ground like a balloon.
Wow. Gosh.
I want a fizzy lifting drink.
No, no, sorry.
I can't release them.
There'd be children
flying around everywhere.
Now, come along.
All this excitement's made me thirsty.
Let's take a drink.
I don't know, Grandpa.
Come on, one small drink won't hurt us.
Mmm. Pretty good.
I don't feel any different.
Me neither.
Frankly, I'm a little
dissapoin... (YELLING)
I... I feel so strange.
Hey! It's fun, Grandpa,
come on.
Oh. Okay, Charlie.
Tom! Quit playing around
with that gobstopper machine.
Oh, fudge! That didn't work!
An everlasting gobstopper.
If Slugworth gets his hands on it,
Mr. Wonka will be ruined.
We'd better hide this thing.
You three will hide nothing.
You have interfered with my
master plan for the last time.
You tell him, boss.
Give me that gobstopper!
Hang on to that gobstopper, Tom!
SPIKE: I'll help you, boss.
Uh-oh! Look out, Tom!
Ha! Now, I have you.
This is amazing.
I'm a jet plane.
I'm a rocket ship!
I'm... I'm getting
too close to that fan!
Hey, Grandpa!
I can't stop myself.
Charlie, look out!
We'll get cut to ribbons!
- Help! Please help us!
- Help!
Cough up the gobstopper.
Hang on, Tom!
Don't let go!
Dinner gum. Good idea, Jerry.
Mmm. Hey, that's not bad.
Oh. There goes the diet.
(GRUNTS) What?
Get back, you fool!
- Sorry, coming through.
Run, fellas!
We can't let Slugworth get that gobstopper.
Oh, I'm really regretting
some life choices here.
You purple, bloated imbecile!
- GRANDPA JOE: Mr. Wonka!
GRANDPA JOE: Please, someone.
- GRANDPA JOE: Be careful.
- Help us!
- There's nothing to grab onto.
We gotta get them to burp
before they're chopped up by that fan.
Oh, my goodness. Oh, Charlie!
CHARLIE: Please help us!
BOTH: Help!
CHARLIE: Someone, please...
Anyone, if you can hear us...
- I'm going down.
- No! (GRUNTS)
Burp, Charlie, you gotta burp.
I'm going down, too.
(SIGHS) That was a close one.
Come on.
CHARLIE: We need to catch up
with the others.
Come on, fellas, we gotta
get that gobstopper to a safe place.
The safest place for
that gobstopper is in my hand.
No! Put down that
fizzy lifting drink.
TUFFY: Good thinking, Jerry,
let's fly.
Stop! I order you to...
Quick, drink this!
Thanks, but I'm more of a lemonade guy.
(GRUNTS) Again with the eyes!
Watch out for those
peppermint spikes, Spike.
We're miles below the factory
in Mr. Wonka's
rock candy mines.
Slugworth will never find us
or that gobstopper down here.
Guess again, Mouse.
Unfortunately for you,
I happen to be an accomplished spelunker.
Into the mine car, guys!
We cannot let them get away.
Geese, laying golden eggs.
Chocolate golden eggs, and only the finest.
As you can see, these are
quadruple-sized geese
and they lay
octuple-sized eggs.
WONKA: My educated
Eggdicator examines every egg.
The good ones are kept and polished up.
The bad eggs
are dropped down the chute.
Daddy, I want you to buy me a golden goose.
I want you to buy me
one of those golden geese!
Whatever you say, honey.
How much for the golden goose, Wonka?
Out of the question.
I couldn't part with them.
I want my golden goose.
And if I don't get it,
I'm going to scream!
I want the world
I want the whole world
I want to lock it all up
in my pocket
It's my bar of chocolate
Give it to me now
I want today
I want tomorrow
I want to wear them
I will if I dare
And I don't want
to share them
Oh, we lost him, and
we still have the gobstopper.
Right, Tom?
VERUCA: And if I don't get
the things that I'm after
At last!
I'm going to scream!
I want the works
I want the whole works
Presents and prizes
and sweets and surprises
In all shapes and sizes
and now
Don't care how
I want it now
Don't care how
I want it now
She was a bad egg.
