Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)

l hope our new Commander-in-Chief
isn't the coward they say he is.
Whatever they say, Yamamoto is
the kind of leader we need.
He believes in the value
of the airplane.
But why a Vice-Navy Minister
for such an important position?
Maybe the climate in Tokyo was
detrimental to Yamamoto's health.
The Army is against him for
opposing their policies.
So he runs away to sea. Now he
has the entire fleet to guard him.
This order makes you
The Imperial fleet consists of--
Save your breath, Yoshida.
Those details are in the documents.
You haven't changed!
With the Army controlling politics...
...your job as Navy Minister
will be difficult.
Thank God you're here.
We know your life
has been threatened.
l'm not that easy to kill.
Army hotheads are demanding
an alliance with Germany.
That would be tragic for Japan.
As Navy Minister l will...
...continue to fight with the Army.
You are our last hope, Yoshida.
The Navy must stand firm
against the alliance.
America is against the war
we are waging in China...
...and angry that we are
negotiating with the Germans.
Now we are threatened with an embargo
of the raw materials we need.
Either we improve relations with the U.S.
and withdraw from China...
...or find another source of
raw materials here in Indo-China.
Why worry about threats
from America?
President Roosevelt's attention
is on Europe...
...where Germany is winning a
quick victory over the Allied Armies.
Now is the time to strike.
The British, the Dutch and the French
are withdrawing their forces...
...from Southeast Asia to
strengthen their armies in Europe.
We must be careful.
The Americans have an Army
in the Philippines...
...and they have moved their Pacific
Fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor.
Yes, and that fleet is a knife
leveled at Japan's throat.
The Japanese ambassador just arrived.
He should be up shortly.
Thank you.
The Japanese are stalling, Henry.
You know that.
When Nomura took over as ambassador...
... l had some hopes of settling
our differences.
But our meetings so far
have been unproductive.
He brings me proposals,
l offer compromises.
He brings me counterproposals,
and so on.
l tell you, Henry,
Nomura was sent here to buy time.
That's what he's doing,
at our expense.
The president believes him to be...
...a man we can trust and deal with.
Mr. Ambassador, we meet again.
lt is always a pleasure.
l assume you know Mr. Stimson,
the head of our War Department.
Oh, yes, of course.
Mr. Ambassador.
l do hope, Mr. Stimson...
...your presence here
does not indicate anything ominous.
Of course not, Mr. Nomura.
Mr. Nomura, won't you please sit down?
Thank you.
Well, since our last talk
a week ago...
... l have received certain...
...shall we say...
...questions from my government... put to you to clarify certain matters.
Good morning, colonel.
There it is.
This machine lets us intercept
every word between Tokyo...
...and all Japanese embassies.
The coded material is fed
into that machine.
lt goes round and round in there...
...and comes out here,
decoded in Japanese.
All we have to do is translate it.
We decode this quicker than
the Japanese embassy...
...right here in Washington.
No wonder you decided to call it
"Operation Magic."
- The latest intercept, sir.
- Thank you.
Things are getting a little hotter
in the Pacific.
As long as we're sharing
this assignment...
...take a look at this.
Behold the 12 apostles.
The chosen few are authorized
to see the magic intercepts.
Hap Arnold, Chief of the Air Corps,
isn't on the list.
No, and not one of our
overseas commanders.
Who is in command of
those torpedo planes?
Lt. Commander Fuchida, sir,
from the carrier Akagi.
Send him this message from me.
"Congratulations on brilliant
torpedo attack."
lf we are forced into
a war with America...
...Japan's only hope... to annihilate the American Pacific
fleet at the outset.
l wonder if we could use
torpedo planes at Pearl Harbor?
Stand by.
Look at that entrance to the harbor.
Sink one good-sized ship in the channel
and you've bottled up our whole fleet.
You know as well as l do,
this harbor is a mousetrap.
Fleet should have stayed
in San Diego where it belongs.
l made the mistake to point
that out to Roosevelt.
We're expected to obey orders.
We're also expected to exercise
our own good judgment.
l didn't ask for the job.
Sorry, Kim, but this was my command,
and it's become habit... worry about the security
of the fleet.
The British, flying some old biplanes...
...torpedoed and sank three ltalian
battleships at Taranto.
Harbor very much like this one.
l share your concern, but CNO
doesn't think it can happen here.
Why not?
A torpedo dropped
from a plane plunges... a depth of 75 feet or more
before it levels off.
l know, and Pearl is only 40 feet deep.
l'm still worried, Kim.
Frankly, sir, l was stunned
when l heard of your proposal.
You think the plan is reckless?
You suggest using torpedo planes
against the American Fleet...
...but Pearl Harbor is
too shallow for that.
Taranto is also a shallow harbor...
...but the British torpedoed and sank
three ltalian battleships there.
l know as well as you do
that my plan is a gamble.
And it's risky,
but we have no choice.
What l need immediately is
a plan for such an attack.
Then we should consult with Genda...
...the new Air Staff Officer on the Akagi,
a superb strategist.
Yes, l remember Genda.
We'll talk to him.
Glad to see you, Genda.
So this is the new Zero?
Type 21, with folding wings.
This means we can carry
more fighters now.
This Zero is fast, maneuverable
and has a long cruising range.
Better than the Messerschmitt
or Spitfire?
Definitely. l've seen both
in combat over London.
You outrank me, so it must be true.
Now that you're Staff Officer here,
things will be tough.
