Tourist, The (2010)

Thank you, Detective.
- Any change?
- Nothing since you left.
She seems to be looking for something.
She has a nice ass.
Stay focused on the mission.
Keep an eye on her,
but don't get too close.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
What can I get for you?
Tea with milk and fresh orange juice...
...and a croissant with butter.
- I've already attended to it.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
- Say again?
- She's drinking her tea!
- Can I get you a tea, sir?
- No, no thank you.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning.
- I'm looking for Elise Ward.
- Ward, the lady.
Okay, thanks.
- Good morning. Elise Ward?
- Yes, that's me.
I have a letter for you.
She's talking to someone.
A delivery boy.
Scotland Yard, London.
She's at the usual cafe, she's speaking
with a man, it looks like a messenger...
But you said to call if anything
changed in her routine.
Stay on his face. His face!
- Do you think it's Alexander Pierce?
- I think everybody's Pierce.
No, it's okay.
It is a gift, you can keep it.
Thank you.
- Here you go, goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Get him.
Alright, grab him.
Let's move.
Sir, sir! Sir, we are police.
- What did I do?
- You're under arres. - You're coming with us.
- What did I do?
What are you arresting me for?
"Elise, you have no reason
to trust me any more..."
"But give me a chance to explain myself."
"I know the police are watching you,
we have to throw them off the trail."
"Board the 8:22 at the Gare De Lyon"
"Pick someone my height and build,
and make them believe it is me."
"Burn this letter."
"It is important you follow my instructions
precisely. I love you, Alexander."
It's from him.
It's from him.
Save that letter, go in now.
Save that letter!
Go, now!
- No, stop! Police!
- What happened?
The letter is burned to shit.
Don't fucking touch it.
Collect the ashes, take them to the van.
I'll send you someone.
The road's too narrow,
we have to go around. Quick!
Turn right!
Quick, go!
Let's go
Police. Make way!
Wednesday meeting.
So, Alexander Pierce has a new
face just as you suspected.
I'd have thought it must've taken quite a
lot of the money he stole from Reginald Shaw.
To finance this transformation.
Ahmed Toubali, bicycle
courier of Algerian descent.
Not only has Pierce acquired
a wife, and a child...
He is also 4 inches shorter
than the used to be.
That must have been
a big item of expenditure?
Congratulations Acheson,
You have indeed cracked this case.
Sir, this morning she recieved a note...
and we have strong reason to believe.
Alexander Pierce has
744 million in illegal assets.
That given he is a British
Subject, we might seize.
This operation so far has
cost me 8 million pounds.
If I thought there were more than a one in
a hundred chance you could be successful...
It would be rational for me
to continue this operation...
I do not.
...that's an amendment... yes...
Thank you, sir.
- Sir, the projection for the pension plan...
- Not now.
"8:22 Lyon"
Are they meeting in Lyon at 8:22?
- Gare de Lyon, perhaps?
- Gare de Lyon...
That's it, Gare De Lyon! The train
station, she's getting on a 8:22 train.
"Board the 8:22 at the Gare De Lyon"
"Pick someone my height and build,
and make them believe it is me"
- I'm sorry.
- What for?
Do you mind me smoking?
It's not a real cigarette.
- What?
- It's electronic.
It delivers the same amount of nicotine,
but the smoke is water vapor. Yeah, watch!
LED light.
That's somewhat disappointing.
Would you rather have me smoking for real?
No, I would rather you be a
man who did exactly as he pleased.
- I'm Elise.
- I'm Frank.
- That's a terrible name.
- Yeah, it's the only one I've got.
- Maybe we can find you another...
- Okay.
You're British.
I'm American.
What brings you to Venice?
You read spy novels.
I am a mysterious woman on a train...
You tell me what my story is.
I think you would be a diplomat attach.
Or maybe a girl from East Germany
whose father's been kidnapped.
And they're blackmailing you
into stealing something for them...
Probably microfilm, there's
usually microfilm involved.
- What awaits me?
- Trouble, certainly.
- Danger?
- Oh, yeah.
You'll most likely be shot at
in less than two chapters!
Is there a man in my life?
