Torch Singer (1933)

$1.60, lady.
I've only got $1.55.
Oh, yeah?
All right, lady, give me
the $1 and keep the change.
Listen, lady,
don't ever argue with a taxi
driver. Some of us is hard eggs.
I've had a couple
of kids me-self.
I know what it's like
to be a mother.
Good luck!
St. Anne's Hospital.
Room 46? Yes, hold the line.
Dr. Koenig sent me.
St. Anne's Hospital.
Mrs. O'Connor?
Yes. An 11-pound baby boy.
This way, please.
St. Anne's Hospital.
Be seated. Mother Angelica will
see you in just a few minutes.
Your name is Dora Nichols?
And your address is
1014 Brooks Avenue, Bronx?
And your husband,
Mrs. Nichols?
My husband was
killed two months ago.
I'm so sorry, my poor child.
And now, if you'll wait
outside a few minutes.
You and me both.
Ain't women darned fools?
Will you come in, please?
Your name is Sally Trent?
Your address is
816 East 97th Street?
And your husband?
I haven't any husband.
You'll have to give me the
name of the baby's father.
No, I'd rather not.
I'm afraid I must insist.
I'm sorry, I'll have
to go somewhere else.
Sit down, my child.
And how are you
feeling this morning?
Think you'll care
for a little breakfast?
What have you got?
What would you like?
Have you got
any cantaloupe?
I think so.
Some cantaloupe,
ham and eggs,
and some toast that
should be buttered.
And some gooseberry jam.
We must have plenty to eat.
I hope the Trent girl pulls
through. It's such a nice baby.
Don't leave me, Mike!
Don't leave me, Mike!
Don't go!
Isn't there anything more
you can do for her, Doctor?
What she needs is a new body
with some strength to it and Mike.
Come closer.
It isn't a Mike.
It's a Sally.
Why couldn't you
have been a boy?
This world's such a tough
place for a girl to come to.
Good morning, everybody!
Good morning.
Hello, Dora.
And how are all the little
mothers this morning?
Just fine.
That's good!
And where is my son?
I'll get him for you.
Well, we are all set, kid.
Did you find an apartment?
Did I? Wait till you
see it! It isn't so big,
but it's a lovely
neighborhood for the children,
and the view as far
as your eyes can see.
The river?
No, garbage cans.
Dora, I hate to
sponge off you like this.
Don't be dumb.
I got a job to go back to.
Well, I'll have one
before long.
There'll be a lot of
shows opening soon.
Sure there will.
Besides, honey, you know
nothing about babies,
and I know
nothing about babies,
so we got to stick together!
He's all ready, Dora.
Oh, no, he isn't!
Not again!
He's wonderful that way.
What's the bow-wow doing?
Sally's not going to cry.
No, Sally's a big girl now.
She loves
to take her bath. Yes.
There, it'll be
all over in a minute.
Yes, and it'll feel so good.
Where's my soap?
Bobby, where's my soap?
Where's... Here it is!
There's the soap. Yes, there.
Did you see
Bobby steal the soap?
Did you see
that naughty boy?
There, there!
Now, it's all over.
It's all over.
It's all over, honey.
Up we go.
Come on. There!
It's all over. Look.
You're not gonna cry.
Look what
a good boy Bobby is.
He didn't cry one bit.
When Mommy comes home, I'm going
to tell her how good you've been.
Look, and Sally's
such a big girl.
You lay off my daughter,
you little flirt!
Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
Oh, dear!
Don't be a crybaby
But the boogeyman will get you
If you let him catch you
Starting to sing the blues
Don't be a crybaby
Hello, Dora.
What's eating you?
The big stiff!
My boss,
the dirty old coconut!
What did he do?
He has been creeping up on me
for the past week.
Well, today, just when I
was getting ready to leave,
he makes a pass at me. I says,
"Take your hands off of me!"
He says,
"Don't act like that.
"How would you like to
come and see me tonight
"and play hide and seek?"
I says, "Listen, you,
you snake in the bush,
"if you and I
was Adam and Eve,
"I wouldn't go hide
and go seek you!"
Then I wallop him!
Oh, Dora!
When he open
his eyes, he says,
"How you like
me to fire you?"
I say, "You won't get a chance,
you big bozo, for I'm leaving. "
So I slammed the door
right in his nose.
What day is this?
Good. I got fish.
Here, let me.
Oh, my goodness.
Now listen, boy, you'd
better hurry and grow up.
You might have to
support the whole family.
Hey, wait for me.
Come on!
I never heard
anything so preposterous!
You don't know
what you're asking.
Yes, I do.
I'm asking you to take care of
Michael's baby, his and mine.
