True North (2006)

I was a small farmer,
in the province of Fujian.
He/she planted vegetables and rice.
Then some business men came...
and they built a factory
in our earth.
They said that will feel
200 renminbi for each...
but they never paid.
We organized a protest...
to impede that
the factory opened...
but the police arrived
and he/she arrested us.
I was ordered for one
work field for one year.
I came from a town
and he/she was a farmer.
But then, they built a factory.
They wanted to give us a lot
money, but they never paid.
Then, all made strike...
then the police arrived
and it took me away.
For how long?
- Five years.
- That is ridiculous!
How many years he/she said that he/she had?
Was it arrested to the thirteen?
What is that?
Anyway, he/she needs to workout.
You are not good.
Certain, I am a policeman.
What will he/she/you tell me?
The factory...
I don't know.
What will say he/she?
Does he/she want to order me of turn to China?
I am me the policeman! Why
to let to enter her in England?
For me to win money?
You have to have a history.
But it is true!
I need to win money.
Who is sanded it?
You have to have a history!
But my family
everything took borrowed...
for me to pay to go for there.
Now I have to work
to return the money.
For the last time:
He/she has to have a history.
He/she has to have a history
to enter in England.
We are going soon with that!
My mother will have
another baby.
It is not allowed.
Then, I cannot return for China.
I need to leave, to win money...
or else, she doesn't get
to pay the debt.
Who league?
His/her mother doesn't want more you.
he/she has to have a history.
Speak something!
Stupid girl!
I don't know.
He/she has to have a history!
I don't know.
It was worth the attempt.
But it was not good. Learn
the farmer's history.
I wait that one
little of that is for me.
What does think I am, deaf? All
that thing of us to settle down?
It is not a fair part
for one week in the sea.
Which is? He/she walked
moving in the books, not?
- Does he/she want to check?
- No, not. Everything well.
No, no here. See, that is the earnings.
These are our costs.
That is what the bank takes.
That is the surplus. And...
- Sean!
- What was?
I said that everything well.
Everything well?
He/she still wants ours
small business?
- It is not that bad.
- You lose money in each trip.
Now I got you the contact, and
you put us on the way to Scotland.
- Don't give for back now, expensive.
- Am I thinking about the case, right?
Then, how we did?
Does he/she want to take a look?
Now no.
Did he/she already read the letter of the bank?
Father, they are speaking serious.
They will catch the boat
and to sell him/it for trifle.
I speak serious, father, they are going same.
Maybe we should think
in other options.
What options?
Filho, let to stick to
fish, right?
- Does he/she want the linked light?
- Leave like this.
- Sean?
- The something?
- Where is the clothes?
- In the sack.
- What sack?
- The sack of clothes.
- No, the clothes cleans!
- It is the clothes cleans.
The something? He/she wants to say
the one what is in the lavatory?
What does make in the lavatory?
My sexy shirt
he/she is there inside!
- Does he/she want to catch that?
- It is, when I find my shirt.
Certain, captain?
Us... we go.
I would like to eat.
Does he/she want to say, now?
Before you to go.
I arrange you some thing, then.
Certain, panic everywhere.
The bomb of the sex returned to the building.
Ours, that is smelling.
Alfie, do you come?
Everything well, son.
I make dinner.
I get lost alone.
Well, it is better than
be not for behind.
I am ready.
- Great, because I am not.
- Will he/she hurry?
With license. I didn't hear
you to say anything to Michelangelo...
there, when he was creating
his/her Capela Sistina.
- How like this?
- He wanted to say his/her hair.
Wrong in that what is there?
Anything that a small one
adjustment doesn't solve.
Thank you, Mister,
for the that we will receive.
It was really aching, to purpose.
- Go ahead.
- Which is the problem?
He/she is beautiful, it is beautiful.
Trust me. Great improvement.
- Was it?
- Commanding?
- I am not at random.
- He/she is well.
