When Strangers Marry (1944)

Yes, Mr. Prescott.
I know, you're the king of the jungle.
Oh, everybody knows me.
You can't have any fun around here.
What'll it be?
Bourbon, straight bourbon for everybody.
I'm king of the jungle.
That'll be a dollar, Mr. Prescott.
And it's closing time.
Don't rush me.
That's a lot of money
to be carrying around, Mr. Prescott.
Only ten grand.
I carry ten times more than that
without losing a dime.
I don't believe in banks.
I tried them, you see.
I'm gonna paint the town red tonight,
yes, siree.
And when Sam Prescott paints the town...
Oh, much obliged...
And when Sam Prescott
paints the town red...
he won't get home until morning.
I won't get home until morning.
I won't...
Maybe I won't get home at all.
Here's your chance, mister. Ask him.
What is it, friend, what's on your mind?
The town's full of conventions.
The guy can't get a room.
Who says he can't? He can use mine.
Any friend of Sam Prescott's
is a friend of mine.
Follow me, friend, just follow me.
I'm king of the jungle.
That's right.
Now take a deep breath.
Now, no fair cheating.
A deep breath, I said.
That's right, inhale...
Exhale. Now, don't you feel much better?
We're all set.
Bend, stretch, bend, stretch.
Touch your toes, bend, stretch.
Touch your toes, now.
Ah, you can do it. That's better.
Bend, tretch. Bend, stretch.
Bend, stretch...
Look now, I've got 26 rooms to clean
and I can't upset my schedule.
Please, Mr. Prescott, don't be difficult.
Mr. Prescott.
Pardon me.
Excuse me, sir.
Come in.
Excuse me, folks.
The train's crowded. I wonder
if a young lady could sit here for a spell.
Oh, I guess so.
Thank you, sir.
This way, Miss.
Are you married?
This is my first trip to New York.
I was just married, too.
I mean...
You folks know what I mean.
So you were just married.
I guess it's pretty obvious.
Well, go on, tell us all about it.
Where did you first meet him?
I was working in a little restaurant
in Grantsville, Ohio...
That's where I live.
One day he just came in.
Love at first sight, eh?
No, I didn't even pay much attention to him.
It was strange.
I remember our first date.
I didn't want to go, but...
Somehow that night I just found myself
waiting for him.
We just walked. He didn't say much.
It's hard to explain, but...
I felt that same strangeness.
You mean you only met this man
3 times and then married him?
What's he do for a living?
He sells something or other,
I really don't know.
And he left you right after
you were married.
He was called away on business.
It's almost as if you had married
a stranger, isn't it?
Call for Mr. King.
Call for Mr. King.
Call for Mr. King.
Call for Mr. King.
Good morning.
Good morning.
I'm Mrs. Baxter.
Yes, Mrs. Baxter.
My husband reserved a room.
Excuse me, I'll see.
That's right.
He called in yesterday afternoon.
Room 1210.
Mr. Baxter didn't get here yet?
No, he didn't.
Thank you.
Don't, Fred, please.
What's the matter, Millie?
Just don't know how to tell you.
Tell me what?
What are you doing here?
You got my letter.
What letter?
Well, why are you here?
My husband sent for me.
Your husband?
I'm married, Fred... I didn't...
Do I know him?
I don't think so.
His name is Paul Baxter.
When were you married?
A month ago, in Grantsville.
What are you doing here at the Sherwin?
This is a salesmen's hotel.
Paul's a salesman.
So am I, remember?
That's the reason you wouldn't marry me.
Paul apparently was a better salesman.
Thank you.
What did you write in that letter?
Oh, it doesn't matter now.
Yes, Mrs. Baxter.
No, Mrs. Baxter.
Yes, I'll put all calls through,
no matter how late.
Anything for me, Charlie?
No, sorry, not a thing.
Hey, Charlie, take a look at this,
will you?
I'm sorry, I can't hear you.
Oh, Fred.
No, I've heard nothing from him.
Thanks for calling, Fred.
I said thanks for calling.
Good night.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Sleep well?
Not very.
Any word?
Well, you better have some breakfast.
Good morning. Your order, please.
No, Fred, please, I couldn't.
Oh, come on, have some coffee
or something.
No, thank you.
I'm terribly worried about Paul.
You're sure he knew you
were coming.
He sent me this telegram.
I've been making calls all morning.
I even checked the hospitals.
