When Two Worlds Collide (2016)

Watch out.
I'm about to become Tarzan.
To grow, Peru needs
to expand its markets.
We need larger
investments in mining,
oil and gas.
That's why I invite you
to invest in Peru.
American entrepreneurs,
bring your factories here.
You can trust that we'll have
long term stability.
We won't have any
political conflicts.
If I were a member
of the American
Chamber of Commerce,
-I would invest in Peru.
-Of course I would!
I broke it.
-Alberto is here.
ALBERTO: I love the jungle.
I love the Amazon.
Because this is what I know.
This is where I'm from.
I grew up in
a collective environment.
Where we all enjoy
what the earth gives us.
My father always told me
that the earth was borrowed.
It's not given to you
to do what you please with.
When you borrow something,
you must care for it,
even more than its owner.
We must hand it to
the future generations
in even better condition.
You see that pond?
There used to be
river dolphins there.
I used to play
with those river dolphins.
We love... our... Peru.
Good morning, teacher.
Can I say hello to the kids?
My son's name means Waterfall.
And you? Stand up.
Native people have always
followed the principle
to not plunder nature.
Rather, we respect it.
Our territories
are sacred to us.
Our territory is the seed
of our existence.
Without our territories
we can't live.
I caught some
prey in the forest.
I could've hunted more animals
if I had more time.
ARUWIHTU: Yes, my son.
Other regions
have more animals,
but not here.
MAN: We used to have
lots of animals.
They used to roam
by the river bed.
MAN: There is nothing now.
ANDER: This is
the North Peru Pipeline.
Look at how bad it is.
All submerged
under water and mud.
Now you'll see the damage
the crude oil
is causing in our region.
You can see
that the crude went
all the way up to here.
It leaves your hand black.
Down here
there's also a lot of crude.
In winter the crude will
float back up to here.
And our fish feed
from these plants.
NURSE: The majority of
our patients have headaches,
nausea, dizziness.
It's because the oil spills
have contaminated our water.
Our water contains
many toxic metals
that are harming our people.
ALBERTO: The communities
that have been exposed
have lead and cadmium
in their blood.
They are condemned to die.
The accumulation of
money and wealth...
We call that
kind of development
whether you want or not,
you kill the rainforest.
You kill a culture.
You kill an entire people.
President Alan Garcia traveled
all the way to Paiche Sur
where the Barrett Company
will exploit
one of the largest
oil discoveries
in our country.
Very exciting.
This guarantees our future
and opens new possibilities
for our nation.
ANCHORWOMAN: The government's
goal is to make Peru
an exporter of steel,
natural gas, oil and minerals.
One, two, three... Peru!
President Garcia wanted
to promote big investment
in the Amazon,
but the native communities
presented an obstacle.
At one point he calls
their territories a waste.
So better to have
private companies
buy their land.
REPORTER: President Alan
Garcia left for the U.S.
to promote the
Free Trade Agreement,
full of optimism
and high expectations.
I'm very optimistic.
I believe the FTA
will be a great step
forward for our country.
MAN: President Garcia
enacted a series of laws
to facilitate
the Free Trade Agreement
with the U.S.
Among them were
laws that affected
all the native
Amazonian communities.
PINTO: With these laws
he tried to get rid
of indigenous communal land.
Or at least weaken it
as much as possible.
Some of the laws
were specifically meant
to eliminate their
communal property.
These laws gave
private companies
the right to exploit
rainforest resources
without the permission
or consultation
of local native communities.
The companies were
getting a blank check.
REPORTER: The Free Trade
Agreement with the U.S.
is now a reality.
President Garcia
signed the agreement
this afternoon.
ALBERTO: For us, our land
can never be sold.
We don't negotiate
with our land.
And that's what
Garcia's government
doesn't understand.
How are you, brother?
I'm here.
How are you?
How are you doing?
Nice to meet you.
ALBERTO: They tell you,
"Here, have some money
"so that we can
extract oil and gold
from your territory."
You'll have money
for two or three years.
And then what?
Your river contaminated.
Your territory contaminated.
Nothing left.
Only death.
Is that what we want?
MAN: No... no.
Why does Alan Garcia
want to sell our territories?
He should sell his palace.
-Extract oil from there.
Extract gold from there.
Why is he coming
to screw us over?
But we can't run away.
Our ancestors taught us
to defend our land.
