Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

Lovingly and VERY difficultly
cooked by Bakemstr
We were once a peaceful race
of intelligent mechanical beings.
But then came the war.
Between the autobots who fought for freedom,
.. and the decepticons who dreamt of tyranny.
Over matched, and out numbered.
Our defeat was all but certain.
But in the wars final days.
One autobot ship escaped the battle.
It was carrying a secret cargo.
Which would have changed our planets fate.
A desperate mission.
Our final hope.
A hope, that vanished.
VLA Radio Observatory - New Mexico, 1961
Move it there.
Move it there,
one more down there.
Whatcha got?
Impact detected.
We have impact confirmed.
- 22:50 GMT. - What? NASA
Give me SEC-DEV on the phone right away.
Mr. McNamara, the President is expecting you.
- Get Bobby in here.
- Mr. President
Designation, top secret.
We believe a UFO has crashed into the moon.
We think the Russians are on to it as well.
Well then you tell NASA to move heaven and earth.
We need to get to the moon.
We're going to attempt a manned mission.
NASA said it would take five years.
You get there before the Russians.
I believe that this nation should commit itself.
To achieving the goal.
- Fifteen seconds.
- Before this decade is out.
Of landing a man on the moon.
And returning him safely to the earth.
Ignition sequence starts
Five... Four... three...
two... one.
And ignition.
Lift off, we have a lift off.
Thirty two minutes past the hour.
Lift off on Apollo 11, tower three.
Apollo 11 is on the way.
Riding that pillar of flame
from the Saturn five.
Out there 250,000 miles away.
Where the moon is waiting for man's first arrival.
Houston you're a go for landing, over.
Picking up some dust.
Thirty feet, two and a half down.
Four Forward. Drifting to the right a little.
Contact light.
Okay, engine stop.
Houston, tranquility base here,
The Eagle has landed.
You got a bunch of guys about to
turn blue. We're breathing again.
Perhaps 400 million persons are
watching this broadcast today.
Of the greatest event in our time.
And one of the great events
of all recorded history.
I'm at the foot of the ladder.
I'm going to step on to land now.
That's one small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind.
- Are we good?
- Yes sir.
Unofficial time on the first step 1092...
Eagle we're getting a signal interference.
Do you copy?
We now have a confirmation.
Loss of signal from Apollo 11.
The Apollo 11 is for the moment,
on the far side of the moon.
Neil, you are dark on the rock.
Mission is a go.
You have 21 minutes.
Please stand by, 18-45 seconds and counting.
My god.
It's some sort of giant metal face.
Control, we are inside the ship.
Extensive damage.
Way to big to check the entire ship.
Everything is dead in here, Houston.
No signs of life anywhere.
This things a mess.
We copy.
You got seven minutes on your oxygen.
We are not alone after all, are we.
No, sir.
We're not alone.
All right, go ahead Mr. President.
Hello, Neil, Buzz.
I'm talking to you by telephone from
the oval room at the White House.
And this certainly has to be the
most historic telephone call ever made.
I just can't tell you how proud we all are.
For every American, this has
to be the proudest day of our lives.
Because of what you have done
We have splashed down.
The heavens has become a part of man's world.
For one priceless moment.
In all of history of man.
All the people on this earth are truly one.
Along with their pride in which you have done.
You've inspired us to redouble our efforts,
to bring peace and tranquility to Earth.
My hero,
needs to wake up.
What is that?
This is your new lucky bunny.
Yeah, it's a beautiful thought, Carly.
But I don't think it's the whole, uh, bunny that's lucky.
You see it's just this section here.
You see it's just the rabbit's foot that's lucky.
All right, it's just a good luck charm.
Hmm, help you think positive.
Today's important.
Come on, get up.
- Hey, wear that nice tie.
- Yeah.
You need any money for lunch?
No, I don't need any money for lunch.
I have money from yesterday's lunch.
You love it, don't you.
I'm just your American boy-toy.
A lover boy-toy.
You how demoralizing it is to save the world twice,
to be groveling for a job.
They don't know you saved the world, Sam.
I mean I do, I believe you.
If everyone knows, I could get a job right here in D.C.
I mean I should be working with the autobots.
Otherwise, it's not fair.
Come on, they paid for your college.
The president gave you a hero medal.
Thank you, man. Great job.
- Wow.
- And as I recall that wasn't even the highlight of your day.
- Mr. Ambassador, here.
- British embassy you're up next.
- It's not really.. I couldn't even if I wanted to.
- Leave it there.
Leave it in the box, right.
You keep it in there, what a gorgeous box.
Oh yeah, my medal.
You know who gave that to me?
- Oh.
The president of the United States.
Hey, it's hard for everybody to get a job.
I don't have time. You see my parents
are going to be here in a week.
From their road-trip party world tour.
My dad gets here, and I don't have a job.
He's gonna spank me you know.
It's go time for me.
All right, tonight I'll give you a job.
Romance me with a nice dinner and, uh...
maybe get that banish.
- Good looking.
- Get out of here.
Wait, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, he's gross.
She's good.
They've been stranded here.
Somebody's got to watch out...
- ... for them, you know.
- Yesterday that one was in my underwear drawer.
Good reason, it looked real good too.
- What are you hitting, huh?
- I want a normal boyfriend.
- That's what you love about me, isn't it.
- Heh, what a cry baby.
You know I don't have the word yet.
Maybe a little bit closer when
you can pay your half of the rent.
Frinking shorting my circuits out here.
It's inhumane, what it is.
Make us live in a box on a balcony.
Right next to a beast.
- Like a common animal.
- Stop, okay.
You and your creepy sidekick, you
can't be in here without permission.
According to who, Miss blondy-blonde?
Get out little doggie.
Yo brain's what's up?
Doing good.
Ah shoot, I'd seen this one.
It's the one where Spock goes nuts.
You know Sam, I don't know
about moving in with this chick.
Uh, what if she dumps us like the last girl?
What she was mean, didn't like her.
Us guys got to stick together.
No, we're not family.
You're a political refuge.
And I have finally found someone
who appreciates me for me.
Well you tell her that we're not your pets.
And we're not your toys.
All right, we're an advanced genius alien race,
...just looking for a home.
- We could leave it right here.
- Didn't think we should stop.
Come on what are they going to do, tow it?
Where is he?
- Oh, come on now Sammy, ha, ha.
- Sam.
I miss you guys so much.
Sure you did, what do you think?
- Look at that.
- Cute.
- Stop it.
- Wait until you see the end..
Oh I love your little tie.
Hey, where's my girl?
- Where's my girl, where's my beautiful Carly?
- Shes at work, Ma.
- She's got a new job.
- Right.
I thought you were going to be
here in a week.
The 21st of the 11th, Dad remember?
- It's all...
- .. A love job with flies.
Oh, are we keeping you from something?
Like say, your job.
Well it's about time.
Uh, I have, uh, job interviews.
Oh, that's good.
- Well that sucks.
- Stop it.
You don't have to be so
negative Dad, you know.
You're in DC, you're here
with your son, your family.
- I mean it's good times.
- Except it sucks that you dont have a job.
- Good things to do here too, right?
- Yeah.
Right, museums and monuments, okay.
- I'll see you tonight.
- I'm bagging the kid.
Sam, I think for an interview
you should wear real pants.
I think in life you should wear real pants.
Oh, wha... what happened to Bumble Bee?
He's off on his missions,
I had to get this as a back-up.
Oh, your car has a job, huh?
What does it change into?
It doesn't change into anything.
It's a collectors item, I got if for a steal.
It just needs some work, trust me.
Oh, I think it's darling.
It reminds me a lot of Bumble Bee.
If Bumble Bee were a sad piece of shit.
Come on we'll give you a ride.
In the years since our arrival.
Our new home, Earth had seen much change.
Energon detectors guard its cities now.
Long range defense systems watch the skies.
- So now we assist our allies.
In solving human conflicts.
To prevent mankind from bringing harm to itself.
The Defense Minister's car.
On the ground. Better not move, and stay there.
We work in secret teams on various
missions around the globe.
And all the while, we search for signs.
Of our true enemies return.
I am Voshkod, general council
with Ukrainian department of energy.
My government will officially deny
that we're having this conversation.
At one of our decontamination facilities a discovery was made.
Which I fear may be alien in nature.
The Facility's name is, Chernobyl.
Mr. Voshkod.
Uninhabited since '86.
I hear it won't be livable
again for another 20,000 years.
At least. The Ukraine was the
most fertile land, it's a tragedy.
This way.
Gear up, we have 60 minutes on the
ground. Watch your radiation levels.
Mr. Voshkod, where's your protective gear?
Where's your protective gear?
It would not matter.
For me it's only matter of time.
Through the school.
Uri will take you below.
