Where Eagles Dare (1968)

MAN: All ready here, sir. Crew standing by
and awaiting your word. Over.
Right. Over and out.
MAN : Our man was brought down
at 2 a.m. this morning.
SHAEF, in their all-knowing wisdom,
didn't let us know until 10 a.m.
Damned idiots.
Damned idiots for not letting us know.
DoubIe damned idiots
for ignoring our advice in the first place.
Anyway, here he is...
...in a town called Werfen...
...at the Schloss AdIer,
the Castle ofthe Eagles.
And believe me, it's well-named,
because only an eagle can get to it.
Ourjob is to get inside there
and get him out as soon as possible...
...before they can
get the information from him.
How are you so sure that he's there, sir?
The Mosquito he was in
crash-landed only 10 miles away.
The Schloss Adler is the headquarters ofthe
German secret service in southern Bavaria.
Where eIse would they take him?
-How did the plane crash, sir?
-Through the most damnable ill luck.
We carried out a saturation raid
on Nuremberg last night.
There shouldn't have been a German fighter
within 100 miles ofthe Austrian border.
A wandering Messerschmitt patrol
got him.
Anyway, that's not important.
What is important is that
we get him out before he talks.
Or I should say, you get him out.
What about paratroops, sir?
The Schloss Adler
is inaccessible and impregnable.
It would require a battalion
of paratroops to take it.
We haven't got the time.
SteaIth and secrecy are our only hope...
...and you gentlemen are,
I trust, stealthy and secretive.
We realize of course that you've never
worked together before as a team...
...but you're familiarwith one another,
except for Lieutenant Schaffer here.
You probably noticed
that Lieutenant Schaffer...
...wears the shoulderflashes
ofthe American Ranger division.
I think that speaks for itself.
Major Smith wiIl lead the group in.
Now, you're alI expert
at survival behind enemy lines.
Smith, Lieutenant Schaffer...
...Sergeants Harrod and MacPherson
in their military capacities...
...the rest ofyou in other duties.
You all speak fluent German.
You've been trained
in different types of combat.
If anybody has a chance
of getting him out, you have.
There is, of course, another way, sir.
A way with a 100 percent guarantee
of success.
NeitherAdmiral Rolland or I
claim to be omniscient or infallible.
Is there an alternative that we've missed?
Whistle up a pathfinder squadron
of Lancasters with 10-ton bombs.
I don't think anybody in that castle
would ever talk again.
Nor do I think that you grasp
the realities ofthe situation.
The captured man, General Carnaby,
is an American.
Ifwe were to destroy him,
then l think General Eisenhower...
...might launch his second front against us
rather than against the Germans.
There are certain niceties to be observed
in our relationship with our allies.
Very well, then, gentlemen.
Ten o'clock tonight at the airfield.
-No more questions, I take it?
-Yes, sir.
Begging the colonel's pardon, sir.
What's aIl this about?
I mean, why is this man
so damned important?
-Why should--?
-That'll do, sergeant.
You have alI the information you require.
I think ifwe're sending a man
to what may be his death...
...he has a right to know why.
It's painfully simple, sergeant.
General Carnaby is one
ofthe overall coordinators...
...of planning for the second front.
He set out last night to meet
his opposite numbers in the Middle East...
...to finalize the plans
for the invasion of Europe.
The rendezvous with the Russians
was to have been in Crete.
Now, unfortunately, his plane
didn't get through.
Now, ifthe Germans can make him talk...
...it could mean no second front
this year.
-Do you understand, sergeant?
-Yes, sir.
-I'm sorry, sir.
TURNER: That's aIl right, sergeant. Forget it.
Now, ifyou have any more questions,
Major Smith wiIl answer them.
That's all, gentlemen.
PILOT: Get them ready.
We're approaching the drop area.
Stand by!
Green on! Go!
Where's Harrod?
Well, last time I saw him, he was drifting
towards those trees over here.
All right. Spread out.
Let's go and find him.
-His neck's broken.
-Damn it.
Well, what do we do now?
Do we bury him or do we leave him here?
We Ieave him here. The snow
will cover him in a coupIe of hours.
Get back and pick up the equipment.
I want to see ifthe radio's still working.
...the radio works aIl right. There's a barn
about a mile down the valley.
We'll use it to check our equipment.
-What about the people who live in it?
-There aren't any.
This is a high alpine pasture.
They bring the cattle up in May
and take them down in September.
The rest ofthe time,
the place is totally deserted.
Come on. Let's go.
Somehow, you know, thisjust isn't me.
It's not any of us, Jock.
You're the cook. Cook...
...some hot food and some hot coffee,
and then call London on the radio.
Damn it. I left that codebook
in Sergeant Harrod's tunic.
