Truman Show, The (1998)

We've become bored
With watching actors
Give us phony emotions.
We're tired
Of pyrotechnics
And special effects.
While the world
He inhabits...
Is, in some respects,
There's nothing fake
About truman himself--
No scripts,
No cue cards.
It isn't always shakespeare,
But it's genuine.
It's a life.
I'm not going to make it.
You're going to have
To go on without me.
No way, mister.
You're going to the top
Of this mountain,
Broken legs and all.
We find many viewers
Leave him on
All night for comfort.
You're crazy,
You know that?
Well, for me,
There is no difference
Between a private life
And a public life.
My my life,
Is the truman show.
The truman show
Is... A lifestyle.
It's a noble life.
It is...
A truly blessed life.
Yeah, tell me something
I don't know.
All right. Promise me
One thing, though.
If i die before i reach
The summit,
You'll use me as
An alternative source of food.
Ew. Gross.
It's all true.
It's all real.
Nothing here is fake.
Nothing you see
On this show is fake.
It's merely controlled.
Eat me, damn it.
That's an order.
Maybe just
Your love handles.
I have love handles?
Little ones.
Meryl: truman!
You're going
To be late.
[birds twitter]
Good morning.
Oh, and in case
I don't see you,
Good afternoon,
Good evening,
And good night.
[all laugh]
Truman: yep, yep.
Morning, spencer.
Hey, pluto.
No, no, no.
Get down.
He won't hurt you.
Get down.
Ha ha. I know.
It's just me.
Come on, pluto.
Holy cow.
What is it?
Radio: here's
A news flash just in.
An aircraft in trouble
Began shedding parts
As it flew over seahaven
Just a few moments ago.
I know.
Wow. Luckily,
No one was hurt.
But, hey,
How do you feel today?
Mmm, mmm.
Heh heh. That's good.
You thinking of
Flying somewhere?
No? Good.
This is classical clive
With classical drive,
So why don't you forget
About the perils of flying,
Settle back, and let
This music calm you down?
Piano music plays]
Dog fancy, please.
Dog fancy.
Thank you very much.
Truman: ahh!
Give me a paper there,
Will you, earl?
Oh, and, uh...
One of these
For the wife.
Her fashion mags.
Will that be all
For you, truman?
That's the whole
Kit and caboodle.
Catch you later.
Man: good morning.
Morning, truman.
Good morning, truman.
Hey, how are you, guys?
Beautiful day,
Isn't it?
Oh. Always.
Oh, and how's
Your lovely wife?
Good, good.
How about yours?
Oh, couldn't be better.
Fine, fine, fine.
Um, nice talking
To you, truman.
You, too.
We must go now.
Hey, think about
That policy, huh?
Ok, that's 2 for 1.
That's a good deal.
Doppelganger special.
Twins: right.
Hey, fellas.
You going in?
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
No, you first,
I'm not that anxious
To get there.
[workers chatter,
Telephones ring]
Yes, hello.
Could i have directory
Assistance for fiji, please?
Fiji islands.
Did you see this?
Uh, i'm sorry, ma'am.
If--if he's in a coma,
He's probably uninsurable.
Yes. Uh, fiji, please.
Do you have a listing
For lauren garland?
Nothing listed?
Do you have
A sylvia garland?
"s" for sylvia.
Ok. Thank you.
Hey, burbank.
Got a prospect
In wells park
I need you to close.
W-wells park?
On, uh...
Harbor island?
You know another one?
Well, i can't do it.
I, uh, have
An appointment.
Dentist. Or...
You're going to lose
A lot more than your teeth
If you don't meet
Your quota.
Look, truman...
They're making cutbacks
At the end of this month.
Now, you need this.
Besides, a half hour
Across the bay,
A little sea air...
Would do you good.
Hey, thanks.
[snaps fingers]
Ferry still here, huh?
Thought i might have
Missed it.
One-way or return?
There you go, sir.
Heh heh.
[shutters open
Do you need
Any help, sir?
You go ahead.
I'll--i'll be fine.
Heh. Yeah.
Hi, honey.
Look what i got free
At the checkout.
It's a chef's pal.
It's a dicer, grater,
Peeler--all in one.
Never needs sharpening,
Dishwasher safe.
That's amazing.
Meryl: truman...
You missed a spot.
Oh, jesus.
[lawn mower]
That is a beer.
You know, i'm thinking
About getting out, marlon.
Out of what?
Out of my job,
Out of seahaven.
Off this island. Out.
Out of your job?
What the hell's wrong
With your job?
You have a great job,
You have a desk job.
I'd kill for a desk job.
Here you go.
You should try stocking
Vending machines for a living.
No, thanks.
Now, there's excitement.
[both laugh]
Don't you ever
Get antsy?
Itchy feet?
Where's there to go?
Where the hell's fiji?
Near florida?
See here?
This is us...
And all the way
Around here...
You can't get
Any further away
Before you start
Coming back.
You know, there are
Still islands in fiji
Where no human being
Has ever set foot.
So, when are you
Going to go?
It's not that simple.
It takes...
I can't just up and go.
I'm going to do it.
Don't worry about that.
Bonus time is just
Around the corner.
Hey, you coming
For a drink?
No. I can't tonight.
