Tomorrow (1972)

Your Honor.
Gentlemen of the jury.
All of us in this country,
the South,
have been taught from birth
a few things
which we hold above all else.
Now one of the first
of these things
is that only a life could pay
for the life it takes.
Now I know there's not a man
on this jury
or a man in Mississippi
that in his heart
can find my client, Bookwright,
guilty for defending
his daughter
against a rascal like
Buck Thorpe.
And that's what
I'm talking about.
Not about the dead man,
or the morality of the act
he was engaged in.
Not about self defense
or whether or not
the defendant was justified
to the point of taking a life.
But about all of us
who are not dead.
Human beings, who at the bottom,
just wanna do right.
Human beings,
with all the complexities
of human passion,
instincts, beliefs.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Thank You, Your Honor.
Court recessed
until jury returns!
Don't you agree,
he had the pistol in his hand
when they found him?
Buck Thorpe deserves
what he got.
I tell you, I wouldn't of waited
as long as Bookwright did.
He was not only no good,
but dangerous.
Right, right.
And if it hadn't
been Bookwright,
someone, sooner or later,
would have to kill him.
Then what do you want?
What do you want?
I can't help it.
I ain't gonna vote
Bookwright free.
And so Jackson Fentry,
cotton farmer,
hung my jury-
Who was he?
I thought he'd farmed
one place all his life,
but I discovered
that 20 years ago,
he left for a job.
His neighbors told me.
You see, that was my first case
and I had to find out
why I'd lost it.
Good luck to you, Fentry.
If any of us had known
then what I know now,
Jackson Fentry never
would've been on that jury.
My heart is sad
My soul is weary
While sailing o'er
Life's rugged plain
The clouds are dark
The day is dreary
(unintelligible lyrics)
Angel rock me to sleep
Angel rock me to sleep
In the cradle of love
In the cradle of love
Bear me over the deep
Bear me over the deep
To the heavens above
To the heavens above
When the shadows shall fall
When the shadows shall fall
And the savior shall call
And the savior shall call
Angel rock me to sleep
Angel rock me to sleep
In the cradle of love
In the cradle of love
Can I help you?
I'm looking for
Mr. Chester Russell.
Well, he's not here right now.
I'm his son, Isham.
Are you the man my father
hired as caretaker?
Yes, sir.
Come on then.
Last man we had
left a month ago.
Got too lonely for him.
He was drunk
half the time anyway.
This is the sawmill.
Men don't come out here
till spring.
Pa says you can stay on
in the boiler room.
He'll leave the mule
out here so you can get
to the store and back.
Next year, if you still
like it out here,
we'll talk about
building you a house.
There's a stove there
you can cook on.
There's a well
out there for water.
We'll get you some dishes.
If you need anything else,
you come to the house
and ask for me or Pa.
Yes, sir.
Hey, merry Christmas, Fentry.
Merry Christmas, Isham.
Pa wanted to know
if you'd be going home
for Christmas.
I am, I'm leaving
as soon as I can make it there.
How far is your farm?
Thirty miles.
How you gonna get there?
I'll walk it,
I'll be home before supper time.
- You want some.
- Thank you.
When'll you be back?
Day after Christmas.
Don't you ever get lonesome
by yourself out here this way?
You ever go huntin'?
I hunt some.
Maybe when you come back
we can go huntin'
together some time?
All right.
Oh, lady.
Where am I at?
You're at Chester Russell
over in Frenchman's Bend.
I'm Jackson Fentry.
I'm the watchman out here
in the winter time
when the mill's shut down.
I heard you when I come out
the door of the boiler room.
You sounded to me
like you was in pain.
How long you been here?
I don't know.
I remember walking down
the hill back yonder--
I know I was feelin' dizzy.
I said to myself,
"I hope I ain't gonna faint."
But I guess I did.
What day is it?
It's the morning
before Christmas.
Then I haven't
been here too long.
It wasn't light yet when
I started out this way.
