Wheely (2018)

Well, look who decided
to show up.
Mr. Newbie-on-wheels.
Hey, Joe, how are things
down at Jurassic World?
Seriously, shouldn't you be on
display in some museum by now?
Let's see if you can move
as fast as that mouth, kid!
All right!
That cheat's gonna get beat!
Move it
'cause you're gonna lose it!
Can you believe it?
The last race of the season,
and the two top cars in the
championship neck and neck!
Who would've guessed!
Well, in my pre-season analysis
I did point out
things would be close,
just like the race in '86,
when I was commenting...
Anyhow, look at this.
Wheely O'Wheels, the rookie star
from right here in Gasket City
now accelerates into the lead!
Move out of the way!
You think you're
invisible, man?
But of course he's up against
the overwhelming favorite
for the race, Joe Flo.
- A four-times winner.
- Three-times winner.
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Joe now moves back to the front!
- Hurry, Mr. Wheely!
- Nah.
Wheely O'Wheels
has no chance of winning.
You don't know Mr. Wheely
like Putt Putt does.
What, you know him?
Of course Putt Putt knows
Mr. Wheely.
Only Mr. Wheely
doesn't know Putt Putt.
Ten cars in a row
breaking the speed limit!
We better get some backup and
more clamps from the station!
It's race day today, ma'am.
The streets are closed
for racing.
It's completely legal today,
Whoa! You okay?
This is so exciting!
Finally we have reached my
favorite portion of the race,
which is this fantastic
tubular course in a drainpipe!
This is the fun part!
What happens inside,
stays inside!
And the racers are inside.
Who knows who will emerge
as the leader at the end?
In my day, the racers
just stayed on the road.
I bet Joe Flo's gonna lead
the tubular course.
He's doing great!
He did have an accident earlier.
My money is on Wheely.
You're on!
Whoa! What! No!
Drive like a butterfly,
win like a me!
Your turn to breathe my dust!
Catch my drift?
Look out now!
Wow! Hot stuff!
And that oil's not bad either.
I need a delivery.
One bucket of Petro Oil Special.
Sure! The name's
Wheely O'Wheels.
Yeah, that Wheely O'Wheels.
I know! Make sure it's waiting
at the finishing line.
I'll be the one
crossing it first.
Aah! Go!
One Petro Oil Super Special
for O'Wheels!
O'Wheels? Slap my face!
That's not... Can it be?
The finishing line!
This oil is for
Mr. Wheely himself!
Move out of the way!
Move out of the way!
Oh, man!
Sorry, this one mine!
And no shortcuts!
No problem. Can, Boss!
Mr. Wheely,
here Putt Putt come!
I hate race day!
What's so good about a bunch of
cars driving just a bit faster?
What's so good about that?
Sorry! Excuse me!
Special delivery!
VIPS only, buddy.
Oh, but I have VID!
Very Important Delivery
for Mr. Wheely!
Sure you have.
All right, ladies and gents,
we come to the last part
of the race,
with Joe Flo and Wheely O'Wheels
still in the lead.
Who's going to take
the checkered flag?
I can't take this anymore!
A dramatic race indeed.
Indeed, it is.
And just moments away
before we crown a new champion.
Putt Putt failed!
Failed Merry Motors!
They will take away Putt Putt's
best delivery scooter trophy!
Putt Putt have to go
training again many years!
Oh! Shortcut!
But Boss say no shortcut!
But it's the only way!
So dirty!
See you later, tailgater!
What? Hey!
Out of my way!
Holy... slip!
Did he just...
I think he did!
Oh, no, he didn't!
Momma, I think he just said...
Rail tracks ain't never
gonna replace proper roads!
Oh, this ain't gonna be good!
Aah! No! No! No!
Front wheel lock!
Mr. Wheely! What have I done?
- Now where you going, son?
- Just out, Momma.
No, no, no.
No son of mine is leaving
without having
a proper breakfast.
Downtown Gasket City.
I ain't got no time for that,
Momma. I got a fare downtown.
This early in the morning?
Yeah, Momma. You know I gotta do
what I gotta do.
I'm gonna bring in
all the cash
and fix this place up
real nice for you, Momma.
I appreciate that, son,
but just remember
you're not what you used to be.
[SIGHS] I got that.
Don't worry.
I gotta jet.
I don't wanna lose the fare.
All right, son.
Wassup, homie?
How are you on this
glorious morning, Mr. Wheely?
Wheely fed up with everyone
checking up on me.
I not checking up on anyone,
just you.
Hey, Mr. Wheely, wait for me.
Would you stop following me?
Like I told my momma, I'm just
picking up a fare in the city.
Okay. Putt Putt make sure
no problem.
I appreciate the concern,
Putt Putt,
but I know what I'm doing.
- I'm cool.
- Yeah, I know, Mr. Wheely.
It's just Putt Putt so worried
about you, Mr. Wheely.
Mrs. Momma said Mr. Wheely
should take care and be careful,
and Putt Putt
look after Mr. Wheely.
I'm... cool.
Oww, oww!
You not cool, Mr. Wheely.
I'm cool!
Why everyone gotta be
all up in my grill?
I'm totally cool. Totally!
I mean, I got a junky axle,
but yeah, I'm alive.
I'm still on the road.
I'm cool. So cool.
Joe? Is that...
a hood job?
Yo, Wheely?
Hey, look at you.
You look good. New paint job?
Catch up soon!
Finishing line's at
Gasket Central, boys and girls!
You joining us, Wheely?
