Union Bound (2019)
Think well ever see freedom again? End of this war? We were supposed to be exchanged, not sent to another prison. I suppose so. This aint no way to be treating men. Keeping us pinned up like livestock. This aint no war I signed up for. What kind of war did you sign up for Robert? What is a state with southern hospitality? I tell you what... ImuchpreferVirginiatothis. A lot of them down here can rot in hell for all I care. Whydontwegetoutofhereand showthemwheretheycanputit. What hospitality are you expecting? We are prisoners. No offense friend. Just trying to break up the tension of the situation here. Does feel nice to stretch our legs... Dont you think? So to speak. WellbetterthanAndersonville. You got a name? Of course, dont we all? Thomas J. Ryan, Corporal. Seventeenth man in Volunteer Infantry. But please... Call me Tom. You boys? Im... Im Robert Spencer, Private. This is... Sergeant Joseph Hoover. Were both with the 121st New York Volunteers. Nice to meet you. Look... I was the only one from my company who was captured in our particular conflict, and on the account of some unfortunate gambling debts... I didnt make it out of Andersonville with too many friends. This sounds strange to say, but uh... Id feel better if I had some friends, while were in here, ya know? Maybe we can help each other out. I suppose so, thats alright with me. Joseph? You ok with that? Reckon so. Good deal. Good on ya boys. Awesome. Great guys. You wont regret it. Come on, come on. See... My tent. I won this. You any good... At gambling? Oh yeah, Im the best. There are no good gamblers. Hmm. Where yall boys from? AndersonvillefromwhatIhear. They treatin ya good there? Dont worry, well treat ya good here too Yanks. As long as yall behave. Keep moving you Yankees. Boys, welcome to Florence Stockade. I see a spot. Follow me. Its right there. Its closest to the woods. Were going to have to act quickly, may not be long before the stockade is finished. Tom you fool, look how many guards there are. Its worth a chance. Chance to get killed. I wont be shot on the count of you boys. Come on. Right here. Thats a nice book you got there. Diary? That paper can fetch a real good price in here. More than those newspaper shreds youve been trading. Itsnotfortrade,orforsale. Never said it was. You hear them whistles? Raiders. I figured so. Just like Andersonville. Sounds organized. Suppose theyre feeding on the weakness and fears of other prisoners. Weve got ourselves a runner! Might want to keep that diary close. You never know who might be interested in getting their hands on that thing. Sounds like someone werent so lucky. You find anything? Quiet, keep a look out Hey! Alright, hes coming to. Joseph! You alive? You alive, Joseph? It looks that way. Ha, lets get you up. Here. How you feelin? Like there is an artillery battery in my head. Well that aint a surprise. You tried to block that raiders club with it. Who taught him how to fight anyway. Tom, just leave him be. Josephhadhimselfarightrow. Yea, and where were you? Leave me to protect the tent all by myself. Protect? Tom, you were sleeping. Did they get off... Did they get off with anything? No. No they didnt. After that one clubbed you down... I laid into him, I laid into him hard Joseph. He put up quite a struggle. Must have been Irish tough from New York City. Probably one of those Raiders we heard whistling the other night. New York Bastard. The loyalty. Anyway... We pulled this off of him. Thought you might not want to get rid of it just yet. Thank you, Tom. Youre welcome buddy. Drink up. Im gonna finish my nap. Ive been thinkin... What we need is trickery. What? Trickery. Ya know, like an ace up your sleeve. We need to find a way to steal ourselves right outta this camp. What ace? You seen that line of confederates, right beyond the perimeter? Yea, what about em? Well... There is another line 20 paces after them, and another one 20 paces after that, and so