Toys (1992)

General Zevo, I'm Owen Owens.
Sorry for the urgent telegram ...
but we think
that he will not be long.
He hears not be here,
but you know how your brother.
The factory is his life.
- How is his condition?
He's dying.
Is that true or is it a rumor?
The doctors agree.
The end is approaching.
Kenneth Zevo
It was a terrible decision,
but I had no choice.
I wanted the leadership of the case
my son over to Les ...
or even my daughter Alsatia.
He is not ready yet
for such a big responsibility.
And she is ...
I wanted to talk to you
before I die. I have a proposal.
You were Daddy's favorite. You are in
entered his footsteps and I do not.
But I have built this company
and I am proud.
I do not
it lost me.
I want you to take the lead
Zevo of Toys.
You want me to give up the army?
- Vietnam Since you are not happy.
They just gave away.
- Let's face it, Leland.
Your glory days are over.
Your big war will never come.
You need your leadership skills
not waste.
Would you want me to follow?
- It is really worthwhile.
It is a new challenge, a chance
to finally be independent.
A place where you are appreciated.
What do you think?
Full control
about the company?
And then Astatia and Leslie?
- I want them to stay here to work.
They love it. It's their world.
And I hope with your help ...
Leslie you can ever follow
when you retire.
He simply has no ambitions.
I'll call an ambulance.
Dorothy, an ambulance quickly.
What is it? Is it, Kenny?
- It's his heart.
He tied his hat
with his pacemaker.
It is a warning signal.
- It's strange, Leland.
I beg you,
think again about your decision.
My brother is the key, as will
Leslie finally grow up.
It is a huge risk.
Your son is such a ...
I know. That's me too.
Leslie, Alsatia, ready?
Are you ready to clean up?
- The waiting limo.
I'd rather take dad's car,
if you do not mind.
This friendly man goes
now his resting place.
He leaves a legacy
of innocence and fun.
If the child now
a peaceful citizen ...
he has partly due
this great man.
And when I talk about 'man' I mean,
I only physical sense.
For he was
the eternal child in us all.
The grief that we feel ...
The grief that we feel ...
But the sorrow we feel ...
a game laugh
That was a good one, Dad.
But the sadness we feel,
is mitigated by the science ...
somewhere angels blowing
looks at the horns of this man.
Tin horns, which is nice.
Those are fun.
We need that thing
not get out of the box?
Daddy would not want.
The batteries are quickly discharged.
Tin horns,
that you continue the game.
I know what you mean.
I want tomorrow
a tour of the factory.
With an earring or something
you draw extra attention to.
We laugh from big ears?
- No, small heads.
We get letters at least
of the royal family.
It shines too much.
I've General Zevo with me.
- We look at some new gadgets.
Come sit with us?
Bad dog. Do you have a newspaper
to convey that information to pick?
I may not leave.
Very good.
- A machine poop on leash.
Shit canned.
- Or a bath. Shampoep.
If one wants to do poo in the bath?
- Only if it floats.
We have
all done it once.
This is not a shared experience.
Are they paid for this?
What is that?
- That's Alsatia.
She wears like
doll clothes and doll wigs.
She wants everything first try itself.
She is very dedicated.
Fool. This can not continue.
Everything is ready.
The fabrics ...
the prototypes,
the new fashion designs.
I do not like girl stuff.
- Do you not see the designs?
They're really cute.
Want to have lunch? I have pull
in smoked chicken. And you?
Smoke and funny.
- Thanks. Is that you, Alsatia?
What is it?
- A smoking jacket, our new craze.
Very nice, Leslie,
but you yourself go off?
Could be it. Where is the power button?
There is a boat, a big boat.
Save the women and children.
The lifeboat, General.
That's better. Just a little note.
Make the Switch accessible.
You have seen the factory.
Are you ready to take over Zevo?
Before I decide, I must
someone. Come on, Owens.
Who should he speak?
- His father, I believe.
Grandpa? I thought that was dead.
I know. You have four stars
and me three.
And every time you focus
that light out to humiliate me.
Without that stupid British accent
I had four stars.
You were in England during
my youth. It's your fault.
I am never
regarded as an American.
Than to a linguistic gone.
- I did this and I can now:
Stay there at attention
until further notice.
They kicked it not.
I need your advice.
Just before Kenny died ...
he asked me to take over the case.
- Toys?
You do not understand.
The army has major problems.
