Transformers: The Movie, The (1986)

Orbilus, look! It's Unicron!
The ships! Get to the ships!
It's our only chance!
Kranix! Ahh!
It is the year 2005.
The treacherous decepticons
have conquered the autobots'
home planet of Cybertron.
But from secret staging grounds
on two of Cybertron's moons
the valiant autobots prepare
to retake their homeland.
Ironhide, report to me at once.
Every time I look into
a monitor, Prime,
my circuits sizzle.
When are we gonna
start busting decepti-chops?
I want you to make a special run
to Autobot City on Earth.
- But, Prime--
- listen, Ironhide,
we don't have enough
energon cubes
to power a full-scale assault.
Ready the shuttle for launch!
Your days are numbered now,
Jazz, report security status.
No sign of decepticons here,
What about Moonbase Two?
Jazz to Moonbase Two.
Jazz to Moonbase Two.
Bumblebee and Spike here.
We're about to
send up a shuttle.
Any decepticon shenanigans
in your area?
All clear, Jazz.
Hey, Ironhide, tell my son,
Daniel, I miss him.
And tell him not to worry.
I'll be coming home as soon as
we've kicked Megatron's tail
across the galaxy.
Will do, Spike.
commence countdown.
Five, four, three,
two, one.
Now, all we need is a little
energon and a lot of luck.
Laserbeak returns, Megatron.
Welcome, Laserbeak.
Unlike some of my other warriors
you never fail me.
Soundwave, play back
Laserbeak's findings.
As you command, Megatron.
I want you to make a special run
to Autobot City on Earth.
- But, Prime--
- listen, Ironhide,
we don't have enough
energon cubes
to power a full-scale assault.
Ready the shuttle for launch!
Now, all we need is a little
energon and a lot of luck.
More than you imagine,
Optimus Prime.
Die, autobots!
This was almost too easy,
Much easier, almighty Megatron,
than attacking the real threat--
the autobots' moonbase.
You're an idiot, Starscream
when we slip by their early
warning systems
in their own shuttle
and destroy Autobot City
the autobots
will be vanquished forever!
Such heroic nonsense.
Fish are jumping today,
huh, Danno?
- I guess so.
- Hey, what's the matter?
Oh, I don't know, Hotrod.
Come on, you can tell me.
I guess I just miss my dad.
Don't worry,
Spike'll be back soon.
Oh, hey! I got something!
Wow! Look at the size of it!
Yep, it's a whopper all right!
Hotrod, the shuttle's coming!
Let's watch it land!
Talk about dull, Daniel.
Hurry or we'll miss it!
If you're gonna ride, Danno,
ride in style!
Let's stop here!
Why settle for a peek, Daniel,
when you can see everything
from lookout mountain?
A little to the left.
A little bit more.
Turbo-revvin' young punk--
I'll straighten you out yet!
Hotrod, look!
There's a hole in the shuttle!
What's that darn fool doing?
Come on down, autobrat!
Huh, not bad for an old-timer.
That's something you'll never be
if you don't get
back to the city.
Save it, Kup!
Let's burn rubber!
Ultra Magnus,
a cursory evaluation
of decepticon capability
indicates a distinct
tactical deficiency.
In other words, Perceptor?
We're outnumbered!
Springer, you and Arcee
transform Autobot City.
Perceptor, tell Blaster to radio
Prime for reinforcements.
What about me, Magnus?
What about me? Huh? Huh? Huh?
I can help. I wanna help.
What about me?
Blurr, you can help me
alert the others.
Absolutely positively
Nobody can get the job done
faster than I can. Nobody!
Come on, Arcee, let's go!
But Hotrod and Kup
are still outside the city!
We can't wait.
They'll have to take care
of themselves. Come on!
Pathetic fools!
There's no escape!
Ah! My foot!
Breach their defenses!
Mm, delicious. Eh, scrapmate?
