Welcome to the Punch (2013)

Welcome to the Punch
[breathlessly] nathan?
- talk to me.
- yes, tonight.
talk to me.
- yes, tonight.
Sternwood is doing it tonight.
yes, tonight.
Sternwood is doing it tonight.
- jesus, max, you might finally
Sternwood is doing it tonight.
- jesus, max, you might finally
have got him. Where?
jesus, max, you might finally
have got him. Where?
- aberdeen square.
Have got him. Where?
- aberdeen square.
- are you sure?
- yeah.
aberdeen square.
- are you sure?
- yeah.
Yeah, I'm positive.
are you sure?
- yeah.
Yeah, I'm positive.
[punch thuds]
Yeah, I'm positive.
[punch thuds]
[elevator bell dings]
- [breath hisses in mask]
- [breath hisses in mask]
[car engine racing]
[breath hisses in mask]
[car engine racing]
[car engine racing]
[thud, man grunts]
[motorcycle engines rev]
[tires squeal]
[engines roaring]
[engines roaring]
[car tires squeal]
[engines roaring]
[car tires squeal]
[car tires squeal]
[engine running]
- [breathing heavily]
[engine running]
- [breathing heavily]
- [breath hisses in mask]
[rolling, engines off]
[engines rev]
[engines rev]
[engines roar]
nathan: Max, sternwood
is highly dangerous.
You're obsessed!
Is highly dangerous.
You're obsessed!
You're not thinking straight!
You're obsessed!
You're not thinking straight!
You're not thinking straight!
listen to me.
listen to me.
Backup is on its way.
Listen to me.
Backup is on its way.
Don't go in unarmed.
Backup is on its way.
Don't go in unarmed.
Repeat: Do not go in unarmed.
Don't go in unarmed.
Repeat: Do not go in unarmed.
That is an order!
Repeat: Do not go in unarmed.
That is an order!
[thud, man grunts]
[max shouts]
[shouts again]
[max shouts]
[shouts again]
[pipe clangs]
[shouts again]
[pipe clangs]
[punch thuds]
[pipe clangs]
[punch thuds]
[gunshot, max groans]
[grunts in pain]
[motorcycle approaching]
[max shouts and groans in pain]
[motorcycle engine revs]
[max grunting and gasping]
[max shouts, groans]
[max grunting and gasping]
[max shouts, groans]
[his voice fades]
[max shouts, groans]
[his voice fades]
[police sirens wail in distance]
- [panting nervously]
- flight attendant: Newspaper,
[panting nervously]
- flight attendant: Newspaper,
flight attendant: Newspaper,
[jet engine whining faintly]
[jet engine whining faintly]
[general conversation...]
[jet engine whining faintly]
[general conversation...]
[general conversation...]
[man breathing rhythmically]
paper, sir?
- no.
- paper, sir?
- yes, thank you.
paper, sir?
- yes, thank you.
woman over loudspeaker:
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is
joanna mccauley and I'm your
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is
joanna mccauley and I'm your
chief flight attendant.
Joanna mccauley and I'm your
chief flight attendant.
On behalf of captain hanna and
Chief flight attendant.
On behalf of captain hanna and
the entire crew, welcome aboard
On behalf of captain hanna and
the entire crew, welcome aboard
this non-stop flight from
The entire crew, welcome aboard
this non-stop flight from
london to reykjavik.
This non-stop flight from
london to reykjavik.
Our flight time will be
London to reykjavik.
Our flight time will be
approximately two hours
Our flight time will be
approximately two hours
and 35 minutes.
Approximately two hours
and 35 minutes.
We'll be flying at an altitude
And 35 minutes.
We'll be flying at an altitude
of 32,000 feet and a ground
We'll be flying at an altitude
of 32,000 feet and a ground
speed of 500 miles per hour.
Of 32,000 feet and a ground
speed of 500 miles per hour.
- woman: Sir, sir, the seat
Speed of 500 miles per hour.
- woman: Sir, sir, the seat
belt sign is-- [thud]
woman: Sir, sir, the seat
belt sign is-- [thud]
Belt sign is-- [thud]
- get out of the way!
- get out of the way!
[door hisses]
get out of the way!
[door hisses]
[door hisses]
[phone rings]
- ruan?
- I'm so sorry, dad.
- I'm so sorry, dad.
I wouldn't have made it.
I'm so sorry, dad.
I wouldn't have made it.
- made it back?
I wouldn't have made it.
- made it back?
- I fucked up. [gasping]
made it back?
- I fucked up. [gasping]
- what do you mean?
I fucked up. [gasping]
- what do you mean?
What's wrong?
what do you mean?
What's wrong?
- I fucked up.
What's wrong?
- I fucked up.
I have to go back to
I fucked up.
I have to go back to
the greigo mar.
I have to go back to
the greigo mar.
- greigo mar, what's that?
The greigo mar.
- greigo mar, what's that?
- man: Stay where you are!
greigo mar, what's that?
- man: Stay where you are!
- look, if you're in some kind
man: Stay where you are!
- look, if you're in some kind
of trouble, I can have
look, if you're in some kind
of trouble, I can have
- dad, I'm scared.
Of trouble, I can have
- dad, I'm scared.
- man: Lie down on the floor!
- dad, I'm scared.
- man: Lie down on the floor!
- ruan, where are you?
man: Lie down on the floor!
- ruan, where are you?
- [sobs] dad--
- ruan!
ruan, where are you?
- [sobs] dad--
- ruan!
[gunshot, thunder rumbles]
[alarm clock beeping]
- man on tv: Gun crime is an
[alarm clock beeping]
- man on tv: Gun crime is an
election issue this morning.
man on tv: Gun crime is an
election issue this morning.
After last night's shooting of
Election issue this morning.
After last night's shooting of
two young men, robert wiseman,
After last night's shooting of
two young men, robert wiseman,
the shadow home secretary,
Two young men, robert wiseman,
the shadow home secretary,
has again called for the police
The shadow home secretary,
has again called for the police
force to be fully armed.
Has again called for the police
force to be fully armed.
[groans softly]
[rapid knocking on door]
- max!
We're late.
Place is looking really
homely, max.
Place is looking really
homely, max.
[gates creak]
...[clicking pen rapidly]
so, mr. Warns, escorting
...[clicking pen rapidly]
so, mr. Warns, escorting
convoys and guarding v.I.P.S,
So, mr. Warns, escorting
convoys and guarding v.I.P.S,
your days have got to be pretty
Convoys and guarding v.I.P.S,
your days have got to be pretty
regimented, haven't they?
Your days have got to be pretty
regimented, haven't they?
[warns chuckles]
Regimented, haven't they?
[warns chuckles]
- something funny?
[warns chuckles]
- something funny?
- I'm wise to you.
something funny?
- I'm wise to you.
- yeah?
I'm wise to you.
- yeah?
- I can see the path
- I can see the path
that you're on.
I can see the path
that you're on.
It's like I'm looking
That you're on.
It's like I'm looking
at a grid zone.
It's like I'm looking
at a grid zone.
All rolled out in
At a grid zone.
All rolled out in
little coordinates.
All rolled out in
little coordinates.
And I'm tracking exactly where
Little coordinates.
And I'm tracking exactly where
you're going with it.
And I'm tracking exactly where
you're going with it.
I reel off my old routine
You're going with it.
I reel off my old routine
like the brainwashed robot
I reel off my old routine
like the brainwashed robot
that you think I am.
Like the brainwashed robot
that you think I am.
And then you tell me how
That you think I am.
And then you tell me how
unfortunate it is that someone
And then you tell me how
unfortunate it is that someone
with my conditioning doesn't
Unfortunate it is that someone
with my conditioning doesn't
know his exact movements on
With my conditioning doesn't
know his exact movements on
Saturday night.
Know his exact movements on
Saturday night.
- well, the security guard
Saturday night.
- well, the security guard
patrolling the container yard
well, the security guard
patrolling the container yard
said he saw you and a kid
Patrolling the container yard
said he saw you and a kid
fitting the description of
Said he saw you and a kid
fitting the description of
otis blake the night
Fitting the description of
otis blake the night
he was murdered.
Otis blake the night
he was murdered.
That's unfortunate.
He was murdered.
That's unfortunate.
In fact, he took down
That's unfortunate.
In fact, he took down
your number plate.
In fact, he took down
your number plate.
- means you're fucked.
Your number plate.
- means you're fucked.
- yeah, well, I told them
means you're fucked.
- yeah, well, I told them
and now I'm telling you...
yeah, well, I told them
and now I'm telling you...
I was with my grandmother.
And now I'm telling you...
I was with my grandmother.
- doing what?
I was with my grandmother.
- doing what?
- I was watching a film.
doing what?
- I was watching a film.
- what film?
I was watching a film.
- what film?
- calamity jane.
what film?
- calamity jane.
- [scoffs]
- it is a classic.
- how's that film end again?
- they ride off into
the fucking sunset.
The fucking sunset.
[thunder rumbles]
[thunder rumbles]
[thunder rumbles]
- all right, max?
- all right, max?
- all right, mate?
- all right, max?
- all right, mate?
- they wanna see you.
- max.
- nathan. Sir.
We all good?
- nathan. Sir.
We all good?
- we're letting warns go.
We all good?
- we're letting warns go.
The security guard who
- we're letting warns go.
The security guard who
identified him at the container
The security guard who
identified him at the container
yard... He's retracted
Identified him at the container
yard... He's retracted
his statement.
Yard... He's retracted
his statement.
Says he made a mistake.
His statement.
Says he made a mistake.
Warns' grandmother backs up his
Says he made a mistake.
Warns' grandmother backs up his
alibi, says she was with him
Warns' grandmother backs up his
alibi, says she was with him
all night.
Alibi, says she was with him
all night.
Watched a film-- calamity jane.
All night.
Watched a film-- calamity jane.
- this is bullshit.
Watched a film-- calamity jane.
- this is bullshit.
- I need this arrest more than
- this is bullshit.
- I need this arrest more than
anyone, but without hard
- I need this arrest more than
anyone, but without hard
evidence, he walks, all right?
Anyone, but without hard
evidence, he walks, all right?
- so what, nothing turn up at
Evidence, he walks, all right?
- so what, nothing turn up at
the container yard?
- so what, nothing turn up at
the container yard?
- team swept every dock.
The container yard?
- team swept every dock.
Found nothing.
- team swept every dock.
Found nothing.
- you know why he was thrown
Found nothing.
- you know why he was thrown
out of the army, nathan?
- you know why he was thrown
out of the army, nathan?
- he resigned.
Out of the army, nathan?
- he resigned.
- he was guilty.
- he resigned.
- he was guilty.
- the witness has retracted.
- he was guilty.
- the witness has retracted.
The container yard is clean
- the witness has retracted.
The container yard is clean
and warns' alibi is solid.
The container yard is clean
and warns' alibi is solid.
The decision's already
And warns' alibi is solid.
The decision's already
been made, OK?
The decision's already
been made, OK?
- well, the decision's bad.
Been made, OK?
- well, the decision's bad.
- and so's your attitude.
