Touchback (2011)

Radio commentator:
Murphy's flushed to the outside
and he is gonna be slammed to the turf
at the 31 by Jackson.
Murphy getting zero protection
in the pocket
from this swarming
Cuyahoga defense,
but still keeping the Coldwater
Black Bears in this ball game.
For those of you
just joining us, this is
the Ohio River Valley
Sports Network
reporting live from the 1991
Ohio high school football
state championship game
with the Cuyahoga Raiders
taking on
the Cinderella story...
the Coldwater Black Bears.
The perennial powerhouse
Red Raiders
hail from the big city
of Cleveland, Ohio.
Their high school has more students
than the entire population
of the small town of Coldwater.
And the big story for Coldwater
has been quarterback Scott Murphy,
raised by a single mother
who works in a factory.
He was recently named
"Mr. Football"
as the outstanding player
in the state.
This is it, folks.
A Coldwater victory here
would be a fairy tale ending
for this hardworking
blue-collar community.
just one time out remaining.
Coldwater needs a touchdown
right here
to win the state championship.
Scott Murphy, "Mr. Football,"
deep to return the kick.
And he'll take it
to the 50, to the 45.
Murphy's hit, but he breaks the tackle,
stays on his feet,
- breaks another tackle...
- Come on, come on!
...inside the 35, inside the 30,
and he's knocked down
at the 26.
And he'll quickly call a time out
to talk to Coach Hand.
This has been
one of the great games
in Ohio high school
football history.
here in the fourth quarter.
Third down, 42-38.
Words exchanged
on the sidelines
as Murphy appears
to be arguing
the final play call
by Coach Hand.
That's the play.
Commentator: They seem to have
agreed on something.
Murphy is headed back out
onto the field.
He's got one final play
to make a miracle happen
here in Coldwater.
- Crowd: Murphy! Murphy!
- Murphy: Black seven!
Black seven!
Commentator: Murphy drops back,
looks deep.
Hall's wide open
in the end zone.
He's open. He's open.
He's open!
Commentator: He tucks it.
He's gonna run it.
(crowd cheering)
- Now inside the 20, to the 15...
- Run, run, run, run! the 10, to the 5!
Touchdown, Coldwater!
They will be the state champions
of Ohio! Wow.
(Murphy screams)
(birds chirping)
(brace squeaks)
(snores, mumbles)
I'm never drinking
with you lightweights again.
Man on shoulder:
But you said that last week.
Yeah, well, I mean it this time.
That's it?
Ain't no tuck-in,
no kiss good night?
It's my birthday, Murph.
That's why I didn't drop you off
at the curb.
So your hometown's
bringing you down
Or you're drowning
in the small talk...
I don't need help.
My body-to-booze ratio
is enormous.
I have the liver strength
of 10 men.
I'm not drunk.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I got a sharp pain in my stomach.
- What does that mean?
- Don't eat three dozen wings.
Now come on, man.
You know I'm paranoid.
- What side's your appendix on?
- Your right side. Now get up.
That's the side that hurts.
Oh, I got appendicitis.
No, you don't have appendicitis.
You'd lose your appetite. Now let's go.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Murphy, take a look at this.
I need you to be the beneficiary
of my life insurance policy.
- Hell no, Dwight. Hell no.
- No, come on, man.
If I croak in my sleep, I need to know
my mom's taken care of.
I got plenty of people
I gotta worry about.
My brother would put her
in a home, man.
Thanks, Murph.
Hey, we're worth a lot
dead, Murphy.
If I bite it,
you can have some.
I know the bank's
been riding you, brother.
Murphy: Just quit talking
and go back to sleep.
You're "Mr. Football."
And in '91
you sent them packing.
Don't sweat it, Murphy.
You'll find a way to win.
You always did!
(door creaks)
(door opens)
What are they doing up?
They heard you drive up.
They've been waiting
for you to come inside.
(commentator speaking
on radio)
What do you do out there anyway?
Just listen to the radio?
Yeah, Mace.
Just listen to the radio.
Hey, so don't forget
the bank appointment.
Murphy: How could I?
You told the whole town.
I didn't... I only told Sasha.
Mace, we live in "Backwater."
You tell one person... you might as well
put it up on a billboard.
- (machine beeps)
- Dispatcher: Signal 50 Coldwater.
- (pager beeps)
- Units respond to 267 Main Street
for an unknown fire
to the rear of the building.
Signal 50 Coldwater volunteers
please respond,
- 267 Main Street, for an unknown fire.
- Honey.
You've been up all night
and it's not even your shift.
You don't have to go.
(siren wails)
- (man babbling)
- (radio chatter)
- What's going on, Gig? Is this it?
- Gig: Aw, Jesus, Coach...
...walking down the street,
I was barbecuing.
- Wham! The whole grill is on fire.
- All right, go sit down.
Hang on a second.
You stay back with me on the pump.
Barney, Rodriguez,
you guys handle the hose.
Murphy: If you're gonna blame me,
at least let me fight it.
No, I'm not doing that.
I just want to talk to you
about the halftime
ceremony tomorrow.
- I watch the station on game day.
- Hand: Celina can cover us.
Murphy: Celina is 40 minutes away.
But, hey, if you don't need me,
I got plenty of work
I can do at home.
Hand: Like what?
Babysitting those damn beans?
You know, if you planted corn
like everybody else,
you could just sit back
and watch it grow. Charge the line.
Murphy: So you're coaching
farmers now too?
Coldwater's corn country
for a reason.
Yeah, well, it used to be
football country too.
What are you, four and six?
- Six and four.
- Close enough.
You know, if that's meant
to hurt me, it doesn't.
These guys may not be as talented
as you guys once were, but I'll tell you
something... they play twice as hard
and I like them just as much.
Yeah, well, you should be
seven and three
if you'd have hit Taylor
on that deep post against Marion
instead of bringing in Wilson
to kick a 42-yard field goal,
and the guy can't hit
the broad side of a barn.
You know, for somebody
who's too busy
to come down
and watch football games,
you sure as hell know a lot
about what's going on in 'em.
Yeah, well, I don't listen...
got 'em playing on the damn radio
at the station.
You think I don't know where you go
on Friday nights, huh?
You think I'm blind,
can't see your headlights
up there on that bluff?
Why don't you get your ass
out of that truck
and down on the field
where it means something?
It's bad enough to listen to you
lose on the radio.
You think I want to come down
and witness it in person?
Think you can do any better?
Come on down
and coach my quarterbacks.
Sure, as soon as you come help me
work my back 40.
I'll help you plant... some corn.
Why don't you worry about your field,
and I'll worry about mine?
People said you were crazy
for growing soybeans here,
but they look good to me.
Yeah, yeah, looking pretty good.
What've you got?
Certified mail.
Is Sasha around?
She took the girls
to the park.
Just put her stuff
on the porch.
Oh, wait.
One more thing.
My mom said that Macy told
Joanne Bragden
to tell her to tell me
to tell you to get a move on...
something about
"Frank and a tie"?
Man: Mr. Murphy, it's been 120 days
since your last payment.
Murphy: Frank said we could
work something out...
something about a "forbearance"
till harvest.
I filled out
all this paperwork.
The crop's about 80%
right now.
It's gonna be ready to harvest
real soon.
Were you friends with Frank?
Yeah, kinda.
I played ball with Chris Hall.
- Chris who?
- The football player
who does your ads.
Um, Mr. Murphy, I am...
I'm sure that... ahem...
Frank thought he was helping you out,
but he's actually
put you in a pretty bad
It's not that bad, is it?
To be honest, Mr. Murphy,
based on your equity
and your
employment history, this...
this loan should have never been
Well, I already got the loan.
I just need the extension.
It's too late for an extension.
The bank's already
called in your loan.
What do you mean?
What do you mean, called in my loan?
The power of sale foreclosure
proceedings have already begun.
Your property will be on the market
in the next several days
unless... unless you can pay
a significant sum here today.