I don't like the look
Of that weather, son.
I think we should
Head back.
Oh, no, dad.
Not yet.
No, come on.
We should go back.
A bit farther.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
You're soaked.
Where have you been?
I figure if we can
Scrape together 8,000--
Every time you and marlon
Get together--
We can bum around the world
For a year on that.
And then what, truman?
We'd be where we were
You're talking
Like a teenager.
Well, maybe i feel
Like a teenager.
We have mortgage payments,
We have car payments.
What, we're just going
To walk away
From our financial
It would be
An adventure.
I thought we were going
To try for a baby.
Isn't that enough
Of an adventure?
That can wait.
I want to get away--
See some of the world,
Honey, you want to be
An explorer?
This'll pass.
We all think like this
Now and then.
Let's get you out of
These wet clothes, hmm?
Come to bed.
You never
See anything anyway.
They always...
Turn the camera
And play music and...
You know,
The wind blows in,
And the curtains move,
And you don't
See anything.
Dog fancy, please.
Dog fancy.
Thank you.
[dog barks]
Paper, earl, please.
I might as well
Pick one of these up.
For the wife?
She's got to have them.
Anything else, truman?
That's the whole
Ball of wax.
Catch you later.
Hey, what are you
Hey! What the--
Get out of the way!
Stop them!
Stop those people!
Stop! Stop!
Hey! Open the doors!
Stop the bus!
Stop the bus!
Somebody stop it!
Somebody stop the bus!
Stop the bus!
It doesn't sound insane
At all, truman.
I see him 10 times a week
In a hundred
Different faces.
I almost hugged
A perfect stranger
In the salon
Last thursday.
It was dad.
I swear. Dressed like
A homeless man.
And you know what else
Was strange?
A businessman and a woman
With a little dog
Came out of nowhere
And forced him
Onto a bus.
Well, it's about time
They cleaned up
The trash downtown
Before we become just like
The rest of the country.
They never found
Dad's body.
Maybe somehow--
Oh, god.
I'm telling you,
If it wasn't him,
It was his twin.
Did dad have
A brother?
Truman, you know
Perfectly well
That your father
Was an only child,
Just like you.
Now, sweetie...
You're just feeling bad
Because of what happened--
You sailing off
Into that storm.
But i've never
Blamed you, truman...
And i don't blame you now.
[door opens]
Meryl: truman?
[objects clatter]
What are you doing
Down here?
Fixing the mower.
[objects clatter]
Saw my father
I know.
Your mother called.
You really shouldn't
Upset her like that.
Did you want--
What did you want?
I made macaroni.
I'm not hungry.
You know...
You really ought
To throw out that mower.
Get one of those new
Elk rotaries.
[meryl leaves]
[footsteps upstairs]
What's he doing?
See, they
Got rid of her,
But they couldn't erase
The memory.
The memory of who?
Man: hey, hey.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
[trumpet playing]
[continues playing]
[marlon playing trumpet]
Oh! Ow!
Excuse me.
I'm so sorry
I fell on you like that.
It's ok.
I'm just--i've been
Such a klutz all day.
It's all right.
Sprained this ankle.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, i'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry to fall on you
Like that.
Oh, that's all right.
Don't worry about it.
I'm meryl.
Hi. I'm truman.
Hey. Nice to meet you.
Man: whoo!
Friends say it's fine
Friends say
It's good
Everybody says it's
Just like rock and roll
Move like a cat
Talk like a rat
Sting like a bee
I wanna be your man
And it's plain to see
You were meant for me
Yeah, i'm your boy
Twentieth century toy
Friends say it's fine
Friends say
It's good
Everybody says
It's just like
Rock and roll
Fly like a plane
Drive like a car
All i can handle
I wanna be your man
Well, it's plain to see
You were meant for me
Yeah, i'm your toy
Twentieth century boy
Twentieth century toy
I wanna be your boy
Twentieth century toy
I wanna be your boy
Twentieth century toy
I wanna be your boy
Truman, you've
Studied enough.
No. I got to commit this
To memory.
Come on, truman,
One ice-cold brewski.
Come on.
Come on.
You're going to have
To copy off me,
So be careful.
I know it.
You're a better person
Than i am.
See you later.
See you later, loser.
Ow! Shh!
Oh. You take japanese.
Oh, yes. Yeah.
Lauren, right?
It's on the...
Right, right.
I'm truman burbank.
I--i know.
[whispering] you know, i'm not
Allowed to talk to you.
Yeah. Well,
I can understand that.
I'm a pretty dangerous
I'm sorry.
It's not up to me.
A girl's
Got to be careful.
You have a boyfriend,
No, it's not that.
Was it meryl, that girl
That was with me?
We're not--we don't--
We're not--we're just--
We're friends.
It's nothing like that.
It's how i look?
Not your type?
I like your pin.
I was wondering that
Would you want to...
Maybe possibly...
Sometime go out for
Some pizza or something?
Like, friday?
I can't.
Sunday, monday,
We have finals tomorrow.
Yeah, i know.
If we don't go now,
It won't happen.
Do you understand?
So, what do you want to do?
[door opens]
Please keep your hands
Inside the car!
This is my favorite
Pizza place.
One large,
Extra plankton.
We have so little time.
They're going to be here
Any minute.
