When A Man Falls In The Forest (2007)

Oh. Oh, yeah.
You and I went to the same...
You and I went to...
We--we went--
Hey, can you just
kind of shut her down,
shut her down for a s--
You and I--you and I
went to the same high school.
You went to my high school,
didn't you?
Ridge Valley High.
And, yeah, we were
in the same grade.
You remember me?
Maybe. I--
You're--you're Bill, right?
Did you just start
working here or--
I haven't seen you around.
I've been here eight years.
Yeah, well, I guess--
Yeah, I'm never
usually here this late,
so I didn't...
That's amazing.
Wow, Ridge Valley High.
Yeah, well, hey,
great to see you.
I'll--I'll see you around.
You're good to go, Bill.
and more snow.
We're expecting
a lot of snow next week,
so get out the snowshoes
and shovel.
And if you do have to travel,
make sure to keep
those tire chains handy
and take a little extra time
to get there safe.
Coming up next...
Yeah, hey, it's Gary.
Wow, hey.
How long--
I haven't talked to you--
What has it been,
like, four years?
Yeah, I know.
Well, hey...
Come on.
Come on; come on.
Go. Go, go, go.
Oh, come on!
Come on, do you believe that?
Come on, guys.
He had that.
He was wide open.
Ever since
he hurt his shoulders,
throws have been so off.
mid-season he's still...
Hey, you all right?
Yeah, why?
I don't know.
You just seem
a little out of it.
No, no, I'm just...
tired a little bit.
Long week and...
Well, I'm gonna get going.
Oh, whoa, hey.
We just got here.
I haven't seen you
in four years.
Come on. Come on.
Have one more.
All right.
You know,
what's been going on?
How's--how's work?
Work's--work's good.
Kind of a funny thing.
I ran into a guy
we went to school with.
Bill, you remember Bill?
A sort of a quiet guy,
kept to himself, Bill.
We picked on him
all the time.
Well, get this.
He's a janitor
at the place I work.
He's a night janitor.
You serious?
Yeah, and he's exactly
the same guy.
He hasn't changed at all
since high school.
He kind of mumbles to himself,
stares at the ground.
That's funny. That's funny.
Wow, Bill.
Hey, hey, hey.
How's Karen, by the way?
Karen, yeah, she's--
Yeah, she's Karen.
Hey, whatever happened?
What do you mean?
You know, we--we used to see
each other every weekend almost.
Come to the house,
Sitting in the back,
hanging out.
Will and his friends
would be there,
And we'd be barbecuing.
Hey, this weekend,
You come to my house,
we get some steaks
and we fire up
that old barbecue.
It'll be like old times.
All right.
You want another one?
Yeah, have one.
We'll do one more.
Is Dave there?
No, I think you've got
the wrong number.
Oh, I'm sorry. Thanks.
Is Dave there?
No, you've got
the wrong number.
Oh, is this--
Finally. Hey, it's me.
How are you?
It's funny.
I just kept dialing
the wrong number.
Somebody else kept answering.
I think I'm losing my mind.
So how's everything going?
Yeah, good.
Where'd you guys
end up going?
Oh, just went out,
They didn't come out with you?
Yeah, they did.
Well, did--
you sound weird.
I do?
Yeah, it doesn't sound
like you.
Think you have
the wrong number.
So is Todd
spending the night tonight?
Mom, he's bringing over
his video game system.
And there's this one game
I really want to play.
Uh, hey, guys.
Uh, I--I...
I really appreciate this, guys.
I don't know
what's wrong with my legs.
They don't seem
to be working today.
Usually they're
pretty dependable.
I don't have an idea
why this is happening,
but every now and then,
something like this
does happen, I guess.
I don't know,
I can't or something.
I remember once
I was in the third--
# When I need someone
who cares, #
# I find you're always there #
# every time I pine for you. #
# When my castle
turns to sand, #
# you're there
to hold my hand. #
# much more
than only friend. #
# Much more than lovers. #
# There will be a lucky star #
# shining above us. #
# Time and time again, #
# I will hold you
close to me. #
# So close we will be, #
# like one for always
and always #
# and time and time again. #
How was your day?
Something wrong?
Oh, I don't know.
You just seem--
I don't know--
Everything is perfectly fine.
Anybody can do
whatever they want to do
around here, right?
Well, there's
no one else here, Karen.
Well, that's right.
