Trolls (2016)

Once upon a time...
in a happy forest,
in the happiest tree.
Lived the happiest creatures
the world has ever known.
The Trolls.
They loved naming more
than to sing,
and dance, and hug.
Dance, and hug,
and sing, and dance,
and sing, and hug, and dance...
and hug, and dance,
and sing, and hug,
and dance, and hug...
But then one day,
the Trolls were discovered by...
a Bergen!
The Bergens
didn't know how to sing...
or dance...
or even hug.
They were the most miserable
creatures in ail the land.
And once they saw
how happy the Trolls were...
they wanted some of that
happiness for themselves.
Oh, my God!
Eating a Troll
made them feel so happy...
they started a tradition.
Once a year, every year...
the Bergens would gather
around the Troll Tree...
to taste happiness...
on a holiday they called...
Good morning, Daddy!
Daddy, wake up!
Daddy, wake up!
Wake up! Wake up, Daddy!
Wake up, Daddy.
Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy, wake up!
Gristle! What time is it?
It's Trollstice!
Our one day to be happy.
Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!
Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!
Please give it up for
your Keeper of the Trolls...
your Minister of Happiness...
your Royal Chef...
This is
a very special Trollstice...
as there is one amongst us
who has never tasted a Troll.
Ooh, me!
She is talking about me!
Prince Gristle...
the time has come.
It's okay, son.
I remember being nervous
my first time.
That's my boy.
It is my sacred duty...
to initiate you in the
ways of true happiness.
I have chosen an extra-special
Troll, just for you.
The happiest.
The most positive...
sweetest Troll of all.
And because every prince
deserves a princess...
I give you the one
they call Princess Poppy.
Please make me happy,
Princess Poppy.
What are you feeling?
That one's rotten!
It's fake?
They're gone?
Where are they?
Don't worry, sire.
We'll find them.
I think I hear something!
Go! Go!
We got Poppy!
Pass her to me!
Here comes Poppy!
Here she is!
Ah! There's my princess.
King Peppy, some of the others
can't keep up.
No Troll left behind!
Thank you, King Peppy!
- Thank you, King Peppy!
- Thank you!
Thank you, King Peppy.
No Troll left behind!
Daddy, where are they?
Don't just stand there!
Make my son happy!
He will be happy!
Where is he?
I don't think
King Peppy made it.
When I say
no Troll left behind...
I mean, no Troll left behind!
King Peppy,
where's Princess Poppy?
Don't worry. She's safe.
No Troll left behind!
But we'll be a lot safer
the further we get
from Bergen Town.
Go, go! Hurry!
That's right! Take her away!
Get her out of my sight!
She is hereby banished
from Bergen Town forever.
We can all be happy again.
I'll find the Trolls!
And shove them down
your ungrateful throats.
But, Daddy...
I never got to eat a Troll.
What's gonna make me happy now?
Come here, son.
Absolutely nothing.
You will never, ever, ever,
ever be happy.
Here! Right here!
This is where we will
rebuild our civilization.
It has everything we need.
Fresh air, clean water...
and sweet acoustics.
Ba de ya Say do you remember
Ba de ya Dancing in September
Ba de ya Never was a cloudy day
Twenty years ago today,
King Peppy made us safe...
and now every Troll is free
to be happy
and live in perfect...
Harmony Harmony
And that's why
we hug every hour.
I wish it was every half hour.
So do I.
But that wouldn't leave
much time
for singing and dancing,
now would it?
Princess Poppy, do the Bergens
still want to eat us?
You bet!
But just because it's the only
way they'll ever be happy.
Oh, no.
I do taste delicious.
Isn't there anything else
to make them happy?
Ooh. What about
having birthday parties?
Or slumber parties?
Or staring at your parents
while they sleep.
But I don't want to be food.
Don't worry.
No Troll ever will be.
And that's why we're celebrating
with the biggest party ever.
Everybody's gonna be there.
Everybody, move
your hair and feel united
Everybody, shake your hair and feel
Everybody's coming
to the celebration
I'ma hook you up
with the invitation
Let your hair swing
and party with me
No bad vibes
Just love, you'll see
Do the D-A-N-C-E
One-two-three-four fight
Stick to the B-E-A- Get ready to
You are such a P-Y- Catching all the lights
Just easy as A-B-C
That's how you make it right
It ain't hard out here
When you're doing it right
Put a smile on blast
That's the Troll life
And I'm here
to heip you through it
Come on, Smidge,
I know you can do it
Your confidence
gives me strength.
Okay, Mr. Dinkles.
Say, leaves!
Somethings missing.
That's it!
Don't stop, don't
stop Don't stop the beat
I can't stop, can't stop
Can't stop the beat
I won't stop, won't stop
Won't stop the beat
Everybody, shake your hair and feel
Sunshine day,
everybody's singing
Sunshine day
Everybody, move your hair and feel
Ohh! Yeah, ohh!
Unbelievable, guys.
Really, really great.
Good job.
I could hear you
from a mile away!
Good. I was worried we weren't
projecting enough.
Poppy, if I can hear you,
so can the Bergens.
Oh, boy.
Here we go again.
Oh, Branch...
You always ruin everything.
Warning us about the Bergens.
No, I don't.
The Bergens are coming!
The Bergens are coming!
The Bergens are coming!
Come on! We haven't seen
a Bergen in 20 years.
They're not gonna find us.