I've tried to
do it myself.
I've tried
like the devil.
Don't mind me,
Miss Alden.
I'm liable to say much worse
before I'm through.
There's only one thing
I care about now,
to give my baby a chance.
Is that asking too much?
If my nephew is involved,
as you say he is,
why didn't you settle this matter
with him before he left for China?
I don't know.
Maybe I had
some pride then.
How do I know, Miss...
Trent, Trent.
Sally Trent.
How do I know, Miss Trent, that
your claims are to be believed?
Because I'm telling you.
Very true, Miss Trent, but a
woman I've never seen before
or even heard of!
And you'll never see or
hear of me again, I swear it!
I'll give up all claim
to my little girl.
I'll sign any kind
of a paper you like.
I'll even promise
never to see her again.
How do you like that,
Miss Alden?
How would you like never
to see your baby again?
There's some mistake,
Miss Trent.
I've never had a baby.
That's too bad.
It might do you some good!
It might soften you a bit!
Oh, no, no!
No, no, I'm sorry! I'm...
That's not what I
meant to say at all.
Please forgive me! Please!
And say you will take her.
I'm sorry, Miss Trent,
but I'm not interested.
Have you exhausted
every possibility?
Yeah, I even did that.
She wasn't interested.
What became of Dora?
Dora was swell to me,
but she lost her job,
and she decided to marry
a boy from out West.
Dora's the kind of girl that
some guy always wants to marry.
I get a lot of
proposals, too,
but marriage
isn't one of them.
I'm sorry.
Well, kid,
I'll be a seeing you.
Sally, you understand
that if you give up your baby
it will be
completely and forever.
Sure I do!
Let's get it over with!
I'll go and get the papers
ready for you to sign.
I haven't been much
good to you, have I?
Maybe you...
Maybe you'll take a mother's
advice before she goes.
You might as well.
That's all she's
got to give you.
Don't ever let any man
make a sucker out of you.
Make them know
what you're worth.
Anything they get for nothing
is always cheap.
There's just
one thing, Mother.
Would you fix it so her name
will always be Sally?
It's sort of... It's sort of silly not
to know your own kid's name, isn't it?
Of course, my dear.
I promise.
Is that all?
That's all.
Baby. Baby.
I only know
That I can't go on, darling
And here lies love
Well, Miss Benton...
You don't have to say it.
I was terrible.
No, no, no.
Your voice is okay.
What you need is experience.
What kind of experience?
Well, you know, see something
of life, learn how to suffer.
A woman must suffer much
before she can sing a little.
I see.
Come back to me
in about a year.
All right.
In the meantime,
watch me suffer.
It's a long dark night
Come on home, Daddy
'Cause I'm lonely and blue
You know I worry, Daddy
Won't you hurry?
Mama's waiting for you
Now you know it ain't right
To fool me, baby
'Cause I'm faithful and true
And I won't struggle
If you want to snuggle
Dear, I'm waiting for you
Although you've
kept me yearning
I hope my yearning is through
I've kept those
home fires burning
So give your devil her due
Come and hold me tight
You great big baddie
And do, do like you do
It's, oh, so cold out
I can hardly hold out
Still I'm waiting for you
Miss Benton,
you are marvelous!
So you think I've
suffered enough, do you?
Waiter, bring me
a telephone, please.
I want you to be
hostess in my night club.
Are you tied up
here with a contract?
I'm not tied up anywhere.
I'm as free as
a bird on the wing.
CARLOTTl: Splendid!
Lend me your
pencil, please.
This is
Tony Cummings speaking.
Cummings, of the
American Radio Corporation.
I wonder if you'd care to
take luncheon with me tomorrow.
No, no, I'll stop by for you.
Why don't you ring me
at noon and verify this?
My number is
Vanderbilt 39970.
I look forward to it.
And now about terms.
Yes, terms.
But I warn you, I'm going
to cost you a lot of money.
That'll be okay.
I'm a slave to you
Don't you want
the heart I gave to you?
You can have me if you want me
But you must be mine alone
Give me liberty
or give me love
You're so dear to me
I wish I was like that.
I'm in heaven
If you were,
I'd smack you down.
When you're near to me
You can have me
if you want me
Carlotti, she is superb.
But you must be mine alone
I give her her chance.
Give me liberty
or give me love
I'm only a slave to you
Now you can have me
if you really want me
Give me liberty or love
You're so dear to me
When you are near to me
You can have me
But you must be mine alone
Give me liberty
or give me love
You've been kind of strange
Why the sudden change?
Do you want somebody new?
I'd be glad to share...
How do you like her?
I don't care for any woman
as notorious as Mimi Benton.