-I'lI go and get it for you.
-No, it's all right. It's my own stupid fauIt.
Sounds as if it's still blowing a bIizzard.
Well, if I'm not back in an hour...
...signal me with a flare pistol
four times every five minutes.
That should bring a blind man home.
Might aIso bring the best part
of a German regiment.
There's not a German within five miles.
Nobody leaves here until I come back.
-Jock, save me some coffee.
-It'll be cold by then.
They say that's an advantage.
You can't taste cold coffee.
Turn around.
You took your time getting here,
didn't you?
Things to attend to.
-You enjoy your trip?
I nearly froze to death
in that damn plane.
Why couldn't you have suppIied some hot
water bottles or an eIectrically heated suit?
-I thought you loved me.
-I can't help what you think.
You managed to bring your gear.
Is that all the greeting I'm going to get?
I'm afraid so, for the time being.
My radio operator was kilIed in the drop.
What happened?
Something struck him
in the back ofthe neck.
Either the haft of a knife
or the butt of a gun.
The skin was unbroken,
but badly discolored.
It means someone
broke his neck afterwards...
...to make it look like an accident.
Now listen, l'm taking the group at dawn
over the ridge into the next valley.
We'll stop in the woods until about 7.
Now, don't stumble into us.
As soon as it's dark,
we'lI move into the village ofWerfen.
In the village, there's a gasthaus
calIed Zum Wilden Hirsch.
Behind it and to the right,
there's a woodshed.
I'll meet you there
at exactly 8:00 tomorrow night.
-And after that, what?
-I'lI let you know when the time comes.
-I see you've come fully prepared.
-Never mind about that.
How do you know about all these things,
Zum Wilden Hirsch and the shed?
I'm entitled to know.
You're entitIed to know nothing.
We've worked together for three years.
I'm a professional.
So am I.
If l were the marrying kind, which I'm--
-I thought you were in a hurry.
-So I am.
Aren't you?
What kept you?
Well, I was very Iucky.
I ran into this fabulous blond.
She was lying on a snowdrift.
Does she have a friend?
No, I'm afraid you're out of luck.
-Thanks for waiting up for me, anyway.
-No problem.
Lieutenant, why don't you go to sleep?
It'll be dawn in a couple of hours.
You too, Jock.
Yeah, l'll do that.
Can't get a thing.
Probably the storm, huh?
Yeah, we'll try again in the morning.
Lieutenant, come with me.
The rest ofyou stay here.
Better Ieave the equipment here.
Somebody's got to be crazy.
How'd your colonel
expect anyone to get in there?
He feels if he can penetrate
the German High Command...
...we shouldn't have difficulty
getting up.
He did what?
He spent the years '40 to '43
in Germany, first in the Wehrmacht...
...and then finally
in General Headquarters in Berlin.
They say he knew Hitler quite weIl.
-I thought he looked a Iittle nuts.
-Yeah, probably is.
Now we've got problems of our own.
Get the boys into the trees.
We've brought them too far over.
Be sure they go beyond that tree line.
-And what about you?
-I'lI be along in a minute.
-Be sure they stay behind the trees.
-All right.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy. Over.
MAN [OVER RADlO]: DannyBoy calling
Broadsword. Father Machree is waiting.
This is Father Machree, Broadsword.
What is your present position, please?
Woods due west of castle.
Descending at dusk. Harrod dead.
Was Harrod kilIed accidentally? Over.
No. Over.
By the Germans? Over.
Time of next broadcast uncertain.
WiIl you stand by?
Colonel Turner and I wiIl remain
at headquarters till operation completed.
Good luck. Out.
It looks as though you're right, sir.
Yes, l'm afraid so.
Who's next, I wonder?
Smith himself, perhaps.
I doubt that.
Some people have a sixth sense.
He has a sixth, a seventh and an eighth.
-He's our best agent.
-Except yourself.
Still and alI, even if he is the best,
this whole operation looks impossibIe now.
SCHAFFER: Take a look down there,
at the foot ofthe castle.
Yeah. Dobermans, a guard tower
and a wire fence.
Fences can be cut or climbed, lieutenant.
I doubt ifthat one can be climbed. It's got
around 3,000 volts running through it.
If l'm not mistaken, major,
that's an army barracks over there.
SMITH: No mistake. This is the headquarters
ofthe Wehrmacht Alpenkorps.
SweIl. Ifyou got any other surprises,
I think I ought to know about them.
I thought you knew, lieutenant.
Why do you think
we're not dressed as German sailors?
Training troops come and go aIl the time.
What are six new faces
among 600 new faces?
Look, major,
this is primarily a British operation.
I'm an American.
I don't even know why the hell I'm here.
Lieutenant, you're here
because you're an American.