I think I better
be gettin' out of there.
Let me help you.
I'm sorry.
I guess I'll have to rest
a while longer.
I haven't quite
gotten my strength back yet.
Well, let me help you in here
so you can rest by my fire.
It's so raw and cold out here.
Thank you.
It has been a cold winter,
hasn't it?
There was ice this morning
early when I left the house.
I seen it out
in the ditches as I passed.
I said to myself,
"Jack Frost has been here."
He sure has.
Can you make it?
Yes, sir, I can make it.
You can sit here, misses.
Thank you.
It is nice and warm in here.
I love a good fire on the stove.
I could get it warmer.
I'm letting it die out
'cause I'm about to leave
for my papa's farm
for Christmas.
Well, don't go
to no trouble for me.
I can stay
for more than a minute?
Just to get my strength back
and to get some of the coldness
out of my bones.
Can I get you anything to eat?
No, thank you.
You'd think I'd be hungry,
wouldn't you?
Carrying a baby and all,
but I don't have no appetite.
You live here all by yourself?
Mr. Chester Russell's gonna
build me a house
next spring to live in,
but he told me
to stay on out here
for the time being.
Warm and dry,
that does it for me.
Have you been here long?
I was raised 30 miles from here
on a cotton farm.
I work with my daddy.
My mom's dead.
My daddy's on the farm,
all alone now.
You from around here?
Sort of.
Off and on, that is.
My husband never cared much
for this county
and he's always trying to find
work away from here,
but we always had to come back.
You're on your way home now?
No, no, sir.
Was you going to the store
at Frenchman's Bend?
If you was, you sit right here.
I'll go get whatever
it was you wanted.
Oh, no, no, sir,
I wasn't going to no store.
You goin' in to Jefferson?
No, sir, I wasn't
goin' no place.
I was just goin'.
Just goin'.
Is your husband dead?
No, sir.
He just disappeared
about three months ago
when he first heard
about the baby comin'.
Don't you have any people?
Got Papa.
Three brothers.
Can't you go home to them?
No, sir, they asked me to leave
and never come back
after I married my husband.
I don't intend ever
to go back again.
My papa, he's got his pride.
I got mine, too.
I don't care a whole lot
for the winter time, do you?
No, Ma'am.
I always get sick
every winter time
it seems like to me.
A woman came over
to where I was staying.
She said, "You look poorly,
you ought to get a doctor."
I said, "There ain't
nothin' wrong with me
that sunshine
couldn't fix," I said.
You want me to put
some more wood on the fire?
No, it's just fine.
I love sunshine.
When I started out this mornin',
I said, "I'm goin',
if my strength holds up,
till I come to where it's warm,
when the sun is shinin'."
The strength didn't hold out
very long.
Listen to that wind.
I love to hear it
when I'm inside and warm.
That wind was cold though.
Walkin' right into it
the way I had to.
Lord, what's the matter with me?
Would you look at me tremble.
The thought of that wind and
I begin to shake and tremble.
Why don't you rest
over here on the bed?
Now, you can't
rest good like that.
Oh no -- no, I can't stay.
Just for a minute.
Well, all right then.
Just for a minute.
This does feel good, Mr.--
Fentry, Jackson Fentry,
and you're Mrs.--
Eubanks, Sarah Eubanks.
I was at fault
that I married a Eubanks.
If I have a girl...
I'm gonna name her Vesta,
after my mama
and if I have a boy,
I wanted him named--
Well, I don't know now.
I was gonna name him
after my husband,
but I don't know now.
Listen to that wind
whippin' around outside again.
Sounds right friendly, don't it?
On the inside and warm this way.
You're listenin' to it?
When I was a little girl,
at ten, my mama died.
They say I got everything
mixed up that year
'cause I grieved so.
I'd wake all winter long.
When the wind would blow
around the house,
I'd think it was
my mama callin'.
And I'd answer
and call back to her.
I'd ask her where
she was hidin'.
I never grieved no more
after that.