Er, a little heavy
on the electrons, electron.
The insecticons
are in our way!
They're our way in!
Look out and shout! Ow!
Hey, Perceptor, what's shaking
--other than this fortress?
Blaster, Ultra Magnus
sends orders
to contact Optimus Prime
on Moonbase One.
All right,
cover your receptors, Perceptor!
Optimus Prime, do you read me?
The decepticons
are blitzing Autobot City.
We're really taking a pounding!
Don't know how much longer
we can hold out.
jam that transmission!
Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Ratbat--
eject. Operation: Interference!
Optimus Prime,
do you read me?
The decepticons are blitzing
Autobot City.
We're really taking...
first we crack the shell,
then we crack the nuts inside!
Hey! Run, Blaster!
Save yourself!
No way! Two can play!
Sic 'em!
Do you think
you got through to Prime?
Let's hope so. Cos if I didn't
we're all gonna look like
burnt-out toaster ovens.
We've got decepticons at the
gates! Decepticons in the air!
Decepticons inside the
walls! Decepticons! Decepticons!
If we beat them at the walls
they're still in the air,
so where does that leave us?
Nowhere, that's where!
Come on, Arcee, we gotta get
this launcher into place.
Megatron's making his big push
and we gotta push back!
Keep at it, Springer, my boy,
help's to hand!
Together now.
I was afraid you'd be trapped
outside the city.
Unh! Hey, I wasn't worried
for a microsecond.
Then you probably didn't
understand the situation.
That did it.
merge for the kill!
Kup, Hotrod, look!
for extermination!
I got better things
to do tonight than die.
Their defenses are
broken, let the slaughter begin!
Dinobots, destroy Devastator!
Me, Grimlock, love challenge!
Dinobots transform!
Megatron must be stopped...
no matter the cost.
One shall stand, one shall fall.
Why throw away your life
so recklessly?
That's a question you should
ask yourself, Megatron.
No, I'll crush you
with my bare hands!
I've got to help Prime!
Stay away, lad,
that's Prime's fight!
I'll rip out your optics!
Finish him off, Prime!
Do it now!
No more, Optimus Prime!
Grant me mercy, I beg of you!
You, who are without mercy,
now plead for it?
I thought you were
made of sterner stuff.
No, you don't, Megatron!
Out of the way, Hotrod!
Fall! Fall!
I would've waited
an eternity for this
it's over, Prime.
Optimus... forgive me.
How do you feel,
mighty Megatron?
Astrotrain, transform
and get us out of here.
Don't leave me, Soundwave.
As you command, Megatron.
The decepticons are retreating.
Prime did it,
he turned the tide.
Astrotrain, take off!
I fear the wounds are fatal.
Prime, you can't die!
Do not grieve.
Soon I shall be
one with the matrix.
Ultra Magnus,
it... it is to you, old friend...
I shall pass
the matrix of leadership
as it was passed to me.
But, Prime,
I am... just a soldier, I...
I'm not worthy.
nor was I,
but one day an autobot
shall rise from our ranks
and use the power of the matrix
to light... our darkest hour.
Until that day...
till all are one...
Jettison some weight or I'll
never make it to Cybertron!
Fellow decepticons!
Astrotrain has requested
that we lighten our burden.
In that case I say it is
survival of the fittest.
Do I hear a second on that?
And against?
The ayes have it!
- Get! Make room for others!
- Don't!
Oh, how it pains me to do this.
I still function.
Wanna bet?
Well, as Megatron has,
how shall we say, departed,
I nominate myself
as the new leader.
Wait, the constructicons
formed Devastator,
the most powerful robot.
We should rule!
Soundwave superior.
Constructicons inferior.
Who are you calling inferior?!
Nobody would follow an
uncharismatic bore like you!
Hey, nobody calls
Soundwave uncrassimatic!
Yeah, let's kick tailgate!
Constructicons unite!
No way!
Welcome, Megatron.
