Trouble in Store (1953)

Give over! Ah!
You'II... you'll pay for that!
- One of these days I'II...
- (Horn)
- Shut up! Don't be impatient!
- Move!
You have more of the road!
Far as I'm...
- Oh!
- Get off the road!
Clumsy elephant!
Look where you're going!
I'm sorry, Mr Dawson.
Calls himself a detective!
He couldn't detect Nelson's Column!
He had a nerve, didn't he?
I said, "If you think for a box of
chocolates you can take liberties,
"you've got another thought coming."
- See you at lunchtime.
- Bye.
- Morning, Taffy.
- Good morning, Miss Sally.
Hey! Hey! Stop! Stop! Stop!
I got your number, JBH 025.
I got it! Oh, look!
(Frustrated shriek)
Look what you've done! Hey!
I got your...
Oi! I got your number too. LHD R45.
Buddy, look what... Hey!
I got your number too. JBH 808, 05...
JB8... J... H0...
Go away!
- Good morning, Mabel. Am I late?
- I'm early.
Isn't it a smashing day?
Oh, yes, lovely.
Makes you feel good to be alive.
I wish I was dead.
- Now what's the matter?
- Well...
I was here, she was there.
I could've reached out and touched her.
Like that. She didn't even notice me.
I don't wonder.
Look at us. Look at our collar,
look at our tie. What a mess!
Oh, it's no use, Gibby.
You can't help me.
Oh! That bike!
Oh, excuse me, Officer.
This is Burridges store, isn't it?
- Yes, madam.
- Thank you.
- Oh, good day, my man.
- Morning, madam.
It is rather large, isn't it?
- Could you direct me to suitcases?
- First on the right.
Thank you.
- Get my personnel manager.
- 'Yes, Mr Freeman.'
Thank you.
- (Knocking)
- Come in.
- Good morning, Mr Freeman.
- Good morning.
Put it down there.
I am Miss Drew.
- Your personnel manager.
- How nice for them.
Just a little custom at Burridges, chief.
Delightful, really delightful.
What orders, Mr Freeman?
I fancy my methods will be different
from my predecessor, Miss Drew.
Yes, indeed.
My first step will be
to review my troops, so to speak.
- Shall I call the department heads?
- No.
I'd like first of all to meet the humblest
member of the staff at Burridges.
He's a partner in this enterprise
just the same as we are.
- Our most lowly partner, if you please.
- I know just the person.
- Excuse me.
- It's a pleasure.
Hello, stockroom, please.
I'd like the whole staff
to regard me as a father, so to speak.
- Yes, a father.
- But of course.
Well, not exactly a father.
- Hello?
- Stockroom.
Yes? Yes, Miss Drew. Yes...
The chief wants you
in his office right away.
Chief? Me? Oh, no, I couldn't.
But an interview with the chief
might lead to anything.
Promotion! That's it! I knew it!
She'll notice me when
I'm a window-dresser!
Yes, but hurry up.
Don't keep him waiting.
- Your coat!
- Thought I'd forgotten it, didn't you?
Banana brain.
Excuse me, could you direct me
to the millinery department?
- Certainly. Straight ahead on your left.
- Thank you.
- (Knocking)
- Come in.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
- Where is he?
- Haven't we met?
Oh, that's possible. I'm all over the place.
Hey! They're the governor's!
Well, if you're gonna have one,
I might as well have one too.
One minute!
Put a couple in your pocket.
Go on! It's OK. There you are.
I'll have a couple as well.
Here, have a look out the window. Go on.
Chief's a bit late these days.
- All right?
- Uh-huh.
Let's have a drink then, eh?
Now, what are you gonna have?
- Could you spare a whiskey and soda?
- Course, there's bags here.
Come on.
Ah, ah, ah, ah.
- There you are.
- Thank you. And what about you?
None of that stuff.
Lemonade for me. Now keep looking.
Here we are. Come on.
Your very good health, sir.
Sit down.
No, not there. That's the governor's seat.
I'm gonna sit there.
how do I look?
Ah, ah.
Well, of course this is Burridges.
Is it Burri!
The order for 5,000
linen dresses? Yeah.
All brown? 5,000 of 'em?
Don't want brown, do we?
Dirty colour. Make 'em pink, eh?
5,000 all pink. That's it.
(Posh accent) Oh, and thank you too.
I'd like to see the chief's face
when 5,000 pink dresses turn up!
I said pink!
Oh. Who?
Freeman? Not here.
No, I've never heard of him.