When I got over that, I vowed
nothin' would break my heart
ever again.
And it didn't for the longest
kind of time.
Oh, hello, Fentry.
I thought you were going
to your farm for Christmas.
- I changed my mind.
- Well, where are you goin'?
No place.
How much is that hard candy?
Well, it depends on how much
you want to buy?
How much will four cents get me?
I'd say this would do it.
Give me four cents worth.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
How long I been asleep?
About ten hours.
Ten hours?
Why didn't you wake me?
I figured the sleep
would be good for you.
My heavens.
It's still cold out yonder?
Yes, it is.
Why don't you stay on here
the rest of the night?
I could make me a pallet
on the floor, here, by the fire.
Well, thank you.
I wouldn't want
to put you out any.
You wouldn't be puttin' me out.
I went to the store,
I bought you this.
I thought you might like it.
I sure do, thank you.
It's hard candy.
Well, I declare.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
And a merry Christmas
to you, too.
If I fixed you something
to eat now, would you eat it?
No, I'm still not hungry.
I just have a taste
of my Christmas--
What are you cryin' for, lady?
I don't know.
I'm just tired
and nervous, I guess.
I've been cryin' a lot lately,
it don't mean nothin'.
I quit as soon as I stop.
But see, I never
used to cry before.
When I was a girl,
everybody used to accuse me
of being hard hearted because
nothing could get me to cry.
My papa told me I had to leave
home after I married my husband.
I didn't shed a tear, I just
said, "That's how it has to be,
that's how it has to be."
But lately, that's all changed.
Somebody'd come up to me
and they'd say, "Good morning,"
or "Good evening," and I'll cry.
They'll ask me what time
it is and I'll cry.
Did you ever hear
of anything like that?
I didn't used to
talk this way either.
I used to be able
to go a whole day
without saying a word.
Now I can't stand
if it's silent or quiet.
Oh, this is so good.
Will you have some?
No, thank you.
It's gonna be a clear night?
Why don't you stay on out here
till after your baby is born?
I have enough to eat
for the both.
Warm and dry here.
Oh, Mr. Fentry, I don't think--
You don't have to answer me now.
You just think it over.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Fentry?
Good morning.
How are you feelin'?
Better, thank you.
- It's still Christmas, ain't it?
- Yes, ma'am.
Well, I hope I hadn't slept
clear through Christmas.
It's a pretty day for Christmas.
I'm feelin' stronger.
Now, let me finish doin' that.
No, ma'am, you rest on today.
You can do it tomorrow.
Ain't you hungry?
Not too hungry.
I bet you will be, though,
once you're rested.
It's rained every blessed day
for a month.
When I was a girl,
I had my own tub
to catch rainwater.
I liked to wash my hair
with rainwater.
It made it soft.
Can you swim?
- No.
- I can't either.
Good thing we don't live
on the Delta.
We'd have to get
on top of this house
and float away,
in case it flooded.
Well, I don't think I care
to travel by water.
I think I'd always want to be
where I can feel
the ground under my feet.
Jesus walked on water, they say.
Do you believe that?
I knew a preacher once,
he swore it was true,
and he said he's
gonna do it, too.
A whole crowd of folks
went down to watch him.
And he sank to the bottom.
They say God's going to destroy
the world next time by fire,
so I guess
we don't have to worry
about this rain bein'
the end of the world.
I used to not sleep some nights
just worrying about what I'd do
when the world would come
to an end,
and what it would be like.
I don't worry about that
no more.
You're not gettin' cold,
are you?
Oh, no.
It's much warmer today.
It'll be spring
before we know it.
I'll have had my baby by then.
I wonder where I'll be
after it's spring.
I wonder if it's gonna be
a boy or a girl.
Marry me, Sarah.
Well, I can't marry you,
Mr. Fentry.
I've got a husband.
It's against the law
to marry into...
You're gonna stay on here?
I hope to.
Mr. Russell said he's gonna
build me a house.
