Triple Threat (2019)

[ominous music]
[Xiao Xian] Money is sizeable.
It will destroy
the crime syndicate.
[in Mandarin]
Oh, there!
[in English]
Perhaps I didn't make myself
clear enough
at the board meeting last week.
[camera shutters clicking]
It was my father's company,
it is now my company.
But the money will go
to Maha Jaya.
We are done here.
[cell phone beeps]
[in Mandarin]
Hi, Tian Xiao Xian.
I'm Madame Liang,
head of Embassy Security.
The ambassador has asked me
to look after you.
Call me Xiao Xian.
[reporters chattering
[camera shutters clicking]
[reporter in English]
With the increasing
economic impact
of Chinese businesses
in Maha Jaya,
crimes against
the local Chinese community
have been on the rise.
The Chinese embassy
has been working
with the local authorities
to take special measures
to keep our countrymen safe.
with the alleged involvement
of a powerful
criminal organization,
there is cause
for even greater concern.
Chinese heiress, Tian Xiao Xian,
has just arrived in Maha Jaya
with a plan
to take down the syndicate.
[ominous music]
[ominous music continues]
[foreboding music]
[device beeping]
That thing won't work out here.
Those guys, they're our GPS
and navigation system.
That's why we brought 'em.
[gun cocks]
Ah, there you are.
Look at you, looking all dapper.
Time to ruin your day.
We're in business.
- [man speaks indistinctly]
- [snickers]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct prattle]
[both grunting]
- [man groans]
- [knife slashes flesh]
- [grunts]
- [thwacks]
- [thwacks]
- [groans]
- [grunts]
- [squelches]
[tense music]
[guns cock]
[rapid gunshots]
[men shouting]
[rapid gunshots]
[man yells]
[rapid gunshots]
[gasps, groans]
[in Indonesian]
Don't speak, love.
[in Mandarin]
Don't leave me.
[rapid gunshots]
- [explosion]
- [men groaning]
[tense music]
[rapid gunshots]
- [explosion]
- [man groans]
[Jaka] Hey!
- [groans]
- [grunts]
[rapid gunshots]
- [men groaning]
- [explosion]
- [rapid gunshots]
- [groans]
[in English]
What did I tell you?
Watch your six. Pay attention.
[Mook] You know
I can take care of myself.
- [explosion]
- [weapon fires]
- [explosion]
- [men groaning]
- [grunts]
- [groans]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[weapon fires]
- [thuds]
- [groans]
[Payu groaning]
What are you doing?
- [Long-Fei] Let's go.
- [coughs]
[foreboding music]
Here, grab this.
[rapid gunshots]
[all gasp, groan]
- [rapid gunshots]
- [shatters]
- [gun cocks]
- [gunshot]
- [groans]
- [thuds]
- [gunshot]
- [man groans, screams]
[Dominique in French]
Do not move.
[in English]
Good morning.
Do you have any idea
what you're doing?
- [gunshots]
- [thudding]
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do.
There's a cost here.
Think twice before you continue.
If there's a cost,
put it on my credit card.
So, you must be the big boss.
Kinda tall to be a Burmese.
I'm Indonesian.
Oh, okay, my bad, Indonesian.
[official] And you to us?
Maybe you and I
could make a deal?
- [gunshot]
- [groans]
[body thuds]
Colonel, we found him
at the north side of the camp.
Let's take ol' white collar
with us.
Pretty sure Collins
hasn't had his breakfast yet.
[in French] Don't shoot!
We're with the Americans!
[in English] We had an agreement
with the mercies!
- [gunshots]
- [groans]
[tense music]
[Payu in English] Hey, where's
the women and children?
- [grunting]
- [clanking]
- [groans]
- [Devereaux] Hey.
Leave that alone.
- [grunts]
- He said leave that alone.
- [gun cocks]
- [Joey] So leave it alone.
Get the thermite cutter.
You're making the biggest
mistake of your life.
The man is a major terrorist.
You think my agency
is just gonna let this go?
- [crackles]
- [metal clangs]
[Joey grunts]
You better pray
he's still alive.
[Joey grunting]
[lock clanks]
[metal clanks]
[man grunts]
[Agent Brown] Don't think
you're gonna enjoy your freedom.
You're gonna bring
a world of hurt onto yourselves.
- [thwacks]
- [groans]
I told you you'd be beggin'
on your knees tonight.
Go to hell.
You first.
[gasps, groans]
- [creaks]
- [chains clang]
[groans, pants]
Here you go.
Spa treatment is over, Collins.
Let's torch this place
and get out of here.
[Joey] No evidence.
We burn this place
and everyone in it.
Your clothes, mate.
You might need them.
Maybe a shower. You stink.
[somber music]
[flames crackling]
[somber music]
[Jaka groans]
[calm music]
[deep sigh]
[in Indonesian] Forgive me
for what I have to do.
I have no choice.
[flames crackling]
[traffic noise]
[foreboding music]
[phone keys beeping]
[man] Su Feng, Collins
has been extracted.
[Su Feng] I'm glad we could
put aside our differences
on this.
[man] He's a loose cannon.
I think it's a mistake,
but it's your play.
We're square now.
One more thing.
[Su Feng]Get me her itinerary.
[raindrops pattering]
[elephant grunts]
They are in the arena.
[in Indonesian] It better be
the two men I'm looking for.
[foreboding music]
[Jaka in Indonesian]
Here you go.
