What Dreams May Come (1998)

[Splashing water]
'When I was young...
'I met this beautiful girl|by a lake.
Ow! Hey!
Scusi! Scusi!
Dov'e la Svizzera?
- No capisce.|- No capisce? Ou est la Suisse?
Oh, Suisse. Yeah.
Yeah, Switzerland. Hi.|Oh, you're American?
- So are you!|- Yeah.
Keep going till you smell|money or step in chocolate.
OK...thank you.
- Watch your head. You OK?|- I'm fine.
Can I sit here?
Actually, no.
Two years ago,|I reserved this specific area.
- What if I say please?|- That's the one exception.
Careful there.
You find Switzerland?
Ahm... I did.
I claimed it for Missouri.|Planted my flag...
and sold beads to the natives.
They had sandwiches there.|I brought you some.
I'm Ann.
[Swiss accent] Oh, the lady|who discovered Switzerland.
I'm Chris Nielsen.
- How did you know I'd be here?|- Ahm...I didn't.
[Children laughing]
Let's make it.
You've got to eat something.
- I can get something at school.|- I know what!
- I gotta carb up, I got a game.|- And a math test.
Yeah, I'm ready.
I'm cool.
If you get me, I won't|have to wait at his game.
Sorry, I have a meeting.|Angie's gonna pick you up...
before she gets your brother.
I'll let her take the van.
I'll see|your chorus thing tomorrow.
- I thought you couldn't.|- I don't wanna miss it.
We're late, guys!|I'll pull out the van.
- Hey, ace it, OK?|- Yeah(!)
Love you.
Do you...
want his breakfast?
[Car horn]
You mother puts|healthy stuff in. Don't...
..trade it for|chips and cookies.
'It was the last time|Annie and I saw them alive.'
[Minister] When death claims|the life of our children...
..we are left with|too many questions.
How do we make sense of|the feelings we're left with?
The Gospel according to Luke,
even the First Corinthians,
tell us of the extraordinary|paradise that awaits us.
The lucky winner is...Jacobs!
Stacy Jacobs.
Hello, Stacy, I'm Dr Nielsen.
Ah, too late.
Nice stream. He's feeling|better. He waited 10 years.
Stacy Jacobs!
What were you thinking?
It's all right.
My kid used to say,|"What's the difference?
"You weren't|looking anyway."
You like rabbits?
Yes? Then go like this.
We've given her|MRIs and... Whoa!
Wild rabbit. Watch out.
And also a CAT scan,|I believe.
Look at that. You have|more pictures than a supermodel.
- Do you ever wear glasses?|- No, she doesn't need glasses.
- Does your head hurt a lot?|- All the time.
Cup your hand, cover your nose|and mouth and breathe.
- Mrs Nielsen on four.|- That's my wife.
If you can do it longer than she|can talk, that's an achievement.
Christy, I've got a meltdown.
OK, take a breath.
Eight pieces from Germany|never arrived.
I've gotta choose replacements|the night before the opening,
re-hang them,|re-light them and I...
OK, focus.
It's our Double D-anniversary.|I'm ruining it.
- Double D, yeah.|- I'm sorry, I can't leave here.
'I'm sorry.'
Tell you what, how about this...
How about the Hudson Rivers?
'That gives us three.'
And the Hollenbeck...
'and the, uh,|Hennik 16, 19 and 23...'
- and the bridge.|- But they're in Fairfield...
I don't have anybody to send.
I'll get them|and take 'em to the gallery.
Huh... You'd do that for me?
Only if you're|incredibly grateful.
That's a chance to show yours.|It's very sexy.
OK, weirdo...
I'll be home late,|but I'll be home.
I love you, Bella.
I love you, too.
Do you like art?
My wife fixes paintings|and also makes some.
To me, paintings are the most|important things in the world...
next to your brain.
You feel better, don't you?
'I said, "I love you, Bella."
'I'll always remember that.
'At least I got to say it.'
[Car horns blaring]
- You all right?|- I think so.
I'm a doctor.
Don't move.
[Man] Chris?
[Man] Do you know|what's happened?
[Chris] I had a bad piece|of fish before bed.
Who are you? A doc?
Are you operating on me?