Who... who said that?
I... am Unicron.
Show yourself.
I have summoned you here
for a purpose.
Nobody summons Megatron.
Then it pleases me
to be the first.
State your business.
This is my command.
You are to destroy the
autobot matrix of leadership.
It is the one thing,
the only thing,
that can stand in my way.
You have nothing to fear.
I have already crushed Optimus
Prime with my bare hands.
You exaggerate.
The point is, he's dead.
And the matrix died with him.
No, the point is you are a fool.
The matrix has been passed
to their new leader,
Ultra Magnus.
- Destroy it for me.
- Why should I?
What's in it for me?
Your bargaining posture
is highly dubious.
Very well, I will
provide you with a new body
and new troops to command.
- And?
- And nothing!
You belong to me now.
I belong to nobody!
Perhaps I misjudged you.
on your way to oblivion.
Ah! No! No!
I accept your terms! I accept!
Behold... Galvatron!
And these shall be your minions.
Scourge, the tracker.
And his huntsmen-- the sweeps.
the warrior and his armada.
And this shall be your ship.
Now go.
Destroy the autobot matrix.
I will rip open Ultra Magnus
and every other autobot
until the matrix
has been destroyed.
To Cybertron!
Destroy the matrix.
Get on with the ceremony!
My fellow decepticons
as your new leader, I...
who disrupts my coronation?!
"Coronation", Starscream?
This is bad comedy.
Megatron? Is that you?
Here's a hint!
Will anyone else
attempt to fill his shoes?
What did he say his name was?
Long live Galvatron!
Where'd that come from?
Who cares? I'm more worried
about where it's going!
Talk to me, Earth,
we got a situation out here!
Roger me, wilco me, anything!
Hello, hello, Earth!
I'm picking up a faint signal.
This is Jazz. A ginormous,
weird-looking planet
just showed up
in the suburbs of Cybertron.
And it's
attacking Moonbase One!
Jazz! Cliffjumper!
Got to blast free, if we can!
Ignition and... hit it!
Jazz, we're not getting away!
This is Spike and Bumblebee
up here on Moonbase Two.
This thing... this monster planet
just ripped
the first moon to shreds
and it's heading this way!
We'll try and slow it down.
But you'd better get here fast
because we're not gonna...
activate the explosives!
If this doesn't stop it,
nothing will.
The explosives are activated,
let's get out of here!
It's gonna blow!
- Hooray! We've done it!
- We did it!
Way to go!
- Look!
- It isn't even dented.
Oh, shit,
what are we gonna do now?
We're being
sucked into it!
How dare Unicron? Cybertron
and all its moons belong to me!
Remember, we belong to him.
I belong to nobody!
I will obey... Unicron.
Decepticons, to Earth!
Autobots, prepare to
board the shuttles.
This new menace
is more dangerous
than all the decepticons
put together.
Somehow we must destroy it
before it devours Cybertron.
But what about my dad?
He's on the moon between that
monster planet and Cybertron.
Daniel, we'll do everything
we can for Spike.
And what are we gonna do
when we get there?
If that thing crunches moons
it'll make short work of us.
Maybe the matrix can stop it.
You're right, it can!
What do you know about it, lad?
I just got this feeling.
To the shuttles!
I, Galvatron, will crush you
just as Megatron crushed Prime!
And you'll die trying,
just like Megatron.
Uh! Autobot scrap!
Do you want me
to gut Ultra Magnus?
There are plenty of autobots
for you. Ultra Magnus is mine!
Stay close to me, Daniel!
And you better stay close to me!
No, you'd better
stay close to me.
Nice dino, good dino,
sweet dino,
won't you step into
the nice spaceship for Blurr?
Pretty, pretty please? Nice
dino, good dino, sweet dino!
Me Grimlock, not nice dino!
Me bash brains!
Blurr, get the dinobots
in the shuttle!