...have to wait and see.
- Invite me to dinner, Frank.
- What?
- Would you like to have the dinner?
- Women don't like questions.
- Join me for dinner.
- Too demanding.
- Join me for dinner?
- Another question.
I'm having dinner...
If you'd care to join me.
I give up.
Math, I teach maths.
I would not have guessed that.
I'd imagine you're a cool
math teacher, though?
Still a math teacher.
- Can I take your picture?
- Sure.
- Could this be Pierce?
- We're still working on that.
Well, I only have the
sketches to go by, so...
Ectomorpheus, same basic phenotype.
- Bottom line, could be him.
- I knew we couldn't leave her.
Run a worldwide blind check on that face,
Bet you 10 quid there's no match.
Okay, but what case number
do you want to book it under?
- Just run it.
- Do you really think it's Pierce?
Run it.
Get me Italian Interpol.
I have a strange feeling that those
two people over there are watching us.
Do you know something?
I think you're right.
You're the paranoid, math teacher.
Memorize this face.
The train arrives in 10 minutes
Stop him when he descends.
So, what are you doing all
alone in the city of lovers?
Is there no one in your life?
- There was.
- What happened?
- She left me.
- I'm sorry to hear that, Frank
Arrival at train station Venicia Santa
Lucia in 10 minutes. End of the line.
Guess I should go get my suitcase and stuff.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, thank you.
Oh shit.
- Sir.
- Wait.
"Pick someone my height and build"
"And make them believe it's me"
We did get an exact match.
He's a math teacher at
Madson Community College.
Frank Tupelo.
Lost his wife in a car crash 3 years ago.
He's a tourist.
Thank you.
Get me Italian Interpol.
Abort. We go back to HQ quickly.
On the other side.
- What are you doing?
- The Internet Fraud Report.
So, this is what Alexander
Pierce looks like?
It's above your clearance.
Get back to your work.
He's fluttering his eyelids
like a girl, that's his tell.
Go all in.
I have a piece of information for Mr. Shaw.
It's concerning Alexander Pierce.
Alexander Pierce has just arrived in Venice.
With her.
- Aleri.
- Sir
- Change of course. Venice.
- Yes, sir.
Now what do I own in Venice?
- Do you want to come with me?
- What?
Oh yeah, sure, I mean,
I could use a lift, yeah.
Thank you very... that's very kind.
Welcome to Venice, Madam.
Thank you.
Oh, uh, my bags!
Are you coming?
Thank you.
Hello, Welcome to Hotel Danieli, Madam.
Elise Clifton-Ward, and husband.
We have arranged for
you a wonderful suite...
with bathroom and with...
- May I have your documents, please?
- Yes
Thank you.
It will be my pleasure to show
you up personally. Please, this way.
Thank you.
- Enjoy your stay, sir.
- Thank you.
Everything was arranged according
to the precise instructions.
I very much hope you
will not be disappointed.
We are entering the Doches Suite.
A room that has been a home away from
home for Marcel Proust and Honor de Balzac.
- Have a nice day, sir.
- Thank you.
Make yourself at home.
This really is a very nice hotel, isn't it?
They think of everything, don't they?
I know he will be with her.
They'll be staying at one of the grand
hotels. The Pretty, The Regina, The Danieli.
I want you to keep a watch on all of them.
You can kill the girl,
but you can't kill him.
Not until I have my money, that is.
- Is that clear?
- Let's go.
- You're ravenous.
- Do you mean ravishing?
...I do.
- You're ravenous.
- I am.
Come on!
- The Skambian champagne risotto, please.
- Excellent choice... Excellent.
He didn't say that to me.
Did he not like my choice?
Your choice was excellent.
Who is he?
Hotels don't give gifts like that,
do they? Who is he?
- He's someone who used to be very important to me.
- Used to?
Are you meeting him in Venice?
I hope so.
- Part of me hopes I don't.
- Why?
Because I don't like being told what to do.
I don't like being "summoned".
But it felt even worse not
hearing from him for 2 years.
It's the Roman god, Janus.
My mother gave it to me when I was little.
She wanted it to teach me that people
have two sides; a good side, a bad side...