[Monitors beep]
Who are you?
Why can't I see you?|[Beeping increases]
[Dog barks]
[Chris]|Ginger, you see me?
[Man] She does.|Dogs are different.
Can you see me now?
[Chris]|Why are you so blurred?
I'll get clearer. Confused|how you got home so fast?
[Chris] Dreams don't deal|in time. Time doesn't count.
You've died, Chris.
Doc, if I were dead,|would I need you to tell me?
I guess you do.|Everyone's different.
I wish everybody would go home.
[Chris] Why do I see everyone?|Everybody but...
[Doc] You don't wanna see me.|You don't wanna be dead.
[Annie]|The kids were so young.
[Doc] You want to|remember your kids.
When they were still alive.
When she goes to the hospital,|I'm going too.
Marie... Katie's not...
Katie's not going there|to get better.
They're gonna give her a shot
- and she'll fall asleep.|- You're going to kill my dog?
I'm going to help her die, yes.
Honey, she hurts very...
..badly and nothing can help|her. I'm going to stop that,
- because I love her.|- You're killing my dog.
You get angry.
Death does that.
What'll happen to her?
Um... She'll go where we all go.
And how can that be bad?
[Ian] Come on, Dad!
Oh, my leg!
Thanks for not listening to Mom.
- About what?|- Just coming out here.
This whole day. She didn't want|us doing this, because of...
grades and stuff.
Your mother and I talked.
We always listen to each other.
So, I mean,|what'd you talk about?
About taking you|out of Head-Royce.
The school is wrong for you.
[Minister]|While this is a time...
[Minister]|While this is a time...
[Chris] Where are we now?
[Doc] Maybe you won't want|to stay. This is your funeral.
What am I on? You're real fuzzy.
[Doc] At least you're willing|to see yourself.
You're losing your fear.
[Doc] That you disappeared.
You didn't. You only died.
A woman...who lost her children|just four years ago.
Every day in the Lord's Prayer.
Celia...come on. Whoa.
This one is a present...for me.
It's our Double D-anniversary.
Kind of our special day.
It's her version of our place.
- Your place?|- Where we first met.
Where we were|going to retire, I guess.
Live out our lives.|Be old farts together.
Right there.
That's our dream house.
That one's me, I guess.
The blurry one is Annie.|Looks a little familiar, Doc.
The funeral is over. Why is|this going on past the funeral?.
[Annie] 'Dear Diary,
'I'm writing because|my shrink is crazier than me.
'He thinks you're therapy.
'If two babies can|hammer me into a psycho ward,
'what'll I do with this?
'He's so stupid.
'He thinks he pulled me|through the breakdown
'when it was only Christy.
'Always. Only Chris.'
'I was looking through|his postcards.
'Paintings were his obsession.
'He used art to love me,|to help me.
'To keep us always together.
I'm here, babe.
I still exist.
You're thinking of me.
Keep thinking of me.
Come on, with me.
You were always with me.
The people who finished each|other's sentences. Remember us?
I still exist.
I still exist!
(I still exist.)
Just write it down.
Write it down.
[Chris] "This is Chris."
Read it.
READ it.
[Chris]|Christ, when does it end?
[Chris]|Christ, when does it end?
[Doc] There's no rules, Chris.
It ends when you want.
- Where were you?|- Someplace else.
You think I'm a figment|of your imagination?
She's real. You're real.|It's all real.
That's the point|if there is one.
It's over when you stop|wanting to hurt her.
Don't worry, baby...
I'm not leaving you alone.
I'm not going anywhere.
[Screams hysterically]
Goodbye, babe.
[Birds singing]
Katie, it's you !
You're young again!
Come here, Katie! [Laughs]
Katie, Katie!
Come on, hey!
Boy, I screwed up.|I'm in dog heaven.
A place where we all go|can't be bad, can it, girl?.
Maybe I'm not|in your heaven after all!
Maybe you're in mine!
[Katie barks]
[Doc]|What the hell have you done?
That's not how|you use a stethoscope!
Albert Lewis?
Last time you saw me|I was 63, on a cardiac ward!
You thought I was old|and decrepit, huh?
Talking about "Ah, can't go on!"
Who wants to be 63|throughout eternity?
