Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)

Where in hell is
your so-called magician?
He will be here,
He swore it.
They're preparing
for a second wave.
This... this is what
the end looks like.
Your so-called
magician, Merlin,
cannot help us.
We're outnumbered,
100 to 1.
How are we gonna
get out of this?
He promised a weapon,
one of great power.
you are my king.
I will lay down
my life for you,
but this Merlin
is no wizard.
He's a worthless drunkard!
Oh, god, I'm sozzled!
One last nip.
Magic does exist.
It was found, long ago,
inside a crashed alien ship.
It is I,
conjurer of spirits,
master of the dark arts!
Is anyone there?
It is I, Merlin.
The wizard?
Remember me?
No! I kept your secret!
I did! Just as I promised!
I told no one of
your existence. No one!
But you have
to understand,
we britons
are in a desperate fight.
End-of-times sort of thing.
I mean it.
It's happening down there
now as we speak.
It's awful!
Big personalities
just sort of clashing
and bloody.
I hate to ask...
But we need your help.
There are no spells.
There is no magic.
We retreat.
Live to fight another day.
Without sacrifice...
There can be no victory.
This is madness!
He will be here.
All right,
i am what they say!
I'm a liar, I'm a charlatan.
I've deceived my whole life.
But if I could,
for one moment,
change this world
for the better,
I would give up everything.
I'd give up drink,
money, wom...
Drink and money.
Good men will die
without your help.
Women. Children.
I know your world
was destroyed. I'm sorry.
But please
don't let ours die, too.
I beg of you.
Guardian knights, transform.
Dragon is yours to command.
Oh. Yes.
That would be
just the thing.
Protect this staff.
One day a great evil
will come for it.
Oh, yes!
It has been said
through the ages,
without sacrifice,
there can be no victory.
There are mysteries
to the universe
we were
never meant to solve.
I am optimus prime
and this message
is to my creators:
Leave planet earth alone.
'Cause I'm coming
for you.
These are
troubled times.
Optimus prime has left us
to find his makers.
Some say he will never return.
His sworn enemy,
Megatron... vanished.
Without leaders, chaos reigns.
Two species at war.
One flesh, one metal.
Transformers are declared
illegal on earth.
The world has set up
a new paramilitary force.
The trf.
Except in Cuba,
Castro lets them sun
on his beaches.
Hola, amigo!
Come on! Vamonos!
No, he's busy.
He's always busy.
A mojito needs ice.
We are not animals.
But these alien beings
keep arriving.
Endless waves of them.
Too many to count.
We look to the skies
with dread and we wonder.
This is the jam!
Ooh, I like this.
Good choice.
Good choice.
Get it off my desk.
No way!
Where'd you get that?
How much of
our time remains?
One hundred billion trillion
planets in the cosmos...
No, get the director
on the phone. Go, go, go!
And they choose earth.
Y'all want to see
some dead robots?
You crazy?
This is an alien no-go zone.
Government doesn't
want us to go in here.
We're not
supposed to be here.
We're kids, man.
We get away with anything.
Nah, man.
I'm getting me
a souvenir.
Whoa, this is
the real deal.
a dead one over there.
- Cool!
- Not cool.
Trf shot 'em down.
My dad says shoot 'em all
and let god sort 'em out.
what is that?
It's a robot!
i think it's dead.
Nah, bro.
it's totally dead.
He's definitely,
definitely dead.
I know, right?
Wait, guys.
I think it's moving.
Unauthorized trespassing.
This is the department
of homeland security.
You are trespassing in
an alien contamination zone.
Please step forward calmly
and surrender.
Mira, puto!
Sqweeks! Do it!
Follow me!
Come on, get up!
Hey, sir.
This area is active.
We just had two
sentinels go down.
What have you got?
Never look back!
It's coming!
All right,
go in there.
Damn. I almost had
a heart attack!
We're covered.
What's that?
What the...
What happened
to your arm?
Shot you?
Damn it!
He can't transform.
I'm trying to fix him.
But you're being a baby
about it, sqweeks.
It's all right.
You did good.
Wow. You have
a big heart...
That seems to be working.
What's your workout routine?
It's all right.
It's all right.
I told you.
"Covered." It's canopy.
Cyclops, zoom in
on target.
Unable pid. Visual on
five little feathers.
Kids. Shit.
Cannot confirm decepticon.
No badge.
I got kids in danger.
Canopy thing's pretty crazy.
It's none of your business.
Stop flirting.
Request immediate air support.
Danger close. Do not fire.
Who is he?
Let's go.
Far as you're concerned,
my boyfriend.
How long's that been going on?
You kids gotta
get out of here.
You're here.
I live here.
This is my home.
What's this?
The living room or
the dining room?
Someone's gotta
take care of 'em.
I don't think so.
They're scared.
They're lost.
- I've got a heat signature.
- Hostile intent is displayed.
Tango is armed.
- On location 30 seconds.
- Am I cleared to fire?
No, place, no home, no family.
Do you know how that feels?
No, 'cause your asses got
big old houses to go home to.
We got a condo.
I love her.
Viper flight.
We need a clearance.
No badge, armed and hostile.
I got kids in danger.
- Hostile intent.
- Hostile intent.
Alien has a weapon.
He's down. Bravo team,
extract those kids.
We're moving out!
Get up.
I can't.
No, no, no,
look at me.
Wake up, canopy!
You're gonna be okay.
I want to thank you.
Wake up, look at me.
Wake up, canopy.
I'm not leaving you.
You're all I have left!
No, no, no.
Hey! It's all
i got in my bag of tricks,
so you might want to hop in.
Hey! Where are the keys?
Where are the keys?
I'm just gonna
hotwire this bitch.
I'm tired of people
messing with me.
It's over.
No! I can fix him.
Nobody can fix him,
he's dead.
Hey, look at me.
Would he want you
to die, too?
Let's go, now.
Come on, come on!
Come on. Come on,
no time, let's go.
What? Hey,
you're that guy.
No, I'm not that guy.
The one who saves
I thought you were
just a legend.
Some legend.
You were too late!
Go. Go.
Hey, you know
there's a reward
for turning you in.
Cool. You want to get
punched in the face,
like, really hard?
Good. Go.
You're such an idiot.
See ya around, "legend."
Easy. Easy,
all right?
I'm just here
to help you.
Easy, buddy. Yeah.
You're hurt really bad.
All right?
Protect from quin...
I'm sorry.
Take the...
The talisman
will protect you.
Oh, you don't
owe me anything.
Seglass ni tonday.
I can't. You keep it.
Quin... quin...
He didn't make it, bee.
I'm coming out solo.
This is turning
into one shitty-ass day.
Cyclops, eyeball kingfish.
Flip ir to eo.
He's a positive match, sir.
It's Cade yeager.
It's over.
Help yourself out here.
Where are the others?
The ones you're hiding.
I don't sell out friends.
This is an invasion.
One day we wake up...
They're in charge.
You see anybody in charge?
They just keep
falling out of the sky.
Something's coming,
and you can't shoot
your way out of it.
What was that?
That was a mistake.
Watch out,
watch out,
watch out!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Next time
you shoot somebody,
don't go near 'em
till you're sure they're dead.
Put the weapon down,
trust me!
Easy, bee. Easy.
I'll burn you so bad
you'll wish
you'd died as a child.
Shoot him!
You're dead before
i hit the ground.
I said stand down.
Shoot! Shoot!
Take the shot!
Don't do it, bee!
Hold your fire!
Hold it!
You! Drop it!
I'm not dropping shit.
The military
doesn't want it this way,
bee, you gotta believe that.
It's a new world order
now and these guys are
calling the shots.
All they want is a home,
and you know it.
You push them,
and they push right back.
Hound's in town.
Love starting the day off
with a gunfight.
Sorry I'm late.
My invitation to
this ass-kicking
must've got lost
in the mail!
Me and my crew are
rolling out of here.
- Call off your birds.
- Let's go.
They're not gonna touch us.
All right, star 1, abort.
Negative decepticon activity.
Trf, stand fast.
Drop your guns.
You sure you
don't want to shoot?
I'm a big ol' target.
Whose side are you on?
They're all bad.
No, they're not.
Eagle eye, tag him.
I've never seen
one like it, general.
This one's older,
older than optimus prime.
barricade was spotted
at that same location.
CIA's had him under
pred surveillance
for a while now.
Yeah, he's been keeping
some interesting company.
The staff is hidden on earth.
A weapon of ultimate power.
We'll find this staff.
That voice.
I can hear it
in my nightmares.
for authentication.
It's him.
Lord Megatron.
Get that out of my face.
Tell me you have
found the talisman.
I saw it. A dying knight
gave it to a human.
But there was too
much trf firepower.
You let the talisman
get away!
We must have it!
Without the talisman,
we cannot find the staff!
I know who can lead us
to it.
The trf.
Commander in chief
wants that weapon,
or "staff" as he calls it,
secured at all cost.
Maintain your
covert embed with trf.
They just don't get it.
Our history with
bee and the autobots.
Oh, what we would all give
to have prime back right now.
Optimus prime.
Re-entry cybertron.
