Where is Tong? (2001)

Don't forget to get yourself one.
Now, let's get back to
the news report.
Oh! No! Here it goes again.
It's happening again.
Today's headline says...
...another victim of the serial
killer found in the canal.
Let's see...
what's the police would say.
Here... it's said
the detective pointed out.
That it's the same killer
that killed those
two rich &famous boxers.
The police still
has no clue... Jesus!!!
Get out of the car.
Right now!!!
Get out of the car!!!
Put your hands above your head!!!
Spread your legs!!!
They are used clothes.
I'm taking them to the laundry.
Then why did you run?
I don't know...
I guess it's just
city people's instinct.
Run... run...
Nil... wait for me...
wait for me.
- Come on... hurry.
- Come on... let's go.
Moo, come on... run.
Come one... get up here.
Come and get us.
- Can you... you crazy old ghost.
- Come and get us... if you can.
Shit!!! Come on... let's go.
Run... come on you guys...
What's tonight show?
The Five Saturns.
You know this movie
has been shown...
probably... a hundred times.
Who's starring?
All five... Krung Srivilai,
Sorapong Chatri,
and... Nirut.
Jesus... those days with Sorapong.
That's damn old.
Won't the film be all torn?
...we are the ones...
never once head down.
Two of you should go now.
Try to find the rest.
Five of you have some
work to accomplish.
I... Don, Tha Kradan.
I... Diew, Somdej.
Let's go home.
It's past midnight
and we've not seen half of it.
Goes on like this,
it would end at 5. Let's move.
A man... to be known.
Greatest accomplishments
have shown.
We are the ones...
never once head down.
Be there for each other...
fight to the end.
If you don't shut up,
next time it will be
a refrigerator.
True friends...
having true friends like you.
Never backed out...
fight... fight... fight.
True friends...
having true friends like you.
Never backed out...
fight... fight... fight.
Moo... that's enough.
Spare for your mom too?
Hey... that's hurt.
What is the crazy old woman doing?
Why doesn't she come out
and chase us away?
Maybe she's doing some ritual.
Let's go in and check it out?
I don't think so.
I mean... can you imagine
if she caught us?
We are dead meat.
What are you afraid of?
There are 5 of us here.
So... 5 of us... last time I saw,
we all ran away every time.
Here... your food. Come eat with me,
Tong my boy.
Why don't you eat?
Oh! Do you want me to sing
for you first?
Look!! We can't even handle her...
...and now it's another ghost?
I think we'd better go.
Don't scare us!!
We definitely need to rescue
her from her insanity.
Go to hell!!!
Come on out!!!
Oh! No! Here she comes.
Go away!!! Leave me alone!!!
A man... to be known.
Greatest accomplishments
have shown...
Yes... yes papa.
How can I leave now?
Semester ends doesn't mean
I don't have to go to school.
I thought you could come home
and help at the store.
I have a lot of things to do.
Hold on for a second.
Meng... turn off the television.
Why would I lie to you?
Okay... okay... but don't
forget to call home.
Yes, papa.
See... I told you.
She's not coming back.
She's having
a good time in the city.
Suburban girl alone in Bangkok...
By now... it would...
Stop it!!! Meng... you're having
an exam tomorrow,
aren't you?
Have you finished studying?
Go... go... read your book.
All right.
Wait!!! Sister...
one minute please.
Please... just one minute.
Just a little... just...
please... se.
I just need to mark...
one more...
This is unforgiven.
If she didn't threaten
me last night...
...I would have finished the exam.
I can't believe it.
How could she be so cruel?
I told you!!!
I told you she's evil...
...we shouldn't mess with her.
Let's go and get
it over with!!!
I'm in!!! She should no longer
be a threat to us.
Yes!!! It's true.
The sacred magic
can't be insulted.
Couples of parents over there...
...over there.
Gather around
and see for yourself.
...come... come closer
and take a look.
In year 1985, our famous singer,
Sayan Sanya...
...traveled to Petchabul
province to open the show.
On the way back,
there was an accident.
A car crashed... really!!
It was 7-8 turns.
But it's a miracle...
ladies and gentlemen.
He was alive.
He survived with no injury.
Not even a scratch.
If you're scare,
you can leave now.
We can do it by ourselves.
What about you guys?
Just wear this buddha image...
ladies and gentlemen.
Take a good look.
Please, I need a volunteer.
How about you, children?
Would you?
Yes!! You, my boy.
