Ukigusa (Floating Weeds) (1959)

Daiei Co Ltd presents
Producer: Masaichi Nagata
Planning: Hideo Matsuyama
Kogo Noda and Yasujiro Ozu
Photographer: Kazuo Miyagaw
Art Director: Tomowo Shimogawara
Music: Takanobu Saito
Color Consultant: Shozo Tanaka
Ganjiro Nakamura - Machiko Kyo
Hiroshi Kawaguchi - Ayako Wakao
Haruko Sugimura - Hitomi Nozoe
Chishu Ryu
Directed by Yasujiro Ozu
Hello. Hot day, eh?
Good morning
Terribly hot, isn't it?
What are they going to show next?
Look. Kabuki plays
Sword fighting plays?
I liked that strip show last month
Remember that plump girl in pink?
The new show isn't like that
It's a grand kabuki show
This troupe is coming all the way...
...via Okazaki, Kariya
and Cape Chita
Give me a free pass as usual,
will you?
I remember I saw this troupe
years ago, during the war
It was at Yamada Town
I saw this Komajuro
How was it?
He played very well, too
He played Chuya Marubashi
"A pint here and a quart there
"Quite a lot that I'm aware"
Will the boat be late again?
Not that I've heard.
She'll come on the dot
Once in a blue moon, eh?
It's going to be very hot today
- It's overdue, eh?
- No, not much...
At last?
Kayo, you take care of that
Don't bother
Was it yours, Sugiyama?
Don't leave anything
Ready, Roku?
- You too?
- Sorry?
Don't forget anything
Don't forget me. dean
Till from me you hear
Give me one
Give me one
Give me plenty, miser
Say, do you have a sister?
- No
- I do
- How old is she?
- Twelve
Good afternoon
Hang this on the wall, sir
Aioi Za, eh?
Do come to see us
Hey, Brother.
Does it start tonight?
- Yes
- I see
Hello there
I'll come tonight
I'll be expecting you
Master, your wife is here
Good business, eh?
Can I have a match?
Tell me
What's your name?
You big kidder!
- Another sake, Master
- All right
I'll be expecting you
Let's go together, Okatsu
Who'll take care of the customers?
Do come tonight
- Goodbye
- Goodbye
I'll be seeing you
I'm sure he has an open hand
He's an Osaka actor, then?
And an old-timer around here
He once played in our town, too
They say he used to play
at the big Kado Za in Osaka
Is that so?
That means...
Don't move or you'll get cut
My gosh.
Don't you cut me, Aiko
Hey, go away
- Please
- Thank you
What a hot day
It's terrible
Is it your daughter?
Very pretty
Are you helping your dad?
Great of you. Admirable
You can rest assured, eh?
Aiko Ogawa?
Cute name
Listen, Aiko
Are you the only child?
The apple of his eye?
Great help to your dad
Will you marry a barber, too?
Marry someone who's good-looking.
A man like me
Good and kind
What a cute little thing you are!
Very lovely
Give me a cup of tea
- Good afternoon
- We're back
You must be tired
We're back
- Hello.
- You must be tired
It's hot. It's terribly hot
...bring me my kimono
I have to visit a patron
- Welcome
- Oh, welcome
Good afternoon, sir
- I brought this for you
- Oh, thank you very much
The owner's here, Master
Come right in
Thanks for earlier, sir.
Please sit down
It's been a long time
Yes, it has indeed
Yes. It feels great
to be back here again
When was the last time?
Was it immediately
after the surrender?
It was
It's already twelve years since then
That many years?
Time flies
I see several new faces
With the changing times,
you know
My leading lady, Sumiko, sir
I'm pleased to meet you
Nice to meet you
What happened to the man
who played "Bat" Yasu?
You mean Tatsunosuke?
He died at Fukuchiyama
Died? What happened?
It was a stroke
Such a good player.
I'm so sorry
And this is his daughter,
who was just a kid then
Grown up into a fine young woman
She used to be
just like a Chinese nut
What's a Chinese nut?
A peanut
What do you want, Kimura?
I'm leaving now.
Anything else?
Do your stuff
Flat rate, as you said?
That'll be fine
Next stand?
Yes. Shingu Town, Kii
I see
So long, Master
Mr. Marudai's present, Master
In witness of it...