Past and future.
And that we must embrace
both in someone we love.
And I tried...
What's he like?
He's... different from anybody I know.
Different's good.
Where I come from the highest compliment...
that you can offer a person...
Is to say that they're down to earth...
I hate it. Drives me nuts.
Would you like another Americano?
I don't know, would I?
It really was a very nice restaurant,
wasn't it? Oh. Very nice wine.
I'm making us a nice little drink.
Which is very nice of me, isn't it?
Thank you.
Were those flowers here
when we checked-in?
It is an invitation to a Ball,
two nights from now.
You've been "summoned"
It appears I have.
May I pay you a compliment?
Another question you need never ask.
You are the least down to
earth person I've ever met.
It's been a long day. I do hope
the couch will be comfortable.
Good night.
Excuse me, sir. Good morning.
My name is Guido, your waiter.
I'm Frank. What's this?
It's your breakfast, sir.
- I didn't order any.
- The senora ordered it for you, when she left.
She left?
Have a nice day, sir.
- Hi.
- Alexander, let's go see an old friend.
- I'm not sure he's Pierce.
- The boss warned us about this.
Get him!
- Hello, please help.
- Hello, sir.
Hello. I need help. There are two
men trying to break down the door.
I see, what kind of problem
do you have with the door, sir?
No no no. There are two men
with guns trying to break in!
- Your spanish is excellent, sir.
- Thank you.
- I gotta go!
- Sir?
The boss wants him alive!
She's returned.
Get ready to intervene.
Commander Acheson, two armed men
are chasing the American from yesterday.
Shots have been fired.
Request permission to intervene.
Do you still have Elise?
We still have a visual on Elise Ward,
but the American is in imminent danger.
You mean the mathematics teacher from
Wisconsin? I'd say not our mandate.
Sir, this man is in real peril.
This is exactly why she
chose him, to distract us.
Stay with her.
Do not move unless she moves.
Am I making myself crystal clear?
Sir, they will kill him.
Not our mandate.
- Look at that man!
- What the hell?
Center, send someone to the market!
There is a nut trying to kill himself.
American, I bet.
Stop, stop!
Do not jump!
- I'm so sorry.
- Asshole!
I'm sorry!
- Stop him
- I'm sorry, sorry!
- Answer the phone.
- Yes, sir.
- I think you need it more than I.
- "Thank you"
"You're welcome"
- Now, you wish to report a murder?
- No.
Some people tried to kill me.
I was told you are reporting a murder.
Attempted murder.
- That's not so serious.
- No, not when you downgrade it from murder.
But when you upgrade it from room
service, it's quite serious.
- So is assaulting a Police Officer.
- That was an accident.
The officer feels differently.
...With all due respect, sir.
...I think maybe I should
be talking with someone.
...Someone not Italian.
- Like the Embassy, or Interpol.
- Interpol?
I'm an American citizen.
- What does that mean?
- I do not know.
But I was involved in something here
and no offense, this is not a local issue.
What is it you think you're involved in?
It all started when I met a
woman on the train from Paris.
- This already good!
- No, no.
She took me to her hotel.
- Ah, wonderful!
- No, no.
She's involved with another man,
I think she's in love...
- Sorry to hear that.
- I know.
This man, whatever his story is. Some
people are obviously trying to kill him.
- How do you know this?
- Because they tried to kill me.
- They tried to kill you?
- Yes!
Because they must have
thought that I was him.
- I like you Mr. Tupelo.
- I like you too, sir.
But surely you understand
how strange this all sounds.
Come with me.
Where are you taking me?
Oh! You're going to lock me in there?
Please don't do this.
Sir, I've done nothing wrong.
- Please!
- It's only until I check some facts
Your facts checked out.
We have to leave.
- You're not safe here.
- I don't understand.
This has to look right.
Come on.
The man you're talking about is
called Alexander Pierce.
...who stole big money from a gangster.
They came to Venice to find him.
They think you are him.
They placed a... how do you say...
A bounty on your head.
That's why you're not safe.
Wait here for a moment.
You've come to buy a key?
Brand new bills, I appreciate it.