My world!
What has happened to my world?
Your world is dying.
I've been waiting
for you, optimus.
Come meet your maker.
You are my creator?
I am quintessa,
the prime of life.
What have you done
to my home?
I will kill you!
You dare to strike
your god?
Your war doomed
Megatron started the war!
You destroyed
your world, you fool.
My perfect creation.
You're going
to fix it,
or the race of
dies forever.
I made you.
You are mine
to command.
How did you
get in here?
My lord,
that weird thing
we've been waiting for
1,600 years to happen...
I think it's really
happening this time!
The knight has arrived.
The talisman
has been bestowed.
At last, cogman.
It begins.
Okay. Thanks.
I was quite open.
There's a reason
why you're always open.
There's a reason
you're always single.
Oh, god. Okay.
So late, so late, so late.
484 ce. A desperate
last stand between
civilization and barbarism.
Two worlds colliding.
Only one survives.
Lancelot. Percival.
King Arthur.
Honorable men.
Brave, muscles sinewed,
sweat glistening
off their bodies.
A few brave men
who were willing to
sacrifice all for victory.
Sound too good
to be true, poppy?
Because it's horseshit.
A likely composite
of a Roman general
and a Celtic king.
Our dragon.
Just a medieval catapult.
And then we have Merlin,
our kingmaker.
Probably never existed.
The question is,
why? Why do we tell
ourselves these stories?
Other than the fact
that dragons are wicked.
It's because
we want to believe.
Believe that we can be
heroes in our own lives.
When all seems lost,
a few brave souls, us,
can save everything
we've ever known.
Or is it just the dragons?
it won't be much longer
now, old friend.
Signs of the end
are all around us.
You know what to do,
don't you?
We must rebuild my home.
There is a way
to heal your world.
My power of creation,
the staff,
was stolen from me by
my 12 guardian knights.
They betrayed me
and hid it on earth.
Gave it to
your precious humans.
The staff is the only way
to bring life
back to cybertron.
You are going
to find it for me.
Do you seek redemption,
Do you?
My maker,
I do.
No fear. No hate.
No anger.
No fear. No hate.
No anger.
Get off, you maggot!
I will kill you,
flying rat!
He's very little.
Very tiring.
Losing our heads
sitting around here.
So tired of hiding.
Oh, hey, chief!
Wow, nice... ow.
Nice horse you got there.
You're really getting into
this whole Indian thing, huh?
Don't call me chief.
My name is sherman.
Aren't you
the tribal chief?
Yeah. But from you
it sounds...
I don't know,
vaguely racist.
My cruiser got stolen.
That's terrible!
You know what?
Shit's getting
out of control.
There's crime
going on everywhere!
A bunch of my stuff
got stolen.
Cut the shit, Cade...
And get me my car back.
Booyah! Big time.
Been holding that one
in for a while.
Damn, forgot about
that cluster bomb.
your problem, dude?
Next time, ease
on the brakes!
That's the way I roll.
I like to make a statement
when I arrive.
Well, you're getting dust
all over the campus!
This ain't no campus.
It's a junkyard!
Come on, hustle.
Andale, andale!
Hey, don't take
any aggression out on me.
Damn it, grimlock!
We're guests here!
You got in
some shit, huh?
Yeah, neck deep!
Cade, that's what you get
for taking the yellow bugger.
You need a leader out
there... like me.
Shut up.
Before I do some damage
you won't walk away from.
You will never
be optimus prime.
You talk too much.
Come on, man.
legendary warrior
and you act like
a bunch of junkyard dogs!
You're starting
to piss me off!
Ay, chihuahua!
Come back here,
Turn around.
What do you got
in your mouth?
I swear,
i am wasting my time
protecting you.
Drop the cruiser right now!
I know you got
chief sherman's cruiser.
Drop it!
Serves you right.
Spit it out! Spit it!
Don't eat cars.
Don't eat cars.
You get back in your hole
and think about what you did.
It's like
the Macy's Thanksgiving day
parade out here, Jimmy j.
You hired me from a want ad
in the Dakota penny ledger.
Think that comes
with a superpower?
That is a dinosaur!
An alien dinosaur!
That was not in the ad!
It tried to eat me
You want to go to
federal prison?
No, no, I don't want
to go to any prison.
Well, that's where
you're gonna go, okay?
'Cause you're aiding
and abetting.
I'm a fugitive, all right?
I'm the big boss,
you're my little crimey.
When you leave,
it becomes
the wild kingdom out here.
I don't know what to do.
I told you,
this is a junkyard.
They blend in
with other junk.
That's it.
You hired me to be
senior vice president
of worldwide operations.
Did I tell you that?
Yes, that's what you said.
I made that shit up.
Do not take this title away
from me, Cade.
This is not a startup, okay?
I don't do this shit
for money.
It's for the higher cause.
You don't do
this shit for the money?
What's wrong with you?
How you gonna eat?
What's he doing here?
Ugh! Here comes the
most irritating, annoying
transformer on earth.
Should I frag him?
What did he give you
to get past the gate?
Hey, Cade.
He gave him this.
I've never seen that
before in my life.
Come on, say it!
You wanted
the alien blaster.
You said a big gun
makes a big man.
Hey, you know human beings
lose their temper, right?
Don't you dare!
Hey, hey!
Come here!
The worst
senior vice president...
Stop it! Stop it!
Yeah, you're real tough!
What, you been working out?
I'm going to frag him.
Definitely frag him.
I heard that, hound.
Oh, god. You always
resort to violence
right off the bat.
I love violence.
The hell are you
doing here?
You find
our spaceship yet?
I'm getting tired of
hanging around here,
waiting to catch a bullet.
Carbon monoxide, and
perhaps a small gasoline
drinking problem
are gonna kill you
long before a bullet,
my corpulent comrade.
Back off!
Get out of my face.
Watch it! Guys, stop!
You want to throw
down with hound?
Tough guy, huh? Rude.
How about you trying to
carry all this stuff?
Look what
i found in buffalo.
Starscream's head,
ladies and gentlemen.
Look what I got.
New voice box for bee.
Is it gonna work
this time?
I only got
the good stuff, Cade.
Come on.
You hear that, bee?
You're gonna talk, buddy!
Get down, bee!
All right,
what else you got?
Where'd you get
that piece of junk?
A knight of iacon
talisman in this dump?
Nah, it's not real.
Is it? No, definitely not.
Hey, give it to me,
I'll take it off you.
You think I don't know
what the hell this is?
How valuable?
But I know it's something,
because it's got you
licking your chops,
you skank.
Words hurt, Cade.
There are exactly seven...
Count them.
Seven signs of
the apocalypse.
And that talisman
showing up here is
numero uno.
If that fancy
pancake was real,
I'd grab the spaceship
and blow
this dirtball planet.
All right, I'm gonna go
slather myself in oil.
Turn your back, drift,
if it offends
your sensibilities.
Now that is
you can't unsee.
I barely understand
what's coming
out of your mouth.
Hey! Hey, mister!
Oh, this isn't happening.
You cannot stay here, kid.
I got enough strays.
I'm not a kid!
I'm useful. I fix shit.
Yeah, good for you.
Better than anyone.
And I have a name,
you know.
It's Izabella.
Izabella with a z.
I don't care
if it's a z, an emoji,
or a dollar sign,
all right?
This is no place for...
Just go home. Please.
I don't got a home.
And they...
They just killed
the last thing that
i called family.
So no,
I'm not going anywhere.
I want to stay and
i want to fight them.
Let me tell you about them.
All right?
Them have infinite funding.
You can't fight them,
and you can't beat them.
All right?
They have the support
of the entire world.
You, you're a kid.
Why are you still
following me?
First flames, dude! Whoa!
Hey! Mister!
Your trailer's on fire.
Whoa. Hey, corner.
Oh, my god.
Buddy! Oh,
I'm proud of you.
I know, but you gotta do it
outside now, okay?
You could burn
this whole place down.
I know, but you're coming
into your power now,
all right?
So you gotta blow
the flames... ah! No.
Terry, get me
a beer, will ya?
Hey, guys,
you gotta cut the crap.
You're tearing
everything apart.
Perfect delivery, buddy.
You gotta work on the pickup.
I still got him
in training.
What happened
to your family?
You first.
Oh, wife passed away.
Daughter's at college.
She might as well
be on the moon.
At least
she's still here, bro.
I go and visit her,
we both get arrested.
Is that bad enough
for you, "bro"?
Your turn, unless
you're too tough to share.
Decepticon fired a rocket.
Parents were home,
i wasn't.
No way
i was going to foster.
Hey, little guy.
You're heavy!
You gotta go.
You can't stay here.
I'm sorry.
I'll bounce in the morning.
Great. Look,
if you're hungry, I got
some frozen pizza burritos.
There might be some
smucker's in the fridge.
And tell everyone
where you are.
Hey, am I being blackmailed
by a 12-year-old?
You know,
you're really missing out.
'Cause it's okay to
be a kid, little j-lo.
You think
you're a bad-ass, huh?
All right, tough guy,
i got a pop quiz for you.
