Topaz (1969)

What shall we do now?
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
it's time that we start.
Will you be kind enough
to follow me?
What I'm going to show you will be
mainly the traditional things.
Up here, I can show you a detail
in the production
which we're rather proud of showing.
As you see,
flowers are modelled petal by petal,
and this is an art which has survived
at the factory for almost 200 years.
And you will see the garland there
takes two days to complete.
As you see, the flowers are modelled
petal by petal,
and stamen by stamen.
Even in very small flowers, you can
find as many as 10-15 stamens.
The figurine which you see being
ornated with flowers here
was first made as a gift from
Danish women to our late king.
Please follow me farther up here.
As we go on farther down here...
I can show you floral leaf painting.
If you can move around here, I think
that everybody will be able to see.
Perhaps you could come a bit closer
and have a look.
at how these are painted.
And now we can proceed
to the next department.
Please follow me here.
- You can dial the number yourself.
- Thank you.
Miss Kusenov. Where's your father?
Fine. Alright now, listen to this.
Do you know a department store
here called Den Permanente?
Den Permanente. That's right.
It closes at 5:30. I want you and your
parents to be shopping there at 5:15.
Now, as soon as you arrive there,
be aware that we will be outside.
Please follow me farther.
Get your heads down, quick!
Alright, they've gone.
Go right on up.
Thank you.
- Are you alright now?
- It was very clumsy, this operation.
- What?
- In front of the store. Very clumsy.
- Well, you got away, didn't you?
- We wouldn't have done it like that.
- Over -
- Will you contact Wiesbaden?
Ask them how long a wait there'll be
on that C135 to Washington.
- Hello, Marsh.
- Hi.
This is Mr and Mrs Kusenov
and their daughter Tamara.
- Mr McKittreck and Mr Blake.
- Madame.
Would you come this way, please?
Well, what's he like?
He's a darling man. You'll see.
He's what you wanted.
He's really a big one.
They must be raising hell
in Moscow today.
Is that the White House?
No, that's the Capital Building.
The seat of the government.
I'll show you the Whitehouse
further along.
There it is.
It's nice.
- Morning, Howard.
- Good morning.
This is where you'll live, for a while.
Come along.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Where is this?
We'd like you to be comfortable
here and to feel at home.
If there's anything at all we can -
- Is it your house?
- No, but I'll be here quite often.
Mr Kusenov, we would like you
in here for a few minutes.
- Please, if you don't mind.
- Alright, yes.
All three of you.
- Why?
- I beg your pardon?
It isn't necessary for them.
We will want all three of you, please,
one at a time.
Mrs Kusenov, please.
- Now what's the matter, Mike?
- Couldn't that wait till tomorrow?
They've had a pretty rough 24 hours.
They need to relax.
Didn't they relax on the plane?
I always do.
Here he is.
- Hm?
- Devereaux.
- Good. I ask you not to be difficult.
- Then let him show some respect.
Respect? It's something he rarely
shows. As second-in-command -
I'm not such an imbecile that he has
to tell me what and what not to say.
- Oh, no.
- No, no!
I do not need him
at military meetings.
Yes, you do.
I'm sorry. You've been here
from Paris only a few months.
He has been here in Washington
several years.
Then he is too close
to the Americans.
I agree. But the closeness has value.
He's built up the best intelligence
network in the western hemisphere.
He's very expert,
and he's a dedicated man.
And... I too sometimes wish
that he would show some respect.
Mr Devereaux is here.
- Yes, let him come in.
- Yes, sir.
Good morning, d'Arcy.
Good morning, General.
We received a message from Paris.
A high Russian intelligence official
has defected to the Americans.
- How long ago?
- We don't know.
Why didn't you know about this, uh?
Because the Americans
didn't tell me.
How did Paris know about this?
Did the Russians tell them?
It's peculiar, don't you think?
A Russian intelligence officer
and someone in Moscow rushes over
to the phone and calls Paris.
Who? Why?
- What?
- No, Andr.
How Paris got its information
is not our concern.
We've been asked to find out
where the defector is being hidden.
- Why?
- Huh?
What will Paris do
once we have found out?
- Pass the information to Moscow?
- Andr!
And so two men will arrive
to liquidate him.
What are you trying to say?
Nothing, General.
I just wonder
how Paris got the information.
Yes, that's right.
He's here. I'll tell him.
These are six classified
top secret documents of NATO.
- I am an authority on NATO.
- That's what you keep telling us.
They're numbered and initialled,
and we want to know which of them
crossed your desk in Moscow.
This one.
This one.
They are fakes. Those two.
To see if I really know. To test me.
You are childish. These are fakes.
When did you become
a deputy chief of the KGB?
This is of no concern to you.
We'd like to be
the ones to decide that.
No, I will decide.
What the hell
do you think you're here for?
I asked for sanctuary and protection
for myself, my wife and my child.
- And you got it.
- But I gave you no understanding.
Look, the way you're going,
you may find yourself on the steps
of the Russian Embassy.
And that would be the end for me.
But you would never get
another defector.
Colonel Kusenov, does the word
"topaz" mean anything to you?
- In what context?
- Just the word "topaz".
- It's a gem, still used in jewellery.
- In intelligence matters?
- Where have you seen this word?
- What does it mean to you?
- It's for you, Mike.
- I'll be right there.
You've never used it, or
heard it used? Topaz as a code word.