[festive music playing]
[distant cheering]
[men yelling in distance]
[crowd cheering]
[festive music playing]
- [crowd screaming]
- [grunting]
[men clamoring]
[festive music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[in English]
Five. Okay? Five hundred.
[crowd cheering]
[crowd continues cheering]
[foreboding music]
[crowd shouting]
Payu! We're on! Let's go!
[indistinct shouting]
[festive music playing]
[in Thai]
Let's beat him!
[ominous music]
[crowd cheering]
- [Payu grunts]
- [groans]
- [thuds]
- [crowd cheers]
[both grunting]
- [thuds]
- [Payu groans]
- [grunts]
- [crowd cheers]
- [men shouting]
- [grunts]
- Hey, come on!
- Come on!
[both grunting]
- [thwacks]
- [groans]
- [grunts]
- [thuds]
- [crowd cheering]
- [yells]
- [grunts]
- [groans]
[crowd cheers]
[both grunting]
- [Payu grunts]
- [groans]
[crowd cheering]
[cheering continues]
Hey! Huh?
[in Indonesian]
I want in.
- I'll pay you.
- [in English] Okay.
- [festive music playing]
- [crowd cheering]
- Yeah!
- [Payu] Bro.
[crowd cheering]
[in Thai]
Place a bet more. Place more.
[ominous music]
[both grunting]
Come on!
[both grunting]
- [thuds]
- [groans]
[both grunting]
Remember me? Huh?
I remember you.
You killed my wife.
For this, I will kill you.
[Jaya yells]
- [thuds]
- [groans]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
- [thwacks]
- [groans]
[crowd cheering]
- [thuds]
- [groans]
Come on!
[crowd cheering]
That's the guy from the camp.
[Long-Fei] Yeah.
Give me a hand.
[both grunting]
[utensils clinking]
[slow music playing]
[Payu] How is he?
He's lost a lot of blood.
He needs food.
[Payu] I made one for him.
He was trying to kill me.
I would do the same.
[Jaka groaning]
We need to talk.
I buried many of my friends
because of you two.
It's not what you think.
You were with the killers
that came into my camp.
We were told we were
on a humanitarian mission,
but we were lied to.
Hey! What about the prisoners?
Oh, yeah, yeah, um, Dom,
reunite them with the prisoners.
- [grunts]
- [groans]
- [thwacks]
- [thuds]
This place reminds me
of Boy Scout camp.
- [Joey] In you go.
- [thuds]
A bunch of assholes there
as well.
Five-minute fuse, Collins.
Fuck it up, Mook.
Come push me.
[both grunt]
[prisoners clamoring]
[metals clang]
[prisoners clamoring]
Get out of here!
[in Thai] Come, come, come.
Come on. It's about to explode.
[in English]
Go! Go!
[in Thai]
Go! Go!
[in English]
Come on!
How long do we have?
CL-21 explosive device.
Less than one minute.
I can't diffuse this.
- [Long-Fei] Go, go, go!
- [Payu] Go!
Everybody out, out!
- Go!
- No, you go!
We didn't fire our weapons.
[Payu] We thought we were doing
something good.
[Long-Fei] Yeah, no good there.
We were double-crossed
and left for dead.
We are after the same men.
Who are they?
Some kind of criminal gang.
Really bad guys.
What were you doing at a camp?
[Long-Fei] My men and I
were paid to guard the place.
It was just a job.
We are soldiers for hire.
Everyone uses us.
what's your plan?
Make money, finance, resupply.
And then, it's payback.
- [Payu] Yeah.
- [glasses clink]
Not much of a plan.
You have a better idea?
Perhaps, we can work together.
[Jaka] I have a lot of contacts.
I can find anyone.
But first...
...a toast.
[Payu and Long-Fei groan]
To new friends.
- [Long-Fei] To new friends.
- To new friends.
[Payu] Yeah.
[Jaka] One more, don't be shy.
[foreboding music]
[Xiao Xian in Mandarin]
My father loved it here.
How is the ambassador?
He was a good friend
of my father.
[in Mandarin]
He's doing well.
He speaks highly of your father.
[Liang] We'll arrive
for your interview in an hour.
I just want to say
how much I admire the work
you've been doing here
for the past week.
I'm not sure I deserve it.
Well, I think you do.
And so do a lot of others.
Thank you.
It's good to hear that.
Sometimes I feel like
I'm walking alone.
[Long-Fei groans]
- [dishes clinking]
- [groans]
[Payu in English] What?
[Payu sighs]
He's gone.
I didn't hear him leave.
I guess
he did not like my cooking.
- [Long-Fei] Yeah, well...
- [Payu] Yeah.
...there is that.
[foreboding music]
I think we've been set up.
[in Thai] Freeze! Put your hands
above your head. Don't move!
- Handcuffs! Bring them out!
- Okay, officer.
[ominous music]
[in English] Oh, man.
[phone line ringing]
[in English]
This is a message for Collins.
[old man] Collins?
No one here by that name.
[Jaka] Trust me,
he'll wanna know.
You have a message for Collins,
you can talk to me.
[Jaka] Tell him
that the two chaps
from the jungle raid
are in custody
at Central Police Station.
[door clangs shut]
You take me
to the nicest places.
[Payu] Are you being sent
back to China?
[Long-Fei] The gang
took everything from us.
I didn't want it to be this way.
- [thwacks]
- [grunts]
- [thwacks]
- [thuds]
[tense music]
[gasps, whimpers]
[Long-Fei's dad in Mandarin]
I want to go home.
I want to go home.
