Wet Dreams and False Images (2004)

MKPictures presents
In association with
ISU Venture Capital
Distributed by Lotte Entertainment
A MK Pictures Production
Lee Ji-hoon
Kang Eun-bi Jeon Hye-bin
Park Suel-gi Shin Joo-ah
She's so pretty!
I wanna get married too.
Dream on!
He's cute.
I know him.
- Ready.
- Sure.
Have fun!
Hey, you girls made it.
- Congratulations!
- Thanks.
Don't forget to get me
a souvenir.
Don't worry.
Wet Dreams 2
Your sister was gorgeous.
I know.
Not because she's my sister,
but she was beautiful.
Will we be as beautiful
walking down the aisle?
What are they doing right now?
What? Number two?
Come on, no way.
We were so passionate that...
Go get it over with.
Ill be right back.
Why does this happen?
So embarrassing!
Have to pee?
You ruined it.
I'm leaving.
Come on, I'm almost done.
Ill be right with you.
I don't think so.
Hey... Hey!
Don't go!
I wonder...
When will I meet the man
of my destiny?
I wish I could tell you.
When I do,
I will dance with him.
Wearing a red dress
in his broad arms...
like in a movie!
Are you nuts?
Dancing with a stranger?
That'd be embarrassing.
Then I kiss him.
Come on, you haven't had
your first period yet.
That doesn't make a girl
a woman.
It's dating that does it.
You have a boyfriend?
I'm still a little girl.
How do you know
if he's the one?
You'll know at first sight!
Come on, silly.
Jump on her!
Our teacher!
You thought you could
get away with this?
You three!
Get over here.
What should I do with you?
You two stay here.
Soo-yoen, you can go.
It's Soo-yoen!
She's so cool!
What are you, graduates?
Where are your name tags?
Thought I wouldn't be here
to check for them?
You drew eyebrows?
You need to learn a lesson.
Hands up!
What orientation this early?
What'd you do last night?
You look beat.
Did you...
- What a knockout!
- What?
No money?
Should I pay for you?
let's get out of here!
How much?
You, come here.
Why is your skirt so short?
And you didn't button up!
You sure you belong here?
Mr. KIM?
You don't know, do you?
She's BAEK Se-mi.
She's trying to get into
show business.
- No, I'm not any more.
- No?
I am in the business.
You wanna keep it?
Okay, thanks.
When you become big,
don't forget me.
Of course not.
- Can I go now?
- Sure, go ahead.
- Thanks.
- Study hard, okay?
Can you believe that?
She always gets away
with that nasal voice of hers.
- She turns me off!
- The world is pretty generous with hotties.
So what?
I can be a hottie, too
if I want to.
Can you make your tits bigger?
- Knock it off!
- So flat.
I can't believe you farted
in the cafeteria.
I picked up this girl last night
and took her to a motel.
But I farted with an erection.
You're kidding.
An erection doesn't make you fart.
Are you serious?
What's wrong with me?
What are you gonna do
at EunKang Girls High?
This girl named BAEK Se-mi...
We're cleaning here!
look. Can't you clean
after we leave?
too dusty.
Hey, bitch.
We're dying to clean now.
So get the hell out.
Who do you think you are?
-What's going on?
-You okay?
- We're looking for Soo-yoen.
- Soo-yoen, we need you!
Seniors are taking money
from our friends.
Bullies at school should rot in hell.
let's go.
- Wait.
- What?
- Let's go see this.
- What is it?
It's about a guy falling in love
with a 16 year oId chick.
What are we, kids?
Forget it.
I heard it's almost porn.
Lets see if you fart
when you get a woody.
Go by yourself.
- Come on.
- No way!
You okay?
Don't worry about it.
This is me.
You have a black eye!
You shouldn't have gone
after those seniors.
I know that.
They shouldn't have bullied students,
Shame on them!
But I got the money back
for freshmen.
Is it for you?
No, it was delivered for you.
By the way,
what movie are we watching?
You'll find out soon.