No! I don't care
if you are a cabinet minister.
Oh, shove off! Go on!
Here, you have a turn. Come on!
Sit down. Never get
another chance, you know.
Do you know who I am?
I am Augustus Freeman.
Oh, I'm Norman, stockroom.
I'm getting promoted. Chief sent for me.
I am the new chief!
You get your promotion
quicker than I do.
- Dress buyer? Freeman speaking.
- What?
- Your order for 5,000 dresses, pink.
- Go on!
Cancel them!
- Cancel!
- (Telephone)
- Yeah, that order, it's on again.
- (Phones all ringing)
Cancel those dresses.
Freeman speaking.
Put the order on again. Yeah, make it...
Will you please cancel those
5,000 dresses, pink? Freeman speaking!
Make it 10,000!
No, no, 5,000!
No, for heaven's sake!
Cancel them altogether, please.
- We'll have all you got left!
- We won't! Cancel them all!
Oh! (Laughing)
I hit me head on...
Cancel them...
Miss Drew, please come in.
Oh, no, don't start again, don't start...
Miss Drew, tell this person who I am.
Oh, Mr Freeman.
We've met, haven't we?
He gave me the stomachache.
Tell him my rank.
You're the new chief!
New chief?
Yes, Norman!
The new chief of Burridges,
a store which no longer requires
your services.
- You mean?
- I mean you're fired. Get out!
Will you get out? Get out this instant!
(Miss Drew) Norman,
take a week's notice.
He wouldn't have sacked me.
He could take a joke.
Get out, will you?!
There, Mr Freeman.
Don't upset yourself. It'll be OK.
(Liftboy) Children's Wild West Saloon,
toys, gramophones,
bicycles, sports goods, men's hats.
(Children chattering)
Gimme a stiff... grapefruit.
(Woman) # I'd like to put on record
that I need you, need you, need you
# So won't you, won't you try to see
# That every time the record says
I love you, love you, love you
# Won't you please love me?
# I'd like to put on record
that I love you, love you, love you
# I want the whole wide world
to know it's true
# I'd like to state forever,
that never, never, never
# Will there ever be another boy like you
# I'd like to put on record
that I need you, need you, need you
# So won't you, won't you try to see
# That every time the record says
I love you, love you, love you
# Won't you please love me? #
Would anybody like to record
their own love song?
You can send a message to your wife
or your mother or your sweetheart. No?
How about you, sir?
I'm sure you have a message.
No, thanks.
Come along, sir, then you.
Don't be shy.
Here are the words.
I'll sing the first verse with you.
Now, don't be shy, sir.
There's a whole band playing with you.
Now, who's it to?
My darling wife or mother or Jane, Jill...
Don't ask me,
I come to tell you about the bike.
Now, come along, sir, she must have
a name. What do you call her?
Oh. Just that - "darling"?
- Darling...
- Well, all right, here we go.
(Inaudible over music intro)
# I'd like to put on record that I...
# Love you, love you, love you
# I want the whole wide world
to know it's true
# I'd like to state forever
# That never, never, never
# Could there ever be
another girl like you
# I'd like to put on record that I...
# Need you, need you, need you
# So won't you, won't you try to see
# That every time the record says
# I love you
# It simply means, my darling, that... #
I love you.
# I'll even say it once again,
I love you, love you, love you
# Cos I want you
# Want you to love me too
# Want you to love me too #
- Thank you. Good morning, madam.
- Morning.
Thank you very much. Excuse me.
Miss Drew, you may go.
I'll see a few more departments.
Come, gentlemen.
Great man, the new chief.
You'd better watch your step.
He's worried about all the shoplifting.
- I think that's the one you want.
- May I try it? Thank you.
- These are yours, sir.
- Ah, thank you, sweetheart.
- They're rather nice, sir.
- I'm sure they are.
Thank you.
- For you.
- Oh, thank you, sir.
Can I help you, sir?
Yes. Have you got Time To Take A Walk?
Oh, Mabel? Time To Take A Walk.
- Cubicle three, please. I'll bring it to you.
- Thank you.
- No, rather too military, I think.
- (Whispers) Oh, drat.
- Did you speak, dear?
- No, madam.
Now, what else is there?
Yes, well, not quite
the Merry Widow yet, I think.
- I'm sure we can find you something.
- Thank you.
Oh, no.
Yes, it has possibilities.
Ooh! My best hat!
Oh, really, how very possessive.
Surely this has something.
A little challenging.
No, it's not really me.
Now, this one is really you, madam.