I'm a farmer.
I can't pay you
until my crops are ready.
If you can raise something
before we get any offers,
I'm sure we might be able
to take another look.
Otherwise I'm sorry,
Mr. Murphy.
Well, I'm not asking you
for a bailout.
I can pay you in two weeks,
in less than a month.
Man: There's nothing I can do.
I'm sorry.
Okay, ladies,
pick your poison.
Operation. Operation.
Play this one.
(girls whine)
Look at this thing.
(girls chattering)
(crowd cheering)
Two guys wide open...
and you run it, like an idiot.
(static buzzes)
(knocking on door)
Daddy? Daddy?
Sorry, I fell asleep
with the girls.
No, that's okay.
How did it go at the bank?
It went great.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
What did I tell you?
I knew it would work out.
Guess who I ran into.
Who's that?
They wanted to stick around
and say hi.
(loud music playing)
- Oh, there he is.
- (music stops)
"Mr. Football."
Hey, Hall.
Hey, Hall?
What the hell is that?
Hey, Scotty.
Nice to see you.
- How have you been, buddy?
- Good.
I send you tickets.
I don't see you.
I ain't got many years
left in me, you know?
Oh, hey, we got the Steelers
on Monday,
but I wanted to get back
for the ceremony and see the guys.
Check it.
Oh, yeah.
- I don't think mine would fit anymore.
- Like a glove.
Murphy: Come on, Mace,
the girls are next door.
We really should get going.
Oh, that's right.
You have kids.
Hey, why don't you guys
come for dinner?
- I can cook and...
- Mace, I'm sure they got plenty of...
- No, you could just catch up.
...people they have to see besides us.
Come on, we really should
get going... the girls.
- Okay.
- It's good seeing you guys.
(engine starts)
- Hall: Thank you.
- No, it's so good to see you guys.
- I got it.
- Oh, thank you.
Hey, we're doing something
at Pal's after the game.
You'd better be there.
See you guys.
(country music playing
on radio)
I thought you'd be excited.
You were so close
in high school.
Yeah, well, high school
was a long time ago.
Are you mad
they're together?
No. What kind of question
is that?
You know, if I...
if I saw my high school flame
with my best friend,
I might wonder.
Yeah, well,
I really could care less.
Since when did you have
a high school flame?
Well, we weren't "class couple"
like you two or anything,
but if I hadn't fallen for you
when you were laid up in the hospital,
who knows?
I'm just saying
I wouldn't mind having them over.
I think it'd be good.
Good for what?
So we can talk about how I got laid off
when the plant closed down?
Or good so they can walk in the den
and see the holes in the walls
and the plastic
covering the windows?
If they're so interested
in seeing holes in walls
and plastic covering windows,
they don't have to
walk into the den.
We've got that
right out on the porch.
You're crazy,
you know that?
Now who the hell
was your high school flame?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Murphy: So what,
now you aren't gonna tell me?
(knocks on door)
(door opens)
Daddy, can we sleep with you?
- (Macy chuckles)
- We're cold.
Okay, come on.
Girl: Yay.
- Girl: Are we going under the covers?
- Macy: Come here, sweetie.
- Macy: Oh.
- Girl: Daddy.
Where are you going?
- Macy: Honey.
- Daddy?
Older daughter:
Murphy: They're frozen.
The damn beans are frozen.
Macy: It's okay.
It's gonna warm up, right?
No, it's not okay.
If we don't harvest today,
they're gonna rot
off the bush.
What are you looking for?
The phone book. Where's the phone book?
I gotta call Red.
- Wait, wait, it's here. It's okay.
- We're gonna lose our...
we're gonna lose everything.
- No, honey, no. We're not gonna...
- I can't believe the frost. Damn it.
No. Listen to me.
We're not gonna lose everything, okay?
- You said it was 80%, right?
- Yeah.
Okay, so we make 80%.
We harvest sooner
and we get the money
to the bank sooner.
Yeah. Yeah.
- Okay.
- It's okay.
Okay, I gotta call Red.
The freeze hit hard all over.
They've been calling from Illinois
to Michigan for one of these...
probably the last soy header
in the area.
Thanks for bringing it
so quickly, Red.
Hey, no problem.
Macy: Thanks, Red.
You're a lifesaver.
Red: Better get those beans in
before the rain gets here
or you won't be running that thing
through that field.
I know, Red.
Red: Hustle up... you can make
the halftime ceremony.
(metal groaning)
What was that?
(engine stops)
(thunder rumbling)
Honey, I heard the noise
from the house.
Thank God you're okay.
I'm not okay.
Every cent we had,
every penny my mom left us is gone.
It's all wasted.
Oh, honey, calm down.
Calm down? I just broke
the last soy header in the state.
Well, Red can fix it, I'm sure.
Yeah, in two or three days.
The beans will be rotten by then.
- So we pick them.
- Pick them? It's 200 acres, Macy.
Don't be so stupid.
I'm sorry.
Just go back inside.
I'm gonna go down and see
if Red can find me another header, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
(engine starts)
(thunder crashing)
(rain pattering)
Okay, are we ready?
- Girl: Daddy.
- Macy: There you are.
Hey. Hey.
Are you guys ready
for the game?
I tried to call the shop,
but I didn't get an answer.
They had an extra one
at Hoover Heights.
Yeah? The rain's not gonna be
a problem?
No, Red said it's gonna
let up any minute.
- Okay.
- Hey, you guys get going to the game.
- Get in the car with Sasha.
- Sasha: Come on, guys, let's go.
- Don't forget your football.
- Are you coming with us?
No, I'm gonna meet you guys
at the diner after the game.
- Youngest daughter: Okay.
- Both girls: Bye, Daddy.
- You're gonna come when you're done?
- Yeah. You guys go on.
- I'll meet you at Pal's afterwards.
- Okay.
Okay, you guys, come on.
(all chattering)
Coldwater is struggling here
on a rainy homecoming
Saturday afternoon,
down by 14 already
in the first quarter,
Coach Hand probably wishing
some of these players here today
were from the 1991
state championship team.
Commentator: And everyone
is hoping the rain lets up
in time for
the halftime ceremony
to recognize
the '91 state champions
who won big here
on this field 20 years ago.
That team was led
by Scott Murphy...
"Mr. Football."
Chris Hall is here
signing autographs...
(radio off)
Dwight: Don't sweat it, Murphy.
You'll find a way to win.
You always did.
We're worth a lot dead, Murphy.
(door opens)
(door closes)
(engine starts, roars)
(birds chirping)
(knocking on window)
What are you doing, man?
Murphy: Thank God.
I'm such an idiot.
Why is it all foggy?
Are you making out
with yourself in there?
What the...?
What the hell?
Come on.
We're gonna be late.
Late for what?
(school bell ringing)
(voices chattering)
Hey, Murphy,
good game last week, man.
Hi, Scotty.
Scott Murphy,
where have you been?
If you guys are gonna skip
sixth period, at least tell me.
I was waiting around for you
like an idiot.
Ugh, I'm so mad at you,
I could just...
I could just...
Why can't I stay mad at you?
Oh, you guys make me sick.
Hustle up, lover boy.
Murphy: What's going on?
Am I dead?
Hall: We're both dead
unless you hurry up.
Yo, Murph,
hey, check out my new game face.
I call it "Fourth Down."
(grunts, yells)
you look so skinny.
Hey, I've been working out, man.
I got balls.
Hey, come on, D,
he's just hating you, bro.
Oh, I get it. You're just trying my
confidence before the big game, right?
These guns go bang, baby.
Murphy, get in here.
Close the door.
All right, what happened
to you today?
Mrs. Bird said
you weren't in Lit class... again.
No, Coach.
I wasn't anywhere near
Lit class today.
Well, you missing class
isn't funny to me, Scott.
I don't know why
it's funny to you.
Sit down.
All right, look,
I know you've already got
one foot out of this town.
