Tomb of Ligeia, The (1965)

You cannot bury her in consecrated ground.
- She was not Christian.
- This is my ground.
- It is the Lord's ground.
- Then let the Lord refuse her.
- She will not rest with Christian dead.
- She will not rest because she is not dead.
To me.
She will not die because she willed not to die.
Is her will stronger than the Lord's?
These are her words.
M ooo o oo ooo o go
o o oo ooo
o o o o o oo o
- lasphemy
- enediction.
Now hear mine. She desecrates the earth
and her will rots with her bones.
oth are as damned and dead
as the devil's soul.
(cat yowhs)
A nervous contraction.
Nothing more.
Nothing more.
So silent now?
Well, why don't you speak?
Or you? Or you?
Pray, speak.
Or has the cat got your tongues? (chnuckhEs)
You must have met in hell.
(hnurntirng hnorrns sournd)
- The fox may go to ground.
- Damn the fox Where's my daughter?
Where's my daughter?
- Rowena
- Hello, Christopher.
Come on, boy.
- Rowena, the fox has...
- other the fox. This is far more intriguing.
- Ligeia...
- (cat yowhs)
- What is it?
- I heard her scream.
She was thrown by her mount.
I thought it unwise for her to move.
- In preventing it, I seem to have frightened her.
- Yes, quite.
- I thought the abbey was deserted.
- It is, save for myself, a servant and...
- Is she all right?
- Yes, quite all right, Christopher.
Good Lord
I never would have...
- Those glasses...
- The result of a morbid reaction to sunlight.
ut I thought that... that not hearing from you...
I mean, after the funeral...
- Perhaps you had better fetch the lady's horse.
- Yes. Yes, of course.
Rowena... don't be frightened.
He's an old friend.
o Roo o o o o o,
M Vooo o
- How do you do?
- Terribly sorry to have trampled the asphodels.
- They are so bright.
- The flowers of death.
How very appropriate.
- Take her in while I fetch her father.
- That won't be necessary.
I'm afraid it will.
- You aren't blind, are you?
- No. I live at night. My vision is painfully acute.
Oh, no No Please Please, that light
- I'm sorry. I only thought...
- No.
No, oo
I'm sorry.
Ko c
Sherry and some linen bandages.
- (cat mEows)
- (RowErna) The same cat?
- Is it broken?
- It doesn't appear to be, but it needs binding.
Thank you.
You do that rather well.
Where did you learn?
I see.
Do you suppose I could make you smile?
Do you laugh, Mr Fell?
Only at myself.
- I see.
- Do you? You keep saying, "I see."
- ut your vision seems more limited than mine.
- (marn) Rowena
- Rowena
- Here, Father.
Are you all right? Oh, doctor here already?
- No...
- Are you sure you're all right?
Good. I want to show you this.
Damnedest fox you ever saw. Must be a freak.
- I've never seen anything like it.
- Oh, Father, please
- Lord Trevanion, Mr Fell...
- Fell? Oh, the doctor. Terribly rude of me.
- He is not...
- Look at this fox. What do you think?
I suppose foxes aren't in your line.
o og o o oc o Vt ps pa a,
oc o o g o o N Doo
In Egyptian art,
it is found at the feet of Ashtophet,
goddess of ill-omened marriages... as her pet.
Hmm... Really?
- If it belongs in Egypt, why is it here?
- It was kept by the Lady Ligeia.
As a pet? A fox?
W o o o o o oo g o
M o
I think we ought to be going.
Christopher, help me on with my boot.
- Are...?
- I'm fine now, Father.
- Have I said something?
- It's all right, Father.
- Hey, the fox
- In the wicker, my lord.
No, o
Poo, oo
I said it's not.
- Well, where could it...? I mean, how could it...?
- Perhaps you can tell me.
- Through here.
- ut the fox was dead.
The cat was not.
It appears the cat has made off with the fox.
ut is that possible? I mean...
Were it not possible, the fox would still be here.
I trust your ankle will give you no further trouble.
I'm afraid it's a bit awkward. Do you mind
if I send your fee by messenger, Doctor?
That won't be necessary.
Thank you.
Goodbye, then.
- Well?
- Has Ligeia's death changed him greatly?
He's certainly changed, but I never knew her.
- Was he always so morose?
- A bit mysterious, perhaps.
- Do you like him?
- I don't think so, but what has that to do with it?
To do with what?
Who one is drawn to,
who one loves, even who one marries.
M o
o ooco, o
No, o oo, g
Wilful little bitch, ain't she?
