Where Is Kyra? (2017)

Are you ready
for your bath?
- Y-Yeah.
- Okay. All right.
Ooh! Ahh!
- Okay.
- Perfect.
Oh, that's perfect.
- Oh.
- All righty.
Here, it's...
Do you have a light over there?
Yeah, here, come a little closer.
I can get your shoulders.
- Oh!
- There you go.
That feels
so good.
Oh. Oh, you are
so gentle.
In the middle.
In the middle.
Last full-time
was two years ago?
There's a lot of data entry,
so you need to feel confident
in the latest versions of
Excel, PowerPoint, Lotus Notes.
Mm-hmm, yeah, I am.
And you're fine
with filing, answering phones?
That's my forte.
Thank you.
Oh. Oh, sorry. Shit.
I'm sorry.
Oh, my God,
this is so embarrassing.
You can just leave it...
No, I... no, no, no. I'm
not going to leave it.
You want to get a cab?
- For one block?
- Well...
- What are you, a Vanderbilt?
- Yep.
- Cloudy day, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
- You all right?
- Mm-hmm, I'm good.
- You're okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.
- You're not cold?
- Nope.
You have a good day.
- Excuse me.
- Thanks.
Here you go. Want some water?
You okay?
- Thank you, thank you.
- Okay, drink it slow.
I will, I will.
I know. I will.
Okay, here you go.
Oh. I can't
do this every day.
- Okay?
- I did it. It's done.
Okay. Okay, better.
Thank you, Mommy.
You want
some more water?
- No.
- Yes, yes, yes.
A little bit.
- A lot of it.
- Okay.
Ooh. Oh.
Ooh. That was
a long walk.
Come on, come on. Aaah.
Wow, this skirt
is so tight.
To you. To you.
You want some?
such a brat.
Okay. Put your mask on now
for a little bit, okay?
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm okay.
- Just rest.
- Just take a nap.
I love you.
I love you, Mommy.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How's your day going?
Oh, pretty good.
And yours?
Not too bad.
Are you sleeping?
On three.
One, two...
Hi. Oh.
Thank you
for coming.
I'm gonna
miss her.
Yeah. You were
so good to her.
- Oh, she was good to me.
- Yeah.
Can I get you a drink
of water or something?
No, no, I'm good.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Thank you for coming.
She was
a good woman.
She really loved you.
- How are you and Becky?
- Uh, fine.
- Finally got something, so...
- Oh, really? Construction?
- Yeah.
- Great.
Money's still tight,
but, uh...
How about you?
I'm up for a
couple of things.
I should, uh...
It's a long drive
back, so...
- Thank you for coming.
- Sure.
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
How long will it take to fix?
Uh, five, six
weeks for the new certificate.
Make the check out for $40,
plus $15 for each copy.
Money orders are also good.
Okay, uh, I'll get back to you.
Thank you so much.
- How can I help you today?
- I'd like to cash this, please.
Your ID, please?
Thank you.
Who's Ruth?
That's my mother.
Only she can cash
her own check.
But, um...
Or she can fill out forms
giving you power of attorney...
She's very old and she's failing
and she's not doing well, so...
Well, all you need are two
witnesses and her signature.
- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
What are you doing with
Reny and Steve and Martin?
I keep asking
myself the same question.
What can I get ya?
A rum and coke.
- Seven dollars, sweetheart.
- Thank you.
Uh, it's declined.
Are you sure?
I knew it was you.
Nice to see you outside
of the mail room.
Usually around 3:00,
sometimes with your mom.
Name is Doug.
And you are?
nice to meet you.
That's pretty.
So, how long
have you lived...
At Parkside?
Unless you want to tell
me how old you are.
Ten months.
Twelve years.
And what,
before ten months?
Before ten months,
you were...
I was just...
I didn't mean
to bother you.
I was living in Virginia.
- Yeah, I was married.
- Ah.
And now?
Not working.
Not married.
I've been looking
though... for a job.
I'm sorry?
Do you work?