And a lot of people
around here think
that whatever you do on Friday night
is all that matters.
Well, I'm not one of them.
I want you to be a man
who's good for more than
one night a week.
If you skip class one more time,
Scott, I'm gonna bench you.
I don't care if I gotta play
a freshman quarterback
in the state finals.
I'll do it.
you mean we'll play Cuyahoga
this week?
Is that supposed to be
funny too?
You know, the Red Raiders
got seven all-Americans
and one linebacker who thinks you
cheated him out of being "Mr. Football."
He'd like nothing better
than to clean your clock.
Get dressed.
All right then, suicides
if everybody is not on the field
in two minutes.
Let's go. Let's go.
(blows whistle)
Let's go, guys.
Let's go. Let's pick it up.
This is crazy.
(whistle tweets)
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
our quarterback
has decided to join us.
- You can thank him personally later.
- Man: What happened, Murph?
- (men grumbling)
- What's the matter with you, Murph?
Sorry, guys.
All right, offense, defense,
line it up.
- Red 24... let's run it.
- Man: Let's go, D. Come on now.
- You want me to quarterback?
- Scott, knock it off.
Get in there
and play some football.
Hall, what's Red?
Is that with you in the slot or...?
- That's not funny, man.
- Man: Let's go Red.
Man: Come on, D, let's do it.
Come through, come through.
Men: Come on, man.
Okay, Red 24.
Red 24.
- Get off my butt, Murph.
- The center's over here, Murph.
- Oh.
- (men chuckle)
Get him this time.
Hut. Hike.
I got him. I got him.
There we go.
That's twice this year.
- Whoo!
- (Murphy coughing)
Who's skinny now, huh?
Dwight: Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
(groaning, hacking)
Are you all right?
- Man: He was too big, huh?
- Man #2: What were you thinking?
Nice job, Pearson,
you dummy.
Hey, are you okay?
That one felt real, Coach.
Damn right it's real.
Keep moving like a pregnant goat,
you won't last three downs
on Friday night.
Cuyahoga hits 10 times harder
than Pearson.
- Hey.
- They want nothing better
than to get you
out of the game.
You're a running quarterback
on that play.
The pocket breaks down,
what do you do?
- You...
- Move.
Come on, let's go.
All right, play football.
Let's go, boys.
(men cheering)
That one felt really real.
Come on, D. Come on, man.
- (men yelling)
- Murphy: Okay.
Black EG! Black EG!
Whoo, baby!
- Whoo!
- Dwight: Bite me.
- How about that, huh?
- Shut up.
That's what I'm talking about.
Let's play some football.
I woke up this morning
And the sun was gone
Turned on some music
To start my day
I lost myself
In the familiar song
I closed my eyes
And I slipped away...
Set. Go.
Good to see you, guys.
Hey, Hall.
It's more than a feeling...
Murphy: Yeah, baby.
More than a feeling...
- Whoo!
- When I hear that old song
- They used to play
- More than a feeling
- I begin dreaming
- More than a feeling...
(whistle blows)
Very nice work, ladies.
Take it in.
Good stuff.
Oh, come on, Coach, one more.
I'm just getting started.
Hey, Hall, give me the ball.
Where's Gig?
Gig, let's run a post, all right?
You haven't had one yet.
- No, come on, come on.
- That's not funny, Murphy.
What's Hall doing?
Hey, let's go, baby.
- Oh, man.
- What?
- Snap the ball.
- Knock it off, will you?
- What?
- What's wrong with you?
Hey, Coach,
can I ask you something?
No, I don't know if this game's
gonna be on TV.
The minute I do,
I'll let you know. Here.
No, it's not that.
Have you ever had a dream
that you're young again?
Almost every night.
Yeah, but what if it wasn't a dream?
What if it was real?
Well, that'd be something.
No, no, no, Coach,
I'm serious.
This isn't some kind of
life-after-death thing.
We're standing here.
I'm real...
you're real.
Son, don't make me start
testing for drugs,
not before the biggest game
this town's ever played.
(girl chuckles)
See you tomorrow.
Hey, Sasha, wait up.
Oh, hey...
oh my gosh.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- Sasha: It's okay.
- I'm sorry.
- What? What? Stop looking.
I'm sorry for everything. I...
Oh. I'm sorry.
- Sasha: I hate that one.
- (Macy giggles)
Hey, let's get inside
while there's still hot water.
Let's go.
Hey, want a ride?
The last time you offered me a ride,
I ended up
hanging from a hook in the girls'
locker room by my underwear.
That was a long time ago.
That was last Tuesday.
Stop torturing the dorks.
- Murphy: Whoa.
- Jenny: Let's talk about
how great next year
is gonna be.
So my dad said
that Coach Cooper
told the head of
the alumni association
that you are going to start
next year.
You know what that means?
No redshirt year,
so you can go pro sooner.
And I'll take extra credits
so that I can graduate early
and go with you.
And I'll just get a TV job
wherever you end up playing.
I have it all planned.
It'll be perfect.
What if that plan changes?
What if I get hurt?
Don't talk like that.
You're not gonna get hurt.
You're the best.
Scotty, you just passed
my house.
Yeah, right. I forgot.
my parents aren't home
right now.
And I know how you get tense
before a big game,
I thought maybe...
- Uh...
- Come on.
I can't.
All right, well,
I can wait till Saturday.
Oh, and don't forget to tell your mom
about the recruiter visit on Thursday.
My mom.
(engine stops)
Hey, old buddy.
- Look at you. Oh.
- (Biscuit whines)
(door opens)
Stop messing with the dog
and go get your dinner.
It's getting cold.
Always late,
just like your father.
All right, come on, come on.
You're gonna make me late.
Let's go.
You look so beautiful, Mom.
Get out of here.
Mom, wait.
- Why don't you call in sick?
- Oh, yeah.
- Let's stay in and watch old movies.
- Sure, sure, no problem.
Hey, skedaddle. Go.
I'm late.
Come on, Mom.
Just please stay.
Take the night off.
Not until my numbers hit,
(engine starts)
They never did.
Yo, Murphy.
Hey, what are you doing?
I've never really
read these before.
I could go
to all these places...
Notre Dame, Penn State,
California, Florida.
I could go to Hawaii.
They suck at football.
Besides, you already
verbally committed to Ohio State.
And hey, do me a favor...
stop pissing off Coach
at practice.
I need you playing
Friday night.
I mean, realistically I know
we're probably gonna lose,
but I need to have
a good game.
You don't think
we can win?
Read the papers, man.
No one does.
They're saying we'll be lucky
to get off the field in one piece.
Are we going running
or what?
We just had practice.
You don't want to run...
I don't want to run.
I don't know why you like
freaking running so much anyway.
- (turns on TV)
- It helps me clear my head.
Whatever. You got a new antenna
for this piece yet?
Who's faster?
Me or you?
I don't know.
Probably me.
Well, come on.
Let's find out.
What, you want to race?
Till Tessier's farm.
Come on, man.
I want to know.
Do you really think we should
overexert ourselves right now?
What, are you scared?
No, man, you know what?
I got some trig homework to do,
so I think I'm just gonna head out.
Go! Sucker!
Okay, you beat me.
Life's like a road
that you travel on
There's one day here
and the next day gone
Sometimes you bend,
sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn
your back to the wind
There's a world outside
every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you
Where the brave are free
and lovers soar
Come ride with me
to the distant shore
We won't hesitate
Break down
the garden gate
There's not much time
left today
Life is a highway
I want to ride it
all night long
If you're going my way...
- (beeping)
- I want to drive it
All night long...
(school bell rings)
Oh, I need to talk to Miss Cunningham
about my article.
I'll be two minutes.
- Hey, Murphy.
- Scott.
- Here, let me help you.
- No, I got it. I got it.
- Here.
- Thank you.
do you even know
who I am?
Um, of course I know
who you are.
You're the guy who spray-painted
the band locker room last year.