Is it still worth the money?
Communism is gone.
We get less and less money.
The army is not what it was.
There will be another war.
- No war as we know it.
It's different now. You can
your troops no longer trust.
In Vietnam, one of attempted
my own men got me.
Big dick?
No, he tried to tackle
me to shoot. Understand me well.
I leave the army in the lurch,
but me.
Walk on.
- I can not, stupid fuck.
There is no enemy.
I have no choice, I do not work.
Tell me please
what to do.
What should I do?
Should I take the case of Kenny?
Do you have time tonight?
- Of course.
Kenneth was a part
of the old toys unique.
We have never tried
For this modernization, we ...
functional plans required ...
for past and future together
connect. You take it on, Fred?
We have many success
the new Mr. Minky-pop.
It's a unique doll
on the market.
It is well
with our video games.
Especially Big argyles,
Felsrs, Osmosis and Helos Course.
That is much better
Mr. O and then goes out.
Chickens cackling
and Bob Goes Camping.
What about the development
The T-3100 Racer?
We are still waiting here since ex-
a number of plans for the T-3100 ...
are implemented in a design
Axle of that earlier on the market.
This is a setback.
The plans have been leaked.
Someone said that they have leaked?
- Industrial espionage is uncommon.
Can I talk to you, Owen?
How they invent it?
Guns and Noses, what is that?
They had Joe Carnival.
With your fingers and teeth.
There is a whole new line.
This is the pantry.
- Really?
Tell me about the espionage problem.
Not so fast.
Well General, steal ...
- I hear you.
Well, General ...
- Still no.
Well, General ... Is that good?
- Fine, go ahead.
The steal of the draft is more
for. We can not protect.
I know the right person for this
to solve. Zevo Patrick, my son.
My apologies for my son.
He is usually very punctual.
Where did he come?
- He is in Secret Operations.
We need only to show.
A sofa, General?
- Why not?
The devil eggs
look hot.
What a quick snap.
Take agree scramble.
It geixalteerd.
What a hellion. Truly farm fresh.
Maybe they are
possessed by the devil.
Huevo del diablo.
Save yourself. You gotta get outta here.
Quick, make a cross with
toothpicks. Look.
Suck my yolk. Flight
This infernal bites. Alert the village.
Backwards, he's spitting.
I can no longer control myself.
How do you do that?
- With Magnets.
One of Dad's favorites.
- You're just as crazy as your father.
If you believe that? Thank you.
I'm really hungry.
- Let's go eat.
The bank has also hungry.
Patrick, my son.
- Dad.
- Nice trick.
I do not do tricks.
- This is camouflage.
He secretly explores the situation.
Am I right?
Absolutely, Dad.
You only eat white bread? What bad.
- Yes or no, it is soft and malleable.
The slides inside.
There are no nutrients.
- Yes, vitamin pills.
It does work,
You will never age.
you stayed here as a child?
That did not. When was that?
- When mom went to Vietnam.
She never returned.
You loved her.
Yeah, but Dad did what he could
to save her.
Dee Dee was great, but
appendicitis is merciless.
When we knew something was wrong ...
- Do not.
I never forgive myself.
- I know.
That is the vitamin B
I have problems with vitamin E.
That remains my teeth stabbing
and then he comes into the mayonnaise.
Taste the wine, General?
- He is fine.
A good Bordeaux
with a beautiful bouquet.
Want more?
- I love it.
What are your plans
Now when you Zevo works?
He takes a special unit there.
- We will interrogate anyone.
Then we
a restraint.
With cards?
- Photographic identification.
I'm pretty in photographs.
I'm going to talk to our designers.
We start then with our new line.
- New line?
I play with the idea
to make war toys.
We have never made.
- That would be logical?
Dad took a little war
small penises.
Really true? I can help
good use in this area.
- Of course.
On war toys.
Loved it
I asked Leslie to help?
Smart tactic.
- I thought you did that.
Like you said: Treat friends like
enemies and enemies as friends.
Allow the driver to stop here.
I get off.
You do not know where you are.
Always in training.
Absolutely. See you tomorrow.
What a guy.
Sat cat chasing the rat,
until she finally knew each other's name.
What is it?
- I do not understand.
It's a fable.
- Why did Dad Uncle Leland is in charge?
I had previously expected Owen.
- Or you.
Dad knew better.
- I only know what is foreign.
