What Richard Did (2012)

Fucking hell, man.
- Where's the love, man?
Somebody's got a problem
Rich, you're driving like my fucking
granny, and my granny's dead.
- Sure, look at that car.
- And my granny's dead.
- On, my am!
- mm is a Mustang.
- Mm defend him.
- He still got slagged.
And everybody was still a bollocks
to him. That's not my fault.
- You tailed in your mission.
- Yeah, I did, man. I did.
You should... You should just give up
your armband as class captain.
Because you fucked up.
Right, I'm fucking dropping
the two of youse off.
Oh, my God, man.
That was her first shot at that
and you just shot her down straightaway.
You can make him a sandwich.
Whatever is gonna be nice, you think,
and you're just gonna have it
That was nothing.
Well, no, I'm dressing it first
and then we're adding...
He likes to dress things before he
Eat it anyway.
Yeah, well, maybe you'd like to eat it
when you farted on it.
- Chicken fillets, yeah'?
- Yeah, fur me.
You seriously didn't get mine?
You fucking...
What the fuck did I say to you?
- When are you going on your break?
- - I'm going right now.
- "When's your break?"
- "I'm on my break now."
"You're on your break..."
Oh, here. Wait, wait, wait
You alright, man?
- How's things?
Hey, guys. What's going on?
Are you well? What are you doing
for the rest of the afternoon?
- Nothing.
OK, look. See that card?
All you have no do is...
- Take it?
- No, don't take it.
All you have to do
is give it a little rub.
- That is savage. Absolutely class.
- Slick, isn't he? He's slick.
- Stop doing mat. Fuck's sake.
How did you fold that, though?
- Hey, ladies. - Guys,
so nice of you to show up.
- Hey there, peas.
- Thanks for having us down.
No worries, it'll be good.
- Who's the baby?
- This, ladies, is Magic Boy.
- Jake.
- Alright?
He's the coolest.
Take care of him, yeah?
- What's your name?
- Jake.
This is the gaff.
- Stop being a retard.
- Rich, this is so adorable
Dune. I got it. I got ii!
Bagsy top bunk
Somebody said
there was a party here, lads.
- Hey, Dis.
- Come here to me, buddy.
- Good to see you. Alright?
- Good, man.
How's form? Alright, lads?
How's things?
- Hey, superstar.
- Hey, Sophie.
- What's going on? How are you?
- I'm good, I'm good.
- Yeah? Does your da know you're here?
- Come meet my friends.
- They'll freak the tuck...
- Jake, come here.
- This is Richard.
- Hey.
How are you? Rich. Nice to meet you
How's it going, man?
Jake, do you know Sophie, by the way?
Have you met?
- Yeah, I've seen you before.
- How are you'?
I definitely won't he going for a swim.
- So would you, Rich?
- What'!
Sophie Kilroy.
- Fuck off, man.
- of course he would.
- She's Pat's daughter, lads.
- And? You love him.
It would be like shagging your idol,
only not going gay, you know.
- Hey, Donor.
- Hey.
Donor, I'm freezing.
Oh, my God, Lam
- Hi!
- Hi, Con-man, what's up?
Super-Rich. What's the craic?
I didn't know you guys were here.
Alright, lads.
I'm gonna go and be sociable.
Do you want a drink
or something?
- Hey, guys. Can I grab a water?
- Yeah.
Nice. Thanks.
Sorry, do you guys know each other?
Lara Hogan, this is Richard Karlsen.
- Hey.
- Hi.
You down for long?
- Just tonight
- Where are you staying at'?
- Tent City.
- And yourself?
Just over by the pub over there
There's a pub?
With a roof?
Here, where's Jake?
Here, man.
Look, you look about 12. Take that Off.
Gun-man. I got my invitation
to your party.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, man. Nice photo collage.
Everybody looks a mm in their
communion photos, to be fair.
I bet you looked shit cool
in yours, though, Rich.
Came to think of it, maybe I did.
- If I see 8 drink in his hand...
- No, we're all over 18.