- well, the decision's bad.
- and so's your attitude.
- oi, why don't you go and
- and so's your attitude.
- oi, why don't you go and
wait inside, yeah?
- oi, why don't you go and
wait inside, yeah?
Go on.
She's good at her job, you know.
- no, I like her.
She's got the same fire
- no, I like her.
She's got the same fire
that you used to have.
[phones, general conversation]
- how can you do that?
- what?
- how can you do that?
- what?
- how can you just stand there
- what?
- how can you just stand there
and not even argue your point?
- how can you just stand there
and not even argue your point?
- if I had a point,
And not even argue your point?
- if I had a point,
I'd argue it.
- if I had a point,
I'd argue it.
- when I asked to work with
I'd argue it.
- when I asked to work with
you, max, I thought you'd
- when I asked to work with
you, max, I thought you'd
at least have my back.
You, max, I thought you'd
at least have my back.
- yeah, look...
At least have my back.
- yeah, look...
Look, I've just learned not to
- yeah, look...
Look, I've just learned not to
get involved, all right?
Look, I've just learned not to
get involved, all right?
- you've just learned to take
Get involved, all right?
- you've just learned to take
it up the ass from geiger.
- you've just learned to take
it up the ass from geiger.
- [chuckles]
It up the ass from geiger.
- [chuckles]
- human emotion, my god.
- you want to get yourself
a notebook.
- you worried
I might get ink poisoning,
A notebook.
- you worried
I might get ink poisoning,
aren't you?
- it's already
I might get ink poisoning,
aren't you?
- it's already
infected your tongue.
- at
Aren't you?
- it's already
infected your tongue.
- at
least my ass is still intact.
[metal scrapes and rumbles]
[all converse indistinctly]
[phone rings]
- max: Juka, what's that about?
- young guy traveling under
the passport of william morgan
collapses on the runway at
The passport of william morgan
collapses on the runway at
city airport.
Collapses on the runway at
city airport.
Turns out the real morgan died
City airport.
Turns out the real morgan died
five years ago in a car crash
Turns out the real morgan died
five years ago in a car crash
in dudlowe, essex.
- so what?
Five years ago in a car crash
in dudlowe, essex.
- so what?
- so they check
In dudlowe, essex.
- so what?
- so they check
his fingerprints.
- so they check
his fingerprints.
Turns out that he was arrested
His fingerprints.
Turns out that he was arrested
as a kid for shoplifting.
Turns out that he was arrested
as a kid for shoplifting.
- juka, come on, man,
As a kid for shoplifting.
- juka, come on, man,
my toast is getting cold.
- juka, come on, man,
my toast is getting cold.
- it's ruan sternwood.
My toast is getting cold.
- it's ruan sternwood.
- it's ruan sternwood.
- [breathing quickens]
- nathan: All right, I'm being
asked a lot of the same
questions, so grab pens
Asked a lot of the same
questions, so grab pens
'cause I'm not repeating it.
Questions, so grab pens
'cause I'm not repeating it.
Last night, jacob sternwood's
'cause I'm not repeating it.
Last night, jacob sternwood's
son ruan sternwood was picked up
Last night, jacob sternwood's
son ruan sternwood was picked up
at city airport suffering from a
Son ruan sternwood was picked up
at city airport suffering from a
gunshot wound to the stomach.
At city airport suffering from a
gunshot wound to the stomach.
Ballistics show he was shot by
Gunshot wound to the stomach.
Ballistics show he was shot by
the same gun as otis blake,
Ballistics show he was shot by
the same gun as otis blake,
but this, this is the icing.
The same gun as otis blake,
but this, this is the icing.
Before ruan collapsed, he made a
But this, this is the icing.
Before ruan collapsed, he made a
call from a mobile to a landline
Before ruan collapsed, he made a
call from a mobile to a landline
in hella, iceland.
Call from a mobile to a landline
in hella, iceland.
Right now, an s.F.O. Unit is
In hella, iceland.
Right now, an s.F.O. Unit is
making its way to a remote
Right now, an s.F.O. Unit is
making its way to a remote
address 94 kilometers east
Making its way to a remote
address 94 kilometers east
of reykjavik.
Address 94 kilometers east
of reykjavik.
They'll make entry at
Of reykjavik.
They'll make entry at
approximately 2200 hours
They'll make entry at
approximately 2200 hours
and they've been instructed
Approximately 2200 hours
and they've been instructed
to shoot to disable.
And they've been instructed
to shoot to disable.
- it won't work.
- why?
To shoot to disable.
- it won't work.
- why?
- because it won't.
- it won't work.
- why?
- because it won't.
They need to hold off.
- because it won't.
They need to hold off.
Or let sternwood think
They need to hold off.
Or let sternwood think
we haven't clocked on.
Or let sternwood think
we haven't clocked on.
Surround the house, take him
We haven't clocked on.
Surround the house, take him
when he moves, that's when
Surround the house, take him
when he moves, that's when
he's vulnerable.
- max!
When he moves, that's when
he's vulnerable.
- max!
- say something then.
- no.
He's vulnerable.
- max!
- say something then.
- no.
- something you want
- say something then.
- no.
- something you want
to add, mate?
- something you want
to add, mate?
- no.
To add, mate?
- no.
- no.
- it won't work.
- it won't work.
- [scoffs]
- it won't work.
- [scoffs]
uh, all right, um...
- [scoffs]
uh, all right, um...
Well, what do you think
Uh, all right, um...
Well, what do you think
will work...
Well, what do you think
will work...
Will work...
- well... Nathan...
- well... Nathan...
You've gotta...
- well... Nathan...
You've gotta...
Hold off, wait,
You've gotta...
Hold off, wait,
surround the house and...
Hold off, wait,
surround the house and...
Take him when he's
Surround the house and...
Take him when he's
least expecting it.
Take him when he's
least expecting it.
- and if I tell them to hold
Least expecting it.
- and if I tell them to hold
off and we turn up and find out
- and if I tell them to hold
off and we turn up and find out
that he's got away-- again--
Off and we turn up and find out
that he's got away-- again--
who's gonna take the flak?
That he's got away-- again--
who's gonna take the flak?
- you had no problem pointing
Who's gonna take the flak?
- you had no problem pointing
the finger last time.
- you had no problem pointing
the finger last time.
- you disobeyed orders,
The finger last time.
- you disobeyed orders,
you paid the price.
- you disobeyed orders,
you paid the price.
If you're such an expert, max,
You paid the price.
If you're such an expert, max,
why's he still at large and why
If you're such an expert, max,
why's he still at large and why
is you not standing up here?
Why's he still at large and why
is you not standing up here?
- I don't give a fuck about
Is you not standing up here?
- I don't give a fuck about
any of that stuff.
- I don't give a fuck about
any of that stuff.
Do you know what, mate?
Any of that stuff.
Do you know what, mate?
It's your call.
Do you know what, mate?
It's your call.
- yeah, it is and it's done.
It's your call.
- yeah, it is and it's done.
[officers speaking indistinctly]
[metal clinks]
[truck engine running...]
[gas hissing]
[wood cracks, man grunts]
[engine revs]
[men shouting]
[engine revs]
[men shouting]
[men shouting]
[glass shatters]
[glass shatters]
[door creaks]
[men speaking icelandic]
[gas hissing...]
[man shouting over radio]
[gas hissing...]
[man shouting over radio]
[door creaks]
[man shouting over radio]
[door creaks]
[click, whoosh]
[door creaks]
[click, whoosh]
[loud explosion, men scream]
[click, whoosh]
[loud explosion, men scream]
- max, this is gonna be hard.
Try not to act too smug.
- innocent people were killed
Try not to act too smug.
- innocent people were killed
last night.
- innocent people were killed
last night.
I'm not smug about anything.
Last night.
I'm not smug about anything.
- you know what I mean.
I'm not smug about anything.
- you know what I mean.
- oh, for god's sake,
- you know what I mean.
- oh, for god's sake,
I'm robert wiseman's
- oh, for god's sake,
I'm robert wiseman's
campaign manager.
I'm robert wiseman's
campaign manager.
Campaign manager.
Tell him who I am.
Tell him who I am.
- what? No, I've never seen her
Tell him who I am.
- what? No, I've never seen her
before in my life.
- what? No, I've never seen her
before in my life.
- geiger: And we're trying to
Before in my life.
- geiger: And we're trying to
establish whether there's a link
- geiger: And we're trying to
establish whether there's a link
between the two cases.
Establish whether there's a link
between the two cases.
Right, I'll take any questions
Between the two cases.
Right, I'll take any questions
you might have.
Right, I'll take any questions
you might have.
[reporters all shouting]
You might have.
[reporters all shouting]
- that's two people in a
[reporters all shouting]
- that's two people in a
related shooting and not a
- that's two people in a
related shooting and not a
single lead to show for it.
Related shooting and not a
single lead to show for it.
- as I said, we're
Single lead to show for it.
- as I said, we're
on top of it.
- as I said, we're
on top of it.
I'm confident it will be
On top of it.
I'm confident it will be
resolved quickly and
I'm confident it will be
resolved quickly and
efficiently. [reporters shout]
Resolved quickly and
efficiently. [reporters shout]
- thanks.
Efficiently. [reporters shout]
- thanks.
- man: How do you react to the
- thanks.
- man: How do you react to the
shadow home secretary's claims
- man: How do you react to the
shadow home secretary's claims
that we're suffering twice the
Shadow home secretary's claims
that we're suffering twice the
level of violent crime committed
That we're suffering twice the
level of violent crime committed
in the United States?
Level of violent crime committed
in the United States?
- well, I'm not gonna get
In the United States?
- well, I'm not gonna get
involved in an election
- well, I'm not gonna get
involved in an election
Involved in an election
Suffice to say, whoever takes
Suffice to say, whoever takes
office on the 21st needs to
Suffice to say, whoever takes
office on the 21st needs to
ensure the police have all the
Office on the 21st needs to
ensure the police have all the
resources they need to carry out
Ensure the police have all the
resources they need to carry out
their job.
Resources they need to carry out
their job.
- you think what happened
Their job.
- you think what happened
to sternwood's son
- you think what happened
to sternwood's son
will draw him out?
To sternwood's son
will draw him out?
- I was shot in the leg, jane,
Will draw him out?
- I was shot in the leg, jane,
not in the head.
- I was shot in the leg, jane,
not in the head.
- don't I know it.
Not in the head.
- don't I know it.
- geiger: ...Arm transport
- don't I know it.
- geiger: ...Arm transport
police with tasers,
- geiger: ...Arm transport
police with tasers,
increasing the number of
Police with tasers,
increasing the number of
officers qualified to
Increasing the number of
officers qualified to
utilize firearms.
Officers qualified to
utilize firearms.
- don't ask.
Utilize firearms.
- don't ask.
- wasn't gonna.
- don't ask.
- wasn't gonna.
- geiger: Next.
- wasn't gonna.
- geiger: Next.
- your own figures show a 17%
- geiger: Next.
- your own figures show a 17%
increase in gun crime in the
- your own figures show a 17%
increase in gun crime in the
last 12 months.