That man is strange. How do you deal with him
working with war toys?
Sometimes you have to dress up as lamb
the wolf to seduce.
As Dad said: Treat friends like
friends and enemies as enemies.
You use your brains. Good night.
Sleep well and dream soft.
Good night, Alsatia.
Can I help you?
- We check every employee ...
for safety reasons.
May I ask you a few questions?
Is this the result
six weeks of work?
These sketches give you an idea
indicate which direction it goes.
Come in, Leslie.
- Sorry, problems with my card.
Maybe I'm still
dumps at a grown up.
This is our geluidsjas. He works
on movement. One moment.
Sit back, Leslie.
I will go.
- Sit down.
You act like a zotskap.
- A zotskap?
Where did that word come from? A
combination of zapping and puke?
Or hack and fool.
Or Latin, zotapianus.
The carrier of pickles.
- Good.
Is that what the General
wanted to show, Miss Drum?
Miss Drum.
- Yes.
Do you think that we have with
other companies can compete?
With most products do.
- What does the rest?
I tell you what I think. This is crap
compared to other companies.
I want realism, fantasy, suspense.
You may leave.
Were you not know too much?
They are citizens.
This was not a tea party.
They work here for years.
- That's it.
You are right. I'm going
get coffee cream. Thank you.
You want something, Owen? A sandwich?
And you, General?
A cruise missile or something?
An automatic rifle? Sorry, sir.
He needs some adjusting.
I have a lot to do.
I am surrounded by idiots.
I've been naughty.
Are you Gwen Tyler? We want you
few routine questions.
Will there ever be copied
if you are not there?
- Copy only?
That's pretty personal.
- Take my research seriously?
Or are you ridiculous?
- No, I respect it.
I just say that I do not know
because I am not constant.
It is copied.
That means that more than one.
Maybe two, three or four.
Take you kidding me?
- I'm talking about copying.
Copy. Copies.
I just work here.
- Are you in charge of copying?
Show me how the copier
work. The whole process.
Copying is a serious crime.
Do you understand?
What is copied ...
- What is going on here?
- Everything seems safe.
She is fine. See you later, cousin.
- I take it easy.
The coast is safe. Get it out.
That can not be good for your hair.
Forward march.
Get it out.
Is it?
- All right.
You're new here, huh?
You're shocked. Let it go
or get over it. Your choice.
Who was that?
- My cousin.
That you are so treated.
- Sorry. Laugh a minute.
Look at that. Were you doing this?
This is great.
Look at that face.
Michael Jackson, before and after.
I never have operations.
Like a deer in a truck.
Brakes, Al. Great.
This is very nice.
Which must on the frontpage
a magazine about boxing.
I grab him in three rounds.
The belt should fit in my bag.
You laugh. That is beautiful.
Hi, I'm Leslie Zevo.
I know.
Welcome to the living.
- You're crazy.
That's right, that's my job.
What kind of sandwiches did you do today?
- Ham and cheese, turkey, chicken salad.
I am sorry that you never
have a sandwich with apple sauce.
Then as the bread soggy.
- That I do not mind.
Tomorrow you will get one.
- Thanks.
Today I go again
a mayonnaise sandwich.
Is this seat taken?
- No, sit down.
You like my card pretty? I told you
I am always well.
That's right.
Is not it nice?
- Not if food touches each other.
You look like my brother.
- We are opposites.
He is soft and strong external
inside and you just the other way.
Can I have tuna salad?
- Hopefully that dolphin.
How long can they
stay out of the water?
I'm glad he
has finally found her.
Love is beautiful.
Your mother once said to love ...
Can you talk about something else?
- It's too sensitive for you.
I can not eat.
The food touches each other more.
I want an army board.
I am a soldier and army would cost.
My beans have quarantined
sit. A fortress around my mashed potatoes ...
so the meat does not penetrate
and nothing is mixed.
I hate when food touches each other.
I am a soldier. Do you understand?
Keep your food well separated.
No calories. Nice.
If I eat a calorie, I swell.
Two Michelin and I am a male.
Did you hear that?
No, but my mom does.
I do not want sweeteners.
I love old prick.
- Sugar can not hurt.
I once sugar and sweeteners
strewn on the pavement.
The ants were directly
the sugar to dance.
When ants were a sweetener
with helmets on. Completed, they said.
Where are you from?
- From here.
Are you born here?
- No, the back of a bumper car.
