When a Woman's Fed Up (2013)

I tell you the truth,
they just make a mess.
They need to learn
how to clean up.
Yeah, I bet you Ray
put all that stuff down here.
Mm-mm-mm. Ooh.
Lord, I'm tired.
Can't get no rest
for the weary.
Why you in my house
making all this noise?
Mama, why are you here?
Girl, I came here last night
to try and get some sleep.
But I was up all night long
listening to moaning
and groaning.
Whoo! Mm-mm-mm.
And all that noise
was coming from him.
Well, if you was in
your own house,
you wouldn't be hearing
moaning and groaning in mine.
You know what?
I would love to be in my own
house right about now.
But, Lee, Lord bless his soul.
Girl, your daddy was trying
to repair the washing machine,
and now the entire first floor
is flooded.
I can imagine.
Why is he always trying
to repair stuff?
- He don't know what he doing.
- Because after he retired,
he needed a hobby
and wanted to do something,
so he decided he wanted
to repair everything.
I mean, you know, I don't mind
because it gives him
something to do
and it makes him feel good
about himself.
Plus, it just keeps him
out of my hair.
But it doesn't make sense.
He breaks everything
he comes in contact with.
Ray, Ray, it don't have
to make sense to you.
So why don't you go on
and do what it is
that you do every day.
What I do every day
is pay for this house
that I can't keep you out of.
I was thinking about
getting a pit bull,
but I figured if I get one
it'd be you biting on the dog.
You know what?
As tired as I am, woof!
I just might bite you.
Ooh, mercy.
Oh, thank you, baby.
Well, I hope you're gone
when I get back.
Boy, I don't know
where your mouth has been.
Best kiss you ever had.
Okay, sweetie. You leaving?
What's wrong with you, mama?
Your husband,
that's what's wrong.
Here we go again.
Baby girl, I just...
I just don't trust him.
- Why don't you trust my husband?
- You know why?
Because I only trust God,
my husband,
and you, baby.
That's why.
Well, I love Ray.
And he loves me too.
Now, I didn't say nothing
about he didn't love you.
That's not what I'm saying.
What I'm saying is,
how do you know
he's not stepping out on you?
Don't say that, mama.
You and your intuit...
Who is that?
Who could that be?
Oh, it just might be
the delivery man,
and I'm telling you, girl,
he would make a good husband.
I'm telling you,
I bet he would.
Hey, Mr. Delivery Man.
Oh, Lord, I'm so tired.
Hey, girl, what's happening
up in this piece?
Are you asking me
how I'm doing?
Sorry. How you doing?
How you doing?
Girl, I am...
oh, Lord! Who is this?
I didn't know you had company.
Who you be?
I be her mother.
Oh, Tarlyn, I didn't know
you had a mother.
Hi, Tarlyn's mother.
This is my mama.
We all call her moma Jean.
That's right. And who are you?
My name is Laticious,
with a capital T.
Oh, are you a stripper
or something?
Mama! She is not
a stripper.
You're not a stripper, are you?
Uh-uh. I manage
strippers now.
Mm-hmm. You know, there's
another name for that too.
Now, don't take no of fence
to this,
but your name sounds like
somebody you see
dancing on a pole.
Well, I do like to get
my dance on, moma Jean.
I say hey, hey, hey.
Nice to meet you, moma Jean.
Now, it's nice to meet you too,
but I don't do
all that fist-pumping stuff.
But I will shake your hand.
It's nice to meet you.
Your mama is cool, Tarlyn.
Now... yeah, they say
in the book of Paul
that there's three things
that you should always have.
And that's faith,
hope and love.
And without these three,
I am nothing.
Moma Jean, who is this Paul
you're talking about?
I mean, I need me a good man,
one I can call my own.
I know that much.
Hook a sister up.
Wait a minute.
Uh-uh. You talking about Paul
on 24th street?
No, no, not Paul
from 24th street, girl.
She's talking about Paul,
the apostle from Tarsus.
Tarsus. Tarsus.
Mm-mm, I don't know
that street.
Oh, it must be
in the 'burbs, huh?
'Cause y'all kind of bourge
like that.
But that's okay.
I like a bourge man.
You talk to Paul again,
you ask him if he's looking
for a ghetto girl
with lots of curves.
- What?
- Okay, I'll tell him.
What? Oh, you don't think
I'm good enough?
Well, I do,
and I need a good man.
And he sounds like he like God
and stuff like that.
Listen, Lakresha, honey,
Never mind.
Well, speaking of good men,
I don't see yours around here,
Oh, see there?
Now you have just gone
and spoiled the whole mood.
Anyway, he had a meeting
this morning.
And I cannot wait for him
to get home this afternoon,
because we are going
to talk about
what we're going to do
for our anniversary.
Why don't you take a trip.
A trip.
That's a good idea, mama.
Where would we go?
To divorce court.
She said...
I should have known
that was a setup.
See, she gets me.
Well, I got a doctor's
I got to go.
- You're not sick, are you?
- No.
I'm just going
for my annual checkup.
All right, fine. I will be here,
minding my business
and keeping my mind
straight on Him.
Yeah, right. When do you ever
mind your business?
And keeping your mind straight
on Him must mean
talking on that gossip line that
you refer to as a prayer line.
Ooh, what's a gossip line?
I beg your pardon.
It is not a gossip line.
We are standing in the gap.
Is it like a hookup line?
Tell it to somebody
who don't know you, mama.
Ooh, hook me up
with the gossip line.
I would love to stay here
and chitchat with you guys
about hypocrites who say,
"oh, thank you, Lord"
in one breath and, "Lord, girl,
no he didn't" in another.
But I have a doctor's
Laticious, you can stay here
with mama if you like.
Oh, yeah. I want to hear more
about this gossip line.
- Mama.
- What?
I'm leaving you with my friend.
I want you to try your best
and act like a good example
of a Christian, okay?
All right.
I may not have much book smarts,
but I got street smarts.
And with that being said,
me and mama going to be okay.
You got that right. See?
Yeah. That's what
I'm afraid of.
Girl, go on,
take care of your business.
We going to be just fine.
I got this.
- I love you, mama.
- I love you too, baby.
I never had a mama.
Can you hold on a second,
Lakresha, honey?
I'll be right back.
You just make yourself
comfortable, hear?
Make myself right on at home.
Is there a purpose
for all that noise?
I just like the attention
it gets me.
Well, baby girl,
it can't be good,
because that noise is annoying.
All I know is when
I'm smacking my gum,
someone's always giving me
all of their attention.
Mm-hmm, but it can't be
in a good way.
Listen, um, Lakresha, honey,
do you think that I'm being
because I tell it like it is?
No, moma Jean.
You just keeping it real.
Yes. That's it.
I'm keeping it real.
You know, that is so right.
Can you hold on a second
while I call one of my church
sisters and keep it real?
Go on, do what you do, moma.
All right. Yes.
Hey, sister Cleo?
It's me, sister Jean.
Oh, girl, fine.
How you doing?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, nothing much. Just sitting
here with, you know,
this child that Tarlyn
done picked up.
You know how she is,
always picking up people
like they stray puppies.
But, girl, have I got
some news for you.
And you are not going
to believe this one.
Sister Susie's daughter
is pregnant.
Yes, she is, girl.
Uh-huh. The child that sings
in the choir.
Yes, that fast tail gal.