Now we got ourselves
a brave volunteer.
Come here, son.
This boy...
...I don't know him personally.
But first, I have to apology...
...for those who also
have magical images.
Please do not take
this as an insult.
Please pay respect.
Are we ready? Ready!
- Abdul? Are you ready?
- Yes.
- Ready?
- Yes.
Now, his spirit has
left the body.
We will now remove his head.
We'll do it slowly.
Sacred power right before you...
...for your witness only.
- Abdul?
- Yes.
- Follow me.
- I did follow.
- Follow me.
- I did.
- Do you know a lady?
- Yes.
- Do you know a man?
- Yes.
Then who does stand
on the left-hand side?
A man or a lady?
A man.
How did you know?
By the sacred power
of buddha image.
Did you see that,
ladies and gentlemen?
You wouldn't believe it right?
The boy lying in front of you...
...has the buddha image
in his mouth the whole time.
So not only he can predict...
...but he is also
protected from all harms.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Five Saturns buddha image.
Come on. Come and get us.
Right here, you witch,
I'm right here.
This way... witch.
Come here.
Peak, let's go.
She's getting mad.
Is she still following us?
I don't know.
Come on... let's go.
Stop... please...
I can't run anymore.
She's not following us.
Just leave him here,
you guys.
Come on.
Moo, come on.
You can do it.
Holy shit!!!!
Run!!!! Run!!!
Run!!!! Run!!!
Help!! Help!!!!
Nil... help me.
Come on, June.
June... let's move.
Nil... Nil... help me.
Go... go... go.
Nil, help me.
June... hurry... June.
Do you think she will be alright?
I guess she's all right...
but I don't know
how bad the injury is.
How can you be so sure
that she will be okay?
What are you two talking about?
If you don't want to watch TV...
...then go play somewhere else.
It's annoying.
- Let's go.
- Now! Go!
What!!! What's the problem?
No sir.
We're looking for Meng.
Meng, There are your friends.
Here we go.
Now... where was I?
You were telling us about
the crazy old woman named Porn.
Northeastern folks...
got married
and settled down
corn farm here.
Then... she was...
...Her husband had an affair
with a hairdresser so he left...
...left her
and their son behind.
Good... you have
arranged the story for me.
Okay, the boy's name is Tong.
He was a little retard.
Somebody told me that...
...when he was young,
his father used
to beat him up all the time.
His mother was no better.
When she was beaten...
...he would run and hide
at the tunnel.
He was almost crushed
by the train several times.
What's next?
So not recently
after her husband left.
Tong was gone.
Just like that... gone!!
Most people said
he got hit by a train.
Until one day,
some guy found him
on the train to Bangkok.
He came back
and told us about the boy.
They were on the same trip.
I was once told
her about this
She tried to go
after him to Bangkok.
The villager talked her
out of it by saying.
Don't go...
Just wait here.
In case he comes back,
he'll find you home...
So she waited and waited...
until she was cracked.
Some of the villager said.
She was a ghost.
They were mean enough to
scare little children.
How long was it?
Several years. By now,
Tong is probably a grown man.
Thank you very much grandma
for saving my life.
Maybe we should find Tong for her...
...so she would feel good
and get better.
And where can we find him?
In Bangkok.
Do you have any idea
how big is Bangkok?
Do you... Moo?
If uncle doesn't know,
you don't have to ask the rest.
Why don't we ask Abdul?
- Abdul?
- Yes.
- Follow me.
- I did followed.
- Do you know a lady?
- Yes.
- Do you know a man?
- Yes.
A lady who is standing
on this side.
What does she has on her hands,
a watch or a bracelet?
A watch.
A watch!!! Did you see that?
How did you know?
By the power of
the buddha image.
You see? If you haven't seen
with your own eyes,
you probably wouldn't believe it.
Not only he can see
and predict,
but he also cannot be shot
and stabbed.
He is invincible.
Anyone would like to have
one for your self...
...gather around.
It's just 159 Baht only...
...159 Baht only!!!
Music, Tan
No, I have a question for Abdul.
Cute little girl...
like to tease, don't you.
Where is her parents?
Just let her ask one question.
How hard could it be?
Yes... let her ask.
- Abdul?
- Yes.
Our audience would like
to ask you some question.
Can you give her
the answer?
Is it against the rule of heaven?
No... shoot the question.
Tong, Porn's son,
where is he now?
Just tell her, Abdul,
which part of Bangkok?
