Tomorrow Is Forever (1946)

- Mr. Lawrence.
- Thanks, Ambrose.
I should say so,
Mr. Lawrence.
This is your
grandfather's Madeira.
Come in, come in.
You don't see a war ended every day.
and ladies...
you'll forgive me
for having omitted you,
but in my day
the fair sex
graced the home
and not the office.
I should like
to propose a toast.
This is the third war the
Hamilton family has helped to win;
the third occasion
in our history
- we have had to turn from peacetime manufacturing...
- They're drinking a toast. wartime production.
1860, 1898, 1917;
Lincoln, McKinley,
we served them
and our country
to the best
of our ability.
So now let us
drink to peace,
peace and prosperity
to all men
Oh yes... my son and
I would like to declare
the remainder
of the day a holiday.
Well, Mrs. MacDonald, you seem
to be taking all this very calmly.
Oh I'm not calm, I...
I'm so excited
I can hardly breathe.
This means my husband
will be coming home.
Oh, from France?
How long has he been over?
Only since August,
but it seems years.
He was lucky to get there.
I tried, but they ordered
me back here to my job.
Perhaps it's more important.
But I'll never
feel right about it.
And I'm not married,
no ties,
nothing to hold me here.
Even if you had,
you'd still want to go.
Like John... if he'd
been forced to stay home,
nothing could have made him
feel right about it either.
- Not even you?
- Not even I, and I tried.
Where's everyone gone?
My father declared a
holiday. Didn't you hear?
I'm afraid I didn't.
Oh... What does
Mrs. MacDonald do here?
- Stenographer?
- No, she's straightening out the research library.
Doing it very well, too.
Husband's overseas,
you know.
Yes, I know.
Lucky man.
Elizabeth. I've got
a surprise for you.
Stay where you are.
I'll be right out.
What is it?
- I'm coming in.
- No, you don't.
You stay
right where you are.
Oh, that's not fair. At least
tell me what sort of a surprise.
It's a new suit.
I went right out and got it
all by myself, without you.
Aren't you getting
to be a big boy?
Are you standing near the door?
- Right smack up.
then back away a little.
This is kind
of an unusual suit.
It needs
a certain perspective.
Now if you're playing
some sort of trick on me...
Here I come, ready or not.
Are you asking me to say
something or is it too late?
I don't expect you
to show much enthusiasm
for just another
blue serge,
but this...
Sweetheart, you know
I've got to go, don't you?
I'm not sure why.
I knew you wanted to.
Who wanted to? Honey, if you don't
do something about it yourself,
they come after you.
You wouldn't like to have them
crawl up under the house
for me, would you?
Why didn't you tell me?
I was afraid.
But, John, your work. You're
accomplishing so much here.
It just happens I made a
very good deal with them.
I start off with the very
top pay for a second lieuie.
Did you get it
in writing?
- Oh, sure.
- A contract?
Honey, I've got the army
tied hand and foot.
I can't make a move
without their permission.
Oh, darling, I might have
known you'd outwit them.
- What else?
- No fighting.
None at all?
The very first gesture of
unfriendliness by the enemy,
a bugle blows and the
whole business stops dead
until I'm removed
to some place of safety.
Oh, John.
Oh, I'm going to miss you.
Miss me,
but don't be scared.
I have to let you go,
don't I?
Let me love you
my own way.
Let you love me
in your own crazy way.
Promise me
you'll come back.
- Promise not to forget me.
- Oh, John.
I'll come back.
I promise.
I'll come back.
Isn't Mrs. MacDonald
back from lunch yet?
I heard her say she
was going home at noon.
It's quite a ways.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Aren't you
feeling well?
Oh yes, I'm quite
all right, thank you.
Some water, quickly.
What is it?
What's happened?
It's Mrs. MacDonald.
She's fainted.
- Ambrose, some brandy.
- Yes, Mr. Lawrence.
Where does
Mrs. MacDonald live?
Over on George Street,
I think.
- With her family?
- No, she lives alone.
Get the car and bring it around front.
Yes, sir.
I'll see to her if you'll
help her to the car.
What did the doctor say,
Aunt Jessie?
- He's still up there.
- I know he's still up there.
What did he say?
Is she very ill?
Larry, who is
this girl?
Her name's MacDonald.
She works in the office.
She's going
to have a baby.
Her husband
was killed in the war.
She was very much
in love with him.
I'm afraid the next few months
are going to be rather difficult.
Do you think you could keep
her here and look after her?
After all, she can't very well
go through this thing alone.
No, of course she can't.
She was so happy when she thought
her husband was coming home.
Now he's dead.
Give me something to
finish it, won't you?
- Quiet.
- That's not much to ask.
You must be quiet.
At home they'd shoot a dog that
had been smashed by a truck.
Why don't you let me die?
that's what
the other doctors say.
That means hopeless,
doesn't it? Hopeless.
That's what it means.
- Hopeless.
- But I don't agree with that.
It's difficult
to say this well,
perhaps I cannot
say it at all
but I will try.
For me, you are
not only a man,
you are mankind.
You do not want to live? Very well.
But what I learn
from you
will one day help me
to heal men
who do want to live.
I want to die.
To die!
Signed only "Elizabeth."
Do you still refuse
to tell us who she is?
Is this Elizabeth
your wife?
Don't you want to let her
know that you are alive?
You do not seem
to understand.
When you were picked up
on the battlefield,
there was nothing on you
but this one letter.
Your identity disks
could not be found.
If they were, you will
probably have been
officially reported
as dead.
You call this being alive?
If you had lost both arms,
or even if there had
been blindness,
we could do
so much for you.
Life can still be good.
You mean I have my eyes,
but no face.
My friend, there is such
a thing as plastic surgery.
We can give you a face.
But what we cannot give you
is a name.
Stop asking me who I am and
do what you please with me.
Give me any name
you like.
Do you realize that your
wife has almost certainly
been informed
that you are dead?
She's mourning for you,
grieving for you.
She's young,
there are no children,
nothing to hold her
to me.
Nothing... only pity.
There's much more
than pity.
There's great love
and great need.
As long as you are alive,
there's love for you,
for your very disabilities.
She would want to be
your hands, your feet,
every part of you
that has been hurt.
I can only heal you.
But she...
she can make you whole.
Dr. Ludwig, what's the
most you can promise me?
The use of an arm?
The power to hobble
on a crutch?
And for this fragment
of my life, you'd have me
the whole of hers?
Heal what you can
but do what
I ask you, Ludwig.
If you don't,
I swear to you
I'll end my life as soon as
I have a hand to do it with.
You give me no choice.
I must help you to make
this very
terrible mistake.
Yours is a great love,
and you are doing it
a great wrong.
Shh. She's asleep.
- How is she?
- Dr. Shaw isn't too pleased.
Scat! It's only Florence
behaving like a kitten
instead of a fat old cat.
Here's Larry to see you.
How are you, Elizabeth?
Oh, I'm afraid
I'm very lazy.
Miss Hamilton doesn't
let me do a thing.