We spent spring break
trying to clean it.
Next time you get the urge
to spray words onto something,
could you try
spelling them right?
You know,
maybe bring a dictionary
or practice on some paper
with your crayons first?
(school bell rings)
Hand: All right, guys, come on in here.
Let's take a knee.
Okay, a little business first.
I got some good news
and some bad news.
The bad news is
we're not gonna be playing
in Columbus on Friday night.
What? Why?
Ohio Stadium went from turf
to grass last year.
Since Ohio State's playing
Michigan this Saturday,
we had to sell, like,
I don't know,
to cover the green fees.
We didn't sell enough tickets
to use the grass?
They offered to let us play there
if we didn't bring the band.
They didn't want them
messing up the field at halftime.
We're not playing
'cause of the band?
The band's part of our team, Pearson.
It's part of our town.
If the band can't play there,
then we can't play there either.
What's the good news?
The good news is we won the coin toss.
We're playing right here.
That's the good news?
No scout's gonna drive out here
to "Backwater."
Oh, I don't know, Hall.
Maybe not quite as many.
Guys, we have
home field advantage.
Yeah, some advantage.
Maybe they'll slip on a cow patty.
Look, at least let's be honest.
The reason we didn't get the field
is they think that
we're gonna get killed.
Hand: I don't know.
You might be right.
I guess you can get down
because somewhere
somebody who doesn't even know you
doesn't believe in you.
Or you could look around
and be happy about the fact
that you're playing in front of
the hardworking people who live here...
you know, be a little grateful that
those same people who do believe in you
and can't afford a fancy
hotel room in the city
can now come out and actually
watch your sorry ass play.
Line it up.
(distant whistle blows)
I was watching you practice
back there.
I never really knew how complicated
those moves were,
like running for a touchdown
and playing music at the same time.
No one's trying to tackle you.
I don't know.
That drummer got close a few times.
Murphy: You're good.
I'm surprised.
thanks, I guess.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Scotty, man, good luck Friday
at the game and all that.
- Will you be at the diner tonight?
- Uh-huh.
- I'm gonna come over with my folks.
- Yeah.
Yeah. Make sure you sit
in my section.
Yeah, I will. Cool.
Yeah, okay.
- Macy: Great.
- Bye. Scott.
- Boy: See you.
- Macy: See you later.
Is that your
high school flame?
Why do you care?
I thought you worked at the hospital
in Celina today.
The hospital is volunteer
and the diner pays, so I...
how did you know
I worked at the hospital?
Small town.
We gotta go to work.
Let's go.
- All right.
- Okay.
- See you.
- Macy: Yeah.
Dwight: Gig's mom called
Psychic Friends yesterday,
said they thought we might
score a touchdown.
Where? At Ohio Stadium?
Oh, right,
we're not playing there.
I just need to have
a good game,
which I can't do unless you do.
No pressure.
I'm sure you will.
I hope so.
The last thing I want to do
is spend the rest of my life
here in Backwater
doing this stuff.
- I'd freaking kill myself.
- (forklift beeps)
(men shouting)
- Hey, Mom.
- Hmm?
If you had a chance
to do it all over again...
your whole life...
what would you do?
I don't know.
Finish high school.
No, I'm serious.
You would probably get
a different job, right?
Live in a different town,
work less hours?
No, my job is fine
and so is this town.
Would you please
just eat your dinner?
What's the matter
with you?
What about Dad?
What about him?
Would you still have
married him?
What are you talking about?
Would you still have
married him,
you know, even if
you knew it wasn't gonna
work out?
Of course.
There's a
Moon out tonight
Let's go strolling,
there's a
Girl in my heart
Whose heart I've stolen,
there's a
Moon out tonight...
- (tires screech)
- Yo, Jeanette, you never called me.
Jeanette: Pearson,
please just leave me alone.
All right, I'll call you later.
There's a glow in my heart
I never felt before
There's a girl at my side
That I adore
There's a glow in my heart...
Hey, White, where the hell
do you think you're going?
The library is that way.
Guys, this is a public venue
and I've got the legal right
to be here under
Civil Code section 47...
Sorry, freshman,
you were banned
under the penalty
of extreme bodily pain.
You know what?
That's cool.
You know, I really...
I wasn't even that hungry anyway.
And I was just coming in
for a sundae. I'm gonna go.
- What's going on?
- Oh, no.
Todd the Rod
tried to break the ban.
Listen, I wasn't sure
if that applied to all nights
or if it was just a weekends thing,
but now I know.
Who banned him?
Who the hell banned him?
You did, man.
Yeah, well,
he's unbanned now.
He's helping me out with something,
so leave him alone.
Let's go, Todd.
- See you, ladies.
- Dwight: Wow.
(bell dings)
Yo, 86 chicken fried steak.
Hi, Scotty.
- Hey.
- Hmm?
Right here.
Man: Make that milkshake
extra wet.
You seriously want
to eat with me?
Murphy: Yeah.
Get what you want.
If I remember correctly,
you get free ice cream.
Uh, no. I can't.
I'm allergic to milk.
If you're allergic to milk,
why would you risk your life
coming here for a sundae?
Sasha: Move it, pixies.
We're working here.
Sasha: I need two fries
on a rail.
You like Sasha?
No. No.
That's crazy.
At least you don't have to worry
about any competition.
Hey, Sasha.
Sasha: Shut it, lawn jockey.
You're not in my section.
Hey, what are you
doing, man?
Sasha: Beth, your section is bugging me.
Take care of them.
The direct approach
does not work with her.
I promise you, your way is gonna take
at least 20 years.
- Sasha.
- No, no, no, please.
- Sasha. Sasha.
- Please don't. Don't.
I didn't come here
to talk to her.
Well, then why the hell
are you here?
I don't know. Just...
just to watch her, I guess.
Listen, I heard that
some of the diner girls
go to Butler Pond
and skinny-dip after work.
Yeah, well, Martha Lotte and Beth Lane
would take it off for anybody.
- No, not them.
- Who? Sasha?
Yeah, her and Macy Edwards.
Look, I'm into Sasha, but if you
want in, I brought binoculars.
I heard some of
the band guys talking.
They said that Macy has
really nice...
(tray crashes)
- (applause)
- I'm sorry.
- Man: Smooth move.
- Macy: You guys doing all right?
(girls, boys giggling)
Oh my God.
See? I told you.
They're just sitting there.
Macy doesn't skinny-dip.
Let's get out of here. I feel stupid
sitting here spying on them.
Wait a minute.
My God,
they're coming off.
(engine starts)
(girls yelp)
Macy: Okay, you can
turn around now.
Boy: This is so awesome.
Is that Scott?
What are you doing?
- Put your clothes on.
- But we were just...
No buts. Get your clothes on and get out
of here before I call your parents.
- Sasha: Hey!
- Now. Go.
- Boy: Relax, man.
- Macy: Norman.
- Macy, what are you doing?
- Uh, swimming.
You're naked,
for God's sakes.
Uh, yeah, that's how
you skinny-dip, meathead.
Macy Elaine, get out of this water
right now and put your clothes on.
- What, are you, the swimming police?
- Hey, you, shut up.
Macy, come on.
Sasha: What am I supposed to do...
just get out naked?
No. God, please don't.
(car engine starts)
- You could catch a cold out here.
- Okay, I got it.
Not to mention
it's a school night.
Macy: Come on.
Is this what you do
in your spare time...
get naked together?
What the hell are you doing here?
What the hell
are you doing here?
That's none
of your business.
It's none of my business?
You show up here yelling,
you scare our friends away,
and it's none of my business?
Yeah, well, I happened to be
sitting with my friend Todd...
Todd, get out here.
Todd, get out here now
or you die.
Hi. Hello.
Hello. Hi.
Todd... Sasha.
Sasha... Todd.
I... I sat behind you
in Civics.
You always came in at the bell
because you had gym right before
and you had to shower.
You never had any makeup on
so I could always see
your freckles.