Silom, Pratunam, Siam?
Which part of Silom?
What? I guess these
wonderful children,
you all may need the image.
Like to have the buddha image.
So how many of you?
5 children with only 50 Baht!!!
That's alright.
If you really want it,
we don't want 200 Baht.
We don't even want 50 Baht.
Wait a second... what???
Abdul said we only
need the respect fee...
...19 Baht only.
Just this one time
and that's it.
One and only chance...
19 Baht only.
I didn't say
I wanted to buy it.
Now, we can be a real
Five Saturns.
The victim is a boxer
of Payakphan Camp.
His real name is
Boonsom Nerntew...
...or known in the name of...
Good afternoon,
Kasemsook Hotel.
300 for aircon...
120 for no aircon.
No need for advance booking.
Sir, we're looking
for the magician.
What kind of room
do you want?
No, we don't.
We're looking
for the magician.
A magician?
Go to the fresh market.
This is a hotel
for god sake.
The magician is
staying in hotel.
We saw his car
parking out front.
Adbul only told us
the address to the magician...
...but he won't tell us.
What are you talking about?
I don't get it.
Do you think he will
page him for us?
If he doesn't come out...
...then we'll try again.
Do you sleep in here?
Of course.
Where else would I be sleeping?
Here you go.
How come you are all quiet today?
We have a secret
mission to discuss...
...and we don't want
you to know.
Okay... okay.
I can take you to Bangkok to Tong...
you know.
All I need is a train fare
and pocket money for food.
Why do we have to go all
the way to Bangkok?
Can we just call him or
send him a mail?
Abdul only gave us
the rough location of Tong.
We need to find out
the telephone number,
home address at the post office.
Nil, we do need to
find Tong for Porn.
Find Tong?? That's easy.
Just take the train overnight
and we'll be there at
Hua Lampong train station.
Then we take the bus
to Silom where we will find Tong.
Find Tong. Put him
on the train...
...for a night and that's it.
We're home.
Bangkok? I've been there
thousands of time.
I know Yaowaraj, Pratunam...
...Sanam Luang.
I've been to all.
I've seen plenty in TV.
It's easier to go around Bangkok...
...because there are buses.
Hey... in modern day
is BTS Sky Train...
...no wonder the theme park
is out of business.
Just tell me
when you make up your mind.
Anyone who wants to go,
be my guest.
I don't think so.
If we all go,
you have to go too.
You just said a minute ago that
we don't have to go.
How can we leave you
alone down here.
Big mouth.
What are you afraid of?
Don't forget
we are the Five Saturns
and protected
by the buddha image.
Exchanged for bank notes,
You forgot your mosquito
repellent liquid.
What's the rush!
What else you need?
Forget anything?
Now this time at camp...
...don't push your friend
in the fire again.
I don't want to be called
to Principal's office.
Yes, mother.
I'm selling you at cost.
Take it or leave it.
I really want this but I don't
have enough cash with me.
How about this...
you give me all you've got.
But be careful on your way out.
Really... okay...
I'll take it.
Meng, why it takes so long?
Did he buy it?
He doesn't have enough money...
...so I told him to come back
some other times.
If you told me earlier...
...I could prepare stuff for you.
Wait for me,
I'll take you to school...
...so I can have a word
with your teacher.
Mom, please don't.
They'll tease me don't go... please.
Mom... I think it's enough.
Hey, those football team.
Are they going to
Bangkok too?
No, they're going to
On the different train.
Hey, that's Moo.
Go get him...
...before he
humiliates himself.
If you don't eat,
give it to me.
Wait... where're you going?
Go away.
What? What do you
get all so upset about?
Now what?
There's plenty
of space here.
Where is it made?
Clothes with minor defects...
so they gave me
reasonably low price.
- What Do you think?
- It's nice.
Well... I don't want to
lie to you...
...but this shirt is taken
from the corpse.
Don't listen to him.
He likes to joke around.
King... why do you
lie to them for?
It belongs to the rich people.
When they're dead,
their relatives change
clothes for them.
Look at this one.
It's Calvin Klein.
No, thank you.
Look, it's CK.
You are bastard,
she was this close to buy it.
How much can you possibly make?
Come on, let's clean up.
Time's up.
Man, if I can just sell
my stuff here.
Full of rich kids...
...and this drunk.
They can't tell the difference.
I didn't know...
...you are partners here.
Cool stuff you've got here.