- Fine, bull won't serve children.
- I may look young, hut I'm old money.
- It's Coke.
- Better be
And no flashing your mickeys.
I know what you rugby lads are like.
You know I wouldn't allow that, Fiona
Nice one, man.
Told you I was shit
No, it was brilliant.
It was gorgeous.
Going for a smoke, man
Oh, thanks.
Thank you.
Here you are.
I don't actually smoke
- You're cutting loose?
Yeah, I'm going totally wild.
- Go. WW...
You're not a fan?
I just don't get the whole "lost
in the Celtic mists" intensity of...
Plus, nobody knows
what the fuck he's saying
"I'm asleep and don't wake me."
- Well, I obviously got that bit.
- Hey.
- What's up?
Just answer ii.
- Magic Boy's mum's freaking out
- You didn't check in, man?
- Get blazed.
- Give me mat.
Richard Karlsen to the rescue.
Mrs Galvin. Richard Karlsen here.
Yeah, Jake's grand. He's with me.
It's just this kind of unofficial
Raglan tradition we do.
We grab the Js
and bring the lads down the country
to show them what it's like
to be on the senior team.
Oh, yeah, he's being well looked after.
We've gm a couple of fine Raglan boys
down here lust watching out for him.
Yeah, yeah.
- He was out there working away and...
- Give me some magic
HE'S brilliant. Exceptional.
He's a real credit to you, I must say.
L did indeed do n myself, yeah.
I want to see your titties.
I'll have him call you
first thing in the morning
- Show me your tricks.
- Bye-bye.
Outstanding. What a performance...
- Fucking hell.
- How did you not break?
- Fucking idiot.
- How did you not break, man?
- Fair play.
- Fair play.
What's the teams?
I'll go with you. I'm not losing again.
You're shit when you play together.
You are the worst pool players
I've ever seen in my life.
I'm just gonna grab a beer.
Give me one sea
Hey, man, Soph's in trouble.
Just come here.
- Sophie?
- Get lost
- Come on, man, open the door.
- (man! Fuck you.
Fuck Off, she's a fucking kid
Stay there.
- Sophie, come on.
- Just leave me alone
Let's go. Come on. It's over now.
Come on.
- I like being carried by you.
- Sophie, behave.
Here's the good Samaritan man.
- Have a good time, did you?
- Alright
- How's it going?
- - Anyone want a nightcap?
Fuck oh', I'm on my break.
I think that lads in general actually
wanna get on with each other,
- as opposed to girls who naturally...
- They just like m...
It's like that thing about horses.
Do you know what I mean? Apparently...
Apparently horses, right,
naturally exclude one another.
So if there's three horses in afield,
two of them will slick together
and shun the other one.
It's true. Like us, as in, you know,
we son of hate each other.
Without getting too fucking gay
about it, right,
I'd talk?0 you lads
about pretty much anything.
Have you ever seen girls
in a bathroom together
talking about one of them being bulimic?
I don't walk into girls' bathrooms
It's not funny, but it's fucking funny.
When have you done this?
N was a mate's gaff.
I went up to the jacks.
I walked in and I was like,
"Is it OK if I'm in here?"
There were people drinking everywhere
in the house so I said, "Is it OK?"
They're in mere and it's like...
They were sobbing, and I was like,
"I wanna sit down
and see what's going on here."
They're like, "Oh, my God,
please just stop vomiting all the time."
"It's upsetting me.
Why can't you stop vomiting?
"I Think I've got ii under control."
And I'm like...
"Are you fucking serious?"
It's creepy, man. That's creepy shit.
- But for them, that's talking.
- Exactly.
This doesn't classify as talking because
we're not talking about fucked-up stuff.
We're not all depressed, so it's not
talking. Do you know what I mean?
Like, you have to be upset
m have a chat
Fuck that, like.
Oh, he's through!
Stop... Put me down.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
They're doing it here on the beach.
- Hey, Liv.
- Hey, sweetheart.
- How are you'?
- I'm good. Good to see you.
- And you.
- Aw.