Nonsense. You're being
company for a fussy old maid.
This package came
for you yesterday.
- Thank you.
- Oh...
May I help?
What's it?
How stupid of me. I might have
known what was in that package.
No. No, leave it.
I would like to see it.
John A. MacDonald."
A is for Andrew.
That's a good
Scottish name.
His father
was born in Scotland.
Once we went
to a fancy-dress party
and I made him
wear kilts.
He hated it.
He looked so handsome.
I gave him this the
night before he sailed.
We had a whole week
together in New York.
It was August, and all the
big roof gardens were open.
We used to sit out there
and look out over
the lights of the city,
plan the future.
Now there's
no future to plan.
Yes, there is.
Not for John.
A man's child
is his future.
That's what frightens me.
If anything should happen...
It isn't just
another baby being born.
It's John...
John going on.
If I lost the baby,
it would be John dying
all over again.
This is the part
of my job I like best,
bringing the baby to its
father for the first time.
Isn't he a fine boy?
Oh, Larry,
you're spoiling him.
There you are,
young fella.
He simply has no manners. I'll
have to say thank you for him.
As a matter of fact, this is a
compromise. I wanted to get him a puppy.
Oh, no.
I'm glad you didn't.
He'll be about as much as I
can manage when we go home.
- Home?
- We can't stay here indefinitely.
Well, I... I have
an idea about that.
- An idea?
- Yes, I...
I think you should
sell that house.
I mean, I don't think you
should go back there again.
I know what that house
has meant to you.
I admit I've been
dreading it.
Is that
being a coward?
No, I don't think so.
Look, Elizabeth, I have
a house in mind for you,
a different kind of house.
For sale or for rent?
Well, it's an old house
with big rooms
and high ceilings.
It's been a happy house.
It has a beautiful garden,
leads right down
to the river's edge.
It would be a fine place for
that young man to grow up in.
Larry, it's your house.
It's yours,
if you want it.
It's no use pretending
I didn't know
that some day
you'd say this.
I've even tried to work out
an answer in my mind.
You see, Larry,
for the short year
that John and I
were married,
I was unbelievably
If John had lived, I might
have been disillusioned,
but he didn't live. Now
I'll never be disillusioned.
Don't you see if things
had happened differently,
you might be a different
sort of woman now.
Perhaps I shouldn't
love you.
Larry, you've been
so wonderful to me, I...
I can't
even talk about it.
I've got to be
honest with you.
I'll never love anyone else
the way I loved John.
You haven't told me yet whether
you're going to marry me or not.
- But I want you to be sure...
- Elizabeth, look, I think he's got a tooth.
- Look, look.
- Let's see.
John Andrew, so you have!
What do you think
of calling him Drew?
Drew! Drew!
Well, Drew, it looks as though
your brother were in trouble again.
Come and help me.
I can't reach it.
Oh, you cracked
the stabilizer.
I thought I heard you.
You're home late.
- Drew wanted a game of golf.
- In this heat?
I know, I'm a sucker. You know,
he's playing a darn good game.
- Did he beat you?
- Of course not.
I won... by two strokes.
Hey, Dad, can't we have a game
of softball before we go in?
Sure, we'll all have
a game. You too, Liz.
It's too hot,
and don't call me Liz.
Aw, come on, Liz.
- Now look, one of you being fresh is enough.
- Yes, Mom.
Hello there.
Back from Washington
Came straight here. Hope I'm
not interrupting anything.
Just the Hamilton
ball team, that's all.
- Hello, Mr. Norton.
- Afternoon, Mrs. Hamilton.
- Come along inside. Sorry, boys.
- Hello there.
Aw gee, there goes our game.
Can't be helped. You better
pick all that stuff up.
Cheer up, Brian. I'll
help you with this.
You help me
with my plane too?
- Two highballs, Daniel.
- Yes, sir.
Anything wrong?
The news Mr. Norton brought from
Washington isn't exactly good.
- Business?
- Indirectly.
They expect Poland
to be invaded any minute.
You don't think...
It doesn't mean
war for us, does it?
Perhaps not. I'm being
an alarmist, I suppose.
- Whiskey and soda?
- Thank you.
Think you can go on from here?
- Sure.
Drew, it's 6:00.
See if you can get
the news, will you?
In the last war, we had to
wait and read it in the papers.
Well, this war will
seem much closer.
It isn't war yet.
It is impossible
at this moment to see
how war in Europe
can be avoided.
It is nearing dawn
in Poland.
Germany stands ready
at her borders...
It must have been dreadfully
hot in Washington, Mr. Norton.
I had an uncle who worked
in the Congressional Library.
He used to say that
even the books got limp.
Please, mother,
we're trying to listen.
...not already started, waits
only for the order to march.
Two days ago, the German
Chancellor's demands
- were given to Sir Nevile Henderson.
- Boy, this is it.
The time limit for their
acceptance is impossible to meet.
Both Great Britain
and France have pledged
their support to Poland
if Germany attacks.
...the six-man council for
the defense of the Fatherland.
The last hope
for a peaceful settlement
has apparently vanished.
Blasted Germans,
there's no stopping them.
Oh, sorry, forgot you were German.
No need to be frightened, you know?
Just a man speaking
over the wireless.
She remembers the day the
Nazis marched into Vienna.
No, no. Have we forgotten all
the English we learned in London?
- London, eh?
- We were there this past year.
She speaks quite good
English, very well.
- So do you.
- Thank you.
Come on, Margaret.
It's about your dinnertime.
And what with the excitement
of arrival and all,
she's not eaten
quite regularly.
Come on, Margaret.
We get a good
night's sleep,
and then
in the morning
we wake up...
and see the Statue
of Liberty.
Don't want
to miss that, do we?
No, sergeant.
You know, Margaret,
pretty soon
you'll speak English
as well as any
little girl in America.
All right,
there you are. Next.
- Kessler.
- Kessler?
- Erik.
- That's that letter from State.
Oh, yes, yes.
Yes, Erik Kessler,
born Vienna.
Here we are.
And daughter Margaret.
You're entering the
country as a specialist.
I see you have a clearance. Uh-huh.
- Are you staying in New York?
- No, I go straight on to Baltimore.
- Baltimore?
- There's a letter with the visa.
Oh, yes. Yes, I know, I've seen it.
Well, they seem to have got
your papers in good shape.
Would you mind stepping over there
just for a moment, Mr. Kessler?
- Certainly.
- Thank you.
- Come on.
- Doctor.
- Yes, inspector?
- What about this man, doc?
There's the report on his
physical examination in London.
It's not too hot.
Are we allowed
to leave now, Father?
I think so, Margaret.
Just a moment.
Well, he isn't coming here
to dig ditches, you know.
- I wouldn't worry about him.
- Thanks, doc.
Mr. Kessler,
everything seems
to be in order.
Here you are.
There you are, honey.
- Renault.
- Renault?
I like Baltimore,
Perhaps we should
not stay here.
But you said we would
make our home here.
It may be better to go,
I do not know.