And one other thing, Colonel.
In private, there was some military experi...
It can wait.
Keep moving, stay tight.
Okay, right here.
Bring up the light.
Officer, we got a visual.
We've found an object.
Strapped in some kind of metal harness.
What's this?
Guys, (Garbled)
- Sputnik.
- Energon readings, sir.
It's strong.
Below us.
It's coming fast.
Go there, go there.
Get to top, now.
Let's go, let's go!
Let's go its an autobot.
Stay behind me.
Move, move!
Fall back!
Bring it flank, bring it flank come on.
Get the heavy weapons.
What the hell was that thing?
That is Shockwave.
Why was he after this?
It's impossible.
This is an engine part.
From a long lost Autobot ship.
Pleasure working with you.
Interviews this is so exciting.
Honey, do you want some gum?
Your breath gets really gnarly when you're nervous.
Mr. Whit-wickey.
Yep, the search is over.
I'm Mr. Whitley.
- Is any one else joining?
- No.
- Want me to move right there, I'm okay.
- I prefer not.
Ready, begin.
Uh, graduated this year majored
in geo politics, minor text things.
Very interested in government technologies.
As they intersect and co-exist.
Shape, future.
Why did we bother sending
him to an ivy college for?
Three months out of school
and he can't find a job.
- Mr. Matsu-piece-u.
- Mr. Matsu
- Masi... Moto
- Masu Moto.
- Martha, can I call you Martha?
- No you may not.
Jack, there's two type of people in this world.
There's thinkers and there's doers.
There's winners, there's
dreamers and there's buds.
What about, some witnesses.
You have a very trustworthy face.
You remind of like a...
an Asian Colonel Sanders.
A man I can trust.
It's a millennial, you know like
some kind of lost generation.
Why was the FBI looking for you?
The what?
Yeah, FBI getting a flag there.
Did you ever have any craziness
when you were fourteen.
They were very kind to me,
found me in a jiffy.
Uh, and that's all been expunged.
Wound up getting a medal, actually.
Just saying. It's always good to have
a medal guy in the office, with a medal.
- From Obama?
- Yeah.
In this office, we're mostly republicans.
- I'm not feeling to good.
- No.
- No.
- Why don't you get a little dipping tray.
And dip the dog in the pepto,
that's the solution.
Pow, I got another one,
we gotta go, come on.
Got a nice cell from this.
Sam Witwicky, recent college graduate.
Previous experience next to zero.
Yet, he has a recommend letter from our board.
W.T.F. to that.
Do I know somebody on your board?
Here's the deal, we know who we are.
Accuretta systems is called
the leader in telecom.
Aerospace, 17 billion in profit last year.
We contract for DOP, NASA, JPL you name it.
You can find here doors open for you.
And what, first job out of
college is critical, Kid.
You either take a step
down the correct career path.
Oh you fall into a life sucking abyss.
- Mmm Hmm.
- So.
It all depends on how you
respond to my next two words.
Impress me.
Impress me.
You catch me off guard, I...
Impress me.
I'm an open book,
ask me any question you like.
- So you're a go getter ramrod.
- Yes sir.
Take charge kind of guy.
I'm a killer, a stone cold killer.
So, take charge guy.
Take charge, Viking, barbarian.
Of course, it's me.
Pow! I'm here.
We are not looking for that here.
No brown nosing, no suck up.
No toolery, I...
Yes, Mr. Brazos.
Um, why is Chantal using what appears to be,
...a red cup from the red floor?
- When we are on the yellow floor.
- I'm on it.
It is a visual and therefore
a visceral betrayal.
Stop it.
Such a dumb ass.
Thank you.
It's a total anarchy around here.
The uh, email I read said
administrative aid.
Nope, mail room.
I'm going to go.
Uh, do you have any idea how many Ivy league,
- Phi Beta Kappas would kill...
- Mister I saved your life twice.
Okay, I can't tell you how or when.
Or why, but I have done shit that matters.
And I'd just kinda like a job where I matter again.
So thank you, but no thank you.
- Okay.
- You know what I think?
You want the job after this job.
But son, this is the job
that's standing in your way.
And that's why you're going
to be so very, very good at it.
'Cause when I look at you.
I see a younger me.
Classified Nest Headquarters -
Washington, D.C.
All running Autobots in tar,
training in 15 minutes.
Dino report to bay 23.
Sideswipe bay 37 for weapons assessment.
Senator, I suggest you remember
that when the NASA
...wants funding they call me.
When the CIA is going to take out a target.
They ask first for my permission.
When the President wants to know which
members of Congress are politically vulnerable.
in terms of oh, let's say
undiscovered criminal conduct.
I'm on their memory dials.
USA agency say they have
been monitoring the blast.
But in fact this was a covert military strike.
- No nation has yet claimed ownership.
- The CIA is up my ass about this mystery...
.. raid in the middle east. So it's time
to come clean was the unit involved.
Uh, I'm not sure, Ma'am.
All right guys, this is
how you do a decepticon...
...head kill shot.
As director of national intelligence
I'm a really big fan of intelligent answers.
I... I can't really tell you definitively.
These Autobots are like teenage kids.
They like to sneak out of the house once in a while.
Colonel Lennox, are you in command...
- ... or are you not?
- Yes, Ma'am. I am...
Stop with the Ma'am, enough with the Ma'am.
Do I look like a Ma'am?
No, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am, yes.
- This one is a perfect invention I have made.
- Right.
Oh, good they're here.
My names' Que. I do hope
you have answers for him.
- I've never seen him so upset.
- Optimus, you remember Charlotte Mearing?
Our Director of National Intelligence.
He's in a bad mood.
He's a not want to talk-a to anybody today.
What is this?
The silent treatment?
We've seen that, and this is not that.
This is worse.
Prime, make something of yourself.
He's pissed.
You lied to us.
Everything humans' know of our planet
we were told had all been shared.
So why was this found in human possession?
We were in the dark on this also.
It was director only clearance
at Sector 7, until now.
- The bag.
- Which bag?
Air Ms. Berkin, green ostrich.
Oh my god.
This is a secret few men knew.
And fewer still remain alive.
Allow me to please introduce to you,
two of NASA's founding mission directors.
and astronaut, Dr. Buzz Aldrin.
One of the first two men
to step foot on the moon.
Optimus Prime.
From a fellow space traveler.
It's a true honor.
The honor is mine.
Our entire space race of the 1960's... appears was in response to an event.
Our astronauts investigated a crashed alien ship.
No survivors on board.
We were sworn to secrecy
by our commander in chief.
This was a mission you will never speak of.
I understand, sir.
A total of 35 people knew the real plan at NASA.
Soviets managed to land unmanned probes.
Somehow they must have picked up that fuel rod.
We believe the Russians deduced
that the rod was a fissionable fuel assembly.
Believed they had it mastered
and harnessed it at Chernobyl.
We went on six missions in all.
We took hundreds of photos and samples.
We locked them away forever.
And the moon program was shut down.
Where did you search the crash hold?
The ships name was the ARK.
I watched it escape Cybertron myself.
It was carrying an Autobot technology
which would have won us the war.
And its captain.
- Who was this captain?
- The Great Sentinel Prime.
The technology's inventor.
He was commander of the Autobots.
Before me.
It's imperative that I find it before the
Decepticons learn of its location.
Our Autobot space craft has the ability to get there.
And, you must pray it's in time.
Hi, I'm here to see Carly Spenser.
You got the job?
- This is crazy.
- You really got it?
- Yes.
- See what did I tell you, it's the bunny.
You are so welcome.
- Do you like me a little more?
- A little bit, yeah.
I want to see the curator.
- I want to see the guy in space mountain.
- I know, isn't it beautiful in here.
And he's the coolest guy, ever.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Dylan Gould.
Pleasure to meet you.
Pleasure meeting you.
Carly has told me a lot about you.
Well, visa versa.
It's a beautiful building you got.
The Star Ship Enterprise here.
Thank you very much, it leaks.
Ah, before Carly came to help on the
collection it was just a complete mess.
But now the restorations are back on track.
I'm going to pebble beach this year,
going to need a trophy for that stand right there.
You know why?
Because this woman right here, my secret weapon.
- Okay.
- Mr. Gould please, you exaggerate.
All I've done is get you organized.
Oh you have done much more
than that, my Duchess.
Nicknames, that's fun.
Yeah, the Duchess
She's adorable.
You know when I stole her
away from the British Embassy,
I said, it's easy to manage a country.
Try managing a priceless collection of art.
Take a look at this 1939 Delahaye 165 Cabriolet
Designed by a French man.
Look at the curves, elegant isn't it.
Built to evoke the body of the ideal woman.
Come on.
My dad had a ten dollar desk and a dream.