Hell to be married to, I should think.
Her mother certainly was, God rest her soul.
I'm told that Ligeia too
was not without... wilfulness.
(TrEvarniorn) Peperel Peperel
- Where the devil...?
- ehind you, my lord.
Damn me if I eat with Squire Daniels again.
ad breeding and worse whisky.
From Mr Fell, sir.
See this reaches him... as soon as possible.
- I'm riding to the village. I can...
- That won't be necessary, my dear. ye.
- Well, off to the assizes.
- The assizes
- I've got an important brief.
- How you can practise law is beyond me.
M o,
o, Pooo
(RowErna gasps)
Noo, oo coo oo o coo
Do you understand?
I do not like to be discovered unannounced.
- (RowErna sobs)
- Stop that Stop it
I'll get you something. I can't send you off
shivering like a frightened kitten, now, can I?
Come here.
Your hair...
It makes a shambles of the light.
Come along.
I dare say you've never had tea
in the kitchen before.
No, o
- Here.
- Thank you.
Does she look like me?
The woman you seem so afraid
will arrive unannounced.
Why did you come here?
To deliver Christopher's reply to your note.
Really to see you. Sugar?
I have nothing to offer.
- You make me want to offer you something.
- Pity prompts you.
There are people one pities
without being drawn to them.
I even pity Christopher.
o ooo oo, o o,
o o g o og c o o o oo
The beauty of such a life lies in its limitations
and accepting them.
Oh, I know.
I suppose I'm spoilt and terribly wilful.
Wilful? You don't even know
the meaning of the word.
No, oo oo go
Why must I go?
M g o o coo oxocoo
Very good, sir.
You don't understand.
- I can welcome no one here.
- Even in the kitchen of all places?
- Wait. Wait.
- Let me go
I'm sorry.
Please, let me go.
Yes. Yes, that is, after all what I want too, isn't it?
To be let go.
Yes, of course, of course.
Pale and cold and...
...and yet, so much life...
It was her longing for life...
...only for life, that haunts me.
o o o oooo o o o,
o o o o oo o
M oo oo o oo g o o o
Seeing you
and seeing her.
Yet, when you thought I was Ligeia,
you tried to attack me.
I don't remember.
No o oc g,
M ooo, ooo
I stagger about like some drunken lord
in some...
(cat yowhs)
It seems you're always looking after my wounds.
eg pardon, sir, Mr Christopher Gough wishes
to be announced. He's in the refectory.
- Can I be helping, sir?
- Yes. Yes, Kenrick, please.
o co o og o o,
oo C oo
Of course.
Kenrick, bring Lady Rowena to the great hall
when you've finished.
And fetch my glasses.
I believe you'll find them by the portal.
Oh, and Kenrick...
...I want that animal destroyed.
- (door opErns)
- (VErdErn) It's wax.
It's a reproduction.
I managed to make it myself.
You see, I'm loath to open ancient tombs...
...rob a nation of its treasure
and call it archaeology.
It's quite good, really. Twenty... first dynasty?
No, o o, Do o,
o o o o ooooo
You can tell by the eyes.
The eyes...
...they confound me.
There is a blankness,
a mindless sort of malice
in some Egyptian eyes.
They do not readily yield up
the mystery they hold.
Verden... Verden
- You were saying?
- Oh.
Oh, yes, yes. Of course.
Forgive me.
Forgive my reverie.
Lately, I...
I seem to slip into reveries.
The Lady Rowena will join us presently.
And I have much to say to you before she does.
...not ten minutes ago, I...
...I tried to kill a stray cat with a cabbage,
and all but made love to the Lady Rowena.
I succeeded in squashing the cabbage,
and badly frightening the lady.
If only I could lay open my own brain
as easily as I did that vegetable,
what rot would be freed from its grey leaves?
- Let's go for a stroll.
- A stroll?
A walk. What difference does it make? Come on.
- What was she, Kenrick?
- "She", ma'am?
go Po oo o o oo oo,
oo o q o
So, what was she?
- Her hair was black, I believe.
- Do you? Excellent.
lack on one of her heads
and green on the other, perhaps?
- Only one head, madam.
- How disappointing.
ut her eyes, were they gold or silver? Ow
- I don't remember.
- ut she did have eyes, I take it?
(chnuckhEs) Never mind, Kenrick.
If you don't want to talk, I won't pry. Thank you.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
- Are you?
- Yes, ma'am.