It was sent from Philadelphia. That's only
a few hours from here by train.
I know.
I wish there were something I could do.
Well, there's the police.
The Bureau of Missing Persons.
How do I get there?
Come on.
But I don't want to take you
from your work, Fred.
Oh, that'll keep.
Come on.
Homicide squad.
He wanted me to meet him here
yesterday morning and he hasn't shown up.
Well you got the wrong department.
This is homicide.
The Missing Persons Bureau
is down the hall to your left.
Can't you help us?
All right, I'll take the information.
Mildred Baxter.
Husband's name?
Paul Baxter.
The Sherwin Hotel.
When was the last time you saw
your husband?
The day we were married.
A month and four days ago.
Where was this?
In Grantsville, Ohio.
Under what circumstances
did he leave you?
He had to come back to New York on business.
Who does he work for?
I don't know.
Well, you know what sort of business
he's in?
Oh, yes, he's a salesman.
How did you meet him?
He used to come in to the restaurant
where I worked.
How long did you know him
before you were married?
Four months.
And how many times during these
four months did you actually see him?
Three times.
You mean you only saw this man 3 times
then married him?
Do you have a photo?
Can you describe him?
Oh, yes, he's 34 and...
about six feet tall, dark hair
and dark eyes.
Any distinguishing marks such as scars,
moles, birthmarks?
I don't know, I don't think so.
How was he dressed
the last time you saw him?
He was wearing a dark suit with a white shirt
and sort of a dark tie.
Anything else you can tell me?
You will find him, won't you?
We'll do our best. But you've practically
married a stranger.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
Do you want me to turn this over
to the Missing Persons Bureau?
I'll handle it.
The telegram was sent from Philadelphia.
The night of the Convention murder.
You think maybe...
I don't think anything.
Check Western Union, Philadelphia.
Excuse me.
You can go, Fred.
Go on, go ahead, you don't have
to stay here with me.
I have no place to go.
I know you better.
This is like old times back in Grantsville.
I don't know what I'm gonna do, Fred.
I can't go back to Grantsville.
You don't have to, Millie.
New York's a big place.
I can't stay here.
I'd be looking for him every place I go.
The places are all alike, Millie.
You can't run away from yourself.
Oh, Paul.
Oh, darling, it's so good to hear
your voice.
Where are you? What's happened?
Oh, come right over, darling, right away.
But why?
Tomorrow, but...
I'll come to you, darling, tell me where,
please, please, Paul.
Corner of 7th and Bleeker.
I'm leaving right away.
Bye, darling.
Why didn't he come here?
I don't know, I don't care.
Seventh and Bleeker isn't a very
healthy neighborhood.
I better come along.
No, thanks, Fred.
Oh, Fred.
I couldn't let you come alone.
He's in there.
In there.
He's gone.
Who's gone?
It's a different man.
You sure you saw him?
He was sitting right in that chair.
Come on, we'll get a cab.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Oh, Mr. Graham, if you're looking fo
Mrs. Baxter, she just checked out.
That's right, just about five minutes ago.
Did she leave any forwarding address?
Did anyone come for her?
No. There was a telephone call though
just a few minutes before she checked out.
Hello, Millie.
Oh, Paul.
Getting lonely, Millie?
Oh, Paul, Paul, darling.
I've been so worried, so upset.
Why didn't you meet me last night?
Now, now, baby.
There's nothing to be worried
and upset about.
Everything is all right.
Why didn't you meet me last night?
I asked you to come by yourself
last night, Millie.
Oh, that was Fred. Hr's staying at the Sherwin.
I used to know him in Grantsville.
I think I told you about him.
He used to go through there on business.
Does he know where you are now?
You told me not to tell anyone.
Why don't you let the sun in?
Do you know something?
I haven't had a thing to eat
since the night before last.
I'm starving.
Well, I'm sorry.
There isn't a thing in the place to eat.
I'll tell you what we'll do...
I know. I'll go ut and buy something.
I'll be right back.
I thought you were out.
You look nice.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, Paul, the person who lived here before
left his card on our mailbox.
No, he didn't.
But the name is Moore on our box.
Well, I use that name sometimes.
Business reasons.
Who's that?
I don't know.
It was here when I moved in.
Well, let's go.
Go? Go where? I just got the groceries.
We're gonna eat.
The groceries will keep. I've decided
to take you out and feed you.