And he built it into an empire.
- Wow.
- We're the largest accounting firm in the US.
Mine started off the
adventure side after he passed.
Thats in the future.
Try and bet on the winners.
See collecting cars
helps me keep my sanity.
These look great.
Oh, that was a great day, Mr. Gould.
- I didn't see that one.
- No, me either.
Games are tight.
Oh, here we go, here we go.
You see that?
Judgment, judge to my car.
You going to wait on him while he's judging me?
What's with you?
He's my boss.
He still pays for our food, our rent.
No, I totally understand.
I'm totally fine, I get it. I'm well fed.
Guess what, I'm not your boy toy anymore.
I got my big boy pants on now.
You see them?
In the car, thank you Duchess.
Oh, my god, are you threatened by him?
(Sarcastic laughter?)
Threatened, what am I threatened by?
His money, his power, his good looks?
None of the above, check!
Your temper tantrums are so sexy.
Get in the car, please.
Sam, he's hardly the
first man to ever smile at me.
I think I can handle it.
Hold on, hold on.
It's.. it's the smiling back part that gets me.
- Okay.
- No more smiles.
Never again, I promise.
You see, that works for me.
Easy, easy.
You're not going to get it started that way.
What, I was just getting it ready.
I'm about 32% done with my restoration.
Chrome work, put a spoiler on the back, done deal.
You know Carly's been telling me
you've been struggling job loss.
Just so you know.
I'm on the board for Accuretta systems.
And I put in a call for you.
Just keep it between us, okay.
She's so kind to me.
You're a lucky man.
Xanthium approaching Tranquility base.
Here's Houston, you're a go Xanthium.
Armstrong, having a good day.
Ratchet, let's roll.
Did they get that mag cap on?
Copy contact.
We're entering the Ark.
His levels are faint.
Locked himself away.
To guard the pillars.
You're coming home, old friend.
All hail, Megatron.
My master, it's master.
Ah, don't be greedy.
My fragile ones.
You look poor, Master.
How it pains me to see you so vulnerable
- So weak.
- Spare me you gaseous sycophant.
You know what you were told.
Resist nothing.
Soundwave reporting, Lord Megatron.
And what news from my assassin?
Autobots have taken the bait.
They discovered the Ark,
and returned with its cargo.
You did me great honor,
tracking that ship to the moon.
Your human collaborators have
served their purpose, Soundwave.
It's time to eliminate loose ends.
Laserbeak, kill them all.
With pleasure.
Is your daddy home?
Then the daddy said it's our time.
Hello, mom.
Get out of the house!
- What are you doing in my house?
- Just visiting.
What's this hoochee around here?
- Just because (Speaking Spanish)
- No
This is the aerospace baby.
You are not allowed back here.
New guy, you see that?
That's a Latin melt down, okay.
You ever show up in my office with
a regional outfit you're fired.
You got that, okay?
If you're going to be on this job for 21/2 years,
okay I want you to live it, love it and made it.
There's no ladder climbing in my
office. I run a tight ship.
- Yes, sir.
- Okay, so move.
I found that paper I was telling you about.
What are you looking at?
You do that to me again and I'll kick your ass.
- Hi Angel.
- Hello.
I had a meeting downtown,
is it okay for me to stop by?
I don't know my 500 page employee conduct
manual isn't exactly a page turner.
This is grey.
Autobots are out there saving the world,
and I organize four binders.
It may be a dream, come on.
Visitor violation.
You okay?
I'm next.
Listen, Saturday.
There's a party at the house it's a work
thing, but Dylan's invited you too.
Really, oh did he.
No need to come off with bad jokes.
It would really mean a lot to me, okay.
I'd love to go.
How did you get over here?
A car.
You don't have a car.
Yes I do.
What, did you win it in a raffle?
Uh, he gave me one.
He gave you a car?
Yeah, I think it was a work perk.
Hmm, a work perk.
What kind of car did he gave you?
- Um, a Mercedes SLS AMG.
- Mmm, hmm.
Really crazy engine.
Mercedes Benz SLS.
You rode this here?
It's a $200,000 Car.
I know.
You know how long it would
take me to afford a car like this?
- Long time.
- Yeah like, 53 years.
You said it was a perk, first.
You know what we should do?
We should sell it and buy a house.
You're frustrated, I know.
I've been there.
It's called paying your dues.
Good things will happen.
Ladies and gentlemen.
I need some lunchtime filing done, stat.
Who would like to score
some Bruce Brazos points?
Bruce, you found your guy.
The man who makes this company run.
Now who have we here,
a sister, facebook friend?
Twitter, tweeter.
- Carly this is Bruce. Bruce.
- Hi.
I'm his girlfriend, pleasure to meet you.
Sam was right, you really do
have smashing head of hair.
- Well thank you.
- Your welcome.
Sam I gotta run.
Here, your present.
Your favorite color.
Nice to meet you Mr. Brazos.
And you.
See ya boys.
I'm still stewing about
that binder incident, Jerry.
May I finish my Chu Wah milk, Tony.
I dont' care about your exotic milk.
I care about respect.
I know who you are.
Wicky, Witwicky.
- You know who, I'm talking to you.
- Excuse me.
Thank you.
No, no, slow down tiger.
You showed up on the
back of six different photos.
Two continents worth of aliens.
And I ordered you in Egypt.
Huh, right.
Because you know the Aliens.
See ya.
One check.
Hey, I am Wang, Deep Wang.
Deep Wang.
You're not getting it, "Deep Throat".
Okay, cause they told you.
Shhh, they watch and listen.
I can't go to the government.
You, you can because shit's going down.
Son, it is code pink and in 'Floyd'.
Dark side, why do you think no
ones been up there since 1972.
You speak in English,
it's a very strange English.
That's why un. oh... oh.
Don't, I'm gonna hit ya.
Well I'm going to hit ya right back, son.
That's my manifesto.
Your riding this out.
Everyone in the original is in the dark.
Alien friends is in danger.
You know the good ones, it's up to you.
Easy, Sam.
What are you looking at?
Yow, dog.
Did you look at my shit?
Who are you working for?
Stare down, you and me.
Guess I won.
Moons... list.
More suspends program.
Experts dead.
Space Program ends.
Dark side.
Dark side of the moon.
Look what I found outside the bathroom, huh?
It yours? Deal with this.
Yes, sir.
I did everything you want.
I really think we should talk,
because some of the stuff...
Whoa, knock first.
Can't you see I'm busy.
Who are you, who are you?
You straddled me in the stall.
Thats happened to me once in this
life, I wouldn't forget it.
- No, no.
- In the bathroom stall.
You pulled your package out.
Whoa, whoa, we are not boyfriends, okay.
One phone call from me and I'll have you fired.
Oh yes I will, Gaylord.
You okay?
It's a hemorrhoid.
Should I come back?
When should I come back?
Come back when you learn some manners.
I don't know him, I would never say anything.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, okay.
Something would tell us, just like I promised.
I will blind on the perimeter.
What more do you want from me?
You are my favorite.
I'll do whatever you want me to do.
I know.
My superiors need me to...
- What?
- Suicide you.
What did you say to Witwicky?
Huh, who want's some
chicken dinner now, bitch?
'Cause somebody messed
with the wrong Wang today.
Come on, you want some of me.
I don't need anymore didactic lectures from Chuck.
Get legal.
That's Jerry.
Come on people, yes, a workmate died.
But looking out windows is
not going to bring him back.
The man was depressed.
Don't take a picture.
You can keep watching him but he's not getting up.
You all read Humpty Dumpty.
When this comes out in the press,
you clean up. Wang is everywhere.
He is in the beast the bang goo.
Hes over the Apollo strait.
Did you see the sidewalk down there?
You forget his person, his name his parking space.
Hey, when did we get a new copier?
Did he say anything about what I saw?
Who you share a toilet stall with
is totally your business.
This is exceedingly Japanese.
They never make it easy.
What is with you?
This is the really deal, Carly.
Okay, I need you to stay composed.
It's real life, I'll explain to you later.
We got an emergency, you
gotta get Colonel X in here.
On point decepticons,
the deceptions are back again.
- You gotta open that gate up right now.
- Easy, sir.
This is health and human services.
Right, packing M-4's?
What are you protecting, Colostomy bags?
- Bed pans, throat lozenges?
- Babe.
Where did you get that hat from?
Nursing school?
So your nurses and foot powder protection.
- Oh fantastic, yes.
- Baby, I dont think we're in...
- .. the right place.
- We are in the right place.
We are in the right place.
We are in the right place, and I
want to talk to Optimus right now.
- You're going to get me Optimus right now.
- I'm sure you got the wrong building.
I don't know what you're talking about.
What part of the Deceptions
are back don't you understand?
You're being a smart ass.
