Wendy And Lucy (2008)

Grab it, Lu.
Give me that stick.
Drop it.
That's a girl.
That's a girl.
Drop it. Good dog.
Come on back, girl.
Lu, where did you go?
Great dog, what's her name?
You're a sweetheart, Lucy!
What is she?
Don't know, really.
A mix of hunting dog and retriever.
Where's the closest
store around here?
I don't know.
I'm not from around here.
I'm just kinda
passing through.
Where to?
Going to Alaska.
I'm headed south.
Icky over there worked
the canneries last year.
Hey, Icky!
This lady's going to Alaska!
King Salmon!
It's fucking awesome up there.
You going to work?
Where you going?
It's good for greenhorns. Cooper River
is pretty good, too. Further north.
Lots of work on
that slime line.
You should check out
Northwestern Fisheries
because their housing
is fucking awesome.
Tell Mike Murphy you met me,
because he's all right.
Okay, I might. Thanks.
The money's better there, too.
There's no expenses, you know?
You just walk with everything.
Well, whatever you do...
...don't tell Old Man Brutus
that you met me.
Because he was a little upset when
I left in somewhat of a hurry.
There was this incident...
...involving me operating
a two ton earth mover...
...in a state slightly less than sober.
Some friends of mine...
...they were goofing around...
...and we got the thing started, and
I put it in gear and that was that.
We drove the thing
across the construction site.
Getting it to stop, though.
No one told me that.
So, we finally had
to jump off...
...and the thing just rolled all the
way across the construction site.
We couldn't stop the thing.
We tried everything.
It snapped the retaining wires.
Huge spray of sparks.
The Cat went over the hill
head over heels...
...ass over tit, right into the water.
It was probably a hundred thousand
dollar piece of equipment, gone
in four fucking seconds.
But they couldn't pin it
on me, man, I was gone.
Ferry Running Times
Good night, baby girl.
Wake up.
You can't sleep here, ma'am.
You can't sleep out here,
it's not allowed.
All right, get back, Lu.
My car won't start.
I can hear that.
You can't park here.
That's the rules.
Yeah, I got it,
I got it, okay?
I don't know what it is.
It was fine yesterday.
You just gonna have
to get it off the property.
Well, where is that?
How far is the property?
Street. The street's public.
You just have to get it off the lot.
All right, jump in.
What do you know
about that...
...station over there?
Seems to get business.
A lot of cars come and go.
He's the closest.
He's got that going for him.
What about, is there some kind
of grocery store around here?
Down the road there's Jack's.
Pretty good and pretty cheap.
That's where I normally go.
Stay, Lu.
Hey, Lu.
I know.
I know.
Okay. Be right back.
You're hungry, huh?
Bet you are.
Come on, let's go.
I can't shut up, I'm choking.
So I said, man, I ain't
staying there, I'm going.
Yeah, like one out of what?
Is there like ten of us here?
Found a few cans and then I
went to this place over here...
...and laid down under a tree
and went to sleep.
Sit here.
There's a long line.
I think some of these machines are
broken today, so it's gonna be a while.
Why don't you buy
her cans from her?
I don't have any money
to buy her cans from her.
But, hey, I tell you what,
I'll take those. Hey, dog.
I'll take those from you and
I'll give you the money later.
I mean, you've only got...
It's not many cans.
It's not worth the wait.
I'll find you later.
Okay, you can just take those.
That's fine.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, that's fine.
Hey, thanks. Thanks a lot.
Yeah. That's pretty cool.
Don't bother anybody, okay?
Be right back with a treat.
What did I say?
Don't be a nuisance.
We don't need that.
Hey, Lu.
- Excuse me? Ma'am?
- Let go of me.
- I think you're forgetting something.
- Let go of me.
- But you have something.
- Let go of me.
All right, I'm gonna have to ask you
to step inside the store, okay?
Sit here, please.
What's going on, Andy?
This customer neglected
to pay for a few items.
I watched the whole thing. I saw
her since she came in the store.
No. I'm sorry,
that isn't true.
Okay, well, what are
we talking about here?
Excuse me.
Sir, I wasn't done
shopping yet.
I walked out of the door by accident
without paying for those cans...
...because I was going to check
on my dog. My dog is tied up...
...in front of the store.
Mr. Hunt, it was obvious
what was going on here.
Sir, your employee
has the wrong idea.
The rules apply
to everyone equally.
If a person can't afford dog food
they shouldn't have a dog.
Sir, I just made a mistake is all.
I'm very sorry.
This isn't gonna happen again.
