What Maisie Knew (2012)

You want to sleep
with Mommy tonight?
Mm-hm. In my bed?
You promise not to kick me?
I promise.
Yeah, okay.
Shall I sing to you? Yeah.
What song?
One of your songs.
Oh, well, sugar, those aren't really
meant to put people to sleep.
What did you sing me
when I was little?
Um, like, you know,
Rock-a-bye Baby.
That's for babies.
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall
Down will come baby
Cradle and all.
Are you sleepy?
A little.
Why don't you just close
your eyes and try, okay?
Okay.. Okay..
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
I'll help you fall asleep.
Rock-a-bye baby
On the tree top
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall
And down Will come baby
Cradle and all
Pizza man.
Hi. Can you sign this, please?
Wait for me.
Pizza man's here.
You haven't done anything!
You haven't had a creative
thought in your life.
What have you done in
the last five years?
How jealous you are.
I'm jealous?
There's your tip.
You're welcome.
I've.. I've done my mid-life crisis.
You should get on with yours.
You should get on with your mid-life crisis...
Don't talk to me about ...
You want to play Tic-tac-toe?
Why don't we eat outside?
Yes, go walk away.
Walk away like you always do.
Hey,... can I have some pizza?
S u r e.
Eh heh.
Mmm. Nice!
Look, I won.
Come on Maisie, you didn't let me play.
Oow... Look at me.
You're cheating.
Maisie, ...
do you ever wonder what
Margo thinks of us ...
behind that hauntingly calm exterior.
Okay. Enjoy!
Do you want to be "Xs" or "Os"?
Um, I want to be "Os".
The ants go marching one by one.
Hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching one by one.
The little one stops to suck his thumb.
You're a liar and a thief!
This is a colossal waste of time.
Fine, go!
Is that Daddy?
Shhh, go back to sleep.
Open the door!
Open the damn door!
Stop making that fucking noise!
They hate me in this building.
Oh, there you are!
At last.
Open the door!
Go away!
Open the door!
Open the fucking door!
Not this time!
I told you it would happen if you left!
Are you serious?
Yes, I'm serious.
It's my apartment.
Open the goddamn door!
You're a fucking headcase!
Fuck you!
Now, remember your soil
should be damp,
not soaked.
You father's here!
Maybe your dog died.
I don't have a dog.
Yah, well you're never gonna lose money ...
... on art, unless you overpay!
This is a good price. So, ...
what I need to know... if you aah...
if you want the paintings ...
... I need to know ASAP.
Let me just get rid of this call.
One second.
Here is this month's schedule.
We would prefer if you'd
wait the few extra minutes
until the end of the school day
so that we don't have to interrupt class.
Okay. Okay, ... I'll make sure ...
... that it doesn't happen again.
Listen, why don't you and me go and
get ourselves a nice double espresso?
With Mommy?
No, no, just you and me this time.
Eeh? Fun, huh?
Hey, so they're exemplary pieces ...
Are you kidding me! What were you going to do?
Take her to Argentina?
I'll call you back. People, just ...
do I need to get some help?
No. This is not a game, Beale.
Come on, baby.
Daddy's not going
to pick you up anymore.
I'm just going to pick you up, okay?
Are you okay?
It's okay. I'm only her father.
Wow, Pooh, you have
your own TV?
Yeah, we can watch it later.
Hey, cool. A little monkey.
What a lovely room.
Need anything before I go?
No, I'm all set, thanks.
Zoey, I want you to listen to Maisie's
mother, otherwise I'm going to come back ...
and there's not going to be
a sleepover, all right?
Still wrapping.
Ooh. Yah.
Okay, cup cake on the crown.
Icing. Icing really hot.
You got it guys?
You got the icing?
Oh, candy.
Oh, candy.
Look at that slide.
Slowmo.. move.
Now, put your ...
fourth one on me.
Oops, sorry.
Look. It's red, white, and green.
Wow! Cool.
Let's go back inside.
Hey, listen to this.
You guys hear that?
I love how he waits back on the beat.
Yeah, get down.
That's you.
Yeah, yeah, I heard, it's good. Yeah.
I'm going to find
a whiskey.
Hook and line
I still blow away
With your Hook and
line I still blow away
With your Hook and
line I still blow away
With your Hook and
line I still blow away
With your Hook and
line I still blow away
Don't cry, Zoey.
Aah, this is the heart line.
And you're gonna...
... you're going to meet
a very interesting man.
Oh, hey. You're back.
Hon, you're supposed to be in bed.
Zoey's crying.
I'm really sorry.
Hey, at this age ...
Yeah, you know, at
this age they don't ...
Um. All right!
Thanks for coming.