You think we cheat you?
Of course not, I just enjoy counting
Well, gentlemen,
Alexander Pierce is all yours.
Do not shoot him!
I think we lost them!
I'd really like to take these off!
We have to wait until
we get to open waters
Elise! Elise!
It suits you perfectly, sir
You have a wonderful figure.
- You think it's a little loose?
- No, it's of the utmost magnificence
14 Red, bet made.
Wager, sir?
42 Red.
- They're back.
- Yeah, bring them in.
- I'll come back tomorrow?
- No, no, no, stay.
We tried everything, sir
- But he got away.
- So I heard, so I heard.
They're referring to the young man
who stole $2.3 billion dollars from me.
You know, I worked very hard
for years so I wouldn't have to
do the dirty work any more.
No more chasing traitors
...No more killing.
Now I employ people
to do those things for me.
Except that you don't!
- Does it look alright?
- Yes!
- Like always.
- What's always?
Very good.
Yes, I think it looks alright!
So thats how you pick a lock.
How do you know how to do that?
Wheres the owner of this boat?
Bottom of the canal?
Sitting in a cafe with a pocketful of Euros.
Why is this happening?
Why is everyone trying to kill me?
Because I kissed you.
Do I look that much like him?
I am sorry I got you involved in all this.
Why are you involved in all this?
- Because I'm in love with him.
- Really? I'm not.
...Seriously, help me understand why?
I honestly didn't think
he would let it go this far.
I didn't think he would let Shaw get to you.
Shaw - that's the man who Pierce stole from?
Reginald Shaw. Alexander used
to be his private banker.
- I thought he was Russian or something like that.
- He surrounds himself with the Russians.
But he's as English as Alex and I.
Give me your hand.
Now he owns most of the casinos and
brothels from here to Novus Brusk.
Once, he bragged to Alexander
that he had every man killed.
His wife had slept with
before she met him.
And when he found out how many
there had been... he killed her too.
There you are.
What made Pierce think he
could take on a guy like that?
It's just who he is.
Could you ever feel like about
that someone like me?
I don't regret it, you know. Kissing you.
I have to go check the... the thing...
Where are we going?
The airport?
- Where are we going?
- You'll see.
Tie us up, would you?
I wish we'd met in another life, Frank.
Take the next flight back to America,
you'll find what you need in the bag.
Be safe.
But I'm in love with you...
Agent Elise Clifton-Ward.
Identification number "MFS 98495 G"
Elise Ward!
Well, you're certainly
blowing your cover now.
I'm ready to give you Pierce.
You're ready to give me Pierce?
Well that's interesting.
So you're aren't here to beg
me to lift your suspension?
You've actually come to do your job?
Allow me to ask. Why now?
You live with a man for an entire year.
During which time, we don't get
one single useable photograph.
Now you're ready to give him up?
It's because of that tourist, isn't it?
I want to put an end to this
before someone gets killed.
...I wish I could understand
your choice in men.
...The fugitive thief?
Well, that's exciting, perhaps.
But a school teacher from Wisconsin?
Who'd have thought your
tastes were so provincial?
- Do you want Pierce or not?
- Yes
I'm meeting him at a ball. Tonight.
You know you'll have to wear a wire?
Hello Madam.
She's heading toward the southeast corner
Where've you been?
I thought you'd never get here.
"So tell me"
Is that our man?
How could you be so sure I was coming?
I just knew it.
Fate wouldn't bring me to an
evening like this with no reason.
As soon as you walked in,
I knew what the reason was.
- No?
- No
"Count Philipe Organza, land owner,
big reputation as a swordsman"
Well, he won't be dueling tonight.
Excuse me.
It's Pierce, he's here.
He just left her an envelope.
Pull up the footage, we have his face.
I don't bloody believe this!
Alright, get that moron out of here.
You shouldn't be...
I can't, I'm sorry.
Come on, you owe me a dance.
You shouldn't be here.
No, Elise. This is the only
place on earth I should be.
How did you get in here?
I told the doorman, you're my wife.
And I wanted to keep an eye on you.
Italians are big on that kinda thing.