Early this day, I found myself standing
once again before Ligeia's grave,
allowing me to observe
a rather singular circumstance.
The date of her death had disappeared
from Ligeia's tombstone,
oo o o o o o Roo
I don't know which confounds me more,
the defacing or the importance you place on it.
- Doesn't it seem odd?
- Yes, it does.
It seems grotesque, in fact. A malicious prank.
- Whose malicious prank?
- Good Lord, Verden, I don't know.
- What are you trying to tell me?
- Simply that it is neither a prank nor malicious.
Look at that stone, Christopher.
Consider what has been cut from the marble.
Not her name... not the inscription...
...only the date of her death.
Where's the date of her birth?
I never knew her age.
And consider, Christopher,
how carefully it has been cut.
Surely not the work of any malicious prank ster.
The ancients carved prophecies
in their stone tombs.
- This prank is also a prophecy.
- Of what? From whom?
- Verden, this is surely...
- Of return, Christopher. Of Ligeia's return.
No No,, o o o
These words
were among the last she ever spoke to me...
"Nor lie in death forever."
(VErdErn) "Man need not kneel before the angels
nor lie in death forever,
save for the weakness of his feeble will."
Ligeia's will was as fierce as her...
as her body was frail.
Outwardly calm, even placid...
...she nevertheless pitted herself against death
with a passion words are impotent to convey.
As her body progressively wasted,
she seemed to turn to the very stones
of the abbey for renewed strength,
as if they could sustain
that burning desire for life...
...only for life, that ravaged her
as much as the fever of disease.
In a sense, Ligeia became the abbey.
She never entered or left a room,
never walked down the darkest passageway
without somehow illuminating it
like a single moving candle.
Like a blind man,
I could sense her presence, but not see her
oo o o o oc o c o
Her voice in the rustle of draperies,
the lightness of her footfall
in the fluttering of a moth's wing
against a closed window pane.
Even at the end,
she seemed to have vanquished death.
She smiled and said,
"I will always be your wife...
...your only wife."
"I have willed it."
(VErdErn) Have you ever tried
to recall to memory something forgotten,
oo o o ogo o ooco
...and yet, in the end, been unable to remember?
No, if I fear, it's...'s for my mind that I fear.
What, after all, is madness, but belief in...
in what does not exist?
I believed in Ligeia, in her will...
...and I believed too well.
Consider the skill and the instruments required
to cut the date of her death from that stone,
and consider my skill with such instruments.
And consider my hand
guilty with marble.
- I cut the date from that stone.
- And you didn't know?
No, not until now.
So, you see, if I fear, it's...'s for my mind.
- What? Why now?
- You must get away. You must find something...
- (bEhh tohhs)
(RowErna whnimpErs)
(RowErna wEEps)
(VErdErn) You're safe now, my darling.
You're safe with me
(bEhhs pEah)
(RowErna) When I was a child,
we stayed by the sea.
(VErdErn) I remember little of my childhood.
I lived with my father in the wild country.
- (RowErna) What was your father like?
- (VErdErn) He was a strong man.
His very manner was formed by the landscape.
In his forehead, you could see
the line of the hills against the sky.
(RowErna) I feel I want to begin again with you.
Take me somewhere I've never been before,
somewhere new, for us.
(VErdErn) In Celtic religion,
Stonehenge was a temple to the god of healing.
It was built over,000 years ago,
and do you know why it remains, Rowena?
It was built with a sense of purpose,
stone by stone, like the pyramids in Egypt
or the Aztec towers in Mexico.
- Like our abbey.
- Yes, my dear, yes, like our abbey.
(sighns) Where are we?
It won't be long now.
Christopher reached me by post in Rome.
The papers for the sale of the abbey
are in order.
Tomorrow, we'll have a party
to celebrate our return,
and our leaving.
Well, here we are, my dear.
Come along.
For the moment, this is your home, Rowena.
Welcome home, ma'am.
Yo oo o,
Thank you. Oh, thank you. They're lovely.
Oh, Verden, I...
As long as we stay here, you will be comfortable.
I tell you, it's not the fox, Doctor,
it's the hunt. The hunt.
To pit your wits and the hounds'
against animal cunning is more than sport.
- For the fox at any rate.
- (haughns)
Your bride seems
in an unusually reflective mood tonight.
- The journey no doubt tired her.
- Yes. What news on the sale of the abbey?
- Something rather awkward.
- Difficulty over the estate lying in two counties?
W, o
The abbey is in Ligeia's name
and I can locate no certificate of her death.
