Trouble (2017)

These are perennial.
That means they come
back every year.
You don't have to replant them
or anything, they just come back.
- Every year?
- Every year. Forever.
These were your mother's
favorite, peonies.
She liked how fluffy they are.
Pretty fluffy for a flower.
Here. Come on.
That's good, Maggie.
Hey! Hey!
Stop it!
Stop it.
Trying to get yourself killed?
What are you doing here?
Get out of my way.
Get out of my way!
You're not allowed to do this!
You don't get out of the
way, I'm gonna run you over.
All right, so get
out of the way.
He almost ran over me.
- With a backhoe?
- Twice.
- How did he get it up there?
- Who cares?
Just trying to get the
facts here, Maggie.
Did you see him
drive it up there?
He took it up the logging road.
How did he look?
I guess he looked pretty good
for an asshole digging
a hole on my property.
- He looked just fine.
- Okay.
I want you to arrest him.
Come on, Maggie.
Don't make excuses for him.
I'm not making excuses. He's
definitely a knucklehead.
Yeah, he's a knucklehead,
with a backhoe, digging a
huge hole in my property.
Okay, let's go and
take a look at this.
Man, is he good with that thing.
It's kind of little for
a backhoe, isn't it?
Uh-oh, look at this.
Who's that?
Ben's sister.
God damn it, there are more of them.
He brought friends.
Let me take care of this.
- Get off of my property.
- Ben.
Ben Farmer.
Ben Farmer.
Hey, Maggie.
God damn it, Gerry. Man,
what are you doing here?
Well, Ben called me. He
said the two of you were...
Yeah, don't tell me about it.
I don't want to know.
You two, out, out.
I thought they worked this out.
Well, I guess not.
You, get off my land.
We got a bit of a
situation here, Ben.
Logan, I don't see how this
is any of your business.
It's his business because you're
breaking the law, you asshole.
You clearly don't understand
everything, as usual.
This is my land, Logan.
- Oh, for fuck's sake, it is not.
- My land.
You were never meant to
have the whole place.
For one thing, you
aren't keeping it up.
- Her husband died, the whole place...
- You leave him out of it.
Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, he robbed me, she
robbed me, both of them robbed me.
- Now, it's mine.
- Bullshit.
You came to that office,
to that lawyer's office,
and I said, "If we give you"
- "a good price for that land..."
- Maggie.
"You can't come back
here in 20 years."
- Oh, good Christ, you fucked me.
- She is something.
- Okay.
- She is so crazy.
- Okay, listen.
- It might interest you to know, Logan,
that I acquired this land
legally, two weeks ago.
"Acquired this land." Who
did you acquire it from?
- Because I didn't sell it to you.
- Oh, didn't you?
- No.
- Okay, you're claiming...
No, not claiming.
No, I have the permits.
I have everything in the truck.
That's bullshit! Bullshit!
Hey, Ben. We gonna
go back to work?
- No, you're going home.
- Oh, round two.
- Now she's gonna harass my workers?
- Ben. Ben.
- I got the papers, okay.
- I don't know what
they told you, and I don't
care, but I'm telling you,
as the owner of this property,
that you are violating my rights.
And if you don't leave now,
immediately, I'm going to...
You will be arrested
and charged.
- It's not funny, Gerry.
- It...
It is kind of funny, Maggie.
No, it's not.
You look good.
You're gonna have to let me
take care of this, Maggie.
You're not taking
care of anything.
There's a huge hole right there.
Go on. Get in the truck.
You want me to get in the truck?
Yes, I want you to
get in the truck.
You can't tell me
to get in the truck!
I am telling you to get in the truck.
Come on.
Come on.
She's fucked.
She's out of her mind.
Because I have the permit.
Maggie, I'm gonna need
you to go on home.
I'll call you when I have
more of a handle on this.
Go on.
Hi, this is Maggie Kramer..
I was just wondering
if you got that idiot,
otherwise known as my
brother, off my property.
This is a serious matter, '
and, frankly, I hope you arrested
that fucking son of a bitch.
That was stupid.
Hi, Mrs. Kramer. This is Elise.
It's Maggie Kramer. She also left
you two messages on your voicemail.
I am not in yet.
He's not in yet, Mrs. Kramer.
Can I take a message?
And I'm sure he will
as soon as he gets in.
- What's that about?
- Ben Farmer, making trouble again.
Who knows what he's up to?
It'll take me a few
days to sort it out.
Ben, you up?
Yeah, I'm up.
I brought you coffee.
Oh, he's, uh...
He's staying out here now?
Your kid?
- Is that a problem?
- No.
I didn't know whether you
needed me today or not.
You work things out with Maggie?
What did I say?
Look, I can't, um...
I can't get in the middle of
something between you two, all right?
Before, when I asked, you said...
You said that she was fine.
And yesterday, she
was clearly not fine.
This is not your concern,
because I'm handling it.
It is my concern.
Look, I... I gotta
return the backhoe
if it's not a legal site.
You're still pining
for her, is that it?
No, please. I saw you when she pulled up.
You about fell over.
- You're crazy.
- "I love you. I love you, Maggie."
- "It doesn't matter..."
- Oh, shut up.
