Tres metros sobre el cielo (Three Steps Above Heaven) (2010)

One day it happens.
You're standing somewhere
and you realize you don't want
to be any of those around you.
You don't want to be
the dick head you just beat up.
Your honour, I've got
Or your father,
or your brother,
or anyone
in your fucking family.
Son of a bitch!
The accused will stand.
This court finds
Hugo Olivera Castro
guilty of assault,
Or the judge.
And sentences him
to 18 months in prison,
commuted to a fine of 6,000 euros
as this is a first offense.
Or even yourself.
Court is adjourned.
You just want to run away.
You must be careful
from now on.
There can be
no more violent incidents.
Another offense
means you'll go to prison.
Hugo, are you listening?
- Why didn't mom come?
- She's on a trip.
And don't call me Hugo.
Get the hell out
of wherever you are.
Come on!
And suddenly it happens.
Something clicks.
And you know that
things are going to change.
They've changed already.
Dog face!
Yeah, you!
Dog face.
And they'll never
be the same again.
- Bye, dad.
- Bye.
And when it happens,
you know.
- Babi!
- Okay.
Good morning.
- May I?
- Late.
Close your notebooks, please.
She'll pick me.
Fernndez Camino,
Luna Vergara,
and Dueas Martn....
No, she's outside.
Take your phone.
Domus itinere
On the way home
he had to walk a lot.
A lot.
You'll have to study a lot
to get into college.
Miss Alczar,
won't you take my call?
Sit down.
We'll continue. De strictus
sensi cui super impia.
I'm sorry.
- It's OK.
- Silence!
Mara, doing it a few times
doesn't mean you're dating.
So what? Anyway, his pals
told me he never calls.
And you believe his pals?
Just look at them.
change your tie.
This looks better.
- Girls, are you ready?
- Yes, mom.
If you want a lift,
we're leaving now!
With this make-up,
how old do I look?
At least 15.
But I am 15.
Let's see.
Like that,
you're about to turn 16.
I wouldn't ask, but it's urgent.
I need 400 euros for my bike.
- It's in the repair shop!
- Don't worry about that now.
We've got a new contest
on the Bandstand!
Are you ready?
The countdown has started!
Who'll be king of the Bandstand?
On your marks! Get ready!
Three! Four!
Five! Six!
Don't act like you're desperately
seeking someone.
But I am.
There he is!
- Don't go....
- Hi, Rubn!
Shit, with all that make-up
I didn't recognize you.
Would you like something?
Yes, come on.
Thirty one!
Thirty two!
Thirty three!
- Thirty four!
- That's the first one down!
I thought you weren't coming!
I was at another party,
but it was full of gays.
A real bore.
Someone else who was bored
brought me here.
That's him,
chasing Berta's brother.
- Happy birthday!
- Oh, yes!
Thank you.
Want some?
No? Well, the drinks
are back there
and there's a bar outside.
See you later!
I love this song.
Let's talk to my new gay friend.
Fifty one! Fifty two!
Fifty three!
Travolta, you're slipping!
Fifty six! Fifty seven!
Eighty two! Eighty three!
Eighty four! Eighty five!
Ten seconds! Come on!
Let's have a final sprint!
One, two, three,
four, five, six...
Come on!
Seven, eight,
- and ten!
- Ten!
There's a new king
of the Bandstand!
Chino has lost his throne
after two years!
There's a private party up town!
- Can we go?
- Sure, I've got tickets!
- Coming?
- Not to a rich kids' party.
Will you ever forgive me?
I've been looking for a reason
to do it, but I can't find one.
Typical of a woman.
See? That ''typical''
is what ruins everything.
You're beautiful tonight.
Alicia, your brother rang,
he's coming with some friends.
But I'm an only child!
- Yes?
- Hello!
- Who's my brother?
- Sis!
There are canaps....
Listen to the music!
My little sister!
Close the door!
What do you want?
My purse.
- Take it.
- I can't.
Some idiot got it first.
Didn't your mother tell you
not to snoop in girls' purses?
