Troy the Odyssey (2017)

[thunder crashes]
[war cries]
[agonized scream]
[swords clash]
Agamemnon calls you for
a war council.
I shall join you.
Give me one more moment.
NARRATOR: Tell me, oh, muse,
of that ingenious hero
who traveled far and wide
after he sacked
the famous town of Troy.
After 10 years of
Agamemnon's bloody siege,
it is only wise Odysseus
who could bring down
the golden civilization.
I love you, Penelope,
my little Bastet cat.
[Penelope laughs softly]
I love you more than
the air, and the wind.
I love you more
than life itself.
And I you, my handsome
husband, my pirate.
[both laugh]
He's strong like his father.
We shall name him Telemachus,
to a great warrior.
Oh, better to teach him
how to use his mind
like his father does.
[distant fanfare]
It is Agamemnon.
It is too soon.
When he calls to war,
it is my duty
to fight alongside him.
In the name of Athenae,
promise me you will come back.
That is up to the gods.
But I do promise, as long
as there is breath
left in my lungs, I shall
strive to return to you.
The time for
bedding your wife is over.
It's time to prepare for war.
[Odysseus sighs]
Should I not return,
give this to my son
when he becomes king.
Oh. Wait.
May the gods give you fortune.
Goodbye, my love.
The next time you see her,
your name will be sculpted
in the stones of history.
I wouldn't worry
about your wife.
With your Ithacan troops
and my Greek forces,
we'll have over 1,000 ships.
Troy will fall.
You'll be home in a month.
Oh! [gasping]
Ohh! Ohh!
[panting, screaming]
King Agamemnon!
We must return home.
The Trojan wall
cannot be penetrated.
I'll never surrender!
I'm a cuckold on
this flamboyant nation!
My Helen, my bride,
my property,
lies with the dirtiest,
slimiest creature of them all.
We cannot breach the gates
with a frontal attack.
If it is your wish to die to
quell your shame, Agamemnon,
then why don't you charge
the wall like your men
and face the slings and arrows
of these flamboyant Trojans?
Achilles, I am a king.
- It's 10 years of war!
- The gods must love you so.
If the gods loved me,
I'd be home with my wife.
Maybe if you fought with
your heart and your testicles!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
The wall is impenetrable!
I see the Trojans ride
in and out all day!
If they can do it,
so can we!
Is there a brain
inside that head?
...he does make
a good argument.
And you've lost your
brain as well?
We have to figure a way
to get in with the Trojans.
And how do you suggest
we do that?
Perhaps there is a way.
The Trojans are
a vain people, yes?
Extremely vain.
They build these statues
and put them in their plazas.
They love their statues,
their trophies.
They use them to signify
their greatness.
What if...
we were to give them a trophy
they could not resist?
It would have to be
a very large trophy.
One that would flatter
them the most.
- What?
- What are you talking about?
Speak plainly.
Agamemnon, if I open
the gates of Troy
to your army,
might I return home
and never be forced
to war again?
If you bring
the destruction of Troy,
I promise you as a king
you can go home to Ithaca
with your family in peace.
- We have a plan!
- Men?
[breathing heavily]
We have been
walking forever.
Where is this great thing
you speak of?
It is just ahead,
Your Majesty.
[insects buzzing]
An offering?
The Greeks have
fled like cowards!
A gift from the Greeks
cannot be trusted.
Let's burn it at the temple
and invoke the curse
of the Kraken.
And then may all these
Greeks sink and drown.
No, Circe.
We will leave the
Greeks to their shame.
Order your man to drag
this trophy into my city
so we may celebrate
our victory around it.
Do as the king instructs!
[wheels rolling]
[roaring sound]
- The Kraken!
- Do you hear that?
It's only a legend.
They say the monster
would never harm any Trojan,
but mercilessly
will hunt every Greek.
Silence your tongue or
I'll take it from your mouth.
If we succeed, Aesus,
we may return home.
We approach a gate!
I have never seen such
gold and jewels.
And soon, it will be ours.
Beware your greed.
Your wandering eye
could get us killed.
Focus on your sword,
the gods, and nothing more.
