Weird Woman (1944)

This is the Inner Sanctum.
A strange, fantastic world
controlled by a mass
of living, pulsating flesh,
the mind.
It destroys, distorts,
creates monsters,
commits murder.
Even you, without knowing,
can commit murder.
The so-called phenomena
of mysticism and sorcery
are brought about
through fear.
enslaving countless millions,
making them believe because
they are afraid not to believe.
Reason against superstition.
casting its shadow
across even our civilization,
holding up strange
supernatural gods
to play on man's imagination.
Yes, we still have
a long way to go.
Hello. Yes.
I was concerned about Paula. I
wanted to know if she was all right.
Of course she's all right.
Why shouldn't she be?
Why? I don't know. But I
happened to be looking out,
and I thought I saw her
hurrying madly along the street.
And after all, Norman,
at this hour.
Why, Paula's been in bed all evening.
I'm sure you must be mistaken.
Well, maybe I was.
Sorry to bother you.
Good night.
Don't do that. It's bad luck.
Paula, haven't I told you, there's
nothing to these superstitions?
Norman, you should be in bed.
I thought I heard
someone walking about.
There's no one walking. It's the
wind. It makes things creak and slam.
Yes, I suppose so.
Why don't you go to bed?
It's late.
In a little while. I have
some more writing to do.
I'm sorry I awakened you.
Now, go to sleep.
Good night.
Mud on her shoes.
She lied to me. She was out.
She must have gone
some distance.
What for?
Is she in some
sort of trouble,
or is she still clinging to the weird pagan
ritual of the islands where I first met her?
What are you doing?
Well, what is that?
He's trying to tell you it's
a line you must not cross.
All who do so offer themselves as
sacrifice to the god, Kahuna Ana Ana.
And they must die.
Oh, I see. Thank you.
Did you see the star?
Yes, I did.
It was almost as though
it was an answer to the drums.
It was. It's the music
of the dance of death.
And where the star fell,
someone will die.
Oh, now...
Oh, you mustn't scoff.
You should be very grateful
to have seen what you've seen.
Let me introduce myself.
I'm Norman Reed.
Norman Reed?
Didn't you come to see my
father once as a student?
He was Professor of Archeology
at the university here.
Professor Clayton.
Why, of course,
I remember Professor Clayton.
And you're that little
pigtailed, freckle-faced girl.
Your name is... It's Paula.
Oh, you do have a good memory.
It was soon after that Father died and
Laraua, my old nurse, brought me up.
She's a high priestess now.
It's almost unbelievable,
finding someone like you
in this strange setting
with witchcraft
and jungle gods. It's...
You must keep quiet. You've
offended the native gods.
Only the power of Laraua's white magic
can appease them and heal your wounds.
She has placed you
within a circle of immunity.
Soon good.
Protect, protect, protect.
Paula said it was a circle of
immunity that saved my life.
Strange superstitious child.
I remember when I first brought
her home from the islands.
Norman. He's here.
Oh, darling, it's wonderful
to have you back.
Ilona, I...
Hello, Norman.
Norman, glad to see you.
Hello everybody.
Paula, dear.
Folks, this is my wife.
Welcome, my dear.
Oh, she's lovely.
Norman, you sly old fox.
This is a great day,
a great day for Monroe.
Norman, you've certainly done yourself
proud, a brilliant book and a beautiful bride.
Come, this calls
for a real celebration.
Get yourself some asbestos mittens
before you light that torch, Ilona.
This is Professor
and Mrs. Harrison.
How do you do, Professor?
And here are the Sawtelles.
Millard's in the Sociology Department,
and Evelyn's a shark at bridge.
Well, Norman, we received the
advance copies of the book.
Why, it's a fine job.
And fine press, too.
Well, thank you.
Millard's written a book,
too, since you left,
and it's been accepted
by World Press.
Oh, that's fine. Congratulations
to you, Millard, then.
Thank you. Yes, yes,
I've really been too busy,
but Evelyn kept at me.