...give us your hands
Once more
Once more
Is that the leading man?
He seems pretty old
Good afternoon
Give me a sake
- I'll put money here
- Thank you
I knew you'd come.
I saw the parade
How have you been? All right?
Come right in.
It's much cooler in here
Thanks. Thank you very much
I'm glad to see that you're fine
- You too
- Thanks
Twelve years have passed
It must have been so hard.
So many years
You had sore shoulders last time
All right now?
Had I?
You told me
the pains were killing you
Did I?
It's OK now
It's very breezy here
Sorry to bother you
Not at all
Thanks. Thank you very much
How is Koyoshi? All right?
Finished high school last year
You wrote that to me
Did I?
He's working now
- Where?
- Post Office
To save money
He's keen to study
electronics at school
But then I'll be all alone here
And you'll be lonely
- But he's saving up for schooling
- Is he?
I'd hate to discourage him
I know
Tell me
What does he know?
I mean... about me
Does he think
that his father is dead?
And that I'm only your brother?
Pretty flowers
Don't you feel sort of lonely?
About what?
About Kiyoshi
I can't help it
I'm not worth my salt
Let's not talk about it
Forget it.
Let it remain that way
I'm sorry for you, though.
Forget it
- Have a drink
- Thank you
Forget it
That's Kiyoshi
Welcome home
Oh, hello, Uncle
I should have come home sooner
- Are you working?
- Studying with the postmaster
How you've grown up!
He's of conscription age
A first-grade conscript, no doubt
He sure has grown up
No wonder we're getting old
It's years since we last met
How long are you staying?
As long as my show draws.
A year, maybe
It can't draw that long
It will
- Is this your work?
- Yes
- What's this?
- Don't tamper with it
I'll go and see your show.
What do you play?
Forget it. It's not meant for you
Who is it for?
The audience
- I'm one of them
- I know
It's nothing sophisticated. Forget it
Why put on such plays?
Do something better
But I can't
Why not?
Today's audiences
don't understand good plays
So you shan't come to see it
Last time we went fishing together
- What fish bite now?
- Well...
- It doesn't matter. Let's go again
- It's hot
I don't mind. Let's go, shall we?
How about tomorrow? A Sunday?
- Shall we?
- Sure. Let's go
Is it a date?
He sure has grown up
- Is it warm enough?
- Yes
Very logical. He argued me down
Really? What did you argue about?
He's becoming very wise
Very brainy
Welcome, two good patrons
- Tetsu
- Yes?
- Sadahachi
- Well. Boss?
"This is our last night in Mt Akagi
"I'm leaving my home village
of Kunisada...
"... and my territory
"I have to leave you, too,
my loyal men
"This is the last
of my Kunisada group
"To think of it...
"... the breeze sounds lonely
"A flock of geese...
"... flying to the south
"The moon is setting
behind the western hills
"Where shall I go now?
"Where my legs will carry me...
"I'll be roaming aimlessly
to the end of the world
"That's Brother Enzo
"Stout-hearted as he is...
"... he must feel lonesome
to leave home
"You, noted sword...
"... thoroughly tempered by
the famous Yoshikane of Kaga...
"... and cleansed in the brook
from the perpetual snow
"You, at least, my right will guard
"Though all the world betrays me,
you'll be with me, faithful one
"The geese are flying away
"The crow must lament for me"
Great performance
The barber's daughter
Which one?
Do you see an old dame
with a towel on her head?
Behind her.
Munching on a bun now
What a big mouth she has!
Which one is your find?
Is she here?
She's out there.
That one
The one who's smoking now
She's cute
A real find, too.
And mine?
Your girl isn't here
She's cuter, mind.
Not my taste, though
Really? I can't wait...
Watch out
They may see you
They liked it, eh?
Full house?
Not very...
...for an opening
It'll work. I'm sure
Do you think so?
Remember the last stand?
Why are you
so pessimistic these days?
Don't you worry
And mark my words
I'm sure
Where do you go after that scene?
I climb down the mountain
And after climbing down?
Don't you see?
I come straight to you
No kidding
I'm not kidding at all
Here he comes
- Hello
- Come in here
It's hot, eh? It's sticky
Where's my girl?
Don't worry. She'll come
Come to see the Master?