I mean, and you don't--
You don't--
I don't what?
What? What?
I'm not doing this.
No, come on, what?
I don't what?
I'm keeping my mouth shut.
You just--
You just do whatever it is
you want to do.
Why don't you
just go ahead,
walk out of the room
like you always do,
Like you normally do,
just walk right out of here.
Everything is my fault.
It is an insult to the cook
To put too much barbecue sauce
on your food.
The psychology behind it is,
the food isn't good enough
on its own,
so you've got to cover it
with a whole bunch of mess
to get a good flavor
but not this.
I did not know that.
Looks like
you're cooking up a storm.
I would've had one
on here for you
If I knew you were there.
Maybe next time.
You bet. Take care.
She likes you.
She's very friendly.
Well, she was friendly to you,
not to me.
Well, it's 'cause I know her.
Is she married?
I don't think so.
Well, you should ask her out.
Well, I don't know
about that.
Have you been on a date
in the last four years?
Uh...Not really.
So the last time I remember
you going on a date then
would be before...
before the accident.
Started driving again or...
I don't have a car.
Do you have a phone?
I need to call my mom.
No, sorry.
Do you know
if they have one downstairs?
Hey, Erik.
Hi, Mr. Curtis.
Is something wrong?
I can't get inside.
Locked yourself out?
You're locked out?
Here, maybe I can do it.
Come here,
show you a little trick.
I do this myself
a couple of times
when I lock myself out.
Take a credit card,
slip it in,
wiggle it around...
there you go.
Thanks, Mr. Curtis.
No problem.
Tell your mom and dad
I said hi.
Tell your mom and dad
I said hi.
Tell your mom and dad
I said hi.
So you were licensed
in the State of Delaware, right?
So how can the government
say it was wrong for you
to practice architecture?
I initiated business
before I had
the physical license document.
I passed the test,
but apparently
that doesn't matter.
And you can get fined
for that?
You can go to jail for that.
This is pretty serious,
okay, you know?
I mean, I--
and if I don't go to jail,
I'll probably lose my job,
and I don't think the company's
gonna protect me, so...
Sounds like a kafka novel.
That's crazy.
Hey there, Bill.
How's everything going?
Hey, you work here
all night or...
Yeah, every day, huh?
Yeah, just Sunday
to Friday.
Man, I don't know--
I don't know how you do it.
I mean, I--I don't think
I could do that,
Stay up all night
and everything.
You get used to it.
Yeah, I guess it's just like,
you know, anything else, huh?
Now, what does that do
for, you know, like--
you know, with your wife--
I mean--
you know, it seems
like everybody just--
Bill, you all right?
I just have to--
are you--
something wr--
did I s--
Could you...
Hey, listen, if I said something
to upset you or something,
I just, you know...
Oh, I'm gonna get this.
Have a good weekend,
all right?
Yes, yes.
Why are you
always nagging me?
You come home.
You nag, you nag, you nag.
I'm not nagging.
Do you know how hard I work,
and I've got to put up
with this?
What kind of father are you?
Look at you.
# When I go, #
# a sky of blue,
a pale breeze, #
# as if god knew permanence #
# has graced this thought. #
# A silent prayer, #
# an open wound,
a melody. #
# That I renew
with who I am #
# and who I was then. #
# I am true... #
# as I am born in you. #
I hate you!
# and you are all alone. #
Sadie, shut up!
# and you are more than now. #
# In love again
with the girl. #
# A smile, I'll feign. #
Are you okay?
You say something?
Are you okay?
Your eye looks bruised.
No, I'm fine.
I heard you guys
fighting before.
Oh, that's nothing.
I'm sorry
if we're being too loud.
No. No, it's fine.
Yeah, because
you're so quiet,
and I hardly ever see you
coming or going.
I didn't even know
you exist.
Thank you.
Well, it was nice
meeting you.
Thank you.
# To a man going up suddenly #
# whose life is touched #
# by a ray of happiness. #
# Can you guess? #
# There's no way out
but to climb halfway in. #
# The other half
is left to rot in the sun. #
# I am true, #
# as I am born in you. #
# And you are all alone. #
# And we are more than now. #
# Yes, we are more than now. #
# We are more than now. #
The average person
sleeps for 20 years
over the course of a lifetime.
Six of those years
are spent dreaming.
The scientific term
for being aware
that you are dreaming
is lucid dreaming.