There is thus went wrong.
- Exactly. It's a boy.
This is fun.
You have no lip.
- I am doing.
That is an uncertain face.
- The sight of two people ...
Themselves may not.
- That's not bad.
But when they kiss ...
- Knocked their teeth.
They bite down.
- And then they feel bad.
Then the net
two lizards in the Sun
That's it.
- That is attractive.
That's the kind of face
what you whistle.
I have not laughed so much at times.
- Have you ever laughed so ...
Did you know?
- Ok, cut it up.
These are fun. Stick your finger in it.
Not afraid.
These are so funny.
Why are bodily funny?
Where are we going?
- The town.
I want to see what the competitor.
- Good plan. I will go back.
You okay, Dad?
- No problem.
I'm practicing.
- What?
Leslie breaks out here
and then we sing together.
In the ladies' room?
- The acoustics are great.
Do you hear?
- I understand two of you do not.
We love singing and dancing. He
makes jokes that make me laugh.
And then we eat.
Would you try?
- Rather not.
Everyone here sounds good. Really.
Try that anymore.
Leslie find fun?
I'm so glad you appreciate him.
Perhaps a duet better.
Maybe your voice sounds
than acceptable.
Good shot.
Good boy.
Tankschutter, you play along?
- You go first.
Let's see if I still can.
500 points helicopters, tanks 300.
- 1000 for a UN truck.
A heavy penalty.
Give me a quarter.
I have to stop him.
- Well, here we go.
Like ever.
This brings me back
way back to my youth.
1000 penalty
because the UN truck hit.
Fucking UN.
They have no business.
They always walk in the road.
I'll get those bastards do.
UN soldiers in white cars.
I almost hit a tank.
I do not want the UN there.
There is another. There he goes.
Did you see that?
How do you feel?
- Dizzy.
Great name.
We call it the Duizel Helm.
What do you think?
- This was a topper.
Are you serious?
- Absolutely. I did not know where I was.
Very nice. I thought
I fell and I was seasick.
This is just a prototype.
- This is one of your best creations.
In another tape
you have a different experience.
You can travel great
without losing your luggage.
Dad would be proud of you.
- Thanks, Al.
But this is uncomfortable.
- This should also be in your ear.
Would you again?
- Sure.
Something we have not. I ask for
war toys and I get nothing.
Other companies doing it for years.
- That time I did not.
We must be. The clock is ticking.
I have to chase them.
I have been here before.
Maybe in another life.
Perhaps in a battle.
Here you have previously
certainly played with Kenny.
Want a ride?
- No, not required.
Are you in learning? You do
little old for support wheels.
Are you here to insult me?
- Au contraire.
I'm on my way home.
- That joke you.
How about this?
- From the road, blocking your way.
I'll give you a lift
and I will teach your bike.
- I want to sleep with you.
My father would be addressing you.
- He certainly would lynch me.
No, I like you.
- Me too.
Therefore we should not see each other.
- Why not?
You take things seriously, not really.
What does that mean?
And then this hat?
Of course I'm serious.
- What then?
I have "Save the whales,
win a prize "was established.
Well, what do you think of this?
I'm going to face the General.
I do not want them war toys
make. I would convince him.
Are you really?
- No, yes, really. Maybe.
See? You're hopeless.
- Wait.
If I can convince him,
I can then pick up those wheels?
I will think about it.
Why is a plane so big?
Because someone has to fit into.
And if you do not need a pilot?
If you can control them remotely?
In the shop we saw
toy airplanes.
Suppose we have a toy plane
made with lethal fighting force.
Airplanes with remote control?
- You saw those kids in the arcade.
Their coordination is better
than that of any driver whatsoever.
Children who can drive.
Only the weapons are missing.
We charge the cost back from 450
million to $ 5000 each.
Since I am talking about. The army
today is too expensive.
I'm talking about a cheap army,
the army of the future.
You can not do without armed forces,
so it should be affordable.
Small tanks, planes
and helicopters.
A small army
with deadly weapons.
For the price of a bomber
I make one million small planes.
And I guarantee you,
which are not visible on the radar.
One guy flew a Beech
Utility to Red Square.
Beechcraft. With a Beechcraft,
not a Beech Nut.
Beechcraft, Beech Nut.
What does it matter?
So he flew to the Red Square.
Think of those children who were playing.
Them does not matter
whether real or fake.
For them it's a game.
War without conscience.