What a cool stuff.
Look's who's talking.
I'm just a guy they pay
to take care of the place.
Unlike you.
What are you talking about?
How much?
I'll take them all. Deal?
What? I'm lost.
It's just us here.
Don't lie to me.
Someone tipped me that...
...you got new source.
Good stuff too.
That's bastard Dang...
...big guy here...
he runs this place.
So what's your deal with him?
I told him, I'll think about it.
I didn't know you have
this one for sell.
Get up!! Get up!!!
Why wake her up?
I'm not you.
Get up!!!
Where are we?
In Thailand...
but don't know which part.
Hey, Drop dead!!
Or may be not even Thailand.
Hey, where's Abdul sleeping?
I don't know.
Haven't seen him yet.
Hey, get up sleepy head.
Last night, I dreamt that
Abdul took all our money.
It's all gone.
...Get up.
June, were you dreaming
or did you really see it?
I'm not sure.
I kind of saw it when
I went to the restroom.
Why didn't you wake us up?
Abdul must have got off at
some station by now.
Excuse me, Sir.
Can you help us?
Our money was stolen last night.
Where is your teacher
who accompanied you?
Tell her to get
off the next station
and file a report
with the police.
You'd better go now.
Are we there yet?
I hope you're not giving up.
Sacred image,
please help us.
Why don't we go to the police?
We'll be sent home
in no time that's why.
How about we go back to get
some more money
and come back?
Our parents would know
that we lied to them.
You can take us
to your sister, Sui.
Why her?
I can't remember the way.
You... stupid!!
I don't exactly know
where she lives.
Right... and all these time
you were bragging.
Now, we're stuck.
We can't help Porn.
But Abdul said that...
...Tong was somewhere in Silom.
How about this...
...we take the bus to Silom...
and when we get there...
...we just asked people
there for Tong.
When we find him...
...tell him about his mother...
he can buy tickets home for us too.
Please help us.
I wish for smooth journey.
Where should we start?
Just spread around.
Ask everyone.
There must be someone
who knows him.
Can we put the bag
somewhere first?
I can't carry it all
around like this.
Let's put them all here.
No, you can't.
We'll lose them.
We'd better put them
with that lady.
Excuse me, can we place
our bags with you
for a while?
Are you Tong?
Porn's son?
Is your name "Tong"?
Say that again?
Tong... I said Tong.
Over there.
Who's Tong?
Do you know Tong?
Which boy scout camp
you belong to?
No, I'm not.
Uncle, are you Tong?
Tong, Porn's son.
Are you Tong, Porn's son?
Are you Tong, Porn's son?
Over there.
I'm hungry.
Let's eat the left
over canned fish.
You go get it.
I'll get it.
Hey, it's my bag.
Don't go, please...
that's my bag.
What are we suppose to do now?
This time, we are in deep...
deep trouble.
This is good stuff.
Whose is it?
No, this one belongs
to the big mouth representative.
He died while he was doing...
you know...
Didn't you hear the news?
No. What did it say?
He was too excited to do it
with young girl.
So he forgot to drink the water
after taking Viagra pill.
So pill got stuck,
he couldn't breath...
...and died.
- That terrible?
- Yes.
I took the clothes off
before he was incinerated.
Why it's all news...
news... news.
Excuse me, we want to go
to the temple to have
some food.
What do we have to do?
Just tell the monk.
Where you all came from?
We're looking for Tong.
Tong, Porn's son.
Did you guys run away from home?
No wonder you have no money.
So you're hungry... right?
Come on, I'll take you.
You mean it?
Get in!!
My name is Tong.
But I'm not
the one you're looking for.
You'll be okay because
I have a lot of connections.
It's piece of cake.
But then again...
...if I spend my time
helping you...
...I could be losing a fortune.
Look at you... bunch of rascals,
aren't you?
But you ought to be smart
enough to work for me.
So you can earn
yourself tickets home.
You bastard Tong.
Are you thinking of
using these kids?
If you help us find Tong...
...we'll help you.
Piece of cake.
Back home, I help my dad
all the time selling
at the store.
What kind of job
you want us to do?
Wait... let's stop
by the restroom...
you all better dress up.
Look at the place.
Bunch of rags like you...
...probably be thrown out
in no time.
Come... come.
Who want to go first?
But they are left over food!!!
Take it or leave it.
Who said we're not eating!!
The rest!!! Follow me!!!
They're all yours.