Do not hit my car, it's a collector's item.
I wouldn't do that.
You're crazy.
We got an Energon reading.
I got readings in the vehicle.
- Freeze!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, we're freezing.
Are you...
Please get out of the car.
- I got him, go.
- 'B'!
Is 'B' in there?
- Okay, you got me.
- Stay down.
This how you treat Autobots?
We're on the same team.
Yeah, enjoy your next job
at 7-11, dickhead.
- That's right.
- A-hole.
How's your car now?
That's my car.
Come here.
Come here!
Come on... Sam.
What is your deal, huh?
I know your black ops stuff is important.
You know I'm not trying to diminish it,
or guilt trip you, or anything.
But I just never see you anymore.
You can't come to the garage
and stay on one night?
Sam, that makes me feel bad.
Yeah, well I hope you feel bad,
you should feel bad.
Look at the jalopy I'm driving now.
I feel bad every single day.
Yo let's go, both of you.
Lennox want's to see you.
What, we're not good
enough for you anymore.
Sorry babe, they were very rude, right.
And you're fixing my car.
You don't think so?
Raise your hand if you had a flying psycho
ninja copier try to kill you today.
Those are my brass knuckles.
That's my anklet do I have to take that off too?
And my toe rings?
All exhibitions clear the floor.
We have ten minutes until attempted contact.
We've taken possession of the five
devices that were hidden in the ship.
of Sentinel Prime.
They're some kind of prototype
Autobot technology.
They say Sentinel was the
Einstein of his civilization.
So we're going to keep these locked up,
...until we know what we're dealing with.
Right now no one gets access.
- No one.
- This morning a guy recognized me.
He told me to warn you, he's talking
about the Dark side of the moon.
- Then they killed him.
- Wait a minute, you mentioned the moon?
Yeah, dark side of the moon.
But why would the decepticons
want to kill humans?
I thought their war was with the Autobots.
And that is when he made his quick
book town report. That's what I want..
Who's the chick, okay.
Excuse me, Colonel Lennox.
Director Mearing
This is Sam Witwicky.
- A civilian c..
- I know his name, Colonel.
I want to know who gave him clearance.
Who gave me Clearance?
How about Optimus Prime.
When he touched down in
suburbia looking for my house.
This is the national intelligence director.
In case you..
- Hi.
- Disrespecting a federal officer.
That ought to get you somewhere,
who's she?
She's my girlfriend.
What is this like a date?
She knows all about the Autobots, okay.
She knows Bumblebee, and
comes from a military family.
I can vouch for her.
Hey, I have an idea.
How bout we get back to the important topics?
Like the fact I almost had my
face cut off by a Decepticon.
As a tax payer I can lodge a complaint.
- As a matter of fact.
- Okay, listen.
One of the software engineers at
Sams office was murdered today.
He was involved in NASA's Lunar mapping probe.
Here's the thing, Colonel Lennox.
We cannot entrust national security to teenagers.
Unless I missed the policy paper.
Are we doing that now?
No, good.
I don't care who you are.
If you breathe a word of what you've seen here.
You will do time for treason.
Do you understand me?
I'll take my orders from the Autobots.
I know them, I don't know you.
You will.
Sentinel Prime.
He seems to run on Energon, and he's out of it.
He's in a sort of a sleep mode.
Let us begin.
It's the great matrix of leadership.
He holds the only thing in the universe
that can repower a Transformers spark.
This is incredible.
Sentinel Prime.
We bid you return.
- No.
- Just fire at.
No, Sentinel.
It is I, Optimus Prime.
It is all right.
You are safe.
There's nothing to fear.
We are here.
You are home, Sentinel.
The war?
The war!
The war was lost.
Cybertron is now but a barren wasteland.
We have taken refuge here on Planet Earth.
Its human race is our allies.
My ship?
We came under fire.
The pillars.
Where are the pillars?
You saved five of them.
Including the control pillar.
Only five?
We once had hundreds.
Excuse me, gentlemen. May I ask, what
is this technology you're looking for?
It is the ability to reshape the universe.
Together the pillars form a space bridge.
I designed and I alone can control it.
It defied your laws of physics to
transport matter through time and space.
You're talking about a teleportation
device, aren't you?
Yes, for resources, for refuges.
Refuges or troops of soldiers.
Weapons, maybe bombs.
A means of an instant strike,
that's its military function, isn't it?
It is our technology.
And it must be returned.
Yes, if humans say so.
You can't just bring weapons of
mass destruction into our atmosphere.
Kind of have to declare customs first.
A little formality called paperwork.
Kinda separates us from the animals.
I will overlook your condescending tone.
You heave the gravity of mine.
The decepticons must never
know the space bridge is here.
For in their hands... would mean the end of your world.
Total my mear file.
So the investigation is open.
We sent agents to your office.
And for the time being, we're going to
send you home with Autobot protection.
Wh.. who do I need to speak to, to get
you guys to understand I can help.
I can contribute.
Hey we can all help you tell me what you know,
I can tell you all the fun planets I've been.
Get off my desk, please.
Aw, you pulling out guns.
Okay, can't help you on that.
What do you envision with me?
I go back home now, I make copies?
This is a unit for veteran intelligence
officers and special forces.
Not for boys who once owned special cars.
That's a bit harsh, isn't it ma'am?
Don't call me ma'am, I'm not a ma'am.
But you're a woman, aren't you?
Are those yours?
Yeah, CIA.
I only ask because I also have a medal.
From the President.
Great, so it's not that complicated, right?
No one gets to work with the
Autobots unless I approve it.
You're breaking my chain of command.
Come on, let's go.
You've done what you can for them.
With all due respect, young man.
I appreciate what you did.
But you're not a soldier.
You're a messenger, you've
always been a messenger.
He's a hero.
B, you take the freight elevator,
I'll see you up there.
Ah, this blows.
- That lady officially kicked us out.
- Yeah.
Witness protection program sucks.
Yeah, but we're a whole lot safer
with big yellow and his cannons.
That dog can't protect crap.
You couldn't sleep.
Yeah, me too.
I don't believe she called me a messenger.
Do you believe that? After everything
I've done, I'm a messenger.
Oh I believe it. I tell ya Sammy
we feel the same way.
The disrespect on this rock is criminal.
We should do something about it.
I need to know why they're killing humans.
What say we call in the expert?
My next guest, is a former American
intelligence operative.
Who has dared to speak out.
Regarding our alleged military alliance,
.. which what many describe, as a group
of extraterrestrial mercenaries.
He is the author of the best selling book,
..."Code-Name Hero".
For our special agent, Seymour Simmons.
Bill, big fan. Great to be here.
That is what you would have us to believe.
It is in our best interest
to formally take sides.
in this so called, alien civil war?
Well, the other side wanted to spank us for breakfast, so.
I wouldn't exactly want to call it a toss up.
These decepticons are lethal.
But polls show half the world would feel
safer with the Autobots completely gone.
Get them out of here.
We don't need them here.
I feel safer when I sleep with a hand grenade.
It doesn't mean I'm always right.
Thank you. Here's a fact, we obtained documents.
That shows you were fired by the intelligence committee.
Down sized Bill, budget cuts.
- Get, out.
- It says before, Severe delusional,
- ... tendencies.
- This is ambush journalism.
You want the truth about the alien alliance?
Buy my book.
Buy my book!
Before it's to late, people.
You want a piece of me Bill,
you want me to get naked?
- I'm ready, interview is over.
- You sound like a pin-head agent.
- and I got a suggestion for you.
- get out of my house, it is over, understand?
Damage control.
- Dutch!
- You have obviously upset Mr. Simmons.
You have 23 seconds to leave the property.
I have called the police.
You are peasant people throwing rocks at a giant.
What's up next, what have we got?
Book signing midtown at noon, then
your pic reality show for discovery HM.
Oh and I had this, um... um.
The Vicky who keeps calling me five times today.
The kid, what does he want?
I called because the decepticons are back and
I want to know why, and I need your help.
They're back?
Well, that's good for business.
What if I told you I know a 50 year
old alien secret that nobody ever told you?
Do not tempt my addiction.
I have gone through withdrawal, kid.
Dutch, is this line secure?
Don't take the risk.
I'm rich, why should I?
Do not relapse, I won't.
Do not let the demons win.
What kind of... secret?
Apollo, moon, aliens, cover-up...
...future tech, assassinations, that kind of stuff.
Oh, Apollo.
Tell Megatron, let's tango.
So majestic and peaceful, this planet.
Unlike the final days of Cybertron.
I've wondered what might have been.
If you had fought the final battle.
Instead of me.
Never morn the past, young warrior.
Thanks to you, our race survives.
You were our leader, Sentinel.
It is your right, to lead us again.