No, they're not
going to find me,
because I'll be
in my highly camouflaged...
heavily fortified,
Bergen-proof survival bunker.
You mean you're not coming
to the party tonight?
But it's going to be
the biggest...
The loudest...
The craziest party ever!
Big? Loud?
You're just gonna lead
the Bergens right to us!
Are you sure you wanna invite
this party pooper
to poop on your party?
Yes. I think everyone deserves
to be happy.
I don't do happy.
Branch, I know you have
happiness inside you.
You just need
our help to find it.
freedom from the Bergens
What do you say, Branch?
Oh, my God.
I wouldn't be caught dead at
your party, but you will be.
Caught and dead.
Whoa, whoa.
Easy' Branch. Easy.
Thank you for providing
safe passage, brother.
Okay, first of all, mate,
thanks for sharing
your unique perspective
on things.
But, just for now,
why don't you try on
some positivity, eh?
A little positivity
might go with that vest.
Okay, fine.
I'm positive you all
are going to get eaten.
Hug time!
It is hug time.
Hug time!
Oh, that feels good.
Our hearts are synchronizing!
I can squeeze you forever
when the Bergens find us...
and the survival of every
Troll is in your hands...
I sure hope the answer
is singing, dancing,
and hugging...
because that's all you know
how to do.
That is not true!
Poppy can also scrapbook.
I can't believe you're
gonna be queen one day.
Tune out his
negative vibrations, Poppy.
They're toxic.
Some folks just
don't want to be happy.
I guess.
You guessed right.
Whoo! I love you so much!
Whoo! Glitter!
More glitter!
Turn it up!
I can't hear you!
Okay, everyone.
I just want to take a moment...
and get a little real.
She's my friend!
I know her!
I'd like to take a second
to celebrate our king...
my father...
who, 20 years ago this night...
saved all of us
from those dreaded...
Run! Run!
Poppy, help!
Mr. Dinkles?
- Has anybody seen Mr.
- Dinkles?
Blend in! Blend in!
Blend in!
Run, Smidge!
Oh, my God!
Poppy, help!
Go! Go! Go!
Phew... Whoa!
Everyone, minimize your auras!
No! Poppy!
Hold on.
Bad Bergen!
Bad, bad Bergen.
Bad, bad Bergen!
Thanks for throwing
the biggest...
the loudest...
The craziest party ever.
Is it coming back?
What are we gonna do now?
We have to find a new home.
Everyone, hurry.
We have to leave
before the Bergens come back.
We have to rescue them.
No, POPPY, we have to run.
Now, let's go, everyone.
Come on!
What about
"No Troll left behind?
I'm sorry, Poppy-
That was a longtime ago.
And I'm not the king I once was.
Then I'll go.
I'll go and save them.
No, Poppy.
It's too dangerous.
I have to at least try.
No. You can't go to
Bergen Town by yourself.
It's impossible.
Celebrate freedom from the Bergens
Celebrate freedom
from the Bergens
Branch, you're invited!
No! No! No!
Branch! Branch! Branch!
Branch, are you
in there? Huh'?
I'm not going to your party.
The party's over.
We just got
attacked by a Bergen.
I knew it.
I have to tell you something.
I was just gonna...
Shh! Shh!
What could be
so important that it's worth
leading the Bergen right to us?
The Bergen's gone!
You don't know that.
It could still be out there.
No. It left!
It took Cooper, and Smidge,
and Fuzzbert...
and Satin,
and Chenille, and Biggie,
and Guy Diamond, and Creek!
Which is why I have to ask you.
Will you go to Bergen Town
with me and save everyone?
What? No.
Branch, you can't say no.
They're your friends.
They're your friends.
I'm staying right here
in my bunker where it's safe.
Oh, that's great.
You're the one guy who knows more
about Bergens than anyone...
but when we finally need you,
you just want
to hide here forever?
Forever? Pfft. No.
I really only have
enough supplies
down here to last me 10 years...
11 if I'm willing to store
and drink my own sweat.
Which I am.
You all said I was crazy, huh?
Well, who's crazy now?
Me. Crazy prepared.
I'm sorry.
I should have listened to you.
You told me
not to throw the party,
and I threw it anyway.
And it's my fault
they were taken.
And now I don't know what to do.
Why don't you try
scrapbooking them to freedom?
Solid burn, Branch.
Well, thanks anyway.
Hey, anytime, Poppy.
See you in 10 years.
Oh, hey, Branch?
Just wondering
if I could borrow something.
Your bunker.
Okay, everybody.
Come on in!
Hi, Branch!
No! No! No!
Whoa, wait!
Poppy, what are you doing?
You said
you have enough provisions
to last 10 years, right?
Yes, to last me
10 years. Me!
It'll last them two weeks!
Then I guess I better hurry.
Wait, wait, wait!
You won't last a day out there.
And you won't last a day
in here.
Chug, chug, chug!
Solid burn, returned.
Sorry, Branch!
Uh, Poppy, wait.
Please be careful.
Don't worry, Dad.
I can do this.
I love you, Poppy.
I love you too, Dad.
They grow up so fast.
Bye, everybody!
See you soon!
Good luck, Princess Poppy!
And three, two, one.
Hug time!
Hug time!
Hug time! Hug time!
No! No!
With her friends
safely hidden...
Princess Poppy set off
to rescue her other friends...
confident she'd make it
to Bergen Town on her own.