Dear Kramer, you have turned
a littIe gray since l saw you last.
I'm afraid so, sir.
-How is BerIin, sir?
-Things have changed.
You Iike my machine?
-It looks pretty dangerous.
-Well, you must try it.
Major Burkhalter, my adjutant.
Major Brant, Jaeger Battalion.
Colonel Weissner, FieId Security.
Major Von Hapen, Gestapo.
-Have you questioned him yet?
-No. I was waiting for you.
That Major Von Hapen,
does he know GeneraI Carnaby's here?
Yes. l did inform him of his arrival,
but not of his importance.
Good. If possible, l'd prefer the Gestapo
to be kept out ofthis matter...
-...until we have the information we want.
We don't need them cIuttering up things
with torture chambers.
This can remain a strictly army matter
for the time being.
-I agree.
I've had a very tiring trip down here
from Berlin. I'd Iike to freshen up a bit.
Perhaps sleep a few hours
before meeting General Carnaby.
KRAMER: l'll see you to your quarters.
ROSEMEYER: Thank you.
The meeting will be ready
whenever you wish.
Tell me....
Show me your papers.
I've written her many times
of course, but...
...with so many troops on leave in Berlin,
it was hardly likely she'd remember me.
But one always hopes
you're the one she'll neverforget.
Yeah. What was her name, anyway?
Oh, yeah, I remember Fred, yeah.
She was a short little redhead.
We'll try this one behind us.
When you get inside, circuIate around.
Keep your ears open for anything
about General Carnaby.
We meet back here
in half an hour. All right.
Two beers.
See you later.
Anything else needed here? Oh.
And who might you be,
my pretty alpine rose?
-Heidi. Stop, major. l've got work.
-There's no more important work...
...than entertaining
the soldiers ofthe fatherland.
-Shall I sing you a song?
-I hear too much singing.
Oh, very well, then. l'll whistle.
It goes like this:
I bet you have
a beautiful singing voice too.
Thank you.
Be in the woodshed in five minutes.
Now slap me across the face
as hard as you can.
...your conduct does not become
an officer ofthe Wehrmacht.
Herr Major, when you taIk to me.
Major Bernd Himmler.
Does the name mean anything to you?
I advise you to mind
your own business in future.
Is that understood?
-Make that two.
I don't suppose you found out anything
about General Carnaby.
I didn't get around to that. Thank you.
What were you and that major
talking about?
I toId him I was Himmler's brother.
Yeah, l could see why that would
shake him up a little.
More than a little, I should think.
Keep an eye on things. l'll be back.
Take your clothes off.
-But l--
-Don't argue. Take your clothes off.
All right.
Now, relax. I didn't mean it that way.
You are going up to the castle tonight as--
Well, yes, as a domestic.
How? Naked?
Not a bad idea, but it's a bit obvious.
There's an acute staffshortage in Germany
and the Schloss Adler is no exception.
You're the type they're looking for:
young, intelligent, good-looking...
...and as we both know,
not entirely without humor.
You must be mad.
If l wasn't, what would I be doing
in this job?
Now listen very carefully.
You're supposed to arrive on a bus
from Steingaden in about 20 minutes.
Your name is Maria Schenk.
You come from the Rhineland.
Here, give me that boot.
You've had TB and were forced
to give up yourjob.
You have a cousin called Heidi
who works in Zum Wilden Hirsch.
It's because of her that you got thejob.
-Where are my identity papers?
-In that case...
...togetherwith your travel permit.
Heidi will give you the rest later.
It must have taken time
to prepare these things.
Very likely. Our Forgery Department
did a special job on your papers.
But l thought General Carnaby's
plane crashed only yesterday morning.
It was carefully arranged.
The plane was crash-landed
in Oberhausen Military Airfield...
...about five miles from here.
It was riddled with machine-gun holes,
British machine-gun holes.
But what the heIl?
A hoIe is a hole is a hole, as they say.
Are you trying to say that you'd risk
the life of an American general...
-...and all the plans for the second front?
-Of course not.
Give me the other boot.
I'm in a hurry to get to the castle...
...before they find out
they haven't got General Carnaby.
The chap they've got knows no more
about the second front...
...than I know about the back end of
the moon. He's an American corporal.
His name is Cartwright Jones.
He's an ex-actor, probably second-rate...
...but he's the dead spitting image
ofthe general.
Did you taIk this poor man
into getting involved with alI this?
I didn't have to. He volunteered.
What actor wouldn't?
If he pulls this off, it'll be
the summit of his professional career.
Mind you,
it might be a short engagement.
Yes. A one-night stand.
Well, here we are.
Mary, now Maria,
this is your cousin Heidi.
Leave this behind in case you're searched.
Heidi will tell you what to do from now on.