The hell with the gods!
[crowd cheering]
Hail Priam, King of Troy.
See the gift from
the villainous Greeks.
The gods honor you,
great King.
Great Apollo, God of the Sun,
take this offering
and bring us fortune.
Long live Priam, bearer
of the sword of Troy!
To Troy!
- To Troy!
- To Troy!
- To Troy! To Troy!
- [cheering]
[crowd cheering]
The Trojans feast as if
they won the Olympics.
When shall we spring our trap?
We must wait until
their merriment
takes them into deep slumber.
You should have more respect
for an opponent
who has bested our men
for so many years.
That's why I take pleasure
with their demise.
Aesus, you are young.
We kill because
it is our duty.
You should not take
pleasure from it.
[throats slit]
[stabbing sound]
Come on.
[crowd roars in distance]
You have done me
a great deed,
King of Ithaca.
I've done what you asked.
Let us finish off the Trojans
so I may return home.
Let us take our glory.
[battle cries]
Stop him! Charge!
[swords clash and clank]
Father, the gate is open!
- The Greeks!
- I knew we could not trust them!
Unleash the Kraken, my Lord,
and teach these Greeks a lesson.
The monster has never been
unleashed before!
It will destroy everything!
No. The Kraken will not harm
a single Trojan.
It will destroy itself
before it does.
I beg you!
Release the Kraken
and teach these
barbarians a lesson!
Save your people!
- To arms!
- The Greek horde is upon us!
Circe, lead me to the Kraken.
This way, my Lord.
Defend your home,
and your bride.
Helen, you adulterous whore!
I'll have your head on a spike
in my ornament room!
[Helen whimpers]
[Helen grunts]
I'd forgotten...
how beautiful you are.
[swords clash]
KING PRIAM: My city!
Do not look.
Unleash the Kraken
and you will have
your vengeance.
Sisters, the hour of
death is upon us!
Only you can do this,
good King,
and summoning the creature
requires a mighty sacrifice.
We must fight!
- Stop!
- Do not do this!
The Kraken is a beast
before the gods!
You could destroy
the entire earth!
Who is this Greek who dares
to topple my treasured walls?
I am Odysseus,
King of Ithaca.
Odysseus, King of Ithaca,
I curse you
and all who follow you!
Your wife will marry another.
Your son will die
without a throne,
and none of you Ithacans
will ever reach home!
I do not believe
in your curses.
You mindless Greek!
If you ever step foot in Ithaca,
it will be destroyed!
Hear me, great Kraken!
Make this curse true!
[resounding gong]
[thunder crashes]
Can you see your
doom approaching?
Your doom is a fiction.
I will see you in hell.
[agonized scream]
No! Achilles!
Drop your weapon.
Aesus, take her!
My friend, we'll get
you to the boat.
Go, Odysseus.
Take your men and go home.
To the gods, I have killed
the invincible Achilles!
- To the gods!
- You cannot kill a Trojan!
As long as she is with us,
you cannot harm us!
- Take me with you.
- Kill me.
It won't make a difference.
You retreat into the sea,
straight into the legendary
Kraken's domain.
Enough of your legends
and curses!
Go, Odysseus.
But forget me not.
Do not mourn your friend.
You'll be joining
him soon enough.
I shall not dread the day
when my name shall be etched
in history alongside
the great Achilles.
Do not be so certain,
cursed king!
You will never see your
precious Ithaca again!
Look at your men
quake with fear.
These are the men
you fight to protect?
What was that earthquake?
The city has fallen,
Troy is burning.
Take us home.
By Zeus, what is this plague
that is following us?
- It is a Kraken!
- You are all doomed!
How do we defeat
such a thing?
It cannot harm us
as long as we have
this Trojan priestess
as our shield!
You cannot have me
by your side forever, Greek.
The Kraken will follow
for all eternity...
until you and
your kingdom are dead!
Quiet, Trojan witch!
Forward, Eurylochus!
As fast as the wind
will take us!
Let us leave this place!
- Drink up, men.
- The war is over,
but the king does not return.
Eventually, the widower queen
will give up her delusions
and take a new husband.