- Look at you on the water!|- Well, hello! Come on...
walk along, feel the beat!
Dancing on water!|Smooth as ever!
And that was you...
just now, when...when I died.
I thought you recognised me,|because you called me "Doc".
Me being your favourite doc.
Could you lend me a hand? I'm|up to my ass in problems again.
Oh, Chris...
Come here.
You are still kinda ugly.
You taught me a lot, Chief.|Nice place you got here.
No, no.|Nice place you got here.
- Me?|- Sure, you're making all this.
We're insecure at first,|so we need safety and comfort.
We all paint our surroundings,|but you use real paint!
There's so much here|she didn't paint.
Like that bird.
Annie gave you a start,|like holding onto handrails.
You're creating a world.
From your imagination,|from anything you want.
- Why doesn't it move?|- It will when you want it to.
Oh-hoh! You go, boy!
- Can I make it dive?|- You're the painter!
[Doc] It's your world!
[Doc] Look at it go!
- How about turquoise wings?|- Turquoise!
[Chris]|And a little mauve, all right!
- I didn't do that.|- No, I did.
When we're together|it's like dual controls.
- Can I make elephants fly?|- Didn't Annie paint a house?
Yeah, it's our dream house.
[Doc] Just a stroll|across the water.
Let's take the shortcut.
- Nice shortcut.|- It's easy, look at me!
- I'm gonna drown.|- You're already dead.
Am I...am I really here?
What do you mean by "you"?|Your arm or your leg?
- Partly.|- Really?
- And if you lost your limbs?|- I'd still be me.
- What is the "me"?|- My brain, I suppose.
Your brain?|Your brain is a body part.
Like your fingernail|or your heart. Why is that you?
Because "I" am a voice|in my head.
The part that thinks, feels.
That is aware that I exist.
[Doc] So if you're aware|you exist...then you do.
That's why you're still here.
[Doc] No windows. What aren't|you ready to see, I wonder?
Drink it. Think it's|coffee and it will be.
It's coffee...
- [Doc] Why is it so hard?|- What?
Your brain is meat.|It rots and disappears.
You thought that's all|there was to you?
Like you're in your house now.
You're IN your house,|you AREN'T your house.
The house falls down,|you walk away.
But I rebuilt, huh?
You see your body|because you like seeing one.
We're seeing|what we choose to see.
Let me show you something.
[Chris] It's real.|Where is the paint?
[Doc] You don't need it any|more. This is your world now.
Thought is real.
Physical is the illusion.|Ironic, huh?
- Where's God in all this?|- He's up there.
Somewhere...|Shouting down that he loves us.
Wondering why we can't hear him.|You think?
Drink your coffee.
- Needs milk.|- Don't push your luck.
'What do you think, Christy?
'What do you think, Christy?
'Right here.
'Like this? You think?
'They say we live|in our minds anyway.
'Having you with me,|like this, keeps me happy.
'Why do I believe|you can hear me?
'Why do I think|you can see this?'
[Chris] What's that purple tree?|I never saw that.
Let's look. Think you can|get there in eight seconds?
Eight seconds? Over there?
Yeah, I just need|a little incentive.
Yeah... I can fly...
- No!|- Can't I do what I want?
I think you'd be more|comfortable keeping it real.
Think of running fast,|like the Road Runner, OK?
I can handle this.
Adios, muchacho.
Oh... Wait ! Chris !
I bet you're thinking|"Oh, shit!" now!
- Yeah!|- Go, boy!
Go, Chris, go!
It's completely new. The canvas|was blank when I was alive.
How can I see|this drawing after I'm dead?
For an expert|you look pretty surprised.
- You two. A long courtship?|- No, actually.
- From the first moment...|- Soulmates.
It's extremely rare,|but it exists.
Like twin souls.|Tuned in to each other.
Apparently, even in death.
You're reaching each other|through her painting.
It's nothing|I've ever seen.
'You can't see it, can you?
'And you never will.'
I love you!
[Chris]|Whose footprints are these?
Don't ask,|you put 'em here.
- Annie!|- [Doc] Chris!
Fantasy is not what you need.
No, you're right. I need Annie.
- That'll change in time.|- Oh, come on, Einstein!