In a world I do not know.
I am no longer your teacher, Optimus.
You are mine.
We've got to break this case down.
What we have here is an astronaut epidemic.
M.I.A., dead, died in a car accident, killed, D.O.A., car death.
It's like these guys can't die.
They can fly into outer space.
But they can't drive a car.
Procured your information, Witwicky.
Thank you, Bruce.
You let me see one of them, one time.
- Quick.
- Very.
Here's their reconnaissance order.
It say's NASA launched in 2009.
See, forensics show Wang may
have messed with the code.
Preventing it from mapping
the far side of the moon.
Which is also the Dark side.
Freaking awesome.
Painful trade us, intimidate us.
...coerce us to do their dirty work.
And once they're done?
The double tap cerebellum.
So he was working for the Decepticons.
I don't think this is about the Decepticons.
They're looking for something on the moon.
I think it's about something...
...they wanted to hide.
Come to daddy.
Come on, fall down.
Did you eat a lot of paint
chips when you were a kid?
Hah, like it.
I'll teach you...
Having a pretty high level alien
Intel confab here.
That I don't think you're cleared for.
- Errand boy.
- Yeah, you're right.
- It's a bitchin' robot.
- At least have a go, sir.
Thank you so much for this.
Better go, Bruce.
Hey, I'm smokin' over here.
Now with the missing Russian cosmonauts.
Turns out the soviets cancelled
a manned mission to the moon.
The moon, in 1972.
When 200 cosmonauts went
into hiding in America.
And I just found them, aaaah.
You're a genuis, Brains.
Oh that was smooth, Bumble Bee.
Missed it by that much.
Would somebody tell me
what the hell's going on?
Who are you?
- Who are you?
- Who am I?
Who is that? Dutch, frisk her.
- Certainly.
- Here, no.
Dutch, um...
Don't touch me.
- I'm not going to...
- Sam?
Uh, I was working.
I'm sorry about this.
Great, we're homeless.
She lives here?
You had your chance to frisk her.
I have a girl friend.
Really, what's her name?
Innn... dia.
We're suppose to be at Dylans party, remember?
I do remember, but you know, my friends,
...they need me. I have to be here right now.
And what, the Autobots and the
military they can't handle this on their own.
You know what I liked about
your war stories, Sam?
It's that they were stories.
They were in the past.
Look, I know you're thinking about your brother.
Okay, and you're thinking about your family.
And it's not that situation.
- No?
- No.
Why not?
Why isn't it, Sam?
You think we'd rather has his medals,
or we'd rather have him?
I hear you, I get it.
Where are you taking my bunny, stop.
Just stop for a second.
You think I could sleep last night?
I mean it hit me.
No, Sam want's the big danger.
He doesn't know who he is without it.
I just wanna matter.
You matter to me.
I know you're worried, I know you're worried.
But I promise you I can, I can handle this.
Can you, you can promise it?
I promise.
Sam, I don't want to loose you,
and I know where this leads.
I'm not ready for this.
Are you coming with me?
I can't.
Here's your foot.
A warrior's path is a solitary one.
How the hell does she afford that car?
- Her boss.
- Rich bastards.
I used to hate them.
But now it's...
Going to a gang on a hunt
for two Russian Cosmonauts.
Nothing like driving in a Maybach, huh?
Germans know how to make cars, let me tell ya.
My Dutch man. Former NSA, Cyber sleuth extraordinaire.
Tracked them down, here.
So these cosmonauts wanted to hide.
Bingo, I got a match.
You're a German Shepard, Dutch.
The thing about Russians is...
...they never like to talk.
It's going to take a little of
the international language.
- Dos vedanya.
- That means goodbye.
Who's to get revolution.
A famous, I have no idea.
Give me something tough.
- Baryshnikov.
- We do speak English.
Dutch, you suck.
It's a Cyrillic, alphabet.
It's like all the buttons
you never push on a calculator.
I don't suck.
Agent Seymour Simmons, CETI.
Formerly Seta.
We know who you are.
Cosmonaut chicks.
So what?
You were suppose to travel to
the Dark side of the moon, then...
It all got shut down.
The question is.
Can my child smoke in here?
Okay, all right.
- Yeah, shoot me.
- Who was this delish, huh?
I'm only the driver in my country are you?
You are beautiful.
Has anyone told you, you're beautiful?
'Cause she's a beautiful woman.
Whoa, hey!
Dutch, back in the cage.
Control your boy, please control your boy.
Dutch, stop!
I'm so sorry. That is the old me.
Okay, let's everybody just calm down.
Let's lower the heat, lower the guns.
Just relax.
World War 2 is over.
You're about to see one
of the biggest soviet secrets.
America first to send men to the moon.
But U.S.S.R. first to send camera.
In 1969 our Lunar 3.
take picture of the Dark,
the shadow side.
See's nothing.
- But in 1963 Lunar 4 sees..
- ... strange rocks.
- Yeah.
- Around the ship.
Hundreds of them.
Here, show picture.
With some, drag marks.
I've seen these, these aren't rocks.
These are pillars.
Alien pillars for a space bridge.
We know about them because
the Autobots have five of these.
The decepticons must have raided
the ship before Apollo 11 ever got there.
Took the pillars and hid them.
Well that doesn't make sense.
The Decepticons have the ship.
They have all those pillars.
Why would they leave several...
...of these if he's the only
one that can use them?
He's the one thing they still need.
We got to meet up with Sentinel.
Rendezvous with him, and keep him safe.
Mearing, I just picked up Sentinel,
Optimus is10 minutes behind.
We're coming in fast, now.
Mr. Witwicky I thought I made it clear to you,
that I did not want you calling this phone.
Listen, the whole thing has been
a set up since the beginning.
Decepticons wanted Optimus to find Sentinel,
because only Optimus could revive him.
But we have the space bridge.
Mearing, you have five pillars.
I just learned that they have hundreds.
You're doing exactly what they wanted you to do.
What do I need to say to you.
The Decepticons are coming for Sentinel Prime.
We're going to NEST.
We have an Energon alert.
Energon reading detected on...
Currently tracking.
Three black suburban.
B, you gotta get Sentinel out of here,
you got to floor it.
Oh man, oh I'm fine.
Watch out, watch out.
Shoot him, shoot him!
Shoot him, B.
B, you gotta move.
Faster, faster B, go!
Come on, back to NEST.
Dino, I got him.
Is there a problem?
Whoa, little Mexican stand-off we got here.
Weapons down.
And we'll let you escape with your dignity.
Drop them.
That's good.
Ironhide, watch out.
Ironhide, catch.
Behind you.
Decepticon punk.
Class dismissed.
- Inside, let's go.
- Move.
Quick, move it.
- Lennox.
- Go, go, go, go.
We got decepticons everywhere.
I got my whole team deployed looking for them.
Protect Sentinel, get him locked up inside.
Consider it done.
You gotta guard him, because
he's the key to the whole thing.
Indeed I am.
What you must realized, my Autobot brothers.
Is we were never going to win the war.
For the sake of our planets survival.
A deal had to be made.
With Megatron.
Get back!
What have you done?
I hereby discharge you from duty.
- B!
- Get back.
Bring all the NEST forces back to the base.
Come on, move.
Get them in, get them here.
We don't have enough men.
Do not engage Sentinel.
Just go to the back gate.
Director, down.
Let's slide, let's slide
Go, follow me.
Start firing.
- Wait don't.
- Get out.
Hey, Sentinel.
What is going on?
What do you think you're doing?
I am a Prime.
I do not take orders from you.
Director Mearing come on.
We can't fight him, let's go.
- We have to go.
- Now.
Return what belongs to me.
Oh, my god.
Everybody out, everybody out.
Everybody stay calm.
Yeah take a look, Optimus.
This is all on you.
The Sentinel hit the vault.
Took the pillars.
Come on, let's go.
All right, notify the 101st airborne.
We need to hunt this thing down.
Hot for a little camp fire.
- Smores.
- Aw.
Isn't this great,
we are really living off the land.
Ma, Dad. Have you guys
seen Carly come home yet?
Excuse me, can you knock please.
This is our bedroom.
Why wouldn't she be at home?
We had a fight, and...
We might have broken up, or
be on a break. I don't really know.
- What!?.. Noo.
- Look, I can't talk about it.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- I can't go into details now, Mom. I have to find her.
Sam, we're having a family meeting.
Family meeting.
You may not know this. But your father
and I were not always this perfectly happy.
You know there was a time in
our marriage when I thought,
"This is not going to work out. "
- Can you please hurry up.
- I'm just hope you...
- .. just understand that you...
- She's damaging me.
...break up with one world class high.
- No, stop, stop, okay.
- Yeah.
She dumped me, I moved to something better.
- That's it, I'm a happier person.