Until then, best make
yourselves comfortable.
This is our kingdom now.
Queen, come and serve us,
the best remaining men!
To a new reign in Ithaca!
Your yearning is wasted,
for a dead king
cannot hear you.
Mindless brute.
I should toss out
the lot of you.
And toss out the support
of the most powerful
families in Ithaca?
Would you deprive
your bastard son
of both a father
and a kingdom?
Tread carefully.
You are still a guest
in my home.
When my husband returns,
he'll teach you manners.
If your husband returns.
Until then, we demand
your hospitality.
As you wish.
Oh, and you need more wine.
Our cups are running dry.
We've been searching
these seas for months.
Still not one
recognizable landmark.
We could be completely off
this map.
Are we not heading west
towards the sun?
I steer us west,
but we go east.
I steer us north,
but we go south.
I fear there's
some magic afoot.
It's Priam's curse.
Don't talk of curses, Aesus.
Only make things worse.
Bread. King.
I'm sorry, my Lord.
That's all we got left.
How many days provisions
do we have left?
None. All that remains
is worms and maggots.
I will not eat
before my men.
If there's enough at nightfall,
I will eat then.
Have you seen any sign of
the Kraken, Old Thelonious?
- No, my Lord.
- Not since the maelstrom.
It's all gone, I think.
Let us hope.
- Priestess?
- Of what temple now?
You mock me with such a title.
Then what shall I call you?
I am Circe.
I'm Odysseus.
I know who you are.
Your name has been
cursed forever.
Are you going
to tie me up again?
Are you going to try to
leap over the boat again?
And where would I be
leaping to?
Troy is gone.
My people are no more.
And where is my protector,
the Kraken?
This is all I have,
a whole new world.
This boat,
and the air I breathe.
Nothing more.
Here. Eat.
Why do you offer me
such kindness?
You owe me nothing.
The war is over, Circe.
We are no longer enemies.
Eat this.
It is the last piece.
We need provisions.
Do you know these waters?
Even if I knew these waters,
why would I help you?
You destroyed my city and
stole me out to sea.
And you put a
curse on my name.
War has made us equals.
I guess we will suffer
through this alone.
We should throw that
Trojan bitch into the sea!
We need her for protection in
case the Kraken should return.
Besides, I think there's
some good in her.
Out here, there are no Trojans.
There are no Greeks.
We are all orphans of the sea.
She is one of us now.
Land ho!
A rose pink island.
This is strange.
What could make an
island turn that color?
Old Thelonious, have you
ever seen such a place?
No, my Lord.
An island of pink flowers.
Pink flowers on
an island seen...
The Siren's call
is like a dream.
They'll tell you what
you want to hear...
To solve your quest,
but you must fear.
The knowledge gave will
bring your fall...
You must beware
the Siren's call.
It's an old poem my mother
used to sing to me.
Sirens seduce men
with their song
and if a man hears it,
he cannot help but go to them...
and he pays with his life.
Sirens are a myth.
No, they are as real
as you and I.
And if you have a question and
ask them, they will answer it,
for they know all things.
But you will be lost forever.
SIREN: Come.
Come to us, brave Odysseus.
Did you hear that?
SIREN: We will tell you
what you need to know.
We will tell you the way home.
I wish to sail close
to the island
so I can hear
the Sirens' song.
But your men will die.
We must find a way home.
We will plug the men's ears
with wax.
Eurylochus, throw me a rope.
You will tie me to the mast
and we will sail
towards the island.
CIRCE: This is madness.
I must return my men at home.
Tie me.
Listen to me, men!
Cover your ears with
wax until
we are past the island
of the sirens.
Only I shall hear their call.
No matter what I say or what
I do, do not untie me.
Not until we are well
past the island
and then, only then,
can you undo my ropes.
Let one of the
other men do this.
- No.
- I must do this myself.
- I am a woman...
- safe from their song.
I will stay by your side.
Very well.
Forgive me for what
you are about to see.
[soft humming]
AESUS: Do you hear anything,
my Lord?
I am not sure.
- SIREN: Odysseus?
- Odysseus?
We have been waiting for you.
We have a message.