When you're strong,
I'll show you the place
I've got picked out.
Is it far from here?
I'd like to go and see it.
What a pretty place for a house.
Did you ever build
a house before?
Well, how are you
gonna build this one?
Mr. Russell and his
boy'll help me.
There's a house in Jefferson
we used to pass
goin' into town every Saturday.
I used to like to think
I'd like to live
in a house like that, someday.
What kind of house was it?
Oh, it was a fine house.
It was painted white.
It had a gallery all along
the front and the side.
There were oak trees
in the yard.
It always looked so peaceful
when we passed by.
I never saw nobody
goin' in or out.
I asked my papa, "What kind
of people live in there?"
"No better than you," he said,
and he hit me.
I never knew why he hit me.
It would be nice
when you have your house
if you had some of them trees
in your yard.
Papa didn't have any trees
in our yard.
There's no trees, no flowers,
there's no grass.
There's nothin'.
I love grass,
and flowers, and trees!
I love honey suckle
and forget-me-not,
and roses, all kinds of roses.
One day we can ride
into Jefferson
and see that house.
I hate to see the sun
go behind the clouds.
Better be gettin' back.
I was on my way to the store,
and Mr. Kent Russell asked me
to do a favor for him
while I was that way.
The fellow I had to see
wasn't home,
so I had to wait for him.
That's how come I took so long.
You'd better get on back
in the house,
it's cold out today.
Are you warmer in here?
Yes, sir.
I don't think this winter's
ever gonna end, do you?
Yes, ma'am, it'll end one day.
I hope I didn't cause you
to worry.
Oh, I'll find a way to worry,
I guess.
There's nothin' you can do
about that.
I didn't know
why you were gone so long.
"How far is that store?" I said.
I thought, "He's just tired
of me bein' out here.
Maybe I'm too much trouble--
I'm down one day
and I'm up the next.
But that's not like Mr. Fentry,"
I said.
Then I thought,
"Well, what if my time comes
and he ain't here yet?"
I began to wonder what I'd do
if I had to have a baby out here
all by myself.
You left me
plenty of stove wood,
I saw that right away.
I didn't really think
that you'd gone off,
it's just that it got
so quiet here,
and I...
Marry me, Sarah.
I can't marry you,
I told you that.
I've got a husband somewhere.
He's deserted you.
I can't help that.
We're married in sight
of the law.
Hey, Fentry.
I'm sorry, Fentry,
I didn't know you had company.
Who's that?
She's my wife.
Since when--
You didn't have no wife
when I was out here
Christmas Eve--
She's my wife.
You want us to leave?
What do I want you to leave for?
I don't care
what you do out here.
You can have 20 wives out here
for all I care.
I didn't come out here
to spy on you,
I just came to get you
to go huntin'.
Some other time.
All right.
Pa wanted me to ask you
to pick out the site
where you want your house.
You and me can get started
on it this spring.
I know where I want it to be.
Why don't you show me
while I'm out here,
and if we have a warm day
any time soon,
I can get Papa to come out
and look it over.
All right.
Mama, buy me a Chiny doll
Mama, buy me a Chiny doll
Mama, buy me a Chiny doll
Do, Mama, do
What would it take
to buy it with
What would it take
to buy it with
What would it take
to buy it with
Do, Mama, do
We could take
my Daddy's feather bed
Take my Daddy's feather bed
Take my Daddy's feather bed
Do, Mama, do
It's time.
- You'd better get Mrs. Hulie.
- I will.
Will you do a favor for me,
Will you ride over
to Mrs. Hulie, the mid-wife,
and tell her to come out here
right away?
I'd be glad to.
I got Isham to go for me.
Who's he?
The fellow that came up
just now.
His pa owns the saw mill.
Was he surprised to see me here?
I reckon.
Did he ask who I was?
What did you tell him?
I said you was my wife.
Are you cold again?
All of a sudden.
Is there some wood in the fire?
Yes, there is.
You want me to put some more in?
If you don't mind.
