Welcome to Mercy (2018)

[film reel ticking]
[eerie music]
[child crying]
[child crying]
[train horn blaring]
in foreign language]
What did she say?
I think she said
that we're getting close.
Can we end construction now?
Back where you found it.
I think I'm a little nervous.
If Grandpa's so sick,
why isn't he in the hospital?
Because he won't be sick
much longer.
[instrumental music]
I remember this road.
- Thanks.
- Yes.
[animal screeching]
[wind howling]
[dramatic music]
What's wrong?
Nothing. Come on.
[bangs on door]
Hello, Yelena.
What are you doing here?
Frank wrote me.
The letter said he's sick.
You should have called.
This is Willow.
Come in.
Okay, come on.
[eerie music]
[song on radio]
Your husband doesn't mind you
traveling so far alone?
I'm not married.
[man coughing]
You shouldn't have brought
the baby here.
[man coughing]
[dramatic music]
How long has he been like this?
He has been sick for many years.
Can I see him?
It is best that we do not
disturb him in the evening.
We should call the taxi
and discuss this tomorrow.
Oh, I...
There is this very nice hotel
in the town.
Let me get my book.
[man coughing]
Uh, this is taxi
and, uh, this is the inn.
It's a good place.
The phone in there on table.
[man coughing]
I can't get a dial tone.
The weather can cause trouble.
Maybe we could stay here
This is not possible.
But the inn is only
a few kilometers away.
Oh, it's freezing outside.
I don't wanna walk her
all night in the cold.
Children are much stronger
than you think, Madeline.
She will be fine.
Don't tell me
she'll be fine, okay?
I don't need parenting advice
from a woman
who abandoned her child.
Repeat, please.
I don't need parenting advice
from a woman
who abandoned her child.
I did not abandon you.
I wanted you
to have a better life!
[man coughing]
This conversation
isn't appropriate
in front of the child.
I agree.
- No, sweetie, we have to go.
- Where are we going?
- I don't wanna leave.
- Please.
My apologies.
You should, please, stay.
But there are things I..
...wanted to tell you.
We can discuss this in morning.
[wind howling]
Oh! What this?
- I made this.
- Oh.
I used to make these
with your mother.
Did she ever tell you that?
Mommy, was this your room?
[dramatic music]
[man coughing]
[speaking in foreign language]
[man coughing]
[ghostly whispering]
- You warm?
- Toasty.
Are you mad or are you sad?
I'm just tired.
You wanna say
your goodnight prayers?
Angels bless and angels keep
angels guard me while I sleep.
Bless my heart
and bless my home
bless my spirit as I roam.
Jesus, we shouldn't be here.
[door creaking]
[stairs creaking]
[eerie music]
[heavy breathing]
[doorknob turns]
[heavy breathing]
[keys jingling]
[raspy breathing]
[ghostly whispering]
[intense music]
[distorted voices]
[distant noise]
[distant noise]
[cat crying]
[cat crying]
[breathing heavily]
[ghostly whispering]
[cat crying]
[eerie music]
[door slams]
[creature roaring]
[crow cawing]
[rooster crowing]
Madeline, are you alright?
Come on, get up. You'll freeze.
Inside! It's cold!
Why am I out here?
[indistinct chatter]
I don't think..
At least
your daughter is here
and family is what
is important now.
Hello, Madeline.
You remember Father Joseph?
[spoon clinking]
[speaking in foreign language]
That's enough.
You still wear the cross
I gave you.
Uh, I do.
Can I fix you
some breakfast, Madeline?
No, that's okay.
We're gonna have to get going.
Get a room in the town.
Here, you want some cheese.
[clears throat]
Finish your food.
Your mother was just
telling me about
your sleepwalking episode
last night.
[kettle whistling]
How are you feeling?
[ghostly whispering]
I'm very sorry
about your father.
He is, uh..
...a good friend
and was a very gifted priest.
Father Joseph has been coming
for morning prayer with him.
He has been very generous
with his time.
We all must find forgiveness.
Will you join us, Madeline?