That's her. Uh-huh.
Yeah, she doing the holy dance,
all right.
A holy dance right up
in some boy's bed.
I know. I...
ooh, Candy?
Oh, my goodness.
Is she still with that, uh,
that Jezebel husband of hers?
She's a what?
She's a stripper?!
Oh, girl, you know what?
I can confirm that right now,
because I got one of them
right up here in my living room.
Hold on a second.
Uh, Lakresha, honey,
do you know a Candy?
Candy Cane?
Yeah, I know Candy Cane.
She's one of my best girls.
Ooh, wait a minute.
Let me find out, moma Jean,
how you know Candy Cane.
I do not know
no Candy Cane, girl.
I am a Christian. I do not hang
out with no heathens.
Fraternizing with them people.
But I thought christians
were supposed to love everyone.
We do love everybody,
and I do love everyone.
Everyone that's in my circle.
And everybody that ain't
in my circle who can't hang,
and they ain't a part
of my clique
and can't get with the program,
they are not a part of it,
and they ain't got
to be in it either.
No way, no sir.
Anyway, listen,
yeah, she know her.
Mm-hmm. Girl, you know
how that is.
Birds of a feather
flock together.
Yeah, I know.
Uh-uh, but listen here.
Girl, I am going
to tell you this,
and just know that you didn't
hear this from me.
Girl, sister Susie
is a stripper too.
I know that's her mother.
Yes. But you know what?
They probably one of those
mother and daughter
stripper tag teams.
No, I am not being
I am being realistical.
Ooh, realistical.
I like that word, moma Jean.
I'm going to have
to use that one.
Realistical. Fool, don't you be
trying to be realistical.
Fool, you better get
'cause Jesus is watching you.
Oh, girl, there's this stripper
child up in here.
She like this new word.
Look, child, it's Tarlyn.
She brought her up
and through here.
So if Tarlyn's got her
in her house I got to,
you know, allow her to just
hang out with me.
What am I going to do?
Maybe I can, you know,
teach her a little thing or two,
teach her how to be a lady.
Yeah, I got to, you know,
show my students
how to really live a good life.
Yeah, yeah.
All right, then.
Okay, you be blessed too.
All right, then. Bye.
Oh, my, my, my.
I must say that that
was a good prayer line.
But y'all didn't pray.
We gather information first,
and then we pray.
- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, here, child.
Take this Bible and open it.
Act like you're reading it.
- What is it?
- Girl, just open the Bible.
- It's a Bible. Open it.
- A Bible?
What am I supposed
to do with that?
Turn it to the page of Acts.
That's what you're doing.
Hey, moma Jean.
Hey, TT.
What, y'all getting
your Bible study on?
Yeah, that's what we are
You know, I got to get
some word in every day.
- But moma Jean...
- You know, praise the Lord,
this baby loves to study
her Bible.
Ain't she sweet?
Sweet she is.
Oh, thank you.
No, thank you,
for embracing the air
that I breathe.
TT, leave the woman alone.
I'm pretty sure
she's already taken.
Nope. Free, single,
and ready to mingle.
That's what I'm talking about.
Mmm. Well, you know,
I'll let y'all lovely ladies
get back to your Bible studies.
Bible study?
You believe that?
Yes, Bible study.
You see the Bible
open here, don't you?
Which indicates
that we are studying.
It says to study
to show yourself a proven man.
Is this coming from the mouth
of a religious hypocrite?
Religious hypocrite?
You know what?
I got your religious hypocrite
right here.
She got a gun!
It's holy water, you idiots.
It's not blessed.
Man, this woman's fine,
with a capital F.
Thank you.
Moma Jean, that's not funny.
You didn't scare me.
I was just...
I lost something behind
the couch. You ain't scared me.
And I just was looking
for the same thing
that he had dropped.
I need to be throwing water
on all y'all.
Look what I found.
Thank you.
- Ray.
- Oh.
What? I got something
in my eye.
Yeah, uh-huh. I'm sure you do.
Where's my beautiful wife?
Do I look like
my daughter's keeper?
No, you don't look like
your daughter's keeper.
But you do look like
you've been kept in a cage.
Judge ye not,
that ye be not judged, you hear?
- Hey, baby.
- Hi, sweetness.
Hey, sweetie.
It's always a house
full of people here.
Yes, it is.
Tarlyn, why you ain't
tell me about your friend?
Oh, TT, it looks like
you already met Laticious.
Mm, I want to call her
Put you on a plate
and just put some hot...
you know what?
There are a lot of men
that hang out in the strip club
that feel the same way you do.
Ain't that right, Ray?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Watch her, man.
You don't need to tell him
who to watch.
Mind your business, babe.
Yeah, Ray.
Mind your business.
Look, T, if you that desperate,
man, I can hook you up.
But I know this is not
your type.
Ray, you don't even know
this woman.
Or any other women.
I know my boy, I know what
he like, and this ain't it.
TT, let's go somewhere
where we can talk
without so much interference.
Why not?
I love a woman
that takes charge.
Y'all really going to do this?
He's going to do all of this.
You got a problem with this?
Why does it bother you so much
that the two of these
like each other?
Yeah, Ray. Why?
I'm not bothered.
- Ray!
- What?
Ooh, boy.
The Bible says a man that looks
after a woman
and lusts after her in his heart
has already committed adultery.
It's not like that, moma Jean.
What you mean
it's not like that, Ray?
- I saw you lusting after that...
- Okay. What are y'all...?
What is all this yelling
going on in here?
Y'all okay?
Yeah, girl. We're just talking
about these two
who want to get together,
and Ray seems to have
a problem with it.
Everything's all right.
Just looking out for my boy.
Come on, this is TT.
And your boy,
I know it's hard to believe,
is a grown man, baby.
That's right.
Your boy is a grown man.
And he don't need you
holding on to his jock strap.
That's right.
Once again, he don't need you
holding on to nothing.
Hell no.
Hey, I got some awesome plans
for our anniversary.
- You do?
- Mm-hmm.
I do too. I got something
for you too.
TT, come on.
I got something planned
for a walk outside.
- Ooh.
- Let's go take one.
All right now.
Hey, make sure when you done
with that pet
you put him in a cage, hear?
I hear you, moma Jean.
You got jokes, moma Jean.
Yes, I do. I am feeling
joyful today.
Ooh, make a joyful noise.
I'm going to make some tea.
Y'all want some tea?
Oh, I'd love a cup of tea, baby.
I'll help you.
You better watch yourself.
Hey, baby, what you get
at the grocery store?
Everything. Costco.
What am I going to do?
Dinner was amazing.
And the movie?
Matches our horrible dinner.
Tarlyn, you went to that buffet
about three times.
Girl, what's going on?
I don't know.
I can't stop eating.
I've been eating
like crazy lately.
I don't know what's going on.
Hey, wait, where's moma J?
She don't live here.
Oh, man! Whoo!
Daddy, what are you doing here?
Leroy, you better hurry up
with that mop, honey,
'cause there is water
- What?
- Oops.
I didn't know y'all were here.
Yeah, well, I was out there
trying to fix the toilet
up there,
and I made a little boo-boo.
I'm sorry.
Oh, my goodness.
Not again.
Dad, there's nothing wrong
with our plumbing.
Well, well, now, Tarlyn, baby.
There is a slight problem.
- You see, your daddy...
- Oh!