And then, you hick, I'm gonna show you
the city of New York.
Oh, that's wonderful.
I want to see all of New York.
do you know what I'd like to do
after that?
I'd like to see Coney Island.
Coney Island?
All right.
Then we will see Coney Island, too.
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen,
step right up and meet Hugo,
the Mental Marvel.
Don't only be educated, but amused also.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, step right up
and come in a little closer, please,
each and every one of you.
For ten cents, one thin dime,
the tenth part o a dollar, I'll tell you
who you are and what you do
in three guesses.
Nothing embarrassing.
I'll try it. Thank you, madam. thank you.
Step right up.
Now I'll tell you what I'll do.
If I don't guess in three guesses
this beautiful prize is yours
absolutely free of charge.
Excuse me.
Ah, let me see, let me see.
She's a pianist, right?
She's a stenographer. Right?
I got it. She's a nurse. Right?
That's right.
Now, who's next. Don't be bashful,
don't be bashful.
Remember, folks, it's entertainment
and it's also educational.
I wanna try.
Thank you so much.
You were just married. Next!
As a wedding present to this
young couple
I am going to guess
what this young man does
absolutely free of charge.
Step right up, brother. Come on.
It's just a little entertainment.
Hugo won't hurt you.
He's a reporter.
He's a lawyer. Right?
He works in a bank. Right?
I can't guess what you do.
It's the first time I ever missed,
Here you are.
Well, everybody's got to have a miss
now and then.
I'd like to invite someone to dinner.
Fred Graham. I told you about him.
Yes, I remember him.
Hey, give me my marble.
It's my marble.
Kids squabbling over marbles.
Twenty years from now
they'll still be squabbling.
But over money instead of marbles.
People don't change much, do they?
Will Tuesday be all right?
I'd rather you didn't, Millie.
But... I owe an awful lot to Fred.
Maybe you do, but...
I don't want him over.
I do.
I don't.
Come on over here.
Come on.
I'm mad, you know that, don't you?
Your eggs are burning,
you know that, don't you?
You still mad?
A little.
The Philadelphia silk stocking murder...
What did you say?
Jacob Houser, a hotel bartender
who can identify the killer
has left Philadelphia for an undisclosed
Jacob Houser is the sole witness...
Where are you going?
I've got to make a call, Millie.
I'll see you later.
I tell you, he tried to kill me.
He only missed me by that much.
I tell you he tried to kill me.
It might have been accidental.
Did you get a look at the man
who was driving the truck?
No. But why should anyone want
to murder me?
Maybe you know too much.
You mean...
It's a pity that you can't remember
the name of the hotel.
Like I said, I caught a peak at the guy's suitcase
when he left the bar with Prescott.
The label said Hotel something or other.
New York City, that's what it said.
That's what it said.
Can't you tell me something more
about the man?
Like I said, he was sort of a salesman of some kind.
He was about 6 foot tall,
dark hair, dark eyes...
He had on a dark suit.
Dark eyes, dark hair and a dark suit.
There are thousands of men who fit
that description here in New York.
That makes it tough.
If you could only remember that hotel label
on the killer's suitcase.
I can't.
I can't, I can't.
Your life may depend on it.
I can't.
I can't, I can't.
Your life may depend on it.
That's it.
Sherwin. That's it.
Are you sure?
She checked out early yesterday morning.
Did her husband ever show up?
No, not that I know of.
Was Mrs. Baxter friendly with anyone
in the hotel?
Yes, er... Fred Graham.
I think you'll find him downstairs
in the...
The city is a nice place to live in, all right
but I'll take a home in the country anytime.
Well, that depends
on what you call living.
You can't raise kids in the city.
I didn't know everybody was married.
Everyone should be.
Well, sometimes things just don't work out
the way you figure.
How are the ball games
coming along?
They're playing a double-headed today.
We've still got time to see the second game.
I'd sure like to see it.
Let's go.
No, I gotta get back to headquarters.
You're gonna get a rubdown?
Oh, I might as well.
Come on.
I can't promise you anything as exciting
as the ball game, Mr. Graham,
but I think you''ll get a kick out of this.
Make yourself at home.
This was a case I worked on
a couple of years ago.
Albert Foster. He was a mild little sales clerk.
Wouldn't harm a soul.
He was pulling down $35 a week
and he was happy with it.
And then one day, Albert fell in love.
Cute kid.
Albert talked Dolly into marrying him.
