Torn Curtain (1966)

Are they ever
going to get the heating fixed?
They are working at it, Professor.
Perhaps some of you scientists
would like to give us a helping hand.
What are we going to do about lunch?
We haven't had breakfast yet.
We'll call this lunch
and go upstairs for breakfast.
Against all the evidence, Michael,
I'd say you had a very unscientific mind.
I'm not a scientist, I'm a teacher.
You're a scientist,
and you're supposed to respect
a natural order in all things.
Breakfast comes before lunch. Ow!
And marriage should come
before a honeymoon cruise.
You're on the wrong boat.
Now, stop. This is supposed to be
a serious congress of physicists.
Tell me, Miss Sherman,
what is your position on antideuterons?
Now, listen here,
what's your position on a July wedding?
Oh... July,
August, September or October.
Don't let me hurry you.
I just don't want to be the only
common-law wife on campus.
Forget the campus.
Oh, will you stop brooding?
I like to brood.
Look, I wish you'd get that
teaching job in perspective.
I know it's not what you want, but honestly -
Oh, no!
I'm greatly honoured. It's a unique distinction.
Enough. Will you stop it?
No, it's true.
It's an unparalleled appointment
in the history of American science.
- Oh, stop it.
- No!
Most scientists just start out teaching,
end up in Washington.
But Wrong-Way Armstrong
starts in Washington and he ends up teaching.
- No, our agreement, remember?
- What?
You weren't going to
blast off about Washington,
and I wasn't gonna ask you again
why you didn't want me
to come on this trip.
- OK?
- Yeah.
- Professor Armstrong?
- Just a minute.
- Yes?
- A radiogram, sir.
- I'm sorry. This isn't for me.
- But, sir, if you please -
No, I'm sorry. It must be a mistake.
You're freezing.
Well, what shall we have for
breakfast-lunch or lunch-breakfast?
Let's see, uh... corn flakes, soup.
Hello, Michael. Glad that heat's on again.
I'll say.
Good evening. I'm Michael Armstrong.
A radiogram arrived earlier for me.
May I have another look at it, please?
Yes, sir. One moment.
- Hello.
- Oh, Professor.
Did you perhaps see Miss Sherman?
I was supposed to have with her
a luncheon date.
Maybe she had forgotten.
Well, I believe she had a cold.
Stayed in bed.
A cold? Aw, that's too bad.
Here you are, sir.
Oh, thank you.
Well, I think she's up by now.
Why don't you look in the lounge?
Well, uh... I couldn't
have been awake this morning.
I'd like to send an answer.
- Please, sir.
- Thank you.
Darling, we've got connecting rooms.
That's Scandinavian efficiency.
Shall I unpack for you?
I'd rather do it myself.
No, I'm afraid he's busy right now.
This is Miss Sherman, his assistant, speaking.
May I take a message?
Oh, just one moment, please.
Michael, it's some bookshop for you.
Tell them I'll be there in a minute.
He'll be right here.
No, Operator. I was talking on this line.
Well, so much for your Scandinavian efficiency.
You've been cut off.
They said something about
sending you a radiogram.
Not me.
How much longer are you going to be?
Aren't we supposed to have lunch
with that Swedish professor, Hengstrom?
Yeah, at 1:30.
- Where?
- Here at the hotel.
Good, that gives us plenty of time.
What do you want to do?
Uh, look, I've gotta shave.
Why don't you take a stroll?
Oh, it's you again.
Yes, we were cut off.
I see. What's the address, please?
And that's where?
And then follow the canal?
Yes, thank you. We'll find it.
- Michael, I'm going for that stroll.
- See you in half an hour.
It seems you ordered a book.
I'll pick it up for you.
- What?
- The bookshop, I'm going there.
No, wait!
Oh, Miss Sherman.
Oh, good morning.
- You are better this morning?
- Better?
Our luncheon engagement yesterday
on the ship. You had a cold.
Oh, uh... Yes, much better, thank you.
Good. Then perhaps
we can have our lunch now.
Oh, uh, well, we have a date
with Professor Hengstrom.
- I'm awfully sorry.
- Yes, I too.
Look, at dinner tonight,
why don't you sit at our table?
Oh, could you tell me where
the Elmo Bookstore is, please?
- Taxi?
- Oh, no. I want this address.
Oh, Hotel d'Angleterre.
No, the address underneath.
It is quite near. We will go together.
You seem to like him very much.
Like him? Of course. We're engaged.
- Didn't you know?
- No.
We plan to be married in a couple of months.
Here we are.
What's the matter, Professor?
Don't you approve of marriage?
Of course I do.
Uh, do you have a book
for Professor Armstrong?
One moment.
Why didn't the professor come himself?
He's busy at the moment.
I'm his assistant, Miss Sherman.
I think we spoke on the phone.
Oh, yes. Will you come this way?
Excuse us.
Them religious books is in
a hell of a shambles, Magda.
Thank you. How much is that?
On account.
We charge it, see? Diners Club.
Take good care of it, dear heart.
It's a first edition, is that.
Thank you.
- Who is this Professor Armstrong?
- Didn't hear you, love.
Who is this Professor Armstrong?
- What have you got there?
- English Bibles.
Take them to the stockroom
and pray for him.
Thank you.
Oh, Professor Manfred,
you know Professor Hengstrom, don't you?