It's red-hot now.
It'll have the room like an oven
before too long.
Did you show him
where you wanted your house?
Did he think
it was a nice place?
I'm afraid.
What of?
I'm afraid I'm gonna die.
From childbirth--
You won't die from that.
You'll get up from here
feelin' just fine.
Now, lots of women done that.
I'm not afraid of childbirth.
Of what then?
I don't know.
I'm tired and I'm worn out.
My spirits are low.
Now, you'll feel better
afterwards, you'll see.
Carrying the baby
has worn you out.
Oh, Fentry.
Fentry, I ain't had much
in this life,
and that's truth--
Work, and hunger, and pain.
I'm afraid.
I'm afraid I'm gonna die.
I don't wanna die.
Now, you're not gonna die.
Do you hear me--
You're not gonna die.
I won't let you,
now I promise you.
Are you warmer now?
Thank you.
Now you try and get some sleep
until Mrs. Hulie gets here.
All right.
Don't leave me.
I won't.
I ain't gonna never leave you,
unless you ask me to.
Never, never, never.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Mrs. Hulie?
Mrs. Hulie?
Mrs. Hulie?
Mrs. Hulie, there's a woman
over at the saw mill
about to have a baby,
can you come with me?
I'll be right there.
That be Isham's buggy.
Whoa, whoa.
Tell them to hurry.
I will.
Sarah, Mrs. Hulie's here.
Howdy, Missus.
How is she?
She's gonna be all right.
You need me for
anything else, now?
No, thank you.
Well, I'll be goin' on then.
Mrs. Hulie!
Mrs. Hulie!
Mrs. Hulie!
Mrs. Hulie!
Mrs. Hulie!
The baby's come.
It's a fine boy.
Thank you.
I made this for him to sleep in.
I'm worried about the mama.
She ain't doin' too well.
I ain't gon' lie to ya.
She ain't doin' good at all.
She says she's afraid
she's gonna die.
She'll never get up
off that bed in there.
I hate to tell you this,
but I don't think
she will either.
What is it--
Was it havin' the baby?
No, she was sick
long before she had the baby.
She's just played out,
it seems to me.
Yes, ma'am.
I'll take care of her.
I'll make her rest.
And I'll nurse her.
Ain't it small?
Yes, it is.
Hello, son.
- Can I get you something to eat?
- No.
Now, you gotta eat--
You gotta keep your strength up.
I'm not hungry.
Can I hold the baby?
If anything happens to me...
will you promise
to take care of the baby?
Ain't nothin'
gonna happen to you.
If it does.
Then you can rest easy.
I'll always take care of him.
The same as if it was yours?
The same as if it was mine.
Thank you.
If you still want to marry me...
I'm willin' now.
My husband might be dead,
for all I know.
And even if he's not,
he's gone so far away,
I'll never find him again.
So I thought, "Why can't Fentry
and I get married right now?
If he still wants to marry me."
I want to marry you.
Can you get anybody
to marry us right away?
Preacher Whitehead, he lives
about seven miles from here.
Would you go get him now?
Yes, I will.
How far does he live?
About seven miles.
Thank you.
Will ya hurry?
You know, I've placed you.
Weren't you a Thorpe?
Didn't you live with your papa
and three brothers
on a farm back yonder?
Don't you think
they should be sent for
at a time like this?
I don't want them to know
anything about me.
I've split some of these
flour sacs in two for ya.
When Mr. Fentry comes
back I'll show him how
that can be used for diapers.
Thank ya.
Have you picked a name
for your baby?
I thought I'd let
my husband name him.
Your husband?
Mr. Fentry.
We're gonna be married.
He's gone now
to get the preacher.
That's nice.
Here, let me take the baby.
You try and get some sleep.
Thank you.
I have the preacher here.
All right.
Howdy, preacher.
Hello, Mrs. Hulie.
Hello, miss.
Hello, preacher.
Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here together
in the sight of God.
Jackson Fentry,
do you take this woman
to be your lawful wedded wife?