Convinced she'd make it
To Bergen Town.
Totally sure she'd make it
to Bergen Town.
I really hope I can do it
'Cause they're
all depending on me
I know that I must leave
the only home I've ever known
And brave
the dangers of the forest
Saving them before they're eaten
I mean, how hard can that be?
Looking up at a sunny sky
So shiny and blue
and there's a butterfly
Well, isn't that
a super fantastic sign?
It's gonna be a fantastic day
Such marvelousness
it's gonna bring
Got a pocket full of songs
that I'm gonna sing
And I'm ready
to take on anything
Some super fun surprise
around each comer
Just riding on a rainbow
I'm gonna be okay
Hey! I'm not
giving up today
There's nothing
getting in my way
And if you knock, knock me over
I will get back up again
Oh! if something goes
a little wrong
Well you can go ahead
and bring it on
'Cause I? you knock,
knock me aver
I will get back up again
Whoa, oh, oh, oh
Oh, get back up again
Whoa, oh, ah, oh, oh, oh
I'm marching along
I've got confidence
I'm cooler than
a pack of peppermints
And I haven'! been
this excited
Since I can't remember when
I'm off
on this remarkable adventure
Just riding on a rainbow
But what if
it's all a big mistake?
What if
It's more than I can take?
No, I can't think that way
'Cause I know that I'm really,
really, really gonna be okay
Hey! I'm not
giving up today
There's nothing getting
in my way
And if you knock, knock me over
I will get back up again
Oh, if something goes
a little wrong
Well you can go ahead
and bring it on
'Cause I? you knock,
knock me over
I will get back up again
Whoa, oh, ah, oh, oh, oh
Oh, get back up again
Whoa, oh, ah, oh, oh, oh
I'm okay!
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
And if you knock, knock me over
You knock, knock me over
I will get back up again
Get back!
Oh no! Poppy?
Hang on!
Get back up again
Branch, my man!
You are right on time.
Oh, right.
Like you knew I was coming.
Yes! I figured after
the third hug time...
getting eaten by a Bergen
wouldn't seem so bad.
And I figured there was no way
you could do this by yourself.
Guess we were both right.
Hmm. All right.
Let's do this!
Sooner we get to Bergen Town,
sooner we can rescue
and make it home safely.
Wait, wait, wait.
What's your plan?
I just told you.
To rescue everyone
and make it home safely.
Okay. That's not a plan.
That's a wish list.
Oh! I suppose
you have a plan.
we get to
the edge of Bergen Town
without being spotted.
Then, we get inside by sneaking
through the old
escape tunnels."...
which will then lead us
to the Troll Tree...
right before we get caught,
and suffer a miserable death...
at the hands of a horrible,
bloodthirsty Bergen!
Hold on a second,
are you scrapbooking my plan?
Uh-huh. Yeah. Almost...
We did it!
There will be no more...
Do you have to sing?
I always sing
when I'm in a good mood.
Do you
have to be in a good mood?
Why wouldn't I be?
By this time tomorrow'
I'll be with all my friends!
Oh, I wonder
what they're doing right now.
Probably being digested.
They're alive, Branch.
I know it!
You don't know anything, Poppy.
And I can't wait to see
the look on your face...
when you realize the world
isn't all cupcakes and rainbows.
'Cause it isn't.
Bad things happen...
and there's nothing
you can do about it.
Hey, I know it's not
all cupcakes and rainbows.
But I'd rather go through life
thinking that it mostly is...
instead of being like you.
You don't sing, you don't dance.
So grey all the time!
What happened to you'?
A Bergen?
There's no Bergen, is there?
You just said that
so I'd stop talking.
So special.
Good night, Cooper.
Good night, Smidge.
Good night, Fuzzbert.
Good night, Satin.
Good night, Chenille.
Good night, Biggie.
Good night, DJ.
Good night, Guy Diamond.
Good night, Creek.
And good night, Poppy.
Don't even think about it.
Stars shining bright above you
Really? Seriously?
More singing?
Yes, seriously!
Singing helps me relax.
Maybe you ought to try it.
I don't sing, and I don't relax.
This is the way I am,
and I like it.
I also like a little silence.
Hello Darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds
while I was sleeping
And the vision
that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound...
of silence
May I?
So one of these tunnels
leads to the Troll Tree.
That's right.
There's so many of them.
I wonder which one.
I don't know.
Choose a hole wisely!
For one will lead
to Bergen Town...
and the others,
to certain death.
Who said that?
It was...
Hey, guys, how's it going?
Welcome to the root tunnels.
Uh, I just wanted to warn you.
One of these tunnels leads
to the Troll Tree...
and the others to certain death,
death, death, death...
Do you think you can tell us
which is the right one?
You bet!
No, that's okay.
We're fine, thanks!
He's trying to help us.
I don't like the looks of him.
I mean,
who wears socks with no shoes?
He seems to know
what he's talking about.
Okay, fine.
Which way do we go?
First, you have to
give me a high five.
Then I'll tell you.
Oh, I love high fives.
I'll do it.
Oh, I know you'll do it.
But will he?
All right, dumpy diapers,
up high!
Nope, I don't do high fives.
Slap it, boss.
Not gonna happen.
Party on the top floor.
Little slappy.
Make daddy happy'-
That's weird.
Come on,
just one little high five.