Once you become lucid,
it is possible
to actively control your dreams.
Some people
can naturally do this.
For others,
it must be learned.
Small windows of time exist
during the ritual of sleep
when it is possible
to begin lucid dreaming.
But it can become a door
to another world
where you have
complete control,
a world
where your wildest fantasies
can come true.
I didn't know
you were gonna be here.
Well, somebody
has to get groceries.
No, I know, but I didn't know
where you'd gone.
You didn't leave a note or...
Can I look at what you got,
because we probably shouldn't be
buying the same thing?
Well, why don't you
just eat what you get
and I'll eat what I get?
How about that?
What, are you
just gonna follow me
around the store
all night?
Yeah, I used to do it
all the time
when we first started dating.
Yeah, I used to--
wherever we'd go,
I'd walk behind you.
You never noticed?
Why would you do that?
Well, I liked how
every single guy
would be, you know,
looking at you,
every one that would go by,
and, you know, you were mine.
Don't do that.
Oh, well, well, well.
Oh, yeah.
Embarrassing me.
Are you married?
I used to count--
I used to count
Each one
that used to go by.
One. There's goes one.
There goes another one.
Don't do that.
What? Do what?
Look around.
Would you look around?
You see anybody looking at me?
Do you?
Do you see anybody
looking at me?
Yeah, I know you used
to do that,
and I know
when you stopped doing it too
and everybody else
stopped doing it.
come on, come on.
That's when you stopped.
Leave me alone.
In order to lucid dream,
you must first remember
your dreams.
It is necessary
to start a journal,
keeping a daily log
of your dreams.
You will start
to recognize patterns
and reoccurring
When dreaming,
these characteristics
can be used
to help tell yourself
that you are,
in fact, dreaming.
This will facilitate lucidity.
Yeah, it's--
It's the same material
as my cleaning gloves.
Can I buy a hotdog here too?
Building's falling down.
I forgot my clothes.
That's right, folks.
You will get everything,
I mean absolutely everything,
for $19.99.
If you call right now,
we'll throw in our bonus gift.
We've got copper
condiment shakers.
Holy cow, it's a $50 value.
Can you believe it?
Call now.
Can I help you?
Oh, yeah, I'm looking for--
I'm looking for a sleeping aid,
Over here.
They're all over here.
Which ones you looking for?
Anything. Just anything.
Just something that will,
you know--
I use these.
Take a couple of these
before you go to sleep.
You're out
like a coma patient.
Mm-hmm, you use these, huh?
Yeah, from time to time.
They're good,
because you don't get
that sluggishness
in the mornings.
That's the problem
with some of them.
Sure, sure.
You fall asleep,
and then you can't wake up.
Yeah. Yeah, where are those?
You know, the...
Let's go find those.
I'm not sure
if my supervise--I--
Oh, just--
I can show them to you.
I don't know if that--
Let's get some
of those puppies.
There's no harm in looking.
Hey, what are you
doing up there?
Just replacing the shingles.
Oh, replacing some shingles.
Hey, when you're done up there,
will you come do my house?
I got to do the whole roof.
Hey, what do you think
yonight we go get
a couple of drinks?
Must be the tar.
Must be the what?
Yeah, I remember
when I was a kid
I was helping my mom
bring groceries to the car.
And it was summer,
and I remember the smell
of the hot asphalt.
I guess the tar of the shingles
reminds me of that.
I don't want a st--
are you listening to me?
I don't want a store credit.
I want a refund.
Sir, I don't know what else
we can do for you.
Okay, is your manager here?
Can I talk to him or her?
Well, I'm
the store manager, sir.
You're the manager.
Uh, 'cause I have
to tell you,
you really don't know
what you're doing.
Well, I've been--
I've been here
for seven years, sir.
Seven years?
Seven years?
That's great.
That's great.
I'm sorry.
You've been here
seven years, great.
Everyone, just stand back.
The big man's in charge.
Things happen
when he's around.
Sir, would you like
store credit or not?
Just take 'em, okay?
Come over here.
Is anyone home?
I'll be quiet.
Come here.
Look at this.
What is it?
Are you Bill?
I'm Officer Porter.
If I can have moment
of your time,
I'd like to ask you
a couple questions.
About what?
If I can get you to come down
to the station, then--
Is this about my neighbors?
I heard them fighting before.