Say you got
an inline energon leak
on a slant-6.
Don't get it fixed,
autobot's about to
bleed out.
You got 30 seconds.
Now, what are you
gonna do? Go.
All right. First of all,
don't have a slant-6.
That's a Chrysler engine,
like way back in
ancient history.
The late '60s are
not ancient history.
Yeah, but if I was
fixing an energon leak,
I'd cauterize the artery
and re-channel the central
flow into the... the...
The whatchamacallit,
the tube with the...
The doohickey thing.
Not bad.
Watch your mouth.
How long has this been here?
It's growing. Yeah.
Three meters a day.
Six horns.
Six horns, six locations.
And they're growing at
an exponential rate.
Whatever they are.
Chinese call them
"horns from hell."
Oh, my god.
Cybertron is coming.
I'll have 17 minutes
to brief the president.
What do you got for me?
It's an unmodeled
perturbation mass...
Look at this.
It's amazing this
thing flies at all.
Is it
some kind of
neck cancer?
No. It's much worse
than that.
It's a gravitational
anomaly caused by
a planet-sized object
with a current velocity
of 1/10th light speed.
Hmm. That's some geek stuff.
Is it a threat?
If you just give me...
No, I got a lunch. No.
No, it's not a threat.
A threat might kill you.
This will kill you
in three days.
How much do you weigh?
Are you technically
considered overweight?
No. It's just
all my gear.
It's like somebody packed
10 pounds of shit
in a five-pound sack.
No, he's
a chunky autobot.
Ow! You wanna
stop that?
Hound, pull up
the sat phone.
I'm bouncing a signal
through Portugal,
Istanbul and Katmandu.
You got 20 seconds,
Infestation of
puppy transformers.
This here's
a big boy zone.
Hello? Dad?
Look, I know...
I know you can't talk to me
or say anything back.
But you can listen.
I'm gonna say
what I always say
until you hear me.
You don't need
to save the world.
You need
a frigging girlfriend.
Wherever you are,
I don't want you to die alone.
And I know you only
got five seconds left, so...
I'm fine, I'm safe.
And I love...
Any longer, they'd have
snagged our location.
You're a hell of a father,
Cade. Don't forget it.
Hell, my dad never
called me.
We call it the tank.
He likes it down here.
This is where I deal
with the dark shit.
Decepticons seem
just as interested in
these structures as we are.
Pred snapped this
in Siberia.
He's been seen at
all six horn locations
around the world.
ID confirmed. Megatron.
And get this.
He made contact with trf.
Snatched up two
CIA case officers.
Said he wants to negotiate.
With him?
What the hell
does he want?
Certain alien
associates of his released.
Scheduled contact is
ID'd and cleared.
Hostages are clear.
The department
of justice has okayed it
so long as the us military
watches his every move.
You're gonna be on point,
because he is not our friend.
You know who they
always kill first?
We've made deals
with the devil before
during times of crisis.
If we're gonna
get through this,
we have got to
open the door
and let the monsters inside.
There is a weapon out there
of unimaginable power.
A threat to
our very existence.
And Megatron
can lead us to it.
Do I know you, human?
I want my crew!
Give me names!
What up, fellas? Man,
i want to kill you right now.
But i'ma kill you later.
Definitely gonna kill
y'all mofos later.
He's cleared!
All right.
In for bank robbery.
Aggravated assault.
Double murder.
Triple murder.
Nine dead.
Didn't even take
the money. No.
We're not
letting him out, no.
I mean,
but we can be flexible.
If he wears
a GPS tracker,
it's fine.
Okay, okay.
Nitro Zeus.
Baby, free at last!
Thank Megatron,
I'm free at last!
Thank you.
Gonna miss you, Tim.
Thank you for
your hospitality, Brad.
I know where
you live, Enrique.
Say hello to your wife for me.
But the government
requests that he does
not leave the county.
And we're serious
about that.
And last
but not least, berserker.
I'll suck your brains!
- Absolutely not.
- Yeah. No.
No. No.
There are limits.
Pick again.
You need a bigger door!
Let me run that up
the flag pole real quick.
I just got to
call someone.
Great, thank you. Yes. Yes!
Go. Go.
What do you really want,
What anyone wants,
To go home.
Yeah, that'd be all
right with me, too.
Megatron, he's
after something yeager has.
Something they need
to help find this weapon.
We're gonna let
those Decepticons
do our dirty work.
On my go, they'll be given
Yeager's hideout coordinates.
You track Megatron
every step.
Take the weapon.
And then I'm taking
his ass out.
No fear.
No hate. No anger.
Hey, guys.
Rise and shine.
Top of the morning!
Broke our asses bagging
these Decepticons.
Now they let them out?
What's really
going on, Lennox?
Just run your team.
we hunt.
Another glorious,
boring day.
Air's gonna be on station.
We're gonna have
all eoir sensors on
these guys as they move.
Flight, push tactical
when airborne.
I want air ops
locking down this transport.
Decepticons in sight 100%.
have just been given
Yeager's location.
Cyclops. Decepticons
approaching junkyard target.
You strapping
on a decepticon arm?
Well, he was an ugly
little robot.
You look like a warrior,
Muy guapo.
Here goes, bee.
Just do whatever you want.
Hey, z, come on over here
and work on a real bot.
Doc, come in, doc.
Oh, that's it.
No, third one
on your left.
No. Wait.
Your left. Right here.
I know what I'm doing.
Don't rush me.
Hey, calm the temper, okay?
Think he likes this?
It's like being in
a dentist's chair.
Do you like the dentist? No.
Hound said you can
only listen to her.
Your daughter.
You can't talk back.
He's got a big mouth.
Said if you do,
they can voice match you
from some computer somewhere
and track you down.
Well, that's the world
we live in.
What would you say to her?
Brush your teeth,
work hard.
Stay away from
any boy in a band,
especially a drummer.
Yeah, drummers are the worst,
not to mention stupid!
And DJs? Real dickheads.
Come on.
We had a thing. All right?
A saying, back and forth.
She'd always ask me,
"dad, what are you
doing tomorrow?"
And I'd say,
"I'll figure it out tomorrow."
Looks to me like
you're running out
of tomorrows, yeager.
That's just
what she'd say.
Okay, bee.
Come on, buddy,
sit up. Let's hear it.
Come on.
Your real voice.
For the first time, buddy.
Belt it out.
This is so exciting.
Oh, no. This isn't
my damn voice.
I'm gonna kill him, bee.
This is such bullshit.
Okay, you know what?
I'm not giving up.
All right? You're gonna speak
with your own voice one day.
Daytrader is
a punk-ass bitch.
Cade. Uh, that...
Uh, that code.
There's somebody coming.
Reaper has eyes on junkyard.
We have pid on kingfish.
Halt! This is
protected land!
Sixty seconds to evac!
Let's move!
it appears kingfish is
on the move.
They know.
We're blown, guys!
We gotta roll out now!
those are the feds.
I know the government
when I see the government.
Grab as many weapons
as you can.
I'm not going to jail.
I can't go to jail, man.
Hey! This is the real world.
Okay? Let's go!
I can't go to jail.
I'm too skinny for jail.
I can't even lift weights.
Bee, let's move!
Give me this one.
You definitely gimme this one.
This will mess somebody
up good.
Roll out of here, Cade.
I'm gonna buy you some time.
Don't be a hero, hound.
We're out of here now!
Wait! Wait!
i was born a hero.
You're not leaving me!
You leave me,
they take sqweeks.
Leave sqweeks!
He's a survivor.
they got up out of here.
'cause I was looking
to knock some heads.
The end is near,
my old treacherous friend.
What a shame
you'll be unable to see it.
Come and get some,
you little bitch!
Coming your way,
We box these things in,
they will protect themselves.
Yeah, we'll see.
Tactical positions, let's go!
You, too, knuckle-dragger.
Stay out of sight. Come on.
Decepticons are coming.
All right. We all know
our hiding places.
What's this? The tracker
brought them right to us.
When are you going
to grow up?
Dang it.
is four klicks away.
They just entered
an abandoned town.
Let's go. Out!
Out! Out! Out!
Yeager's got vital intel.
Detain only.
Trf operation.
Stay out of my way.
Those were my men.
Hey, there is some
scary shit going on out there.
I'd like to at least
keep my blaster.
Not today.
We're sticking to the plan.
The whole town is
wired and rigged.
You! Sit down.
Now. Stay put.
Just a heads up.
We're probably
going to jail,
so try getting
used to that.
Here they come.
Autobots, get ready.
Hey, Cade,
you mind if I bail?
Don't attack
until I say.
Aw, yeah, Decepticons
is in the streets.
Oh, I feel a fight coming.
I'ma kill y'all right now.
Search this town.
He's here.
I'm letting y'all know
what we came to do.
Get over here!
Look at that little
blue beetle-looking mofo.
Look at
this little ugly dude.
You are awash in
their repulsive scent.
- Hey!
- Bee, stop her.
Put him down!
No. No, no, no, no.
Here she go. Look at her,
walking all strong with
Go to hell!
This planet is hell.
what's that on your arm?
- Put him down!