General Kusenov,
here is a list...
- Who is it?
- Your secretary.
Yes, Peggy, what is it?
From the French what?
Andr Devereaux?
What did he want?
Alright. Call him back and say yes
and find out what time.
Right. See you later.
What did he want?
He called and asked me to dinner.
I had dinner with him
only two nights ago.
Now... why did you
suddenly ask Mike to dinner?
Because he adores your food.
you want something out of him.
I promise you,
it's going to be a short evening.
Oh, I wish we could
go home to Paris.
You could easily have a job
in the foreign office.
Who said so?
Claire d'Arcy.
- Diplomats' wives should not talk.
- All wives talk.
She also said that you are
too involved with the Americans.
D'Arcy is an ass.
Andr, you are French,
and not supposed to be mixed up
in this Cold War between the
Americans and the Russians.
- You are neutral.
- No-one is neutral.
I don't want you to be killed.
OK, I'm going.
And you two secret agents can
settle down and be secret agents.
I wish you wouldn't use such words,
my love.
Why? Who do you think
you are fooling, my master spy?
Everybody in Washington knows
you are not a commercial attach.
Everybody in Washington knows
that the chief of Russian intelligence
is the chauffeur
who drives a car for -
Everybody in Washington does not
know these things.
And I would thank you
not to repeat them.
- Go to bed.
- Where did you hear that?
From my butcher.
I'll be glad when Michle gets here
and I can talk to someone
who is not looking over his shoulder.
Oh, is your daughter coming over
from Paris?
Her husband's reporting on
the opening of the United Nations.
We are going to see them in New
York and have a marvellous holiday.
And we are not going to see
a single, solitary spy.
You might stumble over a few
if you go to the United Nations.
We are not going there.
Michle and her husband are.
- We are going to have fun. Right?
- Right.
I seem to gather, Nicole, that you
don't care much for the work we do.
- How did you guess?
- You should be used to it by now.
The wife never gets used to it.
But I like you, Mike. For an
intelligence man, you are very nice.
Thank you. And thank you
very much for a beautiful dinner.
- Brandy?
- Yes. Thanks.
She wants you to quit.
- You thinking about it?
- No.
I understand
you have a Russian defector.
- What is his name?
- Boris Kusenov.
We have him at a safe house
outside Washington.
I did know what I was getting into
when I was asked to dinner.
Then why did you come?
To tell you
everything you want to know.
Provided I don't pass
the information back on to Paris?
Mm-hm. McKittreck says
I'm taking a big chance. Am I?
Mike, you and I have done things
for each other
that no other agents in this town
would do.
And I'd like to keep it that way.
Colonel Kusenov, we'd like to know
all you can tell us about Cuba.
The technicians.
The Russian technicians in Cuba.
- How many are there?
- I estimate 4,500.
By now, possibly five thousand.
- Military?
- Military, civilian.
Construction crew.
Mostly, technical and electronic
experts of the highest order.
What are they doing there?
They came bearing gifts
from Russia to Cuba.
What kind of gifts?
The KGB is carefully divided.
Cuba was never in my field.
I cannot give you facts.
Damn it.
You made an agreement with me!
Yes, I know.
I made my bargain with the devil
for facts.
Yes, I will tell you
where you will find your facts.
There is a Cuban named Rico Parra.
You know him.
A leader of the Cuban government.
He was in the movement
from the beginning.
That's correct.
He was in Moscow recently
for conferences
and flew to New York as head of
the Cuban delegation to the UN.
I met him in Moscow.
- What were the conferences?
- To draw up an agreement.
Or call it a trade pact.
Or call it an aide-memoir.
An agreement
between the Soviet Union and Cuba.
Setting down exactly
what the Soviet Union
is now supplying
and will supply to Cuba.
Offensive weapons?
Have the Russians brought
offensive weapons into Cuba?
I told you, I cannot give you facts.
But Rico Parra has the trade pact.
He has the aide-memoir.
It's all there for you to read...
if you can obtain it.
Who else might handle
these papers, besides Rico Parra?
You have become smart.
Yes. There is another man.
Luis Uribe. Rico Parra's secretary.
He is a security risk.
How do you know?
I have used him.
The Cubans don't know.
He can be bought,
but he is of no use to you.
He hates Americans.
Does he hate American money?
He would never take it
from an American.
You can believe me.
So now I have given you
my information...
What will you do with it?
- Michle!
- Andr!
- Mother!
- Franois!
- Hello, Franois.
- Hello, Father.
- You look wonderful.
- You too.
You have done something
to your hair.
Do you like it?
My husband wants me to cut it.
- I like it.
- Agreed.
- When do you go back to Paris?
- In five days.
Then we will stay for five days.
There is so much to see.
New York is marvellous.
And we will do it all.
Hello, Nicole. Andr.
I hope you don't mind
my dropping in.
I wanted to be sure the flowers
were here when you arrived.
you remember Mr Nordstrom?
Oh, yes.
It's been a couple of years.
Franois Picard.
Michael Nordstrom.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
The bags are in, sir.
- Andr.
- Yes.
Thank you.
I understand that you are here
for a Paris newspaper.
Yes. For the opening
of the United Nations.
we have to change for dinner.
Oh, yes. Excuse me.
I do apologise, Nicole.
Thanks for the flowers, Mike.