Is she okay?
I'd just like to talk.
We've had some complaints
from some of your neighbors.
Complaints from my neighbors,
what do you mean?
We just need
to clear up a few things.
Is she okay?
Did she tell you
I talked to her?
Well, first things first,
What did you do
this afternoon?
I was sleeping
this afternoon.
Most of the time,
I was sleeping.
You sleep during the day?
I work at night.
I'm a janitor.
What did my neighbors say?
I'm not get into
specifics here.
My neighbors
made complaints about--
Okay, sir, look,
I don't know anything about you,
but your record's clean.
What are you tal--
So if we can just keep it that way.
My record?
What are you talking about?
Look, don't bother
the other tenants.
I don't bother them.
Don't harass anyone,
and don't threaten anyone.
I don't--
Wait, did she think
I was gonna hurt her
or something?
The woman
who lives next door to me.
You threatened
a couple of children.
That's why you're here.
What are you talking about?
They said you attacked them
in the hallway
and you chased after them
with a bat.
They broke into my apartment.
A couple of ten-year-olds...
Broke into your apartment.
Yes, they did.
Did you leave
the door unlocked?
No, I--no.
Then how'd they get inside?
I don't know.
I just brought you down here
to talk, okay?
I'm not saying one thing
or another.
Raped her,
her husband.
Her husband raped her.
Sir, if I can get you
to keep yourself out of trouble,
you'll save us both
some time.
I heard--he beats her.
They live next door to me.
I heard--I heard him beat her.
I heard her scream.
I heard he raped her.
Sir, are you listening to me?
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean
to go into your room
and look through your stuff.
I'll never do it again.
It was wrong,
and I'm sorry.
Can I go now?
Go to your room.
Can I play nintendo?
No nintendo for a month.
But, Mom.
Go now.
I don't even know
what to say.
I'm so sorry.
If I were you,
I would've slammed the door
in my face already, but--
Well, I brought you this.
Oh, it's just--
I don't know, I listen to it.
You've probably heard me
playing the tape during the day.
Thank you.
And I would like to invite you
over for dinner tomorrow night.
I can't.
I work at night.
Okay, well, this weekend, too,
maybe, if you're around,
We'd love to have you over.
I don't know.
I don't think so,
but I don't know.
Okay, well,
it's an open invitation.
And, again, I'm very sorry,
But it was nice
seeing you again.
You all right?
Yeah. Why, why, why?
What do you want?
Hey, are you sick?
Do you need--
do you need help?
You want me to get a doctor?
God, no.
What do you mean, do I need--
I--jeez, you know what?
What's the matter with you?
What's the matter with you?
What do you mean,
what's the matter with me?
What's the matter
with you?
What is that supposed to mean?
Do you know
what your life is?
You wake up
And then you go to work
and then you come home.
And you just try really hard
not to disturb anyone.
It's like you don't exist,
you know?
It's really kind of--
it's really kind of sad.
What would you like me to do?
I can't change what happened.
It was seven years ago,
and it wasn't your fault.
She ran a light.
She went out
in the intersection.
You know, but you--
You just choose to carry around
this guilt for something
that you didn't even cause.
Is that what you think?
Is that--you think I'm afraid?
Oh, no, no, I think
you're a shining example
of someone who's dealt
with their problems.
Hey, you know why
I sleep all the time?
Uh, so that I don't have to deal
with Karen or work
or anything, really,
any of this.
So I don't need--
I don't need you to come in here
and lecture me.
Just go.
Leave me alone, okay?
Sheryl, you're needed
in women's wear.
Sheryl, can you report
to women's wear?
She'd like that, I think.
That's for her--
You like that better
than the one--
Better for her.
Can I see the price tag
on that?
Those tank tops,
are those on sale too?
Dan to the shoe department,
Dan to the shoe department.
Ma'am, do you mind
if I take a look in these bags?
Where are we going?
To pick up your son.
He gets home today
for winter break, remember?
What's wrong?
You tell me.
I don't know.
Then why are you
staying at work
Till 10:00 at night
every night?
Okay, um, I-I-I--
Is anything
ever gonna change?
I mean, some things
are different,
but it's really all the same.
All right, listen to me.
I'm not mad, okay?
I'm not mad.
You'll just go sleep
on the couch.
Because I just don't want
to do this anymore...
Not if it's gonna be the same
thing day in and day out.