- What can be done?
- Nothing without that.
- There never was a certification.
- ut surely...
The authorities insist
on ascertaining cause of death.
The confusion of the two counties.
Each assumed the other had seen to it.
It's not as simple as that.
The abbey, much of the estate is in her name.
Should this be discovered,
there'll be an inquest, possibly more.
No oo, o oo go o go go
We all hunt for different things
in our lives, aron.
A colleague of mine in Switzerland,
a charlatan really, one Franz Mesmer,
claims to have brought to ground some subtle,
invisible fluid with miraculous healing powers.
M oo o c, Doco,
o oo c o c o
q o o
Do o o o
ut I knew an interested disciple... who sought relief from an incurable ill.
- Were they cured?
- I say, were they cured?
- I think not.
You don't seem certain.
At any rate, hypnotism's effect on memory
interests me more than its curative powers.
Through it,
one is able to call to mind things long forgotten...
...or to forget things... best not called to mind.
And might we see a demonstration?
I can't effect the sale of the abbey
until something more is done.
You see, legally, Ligeia is still alive,
still your wife.
I await your pleasure, sir.
Christopher, I must talk to you. Since last night,
until you arrived, I had not seen Verden.
- And something else, something horrible.
- Rowena.
We mustn't keep our guests waiting.
(doctor) This is a surprise.
Is Lady Rowena going to assist you?
Would you mind, my dear, assisting me?
- No.
- Sit down.
Ko c, o o co o
M oo, ooo o co oo
- ut...
- Please.
No, Roo, oo g
What do you remember of your mother?
Well, nothing really, other than portraits.
She died when I was three.
No, oo
(Roa sprs) oo o g
You had but to come to me. I never left my room.
Rowena... must trust me.
Give over your will to mine.
No o coo o o
Give over your will to mine.
Your hands are melting into mine.
Soon, very soon,
they will be one with mine.
You will try, but you will not be able to...
You will try soon... You will try soon...
You will try now, but you will not,
you cannot move them.
Close your eyes.
- (drowsihy) Yes?
- You may let loose of my hands now.
Rowena, you wish to let loose of my hands now,
oco o o oo,
o o o, o o g
So young.
All brightness,
and butterflies are a wonder to behold.
- See them? See them?
- Yes.
There is one resting on a rosebush,
one whose wings you can almost touch.
Reach out, Rowena. Touch those wings.
You can almost... No, it flew away.
No o, Roo
There is no need to weep.
Your mother is coming.
Can you see her?
What is she doing? What does your mother
usually do when you are about to cry, Rowena?
She sings to me.
She sings to you.
What does she sing, Rowena? Sing it for us.
(chnihdishn) I have a bonnet trimmed with blue
Do you wear it? Yes, I do
I will wear it when I can
Going to the ball with my young man
I have a bonnet trimmed with blue
Do you wear it? Yes, I do
I will...
What a...?
(dEEphy) Who knoweth the mysteries of the will?
The will herein lieth which dieth not.
M ooo o oo ooo o go
o o oo ooo,
o o o o o oo o
- I will always be your wife.
- (moarns)
Kenrick, the lights
I'm so...
Oh, I'm so sleepy.
She'll rest more easily now.
- I confess, I am confounded by what I've seen.
- Yes.
- Should you require further assistance...
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Don't go. Please, don't leave me tonight.
- You need rest.
- ut there are things I must ask you.
- Tell you.
- Hush, my dear. Tomorrow will be soon enough.
- I'll be in my room.
- ut, Verden, I...
Good night, my dear. Good night.
(cat yowhs)
(cat yowhs vicioushy)
(cat yowhs)
(cat yowhs)
(cat yowhs)
(gasps) I...
Some things appeared in my room:
a dead fox, a saucer of milk... Verden?
- Yes?
- Where have you been?
- I was alone.
- ut where?
I woke, dressed and...
...walked. I was resting.
Verden, for whom...?
Why have you got that food?
- Why?
- (KErnrick) Sir...
og oo
Ko c, c o ox o o ooo
- I, sir?
- Yes. I seem to have found it outside my room.
- Well?
- Perhaps one of the maids may have mislaid it.
One of the maids? Yes, well... look into it.
Yes, sir.
Oh, and...
Ko c, o o Roo o o oo
...some things in her room. Have them removed.
o o o, oo
o o o, o
M, oo o o o oo o
I shan't be able to show you
what disturbed me. Perhaps you could show me.
I'm truly sorry, ma'am.
I sleep alone,
I eat alone.
