When You Wake Up (2014)

Are you planning on spending
the night in there?
I'll be right out, I'm taking
a shit, I'll be right out.
What, I can't even take a shit anymore?
You're the only one everyone's waiting for.
Do whatever you want.
So, Gyiukas, are you ready?
We're gonna make some
noise tonight, aren't we?
Thank you, that's not necessary...
Where's my guitar?
You think that's normal?
You're in a complete coma,
have you seen yourself?
Come on, everything's fine.
Calm down a little, give me a little.
What is this?
Eww, what the fuck is this?
Punk, this is already the
fourth gig like this.
No one wants to book you anymore.
Come on, don't be an
embarrassment to me or...
Hmmm, embarrassment?
What embarrassment, Gytis.
Who's the star, huh?
You're the star.
Hold this.
Mm. Let's make them shit
themselves today, huh, Gyiukas?
How do I look?
Like a real star.
Well, hicks...
A washed-up one...
Hey... guys...
Well now...I
Hello you hicks!
Yeah, sorry, I got a little... ha...
Yeah, Kelm, zdarova!
Oh, Ukmerg...
Anyway, here we are, and we've
got stuff up to here...
And here's a new track
about fuckin' love...
Come on...
It's very important how you feel
Are you smiling at me, or at others too
If you're smiling at me, I like it a lot
No one refuses to touch
the golden ass anymore...
...because I... I like it a lot
I'm the sexiest and most talented of all
I am the awesomest...
Anyone have anything against that?
I can sing
I can see for myself, don't worry
Don't annoy me
Just don't annoy me
Just don't start
You know, I am amazing...
Don't annoy me...
Don't annoy me...
Get off the stage!
Fuck, assholes...
Bastards, here I am... Here I'm trying...
...like at least I'm doing
something, and what do they...
...and they don't know shit.
What did they expect, that
I'd go and la la la...
Did you see that solo, how I rocked it...?
Calm down, you hear?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Yeah, here we go...
That's it, calm down, got it?
Yeah, that's it...
Yeah, that's it, I agree, that's it.
From now on you're touring
on your own, without me.
And that really is it, got it?
Take it easy, what are you
getting all wound up about?
Come on, it's not like we're
friends, talk normally.
We were.
What are you talking about?
I'm sick of your crap,
everything has its limits.
Got it?
Just don't shit yourself, OK?
Just do you really think that
anyone still cares about you?
Listen, what, what do you want from me?
What are you getting on my case for?
What do you need?
Oh, I hope I'm not intruding, perhaps
there's something I could get you?
You're intruding. Nothing, thank you.
Hold on, hold on...
Gytis, what, are you, stupid?
No, we definitely want to order something.
Of course we'll order something.
This, this is Gytis, my friend.
My best friend.
And this is...
Yeah, so Gytis and I will...
ahh, we'll order, right?
Thanks, that's nice.
He's really a good person just, you know,
he's in a bad mood right now...
Listen, Kris...
Ah, Kris, can I call you Kris?
It just sounds more intimate, doesn't it?
- Is there something you want?
- Oh, an autograph, yeah, of course...
No, this is for work.
Oh, so on your heart then, OK?
Oh, I got a little there, Jesus, hold on...
Oh... Sorry, I lost control...
Listen, why don't you
run over to the bar...
...and bring us a bottle of Jack, Gytis and
I here have some stuff we need to disc...
With ice?
Yeah, of course with ice...
You little ice cube of mine...
Oh, you - go, go, go... quick...
Oooh, I'll have her screaming
tonight, oy, screaming...
I can share, don't worry.
You know, do whatever you want.
Screw, drink yourself into the ground.
I'm sick of saving your neck, that's
all I've been doing for 12 years.
Oh, so it's like that...
You're like... you're just
going to up and go, right?
Maybe you need an apology or something?
You think you're the only
badass manager around here?
Every single day I get calls up to here.
I won't be lost without you, old man.
I definitely won't be fucking lost.
Get out of here.
Why are you so quiet, don't you
have anything to say anymore?
Right, of course, you're such a
badass manager and speaker...
...when you go and arrange
these hick concerts, right?
I get it...
Yeah, well go ahead, there's the door.
Go ahead, get out of here!
You've got a concert in Gargdai
in two days, but without me.
In shit!
And I'll do just fine without you!
Well get out of here, I don't need you!
Wake up...
Get up...
Wh... who... Who are you?
And you're my dad.
You're my dad.
No, no, no, I'm not your dad.
You're my dad.
So I'm your... I'm your... I'm your what?
Hey, listen, get out of here, OK?
I feel like crap.
Get out of here.
Well Momma said you're nice.
I'm not nice at all, never have
been and never will be, alright...
Get out of here.
Listen, Greta, or whatever your name is...
You know, I can just spell
it right out for you...
Look, I'll give you an autograph.
Here you go.
Take it, take it.
You can brag to your friends that
you saw me, that you talked to me, OK?
- I don't need any autographs.
- Take it.
So what do you want from me then, huh?
I want to get to know my dad.
So go ahead and get to know your dad.
What do I have to do with it?
Because you are my dad.
Listen - get out of here, now.
Listen, little girl, who
do you think you are, huh?
Maybe you shouldn't smoke around kids?
What do you want from me, huh?