So, where'd it send her?
Where it sends all the other bad eggs.
Down the garbage chute.
(LAUGHING) The garbage chute.
Which, of course, leads to the furnace.
The furnace?
(LAUGHING) She'll be broiled
like a bratwurst.
Maybe she's just stuck inside the tube.
(LAUGHS) Inside the...
Veruca, darling!
Hang on! Daddy's coming!
Fortunately, that furnace
is only lit on Tuesdays.
Oh, or is it Thursdays?
OOMPA LOOMPAS: Who do you blame
when your kid is a brat
Pampered and spoiled
like a Siamese cat
Blaming the kids
is a lie and a shame
- You know exactly
Who's to blame
The mother and the father
(GRUNTS) Veruca, are you all right?
No! I don't have
a golden goose
and now I'm covered with garbage!
We're in a furnace!
Out of my way, cat!
I want you to take me home
and buy me my own chocolate factory, Daddy.
- No. You're lucky neither of us were burned to a crisp.
You're going to learn some discipline
- when we get home, Miss Salt.
Wonkavision, my latest
and greatest invention.
So, it's just television?
Uh, it's Wonkavision. Observe.
Lights, camera, Wonkavision!
What happened to the chocolate?
It's flying over our heads
in a zillion pieces
and it gets reassembled over there.
Of course, the chocolate gets smaller
when we beam it through.
Just like on regular TV.
I bet old Slugworth would pay a fortune
- to find out about this.
- Shh.
- It's delicious.
- It's a miracle.
It's Wonkavision.
Can you send people through this thing?
People? Hmm...
I suppose I could.
Yes, yes, I'm sure I could.
Could get messy, though.
Check it out, Mom,
I'm going to be the first person
to be sent by television.
Mike, get away from there!
Oh, I wouldn't do that.
Lights, camera, action!
Sweetie, no!
Where is he?
He's flying over our heads
in a zillion pieces.
Look everybody, I'm on TV.
Wait till everybody back home sees this.
No one's gonna see anything.
Hey, Mom, what are you doing?
Take the boy down
to the taffy pulling room.
We should have him stretched
back to normal in no time.
What do you get
from a glut of TV?
A pain in the neck
and an IQ of three
Why don't you try
simply reading a book?
Or could you just
not bear to look?
Mr. Wonka, what's gonna
happen to them?
Mike? Veruca?
Augustus? Violet?
My dear boy, I promise you
they'll be all right.
They'll all soon be restored
to their normal,
dreadful old selves.
What's next, Mr. Wonka?
Oh, well, uh, this concludes the tour.
I hope you enjoyed it.
You can show yourselves out.
Just up this hall.
I'm terribly busy.
The entire day's been wasted.
Thank you. Good-bye.
- Did we do something wrong?
Charlie. Grandpa Joe.
Tom. Jerry. Tuffy.
Bad news, guys.
Slugworth's got the gobstopper.
Oh, no! If he cracks
the secret formula,
Mr. Wonka will be ruined.
We can't let him get away.
Don't worry.
I think I can track him
with these TV monitors.
I don't see him.
There he is. Tom found him.
They're leaving the factory.
Not if I can grab him
with this Wonkavision remote.
- Hey, uh, how did we get here?
We've been Wonkavisioned.
We got you right where
we want you, Slugworth.
Now, hand over that tiny gobstopper!
Oh, my heaven.
I'm a big boy now.
Tom, you reversed the signal!
Now you will pay the price
for interfering with my master plan.
Tom, press more buttons.
I think I'm getting dizzy.
- A-ha!
I have you now, cat.
My offer still stands, Charlie Bucket.
With two gobstoppers,
I could rule the candy world.
Join me.
Hey, what the...
Charlie, pass me the remote.
- Stop!
No! Oh!
My gobstopper!
I've beamed it into a million pieces.
You'll never get it back.
You'll pay for this, mouse.
SPIKE: I'll help you, boss.
No! Put that down, you fool.
Charlie, dear boy, how perfect.
Now you and I can be partners.
Our gobstopper will make us
kings of the candy world.
It will make your family rich.