As much as I can.
Mainly drive people back and
forth from the airport.
Trying to save up.
Thank you.
Get my medallion,
be my own boss.
a medallion?
It proves to the state that you have a
license to own and operate your own cab.
I was being sarcastic. They cost about
a million bucks. Never gonna happen.
So I part-time at the nursing
home, a couple other things.
Learning a mean game
of Bingo though.
I think it's really nice the
way you take care of your mom.
She's dead.
I'm really sorry.
that's what old
people do, they die.
I guess so.
You want to
get really drunk tonight?
Come on.
First one hurts.
Oh, that's bad.
- Mia!
- Yeah.
Give us two Jamesons.
And the phone number?
Are you done?
Are you available weekends?
It's minimum.
No, that's okay.
Plus any
tips that you make.
That's great.
Henry will
give you a call.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you so much.
Mailbox one, no message.
Mailbox two,
no message.
Mailbox three,
no message.
Mailbox four,
no message.
- The number you...
- Shit!
Are you kidding me?
- Hello.
- Hello? Hi.
Hey, is there
a lady here,
I think she's the wife
of the owner, and she's...
Oh, hi! Hi, I just thought I'd
come by and check on the job.
- Kyra, right?
- Yeah, yeah.
Listen, I tried to
call you yesterday.
I know.
My phone broke.
Oh, that's
a shame, um...
Look, my husband hired
somebody without telling me.
And I'm-I'm
really sorry.
Look, if anything else comes up,
I will call you
right away.
- Okay.
- All right?
It just... It just...
You just have to
kind of jiggle it.
- Okay.
- Just needs a little more oil.
- Yeah.
- It's from the 1950s, so...
That's okay.
And, um, I have, uh...
I have a few more
things in here that...
I don't know,
you might be interested in.
Everything, or...
Yeah, pretty much.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
Um, I'm Kyra Johnson. I was just...
I was just, um...
um, wondering if the part-time
filing position was still open?
- Uh, no, that's been filled.
- Okay.
If you want, you can leave your
information and phone number.
I could get back to you
if anything comes up.
Um... would it
be all right
if I just checked back in
with you periodically?
- Sure.
- Okay.
Thank you so much. Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Where you been hiding?
been around... busy.
You like it?
No, I don't.
- Well, at least I didn't pay for it. I traded.
- Uh-huh.
Trust me, the ski
hat looked dumber.
Thank you.
How are you?
You all right?
Yeah, I'm good.
I'm okay. You?
I was looking down
at the bar for you.
Oh, um, no, it's...
I don't usually
go to bars. I...
No, I-I understand,
Thanks for the beer.
I just want to know
if I did something wrong.
Oh, God, no. No.
- Are you selling stuff? Are you...
- Uh...
No? You're
just shopping?
I hang out with the neighbors.
It's really good
to see you. Hey.
So how about you? Are
you selling your stuff?
Uh, no,
not really.
I sold, uh, well...
- Oh, really not really.
- Not really, no.
I guess I should have met
my neighbors earlier.
I'm really glad
you moved in.
Yeah. I mean, I'm not glad about
everything you went through,
but, yeah,
I'm glad you moved in.
Me too.
I'm real glad I got away
from all that craziness.
What do you mean,
like losing your job?
Everything else
I thought I had.
I mean, you know
what it's like.
Nothing you worked for
is working...
and you think...
everyone has just
given up on you.
And... and you just
get so down and...
Thank God for my mom.
She saved my ass.
Are you gonna help me
pack up all this shit?
- So, come...
- Of course I am.
Come on.
Oh! You're so...
It's hurting me!
You're stronger
than I thought.
Next customer, please?
Hello. What can I
do for you today?
Cashing a check? Can I
see some ID, please?
Thank you.
Here you go.
Have a nice day.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You look pretty.
- Thank you.
How was your day?
Uh... I handed out
flyers for no money,
and, uh, I just
did some errands,
and straightened up some stuff
in the apartment. Thanks.