We would leave,
for the same reasons
we left Vienna?
No, no, no,
nothing like that.
America is a big country.
There are other cities.
Fine cities.
Are we going to visit
somebody here, Father?
No, Margaret.
As you can see,
nobody lives here.
It's just
an empty house.
Old house.
Nobody lives here.
Excuse me...
But can you tell me
how long this house
has been vacant?
Nobody's lived there for
the last two or three years.
Do you know
who used to have it?
Yeah, an Italian family
by the name of...
Spumoni or Baroni
or something like that.
Had a lot of kids.
I guess the house
got too small for them.
Thank you.
Shall we go away
soon, Father?
- Go?
- You said maybe we would leave here.
No, I...
I don't think
we leave now, Margaret.
There's no need
to leave.
Oh, Kessler, I...
I want you to look
over these plans
for the new
plastics division.
Now we've had about the best industrial
architects and engineers available
and I think these plans are just
about as right as they can be.
However, there's been
some difference of opinion
about the allotment of space
for the different departments,
and I'm very eager
to get your judgment
on these figures
that we've worked out.
I'd like to look them
over very carefully
before giving an opinion
on so important a project.
Mrs. Hamilton
is on the phone.
Excuse me.
- Hello, darling.
- Hello, dear. Could you do me a favor?
Bring home six quarts
of ice cream.
Six quarts?
Are we having a party?
Oh, the kids are.
Well, what flavor?
Oh, let's see.
Three chocolate,
one strawberry and two vanilla.
Very good, ma'am.
Will you be home early? The boys are
looking forward to a swim with you.
I'd like to see you, too.
Well, that settles it.
I'll be there.
I'd like to look these over
by myself, if you don't mind.
- Of course. But I had hoped that we could...
- Thank you.
...go over these things
later in the day.
Or, should we
say 5:00, perhaps?
No, I just promised the boys
I'd be home in time for a swim.
- Oh.
- I'll tell you what...
supposing you work
on these this afternoon,
bring them out to my house this
evening and stay for supper?
- Oh, I wouldn't like to intrude.
- Oh, nonsense.
The kids are having a party
but it needn't disturb us.
Besides, there's a directors'
meeting Monday morning,
and I want to push
these plans through.
- Supposing I send a car for you at 6:30 at your house?
- Oh, that will be fine.
- Then I'll see you this evening.
- Thank you.
Darling, I forgot to tell you
I've got a man coming to dinner.
- Our new chemist.
- The one from England?
Is he frightfully
Frightfully Austrian.
- A refugee?
- Not exactly. He's here as a specialist.
I'm very lucky
to get Kessler.
He's bringing out
a report to me.
Oh well, it's a buffet.
One extra for dinner
won't matter.
By the way, he's pretty
badly crippled.
- An accident?
- No, the last war.
- Was he in the German army?
- Austrian.
They both
fought against us.
He's a very decent fellow.
- Come in.
- I'll go on down, dear.
How do I look,
Mrs. Hamilton?
Good evening,
Mr. Hamilton.
She looks very pretty,
doesn't she, Elizabeth?
Yes, but don't
be too flattered.
Cherry doesn't give a hoot
how we think she looks.
- She's only interested
in Drew's opinion.
Oh, I don't know when I've
seen you look so pretty.
- Really grown up.
- Is that the effect you're working for tonight?
- Uh-huh.
- Well, let's see...
Perhaps we can add
just one more touch.
Oh, Mrs. Hamilton.
- May I wear them?
- Mm-hmm.
Why do you want to
look grown up, Cherry?
Drew's only a boy
He'll be 21 next year,
and that's old enough to vote
and sign papers and everything.
- He was talking to me
this afternoon...
Oh dear, that's our guests
and I should be downstairs.
Put the earrings on.
Good evening, Mr. Kessler,
glad to see you here.
Elizabeth, this is
Mr. Kessler; my wife.
How do you do? I'm so
glad you could come.
Thank you.
We're having drinks
in the playroom, Larry.
Good. Come along.
I'll go ahead and see how
the youngsters are getting on.
I have some notes
on the blueprints.
I think the plans
in the main are very good,
but I'd like to make
some suggestions.
Suppose we look at them
after dinner.
But I don't want
to disturb your guests.
You're not intruding, besides
I want you to meet my boys.
Mr. Hamilton,
there is something I
want to talk to you about.
I don't know whether
I'll be able to stay on
with you
here in Baltimore.
Oh, Mr. Kessler, surely you
couldn't think of leaving us now,
just as we're beginning
to lean on you?
It-it's the climate. My health is
not exactly what it ought to be.
We'll see to it
that you don't overdo it.
Just forget about
the business tonight,
and relax
and enjoy yourself.
Oh, Aunt Jessie?
Aunt Jessie, I want you
to meet Erik Kessler,
one of our new chemists;
my aunt, Miss Hamilton.
What will you drink,
a martini?
- No no, thank you, nothing.
- Get one for me, Larry.
You know, Mr. Kessler, I'm trying
make up for a misspent youth.
I was brought up
in the age when women
weren't supposed to do anything
that gave them any pleasure.
- Appetizer, Aunt Jessie?
- What are you eating? Good?
- Super.
- My son Brian.
This is a buffet.
You know, lunch counter.
We're eating outside. Brian,
show Mr. Kessler the table.
Okay. Drew, will you get some food
- and bring it to Mr. Kessler and your mother, please?
- All right.
Put on some records, Pudge.
We got some new ones today.
Oh, Mr. Kessler,
won't you come out here?
This is the table
for the grownups.
- You taking care of us, Drew?
- Yes, Mother.
Have you met my son?
Drew, this is Mr. Kessler.
How do you do,
Mr. Kessler?
I... I never
would have thought
you could have
such a grownup boy.
Europeans all think that they
have to flatter American women.
We're supposed to have a
youth complex, aren't we?
I assure you, I'm quite old
enough to have a son of 20.
- 20.
- I'll be 21 in April.
Is there anything else
you'd like?
No, thank you very much.
- Mother?
- Thank you, everything's fine.
Llewellyn Davis.
- Pudge!
- Hmm? Oh, yes, Miss Hamilton?
- I'll have a little of everything.
- Right.
Oh, awful.
Oh, not the chow.
The boogie-woogie.
Oh, Drew, would you get
Mr. Kessler some coffee?
- All right. Some
for you too? - Mm-hmm.
Excuse me.
Here's your coffee,
Mr. Kessler.
Sit down, please.
It isn't often I...
I have a chance
to talk to...
...young men
of your country.
- You going to college?
- Yes, the University of Maryland.
All the family's
gone there.
I think my great-grandfather went there
when it was an old medical college.
Besides, it's close to home
and that's not hard to take.
What is it, sir?
I was thinking...
What a tremendous thing
it is to have a son.
Hey, Drew, my sister's
looking for you.
Okay. Excuse me,
Mr. Kessler.
Drew, is that
a family name?
It's really John Andrew.
They call me Drew
for short.
John Andrew.