Not as brilliant as yours.
Oh, now.
With this admiring throng's permission,
the hostess would like to introduce herself.
Well, it's about time. This
is my sister Ilona, Mrs. Reed.
I want you two to be good
friends. I hope we shall be.
Why don't we start by
mixing you a drink?
Norman, will you help me mix
another round? He's an expert mixer.
And now, my dear, if you
will... That will do, Septimus.
Why, you seventh son of a
seventh son, give it a rest.
Come away from this aging wolf
in an academic sheepskin, child.
Well, it looked like everything
is practically ready to me.
A fine return, Norman.
I planned this little party for
your homecoming, and look what I get.
In front of all those people.
Well, those things happen.
I met Paula, fell in love with
her, and that's all there is to it.
Well, it isn't enough.
It isn't enough to keep everyone on
the campus from laughing behind my back.
Oh, Ilona, quit dramatizing
yourself. It's not your style.
We had a pleasant flirtation and... Is
that all it meant to you, flirtation?
Of course, and that's
all it meant to you.
It suits you to say that now.
Oh, Ilona, for Pete's sake, the worst I
could have done is to puncture your ego.
You compliment me.
Oh, why can't you be sensible?
We can still be friends. There's
no use being childish about this.
My humble apologies. I
won't be childish about this.
Fair Hebe,
bearer of the vestal cup.
In other words, he means,
"Bring on the drinks. "
Come on, everybody,
a toast to the bride.
What's the matter, Evelyn?
Scared Millard won't be promoted
to the sociology chairmanship?
Here's to the bride.
Oh, thank you.
And the groom.
To Superstition
vs. Reason and Fact.
The book, of course,
and to the bride.
Oh, it's a bad omen to clink glasses.
Oh, I never heard of that one before.
We don't believe in those silly
superstitions, do we, Norman?
What an odd-looking
medallion. I always wear it.
My old nurse gave it to me. She
said it was a good luck piece.
Yes, you'll read all about it in my
book. That is, if you read my book.
But I have read it.
You've even got the medallion
on the cover, haven't you?
That was Paula's idea.
According to the islanders, it's supposed
to be very powerful magic, isn't it?
Well, in a way it is,
yes, but... Oh, Norman!
I suppose you know that old Henry
Braggs has gone to Cornwall Tech as Dean.
I did. I think he'll do
a fine job of it, too.
That leaves the sociology
chairmanship open.
Of course, Evelyn thinks that
Millard's got it all sewed up.
I don't anything of the sort.
It's just according to seniority.
Oh, now, now, my dear...
Well, she's perfectly right.
You're right in line
for it, Millard.
Oh, fiddle-faddle.
Brains might be a factor, too.
Grace, you're incorrigible. Don't
you pay any attention to her.
Is it something important?
Sure, it's important. It's a leg
up to bigger and better things.
The schoolmaster has little
enough to look forward to.
If he passes up a chance
at advancement, he's a fool.
I hope you're not married
to a fool, Paula.
Now, my dear,
here's what we'll do tomorrow.
First, I'll show you
over the campus.
We have everything, from a
lover's lane to a haunted house.
Then, I'll take you down...
Take it easy, Casanova.
That's a lot of territory for a
little guy who gets a Charley horse
from reading
the football scores.
Some of the laughter has gone
out of her. What is wrong?
Have I failed to help her
fit into her surroundings?
I've done everything
I could, and yet
she lied to me.
Good morning, Professor.
Oh, hello. This is a surprise.
What are you doing here so early? I
came to talk over a matter of business.
You don't mind discussing
business with me, do you?
Of course not.
You said we should be friends,
Norman, and you're right.
We both have to live in this
little island of culture,
and we might as well
be civilized about it.
Oh, I'd like nothing better.
about this matter of business.
Well, the student
employment registry
said that you'd asked for Margaret
Mercer to do some work for you.
Yes, I did.
I had her do some research for me
about a year ago, and she was very good.