You want me to buy you some candy?
What does candy have to do with it?
What do I have to do with it?
In general, what do...
You're my dad.
Listen, get out of here.
If you think I'm going to be your
babysitter, you're very wrong.
Go home! Home!
You know, actually, my home is
far away, in ilut District.
You want to say you're here all alone?
Well, yeah, so?
So, so, ho ho.
Really, Momma let me come see your concert.
Oh, Momma let you come see a concert?
How old are you, five?
Oh, well yeah, so then it's possible...
...yeah, that Momma let her little girl come from
the other side of Lithuania to see my concert.
Well, yeah, that makes sense.
It's possible, why not.
Loook... look...
A little bird. See, it's so small.
On the tree, see it?
Don't scare it. Quiet. Look,
high up, by the tree...
I don't see it...
This is some kind of nightmare...
I don't get it...
What are you doing here?
I can see that you're not standing.
Just get out of the car already.
What is this, get out...
Now, get out, get out of here...
I'm not going anywhere.
Oh, well OK then, let's call the police.
What are you going to call with, your hand?
People... Peo, help, police!
If you scream, I'll say
you were harassing me.
Oh, so you're threatening me now?
No, I'm just warning you.
No, well you're a terrorist.
Well fine, hey... yeah,
let's go call your...
...your mommy, momma or whatever.
There, a pay phone. We'll
just go over there, call her.
...and figure everything out.
My momma doesn't have a phone.
What do you mean she doesn't have a phone?
Everyone has a phone.
Every little old lady in
the village has a phone.
Well Momma doesn't.
What are you talking about?
Well fine then, we'll call your dad.
Then, well then, then fine, then your
grandma or grandpa. Do you have one?
No, I don't have a grandma or grandpa.
You don't have... OK, then
brothers, or sisters...
So, hold on, so you...
Do you at least have... well...
do you have anyone?
Like at least one friend...
I do, here.
What, that's bullshit, he's not real.
Well, actually... I kind
of also have Momma.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Well actually that momma
of yours isn't normal.
Listen, so hold on... So you've
been here since yesterday?
So that means an entire day.
Well I can guarantee they're already looking
for you or already started looking...
...probably with the police.
They're not looking for me.
I'm not the most important
thing in her life.
What do you mean you're not
the most important thing?
How can a mother not care?
She drinks...
...and lately-a lot.
Well, God, I mean, we all drink...
I also have a drink once in a while.
One or two shot here and there.
God, it happens, but this...
Crap, this is ridiculous.
Listen, where did you say you're from?
From, from, Teliai, or that ilut...
Well almost-from Saugos.
OK, we'll think of something.
Just don't you worry.
We'll get out of this somehow.
Do you at least want to eat?
Yeah, that wouldn't be bad.
OK... we can go and we'll find something...
we'll get something to eat.
Because I, for one, could
go for a shitburger.
Well yeah...
Not good, not good.
Of course, the concert
was free last night...
You obviously don't have
anything either, right?
Here, we'll take this.
Hold this for a second.
I hope you're not planning
on selling your guitar?
Me? What, are you kidding?
For me to sell it...
My mom gave this to me.
And I came up with so many hits on it.
You'll see.
Come on, let's go.
What are you doing?
I happen to be ultra-popular...
...and everyone knows me here.
It would be really uncool if
anyone recognized me when...
...when I play on the street for a few
minutes and we collect so much money, kid...
...that we can eat this much.
Get back a little, go over
there, sit on that bench.
Don't embarrass me.
There on the hill, where the goats graze
Kaldi baldi kaldi balda
And we were attacked by crabs
Kaldi baldi kaldi balda
An old cannon is not artillery
Kaldi baldi kaldi balda
Hurting a girl is not a miracle
Kaldi baldi kaldi...
What's so funny?
Punk, you know, I'm embarrassed for you.
I don't care what you think, kid.
You sit right there, quietly.
Sit, sit, sit...
...and watch how the pros do it.
You can't cut bread with a fork
Kaldi baldi kaldi balda
You can't shit in someone else's pants...
...finished school but never had a job.
And you know?
I know, I checked it out and
didn't find anything, you know...
Oh, look, that's that musician.
You call him a musician...
Punk, with that "hey, redneck
with the black leather jacket"...
No, come on, he's just some
bum who's high on something.
I'm telling you.
Punk's a star, I saw him on TV.
Well, a while ago, but still...
I'll bet you.
Yeah? What for?
New Year's, if I win, you're on duty.
Ah, we'll find something
to hassle him about?
What, like it's the first time?
I'm officer Julius Siinas, and
this is my colleague Algis inys
What are we doing here?
I'm playing.
Did you know it's prohibited to
make noise in a public place?
I'm not making noise, I'm just...
The fine for making noise in a public
place is from 50 to 250 litas.
Guys, you've got to be kidding.
I'm just, I mean, people...
What people?
Come on now...
I mean, I'm just playing, so what?
What, I can't play here,
it's a free country.
Do you have ID?
Let's see, I should have it, but wait...
Let's go down to the station.
Wait, wait... guys, guys...
I'm Punk.
Hey, redneck with the black leather jacket
Well and so what if you're Punk.
We're musicians too.
He's a rapper, and I do metal.
And a hippie too.
No, guys. I'm a popular musician.