Swedish Academy of Science.
Of course. We met on the boat.
Oh, well, we'll see you at dinner, then.
Table 12.
- Professor Armstrong.
- Excuse me.
I hope you're
looking forward to our lunch.
This hotel has an excellent smorgasbord.
You know, Miss Sherman,
I've often wondered why
one of the leading hotels in
Denmark should be called
the 'Hotel of England' in the French language.
I suppose it's the ideal title
for international...
Oh, by the way, Professor,
I promised to take Miss Sherman
to lunch at Tivoli.
- You don't mind, do you?
- Oh, but I do mind.
You're robbing me
of the company of a beautiful girl.
Oh, well, go ahead. Enjoy yourself.
Oh, just a moment, love.
I want to leave this book with the concierge.
Be right back.
Thank you very much.
Well, Michael,
will you tell me before we eat or after?
Uh, aren't you gonna try your martini?
What are you so upset about?
And what were those tickets you picked up?
I... have to go to Stockholm.
And I have to go this afternoon.
But, I mean, the congress -
what about tonight,
you're giving your speech?
Well, this is more important.
I'm going to speak to
the Swedish defense department.
The Swedish defense department?
Hengstrom and I were talking on the boat
about what I was doing with Gamma Five,
and he knew the project was cancelled.
And he began to do some sniffing around,
seemed to think the Swedish government
might be willing to back the project, so...
You're American. How can you work
for a foreign government?
I can get clearance.
Why didn't you tell me you talked
to Hengstrom on the boat?
Well, I was going to -
You must've known about this for a long time.
Is that why you didn't want me
to come on this trip?
I did want you -
I thought we had an agreement.
To hell with the agreement.
You did everything you could
to stop me from coming.
The thing with Hengstrom just -
You never intended to give
a speech tonight, did you?
To hell with the speech!
Let somebody else give it.
Alright, what would you like me to do?
Cover the congress for me.
Take notes.
I'll be back in time for the wedding.
- In two months?
- Yeah.
- Or three?
- Yeah.
Oh, Michael, you certainly know
how to make a girl feel wanted.
Darling, I don't know what's got into you,
ever since the missile project was cancelled -
Yes, it was cancelled.
Now that was very important.
But I'm important to you.
Why can't I come to Stockholm?
Sarah, we'd never see each other.
You know, conferences, meetings?
But aren't I any use to you anymore?
- Well, if I wasn't gonna be so busy -
- But you're always busy.
Have I ever minded that?
Didn't you even stop to think I might enjoy it?
Oh, look, Michael, we could get an apartment.
I mean, I could look after you, shop, cook.
No. It just wouldn't work.
Well, that's that then.
Excuse me.
Well, it's definitely established.
Fifteen suitcases gone astray.
They could be anywhere.
I have an open ticket.
When's the next flight for New York?
I've known them to turn up
in Helsinki on that particular line.
Let's see what the day brings.
The Pan-Am flight left at noon, miss.
There is an SAS flight at 16:45.
Get me a seat on that.
I want to leave as soon as possible.
There's passenger Williamson's golf clubs.
We haven't seen those since Manchester.
What time does Armstrong's
flight leave for Stockholm?
You gave him a ticket this morning.
Aren't golf clubs classified as hand luggage?
Not since the Warsaw Convention.
There we are. Armstrong. A single ticket.
It's not for Stockholm, miss.
It's the 16:30 flight,
Romanian Airlines, East Berlin.
East Berlin?
But that's behind the Iron Curtain.
Yes, miss.
Young lady.
Excuse me.
What in hell's name are you doing here?
- Hello, Michael.
- Listen to me.
Now you stay away from me.
Don't talk to me.
When this plane lands,
you take the next one out!
Anywhere! Go home!
Do you understand?
- Wo ist Armstrong?
- Dort.
Professor Armstrong,
we will wait until the other
passengers are off the plane.
I thought she didn't know.
She doesn't know. She can't know.
She just followed me.
- Apparently.
- We can go now.
Hey, lady, step aside.
Hold it.
If you will pardon me,
I must introduce him to our vice minister.
Shall we go, please?
The vice minister wishes to welcome
to the German Democratic Republic,
a distinguished American nuclear scientist,
Professor Michael Armstrong.
Professor Armstrong has decided
to live and work for peace
in the Peoples' Democracies.
But can't I talk to him at all?
It is not advisable at present.
Do you have a visa, Miss Sherman?
Oh, they said I could
get one here for 24 hours.
I have told them you are here.
Let's see what can be done.
Gentlemen, there will be a press
conference later. Be patient.
Danke. This way.
- Professor.
- Hello.
You have survived our welcoming ceremony?
More or less.
Now we can relax.
Heinrich Gerard, state security.
Yes, the infamous state security.
I beg your pardon?
Excuse me. Sit down, please.
- No, thank you.
- Oh?
Your loss, our gain.
Well, Professor, did you have a good trip?
Oh, so-so.
Uh, this is Mr Gromek.
He will be your personal guide.
- Hello.
- Anything you need?
I lived many years in United States.
If he gives you any trouble, come to me.
I lived on 88th Street in New York.
Oh, good.
Well, here we are.
I hear you...
you brought a little excess baggage.
Oh, yes.
A Sarah Louise Sherman.
Sarah Louise?
You should come to me for your information.