[staff in English] Miss Tian,
we're so pleased to have you.
We'd like to lead
into the interview
with some background
about your father,
your inheritance.
Would that be all right?
Let's try to keep
the personal questions
to a minimum.
I'm here for the charity.
- Okay, sure, understand.
- Great.
[car horn honks]
[man over phone]
The two guides you used in the jungle
are down
at the Central Police Station.
Central Police Station? Really?
Well, that is very interesting.
I suggest you take care
of this immediately.
Those two little jungle rats
who shouldn't have survived
that explosion.
That's not possible.
We piled enough composition four
in those cages
to kill everything
in the vicinity.
Well, two resilient inmates
at Central
would disagree with you.
Let's stay focused in on point.
We'll deal with those mavericks
as and when.
[news program
theme music playing]
[reporter] Crimes against
the local Chinese community.
have been on the rise.
Chinese heiress, Tian Xiao Xian,
will join Damon live
in the studio today
to talk about her plans
to push back
against the syndicate.
[Damon] You know her
as the daughter
of Chinese real estate mogul,
Tian Wai Gow.
She's the heiress who set aside
her pampered life,
and shared her wealth
with those in need.
Since her father's passing,
she has devoted herself
and her family's fortune
to philanthropy,
crime prevention,
and corruption in our city.
It's my distinct pleasure
to welcome Miss Xiao Xian.
Thank you, Damon.
[Damon] You were born to wealth.
You've never had to work
unless you decided to do so.
So, why?
Why take such a risk
in such a dangerous cause?
My father grew up here.
And Maha Jaya
is a very special place to him.
[Xiao Xian]Children don't have
the luxury of playing outside,
because it's simply not safe.
The investment allows us
to build the infrastructure,
so that the people
of this country
can have access to an education,
creating real jobs
and, in turn, an economy.
My father told me
that the greatest wealth
is being able to live a life
of service to others.
I want nothing more
than to give these people
the same chance
that I was given,
so they can experience
the joy of family,
love, and a safe place
to call home.
These crime syndicates must go.
The people, the children,
are the future of this country.
[metal gate clangs]
[Xiao Xian] When I see them,
I see...
resilience, hope, and strength.
[metal door slams]
[Damon]We look forward to that.
The donation you're making
is very sizeable.
It is not a donation.
It is an investment in humanity.
[Xiao Xian]
The money allows them
to have options,
so that they can get
on the right side of the law.
So that crime syndicates
don't have a grip
on these people through fear.
[radio chimes]
All right,
she's leaving the hotel.
Moving forward.
What kind of security
are we talking?
They'll scatter as soon
as we turn up the heat.
We are in business.
[gun clicking]
[Joey] Let's do it.
[car engines revving]
Thank you, Xiao Xian.
[Damon] It has been an honor
to speak with you today.
[Xiao Xian] Thank you so much.
[car engines revving]
[tires screeching]
[foreboding music]
[brakes screeching]
[Collins] Go! Go! Move! Move!
- [rapid gunshots]
- [all gasp]
- [gasps]
- [in Mandarin] Hide behind me.
[rapid gunshots]
- [groans]
- [Xiao Xian gasps]
[rapid gunshots]
[rapid gunshots]
- [groans]
- [blood squelches]
- [in Mandarin] Don't mind me.
- [gasps]
[rapid gunshots]
[in Mandarin]
Run to the police station.
They'll get you to the embassy.
What about you?
Don't mind me. Three, two, one.
[rapid gunshots]
[in English]
Joey, get in the van.
[Collins] Devereaux,
move to market.
Dom, you go south.
Steiner, you're with me, now!
[tires screeching]
[rapid gunshots]
Can you please help me?
Please! Please!
Police station! Please!
- Take me to the police station!
- Okay.
[Xiao Xian] Right away!
[engine revs]
[officer 1 in Thai] Stop!
- What are you doing?
- [officer 2 in English] Stop!
- [gunshots]
- [in French] ...son of a bitch!
[tires screeching]
[car engine revving]
[Collins] Come on! Get in!
Let's go!
Dominique's dead.
He was out of control.
She's gone.
Fucked off in a tuk-tuk.
The intel was wrong.
You almost got us killed.
Deal with it, Devereaux.
We get paid
to almost get killed.
Key word. "Almost."
Quit your moanin'.
There's another loose end
we need to deal with.
[Devereaux] Who's more important
than killing the girl?
Your two zombie trackers
back from the dead, that's who.
They can ID
every single one of us.
They need to be silenced.
You wanna hit
the police station?
Yes, a police station,
not a castle
with a fuckin' moat.
[Collins] Those cops
are on cruise control.
They won't be expecting us.
I'm surprised
if they're even awake.
[thrilling music]
[in Thai]
Please! Help me! Please!
[in English]
Please! Help me! Please!
They've been trying to kill me.
I was just in a shootout.
Do you understand?
Do you...
Do you speak English? Chinese?
Look at this! That's me!
See? That's me.
- [Xiao Xian] Yes. That's me.
- [in Thai] She's on TV.
[officer 3 in Thai]
Come in! Here.
[in Thai]
Sit down!
[in Thai]
Take it easy, officer.
[shackles click]
[in Thai] You are involved
in illegal fighting
and gambling.
Are you asking me or telling me?
- [snickers]
- [thumps]
[in Thai]
Don't lock it up yet.
[officer 4] Chinese?
[in English]
I would say we have five
to ten minutes max.
Go in and out quick,
shock and awe, baby.