- What happened to you?
- I slipped!
- He ruined our bathroom.
- Oh, my goodness.
Daddy, you're always trying
to fix something.
You know, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, baby girl.
Let's get you some dry clothes.
Let's go up there
and fix your mess.
My mess?
You mean your mess!
No, no, no, no.
This is your mess.
You the one that backed up
the toilet in the first place
with one of your famous
atom bombs.
Oh, oh!
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Hold on.
It doesn't sound like
y'all need a plumber.
Y'all need a bomb squad.
You dropping Hiroshimas in here.
Get out of here!
I cannot believe
you're embarrassing me
like that!
Wow. Hilarious.
What up, Troy? What up, Shae?
- Hi, TT.
- What's up, man?
- What you been up to?
- Oh, nothing.
Just chilling with my girl.
Shae, where's the rest
of the crew?
Oh, you mean Ray and Tarlyn?
- Yeah.
- Oh, okay, okay.
Because for a minute there
I thought you was talking about
a dance crew or something.
Well, maybe they doing
the moonwalk on water.
That's a little inside joke.
You probably didn't know
what I was talking about.
So, what you been up to, Troy?
Oh, man, you know,
just taking care of business.
Me and Shae took Tarlyn and Ray
out for a pre-anniversary
dinner and movie.
Isn't that cute.
You dry now, baby.
TT, what's up, my man?
Yeah, yeah. We were just
in the neighbourhood,
decided to stop by,
see what y'all were up to.
It was... you can see we got
unwanted pests.
- Hey.
- I mean, guests.
So, Laticious, y'all really
feeling each other, huh?
Yeah. TT is my baby.
He knows how to treat a lady.
Oh, my goodness.
Honey, I am so not feeling that
gum you're popping over there.
Can you please stop?
Whatever the case may be,
moma Jean,
my baby likes it.
- Ain't that right.
- That's right.
He got his nose wide open.
That may be.
But, Ray, you about to hit
your five-year mark.
- How does it feel?
- Listen here, TT.
The number 5
is the year of grace.
But when it's in Ray's case,
it's the year of disgrace.
Be nice.
I feel wonderful.
I love my wife very much.
Thank you.
What about you, Troy?
How long you and Shae
been together?
Oh, we've been married for what?
Ten years now.
Wow. Damn.
What about you, moma Jean?
How long have you and your hubby
been together?
- Well...
- Well, I think I can answer that
for you, Delicious.
We've been married
for 35 long years.
Thirty-five long, long, long,
long, long years.
I mean, did I say
35 lo-o-o-ong years?
You know what, Lee?
You keep it up.
You know, you're pushing it
right there.
You're going to be sleeping on
that long couch tonight.
But, you know, the most
important thing in our marriage
was communication.
I mean, we can practically talk
about anything.
Yeah, really. I mean,
she's not only my wife,
but she's my best friend.
That's how I feel
about my Ray-Ray.
That's how I feel about my...
Yo, T, why all the marriage
questions, man?
I mean, you're not thinking
about tying the knot?
No, man. You crazy?
Not right now.
But in the future, yes.
Well, now look here, TT.
If you are sleeping with her,
then you need to do the right
thing and marry that girl.
Excuse me, moma Jean,
but I would at least have to try
out the merchandise
before committing
to a lifetime warranty.
Hey, look, we're just trying
to get to know each other first
before we sleep together,
you know?
You know what?
You can sigh
all you want to, Ray.
But it says in hebrews,
"let marriage be held
"in honour above all.
"And let the marriage bed
be undefiled,
for God will judge the sexually
immoral and the adulterer."
What are you telling me for,
talking about the Bible?
I mean,
this coming from a woman
who do everything
evil under the sun?
You don't play church,
do you, momma J?
Come on, now. Who you fooling?
Yeah, you go to church.
You even have what you call
a prayer line.
You gossip all the time,
and I seen you drinking
from that fancy flask
with your name on it.
It even has a scripture on it
that says, "Habakkuk 2:15."
It says, "woe to him that gives
his neighbour a drink."
- Why you got to go there?
- You know what?
That scripture is there
as a reminder.
A reminder of what?
Honey, it's to remind me
not to share my drink
with anybody.
You roll with that, momma J.
You know what?
Don't y'all listen to nothing.
Ray has to say.
Apostle Paul told Timothy
not to drink water,
but to drink a little wine
for his stomach
and his infirmities.
And that's exactly
what I'm doing.
I'm just drinking for my stomach
and my infirmities.
And, you know,
if I were to share it,
it's going to make me
a little sad.
So that's why I don't share it.
Because then if I keep it
all to myself,
I'll be happy and my stomach
will be happy.
Mom, that is not right.
You can't do that.
- What?
- Manipulating the word of God
for your own good.
I'm all right.
I ain't doing what she doing.
Okay, well, you're supposed
to be a minister.
Maybe she's the minister
of darkness.
- You know what?
- That's my mama.
I mean, she's talking
about her partner, brother Bob,
talking about he's on drugs.
I mean, he's just
on medication.
All right, y'all.
We are supposed to be talking
about marriage.
We kind of got off subject.
Oh, hey, that's fine.
I have a question
for you, mama.
- Oh, yeah? What is it, baby?
- Okay.
Don't say nothing.
Well, sometimes I get
a little insecure
in my marriage,
because you know
my man is fine.
I'm just wondering how you and
daddy made it all these years
without infidelity?
Well, it's my weapon
that has helped us get by
all these years.
And this right here
is my weapon, y'all.
The word of God.
Yes, sir.
And this here mouth of hers
is her weapon too.
- You know what...?
- Look, baby. Baby, look.
I'm too afraid to look
at another woman,
much less mess around with one.
Well, look at her.
I do want to say this.
Leroy, I hope that Shae and I
can be married for over 30 years
just like y'all.
That's beautiful, right?
Well, let me tell you
It's awfully difficult
to be living with this here.
- You know what?
- This woman right here.
- All right, Leroy.
- Good luck!
What do y'all think
keeps a marriage together?
Laughter. Communication.
Keeping your nose
out of other couples' business.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
I definitely agree
with Shae on that one.
And never condone
your friends' infidelity.
I mean, I know some people
who have taken their girlfriends
over their mutual friends homes
with no regrets.
That's crazy right there.
Anybody who would do that
has to be an evil, mean, nasty,
mean and evil kind of person.
- That's right.
- Absolutely.
You know, it's not even right,
but some people,
they do it anyway.
That's why I like being single.
I like to have my cake
and eat it too.
Cake, cake.
Cake, cake, cake.
Either you can hide a cake
or eat the cake.
You can't have it both ways.
So, what you going to do?
I'm just going to take
- this cake right here, baby.
- Okay.
That's what I thought.
You know what?
If a woman wants me,
she's going to have to put
a ring on it.
You know, marriage should not
be taken lightly, though.
I mean, I love everything
about my husband.
From the top of his head
to his twelve toes!
- Twelve...
- Hey, hey.
Twelve toes?
Hey, don't be telling people
about my feet,
not unless you want me to tell
them how you...
About how I what?
Well, how you snort
when you laugh.
- I don't snort when I laugh!
- Yes, you do.
- Yes, you do.
- No, I don't.
- Yes, you do.
- Roy, no, I don't.
All right, all right, you won.
You don't.
Yes, she does.
You know what, y'all?