Our grandparents and parents
fought for the rights
of our territory.
Because we're
nothing without our land.
And the Convention 169 states
very clearly,
that our people have the right
to decide our own priorities.
The right to live in peace.
The right to live
in a dignified land.
MAN: Peru is a signatory to
International Convention 169,
which mandates that
when the government
wants to pass a law
that affects
native people's rights
it must consult
with them first.
This wasn't done.
On top of that,
the laws were
The constitution establishes
that native territories
are inalienable.
Let's welcome the president of
our national organization...
-Mr. Alberto Pizango.
I'm a community leader
born and raised in this area.
My parents raised me
drinking pure water,
breathing clean air,
eating fresh food.
I would give my life
to protect our land,
our water, our air.
Now that you're here,
listen to us, leader Alberto.
Take our message
to the government of Peru.
Please tell
them that we exist,
that we are also Peruvians.
-We're indigenous
but we are also Peruvians.
ALBERTO: What are
the native communities
asking for?
That our rights be respected.
That our territory
and traditions be respected.
MAN 1: Hello.
I wanted to give you
information about the protest.
We're getting organized.
We know we can fill
more than four boats
with people.
But it'll probably
be more like 15 boats.
ALBERTO: This is
a peaceful national protest
in our ancestral territories.
We demand that the government
immediately repeal the laws
violating our
fundamental rights.
Ethnic groups in the Amazon
have gone on strike.
They reject a number of laws
that they believe
threaten their lands.
Protests have sprung up
in four Amazonian regions,
they are waiting
for the government's response.
Meanwhile, the city of Iquitos
was the scene
of the largest gathering
of native people ever.
More than 500 natives arrived
in traditional attire
to demand their rights.
It's the native communities,
that have not been heard
by this government.
We have two strongholds here.
About 3,000 people.
Awajun and Wampis natives,
and Spanish speakers too.
There are no natives
in Congress to speak for us.
Only rich people that
protect the interest
of transnational companies.
AIDESEP follows
the people's mandate.
We're simply the spokesmen
for the decisions of
our indigenous brothers.
The native people have decided
that this protest will go on
until the government
addresses our demands.
We ask that the government
meet with us immediately
to avoid any
regrettable consequences.
When we have resources like
oil, gas and lumber
and abundant
fishing in the Amazon
that can give
work to many people.
That doesn't belong
just to the group
who had the good fortune
to be born there.
The Amazon belongs to you
and your children.
It belongs to
the whole nation.
The riches of Peru
belong to all Peruvians
and should be
enjoyed by all of us.
-Long live Peru!
RADIO HOST: We're speaking
today with Alberto Pizango,
president of AIDESEP.
They are protesting.
Tell us what's going on.
We don't oppose development.
We're always demonized.
We're called troublesome.
Savages that don't
understand progress.
That's why they think
we're obstacles
to development.
That's not true.
We want
the country to progress,
but without
putting lives at risk.
Over there.
MAN: You can't go through!
Don't let him pass!
Highway patrol.
This group will
stand here and not move.
Due to the roads blockaded
by native people
thousands in San Martin
are suffering
shortages of basic goods
and services.
Indigenous groups have blocked
the Belaunde Terry highway.
In a show of strength,
protesters also took the main
road in Yurimaguas.
They used logs to block it.
Some set up camp
on the road itself.
SIMON: Trucks were
at a standstill
throughout the Amazon.
governments were asking
for a resolution
to the problem
because the blockage
was causing a good shortage.
I headed an
executive commission to meet
with the native peoples
represented by
Alberto Pizango.
We met over
the course of several days.
The State has neglected
Amazonian native communities
for centuries.
President Garcia's government
will end this neglect
from this day forward.
We'll review the laws,
and we'll change
whatever parts affect
our native brothers.
We'll eliminate
the specific parts
that affect them
but without
hurting our country.
Rest assured that
we will come to
a permanent solution.
We proposed to identify
which specific articles
they didn't like.
Okay, let's move forward.
What specific parts
do you want eliminated?
But all they kept saying was,
"Repeal the laws.
Repeal the laws."
It was that or nothing.
MAN: Here they come.
We've had
a productive meeting.
However, we still
don't have an agreement.
But as I said,
the talks have been positive.
And we hope to
have concrete results
in the next few hours.
That's all I can say for now.
MAN: They were leading us on.
How can we accept changes
when you made these
laws behind our backs?