on, and so on... Day and night. You heard the gunshots. Mentryingtomakearunforit. Which is why we need the trickery. What has gotten into you Tom? This is not Andersonville, but we are far from freedom. Theyre building our new stockade as we speak. Aint no amount of trickery thats gonna get us out of that one. Even so... Weve been here four days now, and Ive been watching. Just as well as either of you boys. The Greybacks have got this camp covered. Dying is the only way were getting free before this war is over. I dont know... I have an idea. Wegetacaseofthequickstep. Hm, enough of your tomfoolery. Dysentery? Okyouofficiallyhavegonemad. Are you an idiot, of course I dont mean it literally. What is literature have to do with dysentery? Its just for pretend. Well be close to the woods. The Reb guys dont watch that area too close. Sowepretendwelikedysentery? That this camp and stockade are just lovely accommodations, andtheyrejustgoingtoletu. No, no we pretend that we have been taken by the dysentery to get us into the hospital. You see it? Its that white building right over there. Quickstep is the trick. We get into the hospital, well be closer to the woods. The Rebs dont watch that area too close. You get it? Yea, I just... Dont know why you didnt say that from the beginning. Give me that. Weve taken ill. We need a hospital. Yall look fine to me. Its dysentery. I got terrible pains in my stomach, and this one, hes feverish. And what about you? Its uh.. Hes terrible. Hospitals full, aint anymore beds. Yea, well even so... We need to be seen. With the three of us taken ill... You dont want to be responsible for causing an outbreak for the whole camp, do ya? Mr. Cooper. I got to take these boys to the hospital. Come on. I told you the hospitals full. We cant take take no more of em. These boys have dysentery, cant stay in camp. This way. We dont have enough room for ya but for now you can make yourselves as comfortable, bestu can. Few of these poor men are boundr beds. Outhouse is through that door. Now mind the guards youll be watched and they dont like. Illbebacktocheckinonya. What do we do now? WhatkindofsergeantareyouJ? Waiting around f. We wait for an opportunity. Walter? Is that you? No sir I-Im Joseph. What are you doing here? I think youre confused. Thats alright, its good of you to come at least and attend to me. Theyre gonna fix you up real good. Youll be alright. You always were the optimist. Walter Im dying. Have you made your peace with God? No, Ive met God, I wish momma was here. Im not your momma but I am a woman of faith. Close your eyes andpraythissimpleprayerwit. Heavenly Father, dont be afraid. Heavenly Father Iwanttomakepeacewithyou. I want to make peace with you. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. I repent of my sins. I repent of my sins. Today, Today, I will receive your son Jesus, as my savior. I receive Jesus, my savior. Amen. Amen. Thank you maam. Im glad I was here. Do me a favor, will you? Tellmymomma,tellherImsor, TellherIdischargedoutofmy. Donttellheraboutmyleg.Wi? Yes, yes Ill tell her. Hey! We got a runner! Getembeforetheygettotown! Hey! | We got two more in the woods! They shot Robert. I know, Joseph Im sorry, God rest his soul. Tom hes dead because of us. I know, he died a better death, we need to keep moving. Which way?! Sergeant, please. Give me your hat. Give me your. More trickery. Come on, come on, come on. Theys in the water. See anything? Over there look! Aint nobody survive that. Lets move on up river. I need a rest. Itworked.ltworked.ltworked! Myplanworked.HereweareJos. What?Nothankyou?Ibelieves. We are out of the camp, but we e far from free. Wevejustexchangedoneprison. Areyoumad?Howdoyoureckon? Wearedeepinconfederateterr. You may not see the walls but everysuccessionrebelformile. Theyrenotgoingtothrowusb, itllgonnabethegallowsfors justliketheboysfromPortSu. What do we do now? WeheadNorth.Wejointhearmy. You cant be serious