[ghostly whispering]
It's important for your father
to find peace before he dies.
[spoon clinking]
Um, I think we should
probably get walking.
Walk? I'll drive you into town
on my way back.
I think that's okay.
Mom, you said
I was gonna meet Grandpa.
Come on.
You've come this far, Madeline.
Please join us.
You won't have another chance
to say goodbye.
[instrumental music]
Frank, Madeline is here..
...with your granddaughter.
This is Willow.
She made this for you.
[ghostly whispering]
Madeline. Madeline.
Do you know your prayers,
Some of them.
What about Come, Holy Spirit?
[ghostly whispering]
Would you like to learn it?
Come, O Holy Spirit.
Fill the hearts
of your faithful.
[ghostly whispering]
Send forth your spirit
and they shall be created.
Send forth your..
[eerie music]
[speaking in foreign language]
What's going on?
Why am I tied down?
Willow? Where's my daughter?
She is downstairs
with your mother.
Why are my hands tied?
Because you lost control.
You did not imagine it.
What the hell
is happening to me?
I believe you have been blessed.
The holy wounds of Stigmata.
I just came here to see my dad.
That is not why you come here.
Let me go! Please, please.
Please, just let me go.
Just let me go.
I perform mass
for the Sisters
of Mercy Convent.
Pray, Mother Superior
may be able to help you.
Yelena, where is she?
Where is she?
Willow, come here. Come on.
Madeline, you almost killed her.
I tried to keep this from you.
You are a danger
to your daughter here
but Mercy
is a cloistered convent.
If you want to protect her
you will have to go there.
Trust him, Madeline.
Trust him.
Can I get a hug?
When are you coming back?
[instrumental music]
Madeline, we have to leave.
Hey, you wanna say
our nighttime prayer?
Angels bless and angels keep
angels guard me while I sleep.
Bless my heart
and bless my home
bless my spirit as I roam.
[dramatic music]
I'm not crazy about water.
Consider your fear
and let it go.
There are more dangerous things
than water.
Is that supposed
to make me feel better?
[church bell tolling]
[intense music]
John Brown's body lies
a-moldering in the grave
John Brown's body lies
a-moldering in the grave
John Brown's body lies
a-moldering in the grave
But his soul
goes marching on
Don't be afraid, child.
Mother Superior will know
what to do.
[women laughing]
You'll find all kinds
of women here.
They start as postulants
and after a year,
they become novices.
Some are educated
widowed, orphaned.
Some have grown children.
But all of them are here
for guidance..
...like you.
[indistinct chatter]
And what sort of guidance
do you have for me?
I am authorized by the church
to identify a very specific set
of physical and spiritual signs.
If what you are experiencing
is genuine
then submitting to the spiritual
disciplines of our order..
...will help induce
this great gift.
But I don't want
to bring it back.
I wanna get rid of it.
Once witnessed..
...it can be assessed.
I'd like to call my daughter.
And I want to help you.
There are certain rules
we all follow.
We are not to leave our rooms
after the evening bell.
We do not wander alone
and we do not speak
without reason to do so.
And we do not go
to the bell tower.
That's the torture chamber.
Excuse me,
I should have said most of us
do not speak
without reason to do so.
[eerie music]
So what do you think
of our esteemed Mother Superior?
- She seems nice.
- Isn't she?
Just don't get on her bad side.
She doesn't have a bad side.
Alyona's very devout.
Fancy, right?
So here are your vestments.
Casual clothes
are not permitted.
Oh, God forbid.
Morning prayer begins at 7:00.
I'd like to call my daughter.
Welcome to Mercy.
She's an odd girl, isn't she?
[cat mewing]
I found her in the garden.
She's a refugee.
I used to have a cat just like
that when I was little.
[cat mews]
Everyone's talking about you.
They say you're cursed.
You gonna try it on?
[cat purring]
[bell tolling]
That's the evening bell.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I'll show you around.
I know what it's like
to be new here.