She's been one of our top agents
in Bavaria since 1941 and....
What a disguise.
So he left three minutes after me...
...in a hurry, you say,
so he wasn't after me.
Any ofthe others Ieave?
Not that l could see,
but this place is so crowded...
...and there are several other exits.
Any one ofthem could have slipped out.
You better start pIaying it straight
or you can deal me out ofthis mess.
Now, we both know that radio operator
wasn't killed in any drop.
Now, with MacPherson dead,
there's only five of us left.
You either let me know what's going on
or there's only gonna be four.
All right, lieutenant.
This morning you asked me why you,
an American, was on this mission.
Well, the answer is realIy very simple.
Oh, my dear Maria, you came after all.
My dear cousin Heidi, how wonderful
to see you after all these years.
Gestapo. I am so happy to see you.
May I introduce you to a friend of mine?
Major Von Hapen.
My cousin Maria Schenk.
Your cousin told us to expect you,
FruIein Schenk, but Heidi...
...you did not tell me
she was as beautiful as this.
Thank you.
Perhaps when you're ready
to take the cable car to the castle...
-...I'll have the honor to escort you.
MARY: Thank you.
And I am going with her.
Both ofyou, huh?
Well, then l am very fortunate.
FruIein, until a little bit later.
This is a map ofthe castle.
And your instructions.
Do your homework well.
He doesn't seem to be anywhere in here.
Wonder where the devil he's got to.
I gave orders that nobody should leave.
Shall I go outside and take a look?
Attention. Nobody make a move.
Against the wall, please.
Against the wall.
We are looking for four orfive
Alpenkorps deserters from Stuttgart.
To escape, they killed two officers
and a guardroom sergeant.
They were last known
to be heading this way.
Clever. Very clever, indeed.
I want the senior officers of Drafts 13,
14 and 15 to come forward at once.
Check their papers.
Well, gentlemen, any suggestions?
Well, I think we'll stand a lot better chance
outside than we will in here.
Gentlemen, see you after the war.
These papers are from the Fourth Panzer
Division stationed in Stuttgart.
When were they issued to him?
-What is it, major?
Myself and the others are the ones you're
looking for. We've come to surrender.
Lieutenant, take the three men away
for questioning.
The officers will come with me.
Excuse me.
-Major Von Hapen.
Yes, sir.
It'sjust my shoelaces.
-Need to get rid ofthis thing.
Over the cliff. Let's push.
Okay. Push.
And a little more.
Good evening, lieutenant.
This is Miss Schenk. Lieutenant Kernitser.
She is the colonel's secretary
in charge of all the female staff.
Can l see your papers, please?
And yours, Frulein.
Would you come with me, please?
-Perhaps I'll see you a little later.
-Thank you.
Do you find anything interesting, major?
I hear there was some excitement
in the village tonight.
Oh, nothing very serious.
Just the arrest offive army deserters,
that's all.
Not quite. Those were the orders
that were put out.
But actually, they were five British agents
dressed in German uniforms.
British agents? Why wasn't I informed?
I'm informing you now, major.
Ifyou sent out the orders, colonel...
...then you must have known
for some time...
...who they were
and that they were in this district.
We called you in your office
and in your rooms.
You were not there.
Colonel, l don't have to
remind you, do I...
...that l am in charge of alI
the Gestapo activities in this area...
...and ifthere are foreign agents,
then l am to be informed at once!
-You were not here, major.
-Then you find me, coloneI.
My duty is to inform you, but not
to search every gasthaus to locate you.
I know your duties...
...and your loyalties.
Let me remind you, major,
that I'm a colonel in the SS...
...and not some lieutenant
you can frighten with your threats!
Your military rank and position
are obvious to me, coIonel...
...and so are your attempts to discredit me
with my superiors in BerIin.
Ifthere is any discredit,
you bring it upon yourself.
Good night.
-You better lock the door.
Here are all the things you'll need.
Automatic, field glasses,
ball of string and lead weight.
-You put those things in there?
-A week ago.
-You knew all about this even then?
-Yeah. Good luck, cousin.
We may need these.
I guess it's occurred to you, the Germans
probably know about all this stuff by now.
It did cross my mind.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy. Over.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy. Over.
Broadsword, sir.
Danny Boy calling Broadsword.
Come in, Broadsword. Over.
MacPherson murdered. Thomas,
Christiansen and Berkeley captured.
I'm effecting entrance within the hour.
Please have transport standing by. Over.
PulI out now, Broadsword.
Save yourselves. Over.
You must be joking. Over and out.
That is an order, Broadsword. Over.
Broadsword? Broadsword?
He's gone, sir.
Damn it!
It's all my fault.
It's all ourfault, colonel.
It was my idea.
Maybe I'm getting too old.