Oh, no, thanks. I'm good.
Here, just do this...
But with your hand.
Thank you
for that demonstration.
Really cleared up exactly
what I will not be doing.
Branch, it's a high five.
The others
lead to certain death.
Get perspective.
One high five
and then you'll tell us
which tunnel to take, right?
So easy.
Okay, fine!
Ooh. Too slow.
Too slow?
No, no. All right.
I'm gonna let you slide
with a fist bump.
Whoo. Shark attack!
Nom-nom-nom-nom. Jellyfish!
Hand sandwich. Turkey.
Snowman. Dolphin.
Helicopter. Last Supper.
Monkey in a zoo.
Gear shift
Okay, okay, okay.
Now I'm thinking we hug.
That's right.
You better run, Cloud!
I'm gonna
tear your little cloud arms...
off your cloud body,
and high five
your face with them!
He's just a cloud!
- Get back here!
- Branch! He can help us!
Come back!
Run, Cloud Guy!
I'm gonna kill you!
Ta-da! We're here!
You guys are a lot of fun.
You know, I gotta go.
Got some cloud stuff
to take care of.
Catch you on the way back?
you die.
The Troll Tree.
Bergen Town.
I ain't happy I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless
But not for long
The future is coming on
I ain't happy I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless
But not for long
The future is coming on
is coming on is coming an
Coming on is coming on
is coming on is coming an
Wow! They're as
miserable as you.
Which means they haven't
eaten a Troll yet.
Now, come on.
Let's go save our friends.
Your friends.
Our friends.
Don't fight it.
Oh, Barnabus.
You're my only friend
in this whole miserable world.
Dad was right.
I'll never ever,
never ever, never be happy.
Never say never.
Chad. Todd.
Chef, where did you come from?
My father banished
you 20 years ago.
Have you been standing behind
that plant this whole time?
If only, sire.
No. I've been out
in the wilderness...
thinking of nothing
but how I let you down.
If only there was some way
I could make you feel better.
Well, fat chance!
The only way I'll ever be happy
is by eating a Troll...
and that ain't gonna
happen, thanks to you.
Ah, but it just might.
Thanks to me.
You found the Trolls.
So this means I might
actually get to be happy!
That's right.
Of course, everyone
else in Bergen Town
will still be miserable.
but that's not your concern.
I am their king,
so maybe it kinda is.
What exactly are you proposing?
Bringing back Trollstice?
For everyone?
Yes! That's exactly
what I'm proposing.
Great idea, sire.
Absolutely brilliant.
Aren't you smart?
I guess I am.
And I, your loyal Chef,
will be right behind you.
Holding a knife.
What's that?
Holding a knife,
a spoon, a ladle.
I'm your chef, after all!
Yeah, you sure are!
I'm back!
You, scullery maid,
what's your name?
Uh, Bridget
Congratulations, Idget.
You work for me now.
So you take
those dishes downstairs
and you start scrubbing.
Yes, Chef.
Thank you, Chef.
Shh. Don't cry,
Mr. Dinkles. Shh!
Guys, Mr. Dinkles
is really freaking out!
Whoa, whoa! Everyone,
we must all remain calm.
That's right.
A calm Troll is a tasty Troll.
And you are a key ingredient
in my recipe for success.
You see...
he who controls the Trolls
controls the Kingdom.
And I am that "he!"
You're a dude?
By this time tomorrow,
I'll be queen...
and all of Bergen Town will get
exactly what they deserve.
True happiness!
So where do you think
our friends are?
If I had to guess,
I'd say in a Bergen's stomach.
Could you try to be positive?
Just once.
You might like it.
Okay. I'm sure
they're not only alive...
but about to be delivered
to us on a silver platter.
Thank you.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Hug time? Seriously?
This is gonna be
the best Trollstice ever!
Such a great idea I had.
Yes. Tomorrow is
Trollstice, everyone.
And it must be perfect!
Yes, Chef!
Feels great to be ordering
everyone around again.
Branch, look!
They're alive?
And on a silver platter, too.
We were both right.
And to mark the occasion,
Your Highness, look.
I found your old Troll bib.
Oh, wow!
I bet you still fit.
Like a glove!
Oh, you think that's funny?
We'll see who's laughing
when I bite your yummy head off.
When I bite all y'alls
yummy heads off.
Wait a minute.
Chef, this isn't
enough yummy heads
to feed all of Bergen Town.
How are we supposed
to have Trollstice
if there's not enough Trolls?
Oh, there's plenty more
where that came from, sire.
Are you sure?
Because I promised
everyone a Troll.
No, no, no, sire!
Everything will be fine.
If I were truly worried...
would I be willing to do this?
Oh, my first Troll!
Go on, eat, King Gristle.
Enjoy a taste of true happiness.
Shouldn't we wait
for Trollstice?
Sire, every day is Trollstice
when you have Trolls.
Yeah, I guess.
But my dad said the first time
should be special.
Well, you're the king now.
Yeah, I am the king.
But I think
I should share this moment
with all the kingdom.
Eat it!
Oh my God!
Idget, lock these Trolls
in your room
and guard them with your life.
Yes, Chef.
Yes. Yes, I know.
Branch, we have to save him!
Save him from what?
His stomach?
We didn't see him chew.
We didn't see him swallow!
Face it, Poppy-
Sometimes people go
into other people's mouths...
and they don't come oui.