O'Wheels, pickup's waiting
at Gasket Central.
Get there in five minutes,
or you're fired.
Hey, guys,
get a load of this taxi
thinking his exhaust pipe
is as big as ours.
- No!
Oh! That don't sound
too good, man.
You better get an upgrade
if you wanna race with us.
[YAWNS] Why do we always have
to start shooting so early?
So the city will
be quiet, darling.
No paparazzi, no fans.
Yeah, you're right.
I'm living the dream.
I shouldn't complain.
Hello, Bella speaking.
- Hi, babe, it's me.
- Ben, where are you?
You said you were
gonna be here.
Sorry, darling. Loads to do
before my party tonight.
You better not be late. I wanna
show you off to everyone.
Of course I'll be there,
but are you coming
to see me on set?
Okay, great.
See you later at my party.
Okay, everyone,
come on, get in position.
Lights, lights,
check the lights!
Ah, the talent.
Where is the talent?
Is the talent ready?
Come on!
It gives you more boom
for your zoom.
Petro Oil Super Special.
That was really great,
Bella, darling,
but can we do it again?
Only this time maybe act like
you really dig the product.
Okay, places, everybody.
And... action!
Is this in the script?
Hey, look out!
Sorry. Didn't mean to do that.
Are you fine?
Of course you fine.
Oh, you more than fine, girl!
Wait, don't I know you?
You're Bella di Monetti,
the Petro Oil
Super Special girl.
More boom for my zoom.
I know who I am.
The question is...
who are you?
Gasket Central!
Bolts! I wasn't here.
You guys didn't see nothin'.
Nothin' happened here,
ya hear?
Sorry about the mess!
Are you sure this is
the final draft of the script?
Freeze. Hands up!
Huh? What? Litter?
That's a contravention of
highway by-way law 2274,
subsection B.
I'm in pursuit of
domestic refuse.
small white plastic cup.
Height about 15 centimeters.
Ugh! I've been slimed!
Holy smokes!
Speeding, illegal racing,
driving without due care
and attention.
Oh, they're gonna be sorry
they ever turned down
Sergeant Street's street.
Aggravation and assault
on a police officer.
Wait till I get
some clamps on them.
- Aha!
Hey, watch it!
Well, who do we have here?
A taxi moonlighting as a racer.
Say no more.
I know an illegal racer
when I see one.
You're charged with disturbing
the peace of this early morning
and for illegal racing.
But... But I didn't do anything!
Ma'am, your son's been charged
with illegal street racing.
We haven't been able to detain
the other culprits,
so we're gonna
release him on bail.
But I'll tell you now,
it's going on his record.
He won't be able to sneeze
in a no-sneeze zone
without setting off
some red flags.
Thanks, Officer. I'll be sure
to keep a close eye on him.
It's "Sergeant," ma'am.
You do that now.
I thought I raised you
better than that.
Going off racing when you know
you're not supposed to
and lying to your momma.
For shame.
I'm sorry, Momma.
I got caught up in the moment.
There were cars racing,
and I'm a racer, Momma.
It's what I do.
You're a car, son.
You drive on the road,
you stay alive.
That's what you do.
Mrs. Momma very worried,
Mr. Wheely.
Yeah. I messed up big time.
Cafe have to close.
Mrs. Momma use all money
for restaurant repair
to bail Mr. Wheely.
Aw, bolts.
It's okay to look into past,
Mr. Wheely,
but you must not stare.
Say what?
Fortune cookie.
Very delicious.
Mr. Wheely,
you know your axle no good.
Please. Not again.
I am fine.
One hundred percent. See?
Axle fine, tires fine,
me fine.
I regret I not so easily forget
what happened after accident.
I been looking all over
for someone to fix Mr. Wheely.
It's all my fault.
Please fix him.
You my last hope.
Please tell me you can help
Mr. Wheely.
Excuse me.
Well, he doesn't need this.
Nah, we don't need that.
Not this and not this.
No, wait, wait!
Bring that back.
Hmm. You were lucky they pulled
your friend out in time.
Well, I'm missing a few parts,
but I think I can just about
manage to fix him,
though his racing days
are over.
There must be some mistake.
Racing is what... Ugh!
Mr. Wheely do.
Did, kid, did. Sorry.
Ah, nothing I can do about this
messed up axle right here.
They don't make
this part anymore.
It's discontinued.
But think positive.
They tell me netball
can be fun.
Maybe you guys
can form a team.
Putt Putt,
enough of your flashbacks.
I'm just gonna check on Momma
and see if I can get any fares.
Just be you.
- Oh! What's that?
It tickles!
Yo. Who dat?
- BEN: Bella?
- Who?
Is this Bella di Monetti's
This is Bella di Monetti's
Uh, no, buddy.
This is Wheely.
Yes, really.
Who dat on the line?
Who are you, you mean!
And what are you doing
with Bella's phone?
If you know what's good for
you, then you'll return it
to the Hub-Bonnet mansion.
I got Bella's phone
Oh, yeah
Come on, let's go
I'ma return this phone
I'ma meet Bella
We gonna get married
We gonna get babies
Oh, yeah
This is my lucky break
- All right!
- Yeah, Mr. Wheely,
Maybe we gonna get reward,
so you can fix Momma's cafe.
You do good, Mr. Wheely.
You're like
all your generation, Ben,
more interested
in fooling around
than proper hard work.
That's unfair.
I've been up since midday.
Son, I know it's fun to party
like there's no tomorrow.