Increase in gun crime in the
last 12 months.
- I'm not gonna get into a
Last 12 months.
- I'm not gonna get into a
debate about statistics.
- I'm not gonna get into a
debate about statistics.
If there's no more relevant
Debate about statistics.
If there's no more relevant
questions, I'll bid you all
If there's no more relevant
questions, I'll bid you all
a good morning.
Questions, I'll bid you all
a good morning.
Thank you.
A good morning.
Thank you.
- tough questions.
Thank you.
- tough questions.
- I've heard worse.
- tough questions.
- I've heard worse.
- you ducked them like a pro.
- I've heard worse.
- you ducked them like a pro.
- I'd take that as a
- you ducked them like a pro.
- I'd take that as a
compliment... If you weren't
- I'd take that as a
compliment... If you weren't
the shadow home secretary's
Compliment... If you weren't
the shadow home secretary's
campaign manager.
The shadow home secretary's
campaign manager.
- we win this election and
Campaign manager.
- we win this election and
you'll get the backing you need,
- we win this election and
you'll get the backing you need,
but for now, the questions
You'll get the backing you need,
but for now, the questions
are gonna get tougher.
But for now, the questions
are gonna get tougher.
- well, I'm sure you'll spin it
Are gonna get tougher.
- well, I'm sure you'll spin it
to your own agenda.
- well, I'm sure you'll spin it
to your own agenda.
- the kid at the airport,
To your own agenda.
- the kid at the airport,
any truth he's
- the kid at the airport,
any truth he's
jacob sternwood's son?
- where did you get that?
- come on.
I ran your press for five years.
- come on.
I ran your press for five years.
I ran your press for five years.
could be useful.
could be useful.
- if it's handled well.
Could be useful.
- if it's handled well.
- yeah.
- see you, jane.
- see you.
- geiger: I've got a meeting
- see you.
- geiger: I've got a meeting
with the anti-gun lobby,
- geiger: I've got a meeting
with the anti-gun lobby,
I've got two minutes.
With the anti-gun lobby,
I've got two minutes.
- max and I were just
I've got two minutes.
- max and I were just
discussing this blake case and
- max and I were just
discussing this blake case and
we thought there may be a way
Discussing this blake case and
we thought there may be a way
through ruan sternwood.
We thought there may be a way
through ruan sternwood.
Didn't we, max?
Through ruan sternwood.
Didn't we, max?
- uh, yeah-- look, I don't know
Didn't we, max?
- uh, yeah-- look, I don't know
about the blake case, but if it
- uh, yeah-- look, I don't know
about the blake case, but if it
was me, and it's not me, but if
About the blake case, but if it
was me, and it's not me, but if
it was, I'd put ruan in an open
Was me, and it's not me, but if
it was, I'd put ruan in an open
hospital, public, man it 'round
It was, I'd put ruan in an open
hospital, public, man it 'round
the clock, dangle the hooks, see
Hospital, public, man it 'round
the clock, dangle the hooks, see
if sternwood bites, that's it.
The clock, dangle the hooks, see
if sternwood bites, that's it.
- you think you two are
If sternwood bites, that's it.
- you think you two are
up to this?
- you think you two are
up to this?
- yeah, of course we are.
Up to this?
- yeah, of course we are.
Aren't we?
- mm-hmm.
- yeah, of course we are.
Aren't we?
- mm-hmm.
- max?
Aren't we?
- mm-hmm.
- max?
- he's still reeling from
- max?
- he's still reeling from
last time.
- he's still reeling from
last time.
- he was bang on about iceland,
Last time.
- he was bang on about iceland,
wasn't he?
- he was bang on about iceland,
wasn't he?
- look, um, I'm up to it,
Wasn't he?
- look, um, I'm up to it,
all right?
- look, um, I'm up to it,
all right?
- you leave the blake case to
All right?
- you leave the blake case to
nathan and you stay out of his
- you leave the blake case to
nathan and you stay out of his
way, do you understand?
Nathan and you stay out of his
way, do you understand?
I take your point.
Way, do you understand?
I take your point.
You get the hospital,
I take your point.
You get the hospital,
but that's all.
You get the hospital,
but that's all.
- thom, he's too close to it.
But that's all.
- thom, he's too close to it.
- nathan, fuck off.
- thom, he's too close to it.
- nathan, fuck off.
I'm not too close,
- nathan, fuck off.
I'm not too close,
I'm just over it.
I'm not too close,
I'm just over it.
- you won't have a problem
I'm just over it.
- you won't have a problem
then, will you?
- man: Do you want me to start
on row two?
- no, no, just start with the
On row two?
- no, no, just start with the
"a" class, son.
- no, no, just start with the
"a" class, son.
- yes, boss.
- jesus, jake.
Why don't we just let off some
fireworks while we're at it?
Why don't we just let off some
fireworks while we're at it?
- I wouldn't be here if I
Fireworks while we're at it?
- I wouldn't be here if I
wasn't a thousand percent,
- I wouldn't be here if I
wasn't a thousand percent,
you know that.
- come here.
Car was run of the mill?
- it was perfect.
- took a few knocks?
- it was perfect.
- took a few knocks?
- I've had worse.
- took a few knocks?
- I've had worse.
- so why did you level
- I've had worse.
- so why did you level
the house?
- so why did you level
the house?
- became just another place to
The house?
- became just another place to
hide-- I'd rather see it burn.
- became just another place to
hide-- I'd rather see it burn.
- if it's any consolation,
Hide-- I'd rather see it burn.
- if it's any consolation,
you're looking good.
- if it's any consolation,
you're looking good.
- great outdoors.
- mm.
You're looking good.
- great outdoors.
- mm.
- what's that?
- great outdoors.
- mm.
- what's that?
- karen says I carry it off.
- what's that?
- karen says I carry it off.
- oh, does she now?
- karen says I carry it off.
- oh, does she now?
Well, you look like
- oh, does she now?
Well, you look like
kenny rogers.
Well, you look like
kenny rogers.
- mm, I can shave and you'll
Kenny rogers.
- mm, I can shave and you'll
still look like a bag of
- mm, I can shave and you'll
still look like a bag of
smashed crabs.
Still look like a bag of
smashed crabs.
Smashed crabs.
- how is he?
- how is he?
- they've taken him to
- how is he?
- they've taken him to
st. Bart's.
- they've taken him to
st. Bart's.
- and?
St. Bart's.
- and?
- apparently ruan was involved
- and?
- apparently ruan was involved
in some low-level stuff.
- apparently ruan was involved
in some low-level stuff.
Nothing serious.
In some low-level stuff.
Nothing serious.
But he started hanging out with
Nothing serious.
But he started hanging out with
a kid called otis blake.
But he started hanging out with
a kid called otis blake.
All mouth, no muscle.
A kid called otis blake.
All mouth, no muscle.
Ruan raised the cash, using the
All mouth, no muscle.
Ruan raised the cash, using the
family name as leverage.
Ruan raised the cash, using the
family name as leverage.
Otis did the deals.
Family name as leverage.
Otis did the deals.
And that's where it gets
Otis did the deals.
And that's where it gets
And that's where it gets
Four days ago, otis was found
Four days ago, otis was found
floating in the thames with a
Four days ago, otis was found
floating in the thames with a
bullet in his head.
Floating in the thames with a
bullet in his head.
The next day, they pick up ruan
Bullet in his head.
The next day, they pick up ruan
at city airport suffering from
The next day, they pick up ruan
at city airport suffering from
a gunshot wound.
At city airport suffering from
a gunshot wound.
They know who he is, jake.
A gunshot wound.
They know who he is, jake.
They're going to make an example
They know who he is, jake.
They're going to make an example
of him because of us.
They're going to make an example
of him because of us.
Because of you.
- juka: Eastover air,
beaverbrook chartered,
conlin museum, sherriff capital,
Beaverbrook chartered,
conlin museum, sherriff capital,
armourers pacific,
Conlin museum, sherriff capital,
armourers pacific,
elite security, landed armored
Armourers pacific,
elite security, landed armored
trucks twice.
Elite security, landed armored
trucks twice.
He's created a legend for
Trucks twice.
He's created a legend for
himself, I'll give him that.
He's created a legend for
himself, I'll give him that.
- what?
Himself, I'll give him that.
- what?
- [clears throat]
- what?
- [clears throat]
- man can kidnap, kill, rob,
- [clears throat]
- man can kidnap, kill, rob,
hurt people...
- man can kidnap, kill, rob,
hurt people...
And he gets called a legend.
Do well at school, juka?
Get good marks and all that?
- yeah.
- mm-hmm?
- yes.
Get good marks and all that?
- yeah.
- mm-hmm?
- yes.
- so you work hard, you do your
- yeah.
- mm-hmm?
- yes.
- so you work hard, you do your
best and I guarantee you'll get
- so you work hard, you do your
best and I guarantee you'll get
remembered as a nobody.
Best and I guarantee you'll get
remembered as a nobody.
The only lasting thing about
Remembered as a nobody.
The only lasting thing about
jacob sternwood should be his
The only lasting thing about
jacob sternwood should be his
fucking prison sentence.
Jacob sternwood should be his
fucking prison sentence.
[equipment beeping...]
Fucking prison sentence.
[equipment beeping...]
- man: Do you work here?
- what's that?
- sorry, mate...
- what's that?
- sorry, mate...
I'm looking for room 45.
- sorry, mate...
I'm looking for room 45.
- second door on the right.
I'm looking for room 45.
- second door on the right.
- nice one, cheers, mate.
- second door on the right.
- nice one, cheers, mate.
- nice one, cheers, mate.
[chair clatters]
[chair clatters]
- max: Get down!
[chair clatters]
- max: Get down!
[officers and man shouting...]
- max: Get down!
[officers and man shouting...]
fuck are you doing here?
[officers and man shouting...]
fuck are you doing here?
- I'm looking for room 45!
Fuck are you doing here?
- I'm looking for room 45!
- all right, fuck that,
- I'm looking for room 45!
- all right, fuck that,
up you get, come on.
- all right, fuck that,
up you get, come on.
Who fucking sent you?
Up you get, come on.
Who fucking sent you?
- no one sent me.
Who fucking sent you?
- no one sent me.
- you're lying to me already.
- no one sent me.
- you're lying to me already.
- max!
- you're lying to me already.
- max!
- I fucking swear!
- max!
- I fucking swear!
- can I ask you a few
- I fucking swear!
- can I ask you a few
questions, sir?
- can I ask you a few
questions, sir?
No, no, it's fine...
Questions, sir?
No, no, it's fine...
- max: Oi...
No, no, it's fine...
- max: Oi...
Who told you that was room 45?
- max: Oi...
Who told you that was room 45?
- what?
Who told you that was room 45?
- what?
I dunno, some tall geezer
- what?
I dunno, some tall geezer
in a baseball cap.
I dunno, some tall geezer
in a baseball cap.
- move, move!
Get down!
[woman screams]
Get down!
[woman screams]
[woman screams]
- [distorted] max!
- [distorted] max!
- [panting...]
- [distorted] max!
- [panting...]
