Tribe, The (2009)

The Forgotten Ones
(The look)
Translation and adaptation: Jumbo
You're too hard.
Mean ... a to a break,
If you are not careful.
And suppose that you know what to do?
I have never received complaints.
More ... you take a step back.
Thank you.
"Thank you"?
Just as I choose?
What else Do you think of?
First ... How about a tour
my private boat?
That means you must
to run by my friend.
Your friend?
And where is he?
It shows steal here,
spionnd girls in the area.
Must be an idiot.
He does not know how to appreciate what he is.
Batei you with me?
You do not have two going to do another movie,
not you?
Take you a room.
Honey, where is the necklace Do you?
It's a funny story.
I love it!
Hi, Lauren.
Two words: Summer Collection!
Dear, where my cream solar?
It is in the trunk, dear!
It burns very easily!
Hi honey!
Come with me.
Boys ...
Gonna be fun.
Three days, man.
Peter, you've ever said about the three "c"?
Whores, sluts, whores. / I
'm all for you, man. / i
Quiet and you get man, we
left about an hour.
I say small lies, Peter.
Where are you exactly? / I
Sir "24 Hour Fitness, I know not
is as hard as 25 pushups .../ i
... but tell me if you know or not
How to uses your GPS. / i
Yes, I know how to use GPS
So thank you very much.
nice and the wait. The party.
Just take care of my boat. / I
Put it back!
He wants to escape!
Are planned to invade a small country?
A true warrior does not go
never to battle unprepared.
Man, go on a beach vacation!
Damn it to be.
Who is?
It's Cindy again.
- I thought you were separated from it.
- A and the I did, but she believes me.
You know how it goes ...
next to every great man ...
... is a wonderful woman.
And a wife.
You know very well that trying to
I head into this story ...
-... and worse I embarrassed.
- I was just trying to ...
No, no, no,
was wrong.
No wonder that Lauren gave you shoes.
May you and something to say?
No, I'm all right.
I think we lost.
I said, I think we've lost.
What words are you?
There ought to see the earth before?
I'm lost.
Peter, come on, seriously.
Something was wrong.
What is wrong is,
when you look good.
Peter, no, please.
All right, look.
Make a deal with you.
No way.
I take care of this now,
lady captain of the boat
and you do you do for me later.
It is more exciting.
- Give me a kiss, captain.
- Okay. Go back.
All right.
I kill the job.
Dude, you do not know a woman like her.
What can I say ...
I paid too much for her.
All of us make bad business.
So it is.
Baby, keep in mind:
without carrots, yes?
I heard Mo
purchased island.
And besides, I heard he went into business
with Architects, hotel interior.
Lord, how can you eat steak
that with so much ketchup on it?
And how you would like to you to eat?
All I say is that if you want to
ruin a perfectly good thing ...
... you have only to do it.
It seems that this is your specialty.
Take care, just do not want to drown.
In fact ... You may be surprised how much
a fit her mouth.
What is this?
Two words: small penis.
Discover, dear!
I delete the bottom of the invoice!
Get your senses.
I'm sorry, honey.
I my never sleeps.
Sleep very well when you have enough of it.
To give you an information if ...
frankly, are much smoother at the bottom.
All of us know that you ass
large enough to be removed.
Guys, finish.
Dear, you can come up for a second?
Hi, what happened?
Who is that?
What do you mean?
I can eat, honey.
No, look. No, it's OK.
Do you get anything.
Thank you baby,
not mad at you.
- I know.
- Only I can not eat it.
I'll get something, right?
Who is?
Who was this?
I do not know.
How mean, you know?
I do not know. It was a call to
unknown number.
Therefore I answer, is that when
they are charged with two U.S. dollars per minute ...
... do not know.
Let me look at your phone.
Words are serious?
Let me look at your phone.
I think the jokes are.
What happened to you?
Come on.
Why not trust me?
Give me the phone,
I just want to see what ...
I do not want to give you the phone.
- I just want to see!
- Stop, Liz. Liz!
You pit something?
I'm fine, I just cut the finger less.
Put some cold water on it.
It's just a nice cut, one to live.
What happened?
Peter ... I think and play the fool again.
No, I doubt it.
And if it be so, that's the problem?
Two words: trust fund.
No selling, Lauren.
I feel that I have renounced the whole
my life for this guy and I. ..
... he does not even take me seriously.
How much have to expect with him?
I feel we should do something with my life.
Look, the only thing you should do it,
is to make your wedding plans.
Trust me.
Liz ... baby, I hear?
Baby, open your eyes.
Open your eyes!
I feel better?
Where are we?
Mo, I hear?
Dude, if you contact me as you see
If you are in right .../ i
... I have nothing to tell you.
And another thing .../ i
Mo, seriously, this is not joke.
It is something serious ...
Do you tell me what is seriously, motherfucker. / i
Here are girls Latin American
the largest e / i
you've ever seen in your life, / i
and my cake for the day of birth,
is decorated throughout with cream .../ i
It is a problem with the boat.
What do you mean? / i
We are stuck on an island,
boat sank ...
We are all right but we need
come and get us, right?
boat out what sank?
Do you cut dodonoacele, Peter / i
Peter? "/ i
Hello more are there? / i
Man, tell me jokes that make me / i
Tells you about it,
you come to take us, right?