I just wanted to say thanks
for the other day. Sophie told me
Oh, yeah. That's no problem.
- Does her dad know?
- She was "at her mother's".
Pars dying m see you. He'll probably
be all restrained and Protestant.
- So?
- So what?
So, any women in your life?
- I'm very close to my mum.
- Come on.
I'm a bit sick
Of all the silly stuff, Liv.
At 18?
- There he is now.
- Hey, good to see you.
What's going on?
- I'm glad you could make it.
- Thanks for having us.
- What's the water like'?
- It's fucking Baltic.
Look what the tide washed in
- Hey, Mum.
Did you enjoy the free gaff?
- Yeah, can't complain.
Hello, beautiful son.
Hey, old mu.
This looks fantastic
I think that's mine, actually.
- I remember you buying it.
Take it easy on them brews,
you're putting on weight.
One beer's not gonna do him any harm
It's the boy refusing a drink
that he's competing against
I know that boy. That's the boy
without friends, isn't it'?
Cheers, Peter. I've spent
six years teaching him to be a winner.
Success is good. I like success.
Failure's not an option
- That's ii.
Failure's not an option,
it's a certainty.
- Here we go.
It is, at some point, for most people
it makes them human
- It's true.
Very deep, that. All those
long winter nights back in the day'?
A Scandinavian thing, I reckon
- Big Scandinavian...
No, it's not a Scandinavian thing.
It's just a manic depressive thing.
- Skol.
- Slainte
- Slainte
- Skol.
Come on.
Dad, it is not warm out here. Alright?
It's not warm today.
- I thought you played rugby.
- I do play rugby.
Thai doesn't mean
I like the fucking cold.
Come on.
Yeah! Way to go, son
You'll make a singer
out of me yet, Dad.
- What?
You'll make a singer out of me yet
Well, I'm not staying long.
Thanks very much, cheers.
See you again.
So, remind me, Richard.
Why are we here?
Because Conor's a team-male of mine
and that means something, Eimear.
- Ml Fight yeah.
- Alright?
God, what is it with GAA jerseys?
They're always so fucking rank.
It's like they deliberately pick
the foulest shade of each color.
Could you guys say it
any fucking louder?
- Hey, man, how's it going?
- Hey.
- Alright?
For the day.
- Cheers.
- Happy birthday.
- Good to see you.
- Yeah, you, mo.
- Mr H, how are you?
- How's it going, son'!
Will you have a pint?
- I won't, I won't.
- Richard. - Mrs Harris.
You're looking great.
Go on! Chug! chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
- 0-8-5-0-1-D-7-7-7-7.
- Sorry?
- It's my number.
- You're mm.
- Richard, you're so mu 01 shit
- I am.
But I'm gonna tell you my number
again. If you remember it, great.
If you don't
Fine, but my
memory's like a sieve.
- Hey, how's it going?
Never better. It's my birthday, right?
- How are you, Lara?
- Good.
- Super-Rich?
- I'm good, man.
- I thought you weren't drinking.
- Yeah, me too.
Conor, easy.
- You alright, Gun-man?
- Yeah, sound, man.
- (burns!
- No, you're not. Come on.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Come on, we'll go hack inside.
- HEY-
- HEY...
- How is he?
- Miserable. Walking it off.
- Everyone gets fucked upon their 16111.
- I suppose.
- He'll be grand.
- Yeah.
I better go.
- Bye, Lam
- Safe home.
- What the fuck are you doing?
The right thing. You should try it
- Hey.
I rang the door but
- Erm...
Right, so, here's what I got
for you, OK?
I gm... some red wine, right'?
That's laid out on the table.
Best steaks in Wicklow
marinating right there.
Erm, I gm you some salads,
some really nice French bread,
and I laid these out just in case
the sun decides to pop out. Alright'?
We were supposed to eat first
You should have emailed me
a copy of the schedule.
Just give me one sec, OK?
Just one sec.
You stay there. Don't go away.
I used to have a gerbil
that I won at, like, the day fair.
Sol brought him home. I was only
about four and I called him Peter.