Well, she's assisting me in the
library now. I've trained her, and...
Oh, but this won't take very long,
and she's familiar with the work.
Well, that's what I wanted
to talk about.
I'm familiar with the
work, too. Let me help you.
Then Margaret's routine
won't be upset.
Thank you, Ilona, but, well,
I'll need someone who can
take shorthand rapidly.
Norman, you don't have
to be afraid of me.
Let me work with you.
Things don't have to be
any different, do they?
But they are different.
I'm married now.
All right, so you're married.
I'll forgive you that.
If you want a little doll that grew
up in the jungle, it's all right.
Can't I get it through your head
that I'm in love with my wife?
You were fond of me once.
Ilona, you're out
of your mind.
Maybe I am. I don't care.
I don't even care anymore what
people are saying. Laughing at me.
Oh, stop it.
I never asked for such devotion
from you, and I don't want it.
Now stop being melodramatic.
Get your things together, Margaret.
You're going up in the world.
Oh, what do you mean,
Miss Carr?
I'm lending you to Professor
Reed, by special request.
You mean, he asked for me? He
wouldn't take no for an answer.
Oh, that's wonderful.
Right away?
Oh, by all means, we mustn't
keep the professor waiting.
You might clear the desk first,
if it's not asking too much.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm so thrilled.
I'll take these books
out to the stack.
Oh, he's so brilliant.
There are some things I cleared
out of the vault for you.
He's so sweet
and so considerate.
And there's something
so dynamic about him.
I'd try to curb my enthusiasm
if I were you.
Men of the world sometimes misunderstand
a pretty girl's hero-worship.
Hey, Maggie. Maggie, I want to see
you... Not now, David, I'm busy.
Well, what's the big rush?
David, I'm going to work for Professor
Reed again. Isn't it wonderful?
Yeah, what's so wonderful about
it? Well, he is, if you must know.
He's the most brilliant man
on the campus.
Present company excepted,
of course.
David, must you be a dope all your life?
"Present company excepted, of course. "
Why, if you lived to be a thousand you'd
never be able to write a book like his.
You'll be lucky if you
can pronounce the words.
But, Maggie...
But, Maggie...
Well, how do you like that?
Hello, David.
Oh, hello, Miss Carr.
Sorry, I guess I kind of barged
right in. That's all right.
After all, you'll be hanging around
Professor Reed's office after today.
Say, what's she
in such a lather about?
What does she have to go
to work for him for?
Wasn't she doing
all right here?
Well, she may do even better
there. Besides, he asked for her.
Why not?
Sometimes a young and pretty
girl can be a great inspiration
to a mental giant
like Professor Reed.
Well, she's my girl, and he'd
better keep his hands off her.
What a thing to say.
Are you taking his course this
term? Yeah, he'll probably flunk me.
Maybe Margaret can put in
a good word for you.
You know, a woman's influence.
I'll manage for myself.
Reporting for duty, sir.
Oh, but I thought that you...
But didn't you expect me?
Why, Miss Carr said
that she couldn't spare you.
Oh, but you did ask for me?
Yes, I did.
Here, you go through the mail.
Oh, Professor Reed,
you're really glad Miss Carr changed
her mind and let me come, aren't you?
Of course.
A little surprised, but I
think you will be a great help.
Politics, that's all it is.
Well, politics or not,
Norman Reed is certainly the
fair-haired boy around here now.
Well, I don't know why.
I read his book, and I don't think
it's really as good as Millard's.
Well, there's nothing like
having a little doll-faced wife
to spread around
charm for you.
You don't think Norman's
getting all this recognition
because of Paula's
pretty face, do you?
It might have helped.
Look at the way my own brother,
the dignified Dean of Men,
trots around after her.
Well, Septimus has always fancied
himself a gallant with the ladies, Ilona.
I don't like it.
Paula's got him wrapped right
around her little finger.
And another thing, Evelyn,
that little doll-faced wife of
Norman's is really a witch wife.