Who are?
They don't want me
Talking to you.
Then don't talk.
[car approaching]
They're here.
What do they want?
Listen to me.
Everybody knows about you.
Everybody knows
Everything you do.
They're pretending, truman.
Do you understand?
Everybody's pretending.
I don't know--
No, my name's not lauren.
It's sylvia.
My name's sylvia.
Lauren, sweetheart,
Not again.
Hey, wait a minute.
Who are you?
I'm her father!
I've never even
Seen him before.
Honey, please.
He's lying. Truman, please,
Don't listen to him.
Everything i've told you
Is the truth.
This, it's fake.
It's all for you.
I don't understand.
The sky and the sea,
Everything--it's a set.
It's a show.
Everybody's watching you.
Please don't listen to him.
He's gonna lie to you.
They're watching us now.
What's going on?
She has episodes.
Please. Oh, no!
Father: we've tried
[honking horn]
Shock therapy.
Don't worry.
You're not the first.
Sylvia: truman!
She brings all her
Boyfriends down here.
Sylvia: what's he saying?
Truman, he's lying!
Get out of here.
Come and find me.
Don't worry.
We're going
To fiji.
Fiji. We're
Moving to fiji.
Why didn't he just
Follow her to fiji?
His mother got sick,
Really sick.
He couldn't leave her.
He's kind.
Maybe he's too kind.
I can't believe he married
Meryl on the rebound.
Excuse me.
Come on, sal.
We've already got this
On the greatest hits tape.
Can i borrow that?
Close, but no cigar.
Radio announcer:
And it's another beautiful day
In paradise, folks,
But don't forget to buckle up
Out there in radio land.
[malfunctions] remem--
Good driver--good--good--good.
Man: wait for the cue.
Wait for the cue.
Man: stand by, one.
Man: countdown to action.
Stand by, one.
He's heading west
On stewart.
Stand by, all extras.
He'll be on you
In about 90 seconds.
Props, make sure
The coffee's hot.
Ok, he's making his turn
Onto lancaster square.
Man on radio: oh, my god.
He nearly hit her.
Something's wrong.
Change frequencies.
[loud feedback]
Radio announcer: ouch.
Sorry about that, folks.
I guess we picked up a police
Frequency or something.
It sometimes happens,
And it can drive you crazy.
Ok, it's classical clive
Back in here,
And we've still got
Some great music up ahead,
But hey,
Don't forget to buckle up.
Remember safety.
A good driver is a safe driver.
A safe driver is what?
[turns radio off]
Morning, ma'am.
[electrical buzzing]
I love that idea.
It's pretty cool,
Isn't it?
Yeah, i love it.
[speaking spanish]
Can i help?
Yeah. I have
An appointment
At gable
That's impossible.
What's happening?
Guard: nothing.
Just tell me
What's happening.
Got to go, sir.
We're remodeling.
No, you're not.
What are those people
Doing back there?
It's none of
Your business.
If you don't tell me what's
Happening, i'll report you!
You're trespassing.
What are you
Doing here?
I gotta talk to you.
It's a bad time, ok?
I'm way behind.
I'm onto something, marlon.
Something big.
You ok?
You look like shit.
I think i'm mixed up
In something.
Mixed up in what?
There's no point
Trying to explain it,
But a lot of strange things
Have been happening.
The people on the elevator.
There was
No backing on it.
I looked out.
There was people there.
And on the radio
On the way to work,
It starts
Following me along,
Talking about everything
That i'm doing.
You know what i mean?
Truman, look, this is
One of your fantasies.
I think
This is about my dad.
Your dad?
I think he's alive.
Yeah. I'll tell you
About it later.
I'm definitely
Being followed.
It's hard to tell.
They look just like
Regular people.
How about those two?
Truman: i don't know.
Could be.
It's when i'm unpredictable,
That's--they can't...
Did anything happen?
Mm-hmm. We gotta
Get out of here.
You ready to go?
No. I just
Came here. Come on.
I told you i can't.
You're gonna get both our asses
Fired. You know that.
Ok, man,
Let's do it.
Whatever you say.
I'm game.
Marlon: what are you
Talking about?
Yes, siree. Your birthday
Comes but once a year.
Truman: maybe i'm being
Set up for something.
You ever think
About that, marlon?
Like your whole life
Has been building
Towards something?
Mmm, no.
When you were
Hauling chickens
In the summer
For kaiser,
What was
The furthest
You ever got
Off the island?
Went all over.
Never found a place
Like this, though.
Look at that sunset,
It's perfect.
That's the big guy.
Quite a paintbrush
He's got.
Just between you
And me, marlon...
I'm going away
For a while.
Mother: oh, little angel.
[women laugh]
Oh, my little clown.
Old carrot top.
The best photos.
We should be getting you
Home, mother.
Hold on a minute.
Here's us at mount rushmore.
Do you remember, truman,
When dad was still with us?
That was quite a drive.
You slept
The whole way there.
It looks so small.
Things always do
When you look back, darling.
Oh, look, truman.
The happiest day
Of our lives.
Oh, look.
Jean, jodie, joanne.
Doesn't she look
Beautiful, truman?
Well, she still does.
And there's lots of pages
Left over for baby photos.