Devereaux, you're on the wheel.
Joey, you're with us.
Let's go.
[Joey] Let's go.
[in Mandarin]
Hey, you're the one on TV?
[in Mandarin]
You're Chinese? Great!
[officer 4 in Thai] Ask her
what happened at the hotel.
[in Mandarin] Tell him
someone is trying to kill me.
[in Thai]
You think you're better than us?
[detective] Because you are
an ex-soldier?
You're nothing
but a pussy to me.
How about this?
If you don't talk,
you go to prison!
[all gasping]
[in Mandarin] Stay low
and away from the windows!
[officer 5 in Thai]
Let's move.
[officer 6]
See what's happening.
- [gunshots]
- [officer groans]
[rapid gunshots]
[officer 3] Go, quickly!
We have to bring chief
out of here.
Guard him!
- Don't let him go anywhere!
- [officer 3] Yes, sir!
[rapid gunshots]
[man groaning]
[in Mandarin]
[Xiao Xian] They're coming!
Can you get me out of here?
I don't know how.
[grunting, mumbling]
- [rapid gunshots]
- [officers groan]
[tense music]
- [rapid gunshots]
- [groans]
[in Thai]
Officer, please let me go!
[both grunt]
- [grunting]
- Let's sort this out, officer.
- [clinking]
- [Payu groans]
[in English]
- [rapid gunshots]
- [officers groan]
Stay here!
[rapid gunshots]
We need to find another way out.
[female officer gasping,
Get up! On your feet!
Where do they keep
the prisoners?
[in Thai]
Where are the prisoners?
[in Thai] They aren't here!
All prisoners
are locked up downstairs.
[in English] Prisoners
are downstairs in holding.
[Steiner] Mook!
Break out the door!
- [explosion]
- [groaning]
[Collins on radio]
Check every single hallway.
Mook, I need you upstairs
with me.
I'm on my way, Collins.
[electricity crackling]
Just who I was looking for.
The girl had nothing to do
with this.
She's everything to do
with this.
What are you talking about?
This is my lucky day.
- [thuds]
- [Steiner groans]
Get out of here!
[both grunting]
[loud thud]
- [screams]
- [thuds, clatters]
[thuds, clatters]
[blade rasps]
[both grunting]
- [clinks]
- Huh?
[both grunting]
- [gunshots]
- [Steiner groans]
- [thuds]
- [groans]
- [grunts]
- [thwacks]
- [loud thud]
- [groans]
[Payu] You. You set this up.
I did it to flush them out.
You should go.
Leave with your friend.
[distant gunshots]
- [rapid gunshots]
- [groaning]
[Xiao Xian gasps]
[officer 7 in Thai]
Move! Quickly!
[both grunt]
[both grunting]
- [Jaka grunts]
- [thuds]
Don't do it.
- [Mook grunts]
- [weapon fires]
[gun clanks]
[chains rattling]
[metal clanking]
Well, well, well.
What a nice surprise.
[Payu] Joey!
[rapid gunshots]
[both grunting]
[Joey groans]
[Long-Fei] Go!
Take the girl!
Get out of here!
[Payu] Go!
- Gotta go now! Go!
- [Xiao Xian groans]
Come on!
Come on.
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[bone cracks]
[thuds, clatters]
[Joey grunts]
[both grunting]
[Collins] Shit.
[ominous music]
[Collins] Everybody fall back.
Big man, meet me
at the south side alley way.
- [tires screeching]
- Huh?
[car engine revving]
[brakes screeching]
[Devereaux] Get in!
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
[engine revs]
[Xiao Xian groaning]
- [Payu] Move it!
- [Xiao Xian] All right!
Oh! Please!
Keep moving. Keep moving.
Go! Keep moving.
[Collins] I said the south side.
Where are ya?
[tires screech]
[engine revs]
Mook! Where's Mook?
- She's fuckin' dead, all right?
- Shit.
- [Joey] And Steiner?
- [Collins] Steiner, too.
This is turning
into a real shit show.
This is
an expensive fuckin' exercise.
Who are these fuckin'
bush babies you hired anyway?
Just local trackers
from one of the villages.
From like a village
of fuckin' ninja warrior land?
Jesus Christ!
[Devereaux] They have to be down
one of these streets.
- [tires screeching]
- [Collins] There they are!
[woman screams]
Moving! Moving! Move!
- Huh?
- Wait, what?
[Long-Fei] Come on!
There they fucking are!
[Long-Fei] In here! Move!
[Joey] Get out of the way!
[woman shrieks]
Fuckin' move!
Down here!
[Long-Fei gasps, grunts]
- [tires screech]
- [both] Whoa!
- Fuckin' hell! Jesus!
- [car horns honking]
[tires screeching]
- Whoa!
- [car horns honking]
Shut the fuck up! Fuck off!
They're gone!
Now you get the van,
get to Devereaux.
No way.
You meet me
at the marketplace there.
No, you do as your fuckin' told
and get in the van.
Who do you think
you're talking to, eh?
You keep telling me what to do,
and you're pissing me off.
We're running around the streets
with fuckin' machine guns.
Look at the eyes on us!
How long is it gonna be
before the police turn up?
You take that,
you get to the van,
and you do
as you're fucking told!
[tense music]
[in Mandarin]
[Lee] Sir.
[in Mandarin] Oh. Lee,
you've arrived just in time.
[ambassador] These are signed.
You can send them out.
Of course, but I have
something urgent to report.
There has been an attack
on the Nagavara Hotel.