Before you say, "Get out," I wouldn't
be here if I didn't have to be.
You can't do this to Nicole.
- I have to, Andr.
- How did you find us?
You both told me you
were going to be in New York.
Never mind! What do you want?
There is a written agreement
between Russia and Cuba.
We must see it. Rico Parra -
- I can't talk to Parra. He hates me.
- I know that.
Rico Parra has a secretary
named Luis Uribe.
Why don't you do this job yourself?
We can't. Uribe can't be approached
by an American.
I am sorry.
Just one of your people here
to photograph those papers.
Just a taxi ride to Harlem,
that's all we're asking.
This Uribe can be bought.
Andr, do this for us.
You know I wouldn't be here
if there was any other way.
Franois, the sketches you made
at the United Nations.
- Did you do the Cuban delegates?
- Some, yes.
Did you make a sketch
of a man named Luis Uribe?
I'll see.
There he is.
Could we have this page?
Is it for a good cause?
I would hate to do it over.
- You'll get it back.
- OK, you can have it.
Could I ask you what this is about?
I am your son-in-law.
You are also a newspaper man.
Take care of the women.
- I'll get to the Colony soon as I can.
- You are going out?
Have your drinks. I will try to get
there before you start dinner.
- Tell Nicole not to worry.
- I'll let Michle tell her.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
The money.
You understand? This can't have
anything to do with us.
If anything goes wrong,
it's your operation.
- I know.
- I'll head back to Washington.
- Will you call me tomorrow?
- Yes.
I would like to see Mr Dubois.
Whom shall I say?
Finance Company.
Hello. Come in. Come in.
It's a long time
since you came yourself.
I have an urgent and vital job
to be done tonight.
- I hope you are free.
- I am always free for you.
Can we go into your office?
No, that is all open.
We had better go in here.
You might find it a bit chilly.
You remember his name?
Luis Uribe.
Why does he hate Americans?
I was told he lost his son
at the Bay of Pigs.
This is all pretty iffy. I won't have
much chance to organise anything.
- You just have to improvise.
- Oh, lots of luck!
- What about your camera?
- Always ready and loaded.
This way.
Be sure you let him know
you are French, not American.
Better than that.
I am from the island of Martinique.
- That makes us practically related.
- Good.
Here is my little one.
How do you propose
to get up there?
Oh, I think I will be a reporter.
I am loaded with press cards.
Who do you think I ought
to work for tonight? Ebony?
- Playboy? Jersey City Post Ledger?
- Ebony.
Oh, I think they identify better
with Playboy.
- Ebony.
- Oh, man, are you square!
OK. Let's go.
Oh! One tiny matter.
The money.
Benny, work on this cross, will you?
And don't brighten it up too much.
I'll try not to.
Where will you be?
Along here. Across the road.
- Watch yourself, Philippe.
- It's the best thing I do.
What do you want?
I have an appointment with
Senor Parra's secretary, Uribe.
Go ahead.
Oh, there he is now.
I said no. Now, go on.
Rico told me he would see us.
He told us he would see us
this morning.
I tell you tonight he will not!
Now, get out! Both of you!
- Who are you to tell us to -?
- I said he will not see you!
- Rico! It's me, Matteo Gomez!
- And Tomas Bosch!
- Rico!
- Get out, both of you!
Where are those papers now,
In a red leather case, on the floor
next to his desk. Locked.
If I get Parra away from his desk
for an interview,
can you get the case
and bring it here?
- He won't give you an interview.
- Then I've failed.
But I am not going to fail
in your bathroom. Come on.
Wait one minute.
- Who is he?
- It is alright, Hernandez.
- Please.
- Get out! Get the hell out of here!
Fools! Do you want
to get us all arrested? Get out!
But, Rico, you said you wanted
us to show that we are not afraid.
So you are going to bomb
the Statue of Liberty? Imbeciles!
- Get out!
- Seor Parra!
I wonder if I could have
a few minutes of your time?
- Who are you?
- Wait one minute.
Comrade Rico,
this man is from Ebony magazine.
If you will speak to him for a minute.
I give no more interviews.
What is the matter?
Are you anti-Negro?
Leave him alone.
There are no colour bars in Cuba.
We're a free and democratic nation.
All men... are comrades.
Then you will talk to me.
After what American newspapers
said about the Cuba delegation?
I am not the American newspapers.
I would like you to come out
on the balcony with me.
Let me photograph you
waving to our people.
To my people. Will you do that?
- What will you print about Cuba?
- Whatever you tell me.
One statement
to go with the pictures.
- What is this?
- This is my camera.
- It is a funny little camera.
- It does very good work.
- How about one this way?
- Keep waving, please. Keep waving.
- I think you have had enough.
- Just two more, please. Two more.
Thank you, Seor Parra.
What do you want me to say
to go with the pictures?
Tell your people
we are a small country now.
But soon...
very soon...
we will not be afraid of anybody.
Not of anybody.
Then something is happening.
No, I did not say that.
- Only write what I say.
- Of course.
Thank you, Seor Parra.
- Comrade!
- Comrade.
Fernando. I want two copies of this.
Fernando. Where is the red case?
Uribe took it.
Uribe? Why? He has no key.
I have the only key.
Have you got your gun?
Come with me.
Excuse me.
Give me your gun.
Come with me!
There he is!
Sorry, Seor.
Alright, Benny.
I'll finish it.