I would like to hold
A grandchild in my arms
Before i go.
Angela, we really should
Be getting you home.
I'll take her.
No, no, no.
You stay, relax.
Enjoy yourself.
Your favorite show
Will be coming on.
Besides, we have
Something to discuss.
A certain person's
Oh, i see.
Tv announcer: and there'll be
Another episode
Of i love lucy
Same time tomorrow.
But right now it's time
For golden oldies.
Tonight, we present
The enduring, much-loved classic
Show me the way to go home.
A hymn of praise
To small-town life,
Where we learn that you don't
Have to leave home
To discover
What the world's all about,
And that no one is poor
Who has friends.
Full of laughter and love,
Pain and sadness,
But ultimately redemption,
We share the trials
And tribulations
Of the abbott family.
Note the touching performance of
Ronald brierly as uncle buddy.
And that scene with the bowl
Of cherries is gonna have you
Splitting your sides
With laughter all over again.
And there'll be tears, too,
When david and jennifer
Are reunited.
But enough from me.
Let's join the abbotts
In camden village.
[birds chirping]
[radio static]
Thank you, sweetie.
I need to talk to you,
But let's go outside.
Oh, sweetie, i'd love to,
But i'm really late.
What's your rush?
There was that elevator
Disaster downtown.
It was on the news
Last night.
This cable just snapped.
This elevator,
It just plummeted down
The non-union workers.
Just monsters.
You know, that building,
It's right next door
To where you work.
Can you imagine if you
Had been in there?
It's not even worth
Thinking about.
I have an amputation
On one of the young
Women in that elevator.
She's very young.
It's very sad.
Anyway, wish me luck.
I'll cross my fingers
For you.
[brakes squeal]
Uh, excuse me.
Hi. Excuse me.
May i help you?
Oh, uh...
Yes. I'm looking for my wife,
Nurse burbank.
It's very important.
I'm afraid that
That's not possible.
She's in pre-op.
Ok, fine.
Can you pass along a message?
I'll try.
Can you tell her
I had to go to fiji
And that i'll call her
When i get there?
When you--
When you get to fiji?
You got it.
Fine. I'll tell her.
Thank you so much.
It's ok.
He's here.
Meryl: i know, i know.
Shh, shh, shh.
I'm now making
My primary incision
Just above the right knee.
[loud clang]
Nicely done.
This isn't
Going to be pretty.
It's just
Beautiful job.
I'll just let someone else
Tidy up here.
I'm sorry to keep you.
Oh, that's ok.
How can i help?
I would like to book
A flight to fiji.
When would you like
To leave?
I'm sorry.
I don't have anything
For at least a month.
A month?
It's the busy season.
You want to book the flight?
It doesn't matter.
I'll make other
Arrangements, ok?
Last call for chicago!
All aboard!
Thank you.
Windy city, here we come.
Truman: sisters.
Hey, mom, isn't that--
Mom: shh.
Face the front.
[gears grind]
[gears grind]
[gears grind]
[engine stalls]
[radiator hissing]
Everybody off.
We've got a problem.
I'm sorry, son.
His father was from
Chicago, wasn't he?
No. His dentist
Was from pensacola.
His father
Was from des moines.
But how come he wants
To go to chicago?
He's not going to chicago.
He's not going anywhere.
He has to have it out
With meryl.
[pluto barks]
Honey, are you ok?
Get in.
I predict
That in just a moment
We will see a lady
On a red bike,
Followed by a man
With flowers
And a volkswagen beetle
With a dented fender.
Truman, please.
Truman: look.
Both: and...
Truman, this is silly.
There it is!
There it is!
There's that dented
Beetle! Yes!
Ha ha ha!
Don't you want to know
How i did that?
I'll tell you.
They're on a loop.
They go around the block.
They come back.
They go around again.
They just go
Round and round.
Round and round.
I invited rita and marlon
For a barbecue on sunday.
I won't be here
And i need you to remind me
That we need more charcoal.
Are you listening
To a word i'm saying?
You're upset because
You want to go to fiji.
Is that it?
Ok, ok, go.
I think you should save
For a few months
And then go. There.
Are you happy now?
I want to go take a shower.
Let's go now.
I'm ready to go now.
Why wait?
Early bird
Gathers no moss.
Rolling stone catches
The worm, right?
Meryl: truman,
What are you doing?
Where shall we go?
Where shall we go?
Truman, where
Are we going?
I don't really know.
I guess i'm being spontaneous.
Somebody help me!
I'm being spontaneous!
Meryl: truman.
Forget fiji.
Can't very well drive
To fiji, can we?
What about
Atlantic city?
Oh, no, you hate
To gamble.
That's right,
I do, don't i?
So why would you want
To go there?
Because i never have.
That's why people
Go places, isn't it?
Truman, truman,
I think i'm gonna throw up.
Me, too.
Blocked at every turn.
Beautifully synchronized,
Don't you agree?
You're blaming me
For the traffic?
Should i?
Let's go home.
You're right.
We could be stuck
Here for hours.
It could be like this
All the way to atlantic city.
Let's go back.
I'm sorry. I don't know
What got into me.
Meryl: can you
Please slow down?
Yes, i can.
Truman! Truman!
That's our turnoff!
I changed my mind again.
What's new orleans like
This time of year?