Oh, Mr. Kessler, what
must you think of us?
I promise you we're not all savages,
even if this party does
sound like an Indian pow-wow.
Shall I get you
some coffee?
I can't hear a word you say,
thank goodness.
When they turn that off,
I'll turn this on.
Since Aunt Jessie got
her new hearing device, she...
something wrong,
Mr. Kessler?
No, nothing at all.
Perhaps I shouldn't have asked
you to come out here tonight.
Oh no, please.
It's been wonderful.
Meeting your sons,
- your wife.
- Well, you must come again.
I understand you have
a little girl.
You must bring her too.
Thank you very much.
You've been talking
to Mother, haven't you?
- How did you know?
- You're wearing her earrings.
Clever, aren't you?
Did you sound her out?
What did she say?
I just started to
when they rang for her
and she had to go
You know, I can't get over the
feeling that I'm in a dream.
The music, the dancing,
the gay young people...
it makes Europe
seem very far away.
It is far away.
Europe with its wars
and its problems,
we must keep them
far away.
Let's hope you can.
You don't sound
very hopeful.
Perhaps I've seen
too much.
You were fortunate
to get out when you did.
Did you bring
your wife with you?
I have no wife.
I have only Margaret.
Mr. Hamilton, perhaps we'd
better go over these reports.
- If you think you're not
too tired. Of course not.
Well then,
if you'll excuse us?
What a charming man.
So distinguished.
Do you think so?
Mother, could I talk
to you and Dad?
Yes, dear. Wait in my
room. We'll be right up.
- Thank you very much for coming out.
- Good night, Mr. Kessler.
Good night.
Thank you very much.
Good night.
Well, that wasn't
so bad, was it?
Larry, when I was
coming down the stairs
and saw him
standing there,
I had the strangest
- Anything else, sir?
- No thank you, Daniel. Good night.
Good night,
Mr. Hamilton.
Well, Drew, what are
you doing here?
I wanted to talk
to you and Mother.
- How much is it going to cost me this time?
- No, it isn't that.
I think I know
what it is.
Look, darling,
I'm terribly
fond of Cherry.
I think she's one of the
nicest girls I've ever known.
But you are a bit young,
both of you.
But, Mother, it isn't
Cherry, it isn't anyone.
If it were anyone, it would be
Cherry, but it isn't. I mean...
Now look, I'm just
an innocent bystander,
but it would be awfully nice if
somebody would explain something to me.
Is there something
really serious on your mind?
I want to join
the R. A. F.
- The what?
- The Royal Air Force, England.
They need flyers.
Pudge and Ted Wilkinson
and some of the other
fellas want to go.
You join up in Canada and
you get your training there.
They need all the flyers
they can get their hands on.
- Of course they do.
- Then you will let me go?
Let you go? So that's
what we're supposed to do?
- But, Mother, if we believe...
- Oh please, Drew.
Who put this insane
idea into your head?
If it's Pudge Davis, I'll
forbid him in the house.
It isn't his idea,
it's mine.
What do you know
about war?
You want to be
a hero, don't you?
Do you know what
happens to heroes?
They die. Larry, I won't
go through this, I can't.
I remember the last war. I know
something about it. You don't.
Look, Drew, it's late. Why
don't you get on to bed,
and we'll talk about it
in the morning?
We won't talk
about it ever.
Good night.
I won't let him go, Larry.
Look, darling,
you're tired and upset.
Try not to think
about it tonight.
After a good night's sleep
you'll feel better.
Not about this, I'll
never feel differently.
Darling, no father or mother
likes to see a son go to war.
But they hide their feelings
when he does go.
But there is no war.
He hasn't been called.
You can't ask me
to give him up.
Elizabeth, I don't want to see
him go any more than you do.
But we must remember that
in a few months he'll be 21.
Then he doesn't have
to ask our permission
for anything
he wants to do.
If anything
happened to Drew...
It would be John
dying all over again.
After all these years.
Oh no... no, darling,
I'd almost forgotten.
You did that for me.
But it mustn't
happen to Drew.
I couldn't live
through it.
he hasn't gone yet
and nothing
has happened to him.
Oh, Larry.
Talk to him, try to make him understand.
I wish I could.
I don't want this to be the
one thing I can't do for you.
Why aren't you
in your bed?
I was reading my new book
the teacher gave me at school.
She says if I study hard,
I will speak English
just as good as she does,
in one more year.
That's fine, but you
ought to be asleep by now.
Did you have an agreeable
time at Mr. Hamilton's house?
- Very agreeable.
- Is it a pretty place?
A very pretty place.
And they tell me
the next time I visit there
I should bring you along.
Now go to bed.
There are children there?
Two. They are boys.
- As old as me?
- No, older.
One is 12 or 13,
the other is 20.
20? That is
almost a man.
Yes, it's...
Almost a man.
Bed now.
Your medicine.
I'll get you some water.
Oh, I don't want
to take my medicine.
But you won't sleep
unless you do.
All right, I'll take it.
Good night, Margaret.
Good night.
I want to make my letters
rich and full and satisfying,
and yet I want to save the
really important, intimate things
to tell you
when I can watch you
and feel my hand in yours.
I do my best with letters,
but would I
be very selfish
if I saved some
especially lovely things
for when
we are together again?
It's really John Andrew.
They call me Drew for short.
Come on, Drew, one ringer
will put you even.
Okay, here we go.
The leader.
Knock it off, Brian.
Right into the next county.
Oh, too bad. You should
have had that one.
- Good morning, Mr. Kessler.
- Good morning, Mrs. Hamilton.
And this must be Margaret. Hello.
- How do you do?
- Margaret, this is Drew and Brian.
- Hello, youngster.
- How do you do?
You've been
picking flowers.
There's no need
to hide them.
I don't understand.
She comes so recently from a country
where so many things are forbidden.
Tell Mrs. Hamilton
the name of the flowers.
These are asters,
and these are
Well, that's splendid.
- Come on, Drew.
- Sorry, can't play any longer.
- I've got some math to do. Aw,
gee. Just when I was getting good.
Say, how would you like
to play horseshoes?
I don't know how.
Oh, mother will show you. She's the
best horseshoe pitcher in the family.
Come on, we'll play
against the men.
Larry, you take
Drew's place.
Okay, come on, Briney, we'll
beat the pants off them.
Margaret, that's
American slang.
It means "to win"
but they're not going to.
Come on, we'll throw
them from here.
Now you hold it
like this,
and then you
throw it like this.
Do you think you
can get near that peg?
I will try
very hard to do so.
Okay, let her go.
It's a ringer.
That's wonderful!
Calculus, eh?
How are you
at mathematics?
- I'm an awful dub.
- So was I.
- What is your favorite subject?
- History.
History, eh?
I'm living through
such a chunk of it,
I thought I might
as well major in it.
Mr. Kessler, what do you
think about the war?
Before lunch?
Well, I guess
that is asking a lot.
But you just came
from Europe,
and I'd like to get
some firsthand information.
It's pretty difficult to get
the right slant on it over here.