"That you tossed me
aside for Tom Kramer."
Oh, you asshole. You asshole.
I'm the asshole. Fuck.
What's up with him?
Who knows?
Hey, listen. I can't go up to
the, uh, site with you today.
Come on! No, I only have
the backhoe for one week.
I've got this parole thing.
You know, might go to
the Y, and take a shower.
What's this?
You get off my land now.
Put that down.
You get off my land right
now, or I'm gonna shoot you.
I said put that thing down
before you hurt somebody.
Crazy bitch.
You shot me.
I said I was going to.
You're not allowed
to just shoot people.
You're not allowed to do a
lot of the things that you do,
- but you do them anyway.
- It hurts.
Stomping on my garden.
I can't believe you did that.
I can't believe you.
I'm calling the cops.
Oh, good luck with that.
I called them. They
didn't do a fucking thing.
And you know what?
They don't like you.
You know what that useless sheriff
calls you behind your back?
He calls you a knucklehead.
No, I'm telling
you, you are fucked.
You are really fucked this time.
I'm standing here with a gun,
and you're telling me stuff?
I'm telling you...
Asking you, asking.
Don't shoot me again, okay.
Don't kill me.
That's better.
God damn.
Aren't you gonna help me?
Hey! I got somebody here
who needs some attention.
There was an accident
with a shotgun.
You... You put him in
the back of the truck?
He's all right.
I'm not all right. She shot me.
- No...
- Can I get some help over here?
I can walk here, I can walk.
- Clear that way, please.
- I can walk.
It's that one! She shot me!
With a gun.
What a baby.
Your lawyer's here.
I didn't call him.
I did. You can't
sit here all day.
I didn't ask you to arrest me.
Hey, you gonna let me out?
Are you gonna
shoot anybody else?
Why would I?
Oh, boy.
My car is right there, yeah.
So Logan said Ben
had some crazy story.
He's always got some crazy story.
What's new?
You sold him back his half?
He didn't have half of the land.
Tom and I paid for
that land upfront.
Ben was only interested
in the money.
He needed the money.
Stop. Whose side
are you on, anyway?
I'm not... I'm not taking sides.
You're my lawyer. You're
supposed to take sides.
You're supposed to take my side.
I just... Mmm, I just wondered if
you knew why he would say that.
'Cause he's a fucking
lunatic, that's Why.
Listen, I shot my brother.
It was about time
somebody did it.
Everybody in this town has wanted to
shoot him at one point or another.
There's no question about that.
They should give
me a fucking prize.
Ben. Come on, Benny.
So, soon as I light it, run.
I'm afraid.
I'm not.
Go. Go.
Yeah, hey. I'm glad you called.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine. I just
need a ride, that's all.
Yeah. I was over at
Williams' this morning,
and I heard that
you got arrested.
It's totally ridiculous.
Well, I heard that you shot Ben.
He was invading my property,
and, yes, I did shoot him, and
I should've shot him worse.
And what you were doing hanging out
with him, I don't even want to know.
All right, look. He told me that
he worked this out with you, okay.
And Tom's been gone a year now, so
I thought maybe you had decided...
No, I decided nothing,
and you thought wrong.
- Thanks for the ride. Appreciate it.
- You're welcome.
He's not here anymore.
Well, where did he go?
It says he signed himself out.
But he's not dead?
Yeah, it says he walked
out on his own steam.
After that, I don't know.
Whoo! Yeah.
Maybe you shouldn't be just
staying out here in the trailer.
It's my land.
It's Maggie's land, Ben.
Isn't that the problem?
She's in big trouble.
My point being is maybe you
should stay a few days with Gerry.
- Huh?
- He's got central heating.
I got heating.
That propane tank's so old,
it's gonna explode the next
time you even look at it.
God damn it.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
You want to smoke some weed?
Hey, Gerry. CURT:
What's cooking, Gerry?
- Hey.
- Yeah, he's in there.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, it's me.
Heard you got shot.
- Okay?
- It's nothing.
Told you you should've waited.
I had the backhoe.
Talk to him, he's all, "You
only have it for one week."
- That's all I could get it for.
- Yeah, whatever.
Maggie shot you.
She really did.
She's a piece of work.
You all know that she
stole that land from me.
My father left me
half the property.
At the first sign of
trouble that I get into,
it doesn't matter what it was.
She doesn't say, "Hey, let's give
Ben a little time to work this out."
"He's in trouble.
He's my brother."
"He deserves kindness."
That asshole that she got married
to, I mean, he was in on it, too.
I mean, the two of them tried
to rob me of my inheritance.
God damn, no, no.
I mean, the time has finally
come for me to say, "No, no."
She really got you.
That's what I'm saying. Jeez!
I told my wife Ben's
sister tried to kill him.
She says, "About
time somebody did."
She said that?
Yeah. And then the
kids started up...
Yeah, the wife didn't like that.
But they got to learn
sometime, those kids.
You know women.
They don't like shooting.
Well, maybe Maggie,
I guess, but...
Lord, I wish I'd been
there to see that.
- Me, too.
- Easy now. Hey, hey.
Yeah, well, I mean, it
would've been something.
Hey, can you give
me a little of that?
You just came from the hospital.