Mardi gras! Whoo!
Ha ha ha!
Look, meryl, same road,
No cars. It's magic.
Ha ha ha!
You let me out. You're
Not right in the head.
You want to destroy
Yourself, do it on your own.
I think i'd like
A little company.
Oh, truman...
You knew
This would happen.
You know you can't
Drive over water.
Let's go home
Where you'll feel safe.
Give me your hand.
We shouldn't be doing this!
We're breaking the law!
Oh, my!
You can do it!
Please, don't!
You can make it!
Aah! Oh, we're over!
We're over the bridge!
We're over the bridge!
We're over?
We're over the bridge.
We're over the bridge.
We're over!
Ha ha ha ha!
Truman! What
About that sign?
They're exaggerating.
We'll be fine.
Do you believe that?
Oh, my! Oh, my!
Truman, we're on fire!
It's ok.
We're on fire!
It's ok.
It's just smoke.
You ok?
Want to do it again?
Ha ha ha ha!
Truman, stop!
Oh, god!
So, what are we going
To do for money
When we get
To new orleans?
I have my seahaven
Bank card.
We're just going to eat
Into our savings, is that it?
I'm going to have to call
Your mother when we get there.
She's going
To be worried sick.
I don't know how
She's going to take this.
What now?
Loudspeaker: red alert!
This is a red alert!
[people yelling]
[car horns honking]
Truman, it looks like
A leak at the plant.
Back up! Back up!
Leak at the plant.
We had to shut her down.
Is there
Any way around?
Whole area's
Being evacuated.
Is there
Anything i can do?
No, ma'am.
Thank you
For your help.
You're welcome,
Truman! Truman!
Truman, come back!
Truman! Truman!
Stop him!
[whistles blowing]
Head to the left!
Aah! Aah!
Stay away!
Unh! Aah!
Unh! No!
Radio: in custody.
[truman groaning]
Thank you both so much
For your help.
I really appreciate it.
He's lucky to be
Alive, ma'am.
Next time, we'll have
To file charges.
I understand.
Thanks again.
Good night.
Let me get you
Some help, truman.
You're not well.
Why do you want
To have a baby with me?
You can't stand me.
That's not true.
Why don't you let me fix you
Some of this new mococoa drink?
All natural cocoa beans
From the upper slopes
Of mount nicaragua.
No artificial sweeteners.
What the hell
Are you talking about?
Who are you talking to?
I've tasted other cocoas.
This is the best.
What the hell does this
Have to do with anything?
Tell me what's happening!
You're having a nervous
Breakdown, that's what.
You're part of this,
Aren't you?
You...are...scaring me!
No, you're scaring me, meryl.
What are you going to do?
Dice me?
Slice me
And peel me?
There are
So many choices!
Aah! Do something!
What did you say?
Who are you talking to?
Nothing. I didn't
Say anything.
I didn't
Say anything.
You said,
"do something."
No, i didn't. I wasn't
Talking to anybody.
Talk to me!
I don't know anything!
Please stop!
Stay where
You are!
Oh, thank god!
Oh, thank god!
How can anyone
Expect me
To carry on under
These conditions?
It's unprofessional!
Shh, it's ok.
Gonna be ok.
Oh, god!
It's all
Gonna be fine.
I don't know what
To think, marlon.
Maybe i'm losing
My mind, but...
It feels like the whole world
Revolves around me somehow.
That's a lot of world
For one man, truman.
Sure that's not
Wishful thinking?
You wishing you'd made
Something more
Out of yourself?
Come on, who hasn't
Sat in the john,
Had an imaginary interview
On seahaven tonight?
Who hasn't wanted
To be somebody?
This is different.
Everybody seems to be in on it.
I've been your best friend
Since we were 7 years old.
The only way you and i ever
Made it through school
Was by cheating off
Each other's test papers.
Jesus, they were identical.
But i always felt safe
Knowing that.
'Cause whatever
The answer was,
We were right together
And we were wrong together.
Remember when i stayed up
All night in your tent
'Cause you wanted
To play north pole?
And i got pneumonia?
You remember that?
You were out of school
For about a month.
You're the closest thing
I ever had to a brother.
I know that things...
Haven't really worked
Out for either of us
Like we used to
Dream they would.
I know that feeling,
When it's like everything's
Slipping away...
You don't want
To believe it,
So you look for answers
Somewhere else, but...
But, well, the point is...
I'd gladly walk in front
Of traffic for you.
Marlon: well...
The point is,
I would gladly
Step in front of traffic
For you, truman.
And the last thing
I'd ever do is lie to you.
And the last thing
That i would ever do...
Is lie to you.
I mean, think about it,
If everybody
Is in on it...
I'd have to be
In on it, too.
I'm not in on it,
Truman, because...
There is no "it."
You were right about
One thing, though.
What's that?
The thing that
Started all this.
Yep. I found him
For you, truman.
That's why
I came by tonight.
I'm sure he's got
Quite a story to tell.
Go to him.
Easy on the fog.
[keyboard clicking]
Stand by, crane cam.
Crane cam.
Button cam 3.
I never stopped believing.
And wide, curb cam 8.
My son! Oh!
Move in
For a closeup?
No, no, no.
Move back and...
Fade up music.