Love waits, love waits.
Love waits for no man.
Take it, seize it...
you are mighty.
There is a wealth of
love abounding here.
Love, sweet love.
We will tell you all.
We know everything.
Tell me what I need to know!
- SIREN: Penelope.
- Penelope awaits.
Ithaca awaits you.
Tell me the way home!
The Paths of the Dead,
to the paths...
and then to Ithaca.
A long voyage to the south,
to the east...
where no sun rises.
To the Paths,
to Penelope, to love.
- No!
- Not the Paths of the Dead, no.
There must be another way!
- The Paths of the Dead?
- That cannot be!
Siren, please tell me
another way!
Now you know, now you know.
It is time to pay
for this knowledge.
With love, oh, beauteous love.
PENELOPE: Come to me, come,
my Odysseus, my husband.
- Untie me!
- Untie me!
I say, please, untie me!
She is here!
- She's not here.
- It is just a dream.
No! She's here.
She is there!
She was just there!
- Ignore them.
- They are only voices!
PENELOPE: Come to me, my love.
My body needs
the fire within you.
- Circe, I made a mistake...
- PENELOPE: Kiss me, taste me,
- love me.
- Untie me.
I do not need these ropes.
I know the way home!
You calm yourself,
King of Ithaca!
They show you only delusions!
Do not leave me here alone!
Do not leave me!
Come to us.
We will set you free.
We will set you free.
I love you, my sweet husband!
- SIREN: Odysseus...
- PENELOPE: Come to me!
Please take my soul!
Take my men, take my ship!
Take my kingdom!
Just free me and allow me
to be with my love!
Free me, please!
Steer us from this island
or your king's mind
will be lost!
I will come for you!
I will come for you!
AESUS: No, Odysseus!
Stop, Odysseus!
- [water splashes]
- Stop it!
- We dare not give chase!
- The current is strong here,
we risk shipwreck!
Then we go for him.
You, stay if you like.
He's lost without me!
Welcome, heroic Odysseus.
I've been waiting for you.
Ah, the beautiful Penelope.
How nice of you
to grace your loyal subjects
with your presence.
Go home, I beg you!
My husband will be angered
to find his house
packed full when he arrives.
Your husband is dead.
And for the sake of your
kingdom and your son,
you must choose
a new husband.
A new king!
- Odysseus is alive.
- I feel it.
And until you can
prove otherwise,
I will remain
faithful to him.
How long do you think
the people will hold out
without a proper king?
You and your son have long
lived off
the fond memories
of Odysseus.
But it would not take long
to convince them
that the Royal Family
is crazy with grief
and unfit to rule.
You are right.
Before I choose, I must weave
a proper wedding shawl
so that the gods may
bless the union.
And when it is finished,
I will choose a new husband.
Are you satisfied?
I will be when I'm inside
your marriage bed.
Am I alive?
Yes, you are,
great warrior.
It's time to rest.
Here... eat.
Tell me who you are again.
I am the one who saved
you from your mortal life.
Where is my wife?
I am your wife now.
You're a man amongst boys,
the greatest living hero.
You should be a god.
Do you wish to be a god?
Every human wishes
to be a god.
What's wrong, my dear one?
You do not care for me.
No. I do love you.
But I also love
my mortal life.
I love my wife.
I love the son
who I've never met.
I want to return
to the life I had before.
I offer you eternal bliss.
You reject me as if
I were a mortal wench.
Do you want to make an enemy
of god, mortal Odysseus?
To turn my fury against
you and your crew?
Now kiss me.
Kiss me.
[knocking on door]
You may enter.
[door opens]
My Lady?
I'm not your lady.
[scoffs] Not yet.
Very nice.
Very nice indeed.
What do you want?
How is it that I was here
a fortnight back
and that shroud
has barely grown?
It wasn't quite right.
And I had to make changes.
A proper shroud takes
a great deal of time.
Otherwise, the union
will offend the gods.
Well, don't take too long.
The people talk.
They desire a king.
And I can't wait
to see it on you.
Although taking it off you
will be even sweeter.
I so do love the smell
of that perfume.
