Trois couleurs: Bleu (Three Colors: Blue) (1993)

Come on, Anne.
Get in.
Are you able to talk?
During the... Were you conscious?
I'm sorry to have to inform you...
Do you know?
Your husband died in the accident.
But you weren't conscious
all that time.
Yes, your daughter too.
Is someone there? Who did it?
Mr. Leroy?
Please call the guards. Somebody
broke a window on the 1st floor.
I'll look in the garden.
I can't do that.
- I broke the window.
- Don't worry.
We'll replace it.
- I am sorry.
- Don't worry.
- Is it today?
- This afternoon. At 17.00.
Can I do anything for you?
We gathered to pay respects
to the memory of the man
and composer,
known as one of the
most outstanding in the world.
Nobody can accept
that he is gone.
We also mourn his 5 year-old
Who died by his side.
Patrice, millions of men
and women
awaited the music you composed
for the Unification of Europe,
which we all hope to
celebrate soon.
Good morning.
Good morning.
- I know you don't want to see me.
- Right.
- Can I come in?
- No.
Julie, I don't want an interview.
- What then?
- I'm writing an article about your husband.
- I need to know something.
- About what?
The concert
for the Unification of Europe.
- It doesn't exist.
- You've changed.
- You were not so rude before.
- Haven't you heard?
I lost in my daughter and
husband in an accident.
Is it true you wrote
your husband's music?
Good morning.
- Good morning madam.
- Did you do what I asked?
- Did you clear the blue room?
- Everything.
Madam, we're all deeply sorry.
Why are you crying?
Because you're not.
I keep thinking about them.
I remember everything.
- No thanks.
- Lets sit down.
This could take a while
- I'll be right back
Nobody must know about it.
You will pay for my mother's
rest home for the rest of her life.
You will take care of
Marie and the gardener.
You will sell all our property
and pay all the money
in one account.
- 27-0641-196?
- Yes.
May I ask why?
Would you excuse me.
- But what will you have left?
- My own account.
I haven't started yet.
- I put it aside...
- The day I left?
- Yes
Here it is. I was waiting
to hear from you.
You were right.
A lot of corrections.
No more than usual.
It's beautiful.
I love this chorus.
It's Julie. Do you love me?
- Yes.
- Since when?
Since I started working with
- Do you think of me?
- Yes.
Come if you want to.
- Now?
- Yes. Now. Right away.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
- I fell.
- Please take it off.
The rest too.
They took everything.
Only the mattress is left.
I appreciate what you did for me.
But you see I'm like others.
I sweat, cough.
I have cavities.
You won't miss me.
You understand that now.
Shut the door when you leave.
I don't want any children
in the building.
Let me ask you something.
It may help.
- What do you do?
- Nothing.
- I mean, for a living?
- Nothing.
I have what you are looking for.
But the apartment needs repairing.
It may take a while.
- Can I live there now?
- Sure. It needs a quick paint.
- Can I look see it now?
- Yes.
- What is your name?
- Julie de Courcy, with a "Y".
Sorry, Julie Vignon. I am
going back to my maiden name.
- Coffee and ice cream?
- As usual.
Is anybody there?
Is anybody there?
- I'm sorry for the noise. I've almost finished
- I haven't heard anything.
Can I come in?
I heard you got locked out
last week.
Your husband lent me a blanket.
I spent the night in the stairwell.
I wanted you to sign this.
- What is it?
- Everyone has signed already.
We don't want loose women in our building.
The young woman downstairs...
- I don't want to get involved.
- She is a whore.
I don't care.
You are in perfect health.
Everything is fine.
You are in good spirits.
- Hello, it's Antoine.
- It is for you.
My name is Antoine.
You don't know me...
No I don't. Excuse me.
- Who is it?
- Some boy.
He has been looking for you.
I said he could call.
- Lets meet. It's important.
- Nothing is important.
- It is about an object.
- What?
A necklace with a cross.
I'd forgotten about it.
I found it near the car.
I couldn't keep it.
That's stealing.
If you want to ask me something,
I got there just after...
I'm sorry.
I wanted to return the necklace...
- I wanted to ask you something too.
- Yes?
When I opened the door...
your husband was still alive.
He said...
I don't understand.
He said "Now try coughing."
He was telling us a joke.
It's about a woman who can't stop
coughing. She sees a doctor.
He examined her and gave her a pill.
She swallowed it.
And asked "What was it?"
"The most powerful laxative".
"A laxative for a cough?"
"Yes. Try coughing now."
It made us laugh.