Well, let's see.
This one is 12 guineas, madam.
Yes, well, it's a little too plain.
Haven't you something
rather more seductive?
Surely I had something else? Ah, yes.
Can I help you, madam?
I bought the hat I'm wearing.
12 guineas, I feel positively guilty!
- It really is a bargain.
- It is really, isn't it?
- Good morning, madam.
- Good morning.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Can I help you, madam?
- Oh, thank you.
I was going to put it on there.
I want something out of it.
Thank you.
- You've had a busy day, I see.
- Just fair, so far.
Allow me.
You'd think they'd fit
some decent locks, wouldn't you?
After all, you pay enough.
Oh, I mustn't complain.
Everyone's been so kind.
So very kind.
Oh, by the way, I must get a coat.
Could you direct me to coats? Outsize?
- Try the ground floor.
- Yes, I will.
Oh, there you are.
- Did you like that last one?
- No, no.
Oh. Well, I've brought you some more.
You're going to be here a long time.
I shan't mind a bit.
I like listening to records.
- Yes, I like listening to records.
- So I see.
Oh, don't go.
I don't like listening alone.
But I must. I've got another customer.
Do you want me to report you?
Well, no, of course I don't. Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, I like that one. It's exactly like you.
It's yours.
Oh, no, you shouldn't
give me your photograph.
It's to commemorate our first meeting.
Miss Wilson, there is a customer waiting.
Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Drew.
- Snake!
- I was just picking up my pictures.
- It wasn't pictures you were picking up!
- Thank you.
- Stay away, Bluebeard.
- I was studying the layout.
- So I noticed.
- You don't think I'd make a play for her?
- Yes.
- Darling, you know I like music.
- Yes, particularly duets.
- Don't be silly.
I'm getting impatient.
We've got to wait
until the new boss settles down.
It's got to be really worthwhile this time.
Then you can kiss Burridges goodbye.
I'll be kissing you goodbye
if you don't stay away.
I warn you, if I so much as catch you...
The drugs are on the ground floor, sir.
But you'll have to sign for poison.
Carry your bags, madam?
- Oh, Sir Galahad!
- No, I'm Norman.
Nowadays, two can live
as cheaply as one.
- Yes, Edna.
- We could put our name down for a flat.
You know,
it's like winning the football pools.
Are you watching someone, Willy?
Ooh! These didn't seem so heavy
when you carried them.
I'm used to lifting things.
How wonderful if you caught a thief
after eight years. You might get a rise.
Yes. But you oughtn't to be here.
How lovely for you to work here.
You must meet a lot of important people.
Only ten minutes ago
I had words with the managing director.
Really? How exciting.
That's a nice way to talk.
Giving up my elevenses.
Starving myself for love.
I know, Edna, but... Here is the chief.
I'll see you tonight, huh?
Toodle-oo, Willy.
- Were you born in London?
- Yes.
Born in London,
went to school in Scotland.
Oh, poor boy, you must have been
awfully tired when you got home.
- Are you married?
- No.
But I'm gonna be, only we don't want
anyone to know so we're going to elope.
- No!
- With each other.
- Yes, I see. Well, how romantic.
- Lovely.
Just a moment!
Less time gossiping
might reduce the shoplifting figures.
- They are appalling.
- Yes, Edna... er, chief.
I intend to put my foot down
with a firm hand.
Good morning, madam.
I trust we've given every satisfaction.
Oh, every satisfaction.
And as for this employee, he's one of
nature's gentlemen. Such courtesy!
- We pride ourselves on our service.
- Ah, yes.
Please. No gratuities.
You've spent enough already.
Well, I've spent nothing, really.
I could hug him!
- (Cracking)
- Oh! Oh!
Today is a red-letter day for Burridges.
- May I, sir?
- With pleasure but one moment, please.
- There.
- How gracious and charming.
- Now.
- Hold it.
Thank you. With our compliments
to a valued customer.
Oh, thank you.
- Is my car outside?
- Yes, sir.
- This way, please.
- Erm... the bags.
- The bags.
- The bags.
- The bags.
- Ah.
Allow me.
- Why, good day, young man.
- This way, please.
Take this lady home, John.
May we hope to see you again?
Of course. There are so many
other things I need
and one can pick them up so easily here.
- Thank you, John.
- Bye.
- I believe I dismissed you.
- Yes, sir.
Then you're reinstated as of now.
- You won't regret it, sir.
- What is your department?
I was in the stockroom
but I wanna be a window-dresser.