- Thanks, Mia.
- Hey, can you bring some french fries?
And how
was your day?
My day's like
every other day.
I'm grinding.
The second shift
was better than the first.
Last couple of hours
were all right.
Weirdest thing happened
I saw a woman today who looked
exactly like your mother.
I mean, she even
walked like her.
She walked right in
front of my car.
It kind of
freaked me out.
I know. Everywhere
I go, I see her.
She... I mean,
she's always in my mind.
Mmm, of course, she is.
I mean, I-I understand that.
But, I mean,
this was an actual person.
You wouldn't have believed it. I mean,
she looked exactly like your mom.
Do we have to talk
about this... now?
No. Hey, hey. Come here, come here.
I'm sorry.
- That's okay.
- I'm sorry.
- No, it's okay.
- You all right?
Yeah, no, I'm just...
I'm exhausted.
I just had... Oh, God,
it's just such a long day.
You want to get out of here
and just go back to my place?
- I-I'm just so tired, you know? I'm just...
- Okay.
- And I have such an early day tomorrow.
- Hey, all right.
I get it, I get it,
I get it. Yeah.
Thank you.
It's for your taxes.
So, no payment?
Um, it's a donation,
for the homeless.
Oh, okay.
I got
a daughter out west.
Probably wouldn't even
recognize her.
She doesn't know me either, except
she thinks I'm a monumental fuckup.
- You're not a fuckup.
- It's not that.
It's just how
her mom sees me.
Doesn't matter that
I've paid everything back
or that I'm paying
every month
or how many times I've said sorry
for all the lying and bullshit
and fucking up
everyone's lives.
It's just how
she sees me, okay?
Oh, God,
you look beautiful.
- Hey, Gary.
- How you holding up, Kyra?
Okay. Thanks.
...Flatbush Avenue yesterday.
You gotta
fill out a form.
It was to the...
Okay, all right.
I'll just fill this out.
- You need a pen?
- No, got it. Thank you.
- Is this the lost and found?
- Yes, ma'am.
Did anyone turn in a wallet?
- No, ma'am.
- Okay.
Yeah, because I-I-I...
I lost it yesterday,
and so it would have been turned
in either today or yesterday.
I'm sorry, ma'am. Fill
out this form, please.
Is this the only place
where people turn things in?
This is the only place.
Fill out that form.
- If we find it, we'll get in touch with you.
- All right. Thank you.
You're welcome.
- Hey.
- Hey. Did you see my wallet?
- Last night, did you... did you see it?
- No, you didn't take it out.
It's gone. I've looked everywhere. I
don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do.
Okay, shh. It's all right, okay?
Just don't... Here.
No. No, no,
I'm not gonna take that.
- It's fine, trust me.
- No, no.
It's gonna turn up.
It's just for now, okay?
- You need this just as much as I do.
- I'm gonna be fine.
Hey. It's all right.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
I'm paying you back,
I swear.
I'll see you as soon
as I finish work.
Sorry about that.
Am I gonna see you later?
Don't go. Yeah.
I've got to.
- Good luck today.
- Mm-hmm.
Number 58, come
to Window 3 for ID photo.
Mrs. Ramirez,
please pick up 71.
Floor supervisor, Window 7.
Window 7, supervisor.
Mr. Corelli,
vehicle inspection.
Mr. Corelli,
vehicle inspection.
Ma'am, you can't wear
those glasses for the photo.
The light,
it hurts my eyes.
Yeah, we need to be able to see your face.
Hat's gotta go too.
Mrs. Garcia, Window 11.
Mrs. Garcia, Window 11.
Thing went dead on me here.
I'm in here.
I'm in here!
You want to tell me why you
were dressing like your mother?
I needed to cash
her checks.
What checks?
Her pension checks.
- Jesus Christ.
- I...
I-I-I-I wrote down
the wrong...
on her, um, her death certificate,
the-the social security.
And I wanted to change it,
but it costs so much,
and-and the check...