100 Baht please.
Can I take you to
the movie after
you get off from work?
Thanks but no.
I'm married.
Is it yours?
You bet.
So everything's all settled?
Are you afraid coming down
to Bangkok all
by yourselves?
No. We are protected by
the Five Saturns buddha image.
This image?
It looks like a carved soap.
Watch it for me, will you.
I need to make a phone call.
What if someone
wants to buy it?
Just sell them.
How much for each?
It's up to bargaining.
It's all up to us?
Excuse me.
Before I was so poor.
But since I had
these two shirts,
now just look at me.
Richie rich.
How about sharing
your luck to others?
Would 1,000 Baht do?
Nope, it's not for sales.
What about 800?
- 700?
- No.
Where does
the offer stands?
What? Only 399.
That's it?
This young lady here have
something to tell us.
This brother here said
he had only 300 Baht.
But he wants it real bad.
Let's me repeat.
He wants it real.
I... I bad.
Would you take it?
How about this...
800 or 399 Baht...
...we won't take it.
We're asking for 199 Baht.
Just only this time.
But then again,
we won't take 199 Baht.
Brothers and sisters,
just 79 Baht will do.
Just 49 Baht
No. Just 29 Baht
19 Baht only.
King, want some noodle?
No, thanks.
Try it, it's good.
Please don't tell
me we're robbed.
They're all sold out.
Were you that good?
So we must have
had a fortune.
1,327 Baht in total.
There were over 100 shirts.
That's all we get?
This is worse
than being robbed.
Excuse me, Sir.
Are you being considered
as inefficient?
Well, let's the result
proves for itself.
Moo... Moo.
I would like to announce that...
...we do have the solid evidence
and a lead to the killer.
What about the rumor
that the killer...
...is someone
in the boxing business?
Do you have any
comment on this?
No, we cannot reveal further
information at
this stage...
...as it will affect
the investigation.
I just want to request
all professional boxers to...
Wait for me.
...to be more careful.
So does this mean the police
do not have potential leads?
Nil, Peak, are you in here?
Colonel Kitti has firmly insisted...
...before the press that...
...if the police cannot arrest
the killer within this week...
...he is willing resign.
Yes, I insist on my resignation...
...if we cannot find
the killer within 7 days.
It's a miracle!
They are all sold out
since 9 o'clock.
Tonight is your night then.
I have 5 assistants tonight.
Who are they?
Suburban kids.
They came to Bangkok
to find a guy named Tong,
Porn's son.
They got lost and robbed.
So Tong took them
into his care.
Wait a minute... Tong,
Porn's son?
Why? Do you know him?
Well, there is
a comedian named Tong.
His mother also named Porn.
He ran away from home
when he was young.
I know him quite well.
What a coincident!!
You don't believe me?
How about I take
you to him?
I need 100 pills
of painkiller.
Here you are.
Remember what
I taught you
and don't get caught.
Trust me. It's
piece of cake.
It's turning.
This is good stuff.
I bet tonight's school party
is going to be messy.
My boss said that...
...if you want to total blast,
do it with marihuana.
Where is it?
Okay. Here, take it.
You finished your business.
What are you staring at?
Is it good?
Can I try?
Just one bite... please
Go!! Now!!!
Nil. I think we're lost.
We'll find it.
We should have found Tong
by ourselves...
...instead of wasting our time
delivering his stuff.
I don't think so.
It probably takes us forever.
It's easier helping him
with the delivery.
He will in turn help us.
It's not necessary.
Don't forget we have
the Five Saturns buddha image.
I already prayed for help...
...we are safe now.
Now, we'd better pray
that we find the place.
Stop babbling.
You don't believe me?
Last night the image
saved my life.
What are you talking about?
Are you crazy?
If you don't believe me,
watch this.
Hey, what are you doing?
June, come back. June,
open your eyes.
June, come on,
open your eyes.
June, watch out!!!
Watch out!!!
Hey!! Nil!
Look!! Nil!!
I can't believe this,
Moo found his way to
this noodle shop.
Hey, I'm not stupid.
Stupid? The shop he delivered
was right across this place.
He was the first one here as
you can see
from his work here.
Moo, don't you feel
anything eating up
all Tong's money.
So I don't care.
We helped him
with the deliveries and all.
What about Nil and June?
I haven't seen them yet.
But they knew this is
a meeting place.
What take them so long?
School hasn't ended yet?
I bet you must be
studying very hard.
Which year are you?