Time's not on my watch any more!|Time does not exist here!
Wherever it went, it won't|make me need Annie less.
You'll feel differently,|and so will she.
Man... You don't know us.
Wish I did.
[Chris] Marie...
Look, it's Tigger!|It's my daughter's!
Katie tore it up once, and...
She's here, right?
Where is she?
"Here" is big enough|for all to have their universe.
That's not why you|haven't seen them yet, is it?
What does that mean, Buddha?
I wanna see my children, Albert!
When you do, you will.
Does that hurt?
How about that?
I'm gonna keep doing this|till you tickle.
You've got a fever.|It's going down, though.
Don't you have to go somewhere?
Wanna play chess?
I could teach you.
Would you teach me that?
Excuse me.
Albert has to work.|He asked me to meet with you.
Will that be all right?
Leona...|That's a very beautiful name.
He said you've been isolated.
Do you wanna see others?|Perhaps a city?
I would,|but travel makes me nauseous.
Close your eyes.
I didn't mean forever.
[Laughs] What do you think?
I'm a little under-dressed.
You look fine.
Till now you've been painting|your world. This is mine.
In our city across the river|we have to have a common vision.
So, there's work.
I like that.
Albert is sort of a missionary.
- He saves lost souls.|- Like me.
Hardly. They are the ones|who can't get here.
You mean, from hell?.
In a way.|It's not what you think.
My work is with animals.
Katie is an old friend.
'Dearest Christy.
'I don't know how|this day unravelled.
'I was proud of how I held|together through this afternoon.
'But, coming home,|I began to lose it.
'If I had walked out that night,
'you wouldn't have been|in the tunnel.
'A whole family lost|in car crashes.
'Enough to make a person|buy a bike.'
[Chris] Where are they going?
- To help others be reborn.|- Really? Reincarnation?
Albert says to cheer you up.
- You have difficulty...|- ..losing my wife, yeah.
- And your children?|- They died years ago.
That's why I'm worried|about my wife.
They died|in a terrible collision.
The nanny was driving.|It wasn't her fault.
And your wife?
My daughter|had asked her to drive.
[Children's laughter]
It was a trucker's fault.
But my wife believed|that if she'd been driving,
her protective instincts|would have...
Are you OK?
Come on, Katie!
[Leona] Where were you just now?
Your mind's been wandering|all afternoon.
Thinking of someone.
Your wife must have loved|her children very much.
Very much.
But you don't have to break|in half to love somebody.
Tell me a memory of your own.
Say, with your daughter.
Hey...|That's somebody else's art.
What's the difference?|You weren't looking anyway.
Your move.
Is this where we go when we die?
It's a dream, baby.|It's beautiful,
- but you know, dreams...|- ..I know, aren't real.
- It's after midnight.|- I haven't won yet.
- It's your first time.|- No, I like that.
Means you're not cheating.|And when I win, I really win.
I wanna play till I do.
- Unless you wanna stop.|- No. Let's play till you win.
'She died three months later.'
We played every night.
It meant the world to me.
She never won.
I didn't look like this|in the body, you know.
We flew to Singapore once.|And...
..my daddy smiled at|the flight attendant who...
looked like this|and wore this name tag.
He said Asian women are so...
lovely...and graceful...
- and intelligent.|- He didn't mean only.
I know.|It was something he said.
And I thought, when I grow up,|I wanna be that.
You still play chess?
I think I waited for my partner.
'I swear that California|is the strangest place.
'They push you into it
'so you can do it before|your shrink commits you.
'Thoughtful legislation there.
'Mine is suspicious.
'Another week,|he might commit me.
'For my own safety.
'I had the husband|I was meant to have.
'Two spectacular children.
'Blessings no one would|dare expect from life.
'And the truth is, simply...
'that it's over.
'Just this one loose end|to ravel up.
'I didn't get to say goodbye.|You're dead and I blew that.
'I don't get to say goodbye.
'But I'll tell you what -
'across whatever|distance there is,
'I send you my love.'
- Where were you?|- Far away.
I got called back.|I was working.
There are no words|to thank you.
For finding Marie.
- Is she OK?|- She's fine.
You'll see her soon.
She sends her love.|Especially now.