- Is it OK?
- It looks fine.
Does Ren d'Arcy know
that you are going to Cuba?
Yes, of course.
- Does Paris know?
- I assume so.
Andr, I don't want you to go.
I am afraid for you,
for your career, for your life.
I've got to.
I promised. I started all this
and I am going to finish it.
Let the Americans
do their own dirty work.
They can't - they have no network
in Cuba since the Bay of Pigs.
All their agents are dead or in jail.
And so they asked you?
It can be no-one but you?
I want it to be me.
Those papers we photographed
the other day in New York,
scared the hell out of them.
Not just the Americans - me!
I have got to see what the Russians
are up to in Cuba.
There is a woman in Cuba,
isn't there?
Named... Juanita de Cordoba.
Where did you hear that name?
Where else? From Claire d'Arcy,
who got it from her husband,
who got it from your French office
in Havana.
I don't want that name used,
mentioned, ever.
Why? What is she to you?
She is in the Cuban underground.
She sometimes works for me.
Ah... What else does she do for you?
Nicole! She is the head
of the network in Cuba.
I shouldn't tell you these things!
It is dangerous to talk of her,
even to know...
But I do know, that's the trouble.
I wish I didn't.
I know that you go to Cuba
four or five times a year.
And that...
she is beautiful.
I go to Cuba four or five times a year
because it is my job.
That's all.
Now, I don't want to talk about it.
Will you come down with me?
You'd better wait.
I'll send the boy out.
Give him my overnight case
and the typewriter.
And... take this... and the
suitcase in the back to the residence.
What time will you be in Havana
I will call you
when to send a car for me.
- Juanita.
- Hello.
- Seor Parra.
- Monsieur Devereaux.
You are back soon.
I am always happy
to return to Cuba.
I am sure you are.
And to come here
to pay my respects.
- I am happy to see you, Juanita.
- Thank you.
Nylon things from the United States.
I hope your government won't mind.
I didn't inform Customs.
how are things in Washington?
Routine. Nothing exceptional.
I was in New York
only 24 hours ago.
Oh? How were things in New York?
See any good shows?
No. Routine. Nothing exciting.
Will I see you tonight?
No, not tonight.
You will be at the rally tomorrow?
- Fidel expects you.
- Mm-hm.
- Is there a rally tomorrow?
- Mm.
I would like to listen to Castro.
I am sorry we can't have you with us
on the platform.
No, no,
I like to be part of the crowd.
Seor Devereaux.
- Get my things, will you?
Monsieur Vata knows which ones.
Yes, sir.
I am very glad to see you, sir.
- Please take those in for me, Tomas.
- Yes, seora.
You sent no word.
I tried to phone you
from Mexico City between planes.
Didn't the office call?
Less than an hour ago.
When he was here.
You picked a hell of a time to come.
Security is tight.
- The island's crawling with Russians.
- I know.
I have come to take a look at them.
And what they're up to.
I haven't been able to send
any information to Miami in weeks.
Well, I am here now to do all I can.
So, Rico Parra is still your faithful
companion and protector?
And landlord.
Did he come to...
collect the rent?
How is your wife?
- Maybe we ought to start again.
- I think we'd better.
I don't get this.
The French don't give a damn
what the Russians do in Cuba.
The Americans do.
That's going to be tough.
Cuba is locked up.
The Russians have us like this.
I am going to need help
from your organisation.
No use.
Most of my people are in hiding.
The only thing you can do...
is stay with me for a few days.
Then go home.
Let's get down to business
of opening our present.
- Our present?
- Yes. Yours and mine.
- A radio?
- A Geiger counter.
This will tell us if the Russians
have brought in nuclear warheads.
- There is a tape recorder inside.
- Clever.
You will have to find out
what streets in Havana they use
to transport the missiles at night.
That's a job for Tomas.
And this one?
We have got lots of cameras.
Not like this one.
You can put the camera
half a mile away.
And take pictures of what?
The missiles, of course.
At San Cristano? Oh, we'll never
get near there, darling. We've tried.
I will show how in the morning.
Now, the other things I need -
what units of Soviet troops are here,
any new types of aircraft...
And the caves...
Where are the biggest caves?
- The biggest ones are at Managua.
- Good.
Is that all?
I think so.
Oh, I... nearly forgot.
A non-electronic present.
Oh, isn't that beautiful?
Thank you.
Let me show you how this works.
It's the radium in the clock figures
that is causing it.
It is not yet ten o'clock and we have
done nearly a day's work.
That's organisation for you.
I showed Tomas what to do
with the typewriter.
I know. He will do the job.
And now you will go into Havana
and behave like
an innocent commercial attach.
And you'll go to the rally...
with your landlord.
- See you tonight.
- Adios.
- Please sit down, Mrs Mendoza.
- We are leaving now.
No, sit down. Is everything ready?
Yes, Seora.
This is the long-distance lens.
- Good.
- And look, seora.
Very good.
And here.
- Cover them up.
- Alright!
We must make sure
that Pablo does not eat the camera.
Here, here, Seora.
From here I can get a clear view
of everything that is going on
in the port of Veriel.
- Aren't you too near the road?
- I promise you, it is safe.
Then here is your picnic.
Have a good time.
You will take care of Mrs Mendoza.
- God bless you.
- Thank you.
- Take care of your man.
- I will.
Hey, Carlos, take a look.