- Leave.
- No.
Do you like the suit?
You paid for it.
I've been thinking about
your friend Pierce, and his plan.
So far, I'm thinking it
hasn't worked out for him.
No, take that gangster guy.
- Shaw?
- Yeah, Shaw.
I don't believe that Pierce was prepared
for him being here. The whole chase.
Will you please leave?
You're kinda worried about me, aren't you?
And I'm worried about you
And I'm not leaving without you.
You were part of the plan.
You were useful, that's all.
Why do you think, I saw you on the
train and my heart stopped?
This way please.
Excuse me sir,
I think you've made a mista...
What's it say?
What's it say?
Ms. Ward's boarding the boat.
"It looks like they've called up
her boat, what should I do?"
She may just be playing with us, let's wait.
Fondamenta San Giacomo 23, please
Okay, good. We have the address.
I'm going to follow her on the boat.
I want snipers on all surrounding roofs
and if you get a visual
on Pierce first, call.
The Commissioner wants a report.
Let's have a little fun with him
Who are you people?
Where are we going?
Well, I don't know, Alexander.
Where are we going?
I'm not Alexander,
my name's Frank Tupelo.
I'm an American citizen and I have rights.
I don't care what you call
yourself these days.
Your name's Alexander Pierce
and you have no rights.
Not until you pay us
744 million pounds back taxes.
744 million?
Looks like someone else
is following our target.
Reginald Shaw.
Well, this could be fun.
Alright, stay close but not too close.
- And get the office to send me an interpreter.
- Right.
Yes, 744 million.
You didn't think we knew about that
bank account in Liechtenstein.
I don't know what you are talking about.
You asshole.
I know everything about you.
I even know how much that face cost.
24 million wired to a Brazilian surgeon.
From a numbered Swiss bank account.
I haven't been able to prove it.
...But now I don't have to.
...Because I just lock you
in a box in the basement.
Until you tell me where the money is.
It's alright.
It's alright, Frank.
I know you're not Alexander Pierce
But you know who you are?
You're a moron.
And you're a moron that almost
ruined my 8 million sting operation.
So you're going to stay
here until this is all over.
Please, you can't do this
I haven't done anything.
I shouldn't be here.
Know what I think?
...I think that this is
the one place on Earth
You really should be.
How was your night at the hotel?
She's quite something, I'm sure.
Target is about 200 yards
away from destination.
- We are matching speed.
- Good.
But don't get too close.
I don't want to scare Pierce off again.
We're here.
- Go ahead.
- Thank you.
I won't be needing you
any more this evening.
I've never really understood the
love that people devote to each other.
Money, yes. Possessions, yes.
But people are so unreliable,
they sicken decay and die.
But this, this is worth dying for.
"...such good taste"
We're live.
Oh, yes, do sit down.
When are you going in?
You're welcome to stay and watch.
If you can keep your mouth shut.
You know, Alexander was like a son for me.
I loved him.
That brilliant playful
disrespectful young bastard...
I even thought he and I were two of a kind.
I took great pleasure never knowing
what the scamp would do next.
Until one day, what he did next...
didn't give me any pleasure at all.
You know, in our quaint legal system...
...When a man sleeps with my wife
...I kill him and her
and get away scot-free.
...Crime of passion as it was called.
But my passion extends
to all the things I own
They are me, they represent me.
So if a man steals from me, I kill him.
I kill his wife, his children, his mother...
...I might even throw in the
family doctor for good measure.
For he has taken from me something
for which I have paid the infinite price.
My Soul.
Thats somethng these
idiots will never understand.
He's not coming, is he?
He sent you to get the money.
So where is it?
Where is my money?
- Where is the safe?
- I don't know.
Where is the safe?
I don't know.
You don't know?
Is it behind this bookcase here?
Or perhaps...
...This one here.
- Where is the safe?
- I don't know, I haven't seen him...
Please, you have to do something.
Permission to fire?
Hold your fire. I repeat, hold your fire.
Not until Pierce shows himself.
You're very beautiful, Elise.
Try to combine it with
a little intelligence.
- And tell me where the safe is.
- If I knew it, I would tell you.
