What Price Glory (1952)

This is France, 1918...
World War I.
The first American troops to land in France
and to fight in France were the marines.
They were veterans who had seen
service all over the world...
China, Cuba, Santa Domingo, Mexico
and the Philippine Islands.
This is a company
of those marines...
Company "L", 3rd Battalion,
5th Regiment...
returning from the front.
What outfit is this, buddy?
What outfit is it?
This is the 101 Ranch,
and I'm Pawnee Bill.
- All right, wise guy! What outfit?
- Company "L," 5th Marines!
- Thanks.
- Hey, that's us.
I know it.
- Who's your commanding officer?
- Flagg!
- Who?
- Captain Flagg.
Captain Flagg.
- Wait a minute!
- Isn't that the outfit we're assigned...
Yeah. Captain Flagg.
We're not due in till tomorrow, and I am not
joining Flagg's outfit until I have to.
We got lost, see?
Come on.
Company, attention!
Charmaine! Charmaine!
Company, forward.!
Eyes... right!
Squad, right.!
Company... halt!
Dismiss your men and feed 'em.
Fall out!
Try it again, Moran.
Eight hundred and
fifty-three francs to date.
Sorry, Sergeant.
No, no, no, no, no!
Moran, wait a minute.
Hey, Charmaine.
How 'bout a little song?
Enchant, Charmaine.
How's business, Pete?
No kiddin'?
Not that bad, huh?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Very good.
Very good. Yeah.
- Huh? Well, fine. Yeah.
Hey, where are the boots?
- Huh?
- The boots.
- Boots?
- Boots. Yeah, boots.
- Boots.
Oui. Boots. Boots, boots!
- Ah, the boots. Oui.
- Yeah.
No, no, no. Boots, boots.
Boots, boots.
Yeah, the boots.
Les boots. Please.
I said it.
Huh? Huh? Oui.
All right. Okay. When I want to
go to Paris, I want to look very neat
and very snappy, eh? All right.
Hey, anybody home?
Hey in there!
Lewisohn, trot out that
high school French of yours.
But we are your allies.
Wait a minute. Wait a second.
You got any money on you? Take your time.
- Yeah, a little.
- Well, let's have it.
There you are.
Remind me to tell you sometime what I was
doing while you were in high school.
Maybe I should have
gone to high school.
- What, baby?
- What are you doing in my room?
I've been looking over
your medal collection.
- Ah, that's nothing. But you
must go back to your room.
- Yeah, in a minute.
Captain Flagg.
Hiya, Charmaine.
I got almost everything packed.
Will you want your long underwear in Paris?
No. Shove off, lamebrain!
- You're going to Paris?
- Yeah.
- Take me with you.
- I can't. It's impossible.
- Why?
- Very important meeting. They're
gonna be asking me questions.
- You?
- Yeah. They want the point of
view of an observer from up front.
- Get outta here! Will you get out?
- All right, all right.
Well, I've observed much.
I'd be glad to tell them.
Yeah, I know, but I can't.
Your father wouldn't like it.
What would he think about it?
Papa? Well, Papa,
he would be very glad...
if you would marry me
and take me with you to Paris.
- M-Marry you?
- No?
Uh, no, no.
No, it's impossible, Charmaine.
I'd like to, but I can't. You see...
uh, I'm married already.
- You terrible liar.
- Oh, no, I'm not. I'll prove it to ya.
Wait. Oh, here.
Here's a picture.
Picture of my wife right here.
There it is.
"Lillian Russell."
That was her maiden name.
"Sweet Caporal."
Sweet corporal. You see, I was a corporal
when she married me.
That's what she always called me.
Always called me. Yep.
Her sweet... sweet corporal.
- Captain Flagg?
- Is it important, Mr. Moore?
- Urgent.
- That door.
Take me with you anyway.
I can't, baby. I can't.
She is very beautiful.
Come in.
Oh, I... I beg
your pardon, Captain.
Sir, what about those three men
who are supposed to go up to Le
Mans to get the Croix de Guerre?
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
All right, get 'em out
of the guardhouse...
and have 'em take a bath
and send 'em up with an M.P. Escort.
And tell 'em not to belt the French general
when he kisses 'em. It's part of the ceremony.
Aye, aye, sir.
What an outfit.
Oh, Capitaine.
- So these are
the new replacements.
- Yes, sir.
Mm-hmm. What does headquarters
think I am, a wet nurse?
It's a citizens' army these days,
Captain Flagg.
Citizens' army!
I'll bet not one of them
has even voted yet!
- You, how old are you?
- Going on 20, sir.
- In how many years?
- Two, sir.
- You?
- Seventeen, sir.
Seventeen whole years.
- Where do you hide 'em?
- Here, sir.
You might as well
wear these while you're here.
- Yes, sir.
- You'll need 'em.
- You, where do you come from?
- Providence. Rhode Island, sir.
I know where it is. What kind of a job
do you have there?
I... Well, nothing, sir.
I was gonna go to college
before this came up.
- This is your first job.
- Yes, sir.
Well, we'll try to teach you
what you have to know.
And the more you learn, the better
your chances will be of staying alive.
Feed 'em, mister.
Feed 'em.
Pick up your bags.
Right face.
Let me know when that new
top soldier gets here. He's got
his work cut out for him.
Aye, aye, sir.
- "L" Company?
- Company headquarters.
- More like a two-bit flophouse to me.
- We aim to please.
Please yourselves. I'm the new
top soldier here. Who's company clerk?
- I am.
- Clear this stinkin' mess and
let's look at what you're doin'!
You heard what he said. Get out of here
and don't come back till I send for you.
Lose weight!
- Anything else, Top?
- Yeah. Here.
Is he in?
Are you the new top soldier?
- Is he in?
- He's waiting for you.
Well, tell him
I'm here. Now!
- Your name.
- Lipinsky.
- Lewisohn. Put him on your
roster. Help him with his gear.
- Aye, aye.
Captain Flagg, your new
top soldier is here.
Well, it's about time.
Send him in.
Aye, sir.
- China!
- Nicaragua!
Sergeant Quirt reporting for duty
and requesting transfer at the same time.
- And there it is in triplicate.
- You know something.
- You're not gonna get it.
- No?
- You know why? I'm glad to see ya.
- No.
- You are?
- Yeah.
