Trust (2010)

I mean, it's pretty
dumb, but whatever.
Look at this.
Oh, my God,
that's so pretty.
I love it. Thank you
so much, Aunt Nicole.
Isn't it
pretty, Brit?
Dad? More decaf?
So, you two. High school.
That's pretty great.
I guess. It's gonna
be sorta weird though.
Our school is kind of a
feeder for New Trier's
so we're gonna know like
a ton of people already.
Here, Annie.
Happy Birthday!
It's like the one you saw
on The Hills, right?
I don't think The Hills are
the role models we were looking for.
It's a bit revealing,
don't you think?
She's fourteen,
you guys.
Yeah, no need
to remind me.
- So. You did great.
- Mmm hmm!
Come on.
Come on what?
Give it to me.
What's she talking about?
It's a heavy box.
It's the new
MacBook Pro.
It's got a four
gigabyte hard drive
What? I know what
that means.
I think you're actually
passing wind at this point.
it's getting
late, Banannie.
Five more minutes, Dad, please?
It's still my birthday.
All right.
Who are you
talking to?
I'm chatting, Dad.
My friend Charlie
from California.
He's a junior and plays
volleyball for his high school.
Ooh, a junior.
Well, he's obviously a very smart kid.
LOL. Laugh
out loud. Right?
Nice one, Dad.
"Parent watching
over my shoulder."
And what is that?
"Laughing my ass off.
Me too."
No, wait.
Dad, can you go talk to Mom about
mortgage payments or something.
All right. Good night,
birthday girl.
Good night.
Love you.
Love you.
All right.
Let's see what you got.
There you go, ladies.
Touch the line.
Make sure you're
touching the line.
Last one.
You're almost there.
Hey, Annie, come here!
This is Serena.
So, you're Peter
Cameron's little sister.
Your brother's
hot as shit.
Uh, thanks, I guess.
So, I'm having a little
party at my house Saturday night
and you, little
Cameron, are invited.
Okay. Uh,
thanks, Serena.
Tell your brother.
ls it deliberate?
NO, not at all.
Hey, honey?
No phones
at the table, please.
Katie, will you take a
picture of me and Peter?
Hey, what did Mom just say?
I was just gonna send a
photo to Charlie, but okay.
So, seriously,
what's this guy's deal?
Well, he's smart.
And funny.
His brother's being recruited
by UC Berkeley for football
and that's where he wants
to go, but for volleyball.
Oh, right.
The girl's sport.
What do his parents do?
His mom teaches
kids with autism
and his dad
works for ESPN.
I don't know,
Sounds like he's got too much
going for him for my likin'.
Yeah, I know
what you're talking about.
I'm looking at them right now.
These are definitely for a
clothing company, right?
So why isn't anybody
wearing a shirt?
No, I'm kidding. Yeah.
They're good. Go with it. Okay. Bye.
Hi, Mom!
Hey, honey, how'd it go?
I made the team!
You did? That's great!
What happened?
Come on.
Where are you?
About time.
Hi, Charlie.
Where's mine, bozo?
"I'm really 20.
Sophomore at UC Berkeley."
Hi, girls.
So did your brother come with?
No, he's packing
for college.
Looks like I wore these for nothing.
Come join us.
We're teaching Alexa
how to give a blow job.
She sucks.
She keeps gagging.
Serena, where's
your bathroom?
We have like six of them.
Go down the hall. You'll find one.
Hi, Dad.
Hey, sweetheart.
You have a good time?
Those girls kinda
freaked me out though.
I-l really want them
to like me, you know?
It means a lot.
Just be yourself
If the Serenas of the world
don't like it, it's their loss.
No, it's
high school, Dad.
If the Serenas of the
world don't like me
I'm screwed.
You get it?
Not really, no.
Sorry, I've, I've really gotta--
Yeah, okay.
ls that Charlie?
Yeah, he has a
big paper due tomorrow.
That picture he sent you is so hot.
He's totally ripped.
Sh. Shut up.
My mom.
I got donut holes.
They're very
good. Here.
Who was that?
- It was Serena and Tanya.
- Oh.
Get anything good?
She told me
to buy a bra.
Oh, really?
Let me see.
- You saved the receipt though, right?
- Mom.
If you think you're ready
for a bra like that
then we'll talk
about it, okay?
Serena kinda made
fun of her sports bra.
- Why?
- 'Cause it totally, like, flattens out my boobs.
She said that guys would
think that I was hotter
if I, like,
had a better bra.
Does, like, Serena say
like all the time too?
Because, like,
you never used to.
You don't have to dumb yourself
down for guys, like Serena.
You know that.
Maybe she thinks that's
all she's got to offer.
Her parents own half of
downtown Chicago.
You get my point
though, right?
Yes, Lynn.
It's a parking lot,
moron. Go around!
Did you get my point?
Yeah, Mom. I get it.
Oh, for the love of--
- Bite me!
- Mom!
Yeah, I'm gonna get the steak sandwich,
medium, with grilled onions.
And can I get a side
of chips, please?
Oh, I'm sorry, we don't--
He means French fries.
Twenty years here, he still
can't say French fries.
I'm gonna have the same thing,
actually, except rare on the steak.
And to drink,
we'll have a bottle of--
'92 Rothschild.
Fantastic selection.
So what are
we celebrating?
So A & A wants to use us.
For everything.
- They liked the campaign?
- Liked?
How 'bout I just got a
phone call from the CEO
that was basically
ten minutes of phone sex.
Hey, let me
ask you something.
How old are you?
- Old enough.
- Oh.
I'm Claire, by the way.
Hi, Claire. I'm AI.
- That's Will.
- Hi.
Please let me know if there's
anything else you need.