- It's not going to be as beautiful...
- Lose her, why did you lose her?
- Help me.
- They had an argument.
- We had a fight.
Okay, but you're not going to get a third one.
I mean unless you have like a big...
What the, mom!
- Mom, mom, don't want to talk about it.
- I mean you just don't know.
- Just don't want to talk.
- You need a book.
- You'll always wrong.
- Hey,
- Get used to it.
- Okay, this you gotta read this.
She comes first, there's some killer...
- ... shit in here.
- No, No, No.
- Ah, lets get this.
- No, no.
- No, no.
- Sit down. Sit down!
Back me up.
Happy wife, happy life.
- Yeah.
- unhappy wife
Stone cold misery for the rest of your...
- Stop.
- It's true.
All I'm saying is.
Do you love this girl?
She's the one.
Then you gotta go get her.
I mean, your dad and I, when we had troubles.
He moved heaven and earth to find me.
Would he, say what you said.
Say it.
I would follow you to the end of time.
- Does that suck or what?
- No.
Bad syfy dope.
I want you guys to get as far
away from here as you can.
You understand?
I love you.
Oh, my master.
Such a brilliant scheme.
So, when Sentinel left Cybertron, was to defect.
He was meant to rendezvous with me here on Earth,
before fate waylaid us both.
The only way to revive him,
...we needed Prime and his matrix.
Excellent strategy.
So he is now your partner, master.
He is my greatest triumph.
So impressive.
Commencing transport.
No, no, no Sentinel!
Forgive me.
Here we are.
Fight us now.
Autobots, retreat.
Why Sentinel, why?
For Cybertron.
For our home.
What war destroyed, we can rebuild.
But only if we join with the Decepticons.
No, it's not the only way.
This is our home.
We must defend the humans.
So lost you are, Optimus.
On Cybertron we were Gods.
And here they call us machines.
Let the humans serve us.
Or perish.
You're lucky I didn't kill you.
In time, you'll see.
It's not over.
And if I were him,
...I wouldn't let you out of my
sight for one second.
It's funny I was just thinking
on the way over here,
I really could use some advice from Dylan.
- And there he is. Can I speak to you?
- Welcome.
Please sit down, have a drink.
You know what, I don't need a drink.
Or a car, or a job.
I just need to speak to my girlfriend alone.
Is that okay with you, Mr. Inappropriate?
Excuse me.
- What's going on?
- I'll tell you outside.
I really think I can help you, Sam.
I remember a talk I had with
my dad once, about tough choices.
Now's not the time,
I'll set something up, though.
Course that was way back
when my dad's firm was in charge
of budget review and accounting for NASA.
You see the thing that he taught me was...
When it's not your war,
you join the side that's going to win.
To direct, or was it just me?
Certainly not you, sir.
You're mine.
- Get help. Someone get help.
- Sam, I cant get out.
- Goodnight
- Goodnight Mr. Dylan.
Sam, get me out of here.
Get help.
He's young, live and learn.
- Get me out.
- Goodnight.
This was a fun night.
You really think you're the first man
ever asked to join a noble alien cause?
Who are you?
You know why we've not been
back to the moon since 1972?
Because these two?
They came to my dad and they told
him to do some creative accounting.
Make it way to expensive to ever go back.
So he and others, shut down the
American and Russian space programs.
And they've been our clients ever since.
You helped to kill people?
You think they give you a choice?
Besides, it's not like I personally participated.
I am a liaison.
I liaise.
It's hostile takeover time, Sam.
Let her go.
I've had my eye on you for years, Sam.
You're the one spy I've never been able
to provide as the one close to the Autobots.
Sam, don't do what he wants.
Yes he will.
They all do.
They all say, murder.
You understand me.
The time it takes you to blink, they will
do it to her, and they will do it to me.
So you show a little respect.
When someone offers you a job.
You are to track down, Optimus Prime.
Because you're the one human he trusts.
You will ask one question.
How does he intend to fight back?
Strategies, tactics, everything.
Has a nasty little bite, doesn't it.
It's very high tech.
It lets us see what you see, hear what you hear.
And it attacks your nervous system.
So if you so much as try and signal.
I know what to tell you, Sam.
Relationships have consequences.
I am here because my father,
she is here because of you.
Stop, stop... stop.
Soundwave, if you please.
Do your job.
She'll be safe.
I give you my word.
I'll kill you.
You have my word.
Combatant commands are now at Defcom 1.
Approximately 200 Decepticons are in hiding.
Energon detectors have been triggered
as far away as South America and China.
The U.N. just received an encrypted audio file.
They say it's from the leaders of the Autobots.
Defenders of Earth.
We have come for your natural resources.
To rebuild our damaged planet.
When we have transported all we needed.
We will leave your world in peace.
For such peace to exist.
You must immediately exile the
Autobot rebels you have harbored.
Non negotiable.
Renounce the rebels.
We await your reply.
We'll debrief you in transit.
Yeah I really don't see how
I can be of any help.
I mean you guys seem pretty busy.
We can just do this another time, I think.
I have underestimated you at every turn.
You.. ha... what?
You warned us that they were using humans.
And you knew that Sentinel was the key.
Oh, who am I?
Hey, you're the expert.
I'm just a walking security leak.
Are you all right?
- No you're not, you're sweating.
- No, I'm fine.
I'm fine. I'm sweating because I'm nervous.
I'm nervous because you got me
in here for this information, okay.
I'm a twitter junkie, I blog everything,
I can't keep secrets.
- Oh you wouldn't dare.
- That's the truth, I'm telling you.
- You wouldn't dare.
- Director I got a call for you at 15.
What are you doing?
Nothing, what are you doing?
Get away from me.
It's been a remarkable series of
events today at the Capitol.
Just moments ago legislation was passed
to exile the Autobots from American shores.
The U.S. military alliance with them is officially over.
- The words of the house and the...
- Yeah.
.. authority leaders responds
to today's resolution.
- What?
- We cannot in good conscious invite...
They can't do this, you gotta
tell them they can't do that.
Okay, it's official, it's a go people!
These are our allies. The Autobot's
fought for us, they fought with us.
And where are we now?
Facing an enemy invasion.
With an enemy that has the
means to deploy countless more.
If there's more you know?
Anything at all about the enemies intentions.
Now's the time to tell.
Autobots have no way of leaving this planet.
That is where you're wrong.
It's name is the Xanthium.
It bought the second wave of Autobots.
And it's been under NASA's
care and study ever since.
We've linked it with a decommissioned shuttle,
to maintain military control until they're gone.
Gonna be 10,000 pounds of
torque on that
on this cheaper Cheep-oh, not my thing.
You damage this delays all me mates.
That's your wreckers.
They take care of the Xanthium.
We don't let them off the base much,
because they're assholes.
You gotta pull that you Nancy wanker.
It's torqued to kill them.
Calm down.
- Epps.
- You are ridiculous, that's you.
Hello, man.
I'm retired from the air force.
Can you let my hand go?
What the hell was that?
I went on to just consult
and run interference for them.
No more combat or alien shooting at my ass.
I got a dream job.
Keeping the Autobots here.
Do you believe this is happening?
Where do you think is taking them?
Any planet but here.
I want to talk to whoever's in charge here.
Well, well, well.
Charlotte Mearing.
Agent Simmons
Former Agent Simmons, so.
I see you survived Washington.
Washington, Egypt, heartbreak.
I survived, I will survive.
They're bringing everybody in, kid.
Putting all the Intel on the table.
And if you think that putting 9 Autobots,
is going to solve a damn thing.
It's out of my hands.
Moving up in the world, huh?
Your booty looks excellent.
You ever say word to anyone about
what happened that night in Quantico.
I'll cut your heart out.
You already did.
Sammy, listen to me.
- Don't let them exile us.
- Don't let them take us, Sam.
It's a decepticon trap.
Checked the nitrogen, we're booking out o' here.
What your leaders say is true.
This was all my fault.
I told them whom to trust.
I was so wrong.
It doesn't make your fault,
it makes you human for a change.
Remember this.
You may loose your faith in us.
But never in yourselves.
I need to know how you're going to fight back.
I know there's a strategy.
I know you're coming back with reinforcements.
Something, I know there's a plan.
You can tell me, no other human will ever know.
There is no plan.
We just do what they want, how
are we going to live with ourselves?
You are my friend, Sam.
You always will be.
But your leaders have spoken.
From here.
The fight will be your own.
Make it short.
We're loading up.
All right, hustle up!
When we do whatever we can.
Make it like a bow.
You will always be, my friend.
I gotta be going on.
Years from now, they're gonna ask us.
Where were you when the took over the planet?
We're gonna say.
We just stood by and watched.
You should really look at this as a partnership.