He's gone out
Let's have a drink
Hurry Yae, your man's impatient
Hello, darling. How's the big boy?
- This one?
- Your taste
Just joking
No good?
- Stop joking
- What are you talking about?
Look at me
I'm freezing to death
Have a drink, then
You're awfully reliable, Kichi
Nice man
You son of a...
I'm on the spot. Am I sad?
- Why so sad?
- Shut up
- My mama's dead
- Really?
I'm catching a chill
Get warmed up
- Welcome
- Hi
Doing your stuff?
Hi, come in
What's your name?
Cute name
A real find, Senta.
Have a good time
I'll be seeing you
- So long
- So long
Do come again
Hey, Senta. Brace up
"Though all the world betrays me"
Give me sake. Hurry!
Oh, you big hunk
More sake sold, Master
All right
- Hello
- Where's your dad?
He's out now
Out? It's hot, eh?
Did you come to see him?
Well, not exactly
I came to see you
I'm serious
Just feel how my heart is thumping
Mama! Mama!
What is it?
What happened?
What do you want?
I wonder if I can have
my face shaved
Aiko, go inside
Come over here
I'm afraid I haven't much beard yet
I may not need a shaving
I think not
Sit down
Thank you
They don't bite at all, Uncle
Be patient. Take your time
You'll get sunstroke.
Put this on your head
I'm OK
I think you overdid it
I'm afraid your performance
was too hammy
It was all right
But that character
is unrealistic, isn't it?
What's that?
It's too unreal
Don't be silly
He's a man of old times
You don't understand.
A fossil
What are you talking about,
wise guy?
My audience likes my performance...
...whether it's hammy or not
You lack progressive spirit
Stop talking about the theatre
...I've lost my bait again
I hear you want to go to college?
Nothing better than studying
But your mother will be lonely
Doesn't matter
It does.
Imagine how she'd feel
Think of her
She approves of it... it doesn't matter
Yes, it does
Don't make her cry.
She's a good mother
Aren't you clumsy?
Is the bath hot enough?
It was. I'm done now
Fetch some water
I feel so refreshed
- Master isn't back yet?
- No
Where did he go?
- He went fishing
- Fishing?
Yes. I was having my face shaved
at the barber's
I saw him pass with a young man
A young man?
Didn't you know?
A mail clerk,
I saw him in the mirror
What happened to your face?
I got cut at the barber's
Take a bath, Kayo,
as the Master is late
Well... then...
Eat, folks. Supper's ready
Get up Grandpa, and eat
You're back
Where have you been?
I was with the boys
Good catch?
Did you catch many, Kichi?
And he caught a swellfish.
A great big puffer, too
- A good catch
- We enjoyed it, eh?
See you later
- Were you really together?
- With whom?
- With the boys
- Yeah
- Where did you go?
- Fishing
I see.
Who was the young man with you?
One of my patron's sons
A mail clerk?
Who told you that?
Never mind
I don't
Who told you?
You seem worried
- Why? It's strange
- What is?
Are you feeling guilty?
About what?
Ah, I see. You're jealous
Stop it, silly, stop it
Why should I fool around
when I have you?
I'm an old man, silly
I'm not young any longer.
You know me. Don't you?
You old sinner
You must know something
Why don't you tell me?
I won't quote you... anyone
What do you know?
Speak up
Watch out, Masa!
You've known the Master for years
You ought to know
You came here with him
before my time
So tell me.
I'm begging you. Please
I can't help it
Can't help what?
What can't be helped?
And why?
He's bound to see...
...his old flame
Just what I thought
Who is she?
What is she?
What kind of girl?
What does she look like?
Better ask Robusaburo
He knows her too?
I see
And Roku knows about it too?
- Can you stand this, Master?
- Stand what?
Such an empty house
Why did we have to come here?
What is it, Roku?
She's out there
I see
- Where?
- That one
In front of that pillar back there
With a fan
Thanks, Roku.
I'll buy you a drink
What an insult!
What's up?
It's terrible
What are you grumbling
about so tediously?
You can't help en empty house,
when it's empty
Is that rain?
It's raining, Master
Gosh, misfortunes
never come alone
Swift is Heaven's vengeance!
What are you hinting at?
Stop complaining
You're tedious
I have enough of a headache already
Serves you right.
I knew this would happen
Hey! Behave yourself!