I don't know my mother.
- But I'd tell yours something.
- Really? What?
You can't go around
with just 50 euros.
That's my week's allowance.
- It was.
- Now I'll go hungry.
If you want,
I'll buy you lunch tomorrow.
You know what?
When I'm paying,
I like to choose my company.
- What's that?
- Never mind!
Stop it! Stop!
Holy shit!
Forget about lunch.
What would we do after?
Tell jokes?
Look, I wouldn't laugh at yours
and you wouldn't understand mine.
The jokes, I mean.
If you dare take any alcohol
I'll tell mom.
Excuse me?
Don't you remember?
I accompanied you to school
this morning.
Well, I was your escort.
You were the one
shouting stupidities.
No, I just said one.
''Dog face''.
You liked it, right?
It always works
with girls like you.
Like me?
Up-tight and keen to break out.
Do you want something?
A Coca-cola, please.
I have to drive.
No, I served myself.
See? When you're pleasant
you're not such a dogface.
- Chico!
- Pollo, take this.
No, put me down, you brute!
Let go of me!
No, no! I'm sorry I threw
the milk shake at you!
The damage has been done.
You're out of your mind!
I'm wearing a Valentino!
- It's freezing!
- It's good for the circulation.
It pumps more blood
to your brain.
You offer milk shakes,
you don't throw them at people.
And tell Valentino
the dress looks a lot better wet.
The police, please.
Shall I get you a towel?
You don't want to catch cold.
Go to hell!
Move, they rang the cops!
Remind me
the next time we bathe together
to wash your mouth with soap.
Why did you do nothing
when he threw me in the pool?
it was all a set-up.
I rang those idiots to cause
a fuss so I could be with you.
Roberta will never forgive you.
They wrecked the house.
What the hell?
What are they doing?
Go away!
Stop it, please!
This is my father's car!
You want aggro?
- You're fucking crazy!
- Go to hell!
Are you OK?
It's nothing.
Just some scratches.
- They could have killed us!
- It's all right.
There's still time.
- I'm sorry!
- Sorry?
For what? Tell me.
For calling the police
or for the hit and run?
You're so sexy.
Leave him alone, you animal!
You brute! Leave him alone!
You're despicable!
You want to grovel?
All right, say after me:
- I will not ruin the party...
- Stop!
I will not ruin the party
for people who know
how to have fun.
I won't ruin the party...
Please, help me!
....for people who know
how to have fun.
- Mr. Santamara!
- What's going on?
They're going
to kill each other!
Boys, that's enough!
Let's get out of here!
Babi, come with us!
Fuck, it was your fault
that I hit him!
You made me hit him!
Get in the car!
- I won't....
- I won't ruin... That's it.
Leave him alone!
I hate you!
You're an animal, a brute!
I hate you!
Put me down!
All right,
I've put you down.
And he's gone.
I'll say goodbye too.
How do I get home?
- Let me get on the bike.
- What?
Let me get on the bike.
You said I'm an animal
and a brute, right?
I can't let someone like that
take you home.
It's for your own good.
Tomorrow you'd regret
not being consistent.
Stop, please.
Want to go somewhere?
You want your face smashed?
Get on, I've fought enough people
because of you.
Wait, wait.
I'm paralyzed.
You're squeezing me.
If you grab my jacket
I can't drive.
You want to stay like this
all night?
Sorry, I've never ridden
on the back of a bike.
So I'm the first, right?
- Did you come on that bike?
- No, mom...
She had no choice, ma'am, really.
The boy who was driving her
dumped her
and she had to come with me.
Hi, mom!
Didn't I tell you
to stay with your sister!
- Hello.
- Hi.
Get in the car.
You two won't have
any kind of phone for a week!
You're exactly like your mother.
A grouch.
Are you seeing that guy?
I don't even know him.
He's Hugo Olivera,
but they call him H.
Something horrible happened
and he wants to forget his name.
My friends and I say
it's H for ''hero''.
He looks like
he'd save your life.
Who the hell let you in?