It's true. I've watched her.
I have seen the little
things she does.
She told me herself that the old
nurse who brought her up on the islands
was a high priestess of some sort.
Do you believe in that sort of stuff?
I don't know, but she does.
And she's making it work,
isn't she?
This isn't Norman's
first year at Monroe.
He hasn't had this kind of
success before.
I believe she's
in the back of all this.
you've got to do something
to make her leave Monroe.
Leave Norman, if necessary.
If you don't, Millard will never
get that sociology chairmanship.
She'll see to that.
She'd sacrifice everyone just for
the sake of her precious Norman.
But Millard has seniority over
Norman. He's studied for years.
His whole world is wrapped up
in his work, in advancement,
and I can't have it
crumble about him. I can't.
David, I wish you wouldn't
always be hanging around here.
Well, why not? You used
to like my hanging around.
Suppose Professor Reed came out and
saw you sprawling all over the place.
A fine opinion he'd have of you.
Yeah. What difference does it make?
He's probably gonna flunk me
anyway. I should think he would.
I understand you sleep
through half his lectures.
Well, perhaps I don't find him
quite as fascinating as you do.
Well, if you must know,
being around a man like Norman
makes some sophomores
look pretty sophomoric.
So, it's Norman now.
Oh, I...
Margaret, I've made
the final changes.
This is the way it goes to the
digest, for better or for worse.
Oh, it'll be for better. It's the
best of its kind they'll ever get.
You know, I think I'll
make you my press agent.
What are you hugging your
cheek for? Wonder Boy kiss you?
David Jennings, how dare you. It
wouldn't surprise me in the least.
I know these educated wolves.
Miss Carr said you'd probably
be falling for him before...
I'm not interested in what
that jealous old cat has to say.
And you can get out, too.
Now, go on!
Gee, Maggie, I'm sorry.
Oh, all right, so you're sorry. Now,
scram, will you? I've got work to do.
I hardly know how to begin,
Dr. Sawtelle.
You said, something important.
Indeed, it is.
You remember a student you had
named Gregory Towne?
The one who died in midterm?
It's been years.
Towne, yes. Gregory Towne.
His thesis was
brilliant, wasn't it? Yes.
But never published.
No, never published. Never...
Never published.
You read... You know?
It isn't what I read or know.
Norman Reed has called
for the thesis.
He found out we had a copy
in the library.
Reed? He knows
that I used the thesis...
As a basis for your book.
Now, I don't know how much he knows,
but he's definitely suspicious.
I only wanted to warn you and to tell you
that I'll try to keep it out of his hands
if I possibly can,
but unfortunately,
there may be other copies.
I didn't want to write a book.
I didn't want to. I couldn't.
But Evelyn, she pushed me
and pushed me.
She's ambitious.
And you remembered this
and used it as a reference.
As a reference, yes, as
a reference. Naturally.
It's just a pity that Norman
Reed had to remember it, too.
You didn't tell? I mean Evelyn,
she doesn't know about this?
Of course not. I only wanted
to put you on your guard.
What shall I do?
Well, what he's after,
of course,
is to get you to withdraw as a candidate
from the sociology chairmanship.
I'm afraid he might
use this as a club.
Oh, Evelyn wouldn't let me.
If I tried to, she'd find out
about this. I'll be disgraced.
Every college
will hear about it.
And Evelyn, she'll despise me.
I know. It's enough
to drive a man
to desperation,
to take any way out.
Norman, no! The turban
of a high priestess.
Sticks! Stones! Jungle gods!
You don't know what you're doing! I do!
Norman, no!
Is this everything?
You got that little silver
hand from the car cushions.
I can't think of any others.
Do you realize that you've been
turning the hands of the clock
back to the Dark Ages?
Norman, some things don't
belong to any special age.
They're a part of everything
and of all time.
Forces for good
and forces for evil.
I did nothing to hurt anyone,
only to help you and protect you.
Protect me from what?
You were in terrible danger.
Ilona Carr is your enemy.