And your hair was always wet,
kind of like now.
So since when do you hang out
with this bonehead?
Oh, I... you know,
I don't even know this guy that well.
You know, I was helping him
with some schoolwork.
We were just studying.
With binoculars?
You know what?
He likes Macy
and he was afraid that she
might be skinny-dipping.
What? He likes Sasha
and was spying on her at the diner.
- No, I think you were spying on Macy.
- I wanted ice cream.
- I wanted some ice cream too.
- You're lactose-intolerant.
- (guys scream)
- (girls laugh)
It's freezing!
I thought you were
supposed to be
a big, tough football guy.
I thought you were supposed to be
an innocent little band girl.
- You learn something new every day.
- Now is this supposed to be fun?
Because I feel like
we're all gonna get hypothermia.
Sasha: Oh, relax.
You'll get used to it.
(Todd yelps)
Oh, my.
Sasha: I like your binoculars.
They're really cool.
Macy: Take your time
drying those...
so they can talk.
Can I have these?
I'm playing football again.
I didn't even know
you'd stopped.
It's all I've ever been
good at.
That's good.
Seems like
you really enjoy it.
More than you could
ever know.
It's what's gonna get me
out of Backwater.
"Backwater"? You make it sound
like it's a prison or something.
Don't tell me that you don't want
to get out of here someday.
I love it here.
Why? What's there to love?
So many things.
Butler Pond.
Yes, skinny-dipping.
No, not just that.
In the winter, you know,
when it freezes over
and they have live music
and everyone's out there
ice skating.
Oh, I love that.
I go out there
and I just feel
like I'm living
in an old painting.
This town is small enough
that you feel like
you're one giant family, but...
it's big enough
that someone you thought
was one way...
is entirely different
once you get to know them
a little.
And that's what I love
about Coldwater.
Things are gonna be
different now, Macy.
I'm going to college.
And I'm gonna play football.
When I go pro, they're gonna pay me
a lot of money.
That's great, good for you.
No, not just good for me.
It's good for you.
Macy, I can take you
with me.
I can get us out of here.
Do girls really fall
for that crap?
Here. Ugh.
Gosh, I guess
you get used to it.
What? Used to what?
Everything coming
so easy.
Nothing in my life
has ever come easy.
What do you want, Macy?
You want to live out of a trailer,
barely scraping by here in Coldwater
the rest of your life?
who cares where I live?
And you know what?
If I do, God forbid,
end up in a trailer,
then I'm sure I'm gonna be
a lot happier than you are
in some big mansion.
Hey, I wouldn't bet on it.
- Sasha: See you.
- Sasha, can we go?
Murphy: In fact, I'm pretty positive
we're gonna be quite miserable.
- Sasha: Loser.
- Wait. Wait. I'm not with him.
I mean, we're not
really friends.
(car doors slam,
engine starts)
Murphy: Who the hell
does she think she is?
I mean, besides,
I have the prettiest girlfriend
in town, in the state... Jenny.
She's beautiful.
She's smart. She's amazing.
She's... she's coordinated.
You know, we were naked
in the same water.
All I've ever wanted to do
was play football.
And now I have a chance to do it again
and I'm not giving it up.
That means the water
that touched her naked
touched me naked.
I'm getting out of here, Todd.
I don't care what it takes.
(school bell rings)
So what do you want to do?
Well, maybe we could
get some ice cream.
I don't know.
Red 18! Red 18! Hike!
- Argh!
- (whistle blows)
Murph, man, what the hell
just happened?
- Man: Come on, Gig.
- Why the hell did you throw it to me?
You don't never
throw it to me.
Man: Relax, Gig.
You'll catch one someday.
Since when does he start
throwing it to me, man?
I signed up for the ladies,
not to get hit.
- Hey, Mom.
- Sit down.
Is everything okay?
I put in 14 hours
last night,
only to be woken up
by Todd White's mother
telling me how you are
tormenting her son now
and keeping him up all hours
of the night. Is that right?
- Well, it wasn't quite like that.
- I don't care what it was like.
I raised you better than this.
You're grounded, buster.
- I'm grounded?
- Oh, this is funny to you?
You are grounded,
do you hear me?
- Hey, Thelma. Sorry I'm...
- Grounded.
- Listen, I'll come right back.
- No, no, no. Actually, I'm done.
It's your turn. Maybe you can
talk some sense into him.
I doubt it, but I'll try.
You'd better do more than that,
or you're both grounded.
All right,
what did you do?
- (car engine starts)
- What's this?
Double-shift Wednesdays.
Since you're grounded, I don't think
you got anything better to do.
I forgot we did this.
All right.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
They're both for you.
I'm pretty good at opening
those myself
and usually one at a time.
All right, grab some plates.
- How did it go with Crystal?
- Oh, it was great.
We talked her out of her depression
and back into her rut.
(audience laughter)
Coach Cooper said
I could start next year.
That means
I can go pro sooner.
Finish school.
I can finish school
when I retire.
I just gotta start making money
so my mom could quit working so much.
I got my full ride
out of here.
I just want to make sure
I get her out of Backwater too.
What have I told you
about that, huh?
This town raised you.
Now show it some respect.
It's Coldwater with a "C."
I'm just saying
I could get her out of here.
And I could get you out of here too
if you want.
I'm fine right where I am.
No, I'm serious.
I could ask Ohio State
to hire you
as offensive coordinator
or quarterback coach.
Well, I appreciate that,
"Big Time."
Really I do.
But the truth is
Ohio State's already
offered me a job.
What? When?
Well, let's see...
'83, when they wanted Yeager
and then '84
when we won the sectionals
and, yeah, pretty much
every year since then.
How come
you didn't take it?
Eh, they got plenty of coaches
at Ohio State.
Did you finish
all your homework tonight?
Forget about it.
You know,
when I was your age
I really was just like you.
I couldn't wait
to leave this town.
Then when I finally did
get out,
saw what I saw
and did what I did,
well, I...
I couldn't run back here
fast enough.
You know, Scott,
this little town
really is special.
One day I hope
you realize that.
See you tomorrow, son.
(school bell rings)
Game's gonna be
on TV, boys.
The "Sports Illustrated" guy
came in this morning.
Macy: Would you sign
the petition?
It's for the band.
Oh my gosh. Oh.
Look out.
I am so sorry.
Um, hey, while I have you,
would you sign?
It's for the band.
Drop dead.
Hey, thanks.
- I've got it.
- What are you doing?
Oh, it's just a petition...
you know,
trying to save the band.
How many do you have?
I have four.
What, pages?
No. No, like, people.
The band's
not quite as popular
as football, so...
Oh, thanks.
Hey, save the band.
Save the band.
Everybody sign this.
- Girl: Save the band.
- Murphy: Save the band.
Everybody pass one around,
sign it.
The football team can't play
without the band.
- Boy: Scotty wants us to save the band.
- Take one right there.
Sign it.
Pass one around.
You guys got one
right over here?
Hey, there's some more.
Pass them around.
The football team can't play
without the band.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
What are you doing?
Come on, let's go.
Great. Thank you.
(crows cawing)
And because of that,
they've got the number one
secondary in the nation.
Eight of their starting
all have full rides
to D1 schools.
For all intents
and purposes, guys,
you're playing a college team
a pretty good one.
And they hit hard.
They're gonna try and do
everything they can
to get Scott Murphy
out of the game.
It goes without saying, boys,
we've got to protect
our quarterback.
(light switch clicks)
But it's gonna be our field.
If we play together,
I think we can beat
these guys.
Now go home, tell your parents
you love them, and get some sleep.
What about practice?
That was practice.
(players murmuring)
Oh, here you go.
So I heard Penn State and Notre Dame
are still coming around.
I hope you're still excited
about being a Buckeye.
I'm definitely going
to Ohio State.
I want to be close
to my mom.
Well, let me just
thank Thelma now
for keeping her son
close to home.