Bye, Zoey.
Bye, Zoey.
Go back to bed,
baby, okay?
So much for them testifying for me.
Fuck it.
The mom's a total Nazi anyway.
Okay, Maisie,
come on, which one?
That one.
You dressed yet?
We don't have time for that!
We're late.
Put these on!
You can definitely mention
the time he threw you.
He did?
Oh, my God, yeah.
He threw you across the room
onto the couch, and was
yelling in your face.
Don't you remember?
It was like your most
earth-shattering moment.
Do you and your mom
sing together sometimes?
Is it fun?
Well, it is what it is.
I hope you get what a farce this is.
I mean it's ridiculous.
We're not even married.
And listen, you know,
whatever he says ...
... be sure to factor in thirty
years of substance abuse.
Do you want the chicken?
Okay. Might be
a little bit spicy.
How does that happen?
Here you go.
If you think it's all right.
Your Dad's coming up.
Oh, my sixth favorite girl.
Who's your other girls?
Oh, I can't tell you about those.
Why not?
It's a secret.
Do you want some Mandarin chicken?
Mmm, that sounds good.
I think she's coming back soon.
I know.
I'm just going to grab a few
things and then we'll, uh, ...
... we'll keep this our little secret.
Don't want to get Margo
decapitated, no?
Okay, I got to dash.
But, uh, don't worry.
I'm uh, fixing things, okay?
And, uuh, thank you.
You're one in a million.
Shit! Okay, thanks.
You're a prince.
That's Byron downstairs.
She's on her way up. So...
Hey. Up, up, up!
Come on.
The doors don't open
until ten after eight.
I've got to be at court
in 15 minutes.
All right, I guess you can leave her.
Love you.
My mum says you're
supposed to come with me.
To your house? Nah, we're
going to walk you home.
Hi, Maisie.
Hi, Byron.
You're not capable
of taking care of a child.
You know better.
No, I know you.
Yes, yes.
I know you.
No, Susanna, you don't know
anyone except yourself.
Shut up!
You breathe pain wherever you go.
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
That's why the judge and
the expert, they saw that.
They saw you.
No! No!
Then why are they not
giving you sole custody?
Because you got a female
judge, that's why.
If that's what you want to
tell yourself, then fine.
If you want to tell your delude self.
Don't take her, man.
I'm not taking her.
Don't take her. I'm not taking her.
They gave her to me.
Hey, baby.
Just the person
we want to see.
Honey, why don't you get
some clothes and things ...
... and stuff to take with us?
Do it!
It's okay.
It's okay.
She doesn't need you telling her
what I say is okay, asshole!
Temper, temper.
There you go.
I'm right behind you.
Hi, Maisie.
Can I take your bag?
You want to see your room?
So! What do you think?
You know, you have Margo to thank ...
for... most of this stuff.
Why don't I let you two catch
up on world events?
So, ...
... you surprised
to see me?
It's kind of funny, huh?
Hello. Hello.
Hello. Hello.
How much?
That's academic. Look, no one
in America has heard of him.
I don't know why but ...
Fine, okay, let's see.
Okay, bye.
You can write
in straight lines.
You got it.
I may need to take off to
Italy in the next few weeks.
So, you think you could,
uh, keep an eye on Maisie?
Okay. Sure.
Go on, start again. You know you're only
supposed to do the first letter, right?
Your passport's in order, right? So...
Good. Aah.
Because this work should
only take a few days.
I thought after that maybe we
could go on a little cruise ...
... in the Aeolian Islands, ...
you know, say something like that.
Yeah. I've never been to Italy.
Or on a boat.
Right, great. Well,
then, that's good.
- We'll do that.
- We're going on a boat? When?
Well, don't start packing
just yet, okay?
It's all depending.
What's all this?
Aah.. I got a flower delivery
for Maisie Beale.
Let me see. Uh..
That's just ... This is
totally inappropriate.
Give.. Give them back
to the delivery guy.
The guy already left.
Okay, I'll take it.
Ten minutes and then
homework, okay?
What are these?
I don't know.
But, I mean, did you
put them in there?
Mommy sent them.
Well, we should put them
in some water.
Can't I just keep them
in the closet?
'Cause Daddy
threw them out.
He's allergic.
I'll tell you what.
Why don't we press a few, and
then you can keep them forever?
And that'll be our little secret, okay?
Okay. Why don't you pick
some of your favorites?
I like this one.
This one. Okay, here's our book.
And this one.
When we go back to Mommy's, can
we bring Starbrite's corral?
Um, sweetie, I'm not
going with you.
I'll be here when you get back.
So, where do we put the flowers?
In the middle?
You put them in this side.