Yes, sir.
Miss, uh...
Sarah Eubanks.
Sarah Eubanks,
do you take this man
to be your
lawful wedded husband?
I do.
Then I pronounce you
man and wife.
How's the fire, Fentry?
Are you cold?
I'm so cold.
I don't dare put
no more wood in it.
It's red hot now.
While you were gone
I had a terrible dream
that I was freezing to death.
In my dream I kept saying,
"I'm drowning in the cold...
drowning in the snow."
I was calling for you
to save me.
And I didn't save you?
I don't know.
I woke up when
I was calling ya...
and there you were
standing right by me.
When I brought the preacher here
I passed by the place where
our house is gonna be.
I don't reckon I can
build as fine as one
you've seen in Jefferson,
but ours is gonna
have three rooms
and a little porch
for us to sit on.
It has some pretty trees
all around it like you want.
Hackberry tree and a Chinaberry,
and there'd be some
flowers in the yard
if you want them.
Will you get me the baby?
Yes, ma'am.
Are you all right?
Just get my baby, please.
Sarah, I have the baby
here for you.
Mrs. Hulie.
Preacher Whitehead.
She's dead, Fentry.
No, she's not gonna die,
she's gonna be all right
'cause I'm gonna save her.
You can't save her, she's dead.
I don't know why
we met when we did.
Or why I found you when
you was all wore out.
I couldn't save you
no matter how bad
I wanted to.
I don't why you want me
to raise this baby
instead of your people.
I don't what they done to you to
make you turn so on them.
But I don't care,
I promised ya I'd raise him.
And I will...
like he was my own.
Your momma's dead, son,
but I'm gonna take care
of you and see to you.
I'll be your momma
and your poppa.
You will never want
or do without
as long as I have a breath
of life in my bones.
I'm gonna take the baby
and go back to my farm today.
Have you ever taken care
of a baby before?
Of course, you know
you're gonna have to
find a way to feed it.
Cow's expensive in the winter
even if you had
the money to buy one.
I think you oughta get a goat
to feed your baby.
Yes, ma'am.
I got one I'll sell ya cheap.
I sure do thank you.
You know anything about goats?
No, ma'am.
Well, a goat ain't like a cow.
You gotta milk it
every two hours.
And that's nights, too.
When do you want the funeral?
Right away.
"I am the resurrection
and the life.
He that believeth in me,
though he were dead,
yet shall he live.
And whosoever liveth
and believeth in me
shall never die.
Believest thou this, amen."
Hello, Poppa-
Hello, Fentry.
I'm home.
I see ya are.
I'm home for good.
Is that so?
Yes, sir.
This is Isham Russell.
His daddy owned the saw mill
I worked in.
Howdy, Mr. Fentry.
I was lookin' for you
Christmas day, Fentry.
Yes, sir, I know I couldn't
get here Christmas day.
Who that belong to?
Me, it's my baby, Poppa-
I got married.
Where's your wife?
She died.
What you name it?
Well, I thought I'd name it
after the two generals
you served under.
Jackson and Longstreet
if it's all right with you.
It's fine with me.
C'mon over here to me,
Jackson and Longstreet Fentry.
If you don't need me
for nothin' else
so I guess I'll be
gettin' on back home.
I sure do thank you.
It's all right.
Good luck.
Good luck to you.
And Fentry raised that boy.
He did everything
for Jackson and Longstreet
Sometimes his neighbor's said
he seemed to begrudge
the earth itself
for what that boy had to eat
to stay alive.
Come on, I wanna learn ya how.
Come on.
The water is cold.
It ain't cold, come on.
Come on.
I think it's cold.
It's wet, don't fall!
It's wet!
Oh, that ain't gonna hold ya.
See if I can catch a fish, huh?
What kind you want me to catch?
A catfish, a little one.
We can cook him.
Watch me now.
I got one.
It's a great big--ah!
Jackson and Longstreet,
come out of them graves there.