We weren't consulted.
And they are unconstitutional.
Therefore, they must
be repealed.
We can't expect to resolve
this immediately.
We would be
lying to ourselves.
We need
a long-lasting solution
that will benefit our country.
Mr. Pizango,
will the protest continue?
That's all we can tell you.
We'll have more news tomorrow.
Thank you.
REPORTER: Mr. Pizango,
will the protests continue?
Hundreds of
natives with spears,
painted faces and native dress
have surrounded PetroPeru
Station No. 6 in Loreto.
People from native communities
started to arrive.
They came by river, on boats,
from very remote regions.
They wanted to take over
an important place
to get
the government's attention.
In our region,
it was Station No. 6.
We coordinated with
the station manager
to close the pipeline.
-We thought this would put
pressure on the government.
Because they knew we supplied
oil to the entire country.
Here with us tonight is the
President of AIDESEP,
Alberto Pizango.
Good evening, Mr. Pizango.
Thank you for this
opportunity to...
You have taken over
PetroPeru's pipeline.
If the gas lines
are compromised
Lima could be
without electricity
and collapse.
And yet you still refuse
to stop the protests?
This wouldn't have happened
if the government
had listened to our demands.
We raised our concerns
before the laws
went into effect.
Don't you realize that
you're putting
the entire country at risk?
But what about the rights
of the indigenous people?
We're also Peruvians.
You're taking a big risk
with your community,
Mr. Pizango.
An eviction of
the protestors is imminent.
The country can't stop
just for you.
(SIGHING) The rule of law
protects the companies.
But it never protects
the territorial rights
of the indigenous people.
-I'm not gonna
be without lights
just because you don't
want to dialogue.
No one in the city will.
Thank you. And I hope
you'll be more open
to dialogue.
We are open to dialogue.
It doesn't seem that way.
Thank you.
The protest has been going on
for more than a month,
and there's no
solution in sight.
When are we going
to stop protesting?
The answer is
with the President.
If they repeal the laws today
we'll leave.
Any problem can be solved
if there's political will.
We'll remain here
until the final consequences.
GARCIA: These people
don't have crowns.
These people are not
first class citizens.
400,000 natives can't tell
28 million Peruvians
that, "You don't have
any right to come here."
No way.
It's like they
want to take us back
to primitive times.
The government has
been extremely patient
until now.
But the country cannot
have a gun to its head.
The government
must act with strength
to restore order.
The people maintain the State
to maintain order.
This must end.
The government has declared
a State of Emergency
in four Amazonian regions.
This government has
always tried to be patient
and tolerant.
But we can't accept
this type of unrest,
which tries to
weaken our government.
We won't allow it.
We're fully committed to using
our constitutional authority.
I only want to speak
with the one gentleman.
Everyone else stay back.
Come closer.
MAN: Let's talk right here.
MAN: Yes?
I'm a commander of
the Police Special Forces.
We agree with your protest
and with our complaints.
we can't support you.
What we want at this time,
is that you leave
the bridge peacefully.
Brothers, policemen!
Our fight is not with you!
Our struggle is
against the government!
Brothers of the Military!
Our fight is not with you!
Alan Garcia is a traitor!
Go that way! Go that way!
This way.
Hey, go this way!
MAN: Grab him!
ALBERTO: Just as
the President has declared
a State of Emergency,
we indigenous
people are also declaring
a State of Emergency
inside our territory.
Our Central
Committee has decided
to declare our
people in insurgency.
This means we'll only follow
our ancestral laws.
And any forces
that come into our territories
will be considered
external aggression.
Why are you
dismissing the dialogue
with the government?
They must move forward
and repeal those laws.
Our position has been clear.
In other words:
repeal the laws or death.
That's what our people
have decided.
He's sending
thousands of natives
to the guillotine.
Natives who only want peace,
but they've been lied to.
ALBERTO: We don't want
violence but if the government
thinks we do
then we are forced to retract
our call for insurgency.
we will continue our protest
because we have
the right to do so.
38 policemen, including
Commander Montenegro.
We were sent to Station No.6
to keep order.
URIZAR: But 38 policemen
aren't enough when you've got
1,500 people outside.
It wasn't enough.
Your leaders have told us
this is a peaceful protest.
Even though we're in
a State of Emergency,
we want to be respectful.
We don't want
anyone to get hurt
or something worse.