Joseph. Wejustsurvivedtheworsthell. Thatprisonisworsethananybn You?Haveyouseenworsethant? You cant possibly think for one moment that we are expected togobackintobattleandrisk. Itookapledge,3yearsservic. NowImustleavewiththe121st andIintendImuststayrightm Thewarcanbeovertomorrow.I, Thisisourwarnolonger.Camp. No sir, I intend to leave. Well thats desertion. No it aint. Its practical. AnoathisanoathTom.Youswo. AndifRobertSpencersdeathI, ifGodhastakenhislife,that. Andhesgivenustheopportuni, ThenIwillcontinuetoservetn and uphold the constitution of. Andifyoucouldevercallyour, damn well do as you please. Stillalongwaytogothough. Weve come this far. TheStockadewasinFlorence.W? Yeah, thats what the Rebs was. You know whats around here? ImfromMaine,itsalittleu. Oh Joseph Lets go come on Imsorry,itsokay.Illbef Itsthethirdtimeyouvecoll, weneedtogetsomethingtoeat. Yes, we were better off in the stockade. At least they fed us once in a. I just need a moment Woah, woah, woah. Here, here. Joseph? Come on, get up. Come on, get up. HereIgotthese.Upthebanka. Its not much but we gotta eat. Imsicktodeathofthese.lt. We need real food. I saw, um What? I saw a tobacco field. Where? Yeahwelltheresprobablyaply we can go ask them for help. Theyll shoot us. No maybe they wont shoot us, wecouldputthatsouthernhosp. Youdamnfool,haventyouseen. These rebs are all the same. Wegottaeatmorethanberries. Wecantgoonandsurvivelike. We ask the slaves. What?NoImnotbeggingfroma. We have no choice. Yeswedohaveachoice.Froma? Thatslikebeggingabeggarfo. No they can be feral. I have more dignity than that. Noyoudont.Weregonnadieo. Youdontknowwhattheyrelik. Nor do you Fine,butifweendupdead,th. Iwasagainstthisfromthebeg. Hello. Hellosir.Yallfromtheporte? Nowearerefugeesinneedoff? Ref-gees? Dontknownothingboutnoref- WerefromupNorthbutweverd from the very same oppressors Theyre Yankees! Ohnotheysdemons!TheysYan, they come for our souls. No, they aint demons aunt Delia. Yes they is! We are not demons. Lets go Joseph. They do seem wild though. What you want? Wedlikesomefood,werestar We havent eaten in 3 days. Well we aint got none. Youreabloodyliar!Youvegoe What you thinking Charlie? Theydontlookmuchlikedevil. Yes they are. Nomatterwhattimeofdaythey. Theyaintnodemons,theyisp. Look at em. WhatyouYankeesdoingouthere? We ran away from a prison camp. Were just trying to get home. You got bowls? Yeah, yeah. Here. Thanks be to God and to you. Yeah thank you. Youre welcome, it aint much. Itsmorethanwewouldhaveif Take it and go. Oh Charlie, would devils go on? Theycouldbethethiefntypes. Buttheyaint.Pleasesitdown. You nearly scared the life out. IaintneverheardnoYankeed. MyfriendheresnamedTom.Im. Mary-Ellen. Whats your names? ImSamuel.ThisCharlie.This Pleasuretomeetyou.Youhavee forprovidingsustenancethise. Where yall headed to? We-wedontknowyet,weheardt byNewBernbutwedontknoww. SomewherenearWilmingtonIexp Mastertakesometimetakingki, eitherwayyoubestbetterfoll. PD? Wh-what is that? Theriver.Yallstayheretomo, Illtakeyoudownriveraways, I know where theres a boat. Yeah. We appreciate your hospitality butwellgoaheadandsleepou. Yallbettergetupandcomein. Tibias? Yallstayinsidetoday,Illb. Heresalittlecorncakefory So, by New Bern? Its closer than Virginia. TheUnionsheldagarrisonpos. At least it hasnt fallen back. You trust these slaves? I havent thought not to. I dont like the way they look. IfitwasntforMary-Ellen,we. Yeahbutwhenwegoouttonight, We wont go to see nothing, we. That is a risk. Well? Its a risk we have to take. I like your pipe. Ithoughtthatwasinmyhavers. I use to have one of these. Used to. It was a bad hand. TherearenogoodgamblersTom. Youshadagoodday?Layingup. Nice and cool I reckon. Yeah mostly. You? Didntcatchabeating,soitw. After we eat, we go. Hey, sure you dont want me to? Nah,fewerpeoplecome,thebet. Itsgonnabeawhilebeforewe. Cant have people seeing us. Aint no one used this boat in. Very much appreciated. Yalljustbecarefuloutthere. Nowfollowtherivertillyouc, thenfollowthebigforkupstr. Thatll