Maybe we're both too old.
Well, anyway, there can't be
any doubt anymore.
The Germans have totally penetrated MI6.
They know every move we make
almost before we make it.
Where the hell are they
getting it all from?
We handpicked every man
for this mission.
-We have top security.
That word has become a bloodyjoke.
We've got company.
-Open the window.
-All right.
Put the bag in the bus
and see ifyou can start the engine.
-How's it going?
-Try to give it a start.
Yes. Captain Mueller,
with three prisoners.
All right.
Leave this one behind and
tie that one to the end ofthe rope.
Good God, that nearly killed me.
You shouIdn't go
on these insane missions.
You're getting too old.
I thank you for those few kind words.
The first time l've been hot
since I was in this bloody country.
-You got a plan ofthe castle?
Well, fetch it for me, would you?
Why don't you give him a hand?
What for? He's perfectly capable
of looking after himself.
If l could climb up on my own,
why can't he?
First left down the stairs, third door.
Next right-hander takes us
into the east wing.
Down again. Second left.
Telephone exchange.
You wouldn't mind giving me a hand,
would you?
You seem to have a lot ofwomen
stashed around this country, major.
I'm sorry. This is Mary.
She's one of our group.
-Lieutenant Schaffer.
Hello, Mary.
Thank you.
Take the rope and the explosives
to your room...
...and bring them with you
when you come.
-How's it looking?
-It's quiet enough.
First thing we gotta do
is cripple that helicopter.
They might try to fly Carnaby out in it.
I think we can handle that.
-You the pilot?
PILOT: Yes, sir.
Kommandant wants you on the phone.
It's in the radio office on the left,
around the corner.
-Do you have a cigarette, lieutenant?
-Yes, sir. Of course.
-Rather coId, isn't it?
-Oh, yes, sir.
Well, that was quick.
Fear lent them wings, as the saying goes.
What do we do now?
I think we'd better see how
Cartwright Jones is getting aIong.
KRAMER: You are making things
very difficuIt, Herr General.
-Very, very difficult, indeed.
MAN: There aren't any difficulties, major.
General Rosemeyer here hasn't forgotten
that Germany's a signatory...
...to the Hague Convention.
ROSEMEYER: I have not forgotten,
but my hands are tied.
I have my orders from Berlin.
MAN: You can telI Berlin
all they're entitled to know.
I'm General George Carnaby,
United States Army, RA 123-025-3964.
KRAMER: And one ofthe chief coordinators
of planning for the second front.
Which second front is that?
Well, general, l have done aIl I can.
I have tried to hold up the Gestapo.
I've persuaded the High Command
that the mere fact ofyour capture...
...will compel the Allies
to alter their plans...
...but this, it seems, is not enough.
For the last time, may l request you
to give us the information?
General George Carnaby,
United States Army.
The matter is in your hands, Kramer.
You know, general,
we have drugs that will make you talk.
-We do not wish to use them, but--
-Scopolamine. Heh, heh, heh.
Where's that gonna get you, colonel?
There are other drugs too.
The lieutenant here is a trained nurse.
Excuse me.
And they are who we thought?
Very good.
Yes. Yes, you can bring them up now.
Has there been any further information
about the other two?
Well, keep me advised.
Some very interesting company
coming up, general.
The drugs may not be necessary.
Don't you think
it's time we make a move?
Any minute now.
Just be patient.
A moment.
Did I disturb you?
-No, I was just going out.
-Well, then I am just in time.
-You wanted to see me, major?
What about?
Well, nothing.
I just wanted to see you.
Now, that is not a crime, is it?
It's very seldom
we have so pretty a girl here.
Perhaps I can show you
a littIe Bavarian hospitality.
Now, downstairs,
we have an armaments room...
...which has been converted
into the most marvelous caf.
But my duties,
I have to see the colonel's secretary.
The colonel's secretary
can wait a little while.
You and me, we have a lot to talk about.
-Such as?
-I was a student there for many years.
From 1929 to 1933.
To your health, gentlemen.
You are not drinking, general.
That's understandable...
...when your rescuers turn out to be,
well, birds of a different feather.
And the return trip, gentlemen.
How was that to be accomplished?
-Through SwitzerIand.
Then it should be quite easy
for you to return to London.
A rubber dinghy across the Rhine,
and then a short waIk.
You'll be in Whitehall...
...reporting General Carnaby's
transfer to Berlin before you know it.
Back to London? Are you mad?
Not with Smith and Schaffer still alive.
What do you take us for?
You wiIl also, of course, be reporting
the unfortunate demise of Major Smith.
-Is he dead?
KRAMER: We are not quite sure.
-It is being Iooked into right now.
-It's getting late.
-Please remember the important issue.
-Yes, sir.