We're all Peruvians and we all
love our country.
We signed
an Agreement of Understanding
with the police,
not to attack each other.
Because our fight
was against the government.
No one else.
It's been 50 days
since the protests began.
And the problem is the same:
if the laws are not repealed,
the protests will continue.
Since the executive branch
had no intentions
of resolving the issue,
we approached
all the different
political parties in Congress.
One by one, we reached out to
every political party.
I gotta leave by 11:50 a.m.
Send someone
to replace me here.
Go ahead.
Here are our demands.
PINTO: One of the most
debated laws was Law 1090,
the Forestry Law.
The Forestry Law allowed
for parts of the rainforest
to be reclassified from
a collective natural resource
to become eligible
for private sale.
-MAN: Our native brothers
that if Law 1090 was repealed,
we would end the protest.
BELAUNDE: When these laws
were being debated
in Congress,
the government
pressured its own party
saying that if they changed
a single comma or a period
in these laws
it would cause the entire
Free Trade Agreement
to fall apart.
-This was a lie.
Native lands had nothing to do
with the American
Trade Agreement.
That was the great fraud
of Alan Garcia's government.
Garcia had
a majority in Congress.
And they acted in support
of their President.
If he didn't want
to repeal the laws,
they wouldn't repeal them.
I think Congress is taking
a good step towards trying to
resolve this problem.
But it's only one of the laws?
Yes, it's only one.
But we hope that the other
contested laws will
be deemed unconstitutional.
The debate to repeal
Forestry Law 1090
will continue.
MAN: We'll now vote
on a new motion,
to suspend all debate
on this law until
the Executive Commission
presents its recommendations.
Register your attendance
because we're about to vote.
Register your attendance.
We're voting on the motion.
Register your attendance,
Let's close the vote.
Thirty-eight votes in favor.
Twenty-one against.
Nine abstained.
The motion to suspend
has been approved.
Let's move on.
MAN: You are playing
with the interests
of the people.
MAN: Order, please!
WOMAN: We want a debate.
A debate over ideas.
The session began at 9:30 a.m.
Everyone knew that.
You have to understand
that the Amazon
is in serious trouble.
The entire population
has come out to protest.
It's not only
the natives anymore.
Everyone has come out.
We're only asking for
a democratic debate.
If we lose, we lose.
If we win, we win.
That's how democracy works.
But you've got to
put it on the agenda.
MAN: The subject is closed,
The government and
your party should ask
the country for forgiveness,
for taking us
down a dead-end road!
Congressman, we've moved on
to another topic.
You've won this motion. Fine.
But just think about
what will happen
when the Amazon people
find out?
With all due respect,
we're done with that subject.
It's a closed topic,
closed here.
But it's not
closed in the Amazon.
ALBERTO: Our people has
hoped that Law 1090
would be repealed today.
And we could have immediately
suspended our protest.
They're dead!
There are two people
dead up there!
WOMAN: They're wounded!
We're staying right here.
If they're gonna kill us,
let them kill us right here.
Shields up!
The one in the yellow shirt.
Get him!
Keep moving.
MAN 1: Fucking help us!
Water! Water!
MAN: He's shot! He's shot!
MAN 2: Taxi, taxi!
Help us out!
MAN 3: Take him to town!
MAN 4: Stop the bleeding.
MAN 2: Let's take him.
There are many
seriously wounded.
We're in the middle
of a terrible conflict.
They're shooting tear gas
all over the place.
We don't know
what's going on up there.
We've heard there are dead
and wounded people,
but it's impossible
to get up there.
Someone got injured.
-A policeman?
Yeah, he might be dead.
POLICEMAN 1: Hold his head.
WOMAN: Please stop shooting.
WOMAN: Let's take him!
For the honor of
our fallen colleagues,
we're gonna finish this.
For them,
because they're watching us.
We're going to finish this up.
But no one does anything
unless I order it!
Let's do this right.
Let's finish it.
What's done is done!
Remember our motto...
"Never surrender,
God damn it!"
I'm gonna burn your camera.
Check the ambulances for guns.
-Check inside!
MAN 1: Drag him out!
MAN 2: Get out motherfucker.
Take it easy. Take it easy.
I don't have anything.
He has a gun!
MAN: Get him out!
Get out of here!
Here's the gun he stole.
He's been shooting it.
POLICEMAN 3: Take his belt
off and tie him up.