I thought they'd
give you some Vicodin
- or some Percocet or something.
- Give me.
No, they told me if I checked
myself out, I was on my own.
Let me just write that.
Sheriff, Mrs. Kramer's
here to see you.
Maggie, how you doing today?
Shoot anybody?
There hasn't really
been a need to, yet.
How can I help you?
I want you to drop those
charges against me.
That's a matter for the courts.
I barely even winged Ben.
He up and walked out of
the hospital this morning.
You can explain
that to your lawyer.
You drop your charges,
and I'll drop mine.
Your charges?
I am bringing charges
of criminal trespass
and destruction of property
against my brother.
Shouldn't she be
writing this down?
Elise, if Maggie wants
to bring charges,
what does she need to do?
She needs to talk to her lawyer.
Are you kidding? What
was I supposed to do?
He was digging a huge
hole on my property.
You didn't do a thing.
Maggie, he had the permits.
And how did he get them?
Did you look into that? No.
Some sheriff.
You should arrest yourself.
Hey, Rachel.
Sheriff, what can I do for you?
I'm here to look at
some land grants.
Okay. Which ones?
Well, just one, actually.
The Farmer property.
I don't...
That's not how things
are filed around here.
You don't happen to
remember a lot number?
A lot number?
Things are filed... They're
not filed according to names.
You don't remember
the lot number?
Well, you know where it is.
It's right up there at
the end of the hollow.
Mmm, which one is it?
Look, I've got these
building permits
that you approved of for
Ben Farmer just this week.
You know what lot it is.
Oh. That's the property
you're talking about. Sure.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I just never did
it this way before.
Could you excuse
me for a second?
I just remembered I have
to make a phone call.
Have a seat.
You're just trying to
get me to calm down,
and the problem with that is
that you don't actually let me,
like, talk through What
I'm actually feeling.
And more important than that,
like, it just upsets me even more,
because you're not hearing
what actually happened today.
And what actually
happened, like, the facts,
are that the Sheriff came
into my place of work,
and was asking for documents
that I didn't want to give him.
He was being really,
really nice about it,
like, the kind of nice that's,
like, you know that you're screwed.
- What did he say?
- He made me show him everything.
Everything about that
piece of land that you...
"Everything." What do
you mean by "everything"?
You told me that this was legal.
You need any help?
No, we don't.
- We're good.
- He meant a drink.
I'll have a white
wine spritzer, please.
I'll have a beer,
whatever you got on tap.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
Everything that
we're doing is legal.
Oh, my God. I gave
you those permits
because you told me
you had logging rights.
- And...
- We do.
No, and you also told me that
Ben was gonna buy the land back
because she was
behind on her taxes.
- You told me that.
- Yes.
She's like $50,000 behind.
Why couldn't you just wait?
Gerry had the backhoe.
Do you... Do you understand that
without the underlying documents,
the permits are illegal?
They are.
And why did you show
them to the Sheriff?
Hey, look, did he say
you're under arrest?
- No.
- No.
Did he say you're going to jail?
Mmm... No.
Did he say you're going to hell?
Curt, you told me that I was
not gonna get in trouble.
You're not in trouble.
You promise?
I'm hungry.
Well, let's see. I've got
some cheese and crackers,
some summer sausage,
there's tomatoes, I think.
Uh, there's peaches I
got at the farm stand,
there's some corn somewhere,
hamburger in the fridge
and noodles in the closet.
You're shitting me, aren't you?
I think there's some
peanuts somewhere.
Hey, Curt, what
took you so long?
We're starving up here.
You bring any food?
Some shit going on.
Yeah, what kind of shit?
Some "we got a problem" shit.
The Sheriff's
gonna make trouble.
The Sheriff, the short guy?
The Sheriff's stirring up shit.
Hey, tell me later.
Where are the peanuts?
- I'll get them.
- Oh, no. In the...
No, peanuts and
the summer sausage.
Don't forget the noodles.
So, you told the Sheriff.
I didn't tell him anything.
Look, just so you know,
you're not in trouble.
She's the one Who's
in trouble, all right?
She shot me.
There's no getting
around that, right.
I'm wounded.
She's in big fucking trouble.
And the boom is coming
down on my sister.
Okay. Yes.
But there are other people
looking into this
situation right now.
But this is what I'm saying.
You don't have to
worry about it, right.
You don't have to talk about
it with anybody, all right.
- Well...
- This is all on her.
She has been caught in
a web of her own making.
It took years.
It took time, a lot of years
of planning and execution.
It's only her malfeasance and
ingratitude and disloyalty
that have brought
her to this point.
And it is nothing that we did.
It's just the poisonous defects of
her own disappointing character.
Hey, Ben.
Didn't bring your
shotgun, I see.
You want, I can go get it.
That won't be necessary.
We were just on our way out.
Can I thank you very
much for your help?
We'll be in touch.
What were you telling them?
Did you not understand
my question?
I don't...
I don't even know who you are.
No, you don't know
who I am at all.
And you're letting those
criminals steal my house.
Mrs. Kramer,
you are very behind
on your taxes.
What's that to you?
It is a fact.
And if you lose your
land, it is not my doing.