- Shit!
You think I'm afraid
of you, cabron?
Hey, stop!
Cade yeager.
I need that talisman!
We don't do
this kamikaze shit.
You wanna go out there
and start screaming at
a decepticon?
Get those vile beings.
I'm on 'em!
I got the leg!
And his fat head.
Don't get any better
than that.
Drift, now!
Decepticons, retreat!
That plan went to shit.
That's the only plan
you got?
Get down, get down,
get down!
What are those?
We gotta get inside.
Come on. Run.
This is supposed
to hunt terrorists,
not tax-paying Americans!
Not that I pay taxes, but...
Yo, Meg! M-tron!
Stop playing. Come on.
Am I the only one in here?
Oh, this ain't right.
We're safe in here.
always one in charge.
Just like back in Chicago,
like a mother.
Go, go, go!
Move, move, move!
in that room!
Come on,
come on, come on!
I left the 'hood
to not get shot
and now I'm getting shot.
This is the worst job ever.
Does this job even
have healthcare?
It doesn't, do it?
You try treating
a bullet wound
by yourself.
Watch out!
Run! Run!
Hide! Hide!
Facial mapping engaged.
You're a dead man.
Oh, shit.
There's another one.
I got this.
What are you doing?
It's using
facial recognition.
Are you crazy?
Stay behind me.
Jimmy j, don't!
I got this.
Get behind me.
Don't do it.
Get behind me.
It's a bad idea!
- Oh, my gosh.
- Are you okay?
i just want to tell you,
i love you, man.
This job wasn't
what I thought, but
i appreciate everything.
What are you doing?
I'm dying!
It was only a beanbag, dude.
There's no hole?
There's no hole,
there's no blood,
no nothing.
There's no hole.
Will you get up?
Stop trying to act
like a hero.
It was a beanbag?
That shit hurt like
a bullet, man!
I felt it go through me!
Come on, that
building right there!
always one in charge!
All right,
we take out the big one,
we're gonna take them all out.
Come on, come on, come on.
Hurry, hurry, they're coming.
Oh, my god!
A leprechaun.
Who the hell are you?
Leprechauns are
tiny, green and Irish,
and that is offensive.
What are you looking at,
little girl?
What are you looking at?
Hello. Master Cade,
i have been sent
to collect you.
Collect me?
That is correct.
Oh, you're not
collecting shit.
Whoa, man! Slow down!
So, you want to play rough.
Oh! Oh!
No! No! Cade!
Oh, shit!
Cade! Cade!
Hold on!
Did you see that?
Hang on!
Oh, I am so clumsy!
- Is he still alive?
- Hold on!
Is he still living?
No, he's going to die!
My lord,
this is not my fault,
but he just burst
out of the elevator.
Ten stories.
Oh, my god.
Did you have
a backup plan, sir?
Did he live?
I don't know!
He just flew!
My lord,
rip an arm off a human
and they'll go
wherever you want.
the matter with you?
Eh, you little gnats.
Oh, there you are.
Good to find you alive!
Just like nothing happened.
Let's make you
Hey! Come on!
Shiny, spic and span.
Back off, jeeves!
You look better
already, sir.
Who are you?
My name is cogman, sir.
And I am here because of that.
And that is here
because of you.
It will not leave you
until your quest is fulfilled.
You have been chosen.
What do you mean,
I will explain everything
if you'll kindly come with me.
Eh, Cade, what's with
this c-3po rip-off?
Don't kill the messenger
or the messenger
will kill you.
Now then,
I'm afraid all this ballyhoo
is on your account.
If you want to
save your friends,
you will leave them.
Hey, don't talk
to that leprechaun!
What, and run off with
some crazy ninja Butler?
Your friends will be safe
in your absence.
In your presence, unsafe.
You are more important
than you can possibly imagine.
You are needed, sir.
My master is
fond of saying
that all the important
decisions in life
often come down
to just one moment.
You're gonna be all right.
You're family now.
They're gonna
take care of you,
i promise.
The plane is waiting.
We are going to england.
Listen up,
little miss sunshine,
I'm in charge now.
Just don't expect
any bedtime stories.
Welcome to air folgan.
Please strap in.
Turbulence can kill.
There will be
no snack service
on this flight,
no drinks, no fun.
Tracking yeager.
He's over the pond right now.
It took some finding,
but sats have him.
Megatron and crew are
bearing down on the uk.
So is yeager.
It's no coincidence.
I want you airborne
with your team to
the uk asap.
Pick up. Pick up.
- Don't hang up!
- Ah, it's you again.
I've told you, you have
nothing to offer. Get lost.
I need a favor, folgers.
I'd do it myself, but I can't.
You ever fly
a Cuban airplane?
They're from the 1940s.
So are the pilots.
Book of cyber-kells.
I found it.
The ancient book?
Not when you know
the right janitor.
And I know many.
The book exists.
Unseen for centuries.
Pages that literally dissolve
at room temperature,
made from some old
kind of goat scrotum
or something.
Trinity library.
Today, 4:00 P.M.
Be there if you want to
know how it all ends.
Object confirmed
as exoplanet cybertron.
Two days,
seven hours to impact.
it is time
you knew the truth.
The place you call earth
has another name.
Earth... unicron?
ancient enemy.
You are going to kill him.
With my staff, we will drain
the very life from unicron.
- Earth will die...
- Yes.
And your world
will be reborn,
Nemesis prime.
I will fight anyone
who stands in my way.
The alien
horns are still growing,
some of them
reaching 400 meters.
More alien rubbish.
Have you found
a man yet, viviane?
So sad.
You should really look
in here.
I mean,
there are lots of adverts,
some of them very tempting.
This one's looking for a bbw.
I don't know what that is.
It's a car, dear.
Big beautiful woman.
Is it? Who knew?
Looking at the classifieds!
Oh, this one's got
its own dungeon.
Great! I love dungeons!
See, that's perfect
for you, isn't it?
All that old stuff,
you'd love that.
History is being rewritten
and you want to talk about
a man.
Or a woman.
Aunt Helen.
"Women seeking women."
Here we go.
You could ask me
about my work.
Why would we do that?
I mean,
it's just dusty old books.
Now I welcome
the end of days!
What's so terrible
about me wanting you
to have what I had
with your father?
He was an ass.
Do you know
what father didn't have?
The one thing that
his beloved knights
of the round table
had in spades
and he was utterly lacking?
You can say that again.
If you can stop loathing
a dead man long enough,
you might want to have
a look in his study.
All that rubbish.
There might be something
you want to keep.
Do not touch that!
Sorry, daddy.
I don't want anything.
Tell the university
to take the lot.
"The 12th Earl of folgan
"urgently requests
your presence at high tea
"this very moment."
Uh... stop!
Move! Move!
God! Sorry!
Okay, okay.
Oh, please,
mademoiselle, don't do that.
Je m'appelle hot rod.
Christ alive,
you're one of them!
Back! Be quiet!
Do not hit me again!
So, which bloody bot
are you, then?
Soundwave? Shockwave?
At least tell me
that I've been abducted
by one of the famous ones.
I am so much
better than all of them!
Oh! Help!
I'm being kidnapped!
Mademoiselle, sit down!
Oh, help! Yes, yes, hello!
Hello, lamborghini!
Would you help?
Sorry, I've just been
kidnap... nuts!
Wow, I love this car!
the white cliffs of Dover.
That's a good girl.
Good girl.
Good girl. Come on.
There's a good girl.
We have guests!
What's the matter with you?
Oh, shit!
My bits are falling off.
Hello there!
What the hell?
Good girl.
he's a complete knucklehead.
I'm awfully sorry about that,
but, um, you see,
he thinks it's still
the year 1918 or 1914.
Something like that.
So sad.
World war i
and all that stuff.
I mean...
Battle of the marne,
battle of the somme,
battle of the marne,
battle of passchendaele.
Trenches and mud
and death
and Gore and all that.
It's terribly sad.
"It's a long way to tipperary,
it's a long way to go."
Yeah, but it's, um...
It's terrible!
I mean, so sad, you know?
But then, I mean...
Isn't it? I mean, this late
onset of, um, well...
Robot dementia.
It's not at all pretty.
Ah, I don't know
what you're smoking
in that pipe, man, but...
What's going on here?
Did you drag me
to some
retirement home?
Look, somebody
better start talking,
or I'm outta here.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay.
Um, Bumblebee?
We only met when
i was a little boy
in short pants.
I must have
been that tall.
Maybe taller.
Or maybe shorter,
i can't remember.
But never forget a face.
Bee, you know this guy?
Let's have a look
at this thing.
Very interesting.
You keep a secret for so long,
knowing it to be true,
and yet, deep down inside,
you begin to wonder,
"has my life been wasted?"
Have you ever felt
like that, Mr. Cade?
It's just Cade.
Look, old timer, I don't
have a ton of Patience
for riddles right now.
Yes, but you want to know,
don't you, "dude,"
why they keep coming here.
To earth. Right?
Ah! I do so love
perfect timing.
What a bitchin' car she is!
No, no,
no, little lady.
Why do you have to
be like that? Pourquoi?