It is so good when you can love
everything about your husband.
You know?
That's a good thing.
Because I do.
I love my some Lee. I love him.
But I'm sorry, I can't say that
I love everything about him now.
Especially the thing
about him that I can't stand
is when he thinks
that he can fix everything.
Calls himself Mr. Fix-it.
I'm telling you guys,
he can't fix nothing.
I can't tell you how much money
I have wasted
on having to get other people
to come in
and repair things behind him.
He done broke the sink.
He go in there thinking
he can fix it. Sink broke.
I'm telling you,
he go into the bathroom.
He think he going to fix it.
Toilet overflowing.
Then he go in and try to fix
the electricity.
Child, he just blows
the electricity out
in the whole neighbourhood.
Oh, Lord, I'm telling you.
And you allowed him
into my bathroom
to fix the leaking toilet,
only to crack the tank?
See? See?
I told you,
you snort when you laugh.
- She did.
- But I love that.
Oh, well, peeps, it's been fun.
But me and my baby got to run.
I'm feeling it real good.
Yeah, that's right, Ray.
He's feeling all of this
real good.
Yes, I am. Mm.
T, you need to be careful
with all that.
- Ray, mind your business.
- Leave the man alone, Ray.
She is fine, though.
Boy, look at her.
- Uhhuh!
- Lee.
Boy, if I could
get me a biscuit,
- I would just slurp her up.
- Lee, Lee, Lee.
Put your eyes back
in your eye socket right now.
All right, baby.
All right, baby.
I'm fine. Ain't nothing wrong
with looking,
- as long as I don't touch.
- Just... Lee.
You know what?
You don't know that.
But everyone who looks
at a woman
with lust in his heart
has already committed adultery.
As a matter of fact,
as far as I can see it
since I've been here tonight,
every man in this room has
been lusting after this woman.
- Thank you, moma Jean.
- No, hold on, hold on.
Because you're going to have me
sleeping in the garage tonight.
Slow down on that, okay?
Now, although Delicious...
Laticious. Laticious.
Although she's beautiful
and all,
so's my wife.
And I only have eyes for her.
That's the right answer.
You know what?
On that note, I got to go.
We got to go,
because I'm going to end up
being on the losing team
So, Delicious, you take care.
- Bye, you guys.
- Take care.
All right, anniversary dinner
at our place tomorrow night.
- We'll be there.
- Be on time, though.
It's going to be candlelight,
soft music.
She's making chitlins.
Ew. We don't eat neck,
balls and chitlins,
and all that stuff y'all eat.
- I'm playing.
- See you.
Sounds real good.
- Real nice.
- Nice anniversary.
Is Laticious going to be there?
You know what?
Just asking.
My goodness.
You'd better keep them eyes
in your head like I told you.
Yes, baby.
Come on, Leroy.
Let's go home.
That's a good idea.
Bye, mama.
Bye, baby.
- You know what?
- Bye, daddy.
I would tell you sweet dreams,
but, mm, after looking
at what it is
you got sleeping
next to you every night,
- I guess that ain't going to work.
- Jean!
Jean, leave that man alone.
- Come on here.
- You come on here.
- You always talking about him.
- Bye, baby.
You got to give him some credit.
- That's our family.
- Wow.
This is what
I signed up to, huh?
Yes, baby.
This is it.
Don't listen to them.
I'm the only one
you got eyes for, right?
Of course.
You was calling Laticious
"Delicious" too.
No, I don't know her name.
Bubblicious, Delicious...
- Look, I'm just here.
- Come on, let's go to bed.
Baby, baby, look.
Before they come in,
I want to let you know
I didn't know anything.
Oh, hell to the no.
What is this?
- Babe...
- Where's Tarlyn at?
Wait, wait, honey, listen.
- I don't know what's going on...
- Did you know about this?
No, I'm just as shocked
as you are, baby.
I don't understand it.
I just don't want to be
in the middle of it.
What do you mean "you don't want
to be in the middle of this?"
Look at this. We're already
in the middle of this.
I see that. I see.
My bad.
Just don't say nothing.
Oh, I'm going to do more
than tell Tarlyn.
I'm going to send her proof.
No, no.
Come here. Come here, Shae.
Come here.
You know what?
I think maybe we should go,
because she looks hot to me
and I don't want to get
beat up.
So, how's your wife, Ray?
She's fine.
- She's all right?
- Yes.
Oh. Will she be all right
when she finds out
- what you two have been up to?
- If you don't say nothing...
and you've been doing it
right up under her nose.
Don't snitch.
And what about TT?
Because he was really feeling this...
whatever you call this
right here.
How long has this
been going on?
Answer the damn question, Ray!
- For three months.
- Five.
Five months?
- Four and a half.
- I cannot believe this.
You know what? I don't agree
with any woman
messing around
with a married man,
let alone my friend's husband
messing around with someone
who she think is her friend.
I'm not trying to hurt Tarlyn.
"I'm not trying to hurt..."
Don't you think it's a little
too late for that?
And you, Ray, no.
It's your anniversary
and you're out her
with another woman.
How the heck do you think
your wife feels right now?
She has to be upset and worried
out of her mind right now.
I think we got to go.
I want to go. I want to
go. Please can we go.
You know what? Tarlyn is going
to be a whole lot worse
when she finds out
what you two...
oh, you just do that.
- You really picked up the knife?
- Save me a plate.
What? Save you a plate?
Are you for real?
You know what? If you want to
support this act of adultery,
then you may as well
leave with them.
What are you talking about?
I didn't...
what? What do I have to do
with that?
I don't know.
You tell me.
You know what?
Don't even worry about it.
As long as Ray is messing around
with another woman,
he's not allowed in my house,
He can't play Madden?
Baby, you just made dinner.
I'm hungry. Ugh.
Ray, damn it.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, girl.
Wait a minute.
Hold on a minute.
Ah, now, okay, I'm back.
Uh-huh. You know, girl,
I paid my tithe,
so I'll be preaching
next Sunday.
Girl, you know how I do.
I got to pay to get behind
that pulpit.
Well, you know,
you pay your tithe
and get a pass to a little
something on the side,
and he'll ordain you
with no questions asked.
You know what?
I got to call you back.
Ray is just now
coming into the room,
and you know how nosy he is.
All right, girl. Bye.
Now I understand.
You paid the pastor to preach.
That's why there's
so much riffraff.
You paying the preacher
on Sundays.
Yeah. You got a problem
with that?
I won't be going to church
on Sunday.
- I won't be.
- Well, you know what, Ray?
That's just fine with me,
because I'm getting
to preach on Sundays
because I'm a woman of God.
Hey, you know what?
- A woman of God?
- Mm-hmm.
Yes, I am a woman of God.
Hey, sweetheart.
How you doing, baby?
Hi, baby. Mwah.
I stopped off and got you
something to eat, baby doll.
Oh, thank you, honey.
You home.
Oh, talking about E.T., man.
You made your way home, man.
I would have got you
something to eat too,
but I didn't think
you was going to be home.
Why wouldn't I be
in my own home?
Why are you two here?
Because we got a key.
And with that key,
we unlocked that door.
Well, I got money.
Maybe I should just
change my locks.
Hey, I can do that for you.
Want me to change it for you?
Why would I let you
change my locks?
Listen, that's enough talk
about keys up in here.
My daughter said that you stayed
out all night long.