Let me have that remote, son.
You won't need it anymore.
TUFFY: Hey, you beamed him
into a zillion pieces.
It'll take a while before
they could put themselves
back together again.
Hey, look, the camera added four inches.
I bet I meet the Oompa Loompa
height requirement now.
Well, good riddance to Slugworth, I say.
Come on, Charlie, we got some
business to attend to.
Excuse me, Mr. Wonka?
incredibly busy, sir.
Um, but what about Charlie's
lifetime supply of chocolate?
- When does he get it?
- He doesn't.
What? Why not?
WONKA: Because he broke
the factory rules.
What factory rules?
We didn't see any rules.
Wrong, sir, wrong.
Under section 37 of the
contract signed by him,
all offers shall become null
and void, etc., etc., etc...
You stole fizzy lifting drinks.
And to make matters worse,
you allowed a cat into my factory.
A cat and his two filthy mice friends.
Now the entire factory
will have to be sterilised.
So you get nothing!
You lose! Good day, sir.
You're a cheat.
How can you build up a little boy's hopes
and then disappoint him like this.
I said, "Good day."
Come on, Charlie, you've still got
your gobstopper.
Once we find a way to bring back Slugworth,
he'll pay big money for it.
WONKA: And so shines
a good deed in a weary world.
My boy, you did it.
You won the contest.
I knew you would. (LAUGHS)
Oh, Charlie, forgive me
for putting you
and your friends through this.
Forgive me, please, forgive me.
Charlie, let me introduce
Mr. Wilkinson.
Pleasure to meet you, Charlie.
- Slugworth.
- No, this isn't Slugworth.
He's one of my workers.
He was only pretending.
But you said you had a master plan
against Mr. Wonka.
(LAUGHS) No, my boy.
My master plan was
to help Wonka find an heir.
I was concerned that you and Tom and Jerry
would interfere with that plan.
So, I had to try and stop you.
Who knew?
Oh, Charlie, I had to test you,
and you passed with flying colors.
This is all so exciting.
But we have to get going.
So much time and so little to do.
Strike that. Reverse it.
We'll take the Wonkavator.
If you please, Charlie.
Grandpa Joe, sir.
Oh, Tuffy.
It looks like you've grown a lot.
Come on in...
- Oompa Loompa.
Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
Huh! All's well
that ends well, right?
No hard feelings.
Wait, I was only doing my job.
You know, I never liked that guy.
- How am I going to get home now?
- Hey, what did you do?
Don't put me on the drawer.
MR. SLUGWORTH: It stinks in here.
SPIKE: And it's dark too.
The Great Glass Wonkavator.
(GASPS) These buttons
can take us anywhere in the factory.
Yes, and I've pressed them all,
all except for one.
Go on, Charlie. Press it.
- Whoa!
there's our house.
So, Charlie, how did you like my factory?
Mr. Wonka, it's the most
wonderful place
in the whole wide world.
I'm happy to hear you say that.
- Because I'm giving it to you.
- Huh?
You're giving your factory to Charlie?
You can move in immediately.
You and your entire family.
You can bring them all,
even Tom and Jerry.
Wow, I still can't believe
this is happening.
You know what happened to the boy
who suddenly got everything he ever wanted?
He lived happily ever after.
This is the only way to fly.
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around
and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to make the world?
There's nothing to it
There is no life I know
To compare
with pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be
Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
I've got another
puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
If you are wise
you'll listen to me
What do you get
from a glut of TV?
A pain in the neck
and an IQ of three
Why don't you try
simply reading a book?
Or could you just
not bear to look?
You'll get no
You'll get no
You'll get no
You'll get no
You'll get no commercials
Oompa Loompa doompadee dah
If you're not greedy
You will go far
You will live
in happiness too
Like the
Oompa Loompa doompadee do
WONKA: Hold your breath.
Make a wish.
Count to three.
Come with me
And you'll be
In a world
of pure imagination
Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination
We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
the world of my creation
What we'll see will defy
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around
and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There's nothing to it
There is no life I know
To compare with
pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around
and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There's nothing
To it
There is no life I know
To compare
With pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly
Wish to be