You don't have to worry,
you won't be here.
You're going to the Third Fleet
with a promotion.
The Commander-in-Chief
must think you're good!
Of course he does!
And l've got proof!
Here is his telegram.
Want to read it?
Do the planes have to be
parked like that?
Way at the edge of the field.
Standard dispersal procedure, general.
ln case of enemy air attack.
There are 130,000 Japanese
on this island.
Our main problem is sabotage.
lt'd be too easy for enemies
to sneak in at night...
...and blow up every one of them
if they're left out there.
Make a note, Fielder,
we'll have to make changes.
- Yes?
- Admiral Halsey's here to see you.
Send him in, please.
Blast me, break me, court-martial me,
draw and quarter me...
...if you think they're gonna
send my ships...
...on convoy duty in the Atlantic.
Kim, l think they've
gone nuts in Washington.
How will l fight
a task force if they send... ships to the Atlantic?
That damn ocean is a swimming hole
compared to the Pacific.
What are we, a fighting fleet,
or are these toy boats out here... the Japs
can buy them at Christmas?
All right, Bill, now ease it off.
lt's not just you.
They asked for some
of our tankers too.
How do they expect to feed
these wagons...
...parked out here on
this land-locked duck pond?
You're still planning on rotating
half of them at sea?
l was.
Look, Kim, you've got to make them
understand what's going on out here.
l'm gonna do everything l can, Bill.
Even go to the president.
By God, l knew there was
at least one man... this man's Navy
who hadn't gone nuts.
"Gandhi" is still in hiding, sir.
A strange man, he works in his
cabin like a hermit.
But he should be here.
Watanabe, go and ask him
to join us.
When "Gandhi" concentrates on
a plan, he is lost to this world.
Please don't bother me!
This is important... l'm not going.
Genda's plan for attacking
Pearl Harbor... foolproof. lt's brilliant!
He stresses the importance
of combat aircraft.
Just think of it.
We use six aircraft carriers...
...torpedo planes...
...high-level bombers, dive bombers.
Zero fighters for cover...
...go by the northern route,
use the new torpedoes...
...we attack on a weekend.
Genda has thought of everything...
...the weather...
And we go on to say,
"lt should be noted that Japan...
...has never preceded hostile action
by a declaration of war.
We have concluded it possible
that a fast-rated...
...Japanese carrier force may arrive
in Hawaii with no prior warning...
...from our intelligence service.
The most favorable time
to the enemy would be dawn.
He probably would employ
a maximum of six carriers...
...strike on a weekend.
- We recommend that the Air Corps-- "
- l read it.
Yes, sir.
l appreciate the work that you
and General Martin have put in.
These reports are very useful
to General Short and myself.
General Martin, you don't pull
any punches, do you?
"We recommend that the Air Corps...
...maintain a thorough
360-degree search...
...of the Hawaiian area during daylight.
This will require a force
of 180 B-17 airplanes."
We can't search the sea approaches
unless we have the planes, sir.
One hundred and eighty B-17s?
For God's sakes, that's more than
the number existing in the States.
lt looks fine on paper,
but that's not a paper fleet out there.
Squadron from the Enterprise.
Bill Halsey's working
the tails off his men.
Wish we had more like him.
Makes the most of what he's got.
Doesn't keep asking for the moon.
Well, not one bomb anywhere
near the target for the past hour.
Your pilots can see it, l suppose.
- Who's next?
- lt's Anderson, sir.
Now, that's more like it.
- Maybe your boys finally get it.
- l hope so, sir.
Who's next?
Lieutenant Dickenson.
Tell Lieutenant Dickenson for me...
...he couldn't hit a bull
in the butt with a bass fiddle.
Yes, sir.
- Carry on.
- Carry on.
This it?
Yes, sir. Our new radar.
lt's a remarkable
scientific achievement...
...capable of spotting an intruder
on the sea or in the air...
...and at quite a range.
Now, listen, colonel, as you know,
we're short on patrol planes.
We're gonna have to rely on this...
...thing to detect the enemy.
General, radar should do the job.
What's it doing here, not set up?
We're about to truck it up
that mountain.
That peak up there is the ideal spot
to put our main radar post.
At that height, we'd be clear
of all interference.
But, sir, we can't get permission
to put her up there.
From the National Park Service
Department of lnterior.
See, all of this belongs
to the Hawaiian National Park.
The Hawaiian National Park?
Yes, sir. The Wildlife Preservation
Society is raising hell too.
And we can't get permission?
No, sir.
Not unless we want to fight them.
Fight them? You're damn right
we're gonna fight them.
- Now you make a note of that, Fielder.
- Yes, sir.
Wildlife Preservation Society.
l feel like a damn fool.
Without even consulting me...
...our Army has decided
to occupy lndo-China.
There is no hope for peace now.
l've said it before
and l'll keep on saying it...
...if we fight the Americans, we can't
stop at Hawaii or San Francisco.
We'll have to march
into Washington...
...and dictate peace terms
in the White House!
Army hotheads who speak so lightly
of war should think about that!
As l'm no longer Minister of the Navy,
l can do nothing.
l'm sorry.
Don't blame yourself.
The Army leaders are at fault, not you.
l must get back to the fleet.
There is a lot to be done.
lt's no use, Hal.
l spoke to General Miles.
He took it up with General Marshall.
The order stands.
The president is off the ultra list.
Withholding information
from the president.