A year older than you.
Good answer.
What's your name, honey?
What's your mother's name?
Good answer too.
Hey... hey!! Stop!!
Don't you run away!!
Who are they after?
Are you sure it's this house?
Here, Look!!! It says 76,
isn't it?
Come on in.
The door is not locked.
Nil, do you think these people
will buy Tong's drug?
I'm not sure.
See you tonight at the pub.
I'll set up the time for you
to meet Tong,
the comedian.
I'm not going.
Tong will take the kids there.
How come? I thought
they sold all your shirts.
Today you should
deserve a rest.
Besides, you can hear me sing.
That's all right.
I will listen to
your songs some day...
...and I hope it's not
maew maew.
What's up?
I think we'd better wait
for King at his house.
What if June
and Nil come here?
They are lost for sure.
June, let's go.
Come on, hurry.
Moo, hurry up.
June and Nil must have got
to the noodle shop by now.
We should have
waited there.
It's waste of
time coming here.
You wanted to eat too.
Don't blame it all on me.
Can you speed it up!
This is irritating.
I should not have let
you come along.
Who said I wanted to come?
Ask him! Did I want to come?
You're the one
who made me come.
You're such a big mouth.
How could we let you
stay back home?
But if I know that
you're useless,
I would have changed
my mind.
Fine. Then I can
go home and rest.
Besides I already have
my train fare.
You started all
these troubles
and now we're all
in deep shit.
Moo, shut up.
No, let him talk.
Just say what's on your mind.
Okay, you want hear this? Fine!
I'm not the only one who
thinks that you cause all this...
...Seng thought so too.
I say... Nil and June would
have the same idea.
If it wasn't for you,
we'd be home relaxing.
Now we're stuck.
Moo, that's enough.
Seng, is that true?
I was just...
just only teasing.
Fine. You two can
go home now.
I'll find Nil and June
by myself.
Your mother taught
you that?
Are they back yet?
Come on in.
"What are you doing,"
How much for...
all three of you?
For what?
"Oh boy, know how to play"
hard to get too.
For this!!!
You are bastard!!
Help me... I'm being raped!!
Run. Go...
"...Run... Moo, hurry!!"
Now what?
Just wait here.
"It's quite a clear spot,"
Nil and June can see us.
"Here, Moo's Five Saturn"
buddha image.
Excuse me... Mister...
have you seen little boys?
No... no... go away.
No. Not again...
"Nil, I think we've"
come to the right place.
"Yeah, let's find them."
I'm sorry... wrong room.
"No, wait."
"King, are they"
who you're looking for?
Where have you been?
Come in.
Too late.
Just the body with no soul.
The police was
searching the cloth
of the dead person.
Oh... his name is Sunthorn.
Look he has his
home number with him.
"Hello, I'm Sunthorn."
I'm not home right now.
Please leave your message
after the tone...
...And that guy goes.
"Yes, Sunthorn, you're dead.
Anyway, please come to pickup
your body at the morgue.
This one.
It's bullet proved.
Die. Die...
These boys are
looking for me?
"Are you Tong, Porn's son?"
You know my mother?
We're in the same
neighborhood and...
...we know your mother...
I mean we met her.
Let me.
"Your mother, Porn."
What's wrong with her?
It's like... she helped June
from a train crash...
...so she was hit instead.
"She's all right, isn't she?"
She's alive?
"No, she's not dead yet."
Calm down, she's not dead.
But she is still
She kept calling
your name.
She misses you all
the time.
They want you to come home
with them to visit her.
Thank you so much.
It's because of me.
I shouldn't have run
away from home.
But I... I hate farming.
But I've set my mind that...
I would save up some money...
...before heading home...
but look at me.
At the end of the day...
...I'm just one ungrateful
I miss them all the time.
But it looks like...
...I don't love them at all.
I don't know whether dad
and mom will forgive me
if I come home this time.
Wait a minute.
Didn't your father left you
since you were young?
Left me? He's still with us.
And why would he leave?
"Are you Tong, Porn son,"
who was Lamung
residence in Pitsanulok province?
I'm from Pitsanulok province
but I'm not Lamung residence.
Oh! No!
We came to the wrong person.
"I'm sorry, Tong."
I'm so sorry.
Then do you have
any news about my mother?
Your mother is probably fine.
Don't worry.
It's official confidentiality.
I just can't reveal anything.
But you don't worry...
...you will definitely see me
in the headline news pretty soon.