[eerie music]
[wind howling]
[ghostly whispering]
[ghostly whispering]
[bell tolling]
[dramatic music]
[speaking in foreign language]
[ghostly whispering]
- Amen.
- Amen.
It's quite normal that others
might feel threatened by you.
What you have is physical.
Tangible evidence
in a world of abstracts.
Envy is a sin.
We are all sinners, aren't we?
Now would you like
to call your daughter?
Let her know you're alright.
[phone ringing]
[dramatic music]
[match striking]
[automated message on phone]
What happened
at your parents' house?
There's something wrong
with the phone.
The lines are old.
They get frozen sometimes.
We can try again later.
[phone beeping]
What happened
at your parents' house?
I don't remember.
Yes, you do.
Sit down.
Loosen your hair.
I want you to relax.
Close your eyes.
Now clear your mind..
...and breathe.
What do you remember?
[dramatic music]
[distant cry]
I heard noises
coming from the barn.
[breathing heavily]
What noises did you hear?
A cat was crying
inside the well.
[cat crying]
Go deeper.
[creature roars]
[deep voice]
Deeper! Deeper!
Come with me.
What do you see?
I'm a child.
Angels bless and angels keep
angels guard me while I sleep.
Bless my heart
and bless my home
bless my spirit as I roam.
Angels guard and angels keep
angels guard me while I sleep.
Bless my heart and bless
my home, bless my spirit..
[ghostly whispering]
Bless my spirit, bless
my heart, bless my spirit..
No, Madeline.
You need to go back
down the well!
Sit down, Madeline.
We're not finished.
Wha.. What was that?
[breathing heavily]
Stigmatics are blessed
with wounds
as a connection
to the sufferings of Christ.
But I'm afraid
you are experiencing wounds
as a connection
to the sufferings of your life.
What's that supposed to mean?
Old wounds can cause new ones.
There is something dangerous
trapped inside you, Madeline
and we need to drag it out.
We'll try again tomorrow.
Spend the afternoon
in thoughtful prayer.
Peace be with you.
[bell tolling]
Come on up here.
If you stay in the yard, they'll
end up giving you a broom.
I swear, someday I'm gonna burn
these clothes.
This is pretty much the only
place that we can talk freely.
[cat mews]
Plus, it comes
with other benefits.
Do you want to hold her?
You okay?
I'm not.
I'm not okay.
I came here looking for answers
and for help.
And Mother Superior said
that the problem is with me.
Do you know why I'm here?
They said you had the signs.
I almost killed my daughter.
Did they tell you that?
I grabbed her and I sent her
flying across the room..
....and I threw her
as hard as I could.
And now her face is swollen
and she has bruises
all over her
and blood on her eye and..
When she looks at me..
...how scared she is..
...and I just,
I just wanna, like, die.
I just wanna fucking die.
And I just..
It's just something that..
...came out of me.
And I don't know how to explain
that to my daughter.
So I'm in this place.
Like, just hoping for a sign
that I'm doing
the right thing, but..
...I don't know
why this happened
or what's inside of me.
You can talk to me.
I don't want you to get
stuck here like the rest of us.
When I first came here,
I was so lonely.
I hid atop of the bell tower.
What's in the bell tower?
There are these wooden stairs
that go all the way up.
And at the top,
there's this old bell
with rust around the edges.
And there's nothing
like the wind up there.
So strong
there's nothing to stop it.
Feels like it could
just pick you up and..
...take you away.
Bell tower's where you go when
you've got nowhere else to go.
What brought you back?
I didn't want to be alone.
Now I'm not.
I should get some rest.
[instrumental music]
[speaking in foreign language]
[dramatic music]
I know what you are.
You don't belong here.
She's lying to you.
You're a child born out of sin.
Your mother was the postulant
whore of Mercy.
Excuse me.
[speaking in foreign language]
I will drop a hymnal
by your room before Vespers.
We are singing
"Father, We Thank Thee."
Or there's always a copy
in the library.
[speaking in foreign language]
[dramatic music]
Dear Frank, I'm afraid.
I'm afraid of myself
and of you
of this unspoken sin.