Promised her the moon,
told her he was making big money.
In order to make good on his promises,
Albert stayed late at the store one night
when everyone had gone home.
Everyone but Albert's employer.
Mr. Simmons.
While the boss was figuring up
the day's takings
Albert sneaked up behind him
and hit him over the head with a fire axe.
He hit him three times, Mr. Graham,
splitting the skull wide open.
Then Albert grabbed the money
and left town taking Dolly with him.
Did you ever catch him?
We caught him.
After he'd killed three more people
with the same axe.
Robert Fisk.
Herbert Cain.
Ernest Boyd.
Well, you tell a good story, Lieutenant.
I had a good reason, Mr. Graham.
I daresay you've read about
the silk stocking murder in Philadelphia.
The killer got away with $10,000.
A man who murders once for money will go on
murdering for money, like Albert Foster.
Yes, I suppose.
Where's Mrs. Baxter?
I don't know.
The desk clerk said you were
pretty friendly with her.
Are you sure you don't know
where she is?
I told you I didn't.
I haven't finished. Do you mind?
There's one more slide.
Sidney Johnson.
The friend who covered up for
Albert Foster.
Sidney told us that Albert left the store
with him at 6 o'clock.
That held us up long enough for Albert
to commit three more murders.
Good day, Mr. Graham.
What are you doing here?
I thought I'd drop in and tell the lieutenant I find Paul.
Let's get out of here.
He wanted to know
where you were living.
But didn't you tell him I found Paul?
Well, I think he wants it for
another reason.
What other reason?
What other reason?
There was some sort of trouble
in Philadelphia.
What kind of trouble.
He didn't say.
Well, whatever it is, I'm sure Paul
had nothing to do with it.
Of course he didn't.
Millie, hasn't Paul told you anything?
Well, he's worried about something, but...
he doesn't want to talk about it.
Where does Paul work?
The Anderson Shirt Company.
Oh, Anderson. They're right up the street
from us.
Listen, I'll check with them to see
if I can find anything out.
Where can I reach you tonight?
I'll call you.
Okay, Millie. Any time after eight.
Do you like it?
It was a bargain.
I know I shouldn't have, but...
Well, I can take it back.
No, keep it.
It's nice,
Do you really like it? Are you sure?
I'm sure. I really like it.
It certainly took you
a long time to find it, though.
I spent most of the time window shopping.
I ran into Fred Graham.
I didn't tell him where we lived.
Oh, here, let me.
When will you be leaving town?
Fred can hardly wait, huh?
Seriously, Paul.
Can't you take me with you?
Seriously, I can't take you with me.
Why not?
Sweetie, you know I can't drag you
all over the country...
eating in one-armed joints and sleeping
in third-rate hotels.
Can't you take me along when
you make the big cities,
like Pittsburg, Boston, Philadelphia?
That's not my territory.
But that telegram you sent me,
wasn't that from Philadelphia?
Oh, sure, I er...
wrote that between trains
passing through.
Look, let's get out of here,
have dinner and take in a movie.
All right, I'm ready. Get your coat.
Here we go.
We're getting in right at the finish.
The usher will seat you, sir.
Hello, Millie? Yeah.
I checked with the Anderson Shirt Company
They haven't got a thing against Paul.
He was one of their best men.
What do you mean was?
Well, he gave up his job a few days ago.
Yeah, that's right.
No, they can't understand why.
He just mailed them a swell bunch of orders
from stores they've been trying to get for years.
Yeah, I know them myself. They're the best
accounts in Philadelphia.
Do you have a Philadelphia paper?
No, we ain't got them.
Are you sure?
Pretty sure.
Could you look?
What date?
August 12th.
No, we ain't got that one.
Would you please look.
August 12th.
Thank you.
What'll it be?
Paper, Mister?
Do you have a Philadelphia paper?
August 12th.
I got your call, Millie. What's up?
Oh, yes, I know about that one.
Blake told me.
What'll it be?
I thought there was something wrong, but...
Nothing like this.
Hasn't he told you anything?
I didn't ask him.
You mean to tell me you made up your mind
just from reading this paper?
I found that.
All right. So he is a clothing salesman.
So are a million other guys.
He told you he wasn't in Philadelphia
the other day
and I found out that he was.
But he was in the hotel.
Yes, but when? I've carried match folders
around with me for months.
He changed his name. Why should he do that?