But... isn't it a little strange?
During all your conversations
with our agents in the United States,
you never mentioned that
you were bringing an assistant.
- I didn't know she was coming.
- Really?
I gave her that cover story,
the one about Stockholm,
but I must've botched it.
- Isn't she your fiance?
- Yes.
Then what did you intend her to do?
Go home, marry the boy next door,
or what?
I hoped, vaguely that
she'd understand my motives.
Maybe she wouldn't,
but I hoped she'd join me later.
She has joined you, sooner than later.
So it would appear.
Oh, boy.
Let's have her in, shall we?
Come in, please.
Miss Sherman, my name is Gerhard.
How do you do?
Won't you please sit down?
May I introduce the vice minister,
Mr Strauss.
- Guten Tag.
- And Mr Gromek.
Well, Miss Sherman,
what are we going to do with you?
What do you suggest?
Is she a good assistant?
Is she a good fiance?
Then it would be nice for you both
if she stayed here, no?
Well, that's up to Miss Sherman.
Well, Miss Sherman,
how would you like to live behind
what you call the Iron Curtain?
I- I don't know.
Do you want me to stay, Michael?
That's up to you, Sarah.
If you wish, I can call for a car
and you could be
in West Berlin in half an hour.
I don't know.
Look, could I talk to
Professor Armstrong alone?
By all means. There's ample time.
Why don't we all sleep on it?
Yes, I'd like to do that.
We mustn't keep the press waiting, Professor.
Perhaps Miss Sherman
would like to accompany us?
Is that necessary?
I think she should find it interesting.
Alright. Let's go.
Oh, leave those.
Mr Gromek will take care of them.
This way, Professor, please.
Professor Armstrong will now
read to you his statement in English.
There will be copies available
for you in English and in German.
Sir, is it true you're defecting
because Washington abandoned
your anti-missile program?
I'll explain that.
Professor, is that the anti-missile missile?
The one that's supposed to make
nuclear defense obsolete?
Yes, it is.
No questions.
Does that mean
that your plan is to hand over
your secret work to a communist country?
I have a statement, if you don't mind.
in my country, the United States,
there are people in high places
who do not want to see
atomic war abolished.
Now, because of that,
a project that I was working on
for six years
was cancelled by my government.
Uh... that project is more important
than the considerations
of loyalty to any one country.
As a result of that, I, uh...
As a result of that, I, um...
I am offering my services
to your University of Leipzig,
hopefully to work with
Professor Gustav Lindt,
a leading authority in my field.
Together with Professor Lindt,
we will produce a defensive weapon
that will make, um...
all offensive nuclear weapons
and thereby
abolish the terror of nuclear wafrare.
- Thank you.
- One question, please.
That's all.
- Miss Sherman, goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Professor.
- Fulein Sherman.
- Herr Professor. Auf Wiedersehen.
- Thank you.
This way, please.
How come all the English
and American correspondents?
When we have big news,
we invite all correspondents
over from West Berlin.
What did you say your name was?
G- R-O-M-E-K.
Thank you very much, Mr Gromek.
Quite a reception, huh?
Big deal.
You still have that expressin, 'big deal'?
Yeah, we've got it.
Eighty-eighth and Eighth I used to live.
Do you know around there?
There was a pizza shop right on the corner.
Is it still there?
Corner of Eighty-eighth and Eighth?
Pete's Pizza Parlour.
I wouldn't know.
Some city.
Hot dog.
Do you still say that?
Hot dog.
Well, now you know.
You've got to get on a plane tomorrow.
Tell them you thought
it over and want to go home.
Are you listening to me?
My God, you're a cool customer.
You must've been planning this
for months, Michael.
How could you do it?
How could you tell those lies?
Well, I just -
I thought it would be better
if you didn't know about this.
I still can't believe this is really happening.
It was only this morning
I found out you were coming here.
I didn't know what to do. I couldn't believe it.
I just knew I had to follow you. I...
By instinct, to protect you or something. I...
Then when I got on the plane,
I couldn't see you and thought,
''Thank God he hasn't come.''
And when you turned around,
you looked as though you hated me.
Sarah, you know how important
this work is to me.
I've got to go through with it.
My feeling about it runs a lot deeper
than just, uh... patriotism.
Do you realise you're a traitor?
That's not the way I see it.
You're insane.
How can you talk to someone who's insane?
Sarah, if I can't explain it to you,
I can't explain it to you.
Michael, take me home.
I can't. I'm sorry. I can't, Sarah.
I love you very much.
Would you please take me home?
I'm sorry. I can't.
A- ha, so here you are.
Yes, a very nice room.
Are you comfortable?
Oh, yes, it's just fine.
Well, now we are all settled in,
I suggest we should all have
dinner in the dining room.
- Thank you. I-I'm not hungry.
- You are tired.
Perhaps you would like something up here.
There is room service.
Yes, why don't you do that?
Karl and I will get a bite downstairs.
You can rest for a while.
- It's open, Michael.
- It's Karl.
Ju-Just a minute.
Come in.
Oh, a thousand pardons.
It's alright. I'm decent.
- A love letter, I have no doubt.
- Thank you.
Well, now to breakfast.
Perhaps you would like to
join me in the dining room?
Thank you. I think I'll just have
some coffee sent up to the room.
Excuse me.
Then perhaps I might call for you
in one half hour?