take you back North. Thank you Samuel, now get back safe to your family. That little PD? Yeah,ithastobe.lfwegoan. Straight. Ithinkwereclearofthesucch I dont want to risk it. WevecomeatleasttwomilesJh and besides, Im exhausted. Tom, Im as tired as you are. Oh,itsourluckynightJoseph. Tom,wedontknowwhosbarnt I could sure use a bed of strawf roots and rocks. Lookatthesizeofit,noones wellbegonebeforeanyonestr Tom... You coming? Gentlemen. I said gentlemen! Whatareyougentlemendoingon? Forgiveusmaam,wehadnokno. Wellitis,andIcouldshooty. Wellwellbereadyquicklyand, Youwillnotseelikesofusag. Just wherere you from? Pardon? Yankees? Yes? No no, uh, nope we-we are froms andweareonourwaytoCharle. Itsaterriblesintotellsuc. YoualongwayfromhomeIdare. Youregonnahavetoforgivemy. And why is that? Wevehardlyeatenfor,goingow andprobablydeliriousfromhun. Youaresolders,yes?lntheUn? Whether presently or formally. Your silence betrays you, Icannotabidetoseemenstarv, my plantation estate. Youshallfollowmeuptothehd asanyotherguestwhomightpas small part of the world. Maam? You are travelers, yes? Weary,? Well,ImayliveinSouthCaroln andIintendtooffer,asismy, allthehospitalitythatisdue. Butasyousay,weareunionso Thereitis.Well,thewarisa andinyourpresentstateIsee youwouldcausenoharmtoapo. Now would you? Thereforeyoushallfollowmep. PerhapsIshouldremindyoutha, thenyouaretrespassers,andI. Your name, sir? Thomas Ryan. Joseph Hoover, maam. Pleasedtomakeyouracquaintan. YoumayaddressmeasMrs.Macih and this is my boy Jim. Come along. Grandma! My boy. Mother? Daughter.Comeinsidegentlemen. Well by the look of you I dare. Martha? Yes maam? Seethatthesemenarecaredfo. Andfindsomesuitableclothing. Motheriseverythingisalright? Everything is alright. Gentlemen,comeandtakeyours. MayIpresentmydaughter,Elis? How do you do? Morgan How do you do? Elis son, Mark. TheseareMr.Hoover,Mr.Ryan.. Pleasure to meet you sirs. Likewise. I trust youve found the attiref your liking? Very much, thank you. We wont be staying very long. Mr.Hoovercanspeakforhimsel. Why certainly he may, never the less, you are welcome foraslongasyouwishtorema. Thank you kindly. AndsoasIhappentobeagrea, Please,Iamjustdyingtoknowr ofYankeesoldiershavefoundts as my company at my table this. Weescapedthehandsofouropp. Escaped? Where ever from? Florence.ltsaterriblestocks confined to a small area. Wewereheldatgunpointandf. Goodness.Welltellme,asIm reasonsandargumentsforouro to enter this war. Whatarethemostcompellingaru throughout your involvement in? For the same reasons I expect. Each of us must fight for what. Maamifyoudontmind,wearer andasyoursupperlookssuperb, Ihatetospoilmyappetiteany. Ohhowcallousedofme.Enough Gentlemen. Well isnt this a rare luxury? Brandy? Why, thank you. Yes, thank you. To what shall we toast? Why,towinningtowarofcours. Sounds like a wonderful toast. Whatever it will bring, to peace, and an end to war To peace. To peace. Sir, get up Quick. You dont have long Mrs.Macintosh,she,shebefets Is breakfast so soon? No,nosuchthing,theysgoinga Reward& Reward? Wait, what? Yous escaped, Yankees? Yes. W-welltheycomingforyou.Th-. Collectsomesortofrewardmon. WhyshouldItrustyou?Shesb. Sirthatsjustherway,shehae beforeshegofetchforhelp.- Meet me downstairs. Wake Tom. Hey! Tom! Tom! ShhShh.Quietquite.Whereare, Where are the other two? | The-they turned back a while an Imsorry.Pleasedontkillme, Please dont kill me. You must go, you go on home, alrightyouregobackonhome,. Letsgo.Tellemyoudroppedth. Contraband What? Contraband, thats what I is. Trytohelp,dorightbytheLo. ComeonJim,howsthatarm?Ca? Suppose itll be fine. Justalittlesorebuttheyain. Whyd you help us? ItseemedlikeaChristianthin WerestrangerstoyouJim.Wha? Yallbeencaptives.Thatswha. Said they heard yall talking. Theyda taken yall back. Throwed you in chains and Ive, knowwhatthatisanditainte butIhadagoodlife,tookcar, I aint get no more beatings. Seemed like a pleasant home. Except she deceived us. I