You know, your Daddy's sad
when you're not here, right?
So, um, ...
it's nice for him
to have someone around
to... cheer him up.
And do the shopping
and everything, too.
So, since
we like each other,
we thought that maybe
I could do that.
How does that sound?
Let's do another.
I think the roses
would be too big.
That one's nice.
Try that one.
Oh, my baby,
I missed you so much.
I missed you, too.
Jesus, how did that happen?
I touched my arm on the stove ...
and I got burned and I cried.
I bet you did.
I bet that hurt.
How did it happen? Did Daddy let
you cook by yourself or something?
Oh, God.
The court says that I'm not
supposed to say anything, ...
but I would be, like, totally
negligent if I didn't tell you ...
that you really
have to watch yourself ...
when you're alone
with Daddy, okay?
Margo was there.
You mean, ...
you mean our Margo?
Margo who was at our house?
That Margo?
You have a nice room at Daddy's?
Uh-huh, I have a canopy bed.
Oh, that's nice.
Does Margo have a nice room?
It's tiny, and when you look out
the window, there's a wall.
Ooh, Daddy must not like her very much
if he gives her a room like that.
He likes her.
Does he ... Does he give her a kiss?
Anything like that? Show
her how much he likes her?
I don't know.
No, huh?
Yes, yes, I'm sure. She just told me.
Hang on a second.
Hey, baby, go play in your
room for a little bit.
I'm going to finish
this phone call, okay?
No, he's got her living with him.
What do you think I want? I want you
to take that asshole back to court ...
... and get me sole custody.
Careful, Maisie.
Why would you be afraid of her?
I mean, alright, maybe she
looks a little funny, ...
but that's, like,
really narrow minded.
And I don't want you to grow up
to be one of those people
'cause it's just not cool.
And you know what? She's the kind
of nanny you're supposed to have.
I mean, she's not some tramp
with a Daddy fixation.
She smells funny.
She does not smell funny.
That's the way a nanny
is supposed to smell.
Come on.
Bullshit! That's ridiculous. Why do I even bother.
Come on, Maisie, let's go.
Get your stuff, sweetie.
Hey, turn around.
You're going to see him soon enough.
I will?
You're going to be a flower girl.
I am?
Yeah, there's nothing
he won't do.
Here comes the fucking bride.
The collar is sticking
up a little bit there.
Yeah, good. Good.
Mrs. Beale, this is Principal
This is my third message. I
would appreciate a call back.
Thank you.
Maisie, are you sure
your mother knows ...
she's supposed to pick you up?
I don't know.
All right.
I'll figure something out.
Oh, Maisie.
I thought that Maisie 's mother was
supposed to be doing pick up today.
She is. If my husband hadn't checked
his messages at the airport, ...
we'd be on a plane. I'm
supposed to be on my honeymoon.
Hey, excuse me.
Is this, uh ...
Susanna Nun. She sent
me to get her daughter.
Who are you?
Uh, I'm her, uh, ...
sort of like Maisie's stepfather.
You're what? Yeah, I'm
married to Susanna.
How... how are you, Maisie?
I'm Lincoln.
Do you remember me ? We met
before a few weeks ago.
Remember that?
This is ...
We don't just release children to
anyone walking into the office.
Um, no, of course, no.
So, I've got Maisie, and
I don't know what to do, ...
so can you please call me back?
I can't get hold of him.
Would you want to call Susanna?
Just if you want to make
sure I'm not some random ...
I'm not going to call Susanna.
Why don't you call her?
Yeah. Yeah, sure. I can call.
Hey, it's me.
Yeah, no, it's good.
I'm aah outside the school
here with Maisie, ...
and Margo is here.
I understand.
Yeah, well, she doesn't
really know who I am.
Yeah, all right.
Just one second.
Uh, it's Susanna.
I heard you.
Okay, so I'll just take Maisie ...
Huh.. hello?
Uh, I guess that's done.
Yeah, I guess.
I've got to go.
You need a cab?
I'll get.. I'll get you one.
Hey, taxi.
Okay, Maisie, I'll
see you in ten days.
I don't want you to go.
It'll be okay, okay?
I promise.
I have to go.
I don't want to go with him.
Oh, Maisie.
I really, really love you. Okay?
See you in ten days, okay?
Bye, sweetie.
Have a nice honeymoon.
Bye, Maisie.
Please say bye.
JFK, please.
Yeah, we should probably wait.
She's lost it.
No, we need some more.
Oh, I'll be back.
Baby just came home.
Ooh, I have to kiss you.
Did you really get married?
Uh..huh. But I still love you the best.
And I'm still your mommy, right?