- Get up, you've things to do!
- Yeah, for you!
No, I understand.
But I could go to Paris next week
and we'll close the deal.
Alex, I need to borrow 400 euros.
Fuck, what a drag.
We'll talk to Head Office.
Yeah, sure.
What are you doing?
Give me that!
Are you crazy?
Don't give it to him!
Don't speak! Don't speak!
Yes, of course.
In my wallet, in my jacket.
- No, of course.
- Thank you!
Really, if he can't,
I'll see to it.
Hugo, remember about dinner
with dad.
Are you sure it's here?
Yeah, I saw it in her diary,
and we're having lunch.
- You're broke.
- She said she'd pay.
- Hello.
- Hi.
That's her!
- Which one?
- The blonde.
- Bye, Babi.
- Bye.
And that's the girl
from the foam bath.
I'm off.
God, Babi!
That's the guy
who stole my allowance.
- Which one?
- The ugly one beside the bike.
Oh, no!
Did he steal from you too?
No, but his pal threw me in the pool
and wrecked Chico's car.
You never tell me
the interesting things!
What are you doing here?
Hey, take it easy.
I just came with my friend,
he's having lunch with that girl.
But she happens
to be my best friend
and your friend
stole all her money.
You owe me one.
Why not invite me somewhere nice?
What do you say?
How sweet!
Coming for lunch?
You can't have lunch with him!
But he's paying, so I'll get
some of my money back.
I thought she was paying.
I swiped her money yesterday
so it's like she was paying.
Don't be angry.
I'll call you later.
Excuse me.
Just to show I'm not a liar,
didn't you and I have
a foam bath yesterday?
That's a yes.
- Hi, mom.
- Hello, love.
Why is your brother so late?
You know him,
he's always working.
Where's mom?
On a trip,
with a girl friend.
What grade will you get?
In Physics?
A distinction, definitely.
I'm popping out.
Do you need anything?
No, I'll take a break later.
Wrap up well if you go out.
It's freezing.
Yes, mom.
Rebeca, did your son
ever argue with that man before?
I didn't even know
they knew each other.
With his injuries,
if we don't have some proof
Hugo could be in big trouble.
Do you think
I don't want to help my son?
have you nothing to say?
I'm moving in with you.
Don't you want to know
how it went?
How did it go?
If you ask like that
I won't tell you.
- All right, don't.
- Babi!
Excuse me, that blonde hunk
was giving you the eye.
He's still doing it.
Shall we follow him?
Why are you looking like that?
You dumped me
and went off with that thug.
Hey, you don't know him!
He's got problems.
He's got no money.
His father treats him badly.
But he's really nice.
He asked me
to the races tonight.
What races?
I told mom
I'm sleeping at your house.
- Leave a key under the mat.
- I don't believe this!
- Why don't you come?
- No!
I don't want to see him
or his friend.
Then we're not going
to see each other either.
- Why not?
- I'm going out with him!
- Babi!
- Yes?
Come here a moment.
Haven't you something to tell us?
The Santamaras rang.
Felipe's nasal septum was broken,
it almost pierced his brain!
- I had nothing to do with it.
- It's true, she didn't.
Who asked you?
Be quiet!
Look, Babi,
they want to report your friend.
They want to know his name.
He's not my friend.
I just know he's called H.
Are you defending him?
How long have you known him?
The only thing I know
is his nickname!
You know his name, tell them!
- Do you think I'm a tell-tale?
- You told me his name.
Daniela, his name.
Hugo Olivera.
That's his name, dad.
Call them, and say
Babi had nothing to do with it.
Great, Babi, you've really
put your foot in it!
My parents are out.
Yes, she's here.
But I reckon that in a week
she'll be dead.
She informed on a dangerous guy,
and she likes him.
Stop talking about me
and hang up.
Wait, I've got another call.
Yes, just a minute.
It's for you.
Good evening!
Katina? She's sleeping.
Shall I wake her?
Yes, I'll tell her.
Good night.
What's going on?
What is it?
Who was that?
It's turned off.