Don't open your mouth
or I'll kick your face in,
MAN: They're aiming
at the people!
WOMAN: Look out!
Get down! Get down!
They're going to shoot you!
MAN: Move back!
Get out of the way!
WOMAN: Foreign press!
They're not letting us in!
El Comercio Newspaper!
I want to denounce this act.
They've assassinated
our brothers.
They've killed them.
They've shot them down.
A piece of paper with laws...
The government
could've easily torn it up,
and written new ones.
But a lost life
cannot be recovered.
From death, no one returns.
What a shame that
a democratic government
is making Peruvians
kill each other.
There's a warrant
out for my arrest.
it's the government
that should answer
for these assassinations
and all that has
happened today.
But there are
also dead policemen.
-Police were killed,
Mr. Pizango.
Our people were only
defending their rights.
And what about the police?
Who's responsible
for their deaths?
It's the President,
Alan Garcia.
Our brothers were
gathered peacefully
until the police
started to shoot.
The people were not armed.
So why are the policemen dead?
Thank you very much.
Are you going to
turn yourself in?
The government acted
as a democratic government
should act under
the Constitution.
We had to finally
establish order and discipline
in our country.
Eleven policemen
were assassinated.
Five were ambushed
and murdered with spears.
Four died while
trying to retake the road.
Eleven assassinated policemen.
Don't let anyone tell you that
the natives are the victims.
It's the police
who are the victims.
Things like this don't just
happen by the Grace of God.
This happened because
there was a conspiracy
and an instigator.
Mr. Pizango is
unequivocally responsible.
Maybe not
materially responsible,
but definitely
intellectually responsible.
He agitated, pushed,
deceived, lied to,
and manipulated the natives,
by telling them
that their lands
were already sold
and their water
was privatized.
And that they had to
fight to the death.
The judicial system should
arrest him immediately,
so that this criminal,
Pizango, can face
the full weight of the law.
What can we do?
You must go out
and face the press
and the police.
MAN 1:
Any news on the arrest order?
Open that door.
WOMAN: That way.
Close the door.
Close the door.
MAN 2:
Go that way. Be careful.
It's 5:18 p.m.
Here's the news
with Armando Canchaya.
CANCHAYA: We have an
incoming call to our studio.
Good afternoon.
MAN: Hello.
I'm calling from Imazita.
Tell us what's going on there.
We've taken 38 policemen
and their commander hostage
at Station No. 6.
We've taken them
to the mountains.
We've done this because
our brothers have been
gunned down in Bagua.
What happened at Station No. 6
was a reaction to Bagua.
The radio announced that
there was a genocide
at the Devil's Curve.
It wasn't true.
It was an exaggeration.
The news infuriated them.
Since the wire fence
wasn't very strong,
they knocked it down.
They overtook the guards,
and made it inside.
I told them in my language...
let's not hurt each other."
But they
ignored their leaders.
Everything went
out of control.
Nobody had told our commander
what had happened
at Devil's Curve.
So Colonel Montenegro
had no idea
what was going on.
Montenegro said,
"Don't worry guys.
"I'll fix this by
talking to them."
But the natives jumped him.
They started
beating him with sticks
and everything they had.
They insulted us,
"You miserable dogs,
this is how you're gonna die."
They threw all 38 of us
into a warehouse.
While we were inside
we heard a helicopter
circling above.
But it never landed.
We lost hope that
backup was coming.
They said,
"Commander, come here."
Several hours
had already passed.
Line your people
up and follow us.
They took 18 men.
What do you want in exchange?
MAN: (ON RADIO) We want
the Minister of the Interior
to order the police
to withdraw.
CANCHAYA: What will happen
if the authorities
refuse your demands?
MAN: Unfortunately,
the people will execute them.
And we can't stop them.
The National Police Chief
will now present
the Peruvian flag
to the family of
Colonel Miguel Montenegro.
Miguel Antonio Montenegro.
ALL: We salute you!
Miguel Antonio Montenegro.
ALL: We salute you!
WOMAN: I'm grateful that
I had such a wonderful
man in my life.
He was a good son,
a good brother,
a good father.
He was a marvelous
husband with whom
I shared 22 years.
This is a very
painful moment
for all of us who loved you.
But we promise to have your
strength and to move forward.
I want this flower
to symbolize peace
for everyone.
Native brothers,
we don't harbor any
hatred towards you.