Are you nuts?
That movie is rated R!
I heard it was like porn.
I'm so nervous.
Don't chicken out now.
Took me 3 hours stuffing my bra!
- I'm too nervous. I'm going home.
- Me too!
Here's what.
I will buy the tickets.
You girls just follow me.
- Okay?
- Wait up!
Dried squid please.
- We have some time to kill.
- I'm crazy.
What was I thinking,
watching a movie with you?
- we should've shot pool.
- It's a test to see if You fart.
Three please.
A piece of cake!
- There are girls too.
- Where?
- They're cute.
- And in high school!
They're sexy.
- Aren't you farting?
- Far from it!
You're in high school,
aren't you?
No, we're not students.
We work at a match factory.
- Right?
- Yes.
No matter where you work,
you're still minors.
We're not minors.
Is that so?
Watch it at your factory then.
Hey, refund the tickets!
Why are they leaving?
Because they're kids!
Sexy my ass!
What do you have for eyes?
Sit please.
Welcome to our school.
Enjoy your stay with us.
The last day of your program is
the school's festival.
You'll all be participating
in the festival.
You're leaving?
Prince of my destiny!
Won't you dance with me?
I don't understand.
Tell me your name at least!
Hi, I'm KANG Bong-gu.
Nice to meet you all.
Attention... Please...
He's a student teacher
for PE class.
His major is pole vaulting.
And he's a great tango dancer.
He'll help us with the festival.
It wasn't me.
Mr. Kang, what's wrong?
What's wrong with you?
Begin the class!
Do you have a girlfriend?
A girlfriend?
If my ex-girlfriend counts,
I have one.
I do have a girlfriend.
You're lonely, aren't you?
loneliness is from
Solitude is a man's own choice.
I'm not lonely.
- Shall we begin?
- Sing us a song please.
- I'm not a good singer.
- Sing! Sing! Sing!
I've finally met the man
of my destiny.
- KANG Bong-gu!
- Come on.
Who says he's the one
for you?
Didn't I tell you?
You know when you see him.
In my dream, he was about
to hold my...
It's Bong-gu!
- I farted.
- What?
It must've been embarrassing.
I told you to be careful, man.
Who was it you farted for?
BAEK Se-mi.
BAEK Se-mi?
You mean that actress?
She's in your class.
I got away with it this time.
But what am I gonna do?
I can't believe I farted
for a high school chick.
I envy you.
I'm a huge fan of her.
- Can we switch classes?
- I would if I could.
You can eat this.
Okay, thanks.
Change the way you talk!
Ask the principal!
It was Bong-gu who farted?
Is that it?
What matters is that he farts
when he gets a woody.
What's woody?
You know what it is.
- An erection!
- Oh gosh!
Why does it make him fart?
Beats me.
If he farts for Se-mi,
ILL make him shit for me!
Going to school?
This early?
It's only 6.
So I can study
before it gets crowded.
Good girl.
- What's going on here?
- They're aggressive.
I thought so.
They're for you.
Smells good.
It's for you.
- Thanks.
- I'm in the commercial for this.
Aren't you eating it?
- Good, isn't it?
- Yes.
Take your time, Se-mi.
How old are you,
drooling on ice cream?
What's your problem?
- Are you interested in Bong-gu, a kid?
- What? A kid?
Why am I a kid?
We're the same age!
Do you have any idea
what turns men on?
Of course I do.
But I'm not gonna tell you.
You know what?
It makes me sad to think
I'm competing for a guy
with a premature girl
like you.
A premature girl?!
What makes you think
we're different?
Do I have to tell you?
I don't have time for this.
Bong-gu is mine.
So stay away from him.
Wash your hair!
Get set!
Will you help her?
- What'd you put in there?
- It's squashed.
Cut it out!
Didn't it feel good
when he grabbed your tits?
Wanna know if I have on
a padded bra?
I don't need that.
You're like gum
on the asphalt.
So embarrassing!
Did you see the way
Bong-gu looked at her?