But I can't guarantee
that we would caught
him dead or alive.
How did you escape?
This is my police friend.
We're working on this case.
He's my partner.
What case?
You're lucky he didn't
lock you up for good.
I can't believe you're standing
here bragging yourself.
Wait a second.
Where are you going?
You are really something.
I think we should
make a treaty...
...to avoid insulting
each other.
I'm taking the kids to
the apartment.
Are you coming with me?
"No, I'll take them."
You stay here with Maew.
I'll take them.
I knew this one wasn't
who you're looking for...
...because I just
found the real one.
Are you kidding?
I'm not.
Can you take us to him?
We're there. Let's go.
Is he here?
I assure you.
This is it.
This is the last time
I ask you for a favor.
I promise that I will take
you to him tomorrow.
"You are lying to us again,"
aren't you?
"No, I'm not."
Are you telling the truth?
You all know how famous I am.
"Please, help me one last time."
Don't make me beg.
"All right,"
we all go in together.
Me too.
Just 4 of us.
"June, you stay here."
"Hey, I'm one of you too."
What a nice friends
you got there!
You can all go in.
But don't forget the sample.
"Here, let them try first..."
Good... good.
"For the best result,"
you have take marihuana
What kind of recipe?
I've never tried before.
Do we get all the orders?
"Kiat, give them the money."
...Hurry up...
Look at your ugly head.
Papa would kill himself...
...seeing you like this.
It's always you who gives him
headache all these years.
You're in big trouble.
Go home... now
How dare you teaching me?
Look at yourself for a change.
You... you're asking
for trouble... mister.
...All right... all right...
I'm not hitting you.
Hey... where's you're
taking my brother?
Why it take him so long?
"Wait until I find him, I'll..."
Hey... that's Seng.
Holy shit!!
Have you find Tong?
I mean... he got away.
You are something.
Why did you drag
them into this in the first place?
I don't get it...
why Dang has to buy
drugs from you?
Because he already owed
the dealer 3 payments...
...so he wouldn't dare
buying from them.
Why didn't you just sell
him the real stuff?
Because I owed the dealer too.
That is why I tricked them
with the painkiller.
Kiat... what am I going to do
with these kids?
Let them go... I'll take care
of this little
lady right here.
What are you going to do
with me... ball head?
Stay still.
In my life... I've never
kicked little boys...
What's the carved soap for?
What do they call this...
Dang... watch out!
"If you want him alive,"
drop the knife.
Dang... don't worry...
They don't know how to
use the gun.
They would rather care
for a friend's life.
...I'm sure they
won't do it.
It might go off...
just like that.
"Come on... what's gone,"
let it be gone.
Stop threatening me...
look... my hands
are shaking again.
Let them go.
Get out.
Go... go... go.
Hey... that's police checkpoint...
pull over.
Tong... lose the gun... hurry...
they'll see it.
What's all about?
Are you two using my brother?
That's why you're
afraid of the police.
Sui... please don't
notify the police.
Otherwise... I'm telling
papa on you
and your night life.
Meng... it's me who will
be telling papa
about your
little scam here.
Sui... please...
I'm the one
who ask Seng to
come along.
Meng... you let
your friends
call you with
papa's name?
...Aren't you mad...
Good evening...
where have you been?
To the movie.
It's a very good movie...
a lot of shooting scenes.
Officer... officer?
What's is it... mam?
My god... what the?
I... I feel like
throwing up.
Go... go... go.
"You know, how did"
we find Sui?
It's a fluke.
No... it's because I
made a wish
to the buddha image.
And tomorrow... we'll
find the real Tong.
I wished for that too.
Please... let it be true.
...Left... yes...
Right... left... that's it... o.k.
Speak out... Tong
Speak out
I don't want to go home.
And I thought he
couldn't talk.
Your mother is sick...
she kept calling for you...
...and would you be so cruel
leaving her all alone?
I don't know what's going to
with you two... but come
home with us.
I want to see her so much...
but it is not possible.
"If she sees me again, it can"
worsen her condition.
Why is that?
I think... she's mistaken me
for my flirtatious father.
Just tell her you're not him.
She won't believe me...
I've tried that before.
Have you tried to visit
her before?
I haven't...
But what?
How did you know that
she doesn't want to
see you?
Well... I called her once.
She screamed at me.
Call her?
"Yes, I called her."
Call her... call her...
you could have done better.
I mean... what kind
of lunatic would use
the phone.