mean, treatsusnice,andshedeceive. Sheisjustlookingoutforher. Dont you blame her none cause. Youdidnthavetorun,Jim.Yo youwerechasingusjustliket. I ran, thats it. Now youre free. Free. Free, free to get killed. Weallfree,everyoneofus,f. Lets just not get caught. Woah! Theyshounds.Theyshounds.T. You hear that? They gonna find. Isaidtheyisgonnafindus.T. Shh.ifyourun,theywillcatc We gotta go Keep quite you dockey. Youre gonna make em hear us,. Jimlistenitsokay,wereall. Lets keep moving. Youreckonweoughtatryfishin. Waterstillrunninghigh,fast.. Yea,butatleastitsnotrain. Wet,dryitdoesntmatter,Im. CooldownTom.Neithercantyo. Hey, wait, wait, wait. What is? Good theres a boat. Iknowthisplace.Iwasbornn. AndIaintbeenbackhereina. Well where do we go? Theresaplantationnottoofa. Weshouldgetsomefoodfromth. No we know how that turned out. Imnotgoingtoanotherplanta. Wholecountyisprobablylookin. We asks slaves. Come on. We did that last time. Follow me Mr. Tom. Jim, you know this place? Same as I remember. Youve been here before? Thought I heard - No, it cant be. Is that you momma? Jim? Jim Young, my baby. Yeah Icantbelieve-thoughtIdn. Theycarriedyouaway,howlong? 18 years. I got old Jim Jim we all did. Beautiful momma. These your masters? No,uh,theysYankeeunionsol. Momma I helps them escape. Youwhat?Youdid?Youescaped? Yes momma. YoucontrabandJim,yougottow yous in danger. Mommaplease,IaintseeyouI! Can you spare anything? Theys. TheygottagetbacktotheUnio. SimonstheoverseerJim,Simonn Simon? Simonhewontunderstand,hec change,hellgiveyouareall. Okay momma well go but can we. Please Comeon,getinside.Getinher. Thank you momma. Thank you. Shhh hush up Mr Union man | Youregonnagetusbeatandki Simons coming, youll see. Here, Jim you have to go. Thank you momma. Hescoming,bequiet,Illtry Staycalmeverythingwillbefi Dora what is wrong with? Nothingswrongeverythin, heressomethingtoeat,Imsu, Please have something. Oh no it much to stuffy inside. But I wanna sit down. OhnoIllgetyouastoo. Dorawhatsgottenintoy. OhnopleaseIllgetyou. IsaidIllgetthestoo Who are you? Weretravelers,lookingfora for a short bit. Well be gone. Travelers? Travelers. Get out here. Foundthesetravelersupinthe. Travelers? Indeed. LookstomelikeDorawashidin. IsthatrightDora?Hidingstow? Youknowthataintgonnabetod No! Get off of me! Hey!Youboysbetterstarttalkk causeIaintamanknownfort. Lets just hold on a minute. WereonourwaybackfromKans. WewerejustcomingbackfromCn whenweboughtthishereslave.. So let us go we wont cause no. IaintsureIbelieveallthat? Sound like a lie. Drop the whip nigger. NowIbelieveyouboysowemef. Illtaketheslaveaspayment. No, you cant take him. Youhavesomethingtosaytome? Ithinkitsaprettygooddeal. Youboysgettowalkwithoutad andIlltaketheslaveaspaym. Youboyslongwaysfromhomean. Bestbegettinondowntheroa. Jim?NomasterDanielplease- IthoughtIaskedforquitefro! No momma! Jim no! Momma momma Momma? Momma? Momma HeythereJim.Donttellmeth. Thats your long lost brother. BoydidntIsellyoutotheMa? Whats he doing getting bought? HewerentboughtinCharleston Kansasaintexactlyaslavest. Wellsureitisweretakinghi You killed her. Theybuyyouboy?Youarunaway? You killed her! When are you people ever gonna! I is too free! No you aint boy, is he Simon?, howboutsomerighttreatmentf? Come on! Run! Get on the boat! | Get in! Whatareyoudoingstandingjus? I cant swim master. Youcantswim!Youcantswim,. Isnt that something? Comeallthiswaytogetshota? Jim? Jim are you okay? Jim? Hang in there. Okay? We gotta find a place to rest tonight. Okay, Jim come on get up. Come on big fella. Get up, come on get up. Whos there?! Friends. Were two Yankee soldiers and one of your own. We need food and shelter and the negros in shock. Where you from? We escape from a secession. Were headed back to the union. What are Yankees doing in the South? The war done come here? We escape from a prison camp and this one is a runaway, tried to help us. Please. Neverthoughtldseetheday... Well, come on over here and get by the