I'm really very sorry.
The food is not the issue.
It's about setting an example, right?
I'm not from around here, sir,
I can't be an example.
We have a policy, ma'am.
Hi, this is Andy Mooney
from Jack's on Lombard.
Sir, my dog is tied
up out front.
- Sir, my dog is tied up outside.
- Just relax.
Face forward.
Left. Turn to your left.
Can I get my bag back?
Not yet.
This machine's gonna kill me.
We've got to do this again.
Fifty dollars.
Excuse me?
You can pay your fine now
or you can come back in two weeks
for a trial with a judge.
Then you can pay
the 50 dollars plus court fees.
I don't live here.
I'm just passing through.
If you get stopped
in another state
you're just gonna end
up right back here.
You could use a credit card.
...selections online at
Mattress World. Clackamas, Beaverton,
Jantzen Beach, Tenasbourne.
Downtown at 18th and Burnside,
122nd and Glisan. Canby and Salem.
Mattress World!
It's not too late to sleep
like a baby, Mattress World.
If we can't beat any price on any
comparable mattress, then the mattr...
Has anyone seen a dog?
Excuse me. Has anyone seen a dog?
She was tied out front this morning.
You mean like a
German Shepherd or something?
Medium sized,
yellow-gold in color.
I kind of remember
seeing a white van take a dog.
You do? What time was that?
Around noon?
Noon? You didn't
even start work until two.
Could have been later.
Excuse me, a white van,
like a city van?
I don't know.
I could be totally wrong.
She didn't see anything.
Come here, Lu!
Lucy, come out now!
What are you doing here?
Looking for my dog. She's gone.
I hope you're real happy.
Lucy, come!
Come on, girl. Come on out, girl!
Come on, Lu!
Yeah, have a great night, okay?
You know, your son
is a real hero!
Come now!
Have you seen my dog?
Not since I saw you. Nope.
Is that fucking
garage ever open?
Most days. Yep.
Is there a pound around here? There's
gotta be a pound close by, huh?
Not too far.
You all right, honey?
Yeah. I just need
to get to the pound now.
Well, that's easy.
You just take the street
right here.
Go straight down till it dead ends
that way about...
...just right till it dead ends, then
you head right about three miles.
You lose your dog,
is that it?
...that's what it looks like.
That's a shame.
Somewhere around here?
Yeah, that store.
I'm sure someone's got her.
She couldn't have
gotten too far.
I was gone kind of
a long time.
I'm sure it wasn't that long.
She'll turn up.
So I just go down this street,
and then I take a right?
I'm pretty sure it's close now. You'll
probably have to wait until morning.
But you know, you can get the
number four right here on the corner.
It will take you right there.
Starts at six a.m.
I think I'm just
gonna head there now.
It's definitely closed.
Well, fucking Christ!
Well, if she's there she'll be there
in the morning, won't she?
A night in the pound
never hurt anyone.
You know, there's a good hotel
down the road. The Palms.
Really good clean rooms.
If I see anything
I'll let you know.
Hey, Dan.
Wendy? Hold on,
let me turn down the TV.
Where are you?
In Oregon.
Yeah, kind of, sort of.
On and off.
So what's up?
Nothing. I'm just calling.
Just, you know, just...
The car broke.
I don't know.
It's kind of bad here, actually.
Lucy's lost.
Who's that?
It's your sister.
She broke down in Oregon.
Hi Deb.
What does she want us to do about it?
Nothing. I'm just calling.
She's just calling.
We can't do anything. We're strapped.
I don't know what she wants.
I don't want anything.
I'm just calling.
I can't talk with everyone
on the phone.
I'll talk to you when you're
done with Dan. Bye, honey.
Everything's all right?
Yeah. Everything's great.
You kind of sound like you're busy
over there, so I'm gonna call you later.
All right, if everything's fine.
See ya.
Yeah, see ya, bye.
I was usually like
the only white person there.
That's so weird.
Why does that girl
hate you so much?
I saw the cheerleading squad. Madison's
got some chunky cheerleaders.
Dude, fuck,
there's a lady in there!
Your mom's always tired.
Yeah, my mom's like,
always, always...
Just a minute!
Good morning. Hello, Amy.
Hello, Mike.
What is going on
with the traffic?
Well, we have activity on Northeast 53rd Avenue
between Gleason and Irving...
...so it is closed.
She's medium sized.
Yellow-gold in color.
Her name is Lucy.
I left her tied up to a post
and then when I got back
she wasn't there anymore.
Well, I don't see
anything here that matches.