And, you know, he's just... he's
just like a friend.
You don't have to call
him Daddy or anything.
Just like... just like you don't
call Margo mommy, right?
You can just call him Lincoln.
Did you have a flower girl?
Oh, you know what? If we
did, it would've been you.
But we kept it really low key, ...
and, um, it was just like with a
Justice of the Peace kind of thing.
We didn't even have a cake.
No cake?
No cake.
Sad but true.
Here, want to see something?
You want to see what he gave me?
Look at this.
Look at that.
It's tiny.
It is tiny, isn't it?
Tiny, tiny, little one.
It's okay.
Come on in.
Well I.. I got to go to work actually.
Aah, It was nice seeing you again, Maisie.
Say goodbye to Lincoln.
Look how tall he is.
He's so tall.
Does he always work at night?
He's pretty much just a bartender,
but you know, whatever.
It's good, so when I'm
working, he can watch you.
It'll be good.
Can I tell you a secret?
I married him for you.
I married him for you.
Sleep tight on the night train.
No pain.
I don't remember...
for a couple of years.
Did some good for you
No, your eyes...
Hey, it's too thin.
I want to do a couple more,
and then I want to
hear it doubled, okay?
You got it.
What are you making?
It's a palace?
No, it's a castle.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, of course.
It's beautiful.
You're really good.
I don't know how to make
one of those... bridges.
Oh, like a drawbridge?
Well, just, um, ...
if you make the doorway here ...
and then like the bridge going
down and then some chains.
That's it.
Over the moat.
I can't do it.
You do it.
But it's your drawing.
Really? Okay.
Well maybe you can... draw
some animals in the moat ...
... some dangerous animals so
people can't swim across.
Crocodiles and some
polar bears
and stuff that will eat you.
I haven't used a crayon in a
really, really long time.
When I was a kid, I read
this story about a family, ...
and their car broke down in the desert.
And do.. do you know how
they survived? How?
They ate crayons and paste.
I know, it sounded pretty good to me.
I used to sneak paste to eat
when I was a kid.
You did?
I don't remember...
Want a couple a...
The stuff we had was really good.
Delicious. You should try it.
- No.
- No.
- Hey...
You want to come in the
booth with me while I sing?
Come on.
Hey. You didn't
say goodbye.
Yes, I did.
No, you didn't.
I'm going to miss you.
I'm going to miss you so much.
All right.
I'll see you in ten days, okay?
Bye, baby.
You cannot tell him, so that
you really can't show him.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Who's that?
Hey. What are you
still doing here?
Um, Ok... Le.. let's go.
Let's go and check.
No, no, he didn't forget.
He knows it's his pick up day.
Honeymoon my ass.
He's messing with me.
Look, it's a violation
of the court order, ...
and he agreed to those
dates before he left.
You got to be kidding me.
Great! Great..
So, he says it's a violation
of the court order...
for them to not let us pick her up.
But, if they don't pick her up,
it's not a violation. Okay?
He knows it's
his pick up day.
Maybe ...
What, what, what?
We could go back to the court again.
No! No!
I'm not subjecting myself to that bullshit.
Where are my cigarettes?
A witch hunt, that's what it is.
Hey, are you hungry?
Do you get to make all
the food for everyone?
Uh, no.
I'm just.. I'm just a bartender.
Do you get lots of money?
Well, I get tips.
But not lots of money.
I wouldn't say that, no.
Do you think it's important
to make lots of money?
How come?
So you can be rich. Oh, of
course, so you can be rich.
What if you like doing something
where you don't make lots of money?
Like what?
Like being a teacher.
Or maybe you want
to be a nurse.
Or a fireman.
Or a bartender.
Yeah, or a bartender.
For now.
Here we go.
Bon appetit.
I... I thought you said
you liked eggs.
I don't want to ruin it.
Okay, see you later.
You're supposed to walk me in.
Are you sure we don't say bye here?
Maisie has something she'd
like to share with the class.
This is my new stepfather.
My father married my nanny,
so court made my mommy
get married, too.
I have two stepfathers.
But, one is almost dead.
"And most castles had 50
rooms and were in England."
"If someone hurt your
animal or tried to be rich,...
they would be killed
and put in jail."
"A lot of people in jail
hurt their-selves ...
so that they could go to
the hospital and have food."
"They ate stale bread, and then
gave the bread to the homeless."
"The end. Life in a Castle
by Maisie Elizabeth Beale."
That's amazing.
What am I, invisible?
You know, you don't get a bonus for
making her fall in love with you.
Hey, baby, why don't you go to
your room for a little while ...
so Lincoln and I can talk, okay?
Dude, how am I supposed to go away
off to work and leave her with you...
when you pull this shit?