We'll go through|something very hard right now.
I'm with you. You're not alone.
Annie is dead.
She killed herself.
It's nothing I ever expected.
Like I said, you don't know us.
Is that an occupational hazard|of soulmates?
One's not much|without the other?
But she's OK.
Because her pain is over.
- You don't understand.|- She won't cling like me.
- When do I see her?|- Never.
You'll never see her.|Suicides go somewhere else.
- Why are you punishing her?|- It's not punishment.
- She's suffered enough.|- There are no judges or crimes.
Everybody's equal.|That's the way things work!
And suicides go to hell?.
No goddamn judgment in that!
You wanna fight?
You can hide from it|or understand it.
"Hell" is for those|who don't know they're dead.
They can't realise what|they've done or what's happened.
- Too self-absorbed that they...|- Self-absorbed?!
That doesn't apply|to Annie, all right?
No, it doesn't.|Suicides are different.
They don't go to hell because|they're immoral or selfish.
There's a natural order|to our journey.
Annie has violated that.
She won't face it.
She won't realise,|accept what she's done.
She will spend eternity|playing that out.
- You still say she's in hell.|- Everybody's hell is different.
Real hell|is your life gone wrong.
I'm her soul mate.|I can find her.
- You don't understand how...|- It's not about understanding!
It's about not giving up.
You said there are no rules.|And the tree?
You were pretty surprised then.|Hey, if there are no rules,
how can you say|ALL suicides are the same?
- I can't, I can't.|- OK.
-Or she doesn't know she's dead?|-I can't.
No one has ever seen|a suicide brought back!
Stick around, Chief.|You ain't seen nothing yet.
OK. You deserve your chance.|We'll find a tracker.
This the guy|who doesn't give up?
Anyone tell you too much|persistence can get stupid?
- Constantly.|- I hear the same thing.
I also hear I read too slow.
I don't need glasses. Eyes being|a figment of my imagination.
You'll hear a lot|of smart stuff here.
It's usually right.
- Don't let it screw you up.|- I won't.
Your wife love you as strong?
We'll find her.
But when you find her...
nothing will make her|recognise you.
Nothing will break her denial.
It's stronger than her love.
In fact, reinforced by her love.
You can say everything|you long to say.
Including goodbye.
Even if she can't understand it.
You'll have the satisfaction|that you didn't give up.
That has to be enough.
Get me there.|I decide what's enough.
When do we leave?
Close your eyes.
- [Chris] Albert's a sweet kid.|- [Tracker] He is that.
There's a tenderness|I never knew in life.
I didn't know him|when he was young.
Were you proud of your own kids?
Of course.
That's an easy bullshit answer.
Think about it.
I said "Of course."
I like this sore point.
It's juice, juice is strong.|It connects.
Makes you|a better receiver for Annie.
She's the transmitter,|sending thoughts of you.
- What did you do when alive?|- You mean the last time?
We can be reborn.|But only if we choose to.
- I did the same work...|- You were a shrink!
Fairly perceptive.
- Oh, my God.|- You expected physical danger?
What could it do, kill you?
No, in hell,|there's real danger.
Of losing your mind.
[Annie] Because|he's drowning, that's why.
- He's 13 years old!|- I know.
He needs to hang out|with his friends.
Veg out in front of the TV,|read a fucking book he likes!
- He doesn't wanna let me down?|- No, it's worse...
He's so into you, he feels|he's letting himself down.
He thinks he's shit.
How sick is that?
How can you take me|out of school?.
How can you?
This is my life!
Don't you think|I can make it?
- If I really dig in...|- You have to show me more!
Come on! You're blowing it, Ian!
I'm not you!
[Chris] Shipwrecks...|What is this place?
[Tracker]|The gateway to hell.
How are we doing?|Picking up any signals?
Actually...not a ripple.
That's because|I was thinking of somebody else.
It's a slap in the face|when you see kids taking a test
and they're breezing through it.
And for you|it just...kinda goes.
Every day I see...
how I'm not as good|as you and everyone else.
But that doesn't mean I give up.
[Doc] Hey!
[Doc] "Cerberus" - the guardian.
How do you feel?.
More than I want you|in and out of school,
I want to know|how you feel at night.