Listen, Karen,
I avoid things, you know?
I mean, I avoid--
I--I avoid things, you know?
You know, when I think that--
I feel like
You're upset about something,
you know, I--
I--you know, I--
I'm not gonna pretend
I know things when I don't,
just not gonna do that
for the sake of--
I--look, I know things
are gonna be different.
Things are gonna be different,
very different, okay?
Nothing's gonna change.
And if I'm gonna be alone,
I want to live alone.
Wait, what--what do you mean?
I mean, I think
it would be better
if we live apart.
I really do.
So--so--so that's just it?
I mean--I mean...
I think we should go in.
Wow, there he is.
Oh, hey, let me--
let me get these for you.
Well, I can get one of them.
No, no, I got them.
So how are you guys?
Still looks the same.
We're glad to have you home.
Wait, you going
to bed already?
I have to get up early.
What for?
I'm going to bed.
Hey, Karen.
Try to keep this a secret.
We bought this card
for Adam and Lindsay,
sort of a company gift.
Hello, thanks for holding.
You're not gonna sign it?
No, thanks.
Burnham and Taylor,
this is Karen.
Hey, it's me.
Hey, listen,
can you just tell me
what's going on?
She didn't want to sign it.
Why not?
Look, Gary, I'm at work.
I can't talk about this here.
I'm hanging up.
No, no, no, no, no.
Oh, no, it's taken care of.
Don't worry about it.
Burnham and Taylor,
this is Karen.
Look, all I was saying
was that I think that we nee--
Look, Gary, I'm in the middle
of my lunch break,
And I don't really feel
like spending it
talking to you about this,
so I'm hanging up.
Hi, this is Karen.
Leave a message,
and I'll get back to you
as soon as possible.
Karen, all right, listen to me.
I screwed up, okay?
And there are some things
that, you know, I regret.
I-I think I've taken
for granted, you know,
that you would be there
when I got home.
I think that I took for granted
all the times
that you would act happy,
you know,
and try to get me out of--
When I was in a bad mood
or something.
And I took adv--
I took for granted
that you would offer
to spend your life with me.
And I think I prevented you,
you know, from, you know,
doing certain things--
Career, 'cause I know
how important it is to you.
But, you know,
you gave it up
so you could be--you could be
at home with our son.
And, you know,
I know that prevented you
from getting to where
you wanted to be with work
but you never once single comp--
You know, one time
complained about it.
You know,
you just quietly accepted it,
because you were willing
to compromise for me.
And I took it all for granted.
And now I see you
becoming this whole new person
without me,
and that's the thing that's
just killing me, you know,
because I want
to be there, you know?
I want to be there
by your side.
And I know that I have
this kind of like--
put on this,
like, macho bravado,
and I never talk about,
you know,
my feelings
and stuff like that,
but nothing
makes sense anymore.
Nothing makes sense without you,
because, I mean, look--
You know, I know
that I am--I'm--
I don't think I'm anything more
or less than I see in your eyes.
And I--I'm sorry.
I--you know,
I wasn't there for you,
and, you know, I'm sorry
I went on
all these different times
about personal stuff at work
and--you know, I'm sorry
about that, you know.
And, you know--and I know
it's selfish of me to, you know,
Say that I don't want
to see you leave me,
but that's just it.
I mean, I want to know
about your day, Karen.
I want to know
about, you know, everything
that's going with you.
I want to wake up
with you next to me.
I want to know about
every last little minute detail
of your life,
because I am interested in it.
I know that this one single
phone call is not gonna--
you know, it's not gonna,
you know, fix everything.
I understand that
and everything,
but if you
could just understand
that I am gonna listen to you
from now on.
I'm gonna listen to you
about everything.
And I'm gonna change,
things are gonna be different,
and, you know, you don't have
to call me back.
I know how busy--I mean, you can
call me back if you want,
but we can also talk
about this stuff,
You know, at home
and everything.
But, you know,
I just wanted to--
Okay, so I love you
and, you know--
I hope you have a good day.
Um, all right, bye.
You have one new message.
First message.
Karen, all right, listen to me.
I screwed--
Message deleted.
I'm sorry.
What time is it?
Um, about 10:30.
I'm sorry.
No, no, it's okay.
Um, this--
it was in the garbage.
Yeah, I'm throwing it out.
Yeah, it's--
it's my house.
It's nice.