See. That belongs to the commander, expensive.
Rockabilly. Look, wonderful.
We go, walk, walk, walk.
- Oh, jacket, jacket.
- With license.
Then, it was going
for his/her bed?
Where is it going?
For a foreign port.
To see the panorama.
The panorama?
Did Sean, see my jacket?
- Then, it will be on board?
- Somebody needs.
He/she is right.
Sean. Sean!
Do you want a captain even to be?
Certain, I understood. I understood, I understood.
We go, he/she walks, he/she walks.
Well, you know, son...
a good commander always
he/she puts his/her boat in front.
We go, expensive. He/she passed of the 9:30.
Can we go?
We have to go.
What is Rockabilly?
It is what will do
with that goes out, boy!
- And if I don't like?
- What did in you give?
He/she made a pact with somebody,
what will virgin die?
Is that it what is?
Does it think is safe?
It is money in the bank, expensive.
He/she is in the bank.
- The something?
- The new plan of business of Sean.
We will go down to the docks and to arrange
a beautiful Philippine sailor, I wait...
and to leave that put in ours
asses, for five silvers. Does he/she want to come?
I know that he/she wants to come.
You want to come.
- No, I don't go.
- Is it blond natural?
- Show us his/her sack.
- He/she leaves him.
- I only want to see if it is a natural laurel.
- He/she leaves him.
Does he/she want to relax?
Am I only having fun, right?
- Will he/she leave me here, then?
- No.
- Do you still have that number?
- I gave for you.
- You never gave me.
- I gave you the number.
- When?
- I gave you the number.
- He/she never gave me number some, Ril...
- Me Ihe gave... remain now.
- Who knows this guy is?
- He is a guy. The guy is a guy.
Make the connection, expensive.
Make the connection.
That hurt!
Hello. My name is Svetlana.
No, thank you.
I am seeking for something...
a little different.
I knew that would be one
good person for contact.
As to transport things.
We are a transport company.
That you transport needs?
No. I thought were able to
to transport something for you.
In a ship that sets sail for
Scotland tomorrow.
We have a vague quartinho, on board.
I thought that maybe were able to
to transport something for you.
- And do you want to pay all the taxes?
- No, no what is...
He/she has a lot of tax
the if he/she pays here.
And the import tax for
his/her English queen, also.
No, without tax.
Do excuse?
Know. Black market.
I will tell you a thing,
does cigarette do badly, did he/she know?
They give cancer.
My dear uncle is smoking
the whole time...
he will be with cancer
of mouth, they will cut his/her language.
A son of the American mother with yours
company of cigarettes was rich...
sell-Ihe cancer that
he/she will cut his language!
They are that their cigarettes!
Thank you.
- How much space do you have?
- Some two tons.
Does he/she want to win money?
I can be interested
in winning some money.
Is it? Beauty!
I have a thing today
of Budapest.
I will put her/it in the raft...
but they are checking the
trucks on these days, does he/she know?
Then, count!
Certain, they are ready
for you now.
Everything well! There we go us!
Night, this night
Feel the other
Feel the other
Change tonight
Feel other, feel other
Change tonight
Feel other, feel other
It is all yours.
Does he/she have some video?
He/she thought that was
everything that you had.
Everything well. You cleaned me.
Now show me what has.
You take them for there.
Me... the something?
Take them for there. Only.
It is a good thing.
Everything because somebody
like you, my beautiful mother...
he/she lived up to 1986 and it was not
died by Adolf Hitler.
I agree.
Does he/she want the money or not?
Are you sleeping?
Right. Let us go.
We go, we go.
Follow my friend.
Let us go!
Let us go. Let us go!
Today it is the night
Today it is the night
Feel order
Feel order
Night, night
Sean, who are these guys?
Who are you?
And the one what are you looking at?
Ei, remove their hands then!
What devils is?
Do remain silent, right?
Everything well? Everything well.
Remain silent!