- You surprise me.
- Why?
Well, your thinking
about these things at all,
your wanting to get a
fresh slant, as you call it.
You should listen to it when we
get together at the frat house.
We do a lot of talking,
and thinking too.
What do you think?
In the first place, we
don't think it's a phony war.
Of course it isn't.
But what makes you
think so?
Someone said that the longest
journey starts with one step.
Well, the biggest meal
starts with one bite.
I think Germany has
just taken her first bite.
I think she means to gobble
Europe up, bite by bite.
- But not America.
- That's where you're wrong.
Europe is just
the first course.
Germany means
to feed on the world.
As one of the fellas said,
she's a cannibal country.
I should have brought
my soapbox. I am spouting.
Go ahead, spout.
Sure I'm not boring you?
Boring me?
That is exactly the last
thing that you could ever do.
Now go on, please.
But I started this
to ask you questions.
Why ask me?
I have no authority.
Perhaps you can find
some answers in there.
If it's true that history
repeats itself,
the answers are here, if
you know how to find them.
I read something
just this morning
about Tom Paine. Perhaps
you don't know about him.
Well, he said...
here it is.
"A man who kept a tavern
was standing in his door
with as pretty a child in his
hand, about eight or nine years old,
as I ever saw.
And after speaking his mind as
freely as he thought was prudent,
finished with this
unfatherly statement:
'Well, give me peace
in my day.'"
Remember that's what Chamberlain
said when he came back from Munich:
"Peace in our time."
"A more generous parent
would have said,
'If there must be trouble... '"
"let it be in my day,
that my child
may have peace."
You know...
If I had a son,
I would repeat
that prayer every day.
What does your father
think about these ideas?
- I haven't said much about them.
- Oh, but you ought to.
You don't know what
it means to a father
to hear his son speak so.
You are not to cheat him
of that experience.
Well, he's been pretty busy,
and it's a little
hard to explain.
I know how Mother feels.
Any talk of war seems
to upset her terribly.
And I don't want to stir up any difference
of opinion between Mother and Dad.
They're both so swell
and happy together
that naturally you avoid
anything that might spoil that.
And I'm not sure
that I have any ideas
to talk over
with either of them.
I'm not sure I know
what it's all about,
except what I mentioned
just a minute ago,
about aggression
and conquest.
The Nazis call it
a new order.
and slave people.
Actually this is trying to
bring back the middle ages,
trying to bring back
the past.
By why should anyone
want to hold back the future?
Because the whole idea
of the future
is a fuller, richer life
for more people.
These fellows are afraid
that more for the many
means less for the few.
So they try
to put back the clock.
But you can't do that to
people now. They won't take it.
There's your answer.
There's your war.
Yeah. Yeah, I suppose
you're right.
Hello, Margaret.
Look, Father, I learned
two more names:
zinnia and petunia.
- Shall we have lunch now?
- Thank you.
Come on, Margaret.
Oh, swimming's easy. I'll
teach you next summer.
I'll teach you
how to dive.
You must be
a wonderful swimmer.
Well, he always
seems to come up.
Margaret's such an adorable
little girl, Mr. Kessler.
Ah, well...
Your little boy
has been very kind to her.
And the big boy
is a wonderful young man.
Telephone call for Mr. Drew.
It's Mr. Pudge.
- Call him back later. Tell him...
- No, Mom, it may be important.
Hello, Pudge.
It's wonderful when
you're young, isn't it?
When everything
is so important.
Oh gosh, Pudge.
That's too good to be true.
No, not a chance.
See you later.
- What was it, Drew?
- Nothing.
That doesn't tell us
very much, does it?
All right then,
it's Pudge.
He's joining up.
His parents
are letting him go.
- Join what?
- The R. A. F. in Canada.
I don't see why you couldn't
tell your mother that.
Because he wants to go too,
Aunt Jessie, that's why.
Drew, you want
to join the R. A. F.?
But America's
not at war.
Do you think
it won't be?
That's what Mr. Kessler and I
were talking about, weren't we?
Well, Drew, not exactly.
After all, these are things that you
ought to speak to your parents about.
I made no effort at all
to influence you.
Drew, Mr. Kessler's
a European.
This is Europe's war and
his own country's involved.
He didn't expect you to
apply his views to us,
- no matter how sympathetic we may...
- Please, Mother.
When a new world is being born,
nothing can stop it.
That's what's happening.
A new world is being born.
You have
to make up your mind,
do you want to help it
along or hold it back?
I've made up mine.
Excuse me, please.
May I be excused
too, Mother?
You haven't finished
your dessert.
- I don't want any more.
- Please, Brian, you have a guest.
I'm sure Margaret wants to
finish hers, don't you, Margaret?
It would be very
All little girls like ice cream,
particularly pink ice cream.
Margaret, when I was a little
girl and I had a birthday party,
I always wanted the ice cream
to be the same color as my dress.
Once I remember
I had a blue dress,
and I couldn't understand why
I didn't get blue ice cream.
I remember how I cried.
Wasn't that silly?
Elizabeth, the children don't
have to wait for coffee, do they?
Why, no.
Very well, then. Brian, we'll
take Margaret down to the playroom
and show her
your collections.
You know, Margaret,
Brian is a born collector...
- coins, stamps, butterflies...
- Oh, I love butterflies.
After all, Mother, Drew is old
enough to make up his own mind,
and if a man can't do
what he wants, well...
Well, I know how I'd feel.
I'd feel like Patrick Henry.
"Give me liberty
or give me death."
Elizabeth, my dear.
You mustn't let it
get you like this.
He was just being a funny,
earnest, unhappy little boy.
I can't help it.
I can't help it.
Not with this horrible thing
about Drew hanging over me.
Please, Elizabeth.
Maybe Mr. Kessler thinks
this war is a noble struggle
being fought
for a better world,
but I don't see it
that way.
I can't see it in terms
of anything but my son.
Elizabeth, don't you think
that I feel that too?
No. No, I don't
think you do!
It doesn't tear at your
insides the way it does at mine.
And do you know why?
Because he isn't your son.
Elizabeth. If he were,
you'd feel the same as I do.
Drew is my son. From
them moment he was born,
from the moment they brought him to
me in the hospital he's been my son.
And you're able
to let him go?
I'd let him do whatever seems
best... for him. Go or stay.
Perhaps we'd better
talk about it later.
There's nothing
more to say.
No thanks.
Coffee, Mr. Hamilton?
- I can't tell you how sorry I am.
- Oh, please, no.
No explanations
are necessary.
No, but I owe it
to my wife to make one.
I don't want you
to misjudge her.
So am I not right...
Drew doesn't know that
you are not his father?
That's right.
It was decided that the
boys should be brought up
as belonging to us both.
When Elizabeth was notified
that her husband had been killed,
she was living quite alone.
So I brought her out here
to my Aunt Jessie,
and together we tried to help her
through what was a pretty difficult time.
I suppose I was in love with her
even then, but I didn't know it.