Can you stop?
She's nineteen.
One hour.
That's all I ask.
Just one hour
with that ass.
How's Barbara?
Oh, fuck off.
That is so weird.
Peter and I were just doing exactly
the same thing in his room.
Ah, Dad.
Okay. What now?
What? How old
are you?
Why do you keep lying?
Why do you keep
lying to me?
Man, you won't believe
the stuff I'm Finding in here.
I'll say.
You wanna keep these Playboys?
Just kidding.
Oh. Yeah, me too.
What, you packed
'em already?
Yeah, kinda.
You all right with this?
With What?
The whole college thing.
Yeah, I guess.
Don't feel pressured
into doing things
you don't want to do.
Wait. This isn't another
father-son talk, is it?
Oh, Dad, we had the sex talk,
like, three years ago
and I still can't order a salad
with cucumbers in it.
I just don't want you to lose
sight of what's important, like--
Taking responsibility
for my actions
living up to my potential
and personal expectations
staying true to my beliefs.
Basically, being a man?
Something like that.
Relax, Pop.
I got this. Trust me.
God. Come on.
Let's hug it out.
I feel the same way.
You coming in, sweetheart?
It's getting cold.
Hold on a sec.
Um, I'm talking
to Brittany, Dad.
Two minutes.
Okay. Now go away.
How do I know that?
Well, are you
still a virgin?
Good, 'cause that would
have been creepy.
So, um, how old
were you when you--?
Did you set the alarm?
Force Held activated.
Is Annie upstairs?
She's in her room.
Peter's still out.
Amen to that.
You heartless witch.
You're happy he's
going, aren't you?
Two words for you.
Home gym.
His room's gonna look great
with a treadmill in it.
Our poor kid is barely packed and
you're already redecorating.
What can I say?
Except--good riddance!
Oh, for God's--
They're in their room.
Right now?
Just a T-shirt and some underwear.
No. With just the T-shirt.
Okay, it's dark now.
Oh, I guess. What is it?
Is that everything?
Katie, come
give me a hug.
I don't want you to go.
So, I guess I'm gonna
go to college now.
I love you.
Email me, okay?
Okay. Hey,
and check my tweets.
Okay, we gotta go, guys.
We'll see you later.
Bye. Bye, angel. Bye.
Hi. Uh, it's me again.
Where are you? I'm sitting
on the bench just outside.
It's me. Charlie.
Hey, you.
God, I can't believe
it's really you.
Look at you.
You're gorgeous.
Is this a joke?
No, it's me, Charlie.
What's wrong?
You're not 25.
Oh. Well, hey.
Don't get upset.
Annie, please.
Just give me
a chance to explain.
It's me, Charlie.
I'm sorry, I, but--
Okay, all right.
You're right.
I just couldn't think
of a way to tell you.
You have to believe me.
Annie, please. Please?
Don't get upset.
You're killing me here.
Annie? It's
still me. Okay?
Forget the age thing.
All that stuff that we talked about?
All the things that we shared?
It's me. Charlie.
I'm sitting right
here next to you.
Why do you keep
lying to me?
Because of this.
I was,
I was afraid
that you wouldn't be mature
enough to understand.
Annie, when you connect with
someone the way that we connected
when you find a soul mate the
way that we found each other
then nothing else matters.
I thought you were old
enough to understand that.
I mean, you made me think you
could handle this, Annie.
I mean, this
is ridiculous.
I mean,
it's me, Charlie.
The same guy that you've been talking
to every day and every night
for the last
two months.
I love you.
And I don't get why age
has to change that.
Can we just
walk a bit? Huh?
Talk a little bit more.
Just for a couple
of minutes
before I have my long drive
back to the airport?
Come on. Just--
I was just looking forward
to seeing you so much.
I thought we were
friends at least, Annie.
This remind you
of anything?
I was just thinking that.
Your year abroad in London.
All these American students come in.
I saw this girl.
Love at first sight.
Didn't work out.
I ended up with you.
Go ahead, spin it.
The candy's weird.
It's better without it.
Can I have some of yours?
Yeah. You win.
Pistachio rocks.
So Peter
took off, huh?
You must be
so excited.
Yeah, I'm happy
for him.
I'm just gonna miss
him, that's all.
I just hope he doesn't
get caught up
into that whole
fraternity rush thing.
Sounds so stupid.
Yeah, there's definitely some
stupid stuff involved, but
I have to say
I was a Delt
and there were some great
things about it, too.
I met some, some quality guys that
I hope will be friends for life.
Yeah, I just, when he drinks
he kind of loses control.
This one time he tried to text
me the sound of him vomiting.
It's kind of tough to spell.
it's kind of--
I, I don't know.
It's like, "UG,"
I don't know. But...
I just hope he doesn't just
do it to party and get laid.
But, yeah, I guess that's
what college is for, right?
Finding out for yourself,
finding out who you are.
It's just
you amaze me.
You're so intelligent
and sensitive, like
wise beyond your years.
It's just amazing,
that's all.
Want me to teach you the
secret Delt handshake?
You can't
tell anyone.
I won't.
Stick out your hand
like you're
gonna shake mine.
You still mad at me?
No, not really.
Wanna check out
your present?
Oh, yeah.
You said you'd want
one in red, so--
It's sexy, right?
I can't tell you how many times
I've thought about you in it.
It's crazy, I'm so
nervous and excited
to be sitting here with you
finally after all this time.
You look
ridiculously sexy.
No, don't go.
I'm serious.
Come here.
Come sit down.
Have you thought
about us like this?
I know you have because you
told me about it, didn't you?
You don't think
my body's weird?
Are you kidding?
you're gorgeous.