A brilliant concept. I will
like a phoenix from the ashes.
I, the greatest military genius
Tomorrow we build the smallest armada
in the history of mankind.
I, Helen Leland Zevo.
Make sure you always
a rocket at you.
This is just the temptation of Barbie.
This model is well filled.
- Only the strongest will that piece.
- Can I have a word with?
Of course, step.
- Go on, Owen.
For once in my life I ...
Just look out your caps.
We drive through.
You must stop. You may not
failure to stop after an accident.
Always get out after a collision.
It's a big mistake
if we make war toys.
We have a tradition of humor,
what Daddy started.
And we put that line on
with Duizel Helm.
War Toys is wholly incompatible
in our philosophy.
I can not support.
- You're absolutely right.
About ducks crossing
Absolutely right.
I thought it was a good idea,
but it takes too much time.
It would be too difficult
something totally new to create.
Then you rowing against the tide.
You need to keep traditions.
So I think there also.
- Hallelujah and goodbye.
I want a place for myself
for some ideas.
I want to play a bit.
- I would also like it.
No admittance
How are you?
- Fine. I need more space.
Fine, go ahead.
- Thank you and goodbye.
I have some space.
It will be tight here.
Even a tiny bit of space.
This is very good puke.
Except this one.
There is some carrot
and a pea for more attention.
You're right.
It should be stronger.
Our budget for new toys
halved by your uncle.
No money for peas and carrots?
This is a classic.
No it is not fun, but scary.
- No one would buy.
Spaghetti is cheap.
- That you will not often encountered in vomit.
Have you ever eaten at the Pasta Barn?
Maybe we need to
nausea international search.
Latvian what Asians like?
This vomit is very ethnocentric.
He is clearly a white man.
- For example Teriyaki Kots.
That's Bavarian notes.
- Interesting, but it is too much.
That tickles, that's wrong.
- It's like Braille.
It focuses on men.
This space is currently down?
This is a puzzle attack.
This is fun.
That's for the beer festival,
with bratwurst. The Blaagbraak.
How was the test?
- 90 percent. Highly recommended.
And the laugh factor?
- Direct.
We are at work.
- What is this?
This is a Tofu Toss.
- Good. This is something for kosher people.
Coconut and mushrooms?
- That's diarrhea.
Send it to the Department Shit.
This is ham and pineapple.
We call the Hawaii Stew.
- Colourful. What is that?
Duck Sausage.
Wolfgang who called the Duck.
The Wyatt Urp, beautiful.
- In the Bible, the okra Boer.
What happens here on earth anyway?
The general had space.
I wanted to scare anyone.
You must
Changing your eating habits.
How much space does he need?
- It's not just space.
We lose good people.
Designers resign.
Sometimes he builds mega toy?
- I was not so great.
Look at it again.
Every day more.
Hopefully he does something nice,
otherwise I get angry.
This is new.
Where are you, Dad?
I need you, Daddy. The General
my department has closed.
Owens and Leslie is afraid of doing anything.
Nobody knows what the others do.
There are all new people,
the old people resign.
Fay, who dyed crocodile lips,
is gone. That's not to believe?
If not what will happen quickly,
we're in the shit.
You know I speak
not often use. I really mean it.
What a good battery.
I know. I've heard.
- They have closed my office.
Are you going to do something about?
- Of course.
Alsatia is upset. She is
so vulnerable. What should I do?
He makes no war toys,
but what he puts into his shell.
We are too early for the parade.
Do you have enough helium?
That is great, Bob. Moreover,
the great yuppie float.
Why you ask him?
- What do you mean?
Why not just ask him
what he is doing?
Come on. Just ...
Should I ask him directly and
my mijdingsgedrag overboard?
Stop it, this is unbelievable.
- You laugh at me again.
Not true. I want a glass of champagne.
Would you like?
Some more champagne?
Wait here.
We are too tired to walk back.
a tiny bit.
That works well for a hangover.
Toast? Melba.
Your father was right.
- What?
He already said that I should.
- Have you met my dad?
He has adopted me.
My father?
The day before he died.
He has chosen me.
I do not know why.
Or maybe it is.
Choose another state.
- New York.
Error. Choose another.
- All wrong.
What is that?
This is a beautiful space.
You're right. I need him
to ask what was going on.
Tomorrow, he's busy now.
Maybe I'll send a fax.
He has driven the horses.
We have to walk.