What has her private
life got to do with it?
It isn't private.
It's a public scandal.
Well, Mrs. Judson, those stories
are very much exaggerated.
I want you both to meet her.
Yours to have and hold
and call your own, dear
You can have me if you want me
But you must be mine alone
Give me liberty
or give me love
Give me liberty or love
Of course you don't want
to dance with me, my dear.
Not with you, Andrew. You
have no rhythm in your soul.
However, if Tony
would care to join me...
Care? Why, Mrs. Judson, this is
one of the big moments of my life.
I'm Mimi Benton.
How do you do?
Miss Benton,
I'm afraid I'm all right.
I'm Andrew Judson of the
Judson Pure Food Corporation.
That's marvelous!
I've heard Tony
speak of you 100 times.
Where is Tony?
He's fighting... I mean,
he's dancing with my wife.
Tony's very fascinating. Aren't
you afraid you'll lose her?
I don't think
there's a chance.
I've been asking Tony for weeks
to bring you up some evening.
Yeah? Well,
that's funny.
He never said
a word to me about it.
No? Poor Tony!
He's such a jealous boy.
Jealous of me?
That's nonsense.
Look here, I'm giving a little
party tonight. Tony'll be there.
Don't you want
to come over?
I'd love to, but...
Bring Mrs. Judson, of course,
yes, if you think she'll be amused.
She wouldn't. No, she
wouldn't. I'm sure she wouldn't.
You come up anyhow.
I've so wanted to meet you.
Say yes.
Say yes?
I want you to tell me all about
Pure Foods. We'll talk until dawn.
I don't stay up that late
on account of my lumbago.
I have something
grand for lumbago.
I'll fix you up.
I am Edwardo Pasquale of
the Baltimore Opera Company.
I must see the big man from
the radio, Mr. Cummings.
Good afternoon, Miss Benton.
Hello, Helen.
I'm sorry, but Mr.
Cummings is busy.
Hello, Dorothy. Mr. Cummings
is busy, Miss Benton.
All right. Well, you
just tell him I'm here,
and I'll wander around.
All right.
I don't think he's
telling me the truth.
Excuse me.
Yes? Who?
My apologies to Miss...
Tell the young lady I'll see
her in just a moment. Thank you.
I want to know
everything that happened.
Well, Mrs. Judson,
Mimi spent the entire evening
treating your husband's lumbago.
I hope I never
have the misfortune
to encounter that
wretched creature!
Forget it, Julia.
We came here to listen to our
first Pure Foods' broadcast,
not to talk
about Miss Benton.
Will you pardon me just
a moment? Why, certainly.
Thank you.
Tony, darling!
What's the matter?
What brings you
down here so early?
The Judson
Pure Food broadcast.
Juddy told me all
about it last night.
You know me,
anything for a laugh.
He didn't ask you
down here, did he?
Well, yes and no.
Is that so?
Well, you'd better make
yourself scarce around here.
Mrs. Judson's
in there with him.
Oh, goodie!
I want to meet her.
No, you don't, Mimi.
Come on now.
Yes, I do.
Hello, Miss Benton.
What goes on here,
a marathon race?
She's an expert in
child psychology.
In a few seconds, she's facing
the mike for the first time.
It looks as if she's
facing a firing squad.
Hello. Miss Spaulding, time to go on.
Now, now...
That's not going to bite you.
You go in there
and knock them cold!
If only I could knock them
as cold as I am right now.
Go on.
Little boys and girls
of Radioland,
you are going to hear
the first program
we are sending
you by Aunt Jenny.
Now, Aunt Jenny is going to
tell you all about lovely Oatina,
made by the Judson
Pure Foods Company.
Aunt Jenny will
sing you songs,
tell you stories and
play games with you,
just like your own auntie.
Here she is, kiddies.
Good evening...
little children.
This is your Aunt...
No, no.
Here I am, darlings,
your Aunt Jenny.
You know what
interrupted me just now?
A big dragon sneaked up behind
me and grabbed me by the shoulder.
"Listen here,
Aunt Jenny," he said,
"you can't talk to
all those boys and girls
"because maybe
some of them have been bad,
"and the bad ones
belong to me. "
So I said to him,
"What do you mean, bad?
"Maybe some of them are naughty
once in a while, but who isn't?"
When I was a little girl,
I was pretty naughty myself,
but no bad dragon ever got me.
And do you know why?
Because I always ate Oatina,
so you see...
It makes everybody
feel like singing,
and there's nothing dragons
hate so much as a song.
So just to spite that old
grouch, I'm going to sing.
You're wanted in
the control room immediately.
Tell him I'll be there
in a minute. Yes, sir.