You're letting them turn
you into the kind of person
who can destroy another person's life
without even thinking twice about it.
I don't...
- My boyfriend says...
- Your boyfriend?
Dream bigger, would you?
If you can't dream bigger now,
you think it's ever
gonna get any better?
You're crazy.
Makes you feel better when
you tell yourself that.
But guess what.
You're not the first person
who's tried it on me.
Hang on. Hang on.
It's really deep.
It's super-duper deep.
Oh. Come on, bud.
Ben, Ben.
Go, go.
Come on, Gerry.
Is Curt around?
Do you see him anywhere?
You know, you don't
actually own that land yet.
That's my land. My
father left me that land.
And then you sold it to
your sister and her husband.
I read the records.
They stole it, you mean.
You sold it to them.
It's a manner of speech.
Don't you understand anything?
I mean, yeah,
I signed some papers, and
they gave me some money,
but it wasn't anywhere near enough.
That's what "They stole it" means.
I don't think it means that.
Did I invite you here?
I'm waiting for Curt.
Is he coming back?
He's doing some business.
You know that kid that makes
coffee at Gypsy Donuts?
No, I don't think I know him.
He's got crazy hair.
I don't know anyone
at Gypsy Donuts.
Well, you don't have
to know him personally.
I don't go into Gypsy Donuts,
so I don't think I know him.
Well, he's got a
great pot connection.
Curt can meet you there.
Maggie's gonna default
on her taxes again.
When she does, the state's
gonna auction that property off.
When they do, whoever
holds the logging rights
gets to be first
in line to buy it.
So, what I need from you
is those logging rights.
Well, I need $5,000.
Let me borrow them for one week.
- Shit.
- What?
Maggie's here.
All right, just go. Hustle, man.
Be quiet.
"Be quiet," man. I'm sure...
Shut up.
You're making all the noise
telling me to be quiet.
Hey, Maggie, how you doing?
- I'm okay.
- Good. You look good.
You looking to let go of
more of those logging rights?
- No.
- No?
What I was wondering is,
can I have a look at those
leases I already sold to you?
What do you want to
look at those for?
I want to see how much I owe.
Might buy them back.
Your people aren't using them,
and you never do any
logging up there.
I can't.
Why not?
Oh, for heaven's sake.
Wait, you can't go in there.
Now, this is private property.
- So what?
- Maggie, come on now.
I'm gonna call the police now.
Oh, you do that. I hope it works
better for you than it worked for me.
What's going on here?
Nothing's going on. Look,
you're trespassing, okay?
And if you want to see the files,
you're gonna need a warrant.
- A warrant?
- You know what I mean.
Just call and make an appointment.
Bring your lawyer with you.
You can't just go barging
in to private property.
That's not what people do.
Here you go. Good to see you again.
Can I help you?
I, uh...
Are you Jimmy?
Sorry, no. His shift doesn't
start for another 20 minutes.
Is there anything
I can do for you?
No, I'll come back.
Should I tell him
that you stopped by?
No, no. No, that's okay.
Oh, you're here to score
some weed, aren't you?
- Hey, Rachel.
- Rachel.
Hi, Elise.
- Hello.
- Getting a cup of coffee?
No. Yes. Yes.
Except my
I think I left it...
Hey, hey. What are
you running away for?
I'm not running away.
You're pretty speedy.
You didn't get your
coffee, did you?
I don't really need coffee.
No one needs coffee.
It's not really all
that good for you.
That's exactly what
I was gonna say.
It's not that good for you,
so it's not like I should just have
coffee whenever I feel like it.
Well, not whenever
you feel like it.
- No.
- But it's delicious.
I think it's delicious.
Oh, no. No, no, no. You could
get tea, like herbal tea.
I don't want tea.
A glass of water?
Hey. Do you want a bacon donut?
No, I don't... No,
just a coffee, Elise.
I got to go.
Well, maybe tomorrow we could...
I tried to do it, Curt,
but the Sheriff is here...
It's all right.
I got it from here.
Look at his arms.
Honestly, I don't really
know how this is gonna work.
What are you talking about?
You're gonna be great.
Mrs. Farr.
How are you doing, honey?
Good, good. I just
came to say hello.
And to
do some banking.
So, let me hear about
What kind of banking
you think you might
want to do today.
Well, I need...
I guess I need a loan.
What kind of loan, honey?
Well, it's for...
It's for my mom, actually.
Is she okay?
Yeah, she's just
struggling a little bit,
and I'd love to help her
out any way that I could.
You know, pay her
back for college.
I was thinking maybe
$10,000 or something.
Well, I can get the paperwork
going on that, sure,
but, honey, I can't imagine what
you have to use as collateral.
Well, I have this.
- Logging rights?
- Mmm-hmm.
So, Ben, you're gonna
do some logging now.
Yeah. You have a
problem with that?
No, no, I think
it's a good idea.
Good. And we're cool, right?
We're always cool, Ben. You just
got to pay for what you're buying.
Sending that kid to steal the
paperwork, that's not right.
He didn't send me. I didn't steal it.
I borrowed it.
So, you used the logging
rights to borrow the money
to buy them.
No, actually, no, they
didn't go for that,
so we used my car as collateral.