There is someone up there.
It was a man and woman.
Manuel, Enrique, Rafael.
You others, stay here.
- How long have you been here?
- Some time.
As you can see,
we are broken down.
Have you seen any other cars
go by in the last minute?
I saw one a few moments ago.
It went down the road.
- What kind of car?
- I think it was black.
- Ricardo, it's them.
- Pablo! Pablo!
Take them.
Seor, you are making a mistake.
We don't know
why you are taking us.
Follow us.
There is a man, the night the papers
were photographed in New York,
outside the Theresa Hotel.
- Are you sure?
- 100 per cent.
He... he was as close to me then
as you are now.
Shall I... Shall I have him picked up?
No, not yet.
Well, it's understandable. After all...
May I join you for coffee?
Rico, let me give you some dinner.
- Dolores!
- Just coffee, thanks. I've had dinner.
Too bad. It is beautiful chicken.
- Oh?
- Black market.
You might have phoned.
It was a sudden urge.
Ask Tomas to bring some coffee
for Seor Parra.
Si, Seora.
Please, sit down.
I have just come from having a long
talk with my ex-secretary, Uribe.
- You know Uribe?
- No.
- You know of him?
- No.
- Why did you dismiss Uribe?
- He turned out to be unsatisfactory.
Still, he was persuaded to tell me
what I wanted to know
before he went on his journey.
The journey from which
no traveller ever returns.
What had he done?
It seems
he was working for the French.
And the French, I suspect,
were working for the Americans.
So you had a sudden urge
to come here?
What does that have to do with
Andr? Just because he is French?
The night in New York
when Uribe gave documents
to a Frenchman,
to photograph
inside the Theresa Hotel,
there was another Frenchman
outside the hotel.
- There may have been several.
- Hm.
But the only one
I give a damn about
is the one who was
so conveniently knocked over
when the French spy escaped.
That was smart.
What's this about?
Were you in New York?
Yes. For fun.
You are putting two and two
together and getting eight.
The things you learned from those
papers about Russia and Cuba
is the reason
why are you suddenly here.
And that makes nine.
I was in New York.
I did go up to Harlem
to see the show you were putting on.
And... it was a very good show.
The rest is coincidence.
Now, this is what I came to tell you.
If it were not for her,
if it were not
that it might involve her,
you would disappear tonight.
You would be with Uribe.
Your country would receive
bewildered apologies.
But you would never
be heard from again.
She is a widow
of a hero of the Revolution.
She is loved and honoured
in this country.
You are an intelligence agent.
Your assocation with her can put her
in great danger.
I want you out of the country
on the next plane,
early tomorrow morning.
If you have been
collecting information
about what the Russians
are doing in Cuba to help us here,
don't think for one minute
you will take it out of here -
you will not.
You will be searched
at the airport... completely.
And if anything is found on you,
you will be arrested.
And what can happen to you
after that
is something that you know about.
Now, if you don't mind
cutting your dinner short,
I will take you back to Havana...
to pack your bags.
No, you will not take him back
to Havana.
He is my guest.
He will have his dinner and enjoy my
company for as long as he pleases.
And when he is ready
to go back into Havana,
he will phone the residence
for a car to come and get him.
You are being a damn fool.
You have made up a story
because it's what you want
to believe, because of me.
I don't believe he had any contact
with your man Uribe.
I don't think anyone else will.
If you are doing him any harm,
I will raise such hell...
And you know I can.
And next time you desire
to drop in on me like this,
please telephone first.
Tomorrow morning.
Come in.
I have brought the typewriter.
It is done.
- Good, Tomas.
- The car is waiting for you.
May I show you?
What time did the missiles
go through Havana?
Just before three o'clock
in the morning.
On long trailers,
with soldiers in jeeps
and many, many trucks.
- And the thing clicked.
- Oh, how it clicked.
Not from the missiles,
but when the trucks went by
covered with canvas,
click, click, click!
Look. Just the way you showed me.
The tapes are right
in the centre of the spool.
They will have to undo
yards of ribbon to find them.
Good boy. Where is the information
about the Russian troops,
the caves and the installations?
Here, on this key,
miniaturised as a microdot,
on the bottom period.
Now, you will give me
your own razor?
And extra blades?
Here is your new razor
and the cartridge for the blades.
How do you fit the film in there?
We just fold each one.
Very good.
Something for you
to read on the plane.
Thank you.
No. Not now.
I will take these down.
- Come.
- No.
No farewells at the front door.
I shall say goodbye to you here.
We are alone.
If things get worse for you here,
we'll get you out.
I have ways.
I'll never leave here.
I am Cuban.
I love my country,...
No matter what, I...
have to see it through.
I shall worry about you
at the airport.
- I'll get through.
- I don't know.
Will you phone me
before you get on the plane?
Be sure. There is something
I have to tell you.
Tell me now.
But before you get on the plane.
- You have found out?
- Yes.
- Who were they working for?
- Ask her.
- For who?
- You ask her.
Who were you working for?
Who sent you to spy at Veriel?
What? Say it.
de... Cordoba...
Get rid of them.
Get down to the airport.
You'd better get out there.
Search everywhere.
Turn the house inside out.
- Look in her bedroom.
- What's all this?
You will not touch my bedroom.
Rico, stop this!
Come down.
No, no!
You cannot go in there!
Tomas, stop them!