Why do you act
like such a freak, Bill?
I guess...Just...
I don't know
how to be around people.
Well, I don't know,
you know,
'cause it seems like with you,
it's all just a show.
Yeah, you know, I don't think
this is who you really are.
The way you act with me
and other people and stuff,
I think you
just put on this facade
when you go out in public,
but, yeah, you know,
I mean, how are you gonna
expect people to get to know you
if you don't let them in?
You know?
But, um...
Eh, what do I know?
You--good night.
Want to keep it?
No, you can have it,
if you'd like.
Hey, hey!
Listen to me.
Look at me.
Why aren't you looking at me?
What? What do you want? What?
Why aren't you looking at me?
Look at me.
You're lying to me.
No, I'm not.
Look at me. Tell me.
I'm calling on behalf
of the giving hand foundation.
We're a nonprofit organization
dedicated to helping children
in need of food, clothing,
hygienic products, toys,
and other items.
There's gonna be a collection
truck on your street,
and we wondering if there are
any items you wish to donate?
You're a brat.
Why can't you
just admit it?
I don't think so.
We're a nonprofit
organization, ma'am,
So anything that we collect
goes directly into the hands
of a child who's--
Did you say ma'am?
Excuse me?
I'm not a woman.
Oh, I apologize.
I-I'm sorry.
Can you hold a second?
You're being ridiculous.
Of course I'm not seeing
anyone else!
Let's have this out
right now.
Ma'am, are you there?
You little tramp.
You're being ridiculous.
I'm sorry.
What were you saying?
If there's any old clothing
you could donate,
Some items
you may not fit you anymore.
No, I--
I really don't think so.
Then if you care
to make a monetary donation,
we also accept checks.
All the money we receive
goes towards purchasing items
for the children.
They have nothing, ma'am.
Some of the children
don't even have toothbrushes--
No, I really don't think so.
I-I'm sorry.
I've got to go.
Let me tell you
something, ma'am,
Every single penny helps.
I-I don't think so.
I mean, I'm sure it does, but--
Will you let me--
Can I finish?
I have to go. Sorry.
Okay, can I finish?
Can I just have your address...
So the giving hand
foundation can--
packet about our company?
It'll tell you
all about the--
Sorry, no, I have nothing.
Can I just have one moment
of your--
I'm sorry.
I'm hanging up.
One moment of your time.
I'm hanging up.
there's nothing going on,
I swear.
look at me.
I don't believe you.
I'm not the one
who had an affair.
Stop it! No!
Ah! No!
Get away from me.
I thought we weren't
gonna do this anymore.
Don't even--
don't even pretend to--
Don't even--stop it.
Come here.
Honey, you promised me
that you wouldn't be like this.
Sadie, let's deal with--
Stop, you promised me.
Who the--
you promised.
Come here.
Don't even start crying.
Come here.
Stop. No.
Deal with this right now.
I don't want to--
come here!
No, stop it.
Just settle down.
Stand up.
Telling you to stop acting
like a baby.
Come here right now.
We're dealing with this
right now.
Sadie, we're dealing
with this right now.
Come here. You stop lying to me.
Tell me the truth.
No, there's nothing to tell.
Come here!
I didn't do any--
come here!
Ooh, I'm sorry.
Oh, no, no.
Ooh, ow.
Ow, ouch, ouch.
No, glasses--
Stop it! Stop.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, blood.
Blood, blood, blood.
Oh, ow.
I'm dreaming.
Don't hurt him.
What are you doing?
Thank you so much.
You saved me.
So how are classes going?
Is it--
is it snowing up there?
A little bit.
What--what classes are you
gonna take this semester?
Same stuff,
just more advanced classes.
Oh, really?
Well, like what?
Calculus two.
Multivariable calculus.
You're taking that?
Multivariable calculus?
Yeah, you're
taking that again, huh?
No, why would i
take it again?
Oh, yeah.
Larger and larger tracks
and ports were clear-cut
to bring new land
under the cultivation.
But without the trees,
The island's topsoil
soon eroded
under torrential
tropical rains.
Aware of
the impending disaster,
competition for the island's
limited resources
led to tensions
between clans.
Every moai
represents a whole family.
The reason the moai
looks towards the land
is to protect
the people spiritually.
Whenever you have conflicts--
Anything going on?
You know, like,
with your friends.