I think the situation
has changed sufficiently...
...for you to give us the information
we have been asking for.
Nothing's changed, colonel.
Most unfortunate.
Just a waste of good scopolamine.
Don't move, any ofyou.
No, I'd advise you not to, coloneI.
Well, gentlemen, I'm glad to see you all
here, safe and sound, enjoying a drink.
I'm sorry to interrupt you.
Lieutenant, drop that gun.
-Drop that gun and sit down.
-What the hell are you talking about?
-Sit down!
-Major, if I live to be 100--
-Do nothing, lieutenant.
In your own idiom, you're a punk...
...and a pretty second-rate punk at that.
-If I might have some explanation....
-In good time, colonel. All in good time.
I was about to say scopolamine
would have little effect on our friend...
...except to prove he's not General Carnaby,
but a certain Cartwright Jones...
...an American actor
impersonating General Carnaby.
-Who are you?
-Just a passer-by, as you might say.
In fact, l think the drug
would probably work better...
...on our friends at the end ofthe table.
They're our real enemies.
-Don't listen to him, generaI. lt's a bIuff!
-Keep quiet!
Allow me to introduce myself.
Major Johann Schmidt.
SS Military lntelIigence, Stuttgart.
-Can you prove that?
-Certainly, colonel.
Before I do, l wonder ifyou'd be
good enough to call one ofyour guards.
I don't fancy talking and keeping my eye
on these peopIe at the same time.
I seem to remember...
...that the cathedral was
on the other side ofthe square.
Of course, I might be mistaken.
It's been a long time.
Oh, no, major.
I could have made a mistake.
I haven't been to Dsseldorf
for three years.
It's very easy to forget.
Yes. lt's very easy.
FruIein, you seem to be
a littIe bit distracted.
-Is anything wrong?
-No. No, it's nothing.
Just a slight headache.
I've had a long day traveling.
Oh, yes, of course. And here I am...
...l'm talking about silly things
like Dsseldorf.
-You will forgive me?
-Of course.
Thank you. I teIl you what.
We wiIl have one more schnapps together
and then I'll see you to your quarters.
-Thank you.
Well, now that we're alI comfortable,
the first order of business...
...is to find out exactly who everybody is
and what they're doing here.
Now, first the lieutenant.
He's an assassin...
...a member ofthe American
intelligence organization known as OSS.
His job was to shoot you, Colonel Kramer,
and you, General Rosemeyer.
Now, General Carnaby's mission
was twofold:
First, to allow himselfto be tortured...
...into giving you the wrong plans
for the second front.
And secondly, to afford the British...
...a perfect excuse to send in
a team of experts to rescue him.
Which brings us
to our three friends here...
...and the cleverest phase
ofthe British operation.
-They are, of course, members of MI6.
-That's a lie.
Let him finish!
Theirjob was to penetrate
the German High Command...
...instead ofthe real
Thomas, Berkeley and Christiansen...
...who worked for us in London...
...and were discovered and captured
by the British about a month ago.
That's another lie.
You can't prove any ofthis.
Can't I?
Any denials, Iieutenant?
Now, General Carnaby,
perhaps you'd be good enough...
...to give us your real name, rank
and serial number.
Cartwright Jones, corporal, U.S. Army...
...RA 123-025-3964.
Thank you.
Having successfully substituted
these three British agents for our men...
...what was the next phase
ofthe British plan?
To penetrate the German High Command.
How? Simple.
Stage a fake air crash
with a fake American generaI on board...
...send in speciaI agents
to effect his release...
...be sure that they fail in their mission...
...and these men
would be taken to Berlin...
...where they would be
right in the heart ofthe Wehrmacht.
And you, Major Schmidt,
what were your orders on this mission?
To lead them in and make
my own way out through Switzerland.
-But it-- It's incredible.
But to the British, very, very simple.
You were going to give us
some proof ofwho you are.
Certainly, general.
The proof is in three parts.
First, if l'm not who I say l am...
...what am I doing here?
What can I possibly hope to gain?
The rescue of an impostor,
the exposure ofthree spies. Who to?
To the very people
they're supposed to be working for.
I have nothing to gain.
Also, ifthese people
are what they say they are...
...they would know the name
of our top agent in Whitehall.
-So why don't we ask them?
They should know the man
who sent them on this mission.
We all work through contacts.
It wasn't necessary
or safe for us to know...
...where our orders were coming from.
Then l should be in the same boat as you,
but I know his name and you don't.
Secondly, colonel, you have...
...one ofthe most powerful
radio transmitters in Europe.
Put a radio telephone calI through...
...to Field Marshal Kesselring's
headquarters in Italy...
...and ask for his Chiefof Intelligence,
a Major Wilhelm Wilner.