I want to ask.
- Come on.
Can you tell me what you do?
I can not have a look?
I do not want you laughing at me.
I'm new in this business.
I am in a hurry.
- Why are you children?
Little people.
- Did you see that?
I looked out my window ...
- You looked so down.
I only know that they were small.
- From above, people are like ants.
From the second floor
People seem much smaller.
I have a pass
to enter the forbidden field.
Smart move.
- But there is a problem.
We need along
the security camera to find out.
Have you any idea
how you come by that way?
Can you see if my glasses
Found? I'm nothing without them.
Of course.
Have a look in your drawer.
The frame is made of metal.
He is not here, sorry.
As if his glasses in my drawer would be.
Go ahead, Seaview.
- We are attacked ...
by a huge mutant plant.
We try to escape.
Less than 500 meters.
Slow down.
Ready to deteriorate.
Who are they?
It says Yolanda and Steve.
I love them.
Wait a minute. If this
television, what is that?
MTV. Who sits on the cable channel.
Why are we on the cable?
- No idea.
This is playback.
- No, this really looks.
She lip-synching, she can not sing.
Want to dance?
- With her might.
My god.
All Schwarzkopfjes.
I'm new here.
What are you blowing?
A military base.
- What do you base that on?
People, army tanks and helicopters.
How many points do you get people?
- Thousand.
Intrusion into forbidden territory.
Everyone hurry.
Do not panic. Stay calm.
What is this? Help.
All monitor outputs.
- Level three.
Who is the intruder?
- The water tank is activated.
What is this?
- Zeezwijn off?
Zeezwijn? Turn off mainly.
Do not move.
He responds to vibrations.
What the hell is that?
Turn it off, High Stern.
Do not move.
None of them.
I want to see if it works.
Does he eat or couples?
- Turn it off. Do not move.
Then I drown.
I'm going to run now.
I said: Do not move.
Get away from me.
That was it.
It works. I knew it.
Do you like?
- I need to talk with Washington.
The time has come.
- Do you like, Leslie?
Whose side are you really?
You're soaking wet. Is it raining?
- No, that is until later in the evening.
There is a crazy factory.
- What are you saying?
We were in the prohibited area.
Children played video games.
Latvian wanted to kill me.
I warm myself with a fake fire.
There is something very wrong.
- What? What happened?
There was a space
filled with war games.
1000 points for every dead.
Suddenly the alarm went off.
I ran but could not go.
I fell into a pool.
We may not have pool.
Zevo captain, you hear me?
- What is it, Baker?
What is your position?
- This is an inappropriate question.
We know where Leslie is.
- Report.
He's at home Miss Tyler.
- Off.
Okay, deep breath.
Come to daddy.
I hope you do not
I was going too far.
Can I sleep here?
It begins.
Attacks, boy. Here goes.
Come on, Les.
It goes well.
- Do your best, Les.
What happened?
Do what, it was just exciting.
- It can not.
You ruined it forever.
- I did not do anything.
Do you have the manual?
- There is not.
Hear that?
What is that?
What was that?
What happens?
- Nothing.
I think they sleep.
- What does he know?
He has not seen enough
to understand.
We're going to Washington to talk about
the new army of General.
This is top secret.
Fortunately, Leslie discovered nothing.
I want maximum security
for the meeting. Understood?
What is that?
- A recording of the hall monitor.
We are Steve and Yolanda great.
- Yolanda and Steve.
MTV look only in your spare time,
I told him al
What exactly happened?
Do something you really slain?
You saw big, bulging eyes
in the water. Bulging eyes.
There was something behind you.
- Bolle eyes or balls.
Something moved in the big water.
And I was not.
How can I remove these doubts?
Why did Patrick: Disable?
Do not move. Why did he say that?
- You could make him much.
We're not sure
whether he is child safe.
Anything else?
- Why does he single?
That was forbidden territory.
We thought you drowned.
Where do you recommend?
- Getting a new water toy.
For a bath?
- And a couple of fun video games.
We have already talked about it.
- Let the show.
A tour would be fun?
- Yes, very nice.
Give me two weeks
to organize everything.
Then I love you
my work. Agreed?
Dad, that was just
a diversion.
- The people from Washington so far.
The guys in Washington?
- Thursday, 16.00.
The sun breaks through.
Remove the screens.
I understand that it must be safe,
but this is not exaggerated?
You can see straight through them.