If we go after Creek now,
we're going to get eaten.
I'm sorry...
but it's too late for him.
Huh. Poppy!
Scullery maid!
Wash these pots
and pans for Trollstice.
The king's inviting everyone.
Except you.
I've been alone
with you inside my mind
And in my dreams
I've kissed your lips
A thousand times
I sometimes see you
pass outside my door
Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted
And my arms are open wide
Cause you know just what to say
You're all the idiots! I have
to do everything myself.
And you know just what to do
I have to get out of bed,
I'm supposed to put my own
clothes on, tie my own shoes.
And I want to tell you so much
I love you
Oh, she's in love with the king.
What are you talking about?
Bergens don't have feelings.
Well, maybe you don't know
everything about the Bergens.
Now let's go.
- Guys!
- Poppy!
Celebrate good times, come on
It's a celebration
There 's a party
going on right here
No! There is not a party
going on right here.
The sooner we get you
guys out of here...
The sooner we can save Creek!
Is it me you're looking for?
know you're looking for the
cupcakes and rainbows here...
but let's face it,
Creek's been eaten.
They put him in a taco!
It was horrible.
Sorry, Poppy.
Creek's gone.
Poppy, how could you possibly
think Creek's still alive?
I don't think he's alive.
I hope he's alive,
and that's enough.
How do you always look
on the bright side?
There is no bright side here.
There's always a bright side.
Hey! Where do you think
you're going?
No! Get back in your cage!
Chef's gonna be so mad!
Bridget, stop!
You're in love
with King Gristle.
Um, I don't know
what you're talking about.
Uh, excuse me!
That's not mine.
What does it matter?
It's not like
he even knows I'm alive.
Bridget, I can help you!
What if there was a way
we could both get what we want?
You love Gristle, too?
You'd better back off,
No. Bridget, no.
That Troll King Gristle put
in his mouth, that's Creek.
And I would do anything
to save him.
The only problem is.
We can't get anywhere
near the king
without him eating us.
you can.
You can walk right up to him
and tell him how you feel.
As if.
I can't just walk right up
to the king.
His Royal Awesomeness
would never talk
to a scullery maid like me.
What if he didn't know
you were a scullery maid?
What if he thought
you were this total babe?
What kind of total babe
would be dressed
like a scullery maid?
I smell like gravy.
What if we made you
a new outfit'?
I'm thinking...
What's the point
of a jumping suit
if I still have this hair?
Oh, we can fix that.
What's the point of
a new outfit and new hair...
if I don't even know what
a total babe would ever say?
We can help with that too!
What do you say, Bridget?
You get us Creek,
and we'll get you
a date with the king.
Let's do it?
A 5, 6, 7, 8...
When you look in the mirror
let it disappear
All your insecurities
Why isn't this one singing?
Come on, Branch.
Sing with us!
Yeah, Branch, sing with us!
Oh, no. That's okay.
You don't think this will work?
Oh, no, no. It's not that.
I just don't sing.
He's right.
This idea is stupid.
King Gristle will never love me.
Come on. Hey, hey.
What's all this?
That's right, Bridget
Just let it all out.
Bridget, let it go.
Just have a good cry.
Go, girl!
Okay, now bring it back in.
Reel it in.
Branch, what are you doing?
You have to sing!
I told you, I don't sing.
Well, you have to!
I'm sorry. I can't.
No, you can. You just won't
Fine. I just won't.
You have to!
Why not?
Why won't you sing?
Because singing
killed my grandma, okay?
Now, leave me alone.
My uncle broke his neck
tap dancing once.
How did singing
kill your grandma?
What song was she singing?
I was the one singing.
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
That day,
I was so lost in song...
I didn't hear my grandma
trying to warn me.
Branch! Watch out!
And we'll only
be making it right
Watch out, Branch!
Once upon a time
There was light in his life
But now there's
only love in the dark
Nothing he can say
A total eclipse of the heart
I haven't sung a note since.
I'm so sorry, Branch.
I had no idea.
I just assumed
you had a terrible voice.
No, no, it was like an angel's.
At least, that's what
Grandma used to say.
Whoa, whoa.
What are you doing?
It's not hug time.
I just thought
you could use one.
Okay. Okay, I'll help.
Bui I'm still not singing.
Okay, people. Hair we go!
You gotta let it show
I'm comin' Yay!
I'm comin'
Ali right
I'm comin'
I'm comin'
Yo! I'm coming out
like the sun after rain
Ready to shine
No time to be playin'
Feelin' good
Gonna get get what I,
what I want
Gonna show every-everybody
How I, how I flaunt
Look at me now,
my confidence is soaring
Dudes be impressed with
the points I'm scoring like
That ain't boring
And it just don't quit
Watch the king drop his jaw
When I'm shaking my hips
I'm saying
She's coming out
She's comin'
its time to take a stand Hey!
And show the world
that I'm comin' out
She's comin' out
No, no, no! It's all wrong!
I'm the king who's
bringing back Trollstice.
I need a bib to match.
Yes, sire.
I look like a child in this one.
Oh, sire! I need something
elegant, sophisticated.
You know, a man's bib.
Oh, he's so beautiful.
And so are you.
Oh, he'll know that I'm just
a scullery maid. No, no, no!
I got to get out of here.
I'll be right here for you,
Bridget. We all will.
You'll tell me
what to say, right?
Of course, I will.