Mrs. Farr knows my
mom from way back
and that seemed to
make the most sense.
You put your car up?
What can I say?
My woman loves me.
She's incredible.
Look at the horse.
Wow, man, that pretty horse...
I like their garden.
Yeah, they look pretty good.
Look at that.
- It's good.
- Little stream there.
Mmm-hmm. That's nice.
Look at her.
Hey, they look like the, urn...
Those look like the flowers Dad
was talking about, you know.
Oh, yeah, the fluffy ones.
Yeah, the fluffy ones.
I forgot what they were called.
- Look at the horse.
- Wow.
Look, there's Snow
White, I think.
Maybe that could be Rose Red.
Look at, like, the
woods behind...
Oh, yeah, that... Uh-huh.
I mean, the forest
looks a tiny bit creepy.
You know, one of those...
I thought I told you
to get off my land.
You know what, Maggie?
You're not allowed to tell
me where I'm allowed to be.
On my property, I am.
I see you lost your backhoe.
I see you lost your mind.
And you're probably just gonna
leave it like this, aren't you?
Just a big hole in the earth.
Come back here,
you dig a big, ugly, black
hole, then you take off again.
That's what you do.
You wish.
I wish you'd leave me
alone is what I wish.
I'm not gonna just
dig a hole here.
I'm gonna build a house here.
I'm gonna live here.
Not on my land you're not.
Why not? What do you care? Hmm?
You don't use it anyway. Tom
is dead and you're alone.
You leave Tom out of this.
You're alone, and he's
not around to protect you
from your own misdeeds.
That's hilarious.
You left.
Oh, for the love of God.
People leave and
then they come back.
Yeah, they come back
after their father's dead.
He died calling your name.
"Where's Maggie?
Where's Maggie?"
- Don't say that to me.
- "Where's my Maggie?"
- Don't say that to me.
- Why not? It's true.
You never told me how sick
he was, and that's on you,
how you let him die.
His room was a pigsty.
There was garbage
all over the floor.
I was alone with a dying man.
And you don't get to tell me that
I didn't do the dishes enough.
You know what?
When you're this
close, I can smell you.
When was the last
time you took a bath?
You smell like some kind of
dead animal in the woods.
You don't like
it, you can leave.
Nobody wants you here anyway.
It's my land.
Not for long.
This is hard.
So, we bury this and in
50 years, we dig it up.
It's a time capsule.
But what if we forget
where we put it?
We won't forget.
Gerry, do you have something
you want to put in?
- What's this?
- It's a heart.
- Can I put a heart in, too?
- Do you have one?
Now, we bury it.
Hello, Gerry.
Do you mind if I join you?
Sure, come on up.
Two chairs set up
all nice like this.
Looks like you
were expecting me.
That was Tom's chair.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That's... That's okay.
He's been dead almost a year.
Oh, I know. I just thought,
well, maybe you didn't want
anybody sitting in his chair.
Well, we used to sit out
here every night, you know,
have a cocktail.
Talk about the day, the weather.
One time, we saw a bear...
Come up to that tree.
A bear.
That was something.
Big black one.
Oh. Um...
These are for you.
Yeah, I wanted to, uh...
To come by and just say
hi, couple of times.
But I didn't know...
What didn't you know?
You know, everybody
was saying that
you were missing Tom, and
I didn't want to intrude.
You want to come
in, have a cocktail?
- I do.
- Okay, come on.
- You want a bourbon?
- Bourbon would be great.
- Ice cube?
- Ice cube. Sure.
The place looks great.
Thanks. Except for the garden.
Ben came over and tromped the
whole thing to the ground.
- What?
- You seen him lately?
Couple of times, sure.
He just wants to come home.
He wants to steal
home, you mean.
Well, he's surely
stealing things.
Or actually, Curt is.
They grabbed up
your logging rights.
It may not be such a bad idea.
I mean, he just wants
to do some logging,
cut down a few trees. It'll
keep him out of trouble.
Are you kidding?
Ben doesn't wanna go back
to work cutting down trees.
Now that he's got my logging
rights, he's going to...
He's gonna grab the land
because of the taxes.
- No.
- Yes.
- Uh-uh.
- Yeah. Yeah. That's the plan.
That's the whole thing.
They're gonna steal my property,
and then, they're
gonna kick me to the...
And who knows even what
they're gonna do with me.
They're probably gonna put me in
some nursing home with no windows,
and terrible nurses
who tie you to the bed.
- No.
- Yes.
No, I'm sure they're
not gonna do that.
And you know who's
cooked this up?
That kid he's
running around with.
Lord, that kid is the devil.
Who is that kid anyway?
You don't know who he is?
No, who is he?
He's Ben's son.
Rosa, Rosa Ramirez.
Wicked and wild.
It was 1995, Rosa.
She was the one,
I'm telling you.
The one that got away.
Wait a minute, hey.
Gerry, is that you?
What's up, Gerry? You got
some groceries for us?
What's this? Oh, wait a minute.
You piece of shit.
Gerry, you bring her here?
You know, you guys, she
has a right to know.
- You told her?
- He told me.
He told me that
this is your son.
This shit-for-brains
is my nephew.
Wait, this is what
you're mad about now?
I'm mad about so many different
things, you can't count that high.
