Troll (1986)

I've never seen so many guys take so long
to move so little furniture.
It's all your records, honey.
- You gotta get rid of some of them.
- I love those old albums.
- I listen to them all the time.
- All 3,000 of them ?
Here, take this, sweetie.
You guys take care of the boxes.
I'll go get dinner.
I saw a rat burger joint around the corner.
- Neat !
- Gross.
I wish you wouldn't call them
rat burgers in front of the kids.
- Chuckles
All right.
I'll take care of this.
Why don't you go play with your sister ?
She's a pain in the--
Okay. Don't play with your sister.
Just hold the fort, okay ?
Keep an eye on your sister.
Yeah, I'd rather watch Star Trek.
Phasers on dull.
"Pease-porridge hot.
"Pease-porridge cold.
"Pease-porridge in the pot, nine days old."
"Pease-porridge hot.
"Pease-porridge cold.
"Pease-porridge in the po..." ah..!
Wendy !
Wendy !
Wendy, where are you ?
"Pease-porridge hot.
"Pease-porridge cold.
"Pease-porridge in the pot..."
- Wendy ?
Wendy !
Wendy, are you down there ?
Wendy Ann, don't fool around.
Are you in here ?
Have you been playing with dead cats ?
Okay. Okay, Wendy.
Keep hiding.
I'm gonna tell Dad,
and you're gonna be in a lot of trouble.
I got you !
- Did not !
- I did, too !
Mom and Dad will be pissed at you
when they find out you've been hiding.
I got you ! I got you !
I got you !
- Where did you get that, Honey ?
- I found it.
- Where ?
- Somewhere.
- Here we go.
- I want the works.
You keep acting the way you have been,
I'll give you the works.
What's that ?
It's the works.
What's in it ?
Just eat it, honey. It's good for you.
But what's in it ?
Good stuff, honey.
What a pig !
have you been letting her read
your monster magazines ?
More works.
More works for what ?
More works now !
Bring back those rat burgers !
Agh !
Wendy !
I'm sorry, sir.
- Are those creatures yours ?
- Yes, sir. I'm afraid they are.
Let me help you.
My name is Harry Potter. We just moved in.
I'm Peter Dickinson. I live upstairs.
Rat burger !
Wendy ! Harry !
Kids ?
- Honey, they went that way.
- That way. You're a big help.
Raaagh !
Wendy Anne.
Rat burgers !
Harry, Jr. !
Is she rabid ?
She's excitable.
Kids !
That's Anne, my wife,
and those are the little ones.
You have the distinction of owning
the only two children in this entire building.
We don't own them, we just rent.
Let me give it to you straight, Harry boy:
you see, I am a single, unattached guy;
and I live upstairs, right above you.
Now, I'm into swinging...
and children having pillow fights
at all hours of the night...
while I'm trying to score
may cause a few strikeouts.
- You get me, Harry boy ?
- Yes, sir.
Mr. Dickinson.
- Wrong apartment.
- Shit !
Aaah !
- Hello.
- How you doing ?
We just moved in.
Just moved in ?
- ow !
What is going on out there ?
- She tried to bite me !
The kids, they're a little upset.
You got any kids ?
Hey, can you take those off ?
- Huh ?
Can you take these off ?
Oh ! Oh !
Yeah. Yeah, Yeah.
Fire !
False alarm.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Lt. Barry Taybor, U.S. Marines.
Retired now.
Insurance is my battleground now.
- My name's Harry Potter.
- Nice to meet you, Porter.
No, Potter. And I review books.
- You what ?
- I review books for magazines.
I never read them.
Owned and operated by liberal scum.
They knock our President
every chance they get.
Leave us wide open
for the Communist menace,
you know what I mean.
I did do a little bit of ROTC.
Hey, all right !
- My man !
Duke, Duke,
is this a false alarm
or the real thing ?
Duke ? Who's Duke ?
That's me.
Some people think
I look like John Wayne.
No, It's a false alarm.
At ease, kids, at ease !
I'll tell you this much,
fire department's really going to be PO'd.