There's something I would like
to talk to you about.
Professor Armstrong,
how does it feel to play
the part of a dirty defector?
I saw you on TV in town last night.
You put on a good act.
I've been conditioning myself for a long time.
Come on. Let's take a ride.
What possessed you to bring
your girl on a job like this?
I didn't. She followed me.
That's the whole point.
There are two of us involved
in the escape now.
I can't get her to go home.
Does she know what you're really up to?
No, of course not.
That's good, because if she did,
and ever made any kind of a slip,
these people can play it rough.
I know that.
Look, mister,
why can't you leave this intelligence
work to us professionals?
Cos you wouldn't know what to look for.
The information I'm after is inside the head
of a scientist at Leipzig University.
I've often wondered if you professionals
know what you're looking for
when you go in and steal secret papers.
Anytime I've had to do a job like that,
I just grabbed up the whole lot
and let Control sort them out.
What I'm after can't be got that way.
It takes a scientist to pick a scientist's brain.
I read in this morning's paper
in your interview yesterday
something about Washington
cancelling your anti-missile project.
I couldn't lick the final problem.
But this professor in Leipzig, he has?
- So you're taking the short cut?
- I'm trying to.
Did Washington approve
this crazy scheme of yours?
They don't know anything about it.
Then how did you make
the Copenhagen contact?
Let's say I got friends in high places.
How long do you figure
this whole thing's gonna take?
I don't know. One month. Two.
One week. Two. Depends.
What I need now is the name
of your agent in Leipzig.
The name's Koska.
K- O-S-K-A.
You'll be contacted.
Your escape will originate from there.
Well, mister, this is where you get off.
Pleasant dreams.
Is there a-a back door?
Is there some other way out?
I'm gonna report you
to the Minister of Culture.
What's wrong, Professor?
In one door and out the other?
You don't like our museum?
I've seen better.
Strictly for the birds, huh?
They still say that.
We used to say it all the time.
It's strictly for the 'boids.'
Well, aren't you going to introduce me?
Oh, this lady's a relative.
She's related to my mother -
Related to my mother's side of the family.
I just promised I'd stop by for a visit.
It's been difficult because my German
isn't as good as your English.
You're like me. Everywhere, relatives.
uncles, and wherever you go,
it's presents, handouts.
Where's the present, Professor?
I was going to get one in Copenhagen,
but I just didn't have time.
Too bad.
Sure, we'll have an apfelwein.
Why not? Danke.
- Come here, Professor.
- What for?
'What for?''
Come here. That!
What do you mean?
'What do you mean?'' That.
Looks like a sign. Hm?
I don't know.
What kind of sign?
- Hmm?
- I don't know.
''I don't know?''
Maybe a Greek letter.
Pi is the ratio
of the circumference of a circle
to its diameter, right?
Yeah. You're a very educated man, Mr Gromek.
I went to night school, Professor.
Special night school.
And they taught us all about Pi.
A dirty little two-bit organisation
for spying and escaping!
Can't you do better than them,
Mr American agent?
It's the big house for you,
Professor, you'll get life.
That's lucky, because this dolly...
Big house.
I used to see all those prison movies.
You know?
Edward G Robinson.
Did you ever -
Cut it out. Don't be stupid.
I was trained by experts.
I can take you...
How do you say?
One arm tied behind my back!
Tell the cookie she should put that down.
She's gonna cut your fingers off.
OK. You had your fun.
Now we stop these games!
Come. Come here.
- Huh?
- That.
Come. Schnell.
Auf Wiedersehen.
- Excuse me, are you Professor Armstrong?
- Yes, I am.
Mr Gerhard of Security wishes to see you.
We have a car.
Well, morning.
Come in, Professor.
We've had quite an interesting talk
with Miss Sherman, and she...
She has decided to come over to our side.
Your fiance would like to work
as your assistant in Leipzig.
You mean, you're going to work -
You mean, you're going to work with me?
Is there any reason why I shouldn't?
- Do you want to?
- I want to be with you.
You must thank Manfred, Professor.
Professor Manfred
has a unique line in argument.
He combines mathematical
logic with romantic inconsistency.
Miss Sherman, may I offer you a cognac?
Now a toast.
To your new life in your new country.
So, and now you leave for Leipzig.
- What, today?
- Immediately.
We have sent a car for you.
- We'll have to pack.
- Herein.
My dear Miss Sherman,
you are a scientist now, not a porter.
All that will be arranged.
The indispensable Gromek will meet
you in Leipzig with your baggage.
Professor, we seem to have lost Gromek.
Professor Armstrong, Miss Sherman,
may I present Vice Rector Gutman.
How do you do?
Welcome to Karl Marx University.
I am very happy to see you.
May I introduce Professor Winckelmann.
- How do you do?
- And Professor Schrder.
We're very happy to be here.
Professor Winckelmann
will show you to your rooms.
Your bags are already here.
Herr Haupt. Bitte.
Otto Haupt at your service, sir.
I'm your new security guide.
How do you do?
- And where is Gromek?
- He's disappeared.
Herr Gerhard is most concerned.
This is the new physics building,
which is very comprehensive,
as you shall see.
You have a very modern university.
All our universities are modern.
Still can't understand
how I fell down those stairs.
I tripped you.
I may have overdone it.
Who are you?