There could be a hundred reasons.
I know you put each one of these little things
together and they make it airtight.
But you take each one separately...
you find a simple answer.
You think he's the man
they're looking for, don't you?
I'm going to find out.
Millie, let me have your telephone number.
I'll call you in half an hour
and see if everything's all right.
Parkview 34608.
The Windsor Apartments on 12th Street.
Apartment C.
That letter I wrote you...
What letter?
The one I mailed to Grantsville.
The one I wrote before I knew
you were married.
I'll call you in half an hour.
I'll tell you what he is in one guess.
He's a murderer.
He's a murderer, he's a murderer,
he's a murderer...
A murderer.
Is your headache any better?
Couldn't figure out what happened to you.
I bought a paper.
A Philadelphia paper.
Haven't you anything to say?
Haven't you anything to say?
Just going away.
On another business trip.
No. For good.
Yes. Yes, I'll do that.
The call was for you.
He said he'd call back.
Where is he?
I don't know.
I'm trying to keep you out of this,
Mrs. Baxter.
I'm not asking you to help us,
don't help him.
There's something you can do.
Thank you, Mrs. Baxter.
Why did you come back?
I never got out.
You can't stay here.
Yes, I know.
I won't get you into any
further trouble.
I wasn't thinking of myself.
You said that as though
you meant it.
I do.
Where are you going?
What's the difference?
I wouldn't ask if I didn't care.
They're still out there.
You'd better go now.
I'll meet you at 7th and Bleeker.
Go ahead. They won't stop you.
Good evening.
The guy we want.
We can always spot him.
Just find this guy Baxter.
Oh, Paul.
Were you followed?
You know, they're not so dumb.
They figured it would be easier
to spot us together.
Do you want to go on alone?
How did you know that they wouldn't
follow me?
When Blake asked for your photograph
I gave them the one on the mantlepiece.
What time does the car leave
for Dallas?
There ain't no car
leaving for Dallas tonight.
Is there any car leaving tonight?
For where?
On the way to Dallas.
Well, there's a car leaving for Louisville.
Should have been here 20 minutes ago.
Is there room for two?
My husband and I.
That'll be $10 apiece.
Don't I get any tickets?
There ain't no tickets.
Just take a seat till the car gets here.
Thank you.
That's good.
Sit down.
How many for Louisville?
The mother, him and them two.
Let's go.
Stop the car!
Keep driving and don't stop.
He's won! He's won!
The champ's here. Hooray for the champ.
What a fight. One more round
and he'd have killed him.
He sure would, but that was really
a tough one.
When are you gonna pick a winner?
Well, maybe next time. Who knows?
Your luck can't hold out that long.
probably won't ever be a next time.
I... I'm looking for a room.
What do you want?
I'm looking for a room.
Are you alone?
Right this way.
How much is it?
Any luggage?
My bags are at the depot.
Then you have to pay a week in advance.
That's $5.
No cooking.
We'll be safe here overnight, anyway.
It's not a pretty story, is it?
You better lie down.
Get some rest.
there's something I've got to tell you.
Tell me in the morning, darling.
No, I've got to tell you now.
You know, it's funny...
how things work out sometimes,
isn't it?
How everything...
well, sometimes things completely
change in a single night.
You go along for years batting
your brains out for $50 a week...
and that $50 seems like...
well, just about the most important thing
in the world to you.
And then, suddenly...
you meet a guy that carries...
Ten grand. I carry ten times that much
without losing a dime.
I don't believe in banks, you see?
I tried it once.
$10,000, Millie.
And there it was, lying on the floor.
Right in front of me.
I was worried about your coming
to New York.
I was worried about how
I was gonna take care of you
how we'd make out together.
It didn't seem right that a man like
that should have all that money.
Then I... may have wanted his money...
I didn't kill him.
I didn't, Millie, I didn't kill him.
Why did you hide?
Who'd believe me?
What are they doing to him?
I... I don't know.
Will you let me see him?
I ain't got no say here.
Aren't you a detective?
No, I'm only a bartender.
You're Jacob Houser.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Baxter.
All I did was tell them the truth.
I'm not blaming you.
You been married long?
Five weeks tomorrow.
Mrs. Baxter.
You can go.
Can't I see him?
Not right now.
Well, when?
Tomorrow, maybe.
Excuse me.
Good evening.
Good evening, is Mr. Graham in?
He's on the roof garden.