Are Liang and Xiao Xian safe?
Liang is injured.
She's in the hospital.
Xiao Xian is missing.
Liang believes Xiao Xian
must have run
to the Chinese Embassy.
[Lee] But so far,
we haven't heard from her.
Get me
the Maha Jaya Chief of Police.
[cell phone ringing]
[in English]
[Su Feng] You messed up
the contract, Collins.
Do I need to engage someone else
to take care of this?
[Collins] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Slow down, Su Feng.
Everything's under control,
all right?
[Su Feng]
If this is under control,
I'd hate to see
what out of control looks like.
It'll look like me decimating
any other team
that gets in my way,
so back off
and let us do our job.
You should come and see me.
[Collins] Not yet.
I'll have this spotless
before the sun comes up.
I'll come and see you then.
- [cell phone beeps]
- [clanks]
- [officer 8 in Thai] Freeze!
- [gun cocks]
Put your hands up!
[in English]
I haven't got time for this.
[in Thai] Turn back!
Put your hands on your head!
[in English] You're makin'
a big mistake, pal.
We're after the same people.
We should talk.
[Collins] I'm a little busy
right now, mate.
Drop the gun.
Stand up.
[Collins] What do you want?
Let's not play games.
I could work with you.
I can help you take down
the dude that you're after.
I'm not looking
for an apprentice right now.
Thank you very much.
Who exactly are they,
and what do you want with them?
[Jaka] They're mercenaries,
like me.
I've been after them for years.
Looking at your situation,
I'd say you need some help.
And how exactly do you suppose
you're gonna help me?
I know my way around the city.
And I know the same people
they do and how they work.
Long-Fei and Payu,
they also have the girl
you're after.
Look, if we work together,
we can both get what we want.
You can certainly
handle yourself.
Maybe I could use a little bit
of local assistance.
We better get out of here
before his mates turn up
don't you?
[suspenseful music]
[Xiao Xian in Mandarin]
What were you doing
at the police station?
[Long-Fei] We were
in an underground fight.
There may have been
some gambling involved.
Did you guys win?
Of course. We are professionals.
And he is?
That's Payu.
[in English]
Payu, thank you for saving me.
[in Thai]
Thank you.
[in Mandarin]
Can I trust you guys?
The police aren't an option.
Do you have a choice?
[in English]
I grew up near here.
[tense music]
[in Mandarin]
Go, go, go.
Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
[in Mandarin]
Get down.
What are you doing?
You drive. I'll navigate.
[Xiao Xian] You realize
this is a cop car, right?
We're just going to borrow it.
You should drive.
This is a girl's car.
Since when do cars have genders?
This is not the time to joke.
I'm not joking. I can't drive.
What do you mean
you can't drive?
I mean,
I don't know how to drive.
You're a professional?
How come you can't drive?
I'm a professional,
just not a professional driver.
[car beeping]
[engine rumbles]
[engine revving]
[officer 9] Hey, my car!
Hey, stop!
[in Thai]
Where are you going?
[in English] Look,
we'll get the job done,
all right?
Trust me.
It'll be business
as usual before--
- [line clicks]
- Hello?
[Collins sighs]
So, what's up?
Ah, that Su Feng meeting
didn't go well.
She's even more pissed off
than she normally is.
[Devereaux] You said
you could handle it.
[Collins] Yeah.
So, what does that mean?
Well, it's pretty simple,
[Collins] We've got 48 hours
to execute those little pricks
and if we don't,
contract reverts to us.
Nah, not alcohol.
[bottle thuds]
[Joey] Jesus.
Remind me and the lads
why we need you again.
All of you are ex-military.
Maybe special forces?
[Jaka] Martial arts training.
But maybe a bit out of shape.
You don't know us well enough
to be making
that kind of statement now,
do you?
You were saying?
[Collins] All right, calm down.
He's useful.
Crew is light anyways,
so I say we keep him.
[gasps, sighs]
Like I said, if you're going
after Long-Fei and Payu,
you need my help.
This little motherfucker
just doesn't quit, does he?
Look, we've got contacts
coming out of our asses, mate.
Pretty soon, someone somewhere
is gonna give her up.
She is well-connected in China
and has nowhere to go.
She will head
to the Chinese Embassy.
- [tires screech]
- [grunts]
[in Mandarin]
I thought Maha Jaya
fixed their traffic problem.
[in English]
Something is wrong.
[Payu] This can't be
a coincidence.
It has to be them.
[ominous music]
Can I borrow your phone?
[indistinct chatter]
[phone ringing]
[in Mandarin]
Xiao Xian, where are you?
Madame Liang,
I hope you're better now.
We can see the embassy,
but we're stuck
behind the roadblock.
[Liang]There was a bomb
threat at the embassy.
We think it was them.
It's all blocked.
Who are you with?
Some new friends.
They're helping me out.
[in English]
I'm moving now.
- [engine revving]
- [tires screeching]
[Collins] Go, go, go!
Go. Drive.
[in Mandarin]
[tires screech]
[Payu in Thai]
Faster. Go, go!
- [gunshots]
- Come on!
Get back to the van
and cut 'em off.
[Joey] Yeah, yeah.
- [tires screeching]
- [engine revving]
[townsman] Hey!
- [thuds]
- [screams]
- [grunting]
- [shrieking]
- [glass shatters]
- [shrieks]
- [screams]
- [thuds, clatters]
[Long-Fei in Mandarin]
Are you okay?
[in Mandarin]
[Xiao Xian] Who is he?