Now, where were you?
Number one,
that's none of your business.
Mm-hmm. You ain't got
no business.
And what's number two, you ask?
It's something you full of.
Baby, that's a good one there.
I got to give it to my baby.
That was a good one there.
Why are you two clowns
even here?
Who you calling clown?
You know what?
Don't make me have to go
upside your head,
calling somebody some clown.
Wait a minute, man.
Where you get off
calling us clowns?
Thank you.
Man, look at you.
Where was you last night?
How you going to leave me
hanging on our anniversary?
I got caught up. Some things
happened last minute.
You know what? Back in the day,
I was known as the human
lie detector.
So now let's just see
how truthful you are.
- Beep, beep, beep!
- Okay, mama, mama.
- Put the Bible down.
- You heard my baby.
Shut up.
I am so pissed with you
right now.
First, you don't come home
last night,
and now you's running
around here,
sneaking around like you got
some kind of secret from me.
Let me tell you something, Ray.
If you are cheating on me,
you are going to live
to regret it.
Why would I cheat on you?
Look at all this. What...
shut up.
You better not ever.
There's nothing worse
than a scorned woman.
And you don't want to have made
my baby mad.
- Oh, I'm beyond mad.
- Oh, man.
Jean, I think we should leave.
We should let these two
talk this over.
I ain't going nowhere.
This here's getting good.
All I need is some popcorn
and my purse.
Come on, Jean!
We should leave.
Fine. I'm going.
Ray, you one lucky man.
I got to give you props,
though, boy.
You can go out, stay out
all night, come back in.
All you get
is a tongue-lashing.
Me? She'd have beat me upside
the head with the good book.
And I'm going to beat you upside
the head with it right now
if you don't come on.
All right, I'm coming.
I just got to give you props.
- You the man.
- Lee, come on!
- All right, I'm coming!
- Hey, Roy.
Don't forget the broom.
That was a good one.
Ain't nothing good about that.
No, that was a good one.
I will see you later,
my love. Mwah. Bye.
You take care of that one
and I'll take care of this one.
- Come on.
- That was a good one.
I got your broom and a whip.
Uh-huh, you just wait
till I get you home.
I don't care what she say.
She knows that was funny,
the broom.
- She knows that was funny.
- Really?
Ray, I had something really
important I wanted to tell you,
and you blew it.
I'm sorry. I'll make it up
to you. I promise.
What is it you want to say?
I don't feel like
talking about it.
I promise I'll make it up
to you.
Are you okay?
I don't want to talk
about it anymore.
I love you.
Did you hear me?
Yeah, I heard you, Ray.
- Yo, yo.
- Hey, what up?
Yo, what's up, man?
Yo, I need to talk to you, Ray.
What's up?
It's about Laticious.
I'm really digging her, man.
I don't know if she feels
the same way.
Hey, man, like I say, man,
go with the "pertinence"
of the same way you do.
You know how we do.
True, but I'm saying, man,
we have so much fun together.
She's easy to talk to.
Not to mention she fine as wine.
She easy on the eyes, yo.
Hey, I mean,
I guess we should be straight.
Yeah, but I think she's seeing
somebody else.
Hey, man,
you already know, man.
They always got something
on the side.
Just in case.
You know what?
Maybe I should just talk to her
and tell her how I feel.
I mean, me?
I don't think...
but hey, if that's what
you feel, hey, man, go do that.
Hey, it wasn't easy
getting with a girl like
Lati-ti, you know what I mean?
Y'all got nicknames
for each other?
Yeah, that's my baby.
I can see myself
marrying her one day.
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
T, look at me.
What's up?
She's not wife material.
I think I'm falling in love.
Dude, love can be
overrated, man.
You know that.
You need to find somebody
that you really know
for sure loves you.
You got to...
you got to be careful, man.
Take your time.
Yeah, you might be right, man.
But that chick got me
wide open.
Whoo! A chick like that
would have my nose
all wide open too.
You the man, boy.
You know it.
Leroy, how you keep
getting back in my house?
I locked the door.
I have the key
to the back door.
Oh, my God.
T, you see what
I'm talking about?
I can't even...
human leeches.
Oh, relax, relax.
Ray, come on, man.
Look, if you want to get
more keys made,
I can arrange that for you.
No problem.
First of all, you need to relax
your feet off of my table.
How about that?
All right.
Hey, yo, Ray,
I'll talk to you later, man.
I got to go pick up Lati-ti.
From work.
Ooh, you do got to pick her up.
Hey, TT, you tell Laticious
that she looks delicious.
No doubt.
Boy, if I had somebody
like that,
I'd be spanking that...
Boy, you be...
boy, you be drilling like that.
Oh, no.
Please don't tell me
that my wife of 35 years
is standing behind me.
Lee, I got your delicious
right here,
rolled up in my fist.
Because you are about
to eat a knuckle sandwich.
- Baby, calm down...
- Don't you "baby" me.
Baby, I was just kidding.
Get out of my house.
Tell you what, I will take
this drama out your house
when I am good and ready.
Well, yeah,
let's get good and ready.
We're going to take the drama
out the house.
- I cannot believe you.
- Baby, baby.
We was just joking around.
We were just having fun.
Lee, he who commits adultery
lacks sense.
And he that does it
destroys himself.
Now, I'm just telling you this
before you make a big mistake
that you will live for the rest
of your life to regret.
Baby, I only want you, baby.
I don't want nobody else
but you.
Okay? Even though
she is fine, though.
Yeah, she is fine.
She's fine. And baby, she
wouldn't want nobody like me.
Yeah, she don't want
no old man.
She wants a young stallion
like me,
that can handle her needs.
- Shut up, TT!
- Shut up, TT!
Baby, baby, you got to relax
and don't get violent.
I don't want you
to believe any of this
I was just doing, okay?
It was just for play.
I was just jiving around
with the youngsters, baby.
I love you.
I don't want her, baby.
- Okay?
- Y'all up in here
caring all like this.
Yeah, we just jiving around,
you know what I mean?
Ain't that right?
I mean, the girl got a body,
and from my angle,
I got a great view.
Yo, y'all get to step in line.
Hey, baby, why you hit me
on the back of the head?
Because you going
to have to be careful
about what you say
in my presence.
Okay, baby, but don't hit me
in the back of the head.
I want you to hit me
in another area,
you know what I mean?
The good area.
Get out of my house!
You know what?
I am so tired of you treating me
like I'm crap.
I don't have to take this.
Oh, God.
Come on.
Come on, Lee, let's go.
Bye, TT.
See you.
Yo, those are some
colourful characters.
I wish I could divorce the
parents and just keep the wife.
Hmm. Mm-mm.
It's not that easy.
Man. Like I was saying, man,
Just keep looking, man.
I don't know.
Hey, look, look,
I'll think about it.
But you know what?
In my heart,
I know she's the one.
Hey, either way, I got to go
pick her up from work
or she's going to tear me
a new ass.
So I'll catch you later, man.
All right, man.
What's wrong, Ray?
I'm upset with myself.
Why? What happened?
Well, I might have just...
Just messed up
our special night, you know?
Just being reckless and stupid.
That was beyond stupid.
You know, you not coming home
on any night is hurtful.
But not coming home
on our anniversary night,
that's... that was more
than hurtful.
That your cell phone?
Oh, it's just Shae texting me.
Well, can... can... can you...