You have a great deal
to prove
before you're fit
to be a king, Antinoos!
Of course.
I'll be downstairs
with the others
enjoying your hospitality
if you need me,
widowed queen of Ithaca.
Please, Athenae, bring
my pirate back to me.
Tell me, show me what to do.
Is my husband truly dead?
Reveal your wisdom to me.
Odysseus, where are you?
Your husband lives,
Queen of Ithaca.
He is cursed,
lost in a world
you cannot touch
that only the
Paths of the Dead can find.
His heart is controlled
by another.
The goddess Calypso
traps King Odysseus
with her possessive love.
No! How can I believe that?
I bring you only
the truth you seek.
Are my games not exciting?
Are the deaths of my enemies
not enough to make you happy?
Death is never entertaining.
How long have
I been here with you?
For us, it feels like
no time has passed.
This is the price of living
in the mortal realm.
- And my wife?
- What of her?
Does she still live?
Why do you ask such things?
- If you love me...
- you will tell me.
She lives. And your son, too.
Though many years have passed.
You make me so sad,
cruel Odysseus.
My favorite part!
- [stabbing]
- [groaning]
This is what happens to those
who don't love me as you do.
Is this not exciting?
The Warrior of Shadows
has never been defeated.
He must be part god,
for no mortal man can fight
as well as this.
I can.
Of course, my love.
But you will soon be immortal.
Then no one will be able
to stand against you.
I do not wish to be immortal.
- You are with me...
- forever, my love.
You have no choice now.
If there is no death,
then life is a journey
without destination.
Do not be silly.
Eat. You'll forget
your woes...
and all will be well again.
I do not wish to eat!
I want to return to the truth,
to mortality. Please.
Give me this gift.
Allow me to face
my mortal death.
So be it.
Go and die.
Leave me alone... forever...
and die.
I shall fight
the Shadow Warrior!
I choose no weapon.
I wish to meet my end without
another death upon my soul.
Kill me.
Kill me with one slice
of your blade.
Let it be done.
You must fight, Odysseus!
I want to die!
Please, mighty warrior,
have mercy on my soul.
Send me to the underground where
I may wait for my true love.
Please do it quickly.
I will not kill you,
- Kill him!
- Kill him now!
I will not!
I'm a priestess immune
from your witchcraft.
- How dare you!
- I'm the queen of this land
and I will have vengeance!
Stop! Stop!
Calypso, please!
If you have one ounce
of true love in your heart,
you will not do this.
[sword falls to the ground]
[Calypso whimpering]
You will leave
me alone... forever.
I am sorry.
I must face my own fate.
Where are my men?
I know where your men are.
They are under the same
witchcraft as you.
- How do I break the spell?
- Tell me.
Tell me.
[claps hands]
Make them breathe
this powder
and they will see
the truth again.
Your men will hate you for it.
You will rip the
from a paradise
and return them to a world
of death and despair.
How do I return home?
By passing
through the underworld
on the Path of the Dead.
Its gates lie on
the setting sun.
If you can emerge on
the other side,
you will find a
farewell gift from me,
to see you to
the shores of Ithaca.
Thank you, Calypso.
These arrived with you
and so they must stay with you.
If I did not love another,
I would surely stay.
You should find someone
who truly wants you.
We must release them
from their spell.
Maybe we should
just leave them here.
A dangerous path lies ahead.
Each of them has their own
delusions in this fake paradise.
No. Truth means
more than that.
It must.
But I will give them a choice.
Hello, my friend.
I've come to take you home.
- I am home.
- Have we met?
Do you not know me?
I'm Odysseus.
I am your king.
We have no king here.
Join us.
- Aesus?
- Do you remember me?
You fought along
my side at Troy.
Remember Ithaca?
Your wife?
Your children?
I have no wife, no children.
Do any of you not
wish to return home?
What have you
done to my love?
What foul trick is this?
It is the trick of truth.
- Odysseus!
- Where have you been?
Where are we?
It seems like a dream!
- It has been a dream.
- Now we're awakened.
You must help me.
We need to wake Old Thelonious.
- Get out of there, old hag!
- Begone with you!
Get up.