What are you talking about?
And when did this tour come about?
You deliberately undermine me.
Why does everything have
to be such a nightmare ?
You know, I've turned
into this like petty ...
And I don't recognize
myself anymore.
You know, baby, all I wanted was for
him to make things easier for us.
Your story is very cool.
Thank you.
What are you
thinking about?
You want to come to
work with me tomorrow?
Maybe you could help me pick
out my costumes for the tour.
Would you like that?
Your Dad's an asshole.
He really is.
First he disappears, and then
he shows up out of nowhere.
I don't know
how to deal with this.
I really don't.
Baby, I got to lie down.
Lincoln, Beale's downstairs.
Come here.
Whoa. You missed me?
Yeah, we were wondering when we
were going to see you again.
You're the husband?
It's... It's the new husband.
My name is Lincoln.
It's Beale.
Pleased to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
I'd give you a couple of pointers
but I doubt that the, uh, ...
Jacoby and tragedy
that was our relationship ...
would apply to the farce that
you two guys are playing out.
Anyway, good luck.
Bye, Maisie.
Thank you.
Tall and young. Huh.
It's funny. He's so not her type.
How's your mum?
A word that sounds like owl?
Which is your favorite?
I like the blue one.
It's getting late, Mais.
We should go.
Are we still going
on a boat with Daddy?
What boat, sweetie?
In Italy, like he said.
Um, I don't know. Maybe.
Are you and Daddy still married?
Of course.
It's not like pretend?
No. Why would you ask that?
I don't know.
Oh, Maisie.
Come on, Beale, ...
you didn't even tell us
you were leaving.
First, we were going
to be coming with you, ...
and then it was only going
to be for a few days ...
When are you coming back?
What do you mean
you don't know?
Hold on.
What are you doing up?
Does your throat still hurt?
It's not time for
your medicine, yet.
I'm talking to your
father in London.
Can I talk to him?
Here's Maisie.
I don't feel good.
I miss you, too.
It's me.
I don't know. I told you.
They were supposed to pick
her up three days ago.
It would just be nice to know when
anything is going to happen ...
about anything.
I should just go.
I'll be right back.
You're three days late... It's 10 oclock
at night, and she's not well.
It's okay.
We'll take a taxi.
It's not okay. She's got
a temperature of 101!
It's ...
Oh. You're not feeling well, are you?
I have the bug.
Oh, the bug.
That sounds bad.
Why didn't you come?
I'm sorry.
There was this whole
mix-up and ...
Well, kinda like three
mix-ups actually.
I have to take my
medicine in an hour.
So, what do you want me to do?
Susanna is going to kill me.
Come back in a day or two.
A day or ... what ...
I can't come back tonight without her.
Susanna is going on tour this weekend.
Lincoln, she's a child.
She's not well.
Okay. I'll see you in a couple of days.
You get some rest,
so you feel better, okay?
That one!
Good choice.
No, we need some of ...
Baby, let me show you this bus.
It's good, huh?
We have ice-cream.
We have chocolate.
You want one of these?
No! No! It's out of the question!
Hang on tight. I got it?
You got it?
I.. I can't talk right now, Phil.
Good, here we go.
Here we go, baby.
Wooh, we almost rolled over.
I can't see anything.
How's this?
One, two, three, cheese.
Hey, baby, look,
there's Lincoln.
Come on, let's go.
It sucks that we don't
have more time together.
But you know I love you
more than anything, right?
I do.
Okay, go!
Watch out!
Okay, bye.
...hotel room.
She's in the bathroom
for like 15 minutes.
I'm watching television...
and she comes out
of the bathroom buck naked.
I'm like, okay, fine...
I push her up
against the glass...
Your order, sir.
Do you want to come sit over
here instead, by the cherries?
It's more fun over there.
Is it okay if she sits here?
It's fine.
Check this out.
I can't hear you!
Let's go.
It's like you're spider monkey.
You got an eye on that?
Is that it?
I figured you could play.
What about Tonya?
Yeah, I'll try.
I'll call you back.
Hey, Maisie?
Come.. Come here a minute.
They called from.. from work,
and someone is sick today,
so I'm going to have to
go in and work, probably.
I could go with you again.
No, we ...
We can't do that.
It's not a good idea.
Don't bite your nails.
You ate glue.
All right, wise guy,
come on, let's go.
I'm not a guy. I'm a girl.
Yeah, come on, wise girl.
What if she's not here?
I don't know.
Maybe Caroline can come.
No, Caroline's got a boyfriend.
Come on.
Can I go to work with you then?
No, you can't.
Aah, we'll .. we'll figure
something out.