I know it.
I had to build a wall of
safety between you and her.
Yes, I saw it.
Graveyard dirt around her and
nails pointing toward her heart.
Oh, but only
if she tried to hurt you.
I haven't wanted to harm anyone, Norman,
only bring you the success you deserved.
And you saw how it worked.
The book, the prize,
and they've practically decided on
the sociology chairmanship for you.
Did it ever dawn on you that
perhaps I had earned my success?
Oh, yes, yes.
But we have enemies,
and they would have kept you
from what you've earned.
Paula, I'm a man of reason,
or I'm nothing.
What of my life's work
if I allow myself or you
to be enslaved
by superstition?
It isn't superstition.
Laraua says...
Laraua, yes,
the High Priestess
of Kahuna Ana Ana.
You lived with her too long.
Now you're my wife.
You must trust me.
I'm going to burn
these things.
That, too.
Come on, now.
Norman, don't despise me.
Despise you!
Not long ago I wrote that,
"Man's struggle upward
from his dark past
"was the struggle of reason
against superstition. "
And now here in my own home,
my own wife.
Poor, frightened,
strange little child.
Evelyn, what happened?
Murderer! Murderer!
Murderer! Murderer!
Fine funeral.
Yes, it was.
I never saw Millard
look better.
First time the poor little guy
didn't shrink from the public gaze.
Too bad he didn't see that snazzy little
suit you bought in his honor, Ilona.
Nothing is sacred to you, is it,
Grace? You might think of poor Evelyn.
Poor Evelyn drove him bats. He
was all right till she married him
and tried to make him
swim out of his depth.
She kept saying we
killed him, Norman and I.
She was hysterical, I suppose.
I wonder what gave her the idea
that I was responsible for his death?
Sounds as though he'd been
bewitched, doesn't it, Paula?
Where's your medallion? I've
never seen you without it before.
Ilona, there's something
about your smile right now
that makes me think
of Jack the Ripper.
Honestly, Grace!
Norman, I'm frightened.
You don't know what you did
when you burned everything.
You left us
at the mercy of evils.
Paula, you've got to stop it.
You must break free
of these jungle superstitions.
I saw the medallion
crack in the flames.
The circle of immunity
was broken.
The next moment,
I heard the shots.
What was that?
Oh, nothing. I...
I think we'd better be going.
I have to work tonight.
Oh, hello, Miss Carr.
I kind of thought I might find
Margaret here. She wasn't at the dorm.
Well, why don't you try
Professor Reed's office?
I know he's working tonight.
Gee, you'd think that guy
was afraid of sunstroke
the way he works
after it gets dark.
Why, David, didn't you know that the
night is the special domain of great minds?
History is made at night, they
say. Poetry is born at night.
Well, can't history and poetry
be born in the daytime, too?
Well, don't stand there
shouting at me, Sir Galahad.
If you don't like it, why
don't you do something about it?
Well, I will!
Men have created words,
words to explain everything
they cannot understand.
Words like "coincidence"
to conceal their fears.
Oh, I'm sorry, Professor.
Would you repeat
that last, please?
To conceal their fears.
No, I don't want to say that.
What do I want to say?
I told Paula
that she must free herself
from those jungle
What of myself?
Why did I say that word?
Am I afraid?
Am I beginning to doubt
my own reason and logic?
Black magic.
Island witchcraft.
Voodoo rituals and nonsense.
Proven nonsense.
Don't try to work anymore.
I know you're upset over what
happened to Professor Sawtelle.
Yes, I suppose so.
All those things they're saying
about you, they're all lies.
What things?
Well, that you had something to
do with Professor Sawtelle's death.
But whatever anyone else says,
I believe in you.
Well, thank you.
I was so thrilled when you
asked me to come to work tonight.
When I knew you chose to be
here with me, rather than with...
Well, with anyone else,
I was...
Well, I...
What are you talking about?
Haven't I got enough
on my mind
without listening to this
romantic twaddle of yours?