What are you
doing to my woman?
Who are you, old woman?
Don't leave.
We were so lonely here
before you came.
We will be beautiful again.
We promise.
In order to return
to Ithaca,
we must journey through
the Path of the Dead,
a place where no man has
gone since Orpheus.
Will you follow your king?
I have seen many things
and amongst the worst
of them is the truth.
My wife in Ithaca
is long dead now
and I cannot see a better way
to live my days
than with blind bliss.
Very well.
I shall miss you,
old friend.
Thank you for your service.
Farewell, my friends...
- Eurylochus?
- Will you join me?
- Why would we stay?
- To sleep with old hags?
I would rather
die by your side.
- Aesus?
- Will you join me?
Curse the truth!
May Athenae guard us on
this dark journey.
Let us go home.
The entrance to the Labyrinth is
only a day's journey from here.
Uggh! What's this awful smell?
Death, or something
very large.
What in Zeus do you
think it is?
I never seen a man so large!
- It's not a man.
- A cyclops.
Giant, ugly brutes.
They curse the gods for
giving them only one eye.
This one seems
to have moved on.
We'd hear a creature this
large from leagues away.
We should go
before he returns.
Odysseus, should we go in?
The path ahead is treacherous.
We should make camp, eat.
We will need our strength
to conquer the test
of mind and body
inside these walls.
No. I'm not hungry.
What's the matter, Odysseus?
Are you ill?
There is a pain in my soul
that will not go away.
The Sirens have cut me deep.
Calypso's love has
cut me deeper.
What it must be like to live
for eternity without true love.
I've broken her heart.
We humans...
we are such sad,
pitiful beasts.
You are an honorable man,
Wise, steadfast.
Trust that you have made
the right decision.
How can I be honorable
after what I have done
to my wife, to my men?
I've asked them
to leave their joy
and to follow me into death.
It is my curse, yet so many
of those I love
are the ones
that are affected.
Perhaps I should have been
like your King Priam
and journeyed into death.
Priam is no longer my king.
And I remember a man
that night
that was not afraid
of curses.
Tell me about your city,
King Odysseus of Ithaca.
Beautiful Ithaca.
It is more humble than Troy.
There is no wall.
It is an island,
so the sea protects her.
And the women,
the women of Ithaca
are the most beautiful
women in the world.
All men say that
about their city.
Not Sparta.
We should sleep now.
We'll journey into
the Labyrinth before sunrise.
Tomorrow, we walk through
the Paths of the Dead.
Let's go.
Do you feel that?
A presence.
Do not look at them.
Odysseus! Come!
What was that?
Do not listen to them!
The voices are in your mind.
Aesus, you're going to die.
Odysseus, the tunnels
of the dead
will cleanse you
of your sorrows.
If you live...
if you live!
Aesus, how many
have you killed?
How many of us are here
because of you?
I think we should go back.
No! We go forward.
Remember the men you've slain.
Do not fear the ghosts.
[voice] They are waiting
for you Aesus...
for revenge!
I think we're at the end.
Oh, thank Zeus.
[relieved laughter]
Where's Aesus?
- I'm going back.
- Take this.
- Come on.
- Aesus!
[creature roars]
[both grunting]
- Circe!
- This sword isn't working!
- Give it to me!
- I'm a Trojan!
[Circe roaring]
[slashing, clanging]
Run! Run! Run!
- Come on!
- Hurry up!
Let's go! Come on!
- Faster!
- It's gonna cave in on you!
Let's go!
Thank you for
letting me use it.
- You should keep it.
- Now and forever.
It is a treasure of Troy.
Therefore, useless
in my hands.
Even the name seems
like another life.
Like a distant dream.
You are a noble man, Odysseus.
Thank you for your strength
on this journey.
We have made it through
the Paths of the Dead.
You can do anything now,
We should not be
satisfied yet.
We still have to get
through the heart
of the mountain
to make it to the shore.
We should go.
My patience has
reached its limit.
You will choose a husband
or we will take you by force!
You will leave
my mother alone.
Ah, the young imp speaks.
Well, you'd better choose
your words carefully.
- Do not dare threaten my son.