Then the car crashed.
My husband always liked
to repeat the punch line.
You returned it.
It is yours.
Are you sick?
Are you ok?
- You always gotta hold onto something.
- What did you say?
Thank you.
- For what?
- I'm staying.
In order to throw me away,
they had to collect signatures
of all occupants.
Your place is nice.
When I was a little girl,
I had a lamp like this.
I'd stand under it
and stretch out my hand.
I wanted to jump
and touch it.
I forgot all about it.
Where did you find it?
I found it.
Do you live here alone?
I could never spend
a night alone.
Something must have happened.
You are not the type someone dumps.
Forgive me, I talk too much.
Poor guy.
- Who?
- He was asleep there last night.
He's gone now but left the flute.
A coffee.
I searched everywhere.
And I found you.
Nobody knows where I live.
It took a few months.
Then I got lucky.
My cleaning lady's daughter
saw you in the area.
I've come here ever since.
I miss you.
Did you run away?
From me?
Do you hear what he is playing?
- It sounds like...
- Yes.
I've seen you. Maybe that will
do for now.
I'll try.
- How do you know this music?
- I invent lots of things. I like to play.
Just a second.
A problem with your place?
No. I would like another one
like this.
- I can manage that but it will take time.
- How long?
You cut yourself.
My cat scratched me.
It's me. Julie.
Come to me.
I've heard you are dead.
You seem fine.
Very young.
You were always younger,
you look 30 now.
I'm not your sister,
but daughter. I'm 33.
I know.
I was kidding.
I have everything here.
The TV...
I see the entire world.
- Do you watch too?
- No.
Tell me about your house,
- Or about you?
- Mom...
My husband and daughter are dead.
I have no home anymore.
I heard about it.
I was happy before.
I loved them and they loved me.
Mom, are you listening to me?
I am listening to, Marie-France.
Now I have only one thing
left to do:
I don't want anymore friends,
belongings, love. Those are all traps.
Do you have money, my child?
To get by?
- Yes I have enough.
- That's important.
You can't give up everything.
- Mom?
- Yes?
Was I afraid of mice
during my child days?
You weren't.
Julie was afraid.
I'm afraid now.
Thank you.
- Nice to see you. Come in.
- Can I ask you something?
- My wife is out. Please come in.
- Can you lend me your cat?
- Excuse me?
- Cat. For a few days.
It is not castrated.
It can be aggressive.
I am not sure it likes you.
- What are you doing here?
- I saw you from the bus.
You were running like crazy.
Are you crying?
It is the water.
- You don't wear underwear?
- Never.
I borrowed the cat from the neighbor,
to kill the mice. It had babies.
It's normal, Julie.
Are you afraid to go back?
I'll go clean up.
I'll see you at my place.
It's Lucille. Take a taxi here.
I will pay you back.
- Now? It is late.
- 23.30. You have 25 minutes. It's important.
I can't.
I beg you. I never asked you
for anything. Please come.
Cita de Midi 3. Near Pigalle.
First door on the left. There's a buzzer.
Say it's for me. You'll come?
I am here for Lucille.
You came.
Forgive me.
I'm sorry.
- Are you angry?
- No.
We are on in 5 minutes.
Get me ready.
After I changed,
I came here for a drink.
I looked around the audience,
for no reason.
In the middle... of the first
row, I saw my father.
He seemed tired.
And sleepy.
But he was starring a girl's ass.
The shithead who let you in
wouldn't make him leave.
He told me, that if he pays,
he has a right to watch.
I didn't know who I could count on.
I was desperate.
I didn't know who to talk to.
- That's why I phoned you.
- And your father?
his watch and left.
At 23.45 is the last train
to Montpellier.
Why do you do this?
Because I like to.
I think everybody likes to.
- You saved my life.
- I didn't do anything.
- I asked you to come and you did.
- No.
Isn't that you?
Lucille, we are on.
It's me.
European Council proposes you
to finish the composition of
Patrice De Courcy.
I agreed. I am working on it now.
I'm trying to understand
Patrice. It's not easy.
Can you tell something
about this score, shown here
for the very first time?
It's the first part of the concert
Patrice composed,
commissioned by
the European Council.
The concert was to be played
just once
by twelve symphonic orchestras
in the 12 EU cities.
Patrice was a secretive man.
Only his wife, Julie, would
understand him.
I tried asking her to participate
in this program, but
she refused.
I assume that these documents
are from your archives.
No, they are not archives.
Who can predict?
They are photos and documents which
I found in his desk at the Conservatory.