Wait a minute
Let me see
- Are you sure?
- Yes
Wait a sec.
What shall I do? Wait a sec
No, I can't
Whoa, whoa
I have a dilemma
Suppose I dodge
You'll come...
No good, either
Hurry up, will you?
Hurry up
Hold your jaw
Good afternoon
Give me a sake
- Tell me...
- Yes?
Is Master Komajuro
from my troupe here?
Yes, he is
I'm anxious to see him
A visitor
Wait here,
as I'll defeat you this time
I don't mind fixing a game for you
What are you saying?
I was pleasing you, mind
Don't mess with the men
What do you want?
What is it?
I can't come here?
So the proprietress here
was your important patron?
Where are you going?
I must thank your patron
Don't stop me
I must thank you
for your attentions to him
Thanks so much
Don't fake ignorance
Go away!
Get going!
Hey, you. Are you her son?
Hey. Stop it
Who's your father?
What is he?
Why are you so flustered?
A nice son you have
Eh, Madame?
I must tell them something!
Let me go! Let go!
You fool! Prize fool!
Let me go! Let go!
Be sensible, you fool!
Sensible, no way!
How dare you interfere!
You meddler!
You have no say in their affairs!
What's wrong with me seeing my son?
My own son!
Any objection?
Say so, if you have any!
You can certainly dish it out,
can't you?
Shut up, you lousy...!
How dare you!
You ungrateful...
Forget about Okaya?
Who got you out of the hole?
And at Toyokawa, too!
Each time you were stranded,
you begged me!
Where would you be without me?
Each time I had to appeal
to the impresario on all fours!
- Remember all that!
- What!
You impudent, ungrateful brute!
Shut up!
Who are you?
Remember who you were!
You were a common whore!
You fell for me
and came to me a-begging!
Who trained you
into an actress, remember?
You ungrateful wretch...
...lower than an animal!
You big fool, you!
I can get along all by myself...
...without any help from you!
Don't make me laugh, fool!
Fool, you say?
You took the word out of my mouth!
How dare you!
I talk! So what?
All right!
I'm through with you!
I forbid you to come into that house!
My son is different from you, mind!
He belongs to a higher race!
Don't forget that!
You lousy...!
What are you talking about?
You fool!
Fool! You fool!
Stop making noises samurai!
What's the matter?
It's practically empty
A miserable failure
We'll be stranded
Buddha help us
Listen, Kayo
I want you to do me a favor
Like what?
A young man is working
for the Post Office here
A good-looking boy named Kiyoshi
Yes? And what about him?
- What's this?
- Keep it
Go and see this boy...
...try to come on to him
To him?
He'll fall for you, I'm sure.
Do that for me
I'm sorry, I can't
I'm being serious, Kayo
But I don't even know him
Very well
All right.
If you feel that way
But, you know...
Forget it!
I don't know if I could succeed
You can
I know you can
I have yet to find a man...
...who wouldn't say "yes" to you
You really think I can?
I might fail
You won't
Tell me... Why?
Just try
To see how good you are
Keep the money
OK. Thanks a lot
Tomorrow, then
I'll try, then
A telegraph blank, please
- And a pencil
- Here's a pencil
I can't write with a pen.
I saw you on stage
You did?
Your name is Kiyoshi, isn't it?
How do you know?
A little bird told me
Here, dispatch it
"Come outside to see me"
"Come outside to see me"
- To whom?
- To you
Take over here a moment
Come to the theatre
after the show tonight
I'll be expecting you
I'll be back soon
Where you going?
To the Post Office
Give me a bowl of noodles
I'm glad you came
I thought you couldn't come
You're trembling, aren't you?
Me too
The sky's as blue as a tragedy
Don't be silly
I want to eat a big cutlet
I'm so hungry
Oh, for a fried lobster
and a bottle of cold beer
With an electric fan turning
Many are actually eating some now
That girl at Handa, remember?
She wrote me a letter
I got one, too
The one with a mole?
I got one myself
So we're three brothers, eh?
My gosh
I saw that barber's daughter
Stop it, will you? She's no good
Forget her
By the way,
why is the Master so easy-going?
Where does he go every day?
I see him stepping out every day
I don't know.
No wonder Miss Sumiko's worried
What became of the manager?