Just wait until we get inside.
Ooh, Sire! I believe
I have the perfect bib!
It better be!
Trollstice is tomorrow night.
I mean, I look good.
But I have to look great.
It's got a wing-dingle on it!
Oh, Your Majesty! Look at you!
Such a big, big boy.
I love it!
I think you look fat.
P-H, phat.
Then strike that pose.
P-h, Phat!
Hot lunch!
Total honesty from a total babe.
And who might you be?
Your name is, um...
My name is
Lady Glittersparkles, seriously.
Well, my lady Glittersparkles.
Would you care to join me
for an evening...
at Captain Starfunkle's
Roller Rink and Arcade?
Would I!
Would I?
Yes! You'd be delighted.
Oh, indeed, I would.
When are you gonna
ask him about Creek?
We have to warm him up first.
Don't you know
anything about romance?
Of course!
I'm passionate about it.
Really? Don't you know
anything about sarcasm?
I think I had a sarcasm once.
And I'll take
one of everything, Bibbly.
Things are gonna get messy.
Enjoy your pizza.
Here's your tokens.
Ooh, so fancy.
Good thing
I brought my appetite.
You are fantastic!
Bridget! Compliment him back!
I like your back.
No! I meant say something
nice about him.
But I do like his back.
Poppy, help her.
Your eyes...
Ugh... Ooh!
Your ears...
Your eyes...
Skin, neck, ears, nose...
face, back of your head.
Are you okay?
Your teeth
What's going on?
Are you making fun of me?
Your eyes!
They're like...
two pools, so deep...
I fear if I dive in...
I might never come up for air.
I might never come up for air.
And your smile...
The sun itself turns jealous...
and refuses to come out
from behind the clouds...
Knowing it cannot shine
half as bright.
I kinda do have a nice smile,
don't I?
Yes, you do.
I can't believe
I'm about to say this...
Guys, she's going rogue!
But being here with you today...
makes me realize that
true happiness is possible.
It is!
True happiness is a lot
closer than you think.
It's right here.
Mmm. That's pretty, I guess.
What do you think now?
I knew he was alive!
Mr. Dinkles, he's alive!
Oh, snap!
You just talked!
I've been savoring this little guy.
Tell me, my lady,
will I be seeing you
at the Trollstice feast?
Well, duh. I'll be working.
It. Working it. You know...
workin' it.
Yeah! You're not
kidding, you will.
Because you're gonna be
there as my plus one.
Assuming you'll say yes?
Meantimes, maybe we should
find some other way to...
work up an appetite.
Oh, yeah?
What did you have in mind?
Ah! Mmm.
Your Majesty.
You seem to be having...
Oh, I am!
Meet the lovely
Lady Glittersparkles.
You remind me of someone.
She's, uh, gonna be my plus one.
Oh, I see.
For a moment there
I was concerned
you were changing the plan.
Well, this won't be a problem
at all, Your Highness.
I'll just get my worthless
scullery maid to get...
another place setting ready
for the lovely...
Lady Glittersparkles.
Put her place
setting next to mine.
I want her right by my side...
Hey! Lady Glittersparkles?
Lady Glittersparkles!
I'll see you at Trollstice,
I miss you already.
I think the king
really likes us.
I know, right?
That was the greatest day
of my life!
Thanks, Poppy-
Thanks to all of you!
Even you, I guess.
I just never thought something
like that could happen to me.
And it just did!
I'm so excited
I could just scream.
Oh, I could scream too!
Creek is alive!
Branch, what's wrong?
Nothing. I thought
we were celebrating.
That's your happy shout?
It's been a while.
Well, you're gonna
have plenty of practice,
because we're gonna
save Creek...
and life will be all
cupcakes and rainbows again.
Up top!
Too slow.
- Yes!
- I knew it!
Okay, everybody...
let's go save Creek.
No! No! You can't leave.
Lady Glittersparkles is gonna be
the king's plus one at dinner.
The dinner
where they're serving Troll?
Yeah, I think we're gonna
have to skip that one.
No! No, you have to help me
be Lady Glittersparkles.
I need you.
You don't wanna pretend to be
someone you're not forever!
Then how about
just for tomorrow?
you don't need us anymore.
You and the king
can make each other happy!
That's impossible!
Only eating a Troll
can make you happy.
Everyone knows that!
I wish I'd never
gone on this stupid date!
Just go! Get out of my room.
Leave me alone.
Please, listen.
We've gotta go.
What's going on down there?
Bridget, scrub that dish!
The king's bringing a plus one.
Yes, Chef.
We can do this, Barnabus.
I just have to lose 30 pounds
in the next eight hours.
There it is!
I feel good I feel good
I feel good
Creek, we'll have you
oui of there in a second.
It's stuck!
I feel love
Hey, guys! Over here!
Everyone, get in!
Let's go.
Branch, give him to me.
Just go!
Everybody hold on!
Hold it steady, guys.
Satin, Chenille, sharp right!
Let's do it!
Guy Diamond, glitter him!
Eat glitter!
Hold on!
We got you!
He can't be gone.
I'm sorry, Poppy.
We're too late.
your timing is perfect
Sorry, but I can't have you
leaving before tomorrow's dinner.
A dinner to which
you are all invited.
And when I say all...
I mean every Troll
in Troll Village.
You'll never find them.
Not where they're hiding.
Oh, you're right.
I couldn't find them.