Get off my land.
You get off my land.
You sold it to me.
Get with the program.
You can't sell land.
Yes, you can, because you did.
No, you can't.
- Oh. Hey, hey.
- Oh, please.
- What is this?
- Calm down.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Yeah, or what?
- Come on now, Ben.
- She can shoot at me
but I can't shoot at her?
- No, you can't. Put the gun down.
- I'm serious.
- Oh, Lord.
- Ben?
- Oh, Lord.
- Ben, you okay?
Ben? Come here.
What are you so
worried about him?
- Ben?
- I'm the one he shot at.
- He's not breathing right.
- Talk to me, Ben.
Let's get you on your feet.
Come on.
You can't hold him that tight.
He can't breathe.
You okay, Ben? Ben, you okay?
Yes, he's okay. I got him.
- Get out of the way.
- Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey.
You get out of the way!
You're the one who shot him!
- That was days ago.
- So?
So, he's been getting stoned
in the woods ever since.
You think that's good for him?
- We need a doctor!
- We need a doctor!
Look, marijuana's medicinal.
You're an idiot.
Not again.
Somebody help me here.
Oh, my God, it's...
We need a gurney.
Wasn't this guy,
like, just here?
Get a gurney, now.
I'm back.
I can see that. Stay still.
- Did you see... Did you...
- He just fell down.
- Ma'am...
- Take his...
- Get out of here.
- Against the wall, please. Thank you.
Maggie Farmer?
That's me.
Your brother is very sick.
When he was shot,
the bullet perforated the
bottom lobe of the left lung.
It had really not
begun to heal properly
when he checked himself out.
It's been gathering fluid.
He's developed pneumonia,
and the lung collapsed.
We have him on a respirator,
but it's very bad.
"Very bad." What does that mean?
It's touch and go. I'm sorry.
Can I see him?
You're the one who shot him Ms.
Farmer, so, no.
I'm not letting you up there.
I'm his son.
You can go in. He's in
intensive care, room 1422.
Uh, I'm his friend. Can I go up?
Yeah. Go.
"Snow White was more quiet
and gentle than Rose Red."
"Rose Red liked better to run
about in the meadows and fields,"
"seeking flowers, and
catching butterflies."
"But Snow White sat at
home with her mother,"
"and helped her
with her housework,"
"or read to her when
there was nothing to do."
I'm sorry I shot you.
I'm sorry I shot you, Benny.
I'm sorry.
You the lawyer?
- Samuelson?
- Uh...
I'm sor... I'm
sorry, do I know you?
I'm Ben Farmer's son.
Oh, yes. Yes, I heard. That's...
Come, come, come.
How is Ben?
He's bad.
I heard he was doing better.
He's not still in the hospital?
Very much still in the hospital.
I think he's gonna die.
I'm sorry to hear it.
That doesn't do
anybody any good.
My assistant's not in yet.
I'd offer you coffee,
or condolences...
Look, I got to say this, 'cause
I have to be on top of this now.
If Ben dies, it's because
his sister shot him.
So, what's the question?
I'm his only living heir, right?
I mean, she can't shoot him
and then inherit all that land.
- That doesn't make any sense.
- Okay. Come. Uh, sit down.
First things first.
Does Ben have a will?
Does that matter?
If he has a will, of course,
his worldly possessions will
be distributed accordingly.
If he doesn't have one, everything
goes to the next of kin.
Okay. Right. Is that
me or his sister?
Well, you were
right a moment ago.
If he dies from a gunshot
wound which she inflicted,
the law nullifies her claim.
Does he have any
other offspring?
So, what if he doesn't die?
then no one inherits anything.
Damn it, Ben! Where
did you put it?
There's shit all over
our fucking place,
and not a goddamn worthwhile
fucking thing in his fucking life.
- How you doing?
- Well...
How do you think I'm doing?
Oh, I just, um...
I just came to get
your father's blanket.
- There.
- Okay.
What is that?
It's a blanket. I
thought he might want it.
No, what kind of animal is that?
I don't think it's an animal.
I think he got it from Walmart.
All right.
You looking for something?
I just gotta...
You know, Ben worked so
hard to get those documents
to prove that he is entitled to this
property that she stole from him.
Well, it's a little more
complicated than that.
Well, it don't matter if it's
more complicated than that.
Those logging rights say that
he's entitled to this land,
and if he dies, then we got
to have that piece of paper.
I got it.
Say what now? You
said you got it?
Well, I just, um...
I just thought that someone
should take care of it.
All right.
Thank you.
Hey, Gerry.
You don't happen to know
if Ben had a will, do you?
You mean, if he has a will?
Yeah, that's what I mean.
Well, Ben doesn't think
much of documents.
They don't make
sense to him, so...
I'd be surprised.
Thank you.
- Ms. Farmer.
- Hmm.
They're turning
off the machines.
No, God, no.
No, no, no, he's gonna be fine.
It's fine. No.
Oh, no, his blood
oxygen levels are great.
That's why they're
turning the machines off.
No. Oh, he's fine.
Dr. Adunbi just came
in and checked him.
He's gonna be okay?
Well, yes, he's fine,
but you shouldn't go
shooting him again.