I didn't coach him...
he did all the talking.
Tell me... who are you?
I'm a boxer.
This is your money.
And we'll take it.
Don't you raise
your voice?
This is not the first
time you tricked us.
All you've ever though is
scamming people... that's sick!
What do you expect to do?
Do you think Tong is
really existed?
You can spend your whole
life finding him.
I can deal the fact that
you can't find him...
but why lie to us?
Come on... It's time
to go home.
If your parents has
ever found out...
...you are grounded
for life.
Now... move it.
I'd better take you to
the train station...
...to make sure that you
leave town for real.
King... King.
The police is able to identify
the serial killer.
His nickname is Tong.
I really... really...
hate this name.
I'd better change my name.
Can you shut your mouth
for once?
Is there any connection
with the kids?
The police confirmed that...
"the serial killer's,"
known as Tong...
...a psychotic patient
who disappeared...
...from the mental hospital
last year with
the surgical tools.
"Mr. Tong is from Lamung,"
Pitsanulok province...
"he left his mother, porn..."
...to Bangkok since
he was young...
he was sent here for therapy...
...for a year now.
"At the moment, police"
has teamed up
to search the Minburi
...where is expected to be
a killer's hiding place.
It's no use now...
the kids have gone home.
That's great...
Good for us.
If they're still here...
we'll absolutely be in trouble.
King... I saw the news
about Tong on TV.
You... you don't want to run
"into the killer, right?"
Yes... we do.
Let me take them out...
I've been following them
from the camp...
...down to Hua Lampong...
back to the apartment...
...and now they're moving again.
Just follow them...
do as I say and keep
reporting to me.
Even the police couldn't
find him... how could we?
It's not too late to
change your mind.
Stop... stop... stop...
that guy's looked
like the one on TV.
Oh... no... just...
some resemblance.
...You dumb pig
Hello... Dang?
They just went
into the alley...
You'd better finish them now...
or just let me do it.
It's getting darker...
it's harder to remember the way.
Do you think we should wait for
the police to catch him first?
It would be easier.
Look... we've been
searching for ages.
And there's still
no sign of him.
It's hard to look
from inside the car.
We'd better walk.
King... watch out.
Move it.
What are you
smiling at?
Where are you?
Wait till I catch you?
Come on out.
Help... Help
call the police.
Go hide...
You want to die?
Run... Maew... run
Let me handle this.
That one is yours.
What are you going
"to do it, beauty?"
Hit it on your head
that's what I'm doing.
That's scary.
So stay here for
a while... okay?
Open the door.
There's huge mouse upstairs.
Nil... Nil...
open the door for me.
Please... call the police...
Help... Help...
we're getting killed.
Where's June?
Still got stuck upstairs.
Let's hide here.
Tong... you'd
better run fast.
Come here.
Come on out.
Bitchy... aren't you?
Buddha image...
please help us.
Nothing can
help you now.
The storm has
moved from the
gulf of Thailand.
Enjoy the violence...
aren't you?
Love it... Right?
I'll show you.
"It's him. It's Tong,"
Porn's son.
Don't be afraid.
We're the five saturn.
Rock a bye baby...
on the tree top
How could he remember
this song?
Went the wind blow...
the cradle will rock
Tong... It's really you.
June... don't go near him.
Your mother is sick.
Please go back to her.
No... No. I won't...
I won't go back.
I don't want to see
her got hurt again.
Your father is no
longer there.
Yes... he doesn't live
there anymore.
"Yes, he is."
He's everywhere.
He's in every boxer's soul.
Violent Pervert!
Don't you love her?
She cooks for you
...but you never there.
Think about it.
"If you don't go back to her,"
she will cry everyday
for the rest of her life.
Please... you have to go back.
I won't go back.
I won't go back.
I don't want to go back.
I won't...
Nil... please don't
let anyone hurt him.
Tong... don't be afraid.
Yes... you don't
have to be afraid.
We are here with you.
Please... Don't hurt him.
Today's headlines...
very identical...
Let's see from
Thai Rath newspaper.
Drug smuggling...
through the south...
Bags of drugs is
bad enough.
Now we're talking about sacks?
Meant to turn us to
drug addict population?
Are you kidding?
Hurry... we're leaving.
It's heavy.
Let's do it.
Come on out.
Go... Tong... go.
Can I be on your side... mama?
Can I?
Moo... you... traitor.
Just 159 Baht.