These letters and the secrets
that they keep.
The sisters may not see
inside my soul
but the Lord does
and I am afraid
of what He sees.
Dear Yelena,
do you fear the fields
or the wind that whisper
through them
breathing life
into silent moments?
They are the quiet creations
of our Lord
as is this love.
Would you deny a gift from God?
Frank, I would never deny
my God
but we took vows
that promised our lives
to the Lord,
not to this sick desire.
Not to this love.
How could something as pure
as love be other than God?
What price will we pay
for betraying that promise?
For denying Him?
[indistinct chatter]
[dramatic music]
[indistinct whispering]
[phone ringing]
[breathing heavily]
- Hello?
- Hey.
It's me.
I'm not supposed
to talk to you right now.
- Why?
- Because you're dangerous.
What's happening?
Father Joseph says
we're not supposed
to talk to you right now.
- What are you doing in here?
- Hello?
- I told you to stay out...
- I'm just talking to my mom!
- Get out!
- Willow.
- Willow.
- Leave Willow alone.
[line disconnects]
[dramatic music]
[wind howling]
[eerie music]
[heavy breathing]
[ghostly whispers]
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
[reading in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[knock on door]
You missed morning prayers.
I... I slept in.
I cannot help you
if you don't join us.
Come with me.
That's very good.
Do you have history
of mental illness
in your family?
[speaking in foreign language]
Have you had trouble sleeping?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Yeah. For how long?
- Always.
- Always.
Please follow the eye.
How old were you?
- When?
- When it happened?
Um, 32.
Are you baptized?
Have you been to the bell tower?
It's okay. Answer the question.
I don't know. No.
What the child's name?
- Willow, Why?
- No.
What the child's name?
Are you lying to us?
If you lie to us
then we can't help you.
[reading in foreign language]
[eerie music]
[ghostly whispering]
[speaking in foreign language]
Can I speak with Father Joseph?
I'm afraid he's left
for the day, my dear.
But it's recreation hour now.
Would you like to talk with me?
Or perhaps..
No. No, thank you.
- I have to talk to you.
- Shh. Follow me.
[indistinct reading]
I think I need
to get out of here.
I wanna show you something.
[dramatic music]
Come on.
[reading in foreign language]
I think I know somebody
who can help you.
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
Hello, Madeline.
Beth's a reader.
She can help you.
Tell her.
Well, she looks like
she doesn't have faith in me.
So make her believe.
There's more to blood
than science.
I see beneath blood..
...to what it tells us
about the soul.
It's a very rare gift.
Like yours.
Are there any secrets
you need to find
hiding in your soul?
No, I'm okay.
Oh, come on.
You came here for answers,
didn't you?
[eerie music]
Your blood is thick.
There are secrets and sins that
you keep even from yourself.
You were never ready
to be a mother.
You aren't here
for your daughter.
You're here for yourself.
Let me go.
I wanna stop. I wanna stop!
Your blood is unholy, violated.
- I wanna stop!
- Unloved.
Madeline, are you okay?
Look at me.
Beth, what did you do to her?
[ghostly whispering]
Angels bless and angels keep,
angels guard me..
[chanting in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
There you are.
That was quite a fall you took.
- What did they do to me?
- Drink this.
It was just a foolish game
those girls
are not supposed to play.
Drink up.
How are you feeling?
I think maybe I wanna go home
for a few days.
No, that wouldn't be safe.
There's nasty weather coming.
Then I need
to call my daughter.
Of course.
[eerie music]
There's no dial tone.
The weather can cause trouble.
I think I'm gonna go rest
in my room.
I'll send somebody for you
if the lines come back up.
Don't worry, dear.
Children are stronger
than you think.
She'll be just fine
without you.
[ghostly whispering]
[ghostly whispering]
Madeline. Madeline. Madeline.
[eerie music]
[ghostly whispering]
[ghostly whispering]
[instrumental music]
What are you doing?
Leave me alone!
You can't leave
in the middle of this storm!
- Leave me alone!
- I'm sorry about Beth!
I thought she could help you!