Windows? Well, you've helped Burridges
so Burridges helps you.
Report back to the stockroom.
If you're good I may give you
a chance at window-dressing.
Oh, thank you, sir,
thank you, sir. I'm back.
- So sorry.
- That's all right.
- Norman, where are you going?
- Oh, right.
Miss Denby, number seven window
is still incomplete.
I understand but I was just considering
the display. Could I show you?
Another thing - some of our windows
should do more credit to a junk shop.
It's nonsense telling me
there's a staff shortage.
We need people with artistic quality
to dress our windows.
We need new blood. You can start on
window seven right away.
Oh, thank you, sir.
How about displaying this new china?
- Send it to my office. I'll decide later.
- Thank you.
(Posh accent) Miss? Excuse me.
Should anybody require my services,
I'll be dressing window seven.
I must apologise for interrupting you.
Do carry on.
'Ere, Mr Graham, I've been promoted.
I'm a window-dresser.
You remember me, Norman.
I used to be in the stockroom.
Used to be!
I think perhaps a little titivation here
and a little titivation there too.
And doggy a little more prominently
and we can't possibly go wrong, can we?
(Humming merrily)
# I'd like to state that... #
(Inaudible through glass)
(Bystanders laughing)
- What on earth are you doing here?
- Mr Freeman sent me.
- I'm the new window-dresser.
- You? How utterly grotesque.
- Any comment from the staff?
- Oh, yes, sir. They like you.
- You've got a wonderful personality.
- Thank you.
- (Sighing) What is it, Robson?
- It's the police.
A crowd is causing an obstruction.
The window-dressing must be stopped.
Crowds, obstruction - splendid!
Wait till I get in my stride!
Miss Drew, we shall investigate.
Norman, you're fired!
And that's the end of that.
And I thought I was going to
realise my life's ambition.
Now I'm fired.
I don't suppose I shall
ever see her again now.
Didn't you tell her about it?
You were right.
Banana brain.
Yes, that's not bad.
Turned out quite well.
It's in all the evening papers, sir.
Everyone's saying you made
a sensational start.
I'm anxious to put
some life into the business.
This little idea of mine
is just the beginning.
I'm sure. We've never had
publicity like this.
What about this fellow Norman?
They want a story on him.
- Where is he?
- Norman? Oh, Norman!
Of course, I'll get him for you.
Get me the stockroom, quickly.
Invaluable man, Norman.
- (Mr Freeman) Norman.
- Yes, sir, I'll get him. Norman, phone.
- Yeah?
- (Feedback)
Norman, I'm so glad I found you.
I hope you didn't take my joke seriously.
You shouldn't say things
you don't mean.
Naturally I didn't mean you
to leave our service.
- You apologise.
- I apologise?!
Thank you.
Norman, it's Mr Freeman.
Freeman. All right, Freeman,
I'll look in if I'm passing.
- It's the chief. We've got our job back.
- Chief, we've got our job back... Chief.
Yes, sir... no.
Never again, sir, oh, never.
Yes... thank you...
Definitely got the job back? Yes.
Got the... Got the job back! Job back!
- He's certainly nice-Iooking.
- It's OK for records
but you want more
when you're buying a home.
- What on earth?
- What's this?
- Who the dickens is Norman?
- What about that?
(Conductor) That's the lot,
thank you. Full up, thank you.
Like to get my hands on the big ox
that broke my bicycle.
I bet you would.
(Conductor) Let 'em off first, please.
- What's going on?
- C'est un accident. They push me...
And you pulled. Cheek!
Oh, no, you don't!
- Permettez, mademoiselle, to zip you up.
- My name's not Muggins!
I've heard all about you Frenchmen.
Here, Sally, zip me up.
Je suis dsol. Permettez-moi que...
If you lay another finger on me, I'll call
the policeman, so help me! Cheek!
Gendarme, compris?
This ain't the Folies Bergres, you know!
Oh, dear. It's jammed.
Here, hold that a minute for me, please.
Come on, Sally. This one's ours.
That's enough.
Hey, Sally! Oh!
Sally! Sally, you forgot your handbag!
You won't be able to pay your fare!
Conductor, stop! Stop!
Sally, look, your bag!
Hey, hold up! Hold the bus, please!
Clear, please.
Look out!
I can't stop!
Every man for himself!
I say there!
Oi! Slow up!
(Crash, men shouting angrily)
Excuse me?
Oh, my bag!
How did you know it was mine?
You gave it to me in the bus queue.
Of course I did. Thank you.
Suppose I better be going now.