You have to stand on the side of progress
if you want to be a part of history.
Go launch in.. 5... 4... 3.. 2
- The word is, you got it.
- I always get what I want, Sam.
We just needed to be sure.
Sure of what?
That they would to without a fight.
- Say again?
- Detecting a foreign object.
We all work for the Decepticons now.
Chicago, Illinois
I need your help to track a phone call.
It's a man on this phone,
he's the head of the human operation.
And he's holding Carly hostage.
Sit down, don't move.
I'm watching him drive up right now.
The call was placed in-route.
I'm hacking into the Phones camera right now.
There that's is, that's a live
stream from the camera.
Someplace, hold on I can triangulate this.
Okay, it's Chicago cell site.
There, I got it.
Trump tower, Chicago, lower penthouse.
We're on.
- I'm going.
- You're sure.
Thanks a lot for trying to help
me, I can be there in 15 hours.
You're not going alone.
Still got my NEST friends out there.
We'll round them up, find
your girlfriend and bring this guy in.
Why are you helping me?
'Cause that asshole killed my friends, too.
They said they were here for our resources.
To rebuild their planet.
Yes, really one resource in particular.
One unique to our planet.
You're very smart.
You see they can't rebuild
without a slave labor force.
How many rocks up there in the
universe offer 6 billion workers?
What are you talking about?
We can't transport people.
They're not shipping people.
They're shipping their planet here.
Oh, my God.
What's Sentinel doing here?
They're spreading 100's of
pillars around the globe right now.
In just a few hours.
They're going to launch them into orbit.
And bring Cybertron into our atmosphere.
The red one there, controls the rest.
He triggers that, it starts the whole thing.
Be gone insect operative, your work is done.
- Your Excellency.
- You're such a dick.
- You want this to happen?
- I want to survive, I want 40 more years.
You think I asked for this?
I inherited a client.
Yeah, and when Cybertron's here
and we're all their slaves.
I guess they'll still need a human leader.
Get this straight, you want
to survive you listen to me.
It is time for the slaves of
earth to recognize their masters.
Seal off the city.
Get the dogs out of here now,
get them in the back.
I guess they didn't tell you
about this part, did they.
You think I'm at every meeting?
They promised here.
They said it was hell.
Let's roll.
Don't have a signal reading.
It's not working.
Move back.
There's a ring of alien ships around Chicago.
Our high range bombers
were just knocked out of the sky.
They can't get through enemy
air defenses over the city.
Our satellites have been jammed. We have
no way to monitor the enemies movement.
All NEST teams are on stand down.
Only have troops at air force base, move out.
We have special forces trying
to gain access to the city.
An infantry is staging at the perimeter.
Excuse me, excuse me,
it just doesn't make sense.
Can't we get any eyes in there at all?
They keep shooting down our drones.
They want us blind.
But we do have a couple of
mini-drones we're gonna try.
Well if we can man these UAV drones,
.. can we try to redirect them toward,
Trump Tower?
The kid, Witwicky was on his way to Chicago.
Set some point man human op is there.
Before the Decepticons punks.
Listen, if I know anything, I know this.
That kid is an alien bad news magnet.
My God.
We came here to find her in the middle of all that?
Are we really going out there, Epps?
I'm not going in there.
No one's going in.
I am.
With or without you, I'll find her.
You're gonna get yourself killed, Sam.
Is that what you want?
Is that what you want.
You came all the way out
here to get yourself killed.
Huh? Listen, to me what I'm saying.
She's here because of me, do you understand?
Listen, if you go in this build.
That's if she's even still alive.
There's no way you're going
to be able to even reach her.
Well what would you suggest I do.
It's over.
I'm sorry, but it's over.
Woah, incoming!
We will kill them all.
Wreckers, kill him.
This is going hurt.
A lot.
Your leaders will now understand.
Decepticons will never leave your planet alone.
And we needed them to believe we had gone.
For today, in the name of freedom.
We take the battle to them.
I saw your ship blow up.
The ship, we were never in the ship.
We designed the damn thing, didn't we.
We were hidden in the first
booster rocket to separate.
Splashed down back in the Atlantic, just as planned.
We ain't going no where.
Yeah, no ones exiling us.
The Autobots are staying right here.
We're going to help you win this war.
They're surrounding the city to make a fortress.
So that no one can see what they're up to inside.
Our only chance is the element of surprise.
I think I know where to look.
Mini-drones on approach, Trump Tower.
You're telling me, Sam's headed into that?
Poor kid.
Probably never got close.
Your gonna fly this thing, right?
What does, what is that, what is that?
So, so.
So you so, so can fly.
That feels terrible.
We're right behind ya.
All right.
We're going in.
The city's secure.
The humans cannot stop us.
As the afternoon falls.
The rest of the pillars will
reach their launch position.
This is the victory I promised
you so many years ago.
Where we rebuild Cybertron.
I have gained to work with you.
That I planet may survive.
I will never work for you.
And you would be wise to remember the difference.
Oh, I'm so sick of this. I'm sick of waiting.
Where is she?
Where is she!?
You've got some balls.
No, Sam!
B, fire.
Help him, B.
Autobots, they're alive.
- They're here, Autobots.
- Decepticons defend the pillar.
Release the bridges.
Find them.
You found me.
I'd find you anywhere.
...let's go, let's go.
Well you're crazy.
Here's design, is that us?
This thing is a military UAV drone.
Check to see if it's still working.
Yeah, it's still got power.
Flight control, do you copy?
Can you rotate?
Can you do something?
I think we got something.
Epps, we got Epps. something.
Come man, work, work.
All right, turn the volume up on that.
It's him.
Can you rotate, something.
Yes, yes.
Okay, okay they can see us.
Chicago is ground zero, you understand?
- You hear us, understand?
- Jesus.
The Sentinel prime is here and he
has components for his space bridge.
They're on top of a building on the Chicago river.
They're on the hotchess school investments.
The control pillar controls everything.
In the southeast cupola.
You gotta secure the pillar.
You have to shoot down the pillar.
Or they're going to transport
Cybertron here, do you understand?
- Are you sure.
- What?
Give me the GPS on that building and on that drone.
Let's go.
Knights ready those co-ordinates.
Shorten the kill chain.
Guys on the tarmac, five minutes.
- South east from here.
- All right.
We need to move before the fighters spot us.
Wait here until we scout a route ahead.
Let's roll.
Ratchet, cover high.
Hey, think you could use that
rocket to shoot down the pillar?
We're eight blocks away.
We gotta get closer to take a shot.
Not closer, higher.
We need clear line of sight.
And it's across the river.
Gonna have a hell of a
time trying to sneaking up.
We only got one shot.
One shot's all we need.
We gotta be able to see around
that building from the ground.
Get NSA to send service specs
for any cameras in that area.
Maybe some are working.
Traffic lights, ATM's anything.
Listen up.
You want to get back?
We're going to have to wing-suit in.
It's the only way to get close.
I can't promise anyone a ride home,
but if you're with me...
The world needs you now.
I'll find my own ride home, sir.
Who else?
Right here, sir.
General warn tower we're taking diversionary
action to south of the city.
We're coming north and low.
You guys drop a...
Autobot victory, Autobot victory.
Gotta warn you. It's scary out there, Decepticons.
They got my trailer, I need that flight tech.
Shockwave can't hunt all of us at once.
Wreckers, we need a diversion.
- Let's get some
- You got that right.
Listen, we're going to circle
around to that glass building.
We'll get high enough to make the rocket shot.
While you guys draw his fire, let's move.
Wait a minute.
I'm not going letting you go out there
without my urban-combat prototypes.
We gotta go, Que. Come on.
Wait, they're great inventions for kicking ass.
What are these?
Those are boom sticks.
Armed in thirty seconds.
Grapple gloves, for climbing.
- Move out, go on.
- Move!
Go, go, go.
Move, move!
Let's go.
Ah, ow, ow, ow.
Let's go, come on.
Hey, where you going?
- No, no, no. Stop, stop, stop.
- Where you going?
- Don't leave.
- Never leave a bot behind.
Aw, Shockwaves coming.
Go for the stairs.
Epps, this way.
Breaking right, breaking right.
Read, rolling left.
We got another one coming around.
Coming on the left side.
Going around on to the right side.
Going around.
We're going to use Willis Tower for cover.
Once we make altitude.
We jump.
Hot air. Attack on one now.
- Man I dont' think he's going to make it.
- Mayday, mayday.
Chopper one going down.
Come on, come on, come on.
Got them on target, twenty seconds.
Well here we go, here we go.
Keep it tight.
Hirst, coming around.
All right, bolt it, bolt it, bolt it.
Six o'clock.
Watch out, watch out!
Oh, shit.
Get them out, get them out, get them out.