I wish somebody would fix that fire alarm.
It goes off all the time.
We came back real late one night.
We were a little drunk.
The thing went off by itself.
I Swear--
- I remember that.
- Wait a minute here, pal.
You told me it was
the creep upstairs
that did it, huh ?
- It was.
- It was.
- It was.
- Yeah ? Okay.
Listen, Jeanette, Bill,
this is Harry Plotter here.
- Oh, hi !
- No. No. Potter.
- Hi. It's William.
- Hello, William.
I'm Jeanette Cooper.
Did you lose this ?
That's our dinner.
Rrrrat burgers !
- That's my daughter.
- All right !
Spirited kid !
I like that !
Give me my rat burger.
Rat burger ?
I'm going to kick--
This is my wife.
- Have you met Malcolm ?
- Malcolm ? Who's Malcolm ?
- He's an egghead.
- He's a professor of English.
You'd probably get along with him.
He reads newspapers.
- Sometimes even books.
- Books ?
Who set off the
goddamn fire alarm ?
- Hi, Miss St. Clair.
- Evening, ma'am.
Ma'am, I'm sorry.
I think maybe my kids did that.
You think so ?
Somebody ought to tell that
hook and ladder truck...
outside my window that it's a false alarm.
I guess it might as well be me.
It's nice to meet you, Miss St. Clair.
Well, ah--
Aaah !
So long.
Wendy, don't throw that.
Don't throw that, honey.
Wendy, don't throw these, honey.
Listen, don't--
What the hell is
going on in here ?
Wendy, those are important papers. What--
You got to calm down, sweetie,
it's only daddy.
- OW !
Wendy, cut that out !
Wendy, it's dad.
I'm Godzilla !
You little stinker !
No more monster magazines, Harry, Jr.
You scared mommy
and daddy so much !
Honey, where did you learn
to growl like that ?
Stop that.
Ruin your appetite.
Never ruined my appetite before.
Would you stop that ?
Good morning, sweetie. You slept late.
You almost got the whole place fixed up.
You guys stay up all night ?
No. The apartment fairies did it all.
- Not funny, Dad.
- Where's your sister ?
She's still sleeping.
Well, babe, was it what you expected ?
- Unfortunately.
- What ?
Ah.... It was
beyond what I expected.
- Feel like breakfast ?
- Sure.
There's some pancake mix in the kitchen.
Why don't you cook us up some ?
Why don't you go jump in a lake ?
Good morning, sweetie.
Would you like some fresh
orange juice ? There's some
in the kitchen for you.
- I am worried about that child.
- Does she look feverish to you ?
She's not. I checked. Her temperature's fine.
If she doesn't start acting
like herself tomorrow...
I'll take her to the doctor.
I don't know what else to do.
- Oh, no.
- What ?
Look at this.
One less.
Cold !
Are you all right ?
Maybe you should go back to bed.
Aaah !
[ Hey, kids,
what's going on in there ? ]
I just tripped.
Couldn't get enough
of me, huh babe ?
Well, just make
yourself at home.
Look, kid, I don't have any candy...
and I don't play with toys.
Come on, kid. It's Saturday.
I got my whole day planned.
So why don't you just beat it ?
This isn't a playground.
I don't play
hide-and-go-seek, either.
Now, look. Enough is enough !
Now I got you !
Holy shit !
No !
Huh, huh, yeah !
Mmmmh ?
Aaah !
Whoaaah !
Mmmmh !
Mmmmh !
Aaah !
Well, what do you want,
short stuff ?
- Have you seen my sister ?
- No.
Oh, good.
Can I come in ? I think I'm gonna throw up.
How could I resist an offer like that ?
Go on in. The bathroom's on the right.
Well, did you pop
your cookies ?
No. False alarm.
Well, then, there's
no reason for you to
stay around here any longer.
Oh, I don't want to go right now...
if it's okay with you.
Doesn't make any difference to me at all.
I'll just pretend you're not here.
I feel safe here.
You're sounding like a ninny.
What the hell have you got
to be afraid of ?