So, is this
a kidnapping
sort of situation
or her first
It's both, really.
Do not hit me again!
But she does have
a rather nice
fight-or-flight response.
- She's very difficult.
My name is Edmond Burton,
12th Earl of folgan.
Last surviving member
of the order of
the witwiccans.
What's up?
Does he have to loom
like that?
"Ut" what?
"Ut rut"?
- Hot rod.
- Mmm-hmm.
It's his French accent.
Is he French?
No, he just likes
the accent.
No, no, no! I hate the accent!
But I can't get rid of it.
I'm stuck with
the accent. Ugh.
He's a soldier,
miss viviane.
He swore
an oath to your father
to protect you.
Some dad
you got there.
That is a nice ride.
I mean,
you can roll right up
to Buckingham Palace
in that thing.
Okay, you,
American man, shut it.
What am I doing here?
- Yeah, why is she here?
- Introductions.
Miss viviane wembly.
Master of history, Oxford.
Doctor of philosophy,
also Oxford.
And doctor of letters,
again Oxford, I think.
Anything else?
Anyway, meet Cade.
Cade yeager.
I'm an inventor.
Oh, you're an inventor.
Yes, I am.
What have you invented?
A lot of things.
Like a lot of
things. Like...
Things that
you've heard of.
Well, things that you will
have heard of, okay?
Patents are pending.
Don't say that.
What's "ah"?
You know,
i could do that, too.
"Oh, I'm English,
"and I'm too cool
for feelings."
What, I've come here
to be insulted
by some over-educated
ivory-tower Princess
in a stripper dress?
Well, only in America
is a finer education
an insult.
And if my dress makes
you feel uncomfortable,
then maybe
i could take it off.
That's enough!
- What's your problem?
- No, no, no!
Shall I take
his head off, madam?
Tempting, but, um,
i can defend my own honor.
But I do so very much want
to crush his windpipe.
Control, cogman.
You must learn to
control that impulse.
Channel it into
other things.
Yes, my lord.
Like making beds
or cooking food.
Polishing the silver.
I am trying, my lord.
- He is a "headmaster."
- A very rare breed.
That dude
is disturbed, yeah?
Like, seriously evil.
Like, split personality.
Glass 17c is missing.
Did you break it?
I've been a Butler
for the aristocracy
for 700 years.
You are the worst
I've ever worked for!
Ah, these were
all my predecessors.
They're all folgans.
And that was my aunt there.
My great-great-
great-great aunt.
She poisoned
my great-great-great
uncle for some reason.
She was barking mad,
she was an absolute bitch.
There's my grandfather
over there, aloysius.
And that's Arnold,
my third cousin.
He drunk sewage water,
committed suicide.
He was quite mad.
They were all mad, really.
There's bullet holes.
No, no. Nasty critter.
No, no, no, no, no.
That's the watch
that killed Hitler.
Don't screw with it.
These are all
the witwiccans.
In our halcyon days
we were quite the club.
Brilliant minds,
explorers, scientists,
artists, world leaders.
Renaissance thrill seekers.
People like
Catherine the great,
empress of all Russia,
general Washington,
William Shakespeare,
queen Elizabeth of england,
Abraham Lincoln,
Frederick douglass,
Harriet tubman,
the Wright brothers,
giotto, Michelangelo, Darwin,
Churchill, Einstein,
Stephen Hawking, Henry v,
Leonardo Da Vinci,
Newton, de lavoisier, Mozart,
Beethoven, mahler,
Edmund Hillary,
Teddy Roosevelt, copernicus,
Tesla, Galileo.
They all belonged
to a secret society,
you see.
All united in one cause.
To protect
the secret history
of transformers.
Here. On earth.
Now, this is
the witwiccan family tree.
Merlin, Viviana.
Goes back 40 generations.
Go over to that desk.
There's a photograph there.
Your father was a member.
He very much wanted
to tell you that.
And my own family
had some...
Small part in all this.
That looks just like bee.
It is. He was attached
to the devil's brigade.
Pretty vicious military unit.
Helped turn
the tide of war, you know?
We're not invited.
- Bee?
- Yeah.
But he's so nice.
Behind the lines,
during the war,
they called him many things.
"Nice" was never one of them.
It all began in 484 ad,
when king Arthur
and his wizard, Merlin,
stared down and vanquished
the Saxon hordes
at mount badon.
That's his sword
and his mace there.
It's a myth.
every legend, every myth,
every story whispered
around the campfire
has a logical explanation.
Oh, with that
i agree wholeheartedly,
but logic has
left the building.
You're talking about magic.
What, like your walking,
talking lamborghini?
"Any sufficiently
advanced technology
"is indistinguishable
from magic."
Arthur c. Clarke.
Yeah. And count 'em,
zero student loans,
or professor, philosopher,
whatever you call yourself.
It's all of the above.
Now, this place was built
around the original
round table.
Percival, gawain,
Tristan, Lancelot.
They sat right here.
Twelve in all.
And behind them sat the 12
who came from cybertron.
We fight for honor.
We fight for the human race.
For all
that is good in mankind.
To brothers old
and brothers new!
To brothers old
and brothers new!
No sacrifice, no victory!
Twelve alien knights
who saw in Camelot
what the human race
could be at its finest.
A race of honor.
You ruined
the moment again!
I was making
the moment more epic.
Just be quiet.
What's the matter
with you?
If I could find his neck,
I'd strangle him.
This belonged to
king Arthur himself.
Now, legend held that
one last knight would
someday be chosen
and the struggle to save
the world would begin.
It would appear,
Mr. Cade,
that that last knight
is you.
You're saying
he traveled the whole
universe to find me?
No, not you
Not a failed inventor
from the state of Texas.
No, god forbid.
Stop it!
You know,
if you don't stop it,
I will send
you back to cybertron
in a little tiny box.
Oh, scary.
I am not
a failed inventor.
No, he meant the qualities
of a knight, Mr. Cade.
Miss viviane,
the qualities of a knight,
if you please?
Qualities of a knight,
purity of heart,
valor, honor,
virtue, integrity.
I have those.
Oh, and
most importantly...
Is he chaste?
Dude, I was getting chased
when your little weirdo buddy
brought me over here
on the plane.
Yeah, I know...
I was making a joke.
You don't think
i know how to spell?
I know what he meant.
Sure you were.
No whoopee, Mr. Cade?
It's been a while.
Well, how long's "a while"?
A week? A month? A year?
None of
your business.
Well, we need to
ask you the question.
A while!
"Huh"? What is this?
Is that, like,
another English thing?
No, no.
Just a curious thing.
Well, maybe
I'm saving myself.
What are you saving
yourself for, old age?
You, English lady,
shut it.
What is this?
Some sort of a map?
Oh, this table
is from cybertron.
It's a puzzle
I've been working on
for some time.
My entire life, actually.
And what do
these glyphs say about it?
olde cybertronian.
A mantra whispered
through the cosmos.
"Seglass ni tonday."
Wait a minute.
I heard that before.
A knight on a ship.
What does it mean?
"With your dying breath,
protect the staff."
Okay, this
is ridiculous.
They had their name for it.
We have ours.
The staff of Merlin.
Bequeathed to him
by an alien race.
Fused with his DNA.
So that only
he would have the key
to unlock its alien power.
Or as they knew it
in those days,
The staff was buried
with Merlin's body.
A thousand years
we've kept it hidden.
If it ever fell
into the wrong hands,
it would mean
the imminent destruction
of everything
we know and love.
The 12 guardian knights
combined into a mighty
dragon to protect it.
And now it is
in great danger.
He was after this.
So the battle is upon us.
It is why they're here,
why they keep coming to earth.
And we must claim the staff
before it is too late.
Wait. We what?
Only a direct descendant
of Merlin himself
can wield this instrument
of absolute power.
And you, miss viviane,
are Merlin's last descendant
here on earth, and as such,
you are our last hope.
Okay, wait. Go back.
You're saying
that I'm related to
the wizard Merlin?
Oh. Oh.
Bit of a shock, isn't it?
Only you know
the staff's location,
imparted to you
by your father.
He had to leave a clue,
didn't he?
Are you sure?
She doesn't have that
"i know where
the staff is" look.
Listen, the only thing
that my father imparted to me
was to get out
of his study.
"Two worlds colliding,
only one survives."
Your words exactly.
Only lecture time is over.
You were born for this.
This is the latest image
of their world coming here.
And you're all that stand
in its way.
So you'd better find
that staff quickly.
Surround the castle
and lock it down.
MI6 and trf are here!
Move it! Go!
Cogman, get me
to London, okay?
- The decoy car is ready?
- Hurry along.
I got 'em boys!
Hurry, move!
Quick, quick, quick!
Get us
out of here, bee.
Get out of here!
My weapon
will stop the time!
Oh! Einstein
would've been
tickled pink. Foo-foo!
Quick, this way,
this way! Hurry!
I call shotgun.
Inbound helos,
you are clear to land.
Colonel Lennox
just hit the deck.
This is Santos,
team leader usa.
What you got?
Trf airship on the way.
Meet me around back, bee.