Real scared.
I know I believe in you.
If I was going through|fucking hell,
I'd only want one person|in the goddamn world with me.
[Choir sings]
There's a man...
Ian never got to know.
The man...|he was growing up to be.
He's a good-looking,|clear-eyed young fella...
..about 25.
I can see him.
He's the type of guy|men want to be around.
Because he has integrity,|you know?
He has character.|You can't fake that.
And he's a guy|women want to be around, too.
Because there's|tenderness in him.
And women respond to that.
Makes him a terrific husband.
I see him as a father.
That's where he really shines.
See, when he looks|in his kid's eyes -
and the kid knows|that his dad really sees him -
he sees who he is.
Then that child knows|that he is an amazing person.
He's quite a guy...
..that I'll never get to meet.
'I wish I had.'
[Doc] Let's do it!
[Doc]|Come on, she could be in there!
[Violent shouting]
No! Don't!
Don't... Don't do this!
Your mother's not in there, Ian!
Your mom is not in there, son.
There's not another man|I'd go through hell with.
Elevator to hell. Going up.
- Come on.|- So long. Wish us luck.
- [Doc] I'm coming.|- I'm not giving you a choice.
[Chris] What are you saying?
Since you suspected|Albert was your son,
- you lost your wife's signal.|- I'll concentrate harder!
You're all mouth and no chops!
All you're good for|is she loves you.
- Your boy is a distraction.|- Damn shrinks!
-You love shoving people around!|-We're going. His last chance.
He's never been in such a place.
You haven't. It's better|watching one than two.
- You want him clear?|- Screw him, Ian!
He doesn't know us!|He's not family!
No! I'm not leaving him!
If he never sees her?
Never says goodbye?
[Chris] We do it without him.|Let's go!
Dad! No! Listen to me.
When you get there,|don't listen to him.
You find her...
and you bring her back.
You can do it.
I believe in you.
D'you ever think|why I chose to be Albert?
He was the only guy|you ever listened to.
Listen to me now!|Think about Mom!
Think about what happened|when we died!
Think about what you said|to her to bring her back!
'Think about Mom.'
'Think about when we died.'
[Annie]|I'm teaching myself to smoke.
The doctors call it|an affirmation of life.
Well, it beats the statue thing.
You said "divorce".|You got my attention.
I think that|we're too different...
..to stay together.
I mean...
Well, for one thing,|why aren't you in here?
Why didn't you go crazy?
Your children died.
I remember.
I remember the silence|in the house.
I thought I was supposed|to be strong.
- For me?|- For me. For us.
Just on general principles.
I loved them, Annie.|But they're gone.
You've got a choice.
Life either goes on...
or not.
And you choose life.
Sometimes,|when you win, you lose.
[Heads talking]
[Man] This hasn't been|a good day.
C'mon. It's our private deck.
[Woman] I never took more|than 30 percent from clients.
This must be it.
- [Woman] Mister! I'm here!|- [Man] I'm coming!
[Man]|Watch where you're stepping!
Sorry! Excuse me!
[Man] Anybody got a cure?
- No, man!|- Excuse me.
- Welcome. Welcome, son.|- Papa?
- Son.|- Papa?
- You're close. Welcome.|- No.
- Welcome, welcome.|- You're not my dad, sorry.
It's all right. They never come.
Don't worry.|It's only a matter of time.
You don't think|it looks like a dog?
You always take the easy ones.
That one looks like|a 24-piece dining set.
With a soup tureen.
Or a bunny rabbit.
A very complex bunny rabbit.
Or a Rubenesque breast.
You always think|they're breasts.
All kinds of breasts.
I love them. Yours.
- We'll be late for the dance!|- What's the rush?
I know what you're doing.
This is all just a stall.|I know why you don't wanna go.
- Busted.|- Why don't you dance just once?
- Other husbands are as clumsy.|- Oh, thank you.
It's just that when everybody's|dancing I feel like I'm alone...
..in a sea of faces.
Angel Falls...
It's a little expensive, yeah.
But it's our first Double D.|Shouldn't it be incredible?
I've never seen|anything like it.
That's my role.|To bring adventure to your life.
You...taught me...
the only thing|I should always remember.