Where are the bike races?
The Siamese races?
At the port.
- Can I go? Please....
- No way.
And don't tell anyone.
Know where my sister's going?
No, stop, Pollo!
What a surprise!
I'm so glad you've come!
Why is your phone off?
Your mother rang.
- What did you tell her?
- That you were asleep,
and she believed me.
She's picking you up tomorrow
at 7:00 for your blood tests.
Don't be late,
I don't want any problems.
- Come on, stay!
- No!
We're going for a pizza.
I doubt I'd eat
the pizzas you eat.
Well, it's the untamed shrew!
Have you come to see me race?
I didn't even know
you were here.
Then why are you
red as a beetroot?
You just make me laugh.
- Yeah?
- Yes.
You won't be so cocky in court.
I said it was you who broke
Mr. Santamara's nose.
- You bitch!
- Take it easy.
You could go to prison!
That won't happen, OK?
The day I'm up in court
this nice girl will say
I did nothing. Know why?
By then you'll be so crazy about me
you'll do anything to save me.
The race is starting!
The race is starting!
Want to ride behind me?
H, will you take me?
Get on.
Stop being scared
and you'll have fun.
You don't even have a belt.
This is just for Siamese.
So, race or fuck off.
She's a real cow.
- What did you say?
- I'm racing now.
Well, then?
Give me your belt.
Babi, no!
Shit, my scarf!
Get on!
Are you crazy?
I haven't got all day.
Good luck!
Belts off!
Come on!
Up! Up!
Last lap!
Stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
Forget the bike, help her!
Don't move her!
- Lift her up!
- Call an ambulance!
Get on! Get on!
The cameras!
Cover the license plate!
Hide here!
I'll pick you up
once I shake them off.
I'm here.
- Where?
- Here.
Why are you in there?
Come out.
There's a huge dog out there.
There's no dog here.
I still can't come out.
I'm embarrassed.
Come out now or I'll leave.
No, wait!
Promise you won't laugh.
I promise.
What have you done, kid?
- Are you covered in mud?
- It's manure.
That's manure?
I don't believe it!
This is too good to be true.
I knew it.
Your promises are worthless.
- Wait, what are you doing?
- I'm getting on the bike!
Are you crazy?
You're covered in shit.
- You're joking, right?
- No.
If you want,
you can wear my jacket.
But first take off those clothes
or you can't get on the bike.
Fuck, this is disgusting!
- Look, H...
- I like how that sounds.
It's the first time
you've said my name.
If you turn round
I swear I'll jump on you
and cover you with manure.
And I do keep my promises.
Don't look!
I've got no interest in looking.
I'd appreciate it if you'd hurry.
You're a filthy,
disgusting bastard!
I didn't turn round, did I?
But you've got a great ass.
I wish I'd rubbed the manure
in your face.
Now I do hear a rabid dog.
- Hurry up!
- Look!
Lift your legs
or he'll bite you!
Thank you for the lift.
So I'll pick you up tomorrow.
What time?
Sure, and the police
can chase us again.
You were a very brave Siamese.
Are you going to report me?
- Yes.
- Yes?
Do you swear?
Oh, Babi, Babi!
I'm a pig, an animal, a beast,
but you'd let me kiss you.
- You're inconsistent.
- And you're a bastard!
You had your mouth open,
begging me to kiss you.
Give me back my jacket right now.
Hot lips,
what about a good night kiss?
Go to hell!
I was really worried.
Your mom thought I was you
and gave me a good night kiss.
- What happened?
- It was H, wasn't it?
He tore off your clothes.
You'll wake mom.
I'm going to shower.
She smells of shit.
Sorry, the police were after me.
Liar, I saw you go off
with that stuck-up little mouse.
Illegal races cause disturbances
in the port area
Throw it up to me!
Come on!
She raced as a Siamese
and saved a girl
who had an accident.
It's really wild.
- Are you going out?
- No!
Katina, not again.
I'm not going out.
Look who's waiting for you
Babi! You're seeing H,
aren't you?