If you had known my husband
a little better
I'm sure that
you would have protected him.
Because my husband
was the most wonderful man
any of us could've ever known.
Thank you for everything,
my love.
I'd like to start by honoring
the many policemen
who were murdered.
They were victims of savagery,
barbarism and brutality.
Our country has
been the victim
of a conspiracy
aimed at holding us back.
Its absurd beliefs
are straight out of
the 19th century.
They gathered their
armies in the depths
of the rainforest,
and in the most backwards
parts of our nation.
We're still missing the body
of one policeman.
We're here
searching for his body.
Do you believe that your son
is still alive?
I do think he's still alive.
If the government has
exhausted its search
then they need to
ask the natives.
They know where he is,
dead or alive.
In the rainforest,
there are people who know
how to think, feel, love.
We've reached this point
because we love our land.
How else can we be heard?
The government says,
"You can't take the roads.
"You can't do that."
I'd like to ask
Mr. Alan Garcia,
what else can
the people do when we
keep saying, no, no, no?
How can we be heard
without taking these measures?
This isn't our fault.
I mourn
the death of the police,
and of our native brothers.
But the police
are called "heroes"
because they
fought against an enemy.
But what does that make us?
Can you come a little closer?
WOMAN: We'd like to inform you
that we've granted asylum
to Mr. Pizango.
And we have
requested safe passage
to take Mr. Pizango
from Peru to Nicaragua.
We're waiting for
the Peruvian authorities
to process the request.
MAN: He's followed
all the protocols
to demonstrate
that he is being
politically persecuted.
Asylum was
granted in accordance
with international laws.
Good afternoon.
We welcome you on flight 4382
to the city of Managua.
The intellectual mastermind,
agitator, coward, has fled.
But justice will
prevail over him,
and those who
committed the massacre
of the police officers.
The Minister of the Interior,
Mercedes Cabanillas,
is here with us.
She's rushed over
from a ceremony related
to these tragic events.
Ten more police bodies
arrived today.
We're in deep mourning.
There are destructive,
criminal forces
that have driven these men
to butcher our brothers,
the police.
A savage act.
Frankly, they are savages.
But 15 natives died too.
No, I think less than that.
The number doesn't matter:
Eight, five, nine, 10.
There shouldn't have been any.
Outside of Peru
people believe that the police
attacked the natives,
that the natives
are marginalized and abused.
But it's the other way around.
This was
a political problem right?
Well, but I...
I'm not talking about you.
It wasn't a problem
for the police to solve.
They had an ideology...
Don't forget this
explodes on a Friday.
That Thursday Congress voted
not to repeal Law 1090.
The natives thought
"This is mockery!"
And then the government
sends the police.
It was like dropping
a lit match on gasoline.
Long live the struggle
of the Amazonian people!
-Long live the struggle of
the Peruvian people!
Long live our
national sovereignty!
Down with
transnational companies!
Down with Alan Garcia's
We're united
in this national protest!
I've heard some legislator say
that the law must prevail
and that people
must support them.
I'm asking all of you: Do you
believe you own the truth?
Or could you be in the wrong?
Is it possible that these laws
were unconstitutional?
We have a moral obligation
to the dead.
We can't keep sending
our policemen brothers
to be "cannon fodder."
This is a political problem!
This Cabinet has its hands
stained in blood,
and it shouldn't
stay on any longer.
With all due respect, I won't
answer to stupid comments.
-No, ma'am, I won't.
MAN 1: Take it back!
MAN 2: How can I
take it back,
when you're saying
I've got my hands
soaked in blood?
Shut your mouth!
Let's be decent here.
Order! Order!
Congressman, you're forcing me
to suspend this hearing.
The government
did not assassinate
police officers.
The government
did not assassinate natives.
The judicial system
will find the guilty parties.
There are dead people.
And they should be attributed
to the government.
Your government will have to
carry those deaths
for the rest of history.
And history will
judge you harshly,
because all this
could've been avoided.
I propose to repeal
those laws immediately
because this
government has already lost
its moral
authority for dialogue.
It's time to take
stock of what happened.
And to recognize the mistakes
we've all made,
in one way or another.
It's true that
the original laws were made
without consulting
the leader of
the native communities.
But that's because
it was believed
they had no effect on
their communal land.
The Prime Minister
has decided to start
from the beginning
to repeal the laws
and start a new fresh dialogue
so that we can
draft brand new laws
that will protect our Amazon.