You know some people
named Mendoza?
They have been saying
terrible things about you.
I do not believe them.
Muoz believes.
I can't.
They were tortured?
Even tortured people lie, you know.
I do not want to believe them.
Eh, Rico, we have found it.
In the pantry.
A darkroom for cameras,
for developing pictures and all kinds
of machinery to make them small.
It is all true. They have been
operating from this house.
Get me the airport.
You know what this is?
A hollow razorblade.
It is where they hide the film.
Hello, Rivero.
Do you still have the Frenchman?
I'll tell you where to find it.
Any small package of razorblades.
The injector-type blades.
They are small thin ones
that slide out!
Call me back. You know where.
So it is true.
I have to believe now.
The things you have done against us,
against what we are trying to do...
Because you make
my country oppressed.
You cannot judge.
You shouldn't have done this.
To fool me.
To work against me.
You are part of it.
Now we will have to do to you
what we did to the Mendozas.
To find out
the names of all the others.
All the things that you have done.
And we will find out.
And the things...
that will be done to your body...
This body...
Yes, Rivero?
No film?
What was in the razorblade case?
What do you mean
you had to let him go?
They let him go.
Hello. Who is this?
Oh, Seor Devereaux?
Seora de Cordoba?
I am afraid not.
Something has happened.
She is dead. Shot.
Seor Parra? He is gone.
That's quite a pile of mail.
Has Nicole gone away?
Yes, yes...
I... didn't tell you.
She thought she might go to Paris
for a while,
as long as I was going to be away.
She... didn't see as much of Michle
in New York as she'd hoped.
That was my fault.
I am sorry about that.
No, no. She got a bit homesick
for Paris anyway.
And she didn't know how long
I would be in Cuba.
The amount of junk mail
that accumulates in just a few days.
Come and have a drink.
Are you sure you wouldn't like to be
alone to unpack and call Nicole?
No. Besides, you should be able
to call your office in a few minutes.
They must have the stuff from Cuba
processed by now.
I won't be a minute.
I'll just get some ice.
Ah, Ren, come in.
- I've come to -
- You know Mike Nordstrom?
Ren d'Arcy.
- Yes, hello.
- Hello.
We are just about to have a drink.
Will you join us?
No, I only dropped
by to see that you're back.
If I could speak to you alone.
- I'll go.
- No, no, please.
We can go to my study.
Here, make yourself a drink.
Come on, Ren.
You left quite a few complications
Yes, I know.
So it is done,
whatever you have done.
The Cuban government
has protested
your activities directly to Paris.
I am here to instruct you
to be on the next plane to Paris.
You will report
to the Director-General.
The end of Washington for me.
I have been recalled.
I am sorry.
You know how grateful we all are
for your contribution.
It confirms our information
from other sources,
including the U-2 photos.
What do you think
will happen in Paris?
Oh... A board of inquiry, I suppose.
Why I went to Cuba.
What I did. Who I did it for.
Why I did it for you.
And what I found out.
I want you to take a ride with me
out to the safe house.
While you were away,
the Russian came up with some
revelations that will shake you.
- What about?
- The leaks in Paris.
He spelled the whole thing out
for us.
I want you to listen to him before
you face those people over there.
Ah, thank you, Mrs Fawcett.
I will serve the coffee.
Mrs Fawcett makes
wonderful coffee.
- Will that be all?
- Yes, thank you.
- Monsieur Devereaux?
- No, thank you.
Mr Nordstrom?
Black with one sugar?
Mr McKittreck, black?
And could I offer you a cigarette?
Ah, no, you are smoking.
And now again... Topaz.
These gentlemen have asked me
to repeat to you about Topaz. Why?
Please... Do us a favour.
Tell him what you told us.
Then you succeeded in getting them
the information from Cuba?
And now they are afraid
you will be obliged
to pass it on to your government.
And what is Topaz?
Topaz is the codename for a group
of French officials in high circles
who work for the Soviet Union.
I don't believe
there is an organised ring.
The head of the ring
has the codename Columbine.
I do not know him, but I know
he is important and powerful.
The second man in line
is Henri Jarr.
- Jarr?
- Yes.
Henri Jarr.
He was my direct contact.
Any vital documents that passed
across his desk came to me.
Do you know him, Andr?
Yes. He is an economist at NATO.
Then, it is believable?
It's... possible.
It's more than possible. It's true.
So now you will want to talk,
you three.
I will go for a walk in the garden
before the sun goes down.
Monsieur Devereaux, you are faced
with the same problem I had.
Whether to obey your conscience
or to obey your government.
Let me give you a piece of advice -
don't go home.
These people will give you
a new life, a new job. Everything.
Think it over.
Our government is preparing
to take any action against Cuba,
or Russia,
that circumstances demand.
Any leak to the Russians of what
we know at this time could be fatal.
If the Russians learn
we are on the move
because of all the information
we have,
they could make those missiles
operational almost immediately.
Pointed at every big city in America.
And that means
France will be involved.
We have to inform our allies
of our intentions.
An American mission will arrive
in Paris in three days.
And I am supposed to keep my
mouth shut and uncover Topaz?
At the risk of my own skin?
That's quite a job, my friends.
Let me understand something.
Nobody up high is to know
that we are here with Andr.
Otherwise, I shall have to leave.
That is understood, Jean.
You have nothing to be afraid of.