You really don't know me?
I'm really, really popular, like...
Let's go, we'll talk there.
Guys, wait...
Let him go.
It's not his fault, it's mine.
Gerda, don't butt in, OK?
And why can't I?
I don't want them to put my daddy in jail.
Alright, alright, don't cry now.
No one's going to put him in jail.
Alright, that's it.
This is your dad?
A warning.
Yes, this is my dad.
OK, OK... No problems, thank you.
Thank you, guys, have a nice day.
Look, there's this thing...
My daughter-she's a huge fan of yours...
Maybe you could just
write something for her?
No problem, chief.
What's your daughter's name?
Jurgita, right?
Jurgita inyt. She's
graduating this year...
...and she really wants to get on one
of those TV shows, try something out.
Oh, no problem. I know everyone there.
We'll work something out, of course.
Alright... So she can go and
talk to you, after the concert?
Of course, tell her, that...
Well, we'll take care of it.
Here you go.
Thanks, thanks so much,
you'll make her happy.
Great, aha. See you.
Thank you so much.
See you.
I almost shitted my pants.
Well you did a great job with that...
Actually, I wasn't lying.
OK, OK, just don't start
all over with that now.
Everything panned out, so thank God.
Well, let's wrap it up, this
place isn't going to work.
Hold on, Punk.
Don't give up hope, huh.
Wanna try together?
What together?
Well, you can play and I'll sing.
Momma said that I have a pretty good voice.
I got it from my dad.
How many times have I told
you not to call me dad, huh?
I didn't say from you, I said from my dad.
Well, you, you're being fresh again.
Well OK, let's give it a try.
Do you know Seven-Spotted Ladybug?
Seven-spotted ladybug...
Don't make me laugh, alright?
What, so then Day-Dreamer?
Oh, day-dreamer, my dear...
Cut it out.
You have good songs of your own.
So play one of them.
Really? What, so you know, like...
I know them all.
Well, fine...
Do you know this one, look...
Oh, just a sec.
Ah, no, no, let's do it like this.
I can't... I mean, I can't do it with you.
I'm used to being alone, on stage.
And I always sing, you see?
Why don't you just walk around here...
...move around, stir things up,
wave your arms or something, OK?
I'll sing, and you can dance.
Do you know how to dance?
Of course I do.
Well good then. Dance,
and I'll give it a try.
Yes, you see a bright light, yes...
You know that song?
...you have a sensitive soul, yes...
Well, come on, dance.
...you have dum dum dum...
If I don't let you fly, if you want...
Good, yeah!
...to hug you...
...you are the most...
Where did you learn to
dance like that, huh?
Momma taught me.
Oh yeah?
Butterflies are free and made to fly
If they land on you, just don't
press them in your hand...
You are free, so fly as far as you can
And tell me about what
you see when you fly...
If your worlds seem strange and cruel...
...lift your eyes to the heavens and
leave your thoughts outside the window
You can come and go, you
can never come back...
...but I would like more than anything
to feel your wing on my hand...
Butterflies are free and made to fly
If they land on you, just don't
press them in your hand...
You are free, so fly as far as you can
And tell me about what
you see when you fly...
Butterflies are free and made to fly
If they land on you, just don't
press them in your hand...
You are free, so fly as far as you can
And tell me about what
you see when you fly...
Butterflies are free and made to fly
If they land on you, just don't
press them in your hand...
You are free, so fly as far as you can
And tell me about what
you see when you fly...
Well there you go.
And you get a sparkle in
your eyes, don't you?
Hey, listen, that was a good idea you
had with that dancing, wasn't it?
Well, I don't like to brag, but
in my opinion, I'm a good dancer.
In my opinion, you confidence
level is also pretty good.
Why didn't you turn me over to the police?
I mean, you want to get rid of me.
Why didn't you?
I don't know, just because...
I guess I could have.
I didn't have time.
They just appeared with all
those signatures of theirs.
I could hardly manage.
Well I think you like me.
I don't like you at all.
You see...
When I saw you lying to those policemen...
it was great!
You were born to be an actor.
Well, you know...
I'm actually learning from you.
Where did you learn to lie like that, huh?
When a person who's important
to you gets into trouble...
...and you have to get him out of it...
...you can lie a little.
But wait...
So you want to say that we, are
now important to one another?
You understood correctly.
No, no, no...
No, I understood it completely differently.
Everything is a lot more simple.
Maybe it's important to you.
Maybe you've come up with some ridiculous
genealogical tree or something.
But for me the most important thing is
to get you back to your mom somehow.
And then we're going to say a nice goodbye.
Shake each other's hands.
And like wave to each other...
it's all simple.
Tomorrow I have a concert in Gargdai.
That's not far, right? Yeah?
It's on the way.
So I'll take you there.
So look, one more thing, by the way.
In my car, you know, if you come with me...
There's three very important rules:
You don't call me dad.
Rule two:
You're not going to whine the whole way.
You're not going to ask stupid questions.
And you're not going to fuss around.
And third:
This is the main one.
You're not going to call me dad, got it?
OK, Dad.
Oh, you...
Calm down, everything's fine...
What are you getting all riled up about?
OK, are you done?
Take that.
Give it to me.
What is it?
Are you going to make up
your mind or what Gerda?