- [panting...]
- how is he?
- we're not gonna walk him
out of there.
- we're not gonna walk him
out of there.
Lewinsky's all over him.
Out of there.
Lewinsky's all over him.
- I told you.
Lewinsky's all over him.
- I told you.
You should have killed that
- I told you.
You should have killed that
prick when you had the chance.
You should have killed that
prick when you had the chance.
- do you know the greigo mar?
Prick when you had the chance.
- do you know the greigo mar?
- yeah, it's a... Hotel.
- do you know the greigo mar?
- yeah, it's a... Hotel.
- ruan mentioned it
- yeah, it's a... Hotel.
- ruan mentioned it
the night he called.
- ruan mentioned it
the night he called.
It was the last thing he said.
The night he called.
It was the last thing he said.
Take me there.
It was the last thing he said.
Take me there.
[alarm beeping...]
Take me there.
[alarm beeping...]
- sorry, excuse me.
[alarm beeping...]
- sorry, excuse me.
- excuse me, what's going on?
- sorry, excuse me.
- excuse me, what's going on?
- he's going into
- excuse me, what's going on?
- he's going into
cardiac arrest.
- he's going into
cardiac arrest.
Wait outside.
Cardiac arrest.
Wait outside.
[alarm continues,
Wait outside.
[alarm continues,
nurses talking rapidly]
[alarm continues,
nurses talking rapidly]
[defibrillator whining]
Nurses talking rapidly]
[defibrillator whining]
[defibrillator whining]
[thump, ruan gasps]
[thump, ruan gasps]
[thump, ruan gasps]
[flatline tone...]
- max: No, if you let this out,
he'll disappear.
- oi, you just stuck a gun
He'll disappear.
- oi, you just stuck a gun
in a visitor's face.
- oi, you just stuck a gun
in a visitor's face.
They're trying to kick us
In a visitor's face.
They're trying to kick us
out of here.
They're trying to kick us
out of here.
- all right, all right,
Out of here.
- all right, all right,
look, look, look.
- all right, all right,
look, look, look.
Just, let me think.
Look, look, look.
Just, let me think.
Just... You keep sarah and I
Just, let me think.
Just... You keep sarah and I
posted here, all right?
Just... You keep sarah and I
posted here, all right?
We keep things ticking over.
Posted here, all right?
We keep things ticking over.
You release that ruan's improved
We keep things ticking over.
You release that ruan's improved
and that's going to keep
You release that ruan's improved
and that's going to keep
sternwood in play.
And that's going to keep
sternwood in play.
If he thinks he can walk his son
Sternwood in play.
If he thinks he can walk his son
out, he's going to check
If he thinks he can walk his son
out, he's going to check
the angles.
- [chuckles]
Out, he's going to check
the angles.
- [chuckles]
- thom.
The angles.
- [chuckles]
- thom.
Look, at the very least,
- thom.
Look, at the very least,
it's gonna keep the press
Look, at the very least,
it's gonna keep the press
off your back for a couple
It's gonna keep the press
off your back for a couple
of more days.
- all right, you stay here.
Got it all figured out,
haven't you?
- sternwood: He would have
checked in under his
mother's name.
Checked in under his
mother's name.
- woman: Welcome to
Mother's name.
- woman: Welcome to
greigo mar hotel.
- woman: Welcome to
greigo mar hotel.
- roy, bring me that penknife.
- what are you thinking?
- I'm thinking... You put it
out there ruan sternwood was
- I'm thinking... You put it
out there ruan sternwood was
staying at the greigo mar hotel
Out there ruan sternwood was
staying at the greigo mar hotel
and let's see what comes
Staying at the greigo mar hotel
and let's see what comes
crawling in.
And let's see what comes
crawling in.
- OK
Crawling in.
- OK
- can you hide that
- OK
- can you hide that
somewhere safe?
- can you hide that
somewhere safe?
- yeah.
Somewhere safe?
- yeah.
- when you've done that,
- yeah.
- when you've done that,
go home, kiss your wife.
- when you've done that,
go home, kiss your wife.
Don't get involved in this mess.
Go home, kiss your wife.
Don't get involved in this mess.
- I was involved the second
Don't get involved in this mess.
- I was involved the second
they pulled the trigger.
- I was involved the second
they pulled the trigger.
- I take it we're not
staying here.
- you are.
Staying here.
- you are.
I'm gonna go track down
- you are.
I'm gonna go track down
this security guard, see if he's
I'm gonna go track down
this security guard, see if he's
been squared off by sternwood.
This security guard, see if he's
been squared off by sternwood.
- what, you think he shot
Been squared off by sternwood.
- what, you think he shot
his own son?
- what, you think he shot
his own son?
- no, no, I've think he's been
His own son?
- no, no, I've think he's been
planning something.
- no, no, I've think he's been
planning something.
It fucked up and now he's
Planning something.
It fucked up and now he's
covering his tracks.
It fucked up and now he's
covering his tracks.
- can you just take a step back
Covering his tracks.
- can you just take a step back
for a minute?
- can you just take a step back
for a minute?
- what the fuck's that
For a minute?
- what the fuck's that
supposed to mean?
- what the fuck's that
supposed to mean?
- meaning maybe it's not
Supposed to mean?
- meaning maybe it's not
all about jacob sternwood.
- meaning maybe it's not
all about jacob sternwood.
- what else is it about?
All about jacob sternwood.
- what else is it about?
- dean warns for a start.
- what else is it about?
- dean warns for a start.
And a dead 22-year-old.
- dean warns for a start.
And a dead 22-year-old.
- yeah, which all lead back
And a dead 22-year-old.
- yeah, which all lead back
to jacob sternwood.
- yeah, which all lead back
to jacob sternwood.
I've just got to figure out how.
To jacob sternwood.
I've just got to figure out how.
- you? Right, right.
I've just got to figure out how.
- you? Right, right.
You know what?
- you? Right, right.
You know what?
Catching sternwood is not going
You know what?
Catching sternwood is not going
to change the past.
Catching sternwood is not going
to change the past.
- it has to!
To change the past.
- it has to!
Or I'm always gonna be that
- it has to!
Or I'm always gonna be that
nobody that got shot in a
Or I'm always gonna be that
nobody that got shot in a
tunnel and let him get away
Nobody that got shot in a
tunnel and let him get away
with it.
Tunnel and let him get away
with it.
- listen.
- don't.
- please.
With it.
- listen.
- don't.
- please.
- sarah, please.
- listen.
- don't.
- please.
- sarah, please.
- listen to me.
- sarah, please.
- listen to me.
What went down in that tunnel
- listen to me.
What went down in that tunnel
does not make you a nobody.
What went down in that tunnel
does not make you a nobody.
Hey, trust me.
Does not make you a nobody.
Hey, trust me.
Concentrate on now.
Hey, trust me.
Concentrate on now.
'cause you're too good
Concentrate on now.
'cause you're too good
at your job to waste it.
'cause you're too good
at your job to waste it.
- no.
You're still gonna have to
- no.
You're still gonna have to
stay here and cover for me.
You're still gonna have to
stay here and cover for me.
- didn't anything I just said
Stay here and cover for me.
- didn't anything I just said
make sense to you?
- didn't anything I just said
make sense to you?
- I understood it,
Make sense to you?
- I understood it,
just don't agree with it.
- I understood it,
just don't agree with it.
- I'm coming with you.
Just don't agree with it.
- I'm coming with you.
- sarah, I am not
- I'm coming with you.
- sarah, I am not
fucking asking.
- sarah, I am not
fucking asking.
You're staying here.
- fuck off...
[tattoo machine buzzing]
- so... It's down to you,
[tattoo machine buzzing]
- so... It's down to you,
whatever you want.
- so... It's down to you,
whatever you want.
I mean, you want it new school
Whatever you want.
I mean, you want it new school
or old school?
I mean, you want it new school
or old school?
We roll it new school, I'll get
Or old school?
We roll it new school, I'll get
that shit on facebook, twitter,
We roll it new school, I'll get
that shit on facebook, twitter,
B.B.M.-- Instant.
That shit on facebook, twitter,
b.B.M.-- Instant.
That's the way the gospel's
B.B.M.-- Instant.
That's the way the gospel's
usually nowadays-- cyber-styley.
That's the way the gospel's
usually nowadays-- cyber-styley.
We go old school, it's more
Usually nowadays-- cyber-styley.
We go old school, it's more
orthodox methods, people on
We go old school, it's more
orthodox methods, people on
the pavement.
Orthodox methods, people on
the pavement.
Bookies, dog tracks, runners,
The pavement.
Bookies, dog tracks, runners,
bit of a nightmare, but I can
Bookies, dog tracks, runners,
bit of a nightmare, but I can
do it.
Bit of a nightmare, but I can
do it.
Or I can blitz it on both
Do it.
Or I can blitz it on both
platforms, but that's pretty
Or I can blitz it on both
platforms, but that's pretty
much gonna be double.
Platforms, but that's pretty
much gonna be double.
You want me to get rid of
Much gonna be double.
You want me to get rid of
this shit?
- ruan sternwood is staying at
the greigo mar hotel, room 1308.
Just put that out there, OK?
And rob... You mess this one up,
I'll show you fucking
old school.
I'll show you fucking
old school.
- don't forget to take
your sandwiches.
- see you later.
Your sandwiches.
- see you later.
Go inside, it's cold.
- see you later.
Go inside, it's cold.
- I'm all right.
Go inside, it's cold.
- I'm all right.
- joseph ojogo?
Right, wait there.
Did you ever see or hear
Right, wait there.
Did you ever see or hear
a jacob sternwood at the
Did you ever see or hear
a jacob sternwood at the
container yard?
A jacob sternwood at the
container yard?
- no.
Container yard?
- no.
- no?
- no.
- no?
You never met him?
- no?
You never met him?
Then what'd you retract your
You never met him?
Then what'd you retract your
statement for?
Then what'd you retract your
statement for?
You said you were positive you
Statement for?
You said you were positive you
saw dean warns with otis blake
You said you were positive you
saw dean warns with otis blake
the night he was killed.
Saw dean warns with otis blake
the night he was killed.
What's changed?
The night he was killed.
What's changed?
- all you people look the same.
What's changed?
- all you people look the same.
- yeah, look at this.
- all you people look the same.
- yeah, look at this.
Go on, look at it.
- yeah, look at this.
Go on, look at it.
He'll walk free, do it again,
Go on, look at it.
He'll walk free, do it again,
and that'll be your fault.
He'll walk free, do it again,
and that'll be your fault.
- look, in nigeria,
And that'll be your fault.
- look, in nigeria,
this is reality.
- look, in nigeria,
this is reality.
No one gets justice.
This is reality.
No one gets justice.
- yeah, and in this country,
No one gets justice.
- yeah, and in this country,
you'll go to prison for taking
- yeah, and in this country,
you'll go to prison for taking
bribes and pretending something
You'll go to prison for taking
bribes and pretending something
didn't happen, how's that?
Bribes and pretending something
didn't happen, how's that?
- please, I have a family
Didn't happen, how's that?