And now,
good night, children.
Be sure and tune in
again tomorrow night
and hear Aunt Jenny.
This program
has come to you
through the courtesy of
the Judson Pure Foods Company,
sponsoring Oatina.
That was marvelous!
my dear Tony.
The woman you picked
for Aunt Jenny is a winner.
Thanks. Such refinement and such charm.
I always say you can tell a
true gentlewoman by her voice.
Have her in, Mr. Cummings.
I must meet her.
Yes, by all means.
With this woman at the microphone,
Oatina should be a sensation.
A positive sensation!
What's the matter, Andrew?
Yes, Tony, we must meet her, by
all means, but some other time.
Come, dear, I have a very,
very important engagement.
I'm sorry you have to go.
So am I.
Goodbye, Mrs. Judson.
Can't you have
dinner with us tonight?
Sorry, I'm sponsoring
a new program.
I'm so sorry.
Another night soon?
I'll be very glad to.
Goodbye, Tony.
Goodbye, Juddy.
"Such refinement!
Such charm!"
I suppose you know
what you've done.
Sure, I've been
having the time of my life.
I could kill you.
You could?
That's gratitude.
Where would your Pure Foods
hour be if it weren't for me?
Mimi, dear,
you were wonderful,
but you've got to
understand my position.
What is it?
Supposing word
got around that
the most notorious
torch singer in town
was broadcasting to kiddies.
Well, who's going
to tell them?
That's not the point.
Listen, boy, I only tell
bedtime stories to grownups.
Now, come on, I've wasted
enough time around here.
But, Mimi, listen,
you've got to be reasonable.
Take me to 21.
Mimi, don't you understand?
What's going to...
Good morning, Carrie.
Well, in the name of say,
you can't come in here!
I'm in, Carrie.
No, sir, Mr. Cummings. I
wouldn't take the responsibility
of trying to get Miss Benton up out
of bed at this hour of the morning.
No, sir.
I wouldn't have it
on my conscience.
See what you can do. Yes,
sir, Mr. Cummings. I sure will.
Miss Benton.
Miss Benton, honey.
Time you was getting up, sweetie lamb.
What time is it?
Land sakes, honey,
it's going on 1:00.
Why, you!
Miss Benton, don't
throw that clock at me.
Mimi, it's Tony.
So that's who it is!
Waking up people in
the middle of the night,
who does he think
he is, Paul Revere?
I'll tell that one
where to get off!
Why, you big...
Pure Foods!
Listen, Mimi, we... I wouldn't
listen to Gabriel's trumpet
before I've had my coffee.
No, thanks.
Juddy? No, thanks. I believe not.
What do you want, honey?
Coffee before I murder you.
Coming right in,
sweetie lamb.
Mimi, will you listen to me
for just one second?
Sure I will. Why don't
you say something?
It's about your broadcast.
What about it?
Mr. Judson and I want you
to continue as Aunt Jenny.
That's a panic, Tony!
This is not a joking matter.
Why, Mimi,
you were a sensation.
Telegrams, letters and the
telephones we've received.
Are you two boys
trying to kid me?
I was never more
serious in my life.
If the Judson Pure Food hour
is to continue,
Miss Benton,
we simply must have you.
Take a look at
this contract, Mimi.
I'm sure you'll be pleased
with the terms, Miss Benton.
Now, look, every day
at 5:00 you broadcast
in the studio for
only 15 minutes.
Not me!
Studio's out.
You have to bring the
microphone to my apartment.
Now, Mimi, be reasonable.
You know that's impossible.
What do you mean? It's not
impossible for opera stars, is it?
Anything that's good
enough for a prima donna
is good enough for
this prima donna!
Now, listen, Mimi dear.
No. If I'm going to
tell bedtime stories,
I'll tell them
from my own bed.
Excuse me, Miss Benton, but the
men have come about your radio.
There's nothing
the matter with my radio.
They've got the wrong
apartment. Send them away.
Wait a minute.
Send them in.
Have you forgotten?
You've got a broadcast.
What do you mean, broadcast?
Yes! What are you trying to do,
put one over on us?
Well, what is
this all about?
Listen, children,
I've got a surprise for you.
You'd better hang around.
I've got a new racket.
I'm telling bedtime stories for
the Judson Pure Foods Company.
All right, boys,
set it up in the other room.
MIMl: Look at her,
she's dying.
Come on, kids, out, out.
You can't stay here
while Mimi's broadcasting.
Come on.
Don't be like that!
Come on,
gather around, children.
Your Aunt Jenny's
going to tell you fairy tales.
One, two, three, four.
Everything all set, Harry?
All right, Mr. Cummings.