- Want some?
- Thank you.
Oh, I meant for the ducks!
Come on, then. Come on, my pretty.
Nearer. Nearer.
Come on. Come on, darling.
Come closer. Come on.
Come on, nearer. That's right.
(Whistling I Want To Put On Record
That I Love You)
Oh, of course. What a small world.
You made a record with me.
I remember, you rushed off.
- Do you work round here?
- Burridges.
- No, I work at Burridges.
- I know. So do I.
Oh! What department?
Stockroom. I'm gonna get promoted,
though. I'm Norman.
- Not the Norm...
- Look!
I wish they wouldn't go.
That one hasn't had anything.
Wish he'd come in.
Norman, careful!
Ah! Help!
Oh, don't laugh at me.
(# Harmonica)
# I'm not good-Iooking
# I'm not too smart
# I may be foolish
# But I've got a heart
# I love the flowers
# I love the sun
# But when I try to love the girls
# They laugh at me
# And run
# Don't laugh at me
# Cos I'm a fool
# I know it's true, yes
# I'm a fool
# No one seems to care
# I'd give the world
# To share my life with someone
# Who really loves me
# I see them all falling in love
# But my lucky star's up above
# Some day maybe
# My star will smile on me
# Don't laugh at me
# Cos I'm a fool #
- But listen, darling...
- You snake!
You selfish oaf of a thing!
You stuck-up apology for a man!
You conceited Casanova! You!
- Isn't there a cheaper way to say hello?
- You watch this isn't goodbye.
You know you're the only one.
- When you've got me like this.
- This is how I always want you.
Liar! Look, Gerry, I warn you,
this is your last chance.
If I catch you raising
an eyebrow at another woman...
Cross my heart!
And keep away from the store too,
until I give you the word.
- I expect a decision from Freeman today.
- We're all set. Our plan can't miss.
Just to remind you.
- Come.
- Good morning, chief.
And a very good morning to you too,
Miss Drew. A very good morning.
- You never forget.
- I look forward to this moment.
What exquisite perfume.
It's quite overpowering.
The carnations are at their best now.
I wasn't thinking of the carnations,
Miss Drew... Peggy.
Is everything
organised for tonight's event?
- Yes, there'll be about 150 staff present.
- Excuse me, Miss Drew.
Thank you, Miss Higgins.
Yes, one must unbend occasionally.
It will be nice to meet them socially.
Miss Drew, Peggy, you know I have
complete confidence in you.
And I in you, sir.
- I'd like you to share my... my secret.
- Oh?
July 1 st is D-day for Burridges.
The sale of the century.
Peggy, whilst we're alone, I'd have no
objection to you using my first name.
- Oh, sir!
- It's Augustus.
Oh, how dominating.
This place is like Paddington station.
Very well, Miss Drew,
we'll continue our little... conference later.
Of course, sir. Certainly.
(# Swinging big band)
Thank you, boys and girls, thank you.
Now, the next song will be a Paul Jones.
Ladies in the centre.
Gents on the outside.
Now, come along everybody,
on the floor, on the floor.
(Man, laughing) Evening dress!
(2nd man) The dandy of Burridges.
(Woman) Some lady killer!
(2nd woman) Poor Norman.
- Don't we look smart?
- Too smart.
Oh, no, don't worry.
You look very nice, really.
Now, where's our big smile?
Yes, she's here.
(# Upbeat big band)
- This is us.
- Oh, no, I wanna go and dance with...
What's the matter with you, clumsy?
- (# Early In The Morning)
- Thank you.
(# Big band)
(# Early In The Morning)
(# Jitterbug)
(# Early In The Morning)
(# Waltz)
(Drum roll)
Now, clear the floor, please,
clear the floor.
Oh, Norman!
(Sally) Norman!
Ladies and gentleman,
pray silence for our managing director,
- Mr Augustus Freeman.
- Thank you, Miss Drew.
- My friends, my partners...
- (Laughter)
Yes, that is what you are, partners.
We are here to consider the problems
that lie before us in these difficult times.
- And, if we can, to solve those problems.
- (Staff) Here! Here!
(Freeman) Our question is
how can we lift Burridges to the top?
How can we interest
a public hungry for bargains?
Because that is what the public is today.
And it is up to each and every one of us
to strike a responsive chord,
particularly in these
days of exorbitant taxation.
(Man) Quiet!
(Woman) Shh, quiet!
- Please, not yet, if you don't mind.
- Shh!