He/she is well. He/she is well.
He/she seems to have a hill
of Chinese in this ship.
How like this "yes?" Go look for
some cigarettes. What is rolling he/she?
The one that is rolling are 4 miles
for you, when it returns home.
In money?
- Pounds?
- No, weights.
Santa Mae of God.
His/her great genius!
Everything well.
In silence! Let us go!
Everything well.
Shut up.
Welcome to the cruises
marines of Sean.
Now, be careful.
Care with the steps.
There it is. It is his/her time.
Good subject.
He/she leaves the largest for the end.
It was a game.
Jesus almighty Christ.
Everything well.
4 thousand pounds, Seany!
It is a ton of money.
He/she gives for buying a car.
Cocktail Prawn.
Are they Chinese, not?
- It is in the sea the whole time.
- The something?
- You are in the sea the whole time.
- Is it then?
- So that he/she needs a car?
- Because I am man.
- Arrange for me a new Alpha.
- Will it get one for four miles?
To the view.
Simply to the view.
- And will where get the rest?
- When we do that again.
Hear! Look, hear.
There are a million Chinese!
Trillions of Chinese!
Why doesn't say to all?
Shut up!
What are making wrong?
Drugs? Going out with children?
We are only bringing the close
generation of washers of toilets...
inside of the system.
Only that. Which is the evil in this?
- My father.
- The something?
- My father.
- What does have his/her father?
It is his ship!
And him nor he/she knows.
And as for the rice?
Chinese adore rice!
Like them they will cook rice there?
And as for the Arroz Krispies?
Pasta in pot?
Did they expel you?
I was without money,
then they closed.
How can they close?
It is a coffee of 24 hours.
I didn't know which was the exit.
Do you know how to read?
He/she says 24 hours!
Putting that is illegal,
not to open up the doors.
What does the one know am saying?
Does he/she speak English?
Does he/she see the way that he looks at me?
It swallows me a brick.
It swallows me a brick.
I will cut his windows.
I will cut their windows, son!
Can we go?
Yes, everything well.
Let us go.
Oh, I know, a house.
You would adore.
He/she marries annoying, stupid boys,
ugly dog.
Would that leave him/it lively, not?
That money never
he/she would give to a house.
Of the one what is speaking he/she?
We will do again.
I have been thinking about this.
- It is only less a the.
- A the minus, a roe!
Listen face. One day, his/her father
he/she will beat with the ten...
and you will be free
for doing what wants.
A race a month, it is softness.
Hear, expensive,
we have a gold mine here.
Money for varying.
Well, fish doesn't give money,
or do I make a mistake?
- Him not.
- Him no the something?
He/she is not retiring.
In what boat you are living?
He has been treating you as
a small poodle.
It is the plan master's part.
It crowns him if he/she retires in glory...
and it boy-amazes him/it
he/she gets the drug of the boat!
Get for that man
a bungalow and trust me...
he leaves that house of the rudder
faster than you and he/she says:
"Special Kung P!"
Am I hearing myself?
He/she has a thing that needs to do.
- The something?
- Tonight.
I was thinking if it was
necessary to prepare the bucket.
Everything well?
Ei, does Alfie, want to see some thing?
The something?
A memory.
Of a called country Belgium.
- Will he/she be looking?
- No!
His/her pervert!
I will put inside of the microwaves.
What was?
- Fish.
- Is he/she sure?
I think so.
Anything badly.
Stand back.
They will wash the fingers
after that, it is not?
What is that?
The Best of the Pornography
of Bancoc. "Anal jade III."
Jesus cried!
He/she wants to say, he/she looks at them.
Thai girls.
See their size.
They tolerate a lot of weight.
- The bell will play.
- The something?
The bell will play.
- What, to play the net of I drag?
- Well, is a net of I drag, not?
- I thought that were direct home.
- Is it then?
The something? We went until
the drug of Belgium!
The personnel will feel
he/she lacks of me.