What are you guys
fighting about?
and then they shifted
from ancestral worship to--
What do you mean?
even as the last few trees
were being cut down,
bigger and bigger Moai
were being constructed.
I'm not an idiot, okay?
I know you guys are mad
about something...
or at least Mom is.
No, no,
come on, we're not--
We're not fighting
about anything.
Everything's fine, really.
Yeah, hey, come on.
The lack
of all basic materials
Fostered centuries
of open conflict
between the clans.
As part of the...
I'm going over to Rob's.
You're going out?
Do you want me
to leave the TV on?
Uh, yeah, sure.
By the 1800s and 1700s,
The population of easter island
had plummeted from 16,000
to less than 5,000
due to warfare.
# Whisper words
I long to hear, #
# a simple hello. #
# Tell me all
I need from you. #
# Whisper so I'll know. #
# Love is strange, #
# but stranger still
is how I need you so. #
# Whisper dreams-- #
on August 16, 1960,
Joe Kittinger did something
no man had done before.
As a part of a U.S. Air Force
sponsored experiment,
he rode a helium balloon
up 102,800 feet into the air.
The atmosphere
became thinner and thinner
outside his protective suit,
and the sky turned black
as he rode up to the end
of the earth's atmosphere.
He stepped up onto the edge
of the carriage
in which he was riding.
He looked out on the earth
so far below him,
and then he jumped.
# Scissors cut
the faithless wish #
# from heart-spent sorrow. #
# Kissing out
this one last scene #
# to kill off tomorrow. #
# When I die,
I'm dying cool. #
# I'm leaving
with some gold. #
# So whisper dreams
I'll dream with you. #
# Whisper so I'll know. #
# Write another chapter, #
# lose another soul. #
# Whisper so I'll know. #
# Whisper so I'll know. #
# Whisper so I'll know. #
# I know it's true. #
# Whisper, "I ain't lonely." #
# Oh, whisper,
"I ain't lonely." #
# Whisper, "I ain't lonely." #
All right, you,
give me the money.
The money.
Come on, hurry up.
Come on, give me the money.
Come on.
Hurry up!
Get on the ground.
Get on the ground.
All right,
give me your wallet.
Your wallet,
give it to me.
What, are you deaf?
Then hand it over.
I'm picking up
Gary's stuff.
Do you remember me?
I'm sorry.
For what?
For the way I was,
picking on you
and making fun of you and...
I'm sorry I acted like that.
A few things
I could have done differently.
It was a long time ago.
Good to see you--
seeing you, you know?
Can I ask you something?
What's he like?
I mean, like...
What kind of person
was he before he got married?
Like, back in high school
when you knew him,
'cause, um...
I can't imagine him,
you know, like,
without my mom.
He didn't judge people.
And he was, um--
he was--he was smart.
Smart, real smart,
but he didn't, you know,
show off about it.
He was just
a really pleasant person
to be around.
He was a good friend too.
It's been our top seller
ever since a consumer reports
article ranked it
as one of the safest
on the roads.
I just bought one
for my own daughter.
You have a daughter?
Yeah, just turned 17.
I figure if they're gonna be
on the roads,
they might as well be
in something safe, you know?
I see all these parents
buying their kids sports cars
and whatnot and I'm thinking,
"you know, you're just
encouraging them to drive fast."
But you, you got yourself
a great car here.
If I bought one
for my own daughter,
you know it's reliable.
Thank you
for putting it all together.
Any problems, any concerns,
you just give me a call.
You have my number.
You scared me.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know
anyone was here.
I start next week
in the mail room,
but they said I could go ahead
and get familiar with the place,
you know,
start learning the names
of everyone who works here.
I hate spending
the holidays alone,
so I figure this would take
my mind off it.
Do you think
I could move in more stuff
over the weekend?
No, it's locked.
But I could let you in.
That would be great.
How do I get ahold of you?
I'm Patty.
# To a man going up suddenly #
# whose life is touched #
# by a ray of happiness. #
# Can you guess? #
# There's no way out
but to climb halfway in. #
I'm Bill.
# The other half
is left to rot in the sun. #
# I am true... #
# as I am born in you. #
# And you are all alone. #
# Yes, we are more than now. #
# We are more than now. #
# We are more than now. #
# A sky of blue follows you. #
# A sky of blue follows me. #
# A sky of blue follows you. #
# A sky of blue follows me. #