I won't.
Aww. For now, I think
you should wait outside.
He's likely to be nauseous from
the sedative for a little while.
What is the matter with you?
- You don't tell them like that.
- She scares me.
You want pancakes, hash browns,
breakfast scramble,
vegetarian breakfast scramble,
sausage, French toast sticks?
- Um, pancakes.
- You just want pancakes?
Maybe some eggs.
Breakfast scramble or
vegetarian breakfast scramble?
I, uh...
Uh, that stuff
there without the...
- Breakfast scramble.
- We'll both have that.
You want hash browns
or French toast sticks?
French toast sticks.
I want pancakes.
Not here you don't.
How long's he been
living up there?
I told him that he
could use my extra room,
but he said he
liked the trailer.
We used to spend a lot of
time up there with my dad.
Mmm-hmm. I remember.
He came through.
That's good.
I should've just let
him build that house.
Why didn't you?
It was Tom's money.
It was all the money he had..
It was the only way we could
keep the place together.
Ben would've sold it
to somebody awful.
They were gonna strip
the mountain, he said.
Just about ruined us
paying Ben all that money.
And now I think he's
gonna come after me again.
I just don't know
how to stop it.
Can I help you?
I'm his son.
Are you? Oh, well,
I have good news.
You do?
We took the respirator out.
Oh, he's gonna be just fine.
Of course, you don't want
anybody else taking aim at him.
No, ma'am.
I'm getting multiple
complaints from patients.
What's going on? Talk to me.
You know, I got stuff going on.
Come on.
Just come on, just come on...
What on Earth do you
think you're doing?
Just trying to make him more
comfortable with his pillow.
You were not trying to
make him more comfortable.
Well, now he's not more comfortable,
because you're in here yelling.
You were trying
to suffocate him.
You were trying to
kill your own father.
I'm not the one who shot him.
Oh, that takes the cake.
How does it feel, Ben?
How does it feel to have
your own son try to kill you?
That's not what I'm doing.
What's going on in here?
Who turned this off?
Good. Somebody. About time.
I was just about to come
find somebody out there
to see is this thing supposed to
be on, is it supposed to be off,
because this is my father
laying there, you understand me?
Doesn't matter to you. It's not
your father laying in the bed,
- so it don't matter, right?
- What are you talking about?
You're gonna kill him, and
I can't stand by for that.
- So let's get some...
- Come on, we got to go.
- Fine.
- We got to go.
Whatever this is, please
take it downstairs.
People are really sick here.
Yeah, they certainly are.
You're coming with me.
Did you think you
were gonna inherit?
Is that what you were after?
Inheriting my land?
It's not your land.
That's not a "no."
God, you're a Farmer, all right.
We're an evil tribe.
That's illegal.
You're not the boss of me.
I should take you down to the
Sheriff and turn you in right now.
You can't prove I did anything.
I was an eyewitness.
So, it's my word against yours.
You gonna try it again?
Are you?
When's the last time
you ate any real food?
I eat.
Oh, sure you do.
So, you're his kid, huh?
Yeah. Right. That's right.
That makes me your aunt.
I just think they
could've told me, is all.
He didn't know.
He didn't know?
We were in Maine.
My mom, me and my dad. Er...
The guy I thought was my dad.
And then, uh,
when I was, I don't know,
maybe 10 years old,
she told him that
I wasn't his, and... l...
So he left.
He left?
Yeah, I wasn't
his, so he left.l.
What happened then?
I think,
maybe like seven
years after that,
Ben started coming
around, and I think...
I think she called him.
'Cause by then,
I'd started to get
into a little...
Whatever. It was...
Um, you know, I think
you need a napkin.
- A what?
- A napkin. I'm gonna get you a napkin.
He was trying to suffocate
Ben with a pillow.
I know. I was really mad.
I bet.
Under the circumstances, I
didn't think I could turn him in.
Oh, you might want to reconsider that.
Where is he now?
He's at my house. He's asleep.
He's dyslexic, you know. Ben.
Yeah, well, I was never
really sure what that is.
Means it's really hard to read.
When we were little, he
couldn't read at all.
Everybody thought there was
something wrong with him.
And there wasn't. He just...
And then, I went away to college
and every year, I'd come back,
and he was just a
bigger and bigger idiot.
I always thought that...
Ben would've been different if
somebody was there to read to him.
You've had a really long day.
Why don't you give yourself
a break for five minutes?
I could really do
with an ice cube.
What's this?
- What is this?
- I... Shit.
- Maggie, I...
- Gerry, I gotta go.
Man, you can't just keep
running off like this.
You only said I had to stay
in the fucking wheelchair,
and I am in the
fucking wheelchair.
Is someone picking him up?
Absolutely. I called
the car service.
We're in the middle of nowhere, Ben.
There is no car service here.
Uh, what did I say?
Here he comes.
My chauffeur. All right.
Where you been?
Mr. Farmer. Mr. Farmer,
you're supposed to...
Just, uh... Just taking
care of some stuff.
He's gonna die if
you don't watch it.
Thank you.
Let's go. I got to get home.
U got to get to City Hall..
City Hall?
- Yeah, to file a claim.
- What claim?
Logging rights.