- please, I have a family
to support, eh?
- please, I have a family
to support, eh?
A family who I hope to come and
To support, eh?
A family who I hope to come and
live with me here in England.
A family who I hope to come and
live with me here in England.
- so what are you saying?
Live with me here in England.
- so what are you saying?
- I'm saying, I don't know
- so what are you saying?
- I'm saying, I don't know
this jacob sternwood.
- I'm saying, I don't know
this jacob sternwood.
I'm saying when I'm given
This jacob sternwood.
I'm saying when I'm given
a new job with more money,
I'm saying when I'm given
a new job with more money,
I don't argue.
A new job with more money,
I don't argue.
[cell phone rings]
- what?
- this may be nothing...
- what?
- this may be nothing...
All the informants, all of them,
- this may be nothing...
All the informants, all of them,
called within the space of half
All the informants, all of them,
called within the space of half
an hour of each other saying
Called within the space of half
an hour of each other saying
exactly the same thing.
An hour of each other saying
exactly the same thing.
- what thing?
Exactly the same thing.
- what thing?
- they've all heard that ruan
- what thing?
- they've all heard that ruan
sternwood is apparently staying
- they've all heard that ruan
sternwood is apparently staying
at the greigo mar hotel,
Sternwood is apparently staying
at the greigo mar hotel,
room 1308.
At the greigo mar hotel,
room 1308.
[click, beep]
[door opens]
- money's not here.
- man: Keep looking.
- fuck you, bartnick.
- man: Keep looking.
- fuck you, bartnick.
What do you think I'm doing?
- fuck you, bartnick.
What do you think I'm doing?
[muffled gunshots]
- bartnick!
- harvey, go!
get out of there!
get out of there!
[tires squeal]
Get out of there!
[tires squeal]
[people shouting, screaming]
[tires squeal]
[people shouting, screaming]
[people shouting, screaming]
[gunshot, explosion]
- man: Hold my hand!
[people shouting]
- man: Can't see!
[people shouting]
- man: Can't see!
Where are you?
- man: Can't see!
Where are you?
[max grunts]
Where are you?
[max grunts]
- sternwood!
[max grunts]
- sternwood!
- sternwood!
[shouts in pain]
Fuck... [pained exhalation]
Oh, fuck.
- warns: Yeah, thank you.
- man: If you just want
to sign there.
- man: If you just want
to sign there.
- whereabouts?
To sign there.
- whereabouts?
- whereabouts?
There you go.
There you go.
- that's all done.
There you go.
- that's all done.
Nice one, mate.
- thanks.
[car engine starts]
- hi.
- um...
- sarah.
- lu-- um...
- um...
- sarah.
- lu-- um...
- luke.
- yep.
- sarah.
- lu-- um...
- luke.
- yep.
- luke, um...
- luke.
- yep.
- luke, um...
I'm in a lot of trouble
- luke, um...
I'm in a lot of trouble
and I was wondering if
I'm in a lot of trouble
and I was wondering if
you could help me.
And I was wondering if
you could help me.
- yeah, yeah, what is it?
You could help me.
- yeah, yeah, what is it?
- well, my company's lost this
- yeah, yeah, what is it?
- well, my company's lost this
container and I was wondering
- well, my company's lost this
container and I was wondering
if you could help me find it.
Container and I was wondering
if you could help me find it.
- yeah.
If you could help me find it.
- yeah.
Then I'm your logistician.
- yeah.
Then I'm your logistician.
- [chuckles] well, I was,
Then I'm your logistician.
- [chuckles] well, I was,
I was hoping you'd say that.
- [chuckles] well, I was,
I was hoping you'd say that.
- um, what's the name
I was hoping you'd say that.
- um, what's the name
of the company?
- um, what's the name
of the company?
- s.C.I. Haulage.
Of the company?
- s.C.I. Haulage.
- right.
- s.C.I. Haulage.
- right.
Yeah, if you wanted, we could...
- right.
Yeah, if you wanted, we could...
Um, find it together.
Yeah, if you wanted, we could...
Um, find it together.
I don't know if you know,
Um, find it together.
I don't know if you know,
but this is actually one of the
I don't know if you know,
but this is actually one of the
largest container yards
But this is actually one of the
largest container yards
in europe...
Largest container yards
in europe...
[sarah, grunts, hammer clangs]
[doors clatter]
- max knows I'm here.
[sarah sighs]
[breath shuddering]
Don't do this.
[sarah grunts]
[thud, warns groans]
[sarah shouts]
[thud, warns groans]
[sarah shouts]
[sarah shouts]
[muffled groaning]
[muffled groaning]
- warns: Shh...
[muffled groaning]
- warns: Shh...
Shh, shh, shh...
- warns: Shh...
Shh, shh, shh...
[phone ringing through]
- this is sarah hawks,
- this is sarah hawks,
leave a message. [beep]
- this is sarah hawks,
leave a message. [beep]
- sarah, it's max, call me.
- have you ever heard of
someone called bartnick?
- who?
Someone called bartnick?
- who?
- bartnick?
- who?
- bartnick?
- nope.
- bartnick?
- nope.
- these two guys, you know,
- nope.
- these two guys, you know,
they scoped the room.
- these two guys, you know,
they scoped the room.
The way they fired their guns,
They scoped the room.
The way they fired their guns,
it's like they were trained,
The way they fired their guns,
it's like they were trained,
you know?
It's like they were trained,
you know?
It was all too practiced.
You know?
It was all too practiced.
[footsteps approach]
It was all too practiced.
[footsteps approach]
- hey, honey.
[footsteps approach]
- hey, honey.
- give me the keys, I want to
- hey, honey.
- give me the keys, I want to
open up. [snaps fingers]
- give me the keys, I want to
open up. [snaps fingers]
- kids go off to school OK?
Open up. [snaps fingers]
- kids go off to school OK?
- yeah, fine.
- kids go off to school OK?
- yeah, fine.
- hey, karen.
- yeah, fine.
- hey, karen.
- fuck you, jake.
- hey, karen.
- fuck you, jake.
Roy, do you know what?
- fuck you, jake.
Roy, do you know what?
I don't want this shit
Roy, do you know what?
I don't want this shit
in my life again, do you
I don't want this shit
in my life again, do you
understand me?
In my life again, do you
understand me?
- if it was one of ours,
Understand me?
- if it was one of ours,
we'd do the same.
- if it was one of ours,
we'd do the same.
- if it was one of ours,
We'd do the same.
- if it was one of ours,
this never would have happened
- if it was one of ours,
this never would have happened
in the first place.
This never would have happened
in the first place.
I'm just hoping that this dead
In the first place.
I'm just hoping that this dead
policeman hasn't got anything
I'm just hoping that this dead
policeman hasn't got anything
to do with you.
- man: This government expects
brave officers like harvey crown
to go into battle armed with
Brave officers like harvey crown
to go into battle armed with
only a whistle and a baton.
To go into battle armed with
only a whistle and a baton.
- that guy's not dead
Only a whistle and a baton.
- that guy's not dead
two minutes, jane.
- that guy's not dead
two minutes, jane.
Already you're going to use that
Two minutes, jane.
Already you're going to use that
for your campaign?
Already you're going to use that
for your campaign?
- this is for your
For your campaign?
- this is for your
benefit, max.
- this is for your
benefit, max.
When he's home secretary,
Benefit, max.
When he's home secretary,
you're going to get the proper
When he's home secretary,
you're going to get the proper
tools you need to do your job
You're going to get the proper
tools you need to do your job
and half the people in this city
Tools you need to do your job
and half the people in this city
won't be shit-scared just to
And half the people in this city
won't be shit-scared just to
walk down the street.
Won't be shit-scared just to
walk down the street.
Of all people, I thought you'd
Walk down the street.
Of all people, I thought you'd
have believed in that.
Of all people, I thought you'd
have believed in that.
- jane, I'm paid to catch
Have believed in that.
- jane, I'm paid to catch
crooks, not... Get them elected.
- jane, I'm paid to catch
crooks, not... Get them elected.
Crooks, not... Get them elected.
Gotta talk to you.
Gotta talk to you.
[wiseman continues...]
Gotta talk to you.
[wiseman continues...]
I can't understand why an
[wiseman continues...]
I can't understand why an
officer from clubs and vice was
I can't understand why an
officer from clubs and vice was
found dead in ruan's hotel room
Officer from clubs and vice was
found dead in ruan's hotel room
with a gun in his hand.
Found dead in ruan's hotel room
with a gun in his hand.
- yeah, I can't understand
With a gun in his hand.
- yeah, I can't understand
what you were doing there.
- yeah, I can't understand
what you were doing there.
I told you the hospital was
What you were doing there.
I told you the hospital was
yours and nothing else.
I told you the hospital was
yours and nothing else.
- I had information,
Yours and nothing else.
- I had information,
I acted on it.
- I had information,
I acted on it.
- well, so did harvey crown.
I acted on it.
- well, so did harvey crown.
Maybe he was checking out a lead
- well, so did harvey crown.
Maybe he was checking out a lead
and needed protection.
Maybe he was checking out a lead
and needed protection.
- if it was just a routine
And needed protection.
- if it was just a routine
check, if it was just a couple
- if it was just a routine
check, if it was just a couple
of good old boys doing their
Check, if it was just a couple
of good old boys doing their
duty, that's fine, but why two
Of good old boys doing their
duty, that's fine, but why two
officers from separate divisions
Duty, that's fine, but why two
officers from separate divisions
twinning it?
Officers from separate divisions
twinning it?
Why did one of them run?
Twinning it?
Why did one of them run?
- what do you mean
Why did one of them run?
- what do you mean
two officers?
- what do you mean
two officers?
- found that at the hotel.
Two officers?
- found that at the hotel.
- found that at the hotel.
- [sighs]
- [sighs]
- did you know about it, thom?
- [sighs]
- did you know about it, thom?
- of course I didn't.
- did you know about it, thom?
- of course I didn't.
I've got the press jumping all
- of course I didn't.
I've got the press jumping all
over me, I'm trying to run this
I've got the press jumping all
over me, I'm trying to run this
division, I don't need this shit
Over me, I'm trying to run this
division, I don't need this shit
as well, do I?
Division, I don't need this shit
as well, do I?
- jacob sternwood was
As well, do I?
- jacob sternwood was
there too.
- jacob sternwood was
there too.
- have you got evidence?
There too.
- have you got evidence?
- he was there.
- have you got evidence?
- he was there.
- well, that's not good enough.
- he was there.
- well, that's not good enough.
You better get your facts
- well, that's not good enough.
You better get your facts
You better get your facts
I'll look into nathan and crown
I'll look into nathan and crown
and you focus on sternwood,
I'll look into nathan and crown
and you focus on sternwood,
O.K., and you get back to me.
And you focus on sternwood,
O.K., and you get back to me.
- yeah.
O.K., and you get back to me.
- yeah.
- yeah.
- max.
- max.
It's good to have you back.