Didn't the farmer tell you? I'm Dr Koska.
I thought Koska was a man.
That was my husband.
He was a professor of mathematics here.
That is why he used the sign pi
for our organisation.
We are not a political group.
We only help people take a long
vacation from this lovely place.
Where is your husband?
He died last year.
Excuse me.
This is the university clinic.
Now, Gretel, remember your English.
We have here a gentleman from America.
I am pleased to meet you.
I am Gretel. Are you very well? Please?
Well, that's what your mother's
trying to find out.
Now, Gretel, pack your viola
and go down to the car.
I will be down very soon.
I had to reach you urgently.
You must move very quickly.
They are bound to investigate
the disappearance of Gromek.
It's a pity he had to be killed.
And it will complicate things.
Well, a woman at the farm
was going to bury the body
and the motorcycle, so...
Let's hope they don't find anything.
I hear there are two of you to get out now.
I'm afraid so, yes.
I will need photographs of both of you
for the false identity cards
we have to prepare.
- Well, that is going to be awkward.
- Why?
My fiance doesn't know
anything about an escape.
Or escape plans.
She still thinks I'm a defector.
She doesn't even know anything
about the whole idiotic mess.
I wasn't gonna tell her
till I got what I wanted.
Well, you'll have to try to find some pretext.
How long do you have to be in Leipzig?
I have to get to one man - Gustav Lindt.
Lindt? But he leaves for Leningrad any day.
For how long?
I don't know.
You should try to see him right away.
You bruised one or two ribs.
Tomorrow, they will probably
have you in for a screening.
They will want to ask you
questions about your experiments.
If you please them, if you pass the test,
they may allow you to work with Lindt.
How long do you need with him?
How long does it take
to get a man's confidence?
He's got the key to a puzzle in his head.
I have to get the key.
And he will give it to you? Just like that?
No, not just like that.
I'm depending upon his curiosity.
It's a pretty strong instinct
among most people,
but among scientists a bloody obsessin.
I'm depending upon
his eagerness to question me.
But you want information from him.
Well, that works two ways.
In order for him to find out what I know,
he's gonna have to tell me what he knows.
And I'll just feed him hopefully
the right kind of plausible
so he thinks I'm on to his discovery.
It sounds as if it could be a long business.
I'm sorry to be on your hands.
Oh, you're not on my hands.
I don't want to see you again
until you are ready to leave.
Sorry I had to put you through all this,
but in our organisation, we have to resort to
many bizarre means of communication.
Yes, that's - that's the right word.
Gentlemen, I have the honour to present
our American colleague,
Professor Armstrong,
professor of science and physics,
University of Chicago.
Ph.d, summa cum laude, 1956,
California Institute of Technology.
- Honorary degree.
- Ja.
We are all very familiar
with Professor Armstrong's qualifications.
- Good morning, Professor.
- Morning.
Please sit down.
Herr Kollege, continue.
Professor Armstrong,
I have been asked
by the committee of the faculty
to put to you some questions.
Gentlemen, I'll be, uh...
happy and pleased to provide
whatever information I can.
First, as a gesture of good faith,
the committee would like you to describe
the progress of United States experiments
with the missile known as Gamma Five.
Let's begin with -
Uh, let's begin with the, uh...
preliminary experiments in Chicago.
If there are any questions,
I'd prefer to answer them later.
Uh... starting -
Before this faculty interrogation begins,
Herr Haupt wishes to ask a question.
Bitte, Herr Haupt.
Did you visit a farm before you left Berlin?
Gentlemen, I -
I thought this was to be
a scientific interrogation.
Herr Haupt has received instructions
from state security in Berlin.
You must answer the question.
Yes, I went to a farm.
I wanted to look up some relatives.
Did I do something wrong?
Should I have gotten a permit?
Did you meet Herr Gromek at this farm?
Gromek? No.
- You're quite sure?
- Yes.
This faculty meeting must terminate at once.
I don't - I-I don't understand.
What is all this?
Your answer is not satisfactory.
We are not allowed to speak with you
until the security people
have made further investigations.
Gentlemen, that's ridiculous.
I came 4,000 miles to work with
Professor Lindt, now where is he?
I'm Lindt.
What's this rubbish about security?
Who gave the order?
Mr Gerhard, chief of state security service.
And does Mr Gerhard know
that I've got to be
in Leningrad at any moment?
Gentlemen, I must know about this
Gamma Five work before I leave!
Everybody has orders.
Wait a minute.
You. Is your assistant with you?
Yes, Herr Professor. Miss Sherman.
Did she also trespass on any forbidden farms?
So, something is better than nothing.
She also worked on Gamma Five.
I want to talk to her.
Come on, gentlemen.
Yack, yack, yack, yack. You're like chickens.
Ah, Miss Sherman.
Miss Sherman,
the faculty would like to ask you
- a few general questions about -
- Frulein.
Were you not present at the United States
Gamma Five experiments in Chicago?
Yes, I was.
Start, please,
by telling me what you know about this.
First I want to know,
was this experiment successful?
Come now, Frulein.
You must cooperate, Miss Sherman.
It is expected.
I have nothing to tell you.
But it was all agreed.
Isn't that true, Professor Armstrong?
Miss Sherman agreed to cooperate.
- I have nothing to say.
- Sarah.
You tell them. You tell them!
You joined them.