So you're not--
disappointed or anything?
Annie. Annie.
You're perfect.
You take
my breath away.
Can I just--?
No, wait, Charlie, wait.
Hold on.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Charlie, wait.
It's okay, Annie.
Don't worry.
I'm just
taking these off
Oh. Hold still, Annie.
I've gotta take these off too.
That's my girl.
Oh, God.
Look at you.
This is perfect.
How about the boys in class?
They 're okay.
Are they?
Um, we're making
bowls in pottery class, but
mine looks like
an ashtray
which is kind of funny
because I don't smoke.
How 'bout you, Annie?
How's school?
How is it?
He's so cute.
I know.
You should
go out with him.
Did you get my text?
Why didn't you
call me back?
Check it out, Annie.
Your boyfriend.
I told you before.
He's not my boyfriend.
You keep saying that.
Makes me think you like him.
If you're so obsessed
with him, why you fuck him?
- What's your problem?
- Yeah? He's cute!
Pick up, please pick up.
ls this about Charlie?
No. No.
Annie, what happened?
That was him
at the mall, wasn't it?
How old is he?
It doesn't matter.
Annie, wait.
Oh, my God.
It 's not
that big a deal.
We me! up on Saturday.
We had sex.
We're in love.
Oh, my God.
Now just drop it.
I'm serious.
The word ciao
comes from schiavo,
or servant, and was used as--
Sorry to interrupt, uh
mind if I borrow Annie
Cameron for a second?
Worley, why are we going this way?
Oh, it's all right,
Annie. Come on in.
Why don't you
have a seat?
I know, yeah.
Holy shit!
Dude, dude.
No, it's Antigua.
Anguilla is a totally different island.
Honestly, I was hoping
to get the crew
and the equipment
in the same place.
Yeah. Hang on.
Hang on just a second.
Hello. Speaking.
Sorry, I,
I don't understand.
Will. Will!
What happened?
They won't tell me anything.
I just, I just! got here, and I--
Excuse me. Annie Cameron.
We're the parents.
Let me find
the nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron?
I'm Officer Gomez.
Your daughter wants you to
know that she's okay, but
maybe you should
have a seat.
- What's going on?
- What?
We don't know exactly
what's happened.
What we do know so far
is that we think
she was assaulted
by her alleged
boyfriend three days ago.
She hasn't
got a boyfriend.
Well, apparently
on Saturday
she met up with a man
she calls Charlie
at a motel, where she
was sexually assaulted.
The man is at least
Jesus Christ.
Where is she?
She's in an exam room
with the nurse
collecting evidence for the rape kit.
She's okay.
One of the counselors from
the hospital is with her.
I have to see her.
Look, there is a private waiting
room just down the hall--
We have to see her
right now!
We want to see
her right now.
She's having an exam.
You'll see her in a minute.
I'm almost done.
I just need to get one more
picture of that abrasion.
This is fucking insane.
On, baby.
It's okay. We're here.
We're here now.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron,
I'm Gail Friedman.
I'm a counselor
with the hospital.
I'm glad
you're here.
- Annie here is an amazing young woman.
- Gail.
- Ah. This is Special Agent Doug Tate with the FBI.
- Hi.
Well, any time
a crime is committed
against a child
using the Internet
and the suspect
is a traveler
someone from out of
state, they call us in.
Look, Annie, I know
you've had a rough day.
But I need to ask you a couple of questions.
You feel up for it?
Do we have
to do this now?
Trust me, the sooner we start
this investigation, the better.
Gail, do we still have the clothes
she was wearing that night?
- Yes.
- Are they here?
No, they're
at her house.
Okay, I need to get those
from you as soon as possible.
Is that okay?
Yeah, I guess.
Mr. Cameron,
Mrs. Cameron
I would like to talk to Annie alone.
Could you please just--
Look, I've had
enough of this.
This is our daughter.
We wanna be with her.
You've got to
understand that right now
Annie's a victim of a crime and you
and your wife are just witnesses.
That's why we interview
everybody separately
so as not to contaminate
anyone's testimony.
Now if you can just give
Annie and I a second alone
and then I'll come
back to your house
and we can all
sit down and talk.
Fair enough?
So how long
will this take?
Well, it depends if we get enough
genetic material to run a profile.
And if there is,
how long?
Right now, there's
a nationwide backlog.
In Illinois alone, we've
got 2,000 unopened kits
sitting in freezers
waiting to be processed.
Some people have been
waiting a year.
- What? - How is that possible?
We'll run this through
the FBI facilities.
So, two weeks,
a month on the outside.
A month?
Now can I see
the family computer?
- Did you copy the hard drive?
- Yup.
- We'll take that with the evidence down to the lab.
- Okay.
Apart from Teen Chat
were there any
other networking sites
you used to communicate?
No, not really.
Did you guys ever
speak on the phone?
You spoke to him.
Now, you said
his mother was sick.
Yeah. Cancer.
Yeah, okay.
Tell him you feel awful
about his mother
that you really
wanna talk to him
that you lost
an uncle to cancer.
I-I don't know.
You don't know what?
I just don't
wanna lie to him.
What are you talking about,
sweetheart? He lied to you.
What do you think
of writing to him
and just telling him
how you feel?
Yeah, Annie.
Would that be good?
Yeah, I guess.
Okay, good.
Okay, just keep
if simple- Be yourself
Maybe he didn't
even like me.
He didn't.
it wasn't like
that, sweetheart.
The man tricked you.
- Is that him?
- Charlie.
Okay, now, remember,
he's gonna test you
to see if you told anybody.
You haven't, okay?
Tell him that
you're concerned
and a little worried that
he hasn't called. Okay?
Should I?