In my opinion she knows nothing.
You have to go in.
They're gonna kill her.
- Where's my interpreter?
- They're going to kill her.
- She can handle herself.
- She can handle herself?
She's one of us.
Expert in undercover operations.
When I sent her to Russia to find Pierce.
She went dark.
...I think she could never quite decide.
If she was with him, or with us.
She's a good agent.
...Except that she invariably
falls in love with any man.
That she spends longer
than a train ride with.
Commander Acheson, I'm the interpreter.
Yes, go!
If you could provide
me with some context...
She really doesn't seem...
...To know where it is.
"We should go"
We give it 5 more minutes.
If Pierce doesn't show,
we get rid of the woman and go.
- Permission to engage?
- Negative.
- Please!
- Not one more word from you.
They won't kill her.
Pierce will come.
He has to come.
Well alright, let's do it.
No, knife.
"Engaging target"
- Negative, that is an order.
- Order the shot.
Now if you don't tell
me where the safe is
I might be tempted to rearrange
your face somewhat.
You'll find life is not quite
so giving to an ugly woman.
You really don't know, do you?
Behind the medallion, there!
Open it.
There is movement in the courtyard.
Pierce, I knew it
You know what, he
does look a little like you.
Just try.
Go on, press it.
You may try one more time.
Let her go!
Let her go!
- You let her leave and I'll open the safe.
- Stop right there.
Frank, what in hell?
Please Elise, let me handle this.
I'll say it again, let her go.
I'll open the safe.
- Who the hell are you?
- I'm Alexander Pierce.
This is the man that
was driving the boat.
- He is not Alexander Pierce.
- Elise, please.
What the hell are you doing?
What the hell is he doing?
"Permission to engage target?"
Shut the hell up.
Alexander, is it you? Truly?
Show me your teeth.
Alexander had crooked teeth
Stained from excessive smoking.
Braces. Electronic cigarettes.
He had a higher forehead.
I had a migraine for
2 weeks after the remodel.
- You sound different.
- Voice chip implant.
No no, I mean the way you speak.
Yes, that's right, Alexander was English.
This man is American.
I've actually gotten so used
to the American accent.
That I find it a tad difficult to go back.
That's pathetic, this man
is not Alexander Pierce.
He's a tourist!
A tourist?
Someone I happened to
sit next to on the train.
How would a tourist...
know that you killed every
man your wife ever slept with?
I told him that.
You told a tourist?
Why would she do that?
It's absurd.
Well, there's a simple way of finding out.
- Open the safe.
- I've made you a deal.
...When she's gone.
What are you doing?
...and I know she's safe.
Well, I'll make you an even better deal.
Open the safe now...
And I won't make you watch something
that you would never forget.
Open it!
I see.
Now you see?
- Sir?
- I know him, he'll come for her.
I know him.
He won't give her up now.
We must engage.
Permission to engage, Sir
He'll come for her. He'll come for her.
It doesn't make sense...
- Are you alright?
- Yes.
I want you to know your
suspension is lifted.
Thank you, sir.
And your employment is terminated,
effective immediately.
Thank you, sir
We got him, we got Alexander Pearce.
iOn the vondameta, 300 meters
south of your location.
So, you love me?
I do.
How do you feel about
Alexander Pierce these days?
I love him too, unfortunately.
I may have a solution for you.
Are you with me this time?
C'mon, let him up.
I'm just a tourist.
Just a tourist.
He said I might get
arrested at some point.
But that you'd have to let me go
because you have nothing on me.
The man who's been
sending me these texts.
And the money, of course.
So let me get this straight
because I'm... a little confused.
You recieve money from a
man you've never met before?
Who sends you text messages telling
you just to show up somewhere?
Not just anywhere...
774 million.
- Sir, listen...
- We have our money, Acheson.
But we don't have Pierce.
The man is a criminal
wanted in 14 countries.
But what is it he did? Really?
He stole the money from a gangster.
A dead gangster.
And he has good taste in women.
I can't say I don't wish him well.
20 million dollars worth
of plastic surgery...
And that's the face you choose?
- Do you not like it?
- It'll do.