[music swells]
And now go in close.
All those
Years wasted.
I'll make it up
To you, son.
I swear.
[music swells]
That was a really great
Ok, quiet down.
Let's concentrate.
That was good work.
Tech: let's get
Some champagne up here.
Moses: brilliant, christof.
Just brilliant.
It just broke my heart.
Well done, everyone!
Announcer: 1.7 billion
Were there for his birth.
For his first step.
The world stood still
For that stolen kiss,
And as he grew,
So did the technology.
An entire human life
Recorded on an intricate
Network of hidden cameras
And broadcast live and
Unedited 24 hours a day,
Around the globe.
Coming to you now
From seahaven island,
Enclosed in the largest
Studio ever constructed,
And along with
The great wall of china,
One of only 2 manmade structures
Visible from space,
Now in its 30th great year,
What a week it's been.
I don't know about you--
I was on pins and needles
The entire time.
Hello and good evening.
I'm your host mike michaelson,
And welcome to tru-talk,
Our forum for issues
Growing out of the show.
But tonight,
Something very special indeed,
A rare and
Exclusive interview
With the show's
Conceiver and creator.
So, come with us now as we
Go live to the lunar room
On the 221st floor
Of the omni cam echosphere,
Where we'll find the world's
Greatest tele-visionary--
The designer and architect
Of the world within a world
That is seahaven island--
Before we begin,
I'd like to thank you
On behalf of our audience
For granting this interview.
We know how demanding
Your schedule is,
And we all know how jealously
You guard your privacy.
This, sir,
Is indeed an honor.
Don't mention it.
Well, the catalyst for
The recent dramatic events
On the show has been
Truman's father, kirk,
And his attempts
To infiltrate the show.
But before we get into that,
I think it's worth noting
That this is not the first time
Someone from the outside
Has attempted
To reach truman, is it?
Christof: we have had
Close calls in the past.
Man: truman!
It's television!
Yes! I did it!
I'm on the truman show!
Mike: but there's never
Been anything to compare
With this most recent
Breach in security--
The first intruder to be
A former cast member.
A dead one at that.
Gotta say, writing kirk
Back in--masterstroke.
Since kirk started this
Crisis in truman's life,
I came to the conclusion
That only he could end it.
Truman! Truman! No!
[construction noises]
That's off limits!
Why? What's
Over there?
Nothing. It's dangerous.
That's all.
You've got to know
Your limitations, truman.
Mike: but let's remind
Viewers exactly why
Dad was written out
In the first place.
Christof: as truman grew up,
We were forced
To manufacture ways
To keep him on the island.
I'd like to be
An explorer,
Like the great
You're too late.
There's really
Nothing left to explore.
Christof: finally, i came up
With kirk's drowning.
Mike: most effective.
Truman's been terrified
Of the water ever since.
Christof: when kirk read
The synopsis of the episode,
He was disappointed
To say the least.
I'm sure that's what caused
Him to break onto the set.
But how do you intend to
Explain his 22-year absence?
Brilliant. Let's take
Some viewer phone calls.
Charlotte, north carolina,
You're on with christof.
Man: uh, yeah,
Hi, christof.
I was wondering how many
Cameras you got in that town.
Somewhere in
The vicinity of 5,000.
Man: that's
A lot of cameras.
Remember, we started
With just one.
He was curious
From birth.
Premature by 2 weeks.
Almost as if he couldn't
Wait to get started.
Mike: his eagerness
To leave his mother's womb
Was the very reason
He was the one selected.
In competition with 5 other
Unwanted pregnancies,
The casting of a show,
Determined by an air date,
Truman was the one
Who arrived on cue.
Mike: incidentally, i believe
Truman is the first child
To have been legally adopted
By a corporation.
That's correct.
The show has generated
Enormous revenues now,
Equivalent to the gross national
Product of a small country.
People forget it takes
The population
Of an entire country to
Keep the show running.
Since the show is on
Without commercial interruption,
All those staggering revenues
Are generated
By product placement.
That's true. Everything
On the show is for sale.
From the actor's wardrobe,
Food products,
To the very homes
They live in.
Mike: and all of it available
In the truman catalog.
Operators are standing by.
Christof, let me ask you,
Why do you think truman
Has never come close
To discovering the true nature
Of his world until now?
We accept the reality
Of the world
With which we are
It's as simple as that.
The hague for christof.
Hello? The hague?
All right,
We've lost that call.
Let's go to hollywood.
You're on tru-talk.
Hi, christof. I'd just
Like to say one thing.
You're a liar
And a manipulator,
And what you've done
To truman is sick!
Well, we remember
This voice, don't we?
How could we forget?
Mike: let's go
To another call.
No, no, no.
It's fine, mike.
I love to reminisce with
Former members of the cast.
As you announced so
Melodramatically to the world,
You think because you batted
Your eyes at truman once...
Flirted with him...
Stole a few minutes
Of air time with him...
To thrust yourself and your
Politics into the limelight...
That you know him?
That you know
What's right for him?
You really think you're
In a position to judge him?
What right do you have
To take a baby
And turn his life into
Some kind of mockery?
Don't you ever
Feel guilty?
I have given truman a chance
To lead a normal life.
The world...
The place you live in...
Is the sick place.