At Burridges we'll open a new chapter
on July 1 st with a really remarkable sale,
a sale that will set London alight -
nay, all Britain will marvel at Burridges.
- (Man) Will you be quiet?
- Shh!
In spite of the fact that
in these days of exorbitant taxation...
Our friend seems to think exorbitant
taxation is a matter for jubilation.
As I was saying, when we are suffering,
and I mean when we are all suffering,
irrespective of class,
humblest to the highest,
we must set ourselves a standard.
We must have a goal.
Value for money, that is our motto.
We must all consider ourselves
crusaders of the counter.
Let no one pour cold water
on our flaming crusade.
Burridges will light a torch
that will shed its beneficent light on all.
Human beings must still buy,
we are not fairies.
We cannot dispense
with the necessities of life.
Whatever our means,
we must still stand up, sit down,
relax and enjoy ourselves.
If the exuberant gentleman...
(AII chattering)
Fresh air might do him good.
One of his colleagues please get him out.
- (AII exclaiming)
- Why don't you shut up?
This is Burridges. Is that Manpower?
That's us, sweetheart.
I'd like to arrange for some extra staff
for a one-day sale we're having.
Well, we have all the staff you need.
Handsome, clean-limbed gentlemen.
We're organising a Wild West section.
I need someone to play a cowboy.
A cowboy? We have just the job.
Bill here's a graduate
of every university in the world.
The bureau sent me.
- You're who they sent as the cowboy?
- That's me, lady.
You don't look exactly the type.
However, we'll manage.
- Are you fond of kiddies?
- Kiddies? I love them.
We was riding across the prairie
with the sheriff's posse.
We was a-chasing two-gun Pete,
the fastest man on the draw in Texas.
Suddenly I...
Suddenly I sees him riding
out of the canyon,
so I whips out my guns, and two-gun
Cassidy, he and me were buddies,
he turns around to me,
he says, "The best thing you can do
"is you... you have a go at shooting him."
(Children) Gosh!
- My hands is a-quivering.
- I'm your buddy, Bill.
If you get tired,
I don't mind changing places.
- Oh, really?
- No, cos I want to get as near as...
Beat it, little fella,
before I bat your teeth in.
Norman, Mr Freeman wants you.
Norman, I sent for you
but now that you're here,
well, I hardly know what to say.
The position in which I'm placed is,
to say the least, very...
Norman! Oh, Norman.
I had hopes of you, high hopes.
I thought of you...
I looked upon you as my own son,
yes, my own son.
You understand
the difficulty of my position?
I said to myself, "Who can take
a little weight off my shoulders?
"Who can I turn to
to unravel my problems?"
I'm tempted to give you another chance.
Thank you, sir.
- Dressing windows?
- No!
Discipline before everything!
You are fired.
You will get your notice
this very instant. Understand?
Follow me!
Take a letter, Miss Higgins.
"Dear Sir, in view of your deplorable
behaviour and lack of esprit de corps,
"I am therefore compelled to give you
notice of instant dismissal.
"It is with regret that I am dispensing
with your services, however painful,
"but it is a decision
that cannot be revoked.
"However, in view of the service
you have rendered Burridges,
"I'll give you a week's additional salary,
even though you do not deserve it.
"For Burridges is not parsimonious
but a shining example in commerce.
"I will even overlook your taking
of the suit and its destruction.
"We need a staff
worthy of our confidence,
"a staff whose aim in life
is the prosperity of Burridges,
"a staff containing not one black sheep.
"Alas, it was not to be.
"You have tarnished the name of
England's finest store
"by your lack of discipline
and disregard of responsibility."
Miss Higgins, take a reference.
"To whom it may concern, Norman,
er, fill in the name yourself,
"has been in the employ of Burridges
for some considerable time."
(Woman screaming outside)
Get out! Get this man out of here!
- (Mr Dawson) Yes, sir.
- Get him out quickly.
Outside with him. Get out, you...
Can I just have five minutes
to stay goodbye?
Not one second. You can never
come into this store again.
If he shows his face call the police.
But get him out!
- Let me explain!
- Get him out!
- Come on, son.
- Goodbye, chief.
- You certainly like records.
- Records are my weakness.
Thank you, Eileen.
Now, let me see. I just need one more.
Thank you, Mabel.
There, sir, now you have everything.
- So they tell me.
- Sally!
- Is that all, sir?
- For the moment.
- Psst! Sally!
- Will you take them?
No, you can send them to my flat, COD.
Or better still, bring them yourself.
- Sally!
- What are you doing here?