Now, out, out!
Jump, jump, jump.
Get out, get out.
Let's fly, let's move.
Bail get them all down, get them all down.
Get separation, track away, track away.
More flap, more flap.
Check your six, Check your six.
He's on our ass.
Building, dead ahead.
Thread the needle.
Pull, pull!
Hey come on we'll line up.
This is a mother getting up here.
- Get your fat ass over here.
- I'm coming.
Set up the rocket.
- Come on.
- We're up and status.
Bring on bomb busters.
There, the building with the Prime.
For our brothers.
Let's make this trip worth it.
Oh, oh God.
- Whoa, this building
- Oh the building.
They're shooting at the building.
- This is not a good idea.
- What?
This is not a good idea, the building's in stasis.
Just stop for a second.
We don't do what we can do.
Then it doesn't matter, we all die.
It's your time, come on man.
I'm incapable of collapse.
I'm having a heart attack anyway.
The building is going over.
- Hang on.
- Take cover.
It's okay, it's done.
Guys, look.
- Incoming, incoming.
- Everybody hide.
Don't... move.
Cover fire.
Shoot the glass, jump out the window.
Sam, I can't stop.
Shoot the glass.
Is everyone okay?
You okay?
What the hell was that?
This Zevo thing is looking at me.
He's even got a undulating decepticon with it.
Get back.
It's coming up, the stairs are blocked.
Hey, how do we get out of here.
Hey, come on.
Oh lord, just let me get out of this alive.
I'll give you annuities, and get it together.
- Whoa!
- Oh, yeah.
Move, we gotta move.
Why do the Decepticons always get the good shit.
- Move.
- We got leave people.
Give me your hand.
You know, got her.
Let's drop her to the fire escape.
Whoa, we gotta move.
Get down, move.
I'm coming for you.
- Wreckers.
- We're coming.
Decepticons around the world.
Launch the pillars.
Ahh, we are so lost.
Always left out.
It's time to lay down the law.
By to be the hurt now.
They're starting.
You see it.
Get down.
Where is Sam and Carly?
We can run this way.
I give you one thing to do.
One thing to do and you drop the ball on that.
I never signed for all of this.
Got aliens blasting me, running around chasing me.
I'm ducking in churches and buildings
and all that kind of crap, maybe.
This is bullshit, I didn't sign up for this, Epps.
I'm trying to keep it down.
What a treat, you and me.
Come on, come on. Let's run.
Okay, he's after me not you.
Wait run, run.
You can't hide, boy.
Run, move it.
Love it when your little insect feet,
...try to run!
Thought you were working for us, boy.
My eye.
My eye!
Target, Decepticon.
Lennox you've got to save, Sam.
- You've got to save him.
- What is he doing?
This better work.
Ow, ow, ow.
I can't see, I can't see.
Sam, take my hand.
- Cut the line, cut the line. Not that much.
- I'm trying.
The line.
You humans.
- Will you at least take it from my pocket.
- What pocket?
See that pocket over there.
I got it.
Well hold onto to me now.
I'll kick you.
Well he's dead.
Okay, he's going to run with the rest
of the Autobots, meet us at the river.
All right.
He sucked me in, there was nothing I could do.
- Uh oh. This is a total cluster form.
- Ohh.
We gotta get across the river.
You see that?
She said the control pillar
is in that first cupola.
Go, move. Let's move.
Tomahawks are inbound.
ETA, twenty minutes.
I'm in the traffic cameras.
Four Aubobots are captured.
Oh my God, we're helpless.
It was set to happen. With those
pulses getting faster it was going to happen soon.
No sign of Optimus.
How do we get these bridges down?
Spread out, check in there.
- Epps, you're here, what are you doing?
- We're looking for you man.
Time is wack.
Even worse, we can't get across
the river to that dude.
And the Aubobots are upstairs surrounded.
Just pan the camera around, all right.
All right pan, pan right, that's you.
Charging a unit to bridge control.
What are they doing there?
They are just standing there.
Hang on, Dutch.
See if you can hack into the bridge.
Sir, the seals are here.
Oh it's a good day boys, what do you got?
Got ten manned navy seal element sir,
and talk of charging in Tomahawks.
- How long?
- Fifteen.
Take it easy.
Get off me.
All right, you're getting in your
Go for auto, the vibrations jack up their circuits.
Snipers, shoot for the eyes.
All right your target is up on top of that building.
That cupola.
How doomed you are, Autobots.
You simply fail to understand.
That the needs of the many,
Out weigh the needs of the few.
Activating the bridge.
They have to guard something.
We're in the heart of their ship.
Let's give him a little ride.
Ho, ho we going to screw this ship up.
It's 128K binary inscription code.
It's difficult.
But not for me, I'm in.
Bridge, down.
The bridge is coming down.
Someone's watching over us.
Pleasure working with you, Seymour.
I believe you're suppose to say.
Good job, Dutch.
Danke schoen.
Prime, they're triggering the pillars.
Prisoners, you're keeping prisoners?
You need to teach them about respect.
This was all business, but now it's personal.
Do you understand me?
I understand.
No prisoners.
Only trophies.
B, I think they're going to kill us.
- You're time is up.
- Wait, wait, wait.
We surrender.
- We give...
- Move it.
Can't we talk this out?
We're all a bunch of good chaps.
I mean in all... unh!
Why did you...
Goodbye my old friend.
You're mine now.
Gotta help him.
What are you doing?
I gotta help him.
You can't help him.
Turn around.
We, we never had it around.
We did it brains. We did it.
Rip this ship apart.
- We... we had a nice run brains, you and me.
- Yeah.
We're gonna die.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay baby, you are coming with us.
Let's go, you guys follow that ground team, go.
Move, move, move.
Third floor, load up a 45.
All right you two snipers right here.
All right, dock up.
Its up in twenty minutes.
Set the shot right here.
All right, set up.
We got five targets and Shockwave right below us.
Everybody jump.
All right, let's go.
Get ready, get ready.
Go, go.
Snipers, take out their eyes.
All right, Demo team lets crank steel.
Turning steel.
Don't fire until I tell you.
All right, good job.
- Yes.
- Fire!
- We got him.
- Yeah.
On the run.
Autobots, attack.
Mortar that bridge.
It's our world, now.
Commence transport.
My God.
You die.
Get down here, Sentinel.
You forget your place.
I bring you Cybertron.
Your home.
And still you choose humanity.
You were the one who taught me
freedom is everyones right.
I will retrigger that pillar.
Then you'll have to go through me.
Okay, I got to help.
- No, you don't.
- Listen to me now.
You're gonna be fine.
- You promised.
- You're going to be fine.
I gotta get to that pillar.
Guards to the pillar.
We got Autobots.
Move, move!
Reinforcements to me.
Decepticon six, fire at Optimus.
Fire, I need those tomahawks here now.
First wave, incoming.
We gotta cover for, Optimus.
Decepticons, get me the pillar.
Restart that pillar.
Trigger the pillars.
I can't hold him.
This step I must bend.
Evac, two seconds change of clothes.
Fourth levi, echo echo 1425 zero,
- Found surface contact.
- Got an ID.
Target acquired.
- Right.
- No!
- Shit.
- Dylan.
Stop, stop.
You can't do this.
There's only one future for me.
You are saved.
At last.
Oh, have you come to surrender?
- Was it all worth it?
- Obviously.
All your work to bring Sentinel back.
And now clearly he has all the power.
It's actually almost tragic.
You dare lecture me, slave.
Your decepticons finally conquering this planet.
And yet their leader wasn't you.
It will be me, it will always be me.
Any minute now.
They'll be laughing.
You're Sentinels bitch.
You chose sides.
You chose wrong.
Always the bravest of us.
But you could never make the hard decisions.
Our planet will survive.
We were Gods once.
All of us.
But here,
They'll only be one.
This is MY planet.
I just saved a whole other world.
You think you're a hero?
Huh, you think you're a hero.
I'm just a messenger.
It's still connected.
Watch, wait up.
Get going, get going.
Let's move it.
Oh it's still connected.
Lets lock it that.
We need a truce.
All I wanted was to be back in charge.
Who would you be without me?
Time to find out.
Optimus. All I ever wanted,
was the survival of our race.
You must see why I had to betray you.
You didn't betray me.
You betrayed yourself.
No, Optimus!
I love you.
I love you.
You're the only thing I need in this world.
And I'll do anything to make
it up to you, I promise.
I'm gonna hold you to that.
Just never let me go.
I love this car.
But, you gotta slow down.
You gotta slow way down.
I'm just trying to help out.
In any war.
There are calms, between storms.
- You fought bravely.
- There will be days when we loose faith.
Days when our allies turn against us.
But the day will never come.
That we forsake this planet.
And it's people.