Major. Major.
There's Colonel Kramer on the telephone
from the Schloss Adler in Bavaria.
He says it's very urgent.
Major WiIner speaking.
Ja, colonel.
-Can you describe him?
-That will not be necessary.
Ask him to show you his right forearm.
-May I see your right forearm?
WlLNER [OVER PHONE]: There are two
parallel scars, about three centimeters apart.
The scars are there.
Ask how did he get them.
-How did you get those?
-I was born with them.
He says he was born with them.
That is right. Then tell him he's a traitor.
Tell him he's a renegade.
That is Schmidt. No question about it.
-Thank you, major.
-Thank you, coloneI.
Good night.
Give me the water.
As you know, the real Thomas,
Christiansen and Berkeley...
...whiIe working
for British counterespionage...
...were responsible for setting up an
excellent chain of agents throughout Britain.
Now, ifthese men are
who they claim to be...
...it would be reasonable...
...to expect them to be able
to write down a list ofthose agents.
You could then compare their lists
with the genuine one...
-...which I have in this book.
-There's something very wrong, colonel.
I don't doubt who Schmidt is,
but there has been some mistake.
SCHMIDT: Yes, and you're the ones
who have made it.
FruIein, would you be good enough
to get some pencils and some notebooks...
...and we'll soon find out
who's speaking the truth.
Good night, Maria.
You are a most charming girl.
Good night and thank you.
We must get to know each other
a littIe better.
-Good night.
Good night.
Any one ofthese wilI do.
Now compare it with my original.
Stay as you were, gentlemen.
Just relax.
Second-rate punk, huh?
All I couId think of
on the spur ofthe moment.
-Thanks. That even makes it worse.
Well, between them,
they shouldn't have missed anything.
KRAMER: This is all you want. Those books?
-Lots of nice names and addresses.
And these men?
Then they are who they claim to be?
I'm afraid so. They've been
under suspicion for some time.
Classified information was going out
and useless information was coming in.
It took severaI weeks to pin it on
the departments controlled by those men.
But we knew we couldn't prove it.
Even ifwe could...
...what we really wanted
was the names oftheir contacts.
These names and addresses.
So we thought this plan up.
And Wilner,
Kesselring's Chiefof Intelligence?
He truly believes me
to be one of his top agents in Italy.
I've been feeding him useless, faIse and
out-of-date information for a couple years.
-All right, gentlemen--
VON HAPEN: Stay where you are!
I'd advise everyone to keep perfectly still.
Drop your gun, major.
You too, lieutenant.
By the fireplace.
Thank God you're here.
We were just about--
Sit down, colonel!
Everybody remain as he is...
...untiI l find out
what exactly is going on here.
What do you mean?
Surely, you can see what's--
Sit down, colonel.
It's perfectly simple.
The lieutenant and myself...
...have uncovered a plot
to assassinate the Fhrer.
-This is preposterous!
Sit down.
These people were all involved in
a conspiracy to overthrow the Third Reich.
In my pocket here,
I have the names of alI the conspirators.
Just before you interrupted us,
we put this entire party under arrest.
The list in his pocket are the names
of German agents working in Britain!
I don't expect you to believe me, major.
But you'll certainly believe these names
ifyou'll permit me to show them to you.
Let me see them.
Careful, major.
Go very slowIy.
Bring them here.
Bring them here.
All ofyou, get up! Stand over there.
Put your hands up.
Put your hands up!
Jones, see ifyou can find
something to tie them up with.
Mary, bring that bag over here.
-What do we do with these three?
-We take them with us.
You were late.
-One day I won't come at all.
-Keep your eye on those three.
Lieutenant, in the next 15 minutes...
...we have to create enough confusion
to get out of here aIive.
Major, right now you got me
about as confused as l ever hope to be.
The armory's here.
Ifwe bIow it up, the castle will think...
...it's being attacked by a division.
On the other side ofthe castIe over here
is the radio room.
I'll take the others and meet you there.
You take the map.
Mary, we're going.
Let me make myself
perfectly understood.
If any ofyou utters a word, I'lI kill you all.
You understand?
-Jones, get the major's gun. Now move.
-Yes, sir.
This way.
SMITH: Wait. Go back. Jones, go on.
Mary, get in. Get in there.
At ease.
Get them in.
All right, inside, quickly.
You may need this.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy.
-We got company.
-Broadsword calling Danny Boy.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy.
Broadsword calling Danny Boy.
Get the rest ofthe men out of here
and report to the Kommandant.
Danny Boy calling Broadsword. Over.
Everything ready.
We need transport. Understood?
Do you have it? Over.
We have it. We have it all. Over.
All sins forgiven.
Damn it.
Get Thomas out ofthere. Quickly.
Get out. Climb out.