I'm trying to get them
into the shuttle
cos I know we can't
launch the shuttle
until I get them
into the shuttle
but they're impossible,
impossible, impossible!
OK, forget it.
Kup, Hotrod, you guys
get the dinobots aboard
and get out of here.
Come on, you big bozo,
get in the shuttle!
This reminds me
of the battle on alpha 9.
The petrorabbits were...
Grimlock, get your noodle
out of my face!
Me Grimlock
love Kup's war stories!
You're living one now.
Engage the boosters,
for Cybertron's sake!
Tell Grimlock about
petro-rabbits again.
I'll give you petro-rabbits!
Looks like we're
shipmates, squirt!
All right!
But if you get spacesick
you're gonna walk home!
Wait, Ultra Magnus!
Arcee's still out there!
That was close.
Believe it or not,
this is the fun part.
autobots, we've lost them,
so rest while you can.
Yep, I remember,
the dust was so thick on beta 4
you had to use windshield wipers
on your optic sensors.
Me Grimlock
know all about wipers!
Want to hear good part of story!
Good part, Kup,
tell Swoop good part.
Well, the dust was really thick,
and then this gigantic icthyac
came tromping and stomping
down the mountain,
flames spewing out
of its nostrils,
and I thought for sure...
hey, Kup, don't you think we
have better things to do now
than tell old stories?
Like what?
Like maybe figure out
how we're gonna
rescue our friends
and then save Cybertron.
No! Tell story!
- Shh!
- Quiet!
We want to hear story!
- Grr!
- Time-out! Time-out! Time-out!
They're closing on us.
Yep, like the shrikebats
of Dromedon.
- How'd you beat them?
- I'm trying to remember.
There were an awful lot
of casualties that day.
Oh, yeah--
we inverted polarities!
They're coming back!
All right, we survived that!
Yeah, but will we survive this?
transform and attack.
I can't control it!
We're gonna crash!
Kup and Hotrod just bought it.
I can't deal with that now.
Face it, Magnus,
the decepticons are gonna dog us
until they see us dead!
Then that's exactly
what they're gonna see.
Prepare for
emergency separation.
- That's too dangerous!
- What choice do we have?
The autobots
have been terminated.
And the matrix with them.
Why?! Take me to Unicron.
Take me now!
Did we have to let them detonate
three-quarters of the ship?
Seeing as how they would have
detonated four-quarters,
I think it was a good choice.
But how are we gonna get there
in this wreck?
Perceptor, can you locate
a place to set down for repairs?
Gamma waves
in this sector of space
create marginal navigation
probabilities. However...
ahem... yes, I believe I can.
The planet of junk
is in this vicinity.
Then let's go for it.
Kup! Grimlock!
Slag! Anybody!
Hotrod! Help me!
Talk to me!
- Fix me...
- sure, Kup, right away.
Brace for impact!
Say something... anybody!
Remind me to give
the autopilot a raise.
I... I'm OK.
Let's try to salvage this thing.
Can I help too?
It's rough out there, kid.
I think Daniel can make himself
useful with this.
It was Spike's exo-suit.
Dad's exo-suit!
He told me all about it.
Here, try it on.
Now, try to walk.
Come on, you can do it.
Just think about what you
want to do before you do it.
It... it's kind of tricky.
Whoa! Oh!
Keep on practicing,
you'll get the hang of it.
Come on, showtime's over.
We've got work to do.
This must be the junk capital
of the universe.
Stop, thief!
No welcome-wagon hello stranger
with that good coffee
flavor for you.
Offer expires while you wait.
Operators are standing by.
That does it.
Well, what do you think?
Of all the circuit-glitched,
diode-blowing dim-wittery
you left a piece out!
No way!
You're just a little stiff.
Anyway, all things considered,
you did an amazing job, lad.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You even got rid of
that nasty burr in my rotator.
Now, let's find the dinobots
and get off this twisted planet.