Well I, for one, don't like that
they're playing stupid stuff.
How can you like if it you
don't even have time to...
I, for one, don't hear one word and
immediately change the station.
Just leave one, pick one out.
Yeah, leave this, that's a good one.
Well some taste you have.
What? That's an awesome track.
Whatever. I'll leave it.
It's definitely better than the one before.
Radio Lietus Top 20.
Dear listeners...
...it's my pleasure to remind you that I'm about
to give away the last tickets to a concert...
...that all of Lithuania
is going nuts over.
Without a doubt, I am
speaking about Marijonas.
You have to agree that Marijonas is
really the rock discovery of the year.
They call that a discovery...
Marijonas just happens to be touring
Lithuania's biggest cities right now...
...and is inviting you to
come and listen to his songs.
By the way, we've been informed that...
...tickets to see the charismatic
Marijonas in concert are almost sold out.
But you, my dear Radio Lietus listeners, have a chance
to see his concert by calling in to our game show...
...where you will be able to
win tickets, just like that.
Oh, big deal, they wouldn't
go even if they paid them.
And now a song which has been in first place on the
Radio Lietus Top 20 charts for 10 weeks already.
It is one of the most played
songs on our radio station.
So enjoy-Marijonas and his
super hit "What Can I Do".
Hey, leave it, it's a good song!
She likes the song...
This shit, he's old. How can you like him?
So you even know the words?
Of course. Who doesn't know this song?
It's a real hit.
You think it's a hit, I'll...
No, not in my car...
I'm not gonna have this in my car.
- Leave it!
- Turn it off, please!
Is this my car or your car?
I'm telling you, move your hand.
Can you see that I'm driving?
I won't let you...
You'll frickin' get out of the car!
Let me listen...
Turn it off!
Frickin' A... Gerda... Are you OK?
Yes, I'm fine.
How are you?
I'm fine, everything's OK.
Really? Somehow I don't believe you.
Yeah. Fine, everything's fine.
Why did you do that?
Well, let's try to get this
thing going somehow, right?
What's this?
Now we're in trouble...
We're going to have to get out of the car.
It doesn't open.
What doesn't open?
It always opens.
It doesn't open.
Something's stuck, hold on, I'll open it
Now what could it be...
What the... maybe it's rusted...
You wanted to open the hood?
Oh, yeah, I thought, I'd forgotten...
Get out of the way now.
Yeah, let the pros work.
Right, what could it be?
What is this?
No, everything here's fine.
Maybe the compression's low or something?
But it seems...
You hear?
Get the wrenches from the trunk.
Maybe it's the U-joint or something...
Aha, focus, focus, focus, focus...
Jeez, you went to voc-tech,
you're a frickin' auto mechanic...
No, this is ridiculous...
Gerda, you hear?
There, maybe it's this hose.
Well yeah, we don't need this here.
Frickin' A, how long are you...
Where are you?
What, are we playing hide-and-seek now?
Come on, come out.
I give up.
No, we have a lot of time,
I mean, actually I...
Some sort of mystery.
Well, well, get over here!
Oh, you rock.
Do you have a tow rope?
Not me, I smoked the last one...
No, I already had a smoke.
Do you have a tow rope?
Ah, that, no, I don't, I don't.
Oh, hold on, I have chains,
everything's fine.
Just a second.
Aha, thanks.
So where did you get
that tractor from, huh?
Well, I saw the tractor.
So I went to ask for help.
Well and he agreed.
We came, and I asked.
So it's all very simple.
Oh, so you think this is simple?
And what's so difficult about it?
Well what are you standing there for?
Get inside!
It's not going to steer itself.
And close the hood, you'll drive it out.
Well, then, how much do I owe you?
Stop horsing around, like you owe me.
Buy your daughter some candy.
Well thank you very much then.
You know what's better than
a big, big, big thank you?
A little, little, little 0.7l bottle.
Come on, I'm kidding, bye!
OK, bye then.
Yeah, thanks.
Get in the car, let's go.
Put on your seat belt.
Listen, it's my last cigarette!
Hey, that was so delicious!
Yeah, delicious! My cigarette
was delicious too...
You've got a spider on your head.
There, in back, in back...
- Where, get rid of it, get rid of it...
- I can't reach...
- Where?
- There?
So get it if you can!
Where? So get it!
Well, so this is where I live.
So what, you have Wi-Fi?
Come on, what Wi-Fi?
Well then...
if you don't have Wi-Fi,
then give me a high-five.
And good bye!
Run to your momma, so to speak.
I'm off to see mine.
Thanks for the ride.
Ah, no biggie.
Well, so see you.
See you.
Go on, your mom's probably
waiting for you with a belt.
She's not waiting... She's not home.
- How do you know that?
- The light's not on.
- Oh, so you live somewhere around here, right?
- Yeah, yeah...
So what are you going to do now?
It's no big deal.
I'll sleep in the stairwell.
It's cold outside.
What, are you kidding?
No... it's not the first time.
Now hold on, maybe she just ran out
somewhere and will be right back...
Who knows...
Maybe she'll come back, maybe she won't.
Well, you know, you never know.
Now wait, you mean, like
sometimes she doesn't come back?
Well yeah, there've been
all kinds of situations.
Well that's some momma you have there.
Look, let's do it like this. Alright?