I only knew that she needed
someone to lean on,
someone to shelter
and protect her
so that life couldn't
hurt her any more.
I'm afraid I was wrong.
I never let her grow up,
never let her face reality.
Now that she must,
she simply can't.
I'm afraid I'm to blame.
Oh no, not really.
You've done everything
that anybody could expect.
All that love
and devotion for the wife,
all that care
and understanding
for the boy,
who is, after all,
not your son.
Yes, but I can't be the
one to send him off to war.
Elizabeth must do that.
Elizabeth must do that.
I want to apologize to you,
Dad, and you too, Mr. Kessler.
- I'm sorry I was rude.
- I'm sorry too.
Don't get me wrong,
Mr. Kessler.
About Mother, I mean. She's been
perfectly swell about everything else.
But she has some sort of a fixation
that if I ever put on a uniform,
I'm as good as dead.
I can understand
that very well.
I'm sorry you're having
such a rough time, Drew.
Excuse us.
Why don't you take it out on
me instead of on your mother?
- Now let's see, your birthday's in April, isn't it?
- Yes, sir.
- You'll be 21.
- Yes, sir.
- And you'll finish your senior year in June, won't you?
- Yes.
Now don't you think that a little
patience might not be a bad idea?
- Hitler won't wait.
- You and Pudge can't win the war alone.
There are
thousands of us, Dad.
Why can't Mother
that this is something
that has to be done?
Mr. Kessler.
There's something
I have to tell you,
because unfortunately you seem
to have made yourself a part
of what's really
a family affair.
I'm sorry, I didn't
understand the situation.
Now that you know that
I was married before,
that my husband was
killed in the last war,
you should understand
how I feel.
It's as though
something was saying,
"We'll give you a little
rest between blows,
"but only enough to make very
sure that you're conscious
"and able to feel
the next one.
"We won't start
another war
"until your first son
is just old enough
to be killed."
If it should happen
that way again, I...
I wish I could help.
You can't.
You only make it worse.
Every time I look at you,
I think to myself...
"A man like you
killed my husband."
That's quite true.
I know I'm being
rude to you,
and now I'm going
to be ruder still.
Mr. Kessler, I'd rather you
didn't come here anymore.
You bring something
into this house
which is unwelcome.
- It's all right, Margaret.
- Nobody's hurt.
- What is it, Aunt Jessie?
- It was a gun.
- A gun?
- No, Mother, it was only a snapper.
- I don't see why that...
- She asked me how it worked,
and I showed her how to pull it,
and made a bang. She screamed, and...
What is it, Margaret?
What is it, Kessler?
What's happened?
The sound reminded
her of a gun.
It reminds her of the time
the Nazis killed her mother.
- Und mein vater, mein vater.
- Hmm.
Fath... I thought you
were her father.
No. May I see one
of those things, please?
Now, Margaret, it's nothing.
It's a little paper toy.
See these tabs?
In the center they're joined
with gunpowder...
not much.
Just when you pull it it
makes a little, tiny explosion.
You didn't expect it,
that's why you were startled.
Let's pull one now,
make another snap.
Didn't she say
something about blood?
It makes her think
not only of the sound,
but of the smell
of gunpowder,
of the sight of blood.
Good heavens,
surely she didn't see...
Yes, she did.
You see, Margaret's father
was a very great doctor
in Vienna... Dr. Ludwig.
He saved my life
during the last war.
He was not only a great
doctor, he was a great man.
And while Margaret
must call me father,
because that was the only way
we could get her out of Austria,
she must never forget
that he was her father...
something to be
very proud of.
I never do forget.
When the Nazis came
and took over,
they found that Margaret's
father was a very stubborn man.
He had the idea that a doctor
is dedicated to humanity,
and that when a man calls
for him to bind up his wounds,
he does not let him bleed
while he questions
his political beliefs.
And they killed him
for that?
Oh yes, and the wife too,
because she tried
to save him.
The Nazis are not
very patient
with that sort
of foolishness.
When a man dies,
his life goes on
if he has a child.
So Margaret must
carry on her father's work,
and his fight, and so
carry on his life.
She must be very brave
and very good,
very strong and never
be afraid of anything.
I'm very sorry
I made a disturbance.
I apologize.
Why, we've already
forgotten it.
I think we ought
to go home now.
But it's early. I thought
you were staying for dinner.
If someone would get
Margaret's things?
I'll get them. Will you
come with me, Margaret?
- Yes, thank you.
- You mustn't be afraid, Margaret.
You're in a country now where
things like that don't happen.
And they're not
going to happen.
- Do you believe me?
- Yes. Yes, I believe you.
Well then,
how about a smile?
- That's a girl, Peggy.
- What's that Peggy?
That's what we call little
girls named Margaret.
My mother used
to call me Gretel.
I'll drive you myself.
I won't be a moment.
- Can I get the car for you?
- Thanks.
Mr. Kessler...
- I'm terribly sorry.
- About Margaret?
It's shocking to know that
a child has suffered so.
I'm sorry I said what I did
about not coming here again.
I think it's just as well
that I don't.
I understand perfectly.
That's very
generous of you.
- Goodbye, Mrs. Hamilton.
- Goodbye, Mr. Kessler.
That poor child.
I'd better not start
thinking about it.
I'll get myself
all worked up.
It's warm for October.
John loved
this time of the year.
We used to take
long walks in the woods.
I can still feel the crunch
of the leaves under our feet...
And smell that smoky haze
that hung over everything.
What made you suddenly
start talking about John?
I don't know.
Perhaps it's an
anniversary of some sort.
No, it isn't.
Not yet.
He has an unusually
strong hand.
Mr. Kessler.
I can still
feel his grasp.
Elizabeth. I've got
a surprise for you.
Stay where you are.
I'll be right back.
- I'm coming in.
- No, you don't.
You stay
right where you are.
Oh, that's not fair.
At least tell me
what sort of a surprise.
It's a new suit.
I went right out and got it
all by myself, without you.
Aren't you getting
to be a big boy?
Are you standing near
the door? Right smack up.
Well then,
back away a little.
This is kind
of an unusual suit.
It needs
a certain perspective.
Now if you're playing
some kind of trick on me...
Here I come,
ready or not.
Mrs. Hamilton,
are you all right?
Yes, dear.
Oh... Yes.
I'm all right, thank you.
I used to live
in this house.
- Oh.
- With John.
This is the house we came
to after we were married.
This is where we said goodbye
when he went away to war.
This is where I got the
telegram telling me he was dead.
I'm sorry. I did not
mean to intrude.
It was a day
just like this,
cold and ugly.
But the war was over and
I wasn't afraid any longer.
I'd bought a little
Christmas tree,
because he might have
come home any minute,
and the house
would have been ready.
I didn't have the
slightest doubt, you see,
not one single
little doubt.
That's the way it was
when I walked in there
and found the telegram.
You come here often?
This is the first time
I've seen this house
since I left it
19 years ago.
Why are you here?
I was only passing by
from the library,
and I saw you here.
Is this some occasion?