Get on with it!
Outside! Out! Out!
All right.
Lieutenant, get the rope.
Back. Get back.
All right, to the right.
Quick. Move it.
Damn! Blast it!
Get moving.
All right. Get those men untied.
Better put those coats on ifyou don't
want to freeze to death. Quickly, now.
Jones, get them out. Mary.
Watch them. Right.
-The doors to the corridor are locked.
-See what winch controls they have.
-There's a stop and start button.
-See ifyou can make the motor work.
SCHAFFER: Not bad, huh?
-Yes, good.
Now bring it down here and we'lI get
on top, and you can take us back inside.
-Mary, bring them out here!
-Go on.
Get ahold ofthe rope and cIimb down.
Climb down!
Look out!
Schaffer? Schaffer?
We've got him, Smith! Now, listen, Smith.
I'll make a deaI with you.
You Iet us go down in the car
and we won't kill Schaffer.
You bring him out
so l can see he's still alive.
I'm bringing him out now.
Get in the car.
Give me that.
Damn it!
Up there. Get him!
Help me. No.
No. No!
Help me.
-Where's the major?
-He's on the cable car.
Jones, the bag.
Let's go.
Set the bombs to go off
in three and a half minutes.
-Almost ready?
Jones. Mary.
All set.
-Twenty-five minutes. Can we make it?
-We can make it.
-Point is, will they?
-God knows.
Everybody on the floor.
Emergency. Get me
the Oberhausen AirfieId immediately.
-We've got company.
-Yeah, I saw them in the mirror.
How long before we reach the poles?
Just around the next turn.
Oberhausen AirfieId?
Give me the Kommandant's office.
Get ready.
Set the rest ofthem and get out of here.
PILOT: Oberhausen control tower.
Oberhausen control tower.
Oberhausen control. Over.
PILOT: I'm in serious trouble.
Request urgent permission to land. Over.
Identify. Over.
Leutnant Ulrich.
Third Jaeger Junker squadron
on night navigational exercise.
One engine out. Losing altitude. Over.
You are cleared
for immediate landing. Over.
Coming in. Over.
Fighter Wing 126,
Oberhausen AirfieId calling. Over.
Fighter Wing 126, Ober--
Get the control tower.
Come in-- Aah!
Get down.
-Berkeley wrote these names?
-Yes, sir.
Ted Berkeley. I can't believe it.
And Thomas. And Christiansen.
All three ofthem?
-My God, it's incredible.
-Yes, quite.
But not as incredible as the one name
that's missing from that list, colonel.
What name is that, major?
I have it in this notebook
here in my pocket.
Earlier tonight, I showed it
to Colonel Kramer.
He agreed with me that this was
the top German agent in Britain.
It's your name, colonel.
Don't look so shocked.
Surely, you suspected it.
Otherwise, why were you here
to meet us?
In case you were found out?
Go on.
You see, you underestimated
AdmiraI RolIand.
He'd suspected you and the others
for some time.
He brought me and Mary back from ltaly
because we were the onIy two...
...in his department that he could trust,
yourself included.
He asked you to choose a leader
for this expedition.
You chose me because you knew
from German intelligence...
...that l was a double agent.
AdmiraI RolIand knew I was not.
But for you, I was the perfect choice.
-Now you're guessing, Smith.
-No guesswork, colonel.
Your pointing that gun at me
is sufficient evidence.
You are pointing it at me, aren't you?
Go on.
Mary was brought on the mission without
your knowledge because I needed her...
...to get me into the castle.
The lieutenant, being an American...
...had no possible connection with MI6...
...and was the only member ofthe group
I could trust.
I wasn't even sure of
Harrod and MacPherson...
...untiI they were killed by the others.
Fascinating. Very fascinating.
Perhaps even true.
-Assuming for a moment--
-You're finished, colonel.
-You're overlooking something, aren't you?
-Not at all.
AdmiraI RolIand took you
to the plane himseIf, didn't he?
He also made certain
that you had that gun, didn't he?
We took the precaution of removing
the firing pin before the mission started.
Put it down, colonel.
Not so hasty, lieutenant.
We mustn't cheat the hangman.
What now, major?
You'll be tried for treason.
A public trial wouId be embarrassing.
Painful, not only for myseIf...
...but aIso for British Intelligence
and Admiral Rolland.
Perhaps, but not as painfuI as
that long drop to the end ofthe rope.
...l seem to have no cards left to play,
do I?
No, colonel, you don't.
-Do I have an alternative?
-Ifyou want it.
Thank you.
I'll have those books.
Well, is that it, major?
Yes, that's it, lieutenant.
Do me a favor, will you?
Next time you have one ofthese things,
keep it an all-British operation.
I'll try, lieutenant.