- He will be king one day.
If we allow him to live.
- Choose!
- Choose from us now!
The marriage shroud
is not yet...
Then you'll marry
with no clothes!
- Please! I will marry!
- Just don't hurt my son!
Swear it.
Swear it on the memory
of your husband
and the life of your son!
I swear it!
I swear it on the love
of my true
and eternal husband
that I will choose!
I will marry a man
so that he may act as king!
Now that wasn't
so difficult, was it?
Drink with us,
Queen of Ithaca
and tell us who will be
the new king.
As it is now, I see no man
worthy to be a king.
The best amongst you
will be revealed.
There will be a contest,
a test of skill
and strength.
Only after one of you has proven
to possess the qualities
to wear the crown will
I choose a new husband.
We've been walking for days.
Surely, we are lost.
We must keep our faith.
Calypso promised that
we could return home
if I made it through
the Path of the Dead.
I'm so hungry.
I'm imagining the smell
of cooked meat.
CIRCE: I don't think that's
your imagination.
I can smell it, too.
Where is it coming from?
Oh, thank you, Zeus!
But whose camp is this?
It's not safe to eat
from a stranger.
We haven't eaten since before
we entered the Labyrinth.
Whoever it is,
they will understand.
We'll take only what we need.
When I return to Ithaca,
I shall slaughter 1,000 bulls
for their honor.
This is a bad idea.
Look at these stores of meat.
But what kind of meat is it?
[distant creature growls]
[heavy footfalls]
We should leave.
Cyclops. Run!
Hide yourself quickly!
What do we do?
[rubble crackles]
[Cyclops roars]
I cannot abide
any more suffering.
Your man is lost!
We must use this
chance to escape.
[Cyclops growling]
I have a plan.
Wait, mighty Cyclops!
I have heard that you despise
all of the gods in Olympus.
Then you shall not
want to eat me,
for I am cursed.
Eating me shall only
please the gods.
But I have brought you
a great offering.
It is an elixir that is
so powerful, it is said
that not even the gods
know of its existence.
It is a potion so potent
that anyone who should drink it
will be imbued with
enough strength
that they can knock Zeus
straight from the heavens!
I'm not sure how much time
we have with
a creature of that size.
What did you give him?
It's extract of
a poppy flower.
We give it to soldiers
who've been injured in battle
to help sedate them.
I gave him enough for
an entire battalion.
We should go now.
Come on.
We're on the right track.
I see light!
Thank the gods.
It's our ship!
Thank you, Calypso,
for keeping your promise.
Penelope, I can finally
return to you.
When I am king,
my first deed will be
to tax everyone and everything
until we are all rich!
Telemachus, tell me of what
contest your mother has planned.
I don't know.
My Queen! Your ears must
have been burning.
Now you can tell us yourself.
What game do you have
in store for us?
A race perhaps?
Or a wrestling match?
This is my husband's
hunting bow.
It represents the skill
and strength with which
he used to rule this city.
The first to string it
and shoot an arrow
through five golden rings
will win the right
to share this kingdom with me.
If there be a just man
amongst you,
may this challenge
reveal him.
Do you not wish
to see who wins?
The winner makes no
difference to me.
CIRCE: Land!
Beautiful Ithaca!
I am home!
I am home.
- Congratulations, Odysseus.
- You deserve your homecoming.
You can make this
your home as well.
You are welcome.
- I have no home.
- That is my curse.
I will continue
to journey the sea,
travel from place to place,
having adventures,
saving lives...
I'll be like Hercules.
- Circe?
- I will miss you.
I will miss you too,
good King.
Fighting by your side
has been the greatest honor,
King of Ithaca.
You are my friend.
I will not wed another.
I will die first.
I will die.
[knocking on door]
Come in.
You sent for me, Mother?
My son...
Today I will
take a new husband.
Mother, you can't
marry any of them.
My father is still alive.
I know it.
Let me fight them.
Let me defend your honor.
You are a warrior already,
even so young.
But I'm afraid there are too
many for you to fight alone.
Am I to stay silent?
I want you to leave Ithaca.