You're the one who sold out!
You tell them, Professor Armstrong.
Sorry, gentlemen. Miss, uh...
Sherman's been under a great strain.
Perhaps if I could be allowed
a few moments with her...
Go. Go. Do something.
You cackle like hens. Do something!
But Miss Sherman. Sarah.
This is preposterous, don't you think?
You must show that they can trust you.
Surely, you want to help Michael.
- Isn't that so?
- Not any longer. I want to go back.
The police, the authorities, everybody.
- I shall get in terrible trouble.
- Karl, let me talk to her.
She's adamant. Besides,
I don't think the security people -
Oh, the hell with security!
You want her cooperation or not?
Give me five minutes with her.
After all, she is my girl.
Put that in the past tense.
Be very careful.
Oh, Michael.
Careful, Manfred.
Now, that's everything.
I would have told you before,
except I wanted to wait until
I got what I needed from Lindt.
Looks like I'm not gonna make it.
So I've got to get to Dr Koska at the clinic,
but you've got to go back into that room.
Now, I'll tell you precisely
what information to give to Lindt.
But you've got to act as though
I persuaded you to go along with me.
You understand?
Oh, Michael!
Professor Lindt looks
well pleased with himself.
That's because he's surrounded
with such lovely company.
He seems to have taken to you.
Or was it the information
you gave him this afternoon?
Perhaps it was a bit of both.
I was glad you were able
to change your mind.
Your little walk with Michael
seems to have had its effect.
Well, I had a chance to think things over.
Ah, well, thank you, Manfred.
I was able to combine mathematical
logic with romantic inconsistency.
Just so.
There's Dr Koska over there.
- I'm gonna grab a dance, alright?
- Yes.
- Good evening, Professor.
- Hello.
- May I have a dance?
- Oh, yes.
Thank you.
- Put it here?
- Yes.
- How are you feeling?
- Oh, I'm feeling fine.
I've been trying to get
in touch with you all day.
I've been out of the city.
What has happened?
The faculty interrogation this morning?
Called off.
- For what reason?
- I don't know.
The, uh... security man,
Well, he came in and asked me
if I'd been to a certain farm.
I told him yes,
I'd gone to see some relatives,
and then he asked me
if I'd seen Gromek there.
There was nothing I could do. I lied, I said no.
Everything stopped.
They cut off the interrogation just like that.
- Did they give you any reason?
- Uh, no.
But then, you see, I began to ask myself,
how did they find out
that I had been to a farm?
Well, the taxi driver. Very simple answer.
So, uh, he must have seen Gromek there too.
Was Professor Lindt at the screening?
Oh, yes, and he's inquisitive as hell.
When he found out that he
wasn't supposed to question me,
he called up Sarah and asked her to come in.
Now that they know you lied about Gromek,
you're liable to be picked up at any minute.
I've got to get you both out
and back to Berlin immediately.
Only to get this far after
all these months' work?
I know. It doesn't make any difference now.
They are too close.
I know.
I suppose you have told
Miss Sherman everything.
Well, I had to, finally, this afternoon.
You won't be able to leave tonight.
Too many people involved.
It has to be tomorrow morning.
It will take all night to organise things.
- Is it that complicated?
- Yes, it is.
Both of you be in my clinic
tomorrow morning,
10:00 punctually, no baggage.
Oh, Sarah, it's no use. It's too late.
Don't forget, Mr Armstrong,
10:00 tomorrow morning.
Ah, Armstrong.
So, you're not out trespassing tonight.
We have some very nice farms around here.
Well, I decided to give it a miss tonight.
Michael, I think Professor Lindt needs a drink.
Let us drink the wine
and... discuss the harvest.
Armstrong, I think, Professor,
the Vice Rector's waiting.
Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.
Let us have some intelligent conversation.
Ahh, the Vienna Waltz.
Did I tell you that my sister Emily
got knocked down by a tram in Vienna?
Uh... come on, Karl, what about a dance?
I'm afraid you must excuse me.
I'm not a very good dancer.
You cannot refuse such a charming young lady.
I'm afraid you're hooked, Karl.
Herr Professor Doctor Lindt,
you are neglecting your party.
I'm having a party with Armstrong.
Go, go. Get along.
Uh, Professor.
What? What?
Well, you must be quite excited
with what Miss Sherman told you
this afternoon about Gamma Five.
I'll tell you, Armstrong, I have a rule.
I never discuss my work when I'm having fun.
And never,
never over a drink.
Well, I suppose she told you
that we concluded our experiment successfully.
I think I would accept that more
readily from the horse's mouth.
Oh, yes, we've built Gamma Five.
Oh, really?
We must get together,
and you can tell me about it.
I have too much beard.
I need a shave tomorrow morning
at Kaninski's Barber Shop.
We had a very interesting talk...
about farming.
It's ten after 10:00 already.
I was stupid enough to help him
get together with Lindt.
They've found Gromek's body.
I wonder what happened to our security man.
He must still be in front of the barber shop.
This Gamma Five work of yours
sounds interesting.
You're a brilliant young man.
You know,
there aren't many of us, Armstrong.
Here. Here is where the work is done.
The rest is all mechanics.
You said you made already Gamma Five?
Well, yes. Mind you,
we've only done preliminary tests.
- Why is that?
- We had trouble getting money.
But there's nothing the matter
with the theory.