He was almost drooling.
Yeah, it wasn't the same stare
he gives us.
We need to show him
we're sexy too.
Come on, that's not sexy.
It's dumb!
I'm sure he can feel
destined love...
... blossoming in my heart.
I don't know.
Your chest is too flat...
...for him to feel anything.
Sung-eun, Bong-gu wants
to see you in the office.
See? He's feeling it!
- I guess a padded bra worked.
- Shut up!
Did you wanna see me?
Yes, sit.
- Sung-eun...
- Yes?
Do you...
By any chance...
- Do you wanna run track?
- What?
Your record is good enough.
Faster than most guys!
- What's her record?
- 1 2.77 seconds.
- Really?
- She's real fast.
What about Se-mi?
- What do you think?
- Do I look like a boy to you?
Normal girls can't be this.
Consider it, okay?
It's time for class.
Look at her!
She's almost rubbing his arm
on her chest!
- Lets go bowling.
- Bowling?
You're a PE teacher.
You must be good, right?
Teach me how to bowl.
- I'm not a good bowler.
- Come on, lets go.
Se-mi, I'm a good bowler.
You are?
You're coming with us then.
Hey, lets go?
It's been a while.
Okay then.
- Wanna come with us?
- Yes!
You okay?
Why don't we divide teams
and play for hamburgers?
That sounds good.
The winning team gets
to eat with you.
The losing team goes on its own.
What about that?
Sure, you're on.
Lets divide teams.
We'll play with Mr. Kang.
No way.
You don't decide that.
Yeah, she's right.
Here's what.
Sung-eun and Se-mi do
rock, scissors, paper.
And I do it with Mr. Kim.
What do you say?
Rock, scissors, paper!
- Go!
- Go!
Keep your left arm up
and go like this.
Like this?
Are you okay?
Se-mi was so lucky.
I don't think he's destined
to be with Sung-eun.
I'm gonna ask Suk-gu
for help.
That boy we saw at the wedding?
One with a crush on you?
There's a boy out there
who has a crush on her?
Hey, he's crazy about me.
I just don't like him.
Some taste he has!
By the way,
how can he help you?
- Right?
- Yes.
It's homework.
To see what female behavior
men react fast to.
For biology class.
That's right.
What's a turn-on for men?
I don't know.
ALL sorts of impulses.
Visual, auditory, and olfactory.
But the best way is
physical contact.
Men are all animals!
- Sorry.
- Physical contact?
Be more specific about it.
Touch him anywhere
like this?
When you do,
men freeze on the spot.
Like ice!
You mean they respond
to moaning?
Like this?
And thin long legs shown
under a short skirt is...
... a visual turn-on?
Like this?
This short?
Yes... pull it up higher.
If you show your thighs,
that always works.
Like this?
If Bong-gu sees
how sexy I can be,
He'll forget about Se-mi
right away.
Are you sure
Suk-gu is a dating expert?
Yes, that's why I asked him.
- Why?
- Nothing.
Did you hear that?
Se-mi practiced tango with him
alone Last night.
Your panties will show.
Do that at the swimming pool soon.
Why in the classroom?
This is no pool.
What should I do?
Follow me.
Oh, hi.
What's going on?
I just came back
from a shoot.
I know.
Your mom called.
But you're at school now.
Isn't it too much?
Sorry. I didn't have time
to change.
I hurried back not to miss
any more classes.
That's the attitude.
Students should have.
Go ahead.
- Go on.
- Thank you.
Nature's calling.
Attention please!
Today we're learning
a folk dance.
Are you sure about this?
Of course!
We can't miss this chance.
What are you gonna do?
Good luck.
- Go!
- Lets go.
One, two, three... Bow.
One, two, three... Bow.
With partners to your left.
Now change partners.
Now start over
with new partners.
One, two, three... Bow.
One, two, three... Bow.
Pull in and back.
Partners to your left.
Now to your right.
Turn and change partners.
One, two, three...
Start over.
One, two, three... Bow.
Here we go again.