The checks just kept coming
and nothing else was,
and you know how hard I've been looking,
and I just... I had no other choice.
She's fucking dead,
I know that!
Don't you think I know that?
I deal with that every day!
Do you have any idea what'll
happen if they catch you?
You're stealing, committing fraud.
They will fucking put you away.
- Are you nuts?
- Fuck you. I would never steal from my mother.
- But you did!
- Only until I got something!
This is what
you came up with?
Doug... please.
I didn't know what else to do.
Come on. You know me.
I don't think I do.
Of course you do.
I ca-can't do this.
- I-I just...
- You can't do what?
This. This.
I promised myself that if
I got my life back together again,
I would not fuck it up with lying
or bullshit or... Ju...
I can't.
I'm sorry, but I can...
I can't do this.
The truck
was late again.
You tell me every week, "Tuesday,
it's gonna be on time."
It's not on time, I'm telling you. You
gotta chop these a little bit tighter.
Hey, Jimmy, I'll call you right back, okay?
Hi. Can I help you?
Yeah, I'm about... I'm here
about the bookkeeping position.
Ah, it's been filled.
Uh, that's too bad.
Okay. Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
You ready?
Half of what I owe you.
You want to come in
for a drink?
- Hey.
- Good morning.
You gotta stop that.
With everything.
I swear, I'm not gonna do that anymore.
I don't care what I have to do.
Did you sleep well?
Hey, can you check with the nursing home
again today, see if there's anything?
Of course. You never know
when something will open up.
Will you wake me up in a half
an hour before my shift?
Gary, I'm gonna get you
the money. I...
I just need
a little more time.
It's been four months.
It ain't me, Kyra.
It's management.
All right. Tell them I'll
get it to them next week.
Will you at least
do that for me? Please?
- We'll figure this out.
- When? After I'm evicted?
- I didn't...
- No, I can't lose this apartment.
- Kyra, I just want to help.
- And you know what? You don't need this.
I just want to help.
You can't.
There's gotta be something you can sell.
Didn't your mom have any jewelry?
No, it's just...
It's costume. It's crap.
- Take it back.
- No.
- I don't need it.
- No. It's not gonna put a fucking dent in what I owe!
I am in over my fucking
head with this shit!
Don't you get that?
Yeah, I get it.
Kyra, calm down.
No, you try calming
the fuck down with this!
They're not gonna kick you out tomorrow.
Do you understand?
Y-You've got time.
You've got time.
Kyra, it's me!
Oh, Becky.
I hope
I didn't startle you.
Would it be all right
if I came in?
Sure. Of-Of course.
Thank you.
- Can I take your coat?
- Oh, no, I'm good.
- I'm a little chilled, actually.
- Oh.
When are you due?
Six weeks.
- That's soon.
- Yeah.
- Are you hungry?
- No.
- I could whip up a sandwich.
- No, I'm good. Thank you.
Oh, excuse me.
- Your ex-wife is here.
- How long has she been here?
Just a couple minutes.
I don't know.
I don't know why she's here.
- Kyra.
- Hi.
I-I hope it's okay.
I didn't mean just to show.
Did-Did you get
my message this morning?
- Uh, I've been working.
- Oh. Yeah.
I'll give you a minute.
You're pregnant.
Place looks good. You repainted.
What are you doing here?
I didn't know...
I didn't know where else to go.
I can't find anything. I...
Thought you were up
for a few things.
I thought so too, and...
It's just hard out there right...
I'm no spring chicken.
I mean, you know how hard I've
worked, and it wasn't my fault that,
you know,
they downsized me out of a job.
That was
two years ago.
And ever since then,
I have been looking every day.
I... I don't even know how many...
how many resumes
I've dropped off.
There are other jobs,
you know?
I know that.
I have tried everything...
and am reduced to handing out
flyers on parked cars.
And praying every day
that I even have that.
Just say it.
I just...
I was ju...
I just want to see
if you would loan me some cash.
Just not a lot.
Just something until so...
until I get something.
I don't really have extra.