Now, go on. Get out of here. Go home
and don't let me see you here again.
Maggie, darling,
what's he done?
If he's done anything
to hurt you, I'll kill him.
I hate him.
I never want to see him again,
the philanderer.
Come on now, darling, I'll take
you home. Oh, leave me alone.
I never want to see another
man as long as I live.
I must be losing my mind.
These things
just don't happen.
What did you do to Margaret?
Do to Margaret?
You know what I'm talking about.
You've got plenty of explaining to do.
Look, will you please go home?
I've had just about all I can take.
Yeah, that's what you think.
Listen, you psychopathic young fool.
Now, come on. Get up!
Get out of here and stay out.
Norman, it's Paula. Something
terrible has happened.
Paula! Well, what is it?
Darling, what happened?
No, don't do that.
The death chant, Norman.
I heard it. I heard it.
Death chant?
What are you talking about?
You know what it means.
Someone is praying us to death.
That's pure imagination.
No. Don't answer it.
Why not?
Because I'm afraid.
There it is, Norman.
Make it stop! Make it stop!
Paula! Listen to me.
Whoever is playing that music
is just trying to frighten you.
If you don't fear it, it means nothing.
If you do, it means everything evil.
But I do fear it, Norman,
because it is evil.
Once I wasn't afraid
because we had protection.
But now... Now...
Oh, honey, you're gonna drive us both mad
with these foolish superstitions of yours.
You've got to stop it.
Do you hear me, honey?
You've got to stop it.
Oh, no.
Why is this happening to me?
This is my home that is filled
with fear and shadows.
I'm a scientist,
but I'm not immune.
You can't be surrounded
by fear and not be infected.
Things piling up.
Sawtelle's death.
Then that girl,
that psychopathic boy.
Somebody terrifying Paula
with death chants.
Why? Why?
From the moment
I burned the white magic.
From the moment the medallion
cracked in the fire.
I said it once in a lecture,
"Man moves two steps forward
and one step back. "
Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe it's one step forward
and two steps back.
Hello, Norman. Have you
heard the news? No. What news?
The Board met yesterday and invited
Hinshaw of Mid-State to replace Sawtelle.
And they offered him
the sociology chairmanship
as an inducement.
Well, that's fine.
Hinshaw's a good man.
Well, Grace.
Hello, Professor.
I can see by your face that
you know just why I'm here.
Yes, Ilona just told me
about Hinshaw.
Oh, I know about that, too.
No, this is an entirely
different matter.
What now?
There's some little snip of a
student who's been working for you...
Margaret Mercer?
Seems there's an adoring swain
who stands guard over her,
and he spread the news around that you
tried to take advantage of Little Nell.
Keep your shirt on.
The story got to Ilona
and she sent for the girl,
hoping, no doubt, to find
her worst fears confirmed.
It seems
she wasn't disappointed.
The girl is a neurotic.
I don't doubt it.
And the boyfriend is
probably a half-wit.
But I'm Dean of Women,
and this was dumped in my lap.
Besides, these things
do happen.
Do they?
Sure, they do.
You may not think it to look at
me, but I still have memories.
That's better.
Now, just what did happen,
if anything?
I suddenly discovered this little
mooncalf talking romantic nonsense.
I practically had to throw her
out of the office.
A woman scorned again. No
wonder Ilona was sympathetic.
Well, I'll handle it.
Thanks, Grace.
Save the orchids.
Norman, what is wrong
with you, anyway?
Surely it isn't just this
Margaret Mercer business?
I don't know.
I really don't know. It seems
like I'm beginning to crack up.
Here, here, you better
get a grip on yourself.
Go down to the gym.
Workout and a shower
will make you feel better.
Two steps forward,
one step back.
Drop that gun, Jennings. Not
this time. Now it's my turn.
Just why do you
want to kill me?
You know why. Margaret and I
were getting along all right
till you came along
and broke us up.
You're a young fool.
You may think I'm a fool
'cause I can't keep up
in my work.