Yeah, answer
him. Yeah.
A-are, are you
guys tracing this?
It says private.
What do I do to answer it?
Frank, are we good?
We're good.
Annie? Look at me?
Just, just talk to him.
All right?
It's kinda late.
Where are your parents?
They took Katie
to the movies.
Shame on you, Annie.
Charlie, are
you there?
Damn it!
Frank, did
we get it?
Well, that's it.
He's gone.
Why did you
make me do that?
He probably got your
cell number off your website.
Look, I'll
give you a call
when I get back
from the motel.
Tell me something.
Did she yell for help?
I mean, did she scream,
tell him to stop?
Just because she
didn't scream for help
does not mean
this wasn't rape.
Now that guy is 20 years
older than she is.
He groomed her for weeks just
to get her into the motel room
and she's armed with what?
The eighth-grade biology
and the expectation that the
world is a decent place.
I'm gonna fucking
kill this guy.
No, you won't. That's why I'm here.
Now, we will find him.
And what am I
supposed to do?
You go back inside,
you support your daughter
and you let us
do our job.
What, with just five of you
guys working the whole state?
There's gotta be something I can do.
I'm not just gonna stand around and wait--
Mr. Cameron, I promise you.
I put everything
I got into these cases.
You just gotta
give us a chance.
Now, my cell
is on the back.
You call me
if you need anything.
I'll drop you a line tomorrow
when I get back from the motel.
You want me to
sleep with you tonight?
No, I just want
my blanket.
No, please, stop.
Stop, please!
Dad, please help me
to stop him.
Please, Dad, help!
Help me!
No, get off!
Don't Please, Dad, help me, please.
Stop! No!
You all
right, buddy?
Yeah, of course.
If Mrs. Van Dersey
wants the meeting, fine.
But I think that we should
dictate the parameters.
No more of this bullshit.
Is there
any more coffee?
Grab another coffee.
I got you a new cell.
Now, you have
to promise me
that you're not
gonna try and call him
or text him
with this new number.
Remember what Tate
said about the old one
that if he tries to call you on
that, you tell us immediately.
I'm gonna have
to check the bills.
And if I find out that
you've tried to contact him
I'm gonna have
to take it back.
So what? Do I just start
talking like Tony Soprano?
Boy, I hope not.
I'm glad you came.
Yeah, well, my parents
said I had to.
Well, even so,
I'm still glad.
I want this
to be a place
for you to feel
safe and comfortable
talking about anything.
I just wanna
be helpful to you.
You think
I need help?
I think that what you've been
through must be very difficult.
You know, what's
the big deal?
There are girls
at my school
who've had sex
with half the football team.
I lose my virginity
and my parents
make a federal case
out of it.
I think they're
more concerned
that you may have
been in danger
more than anything else.
That's 'cause
they don't know him.
You know,
the thing is
I bet my dad would
really like him
if they'd met,
you know, before.
What is it about him you think
your father would like?
He's sweet, and smart,
and really funny.
And gives great advice and
which, by the way, worked.
I-I made the team
because of him.
You think that's the only
reason you made the team?
Because of his advice,
and not your own ability?
Well, he's older.
He's been playing longer.
What'd you think
about him being older?
At first I thought
he was 16, okay?
And then, all of a sudden
he's 20 and I'm like, what?
And then we kept talking
and I was, like,
what's the big deal?
He gets me, you know?
He's not judgmental.
He's encouraging.
And despite my age difference
he still loves me.
And he thinks
I'm beautiful.
What'd you think
about him
not being honest
about his age?
You know,
Charlie said that
when you connect
like we did
when you find
that soul mate
that's the only thing
to think about.
Don't you believe that when
two people are in love
nothing else matters?
I can understand how strong
those feelings are, Annie.
But, there are reasons why
girls your age and men his
aren't supposed
to be together.
He loves me.
I know he does.
And he's dying
to call me or email me
but he knows it's no! safe
thanks to my parents
and the FBI.
I just--
I just hope he's okay.
What, he go to lunch early?
He went home.
Said he wasn't feeling well.
Will, it's Agent Tate.
I wanted to give
you an update.
Now, look, the motel
didn't give us much.
He paid cash
for the room.
He told the manager
he lost his wallet.
He even ordered a credit
card right in front of him.
The, uh, the cell phone was prepaid.
It was purchased in St. Louis.
He paid cash for that,
too, whoever he is.
So his name's not
Charles Hightower.
Yeah, not that
we can tell.
I found seven of them living
in the U.S. so far
but none of 'em
fit the description.
There 's nothing that even
confirms he's from California
we, uh, we actually traced his IP
address to the Czech Republic.
It seems he's running some
sort of ghost program.
It's a software
that basically bounces
his IP address from
one server to another
all over the world.
Sorry, I don't understand.
What does that mean?
It means he's good
at what he's doing.
But don't worry, don't worry.
This is exactly how it starts.
You need to go on through,
go get your stuff.
Yeah, one minute, please.
What about the car?
Hang up the phone, sir.
It was an airport rental.
He must've swapped the plates.
Look, I'm, I'll have
to call you back. Okay?
Seriously, is
my conversation
that much of a threat
to security?
Thank you, sir.
Is it over?
Yeah, you missed
a pretty good fight.
When they do Real
Housewives of Chicago
I am so auditioning.
Yeah, right.
I talked to Jennie.
Brittany's really upset
you won't call her back.
She was only
trying to help, honey.
Yeah, well, she's a bitch.
No, she's
your best friend.
Best friends don't
narc on each other.
Not like she'll ever
get a boyfriend
but if she does, I hope someone
ruins it for her, too.
Did you get my message?
Yeah, I called
you back
but it went to voice mail.