I want you to go and
find the fastest ship
and go to Menelaus
in Sparta
and get safe haven.
Here, take this.
This is a ring of
your father's kingship.
If you wear it,
Menelaus will recognize you
as the King of Ithaca.
Build an army and
regain the throne.
Go now before those brigands
do any more damage.
My city has changed.
Are you lost, old man?
No. I have been gone
for some time.
Here. Get yourself
something to eat.
These wicked suitors
pursue the queen,
and forget generosity is
the key to Athenae's favor.
Speak again
about your queen?
She intends to remarry.
Penelope, wife of Odysseus?
Odysseus never returned home
from the Trojan War.
Most people presumed
he is dead.
What is your name?
I'm Telemachus.
Son of Odysseus and Penelope?
I should have known.
You share her kindness.
You know my mother?
I knew her well
many years ago.
You have her heart.
Tell me of the man your
mother wishes to marry.
Does she love him greatly?
She despises him.
And what of your father?
Has she forgotten him?
Then tell me,
young Telemachus,
will you do me one favor?
What is it you ask?
Will you help me regain
the throne of my city?
Who are you, stranger?
I am Odysseus...
King of Ithaca.
I have dreamed many years
that I would return home
and meet my son.
My son.
We shall retake this throne.
[both grunting]
- Enough!
- Give it to me!
I will solve this problem
once and for all.
They attempt to string
your old hunting bow
so they may be
worthy to be king.
It's just another trick!
No one can string that bow!
I can.
How dare you, beggar!
What are you even doing here?
This man is my guest, which
is more than I can say of you.
- Throw this scum out!
- Now!
Are you afraid that a beggar
may succeed where you fail?
Of course not!
Then allow me
to string the bow.
If I should fail, then
you can throw me out.
Unless you fear me.
I do not fear you.
But if you fail I will not
just cast you out,
I will cut off your tongue.
Very well.
This cannot be.
I demand to know who you are!
Who are you?!
I am the King of Ithaca.
You're a liar.
Kill this liar!
Soon we'll be together,
my pirate.
[distant clatter,
My son...
[swords clash
in distance]
Whatever happened to
the legendary Odysseus?
The years have weakened you!
Ah! Aaaaaah!
How many times
did I warn you, imp?
I would die for you.
- Telemachus!
- What happened?
We return the rightful king
to his throne.
Oh, dear me.
Who are these people?
My Bastet cat.
I have not heard you call me
that since the day you left.
My love. My king. My husband.
My husband.
You're here.
- [Kraken roaring]
- What is that sound?
It is the Kraken.
It still lives.
What is this monster?
- It has followed me from Troy.
- I must end this.
Yes, but you'll die!
Let me fight with you.
- No.
- It is me the creature wants.
But you'll die.
If I do not do this,
it shall follow me
for the rest of my days.
I will stay by your side.
I refuse to see your world
destroyed as I saw mine.
[arrows flying]
Come, beast!
I am the one you want!
- [grunts]
- Odysseus!
Give me your cape
and bow quickly
so that I may look
to be an Ithacan!
- No.
- The beast will kill you!
- You'll die before he dies.
- My plan is sound.
I am the destroyer
of the Trojans.
I am Odysseus,
your most hated foe!
But before you look upon
my face, despair!
Behold the sword of Troy!
For I am the last Trojan,
and I fight for Ithaca!
No, Circe!
Leave her!
[Kraken shrieking]
Odysseus, I've paid
my debt to you at last.
- No!
- I will get you a healer!
It's time for me to join
my people in the afterlife.
They wait for me there.
I have been gone too long.
Farewell, sweet Odysseus.
Your name will be
etched in history.
Farewell, my warrior princess,
my loyal friend.
yes, you are
my dearest... friend.
NARRATOR: They did not know
what men would say of them
in centuries to come.
That crudeness took
their hearts barbaric,
wielding eternal death.
Will they be remembered for
how nobly they fought?
For how deeply they believed?
Or how fiercely they loved?
For they are our fathers
that dwelt in such an age:
a time of gods and honor.
From them, we have sprung and
will lead forever unto us.
Unto us from that
great age of heroes
and of legendary deeds.