When I asked for a replacement, I thought
they'd send me a run-of-the-mill soldier.
And instead, they send me
the finest sergeant in the entire corps.
You must really be
in trouble to want me.
Cards on the table,
Quirt, I am.
I got a company made up of half
old men and half green kids who
want you to wipe their noses.
I want you to take those kids
and show 'em what they're in for.
Make 'em hard, but don't break 'em.
Eight hours of guns and drill a day.
And make them so hard they'd rather eat
steel than take a dressing down from you.
Begging your pardon, but where are you
gonna be while all this is going on?
I'm gonna be in Paris.
I got eight days leave. Why?
If you don't know why you're going to Paris,
I'd be the last one to try to tell you.
- Kiper! Kiper. All the platoon
leaders, on the double.
- Aye, sir.
- Who's this?
- Lewisohn. Came up with me.
Just got out of the hospital.
- Wounded, soldier?
- No, sir. Measles.
Babies. Always
sending me babies.
Look. I wanna show you the layout.
Come in.
We're holding over here.
On our left is the French.
Another baby to see you, Captain Flagg.
Charmaine, what are
you doing here?
I've changed my mind.
I'm going with you.
I don't mind if you're going to be
busy in Paris. I'll be busy too.
I'll bet!
Charmaine, I thought we settled
all this last night.
First, I can't take you to Paris
because of your father and my wife.
Second, I haven't got room
on the motorcycle.
Third, I might not stay in Paris.
This is gonna be one of
the biggest meetings of the war.
- General Pershing himself is gonna be there.
- You're a terrible liar. Is he not, Sergeant?
- Huh?
- It's not true that General
Pershing would talk to him?
It's true, lady. Absolutely true.
Captain Flagg here is a very important man.
He has to go to Paris.
As a matter of fact, that's why I'm here.
I'm what you'd call
a sort of a... replacement.
- I do not understand.
- Never mind. And don't you try
to explain either.
Now, Charmaine,
you go on home to Papa Pete.
And wait for Captain Flagg.
You're my girl, remember?
And if I hear of your running
around with anybody else...
I will tear you in two.
See? Now, go on home.
- Good night, Charmaine.
- Good-bye, Captain.
- Good-bye, Sergeant.
- Good-bye.
Replacement, huh?
Don't try anything while I'm gone.
I broke you in China for something
like this and I'll break you again.
- Whatever happened to that little girl?
- What little girl?
- Don't give me that!
The one in Chefoo, China.
- Captain, I saved your life.
If it hadn't been for me you'd have married
that little girl and right now...
be running a Chinese laundry
with the seat of your pants
hanging out between your knees.
- What happened to her?
- What happened to the battleship Maine?
- Platoon commanders aboard, sir.
- Send 'em in.
Wait a minute.
Who's senior?
Gentlemen, this is First Sergeant Quirt
who'll be in charge here.
This is Lieutenant Aldrich,
Lieutenant Moore, Lieutenant Schmidt.
Aldrich, you are senior here,
aren't you?
Yes, sir. Two days
ahead of the others, sir.
You'll be in command.
Ask Quirt for any advice you need.
I'll be back Wednesday week.
Now, men, Sergeant Quirt...
is one of the best darn soldiers that
ever tore up a memorandum receipt.
I have soldiered with him
all over the world.
And there isn't a finer, cleaner,
smarter marine afloat than Quirt...
when he's sober.
And while he's sober, he'll run this outfit
whether I'm here or absent.
But, uh, Quirt... loves the bottle.
And when he's drunk,
he is the lousiest...
filthiest tramp that
ever wore a uniform.
He's even worse than I am. And I don't
allow anybody to get as bad as that.
If he tanks up, I'll bust him.
I busted him before
and I'll bust him again.
Get that, Aldrich.
The first time you find him down in
the square with his face in the dirt...
Iock him up, and keep him
locked up till I get back.
But if he behaves himself, give him his head
and let him have anything he wants.
He's forgotten more about being a soldier
than any of you college boys will ever know.
Now, if you're wise...
you will not play cards with him.
You said it.
And before you lend him any money...
kiss it one last long farewell.
He'll steal your cognac...
he'll steal your socks,
your women...
and your front teeth
if they've got any gold in them.
That's all. Kiper.
- Motorcycle alongside, sir.
- Give her a spin and we'll shove off.
Right face!
Forward march!
Just kidding, sir.
Will do!
Wheel blocks away!
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
We do the fightin' for the navy.
And the sailors get the gravy.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
Had a girl in Madagascar.
First I kissed her,
then I asked her.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
When I lost that blond Norwegian.
Went and joined the foreign legion.
Hup, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
Just like our soldiers.
Next thing we're gonna take up is
the marching manual done in 16 counts.
Starts from right shoulder arms
and it goes like this.
One, two, three, four...
five, six, seven, eight...
nine, 10, 11, 12...
13, 14, 15, 16.
That's the way we do it in the
corps, and that's the way you're
gonna do it. Any questions?
Right shoulder arms!
Sixteen count manual ho!
One, two, three, four.
Left, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
Hup, hup, hup, hup...
Hup, hup... All right, wise guys.
Line it up!
You think this is funny?
You gonna laugh? Now laugh.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
By the numbers! Right face!
Forward march!
Laugh. It's funny.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
When you get back,
pick up those pieces.
Right face!
Hey, you, corps man.!
On your feet.!
Left face!
Forward march!
We do the fighting for the navy.
Then the sailors get the gravy.
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.
Company, left!
Hup, two, three, four.
Sing it out.!
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.
To the rear, turn!
Hup, two, three, four.
Sing it out!
Hup, two, three, four.
Hup, two, three, four.
- Hup, two, three, four.
- To the left flank, march!
To the rear, march!
To the rear, march!
Company, halt!
Fall out!
Fall in!
When I say "fall in," I wanna see
nothing but a cloud of dust.
And when that cloud of dust clears away,
I wanna see 40 quivering statues.
Fall out! Fall in!
Voulez-vous promenade avec moi
down by the canal tonight?
- No.
- Why not?
Sergeant, I have something
terrible to tell you.
What is it?
Sergeant, you must find another place
to stay. Papa says so.
Now wait a minute.
I don't wanna leave. I like it here.
But you came here to spend one night
and you've been here the whole week.
- Have you ever had a nicer guest?