Did you eat?
Have a look
at this a second.
You won't believe this.
What is this?
This is the National
Sex Offenders Registry.
There's perverts all over
Wilmette, not just Chicago.
See this? All
these red dots.
They're everywhere.
Oh, my God.
This guy here is literally
three blocks away on Linden.
What's going on?
Hi, sweetheart.
Um, come here a second.
I, I need you to do
something for me.
These men are all registered sex
offenders in the neighborhood
that fit the description.
I need you to look
through them.
In case one of them's Charlie.
No. N-- No.
Honey, you should.
One of them could be him.
None of them's him.
Forget the hair and the mustaches.
Just look at the face.
Could any
of them be him?
I said, no.
God, what's
your problem?
My problem is you
were attacked.
It wasn't like that.
Besides, none of them
are Charlie, okay?
Are we done?
Pervert Tracker.
What is this?
It's a group
I met with today.
Supposed to be the best in the country.
They hunt predators.
Today? It says
they're in New Jersey.
You were in New Jersey today?
You got on a plane today
without telling me?
Are you fucking
kidding me?
I swear to God, Will
if you ever get on a plane
again without telling me
I swear to God, I don't
know what I'd do.
I'm sorry.
Honey, you're right.
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna go
check on her.
I've gotta
get out of my house.
How come? What's
happening at home?
You know, they think I'm stupid
for meeting up with him.
Going back to his hotel.
They said that?
My dad looks at me
like I'm an idiot.
He wants to kill Charlie.
That's all he talks about.
Getting his hands on him.
Well, what would you do if
he got in touch with you
have you thought about what
you would say to him?
I just wanna talk to him.
Hear his voice.
See how his mom's doing,
and his little dog.
See how we're gonna
make this work.
I just wanna talk to him
about what happened.
We haven 'I really
talked about that
about what happened
in the motel.
Are we supposed to?
In my experience,
it helps. It really does.
But only if you're ready.
Li 's kind of weird,
you know.
Like it wasn't really
happening to me.
Like I was watching it
from above.
Sometimes when you can't
physically escape from a situation
where you feel frightened
or threatened
you find a way to remove or
distance yourself psychologically.
It's a way
of protecting yourself.
Does that make sense?
Still have ten minutes.
Yeah, well.
I'll see you later.
Chicago has a very
strong sense of history.
Kinda like when they bought Marshall
Fields, turned it into a Macy's.
They lost half
their client base.
It's a fine line.
You want a fresh look
but you don't want to alienate
your loyal customers.
We loved what you
did with A & A
in the tween market.
Well, that was mostly
Will's work here.
Well, I don't know
if that's true
but I'm very happy
to take the credit.
Hi, Jerry.
Look at you.
You're gorgeous.
You really think so?
Yeah. Can't believe it's you.
Did you bring
your stuff?
Hey! Hey! Stop! FBI!
Hey, get that guy!
Go, guys, get him, get him!
Come on!
Actually, there's
a lot of similarities
between your company
and Academic Appeal.
It's just you have a much more
sophisticated client base.
Everybody wants to broaden
their consumer appeal
especially in the tween market.
I mean, it's like
the Holy Grail of--
Sorry, would you just
excuse me a minute?
Look, I'm
really sorry, Will.
So what made you think
he was our guy?
The program he was running
to scatter his IP address
the chat rooms he used.
Mostly, Will, it was
his conversation.
It was the way he spoke.
It was very similar
to the way Charlie chatted.
How do you know that?
I was able to get transcripts
of two months worth of IM chats
between him and your
daughter from Teen Chat.
You're kidding.
No. I'm not.
So when can I see them?
You can't, Will.
It's an ongoing
I'd completely lose
Annie's trust.
Now, I do have
some good news.
The lab was able to extract
enough DNA for a profile.
We're gonna run it through
CODIS, the national database
and if there's a hit
we should know
within a week or two
at the most.
Hey, I'll be right back.
I gotta call in.
Will, what are you
doing here?
I just came
from seeing Tate.
What's wrong?
You're not gonna
believe this.
What? What
is this?
Read it.
What is it?
Just read it.
"l can't stop
thinking about it."
"You inside me.
I get wet when I picture it."
Okay, stop.
Our daughter
wrote this.
"How big are you?
I bet you taste good."
Will, stop it.
"l wanna see it
right now."
Stop it,
Jesus God!
I mean, she's 14.
Where the hell did she learn this?
She's 14, she didn't
make this happen!
Yeah, but we're gonna have
to talk to her about this.
- You are not gonna talk to her.
- But look at it!
Our daughter sounds like
a fucking porn star!
You cannot confront
her about this.
- I'm gonna kill him.
- No.
I swear to God,
I'm gonna find
this animal and I'm
gonna fucking kill him!
Stop it!
Oh, my God.
You're acting crazy, Will.
No, you're not gonna--
You're not gonna read this.
Just leave it alone.
Give it to me.
I'll see you tonight.
Now I need you to bring
that back to me right now, Will.
I'll get it back
to you tomorrow.
You do know it's
a federal crime, right?
I just think I
have a right to know
who my daughter's
talking to.
No, no, no. You are interfering
with the investigation.
You've betrayed your
daughter's trust to me.
She doesn't need to know.
You're not letting me
do my job, Mr. Cameron.
I need you to bring them
back to me right now, Will.
Yeah, I will.
I'll get it back to you.
Oh, you son of a bitch.
Hey, stranger.
This is something, huh?
Oh, yeah, it's great. I feel 80.
I'm fine, thanks.
Hey, great party, man.
Will, come here!
Will. Are you
all right?
No, I'm, I'm, I'm
just feeling, I'm--
S-- Sorry.