All right, Mimi. Here's
your script, Miss Benton,
and the lullaby.
All ready.
Listen, if you think I'm
going to say this, you're nuts.
Give me a drink,
somebody, will you?
I'm so nervous!
Quiet, please!
Little boys and girls of
Radioland, here we are again,
and here comes Aunt Jenny who's
going to talk to you, sing to you
and tell you some
more about Oatina.
Here she is, boys and girls.
Good evening, my darlings.
Your Aunt Jenny
almost didn't get here
to talk to you
this afternoon.
Do you remember
that green dragon
I was telling you
about yesterday?
Well, he followed me
right up to the studio.
He's here now,
my darlings,
and he brought along with him
a lot of very naughty boys
who are determined to spoil Aunt
Jenny's program. But they won't.
No, they won't.
Naughty boys have often tried
to tease your Aunt Jenny.
Sometimes they've teased her
till she had to give in,
but she won't
this afternoon.
And do you know why?
Because Aunt Jenny has a dish
of lovely Oatina in her hand.
I want you all to try it. You'll be
surprised how it'll make you grow.
And now, my darlings,
it's bedtime for most of you,
so Aunt Jenny is going to
sing you a good night song.
Baby's boat's
the silver moon
Sailing in the sky
Sailing over the sea of sleep
While the clouds float by
Sail, baby, sail
Out upon that sea
Only don't forget to sail
Back again to me
Baby's boat's the silver moon
Sailing in the sky
I tell you, Mike,
I've combed this old town.
I've talked with every theatrical
manager of my acquaintance,
and I can't find
a trace of her.
Well, that may be, but a girl can't
just disappear off the face of the Earth
and not leave some
trail behind her.
You'd be surprised!
I've employed hundreds
of girls in my shows
and all sorts of things
happen to them.
One out of 100
gets to the top.
Some stick
in the chorus
and some get married and
lose their identity that way.
That's what I thought would be the
fate of Sally Trent when she met you.
At least, I hoped it would.
She was a swell kid.
One of the best.
You know, every time I get
near one of those radios,
I have to listen to one of
those confounded bedtime hours.
Would you mind...
Mike, what happened?
Well, I was just
a plain fool, that's all.
You see, I had to leave
for China in a hurry.
Instead of marrying
her then and there
and taking her with me,
I went alone.
Then, when I did write, asking
her to join me, I got no reply.
My letters were returned. No
such person known living there.
You know, I'd give anything
if I could find her.
I'll try again, old man.
Mr. Cummings sent
these letters over.
All right, Dolly,
that's swell. Thanks.
Read them out.
Sugar, looks to me like
you've gotten to be famous.
You bet your life.
Known from coast to coast
as "Everybody's Auntie!"
"My dear Aunt Jenny.
"My nephew and I are crazy
about you on the radio.
"Your voice comes over
like a million dollars.
"I would dearly love
to meet you sometime.
"Hopefully, Uncle Edgar. "
"Dear Aunt Jenny.
I am a little girl.
"I am five years old.
"I like you, Aunt Jenny. You
sing pretty, too, Aunt Jenny.
"Well, goodbye,
Aunt Jenny. Sally. "
That one's kind
of sweet, ain't it?
Let me see.
"Dear Aunt Jenny... "
That's enough.
Never mind. Never mind.
I'm looking for
a little girl named Sally.
My name is Sally.
What's your name?
My name's Aunt Jenny.
Did you get my letter,
Aunt Jenny?
Yes, darling.
I used to have a little girl
once whose name was Sally.
Was she black
like me, Aunt Jenny?
Darling, it was so long ago,
Aunt Jenny wouldn't remember.
Guess what I've got here.
That's right.
Would you like some?
Aunt Jenny, that's swell.
Aunt Jenny,
will you tell me a story?
Yes, darling.
You bet I will.
Now, let's see.
Once upon a time...
Keep the party clean,
whatever you do.
Mimi! Hello!
Boy, are we having fun!
Listen, kids, listen.
I've got to broadcast,
and I'm so darned tired now.
Be nice and
clear out, would you?
Come on,
don't be like that.
We want to stay!
Yeah, we want to stay.
All right, then stay.
I don't want to
seem inhospitable,
but as long as you're here
there'll be no broadcast.
Let's go down to 22. We've been
put out of better places than this.
That's a very good idea.
Come on, everyone.
Hello, Tony!
Hi, Tony!
Say, you'd better be careful.
We just got thrown out.
What's happened?
What's the matter?
Come on, kids. Say, how
does she get that way?
Where's Mimi?
When they get famous,
they all get that way.
Never mind, forget it. We'll have
a lot of fun before the day is over.