- That's not the point.
This is the captain's room,
and he's coming back tomorrow.
- Let the captain find himself another room.
- But you do not understand.
The captain pays for the room,
even if he's not here.
Do you mean that the captain's been paying
for this room and I've been paying for it too?
Oui. But he pays more
than you, so you must go.
Papa says.
- Do you want me to go?
- No.
Charmaine, come here.
You're making a terrible mistake.
Honey, this isn't just another one
of those things with me.
This is different.
Why, I'd do anything for you.
Just ask me. Anything.
- Give up the room.
- Oh, Charmaine.
- Who would I get to do my laundry?
- You'll find someone.
No, honey. There never was another girl
in the world who could iron shirts like you.
Maybe... Maybe you could
meet me down by the canal?
What would we do
down by the canal?
The laundry.
Well, au revoir,
Mademoiselle Charmaine.
It certainly has been nice knowing ya.
Hope I meet up with you again sometime.
Pardon me, Pete.
And the same to you.
Nicole! Nicole!
Here. Ici.
Oh, don't be afraid.
N'a pas peur.
- I'm not afraid, if that is what you say.
- Hey, you speak American.
- We study at the school.
- Well, that's a pretty
good school. Vous parlez.
You speak very well.
Sister Cecile does not permit us to
speak French in English class.
I can't tell you how glad
I am you have Sister Cecile for a teacher.
Thank you. Also, my father does not permit
that I speak with American soldiers.
- In any language.
- Oh, I see.
But sometimes in the English class,
we speak a little French.
What village in America
do you come from?
I come from the village
of, uh, Philadelphia.
- Philadelphia's a city.
- Thank you.
Benjamin Franklin
came from Philadelphia.
He discovered lightning.
He did?
- How old are you?
- I have 17 years.
- What age have you?
- I have 22 years.
Nicole, I... I think
about you all the time.
You only see me three times.
Four times. I waited for you yesterday
at the crossroads, but I did not speak.
- Nicole, I...
- It is the war.
Yes, if it hadn't been for the war,
I never would have seen you at all.
That song you sing at school...
what does it mean, in English?
To you I give...
All my love.
All my life.
I promise.
All my love.
All my life.
The leaves fly away.
The roses die.
But the flower of our love.
Will last forever.
All my love.
All my life.
All for you
- Nice, eh, skipper?
- Oh, wonderful.
Not that hard!
That hard!
- How are you, Captain?
- I am a wreck! That's what I am.
I am an epoch-making disaster.
- You see before you, mister, uh...
- Aldrich.
One of the seven great
calamities of the world!
Well, what's happened?
Not a thing.
- Kids in shape?
- They'll do.
- Give me three more days,
I'll risk 'em on the line.
Three more days.
Just try and get three more days.
- Brigade runner, Captain Flagg.
- Send him in.
All right, buddy.
- Captain Flagg? Captain Simpson.
- Here.
He wants you to know that the crowd
from G1 are on their way over.
Mm-hmm. Tell him
I'm much obliged.
- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you, soldier.
Do you know what headquarters
wants us to do?
They want us to go in
and straighten the line.
Straighten the line. Did you ever hear of
a straight line between two countries?
- A little more coffee, Skip?
- No!
- Good evening, Mr. Kiper.
- Hello.
Did you get tattooed
while you were in Paris?
I, uh... I was wondering, maybe my
discharge papers got here.
Nope. Didn't come.
Keep in touch with us.
- Three years.
- Red tape.
- You, uh, attendez ici.
- Okay.
Captain Flagg, there's an old
gentleman outside, and he wants
to see you about his daughter.
- What about his daughter?
- He has a complaint, sir.
- Against someone in this outfit?
- Yes, sir.
Well, send him in.
I can't leave this outfit half a day
without somebody breaking loose!
Don't you know this is a decent village
with decent people living in it?
- Is this the man that has the complaint?
- Yes, sir.
- Think fast. Think fast.
- What is this all about, Pete?
One of my men?
- Oh, this is hard to believe,
Pete. Hard to believe.
All right, let's have it.
Spit it out.
Allez, Pete.
He says the soldier's been making a lot
of promises to Charmaine.
- Is that all he said?
- The rest is poetry.
- Well, omit the poetry.
Say, "Omit the poetry."
- What's this?
- He says she's an innocent lamb.
Think fast. Think fast.
Tell him I know
she's an innocent child.
That she's one of the most charming
and respectable, virtuous ladies...
I've ever had the privilege
of meeting.
- And ask him how much he wants.
- How much what?
Money, you pie brow! Money! What else
do you think he wants?
It's only a game. Go on.
No, no.
- More lamb?
- No, he wants the fella to marry the girl.
And he wants 500 francs.
Well, now we're
getting somewhere.
All right, offer him 300 francs...
and tell him he can have any son-in-law
he wants out of the whole outfit.
G.H. Q! G.H. Q
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
- What does that say, Aldrich?
- It's a formal complaint.
The mayor drew it up for him.
Think fast. Think fast.
Tell him we apologize
and he can have the 500 francs.
The money's all right, but it has to be
a certain man. Which man? Quel homme?
- What is this, Quirt?
- I don't know. I didn't quite
catch the drift myself.
- You been around with Charmaine?
- Charmaine? Char...
Cut the act! You knew she was my girl
and couldn't keep your hands off her.
- Suppose it's true, what are
you gonna do about it?
- What am I gonna do about it?
I'm not gonna do a thing.
It's regulations, Quirt.
A formal charge has been lodged against you
and my hands are tied. I'm trapped.
If I let the old man go to headquarters,
you know the law. They'll hang you.
It breaks my heart to see
this happen, Quirt...
but you are about
to become a bridegroom.
This is a frame-up,
and you know it!
This old man just wants money.
He ain't got a thing on me.
I haven't done anything with Charmaine
but teach her a couple of songs.
What's so funny?
Oh, Quirt. With your reputation in
this army, who's gonna believe that?
I'll take my chances.
Let him go to headquarters.
Don't be a hay shaker, Quirt.
What chance would you have
before an army court-martial...
when 10 majors start
an iron ball rolling?
Ten majors back in Paris are gonna see to
it that nobody has any fun but themselves.
You haven't got a chance, Quirt,
and you know it!
Aldrich, escort Sergeant Quirt
down to the tavern.