No news from him yet
No news is bad news
I fear he's run away...
...or else he'd be back by now
What if he fails to come back?
We'll be stranded again
Look at that plane
Come over here and drop us
a dozen bottles of beer
Can we afford to see each other
every day like this?
What about your work?
I'm on leave. And you?
The show's ended
Why did it flop like that?
We'll have to part for good soon
What will we be doing
this time next year?
Stop talking like that
You'll be married, I believe
Of course not!
Why not?
What about you?
What do you think?
Please. Don't
Why not?
Nobody's looking at us
You mustn't
But why not?
I'm not such a good girl
I'm not good enough for you
Don't be silly
At first...
...I was going to seduce you
I knew nothing about you
Miss Sumiko asked me to see you
I was anxious
to make you fall for me
It doesn't matter how it began
It doesn't matter at all
You love me, don't you,
like I love you?
Please. I tell you
You mustn't
You mustn't care for me
What became of the manager?
It's terrible
We mustn't avail us too much
of the impresario's kindness
It's awful
It's good when it's good
But when we get stranded...
...a terrible profession
Isn't Kiyoshi late?
Why is he coming home this late?
He must be with the postmaster
He's been late a couple of nights
He can't help it, then
I'll have to go away soon
So I want to see him while I can
What a lot!
You'll be lonely again
Is the next stand Shingu?
According to my schedule, yes
I'm not sure now
I've always wanted
to visit Shingu again
But no relative of yours
lives there now, I fear?
Even the Tsukinoya Inn
is run by someone else, I hear
Nothing's constant under the sun
It's the way of the world
Tell me, who is that woman?
That woman who came here
Oh, that one. She's no good
Forgive me
My error
I should have known much better.
But by mere chance...
- Darling
- What?
Do you think I'm jealous?
I know better than that
I know you're a fast worker
Ouch. Do you mean it?
Forgive me
By the way, don't you think
she might talk to Kiyoshi?
About what?
That you're his father
I don't think so
She shan't come here again
But she might see him
That would be terrible, yes
But I don't think she will
You mean... want to remain as his uncle?
That's right
He mustn't know,
or he'd be unhappy
Forget it
I'll remain his uncle for life
Wait a minute
Where have you been?
Come with me!
Come this way
Tell me...
...who were you seeing?
Who was he? Speak up!
When did you first see him?
Speak up, wench!
Are you deaf?
Never mind who I was seeing.
Leave me alone
What are you trying to do to him?
Swindle him?
You think so, Master?
Don't change the subject!
I know what someone like you
would try!
Do you have an excuse?
Speak up, if you have one!
It's only natural...
...that you should think so
Even Miss Sumiko at first...
...paid me to persuade me
What did she persuade you to do?
Tell me what she told you to do!
Forget it. It doesn't matter now
Speak up! Or else!
Or I'll break your arm!
She asked me if I'd come
on to that young man
Sumiko asked you to do that?
She did?
Do you mean it? Are you sure?
Is it true?
All right!
Bring her here at once
Hurry up!
Bring her here!
Right away!
You wanted me?
Come over here!
What is it?
What are you doing?
You filthy...!
You want to ruin my son?
I told you to lay off, didn't I?
I didn't do anything
A great boy he is.
Having an actress for a mistress
Don't call him names, you!
Like father, like son!
Are you angry now?
Serves you right
The world is a wheel
You can't always be lucky
I want you to remember that!
Remember it yourself!
You slut! You fool!
I don't want to see you again!
Go away!
- Wait a second
- What! Let go!
Do you hate me as much as that?
Don't you see why I had to?
You kept the truth
about that woman from me
Feel for me!
Now we're even
Let bygones be bygones
and come round
Let's be friends again
We're stranded.
Let's not quarrel now
Shut up. There's no point
After all you did!
I'm through with you!
Master! Wait!
The fool!
The slut!
Why are you so quiet tonight?
What is it?
It's terrible
Pull yourselves together
Get me another drink
- Do you have money?
- No problem
Eh, Sister?
- Me too, then
- Me too
- Do you have?
- What?
You know I don't.
Don't make me blush
Do you agree?
Terrible guy
Don't paw me like that,
you terrible man
I'm not doing anything
What are you talking about?
Let's get out of here
Where are our drinks?