Left partner.
Hold on.
Keep on practicing.
I need to excuse myself.
Some guys fart while peeing.
That's not odd.
And some ladies fart
when they're drunk.
That's not strange, right?
That's because they can't
control sphincter muscles.
But farting when aroused?
Do you really?
- What's this for?
- I need to see if it's true.
I see.
- You fart when aroused, right?
- Yes.
You don't get an erection?
I do, but...
But you can't fart?
Are you kidding me?
I can't help you.
Go to a general hospital.
Doctor, can you take a look
at this chart?
It doesn't look normal.
This is what I'm talking about.
Go to the bathroom first!
The penis discharges sperm
and urine.
It's circular and covered
with skin,
which is spongy and epidermal
at the end of it.
It's connected to an artery
through the urethra.
So the erection takes place
when the blood fills up.
Do you follow?
What's exactly an erection?
As the sciatic spongy muscle
in the penis contracts,
the artery is blocked...
... making the blood gather
as a result.
So it becomes big and small
like a folding cane?
Is that it?
Get up?
You have a problem
with the way I teach?
Then why are you asking me
stupid questions?
What's this?
You have earphones on
in class?
You stopped me?
You painted your nails?
What do you think I am?
A clown?!
Why does everyone put me down?
Why? Why?
It's clean now.
What I asked was totally
She didn't have to hit me!
Sex education is so poor
in our country.
That's right.
Is there anybody who can teach us
What for?
You need to grow up first.
What did you say?!
Mind your own business.
Playing adults will get you
in trouble.
Look who's talking.
What do you think you are,
a freaking adult?
Have you had sex?
I didn't think so.
That's what makes us different.
Stay out of it, kids.
I've done it too.
If you shag Bong-gu
before the festival,
Ill give up on him.
Otherwise, he's mine.
That's unfair.
She said she'd done it.
What's the problem?
He'll never look at you
as a woman.
You don't know that!
Go sex, then.
If you do, he's all yours.
You're chickening out?
Fine, I can have sex with him
over 100 times.
By the way,
you menstruate, right?
- For a woman.
- I'm gonna kill you!
Are you crazy?
What are you gonna do?
I don't know.
She pushed me too far.
What am I gonna do?
You should do it.
Have you ever seen it?
Seen what?
- The penis.
- Come on!
You can't have sex...
... without having seen it.
I know, but how?
Any idea?
- What?
- 6 o'clock on Fridays!
Damn, he's punctual!
What's going on here?
This isn't good.
Any other idea?
The flasher was the right man.
He'll be back in a week.
Isn't this fattening?
I should watch it if I wanna look
good tomorrow at the pool.
Men's locker room!
Did you see it?
Should we try again?
Did you see it?
- Really? Bong-gu's?
- Our teacher's.
Me, too.
It's so small. He puts
pads in his underwear?
I don't think guys.
It will hurt a lot
when he's in me.
How small our teacher's is.
My neck hurts when I swim.
Because you keep your head
out of the water.
- How am I gonna breathe?
- Some PE teacher!
Don't shit, okay?
You know what?
Time is running out.
I need to be more aggressive.
Are you really gonna do it?
After all, we're destined
to be together.
I really love him.
I can give him everything.
The question is,
Does he love you too?
- I don't know.
- It's crucial to find that out.
- Right.
- But how?
- Should I ask Suk-gu?
- You're gonna meet him again?
Forget it.
Just tell him you Love him.
That's the best way.
You think so?
All right.
Bring it on!
- Are you hungry?
- Ill have to see you later.
- Me too.
- Bye.
What'd you wanna see me for?
Anything happened
to Sung-eun?
- You Like her that much?
- Yes.
Lets bring it on.
Sure. Come on.
Wanna go out with me?
I liked you
when I first saw you.
It's my dad.
He died 3 years ago.
He looks a lot like me.
I'm saying this for your sake.
Give Sung-eun up.
She's gonna sleep
with Bong-gu.
Who's that?
He's a student teacher.