Will? Will!
I heard the door.
That was me.
I, I couldn't sleep.
I took a drive.
Well, you scared me.
Will, you scared me.
All right, so,
are you coming up?
In a bit.
What are you doing?
Is this you?
Are you, are you
Sad Little Girl?
What are you doing?
You're posing
as a teenage girl
to chat with men
on line, seriously?
That's what they do.
They showed me.
Oh, my God.
It's a way
of drawing them out.
Good night.
I spoke to Pete today.
He's coming home
for Halloween.
Well, he said he would try.
He's got a lot of work.
But, and he sounds
good. Happy.
You didn't tell
him, did you?
No. But I--
Don't, okay?
Oh, about what?
Remember what we talked
about upstairs, sweetie
about Annie
being hurt?
I'm serious, okay?
How 'bout we go to the
movies this weekend?
Is there anything
you wanna see?
Nothing you'd
be interested in.
Well, try me.
I may surprise you.
Yeah, right.
What does that mean?
Why are you being so mean to me?
What did I do?
I'm not being mean.
Katie, am I being mean?
How 'bout we go on a
bike ride this weekend?
Well, yeah.
Uh, can we also go along the lake?
Yeah. And we can go to that
favorite rock that you like.
You know, you don
'I have to do this, honey.
Yeah, I know.
Well, call me if you
need anything, okay?
Honey? Give me a kiss.
I love you.
See you later.
You're gonna have
to talk to me sometime.
I'm really sorry,
Annie, okay?
I didn't know
what else to do.
You're sorry?
Do you realize
what you did?
You fucked up everything.
Charlie, my parents, everything.
I was scared, okay?
No. It's not okay.
I kept every
secret of yours.
Annie, you're my best friend
and I was worried about you.
"Was." I was
your best friend.
Do me a favor and never
talk to me again.
That was fucking embarrassing
at the big launch party.
Oh, yeah, I know,
I'm sorry.
It was just some personal stuff.
It was nothing.
You're sure?
Because you've been kind
of MIA around here lately.
There just could not be a
worse time to be distracted
while I really need
your head in the game.
What, you don't think
I'm giving a 100 %, Coach?
Well, you tell me.
I put this on your desk a week ago.
Mel's been waiting since Monday
for you to sign off on this.
Well, tell him, then, fine.
Run with it.
You haven't even looked
at it, have you?
What the hell's
going on?
It's Annie.
She was sexually assaulted.
Oh, my God.
I had no idea, Will.
She's fine.
I mean, she wasn't, but she's okay.
They catch the guy?
They're looking for him.
They started with the
crime scene in the motel.
Jesus. She
was kidnapped?
No, she-- She sort
of knew the guy.
I-- I don't understand.
It was someone
she met online
someone she'd been
talking to for a while.
Oh, I thought you meant she was
like attacked, you know. I--
You scared the shit
out of me.
She was raped.
She's 14.
The guy's in his 30s.
I know, I know.
It's just that I was picturing--
Well, you don't wanna know
what I was picturing.
Could have been
much worse.
Hey, can I come in?
I guess. What's up?
How was school?
Was it weird seeing
your friends again?
It was fine, Dad.
Did you see Gail today?
No, tomorrow.
How, how's that going?
Great. I'm cured.
Still no contact
from "Charlie"?
I hate when you do that.
Say his name like that.
It's not his
real name, is it?
What do you want, Dad?
Has there been
any contact?
None at all?
What, you don't
believe me?
You wanna check
my phone?
Would you have
a problem with that?
Yeah, I would.
Why, if there's
nothing to hide
why would that
be a problem?
You're unbelievable.
Take it.
What's your problem?
What is my problem?
My problem is you lied to me, sweetheart.
From the second that you knew he
wasn't 15, you should have told me
and you didn't.
You lied.
Why didn't you come and
talk to me or your mother
and say what was going on?
When you found out
for the first time, what--
What were you thinking?
You didn't know then that
something was wrong?
When you, you met him in the mall
and saw him for the first time
what do you do, you don't call me?
You don't run away?
You get in a car with him?
it's like rule number one.
You know, I'm trying
to understa--
Please just leave me alone.
But talk to me. I--
You're just pissed
you didn't know.
No, that's not--
No, everything
would've been fine
if everyone would've
just chilled out.
- What are you talking about?
- Charlie and me.
Are you out
of your mind?
You're the crazy one!
Checking my phone,
bringing out sickos
on the web.
I'm trying
to find the scumbag!
He's not like that!
You don't even know him!
My God, you're protecting him.
The guy raped you.
And you're protecting him.
He didn't rape me!
Get out, get out of my
fucking room right now!
I hate you. Get out!
Get out!
Get out of my room!
I just wanted to know
how Annie's doing.
You know I can't discuss her
treatment with you, Mr. Cameron.
I'm sorry, but this still
doesn't make sense to me.
She's my daughter.
A minor.
If she needed
an appendectomy
you'd need my signature
for surgery, right?
Therapy is different.
Yeah, but this whole--
None of this makes
sense to me.
And I'm really
starting to--
What's going on?
I cannot stop
thinking about it.
I'm driving my car
whatever, in the office,
in a meeting
and I think about him
on top of her.
The other night I had this dream.
I'd got him.
I was beating
the life out of him.
I was on top of him
and I was punching him
and punching him
and his face was caving in
there was blood
going everywhere
and I could actually
taste it.
I woke up, I found I'd actually
chewed the inside of my mouth.
It's my own blood
I was tasting.
What if they did catch him and they put him in jail him.
How would that make you feel?
Good. Relieved.
Why angry?
Because I'd still
want to rip
his fucking head off
and now I couldn't.
What else are you
angry about?