Seahaven's the way
The world should be.
He's not a performer.
He's a prisoner.
Look at him! Look at
What you've done to him!
He can leave at any time.
If his was more
Than just a vague ambition,
If he was absolutely determined
To discover the truth,
There's no way
We could prevent him.
I think what distresses
You really, caller,
Is that ultimately...
Truman prefers his cell,
As you call it.
That's where
You're wrong.
You're so wrong, and
He'll prove you wrong.
Mike: well, aside from
The heated comments
Of a very
Vocal minority,
It's been an overwhelmingly
Positive experience.
Yes. For truman and
For the viewing public.
Well, christof,
I can't thank you enough
For giving so generously
Of your time tonight.
I think it's safe to say now
That this crisis is behind us
And truman is back
To his old self,
We can look forward to some
Exciting new developments?
Well, mike, the big news
Is that meryl
Will be leaving truman
In an upcoming episode,
And a new romantic interest
Will be introduced.
Mike: aha.
I'm determined television's
First on-air conception
Will still take place.
Well, another television
Milestone straight ahead.
You heard it here first.
It has been a singular honor
And pleasure, sir.
Christof...thank you.
Thank you, mike.
[birds chirping]
Hey, simeon.
Is he looking at us?
Jesus, do you
Think he knows?
Better call
Come in, major burbank.
Ha ha!
He's back
To his old self.
Thank god.
That's an unusual
Cat, my man.
I hereby...
Proclaim this planet...
Of the burbank galaxy.
Is he going?
Hallway camera.
That one's for free.
Keep up with him.
He'll move fast.
Stand by,
All house cameras.
All: morning.
In case i don't see you...
All: good afternoon,
Good evening,
And good night.
Good afternoon...
Good morning.
And good night.
Morning, spencer.
How's it going?
Hmm, let me check.
Vital signs are good.
Whoa, pluto! Whoop!
Good morning, truman!
Oh, look who's here.
Beautiful day,
Isn't it?
Every single day.
The policy--
We've thought about it...
Both: and we're
Gonna take it.
You're kidding?
Both: no!
Great! Why don't we go up
To my office right now,
And we'll sign the papers?
Uh, next week
Would be much better.
Next week would be better.
All right.
See you guys.
Ok, bye now.
See you next week.
Give me something
To look forward to.
You got it.
See, this isn't
About insurance.
This is about
The great variable--
When will death occur?
Could be a week,
A month, a year.
Could be today.
Minding his own business,
Stabbed in the heart by the tip
Of a runaway beach umbrella.
No way to guard against
That kind of thing.
[truman laughs]
Uh, sorry, excuse me.
Uh, truman, this is vivien.
Vivien, this is truman.
The two of you
Are gonna be neighbors.
I guess what i'm--
What i'm saying is that,
Uh, life is...fragile.
Vivien, your office.
What's that?
Oh, i'm sorry.
You do?
Oh, great. Uh, let me
Take your information.
[lawn mower buzzing]
Ready 2. Go to 2.
And back to medium.
And wide.
I was just trying
To train the kid to...
Never mind.
Christof: what's he doing
In the basement?
He moved down there after
Meryl packed up and left.
Why wasn't i told?
Any unpredictable behavior
Has to be reported.
Uh, he--he's just sleeping,
I thought.
This the best shot
We've got?
What's to see?
What's on the clock cam?
It's an obstruction--
What happened down there?
He was just tidying up
His garbage.
I was gonna call you,
But halfway through,
He gave up,
And he fell asleep.
I wanna check on
The setups for the...
Both: insurance
Convention tomorrow.
Nice move.
[taps keyboard]
There you go.
Isolate the audio.
Give me a closeup
On his torso.
He's still breathing.
Where's chloe?
Yes, sir.
Call him.
What do you
Want me to say?
Tell him
It's a wrong number.
[chloe dials phone]
[telephone rings]
What took you so long?
Just had to wait for it.
They were busy.
What's going on?
I don't know. They're...
He came down into the room.
He did nothing
But stand around for a while.
Shut up and watch it!
Then we went
To nightvision.
He's asleep.
[simeon scoffs]
Christof: there!
Stop it!
Zoom in.
On which?
Under the chair there.
Simeon: uh-huh.
Christof: enhance it.
Simeon: is it--oh.
Chloe: oh, my god.
I...if--he couldn't have
Gone up the stairs.
I definitely--he must
Still be in the room.
Get marlon
Over there.
Right away.
[tires screech]
[tires screech]
Marlon: truman!
Surprise party!
Come on, buddy.
I got a 6-pack of cold brewskis
With our name on them.
Come on, pal.
Come on, buddy.
Marlon, find him.
He's still in the room.
Come out, come out
Wherever you are.
That's good.
Keep it light.
I know you're in here.
I'm gonna find ya.
Check under the table.
The closet, behind you.
I wonder where he
Could possibly be.
The lawn cam,
Get me the lawn cam.
Don't look in the camera.
Say something. Keep it going.
Keep it going.
He's gone.
Cut transmission!
Cut transmission?
Cut it!
[audience gasps]
Man: jesus!
God in heaven!
Everything's black.
Give me the phone.
[classical music playing]
Various languages]
I don't know where he is,
But he's gone.