I need to talk to you now.
Can this hold?
Okay. I'll look at it later.
You know I love you.
I love you too.
But right now
you in the doghouse.
- I'll accept that.
- Good.
But you got to accept me having
to make it up to you, though.
Okay. You can
make it up to me.
What you looking for?
Making sure Roy and your mama
ain't nowhere around.
They left, baby.
Oh, let me get the remote.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, right?
Relax. Relax.
Hold on.
No, I'll talk...
yeah, she's asleep.
Yeah, well,
I got to be back early.
Right. Yeah, I'll tell her
I was going to take
an early morning walk.
I really need to talk to you.
It's important.
Ray, where are you?
Are you hiding from me?
He must have went to the store
and get some...
pick some stuff up.
Baby, I ain't taking
that medication, baby.
Good morning.
- Oh, it's you guys.
- Hey, baby girl.
Hey, daddy.
- How are you?
- I'm good.
Ahem, baby, what's wrong?
Ray didn't come home the other
night after our anniversary,
and I wake up this morning
and he's gone.
And then I can't even
find my phone to call him.
Oh, baby girl,
it's probably nothing.
He probably just went
to the store or something.
Mm-hmm. Store my eyeball.
Maybe it's another woman.
Mama, please,
don't even say that.
I don't know what I would do
if I found out.
Ray was messing around on me.
Oh, he's not messing around.
No, don't think... look,
don't think the worst, okay?
- Look, I'll tell you what.
- What?
To make both you all
feel better,
I'm going to fix you
some breakfast.
How would you like that?
That sounds good to me.
How about you, Tarlyn?
My two favourite ladies.
I'm going to fix you
some breakfast.
- All right, daddy.
- There's that smile.
- There you go.
- Thank you, Lee, baby.
- All right. All right, baby.
- Come here, baby.
- Mama want to talk to you.
- Oh, gosh.
Sit down.
Mama want to talk to you.
Now look here.
If Ray is seeing another woman,
you can count on me, honey,
to knock him off.
I will be your hit woman.
Oh, mama.
What? What?
There ain't no eggs.
Fine. I'll go get some eggs.
I got to go get your high blood
pressure medication.
How come there ain't no eggs?
I don't want know high blood
pressure medication.
- You're going to take that...
- I'm not taking nothing.
You're going to have to take
that medication, Lee.
Get on. Get on here from me.
I ain't taking nothing.
Your mama, trying to get me
to take some high blood pressure
You need to take your medicine.
No, your daddy's fine.
Your daddy's fine.
He'll be back.
He'll be back, baby. Okay?
Trust me, he just went
to the store,
or hanging out with one
of his buddies or something.
I'm sorry, Laticious.
It's over.
I mean, it should never
have started.
Well, you should never start
something you can't stop.
You know, I love my wife,
and I mean, this would just
destroy our marriage.
What about my boy T?
I don't care about him.
He's just something
to do for now.
We need to tell him the truth.
Tell him for me.
I guess that's it.
I'll see you around.
Daddy, there's something
I need to tell you.
Tell me. What is it,
baby girl?
I wanted to tell Ray first,
but he's been acting
so distant lately.
Well, I mean, what is it?
- Are you sick or something?
- No.
- Are you okay?
- No, I'm not sick.
Am I going to be a grandfather?
Oh, give me a hug.
Now you know I look a little bit
too young to be a grandfather.
I know, daddy.
It's okay.
Sit down, mama.
Woman, where you been?
Where are the eggs
and where are my
high blood pressure medication
pills that I loathe?
I left them in the car.
- Good.
- What happened?
Baby, I hate to tell you this,
but it's about Ray.
What happened to Ray?
Is he okay?
I just saw Ray
coming out
of Laticious's apartment.
- Oh, no.
- So he's with TT.
Those two are glued at the hip.
I'm wondering why I can't
find this man all day...
no, no.
No, baby.
He was with Laticious.
I'm talking about he was hugging
up all over her
like she was really delicious.
Oh, no! Are you sure?
You must really want
to get hurt right now.
I retract that statement.
I'm good.
No, no, no.
This has got to be some...
some kind of mistake.
Ray would never
do nothing like that.
I'm sorry, but I'm telling you
you never know
what some people might do.
You sure it was him, mama?
I'm sure it was him, baby.
- My Ray?
- Your Ray.
And that gal.
I'm telling you, you can't put
nothing past a girl like that.
Got you some flowers.
Yeah. Where were you?
I... earlier...
I told you, I went jogging.
You were sleeping.
I didn't want to wake you.
What's up?
Ray, what have you done?
A man who commits adultery
with his neighbour's wife,
the adulterer
and the adulteress
must be put to death.
I think I'll put these
in some water.
How could you?
You told my daughter
you wasn't messing around.
You told her
because she had all this...
- Leroy! Leroy!
- You didn't tell me
you were hanging out
with some Jezebel every night.
After all I did for her and
all I did for you, really, Ray?
Huh? After all I did
for you and her?
- Don't let her kill me.
- Yeah, well...
Ray, how could you
do this to me?
Answer my question.
How could you do this to me?
- Ow!
- Somebody get her!
Oh, oh, oh.
Baby, baby, you okay?
Tarlyn, you all right, baby?
- She's pregnant.
- What?!
She's pregnant.
She's pregnant.
Sorry, mama.
I was going to tell you.
Come on, I need to get
to the hospital.
- Okay.
- Let me take...
Get off of me.
Don't touch me.
- Daddy, can you help me, please?
- I got you, I got you.
Move out the way, man.
Mama, can you get my shoes?
- I got your shoes, baby.
- She's my wife.
Move out of my way, man.
Telling you the truth.
I cannot believe this.
You know what, Ray?
I'll pray for you.
I told you you couldn't
hide that lie.
Hey, look, man,
I feel bad for you.
But your infidelity has affected
my marriage as well,
and I'm not cool with that.
Look, man, you shouldn't have
been cheating on your wife,
and on top of that
with TT's girl.
Say what?
You were with my girl?
How could you do this
to me, man?
How could you do this
to your wife?
What about our friendship?
I thought we were boys.
We are boys.
I admit, man,
that night was stupid.
I just...
I wasn't thinking.
Wasn't thinking.
And Troy, you knew about this?
You knew about Ray and Laticious
- and didn't say nothing?
- No, no, no, man.
- Really?
- Look,
I was trying to tell you...
- What do you want me to say?
- What?
You see?
Tarlyn, I can explain.
Explain what?
That you two knew
my husband was cheating on me
and didn't say anything?
Keep it a secret?
Whatever happened
to never condoning
your friend's infidelity?
I didn't like any of this.
- I even...
- Listen,
my daughter has been through
enough stress today, okay?
You must be real proud
of yourself, Ray.
You best believe
we ain't friends no more.
And you two are just as guilty.
I'm out of here, man.
Forget this.
I want you out of my life.
And out of my house.
Where am I going?
I don't have nothing.
I don't have nowhere to go.
I don't care where you go.
Why don't you go
with Laticious?
Or maybe you can go
with these two,
- 'cause y'all got to go too.
- Our marriage is over
because of this.
Wait, wait, hold on.
Wait a minute. Wait, look.
Let me explain, and let me try
to just work it out with y'all.
I didn't agree
about any of this.
That's why I sent you
the text letting you know
what was going on.
I didn't get a text, Shae.