Which is?
I forgot.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah...
It was, never give up.
Never give up.
[Tracker] She's here.
You found her.|Impressive.
That jolt of fear for her.|It connected.
[Chris]|My God, is that our house?
- It's like our home.|- Don't think that.
[Tracker] It's an illusion.
The whole place...her illusion.
Suicides can get tortured,
committed to|punishing themselves.
Don't push her that way.
You want to see her.
Tell her what's in your heart.|And then go.
- No pressure.|- Wait!
I knew you'd find her.|You're a competitor.
How d'you know|the first thing about me?
You called your son Albert.|Who is that?
First doctor I interned under.
He was like a father to me.
His words were gold.|A brilliant mind.
What did he practice|before turning to pediatrics?
- Child psychia...|- ..psychiatry.
And he was always...|a slow reader.
But these...used to be rimless.
And the rest of me...|used to be black.
You know why we chose to look|different? Me, the children?
Package doesn't count?|One's as good as...
No. The old roles of authority.
Who's the teacher,|who's the father...
gets in the way of who|we really are...to each other.
I've waited for years for|a chance to watch out for you.
And I'm watching|out for you now.
But this isn't like|the rest of hell.
You've got no defence|against Annie.
If losing yourself or|being swallowed by hell itself
could save her,|I'd be there cheering you on.
You've got|your children back now.
They need you.
Three minutes... Any more,|you could lose your mind.
[Chris]|How can you lose your mind?
[Tracker]|Once her reality becomes yours,
there's really no way back.
[Ian] 'Think about Mom.'
'What you said|to bring her back.'
Hello?|Your door's open. [Echoes]
Sorry,|I didn't mean to scare you.
- Who...who are you?|- I'm your neighbour.
I bought the Gorman's place|two months ago.
I just moved in.
I never heard|they sold their place.
You're Annie Nielsen, right?
They told me a lot about you.
Like what? What did they say?
That you're|a very talented artist and...
work for a museum, right? And...
you're a widow.
Mrs Gorman admires your roses...
very much.
They were so handsome.
But now there's no water|pressure in the neighbourhood.
There's no electricity|and no gas.
There are other things|missing, too.
Like clean clothes|and books I want to read.
And, um...
some of my favourite|paintings I have to work on.
- What is it?|- They're everywhere now!
I got it!
It's gone.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You say your paintings|are missing.
Some of my most precious panels.
The ones that remind me.
Remind me of my husband|and my children.
That's why I never leave.
Because they might return?
I hope that's true|with all my heart.
It's not, you know.
When you're dead, you disappear.
My wife committed suicide|after our children died.
After I...
She was the loveliest person.
Don't you think that's sad?
- Don't you have to leave?|- No.
- But if you want me to go...|- I do.
The last day I saw my wife|it was our anniversary.
- Aren't you leaving?|- In a minute.
I was sticking around in case|there was another problem.
It wasn't a wedding anniversary.
It was a very|special kind of day...
..no one else knows about.
[Annie humming]
[Chris] I need to talk to you.
And you don't have to respond.
This is a one-way ticket...|for me.
My hanging around here|is not helping you.
And it's killing me.
Today is kind of a D-Day.
"D" for decision, I guess.
About divorce.
That'd be two D's,|wouldn't it?
I stand corrected.
Look what happens when you|don't say anything for a month.
Cindy called.
She said|everything is waiting for you.
The artists and curators will|see you when you're better.
And I told her...
it was the museum|and one of those meetings
that kept you|from driving that day.
And if you went back,|it'd mean you weren't sorry,
you weren't wrong and you'd|be betraying your children.
She called you crazy|and I called her a bitch!
And I hung up!|That didn't go very well!
What's true in our minds|is true.
Whether some people|know it or not.
That's when I realised|I'm part of the problem.
Not because I remind you.
But because I couldn't join you.
So I left you alone.
Don't give up, OK?
It's OK.
[Annie] So you reconciled.
That's very romantic.
She still killed herself.
- She gave up.|- There's nothing wrong with it.
- Her husband thought so.|- He was a coward!
Being strong, not giving up...
that was his place to hide.
He pushed away the pain so hard,
he disconnected himself from|the person he loved the most.