Well, how do you expect me
to keep up in my work,
thinking about you and Margaret? You've
ruined her life. You've ruined mine.
Give it to me.
Jennings says Professor Reed
beat him up.
Do you suppose he was really
interested in Margaret?
He was always asking her
to work nights.
First Sawtelle, then Jennings.
There must be a jinx on this college.
The jinx is on Professor Reed. If David
dies, he'll be charged with murder.
How does it feel to have
your husband in danger?
Not good, is it?
Better than having him dead.
Better than having him
kill himself.
Or don't you think so?
Only, Millard
didn't kill himself.
It was murder.
Your husband drove him
to take his own life.
Your husband is a murderer.
No! No, no!
That's what you did to him.
You and your child's face
and your black heart.
That isn't true!
How can you say such
terrible things? It is true!
Until you came here, Monroe
was a safe and decent place.
Norman was a decent man.
And then he brought you
from the jungle.
You talk as though I were some
strange creature that he captured.
You're a witch.
Ilona says you are.
And she's right.
Ilona hates me.
And why not?
She's the woman
Norman should have married.
And then you bewitched him.
He killed my husband just as
surely as if he'd fired the shots.
That's a lie!
And now the boy, Jennings.
Maybe he'll die.
Do you know what that means?
Your husband will be twice
a murderer. Stop it! Stop it!
Why don't you go back? Why
don't you go back to the jungle?
Go back! Go back! Go back!
Go back to the jungle
where you belong.
You've got to go back, Paula.
You don't belong here.
You're a witch. Go back!
Go back, go back, go back.
You've brought nothing
but tragedy to Monroe.
You must go back.
Answer that phone.
Answer it.
Answer it.
Thank you, Grace.
What for, you dope?
Any professional bail bondsman
could have done as much.
Besides, the kid's
still alive, isn't he?
Yes, but I'm very grateful.
Good night.
What are you doing here?
Where is my wife?
Let go of me, you murderer.
Where is Paula?
In there.
That's the way I found
Millard, only he was dying.
Norman. Norman, take me
away from here. I'm afraid.
There's nothing to be afraid
of, honey. Yes, there is.
This house is full of it,
something evil.
Evil, yes, it's you.
Why are you
terrorizing my wife?
She's got to get out of here.
Away from Monroe.
She's brought nothing
but death and destruction.
Paula never hurt any
living thing. She's a witch.
She made you drive
my husband to his death.
So you could get ahead faster.
You're both murderers.
I've had enough of this.
Exactly what do you mean?
You tried to get that old thesis
by Gregory Towne from the library
so you could prove Millard
stole it to write his book.
But Ilona warned him.
He knew you'd expose him.
And he couldn't stand it,
the disgrace.
He told me so
the night he died.
I never saw any thesis.
I had no idea that
Millard hadn't written
every word of his book.
Why didn't you
tell me this before?
You would have spread it all
over town. Ilona said you would.
Oh, so Ilona warned him.
Ilona's back of all of this.
It's Paula, with her
witchcraft and her island magic.
You're wrong.
Can't you understand?
Ilona planted the fear
of disgrace with Millard,
led you to believe that Paula and
I were responsible for his death.
She poisoned the minds of
Margaret Mercer and David Jennings.
This whole tragic scheme of things
points toward no one but Ilona.
No one but Ilona!
No. Don't answer it.
It's the death prayer music.
What do you know about this music
that comes over the telephone?
This death chant?
Ilona found out about it
from your book.
She had some records made
so she could frighten
Paula into leaving.
Did you hear that?
Now we know who our enemy is.
Now we know whom to fight.
Answer it.
You've got to overcome
this horrible fear.
Won't you please try?
Yes, Ilona.
What did she say?
David Jennings just died.
Oh, Norman, when you burned
everything, you left us helpless.
The forces of evil
are still at work.
Yes, but now it's evil
that we can understand.
We know how to combat.