- You're not doing any logging.
- Mmm-hmm.
No, that was just a lie.
That was just a straight-up
lie you told me.
All right, you were just trying
to steal Maggie's land from her.
It's not her land.
All right, you know what?
You know what, give me that.
Give me that.
Stop being such a fucking jerk.
Just try to get
your health better.
I have a historical
claim to that property.
And I'm gonna go to the
auction, and I'm gonna...
- It doesn't matter.
- With the logging rights. And...
The property, it's not...
It's not coming up for auction.
Why? What's this?
It's a receipt.
For Maggie's back taxes.
You asshole.
- You paid her property taxes?
- Yeah.
- You did?
- I did.
I had the money.
And I wasn't doing
anything with it.
And even with the logging
rights, your plan, it's just...
It's not...
A good plan.
This is better.
Help Maggie hold on to the land
and bury the hatchet.
And not in each other's skull.
You know what? I'm just
doing the best I can.
God damn you.
Ben, Ben.
- Come on, you have to stop, Ben.
- Shit.
Stop, stop, all right.
Would you just...
You almost died!
Ben, please, you almost...
Would you just...
You almost... You almost died.
You almost died.
What am I supposed to do now?
Well, I don't care
what you do, Maggie.
Am I supposed to fall
in love with you now?
I didn't say you had to
fall in love with me.
'Cause you can't expect that.
I don't expect that.
Well, you come in here,
and you do this thing,
like you expect it
to solve everything.
Well, you were the one that
said everything had to stop.
So I stopped it.
And you expect
something for that?
I did it for me.
I got all this money. I never
have anything to spend it on.
And your dad...
Your dad was good to me.
And he would've hated all this.
So, I did it for me,
and I did it for him.
I'm sorry.
Hey, Ben.
It's me.
Hey, Ray.
That's Ben's chair.
Ooh. Ooh!
Maggie, how you been?
Staying out of trouble?
Well, I haven't tried to
kill anybody today. You?
So far so good, but the night
is young, the moon is full.
You brought food?
Nobody ever feed you?
Not much.
- Is he even in there?
- Hmm.
Oh, yeah, he's in there.
What's he doing?
This chicken is delicious.
How do you cook this?
I just roast it with a
little garlic and lemon.
Seriously, you think he's okay?
Am I okay?
Are you shitting me?
I'm the walking dead.
You can't kill me.
Give me that thing.
Anybody bring any beer?
Maggie brought some chicken.
This beer ain't
gonna do it for me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm thinking about it.
I found these above the stove,
but I can't find a tablecloth.
I don't think we
need a tablecloth.
I've got the corn husked, and
the water's about to boil,
and the coleslaw's all ready,
and I found the ketchup and
the mustard and the relish,
and there's tomatoes sliced right here
with the onions. Two kinds of onions.
And there's buns for the hot
dogs, and the hamburgers,
and some cheese if you want to
take them out to the Sheriff,
'cause he's been grilling like a
lunatic for I don't know how long.
Don't you want to take
it out to the Sheriff?
Well, I don't know. I mean...
He's maybe not ready. I don't know.
I mean...
So, how are things
going with Curt?
Well, I don't... You know, I...
We're not really...
He's not, uh...
I want to tell you something.
It's just as easy to fall
in love with a good man
as it is to fall in
love with a jerk.
Let's take this
out to the Sheriff.
Here you go. Away
from your face.
See, Daddy sometimes knows
what he's talking about.
All right, now go, have fun.
Come on over here.
Grab this one. Grab this.
Not near your face though.
Nowhere near your face.
But roam around, roam around.
All right, you need another one?
There you go.
No. That thing is too small.
- I need one. I do.
- You need one?
You want one, but you
didn't bring me a beer.
We've got some more.
Yeah, yeah.
You're shooting out fire.
I've run out.
Oh, no, get around.
- It's burning up.
- Yeah.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, what are you doing?
Lighting us up?
Did you ever punk your
brother or sister?
I want to.
Run around.
And this part would've
been all built
if this one hadn't
taken his backhoe back,
or wherever that puny
little thing went.
Here it is.
The cathedral in all its...
Good idea.
What's this?
It's a time capsule.
We buried it when we were kids.
Ben found it down by the pond.
- Tony Prez rookie card. Huh.
- Yeah.
All this stuff is priceless,
and particularly this.
Is that real?
Why would we bury it
if it wasn't real?
Why would you bury anything?
We were kids.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
This is, uh...
My dad.
That's your granddad
right there.
That's your granddad.
Who put the matches in there?
Okay, you're a lawyer,
so I'm loath to confess, but I have to.
It was me.
Why am I not surprised?
I knew I was gonna be needing
to spark things up a little bit.
You know who that is?
Yeah, it's Parker.
Notorious Comanche chief.
- Check this out right there.
- He was reading it.
- You don't know who that is?
- Whoa, whoa. Yoo-hoo.
Oh, my God.
- What the...
- Oh, my God!
- Oh, damn!
- There's the lips, there's...
- Two handed booty grab.
- Gerry!
- Oh, my God. Love unleashed.
- They ain't quitting either.
There it is.
Wow, that's the blueprint
for how to do it.
At their age?
That's so sexy.