And tell Charmaine I'm giving away in
marriage the handsomest sergeant in the war.
And, Quirt! You arrived just in time
with the replacements.
You've saved the day. The marines have
landed and the situation is well in hand.
We're going to decorate you.
We're gonna let you hold the bag!
Kiper! Get down to the manure pile
and pick up the mayor.
- Dust him off and bring him back here.
- Aye, sir.
I wanna witness
this ceremony myself.
Good morning, boys.
I'm in the clear because she'll explain
she don't want this.
No good, Quirt. In France,
the papa runs the family.
All right, wise guys, line up!
One at a time! You first!
No, you don't, Colonel! Let's go.
- What is he talkin' about?
- Why, your relatives, Quirt.
Pete must have sent out
invitations a week ago.
Well, he's never gonna get away
with this little game...
because as soon as Charmaine...
You wanna get married?
Yes, sir. And I understand
you can give me permission.
- Who's the girl?
- Nicole Bouchard.
Nicole Bouchard. Does she
live here in Bar-le-Duc?
Her father has that farm on the hill
where the road turns into Bar-le-Duc.
Mm-hmm. Lewisohn.
Aren't you the boy
that had the mumps?
- Measles, sir.
- Oh.
But you've been here only eight days.
Did you know her before?
No, sir.
Well, even in a war, eight days is
an awful short time.
Uh, you sure you wanna do this?
Oh, yes, sir. I'm sure.
- Mm-hmm. Hundred to one
she's only after your allotment.
- Oh, no, sir. I don't think so.
- You don't, huh?
- How old are you?
- Twenty-two, sir.
Mm-hmm. Well,
it's your life...
and now more than ever
you've got every right to mess it up.
Uh, have you talked
to her parents?
- No, sir. Not yet.
- Brigade runner.
- Company commander? Orders, sir.
- Here.
Please initial.
- Luck, sir.
- Thank you.
Well, Lewisohn, one thing about the army...
decisions are all made for you.
We're moving in immediately,
so this'll have to wait till we get back.
- Yes, sir.
- Lipinsky.
- Yes, sir?
- On your way, boy. On your way.
We're moving in. Pass the word
to all patrol commanders to be
standing in heavy pack in 30.
Camions at the crossroads
with ammunition.
And tell Quirt to salvage
all rations in the square.
Oh, wait.
Wait, wait!
Don't tell Quirt we're going in.
We'll marry him to Charmaine...
And march the blushing
bridegroom off to war.
- Shove.
- Aye, sir.
- Attention!
- Attention!
- Attention!
- Hello, Flagg. Haven't you
received those orders yet?
I come into town for a staff conference
and find the whole shebang asleep.
Just got the order, General. We'll get off
on time. Never missed a train in my life.
- I don't see how you do it.
Davis, where's that map?
- Map.
- Map.
- Map, sir.
See here, Flagg.
Here's where you're going in.
Here's the line.
Corps wants that line straightened out.
Your men can do it. They're a bunch of
tramps, but they're good at that.
- Individualists, General. Individualists.
- Yes, so I've heard.
That's why they picked
another job for you.
They want you to bring out
a German officer.
Oh, don't say that.
Don't break my heart.
I knew you had a bowl of black crepe up
your sleeve when you came through that door.
Oh, yeah.
Flagg, we hear there's
gonna be a big push coming up.
If we can confirm it,
we can save thousands of lives.
If your men bring me back
one German officer in good condition...
I'll send the whole company
back for a month's rest.
I'll do better than that.
I'll give you eight days
in any hotel in Paris.
You're an awful bum, Flagg.
Otherwise, I'd put you on staff.
And carry a map?
No, thank you.
You know 'em. You know.
Cold steel. Let him have it.
What is this? A wedding party?
Flagg, you're not
getting married, are you?
Not this time, sir.
Sergeant Quirt.
Quirt, you're the last man
in the world I'd expect to get married.
- Me too, sir.
- Flagg, what is this?
Some sort of case error?
Charges of some sort?
Oh, no.
Not at all, sir.
Sergeant Quirt here expressed a desire
to marry the innkeeper's daughter.
And I saw no reason
to stand in the way.
General, I'd like to have you
meet the bride.
The future Mrs. Quirt.
Charmaine, General Cokely.
I hope you'll be
very happy, mademoiselle.
Are you really a general?
Well, yes. Uh, uh, don't waste time.
Get on with it.
Start the ceremony.
Do you, Charmaine...
take this man
for your husband?
Quirt, I'm sorry that I won't be able to
wait and kiss the bride.
- You have about 20 minutes, Flagg.
- Aye, aye, sir.
You won't have much time
for a honeymoon, Quirt.
But if you bring me back one German officer
in good condition...
I'll see you get
a whole month's leave.
Remember, Flagg.
Twenty minutes!
Allez, allez.
Come over here.
- Do you, Charmaine...
- She does not!
I do not. We do not.
So we're going
in 20 minutes, huh?
And you were gonna tie me up
before I knew anything about it.
And I suppose if I don't marry her,
you're gonna lock me up.
If you think you can take your men in
without a first sergeant, lock me up.
I'd like to see you take this bunch of
babies across that last two miles...
without a top sergeant.
If this sergeant goes in, he goes in single,
so you better make up your mind.
- I won't lock you up. I'll turn
you over to headquarters.
- That suits me fine!
Who are you kidding? Let us have
some more of that ceremony.
Do you, Charmaine,
take this man...
- Nobody's taking this man.
Let's go down to headquarters.
- They'll hang you!
Sure, they will.
And what about you?
If you take this outfit
up front without me...
a day after they hang me, wherever I am,
I'll be seeing you!
Do you, Charmaine, take this man...
All right, turn it off, man.
Turn it off, turn it off.
All right, skunk. You got me.
- You win. Hit the deck.
- Now you're talkin'.
Sorry, Charmaine. I can't
marry you tonight. I got work to do.
And if I never see you again...
well, I guess I never see you again.
So long, kid.
All right, you ugly sons of ugly fathers!
Pass the word for inspection in five minutes!
And things better be shipshape.
And don't let Quirt
do all the work!
- All right, Kiper, Moran!
- Aye, aye!
Kiper, pick up my battle gear.
- Lipinsky, take this map there too.
- Yes, sir.
Yeah, sure, they're married,
they're married.