Security found a copy of an intercept
in a waste basket at the White House.
Truth is, the brass don't trust
some men close to the president.
Does anyone trust anyone anymore?
- Do you even trust your own wife?
- Do you?
Come to think of it, l believe l do.
Part two of No. 1390, colonel.
Tokyo to embassies
in Washington and Berlin.
Thank you, Miss Cave.
The Japanese are moving south
to occupy French lndo-China.
- This is big trouble.
- Yeah.
Well, ultra list or not...
...someone has to tell
the president about this one.
"Therefore, we will impose
a full embargo...
...on all trade with Japan.
We do not anticipate immediate
hostile action by Japan...
...but you get this information... you may take appropriate
precautionary measures."
"Appropriate precautionary measures."
What the hell does that mean?
Now, this is signed jointly
by General Marshall and Admiral Stark.
Until we know how the Japanese will react,
we're not gonna take chances.
- We go on full alert.
- Yes, sir.
Stark says they don't anticipate
hostile action.
Why send a warning at all?
Damn it.
Damn it, why can't Washington
give us the full inside story?
l'd sooner form my own opinion.
"Don't anticipate hostile action."
Well, all right, we'll go ahead.
lncrease air and sub patrols,
alert senior commanders.
Maybe out of this we can find out
how well we can function.
This is Captain Earle.
Going on full alert.
Yes, captain.
We're going on full alert.
Notify all ship, sub and air patrols.
What the hell is going on here?
What are you doing?
Carrying out orders.
General Short's concern is sabotage.
All aircraft not ready
for flight from now on...
...will be parked in the center... they can be kept under guard.
Suppose there's an air raid.
They hit one plane,
and it all goes up in flames.
l'm sorry. General's orders.
Today's war games...
...of a theoretical attack
on Pearl Harbor...
...clearly show the need for
six carriers in the attack force.
The General Staff...
...wants to limit us to only
three carriers.
We must have six!
lf we reduce our striking force...
...from six carriers to only three...
...our mission will fail.
Before attacking anything else,
we should attack our General Staff.
We believe in aircraft,
but they cling to the ancient theory...
...that decisive naval engagements
must be fought between battleships.
Unless we dispel this myth...
...we'll never get their approval.
They are not the only believers
in the "battleship theory."
Many officers here today
also support the idea.
l'm one of them. We'll soon have
two new unsinkable battlewagons...
...each with a displacement of
64,000 tons and huge guns.
Anything that floats can be sunk!
The "unsinkable" ship is a myth.
The war in Europe is being
decided by the airplane.
There can be no victory on land or sea,
without control of the air!
l have been chosen to command
this task force.
And l consider this operation risky.
How can we travel 3500 miles
to Hawaii without being detected?
This mission will fail unless
we achieve complete surprise.
My ships can't carry fuel
for a trip there and back.
Stopping to refuel increases
the possibility of detection.
l am confident that our ships
will reach Hawaii safely.
You are too cautious. The case
for using six carriers is sound.
To criticize the plan is defeatist!
No more bickering! As long
as l am Commander-in-Chief...
...Pearl Harbor will be attacked!
l am aware that this is
a dangerous gamble.
But we can't afford the luxury
of playing it safe now!
Gentlemen, whether we adopt this
plan or not is no longer an issue.
Let us now decide how best
to carry it out.
Fuchida's back! Fuchida's back!
Fuchida! What a surprise!
l'm your new Air Commander,
so treat me well.
You're joking. How did you
rate another promotion?
Well, exceptional people get
exceptional treatment!
This ship is crawling with Admirals.
Something important
must be happening.
We have called you here... explain the purpose of
a new training program.
This, of course, is a matter
of strictest secrecy.
lt looks just like Pearl Harbor,
doesn't it?
And that area down there
looks like Ford lsland, eh?
Navy pilots attract geisha girls
but they frighten the fish.
lt's not an ideal radar sight,
but at least we got a permit.
Let's get the other units working.
Easier said than done.
What do you mean?
We have to get all six units adjusted
and link them by phone to headquarters.
That means training men to operate
an information center... they know what to do
with the information.
Take it easy, Murph.
- You'll figure it out.
- Yeah, l'll figure it out.
Don't just stand there.
You know how to operate this thing.
We know the theory.
Let's put that theory into practice.
- Switch on.
- Yes, sir.
Stay put and keep watching the screen.
ln two hours, close down.
l'll send a truck to pick you up.
Excuse me, sir,
but what are we watching for?
Anything unusual.
Any large blip coming from the sea.
Colonel, if we do spot something,
what do we do?
Report it to headquarters, damn it.
- How, sir?
- What?
We haven't got a telephone, sir.
There's a gas station
a mile down the road.
They must have a phone.
We got 183 combat planes
on this base, general.
The way they're parked now, a one-eyed
monkey hanging from a balloon...
...could scatter them to hell
with one hand grenade.
Don't blame me.
General Short gave the order.
Come in.
- Sir, Lieutenants Taylor and Welch.
- Okay, send them in.
You two men get in your planes
and fly over to Haleiwa.
Yes, sir.
What are our orders when we get there?
Just sit tight.
Listen for the phone. That's all.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Haleiwa is one
of the subsidiary fields.
We send those two up there,
two more here.
Only way l know to disperse
a few of the planes.
lf l'd get away with it,
l'd send all to the neighbor islands.
- You know why we're being transferred.
- Them poker games.
Been winning too often.