I suck at this game!
When you bite your nails,
you give everything away.
Everybody, this is Cade.
Cade, this is my family.
- Hi.
- Cade?
Hello. I'm Marie.
Do you have
a dungeon?
Oh, my goodness!
Hands like rough old maple.
He looks hard as wood.
Don't touch him.
Um, I'm gonna go
and get changed.
I got a call
from a very irate janitor
at Trinity library.
You're late.
We are, as they say,
in a bit of a pickle.
Do not mess
with me at this moment!
It's hot, and I am
on a short fuse.
Get to the library!
This chasing
is stressing me out.
MI6 and trf
are gonna find us.
We got to hurry.
My dad had
a lot of stuff.
So, finding
the staff's location...
What does that mean?
We're looking for,
like, what?
Like, a map,
or a letter,
or books, or...
Holy shit! It'll take a year
to find something in here.
I don't know
where to find
this bloody staff.
Look at this
little fake horse.
Probably stuffed
in its butt or something.
Guys do stupid stuff
like that.
What is going on up there?
You checking
behind pictures?
Just rip it.
Rip it apart!
Just grab it. Hurry,
let's make this quick.
This is exciting.
- I can't get it out.
- Oh, wow. Great.
Oh, my god.
Such a hoarder.
It's like having
Tarzan in the house.
Slow down.
- I'm gonna take a peek.
- No!
Come on, come on.
Answer me, come on!
Damn you,
tell me where it is!
Not so fast. I want in.
To be a witwiccan,
you have to be
a special person.
You, sir, are not.
Read me into the club
and I'll tell you.
Right here, now.
Over the phone?
That is absolutely
Over the phone.
Do it, englishman!
As the 12th Earl of folgan,
by the power imbued
by his majesty king Arthur
and his league of knights
of the round table,
I now Grant you,
Seymour rutherford
Entrance into...
"Admittance," not "entrance"!
Don't try to snooker me.
Get it right.
Enough, enough, enough.
Just tell me! Now!
Shh! Hush!
Shut up! "Shh"
What's the matter
with you all?
Stack six, row c.
Hurry, man,
they're dissolving
scrotums. Let's go.
I'm going! I'm going!
It's very confusing
talking to you.
Come on, old man,
get there!
Come on, Simmons,
you said no work today.
Let's get your pale-ass legs
and go to the beach.
I'm working here, all right?
Five minutes, I swear!
You always say
five minutes.
That means no.
Just go get
Rodrigo and Julio
and get the game started.
I hate Rodrigo.
I'll set and bump
with you in 10 minutes.
Okay, come on,
I'm in the middle
of something.
Okay, back.
They knew way back
in the dark ages
where the end would begin.
There is cybertron
and there is earth.
Only they don't
call it earth at all,
they never did.
They called it
something else.
One will suck
the other dry,
a giant succubus,
until only one remains.
Earth is unicron.
One day his horns
will rise to fight
the mad goddess quintessa.
She will end our planet
to resurrect her own.
Let's go. Hurry!
Oh, my lord.
Cogman, go!
Tell me where
it goes down.
I just dropped it to you.
The horns are the key
to the location.
Why are they spread out
all over the earth
in a jumble?
The answer, they aren't.
Time and mother nature
pulled them apart.
That's pangaea.
The supercontinent.
It's the same shape
on the round table.
Take a gander, folgers,
at what's smack
in the center
of that perfect circle.
That's stonehenge!
One of the greatest
mysteries of the ages.
No one understood
its purpose until now.
No one. Except me.
That's where it all begins.
You're the man
behind the man.
Do something.
I'll handle it,
brother Simmons, fear not.
I never had a brother.
Feels nice.
Beach time!
Ready? Whoo!
"Viviane followed Merlin."
What does that mean?
My secret cupboard!
Okay, okay.
"Viviane followed Merlin."
Only Merlin could wield
the magic staff.
Merlin and little girls,
of course.
Navy museum,
that's got to be
where the staff is.
Oh, my god,
it was in my hands
all along.
Alpha team, go, go, go.
British trf!
Come on!
I surrender.
My lord, trf
is on our tail.
Why'd you park
the decoy car so far away?
Oh, you are a fusspot!
Good. Don't let us
get caught, cogman.
My speciality, my lord.
Damn! You don't
have to kill people.
Get out of the way!
Which reminds me,
Agnes called.
Wondered if you're available
for a bit of a snuggle
this evening.
Oh, I'd love a snuggle
with Agnes.
Do I look available?
Move, bitch!
Get out of my way!
Kamikaze pilot!
Move, bitch!
Get out of my way!
Hello. Yes.
Navy museum.
Royal Navy museum.
I knew it!
Bee, I'm gonna
divert the cops!
A decepticon has been seen...
What do you mean,
Here's where
it gets intense.
More intense?
they're all around us
and I just have
so much road rage!
Actualize the rage.
That's it!
Oh, you want some?
Cogman, blast them!
Good boy.
It's a one-way street!
I'm not driving.
He's driving.
Bee, head right, haul ass!
That's how you get
to the big leagues.
Oh, that hurt.
What the hell?
You are out
of your mind!
Did we lose them?
Hey, stop!
- You didn't pay!
- Sorry.
It's all right, I've got them!
They just love submarines.
They're a bit rude.
Yes, they are, aren't they?
That's the modern generation.
And this museum
is closed for eternity.
All you boys
and girls, off the sub now!
Off the sub now!
Move, move, move!
Go on, push!
Move your fat ass!
Push! Squeeze!
Go, go, go!
This thing
isn't gonna run.
The mission's in deep,
unexplored waters.
It's wonderful!
And the sour-sweet musk
of men in close quarters.
It's quite
disgusting, really.
But now this,
the greatest mission
of them all,
one that I have longed for
my entire life...
To help turn the tide
of human history, you know?
Now, alas,
I can no longer join you.
But, my lord,
you have been waiting
for this moment for 71 years.
I know, I know, but I'm not
knighthood material,
I'm afraid.
And, uh...
You have your mission,
and I have mine.
Oh, no, no.
You are not leaving
us in this tin can
with that four-foot
mental psychopath.
I don't think so.
I prefer
the word "sociopath."
Mr. Cade, everything
you've done in your life,
your pain
and your suffering,
the loss of your wife,
separation from
your daughter,
your financial difficulties,
it's all just been
a journey to this
very moment.
You talk a lot.
Yeah, I suppose I do.
Um, my dear,
uh, your father left
the alliance to you,
for you alone.
She knows the way
to the staff.
Good luck to both of you.
It won't be
the strangest thing
I've done today.
Hope the old girl's
still got it.
Good luck!
Oh, sh...
Okay. I didn't do that.
What do you mean, jumped?
The old world war ii sub
jumped its moorings.
They're in a transformer.
Can I get a look?
No, I'm looking.
Will you move?
God, get out of the way, man!
Is that water?
No shit, Sherlock.
Obviously, it's water.
Do you know
how to operate it?
You know how
to operate it, right?
He says
you're in charge
of this now.
Let me see. Let me see.
Don't touch me again!
Don't freak me out.
What happens
in the alien ship
stays in the alien ship.
I will eff you up!
Surface, I have
positive surface contact.
Track number 5205.
The sub must be heading
for open water,
directly towards
our strike group.
Okay, we have
to cut 'em off. Stop 'em.
Use whatever
assets we have.
Contact the zulu module.
Have all our subs
converge on that chokepoint.
Helm, all ahead flank.
sonar. Alien contact,
bearing 150,
range 1,000 yards.
Contact bearing 150.
We need to get
seal teams in dsvs.
We need to chase 'em.
Control. Ace one,
going to the bay.
Ace one, going to the bay.
Is that normal?
Perfectly normal, ma'am.
A nuclear-class
attack submarine
is on our stern.
Quick, follow me. Quick.
It's your sub, not mine.
My sub? Seven hours ago,
i was just a professor.
All right,
All right, let's move.
Let's move.
Put it in high gear.
stay on our tail.
Conn, sonar.
Alien contact,
1,000 yards and closing.
An alarm on a sub
is not a good thing.
Why did he
send us up here?
He got us up front
so we die first.
Let's let them know
we're here.
Warning shot.
Make tube one ready
in all respects.
Shoot tube one.
Conn, sonar.
Alien contact going vertical.
Hold on!
Conn, sonar.
It's coming back around.
It's gonna hit us!
Brace for impact!
Hold on!
Conn, sonar.
He's going deep!
We're clear for now.
Hands off! There is a time
and a place for everything.
This is not
the time nor the place.
Not now!
Where are you going?
Away from here.
That little sicko
just shot himself out
like a torpedo!
I know! I saw it!
Those are
your peoples.
Good afternoon.
Is the, uh,
prime minister in?
The prime minister,
who else?
It's very urgent.
Oh, it's urgent, is it?
Why didn't you say so?
Oh. Thank you.
I'll use the old entrance.
Good afternoon.
Get in there.
Oh, my... sorry.
Oh, I just got this thing
that was on my arm
and it's, like,
just moving all around.
Yeah. It seems
to not be, um... if you'd...