Look. We're fighting a war
with Germany.
I don't give a hoot whether they're married
or not. Now, go on. Beat it. Get out of here.
Why don't you...
- Please...
- What does he want?
- Somebody swiped his hat.
- Get out of here, you...
Now, look, uh, Moran.
We're going to Aurignac.
When those extra rations
come through, bring 'em on up.
And try to get those kids a couple of
hot meals while we're up there.
Aye, aye, sir.
I'm sorry, Charmaine...
but I need that sergeant.
You should have taken me
to Paris with you, Captain.
Yeah, maybe I should have.
But I brought something
back for you...
like I promised.
It's a costume. Bought off a gal
in the Folies Bergeres.
The only costume in the show.
I thought I'd get to see you in it...
but I guess I won't now.
Well, kiss me good-bye.
Now look, kid. Forget me.
Forget all about me and Quirt.
'Cause chances are you'll never
see either of us again.
I'll never forget you, Capitaine.
Well, maybe if I get leave, Charmaine...
You never can tell.
It's a lousy war, kid.
But it's the only one we've got.
Good luck.
You noncoms think you can march
these kids out of here, don't you?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Well, make sure you march 'em back alive.
'Cause if you don't, I'll know where to
find you every decoration day.
Anything else, Sergeant?
Yeah, keep that out of there.
Move out.
- What'd you say?
- Nothing, sir.
- You said something.
- I didn't say anything.
Talking back to a noncommissioned officer,
huh? Pennick, come here.
Throw him in the brink. And don't prefer
charges until we get back. Get him out of here!
- All right.
- All right, fellas.
- I thought I made you a cook.
- But we're moving up, sir.
That's why I made you a cook. Get out
of here! Fill them up here. Let's go.
Fill it out!
Forward, march.!
Hup, two, three, four.
Come on! Get them hokeypokey wagons
out of here, will ya!
The marines are moving up!
Come on.
- Go on!
- Hey, Grandpop. How far to Gettysburg?
You'll have to ask one
of the M.P. S at the crossroads.
We're not allowed
to give out information.
Company, halt!
"L" Company all present
and accounted for...
and I repeat,
all present, Captain Flagg.
All right, Quirt.
Come on. Let's shove off.
Right platoon, march!
Hup, hup, hup, hup!
Forward step!
Harrish, rifle!
Bullet rifle!
That rifle!
Little boys! Little boys.
Little boys.!
Little boys.
Pinky, come here.
- All right, son.
- Bad?
He was crawling on the embankment
by the railroad stations.
Somebody threw him a potato masher.
Give me one them dope sticks.
- Those are quarter-grain, Captain.
- Good.
Here, take two of these now, son.
I'm gonna put the rest of these
in your pocket.
Take one every three hours
until they carry you out.
What if I take them all
when your back is turned?
Go ahead.
That's your business.
Don't be a sucker, kid.
You got a free ticket home.
Come on. Sleep, boy.
Go on and sleep.
You're in a nice, quiet deep hole now
where the shells can't reach you.
The rations are in
and the men are fed, Captain Flagg.
- Thanks, Quirt.
- It was pretty rugged
coming out of that ravine.
Sometimes I think
you're trying to lose me.
Mind if I take a look around?
I'd like to see some of this war.
All I've been up to now
is a lousy bakery wagon.
Get your head blown off
if that's what you want.
But go bury yourself
while you're about it!
- The burial detail is in for the night.
- Ten-hut!
- Captain Flagg?
- No!
- Captain Flagg?
- Hmm? Yeah.
Lieutenant Cunningham reporting, sir.
- First time up?
- Yes, sir.
Holy sweet jumpin'Joseph!
And with spurs!
Are you goin' to a masquerade ball
disguised as an officer...
or are you just trying to save the snipers
the trouble of spotting you with a glass?
- I see what you mean, sir.
- Oh, you do?
What do they teach you guys
at those officers' colleges?
How to shine your shoes
and press your pants?
I'll do anything you will, sir.
Why, if it ain't Frank Merriwell.
Well, I'll tell you what
we're gonna do with you, Frankie.
We're gonna let you
pitch tomorrow.
Now go on over and sit down
and keep your eyes open.
Headquarters, Company "L."
Yeah. "L.!"
"L." "L!"
"A," "B," "C," "D,"
"E," "F," "L."
"L!" "L!"
"L" as in Brooklyn, you stupid...
General Copley. Yes, sir.
- Captain Flagg.
- The old man?
- Yes, sir.
- Flagg here, sir.
- Hello, Flagg?
- Yes, General.
Yes, I know they're back
in the railway station.
Our crossfire
couldn't keep 'em out.
It'll take a whole brigade action to
keep them outta there for good.
Huh? What's that, sir?
Staff officers? Where?
Louder, sir. Louder.
I can't hear you.
Well, now you're
too loud, sir.
All right. Go ahead. I got a map...
I got a map right in front of me.
Yeah? Farmhouse behind a gray stable,
100 yards to the east?
Uh-huh. Yes, sir.
All right, I'll get somebody
through tonight, sir. Yes, sir. Yes.
- Same to you, sir.
- Staff officers, huh?
Mm. Yeah, they got a report
from an observation post.
Staff officers are in that farmhouse
behind the gray stable.
- Lipinsky!
- Yes, sir?
- Get Lieutenant Moore.
- Wait a minute!
You're not gonna send Moore.
This is a job for a man, not a boy.
You give him Moran. We'll get you a Kraut
and we'll all go home.
Quirt... Quirt,
I'm not keeping you here out of love.
These men have to be fed.
You're the only one that can run the rations
down the ravine under enemy gunfire.
- Now, Lipinsky, hit the deck!
- Yes, sir.
Ready, Mr. Moore?
We're ready, sir.
Let's go.
- Any sign of Moore and his party?
- No, sir.
Let's have a look.
Are they overdue, sir?
I'm afraid they are, boy.
They should've been back an hour ago.
Oh, it's you. You still wanna
get married?
For the record, sir?
For the record. There's nothing
I can do about it now.
Yes, sir.
I almost got married once.
Once. Hmph. Twenty-five times.
China, Philippines,
Santa Domingo...
even New York City...
wherever there was women.
But I was a wise guy.
I was saving myself.
From what? From what?
To you I give.
All my love.
All my life.
I promise.