You don't have to go
nowhere for me.
Go where you want
to go, okay?
Yeah, but don't you want him
in Columbus
so you can come
see him play?
She doesn't watch his games.
She's never seen him play.
You've never
seen him play?
- Huh-uh.
- She works nights.
Well, Thelma,
you gotta come see him play,
'cause he will make you
so proud.
I'm already proud of him.
Pass the pepper, please.
Thank your mom for me again,
would you?
Do me a favor,
take it easy on Cuyahoga
tomorrow night, all right?
Some of those guys are gonna be
your future teammates.
I was kind of hoping
they would take it easy on me.
Yeah, me too.
Listen, your linemen...
they play hard.
They do. They...
and they play with heart.
But, son, they're not gonna be able
to protect you
worth a damn tomorrow night.
Yeah, I know.
Listen to me.
We are sold on you.
We don't need to see you play
any more football.
And if you want to sit this game out
tomorrow night,
we're not gonna
fault you for it one bit.
Thanks again.
And whatever you decide,
good luck.
Thanks, Coach.
Jenny: I can't wait for us
to get out of here together.
(rooster crows,
cows mooing)
chickens clucking)
Hey, Macy.
What are you doing here?
My dad will kill you if he sees you.
I really need to talk to you.
It's important.
Okay, just come in here.
Thanks for helping
with the petition.
Pretty much the whole school
signed it.
So I guess we're even?
For the band room?
what's so important?
What are you talking about?
You have a girlfriend.
Yeah, but I don't marry her.
I marry you.
You marry me?
You don't even know me.
I do know you, Macy,
better than you can
ever imagine.
Come on.
Did your friends put you up to this?
Because it is not funny.
Your grandma had a cabin
in Manns Choice.
You two had a game...
so that if you make
your wish,
you roll it up in a piece of paper
and you put it in the wall...
all your wishes come true.
Every year, you wished
for the same thing.
When you were 14,
she passed away.
And when they were tearing
the place down
you came back
and you looked in the walls
and all your wishes
were gone.
I know what
you wish for, Macy.
You wish that one day
you could buy this farm
that you and your parents
work on.
Macy, your wishes come true.
We end up getting married
and we buy this farm.
And we have two little girls
named Krista and Jamie
- that we named after your aunts.
- Why are you doing this?
We end up together because
I get crippled in the game tonight.
- Stop it.
- But I'm gonna change things.
If I don't get hurt, in a few years
I'm gonna be making money
and I'll finally be able
to take care of you.
Stop it.
Just stop talking
and please leave me alone.
Macy, stop.
We tried your dream, okay?
And it didn't work out.
And I'm not gonna
end up here in Coldwater
with a bum leg,
a rundown farm
and two kids I can barely support.
I'm not doing it again.
I'm not asking you to.
All I'm asking
is for you to try my dream.
Come to Ohio State
with me next year.
What are you talking about?
We were an accident.
We weren't supposed to
end up together.
What I'm saying is,
it doesn't have to be like that.
Relationships aren't accidents.
They're decisions.
And if you made one
that you're not happy with,
then that is called
a mistake.
So maybe you're better off
without it.
Have a nice life, Scott.
I hope you find
what you're looking for.
Girl: Yeah, all right,
I'll let her know.
Good luck tonight, Scotty.
Hand: There you go.
Thanks a lot.
- Hey, Coach.
- Hey, Scotty. I have a history class.
- This is important.
- Well, so are they.
- This can't wait.
- (school bell rings)
All right, quickly.
What is it?
I can't play tonight.
Oh, no. Did you hurt yourself?
What did you do?
No, not yet.
- You're not hurt?
- No, I'm not hurt,
but if I get injured,
I could lose my scholarship.
You're not playing because
you're afraid you might get hurt?
Come on, Coach. We're too small
to be playing these guys.
Everyone knows it.
Even you said it.
Oh, well...
what the hell
has happened to you?
Two weeks ago,
if I had told you
we were playing the Cincinnati Bengals,
you'd have felt sorry for them
because of the beating you thought
you were gonna give them.
And now you're telling me that we're
too small, so you're quitting?
I have to.
Well, what is it you want from me?
"That's fine,
I understand, son.
The team will be great"?
I'm not throwing my life away
for some high school football game.
Coach, come on,
I have a future.
Do you know
what the future is, Scott?
The future is just a bunch of
what you do right now strung together.
And right now all you're doing
is giving up.
And trust me,
there's no future in that.
I hope you don't give up
this easy in life,
because it gets a hell of a lot
harder than football.
They're here.
Dwight: Lord, look at the size
of their linemen.
That's a quarterback.
That is their lineman.
Dwight: Oh, jeez,
they're all that big.
Have fun with them tonight.
Your Ohio State jersey.
Do you like it?
I do.
Stop worrying about it.
If there's even a remote chance
that you'll get hurt,
don't play,
end of story.
I know. I just feel like
I'm letting the whole town down.
Forget about right now.
Think about
your future, okay?
I know you, Scotty.
All you've ever wanted is
to take care of everybody, right?
- Right.
- Okay, so when you go pro,
you'll have enough money
to do that.
No more night shifts
and double shifts for your mom,
no more trailer.
You can get her a real house.
- You're right.
- Mm-hmm.
You should get used to that.
(both chuckle)
(crowd cheering)
- Murphy: Sit down. I bought you dinner.
- Thelma: Are you crazy?
- Sit down.
- I don't have a lot of time.
Yes, you do.
You have plenty of time.
Wait, wait, don't you have
a game tonight?
I'm not playing.
You're not?
Things are gonna be
different now, Mom.
From this point on,
I'm gonna be taking care of you.
No, you just take care of yourself.
I'm fine.
No, I'm serious. Next year,
I can start living cheaply.
I'll start sending you
some of my scholarship money.
No, you save your money.
I don't need it.
And the truck... I mean,
it's a beautiful truck,
- but why don't we sell it?
- (laughs)
- I can get a ride or run to school.
- Sell it? I just bought that truck.
- You can buy yourself a new car.
- I don't need a new car.
And I don't need you telling me
how to manage my money, so lay off.
I don't need it.
It's a waste.
Hey, some people spend their money
on fancy trips.
Some people go gambling.
I like to spend my money...
and I ain't got much...
on you.
You didn't have a lot growing up
and you never complained,
so I want you to have
something nice, okay?
And that truck is gonna
take care of you for a long time,
so just stop this talk.
"Sell the truck."
I'd rather you buy something
for yourself,
take a vacation
or something.
Things don't make me happy.
Vacations don't make me happy.
You being happy
makes me happy.
I am gonna be happy.
And things are gonna be different.
Gonna be?
What is so wrong with right now?
What if this is
all you get, kid?
What if this is it?
It just...
it just seems like nothing is ever
enough with you, you know?
And if you can't be satisfied
with what you got,
then you're never
gonna be happy,
no matter what you get.
You asked me before
if there was something
I wish was different.
If there was one thing
I could change,
that would be it.
I just want to make you
proud of me.
You want to make me proud?
Make yourself proud.
And I'm not talking
to "Mr. Football" here.
I'm talking to Scott Murphy.
Sorry I'm late.
Get dressed.
(players cheering)
Hello, everybody, and welcome
to the Ohio State championship
football game.
This is a true
David vs. Goliath story.
There are 2,700 people
in the blue collar community
of Coldwater, Ohio,
all packed into this
small-town stadium
to watch their home team
face off
against the defending state champion
Cuyahoga Red Raiders...
a team from a high school
with more students
than this small town's
entire population.
I know that all week long
you've been talking about losing,
thinking about losing.
Some of you are wondering if you should
even be playing in this game.
Hell, there's probably
an accountant somewhere
thinks a school our size
isn't worth it...
I mean,
we don't have a chance.
Those guys over there think
we don't even belong on the same field,
but somebody thinks they're worth
an air-conditioned tour bus.