- Right?
At the end of the day... I only bought
him that day, but at the end Of the day,
I wanted to wash him
because I thought he needed a shower.
Shh! Listen
First, I made him a little bed
in, like, a tissue box, right?
With tissue paper
and tiny little pillows
And then I brought him in to give him
a shower... well, a bath pretty much,
um I gave him a mm in a shot glass.
And I washed his ares um,
and then I thought that his head
would need to be washed. And he died
I drowned him
He was dead when he came out
of the fucking shot glass.
It's true.
What age were you?
About four or five. Fucking killed him
All I was trying m do
was give him a bath as well.
Washed his head for too long...
and he drowned in a shot glass
Fucking hell,
that is not a nice way to go.
Apparently it's peaceful... m drown.
Being drowned in a shot glass?
Yeah, I'd say he loved n.
How do gerbils usually wash?
Are you OK?
And I wrote, like, something like,
"They were dawdling,"
and everyone started laughing at me,
saying I made up that word.
And I was like,
"That is definitely a word."
You made it up No, it is a word
Like, weird shit happens sometimes
- Do you know?
- Yeah, that...
One night when I was going to sleep,
my wardrobe opened by itself
and all the shit fell out of my wardrobe
onto my bed.
- Yeah.
Yeah, that was weird
That would... I wouldn't be able
to sleep. That's real creepy.
I slept with my mam then
for about, like, a month after that
- What age were you?
- About seven or eight
It's a really big house, like
a plantation house down in the country
with loads of land and horses
and fields and trees and rivers
and shit around it.
And is there a fence?
- No.
OK. You're at the kitchen table
What's in front of you?
My mum and dad and my grandparents
and a few Of the lads, I'd say.
That's nice
- Yeah?
The size of the house
is supposed to be, like,
symbolic of your ambitions
in life and stuff.
And if you have a fence,
it means you're, like,
closed off from people and stuff.
- Sweet, I've no fence.
And with your friends around the table
and stuff, that's real nice.
Like, warm, sociable,
people around you all me time.
Are you gonna play
professionally and study lull time?
Yeah. What's wrong with mm
You're like the nose of fucking Tralee.
I thought it was good
to be ambitious. Isn't it?
Or isn't it'?
You've got everything worked out.
- Hi!
- Hi!
Oh, my God.
- I haven'! seen you in so long.
- I know!
- Hey.
- How are you?
Oisin not joining us?
No. He's not.
Oh, dear.
He's gorgeous, great body,
just brain-dead.
What did I say, man? Farrelly.
Oh. my God. Guys!
I thought they were just
the one-time deal, man.
Interesting development yourself.
- She's a big girl.
- Yeah, I know.
Play nice
Alright, guys?
- I'll leave you to it.
- It's OIL Stay.
Give us a minute
Yeah. Sure.
Sorry about that
- It's fine.
- You alright?
- Hm-hmm.
- Give us a shot of your cog, will you?
- You're not supposed to be smoking.
Just give us a shot.
Thanks, Eimear.
How's it going?
- You alright?
- Just pay with a card, please?
- Yeah, pop it in there.
Hey, Con. How are you?
Hey, Rich.
Your PIN.
Nice top, man.
- That's a good look for you.
- Yeah?
Thanks, man. Cheers
- Thanks a lot, dude.
- Take it easy, Con, yeah'?
- See you.
The joke is, the guard
goes over m the guy and says,
"Take your hands out of your tucking pockets
." But my mum tells it like this.
And he says, 'Stop masticating
"And he goes over and says,
'Stop masturbating."
We. r 9 going.
"Mum, the whole point of the joke
is that you don't use the word."
Anyway, that's my mum
trying to tell a joke.
She's about as subtle
as a train wreck.
It was very funny, though.
So, what do you wanna do
when you finish, at some point?
Erm, I'm not really sure yet
So I think I'll just
do arts in college, and hopefully...
- You'll just do arts?
- By the end...
It's a good foundation, isn't it?
- Yeah, it is.