- I must speak to you... alone!
- Not now, I'm busy.
- As I was saying...
- I wanna...
...bring them yourself and we can listen.
- Norman, go away!
- I'll just take the address down, sir.
Here, sir. Orpington Mansions.
Oh, no!
No, no...
- Thank you.
- Be seeing you.
I haven't come here to dilly and dally,
so I'm telling you here and now,
you keep away from my girl.
You keep away from my girl,
else I'll smash your face in.
Why, if it isn't the little fella again.
Did you give the special knock?
- What special knock?
- Let me do it.
- I haven't come here to dilly and dally...
- Where've you been?
- Late as usual.
- Sorry, gov.
Bert here'll give you the gen.
Now, where was I?
Oh, yes, getaway cars.
Mike'll be here at the corner of
Oxford Street and Garfield Street.
Tim will be here as arranged.
Now you all know the drill for dispersal.
- Have you got your Manpower cards?
- Yes.
I want no slip-ups.
You will all report to Miss Drew
wearing your best Sunday suits.
And all the money goes into
the cash registers.
Is that plain? No sticky fingers.
At 11:45 you'll bring your registers
to the model room
between Music and Toys
on the third floor.
- Fourth floor.
- Yeah.
Hold on. Who are you?
I'm Norman.
I haven't come here to dilly-dally...
- How did he get in?
- With me. He was waiting outside.
- Who is he?
- He works at Burridges.
I'm gonna be a window-dresser.
- Copper's nark.
- Yeah.
- Oh, I remember. The rustic Romeo.
- You're the rustic Romeo, not me!
I know your game. You're trying to lure
my girl with your money.
No, leave him to Bill.
He brought him, he can get rid of him.
All right, gov.
- You keep away from my girl, else I'II...
- You'll what?
smash your face in.
- Take him out back and put him to sleep.
- It's a pleasure, gov.
I haven't come here to dilly-dally,
so I'm telling you,
you keep away from my girl...
No, no, I mustn't.
- We're gonna do this job scientifically.
- Do what?
The boss won't
stand for any rough stuff.
He likes it all modern and gentle, like.
Sit down!
You know what these are?
Pills. Sleeping pills.
I'm gonna give you one of these
and you'll go to bye-byes for a long time.
- I'm not tired.
- You will be.
Put out your tongue.
Now swallow.
- I can't swallow pills.
- Swallow!
Drink this.
- Eat this.
- What is it?
I'll fix you.
Open your mouth.
You! You!
- I must see Sally Wilson!
- Sorry, no visitors allowed.
It's a matter of life and death.
I must see her!
- What is it, family trouble?
- Yeah.
- You a relative?
- Yes.
Stay here.
He actually made me pay for the taxi.
- Your Willy wouldn't do that.
- (Knocking)
Somebody, a man, a relative
downstairs for Sally Wilson. It's urgent.
- Give him my love.
- Has he got a pal?
- Tell him I'm free on Sunday.
- Oh, shh!
- Norman, what are you doing here?
- Sally, he's a crook!
- He's a crook, you must give him up.
- What?
- He's a crook and a girl-chaser.
- What are you talking about?
This Gerald fella.
I saw him, with all the gangsters.
Norman, you're drunk!
Me? I never had a drink in me life!
Or mad! Dragging me down
to tell me a lot of nonsense...
But it's true.
We've got to warn Mr Freeman.
They're gonna raid the store tomorrow.
You're raving mad.
If they think you're friends with him
and he gets caught, you'll be in trouble.
- Hodge!
- Yes, miss.
Sally, it's for your own good.
Please show this man out
and don't let him back in.
- Come on, son.
- I can find my way out, thank you.
Sally, please!
Oh, there's something for you
over there, miss.
"Dear Sally, here is the bicycle
for the one that was busted up.
"I hope it makes you happy.
Love, Norman."
(Excited chattering, indistinct)
I've got my eye on that evening dress.
Going for practically nothing.
Have you, my dear?
That's the kind of bargain I'm looking for.
- Morning, morning.
- Morning.
- Morning, Tom.
- Morning, Taffy.
- Got your insurance paid up?
- Why?
- Sales day!
- You are a scream!
- No, no, you don't. You're fired.
- I must see the chief.
- If I were to let you in I'd lose my job.
- I'm gonna see him!
That's what you think.
Out you go! Go on!
- There.
- Thank you, Miss Drew.
A larger knot, Mark.
All very smart, gentlemen, thank you.
Hanky just up a little more.
That's perfect.