Don't act hostile.
I'll use the universal greeting.
"Universal greeting"?
Watch, I'll have 'em
eating out of my hand.
Baa weep grahna
weep ninny bong!
"Baa weep grahna
weep ninny bong"?
Baa weep grahna
weep ninny bong.
See? The universal greeting
works every time.
Now, without making
any sudden moves,
offer them an energon goodie.
This is getting expensive!
Don't worry,
they'll reciprocate.
I thought they were
supposed to reciprocate?
No more!
Reminds me of the Nitith
slave mines on Galganas 7.
Every place
reminds you of someplace else.
Experience, lad, you should
learn to appreciate it.
Lot of good
it's done us so far.
Hey, what's going on over there?
Has the imperial magistrate
reached a verdict?
I have.
or innocent?
Feed him to the sharkticons.
We've got to get
a new travel agent.
What is this place?
The world of
the savage sharkticons
and their cruel masters,
the Quintessons.
I am Kranix.
My planet was
destroyed by Unicron.
Unicron? Who's Unicron?
A planet that devours
everything in its path.
So that's the monster's name.
No, please!
Ah! I'm the last survivor
of Lithone!
Let him go!
Soon you too
shall receive your sentence.
Has the imperial magistrate
reached a verdict?
I have.
Guilty or innocent?
Spare me
this mockery of justice!
I repeat, guilty or innocent?
Not the end I'd wish for, lad.
Me Swoop no see nothing.
Me Grimlock positive
Hotrod and Kup close
me Slag say you
full of beryllium baloney
me Grimlock say you
full of cesium salami!
Beryllium baloney!
Who say that?
you go wrong way.
You fool, I say.
Me Grimlock, fool?
Picture you got,
no fool you not!
Me Grimlock no like you.
Why boy hit my nose?
Wheelie save my friends today.
Me Grimlock say we on our way.
why did you torture me?!
- You have failed.
- No, Unicron!
Ultra Magnus is dead
and the matrix destroyed.
The matrix...
has not been destroyed.
And Ultra Magnus lives
on the planet of junk.
Stalk him. Tear him apart.
And destroy the matrix.
Be sure the fittings
are securely welded.
Absolutely, positively
I wouldn't do it
any other way!
Wow! This exo-suit's fantastic!
I think I'm starting to
get the hang of it.
We've got to draw them off
and double back to the shuttle.
There goes the shuttle!
What do I do?!
Transform! Transform! You can
do it, I know you can do it!
Human germ!
There they are. Attack!
Make a break for cover.
I'll try to unleash
the power of the matrix.
Till all are one!
Till all are one!
Open, damn it, open!
Prime, you said the matrix
would light our darkest hour.
Magnus! I want the matrix!
Sweeps, terminate him!
Unicron, my master,
with this I shall
make you my slave.
Before his imperial magistrate
delivers a verdict
would you like to
beg for your lives?
It sometimes helps,
but not often.
I can't transform.
Keep trying.
Silence or you will be held
in contempt of this court!
I have nothing but contempt
for this court.
Guilty or innocent?
They've got more sharkticons
than we have photon charges.
Then let's hold
a demolition derby.
Didn't even bend a fender!
Yeah, but look,
there are a lot more
of those can-diggin',
grill-crackin' things!
We can't hold out forever, Kup,
but we can give them
one humungous repair bill!
Execute them!
Excuse me!
Me Grimlock want to munch metal.
I never thought I'd be
so happy to see those big bozos!
Me Grimlock no bozo!
Me king!
Sharkticons, execute them!
Me Grimlock say execute them!
I think the problems
on this planet
will be solved very shortly.
Yeah, but what about
our problems? We need a ship.
You get ship if I get trip!
Who are you?
Him Wheelie.
Him friend!
He'll be mine too
if he can find a ship.
Give stare over there.
That's a ship?
Who cares, as long as it flies.
Ultra Magnus!