All my love.
- News of Moore?
- Nothing.
No sign of the college boy?
Does he win his letter,
Captain Flagg?
The chocolate soldier
who forgot to come back?
Or maybe the Germans captured him
and they get to go home.
Is that the way the game
is played, Captain Flagg?
- Take it easy, kid.
- Let him talk.
That's right. Let the 30-day wonder
speak his piece.
Why don't you get off
the bench and play, Captain Flagg?
Why don't you get in the game?
We can use a hero. There are
two minutes left, we can use a hero.
What price glory now, Captain Flagg?
- Quirt, you wanna win your letter?
- I wanna go home.
The shortest way home
is right out there.
- Cunningham?
- Yes, sir.
You're in command here.
Look, at exactly 5:10...
- Check your watch, see what you've got.
- 5:03, sir.
Make it 5:02.
At exactly 5:10...
you throw everything we have right at
the railway station...
and send the first platoon down through
the ravine to start firing from there.
Make 'em think we're
comin' through that way.
Don't send anybody in,
and don't lose anybody, you got it?
- Aye, aye, sir.
- All right.
Anything you want me
to tell Charmaine?
Yeah. Tell her
you're a friend of mine.
When this rat race is over,
are we going back to Bar-le-Duc?
Quirt, I'm gonna do
something for you.
- I'm gonna get you off the hook.
- What hook?
After we get this Kraut, I'm gonna have you
transferred to another outfit...
so you won't have to go back to
Bar-le-Duc and face the music.
- What music, Flagg?
- Wedding music.
One campaign at a time, Flagg.
Don't lay out the Bar-le-Duc campaign
till we get this one done.
- No guts, huh?
- Brains.
Don't do me any favors, Flagg...
'cause I've been thinking
about Charmaine, just like you...
and I'm seeing things different.
Back in Bar-le-Duc...
I thought she was just another dame
in a long line of dames.
But I must have been wrong...
'cause I keep thinking
about her all the time.
Something's got into me.
Maybe it's running those rations down
the ravine, I don't know.
But, you know, if you tried
to unload her on me now, I'd take her...
wedding, Cognac Pete,
relatives and all.
Just like you, only you
haven't got a chance.
What makes you...
What makes you think she'd see you...
after the way
you walked out on her?
She'd see me, all right.
She's crazy about me.
Told me I was the greatest
soldier she ever met.
She used to say she wished the whole outfit
would move away and leave us in peace.
She doesn't know enough
English to say that...
and you don't know
enough French.
The language I was talking,
she understood.
What are you waiting for?
I think they said
a live German officer.
A cook. A lousy cook.
I am Colonel.
- Is he an officer?
- Officer? He's a colonel.
A colonel. Colonel, am I glad
to see you.
Let's go, Colonel.
Come on. Let's move, Colonel.
Come on, Colonel. Let's go.
- The colonel ain't going.
- Why couldn't it have been you?
Oh, no.
- Hey, Flagg!
- What?
- I'm wounded.
- You what?
- I got hit.
- Why, you dirty...
Wouldn't you give
a million bucks for that?
Ain't that the prettiest
little punch you ever saw?
In and out without
touching the bone.
- You crook! You stuck
your leg out on purpose.
- I never did, Captain.
- You know you did!
- Come on, Flagg. I got a date with a lady.
Oh, you...
Oh, a casualty.
- Everything all right, Cunningham?
- Yes, sir.
Except some general has been
calling about a German officer.
Wants to know if we got one.
Well, tell him if he calls again,
we got some, but they're all dead.
- Hmm, bb guns, Captain?
- Didy pins.
- Vaccination.
- It'll be a miracle if he ever recovers.
I suppose you think you're gonna
go back to Bar-le-Duc.
Holsen, tell him there's nothing
the matter with him.
He doesn't have to go back
to the base hospital.
Tell him you can fix him up right here.
Go on, tell him.
- You been crawling in the mud with this?
- You bet your sweet life.
- Can you walk?
- That depends on what I see.
You don't mean to tell me
you're gonna send him back?
This man's got to
get out of here, Captain Flagg.
Sergeant, get over to sick bay at once,
get a tetanus shot, then get out of here.
This is breaking my heart!
But duty calls.
Oh, it brings tears to my eyes...
to say farewell to
my old company commander.
I don't see how
I can go through with it.
- You better make it snappy,
or that door'll be locked.
- What door?
- Charmaine's.
- Are you wounded too, Captain Flagg?
No, but inside of 10 minutes, I'll be
wounded, bumped off or have that officer.
Do me a favor, will you? Get yourself
killed just once. Just to please me.
Well, as we say in France,
au revoir. Oh!
Captain Flagg,
how about some company?
The air by that railroad embankment
is full of flying steel.
- A green man wouldn't have a chance.
- Are you going?
- I got personal and private reasons.
- If you're going, that suits me.
- Can you crawl on your belly?
- Captain, I've been crawling
under trains for five years.
I was a locomotive engineer on
the Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabam.
You oughta see
a few railroad wrecks.
I had three engines
shot out from under me last year.
- Cunningham, I think you'll do.
- You know I'll do.
- Captain Flagg, I've got one!
I've got a German officer.
- Let's have a look.
Throw some light on him.
Well, let's have a look. Well...
Boys, boys,
a German lieutenant.
He didn't wait for us to
go get him. He came on over.
You are the sweetest thing
I've seen since Charmaine.
Kiper. Kiper,
take good care of him for me.
And whatever you do,
don't frighten him to death.
He's our ticket of leave.
We're going home.
- Easy, easy! Easy.
- Come on, honey. Come on.
Lewisohn. Lewisohn, I'm gonna see to it
that you're decorated for this.
And I insist upon being
best man at your wedding.
And besides, I personally
am going to give you 10 francs.
Thank you, sir.
Captain Flagg.
Captain Flagg!
Yes, son. Yes, son.
Yes, son.
- Captain Flagg?
- Come on!
Please, please, stop the bleeding.
- All right, son.
- Please.
- All right.
- Please, Captain Flagg.
- Please, Captain Flagg?
- All right.
- Please.
- You're gonna be all right, boy.
You're gonna be all right. All right.
Company "L."
Captain Flagg? Skipper?
Flagg here, sir.
Yes, sir.
But we got your officer
for you, sir. Right here.