We'll go to my mom's. She
doesn't live far from here.
And we'll spend the night there.
And then tomorrow morning
I'll bring you back here.
And maybe she'll already be back.
Oh, right...
And when we get there,
there's another rule:
Don't go and try to call her grandma,
because she'll have a heart attack.
Got it? Huh?
I'm asking you if you got it.
Got it, got it...
Well you watch it.
What the...
You didn't forget the rule?
No, no...
Well you watch it.
Hi, Mom.
You weren't expecting me, huh?
Jesus... What are you
doing here so late, huh?
Oh, you know, I was just in the area.
Hi, hi.
Oy, hi, hi, Laimutis.
You've gotten so thin, listen,
you haven't been eating.
I eat, I eat, Mom. Everything's fine.
This is Gerda.
She's Gytis' daughter.
- Gytis?
- Yeah...
- Your Gytis?
- Well yeah.
- What? How?
- Oh, it's a long story, you know...
- Hi Gerda, hello, how old are you?
- Eight.
So what are you doing out so late, huh?
- Gargdai? And you're going to Gargdai too?
- No, no, she...
- Gytis asked me to take her to her grandmother's...
- I see, I see.
Let's go inside, it's getting cool out.
We'll make dinner, alright?
Sit down, Gerda.
Oh, Mom, you know, you've got to do
something with the kitchen, huh?
Oh, child, and who's going to do it,
you know yourself there's no one.
So you say she's Gytis'.
And you used to come together,
it used to be so much fun...
Well, you know.
This time he couldn't, he had
some business to take care of.
I understand.
So this time I'm going
to the concert alone.
Oh, Laimutis, why are you eating like that?
I'll make you some soup.
Mom, we're so hungry.
You know, after the trip.
But how could I not have known that
Gytis has such an adorable girl?
So how's that dad of your doing, hm?
Gerda, let's go.
Mom, we're going into the
living room to rest.
You know, we're tired. We'll sit
down like normal people, right?
OK, fine, go ahead.
Yesterday a girl disappeared
from the ilut orphanage..
Why did you turn it off?
There's just garbage on.
So, Laimutis?
Now we have another rule:
You don't call me Laimutis, got it?
So listen, how's that Gytis doing?
I find it all so interesting, so
interesting. Tell me about it.
Not bad, he's doing really good.
He's happy, everything's fine.
So if everything's fine, why couldn't he bring
his daughter to see her grandma himself?
I told you-he's busy. I mean, he
couldn't... He didn't have time.
So why are you Punk if
you're really Laimutis?
Because my parents didn't
know what they were doing.
I mean, Laimutis could be
a botanist, for example.
And Punk could be that guy who cuts out your tongue
if he hears the word Laimutis again. Got it?
- Hmm.
- I'll show you hmm.
Mom? Did you buy firewood for winter? Hm?
Yes, and I think it should be enough.
Well, the neighbors' boy
Virgie helped, chopped it up.
Oh, that's nice, that's nice.
You know, now that Dad's gone, it's
so hard for me to do all that work.
And you hardly ever call or visit...
And you know how important you are to me.
I don't know anything, just what I read
about you in the paper and nothing else.
And the papers, well you
know what they write.
Not to mention the comments.
I have no words for it.
Mom, stop reading those comments, huh.
Oh, you probably need money.
I have money, you know, I get pension now
and I definitely don't need that much.
Mom, I can give you money
myself, like this much.
Alright, alright, eat.
Ah... Needs salt.
Child, go get the salt...
Don't make the kid run around.
Everything's fine.
There's enough salt,
everything's really good.
I'll get some pepper, OK?
Sit down. Everything's fine.
I know you like pepper, Laimutis.
Mom, no one calls me Laimutis.
Child, you will always be Laimutis to me.
Dad and I came up with
that name for you and...
You came up with it, not Dad.
Oh, what's the difference.
Well fine, eat. Is it good?
Yeah, very.
Oh child...
...you got some on yourself here.
Mom! Pfu, how disgusting,
I could never stand that.
Oh what's the big deal now...
Gerda, you know, you can
always come visit me.
Tomorrow you'll see how beautiful
it is here, windmills, mmm...
Just come whenever you feel like it, OK?
- Promise?
- I promise.
Oh, right, you have your
own grandma and grandpa.
...I don't.
...what do you mean you don't?
Oh, Laimutis, Gytis...
Mom, stop with the KGB
investigations already...
But what have I...
- Come on, let us eat, let's just sit here nicely, huh...
- What did I ask that was so wrong?
You don't even understand
that you're annoying.
Let's just sit, huh.
Lord, how often do I see you.
You come once a year...
You'll see. When you have your own children
and they grow up, then you'll find me.
And by the way, it's about time you
started thinking about children yourself.
Oh, just don't start...
Please, just don't start.
Oh Lord, how old are you, have
you even thought about it?
Here Gytis, he seemed so hopeless, and
even he has a little princess here...
Mom, I'm not Gytis, understand?
No, I'm not saying anything. Yes...
But I want grandchildren.
When the time comes you'll
have those grandchildren.
What are you getting on my case for?
But when is that time going to come?
- You're already 33, child...
- Well and so what!
Oh child...
I know you have some girl.
- if you'd just introduce us...
- Mom!