No, no, no, no, no!
I told you to stay
out of them graves.
What's in a grave?
It's where you bury people.
What people?
My momma and her momma.
Come on.
Where's my momma?
Some place else.
I bet I can spit
further than you can.
Look up yonder, boy.
Look up there.
Know what this is flying around?
That's a chicken hawk.
- You know what they do?
- Mm-mm.
They catch and kill
your chickens
if you got any.
Some day when you big enough
I'm gonna get you a gun
and we're gonna shoot
chicken hawks together.
You run along and play, boy,
while your daddy
finishes his work.
You stay here in the yard.
Howdy, Fentry.
You remember me?
Yes, I do.
How you been?
Pretty fair, how you been?
All right.
Is that your boy?
Yes, sir.
Hi, boy.
Say hello to Mr. Isham, son.
This here's your wife's brother.
Bud, Les, and Billy Thorpe.
What can I do for you?
We come for the boy.
What boy?
That boy.
You can't have him, he's my boy.
We're gonna have him.
He's my boy.
Well, he's our sister's boy.
Daddy give him to us.
He our kin, he belong to us.
You run, boy,
run to be with your grandpap.
Run, boy!
Run, b0!!!
Billy, grab that boy!
Don't let that boy get away!
Jackson and Longstreet!
Jackson and Longstreet!
Jackson and Longstreet!
Fentry, Fentry, stop it!
Now, there ain't
nothin' you can do.
For now they got the law
on their side.
I want daddy.
No, no!
I wanna stay.
They can take the boy, Fentry.
It's the law.
Her husband, he's still alive
and he gave the boy to them.
I didn't want to bring
them here, Fentry,
but the sheriff said if I didn't
he'd find you.
I know, I've been expectin' it.
I reckon that's why
it took me so by surprise.
I'm all right now.
We're sorry for it.
But he's our kin.
We want him home.
Here's some money
for your trouble.
They're gone.
The sheriff, he came with them
to the saw mill, Fentry.
He had a paper.
Look, Fentry,
there's two sides to the law.
We'll go into town,
seek Colonel Douglas.
My pa knows him.
Look, Fentry, I'll go will ya.
I'll ask him to take care
of it for you.
My search was almost over
when I find out they
took the boy,
left the county with him,
and raised him as a Thorpe.
And it seemed to me,
as if I'd never known before,
that this world isn't run
like it ought to be run.
Fentry didn't hear
anymore of the boy
and as far as I could learn
he never mentioned
his name again.
Fentry's father died
and he worked the place alone.
And then one day
a young man named Buck Thorpe
appeared in Frenchman's Bend.
When Thorpe tried to run away
with H.T. Bookwright's daughter.
Bookwright warned him
that he would protect her.
And he solved that problem
in the best of his
abilities and beliefs
asking the help of no man,
and then abode by his decision.
Buck Thorpe had been
in a lot of trouble.
There was talk
of his killin' a man
himself in Memphis.
We know he was a brawler.
He was a drinker
and a cattle thief.
Buck Thorpe deserved
what he got.
I would've shot him
if it had been my kid.
I tell ya,
I wouldn't have waited
as long as Bookwright did.
He was not only no good,
but dangerous.
Yes, sir.
Then what do you want?
What do you want?
I can't help it.
I ain't gonna vote
Bookwright free.
I declare a mistrial.
Of course Fentry wasn't
gonna vote Bookwright free
because somewhere
in Buck Thorpe the adult,
the man that Bookwright slew,
there still remained
at least a memory
of that little boy,
that Jackson and Longstreet.
I could have never have guessed.
Fentry's capacity for love.
I suppose I had figured that
comin' from where he came from
that even the comprehension
of love had been
lost out of him
back down the generations
where the first Fentry had
to take his final choice
between the pursuit of love
and the pursuit
of keepin' on breathin'.
The lowly and the invincible
of the Earth to endure...
and endure...
and then endure...
and tomorrow...
and tomorrow.