- Choices later on
Are you OK?
Did you enjoy tonight'?
- Yeah, it was nice.
You were quiet.
I talked
To my mum, a hit.
Your dad, 'too
Yeah, when you were asked stuff.
Why are you being mean?
I'm not I'm just saying it was
a bit one-sided, you know?
L just wanted them
to get to know you a little
Thanks, you've made me feel worse
I'm sure they loved you.
You didn't. Why would they?
I'm not giving out to you. You know,
like, I didn't mean to upset you.
Do you think it's easy, meeting
your mum and dad for the first time?
You're right.
I'm sorry.
I need to sleep.
A whupping? You bought the ref,
everyone knows that.
You're gonna thank me
for teaching you some humility.
Anyone know where we're going?
- Hey, Niall.
- Hey, Eimear.
- Can you hold this for a sec?
- Yeah.
Are you OK?
- Sure.
New top?
Oh, yeah.
Suits you.
Richard, I want you
to meet some people.
Guys, this is my boy.
Hi. HOW'$ it going? Richard Karlsen
Sorry. Surf!
He wasn't being rude, he's just wasted.
Maybe I just need
some of what you've had.
Maybe you do. It's really good.
You don't have to be such an arsehole.
Hey, Rich.
Lovers' tiff?
- Just bring her home, Jake, yeah?
- Whatever.
- Sorry.
- Who are you'?
Too many people inside.
Daragh's freaking out.
I've been in.
One more won't make a difference.
No, no WW...
- Lara!
- Lara!
- I've been nice.
Now fuck off or I'll call the guards,
- What a fucking hell-end, isn't rm
- What'?
What are you gonna do, magic us in,
Jake? Jesus Christ, man.
Open the fucking door! Come on!
Open the door.
Fuck's sake!
- Hey, you alright?
- Fuck oh'.
- What'?
- You are in the shit.
Where the fuck have you been?
Daddy's car!
Here, get the fuck down, will you?
What me fuck is it to you?
You tucking arsehole.
- Where did you go?
- Answer your phone, you'd know.
- Sorry?
- I rang you, like 20 lucking times.
Rich, it was pretty loud in there
- Do you mind?
- Lara, are you OK?
Conor, just get lost!
I'm getting a cab. Night.
Hang on a sec. Don't you
fucking show me up in from of him.
- That's all you care about'?
- I'm sorry, OK?
I don'! wanna talk.
I just wanna go home, Call you tomorrow.
- I'll come with you.
- No. Not like that.
Like what? Like what'?
Rich! You fucking sort this out
when you're sober.
Fuck off, Conor!
He's not so great now, is he?
You tucking culchie cunt
Richard, are you OK? Richard?
Fuck off!
No, leave him alone!
Lara, are you OK?
Fuck you!
Come on, let's go!
Rich, some On!
Oh, ii walks.
Can I have the rest of your coffee?
- Sure.
- What did you do to your nose?
It was just Stevo diking around
I think it's quite nice, though.
- Yeah?
- Hmm.
Looks classy.
- Want some breakfast?
- Maybe in a while.
Gardai launched a murder inquiry
after the body of an 18-year-old man
was found in the South Dublin area
in the early hours of the morning
The discovery of the victim...
- You want this section?
- Just let me listen.
Gardai were called lo a disturbance
involving a number of youths
outside a house party
in the Sandymount area of the city.
Gardai have appealed
for anyone with information
to contact the investigation team
at Irish Town Garda Station
or to call the Garda freephone number
at 1800666111.
The cloud computing company...
- Are you sure it was him?
- Yes, I'm tucking sure!
My mum told me after mass.
- Does your mum know?
No, I didn't tell my fucking mum
Fuck. Could you tell him?
I fucking can't, man.
We should have checked him.
Put him in an ambulance
We're fucked.
He got up and he walked away.
We didn't tucking know.
Yeah, it was an accident
You lucking arsehole, man!
Con was shaming at me guy on the car.
Shaved him in full view of everybody.
- Then he backed off.
- Just let him fucking speak, Cian.