Some sucker loses his shirt,
so he bitches to the general.
lt's hard to believe
the Emperor agreed... fix a date by which the
final decision must be made...
...between war and peace.
His majesty's signature
is a mere formality.
The cabinet is responsible for
all matters of national policy.
The Emperor recently read a poem
to his Ministers to show how he feels.
"lf all people are brethren...
...then why are the winds
and the waves so restless?"
"lf all people are brethren...
...then why are the winds
and the waves so restless?"
This clearly shows how much
the Emperor wants to avoid a war.
Yes, he has urged us to solve our
differences with Washington.
But, sir, the deadline is October.
Can a solution be found by then?
Perhaps. But if we fail...
...if war does come...
...tell me frankly,
from the Navy's viewpoint...
...what are our chances
against the Americans?
lf we must, we can raise havoc
with them for a year.
After that, l can guarantee nothing.
Mr. Prime Minister, l hope you
will continue the negotiations.
Please remember, there is
no last word in diplomacy.
Tokyo has ignored
my repeated inquiries...
...and still has made no reply... the compromise proposals
offered by Secretary Hull.
The war that l have dreaded
for so long...
...may soon become a reality.
Nomura has offered
his resignation several times.
But Tokyo won't let him quit.
lnstead they're sending a second
ambassador, Kurusu, to help him out.
Do you really think
this Kurusu can do any good?
Well, l doubt it, Frank.
He's hardly the most tactful choice.
When he was ambassador in Berlin...
...he signed the Axis Pact
on behalf of Japan.
You will sail from Hittakopu Bay
on November 26 under my strict orders.
The code, "Climb Mt. Niitaka"
will be confirmation to go on.
We have tentatively set
the date for the attack...
...on Sunday, December 7th,
Hawaiian time.
But you must understand that we
are still negotiating in Washington.
lf a peaceful solution is found...
...the fleet will be recalled at once.
Once at sea, to turn back
would be a disgrace!
lt would destroy the morale of the men!
They're in a high state of readiness,
physically and psychologically.
Enough! lf any commander is inclined
to reject an order to return...
...when the path for peace is open...
...let him resign now!
Finally, gentlemen...
...many misinformed Japanese...
...believe that America is a
nation divided, isolationist...
...and that Americans are
only interested... enjoying a life of luxury...
...and are spiritually
and morally corrupt.
But that is a great mistake.
lf war becomes inevitable...
...America would be the most formidable
foe that we have ever fought.
l've lived in Washington
and studied at Harvard... l know the Americans are
a proud and just people.
- You sick or something?
- No.
l've been piecing together
this batch of new intercepts.
A frightening picture is taking shape.
Ambassadors Nomura and Kurusu
asked their government... extend a deadline for suspending
negotiation between Japan and America.
- You remember that?
- Yeah.
Now, according to this latest
...Tokyo wants to conclude
negotiations with us... later than November 29...
...after which, and l quote:
"Things are automatically
going to happen."
Now, look at this intelligence report
from the British.
Five Japanese troop transports
with naval escort...
...were sighted off Formosa,
heading south.
We've been monitoring their fleet.
Most of it seems to be on home waters.
l'm not so sure.
l'd make a bet they're going to attack us.
Japan is going to attack us.
The 29th is only four days off.
The 30th is on a Sunday.
We're gonna be attacked on Sunday,
the 30th of November.
The pieces fit together.
But can you prove it?
No. But l'm convinced l'm right.
Miss Cave? Get me General Marshall.
General Marshall's at Fort Benning, sir.
Then get me the secretary of war.
l've got the evidence, Al.
And l'm gonna make the brass
around here admit l'm right.
Bratton's analysis makes sense.
His facts are undeniable.
Henry, l'm washing my hands
of the whole matter.
From now on, it's in your hands...
...and in those
of the Navy Department.
l'll call the president.
A message declaring a full alert
will be sent out.
Sir, General Marshall anticipated
an emergency like this.
Before he left to attend maneuvers...
...he made out this alert order.
As you know, after the Cabinet
decided to send Japan to war...
...they held an lmperial Conference
at the palace.
His Majesty, who participated
in this conference...
...which is a mere formality...
...was depressed and silent
all through the meeting.
Today His Majesty will ask
the customary questions about the war...
...and you will make
the traditional replies.
There can be no more tragic ritual
than this conversation...
...between His Majesty
who does not want war...
...and Your Excellency,
who has opposed it so vigorously.
As Minister of the lmperial Household...
... l am not allowed to attend this ritual.
Fortunately for me...
... l won't have to witness
this tragic ceremony.
l can go no farther.
The Military Attach will
take you from here.
Sir, a message!
"From Admiral Yamamoto,
Commander-in-Chief, Combined Fleet... Admiral Nagumo, Third Fleet...
...climb Mount Niitaka."
Hostilities will begin
on December 7th...
...exactly as scheduled.
Read this back to me.
"Japanese future action unpredictable.
But hostile action possible
at any moment.
lf hostilities cannot be avoided...
...the United States desires that
Japan commit the first overt act."
Read that again.
"lf hostilities cannot be avoided,
the United States desires...
...that Japan commit the first overt act.
This shouldn't be construed
as restricting you... a course of action
jeopardizing your defense.
Prior to hostile Japanese action... are directed to undertake
...and other measures
as you deem necessary.
These measures should be carried out
so as not to alarm the civil population...
...or disclose intent.