fire. Anna, bring out a blanket for this one. You can get ya and eat ya some yams and stew. Andfetchthemsomeponecakes. He watched his mother get beaten to death. We all saw it. Her master caught her trying to hide us. Thats an awful thing... ButyoumusttrustthattheLord givethandtheLordtakethaway To live is to suffer and yet, well do almost anything to survive. Its strange isnt it. You just have to do the best we can. That act of defiance... harboring you three... was probably the freest thing that poor mans mother ever did. I think I broke his nose. That man who did it to her. And I tell ya what... I wish Id killed him. The same kind of feeling is in those flames. If you watch them close... They do what they will. They going this way and that. But they cant go to far without going out. You want to make New Bern. Yeah, thats what we figure. Heard that theres a union garrison over there. Theres a lot of free and escaped slaves help folks out along the way. Follow directions... youll be alright. Looks like our tree. On a hill next to a wall. Just like that negro said it would be. Aint that something. Wonder where he is? Hell be here. Well... nothingtodonowbut... Wait Yourmotherwasastrongwoman. My mother passed when I was young. There was thirteen of us plus my pa. So, we took care for each other. But my two older sisters, they did most of the mothering after she was gone. All do respect Mr. Joseph, You aint never seen your momma get beaten to death. Jim, Im sorry. Istheonlyoneofmymommas. She miscarried five-six times before I was born. Then Master Daniels sold me away when I was twelve. Left her all alone. Its a terrible thing. I feel terrible for what happened. Whyd it happen? Whyd I have to go back? Shed still be alive If I aint never go back. Maybe its like that old slave said, "TheLordworksinhisownways How is this the Lords way? Your mother made a great sacrifice. Youhaveagreaterpurposenow. We all do. Jim, where are you going? Is a creek up the way... Im thirsty. Well here, take this then. Bringusbacksomefirewoodin casehesnotherebeforedark. Easy boys. Yall have a nice nap. What yall doing here in a known negro meeting place huh? Hi there boys. Just taking a nap under this here tree. If I didnt know better, Id say you is a Yank. Where are you from? From Maine actually. Is that a crime here now in South Carolina? This here is North Carolina. You probably cant tell the difference seeing as yous from the north. This is North Carolina... Near Kenansville up yonder maybe. Half a day. Why you talking so much? And what are yall doing here? Like I said gentlemen, resting under this here tree. Now less I missed my guess... Thatisagainstnolaw,noteven hereinconfederateterritory. No its not. Now what are yall doing so far from home? We are on a little business trip. My partner and I are on our way to Charleston. Ehya! Dont move. Dont move. You okay Tom? Tom? Tom? Yeah, still breathing. Hows that head? Howd yea spect? Its fine. Jim, how ya holding uo? I be fine. You start with that rebel yell... well be forced to shoot you. Which regiment you with? Whats your regiment? Sixth battalion North Carolina cavalry company A. Where are your horses? We left em in town. Came out to find some negro we heard talk of. Wheres your company now? Answer or my friend may shot you. Well that is contrary to the rules of civilized warfare. I am your prisoner, you can not shoot me. Ive seen my share of the rebels appreciation for the rules of war. We spent over four months in Andersonville. You may have heard of it. Suffered horrible from your so called hospitality. You killed two of us. Ill kill one more. Killing is never pleasant. Letsnothavetodomoreofit. Our company is stationed in Kinston. Justafewhoursridefromhere. Sowhatareyoudoingouthere? We was just scouts. Outliners, we was on patrol. On patrol? And here you say you were looking for a negro. Weweregonnametsomeonehere. I knew you was contraband escaped. You two are helping a