Oh yes, it's an occasion.
December 20th,
this is our
wedding anniversary.
It's a long time
to remember.
That means nothing to you?
December 20th?
Why should it?
He said he'd come back.
He said, "I'll come back.
I promise you, I'll come back."
They all said that in wartime,
and believed it.
But some of them
could not keep that promise.
But suppose he didn't die.
Suppose after all these years
he's still alive,
but didn't want
to come back to me,
because of something
that happened...
some wound, some dreadful
heartbreaking wound
that made him ashamed
to show himself to me.
That would have been
so wrong of him, you know?
So cruel.
You torture yourself so.
Suppose he were still alive.
Incredible as it would be,
he would choose,
for whatever
foolish reasons,
not to come back.
You haven't suffered
all these years.
You've been happy.
Yes, I've been happy.
You have a husband
who's devoted to you,
and two fine sons.
You have a good life.
You should keep it so.
You don't think
I should tell Drew
that he's not
Larry's son?
- I do not.
- You don't think he should know?
Would you have him
lose his father twice?
You rob him
of the father he has,
and then tell him
the real father is dead,
leaving him with none.
What is the good of that?
Why didn't you use
the library at the plant?
Because these books
are in German.
There's a German
collection there.
You lied to me.
You're John MacDonald.
I am Erik Kessler,
an Austrian chemist.
All my life I have worked
at my profession,
except for a few years
when I was a soldier...
good reason to remember
those years.
So have I.
I have told you who I am.
There is no need for you to
pry any more now into my life.
Good day, Mrs. Hamilton.
Mr. Hamilton's office.
I'm sorry, Mr. Hamilton
is in Washington.
Mr. Hamilton asked me
to check over some reports.
Oh, they're on his desk. I'll
get them for you in just a moment.
It's all right,
I'll get them myself.
I'll ask
Mr. Hamilton to call you.
Hello, Mr. Kessler.
Hello, Drew.
Nice to see you,
Mr. Kessler.
I'll be through
in a moment.
I thought
I'd find Dad here.
I didn't know he was
going to Washington.
- He'll be back tomorrow.
- Yes, I know.
But I had wanted
to see him today.
Excuse me a minute.
You haven't been out
at the house in a long time.
No, I've been rather busy.
How are you getting along
with your mathematics?
Fine. I boned up
and got a B-plus.
With more cramming, I ought to
be able to pass the test for...
well, if I ever
take up flying.
That hasn't
been settled yet?
No, but it will be
pretty soon.
Goodbye, Mr. Kessler. It's
been nice seeing you again.
Dad will be sure to see
that note there, won't he?
Oh yes, of course.
Are you asleep yet, Mother?
Oh, you're still up.
Yes, dear.
- Mother?
- What, darling?
Who's that?
No one you know.
It looks like
someone I know.
- Who?
- Let me see.
Oh, I know!
It looks like Drew.
Oh, I almost forgot
what I came in for.
- Drew isn't home, Mother.
- It isn't awfully late, is it?
Besides, there was
a party tonight.
That was over hours ago.
I telephoned.
- I was worried.
- Worried about what, dear?
About Drew.
Mother, all the things
are gone off his dresser.
And he's been acting
sort of funny lately,
and this morning before he left
he gave me his golf clubs...
you know, the set
he's so crazy about.
There's something else. He went down
to the office this afternoon to see Dad.
He must have had
something on his mind.
- I thought I'd better tell you.
- Yes. Turn the light on.
I can't understand it,
Mr. Kessler.
We didn't have this trouble with
the reaction mixtures all day.
There's a telephone call
for you, Mr. Kessler.
No, tell them
I'm busy.
- When did you start this batch?
- Just before we went to dinner.
- It's Mrs. Hamilton, sir.
- Getting no polymerization.
Mrs. Hamilton?
She's on Mr. Hamilton's
private line.
Tell her I'll be there
right away.
Run off another batch,
will you?
Watch the temperatures
very carefully.
Yes, Mr. Kessler.
Be right back.
He'll be right here,
Mrs. Hamilton.
Thank you.
Hello, Mrs. Hamilton?
No, I don't think your husband
can be reached by telephone.
He's having a meeting with
some British purchasing agents.
I think it will
last quite late.
What's that?
He was here
late this afternoon.
He didn't come home yet?
Didn't come home yet.
Yes... Yes.
you're very worried.
Look, Mrs. Hamilton,
perhaps I can find out
where he's gone to.
I must ask you to be very
patient. I know it's difficult.
Yes, if I find him,
I'll bring him home.
- Get me a cab right away.
- Yes, sir.
Train now leaving track five,
Wilmington, Philadelphia...
May I have
a cigar please?
- Hello, Mr. Kessler.
- Drew.
What are you doing at the
station? Are you going someplace?
I was just going
to ask you that.
I'm seeing some
of the fellows off.
They're going
on a little trip.
You're not
going with them?
Whatever made you
think that?
Hey, Drew.
Let's get going. We've
only got 10 minutes.
- All right, I'll be there in a minute.
- Make it snappy.
So you're taking things
into your own hands.
I hope you're not going to
try and talk me out of it.
That's why I came here.
I'm afraid your trip's
for nothing.
This is the only way
to do it.
Say, just how did you know
you'd find me here?
Opened your letter.
- My letter?
- Mm-hmm.
The one in the office.
- You opened that and read it?
- Yes.
That letter
was for my father.
I know, Drew, but I had to
find out where you'd gone.
Why? What business
was it of yours?
Have you forgotten
your mother?
I know Mother, and this is
the only way to handle it...
a clean break. This way,
she'll get over it.
How about you, Drew?
- What do you mean?
- Will you get over it?
Hey, Drew, we're getting onboard now.
If you're talking longer,
you'd better hold your tickets.
- He's not going.
- Not going?
Sure, I'm going.
Look, Mr. Kessler,
I suppose you mean well,
but I'd like to have those.
Pudge, you'd better hurry.
You'll miss your train.
- Go ahead, Pudge. I'll make it.
- Okay.
You're taking a lot on yourself, aren't
you? Just who do you think you are?
I am your
father's friend.
I'm only doing what he would
do if he were here in my place.
Look, I can't stand here
gabbing with you.
I'd like those tickets.
You can take them
from me very easily, but...
I don't think you will.
All right, I'll go
without tickets.
I don't think
you'll do that either.
You see, Drew,
I'm afraid you forget
you're underage.
You could be made
to stop legally.
I don't want to have to ask
that policeman over there.
Train now leaving
All aboard.
All right, you win.
Come on, Drew!
Sorry, fellas, my nursemaid's
come to take me home.
You're not going
to let me down, Drew.
I counted on our going
through this together.
So did I. But keep your chin
up and I'll see you in April.
All aboard!
Hurry, Pudge.
All right, general,
where do we go?
We get a taxi.
Taxi! Taxi!
Oh, Drew, your mother
was so anxious.
Good evening,
Mr. Kessler.
She's upstairs now,
telephoning for your father.
Oh, I'm so glad
you found him, Mr. Kessler.