Been there, got the tow-rack.
Is this leading somewhere?
You know what
turned my life around?
A mini roundabout?
Meeting your mother
was the best thing
to happen to me.
You need a strong lady
in your life.
Ooh. I don't think so.
I know so.
And Bella is perfect.
I want you to announce
a marriage date immediately.
Uh, I might need
to propose to her first.
She's here, you're here.
Do it or else.
When did she arrive?
I never saw...
Now what is the latest news
on that car-napping ring?
Wow! What a place.
I can't believe Bella hangs out
with this kind of crowd.
But how we gonna get in?
Mr. Wheely, this is bad idea.
But Putt Putt
also have good idea.
Ha! I got it!
I'm just gonna zoom right in,
sweep her off her tires,
and hand over her phone
'cause I'm Wheely O'Wheels!
No entry without
an invite, bozo.
Okay, Mr. Wheely,
we try Putt Putt's way now?
There must be a way of getting
into Snobby Towers.
Oh, I got it.
If I can't go through the front,
I'll go through the back.
Or maybe I can go underground,
like a secret tunnel.
Yeah, that's it,
secret tunnel.
That security truck
ain't no match for Wheely O...
Just one time, Mr. Wheely.
One time you listen
to Putt Putt.
Putt Putt have idea to go in.
Oh. Why didn't you
just say so, man?
And how's this gonna
help me again?
Ah, I get it, I get it.
Putt Putt, you genius.
You genius,
putting on some swag on me.
007. You genius!
No, Mr. Wheely,
you going as waiter.
What? Oh!
A secret agent
pretending to be a waiter.
D'oh! Somebody slap my face!
Welcome to the Hub-Bonnet
mansion, Lord Archibald.
Hey, are you sure
we're out of sight, carnal?
Nah. I can still see you.
No, knuckle-bumper,
I meant...
Ah, forget it, hombre.
That wasn't good!
Are you losers
finally in position?
Yes, Boss. You were right.
This place is
crawling with money.
Of course I was right.
I'm always right.
Did you bring the overrider?
Got it here, Boss.
Good. Wait for my signal.
Watch where you're going!
One more car delivered
with dents or scratches,
and I'll knock you
into the ocean!
If the overrider works,
we can go fully automated
and forget about having
these useless trucks around.
Yeah, man.
Where am I? Help!
Okay, so just try to blend in.
- Ohh!
Oopsy-daisy! Uh, sorry, love.
Cor! Blimey!
Something's not quite right
with this painting.
That's better.
I'm so English.
I am blending in.
Hey, watch it!
Fetch me another drink
and make it fast.
Hey, do I look like a waiter?
I mean, sorry, of course I do
because I am a waiter.
Totally. Sorry, sir.
I'll get you that drink.
I've been trying to call you,
but you never pick up.
No, I lost my phone. Sorry.
Well, there's an amazing offer
on the table.
Hollywood wants you.
Hollywood? Me?
All you gotta do is sign.
I... I need time to think.
I'll call you back. Bye.
- Uh...
- You there!
Waiters aren't allowed
up here!
I'm a...
An imposter?
Oh, what are you doing here?
I just dropped by
with your ph...
I said Security!
Wait! No!
He saved my life today.
He's a lowlife
who doesn't belong here.
- You, take this trash out.
- Sir!
- Was that really necessary?
- Yes.
Now, can you please
at least look
as though you want to be here?
I'm about to announce
our wedding day.
Our what?
Are you crazy?
I'm sorry.
And stay out!
Hey, you know who I am?
I'm Wheely O'Wheels, buddy!
No one can say I didn't
give it my best shot.
- Did you see her?
- I saw her.
She's getting married.
Mr. Wheely, really wonderful!
Success finally!
To somebody else.
Wait, Mr. Wheely.
You want to talk about this?
No, thanks, Putt Putt.
But I gotta do some thinking.
"Keep eyes on road
and mind on future."
I once read on fortune cookie.
Maybe things not so bad
as you think.
Sometimes they worse.
It's time.
Sir, Miss Bella just left.
Hey, Bella.
Brad, the party is
back the other way.
So why not have one right here?
Maybe you and I could
go for a drive?
There is no you and I, Brad.
Come on, Bella.
I'm just as shiny
and solid as Ben.
Why don't we hook up
and settle down?
I know someone who wants
to settle down. Ben!
I'm sure you two will look
pretty solid together.
What? No, no, no. I'm not into
something like that.
I know Ben is rich
and handsome and buff.
Press the red button, carnal!
But I'm more into someone
like you, Bella, baby.
Whoa! Whoa! Hey! Hey!
Stop this right now!
Me stop? Never.
GPS: In 200 meters,
take the first exit.
No, no, no!
Stop this!
Where you taking me?
Help. Help!
You really shouldn't drink
and drive, Brad.
Follow after Bella.
Tell me where she's gone.
Yes, sir.
Car Wars.
For the 86th time. Great.
Hey, can I get your autograph?
You know me?
Yeah! Wheely O'Wheels.
I'd recognize those headlights
Yeah, and your
registration number.
Thanks. Nice to meet you.
Excuse me.
Can you please...
I can't see the...
Miss Di Monetti,
what are you doing here?
It's Bella.
And I'm watching a movie,
with this being a cinema
and all.
Hilarious as well as cute.
I'm Wheely.
Are you okay to share?
Okay? I'm ecstatic, baby,
Keep it down, buddy!
I'm trying to watch
the movie here!
I am your father.