I am not afraid.
It is a matter of protocol.
He has not seen
the Director-General.
It is true. And for myself,
I don't see how we can help.
Jacques, when you spoke to Jarr -
Ah, here he is.
- Good afternoon.
- How are you?
I am sorry I am late.
- Andr. How are you?
- I am glad you came, Henri.
Good. We are all here.
Let's sit down.
Now... this is a serious matter
for Andr.
Very grave.
And he has asked us to give him
whatever advice we can...
before he faces
the Director-General.
It is not so much
the Director-General.
It is the whole board of inquiry
he has to look out for.
There is nothing I can tell them.
Nonsense. You went to Cuba
on a mission for the Americans.
You obtained certain information
for them. That's true?
You refuse to pass it on
to your own government.
I cannot, my friends... Believe me.
Why not?
There are leaks in our government
and I don't know where they are.
- I think I must go.
- No, Jean, stay.
No-one will be
compromised, I promise you.
To be a man of principle is one thing
but a man doesn't cut his throat
on principle.
I have no desire to cut my throat.
Then tell us, your friends.
That's why we are here.
Be reasonable, Andr.
We are trying to help you.
Yes, my friends. Slowly.
Let Andr tell us in his own way.
Have any of you
in your official work
had any hint of a spy ring
called Topaz?
- No?
- What kind of a ring?
It's a number of Frenchmen,
compatriots of ours,
high in official circles,
working for the Soviet Union.
- I go.
- Sit down. I need you.
I have nothing to do with spies.
I am concerned with exposing them.
This is very dear.
How do you know about this...
ring of spies?
The Americans have a Russian
defector, high in the KGB.
- We know that.
- Yes, that is known.
I saw him.
I was allowed to talk to him.
He told me.
A spy ring?
- Called Topaz?
- Yes.
What is the name of the defector?
Boris Kusenov.
But, Andr, that is not possible.
The KGB official
of whom you speak, Boris Kusenov,
has been dead for over a year.
This man who has been planted
on the Americans
is obviously a double agent.
And he has taken in the Americans.
And he has taken in you.
How do you know that?
- What makes you think that?
- It's a matter of record.
I have it in my files.
You know you are not
supposed to come here,
unless I ask you.
I have been calling your office
all afternoon.
I even called this number.
I hate to seem impatient,
but I am expecting a visitor.
I apologise for this invasion
of your privacy.
Why did you permit Devereaux
to include me at that lunch?
If I had not,
he would have wondered.
If you had not come,
he would have wondered more.
But he knew. You could see
that he knew about me.
He wasn't sure.
He was trying to find out.
And you, who behaved so well
at the beginning,
then did
something extremely foolish.
To say that the Russian defector
was dead -
It shook him. It stopped him.
For the moment.
By now, he is checking
with the Americans.
By tomorrow...
he will know that we are lying.
What will we do?
Let me give you something
to settle your nerves.
A cognac?
You don't think Devereaux
should be treated... seriously?
An ominous and subtle suggestion,
eh, Henri?
But these things
are not done in panic.
You will forgive me
if I don't join you
but I am expecting a guest.
If I am Devereaux's target now,
how long
before he will become a threat...
to others?
This is not the first time
you have been faced
with a problem that demanded...
the final solution.
Now, if you will finish that cognac.
They are publishing things in the
newspapers that make me nervous.
What things?
Those little hints of possible leaks
in the government, in NATO?
- Pay no attention. It's nothing.
- Nothing for you.
Nobody would think of you
in your position. But me...?
Now some journalist has called
to ask me for an interview.
About what?
That's perfectly innocent.
Give it to him. Did you refuse?
No. I said I would.
Very intelligent.
if Devereaux has the information
from the Russian defector
that I think he has,
he must be stopped now.
Believe me.
How bloodthirsty you are.
What, Devereaux dead?
A grieving widow?
An official investigation?
I hate to seem impatient,
but I am expecting a visitor.
You can find your way out.
- Shall I call you after the interview?
- What time will it be?
- Nine o'clock.
- Call me afterwards.
Thank you for coming.
Why shouldn't I come?
I am a free woman.
- Good evening. Franois Picard.
- You are early.
- We said eight-thirty.
- No, we said nine o'clock.
I am very sorry.
If it inconveniences you -
- No, come in, now you are here.
- Thank you.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
- Could I give you something?
- No, thanks.
First I want to thank you
for permitting me to come.
Don't mention it.
Yours is a very good newspaper.
Not like some of these...
But I don't know exactly
what you want of me.
Nothing extraordinary.
I am just enquiring
into the workings of NATO.
Since you are one of its officials...
Do you mind if I sketch you
while we talk?
It is one of my specialties - sketching
the people I am interviewing.
- The newspaper likes it.
- Go ahead.
Just relax, Monsieur Jarr.
I am relaxed.
I only wonder what questions
you want to ask.
They are very simple. For example...
You are a civilian official of NATO.
How does your authority
compare with the military?
The importance of people in NATO
has nothing to do with whether
they wear a uniform or not.
Very good.
Then you are among those
who make the decisions?
- Yes, of course.
- Even if they are military?
Military considerations
are always subject to politics
and the relations between countries.
I see.
So you have access
to all the decisions that are made,
military as well as political?
I did not say that.
I am afraid you assume too much.
I am very sorry.
But we can assume, can't we,
that in your position
you have access to confidential files?