Delightful, ladies, delightful.
15 minutes to zero hour.
Time to inspect your departments.
Ladies and gentlemen, forward, please.
Rheumatism, Wilton?
No, sir, it's an old wound.
I received it in my first sale.
A worthy scar.
- Well, it's a great day, Peggy.
- I wish us luck, sir.
Thank you so much.
Well, it won't be long now.
Open it!
- What's the idea?
- End of the queue, you!
- I gotta get in to warn them.
- Yes, so have we. Go on!
I've gotta get in...
Very well, girls.
- Why have you not changed?
- I hadn't time.
Miss Drew,
have you seen the store detective?
No, I haven't. Why?
He'll probably think I'm an awful idiot
but I feel I ought to tell him.
Tell him what?
Last night Norman tried to tell me about
some plan to raid the store today.
- Probably all nonsense but...
- Well, we can't be too careful.
You were quite right to be worried.
Come with me, will you?
(Crowd shouting)
(CIock bells ringing)
Miss Gibson, will you go and lend a hand
in the toy department?
Lovely, I've always wanted
to work upstairs.
Oh, I think I'll just go and...
Five, four, three, two...
- (CIock chiming)
- Zero hour.
(Shoppers screaming)
No fainting.
(Women gossiping, indistinct)
(Inaudible over shoppers shouting)
Whoa! Oh!
Miss Gibson, Miss Gibson!
Who's been messing about
with my model? I'll drill his liver out!
All right, darling,
I'll soon get you out of this, don't worry.
Oh, Norman!
Norman, don't be nervous!
It's really me!
- Pinch me.
- Oh!
- You were right.
- Course I was.
You wait till I get hold of them!
Come on, Sally!
The drill, quickly!
- You can't take that away.
- It's orders.
- It's wanted elsewhere.
- Impossible! You see them waiting!
That's one of them.
Here comes the lovely little train.
I must get one for my nephew.
- Now's your big chance, Willy.
- Oh, Edna.
Oh, it's in the station.
- Good morning, madam.
- My helpful friend. What a lovely day.
Yes, isn't it?
Will you come with me, please?
How charming of you,
but it's a little early for lunch.
- We'll arrange something.
- How nice!
I haven't any bags today.
(Edna) Oh, yes you have.
(Gerald) Come on, men, get a move on.
Good morning's work, boys.
Now, cut it out, boys.
Keep 'em covered, Sally.
Stick 'em up, all of you.
Get him, boys.
Hey, what's the idea?
- They're after me, gangsters with guns.
- Oh!
We're dead!
Come on, Sally.
Hold on, don't shoot!
What on earth is this dreadful noise?
Chief, about the shoplifting,
I'm very proud to...
Don't bother me now, I'm very busy.
- But sir!
- This way, Miss Drew.
- This way, madam.
- What a pity.
Oh! Ah! Ooh! Ow!
(Bangs resembling gunfire)
Didn't I tell you
my methods would be different?
- I'll see how the sale's getting on.
- Don't go. The sale's doing wonderfully.
I've had the figures.
The cash registers are bulging.
You go round the back way, go on.
- Rear guard action.
- Aye, aye, sir.
They haven't got any bullets left.
(American West accent) OK, Gerald,
I'm a-comin' to git you myself.
How did he get here?
I fired him yesterday.
(Horse whinnying)
- Gerald!
- Relax, my dear, they don't mean it!
Norman! Go back!
(Horse whinnying)
(Gun quacks)
Miss Gibson? Er, Sally...
No, I ain't done nothing!
(Man) This way, boys!
Good work!
What are you doing here?
You are not allowed in this store.
- But sir, look, I've...
- Leave at once!
- But, sir, you don't understand.
- Get out.
Norman, don't go!
These are real gangsters,
they planned to rob the store.
Gangsters in Burridges?
That's the money from 12 registers.
Norman caught the lot.
Well, I'm blessed! Norman!
(Freeman) Norman! (Snapping fingers)
Come here!
My boy, I am proud of you.
Here, take this money
as a little token of my great esteem.
Thank you, sir.
You've got the money
for the ring. Don't wait!
Norman, my son, yesterday I fired you,
today you are reinstated.
Come, my boy,
we must discuss your promotion.
See you in a minute, Sally.
- Come, Norman.
- Sir, allow me.
Oh yes, pardon me.
Help! Help!
- This way, Peggy.
- Miss Drew, if you don't mind.
Thank you, Norman.
- Do you know what?
- What?
Norman, you're fired!
I've got the sack again.