I know it's late over there, Beale.
I've been stuck in this
hallway for an hour.
Just tell the guy at the door
to come up here and let me in.
Aah, hey.
What are you doing here?
Well, I.. l know it hasn't
been ten days, yet.
But I..
He has to go to work.
Yeah. Yeah, it's, uh, you know,
things have been a little rough
with her mother gone and all.
You know, I was just thinking
like we're both in...
You thought what?
That I'd feel sorry for you?
That I've got nothing else to do?
That I'm just that sort of person?
Well, I'm not, so you deal with it.
It's your problem, not mine.
I didn't... I didn't say that.
I am locked out
of my own apartment...
because my husband didn't
bother putting me on the lease.
Like I don't exist.
I have done everything
I was supposed to.
He can't use people like this.
I.. I didn't realize ...
I'm really sorry.
Just go.
Come on, Maisie.
I'm sorry.
You know I didn't
mean you, don't you?
Thank you.
None of this is your fault.
I'll see you later, Maisie.
It's not Lincoln's fault, either.
He's just mixed up, too.
You really like him, don't you?
I love him.
I'm sorry I got mad at him.
He must think I'm awful.
Mommy gets mad
at him all the time.
There he is.
Hey, Maisie.
I did the icing but it's from her...
'cause she's sorry
she got mad at you.
Ooh! Cake!
I told her that you like chocolate.
I do like chocolate.
Thank you.
Thank you both.
Uh, you guys hungry?
Yeah? I know someone
who works here ...
so I might be able
to get you a table.
You work here.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
I do work here.
Uh, come on.
You know what some
people eat here?
What? Raw hamburger
with raw eggs on it.
These are from Lincoln.
Would you eat a raw hamburger
with a raw egg on it?
Would you?
Glasgow has got such a vibe
about it and a lot of culture.
It's so funny... like, to me..
you don't have a very
thick Scottish accent..
but when you say Glasgow, Glasgow.
That's nice.
Yeah, it is, it is.
Yeah, I always wonder if I'll be..
[muffled conversation]
Thank you for the cake and tonight.
How'd you sleep?
What do you want for breakfast?
Hmmm, I don't know.
Okay. Pancakes it is.
Sorry I'm late.
The wolf is scaring her grandma.
Oh, bummer.
She's chasing the wolf there.
Okay, higher.
Don't get too close!
There are so many.
This is really cool.
I can't believe I haven't
been here before.
Look, see, there's
a baby turtle.
Look at that guy.
He's checking you out.
So many of them.
This is great.
Yeah, I like it here.
You know what?
You could buy turtles on the street.
They keep them in buckets,
and they're only $1.
Really? Wow. I was
bitten by a turtle once.
Were you really?
Yeah, yeah.
It even left a scar if you...
It could've left a scar.
It's that bad. It could've left a scar.
Right, yeah.
So, is it quite traumatic for you..
It was!
being here with the turtles?
This is kinda like therapy for me.
Oh, it is? Okay.
Meeting the beast again.
That's the last one
until after dinner, okay?
We'll do this.
Hey, my favorite girl.
Oooh! Heh, you got heavy.
What a surprise. Yeah, I
had a change of schedule.
I can smell candy.
We went to go see a puppet show.
Did you now?
Red Riding Hood.
Oh, that's scary.
I was just about
to make some dinner.
Ah, not for me, thanks.
Yeh, I ate on the plane.
Aah, I got a couple of calls to make,
but I'll join you guys later.
Come on, Maisie, we
should get washed up.
[muffled quarreling]
Oh, hey, sweetie.
Where is Margo?
Maybe she went for a long walk.
Let's go get breakfast.
I, um ...
I don't need to tell you
things are a bit of a mess ...
since your mom
ran off.
She's on a big tour.
Not so big from what I hear.
But, uh, be that as it may, ...
Um, I may have to go back to England.
Um, couple of, you know,
business opportunities,
and um.. your grandmother's
not getting any younger.
You... you understand?
Can I come? We can... we
can get the coins.
Coins? What coins?
Like your Daddy found in the
ground when you were little.
You remember me telling you that?
Maybe we can find some more.
Would you like that?
Yeah? Just the two of us?
You and your old man
digging for coins?
I could do with a few.
Why not? Your mother
would have a fit.
But I don't think I'd have a
problem squaring it with the judge
after she ditched you with that bartender.
I'm sure I could settle with Margo
without any legal nonsense.
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Will I get back in time?
For what?
To go to Mommy's.
This wouldn't be a day
excursion. You know that?
This would be like a permanent thing.
All the time?
All the time.
Maybe Mommy would like
to live there, too.
No, there's no Mommy in England.