I beg your pardon. I don't see how
that can be of interest to you.
Oh, Monsieur Jarr.
The readers of our newspaper
find such things fascinating.
For them, to know that a civilian
can have access to military secrets -
You cannot print that I have access
to military secrets.
Even if it were true,
it would be classified information.
What a shame.
But you said before -
I said that I help make decisions.
That is different.
OK. That's too bad.
But you see, sir, it is a rule
for a newspaperman not to be dull.
Surely I can print that files marked
top secret pass your desk every day?
Why do you stay on this subject?
What are you trying to find out?
Well, everyone knows
that there are leaks in NATO.
What has that to do with me?
I am just trying to clear up
a discrepancy for my article.
What discrepancy?
You see, sir, it is our information
that the head of the Russian
NATO desk, Boris Kusenov,
has defected
and is now in Washington.
But we are also informed that
you claimed Boris Kusenov is dead.
Could you clear up this discrepancy?
This is not a newspaper interview.
But I wouldn't mind publishing it.
- Who sent you?
- My father-in-law.
Who is he?
Andr Devereaux.
He sent you
because I don't know you.
And because I am a journalist.
I can probe.
There is nothing to probe for.
Your mission has failed.
Oh, no, sir. This cannot be escaped.
Boris Kusenov is alive and has stated
you are his direct contact.
The Americans have NATO
documents that you gave to him.
With your name on them,
your initials on them,
even notations signed by you.
Those documents can be on the desk
of the head of our government
in eight hours.
I do not think I have failed.
What do you want of me?
And in return?
You'll be given time to disappear.
We know you will be welcome
I am not going to talk to you.
Will you talk to Devereaux?
May I call Devereaux?
Call him.
He must come here.
I'll talk to him here.
Hello, Michle.
Let me talk to Andr quick.
Andr. Listen. It's done.
Well, stay until I get there.
Then you can wait for me outside.
- Franois!
- What is it?
I think we have been cut off.
Jarr, Jarr...
There it is.
There is no answer.
Something has happened.
- I am going over there.
- I am coming.
- No, you stay.
- I am coming with you!
Here you are.
Good, his car is here.
He must still be upstairs.
What's the matter?
Look... Look...
Michle, is that you?
Sit down. I'll get you something.
- What's the matter?
- Franois!
What's happened to him?
What's happened to him?
He disappeared.
He went to do a job for me.
What kind of job?
To interview a man
in our government named Jarr.
He was working for the Russians.
Oh, Andr!
- Be careful!
- What is it?
To be honest, I have been shot.
Just a little.
Come on, sit down.
- Maman!
- No, wait, Michle!
It's nothing, I promise you.
It hurts a little bit.
I don't even think it's bleeding.
- What do you mean, not bleeding?
- Get some alcohol.
We haven't got any.
Eau de cologne is alcohol.
And a bandage.
Is the bullet in? Let me have a look.
No, it just grazed you.
I told you it's nothing.
You disappear, it's nothing!
- Could I have some whisky?
- Here, cognac.
Thank you.
What happened?
I don't know. I was talking to you
on the phone, remember?
Then I heard Jarr let some men
into the apartment.
And then someone must have
hit me on the head. Feel that.
- Oh, my God!
- Yes.
Then the next thing I knew I was
sitting in a car between two men.
They stopped to make a phone call
because they didn't know
what to do with me.
They thought I was still unconscious.
When the car door opened,
I jumped out and ran.
There were two shots.
You might have been killed.
Did you go to Jarr's apartment?
Yes, he is dead.
Dead? Shot by those men?
They made it look like suicide.
A window was open and his body
was lying in a courtyard.
Who could they have been?
Messengers from Columbine,
the head of Topaz.
I must have shaken Jarr
at that lunch. He became a risk.
Then Columbine
must have been there, too.
But... who?
- It hurts.
- Can't be helped.
Don't you think
we should get a doctor?
No, not yet.
It may involve us with the police.
I just remembered.
I might get involved.
My sketchbook. I left it there.
No, I brought it away with us.
- Here.
- Thank you.
Look, Michle.
A portrait of a dead traitor.
If you had arrived later
you would never have seen him.
Come and lie down.
I will get you a blanket.
Oh, Andr.
There is one thing I didn't tell you
that is important.
When the men stopped to phone,
just before I got away,
I heard one ask the other
for a phone number.
It was Babylon 8583.
- You are sure?
- I am positive. Babylon 8583.
I can have it tracked down
in no time.
You don't have to trace that number.
It's a small house,
hidden away on the Left Bank.
Jacques Granville.
- Mr Ambassador, how are you?
- How do you do?
Good to see you again,
Mr Ambassador.
Anything on Topaz?
Who's running it?
Jacques Granville. A friend of mine.
- A friend?
- Yeah.
Up till ten o'clock last night.
But I can't nail him down.
No proof.
I brought this old picture along.
It will help you recognise him.
He is bound to be at your meeting
with our people this afternoon.
That poses a problem for us,
doesn't it?
- How can we tell the French -
- Mike!
Thank you. Take care.
would you be kind enough
to take your seats at the end?
What do you suggest we do?
It would be best to tell them
right away.
Gentlemen, one moment, please.
Look, Jacques, I am very sorry.
The Americans would rather
that you are not present.
There isn't time to explain now.
I will explain later.