The only person that missed of
you were his/her official of conditional.
I thought went
direct home.
When will we go down for the coffee?
Is something for longing for, it is not?
I am not nor there
with breakfast.
The one that I concern is them.
- Who will search?
- The something?
Who did I ask will search?
- Who?
- The customs, to begin.
We returned to a foreign port,
without catching anything.
What devils does think will say?
Bad luck?
Doesn't he/she have bean?
The bean ended.
We say that the crank
he/she gave defect.
Does he/she want to fall in the Real?
They will tear the deck,
before we entered in the docks.
Did he/she think about this?
No, I didn't think.
Everything that I am saying...
it is that there is not exactly
does Holiday Inn, know?
Certain, as he/she wants.
We took the risk
and we are going direct home.
What does happen if we go pegos?
What does happen with them?
They are ordered of turn
home, I find.
- And my father?
- I don't know about his/her father.
By God, Riley, he is the captain!
He would lose his/her license
and they would remove the boat.
But he/she doesn't worry
in losing his/her job...
because we will pass
next years, in the chain.
Does he/she still want to take a risk?
They have food and water.
We are not Ihes doing
a favor, running of turn.
They don't want to be pegos,
nor us. Right?
I imagine that not.
It is enough to pass one more days in the sea and
we returned with a boat full of fish.
If nobody distrusts,
nobody is diffuse.
Everything well.
It is his/her time.
Only what needed
it is of a decent fishing.
- What is a decent fishing?
- Full middle?
Are you well?
How are they?
Yes? What was?
Milk without sugar.
Anything that it is worthwhile to diffuse.
He/she is too much to the south.
The first wrench was legal.
The first wrench
it was not anything.
Then, what is rolling?
He says that he/she has a room
that he wants to try.
Jesus Cristo.
If, just in case,
he/she wants to vomit.
Jesus Cristo, Sean!
There are twenty Chinese there inside
freezing, while you...
he/she decides to support Cap. Ahab,
going and coming back from Greenland!
How long it thinks
do they tolerate, hein?
One day? Two days?
One week?
We will have a good fishery,
You didn't diffuse larger
that my chick, from Christmas.
He/she needs to count his/her father.
He/she needs to count.
- It is his boat!
- And of the one what will that advance?
We still needed to fish
something. Don't notice?
Oh, I notice.
I notice that you are
making a mistake.
He/she knows that if he discovers
what has been training...
it won't inherit boat none. He/she will have
it supplies if it wins a bathtub!
He/she doesn't have to do anything.
Nor all want money!
- Then, why brought them, tapir?
- He/she would not understand.
Test me, stupid.
I don't want my father
passing the life...
hoping to die
in a shit caravan!
This boat is everything
the one that he has.
The one that he has to show,
if losing?
He/she worked 32 years for
to get this boat.
And I won't be stopped,
looking at him to lose him/it.
But is it still in the bank, not?
Fish something. Fish something,
and we returned home and ready!
To fish the something?
Turn off.
The something?
Turn off.
He/she sneaks out.
- Wrong with you what is there?
- I am not liking.
- You that was arrested, no me!
- It is dirty. It is...
Of course is dirty.
It is a porn video.
The women are eaten by faces
that you/they have big chicks...
and they are filmed by faces
that you/they have small chicks and...
they are attended by faces as
me, that you/they have medium chicks.
And she receives for that and
it feeds their babies with that.
Which is the alternative?
Their babies are dying
of hunger and they die in the gutter.
Some problem with that?
No, I don't remember of
to invite him here, to look.
He/she doesn't like her, it sneaks out.
But meanwhile,
call again.
He/she gives me that.
What devils?
What devils do have wrong with you?
Just because it doesn't get if it turns
don't unload in me.
When it was the last time
what did arrange he/she, hein?
Me Ihe say.
Me Ihe say.
With the children
debilides, home.