I want you
to go out there tonight
and show everybody
it isn't the size of your bodies,
the size of your buses
or your school that matters.
It's the size of something else
that wins football games.
- One, two, three...
- Team: Coldwater!
(crowd cheering)
Now taking the field,
the Coldwater Black Bears!
- Hall: Ready to make history?
- Change it at least.
After the game,
you're mine.
Jenny: Go Bears!
(cheerleaders chanting)
Let's do this.
Come on, let's go.
- Coach: One, two, three...
- Cuyahoga: Red Raiders rule!
Jablonsky, deep to return
in the white jersey
and the red pants.
And he'll take it right side
at his own goal line.
He's up to the five
with a wall,
to the 10, to the 15,
to the 20,
to the 25, 30,
Do you believe it?
This isn't what Coach Hand
wanted to see.
That is going all the way.
Touchdown, Cuyahoga!
Right there.
Good job.
Commentator: Coldwater's shocked
with that Jablonsky kickoff return.
They're down seven-zip.
- All right, let's get that right back.
- And the story here tonight
is Scott Murphy.
He has carried this small-town team
against all odds
into the state finals
against the five-time
state champion
Cuyahoga Raiders.
(Murphy shouting commands)
Got a man open... and hit hard!
- (whistle blows)
- And the pass is incomplete.
Felt that one,
didn't you, Backwater?
It's gonna keep coming.
It's gonna keep coming.
Murphy got absolutely rocked
on that play.
and lit him up
like a Zippo lighter.
I'm gonna break your neck,
Commentator: Scott Murphy has
almost zero protection in the pocket
from the swarming
Cuyahoga defense.
Slowing down,
huh, Backwater?
I thrive on pain.
Willard: I hope so.
It's coming all night.
Good job.
(whistle blows)
Another late hit
by the Raiders' defense,
this time on number 81
Chris Hall.
What did I tell you?
That's exactly what I said.
Commentator: The Red Raiders
seem to be bent
on taking Scott Murphy
out of this ball game.
Commentator #2:
They haven't taken him out,
but they've certainly
contained him.
Commentator #1:
And Willard is making the case
that he should have been "Mr. Football"
here in the great state of Ohio.
- (whistle blows)
- Get off him!
Scott Murphy rocked again.
It's got to be hard
for this hometown crowd
to watch their star quarterback taking
this kind of beating here tonight.
- I can't listen to this. Turn them off.
- And the only thing preventing...
...the Raiders from running away...
- I can't listen to this.
- Turn them off!
...with this ball game
are the penalties, late hits,
and personal fouls.
Let's go, Bears!
Red Raiders on three!
- One, two, three...
- Red Raiders rule!
Caught by number 9 Kelly
for another Cuyahoga
first down.
And that is another
Cuyahoga touchdown
as the Raiders pull
even further ahead of Coldwater.
Right now Scott Murphy
has got to be wondering
what he can do differently
to change the course of this ball game.
Turn it up a notch.
Use your quickness.
Now come on, Scott,
you're better than these guys.
You're better
than all of them.
Coach Hand on the sidelines
trying to light a fire
under Scott Murphy.
It's gonna keep coming.
(crowd cheering)
Yeah! All right.
Commentator: I don't know what
Coach Hand just said to Scott Murphy
or what he was thinking about
on the sidelines,
but he came back
in this ball game
ready to prove something.
(crowd cheering)
Touchdown, Coldwater!
Coldwater is still in this ball game!
The score is 14-7.
(workers cheering)
(crowd cheering)
Yeah, baby.
That's what I'm talking about.
Hey, man, cheer up. The Raiders
are the best team in the state.
It's happening again.
Control the whole game.
We gotta get ahead.
We gotta get ahead.
Get out there.
Get out there.
Yeah, boy.
And Coldwater trails 21-14
as they head into the locker room
for halftime.
(rimshots rapping)
Gentlemen, some players
have talent.
Others have heart.
But tonight
I've seen players with talent
who I didn't know had any
and others with heart
who I thought only had talent.
The quality and standard
of your life
will not be determined
by how well you play football,
but by how well
you confront adversity...
if you keep playing like this,
I promise you
you will leave this field winners.
Get in here.
(players cheering)
- One, two, three...
- Coldwater!
Hand: That's what
I'm talking about.
you know I've never seen you
play like this.
I'm doing
the best I can, Coach.
Yeah, but don't forget
you got 10 other players with you.
You don't need to do this
all by yourself.
You didn't carry this team here.
You led them.
And they might not be
the biggest and the best players,
but they're farm boys.
Lean on them.
They won't break.
Come on.
Yeah, okay.
Let's get it going, son.
- Put Gig in.
- What?
You want me to use my team.
Put Gig in.
You want me to pull out a good receiver
and put in one who can't catch?
No, just add a fourth
and spread them out.
If I put in a fourth
wide out, son,
that's gonna be one less body
protecting you.
Yeah, I know.
Let's go.
(crowd cheering)
Get in there.
Get in where, Coach? In the game?
Somebody get hurt?
Get in there.
Commentator: Gig Bird,
number 2 in for Coldwater.
Not sure what the plan is here
with Bird...
zero career yards,
zero receptions.
- Get open, cowboy.
- What are you talking about, Murph?
- Changing history.
- What did he say?
- On one, on one. Ready?
- Team: Break.
(crowd cheering)
Lineman: Hey, back up, back up, G.
What are you doing, man?
Black EG!
Murphy under center, huge play.
Short drop.
Here comes the rush.
He steps up and throws to Bird.
And the pass...
is gonna be dropped. Wow.
Gig has to catch that ball
up at the 27.
- All right, all right.
- What the hell are you doing?
- He was open.
- Yeah, he's always open,
but we never throw it to him
because he can't catch.
How do you know he can't catch
if we never throw it to him?
He's right, man.
I ain't never caught one.
Well, we're about
to change that.
Red 33, Red 33.
On one, on one.
- Ready?
- Break.
Red 33! Red 33!
Commentator: Murphy with a perfect
pass to Bird who was wide open.
Just tell me you know
what you're doing here.
Using my team, Coach.
Hand: You got three other
receivers out there.
Hall: All right, come on, man.
Amateur night's over.
Just give me the ball
so we can get a first down.
- Yeah, man, don't throw it to me.
- Don't worry, it's not coming near you.
Good. 'Cause I play my best as a decoy.
See, I got them fooled.
I got them right where I want them.
Keep the ball away from me.
Red dog six.
On one, on one.
- Ready?
- Break.
Commentator: In the shotgun,
third and 10 from their own 20,
four lineups.
Murphy needs a big game here.
The ball is snapped.
Murphy back to throw.
Short drop, looks over the middle.
The pass is gonna be...
caught... by Bird
for a first down
at the 35!
What a catch... by Bird!
And the crowd loves it
here in Coldwater, Ohio.
Look at Gig.
They know how big
- that throw and catch was...
- I caught one! I caught one!
...for Coldwater.
All right,
if Gig can catch one,
we can win this game
and get home in one piece.
Rodriguez, it's your turn.
We're gonna run the reverse with you.
- I want to send you around the corner.
- What? What about Willard?
Don't worry about Willard.
I'll take care of him.
Boys, I want to get as far ahead
of them as possible
- before the fourth quarter.
- Why didn't you say so?
Hell, I thought we were just
trying to eat the clock.
Murphy: All right, Rodriguez
reversed on one.
Going down, Backwater.
Blue 38.
Commentator: Murphy to Rodriguez
on the reverse...
the old "dipsy-do."
Rodriguez around the corner.
Murphy lays out Willard.
And Rodriguez scrambles
for another 10.
Coldwater first down.
All right.
Hey, Willard, it's Coldwater...
with a C.
Scott, 27 boot.
All right, 27 boot
on one, on one.
- Ready?
- Break.
Let's go, defense.
Red seven.
(crowd cheering)
Touchdown, Coldwater!
Yes! That's it.