I have to prove that David
Jennings came to the gymnasium
intending to kill me.
If I can't,
I'll be charged
with manslaughter
or murder.
Will you help me?
What's happened, getting me
out in the middle of the night?
I had to talk to you.
Look out. There it is.
Don't move.
What on Earth is it?
Where did it come from?
I don't know. That's what
makes it so terrifying.
I had this dream.
What dream? Millard
came and stood over me.
He looked dreadful, black as a storm.
I never saw him look like that before.
He said, "I am dead
because a woman lied. "
"A woman lied. "
"A woman lied. "
Ilona, I never
lied to Millard.
I drove him too hard, I know
that now, but I never lied.
This thing, it's voodoo.
Ilona, he said the woman
who killed him must confess.
Nobody killed him.
He killed himself.
But he kept saying he did it
because a woman lied.
Ilona, he can't mean me,
can he?
Can he?
How do I know?
He said she must confess,
or she will die.
Oh, you're crazy.
Soon, he said, soon. In 13
days, one minute after midnight.
All this time, standing over
me, he said these things.
Then all of a sudden, he had this
horrible little figure in his hand,
just like this one.
He said,
"This is the woman who lied. "
Then he took the thread and he
wrapped it around the thing's throat,
and he pulled it tight.
Then he pressed one of
the tacks into its head.
Then he started to move away,
and he said,
"Go down and you will see. "
And I came down, and there it was.
The same thing that Millard held.
It's insane. Imagination.
This isn't imagination.
This is the woman who lied.
This is the woman who's going
to die. It's here in front of us.
Burn this thing.
I'm afraid!
"The woman who lied,"
he said. I didn't lie.
"In 13 days," he said.
"The woman who lied... "
Stop that! Stop that!
The Monroe College student body
will be excused from classes tomorrow
to attend the funeral
of David Jennings,
who died yesterday morning
from a gunshot wound received...
No one knows
how long this may last.
So take advantage
of this new offer,
and remember, only eight
more days left to get your...
Miss Carr, I'd like to ask you
about the reference cards.
Don't do that!
One. One. One.
One. One. One.
Why do you want
to destroy Paula?
Why do you hate me?
Why did you kill David?
Why did you kill Millard?
Why did you kill Millard?
Why did you kill David?
Ilona, what's the matter?
Septimus, I'm dying.
They're driving nails into
my head, and I can't breathe.
It's getting tighter and tighter.
Hush, dear, you've just had a nightmare.
I'm dying, I tell you!
Shall I call a doctor?
I don't want a doctor.
Get me to Evelyn Sawtelle,
quick! Now, now, now.
Now try and relax.
I'll get the doctor.
Who is it?
Evelyn, you've got to help me.
I've been expecting you.
I'm dying, Evelyn. You've
got to give me that figure.
Why? Only the woman who lied is in
danger. The woman who killed Millard.
She will die one minute
after midnight, he said.
One minute after midnight.
Where is it, Evelyn? It's
an evil thing. Where is it?
Don't let it kill me. Don't,
don't. It was I who lied.
Then it was you
who killed Millard,
frightened him with your lying
tongue into taking his own life.
Yes. Now give it to me.
And David Jennings. You killed him. No.
You filled his jealous mind
with your lies, too.
You knew he'd make an attempt
on Norman Reed's life.
All right, yes, I did.
With my lies.
Now give it to me.
Give it to me!
Why, it's only ashes.
It's been ashes ever since the
first time you saw it, Ilona.
You're a victim
of your own fears.
We heard what you said about
David and Professor Sawtelle.
You. You tricked me. Your
guilty conscience tricked you.
You tricked me!
One minute past midnight.
And she's dead, strangled.
Just like the dream
I told her.
Only there was no dream,
just a fantastic story.
It's a bright new day, Paula. We'll
forget all our fears and start fresh.
You know, all of the magic
that you or anyone else needs
is a generous heart
and a steady mind.
Paula, will you try
to believe that?
Yes, Norman.
Are you happy?