I don't know.
Keep talking like that,
you'll become an adult.
Is all this stuff yours ?
Of course it is. I live here, don't I ?
Oh, yeah.
What do you do ?
Anything I damn well please.
My name's Harry Potter, Jr.
I just moved into this building.
I don't have any friends here.
My sister is going weird on me.
I don't know why.
Strange things are happening.
I'm really scared.
Eunice St. Clair.
Knock before you come in.
The door is always open.
You should be more careful.
You might try being a little more polite, too.
Are you an elf ?
No, I just resemble one.
- Why, do you believe in elves ?
- Oh, yes !
Well, then perhaps
I might be one after all.
- Where do you live ?
- In there.
so do I.
- What's your name ?
- Wendy Anne.
Malcolm Mallory.
Glad to meet you, Wendy Anne.
Come along. Your parents
are probably wondering where you are.
Yes, brother elf.
You call that a dragon ?
Harry ?
Harry ?
Think you can you tear yourself
away from that for a minute,
and go down to the store for me ? Hello ?
- Huh ?
Wendy's having a little
friend for dinner,I need some milk.
Sure, Mom.
- Maybe she'd like to go with you.
- No, no, no, It's okay...
I don't mind going by myself.
Don't be silly.
Wendy !
Honey !
Didn't you hear mommy calling you, honey ?
No, Mommy.
Mommy is baking a cake,
and Harry's going to the store...
to get some milk
for your little friend,
do you want to go with him ?
No, I think I'd rather stay here and play.
Hey Mom,
what's the
matter with Wendy ?
What do you mean ?
she's different.
- Why do you say that ?
- I don't know. She's just not acting right.
Well, I think it's the
new apartment; I think we
ought to give her a little time, okay ?
- Yeah, I'd call a doctor.
- You worry too much, Harry.
You worry too much, Harry.
Ooogh !
Hey, hey !
how's it going, champ ?
Weird kid.
Probably reads a lot.
Well !
Hello there.
So, you must be, ah...
You must be, ah,
Harry's daughter, right ?
- Right.
- What can I do for you ?
I need some advice.
Then you have come to the right guy.
Uncle Duke has seen
just about everything that
there is to see there, little missy.
He's been around the world
dozens of times...
and has stared death right...
in...the face.
What does it look like ?
What ?
What does death look like ?
Hell, I don't know.
Kind of hard to explain.
- You're too young
to understand, anyway.
- I understand.
Oh, you do,
do you ?
- I know what death looks like.
- That's good, that's good !
- What's it look like ?
- It looks something like this !
No !
Ah !
What are you ?
What the hell are you ?
Mom ! Dad !
Dad ! Mom !
Hi, honey.
I'm just doing my aerobics.
Why are you staring at me like that ?
- Harry fell down outside, and....
- What ?
Harry fell down outside,
and he went to sleep.
Harry ?
Oh, my God !
- What happened ?
- He fainted.
Is he feverish ?
No, I don't think so.
I just don't understand any of this.
- Harry ?
- Honey.
- You sure you're all right ?
- All systems go, sir.
Your warp factor seemed
a little pooped just now.
I'll be okay, Dad.
Take it easy.
Mom will bring in some food.
- Dad ?
- Yeah ?
Do me a favor. Don't let Wendy in, okay ?
Why ?
I mean, if I'm sick or anything...
I don't want her to catch it.
She's just a kid, you know ?
All right. You got it.
Wow, you look so pretty.
What time did you tell your
little friend to come ?
- 7:00, Mom.
- It's almost 7:00 now.
- What's his name ?
- Malcolm.
Want to help me
set the table, hmm ?
Hi. I'm Malcolm Mallory.
Come on in.
- Pleased to meet you, Mr. Potter.
- I'm sorry.
My name is Harry. How do you do ?
- Is Wendy's little friend here yet ?
- Yes, he is.
- I'm sorry. Wendy didn't tell me.
- Children seldom do, Mrs. Potter.
Please call me Anne.
Malcolm !
Hello, Wendy.