Hello, Tony.
What's the matter, dear?
I had a shock
this afternoon, Tony.
One of those
letters you sent over
was from a little
girl named Sally.
Well, what about it?
That was the
name of my kid.
All of a sudden you remember
you're a mother.
Well, strange as
it may seem to you,
I've never forgotten it.
I gave her up four years
ago completely and forever.
Those were the conditions.
I've lived up to them.
But now I've got to
do something about it.
Tony, I didn't
realize it at first,
but every time
I broadcast, maybe...
Maybe I'm talking
to my own kid.
That letter today signed
Sally, don't you see?
I'm sorry, Mimi dear.
If you're suggesting
using the radio
as a means of
finding your child,
it can't be done.
It's out of the question.
Well, what do you mean?
Don't you understand?
You're a torch singer.
I'll give it up. Carlotti can
find someone else to take my place.
I'll tell him tonight.
Even if you give it up,
you're still Mimi Benton.
I'm sorry, dear.
I hate to be so
blunt about it,
but business is business.
You understand that, Mimi?
I see.
All right, Miss Benton.
That's what I am?
Just a voice.
All right, Tony,
a contract's a contract.
I'll never do anything
to embarrass you,
but I'm going
to find my kid.
And now I have
a surprise for you.
I don't know of anything that little
girls and boys love so much as a birthday,
so Aunt Jenny has plans
for a birthday club.
Right here
on the table beside me
there's a great big hat
filled with hundreds of names.
I'm going to
close my eyes tight,
and I'm going to draw the name
for our first birthday club.
Just a moment now.
Here we are.
And what name do you suppose
Aunt Jenny has drawn?
I want all the little
girls named Sally
to write in and tell
me their birthdays.
That's very important,
and don't forget
your addresses,
because you're
going to get a doll.
Aunt Jenny's going to have
a special doll made,
just the loveliest
doll you ever saw.
And now, my darlings, I'm
going to sing you a little song
that I used to know
a long time ago.
Don't be a crybaby
You've nothing to lose
But the boogeyman will get you
Hey, Mickey,
let's go out and play.
Starting to sing the blues
Don't be a crybaby
Whatever may be
'Cause I never will desert you
Nothing's going to hurt you
You can depend on me
You can depend on me
You can have me
But you must be mine alone
Give me liberty
or give me love
You've been kind of strange
Why the sudden change?
Do you want somebody new?
I'd be glad to share
All of your grief and care
But never will
I ever share you
I'll be all your own, dear
Yours to have and hold
and call your own, dear
You can have me if you want me
But you must be mine alone
Give me liberty
or give me love
Mimi Benton!
Give me liberty or love
Where you going?
Where do you think?
Come in.
Well, look who's here!
I hear you've been away.
The trip must have done you
a world of good.
You look simply swell.
So you remember the name!
Do tell me about China.
It's a beautiful country,
I hear.
Is it so, or is it so and so?
What's happened
to Sally Trent?
Sally Trent?
Let me think.
Please stop acting.
You know I loved you.
Oh, no!
I can't believe that Michael
Gardner, Boston's gift to China,
could ever have loved that
shabby little chorus girl.
Well, I'll tell you
what happened to her.
While you were touring China,
she went through hell!
It's a nice place.
You must go there someday.
It's all right, Mike.
I got along without you then, and
I can get along without you now.
Darling, listen to me.
I love you a thousand times
more than I ever did before.
Does that mean
anything to you?
Yes, indeed!
There's nothing this world needs
so much as love, love, more love!
What do we talk about now?
I want to hear
about you, Sally.
Aren't you nice?
There isn't anything a woman likes
as well as talking about herself,
especially when
there's so much to tell.
Let me see, now.
Oh, yes,
I changed my name.
I got sick of being Sally Trent,
so I switched to Mimi Benton.
It's a nice name,
don't you think?
And then... Oh, yes,
I almost forgot to tell you.
I had a baby, not that
you'd be interested.
Yes, I had your child
in a charity ward!
I kept her with me
until things got so bad
I was afraid what
might happen to her.
Well, why didn't
you go to my family?
I thought of that, too.
Miss Agatha Alden of Beacon
Hill wasn't interested.
So I took her back where we
started, the charity ward,
and signed her away
just like that.
Well, where is this place?
You'd like to know,
wouldn't you?
I've got to know!
Well, make the rounds.
That's what Ihad to do before I
found one that would take me in.
I'm sorry, Sally.
I've made a lot
of rotten mistakes,
but I'm trying to
make up for them.
The first thing I did when I
got back was to try and find you.
I didn't expect
you to believe me,
but I did hope that
you'd meet me halfway.