I know that growth
can raise tension.
I've learned that
modernizing our country
too quickly creates conflicts.
Let's not be afraid of change
if it moves
the nation forward.
But let's avoid
death and pain.
If it does happen,
let's rectify,
reconcile and restart.
That Cabinet
has come to
a unanimous agreement
to repeal these laws.
Here is our recommendation
to repeal them.
SIMON: I resigned only after
I fixed the problem.
I didn't run away.
And against the will of many,
we asked Congress
to annul these laws.
Only after I
resolved the problem
I took my
political responsibility.
Someone had to be
politically accountable.
Please, Congressmembers,
we're going to close the vote.
Sixty-six in favor,
-Twenty-nine against
and zero abstained.
ALBERTO: I grieve so much,
it hurts me to
the bottom of my heart
that people lost their lives.
That lives were lost.
It shouldn't have happened.
It should never happen again.
ALBERTO: My house,
my home is the Amazon.
My heart, my mind
are still back in Peru.
The government says
we'll be consulted,
but they keep making
deals under the table
to let the companies in.
They continue
auctioning off the Amazon.
What I see...
What I feel and
what I perceive is...
The great threat
our world is facing
and how badly
we're contaminating it.
We are killing each other.
The plants are so
happy right now.
They're quenching
their thirst.
ALBERTO: I feel that as
long as I'm alive
I have to do something.
And that's why I've decided
that I must go back.
I know there are
many threats to face.
The government
wants to imprison me
to show their authority.
Someone who
fights for their rights
is deemed a criminal.
And that's why I must go back.
Even if I'm jailed,
I must go back.
Welcome to Lima, Peru.
MAN: Down with this
repressive government!
Down with oil
companies in the Amazon!
Long live our brother Pizango!
CROWD: Pizango is a murderer!
So you're here in
the name of the officers
that died in Bagua.
But over there
are people supporting Pizango.
What's your reaction?
I consider them
third-class citizens,
uncultured people.
How can they support someone
who incites violence?
He's like a gang lord.
He is a gang lord!
How can they
support a criminal
who incites people
to murder policemen?
He's coming out.
Testing, testing.
He's coming out right now.
There's an arrest
warrant for Alberto Pizango
for the crimes of sedition,
and conspiracy
against the State.
This is heavy
police presence here
at the airport.
Good afternoon.
We have an arrest
warrant for you.
Please follow me.
WOMAN: What's the charge?
Come with me, please.
You must go that way.
Any comments, Mr. Pizango?
Make way!
MALE REPORTER: Do you regret
what you've done?
Tell us the truth!
Did you order
the police to be killed?
What do you have to say about
the dead police?
FEMALE REPORTER: Are you free?
They say people
from the jungle
don't know how to fight!
But now Alan Garcia will see
what's coming to him,
God damn it
The charges are extreme.
Alberto Pizango is charged
as the instigator.
He supposedly persuaded and
convinced the demonstrators
to kill.
The accusations call for
the maximum sentence,
life in prison.
This is what
a repressive regime does.
The government is
using the penal code
to deal with
a thorn in their side.
I demand that those
who killed the police
face justice.
And also those who
killed the natives.
Don't let them
hide behind politics.
It's time for
the legal process to
take this natural course.
It's time to punish
those responsible.
Or do they wear a crown
that gives them
the right kill?
QUISPE: At no time,
did the leaders coerce
anyone into killing people.
They should be acquitted.
But there's a lot of
political pressure to
make an example out of Pizango
and the others,
to suppress
future social protests.
ARUWIHTU: You have been
absent for too long
because you defended
the rights of your brothers.
Now that you're back
it makes me happy.
-You're here with us.
I am very worried
about your situation.
And I pray to God for you.
Wait right here, please.
MAN: Here we go.
He's walking in.
We're on in three seconds.
2009, over 30 people died
during the tragic
confrontation in Bagua.
And Major Bazan
was never found.
His father
continues the search
and he's with us today.
Welcome Mr. Bazan.
Thank you for the opportunity.
There were two
photos that showed
indigenous man
taking my son away.
So he's alive.
What does that
photo say to you?
That they've taken
my son to a native community.
As a father,
I believe my
son's still alive,
because I haven't
seen any evidence
that he's dead.
Many fathers have
lost their sons.
But they've been
able to bury them.
That's where they visit and
pray for them.