The man of Sung-eun's destiny.
Kang Bong-gu!
Teachers can't hit
on students!
That perverted jerk!
Sung-eun is hitting on him!
- Daddy has to go.
- Dad, I don't feel good.
Are you shitting during showering?
Why not?
As I said, he is the man
of her destiny.
Destiny my butt!
ILL protect her.
Wait for me, Bong-gu!
You're no match for him.
You'll find out soon.
I'm sorry.
I was just telling you to stop
barking up the wrong tree.
Oh Go!
I'm really sorry.
I didn't think
you'd lose it Like that.
You're still up?
You okay?
Are you feeling better?
A cucumber?
This isn't good
on an upset stomach.
This doesn't help you
with digestion.
Ill eat it.
Did you put sesame oil on it?
Chewing gum?
That should be okay.
Is it good for constipation?
By the way...
Mom and I are going away
on business this Saturday.
You're gonna be okay, right?
I have something to tell you.
Go ahead.
Sung-eun, you go first.
In fact...
I did it Last night.
Five times.
At first it was accidental
when I was showering.
The more I thought of Bong-gu,
the more I got aroused.
How about you, Mi-sook?
Yesterday, I got dumped
by Suk-gu.
That's a shame.
Masturbation is okay?
That's in among girls lately.
Haven't you done it,
What's your problem?
Brainy Smurf is threatening
to kill himself.
Look at that.
- He must be serious.
- You're in big trouble.
What's this?
I love you. Ill die for you.
It goes on and on.
I was touched at first.
How am I gonna stop him.
I don't know who he is?
You must be really worried.
Should I do this too?
I will Love you until I die.
What's that?
"Ill love you until I die."
Who's it from?
Well... I have no idea.
Be nice to her.
She loves you so much.
Give it here.
Excuse me for a second.
Didn't you come to see me?
Stay there.
- Why'd you run?
- I just...
Are you available tonight?
No, not tonight.
I thought we could go bowling
since it's Saturday.
I'm sorry.
Will a rain check do?
Wait, Sung-eun.
Did you send me this?
No, it wasn't me.
I see.
Okay, see you.
Who the hell was it?
Did you send it to him?
It wasn't me!
You know that's not
my handwriting.
Now there's one thing left
you can do.
What is it?
A last resort!
This is it.
Lets take a break.
My toes hurt.
Tell me.
Do I look Like a girl?
You are a girl.
I'm a little scared.
You don't have to do this.
I'm so doing it.
ILL march in and let him know
I'm the lady of his destiny.
Won't it hurt?
- Of course it will.
- It'll bleed?
The hymen will rip.
Are you sure about this?
Yes, Ill marry him anyway.
It's okay to give
what I value most...
... to the man of my destiny.
Put this underneath.
I read it in a book.
Guys, I appreciate this.
I will return as a woman.
- Hey, that!
- Right!
Drink it before you go.
I feel much better now.
Thanks, Soo-yoen.
Should we wait here?
No, go home.
ILL be sleeping over.
Who could it be?
Sung-eun, what are you
doing here?
What do you have on?
You can't barge in like this.
Nice place!
Sung-eun, are you drunk?
I Love you so much.
I know, but...
No, you don't!
I do. Trust me.
- I'm sleeping with you tonight.
- What?!
Are you out of your mind?
Don't say a word.
I'm ready for this.
ILL give myself to you.
Sung-eun, that's...
I don't care what you say.
I'm sleeping with you tonight.
No matter what it takes...
Does it hurt a lot?
Very much.
It does.
How much?
Can't you see?
I'm bleeding!
Why do I feel like
my pubic hair is coming off?
Why your pubic hair?
You put it on sticky side up?
Don't even know how to put it on?
Go fix it!
- I have a problem.
- What?
The book says to use contraceptives.
But I don't think I did.
What are you saying?
- You're pregnant?
- What am I gonna do?
Even if we're getting married,
I can't be pregnant now.
Of course not!
So what are we doing?