You've changed, all right.
You're selfish, hard.
Sure I am.
Just like glass.
So hard nothing will
cut it but diamonds.
Come around someday with a
fistful, maybe we can get together.
I don't see how you could
have done it, Aunt Agatha.
But this girl had no means
of proving her claim.
How was I to know... You
could have taken a chance.
That having failed, at least
you could have cabled me.
I'm glad I didn't. A girl like this
Sally Trent would have ruined your life.
I was in a position to save
you, and I thank heaven for it.
That's fine.
The next time you go
in for rescue work,
pick out someone
who wants to be saved.
I don't.
I love Sally Trent,
and I'm going to win her back.
And I'm sending you a Sally
doll for your birthday.
With love and best wishes,
Aunt Jenny.
Is that your last one?
Yes, Miss Benton.
Excuse me, Miss Benton, but
Mr. Cummings is on the wire.
Well, you take the message,
Carrie. I'm busy.
Did you call
the express company?
Yes, Miss Benton. They'll be here
the first thing in the morning.
Good. All right, girls, finish what
you're doing and we'll call it a day.
Excuse me. Mr. Seymour from
the detective agency is here.
Have him come in, please.
All right.
Hello, Mr. Seymour.
How do you do?
I've been waiting for you.
Have you got some
good news for me?
Here's your check from
the charity hospital.
What's the matter with it?
Mother Angelica won't take
any more of your money.
She says they're always glad
to have freewill offerings,
but she can't take bribes.
I can't go on taking your
money, either, Miss Benton.
Why not? I'm not
bribing you, am I?
I'm not saying you are, but
I can't help you anymore, see?
You haven't tried
very hard, I imagine.
I don't lay down on
any job, Miss Benton.
I haven't got
a ghost of a chance.
What do you mean?
I've turned this
town upside down,
and there's not
a trace of your child.
How do you know
she's in New York?
For all we know, she may be
in another part of the world.
For all you know,
she may even be dead.
Thanks for reminding me.
I didn't mean it that way.
I owe you
a week's salary, don't I?
You don't owe me anything.
Yes, I do.
Good night.
I'm sorry.
For all you know,
she may be dead.
Maybe he's right.
Aunt Jenny!
Bedtime stories!
What a laugh!
Carrie, give me a drink.
No, no, get me
my black velvet dress.
What are you
going to do, honey?
I'm going places!
Atta baby!
Little boys and
girls of Radioland,
I have some bad news
for you again.
It isn't likely that
Aunt Jenny will be here
to talk to you tonight at
5:00 as she is still ill.
However, we have
every hope that tomorrow
she will be
with us once more.
You don't seem to
realize, my dear Julia,
that if Miss Benton
continues to hide herself
we'll simply have to abandon
the Oatina program.
Well, I still think it's
very strange, Mr. Cummings,
that you can't find someone
else to take this woman's place.
My dear Mrs. Judson,
I have had 100 women up here
the last three days,
each one worse
than the one before.
There's only one Mimi Benton.
Well, that's something
to be grateful for!
Miss Benton needs us
much worse than we need her.
She's trying to make every
effort to find her child.
You know this Sally
birthday doll idea?
Why, only this morning, we received
a letter from a child which...
Well, it's too disgusting!
To think of that
disreputable woman
talking every evening to
America's dear little kiddies!
She's an evil influence
invading a million decent homes!
More rats!
How would you like to have
such a creature in your home?
I'd love nothing better!
Speaking. What?
They've found her. Where?
185 East. Certainly, I'll be
right over. You stay right there.
Come on, Juddy.
Andrew Judson!
Are you going in search
of that dreadful woman?
Yes! And if I thought you'd be of
any earthly use, I'd drag you along.
You don't know your luck.
That new mink coat you
have on, Mimi Benton.
Those diamond earrings,
Mimi Benton.
And if you want
to know the truth,
that dreadful woman
is all but keeping you!
Hello, Mimi.
Hi, Tony.
Sit down and have a drink.
Mimi, let's get out of here.
What for?
Well, I don't
like this place.
That's right.
It's a terrible joint.
I know a swell
place over on...
You know, over on...
We'll ride around,
we'll we find it.
All right.
Who's this guy that's
got his arm around me?
That's Mr. Judson.
I think he's drunk.
I want to sit down.
Mimi, dear,
we've got to get you home.
What's the big idea? We've
got all day, haven't we?
What's the big idea?
Listen, dear,
I have a letter here.
I know some letters.
"A," "B," "C... "
No, but listen. This letter is
from a little girl named Sally.
Sally who?
Well, it's her birthday,
September 2nd.