Elizabeth will want
to see you and thank you.
It's very late.
I'm quite tired.
What, not coming up
to make your report?
I think you're old enough
to do that for yourself.
You're ill,
Mr. Kessler.
- Drew, take Mr. Kessler to
the fire. No, it's nothing.
I'll get him some brandy.
This is yours, I think.
You might have thought
of that sooner.
Let your mother know you're back.
She's been frantic about you.
And tell her that
Mr. Kessler's here.
Here, drink this.
Thank you.
Let me help you off
with your wet coat.
Now I insist.
That's it.
Elizabeth, Mr. Kessler was
going away without seeing you,
but I made him stay
because he looked so ill.
You can see
for yourself.
I have some things here
I want you to look at.
- But, Elizabeth...
- Perhaps you can identify them.
This, for instance.
Read the inscription.
Read it.
"To John,
from Elizabeth...
With all my love."
Do you remember?
All this worry about the boy has
set her thoughts traveling back.
Elizabeth, put
those things away.
Do you remember?
How can he remember anything
about a man he never knew?
- But he knew John.
- Did you?
Who can say?
In the war
we took many prisoners.
He knew him very well.
He killed him.
That would be
difficult to deny.
A soldier fires a bullet,
who can say
what mark it finds?
Elizabeth, I think you're
being very inconsiderate.
Mr. Kessler has done you
a great service,
and you repay it by accusing
him of killing your husband.
Oh, why don't you
thank him,
and let him go home
and go to bed?
That's where we ought
all to be.
No, not yet.
Well, I'm going.
Good night, Mr. Kessler.
- Is there anything I can do for you?
- No, thank you.
Elizabeth, I think you're
being positively morbid.
Open it.
It is very beautiful.
That's what you said
when I gave it to you.
If you want
to believe that...
I am John MacDonald,
you can persuade
yourself that I am.
Will you tell me
the truth?
This is the truth:
if you want to stop
living in the present,
you can reach
into the past...
But you'll never
get back what you lost.
You'll only lose
what you have.
And you have
so much more to lose now
than you had 20 years ago.
Why didn't you
come back?
You promised you would,
why didn't you?
Tell me.
Was it because you'd been
so terribly hurt
you were afraid that...
That I'd turn from you?
That I might not be strong
enough for both of us?
Didn't you know
how I needed you?
Needed to help you, no matter
what had happened to you,
as long
as you were alive?
Don't you remember
how I loved you?
Don't you remember the
nights we sat like this
before the fire
in that little house?
My head was on your lap,
and you sat
in that old brown chair.
Remember? The one that belonged
to you before we were married,
and you wouldn't
ever give up?
There wasn't anyone
in the whole world but us.
It's wonderful
to have been loved so much
and to be so remembered.
You used to take
my face like this
and put it up to yours.
Even if your husband
should in some miraculous
way be restored to you...
You don't want him back
any more than he
would want you back.
Look at me and tell me
that you don't want me back.
Say it.
Do you think any man in his senses
would give back this shattered body
to a woman,
and destroy
the memory of 20 years?
If I were your husband
and I had come back...
That is what I would say.
I am not John.
Mrs. Hamilton,
if you'll let me,
I will tell you why
you want me to be John.
It is because
you only want the past.
You cannot bear the present,
so you try to escape from it.
In your heart,
your son and your first husband
have been joined always.
Now the boy,
like the father before him,
wants to go to war.
Your life was once
all but destroyed by war.
You're terrified it will be
so destroyed again.
You long for the days
when you were married first,
but not for him.
Not John.
You want the gay,
carefree youth
he stands for
in your mind.
I come into your life,
a survivor of the war,
an Austrian,
a man who may
be still alive
because John died.
In some way you've tied
all this together.
Then your son
rebels against you.
You see?
You will not even let your
son escape from the dead.
You cannot set him free because
you yourself are not free.
You're chained
to the past.
And the past,
with all its good
and its bad,
is beyond our reach.
It's gone.
All gone.
We must learn
to forget it,
you and I,
and all of us...
the world.
We must live for tomorrow,
Tomorrow is forever.
Thank you.
There's the one
you're waiting for.
No other man
is your husband.
Darling, I finished the work I had
to do and thought I'd drive on home.
What is it, Elizabeth?
Oh, are you here, Kessler?
Anything wrong?
Oh no, nothing serious.
It's about your son.
- Drew? Not hurt, is he?
- No, he's upstairs.
I'm going up
to talk to him now.
Mr. Kessler will tell
you what happened.
I'm so grateful to you.
It's nothing.
Good night,
Mrs. Hamilton.
Good night,
Mr. Kessler.
I know it's late and I
don't like to keep you,
but tell me about
this business with Drew.
He tried a little experiment.
Instead of waiting to leave,
he declared himself of age
and tried to leave...
Elizabeth, are you
all right?
Yes. Oh yes,
Aunt Jessie.
Come in.
Have you got the key?
Really, Drew, you're a very bad packer.
Does it matter?
Don't you know by now
it's cold in Canada?
You mean you're really
going to let me go, Liz?
If you take the early
morning plane,
you can catch up
with Pudge in New York.
And don't call me Liz.
You're... You're a pretty
bad packer yourself.
there's no law against my saying
that you're pretty swell, is there?
I can't take credit
for this, darling.
If you want to thank anyone,
you must thank Mr. Kessler.
Yes, he made me see
a lot of things.
Mr. Kessler?
Oh gee, Mother.
- What's the matter?
- After the way I talked to him.
Oh, Drew, you didn't say
anything dreadful, did you?
- That's putting it mildly.
- What did you say?
It was bad enough saying it to
him without repeating it to you.
But you see, I thought he was
butting in. I didn't know that...
you've got to straighten
me out with him.
Will you go and see him
and explain? Tell him...
well, you'll know what
to say to him, won't you?
Yes, I'll know
what to say.
I'll see him in the morning, as
soon as we put you on the plane.
But if he wanted me to go, I
don't see why he brought me home.
Why didn't he
just let me go?
He brought you home
so that I would let you go.
Don't you remember
how I loved you?
Don't you remember
the nights we sat like this
before the fire
in that little house?
There was no one
in the whole world but us.
You know, it would have
been nice if Drew
could have telephoned
Kessler from the airport.
Darling, he barely
made the plane.
The important thing to Mr.
Kessler will be that I let Drew go.
- Right, darling.
- I won't be long.
- Oh, good morning, Dr. Callan.
- Good morning, Mrs. Hamilton.
Good morning, Callan.
Good morning.
What are you doing
in this part of town?
- Your friend Kessler.
- Kessler?
He's not
really ill, is he?
Don't you know?
Weren't you notified?
Margaret, baby.
What's the matter?
Everyone who
belongs to me dies.
Oh... Oh.
How did you
get here so soon?
You knew I was coming?
Father always said
if anything ever happened,
- you would come.
- Oh...
Come on. Come on,
we'll get your things.
I'll take her.
Where are we going?
Home, darling.