You'd introduce us, we'd sit
down together, have a chat.
Lord, I want grandchildren so much...
Are you ever going to stop
with all that nonsense?
Every time the same old thing.
You don't like this, you don't like that.
There's something wrong with the way
I'm dressed. You don't like my hair.
You read some comments.
They say I'm gay. Yeah, Mom, I'm gay. OK?
What, maybe it'd be better if I was, huh?
Maybe we wouldn't have all of these stupid
questions about girls and grandchildren.
I'm sick of it, sick of it all!
You can drive anyone crazy.
You probably even drove Dad to his
grave with all of your nonsense.
Mind if I sit down?
There, see... You see who I
am, what kind of person I am.
Everything's fine.
I know you didn't want
to say that to your mom.
But I did...
She didn't mean any harm, so she...
Well yeah.
But the important thing is that
you understand that yourself.
Oh, but so what...
And on top of it all I
managed to hurt my mom.
Imagine, my real mom.
And Dad...
Oh Gerda...
You know, Dad...
I would do anything if I
could just, you know...
There's so much I still want to
tell him, you know... he was...
I think he would be proud of you.
Come on...
I don't think there's anyone in the
entire world who could be proud of me.
I'm proud of you.
You're a really good person.
Just you don't always show it.
You think so?
Well, I guess I'm... I'm
just like my dad, you know.
It's never too late to change.
Change what?
To stop hiding... from what you're feeling.
To be more open.
Tell your mom what you're feeling.
Or your dad...
My dad?
How can I do that?
You know, Momma told me that
people-they don't actually die.
They choose one of the stars
in the sky and move there.
They're always watching what
you're doing and smiling.
Obviously, it's too bad that they
can't answer so that you can hear.
But you just look at that sky.
Do you see how many stars there are?
So how am I supposed to know
which one it is exactly...
That doesn't make any difference at all.
Just pick the one you like most and
you're guaranteed to get it right.
You think?
There, this one, see?
So, like, just up and say it? Talk to it?
Well, yeah. it's simple.
It's going to look stupid
somehow, I don't know.
Just give it a try, I mean, no one can see.
Kid, it's late.
I made the bed, let's go get some sleep.
Go on.
Close your eyes.
Are your eyes closed?
Yeah, they're closed.
Don't look, don't look. Stand here.
Are your eyes closed?
Well, yeah, they're closed, they're closed.
- So, what do you think?
- Oh-ho.
This is oh-ho-ho, not oh-ho!
It's so old.
Yeah, but the tires, the spare, it's full.
And you really think it works?
Of course it works!
My dad took such good care of it, he
wouldn't even let a fly shit on it.
Let's see if the battery's working.
Oh! Wow, you see...
it's Russian, but it's
got that German quality.
Oh! Awesome. Look what I found.
Man, I've been looking for that forever.
Oh look, and it goes.
Hold this.
Put it in, we might need it.
Right, what do we have here...
ls there any gas...
Give me the matches, I can't see.
Where are they?
That was a joke, kid.
Listen, hand me the canister, huh?
Look and see if there's
anything in there, huh?
No, you know, it's empty.
Alright, come on, let's get it outside.
We'll take a look. Open the door.
Come on, faster, faster, faster...
Come on, you can help push from behind.
Are you pushing?
Oh God, it's so hard...
it's not hard, it's life that's hard.
This is nothing.
- Run over and get that canister.
- Aha, alright.
What's so funny?
Should I give you some matches?
Awesome, really.
What's wrong with it...
You said it works.
It works, it works, it has to work.
Maybe it sucked something up.
Yeah, yeah...
Come on, beautiful.
Not that one.
- I got you.
- Aha, you got me.
Mm, listen, what songs do you like, huh?
Or some group, or musician, singer.
Well, obviously, I should be in
first place, but who's second?
Well, maybe... those three girls?
- Who? What, are you serious?
- Well yeah.
- Three girls? Huh?
- I like their songs.
I could write so many songs
like that, like this many.
So write them.
Now I'm going to up and
put it together, look.
Yeah, you want me to write you a song.
Right now?
Well you'll have it.
I'm waiting.
OK, look, you morons, look.
Somehow, hold on, just a sec.
OK, I've got to concentrate a little.
Did... did you...
Did you see... hmmm...
...how she dances...
That's good.
...all alone, when there's no one left...
...in that universe
She dances up on her tippy toes
She dances... dances with her eyes closed
Into the morning
...into the morning
So many tears
Children's fairy tales
A little princess' wonderful dresses
Could you give me your arm?
What's this?
It's a friendship bracelet,
so you don't forget me.
Gerda, how do you think I
could ever forget you, huh?
I don't know, you never know.
Come on, thank you, that's awesome.
No problem, it's nothing.
But I...
...I don't have anything to give you.
Don't worry.
I already got a present from you.
Oh child, do you have everything?
I don't think I had anything with me,
so there's nothing I can forget.
- Oy, so when are you going to come visit again?
- See, Mom, I don't know.
- Sometime, like always.
- You're always welcome, you know.
I'm so glad you came.
I'll stop by.
Well, thanks then.
Don't mention it.
You know, actually, about yesterday, I...
I wanted to apologize, that was stupid...
it's nothing, I've already forgotten.
- Everything's fine.
- Seriously?