If mom and dad ask,
I'm studying at Katina's.
I'll be back by 11:00.
I'm the hero's sister-in-law.
Got a light?
What's up?
New projects.
Good luck, I don't think that prude
will open her legs so easily.
I'll call you, OK?
Vodka with pineapple.
Dog face.
Mom, why are you still up?
Why are you behaving
as if you weren't my daughter?
It got late.
Come here!
- Were you drinking?
- You know I don't drink.
What's that boy doing to you?
- Is he making you do anything?
- Nothing I don't want to do.
Is anything wrong?
No, dad, I came home late,
that's all.
I got his license plate.
- Talk to him.
- They're just kids.
Tell him if he doesn't leave
our daughter alone,
he'll be in trouble!
Is that you?
I want to see you.
I'm grounded.
I got caught coming home late.
So it's not an urban legend.
Nice girls who behave badly
are still grounded.
What will we do tomorrow?
Go off somewhere.
Pick me up at the school gate
and take me away.
I haven't been up that early
for over a year.
I might sleep in.
I trust you, H.
Good night.
Bye, Babi.
- Bye, Babi.
- Bye.
Let's go inside.
I can't. H is coming.
- We're going off!
- What?
You're going to screw!
As your best friend,
I want all the details.
You animal!
No, I'm really excited.
It's like I was
losing my virginity again.
- There he is! Wish me luck.
- Lots of luck.
Babi! Relax your pelvis.
Look who's there.
Hugo, please.
Hugo, stop, please!
H, what is it?
Hugo, please, don't!
In physics?
A distinction, definitely.
I'm popping out.
Do you need anything?
No, I'll take a break later.
Son of a bitch!
Please, Hugo!
Please, stop!
H, please!
Stop, Hugo!
Are you crazy?
You could have killed us!
Stop, please!
H! Stop, stop!
Who was that woman?
She was my mother.
Your father and your brother
don't know?
My father thinks
she's with her friends.
Am I the only one who knows?
Stop, stop!
We're out in the open.
There's no one here.
I said no.
Come here.
Come on.
Why did you bring me here?
Don't you like it?
My parents always brought us here
when we were little.
See the house that's for sale?
My sister and I
pretended it was ours.
We used to see the owners
and we imagined we were them.
It's so sad.
It's like we can
never enjoy it again.
I knew you'd like it.
The jacket suits you.
Who's calling?
My mother doesn't trust me.
Or rather, you.
Is that like mom's signature?
I think it's perfect.
- Thank you for helping me.
- Not at all.
Don't go yet,
come and meet my daughters.
this is Gustavo,
our new upstairs neighbor.
- Yes, we've seen each other.
- Yes.
He doesn't know anyone,
I said you could take him out
and introduce him.
Yes, mom, but not tonight.
The girls have asked me
to go to the cinema
and as I'm not grounded any more
I can go, can't I?
I have to go.
My pleasure.
This weekend, if I can,
I'll call him.
That hunk is walking
into the lion's den.
You, ''Hello, Kitty".
This is yours, right?
You wouldn't have
such good taste.
The other night, H used it
to tie me to the bed.
It's strong.
Not strong enough
if you're here.
Poor thing.
You thought he'd promise you
eternal love, eh?
I feel sorry for you.
It's obvious
you're crazy about him.
Give me the scarf!
Give it to me!
- Let go!
- Give it to me!
- Get off!
- Let go of me!
- Stop it!
- Give me the scarf!
Let go, you bitch!
Hit her, Babi!
Hit her, Babi, go on!
Hit her harder!
Shit, it's Babi!
Let go of me!
The next time, I'll kill you,
you whore!
I don't know what happened me.
I didn't want to hurt her.
- She said you'd been with her....
- Babi, Babi....
I won't cheat on you
or hurt you.
I'm with you now.
With the girl who'll beat up
anyone who insults her guy.
You know what warriors do
after their first victory in battle?
Someone wants a word with you.
I'm Claudio Alczar,
Babi's father.
- Shall we go down for a drink?