As much as I love chocolate milk,
Mrs. Potter....
- Thank you.
- You want a quick one before dinner ?
Sure, gin and tonic would be fine, Harry.
Professor of English.
You can forget the milk, honey.
He's into gin and tonics.
I brought a, ah...
note from my mother.
That's very good.
Blues Magoos.
Wow ! Haven't seen one of those in years.
Don't tell anyone about it.
It will show my age.
So, where's your little boy ?
- Wendy tells me she has an older brother.
- Harry, Jr. ?
He had a fainting spell today,
and he's in, sleeping.
- Nothing serious, I hope.
- I hope not...I guess not.
Maybe the excitement of the move.
There you go, Malcolm.
- Thank you.
- Welcome.
- Cheers !
-Cheers !
That isn't Spot, our pet, Nancy.
That's something
that looks like Spot...
acts like Spot,
even smells like Spot...
but in reality,
it's a Martian.
- You mean....
- Yes.
Our dog is a pod person,
from the planet Mars.
Actually, after I got my degree...
I wound up traveling
with the circus for a while.
They needed a person
to do some clown gags.
I was good at acrobatics.
The pay was good. Seemed like fun, so....
I always wanted to run away with the circus
when I was a kid.
- You did ?
- Yep.
- Me, too.
- Really ?
Mmm...maybe not
run away.
Maybe visit for a while.
Read to us, Malcolm.
Maybe your parents wouldn't....
You promised !
What's she got you
roped into, Malcolm ?
Your daughter has asked me
to recite a pretty-long piece.
- What does she want to hear ?
- The Faerie Queene.
Heavy stuff, squirt.
Not so surprising.
Her father is a very great writer.
I'm not a great writer.
We're ready when you are, Malcolm.
Remember, this was written
a long time ago--
We know !
We Know !
"A gentle knight
was riding across the plain...
"all clad in mighty arms and silver shield...
"wherein old dints
and deep wounds did remain....
"The cruel marks of many a bloody field.
"Yet armies till that time did he never wield.
"His angry steed did chide his foaming bit.
"Upon a great adventure he was bound...
"that fairest Gloriana to him gave...
"the greatest, glorious
queen of Faerie Land."
"Now, when that idle dream
was to him brought...
"unto that elfin knight...
"he bade him fly...
"where he slept soundly,
void of evil thought...
"and with false shews
abuse his fantasy."
it's starting again.
Honey, are you all right ?
Arms up.
Well, I guess that ought to
give those little suckers something
to think about.
That may look like
your canary, Tweety, my dear...
but it's not Tweety.
It may sing like Tweety...
it may molt like Tweety, it may even
eat seed like Tweety...
but it's an alien.
- You mean....
- Yes.
Your canary is
a pod person from
the planet Mars.
- Feeling better ?
- Sure, Dad.
Good morning, sweetie.
- Good morning, Wendy.
- Good morning.
That's mine.
Now it's mine.
Wendy, give Harry back his juice.
Honey, give Harry
back his juice.
Mommy will pour you
some of your own. See ?
Wendy, listen to your mother.
Wendy Anne.
That is a very bad girl.
Wendy, go to your room.
But I'm hungry.
Wendy Anne, you're going to your room.
Honey, it's only
a little juice.
No, Dad ! It's okay.
She's probably not feeling good.
Remember, the move and all ?
Look, I don't care about the juice.
I promised Miss St. Clair I'd eat with her.
- Are you all right ?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- You sure ?
Come in, Harry.
- Hi, Eunice.
- Hello.
How did you know it was me ?
Oh, I recognized the
knock. It's prepubescent.
Why are you here ?
I don't get you.
You're different, aren't you ?
Oh, yes, I like
to think I am.
No, not like that.
Look at all this stuff.
It's not normal.
It's all the things
a kid would have.
An adult wouldn't have
neat stuff like this.
I like all this stuff.
I've had it for years.
Hundreds, I bet.
You're fishing, kid.
Eunice, are you a witch ?
What of it ?
Why are you here ?
I'm here because
I have to be.