Well don't be mad, I mean, you know.
- Well get going, you're going to be late.
- Alright.
- Take care, my son.
- Thanks, Mom. Bye.
Take care, Laimutis. Look, this is for you.
- Oh no, I'm not taking that.
- Take it, you have to.
- Please, it's nothing, just look.
- But Mom, I'm...
Well I don't have anywhere to put it...
- it'll go bad, I don't have...
- Please, Laimutis, take it.
- OK, fine, you're not going to give up anyway.
- Oh that's great, you see.
Gerda, don't you forget that
you're always welcome here.
With your dad, with your mom, alright?
- Buckle up.
- Alright, Mom.
Drive carefully, OK? Take care!
- Bye, Mom, thanks, see you.
- Bye. See you!
That's it.
I hope your momma will be back already.
I'll say.
Oh, right, at first I was
a little rude with you.
No big deal.
Yeah, everything's OK?
But we had a good time, didn't we?
We did...
Oh, right, thanks for...
...for the present.
I'll wear it.
But, see, I never did come up
with anything to give you.
...that song was for me? Or
was it for someone else?
Oh, that...
Yeah, for you, for you, alright.
I'll try to finish it up, or...
Well I guess I'll be going.
Oh, that door, just a sec.
...so I guess I'll see you then.
Alright, go on.
What are you sitting here for?
She's not home again.
- Momma's not home again?
- Mhm...
Oh, I found this in the car.
Yeah, I left it there by mistake.
What are you going to do now?
What choice do I have?
I'll wait for Momma.
Well, what would you do without me, huh?
Thank you.
It's nice to have you here.
There's one person here in this hall...
...who is very, very important to me and...
...who I'd like to thank.
You know who you are.
In the bottom of the sea
I'll only leave what hurts
every day and night
In the yellow sun, I'll
only leave what's important
I'll turn off my thoughts and close the
door to keep out all kinds of troubles
From now on, I'm different,
not the same as I was before
The same as I was before,
the same as I was before
Alone on an island
In the light of the moon
When no one is looking
No one is listening
No one is looking
Where you are, always alone
Happy in my heart
When no one is looking
No one is looking where you are
I'll throw away the keys, board up the
windows from an unacquainted friend
I'll just leave a letter, you'll
feel it, really, I am important
I hope then the new day will
wake up with a smile on its lips
Because from now on, I'm different,
not the same as I was before
Not the same as I was before
The same as I was before
Alone on an island
In the light of the moon
When no one is looking
No one is listening
No one is looking...
...where you are, always alone
Happy in my heart...
What do you think, it's not too loud?
What, are the neighbors complaining?
Not the neighbors. You're being detained
for 48 hours as a child abduction suspect.
What... what child?
Abduction of what child?
Where are we going?
Pals, what are you doing?
We're not pals to you, we're officers.
- Let me go, let me go...
- Punk!
- Let me go... Gerda!
- Dad! Dad!
- Gerda! Let her go! I'm her father!
- Let him go!
He didn't do anything...
- Let me go!
- Gerda, let's go let's go.
- Gerda... Where are you taking her?
- Dad, they're hurting me!
- Gerda!
- lt'd be better if you didn't resist.
We're working.
Thank you, everyone.
Thank you.
Come in.
Gerda, Gerdut...
God, come over here. Come on, come on.
How are you, my little
baby, how are you, huh?
Where have you been?
Can you even imagine how
worried I was about you, huh?
Why don't you both sit down over here.
Both of you.
It'll be more comfortable.
You know, Gytis, so much happened to me
during those couple of days, you know...
Punk, do you even get why you're here?
They locked me up here
for no reason at all.
None at all!
They just came in the middle of the concert, got
us together, cuffed me and locked me up here.
So I don't get it, you're like
taking the place of her mother?
Well... yeah.
Every kid wants to have a mom or a dad.
And at home we let ourselves
call each other that.
Mm. I see.
So basically, when we found her, it turned out
during the initial interview that she wasn't hurt.
Gerda, really?
Everything's alright?
- Yes, Momma, everything's fine.
- Where were you, huh?
We found her with a certain person.
Do you recognize him?
You, you remember there
was that girl Aist, huh?
- Yeah, sure.
- Remember? 10 years ago.
- I remember.
- Yeah, yeah...
...the one where we were in
love with each other and...
...then her parents took her away and
we broke up all unhappy and then...
imagine, Gytis...
...l... l just found out that...
...that she has a little
girl and I'm the father.
And suddenly-boom - she's right here...
Gerda's her name.
She's, she's amazing.
Gytis, if only you could see
her, what she looks like...
She's exactly like me.
She's so, so sweet and...
...and so pretty, charismatic,
she can dance and she found that tractor...
Punk, she's not your daughter.
So you recognize him, right?
Well, yes, yes, that's...
That's... my ex-boyfriend, Punk.
- Punk?
- I mean...
...his name is Laimis.
...you were right about him.
He really is nice.
Gerda, but what I told you about him doesn't
mean that you can go and run away from home.
Sweetie, do you understand - that was a
nice story and that's all, nothing else.
What story?
With that girl... she ran
away from the orphanage.
- What are you, stupid?
- Now you're a real star.
I don't know what you've cooked up,
but you, old man, are in deep shit.