His wife didn't want them.
I am not sure
I should show them.
He was a great man. One of the
most important composers of our time.
People like him belong to everybody.
I'll be five minutes.
Where did I put it?
A green calling card.
- Did you watch TV today?
- No.
I found it. Her number at home
and at work.
Why do you need this?
Today, on TV, she showed the
scores I took from you.
After the accident, when
nothing was sure, I made a copy.
When you picked it up,
I knew you'd destroy it.
- I kept the copy and sent it to Strasbourg.
- Why did you do that?
The music is so beautiful.
You can't destroy things like that.
I'm sorry.
It's nothing.
- I heard you're finishing Patrice's concert.
- I thought I could try...
You can't.
You have no right. It won't be the same.
I said I'd try.
I don't know if I'll finish.
I'll tell you why. It was a way...
that's what I thought, to make you cry, run.
The only way of making you say,
"I want" or "I don't want".
- It's not fair.
- You didn't leave me any choice.
- You have no right to.
- You want to see what I've done?
I'm not sure I understood.
If I could play for you...
Do you know what the chorus sings?
I thought Patrice had told you.
In Greek, the rhythm is different.
- Who was that girl?
- What girl?
In the photos on the program.
She was with Patrice.
Didn't you know?
Just tell me, were they together?
Since when?
Several years.
- Where does she live?
- Near Montparnasse.
They often met at the courts.
She is a lawyer.
Or she works for one.
What do you want to do?
Meet her.
Excuse me.
What about equality?
Is it because I don't speak French
that the court won't hear my case?
Excuse me.
- You were my husband's mistress?
- Yes.
I didn't know. I just found out.
It's a shame.
Now you'll hate him, and me too.
I don't know...
Of course you will.
It is his child?
But he didn't know.
I found out after the accident.
I didn't want a child but it happened.
Now I want to keep it.
Do you have a cigarette?
You shouldn't.
Do you want to know
when and where?
- You want to know if he loved me?
- Yes, that was my question.
Why ask, I know he loved you.
He loved me.
Will you hate me now?
Come in.
What happened?
You met her?
Once you asked me
to take Patrice's papers.
- You didn't want to.
- No, but if I had...
- The photos were among them?
- Yes.
If I had taken them,
I'd have known.
And if I had burned them,
I'd never have known.
That's right.
Maybe it's better this way.
Can you show me
what you've composed?
- These are violins?
- The altos.
And now...
Wait a second. Lighter,
without the percussions.
Lets remove the trumpets.
- Instead of a piano...
- A Flute?
Flute... Start back here.
That's as far as I got.
- And the finale?
- I don't know.
There was a paper.
The counterpoint was supposed
to come back.
He told me, it is memento.
Try weaving it back in.
Van den Budenmayer?
He wanted to allude to him at the
end. You know how much he loved him.
- Are you still in touch with our lawyer?
- Sometimes.
- Did he sell the house yet?
- I don't know.
- I doubt it. He'd have called.
- Tell him not to.
If you can handle all this,
will you show me?
There was a mattress inside.
Mr. Olivier bought it.
- I didn't think you would need it.
- That's fine.
Good morning.
Have you been here before?
No. Never.
Upstairs are the bedrooms and the
office. I'll show you them later.
This is the Kitchen.
It's always been like this.
- Is it a boy or a girl?
- Boy.
Have you chosen a name?
I thought... he should have
his name and his house.
- Do you still need me?
- No, you can go home. Thank you.
- I knew it.
- What?
- Patrice told me a lot about you.
- Really? Like what?
That you are good.
That's what you want to be.
People can always count on you.
Even me.
I'm sorry.
It's me. I finished.
Come pick it up tomorrow.
Or now, if you're not too tired.
I'm not tired. But I will not
come for the score.
I won't pick it up. I've been thinking it
for a week. This music can be mine.
A little heavy and awkward,
but mine.
Or yours, but everyone
would have to know.
Are you there?
You right.
Its me. I wanted to ask you.
You really sleep on the mattress?
- You never told me.
- No I didn't.
Do you still love me?
I love you.
Are you alone?
Of course I'm alone.
I am coming.
If I can talk like angel,
And I have no love,
I will be a copper ringing.
If I can prophesy
And if I have no love
I will be nothing.
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
It bears all things.
And knows everything.
Love never ends.
Prophecy - gone.
If languages - silent.
Knowledge - nothing.
Prophecy - gone.
Languages - silent.
And only stays
Faith, hope and love
But the biggest one from this three
is love.