Um, you know,
especially with the kid comin'.
I'm not asking for a lot.
I'm really happy
for you, Carl. I am.
I really am.
You're gonna make a great dad.
I wouldn't be asking
if I didn't have to.
I'll pay you back.
I swear to God.
Thank you.
Don't thank me yet.
It's about all I have.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Safe travels.
Thank you
for the coffee.
Okay. All right, just get back to me.
Thank you.
So same time
We're covered
for tomorrow.
How you feelin' today?
Looking good.
It's Scott.
Let me help you.
Ruth Woods?
This Ruth?
We have her wallet.
Um, just a minute.
- Hi.
- Hi.
She's not here.
But I can give it to her.
- I'm-I'm her daughter.
- We need to give this directly to her.
- Procedure.
- Yes. Of course.
Uh, when is she
expected back?
Uh, later.
We'll be back.
I'm-I'm just not sure...
- Not sure?
- Uh, I don't know when, uh, you know,
what time, so...
No problem. We'll stop
by tomorrow morning.
- Oh! Okay.
- Yeah. Okay.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
- Yes, can I help you?
- Hey. How you doin', man?
Detective Brennan,
NYPD. And you are?
- I'm sorry.
- You did what?
I panicked.
I can't believe it.
What the fuck!
You promised me!
I know, I know,
I know. I didn't...
You know what kind
of debt I'm in.
Doug, I just...
You know, I just...
- I should stay the fuck away from here and disappear.
- And go where? With what?
I don't know.
Maybe I could hide out in your
place for a couple of days.
What good do you think that'll do?
They'll keep coming back.
- Fuck, they'll wait out there for you!
- Her.
Kyra, look at me.
- You're gonna have to just do this.
- No.
- Get it over with. Deal with it.
- No, I can't do it.
You don't have a choice.
- You understand that, right?
- Mmm.
You don't have a choice now.
- What are you guys doing?
- Hey.
We lost a ring.
Cops came looking
for you today.
Oh, yeah. I, um...
My wallet was stolen.
So, yeah, no, I talked to them.
It's fine. It's good.
- You're gonna bag that up when you're done, right?
- We'll put it all back.
You ready?
- Oh.
- What?
- Glasses.
- What?
Glasses, glasses.
Come on. Here.
Okay. Yeah.
I love you.
- All right.
- Oh.
Come on.
You're gonna be all right.
We're gonna be all right.
- I'm sorry, we were...
- No problem.
I'm Detective Brennan. This is
my partner, Detective Tiller.
Please, come in.
And you are?
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Mrs.
Woods's daytime attendant.
Please, just this way. Can I
get you something to drink?
- Uh, no, thank you.
- Okay.
Miss Woods,
they're here.
I had no idea.
- Can she talk without it?
- Not really.
Uh, maybe a few seconds.
How you doin' today, Mrs.
I told, uh...
I didn't get your name.
- Doug.
- Yeah.
I'm Detective Brennan. This is
my partner, Detective Tiller.
- Can we open the blinds so we can...
- It really hurts her eyes.
I'm sorry.
- Can I...
- Please.
I met your daughter yesterday.
She here?
So I told her a wallet got turned
in to us that we believe is yours.
Did you lose your wallet?
Do you remember how?
Any recollection
where you lost it?
Okay, what about the color?
Can you tell me what color it was?
This it?
Mrs. Woods,
we believe someone might have
stolen your identification.
it's not uncommon,
particularly of
someone your age.
Notice anything unusual
in your bank account?
According to bank records,
they issued you a new card.
I presume 'cause
the wallet was lost.
And you cash all your own
pension checks and disability?
No one else?
That's good.
One other question.
Where is Kyra Johnson?
- That's her daughter.
- The one I met?
Is there a reason why her ID
would be in your wallet?
Okay, okay.
It's okay.
Maybe I should ask your daughter directly.
When is she due back?
- She didn't say.
- She can answer.
Do you recognize
this grave?
Step back.
You don't really
need this, do you?