No! It can't be!
Accept the fact, Roadrider.
So what was it you wanted
to speak to me about earlier?
I just wanted to say sorry
for ruining your photo shoot
and to give you this.
Thanks! I was looking for it
Hey, you wanna grab a bite
after the movie?
It's quite late.
It's not far.
Good service guaranteed.
The lady who runs the place
likes me.
Oh, a ladies' man.
I should've guessed.
Shall we go now?
Here we are.
Home, sweet home.
Bella meet Momma.
Momma meet Bella.
The lady who likes you.
Wheely, you should've called.
Good to meet you, honey.
Come on, let's head inside.
Wow. You have a lot
of photos of Wheely.
Well, my baby always wins.
So I see.
I don't follow sports much.
Me neither, honey,
unless Wheely is involved.
So you two are
somethin'-somethin', hmm?
Momma, we went to a movie.
Your father and I
went to a movie.
That's how it starts, son.
Do I need to be thinking
about ordering confetti?
Getting a makeover
for the big day?
We're just friends,
Mrs. O'Wheels.
I already have a boyfriend.
And he's a millionaire.
Not that money is everything.
Yes, sir. Miss Di Monetti is
still inside the cafe with him.
What? Bring her back here
Aren't those stars amazing?
Yeah, amazing.
So how come you swapped racing
for being a taxi?
I had no choice.
There was a crash.
I got smashed up pretty bad.
Oh. It sounds like giving up
was a good move.
Racing is dangerous.
So are people trying
to film commercials
in the middle of a racetrack.
I'm serious.
I wouldn't want you to get hurt.
I mean, it would
upset your momma.
Clumsy. Don't mind me.
I'm just passing through.
I already promised Momma
I'd never race again.
And I won't.
I'll deal with it.
Hey, Bella, I'd really like it
if we could do this again.
Why not? I do like a car
who keeps his promises.
MOMMA: You make him promise
not to race ever again!
For you, I promise.
Trust me.
I got a feeling that
out of all my crushes...
I mean crashes...
today's is gonna be
the one I remember.
Mr. Hub-Bonnet
is waiting, miss.
Okay, I'm coming.
See you again, I hope.
There's always hope, child.
You come back
anytime you like, hear?
Bye, Mrs. O'Wheels.
Keep him safe.
Oh, you just
call me Momma, girl.
I'm in love.
What did I tell you about
being careful with the cars?
On the count of three.
Three, two...
- Huh?
Yes, Boss?
I asked for an Italian,
not an American!
Everyone knows Italians
are worth more than Americans.
Oh, we did what
you said to do, Boss.
The overrider must be broken.
The only thing
that will be broken is you,
if you don't fix this mess.
I saw the overrider working
perfectly with my own eyes
when I first tested it.
Well, the American's
on his way, Boss.
You still want him?
Send him over. You guys
track that Italian down.
Scratch that! Stay put, and I'll
track the Italian myself.
3, 2, 1.
Hah. That was smokin'.
Ben? What are you doing here?
How did you get in?
Bella, where have you been?
Out. I have my own life too,
I'm sorry. I don't know
how to say this,
but I've been doing
a lot of thinking.
What do you need
to think for, love?
You have me to do that.
Everything's going to be fine.
All this security's
freaking you out. I get that.
- You do?
- Yes!
On our honeymoon,
we'll be on a private island,
the only guests.
Peace and quiet guaranteed.
When was this decided?
Though we'll need bodyguards,
of course, and a chef or two.
And my valet,
my stylist, naturally, and...
You know what? It's late,
and I really need to rest now.
- Good night, Ben.
- Bella!
BEN: So tell me about
this taxi she met.
I can still hear you, Ben!
Are you coming to Hollywood?
I need a decision soon.
It's your dream,
and it's here waiting for you.
All you have to do
is be brave.
Hey. Hey!
I don't like heights!
Aw, man.
I don't like the lows.
I'm an American citizen!
Hey, I know my rights, man!
You just need to relax, man.
We've only got one spot left
on Crank.
I want the best for the last.
I want the Italian!
Yeah, I know.
Hello? Anyone out there?
This is a message
from Mr. Hub-Bonnet.
You're delivering mail
at two in the morning?
Mr. Hub-Bonnet requests
your participation
in a race through the streets,
just you and him.
If you win, you will receive
one million in cash.
Say what?
If you win, you will receive
one million in cash.
Mr. Hub-Bonnet will explain the
full details at the start line.
Gasket City clock tower,
5 a.m.
Nuh-uh. Sorry, buddy.
Tell your chief I'm retired.
No can do.
One million
in cash, cash, cash.
Uh, I'm retired, buddy.
One million
in cash, cash, cash.
Now, why you gotta repeat "cash"
so many times?
Thanks for coming, Putt Putt.
I got no one else to call.
You trust him, but still,
please keep eyes open.
Yeah? What you gonna do
if someone offered you
a million in cash?
And that money
would be good for Momma.
I mean, I gotta pay her back for
the fixes and the bail, don't I?
I gotta fix my axle, don't I?
Do not mistake temptation
for opportunity, Mr. Wheely.
No chance you can beat him.
He got power of six horses.
Wait a sec, Putt Putt.
Who says I gotta race?
Ain't nobody said nothing
about taking shortcuts.
And that's what I'm doing:
taking shortcuts.
We will race
from this clock tower
to the foot
of Gasket City Towers.
Winner takes all.
I figured you as more of
a couch-carburetor than a racer.
I might not be a racer,
but I always win.