- Yes, of course.
we have to talk.
- H, won't you introduce me?
- Of course.
Rosanna, Claudio.
Claudio, Rosanna.
- My pleasure.
- Likewise.
you want olives or nuts?
She liked you.
She doesn't offer nuts
to everyone.
- No?
- No.
I don't really know
where to begin.
You see,
my wife....
Olives for the best looking man
to come in here this year.
Married, of course.
I understand
that your wife is concerned.
Her daughter is with a guy
who rides a motorbike,
racing around at 100 m.p.h.
Because I don't want
to see things.
But suddenly
someone appears and says
"Calm down",
"ease up''.
And when you ease up
you become aware of things.
That there's a dance trophy
among the bottles of tequila.
That my favorite song is playing.
That today is Tuesday 13th.
And that Rosanna would run away
with you right now
to the ends of the earth.
Little things, Claudio.
Your daughter is easing me up.
And that's good for me.
Not now, Alex.
What wrong with you? Didn't you
understand about prison?
You can't just do as you wish.
I'm sick of being your nursemaid!
Stop messing around
and behave like an adult!
And what's that?
Being old at 30 and not knowing
how to enjoy life? Tell me!
I'm sorry.
- Mara Avelln.
- Present.
- Babi Alczar.
- Present.
Irene Catur...
Here you are.
Miss Alczar!
Did your mother sign this?
It's odd.
I've just spoken to her
and she didn't know you were ill.
Nor that you were absent
on Friday.
She's on her way.
You know that what you've done
means immediate expulsion
from this school?
- Did they expel me, mom?
- No,
because we've donated 8,000 euros
to the school.
- Mom, I promise...
- Be quiet, please!
Stop making a fool of me.
When did you decide
to laugh at me?
I don't know you, Babi.
- Babi, what's wrong?
- Stay away, Katina.
And don't call!
She's in on it too, isn't she?
It's time you stopped seeing her.
Katina said the teacher
is screwing you around.
They tried to expel me.
My parents paid a lot of money
to avoid it.
They're going to lower my grades.
I mightn't get into college.
Are you crazy?
You'll wake my parents!
Come on.
I'm not climbing down there.
- I'm scared.
- Scared?
You're brave.
Come on.
- No!
- Come on.
- Where are we going?
- Come on.
Trust me, Babi.
- Hey, Pollo!
- Look who's here!
- Great!
- I didn't expect you.
- I told you.
- I bet 20 euros I didn't have.
Get in the water!
- I haven't got a costume.
- Come on.
No, H...
I've thrown you in before.
Come on, it's great!
Save me, Babi!
- Come on, you two!
- Yeah, yeah.
Stop! Stop, please!
I have to tell you something.
I'm nervous.
I've never done it.
Me neither.
Babi! This lunatic just
asked me to marry him!
I'm not in a hurry, Babi.
You can't smoke here.
I'll be brief.
From now on,
you'll treat
one pupil very well.
If I hear that Babi
has any problem
because of you
you're in trouble.
Don't waste your time
threatening me.
You're not the first.
I'll just say one thing.
Listen carefully.
Fetch the ball!
The fucking ball!
This dog must have a trauma.
Like my aunt's dog,
it thinks it's a rabbit.
What's that thing?
No insults!
He's Pepito,
and he's a slow learner.
We bought him between us.
- Who has custody?
- Pollo.
- But he's staying with his mom.
- What?
- Don't leave him here!
- Better take him out
or he'll piss on the carpet.
Bye, Alex.
What's wrong?
If mom hears you're smoking in here,
she'll slice you up.
But I won't say a word.
Shall we go see a movie?
I thought everyone knew
I'm grounded for life.
We'd planned to sleep over
at Katina's and now I can't go.
Go on, and have fun.
And mom?
I'll take care of that.
I love the smell of a pipe.
It reminds me of when I was little.
- Hi!
- Hi!
Wait here,
and don't look.
I hear the sea!
What was that?
Come here.
There's a step, careful.
More steps.
Where are we going?
I can smell it now.
The sea!