When a nurse
weak mental...
it put tranquilizers in yours
buttocks, making his/her work...
for the weak mental of his/her mother,
that put him/it there, for beginning.
His/her retarded drug!
The man is not able to nor to have
a decent affair for here!
Silence, be in silence.
No, no, no, not.
Give the turn in the bucket.
Put in turn of the bucket!
He/she won't want to do that.
Please. Please.
I cannot make that.
I cannot make that.
Remain silent, please.
Remain silent.
Does he/she want to arise here, please?
The something?
He/she is coming a storm.
Is it then?
We should bring the net
of I drag for inside.
- There is no reason of taking a risk.
- There is a good mark in the sonar.
It can be several tons.
We won't lose
a good fishing, is not?
Is he/she seeing? Any problem.
Are the two right?
Well, it is better to begin, hein?
I am and I help you.
If he/she wants.
Save his/her force, son.
Is he/she sure that is prepared?
You know me.
I never had a lot to lose.
Let us go!
Close! Close! Close!
Go down the rope!
- We have to loosen him/it!
- We will lose the fishing!
We have to loosen, Sean!
He/she is out of the pulley!
Be held!
- I don't get to loosen that alone!
- Don't loosen! I don't tolerate!
Hold the rope!
Feel the free part of the cable!
Feel the drug of the cable!
Shit piece, Sean!
Clue! Clue!
Certain, his/her female dog.
Show what has in the box.
I thought were
going to house, Sean.
Is not it allowed, does he/she know?
For you.
Throw the net of I drag.
I think one of them died.
Help me.
No. Never that I go
to play in a dead.
Make that. It is his/her work.
No. I didn't want to say this.
I won't hurt you.
I didn't look for you.
It is not allowed.
It cannot hide in the boat.
I need, I need
to tell the captain.
Do understand? Captain?
It cannot hide.
It cannot hide in the boat.
It is not allowed.
He/she has to speak with the captain!
Do understand?
The captain!
It can go.
Why did make that, son?
Why does find he/she?
For money.
He/she took a risk my boat
for money?
My boat!
Money for yours
filthy pocket!
The drug of my boat!
Not for me...
for you.
For the boat.
Everything is there.
It is yours.
Excuse, father.
There was not another way.
It was that or to leave
that devastated the boat.
- What is making he/she?
- Going home.
And if we go pegos?
- I will lose the boat.
- If we go pegos.
We lost him/it
It doesn't imagine that he/she needs me,
being watched, does it imagine?
No, I don't imagine.
Everything is right.
Everything is right.
He/she ended.
He/she ended.
Is he/she awake?
It thought was
going home.
- We are.
- Is it then?
Then, he/she wants to be diffuse?
Take them of turn from where
they came.
I want to go home.
I want to go home, now.
Then, why doesn't return
with a fishing?
The net is still out.
Do remind?
Everything well, Sean?
Do we bring for top?
Sean? Do we bring upward?
We will make that.
To lift anchors!
That, boy!
That is that is fishing,
Riley, my boy!
Customs, go to that place!
That! That!
I made a good fishing.
I made a good fishing.
He/she had a good bait.
I made her/it for you, son.
The boat is yours now.
You are a good son, Sean.
And I want that is with him.
Who made that?
- We could have been pegos, son.
- Look for them.
- We could have lost the boat.
- Look at them!
I was trying
to take care of them.
Did one of them die, not?
He/she will still win
his/her money.
And was it it what wanted, not?
Did you know the whole time, not?
Since the moment that
he/she put them here, you knew.
The time all I wondered
when he/she would notice.
But he/she knew the whole time.
He/she doesn't import him/it that me
he/she knew, son. He/she doesn't matter.
Nobody knows about anything, now.
Nobody knows.
He/she is safe.
What does make here he/she?
- You are only a girl.
- Father!
Be not afraid, girl.
This is Sean.
He is a good boy.
He/she will be a good captain.
I feel a lot.
No, father, not!