Attaboy. Attaboy.
We're in this thing.
We're in it.
Commentator: And the Coldwater
defense coming together
with a big stop
on third down,
forcing the Red Raiders
to settle for a field goal.
And it's blocked!
The field goal is blocked by Moss!
It's blocked by Moss!
Murphy starting things out
here in the second half.
And now Coldwater
has a chance to pull ahead
for the first time
in this ball game.
Get your head in the game!
This is a state championship!
Black razor. Black razor.
Down. Set.
Black 16. Black 16.
(crowd cheering)
That's gonna be caught!
That's a touchdown, Coldwater!
And this hometown crowd
is going crazy
as Coldwater has taken the lead.
Can you believe it?
We did it. We changed it!
(bell rings)
- (buzzes)
- Thelma, what the hell are you doing?
My job.
What the hell are you doing?
- Your shift is up.
- No, it's not.
- Are you gonna argue with me?
- Yeah. I need the hours.
Okay, you got the hours,
but your shift is done.
Now get out of here.
- Get the hell out of here.
- All right, all right.
First and 10 for Coldwater.
They can smell
a state championship trophy
and a huge parade
in that small village of 2700.
Cuyahoga is out of time outs.
All Murphy needs to do
is get a first down here
to run out the clock
and they will be
the state champions.
Come on, man,
what are we running?
I-right, Z-motion,
- On one, on one. Ready?
- Break.
Murphy drops back.
Here comes the blitz.
Murphy slips the tackle,
rolls left,
scrambles out of the pocket,
looking down the field
like he's gonna throw it.
Hall's double covered.
Rodriguez looks open...
And he's hit.
He fumbles the ball,
picked up by Scotty Hamlin
at the 40,
Do you believe it?
Touchdown, Cuyahoga!
And it looks like Murphy
is down on the turf
back at the 48.
Murph, are you all right?
Commentator: There is no way
this team comes back
if Murphy can't get up
and back into the ball game.
Hand: Let's see if we can get him up.
Easy now.
(crowd cheering)
Get out of the way.
And the big story for Coldwater
has been quarterback
Scott Murphy.
Raised by a single mother
who works in a factory,
he was recently named
"Mr. Football"
as the outstanding player
in the state.
And the extra point is good.
Cuyahoga now leads by four
at the tail end
of this ball game.
And Coldwater will need
a miracle touchdown to win it.
Are you all right?
Are you good to go?
- I'm okay.
- Are you sure?
All right, run the clock.
Work the sidelines.
Cuyahoga heading out to kick.
And it looks like Murphy
is getting into the game
to receive for Coldwater.
This is it, folks.
A Coldwater victory here
would be a fairytale ending
for this hardworking
blue collar community.
just one time out remaining.
Coldwater needs a touchdown
right here
to win the state championship.
Scott Murphy, "Mr. Football,"
deep to return the kick.
And he'll take it
to the 50, to the 45.
Murphy's hit, but he breaks the tackle,
he stays on his feet,
- breaks another tackle...
- Come on, come on!
...inside the 35, inside the 30,
and is knocked down
at the 26.
And he'll quickly call a time out
to talk to Coach Hand.
This has been
one of the great games
in Ohio high school
football history.
here in the fourth quarter.
Third down, 42-38.
Words exchanged
on the sidelines
as Murphy
appears to be arguing
the final play call
by Coach Hand.
- I'm not running the bootleg.
- What?
I'm not running Black Seven.
I'm not doing it.
Son, we got 30 yards to cover
in one play. We're not running the ball.
I know. I'm not running Black Seven.
I'm not doing it again.
We're not running
Black Seven, okay?
Let's go Red 24.
Hit Hall or Rodriguez
in the corner.
Wait, Coach, you want me
to throw the ball?
Yeah, that's the play.
Let's get to the line of scrimmage.
If you don't like something,
change it, audible.
Coach, what?
Scott, whatever happens,
it's your choice.
Come on.
- What are we running?
- I changed it.
Changed what?
(crowd cheering)
All right, you guys ready
to win this?
Red 24 on one.
Hall, you're gonna be open
in the end zone.
Catch it.
On one.
- Ready?
- Break.
Let's go.
Hall: Me and you, buddy,
me and you.
(crowd cheering)
Check! Check!
Check. Check.
- Black seven!
- What are you doing, man?
- Black seven!
- Murphy, what are you doing?
Black seven! Black seven!
Black seven!
Black seven!
Touchdown, Coldwater!
They will be
the state champions of Ohio.
(Murphy grunts)
(birds chirping)
(faint buzzing)
Dispatch, this is Murphy.
Come in.
(engine sputtering)
I ran out of gas.
(clock chiming)
(wind whistling)
(bell dings)
(static buzzes)
(engine whirring)
(voices chattering)
Come on, Culpepper.
My grandmother could pick beans
faster than that.
The best six-and-four team
I've ever seen.
Seven and four.
We won tonight.
Hey, Coach?
No need.
Now I'll see you
on our field Monday.
Tell your quarterbacks to be
dressed and ready at 3:00 sharp.
(engine starts)
Hand: Brandon, get those
baskets emptied
and get your butt back here.
Hey, Mr. Murphy.
Oh, look who decided
to show up.
Gig: Murph, you missed
a hell of a ceremony, man.
Yeah, this twig catches
one lucky pass... standing ovation.
- Hey, you caught a pass?
- Gig: Man, that was nothing.
They would have torn
the stadium down for you.
- Dwight: Yep.
- Amen.
No, this is better.
Where's my wife?
In the barn.
She's been looking for you.
- Krista: Daddy!
- Jamie: Daddy!
Here he is.
(Macy laughs)
Here he is.
You're back.
I love you.
Look at this.
Look at all these people,
I can't believe it.
- Come here.
- Come on.
Look at all these people.
This is fun.
(Macy, girls laugh)
I get turned around
and lost sometimes
And I lose my faith
And so caught up
in a place
That's so unkind
But you find me
And you somehow
set me free
And you remind me
We're in the middle
of our dreams
And I love my life
I love the two of us
With you by me
I have more than I deserve
And more than enough
And I don't know much
But what I say is true
I know something
I'm nothing
Without you
If I had the chance
to change my world
And everything I've done
I'd take what I did wrong
And make it right
I know I would not
change a day
Not a single minute
'Cause I have
everything I need here
Because you're in it
And I love my life
I love the two of us
With you by me
I have more than I deserve
And more than enough
And I don't know much
But what I say is true
I know something
I'm nothing without you
Let it rain, let it snow
Let the storm winds blow
'Cause I know
Whatever comes
We'll make it through it
And I love my life
And I love the two of us
With you by me
I have more than I deserve
And more than enough
And I don't know much
But what I say is true
I know something
I'm nothing without you
I know something
I'm nothing without you.
(music continues)
I grew up in a small
American town
And every time
we get knocked down
We get back up
off the mat
Fighting mad
Yeah, I like to believe
in that
I daydream
about a good dirt road
Going as far as it can go
And my baby smiles
When I pretend
we're out of gas
Yeah, I like
to believe in that
With everything
I've been through
And everything I've done
I like to believe
That the best is yet to come
And the good times
Won't fly by too fast
I like to believe in that
I hope somewhere
there's a dusty field
That later on this year
will yield
A bumper crop
Not just a broken back
I like to believe in that
Yeah, and I pray somewhere
There's a little white church
on a corner
Sitting there
with doors wide open
For those of us
who've slid off track
Yeah, I like to believe
in that
With everything
I've been through
And everything I've done
I'd like to believe
That the best is yet to come
And the good times
Won't fly by too fast
I like to believe in that
With everything
I've been through
Yeah, and everything
I've done
I like to believe
That the best is yet to come
And the good times
Won't fly by too fast
I like to believe in that
I grew up in a small
American town
And every time
we get knocked down
We get back up
off the mat
Fighting mad
Yeah, I like to believe
in that
I like to believe in that.