Like it?
I never want this to end.
This is incredible.
It was your house, right?
I've bought it back for you.
You're crazy!
Now we're the owners.
Are you all right?
What do you think?
Do you want me to be the first?
And the last.
Don't laugh.
Relax, my love.
I love you, Babi.
Are you all right?
- Did I hurt you?
- No.
I'm not very good, am I?
You're perfect.
You made me feel great.
I'm happy.
I'm happier.
No, I'm much happier.
- From here to Barcelona.
- From here to the sky.
Well, I'm even happier.
How much?
Three meters above the sky.
Good morning!
Why is she babysitting?
Rich kids don't work.
Her mother has stopped
her allowance.
Why did you bring Pepito?
He doesn't like being alone.
It upsets him.
No, it upsets you.
We mustn't be apart!
You brought Pollo and the dog?
He can look after the kid.
Hey, champ.
You're playing tennis!
Get Pepito off the couch!
- He's called Pepito?
- Yes, he is.
And I'm Pollo.
What's your name?
Show me your favorite part
of the house.
Come on,
or are you scared of me?
Come on, hit it hard.
- Let's go to your parents' room.
- No, come in.
Sit down.
- May I?
- Yes.
- What was that?
- Don't worry, Pollo's in charge.
That's what worries me.
Who the hell do you think you are?
A friend of mine?
- I'm sorry, Babi.
- Get this rabble out of here.
- Get out!
- Everyone, out of here.
Get the fuck out!
What were you doing, Pollo?
I'm sorry.
Parties here don't last long.
What are they doing here?
You get out too.
I don't want to see you.
Get out!
You lot don't respect anything!
Babi, this isn't my fault!
Get out!
Hi, this is Babi.
Leave a message.
OK, the meat should be rare
with a little salt.
- A little salt.
- And the strawberries?
They're in the fridge.
No, that's wrong!
Add the cream
just before you serve them.
And light the candles
five minutes before she arrives.
- Five minutes.
- Right.
- Why not apologize over the phone?
- The dog!
You're so unromantic!
She's due at 8:00,
but she's always 10 minutes early.
- Yes?
- Hello.
Babi, supper's getting cold.
Mom's looking all over
for a ring her mother gave her.
It's been missing
since your friends were here.
Is it always going
to be like this with you?
- No, Babi.
- Leave me alone.
Watch it!
I don't want any problems.
You don't want any problems?
Tough guy.
Don't touch me!
Look at him.
He wants a fight.
I just want the ring.
H, stop, please!
Stop, you'll fucking kill him!
I've got the ring!
I've got it!
- H, go away, please!
- Tell Babi to let me in!
She isn't here!
It's H! What'll I do?
My parents will be here soon!
Go away!
Let me in, Babi!
- I'll call the police.
- I have to give you something.
Why are you crying?
Miss Alczar,
can you tell us
what happened that night?
Miss Alczar, did you hear me?
Can you tell us
what happened that night?
Babi! Wait!
Why are you humiliating our family?
What will they think of us?
We promised we'd help them!
No, you promised, I didn't.
Stop being ashamed for me,
stop deciding for me.
I refuse to grow old
and realize I've become like you.
I won't live your lousy life.
H is my boyfriend
and I want to be with him.
I won't lie for you again.
You hear?
If you keep doing as you please,
we're through, I swear.
Very well.
I'll change.
They've passed!
I passed!
Be quick,
we've got something to do.
I got the best grade!
Forga gave me an 8.
I thought she'd fail me.
I'm proud of you.
We have to go.
- Where?
- Pollo!
- Come on, Pollo!
- Behave yourself, Pepito.
Don't gulp your food.
You know it makes you sick.
He doesn't want
to go back to the witch.
Who is it?
Pepito Delivery Service.
And don't dare treat him
like you treat your pupils.
You hear?
Move, Al Capone!
So long, buddy.
There'll be more than 100 of us.
No, not a private room,
the whole restaurant.
Yes, a very special occasion.
Not just her good grades.