You said if we got
an officer, we could all go...
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
We'll send him back to you, sir.
I got the order.
Aye, aye, sir.
We're ordered to take
the railway station and hold it.
- But, Captain, they said...
- I know what they said.
- They said if we got him a Kraut...
- This is what they're saying now!
- Everybody goes. Lipinsky, hit the deck.
- Yes, sir.
- Moran, first platoon.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Ferguson, second platoon.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Gowdy, you're new top soldier.
- Aye, aye, sir.
All right, you overpaid,
underfed mud guppies...
rise and shine and hit the deck!
We're moving out!
Come on! Everybody! Hit the deck!
- Are you Irish?
- I am.
Come on, everybody!
All together!
Come on, men!
Poor kid. A very tragic thing
happened to her.
- Huh?
- She and an American sergeant.
Terribly in love.
About to be married when he was shipped
up to the front. Never heard from again.
- Moran.
- Good evening, Major.
- Sergeant Quirt.
- Shh.
- What's up, Quirt?
- The outfit in?
No, they're coming in tonight.
What'd you do, jump the hospital?
You bet your sweet life I did. Now do me
a favor, get me an American uniform.
I got two M.P. S on my tail,
I don't wanna meet 'em in these.
Why should I stick
my neck out for you?
You can't get in trouble. I was wounded.
I ain't in my right mind.
- When were you ever?
- Look, I was wounded. I got Aspasia.
My name is Field Marshal
von Hindenburg...
and I'm looking for a carload of pants
that was lost in a shipment.
Now get me an American uniform, will ya?
And don't tell anybody.
Thanks a lot.
- Sergeant, you're back!
- You're darn right I'm back.
They had me dying in a hospital...
but the thought of you gave me strength
enough to come crawling back here.
And what do I find when I get here?
You waiting for me brokenhearted?
I should say not. You've been working
both sides of the ocean.
Playing footsies with our boy allies.
My foot.
Whose hat is that?
And you, Sergeant?
You never looked at another woman
when you were away, huh?
You're darn right I didn't.
There were no women.
That's right. There was only Flagg,
and I'm the first one back.
- Come here.
- Stay away from me!
- What's the matter?
- You don't remember the way you left, do you?
"I do not. She doesn't not.
We doesn't not. The marriage is off.
If I never see you again,
I'll never see you again!"
I guess you're right, Charmaine.
After the way I acted,
I don't deserve a second chance.
Turn around. Come on.
You know, all the time
I was out there...
I kept thinking...
"She could've been mine."
That's what kept me going
through all the shot and the shell.
Maybe it could still be...
me and Charmaine.
And then when I was wounded, and I was
lying in the hospital under ether...
they tell me that
I kept calling your name.
"Charmaine. Charmaine.
Forgive me, Charmaine."
- Yeah.
- You were wounded?
Just in the leg.
That's more like it.
There was a couple of other things...
I thought of in the hospital, only I
don't know how to say them in French.
That must be Moran with my uniform.
- Uniform?
- Yeah. I'm just wearing
pajamas. Come on in, slug.
Well, I-I say, I...
I beg your pardon, Major...
- Quirt.
- Captain Wickham here.
I thought... Well, I-I mean,
I had no idea...
Well, don't get any ideas, Captain, because
this young lady happens to be my fiance.
Well, as you Americans say
in, uh, baseball...
I, uh... I appear to be offside.
- Fiance, eh?
- Yeah, yeah, sure. Why not?
Now wait a minute. Does it mean the same
thing in English that it mean in French?
- It means you don't go with
anybody else. Come here.
- And what about you?
Never mind about me. Come on in, Moran.
I, uh... I'm awfully sorry...
but, uh, your fiance has my cap.
Thank you. Well, uh,
congratulations again.
- Evening.
- Good evening.
Good night.
Now what do you...
Oh, Moran. Yeah.
Charmaine. Charmaine!
Charmaine, is she here?
- You still got a mayor in this town?
- Mayor? Oh, the mayor. Oui.
Well, go down and wake him up.
- I wanna marry your daughter.
- Oh, mariage.
Mmm. Mariage.
Wedding ring. Comprends?
- Avec moi. Me. Moi.
- You?
Break it up. Break it up.
Go on down and get the mayor.
- I wanna get married tonight.
- Charmaine! Charmaine!
Captain of your heart, am I?
Well, you know something?
Tonight I'm gonna believe that. I wanna
believe it, and I'm gonna believe it.
- Come here.
- Captain, mon papa.
Well, if you mean Pete,
he's my papa too.
I just sent him down to get the mayor.
We're gonna get married, you and me.
And the United States government is
gonna send us to Paris on our honeymoon.
- What do you think of that?
- What about your wife?
You didn't believe that, did you?
No. But...
I did believe you did not
want to marry me.
I'm sick of wandering.
I wanna sit down in one place
and never get up.
That's today.
Tomorrow you...
you'll feel different.
- I'm betting against tomorrow.
- What?
- Nothing. Do you love me?
- Yes.
That's the right answer.
Are you through?
Whatever it is... Whatever it is,
go tell Cunningham!
That little girl...
the one Lewisohn was... she's outside.
- What do you want me to do about it?
- Talk to her.
Send her in.
- I gotta talk to this girl.
- I understand.
- Captain Flagg, my name is Nicole.
- I know. I know.
So you're the girl.
Lewisohn told me about you.
He wanted to marry you,
but according to regulations...
he had to get permission
from his commanding officer.
- You understand?
- Oui. Yes.
- Is he...
- Yes. Yes.
Yeah, he did a...
he did a brave thing.
And I thought he was too young
to get married.
But when you think of him...
please think this.
A lot of boys come over here
and the only thing that happens to them...
is what happened to him out there.
But he had more.
He met you.
Thank you.
Oh, I'm sick of this war.
I'm off war for life.
No more for me.
It was all right when you had 30 or 40
men in the hills that knew their jobs.
But now there are...
there are so many little boys.
Little boys who have no business
being here at all.
You know, Charmaine...
if ever they finish this war,
I ain't even going home.
I'm gonna stay right here...
drink Papa's wine...
and have a lot of little kids
hopping around the floor.
Yours and mine.
Well, if it ain't Sergeant Quirt.
- I got here first, Flagg.
- You ain't wanted around here, Quirt.
You take your hands off of Charmaine.