By order of General George C. Marshall."
"Not to alarm the civil population."
What do you make of it?
Well, if you ask me, sir, it's double talk.
But the chief of staff doesn't go in
for double talk.
- We're going on alert.
- Again?
But the men are confused.
So many alerts.
- Damn it, unconfuse them.
- Yes, sir.
"Japanese forces may attack
the Philippines...
...Thailand, the Kra Peninsula
and Borneo.
This dispatch is to be considered
a war warning."
Well, there it is, gentlemen.
You now have
as much information as l do.
That's the second warning
in three days.
"Japanese forces may attack
the Philippines...
...Thailand, the Kra Peninsula
and Borneo."
They don't mention us.
That's correct. l think it should be
considered significant.
Well, gentlemen...
...we have a job to do.
Washington wants us to send
a squadron of fighters to Midway.
And another squadron to Wake.
When can you sail?
Well, the Enterprise can sail
tomorrow morning.
l'll need a day or two. We're just
completing repairs on the Lexington.
Hurry things along, John.
l want you out there to probe.
l want planes up in the air
morning and afternoon.
l want a report on any sign
of hostile ships.
Do you want battleships along?
Hell, no. They're too slow.
lf we're gonna probe, let's probe.
We don't want anything holding us up.
You're right, but l'm not ready
to commit them myself.
Not until l know when and where.
Do you plan to keep half the fleet
at sea while the carriers are gone?
No, it's too risky.
l'll have to keep the fleet
here at Pearl while you're away.
Get out. Get back as soon as you can.
l don't like the idea of having my
battleships without air cover.
- Let's get going.
- Yes, sir.
Level with me.
l want a clear directive.
lf l run into a Jap ship,
what action do l take?
Use your common sense.
That's the best damn order l ever had.
lf l see so much as a sampan there...
... l'll blow it out of the water.
"lntelligence Report,
U.S. ships now at Pearl Harbor...
...six battleships, three light cruisers...
... 16 destroyers and one
aircraft carrier."
No information about
the other American carriers.
You know today's date?
December 1st.
Yes, but tonight will be November 30th.
When we cross
the lnternational Date Line...
...we'll push the clock ahead five hours...
...and turn the calendar back a full day,
making today yesterday.
Don't be silly!
Today can't change into yesterday!
You're not too intelligent
but l'll try to explain... listen carefully.
lt's a little before 1300 hours, right?
So why are we making supper
at this hour?
1300? lt should be lunchtime.
Right! And the Date Line makes up
for that time difference... turning today into yesterday.
l don't quite understand, but if we
see the enemy across that line...
... l guess it would be useless
to shoot at them.
Because how can today's shells
hit yesterday's enemy?
What is it this time,
getting me over here?
Tokyo has alerted their embassy
to stand by...
...for a very long message in 14 parts.
Look, Rufe, you scared me
and everybody else last week.
We're not doing that again, are we?
You should see this.
lt's the latest report on those
Japanese troop transports.
Remember those troop ships?
They're still heading south
with an escort...
...only 14 hours
from the coast of Malaya.
What about their aircraft carriers?
We don't know.
lntelligence was keeping track
of them until recently.
Now we've lost them.
Look, Rufe, try to put yourself
in their minds.
Where do you think l have been
the past week, night and day?
l am still convinced
they're going to attack us.
What can we do that we
aren't doing already?
l don't know about you,
but l know what l'm gonna do.
Where is everybody?
Oh, it's past 12, sir.
They've already gone.
- Get them back.
- On the weekend?
Yes, on the weekend.
"Only specially screened members
of your communications staff...
...are to be permitted to process
the 14-part message...
...and prepare the typed translation."
lt will be difficult without
the help of a skilled typist.
The situation right now
is extremely delicate.
We must be prepared... have each part of the message
decoded as soon as it comes in.
l'll alert the code room.
We'll reach Point D soon, sir.
From Point D proceed to Point E.
Battle speed.
So this is the sound of Hawaii?
Disappointing news, our main targets,
the American carriers...
...have left Pearl Harbor.
This completes 13 parts?
Yes, Tokyo is holding
the final part till morning.
l wonder why.
lt's almost 9.
Harry, l'm going to make the rounds
with what we have here.
Thank God the president's
back on the list.
Have Brotherhood call me
when the missing part is in.
You're late.
- Well, l was--
- Please, take me to the White House.
lf you told me we were invited
to the White House, l would've dressed.
You know Mrs. Roosevelt.
She's informal personally,
but a stickler for protocol--
Darling, will you shut up and drive?
Once more!
Great! We just sank the Nevada!
No, you idiot!
lt's your own flagship!
Captain Wilkinson's.
Did you see the president?
No, l saw Harry Hopkins.
And did he read the whatever it is?
No, he doesn't have the key.
l gave the pouch to our Naval aide,
Lieutenant Schulz.
He took it in to the president.
And the president has a key,
l suppose?
Of course he has.
And did Lieutenant Schulz
say anything?
He said, "Thank you."
Darling, step on it, will you?
lf we can see nothing, then neither
can American patrol planes.
l'm more concerned about
a submarine detecting us.
Dead on schedule.
Admiral Stark can't be reached.
Should l take it to chief of staff?
lt's after 10, General Marshall
always retires early.
l see no reason to disturb Marshall
with something that's incomplete.
- Wait till you have the final part.
- Yes, sir.
lf you're so concerned...