- kincade security solutions,
founded in switzerland 1942
by a devout christian--
Founded in switzerland 1942
by a devout christian--
get this: He used to inscribe
By a devout christian--
get this: He used to inscribe
biblical verse on the side of
Get this: He used to inscribe
biblical verse on the side of
their weapons--
Biblical verse on the side of
their weapons--
recently experienced a fall in
Their weapons--
recently experienced a fall in
share prices which they put down
Recently experienced a fall in
share prices which they put down
to, and I quote,
Share prices which they put down
to, and I quote,
"uncertainty over u.S. Foreign
To, and I quote,
"uncertainty over u.S. Foreign
policy and poor visibility on
"uncertainty over u.S. Foreign
policy and poor visibility on
contracts from the u.K.
Policy and poor visibility on
contracts from the u.K.
Contracts from the u.K.
- what about warns?
- what about warns?
- no record he's ever worked
- what about warns?
- no record he's ever worked
for them as a military
- no record he's ever worked
for them as a military
For them as a military
- then you've got to find a
- then you've got to find a
connection with sternwood.
- then you've got to find a
connection with sternwood.
- I've tried, there isn't one.
Connection with sternwood.
- I've tried, there isn't one.
- try harder.
- I've tried, there isn't one.
- try harder.
Has warns traveled to iceland in
- try harder.
Has warns traveled to iceland in
the last 12 months?
Has warns traveled to iceland in
the last 12 months?
Were any weapons that sternwood
The last 12 months?
Were any weapons that sternwood
used in the past kincade?
Were any weapons that sternwood
used in the past kincade?
Come on.
Used in the past kincade?
Come on.
Where the fuck is sarah?
Come on.
Where the fuck is sarah?
Find her, all right,
Where the fuck is sarah?
Find her, all right,
tell her to call me.
Find her, all right,
tell her to call me.
Tell her if she's still pissed
Tell her to call me.
Tell her if she's still pissed
off, I've got something
Tell her if she's still pissed
off, I've got something
that will cheer her up.
Off, I've got something
that will cheer her up.
- oh, sir.
- what?
That will cheer her up.
- oh, sir.
- what?
- otis blake, arrested a year
- oh, sir.
- what?
- otis blake, arrested a year
ago for a minor drug offense.
- otis blake, arrested a year
ago for a minor drug offense.
Arresting officer: Harvey crown.
Ago for a minor drug offense.
Arresting officer: Harvey crown.
Arresting officer: Harvey crown.
- well done.
- well done.
[phone ringing]
- well done.
[phone ringing]
- nathan bartnick.
[phone ringing]
- nathan bartnick.
- sternwood: My son got
- nathan bartnick.
- sternwood: My son got
involved with something
- sternwood: My son got
involved with something
he didn't understand.
Involved with something
he didn't understand.
And he paid the price.
He didn't understand.
And he paid the price.
He's got a good heart,
And he paid the price.
He's got a good heart,
unlike ours.
He's got a good heart,
unlike ours.
- you killed crown.
Unlike ours.
- you killed crown.
- you shot my son.
- you killed crown.
- you shot my son.
- no...
- you shot my son.
- no...
But I know who did.
- no...
But I know who did.
Look, maybe we should
But I know who did.
Look, maybe we should
meet tonight.
Look, maybe we should
meet tonight.
Talk this through.
Meet tonight.
Talk this through.
I know a place.
Talk this through.
I know a place.
- where?
I know a place.
- where?
- a club.
- where?
- a club.
- you all right, mate?
We're closed.
We're closed.
- yeah... Yeah.
- yeah... Yeah.
Did you get my message?
- yeah... Yeah.
Did you get my message?
Yeah, that's the second time.
Did you get my message?
Yeah, that's the second time.
That's the second time this week
Yeah, that's the second time.
That's the second time this week
you sent me to fix a machine
That's the second time this week
you sent me to fix a machine
when it's not broken.
You sent me to fix a machine
when it's not broken.
Yeah, so what's--
When it's not broken.
Yeah, so what's--
I don't give a fuck
Yeah, so what's--
I don't give a fuck
what kind of--
I don't give a fuck
what kind of--
it's fine, it's fine, it's a
What kind of--
it's fine, it's fine, it's a
balls-up at the office.
It's fine, it's fine, it's a
balls-up at the office.
I don't give a fuck
Balls-up at the office.
I don't give a fuck
what you said.
I don't give a fuck
what you said.
Just tell him he's a
What you said.
Just tell him he's a
fucking moron.
Just tell him he's a
fucking moron.
[phone ringing through]
Fucking moron.
[phone ringing through]
[phone ringing through]
- this is sarah hawks,
- this is sarah hawks,
leave a message.
- this is sarah hawks,
leave a message.
- [sighs]
Leave a message.
- [sighs]
[groans softly]
- relaxing at a murder scene?
- fuck...
- relaxing at a murder scene?
- fuck...
- that's commitment to the
- fuck...
- that's commitment to the
cause, isn't it?
- that's commitment to the
cause, isn't it?
- how did you know I was here?
Cause, isn't it?
- how did you know I was here?
- I know everything.
- how did you know I was here?
- I know everything.
- don't doubt it.
- I know everything.
- don't doubt it.
- night shift reported
- don't doubt it.
- night shift reported
you here.
- night shift reported
you here.
- I was looking for sarah.
You here.
- I was looking for sarah.
- what?
- I was looking for sarah.
- what?
Lovers' tiff?
- what?
Lovers' tiff?
- you could say that.
Lovers' tiff?
- you could say that.
- do you want to know the real
- you could say that.
- do you want to know the real
reason they first asked you
- do you want to know the real
reason they first asked you
to head up the sternwood case?
Reason they first asked you
to head up the sternwood case?
- [scoffs] not fucking really.
To head up the sternwood case?
- [scoffs] not fucking really.
I dunno, my good looks,
- [scoffs] not fucking really.
I dunno, my good looks,
my charm?
I dunno, my good looks,
my charm?
- we hadn't been able to get
My charm?
- we hadn't been able to get
anywhere near sternwood
- we hadn't been able to get
anywhere near sternwood
for years.
Anywhere near sternwood
for years.
Our incompetence could be passed
For years.
Our incompetence could be passed
off as your inexperience.
Our incompetence could be passed
off as your inexperience.
Off as your inexperience.
- [scoffs]
- you were so fresh, max.
I knew you could take a couple
of knocks and keep on running.
I knew you could take a couple
of knocks and keep on running.
You worked harder than any man
Of knocks and keep on running.
You worked harder than any man
that came before you.
You worked harder than any man
that came before you.
I mean, christ, you nearly
That came before you.
I mean, christ, you nearly
caught him single-handedly.
I mean, christ, you nearly
caught him single-handedly.
- and you still had to fight
Caught him single-handedly.
- and you still had to fight
them to take me back.
- and you still had to fight
them to take me back.
I never thanked you for that.
Them to take me back.
I never thanked you for that.
- so when you take him down
I never thanked you for that.
- so when you take him down
this time, you take him down
- so when you take him down
this time, you take him down
hard, OK?
This time, you take him down
hard, OK?
And I'll make sure the whole
Hard, OK?
And I'll make sure the whole
world is watching.
And I'll make sure the whole
world is watching.
I... I did something,
something I'm not proud of,
so you better be right
Something I'm not proud of,
so you better be right
on this, max.
So you better be right
on this, max.
I tapped nathan's line.
On this, max.
I tapped nathan's line.
Someone called him
I tapped nathan's line.
Someone called him
about the greigo mar.
Someone called him
about the greigo mar.
Nathan was guarded, he was
About the greigo mar.
Nathan was guarded, he was
paranoid, couldn't wait to get
Nathan was guarded, he was
paranoid, couldn't wait to get
off the phone quick enough.
Paranoid, couldn't wait to get
off the phone quick enough.
They're meeting tonight.
Off the phone quick enough.
They're meeting tonight.
They're meeting here.
They're meeting tonight.
They're meeting here.
I want you to go and
They're meeting here.
I want you to go and
check it out.
I want you to go and
check it out.
Keep it contained, yeah?
Check it out.
Keep it contained, yeah?
- yeah.
Keep it contained, yeah?
- yeah.
- call me when it's
through, yeah?
- yeah.
Through, yeah?
- yeah.
- yeah.
- man: Sign here please, sir.
- you fucking owe me for this.
- I'd say this makes us
fair and square.
- I'd say this makes us
fair and square.
The first one's in.
Fair and square.
The first one's in.
The first one's in.
gun's ready to fire.
gun's ready to fire.
Gun's ready to fire.
[glass shatters]
[latch clicks]
[door slams shut, lock clicks]
[door clatters, creaks]
[no sounds in club]
[pinball machine beeps, zaps]
- [firing]
[automatic gunfire...]
- you take sternwood--
[automatic gunfire...]
- you take sternwood--
he's unarmed.
- you take sternwood--
he's unarmed.
I'll deal with lewinsky.
[tires squeal]
[bang, doors clatter]
[beeping, zapping]
- [grunts]
- [groans]
[gunfire in distance...]
- jake?
- move! Go!
[tires squeal]
[max and sternwood panting...]
[thud, sternwood groans]
[thuds, groans]
[thud, max shouts in pain]
[thud, max screams]
- now take me to my son.
- I've been trying
to call you, max.
I'm glad you turned up.
To call you, max.
I'm glad you turned up.
- pete, we'll talk later, yeah?
I'm glad you turned up.
- pete, we'll talk later, yeah?
- yeah, right.
- pete, we'll talk later, yeah?
- yeah, right.
- I'm taking this man
- yeah, right.
- I'm taking this man
to see his son.
Give us two minutes, could you?
- what's this?
Sternwood: Get out.
Get out.
[inhales sharply]
[sobs quietly]
- max: What the fuck...?
- call for backup! Go!
- deal with him
- call for backup! Go!
- deal with him
or I fucking will.
- deal with him
or I fucking will.
- just give me one minute.
Or I fucking will.
- just give me one minute.
Walk away, juka.
- just give me one minute.
Walk away, juka.
You have to trust me,
Walk away, juka.
You have to trust me,
this isn't what it looks like.
You have to trust me,
this isn't what it looks like.
Just turn around.
This isn't what it looks like.
Just turn around.
Please, juka,
Just turn around.
Please, juka,
you're gonna get hurt.
Please, juka,
you're gonna get hurt.
Just walk away.
You're gonna get hurt.
Just walk away.
- we found her body.
Just walk away.
- we found her body.
We found her body in your bed.
- we found her body.
We found her body in your bed.
- juka, you armed?
We found her body in your bed.
- juka, you armed?
[thuds, groans]
- juka, you armed?
[thuds, groans]
- who killed my son?
Was it the police that came to
the hotel looking for money?
The ones in the club?
The hotel looking for money?
The ones in the club?
The ones in the club?
What about that girl?
What about that girl?
- [inhales sharply]
What about that girl?
- [inhales sharply]
- who was she?
- [inhales sharply]
- who was she?
Was she involved?
- why didn't you just kill me
that night?
Why didn't you just kill me
That night?
Why didn't you just kill me
in that tunnel?
Why didn't you just kill me
in that tunnel?
- for what?