And that's as it should be.
After all, I'm not his wife. Am I?
It's a... a legal technicality.
Is it now? Along with the fox,
the food, the saucer of milk,
my hairbrush filled with black hair, with hers.
- Are they just legal technicalities as well?
- ut you said that these objects disappeared.
Someone else besides myself was there.
Did you imagine her words on my lips last night?
Woo o oo oo ooo
That woman is alive. There.
From somewhere in the abbey,
she comes to destroy me.
Somewhere in the abbey, her abbey,
she's alive, and with her husband.
Let's walk for a bit, my dear.
M o o o o
Don't ask for explanations.
We must be in a position to demand them.
y tonight, we will be.
Is there something else I can fetch you, ma'am?
- Just my husband, Kenrick.
- (door chosEs)
- I'm sorry to come upon you unannounced.
- You always did stand on ceremony.
Yes. Yes, quite.
Oh, don't leave us, please.
- Kenrick...
- Sir?
Where is your master?
As I've told Lady Rowena,
he's working over some ancient treasure.
- In his study? Splendid. Then send for him.
- He's not there, sir.
Where else might he work?
- I say, where else might he work?
- I can't quite say, sir.
You can't say or you won't say. Which is it?
No, Go o,
lf, Kenrick, you are unsure
of your master's whereabouts,
o o c o o o qo o
Where is Ligeia?
I'd have thought the answer an obvious one.
She's lying beneath a white stone
and a carpet of pretty, red flowers.
- Isn't that the case, Kenrick?
- Of course, sir. It was only that... that...
- Yes?
- It was such a strange question to ask.
Oh, quite.
Yes, quite.
Why do you suppose I should ask that question?
- I... I...
- Go on, man, speak up
Po o o go
o oo o o o g co
Perhaps she prefers the company of Verden
to the dubious comforts of her coffin.
Or perhaps... Look at me
Po o oo o oo
No No,
No Po o o o oo
o go go o oo
Please, sir, no more. Please.
I've no wish to torment you. Produce
your master or point the way for me to find him.
Give me leave, sir. You must give me leave.
Go to your room. Lock the door.
Do not leave until I return.
- ut if Verden comes...
- I can't promise all will be well.
ut it will be done with. Soon.
(mEtahhic scrapirng)
- (ChnristophnEr) Have you another spade?
- (marn) Yes, sir.
(maid srnEEzEs)
Oh, excuse me, ma'am. These want water.
I'll take them. Thank you.
- Anything else, ma'am?
- No. No. Thank you.
Night, ma'am.
(bird cahhs)
(thnurndEr rumbhEs)
(cat mEows)
(cat yowhs vicioushy)
(cat mEows)
(cat yowhs)
- (ChnristophnEr) That'll do.
- (marn) Right, sir.
You've earned your ale tonight.
(cat yowhs)
It's wax
(KErnrick) You must hurry, sir.
He's beyond my help now.
It's no use, Rowena.
He's beyond any of us, beyond any shock.
Come with us, Rowena.
He'll come alone when he can.
o oo g,, o,
o, o o go o oo
She held him with her eyes as he did with you.
She told him she was not dying, would never
die, but would remain here waiting for him,
and every night, he must care for her,
o o, o o g o o,
o ogo o g Ao o o o
And yet, sometimes, I've seen him struggle
to remember, struggle against her madness,
o g o,
o, o o o o o
- And did you never try to tell him?
- When I tried, he became still, like now.
He wouldn't see, wouldn't listen.
He's still held by her word.
Only she can release him, and she's dead.
Verden, you must trust me.
Give over your will to mine.
Soon, very soon,
you will see standing before you Ligeia.
Look at me, Verden.
I am Ligeia.
Look at me now...
...and listen...
...and remember.
Remember everything.
Remember all I've ever asked of you,
and when you remember, you will be free.
M o, Vooo
I am dying, Verden.
I am dying...
...and when I do... will see me dead...
...and remember it all...
It's too late, Christopher.
- She wants a place to rest.
- (thnurndEr)
...leave me alone with my wife.
(cat growhs)
Verden... (haughns)
- You murdered her after all.
- She killed Rowena and I killed Ligeia.
ut that's Rowena's body It's Rowena
ut it was Ligeia.
It was Ligeia
Yes, Christopher, take her and leave.
Think whatever you will, but leave this abbey
I know who is responsible
Take Rowena out of here
(cat yowhs)
(cat mEows)
(cat yowhs)
Hello, Christopher.