Sometimes,|when you win, you lose.
When he saw|his children again...
I thought|your children were dead.
You can see the dead.|In your dreams.
If you want to.
I wanna see Christy.
I can show you.|It's not hard.
All you have to do...|it's like painting a picture.
We do it together.
Just close your eyes. (Please.)
(Don't be afraid.)
Remember where you were married?
Who else would you|be marrying in your dreams?
[Annie] I missed you.
This is real.
The man in the garden.
It's me.
Whoever you are,
did you think|you could take him from me?
I'm sorry, babe.
There's some things|I have to say.
I've only got|a few moments left.
I'm sorry for all the things|I'll never give you.
I'll never buy you another|meatball sub with extra sauce.
And always the big one.
I'll never make you smile.
I just wanted us|to be old together.
Two old farts laughing at each|other as our bodies fell apart.
Together at the end.
By that lake in your painting.
That was our heaven, see?
There's lots of things to miss.
kisses...and fights.
Oh, God, we had|some great ones!
(Thank you for those.)
Thank you for every kindness.
Thank you for our children.
For the first time I saw them.
Thank you for being someone|I was always proud to be with.
For your guts,
for your sweetness.
For how you always looked,
for how I always wanted|to touch you.
God, you were my life.
I apologise for every time|I failed you.
Especially this one.
- Didn't you think I'd make it?|- You were in there a while.
Took me a while to realise|you were right.
Nothing you can do|could help her.
This trip was for you.
- Did you come close...|- ..to losing it?
Oh, yeah.
Pushed it right to the edge.
That's why|I had to come out now.
I'm giving up.
Not the way you think.
Go home, Al.
Will you tell my children|I love them?
And I won't leave their mother.
Where are we headed?
In one minute I won't know you|any better than you'll know me.
But we'll be together.
Where we belong.
Good people go to hell because|they can't forgive themselves.
I know I can't.
But I can forgive you.
For killing my children?
And my sweet husband?
For being so wonderful, a guy|would choose hell over heaven,
just to hang around you.
Not because I remind you...
but because I couldn't join you.
Sorry I left you alone.
Don't give up, OK?
What happened to this place?
It's cold.
God, no! No, no, no, no!
Don't give up!|Don't give up! Christy!
Don't give up!|Don't, don't give up!
[Fading] Stay with me,|don't give up...
[Annie] Christy!
Remember me?
Sometimes, when you lose...
you win.
How did we get here?
Travel here|is like everything else.
It's in your mind.
You only have to|close your eyes.
If you know|where you're going...
Looks like we did.
Where you were...
I tried everything.|Nothing worked.
you tried trailing me.
What some folks|call impossible...
is what|they haven't seen before.
Excuse me, lady.
Ready for that surprise|I promised?
That's not the surprise!
[Annie] I want us|to grow old together.
Can we do that here?
I want it all.|As long as it's with you.
It will be.
But what about going back?
Being reborn?
That's the one thing|we can't have here.
Finding each other|all over again.
Falling in love.
Make different choices.
- Try again.|- Yeah.
Avoid sharp objects.
Don't worry about the kids.|They'll be here.
They want us to go.
A human life|is just a heartbeat here.
And we'll all be together.|Forever.
How will I find you?
I found you in hell.|I'll find you in Jersey.
'When I was young... I met this|beautiful girl by a lake.'
# We follow the river
# We follow the river
# Down into the stream
# That's where my dream began
# I left my worries
# To the people who stare
# And dreamed without a care
# That I'd always be beside you
# To watch the day and night
# And we'll listen|to the sunrise
# And feel its glowing light
# And peace will come inside
# So quiet
# Wherever we're going
# I don't know
# For a million years|our love keeps growin'
# The mystery deepens
# Day by day
# But trust my love|and hear me say
# That I'll always be beside you
# To watch the day and night
# And we'll listen|to the sunrise
# And feel it's glowing light
# And peace will come inside
# So quiet
# Peace will come inside
# So quiet
# Yes, I'll always be beside you
# To watch the day and night
# And we'll listen|to the sunrise
# And feel its glowing light
# And peace will come inside
# So quiet
# Yes, peace will come inside
# So quiet #