I'm angry I didn't know
what was going on.
I'm angry that Annie
lied to me.
That I didn't know the extent
of her intimacy with him.
That I couldn't--
Stop it?
We can't control what happens
to us or our loved ones.
What happens when Annie
goes to college?
What are you saying?
People get hurt.
There's only
so much we can do
to protect ourselves,
our children.
The only thing
we can do
is we can be there
for each other
when we do fall down,
to pick each other up.
Can I help you with
anything today, sir?
Hey, Pop!
You look older.
It's only been
six weeks, smart ass.
Yeah, still,
maybe it's, uh
like Einstein's
special relativity.
You know, six weeks to me,
five years to you.
I think I preferred you
with a high school education.
Dude. No way.
I don't want you to hurt yourself.
So how was
the ride in?
Okay. I'm still
a little, ech.
Oh. Big night, eh?
I was off my face,
wasn't I?
Come here.
Jesus, Pop. What is it?
Where are the kids?
Come on, kids.
Hurry up, the food 's gonna be cold.
All right, ready?
it's fantastic.
Look at the
toilet seat cover.
It was her idea.
Let me help you off with your
flippers so you can eat.
No, Mom, that's cheating.
That's not a very
scary mask, Pete.
It is to Grandpa.
Don't get
me started.
He's a socialist.
Oh, Cal, now come on.
No costume, Annie?
This is my costume.
You're not supposed
to wear a penguin
you're supposed
to be a penguin.
Do you want me
to come or not?
Okay. I guess
you can come.
I'm sorry I
didn't get to email much.
You know, things
have been really crazy.
It's no big deal.
No. No, I should have called more.
Checked in a bit.
You know I love you, right?
Did you
kids ever hear the story
about when Grandpa and
I met on Halloween?
He asked me to take
a picture of him
next to this statue
of a werewolf
They've all heard
the story, Susan.
No, no, we haven 't.
Okay, good.
So, he goes up
and he stands
right under it
trying to impress me,
of course.
But it turns out it's just a
guy in a costume, right, hon?
And he grabs Grandpa.
And Grandpa starts
screamin ' like a girl.
- I did not.
- You did.
Annie, honey.
Is that corn cold?
Because I could heat it
up for you, sweetie.
Mm. it's fine.
Annie, you have to try the sweet potatoes.
They are amazing.
Oh, they are, sweetheart, they are.
Just, just have a little. You'll love 'em.
You guys wanna cut
my steak, too?
So, I hear you got
a girl, Pete.
What? No.
No, God, no.
No, it's just this girl
I met at a mixer.
Yeah, she's a DG.
But we 're not-- you know,
we 're just friends.
She's super athletic though.
She plays tennis and lacrosse.
You'd really like her.
But, you know, she's, she's not
my girlfriend or anything.
We just started
hanging out.
Peter, it's okay for you
to have a girlfriend.
It's pretty normal.
Right, Dad?
I'm not sure
I understand.
You don't understand?
Have you guys
had sex yet?
Was she good?
That's enough.
You can tell everybody
about my life
about me having sex and who
with, but I can't ask him?
I asked you
not to tell him.
That's the only
thing I asked.
Thank you, Dad.
I hope you guys
have an awesome time.
please, please stay.
No. No. Let me go.
Okay. Good news.
We ran the DNA
from his shirt
through the national database.
And we actually
found a match.
That's, that's incredible.
So what happens now?
You arrest him?
It's not that easy.
While the DNA is
on the database
it's still a John Doe- We
don't know who it belongs to.
I don't
Well, there were
other cases, Will
three of them, where
rapes were reported.
We were able to recover
genetic material
from the victim
and the crime scene.
The DNA profile
is the same.
It's just that we don't know
who it belongs to.
So he's done this before.
- Yes, he has.
- Oh, my God.
Well, he's had other girlfriends before.
I told you that.
These weren't
girlfriends, Annie.
These were minors
who reported a rape.
Well, DNA can be wrong.
The odds of these four samples
not coming from the same person
are in the hundreds of millions.
It's the same guy.
Now, look. We, uh, we
don't normally do this.
We 're very careful
with victim information.
But I'm hoping there
might be some kind
of connection between
all four of you girls.
Maybe you went to
the same camp together
you shopped
at the same mall.
I can't give you their names
but I was hoping that
you might take a look
at their pictures.
Wait a minute.
I don't know if this is a good idea.
No, no. I want,
I want to. Yeah.
All right, Annie, do
you know this girl?
She's from Cleveland.
She's fifteen years old.
No? Okay.
This is the Milwaukee case.
This photo was taken
about a year ago.
She's fourteen.
Now, this girl was assaulted in St.
Louis seven months ago.
She's twelve.
Oh, my God.
I don't, I
don't know them.
Okay. It's okay.
You did a good job.
Thank you, Annie.
No. I'm fine.
I just need a second.
So you're telling me the FBI's
been chasing this guy for years?
It looks that way, yeah.
Look, on the upside, Will there's
more information for us.
There's more
evidence for us.
The investigation is seeing
a real breakthrough.
I bet the agent in St.
Louis said the same thing
to some family
about seven months ago.
I understand your
frustration, Will, I do
but I'm working as hard
as I can for Annie.
Yeah, but it's
not enough, is it?
I mean, that sick fuck is still out
there grooming other girls, right?
Will, I'm doing all I can.
I'm sorry you don't see it that way.
Annie? Annie!
Did she come
down here?
You okay?
You want something
to drink? Water?
There were other girls.
What other girls?
Tell me what you mean.
Charlie. He had
other girls.
Three of them.
Like me.
There were other
victims, you mean?
He said that I
was special.
That I was the only
one for him.