Just get ready to pay up.
You goin' down.
Wait a minute.
What happens if you win?
Not that you will.
Well, if I win,
you'll stay away
from my girlfriend.
Putt Putt have greasy feeling
about this greasy situation.
Na na na, never
Never gonna get me
Na na na, never
Never gonna get me
Na na na, never
Now, there's one good thing
about being a taxi:
We know shortcuts
no one else knows.
Oops! My bad!
Oops! My bad!
Hang in there, Wheely.
Almost there.
Huh? One million
in cash, cash, cash
is all mine!
Yeah, I win!
Weird. I always figured
my first million
might be a little harder
to earn.
Stay right where you are.
Aw, bolts, not the cops!
You! Oh, you just don't
learn your lesson, do you?
I let you go,
and next minute,
you go and break the law
big time again.
I know how it looks like,
but this wasn't my idea.
It was a challenge.
It was...
Hello, Sergeant.
It was I who took
the liberty to call you
and inform you of this
preposterous law-breaking event.
What? You lie!
You sent your goon over
to ask me for a race
and promised me a million
in cash, cash, cash if I won.
I mean, do I look like
a common street racer?
I am so sorry, sir.
These young hooligans will say
anything to avoid justice.
I trust he won't do that.
Oh, no. He's going to be off
the road for a very long time.
Face it. You and me,
we're not in the same league.
Don't even dream
that Bella would ever want
anything to do
with the likes of you.
You're a loser, and you always
will be one, taxi boy.
It's reckless wrecks like you
that make this job worthwhile.
You shouldn't have let him go.
He's the one
who set this all up.
- He's to blame.
- Save it for your lawyer!
If you can afford one.
Yeah, of course.
I gotta make a call.
I'm entitled to one call, no?
I've seen it in the movies.
Yeah, well, this is real life.
Make it quick.
Better call your momma.
But she can't get you out
so easy this time.
- Hello?
- Bella, it's Wheely.
Hey, Wheely. What's up?
Sorry, but I have
to talk to you.
Are you all right?
What's wrong?
There was a race.
I have to go away for a while.
A race?
Wheely, you promised.
I... I needed
the prize money for...
You did this for money,
after all we talked about?
Wheely, I'm sorry.
I thought you were different.
But it was a fix.
Ben had...
And I needed the money
for Momma.
Okay, that's enough. Your friend
here has been caught taking part
in illegal racing, fly-posting,
driving with
a defective rear mirror,
sobbing like a baby...
Excuse me? Who is this?
I am Sergeant Street from
the Gasket City Police Station,
and your friend here is
an illegal street racer,
and he'll be going to prison
for a long time.
Let's go!
Are you coming to Hollywood?
I need a decision soon.
It's your dream,
and it's here waiting for you.
All you have to do
is be brave.
Why is it so darn hard to say
which photo I look best in?
Maybe I'll just
put them all in.
Ben, there's no easy way
to say this, but it's over.
Okay. I think I know
where this is coming from,
but you mustn't waste time
worrying about
that loser of a taxi.
It's not that.
I'm going to Hollywood.
I've been offered
the lead role in a movie.
What? You can't act.
I'm sorry?
Daddy will disinherit me
if I don't marry somebody.
I-I mean you.
You'll find someone else.
It shouldn't be too hard.
I know that deep down you're not
the arrogant, emotionless,
self-preening idiot
everyone says you are.
Thanks, I think.
But you and I aren't soulmates,
Ben, and we never will be.
Maybe not, but there's a life
of luxury here for you.
That isn't the life I want.
You're not the one I love.
You're insane!
Please, just think this through.
Uh, I am here for visit time.
[SOBBING] You wouldn't
have landed in here
if you'd just listened to me
and gone left instead of right.
Treasured friend!
Hey, Putt Putt.
You have no idea
how happy I am to see you.
Don't worry, Mr. Wheely.
Two days from now,
tomorrow will be yesterday.
It will be okay.
Yeah, well,
two days from now,
I'm still gonna be
sitting here.
So how did Momma take it?
I think Mr. Wheely
have much apologizing to do.
Daytime visit is now over.
Visiting hours for night visits
is from 6 to 8 pm.
Cheer up, Mr. Wheely.
This is for you.
Petro Oil Super Special.
More boom for your zoom.
Hey! No gifts for prisoners.
I'll take that.
Ah! Nice!
You're making more noise
than my ex-wife.
It's not me, man.
I'm right here.
Turn around, you losers!
Sorry, jefe.
We never saw you.
Are you sure
it's the Italian?
Not really,
but I can ask if you want.
Yes, it is, Boss.
We're ready to reel her in
anytime you want.
You say the word.
Okay, I'm saying it now.
The word.
Reel her in!
Anyone here?
Huh? Bella?
Is that you, baby?
I was just passing
and thought I'd...
Are you okay?
Not really.
You know Wheely ain't here.
If only he kept his promise
to us both.
Why did he do it, Momma?
Why did he agree to race?
I suppose you can't take the
racer out of a car like Wheely.
I've tried.
It's a part of who he is.
I guess.
Sorry for keeping you.
I should get going.
I've a plane to catch.
A plane?
I've got a job in Hollywood.
I'll be away a long time.
Can you say goodbye to Wheely
for me, Momma?
I just can't face him
right now.
My broken engine
can't take it no more.
You can go, child.
You go.
All right, Momma.
Maybe there's time
for one last goodbye.
GPS: Drive 1,200 meters
to join main highway.