You want my hands off of Charmaine,
you come on and take 'em off.
- No, no. We must be friends.
- With you around?
Flagg, this lady
is my fiance, remember?
- You engaged me to her.
- Well, I changed my mind.
She's my fiance now,
and I'm gonna marry her.
- Don't fight, please.
- Charmaine, get behind the bar.
Get out of here, Flagg.
Beat it! Go get a girl of your own.
- Quirt, you're drunk.
- Both of us.
- Yeah, both of us.
- What are you gonna do about it?
What are we gonna do about it?
I'm gonna have a drink.
Both of us.
Pour, Charmaine, pour.
And pour one
for the sergeant too.
'Cause this is the last thing
you'll ever do for him.
Flagg, I think it's only fair to warn you
that I am a sole survivor...
of seven catastrophes...
each of which was calculated
to carry off every man jack...
in the immediate neighborhood
as well as adjacent.
So if there was to be a catastrophe of
any dimensions...
in the near future
in this here vicinity...
I have expectations of
survival exceeding your own.
- Have one on me.
- Thanks, I will.
Quirt, your method of expression is
complicated by the fact that...
your tongue is as
thick as your head.
But if you contemplate any trouble...
I think it's only fair to warn you
that among other things...
you forgot to
bring along your gun.
Have a drink on me.
Thanks, I will.
I'll tell you what
I'll do with you, Flagg.
I'll take you outside with
two of those little toys at 50 yards.
And you, the best pistol shot
in the corps?
Why, you'd put a bullet
through my carburetor...
as easy as pitching
a penny through a well.
- Come again and have another drink on me.
- Thank you. I will.
I'll take you on any way you want,
you little baboon.
I can outthink, outshoot
and outdrink ya.
There ain't nothing I can't do any better
than you. Have one on me.
Thanks, I will.
Quirt, the time has come
for you to say good night.
Flagg, did you ever know of me leaving
a place before I was ready to leave?
No. But tonight I'm gonna see it
for the first time.
Stop it! Stop it!
You don't ask me who I marry!
You think I'm going to marry
the one that is not dead!
- It's a cinch you ain't gonna
marry the one that is.
- I'm going to marry the one I choose.
- All right, choose.
I... I love you both.
All right, then I'll choose,
'cause I got the gun.
Are you gonna go
jump in the canal...
or is it gonna take six pallbearers to
put you there?
- Take your hands out of your pocket.
- I haven't got a gun, remember?
Just a pair of dice.
I'll shoot you for her.
Kiper, is Quirt
crooked with the dice?
He's got a pair of dice
that oughta be in the circus.
- All right, then, a hand of poker.
- Poker?
Sure. The man that wins
gets the gun.
The man that loses gets a head start.
Everybody wins, see?
One gets the girl, the other gets to
stay in bed the rest of this war.
- Charmaine, go on, get the cards.
- Captain, I wouldn't do that.
Close your hatch!
I'll try anything once, soldier.
- Go on, Charmaine, get the cards.
- Please, Capitaine, please.
Don't worry about me. I'm indestructible.
Go ahead, get 'em.
- Have a drink.
- Come on, Quirt. I'll call the M.P.s.
- You belong in...
- Get out of here!
Kiper, march through that door,
and if you stick your neck in once...
before the game is over,
I'll wreck you for life.
- Now, are you gonna go, or do I demonstrate?
- Get out!
- Sit down, Captain Flagg.
- Thanks.
You're welcome.
Thank you, Charmaine.
Now, upstairs.
- Cut.
- Gun on the table between us.
Charmaine, upstairs!
- Captain Flagg in there?
- Don't go in there.
- Why not?
- Listen, you didn't get killed
at the front, did you?
- No.
- Well, what's the sense of
getting killed in the saloon?
The bottom card is an ace.
Captain Flagg,
the chances are one in 13...
that the bottom card
will be an ace.
And what are the chances of the second
from the bottom card being an ace?
I'll shuffle.
Cold poker.
Five cards open. No draw.
- Ace.
- I'll have a drink.
Ace. I'll have a drink.
Sixes, a pair.
Pair of eights, Flagg.
Three sixes, Quirt.
This next card
better be an eight...
or you are a dead man.
I bluffed him!
I bluffed him!
He had an eight coming, and I bluffed him!
You killed him!
Nah, he knocked
the lamp over and ran.
I didn't kill him.
I did better than that.
I bluffed him.
Bluffed him.
He had an eight coming,
and I bluffed him.
And now, Charmaine,
it's just you and me.
Now get behind the bar,
and buy my friends a drink.
- Come on.
- Captain Flagg.
- Come on.
- Captain Flagg.
Battalion's moving up.
We're ordered back.
Ordered back in.
Everybody's going back in.
General movement.
- The big push is on.
- What?
- But I'm on a leave.
- All leaves are cancelled.
Well, why'd you have to
come and tell me?
- Headquarters sent out
looking for you, Captain.
- Come on, skipper. Let's go.
Well, you never found me
to give me the message.
Now, can you remember that, or do I have to
bury you to keep your mouths shut?
I got 'em their prisoner.
I gave 'em their railway station...
and I got papers
that say I'm on leave.
The company was moving out.
What could I do, Captain?
You could've got
an attack or something.
You could've fallen down
and broken your neck on the way here.
Tell 'em any story you can think of.
Only I didn't get the message.
I earned my leave.
It's signed, sealed and delivered.
That crowd at headquarters have to
keep their end of the bargain.
They can't take
those men back in.
I won't stand for it.
Charmaine, shall we stay here?
Oh, no.
No, I'll go.
I'll go.
I may be drunk, but I know I'll go.
Gowdy! Lipinsky! Get rolling.
There's something... something about
this profession of arms.
Some kind of religion connected
with it that you can't shake.
Good-bye, Charmaine.
Put your money in real estate...
and marry that cuckoo if you can.
You'll never see me again.
Moran, follow us close with the rations.
Follow us because
we don't know where we're going.
- Nobody knows.
- Aye, aye, sir.
I got something for you.
Your discharge papers.
I've been holding them for a year.
Sorry. So long, kid.
- We're going too, Mr. Kiper.
- So long, sir.
So the outfit's going back in, eh?
You love your papa?
What a lot of blasted fools it takes
to make an army.
Hey, Flagg, wait for baby!