It may be your little Sally.
September 2nd.
My Sally.
Come on, Mimi dear.
Pull yourself together.
You've got a broadcast
in less than an hour.
Yeah, I gotta.
Yeah. Come on, Tony.
Miss Benton, honey,
Carrie's brought you
some nice, hot, black coffee.
Take just one little sip,
won't you, honey?
I don't want coffee.
She'll never make it.
Oh, yeah?
What do you know about it?
Good evening,
little children of Radioland.
Have you had
your Oatina today?
This evening your
Aunt Elizabeth will...
Miss Spaulding,
just half a second, please.
How much time
have we got, Harry?
About a minute. All
right. Fine. Hold it.
Give me that, Carrie.
I'll take care of her.
Mimi, listen to me, dear.
Mimi, you're due on
the air any minute.
Come on,
pull yourself together.
Mimi, you said you'd never
let me down. Now, come on.
I'm trying.
Mr. Cummings,
we're due on the air.
All right, Harry.
Ready, Miss Spaulding.
Little boys and
girls of Radioland,
I'm sorry to keep disappointing
you about Aunt Jenny.
She wanted us to bring the
microphone to her bedside,
but the doctor
refused to allow it.
I have a pleasant
surprise for you.
Your Aunt...
Your Aunt Jenny speaking.
I couldn't bear to be
away from you any longer,
so as soon as
the doctor left,
I got out of bed,
and here I am.
Yes, darlings.
I've been ill,
so I can't talk to you very
long, but before I say good night,
I want to wish a happy, happy
birthday to a little girl named Sally,
whose birthday
is September 2nd.
I have her letter here,
but there's no address.
Won't Sally please
call me on the telephone
as soon as
the broadcast is over?
The number is
Murray Hill, 29969.
I have such
a lovely doll to send,
but I must have the address.
Are you sure you have
the number, darling?
Murray Hill, 29969.
And now,
good night, my dears.
Aunt Jenny is so glad
to be back with you once more.
That's all for tonight,
boys and girls.
I know that you
are all glad to have
Aunt Jenny back
with you once more.
So be sure, children, to
tune in tomorrow at this hour
for Aunt Jenny and
her Oatina program.
Take it easy, Mimi.
Give me a cigarette, Tony.
I wonder why
she doesn't phone.
She'll phone, dear.
Maybe she won't.
Maybe she's sick!
Or she hasn't had
time to call, dear.
What number do you want?
No, wrong number.
Now, now... Tony, what if
she wasn't listening in?
No, I'm sure she was
listening in. She was?
Now, be patient, darling.
Yes, darling.
Is this Sally?
Now tell Aunt Jenny
where you live.
No, no,
wait a minute, darling.
I didn't hear you.
Now, say it again,
very slowly, will you?
85 East...
Do you think
you'll be all right?
Good luck.
Hello, Daddy.
Isn't it time little girls
were getting ready for bed?
Not yet, Daddy.
Do you know, the most wonderfulest
thing happened to me today.
You could never guess.
Come on, tell me.
Aunt Jenny's coming to this
house specially to see me.
Aunt Jenny?
Beg pardon, sir, Aunt Jenny
is here to see Miss Sally.
Daddy, you can go bring her
in while I fix my children.
All right.
Well, I guess
the joke's on me.
I don't know what miracle's
brought you here
or what all this Aunt Jenny business
is, but now that you are here,
I'm not going
to let you go.
It's no use, Mike. I
didn't come here to see you.
Forget me. There's a kid in
there who's waiting to see you.
Don't disappoint her.
She's been here a week now.
She belongs to me.
I want to see her.
Are you Aunt Jenny?
Yes, darling.
Hello, Aunt Jenny.
I'm Sally.
Hello, Sally.
Don't cry, Aunt Jenny.
This is my birthday.
Aren't you going to kiss me?
Yes, darling.
Look, look at what Aunt Jenny
brought you, darling.
She's beautiful!
Thank you, Aunt Jenny.
Sally. Sally, dear!
I'm coming.
Miss Thomas!
Look, Miss Thomas!
Aunt Jenny brought me
the most beautifulest doll!
Isn't that nice?
Come on, darling.
We go to bed.
Goodbye, Aunt Jenny.
Goodbye, darling.
Isn't she lovely?
She's adorable,
no thanks to me.
No thanks to either of us.
Don't go, darling. I've
got so much to say to you.
There's someone out
there waiting for me.
But I must talk to you.
The maid says Michael
Gardner lives there, sir.
The club.
Yes, sir.
So you see, darling,
she needs both of us.
I'll be the best
father to her I can,
but I couldn't possibly
be a mother to her.
Could I?