Lets buy a pregnancy test kit.
What is it?
Is she pregnant?
What the...
Soo-yoen, are you pregnant?
Yeah, I am pregnant.
So what?
What are you talking about?
It's Sung-eun's.
You slept with Bong-gu?
Now he's hers.
Stay away as you promised.
I can't believe this!
Excuse me.
Is there a girl
named SUNG In-hwa?
That's Dr. SUNG.
You'll have to wait.
Are you Dr. SUNG?
Yes, here for counseling?
During the weekdays,
it's from 7 to 9 a.m.
On Saturdays,
it's from 3 to 6 p.m.
I'm off on Sundays.
You'll have to wait a week.
Is it urgent?
We can't afford to wait.
So why don't you...
At 6:30 this evening.
You didn't take pills?
He didn't use a condom?
When's your period?
A period?
She doesn't get it.
How can you be pregnant then?
Without it,
you don't get pregnant?
Yeah, that's right!
Come on, it's the basics!
You learn it in biology class.
Why does it hurt then?
Think about it.
This big penis keeps going in
and out of a small hole.
How can it not hurt?
You girls know nothing.
Ill give you a few more tips.
You pay attention too.
If you get to do it...
Men don't like wearing condoms
so girls have to be prepared.
They're all pigs.
Why can't they put it on
to make girls feel better?
Pills control hormones
so we won't get pregnant.
It can't be any good for us.
Why is it so difficult
for them to put a rubber on?
I'm sorry to interrupt,
but what rubber?
Rubber Like a rubber band!
A rubber is a condom.
There's a zero possibility
for you to be pregnant.
Let me ask you something.
How many times have you done it?
Why are you crying?
I don't doubt you. It's just...
Sung-eun is going through
a lot lately.
So I wanted to get
right information for her.
Soo-yoen, I'm in Love
with you.
I'm Brainy Smurf.
The large intestine is an organ
from the small intestines...
... to the anus.
It consists of the cecum,
colon, and rectum.
- If it doesn't function well...
- Madam?
- What?
- I need to go to the bathroom.
Why didn't you go
during the recess?
I have a sudden pain
in my stomach.
To the right of the stomach is
the liver helping digest fat.
Back already?
What'd the nurse say?
Is there any problem?
Sung-eun got...
... her first period!
Congratulations, Sung-eun.
Now you've become a woman.
Lets call it a day
to celebrate her first period.
What's the big deal?
What was that pregnancy
test kit then?
Was it her mom's?
Are you ready?
Do I have to?
We've already slept together.
Didn't you hear the nurse?
You're still a virgin.
You haven't done it.
The blood was your period.
And the hymen is fine.
So start over.
Honestly, that's scarier.
Don't worry.
We're here for you.
- Where are you taking me?
- Our classroom.
- What's there?
- You'll see.
What's going on?
What's all this?
You know what?
I'm really thankful to you.
For what?
You were a gentleman,
protecting me that night.
Oh, that was...
I've started my first period.
I am a true woman now.
I see.
Listen, Sung-eun.
- Is he coming out?
- Yes, he is!
You are still here?
No, we just got back
to see Sung-eun.
I'm leaving.
See you later.
Sung-eun, how'd it go?
He and I kissed.
How nice!
How was it?
In fact... he smelled
Like an ashtray.
An ashtray?
Not honey?
Anyway, you made it.
Yeah, I'm happy for you!
She must be with a student teacher
named Kang Bong-gu now.
That's all I have to say.
I'm leaving now.
You're not lying?
I'm not.
Thanks, Suk-gu.
What's wrong with her?
She's just a little girl!
What, a little girl can't love?
- You had No idea?
- No.
Looks like it's gonna rain.
Why is she so late?
I'm gonna give her
some serious beating.
Beating won't solve it.
We should teach her right.
It was your job to teach her
that kind of stuff!
Why putting it on me?
I never learned it
from my mother either.
Why doesn't the school
teach that?
They learn math and English
at school, not sex.
Where the hell is she?