[clears throat]
We've got every available
Extra looking for him.
Uh, the principals
Are helping out.
The crew, too,
So every sector's covered.
What about prop cars?
Yes, they've been
Accounted for.
He has to be on foot.
He has the world's
Most recognizable face.
He can't disappear.
[pluto barking, snarling]
Spencer: go.
Hunt him. Hunt him.
Go find him, pluto.
Good dog! Good dog!
All this fuss.
If he could just
Hear my voice.
Let me try.
It's me! Dad!
Let's talk!
Yeah, i know.
Just about done
With the square.
Got to go back to barrymore,
Check the interiors.
He's got to be in there.
Barrymore, huh?
But what about the college?
Who's watching that?
I don't know.
Send somebody
Over there, ok?
All right.
Take another man and get
Down there now, all right?
I don't give a damn. Just
Find the son of a bitch.
Get some batteries. This guy's
Not gonna glow in the dark.
Just get 'em down here.
I don't know what's going
On. Reroute it back to me.
We need more light.
We'll never find him
This way.
What time is it?
It's way too early
For that.
Cue the sun.
[people gasp]
What time is it?
What's going on?
Did you know that there's
A rumor circulating
That he's dead?
You hear me?
The media is having
A feeding frenzy over this.
All the phone lines
Are jammed,
And every network has
A pirated shot of marlon
Making an ass of himself
In front of the camera.
The sponsors are threatening
To rip up their contracts.
Why? We're getting higher
Ratings with this graphic
Than we've ever had
On this show.
No sign of him.
Why don't you head back
To town and join the others?
Everyone else is
At first positions, ok?
Thank you.
Everyone's at first
Positions, right?
We've got the light.
So he's got to
Be there somewhere.
We're not
Watching the sea.
Simeon: hang on a minute.
Why would we watch the sea?
Sweep the harbor.
Bring up the harbor cameras.
Shift all harbor cameras
To computer, please.
Some of those are out,
Aren't they?
Operator: yeah.
We have 4 of them down,
But we have
The lighthouse cameras up.
All buoy cams, please.
What's happening?
Operator: ok. Long lens,
Short base cameras.
Moses: why are we
Looking at the water?
Operator: pan it,
Will you, please?
Where are you going?
How can he sail?
He's in insurance.
Operator: isn't he
Terrified of the water?
Resume transmission.
Resuming transmission.
I got 2 to 1
He doesn't make it.
Man: hey, i want
A piece of that.
He doesn't make it.
[key tapping]
Just leave 'em
In the car.
Let's get off
This mast shot.
We can't see his face.
Go to the cabin cam.
Cabin cam.
There. Perfect.
That's our hero shot.
Let's get another boat
Out there.
Ok. Listen, gus, i need you to
Talk to the guys on the ferry.
Come on. Get it moving.
Get it out of here.
Gus: come on.
I'm just a bus driver.
Bottom line is,
They can't drive the boat.
They're actors.
How do we stop him?
Ok, uh...
We're going to be accessing
The weather program now.
So hold on to your hats.
You got that?
No. I think we're gonna
Want to localize the storm
Over the boat.
You can get
The coordinates for that.
There's no rescue boat.
He won't know what to do.
He'll turn back.
He'll be too afraid.
There she blows.
[motor stalling]
Come on.
Give me some lightning.
Hit him again!
For god's sake, christof,
The whole world is watching.
We can't let him die
In front of a live audience.
He was born in front
Of a live audience.
You can do it!
Hold on!
Is that the best
You can do?
You're gonna have
To kill me!
What shall we do
With a drunken sailor
On behalf of the studio,
I demand that you
Cease transmission.
Keep running.
What shall we do
With a drunken sailor
Early in the mornin'?
Increase the wind.
Increase the wind!
Continues singing]
I'm telling you
For the last time.
How close is he?
Capsize him.
Tip him over.
Damn you,
You can't. He's tied
Himself to the boat!
Shut up!
He's gonna drown,
And he doesn't even care.
Do it.
Do it!
That's enough.
I want to talk to him.
You can speak.
[over speaker]
I can hear you.
Who are you?
I am the creator
Of a television show
That gives hope and joy
And inspiration to millions.
Then who am i?
You're the star.
Was nothing real?
You were real.
That's what made you
So good to watch.
Listen to me, truman.
There's no more truth
Out there...
Than there is in the world
I created for you.
The same lies.
The same deceit.
But in my world...
You have nothing
To fear.
I know you better
Than you know yourself.
You never had
A camera in my head.
You're afraid.
That's why
You can't leave.
It's ok, truman.
I understand.
I have been watching you
Your whole life.
I was watching
When you were born.
I was watching when you
Took your first step.
I watched you on your
First day of school.
The episode when you
Lost your first tooth.
You can't leave, truman.
Please, god.
You belong here...
You can do it.
With me.
Talk to me.
Say something.
Well, say something,
Goddamn it.
You're on television.
You're live
To the whole world.
In case i don't see you...
Good afternoon, good evening,
And good night.
He did it.
He did it.
He did it!
He did it!
He made it! Yeah!
All right, truman!
Cease transmission.
[taps keyboard]
You want another slice?
No. I'm ok.
What else is on?
Let's see what else is on.
Where's the
Tv guide?