It's just sort of slithery...
from the arm to the...
Yeah, it's coming down.
It's going down
your pants there.
And is it tight
or gripping on?
It doesn't hurt,
but I don't know
what it does.
It's like some
worthless alien junk.
I think the purpose...
I think the...
We'll find out
what the purpose is.
If... if you want to.
Cogman! What is...
What is all this?
End of the world.
I thought a meal,
a last meal,
would be in order.
Great. I'm starving.
No canoodling.
Wait, cogman?
Yep. My daughter would...
So my grandma said...
My daughter
would love this.
My grandma
would absolutely...
She keeps saying
I've got to move on.
Yeah, I was about to say.
She would love it.
Yes, all the time!
What does she say?
"Go on a date,
get a boyfriend."
Is this a date?
No. God, it's not
a date. No.
It's just that...
It's romantic.
Sushi a la cogman!
Wow! Looks great.
No sacrifice,
no victory.
Is the president
in his bunker?
He is.
How about putin?
Son of a bitch.
Are you the new
prime minister?
Security, my office, now!
Oh, I'm sorry. Well,
i used the old entrance.
That door is used
for extraordinary
and these circumstances
are quite extraordinary.
I will keep this
very simple.
Nasty little fellow.
I let him out,
we all die
terrible deaths.
Do you understand?
Thank you.
Now, my name
is sir Edmond Burton,
her majesty's royal Navy,
order of the witwiccans,
keeper of the secret history
of transformers
here on earth...
Witwiccans, yes.
But erm, they all died out.
Not all of them.
Not yet, anyway.
But I do need you to marshal
all your resources...
Hold on. You have just...
Best shut up.
Emerged from
the wall and now...
Let me finish. Let me...
Shut up!
Shut up.
Okay. As I said,
i need you to marshal
all your resources,
all your military assets.
Because as you no doubt
have surmised,
the world is going to end,
and I know where. And when.
You are the first
to see this ship
since the dark ages.
Your talisman is the key
to unlocking this ship.
Sonar has
about 800 meters.
I think I got
a bogey at four o'clock.
We're starting to see it
through the murk.
There's lights down here.
Oh, my god. Look at that.
It's a big alien ship.
Topside, are you
catching this?
It's massive.
The ship knows
we're here.
Stay on his tail.
Oh, shit.
The door just sealed.
Try those tubes.
Dsv-2, stay close.
Stay close.
Topside, we're going in.
We're gonna lose
radio contact.
We're in a current!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Steady, steady, steady!
Use the arms
to keep us...
Keep control!
Stay off the wall!
Hold it!
Stay off the wall!
What now?
You're the last knight.
You're the Earl's
special guy.
You figure it out.
Let's go.
I'm not going
in that water.
My gears would be sucked
into my main shaft.
Now you're both
on my shit list.
We were blinded.
Blinded by the sun.
The planet hid its approach
behind our star.
It seems to be acting
Dozens of strikes
currently modeled.
First impact
will be Alpha station.
There is no escape pod.
Earth will follow
two hours later.
Dominic modeled
potential casualties
in the tens of millions.
There's two moons!
There's two moons!
The world is ending?
Some are saying that
it's going to be
a global killer.
Human civilization
as we know it
will change in 12 hours.
The destruction, we're told
by experts, will be immense.
This is unbelievable.
it is unbelievable.
What does the old man
want us to do?
Bee, go around,
find another way! Come on!
Are you serious?
Think I like winding up
in a place like this?
It wants us
to go this way.
Daytrader! Son of a bitch
actually came through
with our ship!
We are going to england.
Things are likely
to get nasty. Real nasty.
Hey, can I come?
He might need me.
Oh, little lady, hell,
i ain't no earth parent.
Hop aboard.
Take a field trip
to the front lines.
Let's go make some noise.
Let's give 'em hell.
I'm driving.
Hey, Cade,
I'm reluctant
to say this to you, but
I think that you're quite,
you know, brave.
Is that a compliment?
You could throw one
back my way.
Well, that's got
to happen organically.
I was the first
off the sub.
Hold it! Hold.
I think it's here!
It's a tomb.
Station, Houston.
Page five of the safe zone
config procedure.
Take thrusters to auto.
It's happening.
It's in
our atmosphere now.
Iss is our first hit.
manifolds both failed.
No thrusters available.
Conjunction is imminent.
Good luck and godspeed.
Move in, move in, check up.
Knights are always
guarding something.
Hang on. Look at this.
It's Celtic.
It's Merlin.
It's real.
All of it!
Wait, what does this say?
It means,
"no one shall have it."
Wait a minute.
We came all the way
down here, all this,
and you're not
gonna open it?
Of course
I'm going to open it.
Good. Let's go.
Ready? Let's do this.
You got to be kidding me.
We've come
all this way for this?
For your ugly
great-great granddad's bones
in a box
and some stupid stick?
You got to be
kidding me.
How are we gonna
save the world with this?
I could've cut an oak tree
down at my house and...
Don't say a word. Okay?
The smooth little
romantic accent's
not gonna work right now.
I'm speechless.
Thank god.
Maybe someone stole it?
No, there's something else.
It's got to be here somewhere.
I didn't come
all this way for nothing.
The whole world's at stake.
the meters are freaking.
I got thermals everywhere.
These things, they...
They could still be alive.
The hell happened
to you?
Who has come
for the staff?
Shoot him! Shoot him!
Get out!
I'm going to distract him.
Get out of here.
I have the staff!
Hit it!
Protect the staff.
Take his eyes out!
Whoa, who, whoa,
this thing's moving.
Corner her!
Drop the weapon.
Do it!
You drop it, or I will.
You don't know
what you're doing,
Lennox. Stop!
All I want is that weapon!
Go ahead, shoot me!
Only I can wield it.
Go on!
Do it!
Shoot me!
You don't know
what you're doing, Lennox.
Protect the staff.
I've come for that staff.
What are you doing?
Give it to me.
It's me, Cade.
We fought together.
I fight for my own kind!
My own planet!
This isn't you, prime.
Give me
the staff, human.
I will kill you.
Give it to him.
Who dares
to challenge me?
It's all wrong, bee.
Something happened.
That is not optimus.
You got to find him, bee.
Remember zb-7?
You got to be
that autobot again.
Look you got
to get back to the sub,
all right? Get out of here.
Wait, what about you?
Bee's always had my back.
It's my turn to have his. Go.
All right,
get back to the dsv.
Let them know
up top that we lost
control of the weapon.
Roger that, sir.
You heard him.
Back to the sub!
We're gonna find him.
Come on,
we got to get to the top!
Holy shit. Holy shit.
We can make it! Come on!
Watch out,
big wave coming!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I am Nemesis prime.
You are nothing!
Move it!
Air's gonna be
on station 14 to 16.
Toc, it looks like
we have a surfaced alien ship.
Lightning 4
has visual on optimus.
Prime! Prime, stop!
Prime, you got to stop!
Please! Don't do this!
Look at me, prime.
What are you doing?
It's bee!
Prime! You can't do this.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Stop! No!
I am Bumblebee,
your oldest friend.
I would lay down
my life for you.
Bumblebee. Your voice.
I have not heard it
since cybertron fell.
What have I done?
You blew
your chance to kill unicron.
I knew you couldn't do it.
Your time is over, prime.
You failed.
You turned your back
on cybertron.
Now you will watch
earth die.
Not going so well.
You betrayed your own kind.
No, prime, get up!
You chose the wrong side.
The guardian knights
are going to kill me.
is the great deceiver!
The judgment is death.
Seglass ni tonday.
Seglass ni tonday.
Seglass ni tonday.
Cade, I have failed you.
I have doomed earth.
Earth, the only place
in the universe
whose people
let me call it
Only you can
make it right, prime.
I can't do it
without you.
One moment,
that's all we got.
It's up to you, prime.
Because without you,
we all die.
It's now or never.
My brothers,
I will never
betray you again.
I am optimus prime.
To save earth,
we must go to cybertron
and destroy quintessa.
The ship is coming.
It is beautiful.
Optimus prime gave us
the coordinates
for the endgame.
It's an ignition chamber.
The weapon's going up there.
Get preds
and satellites eyes on.
Find it and prepare
to engage.
Cyclops, 21,000 feet.
Eyeball target,
ignition chamber.
We found it.
Prime's coordinates are good.
- Contact, ignition chamber.
- Target in sight.
Ignition chamber,
ignition chamber.
We've got to figure out
what makes it tick.
We've got to shut it down!
Come on, come on, come on!
Good to see you.
Let's get out of here!
Let's go!
General, we're gonna prep
a halo jump
on that ignition chamber.
Planes will never nav
through those vines.
Lennox, trust me.
That's our ride right there.
Our autobot ship.
Put the ospreys in that.
It'll get us up there.
Autobot ship's gonna
drop the ospreys.
They'll virtually
glide to the lz.
It's gonna be high-risk.
They want to do what
at 20,000 feet?
Sir, there's this girl.
Woman, actually. Teacher.
She plays a little Polo.
Well, that's fantastic.
They're gonna
break her into the chamber
to steal the staff.