Like angels with bones.
That is the General?
- He has nothing with him.
Check those guys from Washington.
Those are really toned.
Look at that.
An eavesdropping device. See it?
No, that's a piece of shrapnel or something.
- Shrapnel?
Yes, shrapnel.
How is it since your surgery?
- Reasonable.
But I have now
frequent chest pain.
It looks like a scissors or pliers.
We say nothing.
Now look here to Tegnell.
Complies with your expectations?
- A mini army.
Planes, remote controlled
by children?
The Israelis have little
aircraft with video cameras.
Not such a bad idea.
We go back to Washington
to discuss your proposal.
You should look to the future.
The future is anarchy.
What are you talking about?
- Lawlessness.
About the future of Lebanon,
the collapse of the system.
That the military people to people
defends. There is no money for.
Such a war brings no glory.
How can you spend more
a bomber ...
then there across America
Cancer is spent?
One million small aircraft,
$ 5000 each. You understand?
We will
should review and discuss.
What can now be viewed?
This works. This is the future.
Calm down.
- How dare you say that.
Is something wrong, sir?
- No, only one flight.
Can not be better
a whisk use?
Those guys from Washington
have not called back.
I will be showing
I know what I do.
I missed you. Where were you?
You know that secret.
Are we announce our engagement?
Everything is always secret.
But first here is another commitment.
Oh, Leland.
- What is that?
You said Leland.
- That was a mistake.
You called me Leland.
- I said Leunen.
You're not
with my dad slept?
- It was an accident.
- You were gone.
He was depressed.
- He ... Jesus, Debbie.
You do not know how sad it is.
He feels responsible
for your mother's death.
Appendicitis. How could you?
- Appendicitis?
There she died from it.
- He sent her out on reconnaissance.
- Just like Jane Fonda in Hanoi.
He disguised her as Jane Fonda
and when something went wrong.
What he knows now of toys,
Mother Teresa?
He has a heart of cooked ham.
What could be better designs
than ours?
No idea, give me some soup.
Okay. What do you think, Owen?
About two weeks we know.
- Why two weeks?
Good question.
Want to know what
the General is making?
A deadly war machine.
He is so good. He is the best.
That kind of red is hard to find.
I will tell the truth.
The whole truth.
He betrayed us. Call the General.
- I never liked him anyway.
I knew he would go through.
A word about his mother
and he is a pushover.
It is not a game.
These lethal weapons are a phase.
He builds a new technology
for the future.
It begins with charity.
Kindergartens in poor areas.
Children learn to read and
write to the video computer.
- They learn, yet ...
are the games to
improve coordination.
They learn advanced
equipment to go.
And finally carry them away
real war missions.
They think it is a game,
but they destroy entire cities.
We should call the police.
- No, no police.
This is a family affair. We must
everything undone.
We arrange it.
- How?
I am monitoring
installed. I can move it.
Check it out. Mutiny.
We need unity.
A mind, body and soul.
Get up and come.
He's really good.
We are now in a body,
in soul and commitment.
We have one goal: Overcome.
Red alert phase.
They are as good as dead.
He is your son.
- War has no relatives.
We take them to graze, and rightly so.
They're here, sir.
- Now it begins. My time has come.
It was not Vietnam or Korea,
but now.
Tonight on the battlefield,
in this field of innocence ...
I experience my most glorious time.
I can almost tap
the clock of fate hear.
A beautiful moment
where fate takes you by the hand.
And this is my moment.
He turned off the cameras.
Put the second system.
Even Patrick is not aware of.
I trust no one.
We are here
Let the games begin.
There is Zeezwijn.
They go through now Zeezwijnput.
See that?
The Zeezwijn.
- This is the plan.
I make sure
that the weapons are disabled.
I see you about five minutes
the model of Manhattan.
Five minutes.
- We know the road.
Should we deal with them now?
- Let them spread.
This way. I'm sure.
Dj vu.
Well, grab them.
What do
those red lights?
Red means: Be careful. Or beef
if it is a stock cube.
I know where I want,
but not how I get there.
The secret method.
- We need help or fruit.
- Thanks, Alsatia.
Nice, but a corridor.
- Choose the floor.
Look, what cute.
Close the door.
Great, right?
The doors will now close.
On the way down.
That's a very naughty child.
Patrick is stuck in the control room.
Ball and Pop have killed each other.