...why don't we call chief of war plans,
Admiral Turner?
His telephone doesn't answer, sir.
- You don't happen to know where he is?
- No idea.
The president has already
discussed it with me.
He sent a personal message
to the emperor.
But when the final part of this
comes in, l'd like to see it then.
- Good night, commander.
- Good night, sir.
l was starved. l'll bet you are.
Oh, thank you, dear.
Can't you tell me anything?
Even a hint?
You'd think the world was falling apart.
Admiral Stark talked to the president.
What did the president say?
He sent a personal message
to the emperor.
We got those B-17s coming in
from California in the morning.
Honolulu radio will stay on
the air all night... the planes can home in.
You and l had better be in that
control tower at 7:30 sharp.
Yes, sir.
- Tyler, l've got a job for you.
- Sir.
Report to the new radar center
at Fort Shafter at 0400.
At 4:00 in the morning?
From 4 to 7 a.m.
Our marvel of science
only operates for three hours.
Lucky boy. Lucky boy!
Captain, how's it feel?
First command, first patrol.
Just fine, Mr. Young.
ln fact, l think l'll turn in for a while.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night.
The Commander-in-Chief
has sent a message...
...wishing us good luck.
That, plus the lmperial Proclamation...
...has undoubtedly stirred
your loyalty to the Empire.
The success of this mission...
...depends on surprise.
lf we achieve it...
...the code words "Tora, Tora, Tora,"
will be sent out.
Now that the hour for battle
draws near...
...I will not burden you
with the usual pep talk.
Instead I shall hoist
the famous "Z" flag...
...beneath which, Commander-in-Chief
Togo led his fleet to victory... the historic battle
against the Russians.
Here you are.
Al, listen to this.
The 14th part.
"Will the ambassadors please
submit our reply... the United States government
at precisely 1 p.m...
...December 7th, your time."
1 p.m.?
"Precisely 1 p.m., your time."
l'll be right over.
Look at the president's message.
l should have had it hours ago.
As you know, communications
have been delayed...
...and frequently garbled lately.
Or deliberately interfered with.
Gene, call the foreign minister.
Tell him l want an immediate
audience with the emperor.
Why is this so important?
Does this Roosevelt message
say anything new?
lt merely proposes
a heart-to-heart exchange...
...between the two Chiefs of State.
lt could start negotiations afresh.
lt's too late for that.
lt's just as well the message
didn't come a day or two earlier.
What do l tell Ambassador Grew?
You are Foreign Minister!
Report to the palace alone
with the message.
"After deciphering...
...part 14...
...destroy at once...
...your cipher machine...
...all codes...
...and secret documents."
Translate this immediately.
- Give a copy to Kramer when he comes.
- Yes, sir.
l've got to get the hell out of here.
Hey, look at this.
Finally got one.
Communication center.
lt even works.
That's great.
Opana Point, communications check.
Are you reading us?
Coming in loud and clear.
Where's the general?
lt's Sunday, sir.
This is Colonel Bratton.
Connect me with Chief of Staff,
General Marshall.
Yes, at his quarters, Fort Myer.
Chief of staff's quarters,
Sergeant Aguirre speaking.
Yes, Colonel Bratton.
l'm sorry, sir, the general isn't here.
Where he always is
this time Sunday morning.
- Where's Colonel Bratton?
- Gone to see General Marshall.
He left this for you, sir.
Here is another part of the message, sir.
We are instructed to submit
the message at 1:00 p.m. today.
One p.m.?
The 14th part of this intercept
Kramer just delivered...
...indicates to me
the Japanese are going to attack.
None of us doubt war is coming.
We know they have
an expeditionary force heading south.
Sir, as hostilities seem imminent...
... l recommend you telephone
Admiral Kimmel... Hawaii.
l better call the president first.
Now, if you'll all please excuse me?
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you, sir.
The men are in good spirits, sir.
They are eager to go.
Yes, they are eager because they
do not know the taste of battle.
The mechanics asked me to give you
this for good luck at Pearl Harbor.
Bring her into the wind.
"The Japanese government regrets
to have to notify...
...the American government...
...that, in view of the attitude
of the American government... is impossible to reach... agreement
through negotiations."
- There are supplemental messages.
- Thank you.
Gentlemen, l am convinced
the Japanese intend to attack... or shortly after 1:00 today.
- l'll alert all Pacific commands.
- Yes, sir.
Colonel Bratton, just a minute.
Take this to communications center.
We will follow that ship
into Pearl Harbor.
Come in.
Captain, can you come to the bridge?
Very well.
Sub contact, Mr. Goepner?
- We're not sure.
- What ship?
The Navy tug Antares.
Look astern of her, captain.
She's towing a target raft.
Look between the ship
and the raft, sir.
That, Mr. Goepner, is a submarine.
She's sneaking through the net
into the harbor. General Quarters.
- Sound General Quarters.
- All engines ahead, full.
- Come left 15 degrees.
- Come left 15 degrees, sir.
- Tell Antares we're attacking.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Flags, tell Antares we're attacking.
- Mount one, commence firing.
- Mount one, commence firing.
- Stand by to roll depth charges.
- Stand by to roll depth charges.
- Roll one.
- Roll one.
- Roll two.
- Roll two.
Notify Com-14 we dropped depth charges
on a sub in our security zone.
Aye, aye, sir.
Captain Earle speaking.
- We have a message from the ward.
- All right, read it to me.