But if there are
other girls--
They weren't even-- They
weren't even that pretty!
Tell me why it matters.
No. No. No.
Why does that
Because they
were just like me.
He told me, he said
I was pretty.
What's wrong with me?
Why does it mean that
something 's wrong with you?
If he lied to me the way he lied to
those other girls, he never loved me.
He lied so he could
have sex with me.
What, Annie?
Oh, my God.
He raped me.
He, he raped me.
How could I have
been so stupid?
All he wanted-- My God.
All he wanted was--
God, I'm so sorry.
Oh, God.
She's finally asleep.
This guy is one sick fuck.
Will, I'm so worried about her.
I've never seen her like this. I'm just--
He's just destroyed her.
He sent her
a picture of his dick.
Please stop looking at this shit!
What are you doing?
What the f--
What are you doing?
Why are you down here when you
should be up there with her?
You think finding this guy
is more important
that it's gonna make her better?
Do you think that--
Well, it might. Or it might save
some other poor fucking girl.
I want this guy out of my house.
I want him out of my house!
You want me to go up there and
talk to her? I've tried.
She won't fucking
talk to me!
Shut up!
She finally fell asleep.
You'd fucking know that if
you were up there with her.
It's Annie.
It's Annie.
She is in pain.
She needs you and you're just--
You're sitting there
doing nothing!
All right.
Here, here you go.
Look, Vicki's sick.
She can't play today.
You're gonna start
in her place.
I don't know, Coach. I--
We need you, Annie.
Can I count on you?
That's the spirit.
At the net.
Annie! Harder!
Hey, guys. Hi, Lynn.
You having
fun? Yeah?
Dig in!
Nice Set!
Block it!
You having
a good time?
You enjoying this, looking
at all the young girls?
What's that?
You sick fuck!
I'll kill ya!
You fucking shit.
You sick fucking cunt!
I'll kill ya!
Oh, my God!
Dad, are you okay?
What happened?
What are you doing?
I'm calling the police.
Hey, hey, no,
no, there's no need
it's, it's just
a misunderstanding.
Dad, you're hurt.
No, no. Pumpkin, I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'm sorry if I scared you, I'm okay.
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.
It's just a misunderstanding,
that's all.
Okay, can we get the game
going again, please?
How could you
do that to me?
I'm really sorry.
You're sorry?
Gee, Dad, thanks.
That makes everything
so much better.
I lost my temper.
I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry.
Don't you get it?
There 's nothing anybody can say.
My life is ruined.
No, it's not ruined.
We're going through a tough time
but your life's not ruined.
We're going through
a tough time?
We didn't get raped.
We're not the laughingstock
of New Trier. I am!
I got raped. Not you!
I know that.
Nothing 's ever gonna be the same.
I know that.
But, please, can you please stop
reminding me of it every second?
Annie, wait!
I'm so sorry.
For what?
It's not your fault my dad's a psycho.
What? No. I swear to God, I
had nothing to do with it.
Wait, what are
you talking about?
The Internet thing.
Oh, uh--
Oh, my God.
My God.
Will, where have you been?
I've been calling you.
What, what do you mean?
I'm, I'm here. Where are you?
On my way.
ls, is Annie there?
No, I don't, why?
Just-- Brittany called me-
Something 's happened.
Is she there?
What? Annie?
What, what happened?
I-- don't-- just go check, please!
Call me back.
Annie, are you
in there?
Annie, open this door!
Call an ambulance!
How many pills
have you taken?
I'm not really--
Call an ambulance!
Open your mouth.
Open your mouth,
We need, please--
She's taken
too many pills?
Yeah. Come on.
It's all right.
She asleep?
I'm through talking.
Brittany's spending
the night.
Good night.
Are you okay?
You remember the first
time you went in the pool?
You probably don't.
You were two.
Peter was scared to death
the first time he went in.
He screamed and cried so
much, he didn't stop.
He was fine in the
bath, but pool...
Not you.
You were fearless.
I remember.
You were amazing.
Came in with me and almost
immediately started laughing
and playing and
splashing around.
You just had
this confidence.
It wasn't just swimming.
You just had this--
trust--in things, people,
the world.
It was who you were.
No fear.
God, I loved that.
I was so proud of it.
I envied it.
And I was so afraid that you'd
lose it as you grew up.
That confidence.
That faith.
But you didn't.
And then I failed you.
It was my job to make
sure you didn't lose it.
To keep you safe.
What am I if I
can't protect you?
And to see you lose
that confidence
to see you
question yourself.
That the idea would
even occur to you
to want to hurt yourself.
Or for you to think
for one minute
that you weren't
as beautiful--
I don't know if you can
ever forgive me, Annie.
I really don't know
if you should.
But I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Dad. Daddy.
I love you so much.
Dad. Come on.
How much longer?
We just
got here, buddy.
Let's at least pick up some
stuff for the park. Okay?
What a day.
Susanna- Grab some
apples, will ya?
Hey, Dad.
Can I do it for awhile?
Okay. Be careful,
all right, buddy?
Well, hello.
How do I look?
Yeah. Probably so.
Mr. Weston!
Hey, Tyler,
how's it going?
I'm good. How
about yourself?
I'm good.
Uh, Mom, Dad, this
is Mr. Weston.
Hey, very nice
to meet you.
He's my
physics teacher.
Pleasure, pleasure.
Hey, Susanna.
One of my
students, Tyler.
Oh. Hi, Tyler. I'm Susanna.
Nice to meet you.
My wife, Susanna.
And I'm Jennifer.
Hi, Jennifer.
And this is
our boy, Mark.
Hey, man.
How's it goin'?
So, great day, huh?
It is gorgeous.