Target on the move.
Destination: Detour.
Miss Bella very good
at driving backwards.
Help! I'm out of control!
I take back my words!
No! Help!
Okay, don't be nervous.
They're just regular Joes
like me.
Except maybe him...
and him.
Who am I kidding?
These guys ain't like me.
They're bank robbers,
arsonists, car-nappers or...
Much, much worse.
You see that guy over there?
He used to be a politician!
Something tells me prison and I
ain't gonna get along too well.
Prisoner Wheely O'Wheels.
- Yo?
- You got a visitor.
Now, who'd want to visit me?
Putt Putt?
He just visited me.
Momma? Nah. She's probably
disowned me by now.
Okay, Wheely, come on now.
You da man with the plan.
The king of da rims.
Nobody is smoother.
You are the number one mover.
Hey, baby, I'm so, so...
- Putt Putt?
- Baby?
What are you doing here again?
Where's Bella?
Putt Putt?
She driving backwards on road,
like this.
Huh? What?
She say she cannot
control herself.
Help! Help! Aah!
What you saying?
I think she been car-napped
Mr. Wheely.
- Are you sure, Putt Putt?
- I was there.
It's sure as the sun shines
in the day
and the stars come out
at night.
Sometimes the stars don't
come out. Anyway, she gone.
Oh, no. No, no, no!
I need to find her.
I have to find her.
I gotta get out of here.
Do you know who took her?
I mean, what did you see?
Describe him.
Some mean-looking truck
with Torque Town number plates.
Torque Town? No way.
This gets worse.
You gotta bust me
out of here, buddy.
Why you think I come?
Putt Putt to control.
Do you read me?
Control to Putt Putt. Yes!
Package is ready to go.
Why you whisper?
Shh. Over.
All right, folks,
play time's over.
Back into your cells.
Are you sure about this,
Putt Putt?
No, but we must try, yes?
You bet.
Hey, I warned you last time.
No gifts for prisoners.
I'll have to confiscate this.
Hey, that tastes kinda...
kinda weird.
You like stay around, get girl,
win races, have nice life?
Sure, but...
Then take cover. Now!
And that is why you don't mix
diesel with petrol.
And kerosene and benzene
and water and...
What is the meaning of this?
Do you know how many regulations
you just broke?
Under Section 72, Code 6B,
underage trucks are
not allowed to smoke.
What have you got to say
for yourself, young man?
- Attention, all units.
There has been a riot
at Gasket City Prison.
Requesting all units to backup.
A prison riot.
This is it.
One last chance
for Sergeant Street
to go out with a bang.
Yes! Two tickets to freedom,
That's right, Mr. Wheely.
We shall be free like...
like, uh, butterflies!
Go, go, go!
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
You are too large.
Too large!
Ow! Ow!
Please tell me
you have a plan B.
Plan B? No.
I was anticipating success.
This is not good.
This is not good.
It's getting dark.
Save yourself.
Tell Momma that I love her.
Putt Putt, you're my brother
from another mother and father.
Tell Bella that I...
They don't call me Wheely
for nothin'.
Too slow.
Stop! Police!
You guys get out of here.
I'm free!
That sound no good.
- Ha ha! All is well.
Rest of you please to follow
Putt Putt.
They escaped into the tunnels.
Thanks, guys. I wouldn't be here
without your help.
Now scram before the cops
figure out who you are.
So where you go now?
To Torque Town...
to find Bella.
Then I will come too.
Powering up
the delta ray scanners.
Time to process
our latest guest.
What do you mean, process?
Move it!
Engine: 70,000.
Chassis: 90,000.
Upholstery: 30,000.
CD Fifty Greatest Love Songs:
one dollar.
- Ha ha!
- What the...
That is not mine.
I bought it for... That is...
Listen, are you quite finished?
Total profit of vehicle:
Scan ended.
Excuse me?
Ha ha! Excellent!
Take her to the holding area,
and careful not to scratch
the paintwork.
Don't you dare touch me.
Ooh! Feisty like a chili.
Enchi-ladies first.
This enchi-lady is gonna
make us money, Boss.
True, but I think
we'll get double
if we sell her
How are we gonna
find Bella in time?
Yeah, and nobody knows us
in Torque Town.
Maybe we try lost and found.
Oh, wait a minute!
I got an idea.
Let's call the police.
Putt Putt, we just ran
from the police.
You crazy?
We on the wanted list.
We gotta keep on the down low.
We goin' underground.
We need... disguises.
Yes, disguises!
Ha ha!
She's a friend of yours?
Sure, she is.
Next you'll be telling me
you're a racing car.
This is pointless.
How am I ever
going to find Bella?
We just two of us.
Torque Town so big.
It'll take a thousand Wheelys
to find Miss Bella.
Hold on. That's it!
You come up with
the best ideas
when you're not thinking,
Putt Putt, which is always.
I know just the place
to find a thousand Wheelys.
- Hi. I want the number
of every taxi office
in Torque Town, please.
Yes, you heard right.
Ah, I knew this was
a prank call.
The joker that got us here's
gonna pay for this.
No, they won't.
[LAUGHS] You get it?
Hi. Hello. Everybody?
Are you the jerk that got us
out here on a wild goose chase?
That's me.
We should have him arrested.
Now y'all, just chill.
Just chill.
I called you all here
because you're just like me:
ordinary guys, working taxis,
making a living.
And I need your help.
You'll need an ambulance
when we're finished with you!
An ambulance?
I used to date an ambulance.