Troy, Shae,
y'all got to leave.
No, wait. Look...
Ray, get out.
All y'all.
- You heard what...
- Get out!
- All right.
- All right?
All y'all get out.
You get out too.
- Out my own house?
- Out your own house.
Find another bed.
What do you want?
I'm ready to come home, baby.
I miss you.
You should have thought
about that
before you was doing what
you was doing with Laticious.
Baby, I'm out on the street.
I don't have nowhere to go.
And, I mean, I can't...
Shae and Troy, they don't have
nothing to do with me.
Good for them.
Okay, yeah...
all right, I'll call you later.
Okay, I'll check it out.
Did you... did you do...
did you do this?
Don't you know hell hath no fury
than a woman scorned, Ray?
What are you talk...
these are my pictures.
Baby, can you take this down?
This is embarrassing.
Kind of like
how I might have felt
that my husband
was cheating on me,
and everyone knew except me.
That kind of embarrassing?
Baby, I'm sorry, but this is...
baby, can you take...
look, I'm begging you.
Please, can you take this
off of the Internet?
Ray, right now,
I despise everything about you.
Take your phone.
Baby girl,
what's he doing here?
He was just leaving, daddy.
Bye, Ray.
Good riddance.
Look, I don't have
anywhere to go, okay?
I don't have no money
in the bank, nothing.
You have all of it.
You can stay here
for a little while.
He can do what?
He doesn't have anywhere to go.
Come on, baby girl.
You think this is a good idea
- after all he's put you through?
- I got this, daddy.
All right.
All right, you got this.
I'm going to let you
handle this, okay?
I'm going to go back
in the back room
and fix that back bedroom.
You got this.
- This is a joke.
- Ray, you can stay here.
You do not look at me,
you don't walk past me,
don't get in my way,
and you cannot sleep with me.
And do not touch me.
Although I don't deserve it,
I just want to say thank you.
No, you don't deserve it.
I'm going to go get
the rest of my clothes,
the ones that you didn't
burn or bleach.
The few of them I got left.
What is he doing here?
He's moving back in.
What is wrong with you, girl?
Are you crazy?
He has no place to go, mama.
Oh, please.
He should have a place to go,
since he's been out there
acting like a streetwalker!
I'm just not done with him yet.
You got a plan.
Well, well, well.
Your mama taught you well.
Thanks, Tarlyn.
Can I... can I ask you
one more favour?
What is it, Ray?
Um, the...
The pictures on the Internet.
Can you take them down, please?
Then, like...
See what I mean?
It's embarrassing.
Can you please
take the pictures down?
- I'm begging you.
- Whoo! Baby, baby, baby!
I feel sorry for those
Internet surfers.
God, please take them...
I'm begging you, please.
Oh, please, Ray.
Don't even sit there
and act like
you ain't bothered
about my laughing,
because you know I've been
laughing at your expense
for quite some time now.
And you're not responding.
Mm-mm, you ain't doing me
no favours.
What in the world?
Lee, are you
breaking things again?
My bad.
You know what, Ray?
It says in the Old Testament
that he that commits adultery
should be put to death.
Amen. Amen, mama.
I hate to throw
the scripture around,
but hatred stirs up strife.
And love conquers all.
Yeah, so what?
My mother doesn't
hate you though, Ray.
I can't tell
by all the mistakes
she keep throwing up
in my face.
It's not my mom's fault
that you did what you did.
I know, Tarlyn, but only if you
knew how much I hated myself
for doing that to you.
You did it to all of us, Ray.
What are you talk...
what do you mean?
What do you mean, all of us?
Honey, I...
That's right.
Hold on a second. What?
What's up with all them fliers
around town?
Wait a minute.
Can't you see I'm on the phone?
What did you say, sir?
I'm sorry.
Okay, cool.
So you said it's going to take
about 15 minutes?
Thank you so much
for your help. Bye.
What do you want, Ray?
What do you mean,
what do I want?
Look at all these fliers
that's floating around town.
Look at this.
"For a good time," it says,
look, "call sexy Ray."
"If your nights are lonely
and your days are blue,
"call... Male or female?
Give Ray a call"?
He'll be there for you
wherever you are.
Oh, my...
That's not funny.
We got to do something
about this.
Okay, maybe you should
go out and find all the fliers
and take them down one by one.
I would,
but my car won't start.
Oh, you probably have sugar
in your tank.
You think something funny?
Come on, you think everything's
funny. It's not funny.
You know I need my car
to get back to work.
I don't know what to tell you.
Maybe you need to get yourself
a bus schedule.
What do you mean
I need a bus schedule?
I need my car.
Hmm. I don't know
what to tell you.
Maybe you should call
your girlfriend.
You're not going to stop
till I lost all my dignity, huh?
You never had any dignity
to begin with.
If you did, you wouldn't have
done what you did.
I made a horrible mistake, okay?
I'm sorry.
Where are you going?
Taking my car
to the repair shop.
How are you going to call them?
- With my phone.
- Hmm.
You may want to use my phone,
since I found it
under the couch.
Look, it wasn't like...
I'm sorry, I hid the phone
because I just... I was...
I was in a jam.
I'm sorry.
Tarlyn, I need that phone.
I needed you to be my husband.
Tarlyn, can I please use
the phone to call a mechanic?
I need to get my car fixed.
Sure. How are you going
to pay for it?
- My credit card.
- Oh.
Where's my credit...?
These credit cards?
Here you go.
What'd you...?
- There you go.
- What...?
Baby, don't cut up...
could I at least just get one?
Let me think about it.
Here you go.
Look, I made a horrible mistake.
I'm sorry.
Where you going?
Go get a tow truck
to get my car fixed
at the repair shop.
Come on. Let's just sit.
Let's go over to the chair.
Right there.
Daddy, what's wrong?
You look flushed.
He stopped taking his high blood
pressure medication,
and now he's got a lot
of severe headaches
happening back-to-back.
You've been giving
that Jesus juice.
No, I did not,
and how you doing today, Ray?
I'm fine, actually.
Good, good.
She said she turned over a new
leaf and owes it all to you.
That's right.
The Bible says to bear
with one another
and forgive whatever grievances
you might have with each other.
So since the Lord
has forgiven me,
I'm making up in my mind
that I'm going to forgive you.
Uh-oh. Hold on a minute.
Who's this?
Oh, hi, sister Dorothy.
Mm-hmm. Well, now you know
it says in Ephesians 4:29
to let no corrupting talk
come out of your mouth,
but such as is good
for the building up
as it fits the occasion
so that it may give grace
to the hearer who hears it.
Uh-huh. You know, yeah, we need
to stop all this gossiping
and, you know, judging people.
It's time for us
to honour the Lord.
That's right.
Well, I am so glad
to hear that you understand
where I'm coming from
with this.
All right, baby.
I'll talk to you next week.
That's right,
on the real prayer line.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I was playing church before.
But now I just can't
do that anymore.
Yeah, you were definitely
playing church.
Not right now.
Hey, she was.
I know.
- You sleepy?
- No, he's good.
What I realized
about that happy juice
and all the stuff
I was going through,
I realized that you weren't
my enemy, Ray.
I found out that I was my own
worst enemy.
That's some... that's...
I appreciate that.
That's impressive.
Touch my stomach.
Meet your son.
My son... my son?
I'm a... I'm a...
I'm a father?