The guards were here.
What did they say?
Anyone could have seen us with him
- Who? Clo fucked off home.
She rang me
asking it I'd seen this brawl.
That's what everyone was talking about.
They have a list of names,
people they thought
might have been at the party.
Were you there?
If we stick to our story,
nobody wan touch us.
Apart from Lara
Have you spoken to her yet?
- Rich!
- No.
I will.
Lara, hey, it's me.
Just give me a shout when you can. OK'?
Have the guards been to see you?
Came to take me away, then.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Did you tell them?
Well, what did you say?
- Jesus!
I just need to know what you said
- I lied, OK?
I said I left with Conor and went home
with you when they were fighting.
I'm going to hell.
- And you used my name?
- Fuck off, Richard.
What did you do to him?
Hey, it was an accident
He was fine when we left
He was getting up.
N was just this freak thing
I can't believe this is happening to me.
You can only think of yourself'?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
L just...
My head's just...
- Lara.
- I can't.
Hey, Aisling. How are you'?
It's Richard Karlsen here.
Is there any chance
that my dad's around?
OK, grand. I mean, it he's...
Yeah. Great. I'll hold.
Morning, Richard.
Thank you so much for coming in
I couldn't see because
a lot of people had come over
and were gathering around
to see what was going on.
And where was Conor during this'?
Again, I'd found my girlfriend
at that point
and she was wanting to leave,
so... we went off together.
And did you see Conor
at any stage after mat'?
I have to ask you, Richard,
how did you get that bruise?
In training. I'm a rugby player.
I'm glad you came.
You're worried I'm gonna crack.
That's why you wanted m do this
And I warned to see you.
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry I dragged you into this.
- You didn't make me hit him, UK
I haven't eaten in two days.
Do you wanna go and get some food?
Please don't call me again. Bight'!
I don't want to have anything
to do with you. I just...
- Cian
Please. Just don't
- Aisling said you'd called.
- Yeah.
I was... You just sounded
a bit busy, you know.
Yeah, well...
- Can I sit?
- Yeah, sure.
Thank you.
Thank you, kind sir.
The tree house.
You were on and on about that,
you know?
"Can we get a tree house?
when can we get a tree house?"
You know, I just couldn't help you
at that point.
I was... I wasn't up to it.
So you just... started it yourself.
You must have been, what, ten? Nine?
Nine years. Nine years. Nine years old.
...were dragging out the planks
from the shed
and digging in the posts,
and eventually I had to help you, so...
Remarkable little boy.
You didn't let me drag you down.
That's a great instinct, son.
Don't change that now.
I know that.. your mates
mean everything to you, but
there's gotta be a limit
to loyalty, son.
Dad,... don't
were you there...
...when it happened to Conor?
It wasn't the fight they said.
I was away from all that with Lara
and we were having a row.
Caner stepped in.
He was just constantly all over her.
And... I told him 10 back off
and he hit me.
So the lads jumped in
just to sort him out.
it just got out of hand
Which lads?
Stephen and Cian
Good, son. Thank you.
Thank you.
Dad, I did ii. It was me. I kicked him
in the head and I killed him.
No. No.
No. No!
I'm so sorry, Dad. I'm so sorry.
I killed him.
No. No.
What do I do?
I'm sorry. I...
I'm sorry.
I've been thinking that maybe
you should go away for a while.
Go to the beach house.
Sure, yeah. Of course
- Yeah?
I'll let Mum know you're going.
Bring your phone...
if I wanna get in contact
Hey. Hey...
So how have you been?
I've been talking In somebody.
I won'! tell you who um...
...it seems that the investigation
is focusing on this thing with
the gate-crashers outside me house
And that there are
no separate inquiries or suspects
That's what he said.
Dad, does Mum know about any of this?
- No.
- mum.
Can I some home now, Dad?
Is that OK?
Yeah, of course.
Your mother wants me to bring
the linen home, so...
- HEY-
- HEY...
- Is everybody inside?
Don't worry, Dad's waiting for you
Come here.