"Have dropped depth charges on sub
operating in our security zone."
We've had so many of these
false sightings, Kaminsky.
But this is the real thing, sir.
Closer than any previous sighting.
Just off the harbor entrance.
You and l know the skipper
of that destroyer is a green kid.
l'll pass it to Admiral Block.
With all due respect, sir, l think
we should alert all commanders.
Confirmation, Kaminsky.
l want confirmation.
The sunburst reminds me
of our flag, a good omen.
Ed, this is hot.
General Marshall wants it sent to
all commanders by the fastest route.
The general's handwriting,
it's hard to read.
You're gonna have to help me
with it, Rufe.
Hey, l'm picking up Honolulu
on the radio.
Check your direction-finder dial.
lt's coming from five degrees
to port, sir.
Okay, keep riding that beam.
Major, l picked up
some great music from Honolulu.
That's fine, pipe it through.
Where's the damn chow truck?
Shut the thing down, George.
lt's already after 7.
Hey, Joe, come here.
What do you make of that?
l've been watching it for minutes.
lt's moving in, fast.
l've never seen anything that big.
- Looks like two main pulses.
- Hey, Joe, l got it.
l make that about 140 miles north,
three degrees east.
Don't make sense,
we got no planes out that far.
We gotta contact
the information center.
Our problem is over at 7:00.
The center might make
some sense out of it.
Okay, suit yourself.
lnformation center.
Yeah? l don't know, Mac,
we're all closed down here.
ls that right? Hang on a minute.
Lieutenant, sir.
Lieutenant Tyler.
Sir, this is Private Elliot, Opana Point.
There's a large formation
of planes coming in...
... 140 miles, three degrees east.
Well, don't worry about it.
The boys at Opana Point must have
picked up the B-17s...
...coming in from the mainland.
- He said not to worry about it.
- Come on, let's go eat.
Colonel, l sent this to Manila,
the canal zone and San Francisco...
...but the direct channel
to Hawaii is out.
Atmospherics again?
Yes, sir, it's real bad today.
We could give it to the Navy.
What makes you think
their atmospherics are better?
- Send it as a telegram.
- Yes, sir.
Our ultimatum should be delivered in
Washington before the attack begins.
l hope everything is on schedule.
Don't worry, sir.
The Emperor insists...
...that we follow the rules
of the Geneva Convention.
Our declaration of war
will be delivered... 1:00 p.m.,
30 minutes before the attack begins.
The typing still isn't finished.
We'll have to postpone our 1:00
appointment with Secretary Hull.
Do you mean a submarine was
sighted over half an hour ago...
...and that it's taken
this long to report it to me?
l don't care if it
still hasn't been confirmed.
l should've been informed after
the ward radioed a first report.
A submarine that close is a serious matter.
A very serious matter.
Get the confirmation,
all the reports to my office.
l mean, right now.
Have my driver get the car.
Aye, aye, sir. Oh, sir...
...should l tell General Short
you'll miss the golf date?
No, damn it, get my car.
A message for the general
at Fort Shafter.
- ls it marked urgent?
- No.
lt's a little bumpy, Davey...
...but you have to fly
in all kinds of weather.
Sure, Miss Fort.
Don't let the nose drop.
That's better. You're doing just fine.
l'm taking over, Davey.
Warrant Officer Mizuki,
signal all planes, "prepare to attack."
A signal from Fuchida,
"objective sighted, preparing to attack."
Everything is strangely quiet.
The American anti-aircraft
batteries haven't fired a shot!
And no enemy fighters
over the harbor, sir!
We've done it!
Send the message:
"Tora! Tora! Tora!"
"Tora! Tora! Tora!"
Stand by.
Get his number.
l'll report him for safety violations.
Come on!
Alert all commands:
"Air raid. Pearl Harbor.
This is no drill."
General Quarters. General Quarters.
Man your stations. Man your stations.
Battle stations. Battle stations.
Fire your gun. Fire at will.
That bastard!
Station six, man your pump.
Plane to starboard.
Pearl Harbor is being attacked.
- Pearl Harbor?
- Pearl Harbor is being bombed.
Pearl Harbor's being attacked.
Go back to your quarters.
Pearl Harbor's being attacked.
What in the hell is going on?
Why wasn't the Army notified?
Did anyone think to inform Washington?
l thought so.
- General.
- Put all units on a full war footing.
Alert the territorial guard.
Open a command post
at Aliamanu Crater.
- Yes, sir.
- l'll be right down.
Oh, my God.
The island's under attack.
Those bastards will kill us all.
Men, get to the armory.
Get guns, ammunition.
- You too, lieutenant.
- Yes, sir.
- Operator.
- Duarte airfield.
All the phone lines are jammed.
Well, try the radio again.
Hose down that plane.
Run for it.
Run, run!
There's Hickam.
Major, l heard something
funny on the Honolulu radio.
What kind of traffic control is this?
The radio said
something about an attack.
They're Japs, sir.
What a way to fly into a war.
Unarmed and out of gas.
Oboe leader to Oboe flight.
We've flown into the middle of a war.
Get out fast.
Anywhere. lf you can't make Hickam,
try Bellows or Wheeler.
Sir, we've been hit. Nothing serious.
They shot one circuit box.
The landing light isn't working.
Better use the hand crank. Hurry.
- Major.
- Yeah.
One wheel is stuck.
Well, jolt it loose. We're going in.
- l tried.
- Try again!
Here they come. Fire!