I know about your parents!
I know about everything!
I know what's going on
with you!
I can help you
save your daughter!
Let me save you!
Let me save you!
Here, you need
to wrap yourself in this.
Why are they taking my daughter?
I heard Mother Superior
talking with Father Joseph.
Your family planned all this
just to send you away.
That letter magically turning up
out of the blue.
Father Joseph turning up
at your house.
They wanted to abandon you here.
They think
that you're dangerous.
Then why did you stop me?
'Cause you would have frozen
to death.
[instrumental music]
You can't go home.
You're stuck here just like me.
Everyone is afraid of you.
Your daughter's afraid of you.
They don't want you
to come back.
Why do they think I'm dangerous?
Because you are..
- What's wrong?
- I have to go.
[eerie music]
She's lying to you.
Your daughter needs you.
You must go to the bell tower.
The key is in the well.
[instrumental music]
You will find what you need..
...if you look deep enough.
You have to go back in.
It's the only way out.
[instrumental music]
I'm coming, Willow.
[dramatic music]
[eerie music]
I'm coming. I'm coming.
There are..
...things I wanted to tell you.
[instrumental music]
I never wanted this for you.
I never wanted any of this.
It was just love.
That's all it was.
But it should never have been.
And we struggled.
My God, we struggled.
How could something
so pure as love
be something other than God?
But it was forbidden.
We followed our desires..
...and broke our vows.
We ran towards love
and away from God.
We were selfish.
We invited unholiness
into our lives.
Stay where you are.
Stay where you are.
[speaking in foreign language]
Some of the consequences
were impossible to bear.
Others were true blessings.
Like you.
But it wasn't always like this.
I have memories of him.
Come on.
We had a burden to bear.
So for as long as possible..
...we shared that burden.
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
We did everything we could
to keep this from you.
We took every step we could
to live like this.
[speaking in foreign language]
We thought we could control it.
[eerie music]
We were wrong.
One day, it got away
from both of us..
...and it got the thing..
...that it wanted more than us.
It wanted me.
[speaking in foreign language]
[cat hisses]
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[floor creaks]
Yelena, please come back.
I warned you not to go
to the bell tower.
But you did it, anyway.
That's no way
to treat a friend.
And now you're here.
Your parents abandoned you.
God abandoned you.
They didn't want
to protect you.
I took you in..
...an unloved, discarded child
born of pure sin.
I made you blessed.
You can't escape, Madeline.
There's only one way out.
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
Don't you remember
what they did to you?
Don't you remember
what you are?
There are no answers at the
bottom of that well, Madeline.
- Frank.
- There's only one thing down there.
- Frank, no!
- You!
[eerie music]
Don't you remember?
I can protect you.
But you're dangerous..
...and the only way
to save Willow
is to come with me.
[instrumental music]
Let's get off this island.
[intense music]
Willow needs you.
She loves you.
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
Can you hear me?
[speaking in foreign language]
Please, look at me.
Please, look at me.
She loves you.
She loves you.
She loves you.
Willow needs you.
She loves you.
[speaking in foreign language]
I couldn't protect you.
I regret..
[instrumental music]
You're not leaving this time.
Your soul belongs to me.
To me.
Your soul belongs to me!
Your soul belongs to me!
Your soul belongs to me!
Your soul belongs to me!
[bell tolling]
Listen to me.
I don't regret breaking my vows.
I don't regret having you.
I was wrong.
You should have never
had to suffer for my sins.
Please give it back to me.
[wind howling]
[instrumental music]
[speaking in foreign language]
Yelena. Ye...
[breathing heavily]
[speaking in foreign language]
I will always be here
to protect you, my child.
[speaking in foreign language]
Thank you, Lord..
...for light..
...for strength..
[speaking in foreign language]
He is so grateful for a chance
to be a family with you again.
Your parents
have always loved you.
- You know this.
- I do now.
Then you are truly blessed.
Let's go home.
We made it, right? Good?
How this... made it.
[dramatic music]
Come with me.
[instrumental music]
[singing in foreign language]