A few of us are going to the nets
if you wanna come down after.
Listen, I should probably get inside,
OK? See you.
You alright, man?
- Hey.
- Hey, Rich.
- You alright?
- How are you'?
Grab a few drinks there
You alright, Rich'?
Have we all got a drink?
I know you're all hurting
at the moment.
But we're a team and teams pull together
through the tough times.
And I know you're all missing Conor,
and you're all angry
about what happened to him,
but for now, let's just take a moment
to say goodbye to a friend
and a great team-mam
Goodbye to Conor.
To Donor.
Raglan men are we
Faithful for our call
Valiant and brave we're standing
Steadfast one and all
Victory is ours to claim
But honor is our goal
We never will surrender truth
on this our sacred soil
Come on, Raglan! Come on!
Come on, Raglan! Come on, Raglan!
- Get in!
- Come on!
- Seriously?
- That's what he said anyway.
OK, come on. Let's go get wasted, man.
- Think I'm just gonna go home, Steve.
- Come on.
Another time, man.
- I'll see you.
- See you later.
Take it easy, lads. See youse.
Oh, my God, what's this? D4 youngsters
drinking in the scrublands?
Shock, horror.
Hey, you
- Hey.
Party finished?
- Yeah.
Beers. Go for it, lads
- Cheers, man.
- Grab us one, Jake, will you?
- Yeah, sure.
- Sound.
- Cheers.
How's it going, lads? You alright'?
Knacker drinking away.
- So, you alright?
- Yeah.
It's fucking mad
- Listen, man, are we cool?
- Yeah.
- I was out Of line.
Don't worry about it, honestly.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Alright, man. Thanks.
- I'm sorry.
- Ah, no, I'm sorry.
Fucking mu night, like.
Have I come just a little bit
overdressed, maybe, guys?
Just a small bit overdressed here,
I think, perhaps.
- You got a fire going there, lads?
- No.
Sweet one.
They were all asking him questions
and he's going,
"Yeah, yeah," and then out of nowhere,
he just goes...
Hear about the guy who was playing rugby
and got one his balls ripped off?
- This is an awful topic.
It's a friend of mine's friend.
He took a really high tackle
and there was, like,
a whoosh and just... One of his balls...
It was apparently dangling
by the string.
No, stop it. Stop it.
Sorry, man.
So disgusting.
They were like, "Why is he screaming?"
- I got a splinter.
- Where? Let's see.
Oh, my God. Shit.
Have you tried getting it out?
Yes. Can you not see that I've gored it?
Look at the stale of it
- You did it badly. I'd know.
- Would you?
- Yeah.
- You're the Queen of Splinters?
Alright I'm gonna head. School.
Oh, right, take it easy, man
See you later on, right?
- Bye, honey.
- See you.
Oh, my God.
I have to pee.
"A great prophet has appeared
among us," they said.
"A great prophet has appeared
among us," they said.
"God has come to help his people."
This news about Jesus
spread throughout Judea
and the surrounding country.
This is the Gospel of me Lord.
Praise bathe Lord, Jesus Christ.
Please be seated.
Dear friends
- Eileen.
- It's wrong.
I know. Just have a seat.
I won't.
Things need to he said.
There were dozens of kids outside
that house when Conor was killed.
A lot would be here
But do you know...
...how many were decent enough...
to come forward with information?
A handful.
Are you telling me...
nobody else remembers anything?
Nobody else knows...
...who killed...
...my W?
Nobody else...
...suspects their own... safe son?
You know.
I know... you know
And you're breaking our hearts again
for not speaking up.
I'm gonna hand myself in.
It's what I have to do
Jesus, Richard.
Lara... it's the only way.
Then we could just take off
after, you know?
Have completely different lives
God, I can breathe.
- You make it sound so easy.
- - It is easy. We'll just do rt.
We'll go m France. Spain.
- Where do you wanna go'?
- Everywhere.
I'll just tidy up a an
If a party commits
a major breach of contract,
whether or net that party
can end the contract
depends on the surrounding...