But I could
with someone they know.
Someone they trust.
Like this guy.
Creek! You're alive!
He's so cool.
He's selling us out!
Branch! Wait!
I'm sure there's
a reasonable explanation.
At least give him a chance.
Thank you, Poppy.
I'm selling you oui.
No, stop! No, wait!
You better
explain yourself, Creek!
As I was about to
accept my fate...
I had, what I can
only describe as...
a spiritual awakening.
I don't wanna die!
Don't eat me.
Eat someone else. Anyone else.
Everyone else. But not me!
But the king
wants to be happy now.
Wait! Wait!
There must be some other way.
I'll do anything.
No! Creek,
please don't do this.
Believe me...
I wish there was some other
me-not-getting-eaten way.
But there isn't.
And now I have to live with
this for the rest of my life.
At least you get to die
with a clear conscience.
So, in away...
you could say...
I'm doing this for you.
Listen. It's Poppy's cowbell!
My baby did it!
Poppy did it.
Trollstice! Trollstice!
Now let's prepare
the main course.
The Trolls!
Poppy! Oh, thank goodness
you're all right.
I'm doing great.
I got everybody
I love thrown in a pot.
Thanks for asking.
Poppy? Are you being...
Oh, my God!
I'm sorry.
I don't know why
I thought I could save you.
All I wanted to do
was keep everyone safe,
like you did, Dad.
But I couldn't.
I let everyone down.
But, Poppy...
You were right' Branch.
The world isn't all cupcakes
and rainbows.
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh' I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small
What are you doing?
The king is waiting.
Get those Trolls out there!
Sorry, Chef.
Oh, you are sorry.
Show me a smile then
don't be unhappy,
can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all
you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I will always be there
And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid
To let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
I see your true colors
Shining through True colors
I see your true colors
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid
To let them show
Your true colors
True colors
Are beautiful
Like a rainbow
Oh, oh, oh...
Like a rainbow
Thank you!
No. Thank you.
For what?
For showing me how to be happy.
Really? You're finally happy?
I think so.
Happiness is inside of
all of us, right?
Sometimes, you just need
someone to help you find it.
What's gonna happen now,
Princess Poppy?
I don't know.
But I know we're not giving up.
This is it, Mr. Dinkles.
This is it.
Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!
What are you doing?
I can't let them eat you.
Come on!
You gotta go!
Hurry! Go, go, go!
Get out of here!
No! Bridget,
if you go in there without us,
you know what they'll do.
I know.
But, Bridget...
It's okay.
It's okay' Poppy-
You showed me what it feels
like to be happy.
I never would have known
if it wasn't for you.
And I love you for that.
I love you too, Bridget.
Go on, now.
You have to hurry!
Come with us.
And make it easier
for them to find you?
No way! You have to go. Now!
Bye. Poppy.
Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!
Chef, shouldn't we wait
for Lady Glittersparkles?
Oh, you are absolutely right.
Now, everyone, there will be
no Trolls until...
the king's plus one has arrived.
We've waited long enough!
Unless, what?
Well, unless
she doesn't come at all.
But that's crazy talk.
Who wouldn't wanna be with you?
Maybe we should start.
Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!
Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!
Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!
Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
Go! Come on. Hurry!
Come on. Everybody, let's go.
No Troll left behind!
Watch your step.
Bridget just ruined her life to save ours.
It's not rig ht!
She deserves to be happy
as much as we do.
They all do!
All right, everybody.
Who's ready to eat Trolls?
King Gristle...
there is only one thing
that will ever make you happy...
and only one Bergen
who can provide it.
Bon appetit!
- They're gone!
- Gone?
They're gone?
what did you do?
You ate them!
You greedy, greedy pig.
No! I...
She ruined Trollstice!
Guards, lock her up!
Let's get her!
Lady Glittersparkles?
But how? Why?
Why did you do this?
Because she didn't think you
would want someone like her.
I mean, hello?
Is it me you're looking for?
I don't think so.
Guards, finish her!
King Gristle,
when you were with Bridget,
you were feeling something,
weren't you?
Yeah, I was.
I just thought
it was too much pizza.
Me, too.
That feeling?
That was happiness.
But you have to eat
a Troll to be happy.
Everyone knows that!
Don't you?
But King Gristle's never eaten
a Troll in his life, right?
No, I haven't.
Yet, here I am.
My belly empty...
and my heart full.
Don't listen to her!
There's only
one way to be happy.
My way!
With me in charge...
I'll serve you Troll
every day of the year.
With me as queen...
all of life will be
a never-ending feast
of happiness!
Come on, eat!
Happiness isn't something
you put inside.
It's already there.
Sometimes you just need
someone to help you find it.
Can I really be happy?
I want to be happy!
And me!
And what about me?
Do you really think
I can be happy?
Of course!
It's inside you!
It's inside of all of us!
And I don't think it.
I feel it!
I got this
feeling inside my bones
It goes electric wavy
when I turn it on
And if you want it
Inside your soul
Just open up your heart
Let music take control
We got that
sunshine in my pocket
Got that good soul in my feet
I feel that hot blood in my body
When it drops
I can't take my eyes up off
it Moving so phenomenally
The mom on lock
The way we rock it
So don't stop
Under the lights,
when everything goes
Nowhere to hide
when I'm getting you close
Can't stop, won't stop
When we move
well you already know
Let's go, let's work
So just imagine, just
imagine, just imagine
Nothing I can see bu! you
when you dance, dance, dance
Feel the good-good
creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance,
come on
All those things I shouldn't do
But you dance, dance, dance
And am nobody leaving
soon So keep dancing
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So keep dancing, come on
Yeah I can't stop the...