[exhales sharply]
- your son and otis blake were
killed by an ex-soldier
called dean warns.
Killed by an ex-soldier
called dean warns.
That's the guy that focused
Called dean warns.
That's the guy that focused
on me at the club tonight.
That's the guy that focused
on me at the club tonight.
He was working with
On me at the club tonight.
He was working with
nathan bartnick, harvey crown
He was working with
nathan bartnick, harvey crown
and possibly...
Nathan bartnick, harvey crown
and possibly...
Possibly lieutenant
And possibly...
Possibly lieutenant
commander thomas geiger.
Possibly lieutenant
commander thomas geiger.
That girl-- sarah-- had written
Commander thomas geiger.
That girl-- sarah-- had written
something on her hand:
That girl-- sarah-- had written
something on her hand:
Punch 1-1-9.
Something on her hand:
Punch 1-1-9.
Now, dean warns was seen at the
Punch 1-1-9.
Now, dean warns was seen at the
container yard with otis blake
Now, dean warns was seen at the
container yard with otis blake
the night of his murder.
Container yard with otis blake
the night of his murder.
That place is separated into
The night of his murder.
That place is separated into
three different docks:
That place is separated into
three different docks:
Turk, acorn and the punch,
Three different docks:
Turk, acorn and the punch,
and that's what I know.
Turk, acorn and the punch,
and that's what I know.
- 1-1-9 are container
And that's what I know.
- 1-1-9 are container
- 1-1-9 are container
We used to bring diesel in
We used to bring diesel in
off the ships.
We used to bring diesel in
off the ships.
- we'll end this tonight.
Off the ships.
- we'll end this tonight.
And when it's over, you'll go
- we'll end this tonight.
And when it's over, you'll go
to prison and I'll be the one
And when it's over, you'll go
to prison and I'll be the one
that puts you there.
To prison and I'll be the one
that puts you there.
- nan?
I got your message,
are you all right?
I got your message,
are you all right?
What, you feel ill?
Are you all right?
What, you feel ill?
[indistinct voices...]
- nan: Look who's here.
It's your old mates from
the second battalion.
It's your old mates from
the second battalion.
- all right, mate?
The second battalion.
- all right, mate?
It's good to see you.
- all right, mate?
It's good to see you.
- there's fresh tea in the pot.
It's good to see you.
- there's fresh tea in the pot.
- your old nan was just telling
- there's fresh tea in the pot.
- your old nan was just telling
us how you make big money
- your old nan was just telling
us how you make big money
working for some private
Us how you make big money
working for some private
military contractor.
Working for some private
military contractor.
- kincade.
- yeah, that's it.
Military contractor.
- kincade.
- yeah, that's it.
Says they pay you straight into
- kincade.
- yeah, that's it.
Says they pay you straight into
some european bank account so
Says they pay you straight into
some european bank account so
you don't pay no tax.
- no tax.
Some european bank account so
you don't pay no tax.
- no tax.
- that's amazing, mate.
You don't pay no tax.
- no tax.
- that's amazing, mate.
What sort of thing
- that's amazing, mate.
What sort of thing
they have you do?
What sort of thing
they have you do?
- oh, it's, um...
They have you do?
- oh, it's, um...
Pretty cloak-and-dagger.
- oh, it's, um...
Pretty cloak-and-dagger.
- yeah?
Pretty cloak-and-dagger.
- yeah?
- so when'd you turn up?
- yeah?
- so when'd you turn up?
- oh, not long ago, darling.
- so when'd you turn up?
- oh, not long ago, darling.
They told me not to tell you.
- oh, not long ago, darling.
They told me not to tell you.
Said you'd get a kick out of it.
They told me not to tell you.
Said you'd get a kick out of it.
- I wish you had, nan.
Said you'd get a kick out of it.
- I wish you had, nan.
I'm busy tonight.
- I wish you had, nan.
I'm busy tonight.
- come on, mate.
I'm busy tonight.
- come on, mate.
Come and sit down.
- yeah, why not?
- what could be more important
than seeing your
old squad, darling?
Than seeing your
old squad, darling?
- that's all right, iris.
Old squad, darling?
- that's all right, iris.
We know how busy dean's been
- that's all right, iris.
We know how busy dean's been
keeping himself recently.
We know how busy dean's been
keeping himself recently.
We were just telling your old
Keeping himself recently.
We were just telling your old
nan how we were the only ones
We were just telling your old
nan how we were the only ones
to stick up for you, how we were
Nan how we were the only ones
to stick up for you, how we were
the only ones to speak up and
To stick up for you, how we were
the only ones to speak up and
voice our disgust when they
The only ones to speak up and
voice our disgust when they
forced early retirement.
Voice our disgust when they
forced early retirement.
- you were like a rock.
Forced early retirement.
- you were like a rock.
- smuggling guns in the coffins
- you were like a rock.
- smuggling guns in the coffins
of dead soldiers.
- smuggling guns in the coffins
of dead soldiers.
- yeah, you wouldn't be
Of dead soldiers.
- yeah, you wouldn't be
involved in anything as sordid
- yeah, you wouldn't be
involved in anything as sordid
as that, would you?
Involved in anything as sordid
as that, would you?
- let's hope it's all
As that, would you?
- let's hope it's all
behind us.
- let's hope it's all
behind us.
- how's your son?
Behind us.
- how's your son?
I hear he's been getting himself
- how's your son?
I hear he's been getting himself
into a bit of stick.
I hear he's been getting himself
into a bit of stick.
- yeah, unfortunately,
Into a bit of stick.
- yeah, unfortunately,
ruan passed away recently.
- yeah, unfortunately,
ruan passed away recently.
- and that's why we've come
Ruan passed away recently.
- and that's why we've come
to see dean.
- and that's why we've come
to see dean.
Take him down to the punch
To see dean.
Take him down to the punch
for a few drinks.
Take him down to the punch
for a few drinks.
See our old friend
For a few drinks.
See our old friend
thomas geiger.
See our old friend
thomas geiger.
- so how do we do this?
Thomas geiger.
- so how do we do this?
- roy's feeling a bit rough.
- so how do we do this?
- roy's feeling a bit rough.
- I get terrible migraines.
- roy's feeling a bit rough.
- I get terrible migraines.
Feels like my head's gonna
- I get terrible migraines.
Feels like my head's gonna
Feels like my head's gonna
- he's gonna stay here
- he's gonna stay here
and keep her company.
- he's gonna stay here
and keep her company.
- you don't mind if I stay here
And keep her company.
- you don't mind if I stay here
and relax, do you, iris?
- you don't mind if I stay here
and relax, do you, iris?
- 'course I don't,
And relax, do you, iris?
- 'course I don't,
handsome man like you.
- 'course I don't,
handsome man like you.
- maybe they can watch
Handsome man like you.
- maybe they can watch
calamity jane.
- maybe they can watch
calamity jane.
- I can make us some more tea.
Calamity jane.
- I can make us some more tea.
- no, no, no, iris,
- I can make us some more tea.
- no, no, no, iris,
you just stay right there.
- no, no, no, iris,
you just stay right there.
- dean, what's going on?
You just stay right there.
- dean, what's going on?
- it's all right, nan.
- dean, what's going on?
- it's all right, nan.
I'll tell you why I'm
- it's all right, nan.
I'll tell you why I'm
a good soldier.
I'll tell you why I'm
a good soldier.
Because of selfless commitment.
A good soldier.
Because of selfless commitment.
Otis blake, ruan sternwood,
Because of selfless commitment.
Otis blake, ruan sternwood,
harvey crown, sarah hawks--
Otis blake, ruan sternwood,
harvey crown, sarah hawks--
all necessary casualties,
Harvey crown, sarah hawks--
all necessary casualties,
all necessary fatalities
All necessary casualties,
all necessary fatalities
of this operation.
All necessary fatalities
of this operation.
- or maybe we're just
Of this operation.
- or maybe we're just
murderers, plain and simple.
- or maybe we're just
murderers, plain and simple.
- that's where you're wrong.
Murderers, plain and simple.
- that's where you're wrong.
I'm a superior soldier.
- that's where you're wrong.
I'm a superior soldier.
- you're just a hired
I'm a superior soldier.
- you're just a hired
fucking killer.
- you're just a hired
fucking killer.
- I want to settle things.
Fucking killer.
- I want to settle things.
When I close this down, it'll be
- I want to settle things.
When I close this down, it'll be
because I put the operation
When I close this down, it'll be
because I put the operation
before my own needs.
Because I put the operation
before my own needs.
Told you before,
Before my own needs.
Told you before,
I'm wise to you... Max.
Told you before,
I'm wise to you... Max.
You think keeping her hostage
I'm wise to you... Max.
You think keeping her hostage
as collateral's gonna force me
You think keeping her hostage
as collateral's gonna force me
into a corner.
As collateral's gonna force me
into a corner.
But none of you have been
Into a corner.
But none of you have been
where I have.
But none of you have been
where I have.
Seen what I've seen.
Where I have.
Seen what I've seen.
None of you have that
Seen what I've seen.
None of you have that
selfless commitment.
None of you have that
selfless commitment.
Not one of you possesses what it
Selfless commitment.
Not one of you possesses what it
takes...To actually put a bullet
Not one of you possesses what it
takes...To actually put a bullet
in the back of that
Takes...To actually put a bullet
in the back of that
woman's head.
In the back of that
woman's head.
[click, nan gasps]
- it's gonna be all right, nan!
Just close your eyes!
[cell phone ringing]
- warns?
- warns: I need you to meet me.
At the punch, tonight at 12.
- warns: I need you to meet me.
At the punch, tonight at 12.
Kincade want me
At the punch, tonight at 12.
Kincade want me
to move them out.
Kincade want me
to move them out.
Lewinsky's getting too close.
To move them out.
Lewinsky's getting too close.
This could all explode
Lewinsky's getting too close.
This could all explode
in our hands.
This could all explode
in our hands.
- I can't do it,
In our hands.
- I can't do it,
it's too risky for me.
- I can't do it,
it's too risky for me.
- you meet me...
It's too risky for me.
- you meet me...
Or I'll make sure all this lands
- you meet me...
Or I'll make sure all this lands
on your fucking head.
- why do
Or I'll make sure all this lands
on your fucking head.
- why do
you need me to come down?
On your fucking head.
- why do
you need me to come down?
- just fucking do it!
- sternwood: Oh, fuck.
How you doing?
- [breathing heavily]
I can't feel my legs, jake.
- [breathing heavily]
I can't feel my legs, jake.
- really?
I can't feel my legs, jake.
- really?
- fuck off. [laughs]
- really?
- fuck off. [laughs]
- oh, for fuck's--
- fuck off. [laughs]
- oh, for fuck's--
no, you fuck off.
- oh, for fuck's--
no, you fuck off.
No, you fuck off.
- [groans in pain]
- you gonna be all right
staying here?
- yeah.
Staying here?
- yeah.
I'm sorry for this, man.
- yeah.
I'm sorry for this, man.
- no, no, no, you did good.
I'm sorry for this, man.
- no, no, no, you did good.
You did good.
- no, no, no, you did good.
You did good.