But come on, let's go take a look in the
back. You never know. Okay? Follow me.
Okay, so you can go
right around the corner here.
Okay, no address?
And no phone either?
No. I mean, no,
not right now.
I'm just passing through.
Do you have a
previous address?
My sister and her husband.
They live at...
...East, 73 East Jackson...
...Muncie, Indiana, 47603.
You can use that.
Do you think that
you'll find her soon?
...you're just gonna have
to keep checking in, okay?
It's gonna be up to you now.
Thank you.
I don't think so.
Okay, just set the Voltmeter
to the DC scale, all right?
Measure the voltage
across the battery terminals.
The volt meter reads
less than 14 volts...
...you know, it should read 14.
If it reads less than 12
you might have a problem.
Okay, tell you what...
...you turn on the heater...
...you turn on the defogger...
...you turn on the radio,
and you rev up the motor...
...you're turning on
everything that draws power...
...and then you turn on the
motor, you rev up the motor...
...and if the Voltmeter reads
lower than 14 volts...
...your alternator's probably no
good. Okay? Well, good luck.
What's up?
Start talking, I'm listening.
I think I've got a problem
with my S-belt.
With my S-belt. I think my
Serpentine belt is cracked.
Oh, yeah. Serpentine belt?
A guy in Salt Lake City said that
he thought it was cracked...
...and that it would run about
You were driving with the air
conditioning on? The engine jerked?
Steam came out?
That kind of thing?
No. It just won't start.
It just makes this terrible sound.
Oh, man.
You are blowing my mind.
You are messing up my mind.
Okay, I'll tell you what.
Yeah, yeah.
No, that's it.
Yeah, yeah, I said, you know, you're
really messing with my mind, man.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah. I'll see you later.
What kind of car
are we talking about?
Well, it's an Accord.
Easy enough to replace
the Serpentine belt.
I don't know why
the ignition won't fire, though.
Who knows.
Could be the timing belt.
How much is a new
Serpentine belt?
A hundred bucks.
new one. I'll have to check stock.
And it'll be 50 for labor.
That's the best you'll find.
I promise that.
Okay. And what about a timing
belt? How much is that?
Could be a little bit more, but I
won't know until I have a look.
And we're going to have to tow it
over, I guess. That adds another 50.
But it's just right there.
Well, it's always 50. But there's
no mileage here. So it's just 50.
I'll give you a deal...
How's the dog?
No news.
No luck at the pound?
Not yet.
I had a Collie once that was gone for
two weeks before he came home.
They'll find her.
They always get their dog.
Yeah, I sure hope so.
Could I trade you for a quarter? I need
to use that pay phone over there.
All I've got is change
and it only takes quarters.
Lots of minutes. Feel free.
No, no.
No one uses a pay phone anymore.
Come on.
Hi, my name is Wendy Carroll.
I lost my dog Lucy and I...
Yeah, yeah, hi.
I was just calling to check and see
if there was any new information.
Okay, all right, I understand. I'll keep
checking. Okay. Thank you. Bye.
How late are you
here tonight?
Eight o'clock.
Eight to eight.
Better than my last job.
I'll tell you that.
That was all night,
every night.
Not a lot of jobs
around here, huh?
I'll say.
I don't know what
the people do all day.
Use to be a mill. But that's
been closed a long time now.
Don't know what they do.
You can't get a job
without an address anyway...
...or a phone.
You can't get an address
without an address.
You can't get a job
without a job.
It's all fixed.
That's why I'm going to Alaska.
I hear they need people.
I hear it's really
pretty up there.
You know, if you need a contact
for the pound or anything...
...I'm just standing here with my
hands in my pockets all day.
You can use my phone
number if you like, you know.
I might do that.
That'd be good.
floppy ears sharp eyes
yellowish-brown friendly face
I'm L0ST!!!
You lost your dog?
Wow, bummer.
Wow, where did you lose it?
You don't know? Well, I guess if you
knew, you'd know where to find it.
Yeah, I guess so.
Well, that's too bad. If I see it,
I'll give you a call. Good luck.
Thanks. Appreciate that.
Afraid not.
They came and rolled your
car away about an hour ago.
You know, I was remembering today,
when I was a boy I'd go hunting...
...and sometimes we'd lose the hound...
...so my daddy would take his
coat and leave it in the woods...
...the last place that he saw the dog.
And after supper he'd come
back to fetch the coat...
...and more often than not he'd
come back with the dog as well.
Could I use that phone again?
Thank you.
Hello, I'm calling to check on a dog
that I reported missing. Lucy.