[Long-Fei] Not a friend.
[in English]
We have to go. Now!
[in Thai]
Let me see.
[officer 10] Huh?
[in Thai]
To the center, do you copy?
[officer 10] No one's here.
[in English]
They're in the other market.
Between Kwang and Kent.
- Jaka.
- What are you doing?
You used us a bait.
[Jaka] Be patient, my friend.
My fight is with Collins,
not you.
Just keep moving.
[Payu] It's your funeral, man.
[tense music]
This way!
[Jaka] They were here.
We just lost them.
[Devereaux] And here you are.
I followed them from the crash.
Lost them in the market.
You're always in the right place
at the right time, huh?
[Jaka] That's why you need me.
[Joey] Collins, over here.
Good job.
You know my gut
has kept me alive,
sort of like a sixth sense.
And you know
what my gut is telling me?
You're up to something.
If you have a point to make,
make it.
Oh, I will, when the time comes.
Wait. Stop.
[plastic bag rustling]
You go that way.
I'll sweep 'em towards ya.
[Joey] Hold on, mate.
Sorry, not open.
Health department.
I'm the vice terminator.
[ominous music]
[Xiao Xian panting]
- [phone rings]
- [gasps]
[tense music]
[phone rings, stops]
[ominous music]
Looks like
you passed the inspection.
[relieved sigh]
[in Mandarin]
The Maha Jaya Police Department
is overwhelmed.
[ambassador] They can't
guarantee Xiao Xian's safety.
The search will have to wait
until additional support
arrives tomorrow.
[metal gate rasps, clanks]
[in English]
Can I see it?
[Payu groans]
[Long-Fei] Looks like
we're stuck here for the night.
[Xiao Xian] Great.
[in Mandarin] Tell me how
you know these people?
[Long-Fei] We were hired
for a humanitarian
rescue mission, only it wasn't.
Instead, they freed Collins
and left us for dead.
And who is the guy
at the market?
He's with the foreigners,
but he's one of us.
[Long-Fei] It's complicated.
His people were killed
when the camp was destroyed.
So, he's a mole?
Sort of.
So the two of you
are responsible for this?
Now, what?
Now, we take cover here
for the night.
Tomorrow, we can try
the embassy again.
I guess you can only call in
so many bomb threats.
[sucks teeth]
[in English]
May I take your orders?
[Payu in Thai]
Hi all. I'm Payu, your chef.
Today, I proudly present
to you my best dish,
stir-fried swamp cabbage!
- [chuckles]
- [imitates whooshing]
It's best served with hot soup,
which we're gonna have...
Oops... River prawn spicy soup!
[in Mandarin]
Payu was a field cook.
A damn good one.
[in English]
You like spicy? Ooh.
[suspenseful music]
[exhales sharply]
[Collins] Let's keep lookin'.
- [tires screech]
- [engines revs]
[in Mandarin] So was it
your dad's mission or yours?
It was my dad's mission
that I embraced.
Enough about me. What about you?
You two were obviously
professionally trained.
Why did you leave China?
[Long-Fei] When I was young,
my father brought me here.
We've been living here
since then.
There's money
working security here.
One job, two jobs.
I want to make enough money
to bring my father
back to China.
But now, I cannot go home.
Since you saved me,
maybe I can help you?
I know a lot of people.
I'll find a way.
[in English] Ladies
and gentlemen, dinner is served.
Thank you.
For me.
This is actually
really delicious.
You pick up a lot,
moving from place to place.
[in Thai]
[in Cantonese]
It's good.
If it's good, then eat more.
[in Mandarin] That's my beer.
The other one's yours.
[in English]
Of course, you do. All right.
[in English]
- [in Mandarin] Cheers.
- Cheers?
- Mm-hm.
- Yeah, cheers.
[glasses clink]
[all chuckling]
[ominous music]
We're gonna have
every syndicate hit squad
in bloody Indochina on our cases
if we don't snare these
three little imps sometime soon.
I am painfully aware of that.
It's gonna get
a lot more painful
if we don't solve
this problem... quickly.
[foreboding music]
[in Mandarin]
Dummy. I'm always here.
[Jaka in Indonesian]
I should never have brought you.
I just wanted you with me.
I promise that
when everything is over
and they are dead,
I will live my life
and make you proud.
I will convince them
to trust me.
I will kill them
with my bare hands.
[Jaka] I will kill them
with my bare hands.
On my...
at the right time.
[Jaka] I will face them
one by one.
[engine revs]
[tires screeching]
[Xiao Xian in English]
Going to the Embassy
is a mistake.
The cartel will do anything
to stop my donation.
[Xiao Xian in Mandarin]
That's all that matters to me.
[in English]
I'm the one they're looking for.
So give me up.
I don't think so.
Use me as bait.
[Payu] It's too dangerous.
Well, we need to come up
with some sort of plan.
You know this is the only way
it could work.
She's right.
[Payu] I have an idea.
- Ah, cheers, mate.
- [clinks]
Bullshit. Bullshit.
Donnie and Sam, okay, cool.
[cell phone rings]
If it isn't the man of the hour.
[Payu]Let me speak to Collins.
Well, I'm pretty sure
he'd like to speak
with you, too.
Hey, Collins, this is precious.
You're gonna wanna see this.
Well, hello, hello, hello, mate.
How's it goin'?
How's your feet? They hurtin'?
Yeah, I fuckin' hope so.
I have something you want.
Let's talk.
We're talkin' now, champ.