Hare Krishna, give me the details. / i
There seems to be a small island in the Antilles.
Peter, it seems that there is no ground there,
friends. / i
Well there, because we stand on it!
Okay, well, you'll find.
And when you do this .../ i
... would be good to have a good explanation.
You understand? / I
Barely buying.
I'll buy me a new one.
I got you.
Thank you.
Dude! I got, thank you.
I got now. Thank you.
Dude! You got the big prize with that!
What are you doing?
There was something there ... something ... something drew me there.
Come, go and forgotten.
I heard something, Peter.
I think.
I want to go home.
Why not climb on the raft
and leave now?
I will not hang around here with me
a cork in the middle of the ocean ...
... as to be agat of a luxury yacht.
Do not listen to me. I do not want to go to Mo,
I want to go home.
You're a little selfish,
do not you think?
Selfish? If I have heard from the beginning,
I have been in this shit.
Look, I had no way of ...
Do not get me to "listen honey.
Village and are tired of "world view of Peter".
Do not understand, right?
I hate this stupid to go on trips.
Let sit and look at you and
dezgusttorii to your friends ...
... mbtndu being and doing striptease!
I'm sorry.
You know that I love.
Yes, if you love me, stop me you say.
Show me.
What are you doing?
Checking to see und is.
Relax man.
He said he will come.
Really? I thought it was that said
that does not know where this island ...
I said, come here!
If not here in an hour,
Where you going?
Matter where?
What has to be mad?
These are the only ones left?
Yes ... why?
Now is the perfect time.
Peter? Lauren?
Peter? Lauren?
Come on, it's not funny.
What are you doing?
It is something that should your show.
I know you think that this trip
Mo was on his birthday.
But this is the truth.
Ought to be an engagement party.
Mo plight and you?
Not really.
"Liz, marry me!"
We have a speech ready and,
but I think I be so nervous.
Liz, I know I was an idiot,
but I knew when to stop.
And when I think of the rest of my life ...
... there is no doubt in my mind
I want to spend with you.
Do you we had a real,
but perhaps that is a belly of any shark.
Liz, you want to Increase with me?
Time to party!
And you told them?
Your parents.
Did you say?
Mama knows.
But your father?
Not yet.
He hates me you, Peter.
Everything will be fine.
But if it is not?
If you send away the business?
Nobody will get from me.
On my life.
Is anyone there?
Is anyone there?
Come on!
What are you doing? "
Go into the woods!
Go into the woods?
This is your grand plan?
That if you have a better idea, yes? "
- We should go for help!
- I think is right, Jake!
No, no, no.
Want to go?
I thought is an idea
poor to enter the jungle.
Damn what are you thinking, right?
If it were not there and
you would have tried to find one are.
Well. You and Jane Gl Go therefore the mission
your rescue. We start.
What happened with you two?
He is there having problems ...
... and think you not only to you?
Do not leave, only we go for help.
Let's go!
I'm sorry.
Let rescue bag, down!
Peter? "
Peter? "
Liz, wait!
You pit something?
It's here.
Liz, wait!
Stay here.
"Battery weak"
What was that?
I do not know.
Probably ... as a monkey.
What kind of monkey would do that?
Peter ..
Liz, wait.
No, wait!
No, you'd expect!
Something we hunt, Liz!
Why does not understand this?
We will not die, trust me.
How you know? "
Come on, you must do this.
To Peter!
In any form!
Lauren ceases to be so for selfish.
Two words, Jake: Fuck you!
And me too!
- God ...
- Lauren!
Hold it, right?
I think you need to shot him, right?
Get out!
Shut up, Lauren!
Jake, Jake!
What's happening?
Grab my hand!
Stretch out to me!
- Come on!
- What's happening?
I do not let go!
I do not let go!
What's happening?
Shoot the trees!
Liz Shoot, shoot!
Jake! Jake!
Now you free!
What did you do?
Where is it? Is dead?
What did you do?
- Ira, put the gun down.
- I'll kill you.
Lauren, baby ...
You hear me?
If I did as you said,
would not have happened any of this!
Keep breathing.
What is love?
Why should I stop? "
You listened with killing?
Those are animals and
that they do: kill!
I saw what can you do?
All are dead, Liz!
Ira is dead, Lauren is dead,
Pete ... dead!
What is this place?
I do not know.
God ... This place is a mess.
Listen to this:
"John came into the cave last night ..."
... as to find the others. / i
not yet returned. / i
Our guide, hypothese, said that
hostility to us is .../ i
... simply territorial.
That if we keep away .../ i
... attacks will cease. / i
It was tricky. / i
Any test that I did it,
to track or catch, gave wrong. / i
hunt in packs. / i
are led by a male "alpha",
just like wolves. / i
Locals call them "People forget.
We do not know more. / I
The one thing we are sure now ...
are cannibals. / i
Many died or fled ...
but I can not. / i
not until I capture a live creature. / i
Liz ... you must leave now.
You must go back on the beach and i. ..
I love you.
You said that you never leaves me.
You promised.
Please do not kill me!
Oh, God, no!
No, no, no, no!
What the hell are?
Peter! Man, are very angry / i
Why should idioilor .../ i
Translation and adaptation: HR's