Just a second.
Just a sec--
Hi. Do you like flowers ?
- Yeah.
- These are for you.
I picked them myself.
Thanks a lot.
They're beautiful.
- So are you.
- Thanks.
My name is Wendy Anne.
I live downstairs.
- I'm Jeanette.
- That's right.
- Can I get you something
to drink, or something ?
- Nope.
Ooo...Be careful with that.
That's breakable. Be careful.
- This was you ?
- Uh Hah ! I was about your age then.
You were pretty.
Thanks, I think.
Beauty fades with age.
What ?
- This is your suitor ?
- No.
That's my boyfriend.
- His name's William.
- Yes, I know.
I've got an audition today
and I've got a lot to do, so....
If you want to hang around, you can.
I'll be right in here.
- How did you become a witch ?
- I was a princess...
and that seemed
a pretty dull thing to be,
to me.
- A real princess ?
- No. A phony one.
Of course, a real princess.
Anyway, I fell in love with
a handsome young wizard...
named Torok.
And, since we
were going to be married...
I thought it would be a good idea
if we had something in common.
So I studied magic...
with a great old man named Galwain.
I was a pretty good student, too.
Yes, you were.
Can you teach me to be a magician ?
I could, but I don't think
I'm going to have the time.
Why not ? Are you going somewhere ?
I don't know, kiddo.
I just don't know.
- You cook good pancakes.
- Thank you.
They're made from nosy kids.
Yeah, right. is your sister ?
She's not my sister.
What do you mean ?
I figured it out.
She looks like my sister.
She acts like my sister.
She even sounds like my sister, but....
But ?
She's an alien.
It's like she's a pod person
from the planet Mars.
Close, but no cigar.
Oh ! Mmm !
When did you
first notice that your sister...
was behaving strangely ?
The day we moved in,
which was, Friday.
Ah, Friday, yes !
That's when it all would have started.
Do you know what day Friday was ?
Ah, Star Trek weekend on Channel 11 ?
Walpurgis Night...Witches' Sabbath.
A day when all the denizens
of the unknown cavort.
- Cavort ?
- Party hearty, Harry.
Party hearty, Harry.
Oh, all right !
Harry, this is Galwain.
Galwain, this is Harry Potter, Jr.
It's a mushroom.
I told you I was a good student.
He's seen better days.
...this whole transformation
takes about 72 hours...
so we really don't
have much time left.
W-We don't ?
Your sister isn't an alien.
She's something much worse.
What is she ?
We don't have time to chat about that now.
I'll tell you about it later,
but for now...
I want you to go
to your apartment and keep
an eye on your sister.
Every adult in the world tells me to do that.
I'm one adult who
has a good reason to tell
you to do that.
Now go on !
Hey, Jeanette.
Hello ?
Jeanette ?
Jeanette ?
- Need any help ?
- Hi. You must be the
professor, right ?
How are you doing ?
I'm William, Jeanette's friend.
I've heard a lot about you.
Nice to meet you.
What seems to be the problem ?
It's no problem, really.
She was supposed to meet me
about half an hour ago.
We were gonna play
some volleyball, but she
never showed-up.
That doesn't sound like her.
No, it doesn't.
I'm starting to get a little worried,
to tell you the truth.
Hello ?
- It seems like no one's home.
- I can try the bell again.
Jeanette, hey, hello !
Jeanette ?
What's the matter ?
I don't know, I just got a...
migraine or something...
like I got hit in the
head with a softball.
- You want some aspirin or something ?
- No, no, thanks. Thanks.
Thanks, I'll be okay.
Thanks anyway.
Well, if you need to
use the phone or anything, I'm
right down the hall here.
Okay, thanks a lot.
I appreciate it. See you.
Jeanette ?
Hey, Jeanette, Hello ?
Jeanette ?
Hey, Jeanette ! Hello !
Hi, Malcolm.
- Hi, Wendy. Feeling better today ?
- Yeah. Thanks.
Why are you standing
in the hallway like that ?
I've locked myself out of my apartment,
and I can't seem to find my keys.