It's where they can
pour out their pain.
But my situation is
completely different.
I must keep
searching until God
helps me find my son.
If I don't,
my life wouldn't
make any sense.
How are you?
Nice meeting you.
BAZAN: I want to be
completely sincere.
What happened, happened.
But people like me,
a father, I'm still paying
the consequences.
You're a father, right?
I would suggest that you don't
let this continue as
a public prosecution.
We've got to create trust
with our brothers.
We have to
assure them that there
won't be any retaliation.
BAZAN: I don't want to
go with the police.
I know it won't
lead to anything.
What happened was so awful,
that people were left afraid.
-All I want is some
information, Mr. Alberto.
BAZAN: That's all.
I still think
he's in one of
their communities.
People ask why?
I don't know,
but I still
feel it's possible.
But if he's found dead
at least he'd be found.
Even if I find one bone,
I'd go home
with peace of mind.
Let me know if
you need anything.
WOMAN: To all those
being charged, we need you
to bring your ID up front.
This trial concerns
the events that began
on April 9th, 2009.
Many native groups protested
and demanded
that the government
repeal a number of laws
that, according to them,
affected their interests.
In this context
police officers
were murdered,
there were injuries
and damage to property.
We will show
that the accused
instigated protesters
to commit these crimes.
The first
criminal count is murder
for the killing of policemen.
We charge Alberto Pizango,
Joel Simpucap,
Diego Timillas,
Santiago Manuin,
as instigators of this crime.
I was part of
the investigative commission
and this is what we learned...
There are two
ways up the hill.
The police came up this way.
They came so close that
the indigenous people
confronted them.
Some of our people got hurt.
One wounded, two wounded...
But when the third
person was wounded,
people lost control.
They started yelling.
"They're killing us!"
And then they took their guns.
They grabbed your son.
And they killed
the other officers.
Why, then,
didn't they kill him?
That's my question.
MANACES: Because he was
the one giving orders.
The commander.
They wanted to
take him hostage.
But once they got
down to the road,
there were too many people
and they lost control.
Lots of people joined in.
And they had machetes.
They took him to the river.
And that's where they
dismembered his body.
He was dismembered.
And they threw
him into the river
in pieces.
Did you promote
the Amazonian protest?
I'm the president
of an organization
that follows
the mandate of its people.
But under no
circumstances do we ever
promote violence.
Did you instruct
natives to block
the roads?
Not at all, sir.
I was only
following my duty to take me
people's proposals
to the government.
Did you instruct
the natives to resist
or confront the police?
To defend their
position on the road?
I did not instruct them
to do so at any point.
Did you instruct or
incite the natives
to harm or kill policemen?
ALBERTO: No, sir.
I wish to tell you that
in my peoples' view,
I come from
the Kampu Piyawi people,
we follow the principle
of protecting all life.
We cannot kill.
In our philosophy,
we cannot even kill an ant.
Because even that ant
has the right to live.
Under that principle,
as the president of AIDESEP,
I never ordered
any violent acts.
BAZAN: Of the humble people,
those that work
for their country,
23 are dead.
Why? Because of
the government's thirst
for power and ambition?
Because they want
to sell the riches
of the Amazon to
foreign countries?
Private companies
and the government
want to get rich.
And this is the cost.
What's wrong
with this world...
When oil or a piece of gold
is worth more than
a human life?
MAN: This is
the Peruvian territory.
This is one of
the few territories
in the world
that has been barely explored.
This is only the beginning
of what could be discovered.
The tip of the iceberg.
Many areas haven't
been drilled yet,
and even more land
has yet to be licensed.
PINTO: The laws are
repealed, and yet projects
continue to be developed.
Even getting rid of
the laws didn't stop
projects in the Amazon,
not at all.
CROWD: Because of
the companies we must fight!
Because of
the companies we must fight!
MAN: Alberto, welcome.
ALBERTO: The world
is changing.
The ambition to exploit
every single natural resource,
is blinding humanity.
Our leader Alberto
Pizango will speak.
Let's welcome him.
-CROWD: Alberto is with us!
indigenous people,
keep fighting to survive.
We'll fight so that
the rest of humanity
will always have
the rainforest.
Our communities, our people...
We are the protectors
of the natural resources.
This is our home.
This is our land.
Never again can a government
come to our home
and destroy our land.
CROWD: The people united
will never be defeated!