Shall I connect you?
No, no, I'll go up.
Mrs. Baxter...
A letter for you.
Yes, forwarded from Grantsville.
Oh, Fred's letter.
Roof garden, please.
Well, how did things go?
I couldn't see him.
Too windy for you up here?
Oh, your letter came.
Let me have it.
Let me read it.
No, you don't want to know...
Oh, please.
Hotel Phladelphia.
That present.
It was a pair of silk stockings.
You never sent them.
You were in the Hotel Philadelphia
that night.
The night Prescott was...
Now I understand.
You weren't trying to find Paul for me
but for the police.
That's why you took me to Lieutenant Blake
instead of the Missing Persons Bureau.
Now I know why you stopped me
from telling Blake I'd found Paul.
You wanted this letter...
You had to get hold of it before
I found out what had happened in Philadelphia.
Don't you see?
He did it, not Paul.
I'll have to have more
than your word for it, Mrs. Baxter.
But the stocking, that letter.
There's no mention here of any stockings.
It just says here er...
"...that present I promised you".
It doesn't mean a thing.
There must be some way I can prove it.
Something we can do...
We haven't found the money yet.
Don't be too hopeful.
Have a car ready.
There's no use in your waiting.
You go on home.
If there's anything, I'll call you.
Well, come in, Lieutenant,
I've been expecting you.
Wait here.
Mr. Graham, did you promise Mrs. Baxter
a pair of silk stockings?
Yes, I did.
But I... couldn't get them.
What about your letter?
Well, I got her something else instead.
It was sort of supposed to be a surprise.
May I see it?
Do you mind if we search the room?
Go ahead. If you find $10,000,
I'll split it with you.
Come in, boys.
Shall we wait in the hall?
I don't like this any more than you,
Mr. Graham,
but we have to follow up every lead.
Oh, I understand.
You know, you'd be surprised how
much it takes to convict a murderer.
You have a jury of about 12
ordinary people.
They've never even seen a murderer.
They expect some wild-eyed maniac
with blood in his hands.
When you show them someone
who looks the same as they...
they just don't believe you.
That's why we have to clear up
all the loose ends...
so it's airtight.
Am I keeping you from something?
I'd like to catch the 11:15,
I'm due in Atlanta on Thursday.
You'll make it.
You take that Albert Foster.
I showed you his picture.
Did we have a time convicting him.
And with four bodies to show, too.
There was one little lady on the jury
who tied up the verdict for six days
just because she couldn't believe a man
with such a sweet smile was a killer.
Then there was Professor...
Remember him?
Sure? Sure what?
You were telling me about
Albert Foster.
I'd finished about Albert Foster.
I was talking about Professor Stanley.
Tell me about him, I'd like to hear it.
You're not interested.
Sure, I am. Tell me.
Forget it.
Say, do you remember that woman who poisoned
her six husbands for their insurance?
What was her name? Goldsmith,
Emma Goldsmith.
And the man in the case, the chauffeur,
wasn't it, they...
collected over $100,000.
They would have gotten away with it,
too, if it hadn't been for Emma Goldsmith...
Borden. Emma Borden.
No, It was Goldsmith.
You're thinking of somebody else
This was Goldsmith, I...
I remember distinctly, I know a buyer
in Miami named Goldsmith.
Herbert Goldsmith. I thought about him
as soon as I read about the case.
Took me up to his house one time.
He's got a beautiful house on the hill
overlooking the ocean
There are no hills in Miami.
No, that's right, he didn't live in Miami.
He lived just outside.
You oughta see the house.
The most beautiful view you've ever seen.
Fifteen rooms and a garden that...
Shut up!
Hold him.
Do you have a letter there addressed
to Fred Graham, Atlanta, Georgia?
Fred Graham?
Fred Graham.
Excuse me, please.
Pardon me. Excuse me.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Come in.
Excuse me, folks, but...
the train's crowded. I wonder if
a young lady could sit here for a spell.
Bring her in.
Thank you, sir.
This way, please.
I was just married, too.
Pardon me.
Tell us all about it, my dear.
Well, I was working in a restaurant and...
he came in one day.
And so he said he liked me and...
that's how it started.
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Lus Filip
Lus Filipe
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Lus Filipe Bern
Lus Filipe Berna
Lus Filipe Bernar
Lus Filipe Bernard
Lus Filipe Bernarde
Lus Filipe Bernardes