Well, the
door's not locked, silly.
See ? Come on.
Ahh, would
you like some juice ?
- Yes. Thank you.
- Okay.
Orange or apple ?
I like your house, Malcolm.
Thank you.
You seem to be at peace
with the world around you.
What ?
Nothing. I said, it looks neat.
Are you okay ?
Sure, hon.
You're fibbing.
A little.
You're real sick, aren't you ?
- Does it show ?
- No. But I can tell.
I bet you can.
Yes, I'm sick.
And getting sicker every day,
so the x-rays say.
What's wrong ?
Well, it's complicated.
Bone marrow and yucky stuff.
Doctors have their big names for it.
But if you ask me,
this old body's just worn out.
You're going to die ?
It looks that way.
Want me to draw you a picture ?
But you can't die, Malcolm.
You're too special.
It's okay.
I was getting a little tired
of this old body, anyway.
do you want straight...
or floppy ears on this bunny ?
Oh, umm...
Remember when I asked you
if you were an elf ?
Um Huh !
Did you ever want to be ?
I did, actually...
when I was about your age, in fact.
Maybe a little older.
Doctors talking to my parents
about recessive genes.
I thought they
were talking about pants.
It's funny what you think about
when you're a child.
I just didn't understand
what was happening.
My parents told me:
"you're just not
going to grow anymore."
I thought...
"Wouldn't it be wonderful...
"if all this was
happening to me because...
"I was magic...
"and not because I was sick ?"
I used to sit in
my bedroom and daydream...
and wish that I'd
wake up the next morning in
a land filled with...
unicorns and dragons...
and flying horses.
Special people...
just like I was.
I kept on waiting for that to happen.
And I kept on waiting.
Miss Cooper ?
Miss Cooper, are you in there ?
Miss Cooper.
Damn it. I'm too late.
Mr. Dickinson ?
Mr. Dickinson, are you awake ?
Barry, Barry, are you in there ?
Duke ? Anybody home ?
Hello there, Miss St. Clair.
Are we having a problem ?
Does it look as though I'm
having a problem ?
No. You're looking
for whales to harpoon, right ?
- You must be Harry's father.
- That's right.
That explains his interest
in monster movies.
You should have seen me before I shaved.
Have you seen
'Jungle Jim' lately ?
Duke ? No. I haven't
seen him since Friday.
- Damn it.
- What's the matter ?
What's the matter ?
Everybody in the entire building
is just disappearing...
that's all, one by one.
Well, it is
the weekend.
Do you know what
day it was when they dropped
the bomb on Hiroshima ?
- It was on a weekend, right ?
- I don't know.
But it would be interesting
to find out, wouldn't it ?
Who was that ?
The Wicked Witch of the West.
Honey, ha...have we unpacked
the encyclopedia yet ?
Second shelf.
Harry, what are you doing ?
- Waiting for Wendy.
- Why ?
Because it's
my job to watch her.
Don't you think your'e
carrying the big brother bit
a little too far ?
Dad, she's
worse than a pod person.
She's a monster.
She may look like Wendy...
she may act like Wendy...
she may even dress like Wendy,
but she...she's something else.
did you do a lot of drugs before we met ?
Professor Mallory !
Professor Mallory, are you all right ?
Oh !
Welcome, brother elf.
Oh !
It's a great dinner, Mom.
Yes, sir, a great dinner.
Thank you, dear.
Harry, you're not eating your dinner.
I am.
I love family life.
- Harry, can you
get me some coffee ?
If you'd just take your eye
off your sister for a second.
Sure, Dad.
Just bring the pot over here.
Oh, my God.
- Are you okay ?
- Yeah.
What happened, Harry ?
You know.
How does she know
when I don't even know ?
- Let me see your arm.
- I'm fine, Mom.
- Where does it hurt ?
- She does know, Dad.
Believe me, she does.
Buzz off, you little creeps.
Oh, Harry.
Oh, there's some
hot cocoa and a sweet roll
in the kitchen.
How did you know I was coming ?