Ow! My eyes!
Let's do it!
I can't stop the
I can't stop the
I can't stop the
I can't stop the
I can't stop the
I can't stop the feeling
Nothing I can see bu! you
when you dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
Feel the good creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
All those things I shouldn't do
But you dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
And ain't nobody leaving
soon So keep dancing
I can't stop the feeling
Got this feeling in my body
I can't stop the feeling
Got this feeling in my body
I can't stop the feeling
Wanna see you move your body
I can't stop the feeling
Got this feeling in my body,
come on
Our new queen!
Go, Queen Poppy!
Way to go, Poppy!
You did it!
Alright, Queen Poppy!
She's my friend! I know her!
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So keep dancing, come on
I know it's not officially
hug time yet, but...
Now that I am queen,
I decree that hug time
is all the time.
I can't stop the
I can't stop me
Up high!
I can't stop the feeling
Yeah! Yeah!
Got this feeling in my body
I can't stop the feeling
Got this feeling in my body,
come on
Do you remember
The 21st night of September
Love was changing
the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
Our hearts were ringing
in the key that
our souls were singing
As we danced in the night
Remember how the stars stole
the night away
Ba de ya Say do you remember
Ba de ya Dancing in September
Ba de ya Never was a cloudy day
The bell was ringing, oh
And our souls were singing
Do you remember
Never was a cloudy day, oh
Ba de ya Say do you remember
Ba de ya Dancing in September
Ba de ya Never was a cloudy day
Ba de ya Say do you remember
Ba de ya Dancing in September
Ba de ya Never was a cloudy day
Break it down for me
Say do you remember
Ooh dancing in September
Do you remember
Dancing in September
And it never was a cloudy day
Come on
We're dancing in September
But wait, wait, wait.
The way you walk in my hood
Like we're feeling so good
Here I'm saying, "My, my,
my" Walking over so fresh
Walking over so fly
All shine, all time
Just talking that truth
No fake
Easy when you walk this way
I'm talking that truth
Okay, hold up
But enough about me
Let's talk about you
Head down, all blue
You should be singing like me
Yeah, something like we
Make 'em go, "Ooh, ooh, ooh"
Just talking that truth
No fake
When you walk that way
I'll be talking that truth
Okay, this is the moment
when everybody's in the light
So what u workin' with'?
Drop that body like
you trying to let them know
Twist that high
You know the bass is on the Sow
Take that feeling like
it's something that you stole
Ain't about, ain't about
It ain't about what you're not
So what u workin' with'?
Show me, show me
What u workin' with
Show me, show me
What u workin' with
Show me, show me
What u workin' with
What u workin' with
What u workin' with
Keep running that mouth
I don't need a full round
I make 'em say wow
Make 'em like pow, pow, paw
A hundred thou
Yeah, I'm talking that truth
No fake
Easy when you walk this way
I'm talking the truth
Okay, this is the moment
when everybody's in the light
So what u workin' with'?
Drop that body like you
trying to let them know
Twist that high
You know the bass is on the Sow
Take that feeling like
it's something that you stole
Ain't about, ain't about
It ain't about what you're not
So what u workin' with'?
Show me, show me
What u workin' with
Show me, show me
What u workin' with
Show me, show me
What u workin' with
What? What u workin' with
What u workin' with
Drop that body like
you trying to let them know
Twist that high
You know the bass is on the Sow
Take that feeling like
it's something that you stole
Drop that body
Show me, show me
What u workin' with
Drop that body
Show me, show me
What u workin' with
Take mat feeling
Show me, show me
What u workin' with
Ain't about, ain't about
It ain't about what you're...
Ain't about, ain't about
It ain't about what you're not
So what u workin' with'?
Hair up
Hair in the air Hair in the air
Put your hair
Put your hair in the air
Hair in the air Hair in the air
Put your hair
Put your hair in the air
We got a fever coming on
And now it's beating on my bones
I feel like diamonds are so dull
So, DJ, play it That's my song
Go, go, go
Put your hair in the air
Go, go, go
Come on, baby, let's go crazy
We are never gonna stop
Hair up
Come on, baby, let's go crazy
We are never gonna stop
Hair up
Put your hair in the air
Hair up
Put it, put it
We don't care
Hair up
Put your hair in the air
Hair up
Put it, put it
We don't care
We got a fever coming on
And now it's beating on my bones
I feel like diamonds are so dull
So, DJ, play it That's my song
Go, go, go
Put your hair in the air
Go, go, go
Come on, baby, let's go crazy
We are never gonna stop
Hair up
Come on, baby, let's go crazy
We are never gonna stop
Hair up
Put your hair in the air
Hair up Put it, put it
We don't care
Hair up
Put your hair in the air
Hair up
Put it, put it
We don't care
Hair up
Hair in the air Hair in the air
Hair in the air
Hair in the air Hair in the air
Hair in the air
Put your hair in the air
Hair up
Come on, baby, let's go crazy
Put your hair in the air
Hair up
Come on, baby, let's go crazy
Put your hair in the air
Hair up
Put your hair in the air
Hair up