We have Xian. You want her?
Oh, well, fuck me,
I was not expecting that.
- It's bullshit, bro.
- Wait, wait.
Let's see what he's gotta say.
What you got in mind,
my little friend?
[Payu] Dawn,
at the old Polo club.
You get what you want,
I get $100,000 and our freedom.
A hundred thousand dollars, eh?
Yeah, all right.
[Collins] Got yourself a deal.
But do me favor, don't be late.
- I've got a deadline to meet.
- [phone beeps]
Now you know he's trying
to set us up, right?
Don't tell me you trust
that little bastard.
No, I don't trust him.
But I do trust
that they'll be there
whether they're settin' us up
or not.
So I say we use
all the cash we got left.
You find me as many shooters
as you can wrangle.
- Shooters?
- [Collins] Yeah.
Ugly motherfuckers with guns
who get paid to kill people.
- I know what shooters are.
- Well, good.
We get there early.
We don't fuck about.
We set a few little traps.
And instead
of negotiating the trade,
we fuckin' annihilate
these little pricks,
now how's that for trust?
[Joey] Well, it's about time,
'cause I'm sick of playin'
fuckin' hide-and-seek.
[ominous music]
Welcome back, Payu.
[boss] Let's talk inside.
[foreboding music]
[boss] Why are you here, Payu?
You callin' in your marker?
What makes you think
I would honor it?
You are many things,
I know you keep you word.
You haven't told your friends
about our past, have you?
How you earned your name.
[big boss] Payu, the tempest.
One that destroys
all that it touches.
Not everything I did was good.
He worked with me.
[boss] Killed 12 men
in one attack.
I can't say
they didn't deserve it.
- Then he left.
- No, no, no.
- [boss] Next thing you know,
- Stop.
he's a soldier of fortune
working far and wide.
You owe me.
What do you want, Payu?
[Payu] I need weapons.
[foreboding music]
[lights flickering]
Take what you want.
[boss] We're square.
[intense music]
Your donation's
not gonna change anything.
You remove one regime
and another takes its place.
[boss] You need to stay alive
to make a difference.
Do you have anything
more substantial?
[Payu] Get in. Okay.
[boss] Payu!
Don't forget what I said.
We're even.
[engine rumbling]
[tense music]
So, we're gonna take care
of these little shits
and get back to business.
This is business right now.
[Devereaux] Split into pairs.
Get into position.
Cover the main area. All right?
This ends tonight.
[gun cocks]
Ah, used one of those before,
haven't you?
You know, you look like somebody
who, uh, knows their guns.
Hey, hey, hey. Hey.
Hey, what are you anyway, man?
- Cambodian? Vietnamese?
- [sighs]
Yeah, yeah, man.
[Devereaux] We ran
into some Indonesians.
Up in the north.
Yeah, they were being used
as camp security.
Yeah, yeah. They were terrible.
We deep sixed 'em all.
[Devereaux] Left 'em
in the sun to bloat
and feed the flies.
That doesn't bother you,
does it?
Wouldn't be anyone
you knew, right?
[Devereaux] C'mon, speak up.
We all on the same team. Huh?
Get off my back.
I'll get off your back.
I just thought it was something
that you wanted
to get off your little chest.
Your shooters clear
on what we expect
from them, Devereaux?
Yeah, I got eight guns
pointed at me right now.
All right, good.
Let's get this done.
[ominous music]
[foreboding music]
[foreboding music continues]
Where's the other mouseketeer?
He's outside,
making sure we weren't followed.
[Collins] Is he?
Well, that's all right.
We had the same idea, didn't we?
Your team double-crossed us.
Left us for dead.
They did.
But that was then, this is now.
So are we gonna do this or what?
- [muffled gunshots]
- [both groaning]
[gasps, pants]
[muffled gunshot]
[Collins] There's your money
in that case...
just like we agreed.
- [grunting]
- [men groaning]
[bones cracking]
Why don't you come over here,
[Collins] Don't worry.
Promise I'll make it quick.
Do you remember the first time
you felt your soul
slipping away?
[Collins] My soul?
No, there's no souls here,
[Collins] Just a bunch of blokes
doin' our jobs
like everyone else.
- [muffled gunshot]
- [groans]
[Collins] Now granted,
wasn't exactly
what I wanted to be doing
when I was all grown up,
but you know what?
Turned out
I was pretty bloody good at it.
[Collins] There's you money,
just like I agreed.
The girl, send her over.
The girl! Now!
[rapid gunshots]
[rapid gunshots]
[gun cocks]
[in Mandarin]
Aim the gun, pull the trigger,
until it's empty.
[in Mandarin]
Got it.
[gun cocks]
- [gun clicks]
- Shit.
[gun cocks]
[ominous music]
[rapid gunshots]
[rapid gunshots continue]
The Indonesians you killed
were my people.
[Jaka] I buried my wife
because of you.
This is personal.
[rapid gunshots]
That's the dumbest thing
you're never gonna live
to regret.
Let's see.
[tense music]
- [thwacks]
- [both grunting]
- [thuds]
- [grunts]
[rapid gunshots]
[Joey] Come on, you rat boss!
- [grunts]
- [loud thud]
- [groans]
- [clatters]
[both grunting]
[rapid gunshots]
- [thwacks]
- [grunting]
- [thwacks]
- [Devereaux groans]
- [groaning]
- [thuds]
- [grunts]
- [thuds]
- [grunts]
- [gunshot]
[knife rasps]
Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this.