Without the matrix there is no
hope, no, hope, no hope at all.
First Prime, now Ultra Magnus.
What'll we do?
- Look!
Don't look behind
door number 2, Monty!
It's time to play
end of the line, my valentine.
It's not hard
to knock 'em down,
it's getting 'em to stay down
that's the trick.
They're indestructible!
And they're everywhere!
You check in
but you don't check out.
Steady as she goes, bob.
Snooping visitors getting mud in
the eye, by and by. Film at 11.
It's Hotrod!
And Kup and the dinobots!
Guns aren't exactly friendly.
Neither are they,
in case you haven't noticed.
What was that universal greeting
again? Never mind, I remember.
Baa weep grahna
weep ninny bong!
Baa weep grahna
weep ninny bong?
Baa weep grahna
weep ninny bong.
Baa weep grahna
weep ninny bong!
Baa weep grahna
weep ninny bong!
Ugh! Me Grimlock not kisser!
Me Grimlock king!
Have a nice day! Please close
cover before striking, friends! say the Junkions!
Where'd you learn
to talk like that?
TV. We talk TV.
You talk some TV?
I talk some TV-- and now
the news, don't touch that dial.
By George, Kemo Sabes,
your smashed-up friend soon like
brand-new with 90-day warranty.
Happy motoring!
Look, he's alive!
He's alive, I don't believe it!
You're... all alive.
The matrix...
has gone
and with it all hope.
- No!
- Galvatron has it!
Where's Galvatron? Where is he?
And the answer is...
Then we've got to
destroy Unicron.
Yes, friends,
and now destroy Unicron.
Kill the grand poobah!
Eliminate even
the toughest stain.
Help us, home us.
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Sale must end.
Rush right on down
and test-drive latest model
with no obligation.
New, improved Junkion planet
is sleek, sexy import
with turbo handling!
Yeah, destroy Unicron!
Kill the grand poobah!
Eliminate even
the toughest stains!
Destroy Unicron...!
Unicron, answer me!
See this? The matrix!
I now possess
that which you most fear.
You will do my bidding
or taste my wrath.
You underestimate me, Galvatron.
For a time...
I considered sparing
your wretched
little planet, Cybertron.
But now...
you shall witness...
its dismemberment!
Decepticons, we're under attack!
I don't believe it.
Doesn't this remind you
of anything, Kup?
I've never seen
anything like this before.
What happened to Moonbase Two?
Where's my dad?!
That's what
we're gonna find out.
Framed in enamel!
Resists fire, rain and corrosion
for up to 5 years.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Or your money back!
- Where's Hotrod?
- I don't know.
But I hope they didn't get him!
Quick, this way!
The matrix!
It will do you no good, autobot.
It cannot be opened.
Not by a decepticon.
Like it or not, we are allies
now against a common foe.
Destroy him, Galvatron.
Or you yourself
shall be obliterated.
Of course, my master!
Puny autobot,
you lack even Prime's courage!
Me Grimlock kick butt!
Me Grimlock need new strategy.
Arcee! Kup!
Dad, what can I do?!
Knock down the acid cover!
Blast it, son!
But I don't have a gun!
Use your exo-suit!
Daniel! You did it!
Yeah! I did it!
Come out, autobot!
We all must die sometime.
Not today, Galvatron!
I will crush you
with my bare hands.
Die autobot!
First Prime,
then Ultra Magnus
and now... you.
It's a pity
you autobots die so easily
or I might have
a sense of satisfaction now.
Arise, Rodimus Prime.
This is the end of the road,
Now light our darkest hour.
Spike! Daniel!
Springer, what's going on?!
No time to answer that now -
let's get out of here!
transform and roll out!
I knew you had potential, lad.
You cannot...
Let this mark the end
of the Cybertronian Wars
as we march forward to a new age
of peace and happiness!
Till all are one!
Till all are one!
Till all are one!
Till all are one!