negro runaway. See, it dont matter no how. We done killed your negro thats helping. Yougotnowheretogotonow. Brokethatlinkinyourchain. Tom get the rope. Jim, hand me this fellas clothes. Give us an hour. If I hear you hollering, I will come back and shot you. Your friends will be a long soon enough. Understood? This is intolerable. Yes, it is. I still think we outta just shot him. Be safer. What if someone comes and wanders along? Which way to New Bern? I will not ask you again. Its northeast of here. Maybe three days. Here. Justa minute. Ima stay with him. Jim, you cant stay here. Youll get caught. I keeps him quiet for ya. Sides, somebody gotta go on back. Warn others that confederates know about that tree. Youre contraband Jim. They will hang you. I know. But its like Mr. Joseph say, "We all gotta purpose." I couldt free my momma. But theys other folks thats needs helping. It does seem that there are quite a few escaped slaves helping others to freedom. I aint meaning to be one of them, but I is. I aint mean to run away... I aint terrible religious. But it seems God has chosen this new path for me. Youll need this. Never forget you Jim. Youre the bravest man Ive ever known. Thank you Mr. Joseph. Thanks Jim... Take care of yourself. We wouldnt have come this far without you. Here... Protect yourself. Theyre off the ridge. Hold Fire. Hold. We cant just walk up through the line. These uniforms may look familiar... But theyll know were not one of them. Should we just go around? No, theyll take us for deserters. Well, you better come up with a better suggestion. Cause I cant keep moving on like this. If the rebs are up there... The union... the unions gonna be right behind that hill. Hey, quiet down. Were under orders. Hey, aint you boys suppose to up in the picket? No sir, were with another company. Which company? I aint heard no ones supposed to be down here. Were scouts. Outriders. Yeah, I know what scouts is. Which company? 7th battalion North Carolina. There aint no 7th North Carolina calvary no more. Hey, Union in the picket. Union in the mine. I see em. Reload. 7th? They were with the 6th. I couldnt remember. Well,weresittingducksnow. Liable to get killed by both sides. God almighty! Hello! Whos there? Identify yourself. We yanks. Union boys just like you. You planning some trickery there? Youre wearing Confederate uniforms. Take ya jackets off. Theyll never let us through. We... we... we... we escaped. Stoleem off some scouts a ways back. Were unarmed. My names Thomas J. Ryan. Corporal 17th Maine Voulnteer Infiltry. Joseph Hoover 121st regiment from New York. Well come on then... quick! Its incredible. Everyday we get slaves coming in. Everyday. Sometimes by the score. Theres getting to be so many of them, Mr. James dont know how to keep them all happy over in the Teriton river camp. Aint never had Union boys coming up from the deep south though. Listen up lad, you dont know half the story. We could fill a book with all weve done. Aint that right Joseph? Here here. Maybe two. Yup... Nohappenwithoutnohardships. No sir. You two are heroes. And I bet youll get medals. I tell ya what, Id settle for a hot bath. Here here. He was a good man Jim Young. I hope he is well. Best negro Ive ever met. Had more character to win a medal than most people I know. Youre doing the right thing Tom. This union can not stand until all men are free. And it cant hold together unless each of us does our part. Youre right. Reckon that scout buried his friends. Na, figured he ran back to his unit with his tail between his leg. That or he deserted out of shame for being brought low by a slave. The way I see it... I dont know what other way I see it. Weve been through hell together. And its not over. I do feel the tide has turned though. I suspect so. I have a few hours before the ship departs. Reckon I should pay off some debts. You take care of yourself sergant Thomas Ryan. Ill be seeing ya. And to you Sergant Hoover. |