Look at you.
You're soaked!
Tell me where you've been
all this evening!
None of your business.
Don't talk back
to your mother!
Were you with that Bong-gu jerk?
I should call the school and...
Yes, I was!
So what?!
Honey, why did you...
He's the man of my destiny.
I Love him, but...
Who's that for?
Is it for me?
Can I leave if I'm done?
Yeah, sure.
Damn player!
Sung-eun, can we talk?
I don't like that.
And I don't wanna talk to you.
It's about yesterday.
I was thinking and...
Mr. Kang.
You fart for me.
Why do you have to see Se-mi?
Baek Se-mi?
I saw you yesterday.
You two were arm in arm
on the street.
I have to go.
What's the occasion?
-is he that student teacher?
- He looks too cheesy.
- Yeah.
What's wrong?
Want some seasoned rice cake?
It's too fattening.
You're not thin anyway!
Did you go to see her
at school?
It wasn't good.
She was so cold to me.
You shouldn't have hit her.
Why don't you talk to her?
Why me?
She prefers you to me.
Go talk to her.
Go ahead.
- Studying?
- Yes.
- Wanna go out with Dad?
- I have a test tomorrow.
Oh, that's right.
Shall we dance, Princess?
- Sung-eun.
- Yes?
You know how much I love you,
don't you?
I do.
Whomever you fall
in Love with...
There'll always be two people
behind you.
- You know that, don't you?
- Yes.
- Hi, Sung-eun.
- What'd you wanna see me for?
- I think you misunderstood.
- I never misunderstand.
Sit down.
I can't believe
I'm telling you this.
You don't have to.
Yesterday, Mr. Kim asked
Se-mi out.
So she wanted to seek
some advice from me.
You get it now?
Mr. Kang, can I go?
Let me.
You must be tired shooting
until late at night.
I feel sorry for you.
Lets go.
Get in.
Chungdam-dong please.
Drive carefully.
What are you doing here?
Didn't you come to ask me
out on a date?
God, I'm hungry.
- Buy me some noodles.
- Okay.
Aren't you tired?
Give them here.
Won't people think
you're too old for me?
My brother and his wife are
8 years apart.
Age is only a number.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
Excuse me.
What's your name?
It's Nam Je-ho.
Do you tango?
Yes, I'm good at it.
Having fun?
Yes, I am.
They're really good.
Did you practice a lot?
I did.
How about you?
I sure did.
I'm so nervous to dance
in front of people.
I had so much fun with you.
So did I.
Sorry, but that's my seat.
Is it?
See you later.
Thank you!
What a performance by those
from Dance School!
Next is the highlight of tonight.
It's a 36-year-Iong tradition.
Girls will choose their partners
to dance with.
Lets see who they choose.
Se-mi, does this mean
you'll accept my heart?
It depends on how good
a dancer you are.
You're being too cheesy.
I might get a second thought.
I've been thinking seriously.
About what?
Lets bring it on.
Lets go steady.
You mean it?
Sung-eun, does Love change?
Love moves around!
Come on.
Didn't I tell you to stay
away from this school?
Give me Fridays, man.
You stupid ass!
Hold on.
Act your age, man.
You don't know what it takes
to be a flasher.
No flasher dresses like you
these days.
You have to have a sense
of fashion!
Look what it says.
- An annual plan?
- That's right.
See the X mark on July 16th?
It means I didn't do it.
What about on 23rd?
I didn't do it then either.
The summer break started
on July 25th.
So I didn't get to do it
on 26th either.
August came.
A new semester started on 26th,
but nobody was here.
What does it say for 31st?
- It rained.
- So I couldn't do it!
Shut up and listen!
September 6th was a holiday.
- No school day.
- That's right!
Today is the first chance
in a good 8 weeks!
And you had to ruin it?!
It's about time you retired.
Those chicks Love my thing!
You're married
for God sake!
I still wanna be a flasher!
They wanna see a young,
healthy one!
- Young, healthy my ass!
- See for yourself!