Okay, that is
the dumbest idea
you could possibly have!
Personally, I'm gonna
rely on physics
and mathematics
to save the planet,
not mysticism, fairies,
and some hobgoblins.
I've lived for this.
I've lived to kill a planet!
For our world,
i activate this portal!
You wretched human!
You got my message.
You brought everyone here.
Come on.
I just found optimus prime!
He's gonna deal with
all this shit!
He's gonna save
our asses!
I brought the troops, man.
I brought the troops.
Knights, autobots,
this cannot
and will not be the end.
To save earth
and her people,
we are going to steal
quintessa's staff.
Only you, viviane,
can take it back.
I will lead the way
into her chamber.
And when the account
of the ages is etched
into the cosmos,
let those who exist
long after us know
that this was
our finest hour.
Love that guy.
Goosebumps every time.
I never got to say hi.
Here they come.
You think
there's enough?
No, not even close.
My lord!
Lord folgan!
I had it, cogman.
I had my moment.
You did, my lord.
This is the hardest part
of my job.
Watching folgans die.
Thank you, cogman.
Carry on.
Of all the earls
i have had the pleasure
to serve,
you were by far
the coolest.
I have found
your staff of power.
There is only one
who can hurt us.
I felt her.
She must not enter.
My army will stop them.
Watch as our world heals
and theirs dies.
A world reborn!
It's coming.
It's gonna crush us.
Get that ship clear
of the crush zone now!
We got to bail!
Move to the ospreys!
Move, move, move!
To the ospreys!
That thing's gonna
roll right over us!
Preliminary numbers
are starting to come in.
Literally scraping away
cities. Millions will die.
It's using earth's
geothermal energy
to reconstitute,
to rebuild itself,
all right?
If our core cools,
which is rapidly cooling
right now,
the magnetic field dissolves,
exposing us
to high levels
of cosmic radiation.
Maybe you'll understand this.
The earth becomes
a microwave.
We're the popcorn.
Jiffy pop bag goes
We fry.
Very mean looking.
Oh, they look
like wusses to me.
No, they all messed up.
Two minutes!
Hey, two minutes!
That thing kill
We do.
"A few brave warriors
willing to sacrifice all."
I told my students
that was bullshit.
Load out, let's go!
What are you
doing tomorrow?
Are you asking me
that now?
Yeah, I am.
No plans? Good.
Get in the plane.
Let's go, let's go!
Let's step it up!
Strap in.
It's gonna be a rough ride.
I'm gonna hook you up.
Pull it down tight, right?
Just this one?
You jump...
Then pull this, right?
This is the one
i pull, right?
Pull? Just pull it?
You just pull it
as hard as you can?
Are you all right?
Can I borrow your cell phone?
I've got to text my daughter.
All right.
Thank you.
Target in sight.
Contact, ignition chamber.
Strike package.
Execute. Execute.
Fight's on,
fight's on, fight's on.
Bogeys inbound.
Bogeys inbound.
Bee, get to your ship.
Good luck.
Thirty seconds to drop!
Those birds better be
softening our target.
You're not giving me
that warm,
fuzzy feeling, Lennox.
The osprey's
flight ceiling
is 12,000 feet.
We're double that.
The air's too thin,
the rotor's got no grab.
We're gonna be
coming in hard.
It's all bad news.
Oh, yeah.
All good, yeager?
You got something to say?
You and your guys
never stopped hunting me.
You were with them.
With "them"?
I believed in
one of the great ones.
Optimus prime.
And his crew.
I never lost faith.
You did.
The whole world did.
Now you want
to fly with me.
Well, I appreciate you guys
making the trip. Thank you.
Get that staff,
we all go home.
Lennox, your team is to hold.
Strike fighters
are getting shot down.
Oh. No, it's now or never.
Pilots, go now! Go!
Hang on!
What are you doing here?
I don't know.
But you said
we were family.
No, I didn't mean...
We got to get her
off here now.
It was probably
a bad idea.
Six birds out of the nest.
All ospreys clear.
Push the target,
push the target.
Hang on!
It's okay.
It's okay.
All fast
movers, distract, distract.
Keep those enemies
away from the ospreys!
Bogeys dead ahead!
spread it out, spread it out.
Those fighters
better distract
those enemy ships!
I got
bogeys coming in hot,
one o'clock.
I got three bogeys.
Watch the rotor!
Sir, bird three
just went down!
There's our landing zone.
Take that big gun out.
Viper flight,
focus on that gun.
Hold on, we're going down!
It's gonna be a hard hit.
Don't slide off
the edge!
Brace, brace, brace!
Two's down, two's down.
Brace for impact!
- Out of the bird!
- Grab a buddy!
Get out
of the bird! Go!
Back up. Hurry up, back up.
Enemy fighters!
That gun emplacement
is tearing us apart!
There's the ignition
chamber, dead ahead!
Air cover
not coming. Unable.
Let's ride, bee!
Let's kick ass!
Push right to the crater!
Let's go!
Pinned down
with the hound!
No way. Where's optimus?
They said
he never made it.
We got
the big gun on us!
We're pinned down!
Negative to target.
Unable to advance.
- Get back here, Izzy!
- Izzy!
I'll be right back!
It's just a cluster
effin' thingamabob!
Sqweeks! Hey, hey...
Look, I need you
to blow that gun up!
You're small
and you're ugly. No one's
gonna see you coming.
Blow it up!
transform. Kill them!
I don't have enough ammo
for that thing.
I got him!
Bee and hot rod
are down! Autobots down!
Where's prime?
Ay, chihuahua.
It's a no-go,
We're pinned down!
Yeah, well, that hobgoblin
stuff didn't work, did it?
I got a hail Mary.
How about physics?
Okay, I just did
the simulation.
It's like if Tiger Woods
was making a big divot
with his nine-iron.
Stu, out! Come on, man.
All right, there's a chunk
right here that's held up
by thin vines.
You gotta blow up those vines,
use tactical nukes to blow out
the vines and let it swing.
Okay, you let gravity
do the rest.
The chamber comes down,
the energy transfer stops,
and the earth is saved.
You're welcome.
I need tac-nuke authority.
Lennox team,
we are pulling you out.
Mission's over.
Laze targets for incoming
strike fighters.
Then I'm ordering you
to bail.
Roger that. Picture's up.
I see it, I see it.
We got a new target!
Three o'clock high!
Laze the new target
for incoming birds.
They're gonna bring
that whole thing down on us.
Hey! We're not giving up
on prime, okay?
He's gonna be here!
They just changed
the whole plan.
We can't get inside.
The operation is over.
We stay, we're dead.
I have
to get in there!
Everybody, grab your chutes,
we're bailing!
Fight, fight, fight.
Fight's on.
Good job, little friend.
- Laze the target!
- Move, move, move!
Let's move!
Let's move out!
We got you covered! Move!
You ugly mess!
Did you forget who I am?
I am optimus prime.
Autobots, attack!
Laze the target!
Laze it, laze it, laze it.
Laser paint
confirmed. Laser paint
confirmed on target.
Come on!
Silver arrows, fire.
Missiles away,
missiles away.
Go, go!
Come on, let's go
i don't think
i can do this.
Nine seconds.
We're going home, Izzy.
Mademoiselle, don't go!
Where is viviane?
She's gone, boss.
They're all chickening out.
What if you're wrong,
Lennox? What if
it doesn't work?
It's gonna work!
Look, we're doing
this together, okay?
Here we go.
Hit it, hit it, hit it...
We got to go!
We're bailing.
What are you doing?
It's just dusty old books.
She's got to be
kidding me. Shit!
Viviane! Get in here!
My little lady.
Aah! Wait!
Command, be advised,
ignition chamber
is tumbling.
I repeat, chamber is broke
loose. It is falling.
The energy transfer
is still continuing
t-minus 55 minutes
and counting.
I can't believe
it didn't work.
General, I'm in my chute.
The chamber
is still arcing power.
I don't think it worked.
- No!
- Hold on!
Follow me.
I'm gonna lead the way
okay, there it is.
Grab the staff,
All right, go!
Watch out, watch out!
Stop the time!
Gonna blow
your head off,
Sayonara, bubblehead!
Megatron, kill her!
We were brothers once.
Oh, we're going
weightless. Weightless!
Grab my hand.
Don't let it go!
get off our planet!
You traitor!
Say hello to my friend,
Sting like a bee.
I'll save you!
I stop the time.
Is it tomorrow yet?
At the heart
of every legend,
there is truth.
A few brave souls unite
to save their worlds.
We can be heroes
in our own lives,
every one of us,
if we only have
the courage to try.
You saved prime.
Our fates
were always intertwined.
But now our worlds
are joined as one.
We need to repair
our planets.
Work together...
If we wish to survive.
Crazy family, huh?
You did good, bro.
Real good.
A dangerous secret
is buried
deep inside the earth.
There is more to this planet
than meets the eye.
I am optimus prime,
calling all autobots.
It is time
to come home.
Are you lost?
I wouldn't do that.
Don't touch him.
He doesn't like it.
Who doesn't like what?
But I could show you
how to kill him.