Oh, man.
I'm... I'm kind of lost.
This is like one of the most
happiest days of my life.
You know, I'm so happy
that we got a chance
to work it out,
and I'm just... I don't know what
I would have did
if I'd have lost you.
Congratulations, Ray.
Thank you, mama.
Daddy, you crazy.
Baby, you all right?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I-I-I-I'm good.
You need a glass
of water or something?
- Daddy, stand up.
- No, you ain't... he ain't good.
Come on.
Let me look at you now.
Ray, somebody help me.
Leroy, come on.
Sweetheart? Oh, no.
Oh, Lord, help!
- What's happening to him?
- Oh, my God.
- Can you see...?
- Open your eyes, daddy.
His eyes...
I'm not no doctor.
His eyes are dilating.
- They dilating?
- Is he going to be all right?
I think...
- Well, what should we do?
- I... I think...
I think he may be having
an aneurysm.
An aneurysm?
My Lord, Jesus.
We got to get him some help.
We got to get him
to the hospital.
- Come on, help me get him up.
- Get the keys. I need the car.
Come on, Leroy.
Leroy, baby. Leroy, come on.
- Help us get you up.
- Hurry up and get the keys.
I don't know
where those keys are.
Just try.
I'm going to get you
to the hospital, baby.
Come on, I'm going
to get you there.
Come on, baby.
Come on, come on.
We got to get you
to the hospital.
Tarlyn, baby,
now you stay here.
- No.
- Yes, no.
And I will call you, okay?
Come on.
- Ray, you got him?
- I got him.
Come on, Leroy.
Come on, baby.
I'll make sure
everything's okay.
Thank you.
- Here you go, sweetie.
- Hey, thank you.
All right.
I was thirsty.
Thanks, Shae.
You know I'll do anything
for my friends.
And Tarlyn,
you know, I didn't have anything
to do with Laticious and Ray.
That's why I sent you
that text.
I know. I got it.
You think my daddy's
going to be okay?
He's going to be fine.
Hey, I just found out
about your father.
How's he doing?
I don't know.
Look, you know it's going
to be all right, right?
Your father's a trooper.
Mr. Leroy is a trooper.
I know that's right.
He may break everything in
his path, but he's unbreakable.
Hey, have you guys heard
any news yet?
Oh, that's probably Ray.
Hey, how's daddy doing?
No, I'm not alone.
Is he all right?
Okay, but can you...
hello, Ray?
- Tarlyn?
- What's up?
- How's Mr. Leroy doing?
- Is he all right?
What'd he say?
It's not looking too good.
He says...
Hey, what are we waiting for?
Let's pray.
Come on. Come on.
Lord, Jesus,
please bless Mr. Leroy.
His health.
Please make him whole again.
Please bring him back to us,
and make him better.
Well, this is beautiful.
I just wish TT could make it.
Yeah. I do too.
You just got to give him time
to get past the hurt.
Yeah, that's right.
He really loved Laticious.
She wasn't ready to give up
her lifestyle for a good man.
I don't know
what I was thinking.
You was thinking?
You wasn't thinking.
It's okay. I forgive you,
and I know TT will too.
Just don't ever do that again,
or you're going to get this
all up in here.
- A knuckle sandwich.
- Wait a minute...
We made it.
Hey, there they go.
Come on, baby.
Hey, Mr. Leroy!
- Man, you looking very well, sir.
- Hey, daddy.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you.
I feel like Tony the Tiger.
I feel great.
Well, it's just good to see you
in some regular clothes
besides the workman's clothes.
Absolutely, because all of those
workman clothes
have officially been retired.
All gone.
Hopefully officially
in an incinerator.
Oh, just like
your clothes were, huh?
Why you bringing up old stuff?
I told you she'd be doing that.
I don't even have
a comeback for that one.
Okay, well, hold on, hold on.
Me and Shae, we got a very
special announcement ourselves.
Looks like we're going
to have a baby.
Get out of here!
Now, wait, wait, wait.
Since everybody's
making announcements,
Leroy and I got one.
We are too.
I was definitely
going to say...
I was definitely going to say
Old Testament?
I mean, uh...
No, no, no. Moma J, you're like
a hundred years old.
Like, you know, you need to stop
that computer jargon.
I can still hang
like the best of them now.
You know your mama.
For heezy, for sheezy.
There you go.
Y'all better know
what time it is.
That's right, baby.
Double Viagra.
Okay, that's my mama
and my dad.
Okay, seriously, y'all.
I really do have something
I want to say.
because of your quick action,
you saved my husband's life.
And, Ray, I have to say
thank you.
Yeah. I got to personally
thank you too.
And I want to thank you too.
I want to thank
both of you, too,
for giving me all my door keys.
We got them all, baby.
You mean these keys?
See? I knew it.
I knew it.
- Boy, you know...
- Wow!
Oh, my God.
- You know it.
- Some things never change.
We family.
Our family.
- That's right.
- There you go.
Hey, so are we eating?
Can we eat?
Well, no, no, no.
Did you bring the chitlins?
Hold on, hold on.
I was going to bring them.
You should have brought
the chitlins.
Shit, no. You can't bring
no chitlins in this house.
Let's just...
I got something to say.
I really don't have much
to say all the time.
Man of the house.
You're right about that.
To love,
and lifelong friendships.
- Oh, I like that.
- Love and lifelong friendships.
Look each other in the eyes.
Yes. Yes.
- More love.
- Amen.
Is this a toast to love?
That's all you need, is love.
All you need is love!
Easy, baby. Easy, baby.
You're on happy juice now.
All right now.
Remember, I'm not doing a lot.
Well, mama, you shouldn't drink,
since I can't drink.
- All right, fine.
- I'll have the water.
After I have the baby,
then we both can have alcohol.
Can you have hot sauce?
No, no, no, no!
Not in this house.
No hot sauce,
no chitlins, no salt?
Nothing to make the heart burn.
So you can't eat pork?
I can't eat pork.
That's okay.
As long as he keeps taking
his medication,
he can have certain things
in moderation.
In moderation.
Just like my baby right now.
Monday, Wednesday...
That's what I'm worried about.
Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday.
Oh, I made some...
- Well, I made falafel.
- Oh, wow.
And I have some new recipe.
Shae helped me.
I didn't know black folks
ate falafel.
- I'll get it.
- You got it, baby?
Y'all go to the middle east
He thought we was going
to have chicken tenders.
Yeah, I thought we was going
to have something.
Look who I found, you guys.
Hey, TT.
TT's in the house.
Happy Thanksgiving.
We are thankful,
that's for sure.
Wow, everything looks good.
- Oh, yeah.
- We were just going to pray.
That's right. We were
going to pray
and then we're going to start...
let's eat.
Daddy, will you lead us
in prayer?
I certainly will.
We are missing one, though.
- Daddy, stop.
- Okay, all right.
I'm just jiving.
Here we go.
Jesus, thank you
for bringing us together.
- Amen.
- We thank you for life.
We thank you for health.
We thank you for prosperity.
We thank you for this food.
We thank you for everything
that you bring into existence,
because without you
we could do nothing.
We give you all the praise
and all the glory.
In Jesus' name, let's eat.
Let's eat, y'all. Amen.
Come on, baby.
Okay, I'll get you a chair.
No, baby, let me get that.
Here, you take my chair.
Come on, I'm going to do this.