- no, I'm...
You did good.
- no, I'm...
I'm sorry about your boy.
- yeah.
- ladies and gentlemen, the man
who's going to lead this party
into government, our friend,
Who's going to lead this party
into government, our friend,
our leader, henry callaghan.
Into government, our friend,
our leader, henry callaghan.
[scattered applause]
Our leader, henry callaghan.
[scattered applause]
- you're a very difficult woman
[scattered applause]
- you're a very difficult woman
to track down all of a sudden.
- you're a very difficult woman
to track down all of a sudden.
- it's a very busy time for me.
To track down all of a sudden.
- it's a very busy time for me.
- warns wants to meet me
- it's a very busy time for me.
- warns wants to meet me
- warns wants to meet me
At the punch.
At the punch.
Who arranged this, was it you?
At the punch.
Who arranged this, was it you?
Who arranged this, was it you?
Thought you had everything
Thought you had everything
you needed.
Thought you had everything
you needed.
All the headlines you require,
You needed.
All the headlines you require,
am I right?
All the headlines you require,
am I right?
Janie, you listening to me?
Am I right?
Janie, you listening to me?
Your little project came apart
Janie, you listening to me?
Your little project came apart
at the seams.
Your little project came apart
at the seams.
Max is an inch away from piecing
At the seams.
Max is an inch away from piecing
all this together and sternwood
Max is an inch away from piecing
all this together and sternwood
is still at large, so you
All this together and sternwood
is still at large, so you
better pay attention.
Is still at large, so you
better pay attention.
- campaign's going very well.
Better pay attention.
- campaign's going very well.
We're ahead in the polls,
- campaign's going very well.
We're ahead in the polls,
if that's what you're
We're ahead in the polls,
if that's what you're
referring to, thom.
If that's what you're
referring to, thom.
- no, it's not what I'm
Referring to, thom.
- no, it's not what I'm
referring to.
- no, it's not what I'm
referring to.
Who arranged tonight?
- you've lost me, I'm afraid.
- you fuckin' bitch!
People have died because of
- you fuckin' bitch!
People have died because of
this, because of us.
People have died because of
this, because of us.
I've lost men all because of
This, because of us.
I've lost men all because of
your fucking progress and you
I've lost men all because of
your fucking progress and you
sit there in denial like some
Your fucking progress and you
sit there in denial like some
fucking royalty, you don't even
Sit there in denial like some
fucking royalty, you don't even
have the class to look me
Fucking royalty, you don't even
have the class to look me
in the eye.
Have the class to look me
in the eye.
- thom, listen.
In the eye.
- thom, listen.
I have to get this speech right
- thom, listen.
I have to get this speech right
with robert.
I have to get this speech right
with robert.
I think you did the right thing.
With robert.
I think you did the right thing.
I think you did the right thing.
I hope this pans out
I hope this pans out
for you OK
I hope this pans out
for you OK
- [scoffs]
For you OK
- [scoffs]
- [scoffs]
- sorry to call you on this
- sorry to call you on this
number, but warns can't
- sorry to call you on this
number, but warns can't
be reached.
Number, but warns can't
be reached.
It seems we've got a
Be reached.
It seems we've got a
serious problem.
It seems we've got a
serious problem.
[metal doors clatter]
[opens case lid]
- [sighs]
[crash, geiger shouting]
[metal screeches, clatters]
[geiger moaning]
[geiger shouts in pain]
- geiger: You broke
my fucking arm!
- max: Thom... Thom...
My fucking arm!
- max: Thom... Thom...
You tell me what the fuck
- max: Thom... Thom...
You tell me what the fuck
this is.
You tell me what the fuck
this is.
- don't make things worse
This is.
- don't make things worse
for yourself, max, eh?
- don't make things worse
for yourself, max, eh?
You stop this now and we can
For yourself, max, eh?
You stop this now and we can
settle it.
You stop this now and we can
settle it.
- you can't settle the death
Settle it.
- you can't settle the death
of sarah.
- you can't settle the death
of sarah.
You can't settle trying to
Of sarah.
You can't settle trying to
set me up for murder.
You can't settle trying to
set me up for murder.
- I am your commanding officer.
Set me up for murder.
- I am your commanding officer.
Right now you're wanted for the
- I am your commanding officer.
Right now you're wanted for the
murder of your partner,
Right now you're wanted for the
murder of your partner,
so you're going to need
Murder of your partner,
so you're going to need
all the--
So you're going to need
all the--
[gunshot, geiger shouts]
All the--
[gunshot, geiger shouts]
- those two boys...
[gunshot, geiger shouts]
- those two boys...
Came here on the night of the
- those two boys...
Came here on the night of the
seventh to buy guns from him.
Came here on the night of the
seventh to buy guns from him.
[geiger shouts in pain]
Seventh to buy guns from him.
[geiger shouts in pain]
he was with bartnick and crown
[geiger shouts in pain]
he was with bartnick and crown
and one of the boys-- blake--
He was with bartnick and crown
and one of the boys-- blake--
recognized crown, he'd been
And one of the boys-- blake--
recognized crown, he'd been
arrested by him a year ago.
Recognized crown, he'd been
arrested by him a year ago.
And that compromised the deal.
Arrested by him a year ago.
And that compromised the deal.
Blake died, but ruan got away
And that compromised the deal.
Blake died, but ruan got away
with a hold-all full of money.
Blake died, but ruan got away
with a hold-all full of money.
You get your fucking hands
With a hold-all full of money.
You get your fucking hands
off me!
You get your fucking hands
off me!
Bartnick and crown went to the
Off me!
Bartnick and crown went to the
hotel looking for their money.
Bartnick and crown went to the
hotel looking for their money.
They come across sternwood and
Hotel looking for their money.
They come across sternwood and
you suddenly get worried that
They come across sternwood and
you suddenly get worried that
I'm gonna piece things together.
You suddenly get worried that
I'm gonna piece things together.
You, thom, were meant to be
I'm gonna piece things together.
You, thom, were meant to be
my friend.
You, thom, were meant to be
my friend.
This can't just be about money.
My friend.
This can't just be about money.
Not for you.
This can't just be about money.
Not for you.
Not for you.
- policemen weren't meant
- policemen weren't meant
to die.
- policemen weren't meant
to die.
It was all gonna be simple.
To die.
It was all gonna be simple.
It was gonna change things,
It was all gonna be simple.
It was gonna change things,
make things better for us.
It was gonna change things,
make things better for us.
Robert wiseman, he got it.
Make things better for us.
Robert wiseman, he got it.
Just one more gun scandal
Robert wiseman, he got it.
Just one more gun scandal
and his party would win the
Just one more gun scandal
and his party would win the
next election.
- jane badham?
And his party would win the
next election.
- jane badham?
- she found warns.
Next election.
- jane badham?
- she found warns.
He shipped in the guns, set up
- she found warns.
He shipped in the guns, set up
otis and ruan as buyers.
He shipped in the guns, set up
otis and ruan as buyers.
I provided some manpower,
Otis and ruan as buyers.
I provided some manpower,
turned a blind eye, you know.
I provided some manpower,
turned a blind eye, you know.
Then a new squad would come in,
Turned a blind eye, you know.
Then a new squad would come in,
arrest the two boys
Then a new squad would come in,
arrest the two boys
with the guns.
Arrest the two boys
with the guns.
Big public outcry, jane handles
With the guns.
Big public outcry, jane handles
the p.R. And wiseman takes
Big public outcry, jane handles
the p.R. And wiseman takes
the next election.
The p.R. And wiseman takes
the next election.
- kincade supplied warns.
The next election.
- kincade supplied warns.
Kincade'd get the multi-million-
- kincade supplied warns.
Kincade'd get the multi-million-
pound contract to supply body
Kincade'd get the multi-million-
pound contract to supply body
armor, training packages and
Pound contract to supply body
armor, training packages and
guns to the police.
- yeah.
Armor, training packages and
guns to the police.
- yeah.
- what do you get, thom?
Guns to the police.
- yeah.
- what do you get, thom?
- oh...
- what do you get, thom?
- oh...
- what'd you get?
- oh...
- what'd you get?
You get a healthy bank account?
- what'd you get?
You get a healthy bank account?
Get fast-tracked to the role
You get a healthy bank account?
Get fast-tracked to the role
of... What?
Get fast-tracked to the role
of... What?
Of... What?
All for obedience in the line
All for obedience in the line
of fucking duty.
All for obedience in the line
of fucking duty.
- fuck off!
Of fucking duty.
- fuck off!
You, more than anyone,
- fuck off!
You, more than anyone,
should get what's happening
You, more than anyone,
should get what's happening
here, max.
Should get what's happening
here, max.
I'm the one has to go and see
Here, max.
I'm the one has to go and see
coppers' families when they've
I'm the one has to go and see
coppers' families when they've
been shot and murdered in the
Coppers' families when they've
been shot and murdered in the
street 'cause they haven't got
Been shot and murdered in the
street 'cause they haven't got
the proper armor!
Street 'cause they haven't got
the proper armor!
What do you think's gonna
The proper armor!
What do you think's gonna
happen, max, eh?
What do you think's gonna
happen, max, eh?
You think we're just gonna
Happen, max, eh?
You think we're just gonna
walk out of here?
You think we're just gonna
walk out of here?
Kincade have got all the bases
Walk out of here?
Kincade have got all the bases
covered, you know... Yeah.
Kincade have got all the bases
covered, you know... Yeah.
All this means too much to them.
Covered, you know... Yeah.
All this means too much to them.
And warns, eh?
All this means too much to them.
And warns, eh?
He's not just some fucking
And warns, eh?
He's not just some fucking
amateur you just walk all over.
He's not just some fucking
amateur you just walk all over.
[footsteps running]
Amateur you just walk all over.
[footsteps running]
you shouldn't have brought him
[footsteps running]
you shouldn't have brought him
here, max.
You shouldn't have brought him
here, max.
You shouldn't have fucking
Here, max.
You shouldn't have fucking
brought him here.
You shouldn't have fucking
brought him here.
[automatic gunfire...]
Brought him here.
[automatic gunfire...]
- get to the car, I'll cover!
[max yelling,
gunfire continues...]
[man grunts]
[thud, man grunts]
- [groaning]
[max shouts in pain]
- let me have your gun.
[shotgun blast, man grunts]
[gunshot, sternwood grunts]
- selfless commitment.
[shotgun racks]
[steam hissing]
[steam hissing]
[flame whooshing]
- geiger: Think what he
did to you, max.
- geiger: Think what he
did to you, max.
Remember who helped you
Did to you, max.
Remember who helped you
come back, huh?
Remember who helped you
come back, huh?
You owe me.
Come back, huh?
You owe me.
This is your chance, max.
You owe me.
This is your chance, max.
You bring him in.
This is your chance, max.
You bring him in.
You bring that fucker in.
You bring him in.
You bring that fucker in.
- enough!
[flame whooshing]
[thunder rumbling]
[sirens approaching]
- man: Clear!
- man 2: On me!
- I don't have visual.
- man 2: On me!
- I don't have visual.
[music ends]