Set in the Tommy Tanks
Helicopters and activate the screaming.
That guy is crazy.
Why did I not see it coming?
I saw the warnings,
the pool. I screwed up.
I had lost you.
- He knows we are here.
That seems obvious.
How do those things?
- They follow sound and movement.
Where is Patrick?
We are in a warehouse.
Here, the General
old toys stored.
Everything Zevo was found here.
Dance with me.
- Not now.
They're trapped.
Then Patrick there too.
Such a stupid mistake is not for him.
I played here once gladly.
The weapons of the General
follow the movement. Do they still?
If they are excited now.
- I have an idea.
We fight fire with marshmallows.
- A clear answer.
Ladies and gentlemen, our military.
We are going to wind forces.
- Bring me a cup of tea.
Tea for the general. Eight lumps.
Sorry that this was achieved.
Who would have thought that if you ever
excitement of anger would be?
Long ago
my dad put a factory ...
in innocence and joy,
with fun for everyone.
Today, the beginning of the end
or the end of the beginning.
Or the beginning of the bolero.
If you are a fourth or fifth go,
depending on your position ...
we spend your life in danger.
Because today we define
In this warehouse ...
the future of the toy. Is
the toy of fun and innocence ...
or a super war toys.
Mr. Penguin if not today
succeed, you're an endangered species.
You have your down not
seen. You just come out of the box.
You've never seen parts,
but that is different now.
Jump on them. Their batteries
depletion. Their antennae have to break.
The plastic samples
should be a big mess.
In the words of Barbie:
I had a dream house.
Let the spinning ball,
jump over the rope.
Dazzle them with your skills.
In the words of Mahatma Gompie:
We are tolerant, but toys
can not tolerate anything.
Do what you do,
simple souls ...
because I prefer you over
any remotely controlled pinch.
Because you exist.
Even you, Martian.
You were not a great success,
but we remained true to you.
Ask not what Zevo for you
can do for you but Zevo.
Let's bow and pray.
If you can.
Is it? An attack during
prayer. Like Pearl Harbor.
Remain calm. Wait
until you see the light in their eyes.
For dad, Zevo and Milton,
The Elephant Nice. Now.
Do you see that score.
We're going to win.
What a fun game.
- It's over.
Patrick has problems.
I need to Manhattan.
Keep them distracted.
I should end it.
Hurry, Leslie.
The mice desert.
That must be Leslie.
How did he get there?
Tommy the Tank chases him.
- Not enough.
Put it in Zeezwijn.
- Unreliable.
Activate it.
- Zeezwijn is activated.
Put it on amphibious assault.
- Zeezwijn ready to attack.
Here I am.
Where are you?
- Fifth Avenue. At Tiffany's.
How can you go shopping?
- I'm touched. Tanks everywhere.
You need the main computer
the general's off.
How do I do that?
His office is closely guarded.
Mind the step.
We have no more toys.
- It's not too good.
These designs are good.
Beware, Leslie. Enemy at nine hours.
Get out. On Thurs.
Shoot him.
Go away, bad Swiss army knife.
I mean it.
Give yourself up?
You thought I was crazy.
- I'll kill you.
I will not allow
that destroys your dad's dream.
Power fails.
Power assistance is now enabled.
You wanted to kill us all.
You can not take a joke?
- Of course.
I love jokes.
But I do not find it funny ...
If I am
and wants to destroy my world.
That's me not feeling well.
I do not know why. Weird, huh?
I was almost like you've been.
- Can we not talk it out?
Target specific
It's over
and there is nobody injured.
What a ride.
You have destroyed my sister.
I want a sandwich now.
- Is Alsatia a robot?
My father built it.
I needed someone when mommy died.
So she was not older.
Now I want soup.
Can you fix it again?
- The drawings are in the safe.
Everything will be fine.
- Do you love me?
Of course. I would embrace you,
but your body is there.
I miss my heart.
- We put you back together soon.
Everything will be fine.
- I feel fine, fine ...
Look, Al. It's Christmas.
Please, do not.
You look great.
- Stop it.
So this is Paris.
- What?
I need a little tinkering.
Can you help me?
- It's better when you walk.
Dad, do not worry.
Zevo is in good hands.
I gotta go. Duty calls.
Come on Easter?
- Of course.
Then we eat eggs.
Take care of yourself.
You know your own strength.
- I can always use help.
He is funny,
sporting and mysterious.
Just in case.