[Joey] Come on!
Let's see what you got.
- [knife clanging]
- [both grunting]
[loud thud]
- [grunts]
- [exhales]
[both grunting]
- [thudding]
- [groans]
[tense music]
[rapid gunshots]
[both grunt]
- [thwacks]
- [thuds]
[Jaka groans]
[tense music]
[both grunting]
- [thuds]
- [groans]
Not bad for a little man.
Does it have to be this way?
I'm afraid it does.
We finish this
right fuckin' here!
[both grunting]
- [thuds]
- [groans]
[both grunting]
[Devereaux] You'll be seeing
your wife soon. Shh.
- [Long-Fei grunts]
- [thwacks]
[Devereaux grunting]
[thuds, clatters]
- [thuds]
- [Devereaux groans]
[phone rings]
[in Mandarin]
Who is this?
[male voice in Indonesian]
Tian Xiao Xian
is at the abandoned Polo club.
Send somebody to rescue her.
- [line drops]
- [in Mandarin] Hello?
Hello? Hello?
[gun cocks]
[rapid gunshots]
[Payu groans]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
- [Payu screams]
- [thuds]
- [grunts]
- [Collins groans]
[both panting]
[in English] You know,
you're a pretty good fighter.
[Collins] I'm gonna teach you
a lesson.
Talk, talk, talk.
[both grunting]
- [thwacks]
- [Payu groans]
Now look at you.
You're weak and pathetic.
You sneaky, little bastard!
I should've listened
to Devereaux, shouldn't I?
He's dead, as you will be soon.
Well, I reckon
I fancy these odds anyway.
- [thuds]
- [Jaka groans]
[loud thud]
Come on there, village boy.
- [thuds]
- [Payu groaning]
[rumbles, clatters]
[thrilling music]
[both grunting]
- [thuds]
- [Jaka groans]
[thuds, clatters]
[Xiao Xian] Jaka? Jaka!
[pants, gasps]
[foreboding music]
[Collins] You pissed off
some really
important people, girl.
For that, you have my respect.
Drop it.
Slide it over.
[Collins] Slide it over!
It's about time
I cash my paycheck,
don't you think?
- [Long-Fei grunts]
- [gunshot]
[gun clicks]
Jesus Christ!
Why the fuck is it so hard
to kill one little Chinese girl?
[suspenseful music]
You left me for dead... twice.
It will not happen again.
[blows air]
You come and have a go,
if you think you're hard enough.
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[cracks knuckles]
[both grunting]
- [thuds]
- [Collins groans]
- [whooshes]
- [thuds]
[Payu groaning]
- Is that all you got? Huh?
- [groans]
You shoulda stayed in the pits!
Less talk, just die.
- [thwacks]
- [Collins groans]
[groans, screams]
- [blood sloshes]
- [groans]
- [yells]
- [thuds]
Talk, talk, talk.
No more talk.
[thrilling music]
[ominous music]
- [gun cocks]
- [Xiao Xian gasps]
[gun clicking]
- [Xiao Xian gasps]
- [Long-Fei] That's enough.
He's dead.
Are you sure?
Thank you.
[groans, pants]
[brake squeals]
Xiao Xian.
[in Mandarin]
We were worried sick.
We came as soon
as we got Jaka's phone call.
[Xiao Xian] Jaka?
[Liang] I have some good news.
We've arrested
the person responsible.
She's being extradited
to Singapore.
[officer 11 in Thai]
Stop right there.
You're under arrest. Get up.
[shackles click]
[gasps, sighs]
[in English]
I told you... I had a plan.
Good plan. We almost died.
Next time, you get shot.
[Xiao Xian in Mandarin]
[in English]
See you, man.
[lively music]
["Bass Gun"
by Van ness Wu playing]
I got that bass gun
Bass gun
Everybody jump
Got that bass gun, bass gun
Droppin' on that trunk
I got that bass gun
Bass gun
Locked and loaded krunk
Bass gun, bass gun
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
Shake it on the floor
Baby, shake it on the floor
Call me crazy kamikaze
When we crash
On through that door
Come on
Clap your hands, come on
Feel it hit your chest
Fill your lungs
And steal your breath
Got that motion like the ocean
So we floatin' on this mess
Come on
Lift yo hands, come on
I got that bass gun
Bass gun
Everybody jump
Got that bass gun, bass gun
Droppin' on that trunk
I got that bass gun
Bass gun
Locked and loaded krunk
Bass gun, bass gun
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
Clap your hands
Clap your hands
Everybody clap your hands
We came to make some noise
I got my guns
You got your toys
Don't try to fight
It cant deny it
'Cause there never was
A choice
Come on
Say my name, come on
Baby, swing those hips
Like there's venom
On those lips
We on that holy spirit
Shake, don't spill it
Come on
Baby, baby, come on
I got that bass gun
Bass gun
Everybody jump
Got that bass gun, bass gun
Droppin' on that trunk
I got that bass gun
Bass gun
Locked and loaded krunk
Bass gun, bass gun
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
I got that bass gun
Bass gun
- Everybody jump
- Hey!
I got that bass gun
Bass gun
Everybody jump
Clap your hands
Clap your hands
Everybody clap your hands
Clap your hands
Clap your hands
Everybody clap your...
Clap your hands
Clap your hands
Clap your hands
Everybody clap your hands
Clap your hands
Clap your hands
Everybody clap your hands
I got that bass gun
Bass gun
Locked and loaded krunk
Bass gun, bass gun
Bass gun