A daughter doesn't
turn 18 every day.
I'll send the guest list
this afternoon.
- Mom....
- Yes?
In case you'd forgotten,
Hugo Olivera, my boyfriend.
- Hi, Laura! Did you pass?
- Yes.
Come in.
Good morning.
I wanted to thank you....
I want to marry her.
First you need a job.
Or will she go on paying
for everything, like she does now.
Tomorrow, I'm going to win.
So she can see me do it.
Our girls are incredible.
We have to live up to them.
She'll love it.
- I'll get it.
- H...
Promise you'll be there.
What do you think?
It's Babi!
Here, take this.
Can we talk?
You threatened my teacher!
Are you stupid?
You screwed me, H.
- I thought that if...
- Stop thinking for me!
Don't treat me like a moron.
Let's leave it for a while.
- Shall I say anything to him?
- No.
I'll be along after the race, OK?
The dopey upstairs neighbor,
he'll take us to the party.
You're a fucking genius.
Come on.
- Have you seen H?
- No, I haven't.
come here a moment.
this is Babi.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
My love.
A photo.
What would happen
if I asked your sister out?
Her boyfriend would break
every bone in your body.
That's all.
Hi, dad!
Hey, where's your buddy?
I want some fucking revenge.
I'm racing for him today.
I love you.
Who is our daughter dancing with?
With a good boy, Rafaela.
Be careful!
Stop, stop!
Forgive me, I'm sorry, Babi.
It's all right, Gustavo.
I said it's all right.
Leave me alone!
She told you twice
to leave her alone! Get out!
I'm just trying to help her.
What are you doing, H?
He didn't do it on purpose!
- Are you OK?
- Yes.
You think he meant to do it?
Come on.
I'm sorry, Claudio.
- Katina! What is it?
- Pollo.
Where is he?
They won't tell me.
Look for him, H.
Please, I'm begging you.
Where is he?
Over there.
You can't get through.
Calm down.
Let go of me! Let go of me!
Let go of me!
He's my friend!
H, stop, please!
Please! H!
- Don't touch me!
- Listen.
- Don't touch me!
- Listen.
I can't take any more.
Your life is full of shit
and death and blood,
you don't care about me.
I do care,
and Babi, I swear that...
Don't swear anything.
You don't care about anyone.
Not me or your family
or your best friend.
It's not my fault!
- Yes, it is!
- It's not!
Of course it is!
You killed Pollo!
You killed him!
There's always a moment
when the road forks.
Each one goes off, thinking
the roads will come together again.
Come in.
You see the other person
getting smaller and smaller.
That's all right.
We're made for each other.
She'll be there at the end.
But at the end
only one thing happens.
The fucking winter comes.
Yes, yes. Don't keep on.
I'm eating well, Alex.
There's someone at the door.
I'll call you later.
Merry Christmas!
Come in, please.
I haven't been around much
these last months.
I couldn't, I'm sorry.
Don't worry.
Santa left this for you.
I miss him so much, H.
I can't...
Sometimes I think
I'll never find anyone like him.
No, no one like him.
But you'll find someone
who'll make you happy.
Have you spoken to Babi?
Have you?
We lost touch after the accident.
I think she's with another crowd.
And she's going out
with some guy.
Maybe you should forget her.
Want to stay for supper?
I can't tonight.
Some other day.
Thank you.
That's OK.
Is Babi there?
Just a minute.
Bye, mom.
Call me tomorrow.
Take care of her.
I will, Rafaela.
Are you ready?
We're leaving in five minutes.
What are you doing here?
- I locked myself out.
- OK, come on.
What's wrong?
Hugo, what's wrong?
What's happened?
Suddenly you realize
that everything is over.
I'm going away for a while.
To London.
To work.
That's a good idea.
I can't stay here.
There's no going back.
You feel it.
And then you try to remember
at what point it all began.
And you discover it started
before you thought.
Long before.
And it's at that moment
you realize
things only happen once.
And no matter how hard you try
you'll never feel the same again.
You'll never again feel
you're three meters above the sky.