As far as I'm concerned, the problem's solved.
Solved? If you solved it,
why didn't you publish the results?
- Security.
- Ah! Security.
On the theoretical level,
you could've published something.
You mean like you did last year
in the East German Journal of Physics?
- Oh, you read that paper?
- Oh, yes.
Then you know that this thing
you're talking about
I happened to have discovered too.
I just think our methods were different.
How? How different?
Well, here's my workroom.
All my secrets.
It's probably the most secret room
in the whole country,
but, you see, no guards.
- I find it nice and familiar.
- Oh, yes.
Velocity, right?
And so.
You're not going to work with me, Professor,
if that is the extent of your knowledge.
Well, I'm not through yet.
I'm afraid, Professor,
you have very little to offer.
You know, Professor,
I came here because the people
who allocate money in my country
weren't intelligent enough
to pursue a wholly original concept.
That works.
Nein. Da!
No, no, no, no, no!
Pfft! It will blow up.
Well, we built it,
and it works, and it didn't blow up.
Four years ago we tried it at Alma-Ata.
It blew up.
Well then, your equipment was faulty.
Your concept was probably wrong too.
You misunderstood it.
I? Lindt?
You come to me
from the United States, and I -
I don't care if you come from the moon!
I tell you what you say is rubbish!
Look. Look.
''Achtung, Achtung.
Professor Armstrong und Miss Sherman...''
''Professor Armstrong and Miss Sherman,
you're wanted at once
in the Vice Rector's office.''
Huh? Not so?
What if you took it this way?
And this way?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
Go! Learn!
- Ah.
- Why do you say ''ah''?
- Surely there's something missing.
- But it works!
In Russia, we built it. It works!
My God. That's brilliant.
You jumped a step, didn't you?
Of course it's brilliant. It's genius.
The Russians thought I was crazy.
They didn't know I'm Lindt.
''Professor Armstrong und Miss Sherman...''
They're asking all the students
of this section to search for you.
Why? What have you done?
You told me nothing.
You know nothing.
I forbid you to leave this room!
What does he look like,
this Professor Armstrong?
Like a professor.
What started that excitement down there?
The police have arrived.
They've come for you.
- Please, we've no time.
- Just a minute.
I have to get you
to the centre of the city.
- I hope you can ride bicycles.
- Yes.
It's only a ten-minute ride. Come.
We're very late, but we can't rush it.
Ride slowly.
Just a normal outing.
Remember, you must reach our
friends in Berlin before 7:00 tonight.
They say Herr Jacobi can be
trusted to get you there. Good luck.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Herr Jacobi.
This way, please.
I am Mr Jacobi.
She is worried. You are late.
Look, I, uh... I've heard of organisation,
but, uh... you mean to say
that the bus line is on our side?
This is not a regular bus.
This belongs to our organisation.
But we travel the same route
as the official Leipzig to Berlin bus.
But we leave ten minutes ahead of it.
You are not German.
What does it matter? They are friends.
- Polizei.
- Police now!
We've never had police before.
Twenty times we have made this journey.
Be calm. Calm.
They are endangering our whole enterprise
because they are not only foreigners,
but foreigners wanted by the police.
Which makes our whole enterprise
much more dangerous
than it has ever been before.
Who are all these people?
They are all friends of our organisation.
- Are we all escaping?
- Oh, no, miss.
We do not escape.
We are all round-trip passengers.
We are members of Pi.
We helps others get to Berlin,
and then we come home.
But isn't that very dangerous?
For some people it is
more dangerous to stay here.
Herr Jacobi!
I'm afraid it's a roadblock.
Do you have your identity cards?
Good. And don't speak.
They were looking for the Americans.
We might be stopped again.
Herr Jacobi, what will happen
when the real bus will come along?
- What will the police say then?
- Relax.
You heard Heinrich tell them
they were running an extra bus.
- You alright?
- Yes, so far.
Well, she will only have to wait
eight minutes for the regular bus.
We should be ten minutes ahead.
We will make up time.
Herr Jacobi.
Another roadblock.
Bandits. Army deserters.
- Is it a hold-up?
- Yes. They will want money.
Jewellery and watches are no good to them.
Got it.
What's so funny?
Well, it's funny in one way,
but perhaps in another way it's not.
You see, the military
have decided to give us an escort.
I believe we're under arrest.
We have an escort now.
They say there have been a number
of attacks along this road lately.
Look, we're the ones
who are endangering everybody.
Couldn't we just get off now
like ordinary passengers?
What would you do in the middle
of the countryside like this?
Your next contact is in the city.
At least we should
try to get you to the outskirts.
My only concern is that now we will
have to behave like a regular bus.
How do you mean?
As you see, we pick up no passengers.
Now we will have to stop.
Even if we don't, the police up front will.
Herr Jacobi.
If the police see that second bus coming,
we'll all be arrested.
Let me off! Let me off! Let me off!
Let me off the bus!
Frulein Mann,
if you wish, I will let you off the bus,
but you will not say anything to the police.
Heinrich, stop!
And you, I hope you get caught for
giving everybody so much trouble.
When we get to Berlin,
who's my next contact?
You will go to the Friedrichstrasse post office.
Ask for a man called Albert.
I will give you the address.
Herr Jacobi.
It looks like we have to stop.
My God, we'll never make it.