Yeah, sorry, I've just been away from my
phone and so I thought I would check.
Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Did you say that the dog would,
the dog came back to a coat?
Yes, indeed.
That's how I remember it.
Please, please, please.
Don't look at me.
This is a steep hill, huh?
Ain't it?
Those kids coming down
on a cardboard...
...they're having some fun.
Of course if that cardboard
wasn't so worn and old, you know,
they'd slide better, right?
I don't like this place.
You know, it's the
fucking people.
The fucking people
that bother me.
God, they have attitude.
I mean...
...I'm out here...
...just trying to be a good boy...
...and it's just like
they don't want to let me...
...you know?
I mean, they treat me like
trash, like I ain't got no rights.
I mean...
...they can smell the weakness on you.
Move it along, move it along.
Fuck you.
You know? Fuck you!
I mean, they gotta know I've killed
over 700 people with my bare hands.
We lost, man.
Fuck if I know.
Hang on, girl.
I'm coming.
You look a little stricken.
I've been here since eight.
Where have you been?
I had to take Holly's son
to school.
It's my day off today too.
You got a call after you left
here last night. The pound.
Yes, indeed.
Hi, this is
Wendy Carroll calling.
I got a message from you all
last night about my dog Lucy.
Are you positive?
Okay, where is she exactly?
Where the 30 meets Leaf...
Where the 30 meets
Leaf Erickson.
Okay, well, I'll be there right
away. Thank you very much.
Yep. Bye-bye.
All right? Good news?
Yeah. That's good news,
that's good news.
Someone took her home.
Someone took her home
the day she came in
and that's why they had
such a hard time finding her.
She's in a foster home.
Great. I told you they would find
her. Let that go on the record.
It's on the record.
So, that's it, huh?
You're gonna be pulling out?
Uh-huh, that's the plan.
Well, I hope it all works out.
I know it will.
I want you to take this.
Don't argue.
Just don't argue.
Don't let Holly see. Just...
If you ever come by here again,
you just stop by and say hi, huh?
Thank you. I will.
Ferry Running Times
- Good morning.
- Morning.
You're up early.
You want some coffee?
I think the first pot's ready.
Yeah, Indiana plates.
You're a long way from home, aren't you?
Got a long way to go, too.
Well, the guy was right
about the serpentine belt.
It's cracked
all over the place.
Just a matter of time
before the car gave out on you.
Yeah, that's what he said.
He wasn't all wrong,
but he wasn't all right either.
The serpentine belt is worn out, but
that's not why the car won't start.
You've got milky oil.
I didn't ask you
to check the oil.
I'm just telling you.
Look, you snapped a piston rod.
Actually, you blew
the head gasket first...
...water got into the cylinder
probably when you cooled it down.
The rod can't compress
the fluid then.
And there you go, you ended up
with what they call "Hydro lock".
And if you want the car to drive again,
you'd have to rebuild the whole engine.
Honestly, I don't think
it's what you want to do.
It would end up costing
more than the car is worth.
No, I couldn't get
around to it yesterday.
Can you call me back later?
Righto. Bye.
Are you sure?
Yeah. No question.
How much?
To fix it?
Two thousand.
At least two thousand.
Like I said, more than the car's worth.
On the other hand,
it's less than a new car.
Look, I know this is bad news. It's
not what anyone ever wants to hear.
But see, the thing is,
the car's taking up space out there
and I need to know
what to do with it.
I'll tell you what, just make it 30
bucks for the tow, for the...
...to junk it, and we'll take care
of everything and that'll be it.
It's just that I can't just leave the
car sitting out there, it's gotta go.
Okay. This is good here.
Thank you.
Hey, Lu.
Hey, Lu!
Did you miss me? Huh?
You miss me? Huh?
You miss me? Huh? Come here,
Luce. Come here. Did you miss me?
I'm sorry. Come here.
I know, I know.
Come on, Lu, don't be mad.
I got you something.
Look at that.
Go get it.
Good girl!
You're such a good
catcher, huh? Drop it.
Yes, such a good dog.
Go get it, Lu.
Go get that stick.
Good dog.
You are the best catcher.
Drop it, Lu.
Lu. Lu, give me that stick.
Give me that stick, Lu.
Give me that stick.
Drop it. Good dog!
Good girl.
It's so nice here, Lu.
That man seems nice.
Yeah, you got a nice yard.
I'm sorry, Lu.
I lost the car.
You be good.
I'll come back.
I'm gonna make some money
and I'll come back.
Okay, Lu?
Be good.