You can't.. It's... Mmuuh...
There's a whole ocean.
You know, England is, um...
England is pretty cold, actually.
And it rains a lot.
And, um, ...
and we need to have
a rethink, you know.
And you're on the fence.
I can see that.
I think you'd be happier here.
And outside.
Um, the good news ...
is that when I visit
America for work, ...
I can see you, too.
Does your nose still make that
squeaky noise when you press it?
Okay. You would have laughed at
that when you were four years old.
Don't deny it.
Take care, Mr. Beale.
Okay, bye.
Have a safe trip now.
Quinn, 8B.
Volgol, 11E.
Remmy, 9C.
Laporte, penthouse.
Remmy, 9C.
Resident in 1A. Laporte, penthouse.
I thought your father was away.
Well, he was here when we
came from the puppets.
Well, I can't really watch you now.
I got to be in Chinatown
in half an hour,
and I'm sort of late already.
Is it still Margo's week?
She and Daddy had a fight, and
this morning she was gone.
Where did she go?
I don't know.
But Daddy's
going to England,
and he said that
I could go with him
and then he said
that I couldn't.
And then we came in a
taxi and he left me here.
Wow! That's a lot.
Okay, I'll ...
Why don't ...
I'll... I'll call Margo.
See if I can find her.
It'll be okay.
Oh, there she is.
How are ya?
Thanks for coming.
Yeah, of course.
What if they don't have a turtle?
I'm sure we'll find one somewhere.
Okay, well, actually
I have to go this way.
But I'll see your turtle
when I get home, okay?
Thanks for your help.
Okay, well, just call me.
Oh, my God, baby.
I'm so happy to see you.
We're going to get a turtle.
A turtle?
So, what are you two
doing with my daughter?
What are you talking about?
Looking after her while you're on tour.
What are you, like a stalker?
What are you going
to steal from me next, huh?
So, what are you two
doing together, huh?
What am I doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing in New York?
I'm back for half a day.
Oh, yeah? When were you going to tell me?
Cars are coming.
Hey, hey, hey!
Do you mind? I have a kid here!
What the fuck?
What are you doing?
Really, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
I'm taking my daughter, that's what.
Get out of my face.
I'll love to get out of your face.
You don't deserve her.
I'm done.
Let's go get the turtle.
Let's go get it.
Let's go get the turtle.
Do you like it?
It's what you wanted, right?
What do you want to do?
Hungry or anything?
You want something to eat?
No, thanks.
You know, I didn't even know
we were stopping in New York.
This turtle is pretty cool, you know.
Want to come to our house?
Want to come to our house, turtle?
No, I don't.. I don't
care what you tell him.
Just say that I have
laryngitis or something...
or mercury poisoning,
all right?
Just get me out of it.
No, I'm not leaving her.
Goddammit, come on.
What am I supposed to do?
I can't go back
on the road right now.
I can't! No, I'm not going to!
Jesus, what do you
expect me to do?
Hey, baby.
Honey, wake up. Okay, wake up.
We got to go.
It really sucks but we got to go.
Come on.
Okay, baby...
I am so sorry but I ...
I got to go.
I just can't miss another show right now...
because I'll have a massive loss on my hand...
and I just can't handle that right now.
Okay? But you know what I'm going to do?
I mean... I'm going to have you flown out
for a couple of shows...
and then we can hang out for a while...
and then maybe we could
sing a duet together.
Is that too corny?
Okay, um, you can hang out here with
Lincoln until he's finished work...
and then he's going to take you home.
I love you so much.
I got to go, baby.
I'm going to wait
till you go inside, okay?
It's all right.
Hey, hon.
Remember me?
Where's Lincoln?
He's not on tonight.
Who are you with?
My mom put me here so that
I could stay with him.
Well, let me talk to your mom.
She left.
Hi, still serving ?
Um... Stay right here, okay?
I'll be right back.
Right this way.
I'll keep making calls and
see if I can find him.
Thanks for doing this. No problem.
See you tomorrow.
What are you doing up?
Hey, kid.
Where's Margo?
I want to go home.
Where's Margo? You're going to
stay here tonight, remember?
It's going to be fine.
Let's go back to bed.
I want to go home.
Come here.
I want to go home.
Please, I want to go home.
It's okay.
It's gonna be fine.
Just a couple of things,
okay, sweetie? Okay.
What about my turtle?
We'll get the turtle.
And you know what?
What? My cousin told
me where the key is.
Guess where it is? Where?
It's under the mat on the back door.
You're going to be okay
with your bag?
Oh, God.
God, don't do this.
There's an upstairs.
Yeah, you want
to go see?
It's cold.
Feels good.