It was a wreck from the start.
No, please!
I need help to find
my girlfriend.
She's been car-napped.
Bella di Monetti
is your girlfriend?
He's crazy!
A ride like her wouldn't be
seen dead with a ride like him.
Why us?
Why not call the police?
Well, that's a long story.
A jailbird!
I should've known.
I was framed. Please, guys.
You're the eyes and ears
of the street.
No one could pass through here
without y'all knowing.
And why should we get mixed up
in some rich car business?
What did they ever do for us,
huh, fellas?
Telling me,
what have they ever done?
- They never tip.
- That's for sure.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we are gathered here as the
kings and queens of the road.
When have we ever judged anybody
by the gleam of their chrome
or their engine size?
Shame on all of you.
All vehicles are born equal
in the eyes of the maker.
No, no, wait! Please!
You're my last hope!
In your sleep, Wheely!
Do I know you?
The cinema, remember?
Oh, yeah.
You're the only one
who's ever recognized me.
Look, if it's any help,
I took a fare to the docks
yesterday, an out-of-towner.
And I think I saw your friend
being loaded onto
a rust-bucket ship called Crank.
I wouldn't mess with those guys,
When they say
they wanna break you,
you'd better hope
they'll do it quick.
Bella's in danger?
I have to save her,
no matter what.
- Can you bring me there?
- Yes, I can.
I was about to head
in that direction anyway.
Putt Putt come along too.
Putt Putt, stay put.
But really, Wheely?
Listen, Putt Putt, it's gonna be
a dangerous mission,
and I need to ride this one out
without you.
You've been the best buddy
any car could have,
and I don't wanna lose you.
Okay, here I go.
Thanks for
helping me out here, Amy.
Are you sure
you're up for this?
Remember, once you're inside,
follow the yellow line
to find Harbor Nine.
I'll remember.
Hey, hit reverse, mijo.
This is private property.
Yeah, beat it!
Sorry. I had a call to drop off
a delivery to Harbor Nine.
This is Harbor Nine?
What delivery?
How would I know?
I just make the delivery.
It sounded urgent.
Okay, you wait there.
I'll go check.
What's the problem?
Main gate here.
Some taxi
with Gasket City plates
with a delivery
for Harbor Nine.
What taxi? What delivery?
What harbor?
Taxi? Gasket City? Wheely!
Tell him to shove off.
He's got it wrong.
Typical taxi. Hmmph!
Hey, can you
keep the noise down?
Some of us are trying
to get our beauty sleep.
No delivery wanted here.
Okay, then.
Well, I guess I should be off.
See ya.
- Yeah.
- Hey, stop him!
Calling all taxis
in the harbor district.
We have a colleague
in need of our assistance!
I've heard of going for a spin,
but that was ridiculous.
I think I finally lost them.
Okay, you need
to stop moving.
We're tired
of playing catch, ese.
You ain't going to be picking up
any more fares, carnal.
So you coming with us?
Or... you coming with us?
Hold it, buddy!
Ain't nobody taking
my brother taxi anywhere.
Says who?
You called, Amy?
What took you so long?
If you creeps want
my friend over there,
you'll have to
go through us first.
You hear that, Rumble?
She wants us
to go through her.
With pleasure!
Wheely, go find your lady love.
We can't hold
these tin cans up forever.
I'm on it.
Thank you, Amy!
That's it!
Follow the yellow line
to find Harbor Nine.
What the...
It must be here.
Well, I guess there's only
one way to find out.
Oh, Mr. Frank.
Hey, aren't you the little bike
with the broken racecar?
One year ago.
What are you doing
back here again?
How's your friend doing?
Putt Putt got no friend.
Oh, sorry.
I thought you were
that little bike
with the friend
who broke his axle.
I found a replacement part,
and I was gonna get him
to come by.
Mr. Wheely got no time.
He on dangerous mission.
His girlfriend got car-napped,
and now Mr. Wheely
gone to save her.
Well, there's only one truck
who does that in Torque Town,
and let me tell you,
he is one mean trucker.
I think your friend
needs help.
But Mr. Wheely tell Putt Putt
to stay put.
Hmm. "A friend in need
is a friend indeed."
[GASPS] Maybe Wheely
needs Putt Putt help.
Uh, Putt Putt don't know way.
Mr. Frank show way?
Hmm. It appears we have
a visitor.
A crazed taxi.
Not exactly a worry,
but a good chance to check out
the new security system.
- Computer!
- Ready to assist.
Let's mix up the pieces
a little, shall we?
Why do I feel like someone's
playing me like a video game?
Well, that was fun!
This is a really bad idea.
No such thing as bad idea,
Mr. Frank.
Is how you do the idea
that makes it good or bad.
Okay, kid, whatever you say.
Now you go that way,
and I'll go this way.
Mr. Frank not going
to help Putt Putt?
Now, what you doing here?
Enough intruders already.
We should get a pay raise.
I agree, carnal.
Now get inside.
Not you, menso!
Where are they taking us?
Miss Bella, is that you?
Sorry. If it's an autograph
you want, you're out of luck.
No, no. I'm Putt Putt,
friend of Mr. Wheely.
I'm sure he tell you
all about me.
Is Wheely here?
I knew it!
He was the taxi
who showed up earlier.
But where is he now?
I not know, but I do know
he our only hope.
No, no!
You need to do better
than that
if you're gonna stop
Wheely O'Wheels.
But you don't have to.
Good, but not good enough.
give me manual override.
Manual override initiated.