He says the police have seen the other bus.
We've gotta get off.
You must go now. Quick! Quick!
Don't forget, the Friedrichstrasse
post office. Albert.
Schnell! Schnell!
I wish I'd had the time to write it down.
Post office, post office. What the hell was it?
It was something 'strasse'.
Yeah, I know, and a man named Albert.
But, uh, which post office?
We shall have to ask.
- Let me. It's safer.
- Alright.
Post office?
Post office?
Ah, Post Office. Friedrichstrasse?
Yes, Friedrichstrasse!
Excuse me, please. You wish information?
At your service, mademoiselle.
You are with that gentleman?
Yes, of course you are.
Come, please.
Excuse me, please.
I am the Countess Kuchinska.
I am Polish.
Allow me, please,
to offer you both a cup of coffee.
- I'm terribly sorry. We're in a hurry.
- I know.
We're looking for the
Friedrichstrasse post office.
You will take coffee with me,
Professor Armstrong.
Come on. There is close to here a...
How do you say? Coffee house.
Come on.
Here we are. Here we are.
Do you have American cigarettes?
No, I'm sorry.
Then... you must smoke the Russian ones.
You see?
Look at these.
Half of it is paper.
Just a little bit tobacco in this end.
Disgusting! You wish one?
No, thank you.
How exciting to meet you, Professor.
It is not every day one meets a spy.
Oh, please.
And his face in all the papers.
But don't look so worried, my darling girl.
You are quite safe with me.
I am not kommunistical.
It will be undrinkable.
Disgusting liquid they call coffee.
It is no good here.
You see,
I came here from Poland.
I wish... very much to go
to the United States of America.
Unfortunately, it is necessary to have...
friends there.
How you say? Sponsor.
Do you understand me, my dear girl?
Y- Yes, but...
Is this their best coffee?
And they are all ignorant here.
I am making you a proposition.
You two will promise me to be my sponsors
for a visa to the United States of America.
In return,
I will take you where you wish to go.
Drink your coffee.
- Sponsors?
- Yes!
I'm writing to West Berlin,
to American... visa office.
All I need is sponsor.
Will you help me?
You mean the East Germans
will be willing to let you go?
Oh, sure.
They don't need an old woman like me.
They let me go if America take me.
But America don't take me
without... sponsor.
Michael, why don't we?
If we help her...
- Come on.
- Alright.
You will be my sponsors?
Oh, thank you, my dear.
I knew you were my friend.
Now, I will give you my address.
You give me... yours.
Oh, good!
Oh, good! Wondefrul!
In celebration, I'll pay for the liquid.
Now, I help you.
I'll take you to Friedrichstrasse post office.
How is the name? Who do we want?
The name's Albert.
Bitte. Bitte.
Albert? Ja. Ja.
Herr Albert.
Herr Albert?
Bitte Schn.
Herr Albert?
Ja. Ja.
Herr Albert?
What does it say?
It's a travel agency you have to go to.
- Come on!
- Halt!
They are my sponsors!
My sponsor.
My sponsor...
for United States of America.
It must be on the other side of the street.
Hold it.
Well, there's our travel agency.
Come on.
You picked a bad time to call, Professor.
We had company.
- It's alright, Sarah. This is -
- I'm nobody, ma'am.
Just city folk out taking a stroll.
Judging by what happened over there,
we should be on the run ourselves.
But we thought we'd better
hang around until you turned up.
Was it a raid?
Our little organisation is used to this.
We'll just have to set up shop someplace else.
So, you got away from the bus alright?
Yeah, but we heard firing. Was anybody hurt?
Hardly a soul. They scattered too well.
One little flesh wound, that's all.
That's a pretty good bunch you got there.
What about the bus?
That we don't have anymore.
Michael, that's one piece of business
we must attend to
as soon as we get back -
if we get back alright.
Now, we don't have much time,
so listen what the man says.
We're sending you out by sea
on an East German boat
in the costume baskets
of a Czech ballet company.
It gives its last pefrormance
tonight and goes to Sweden.
Remember, the boat is East German.
You won't be safe until you're ashore.
8:00 sharp, I will bring you to the theatre.
You will take your seats one minute
after the house lights go down.
At first intermissin,
you'll be taken
through the pass door backstage
by the baggage master of the company.
He will know you
because he has your seat numbers.
Is he one of your men?
No, but he wants to defect too,
so we're going to give him a little help.
Here it is.
You'll recognise him.
He has red hair which is not his own,
and his name is Hugo,
but don't give him that money
until after you've landed.
Listen, if we don't get
a chance to see you again -
You won't, mister.
From the time you reach that
theatre tonight, you're on your own.
Shall we go?
- When the - Oh, my God.
- What?
- It's Gerhard.
- Where?
Back that way.
Nein. Nein.
Good luck.
Professor Armstrong...
Swing the crane over here. Over here!
- We're Americans.
- Oh, welcome to Sweden.
Is there someplace we can dry out?
We have passports and money.
Come to our office.
We always keep a whole stack
of blankets for refugees.
But why were they shooting at the baskets?
Thought we were inside them.
Could you ask him why he made
the last-minute switch?
He said he heard the ballerina describing how
they caught refugees in costume
baskets on a previous trip.
He got scared this time because
she was watching too closely.
Say, say, hello. Hello!
Oh, Michael.