You're being charged with a girl's abduction,
captivity, exploitation, I don't know what else...
it's on the record.
Gytis, it... it's bull.
It's total bull!
And the story is that...
...me and Gerda are really
good friends, right?
And Gerda is my favorite girl in the world.
And one day, that little girl asked me
what happens when two people fall in love.
And I told her about one
person who is very dear to me.
This person.
I told her about what we used to do,
where we used to go, right, Gerda?
But I never would have believed
that you could do this.
You have to understand - this
girl has some problems...
You... you know I'm not lying, don't you?
You believe me, right?
I believe you, but the
cops see it differently.
Gytis, don't leave me, alright...
Gytis, don't leave me, huh...
We'll do something together, you
know you can, you always save me...
- Gytis... I'm begging you, work something out...
- I'll try. But I can't promise.
I don't know where to begin.
I always used to get you out of
all kinds of garbage, but...
- ...this situation is... I'll try.
- So do it again now...
I'll try.
Gytis, don't forget, alright?
But I can't promise.
She tends to identify with things
that don't exist in reality.
She tends to identify with what
doesn't exist in reality, understand?
Of course I understand.
Like, she identified with
that story that you told her.
Well, yeah.
Turns out she did.
Gerda, honey, tell me, you left home
because you wanted to find him. Right?
Momma, please, don't be angry with me...
I, well, I just wanted to have the
kind of dad that you talked about.
And you, sir, don't be angry with him.
Let him go.
It's me, this is all because of me.
He's not guilty.
I'm sorry.
It's nothing. Don't apologize.
You don't have to apologize, baby.
You understand that everything is fine.
We're going to go home now and no one,
no one is going to be angry with you.
So everything's clear.
Name and signature.
What's this for?
That you don't have any claims,
everything turned out fine.
Thank God that everything turned out fine.
Oh yeah, and what's going
to happen with that guy?
With Punk? Or Laimis?
Someone will have to tell him that he's better off
entertaining people than abducting girls. Right?
Thank you for understanding.
- Good bye.
- Good bye.
Bye, bye.
Well, you sure have paid your dues here.
Scoot over.
You've sat here long enough.
Concert in Kaunas in two
days, will you be there?
In Kaunas?
That's progress.
Yeah, I'll be there, of course.
I'll be there if you'll be there.
What choice do I have.
You know, there's something I have to do.
Thanks again.
Well now, take care of her, he says.
You can't even take care of yourself.
I can take care of myself...
I... well yeah, maybe I've been going through a tough
time lately, but I'm going to get it together...
Maybe I've been having a tough with music time
lately, but I... I'll find a job, a normal job.
I can work, I've got a degree
as an auto mechanic, a voc...
I can fix cars, everything's fine...
- You're talking about work here?
- Yeah, yeah.
What work are you talking about here?
What work?
I know about you, believe me,
I've read stuff and seen things.
You get in fights.
You throw bottles from the stage.
No, that's already, that just...
...that was a long time ago and I...
everything's different.
You have to understand,
Gerda, we're friends and...
She'll really be well-off with me...
You understand that a child, parental
rights, is a huge responsibility.
A child is not an animal, not a dog.
Yes, I understand everything perfectly.
I'm not a child.
I can handle it.
Give me... just give me a chance.
Good bye.
- No, no, listen, I'll... I'll really take care of her...
- Good bye.
Gabriel, you hear, tomorrow you're not going
to get out of it that easy, understand?
Mm, you look good.
...you've also changed.
See, I was on top and there...
it's been a long time, huh?
Somehow... l didn't think
we'd meet like this again.
Well, you see.
Turns out something brings us together.
Ah, I don't know, maybe
this'll sound dumb, but...
...how... how about some coffee?
With two sugars?
Yeah, I haven't changed that much yet.
That's good, good that you
haven't changed that much yet.
Friends, I'd like to end
this show with a new song.
You probably all remember Punk, an artist who
was off the radar for quite a long time...
...but who is coming back
with a great new track.
I'm really happy that Punk is back, and it looks like
he's doing a good job regaining his former glory.
So then, in first place
- Punk and his new hit.
Did you see, hmm...
How she dances, hmm...
All alone, when there's no one left, hmm...
The only one, hmm...
She dances with her eyes closed
into the morning, hmmm...
So many tears, hmm...
Children's fairy tales, a little
princess' wonderful dresses, hmm...
I can't, hmm...
I can't find that many words...
No one can understand what she feels
Give me strength
There's no other words
Because when you dance
I am calm
I laugh on the outside, so
that the inside stops hurting
Did you see, hmm...
How she walks, hmm...
As if she had never touched
the ground, hmm...
And the secret, hmm...
Reflection in her face
And I pray quietly with my eyes closed
Just don't stop, hmm...
Give me your heart
All I need is a little piece
Even though not everyone will
understand, I want to be closer
I'll dance even though I've never tried
Give me strength
There's no other words
Because when you dance, I am calm
I laugh on the outside, so
that the inside stops hurting
Give me strength
There's no other words
Because when you dance, I am calm
I laugh on the outside, so
that the inside stops hurting
There's no other words
Because when you dance, I am calm
I laugh on the outside, so
that the inside stops hurting
I laugh on the outside, so
that the inside stops hurting
I laugh on the outside, so
that the inside stops hurting