Well, you told
your parents you were coming over
for breakfast, didn't you ?
I don't hang out with liars.
Oh...why don't
you sit down ?
I saw Wendy last night like she really is.
Not when she's Wendy.
You did, did you ?
It was horrible.
It had a beaky nose, long nasty nails.
She looked just
like that, didn't she ?
How did you know ?
That, Harry,
my boy, is a troll.
Or, more specifically,
Torok the troll.
What's a troll ?
A fairy of sorts.
Mean and very strong.
- Look at that.
- Isn't that you ?
- Yes, it's me.
- And THAT was Torok.
- Ah, wasn't Torok--
- Can the chatter and listen up !
Now, before there were countries...
before there were presidents,
there was just the world.
One big place.
And in this place, there were fairies,
and there were humans.
Now, the leaders
of both kingdoms decided...
that no one side
would rule the other.
That the kingdoms would be equally
divided between the two of them.
But that didn't set well with Torok
and some of the fairies.
They wanted to control the world,
so there was a great big war.
But the good humans won...
and the rebel fairies
were condemned to darkness.
And Torok was
turned into a troll.
Yes !
- For all eternity.
But now, he
has vowed his revenge.
He still wants to rule
the world with his army,
and that's why he's here.
And that's why
you're stop him.
That's my job, kiddo.
But what is
he doing here ?
I'm not quite sure.
But I think...
that he's going from
apartment to apartment.
He's transforming sections
of this building...
into different fairy worlds.
And when he has succeeded
in transforming them all...
a single fairy universe will be formed
within this building.
It'll be filled with
all his old fairy pals.
And when that's done...
that universe will burst forth...
like a fourth dimension.
- What about Wendy ?
- She's alive somewhere.
How can you be sure of that ?
Well, when Torok
wipes out humanity...
he will save one token specimen.
A fair-haired maiden...
and she will serve
as the princess of the fairies.
Listen up, kid.
We're getting right down to the wire here.
Torok has just three days
in which to complete his universe.
Or else he misses his cosmic chance.
He's running out of time and apartments.
There are just two pieces of the puzzle left.
My apartment and yours.
Plunge this weapon deep into
the heart of Torok's universe.
But where can I find that ?
Well, Torok has always
been a little melodramatic.
So just look for the biggest,
most powerful creature you can find:'ll be mean,
- it'll be ugly...
and it will not be
glad to see you.
See you.
I hope so, Harry.
I hope so.
you harm one
hair on Harry's head...
and I'll make
your life a living hell...
for all eternity.
All right, my love.
Once more,
for old time's sake.
Harry, what are you doing ?
For what ?
A stray dragon.
Well, that's...
Oh, Stop it !
There, that's more like it !
All right, Torok,
show yourself.
It's Eunice.
Your dear Eunice.
Where are all
your little friends, Torok ?
Are they hiding from me, too ?
Damn ! I should
have known.
Whoooah !
Waaph !
Waaoh !
All right.
If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get.
Eunice ?
Eunice, are you okay ?
All right, kiddo. It's up to you now.
Don't blow it.
Eunice, no !
Go on. Get in there
and save your sister.
Whaaa !
What was that ?
Shut that damned door...
...he can't take over
if you keep him out of your home.
What is going on out there ?
I don't know, but
I'm listening to that tree.
Harry Potter, Jr.
Harry Potter, Jr.
Harry Potter, Jr.
Oh, God !
Harry !
Harry !
Whaah !
Harry !
My God !
Eee ! Oh !
No. No.
Not the girl !
No !
Harry !
Come on !
Dad, Mom, open the door !
Hey, you did
pretty good in there...
...for a human.
The station's half a mile down main street.
They'll fill out your report there.
Uh Huh.
Okay, that's all.
Show's over.
All right, everybody.
Let's move along now. Let's go.
Break it up. Let's go home now.
- What do you think happened here ?
Someone probably had
their stereo on too loud.
It must have been one of those kids.
- The place sure looks normal. - Mmm.
Let's play it safe.
I'll check this side of the building out.