Tell them to stop shooting at us!
We're Americans.
Major, no go, sir.
Like l said, it's a hell of a way
to fly into a war.
- Run for it!
- Hurry up!
Tower to B-17,
there's a Jap on your tail.
Goose your engine and get out.
Have damage control report
all damages.
Sir, if we stay here we're gonna fry.
Okay, sergeant,
let's get the men down.
All right, you guys, let's go.
Where the hell are our fighters?
Captain, the main fuel tanks
are fractured.
Lower deck's flooded,
we're listing eight degrees.
Counter flood, counter flood.
You wanted confirmation, captain?
Take a look.
There's your confirmation!
Oklahoma, capsized.
Nevada's taken a torpedo forward
and is down to the head.
West Virginia, subjected to six
torpedo hits and several deck fires.
Raleigh and Helena
damaged and listing."
The California, two torpedoes,
fires all around, temporarily abandoned.
l've just come from her.
lt's spent, sir.
Would've been merciful had it killed me.
A message from
Flight Leader Fuchida.
"Have inflicted serious damage
on numerous battleships."
Better than we had dreamed!
Where are our priority targets...
...the American carriers?
Mr. Secretary.
"Air raid. Pearl Harbor. This is no drill."
No, this can't be true.
They must mean the Philippines.
No, sir. lt's Pearl.
Get me the White House, the direct line.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ambassador, Mr. Hull will see you
in a moment. Please be seated.
Mr. President, has this been confirmed?
Then, sir,
l'd like you to have it confirmed...
...before l receive Nomura and Kurusu.
They're waiting outside.
Operator. Operator.
Get me Haleiwa field. Fast.
George, get ahold of a car,
a truck, anything.
l'm calling Haleiwa. l'll get them
to start our planes. Go.
Battleship on the left, sir!
lt's the Nevada. She's making
a run for the sea!
lf we sink her in the channel,
the harbor will be blocked for months!
Recommend course 2-3-0, sir.
- Very well. Stay at 2-3-0.
- Stay at 2-3-0, sir.
Take cover!
More hose! More hose!
More water.
Abandon ship! Abandon ship!
- Abandon ship! Abandon Ship!
- Over the side!
Can't get through
the outer channel in this shape.
She goes down here,
she'll block the south channel.
We'll have to beach her there
so she's clear.
File these.
l need five copies each.
- Take this to General Short's office.
- Right.
File these.
This has to be decoded
for the general.
Take it to the decoding room.
Ask them to send it back soon.
Yes, sir.
Run for it!
Drop the hose
and get the ladders and axes.
What are you waiting for?
- We got no water.
- Why? What's wrong?
lt's the Arizona.
She cut the pipes in the mains.
The tanker in the ocean there
is full of aviation fuel.
lf it goes, we'll blow up
half the harbor.
Hey, look out!
ln all my 50 years of public service...
... l have never seen a document
so crowded with infamous falsehoods...
...and distortions...
...on a scale so huge...
...that l never imagined until today...
...that any government
on this planet...
...was capable of uttering them.
Mr. Hull.
What's the matter? Why in hell
doesn't the next wave take off?
But, sir, no one has given the order.
We've knocked out
the American airfields...
...sunk four battleships,
heavily damaged three more.
Sir, Rear Admiral Yamaguchi's
carrier has signaled!
"Attack group ready for takeoff."
Unfortunately, the American
carriers were not at Pearl Harbor.
Since we don't know where they are...
...we can't use our limited
supply of fuel to look for them.
We must not forget that enemy
submarines will be searching for us.
We have been lucky so far.
No take-off signal yet?
There is a signal now!
lt says, "All ships head for Japan
as soon as our planes return."
lt can't be!
lt must be a mistake!
We cannot turn back now.
We must destroy the American
carriers and their dry docks... matter how long it takes!
You're wrong. Our mission has
been completely accomplished.
This task force is vital to us.
lt is my duty to return it intact.
This war is just beginning.
We have a long way to go.
Yes, all right.
This came from the decoding room,
a cablegram from the War Department.
Get a copy to Admiral Kimmel.
Pardon me, admiral.
- From Washington.
- Thank you.
"The Japanese are presenting
at 1 p.m...
...Eastern Standard Time today...
...what amounts to an ultimatum.
Just what significance the hour set
may have, we do not know...
...but be on alert accordingly."
...George C. Marshall, chief of staff.
My God.
This leaves the Navy with only two
combat groups in the Central Pacific.
Ours and the Lexington.
We don't want to get caught
like they did.
l don't intend to.
When can you be ready for sea again?
We can fuel and provision
and be under way before dawn.
Good. That's good.
Here is an announcement from the Navy
Department, released December 7th.
"Before daybreak today,
the Imperial Navy successfully launched...
...a large-scale air raid against
the American Pacific Fleet in Hawaii."
We salute the Commander-in-Chief
of our Fleet...
...Admiral Yamamoto.
l had intended to deal a fatal blow
to the American fleet... attacking Pearl Harbor...
...immediately after Japan's
official declaration of war.
But according to the American radio,
Pearl Harbor was attacked...
...55 minutes before our ultimatum...
...was delivered in Washington.
l can't imagine anything...
...that would infuriate
the Americans more.
l fear all we have done... to awaken a sleeping giant
and fill him with a terrible resolve.
"l fear all we have done is to awaken
a sleeping giant...
...and fill him
with a terrible resolve."