No money, no drinks
...why is the Master
lingering on like this?
That manager will never come back
I know.
That's why I've been thinking
- About what?
- Forget it
What's on your mind?
Tell me
Have you ever done that before?
Yes, once.
With Ohmi & Company
I see. Me too
- And you?
- What?
Not so loud
Let's go before it's too late
We can use the money
in the Master's purse
I won't
Listen. Why must we
be loyal to him endlessly?
I disagree with you!
Yes, sir!
Though I won't stop you
Not so loud, please
I have a penetrating voice!
Though I won't tell on you
Shall we drop the idea?
Maybe we should
Yes, of course
Why trifle with the Master?
After owing him so much!
A man who is ungrateful... not a human being at all
You guys disgust me!
I never realized...
...that you two were such bad boys
After being together for years
I'll really be mad!
I know how you feel
It was ungrateful of us
to think of it
Yes, I guess it was
Now, Kichi.
We've changed our minds
So come round
Drop your silly ideas...
...and try to live like human beings
Very well. I'm sorry
Let's drink
Give us three drinks, will you?
Do you have it?
Don't worry
Preparing for the worst,
I'd put this aside
So you have a nest egg?
Is that all?
A paper charm
against pickpockets too
Get us three drinks
Here she is
Get me a drink
Make it hot
Here's an angel
Evening, Miss Sumiko
So you've been here, boys
No news from the manager yet?
No, nothing
Chances are
he won't come back anymore
What a bad fellow he is!
Where are our drinks?
What about this?
What do you think?
What do you say?
Is that all you can do?
This is the best we can do
That's the very best, mind you
I see
Only that much
Can't help it
Enough for railway fares
Very well
Let's do it again
Was the camera
all you were robbed of?
And a lighter
Kichi owes me lots of money
Too bad for the Master.
He had his purse stolen
What a terrible fellow.
I'll kill him if I see him
I got sort of suspicious of him
He'd never been straight, either
That's right
He even stole my charm
against pickpockets!
He stole all I had.
Terrible fellow!
Tell me, Sensho
What is your plan for the future?
What is to become of us?
Your cup is empty, Yatazo
Thank you, sir
How about you?
I must ask your forgiveness...
...for this situation
But every cloud has a silver lining
I'll inform you
when I make a new start
I want you to join me,
if you're free then
Where are you planning to work,
My brother-in-law is running
a pickle shop at Hamamatsu
I see
And you?
I'll go and see my former employer
He may hire me again
A bath-house owner, isn't he?
Yes, he is
Those who can quit the stage
had better do so
You say you'll go to school again?
Yes, sir... a working student if possible
We're going to be broken up...
...but I want you
to remember me sometimes
We've had hard times...
...but we've had good times, too
Let's go merrily. This isn't a wake
Good idea. Yes, let's
Why don't you join us, Miss Sumiko?
This is a farewell party
- Please, Miss
- Come here
Please sit here
- What happened to Kayo?
- What happened?
Play merrily, auntie
...why can't you
be nice to Miss Sumiko?
Well, old Sensho...
...and you, Roku
We've been together
for a long, long time, haven't we?
Yes, sir
He's speaking to you
We've been through thick and thin
I'm afraid I was rather strict
with you sometimes
We've been together for many years
Forgive me...
...if I was
What happened, Grandpa?
We're in a mess
What happened?
We've broken up
My goodness. Really?
The impresario tried to help me up...
...but it was in vain
He's been very kind to me
Why don't you come in?
Where is Kiyoshi?
Weren't you with him?
No, I wasn't
A young person came for him
with your message
- A young person?
- A girl
And he went out?
Yes, with her
What's the matter?
This is terrible
What is it?
...he's ruined, I'm afraid
What happened?
What did he do?
This is horrible
What in the world did Kiyoshi do?
Tell me!
A penny for your thoughts
Are you sorry?
Of course not.
I brought you here
- But...
- But what?
It was my fault
We shouldn't have come
You must never have dealt
with a girl like me
I'm not good enough for you
The Master must be angry
Why do you say that?
My uncle has nothing to do with it
You told me you wanted to go
to college and study, didn't you?
Good idea
Do so by all means...
...or else you'll be sorry afterwards
Then you're sorry?