We have to get out of here
before I get chopped up
like the rest.
No chop chop.
Mr. Frank, can you open door?
I can try.
Oh, no.
This is... impossible!
BEN: Face it.
You and me,
we're not even
in the same league.
Don't even dream that Bella
would ever want
anything to do
with the likes of you.
You're a loser, and you always
will be one, taxi boy.
Oh, yeah?
We'll see about that.
If you can't beat 'em,
join 'em!
Come on, Wheely,
you have the speed,
you've got the strength,
and also a junky axle,
but you have the will.
Well, that was
a smashing success.
It's working! It's...
Whoa. Whoa!
Stay on track, Wheely.
Yeah! I can do it.
I'm the man.
A little bit more.
Don't try this at home, kids!
Aw, yeah! Who da man?
I'm the man, all right?
Thank you, thank you!
Did anyone see that?
Come and get me.
Now's about the time when
the hero's gotta drive away
real slow, with a cool face,
while everything comes crumbling
down behind him in slow-mo.
Ha ha! Yeah!
No explosions? Really?
Later, Torque Town.
You ain't going nowhere
with Bella.
Whoa, whoa! What the...
You might have been
tricky to find,
but justice always wins
in the end. Clamp him!
No, wait!
You're making a big mistake.
I'm not the one you should
be cuffing. It's them!
That gang of law-breaking,
violent car-nappers.
They're the bad guys.
You have a very vivid imag...
What? Car-nappers?
Stop in the name of the law!
- It's the cops.
Crank it up,
on the double!
Okay, Boss.
Ja makin' me smoke it up.
Thanks to the police,
that idiot taxi
won't ever
catch up with us now!
We're starting to move.
From motions in stomach,
it would seem so.
Sea sickness.
- Apologies in advance.
- Follow me.
Focus on the ramp,
not the water.
Water? Where?
One, two, three, jump!
We made it! We're alive!
But where is Miss Bella?
She didn't make it.
Mr. Wheely, so sorry.
We did our best.
So you've seen her?
Yes. She still on board.
Please, Sergeant Street,
let me go.
I'm begging you.
I need to save her.
I can't lose her now.
- Officer?
- Ma'am?
- Swing.
- Swing?
- Swing?
- Swing?
Swing! That's an order!
Yes, ma'am.
Faster, faster!
What are you doing, Officer?
- You make him dizzy.
- It's "Sergeant!"
Now... release!
Go get her, son.
Anything, but not the water!
Hey, did somebody order a taxi?
Crank, full speed ahead.
You got that, man.
Uh, not gonna make it.
Bella, hold on, I'm coming!
Hah! See now?
Why didn't anyone tell me
how fun flying was?
Wow. That was
quite an entrance.
Racers, we like
to put on a show.
Bella, look out!
Hold on! I'm coming!
This ship is First Class only.
You'll pay for this,
you crook!
This really is too easy
to be any fun.
We'll both go down together.
So this is the famous Kaiser,
king of the car-nappers
and the crowning glory
of my career.
Okay, boys, clamp him.
Slap my face.
- Ow! Why you do that?
- You just said...
It's a catchphrase.
It's Putt Putt catchphrase.
Everyone knows
it's my catchphrase.
But what about
Wheely and Bella?
They went for a swim
to the bottom of the ocean!
Take him away.
Don't worry. We'll dredge
the sea bed until we find them.
Look! Ship still afloat!
You promise to tell the cops
I'm the one who helped save you.
Remember, it was Crank
who stopped you
from falling into water.
And sorry I couldn't
save your bumper.
Sorry about your pal.
Wheely, can you hear me?
Wake up, Wheely.
I shouldn't have gotten you
into this mess.
It's all my fault.
Please, just wake up.
I don't want to lose you,
you big klutz.
I... love you too.
What? Wheely!
- Bella...
- What?
I thought you were dead.
Are we dead? Am I in heaven?
But wait.
Why is there fire?
Wheely. I was about
to fall over, but Crank...
Well, here we are
at the first race
of this new
street race season,
which sees the return
of Wheely O'Wheels
in his fresh new looks.
Look at that gleaming
yellow and black
with a little bit of white.
He's a taxi.
Yes, I-I know.
And he'll be battling again
with his old foe, Jay Lo.
That's Joe Flo.
Sorry for my co-commentator's
slip of the tongue.
Yeah, well, no one's perfect.
You should know.
Back to the race now.
And Jay Lo...
I mean Joe Flo...
has hit the front.
- No!
- I'm afraid so.
But Wheely O'Wheels
still has a chance in this,
the final stage of the race.
Now that I've fixed his axle,
he'd better win this race.
Your son make good,
Mrs. Momma.
My son's always good,
whether he wins or not.
I second that.
It was so good of you to come
just for this race, Bella.
I wouldn't miss it
for the world.
Besides, I have some time off
before my next movie.
What you doing, boy?
Pop those pistons
like you mean it!
Did that momma just...
I think she did.
- She said...
- I heard what she said.
So you say you know Wheely,
Madam Officer?
It's "Captain!"
That racer taxi foiled a global
car-napping ring, my boy.
We should all be grateful.
I want you to become like
Wheely O'Wheels. Immediately!
Good to have you back
on the track, Wheely.
I see you're now racing
in your taxi colors.
Well, as my momma says,
"It ain't about
what's on the outside.
It's the inside that counts."
You mean you like
my new leather interior?
Hey, like I said:
All cars are created equal.
I just prefer
black and white checks.