What if someone buys the house?
Where would we go?
It doesn't happen that fast.
What if we had to go somewhere else?
How would people know where we are?
We tell them. What if we couldn't find them?
We'd find them and we'd tell hem.
Anyway, I told them where we were
so they wouldn't be worried.
Dinner's ready.
What do you think this should be?
Probably a window.
A window?
Hey, Maisie.
Come on.
Okay, let's go to the beach.
Can you hear the ocean? Shh.
You can?
Okay. Two pails.
Two pails?
Let's trade.
There you go.
How are you?
Want to see my room?
Yeah. Yeah, I'd love to see your room.
Of course.
Of course.
I'd love to see your room.
I'm sorry.
It's not working again.
It's not working again!
I got it.
There's a place in the back
where we can get worms.
And we can go on the boat
next door whenever we want.
Oh, wow. Perfect.
We can go tomorrow if you want to.
Lincoln just got here.
How long are you staying?
Well, definitely long enough to go on the boat.
It's beautiful here!
Uh, I brought you something from
the city I thought you might like.
Wait. Wait, I'll show you something.
There's a picture that I
thought might be interesting.
Look at that. Look.
You know why?
You know where I was thinking we might
want this guy?
We can put him in our moat.
In our moat, that was what
I was thinking. Perfect.
You guys have a moat?
Of course.
What's that?
Look at that.
Do you want to pick it up?
Look at that, Maisie.
Gently, gently.
It's holding onto the rock.
Look, he's moving.
He's moving.
He's waving at you.
Alright, you're going to hold my hand?
Okay. Don't stand on him.
Can we go on the boat tomorrow?
Why don't you ask the
fishermen when they get back?
I won't! I won't!
He said we could go tomorrow!
One, two three, four, five, six, seven.
I want to buy it.
You already have it.
I want to buy a hotel.
Can I have two?
Are you kidding me?
You can't even buy a hostel.
You got to do better than that.
Give me a little more.
Two hotels you got to pay.
Give me, uh ...
Oh, how generous of you. You don't
even get a sleeping bag for that.
We weren't allowed to play
Monopoly when I was a kid.
What did you play instead? This
Swiss doctor made some games.
They're supposed to instill
cooperation and pacifism.
That's probably why you're losing.
Yeah. Ha, ha, ha.
In my house, it was every man for himself.
Oh, thanks for the warning.
What's funny?
You are!
Yeah, you are. You are so funny.
You are so funny.
Alright, thank you. Okay.
Go to jail.
Oh, come on.
I need some luck now.
It's not fair.
[bus approaching]
Ah, Oh.
Oh, my little beach bunny.
Hey, guess what? I'm playing
Virginia Beach tomorrow night.
I found this really nice girl with a dog...
who can watch you during the show.
And then after that we go to
North Carolina and Tennessee.
What kind of a dog?
I don't know.
But, um, it's kind of a long drive,...
so if you want to say goodbye to
these guys, you'd better hurry up.
Okay, go ahead. Go on.
Or you can just come back to
the bus and we can take off ...
and you can open all the
presents I got you.
You want to do that?
I want to meet the dog
but maybe the day after.
Well, baby, the day after I'm
playing Raleigh, so I got to go.
Okay, come on. Come on, let's go, babe.
Come on, come on.
What's up? What's the matter?
Come on.
We're supposed to go on a boat tomorrow.
Baby, we can go on a boat any day, okay?
It's not a big deal.
We got to go.
Come on, let's go.
Come on.
Come on.
Maisie, come on.
Don't you want to come?
[owl hooting]
Why did I fucking bother?
God, what is it? You just decided
you don't like me anymore ?
Is that it?
What, are you scared of me?
Oh, shit.
I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry.
I don't want you to be scared.
I'm an idiot, you know.
I'm, um ...
Hey, Maisie, Maisie,
baby, you know what?
I really love you.
I really do.
Before you where born, I... I didn't
know it was possible to love somebody...
as much as I love you.
You're just like my, my little baby.
Can I tell you something?
A long time ago I was just like you.
I was just like you.
You want to go on a boat tomorrow?
You want to... stay with them for a while?
You know who your mother is, right?
Let's go open your presents.
Come on.
Alright, you gotta tell
me how big you want it.
That's good!
That's good?
That's good.
That's good.
Do you know where the filters are?
Um, it was on the table.
Look at that little baby pancake.
That's tiny. I want a big pancake.
Shall we do another one?
You ready?
I want a big one.
You want a big one? This one's very big.
Okay, good!
Come on, hurry up.
Greatly Improved Subtitle by fred567 by listening and
correcting the dialogue and fixing Sync in a few spots.