I needn't go to college
I think I'll take you to Mother
She'll consent to our plan
- Even if she won't, I'll...
- Please
Drop that idea
Go home like a good boy.
Go home to your mother
Do so by all means
What for?
We're to part.
To break up for good
What will become of you?
The troupe's been broken up
Forget it.
Forget about a girl like me
I can get by, some way or other
Don't be silly!
Go home, for mercy's sake
I beg you to
Please go home... Please...
Where did he go, anyway?
Like father, like son
Fast worker
I didn't know that
I thought he was
better than me at all points
I'm afraid...
...I was too optimistic
about the whole thing
I'm beaten hollow this time
All my plans have gone to pieces
Listen, darling
You're imagining too much
Look here...
...what can you expect
when he eloped...
...with a girl like this?
I mean it.
I'm disappointed in him
But, darling...
...I'm sure he'll come back
He's not a bad boy
He'll come back
Think so?
You think he'll come home?
What if he won't?
I know, yes...
...I know
But young people today
are so rash and reckless
He'll come back
He's bound to come
When he comes home,
why don't you settle down?
Darling, tell Kiyoshi the truth
He's old enough to understand
He'll find out one day
He's bound to find out in the end
Had we told him before,
this wouldn't have happened
Please. Tell him everything
I beg you to. Tell him
And make this place my home?
I wish you would
- Shall we?
- Will you?
Thank you. Very much!
He'll be delighted
...where can he be now?
Do you want a drink?
- Why not?
- I'll make it hot
Here he is!
Where have you been?
Answer her
I want you to meet someone
What is it?
Why, you!
How dare you show up here?
You fool!
I'm sorry, Master
I'm the one who's sorry. You slut!
Don't, Uncle
She's apologizing
How dare you
worry Mother like this?
Don't scold him so
Shut up!
They're gluttons for punishment!
- Slut!
- Stop, Uncle
Don't! Please!
- What?
- What!
Do you know who this is?
He's your father. Your real father
Apologize to him!
I see. Just... I thought
Mother... told me my father had died
when I was a baby
I believed it. I still believe it
I don't want a father at all
Not in my life
...he didn't want you to know...
...that you were
an itinerant player's son
How come? Why?
He wanted you to study hard...
...and become somebody
So he worked hard...
...and remitted
your schooling expenses
That's enough
- Stop it
- But...
Say, Uncle...
...why show up all of a sudden?
Mother. Tell me that now?
You two are selfish
I don't want a father
Go away
Out with you!
Get going!
Forgive me
I knew nothing about it
I'm afraid he's right
Very natural, too
One can't suddenly
show up out of nowhere...
...and exert parental authority
But, darling...
...why talk like that?
On second thought,
I decided not to settle down
It would be better...
...much better for us all
But Kiyoshi isn't
mad at you any longer
You see...
...I'm going to turn a new leaf
Let me part tonight
as his uncle, as before
Next time I come back here...
...I'll be a good actor
he can be proud of
Let me look forward to such a day
Yes, such a day will come
But, darling...
Then celebrate my success
and rejoice for me
Take me with you
I'll work hard to help you
I can't part with you like this!
Master, I'm begging you...
...take me with you
Did you hear her?
Very pathetic of her
Be good enough
to look after her as well
I'm sorry I scolded you
Forgive me
Help Kiyoshi to make good
I'm counting on you
You understand? Oblige me
Kiyoshi! The Master!
Go see him!
Hurry up!
See him! Hurry up!
Will you hurry!
Where's Uncle? Where is he?
What's happened to Uncle?
Your father?
He's left for the road
Don't stop him
Leave him alone
Each time Father
came to this town...
...since you were a baby...
...he left this place
with such a sentiment
It's all right...
...only if you can become
somebody in life
Where are you going, Master?
Give me a light
Tell me...
...where are you going?
I'm at a loss where to go now
Do you have a plan?
You do? Tell me
Where are you going?
Kuwana Town
Which impresario?
Mr. Kaneyoshi may
give me a chance, I think
Can I go with you?
I happen to know
Mr. Kaneyoshi very well
You don't want me to go with you?
I'm taking a chance
Shall we try?
Yes, let's try. Good idea
Shall we?
Sure. Yes, let's try
Very good!
Two tickets to Kuwana
Don't forget your baggage
How do you like it?