While the City Sleeps (1956)

Miss Judith! Package!
It's a charge. Take it, pop.
After you go out for dinner, I come back
And permanent-Fix the plumbing.
Judith: fine.
I use my pass key.
You don't worry about nothing.
Thanks for everything.
Good night, pop.
Good night!
Drugstore again.
- I think I left the wrong package.
A minute later, I'd
have been in the tub.
No, my name's on it.
turner entertainment group
Mr. Mobley, you're on
the air in 15 minutes.
Just a minute, Gus.
Oh, boy!
Have the copy put on the idiot sheet.
Please, Mr. Mobley.
"Ever on the alert to serve its
Mr. Loving's office.
Tell that boss of yours to stop purring
Over your shoulder while he dictates.
Shut your obscene face!
You want a drink later...
at your place?
Oh, no. We've tried my place.
What would you suggest
- Madison square garden?
I'm sorry, Mr. Loving. That Mobley-
I've told him and told him.
Well, frankly, Nancy, I don't blame him.
I sometimes wish these walls
were not made out of glass.
"And the kind news service,
ever on the alert... "
"Ever on the alert... "
Going home, Mildred?
Oh, darling, I don't have to.
There are two schools of
thought about that mink.
One is that a syndicate bought it,
And the other is that mark loving
shelled out for the whole thing.
Well, why don't you
get me alone some night,
And I'll tell you all?
That's a good offer.
You ought to find out
just how good. Bye.
Hey! Mr. Bright eyes?
Yes, sir?
See what's in the city news ticker, huh?
Get mark loving in here!
And Jon Day Griffith! And Harry Kritzer!
Mr. Kyne?
And Ed Mobley, too!
Mr. Kyne! You promised
the doctor no more work-
A murder story has just come in, miss
Dodd! It's a lulu, and they're blowing it!
Mr. Griffith, Mr. Kyne
would like to see you.
Mr. Griffith.
Hmm? Oh.
I don't like to have
my wire service beat
By every other one in the country.
Why, it's just another murder.
I suggest that the life of a human being
Is not beneath your consideration.
All right. I'll get onto it myself.
Jon? May I remind you
That your first edition is
on the street at 7 p. m.?
All I've got left is the final.
I'll put this on page 2.
How many women in the
united states use lipstick?
How many women are there?
I want every one of them scared silly
Every time she puts any on!
Call this baby "the lipstick killer"-
Smack across the front page!
Whatever you say, Amos.
How about pictures?
I'll send the men out right away.
Kyne: and I'll send you a
special letter of commendation.
Now, get out of here, both
of you, and get to work.
Do you want me to feature
this thing on my telecast?
Ed, I'm real jumpy.
So am I. I'm on the air in 4 minutes.
Who's going to run the whole
show when my carburetor conks out?
You'll do that yourself for many a year.
Kyne enterprises...
something that's taken a lifetime
of brains and guts to build...
and in all that lifetime, I find
I've made only two big mistakes.
Well, I'm surprised that
you admit to that many.
One-My son Walter. I
killed him with kindness:
Polo ponies, yachts, women...
especially women he married.
I think you're looking in my direction.
Why didn't you want
to fill my shoes, Ed?
Where was your ambition?
I'm content the way I am:
Just to be able to write
a book now and then,
Keep my nose clean... I
have no appetite for power.
I'm not talking about power.
It's a bigger thing-
The responsibility of the
free press to the people.
In this country, it's the
people who make the decisions.
If they're to make
their decisions right,
They have to have
all the facts that we-
Oh, I didn't mean to cut you off, but...
Announcer: it's 11:00,
Amos! Amos! And Kyne enterprises,
Including the Kyne newspapers,
Kyne press service,
Kyne photo service,
And Kyne weekly, present
The distinguished author, columnist,
And Pulitzer prize winner...
Film. No script.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Most newsmen value a beat.
Here's one I wish I didn't have.
A few moments ago,
Amos Kyne passed away...
Woman: the gentlemen are here, Mr. Kyne.
Where did they locate him?
At the stork club.
Where else?
Yes, sir.
You three.
Ed's to wait.
Gentlemen, except for Harry,
I'm afraid I don't know you.
It is terrible about your father.
You are, uh... mark loving?
Loving: that's right.
And just what do you do around here?
I run Kyne newswire service-Kns.
I presume you've checked our
handling of your father's death.
Any suggestions?
The newswire.
Yes, uh...
yes, we must talk about that soon.
You must be, uh...
Jon day Griffith.
I sweep up the floor,
And I'm editor of the sentinel.
I'm also advisory editor
of the other 9 papers.
Are you responsible for the
fact that a cheap murder was
Featured on the same front
page as the death of my father?
The old man wanted the
story played up big.
'Course, he didn't know
then he was going to be news.
But inasmuch as it
was his last request-
Walter, I have arranged a copyrighted
feature on the old man's life.
Shall I give it to mark
to send over the wire?
We'll see.
Harry, it's been a long time.
How's Dorothy?
We must have dinner soon.
I just wanted to tell you three that,
At the moment, I contemplate
no changes in personnel.
So for the time being,
None of you has anything to worry about.
Uh... on your way,
Will you tell Mobley to come in?
Harry: whew...
You're on.
So, you're Edward Mobley.
Deepest sympathy, Mr. Kyne.
Sit down.
Thank you.
You're the fellow who wrote the book.
Every time the old man got
sore at me, which was often,
He used to talk about you...
Mobley this and Mobley that.
I got pretty sick of it.
Yes, I can imagine you did.
Those three who were just in here
Made their opinion of me pretty plain-
Amos Kyne's idiot son.
I suppose you feel the same.
Frankly, I don't feel qualified
To feel any way about you, Mr. Kyne.
Other publishers took their sons in
And taught them the business,
But not him.
Till I get the hang of things around
here, I'm going to need some help-
Not that I don't intend to run things
in my own way, from behind the scenes.
I've got an idea.
It's a great idea,
if I do say so myself.
I'm going to create a new job-
Executive director...
someone to do the actual work.
What do you think of it?
It sounds like a step your
father would have approved.
My father is dead.
This is my plant now.
I'm going to get myself a gimmick-
Something that will
set the three of them
Scrambling for the new job.
What do you think of that?
I'd rather not say.
When I have them dangling on the string,
When they realize that I hold their
Entire lives in my hands...
they won't sneer. Now, tell me...
could even he have thought
up an idea like that?
No. Never!
Anything further?
Not for now.
Then good morning.
"Dear Walter Kyne,
"Before your father died,
I was working on a...
"tryout with Midwest television,
"Which could be immensely profitable.
"During these trying days of mourning,
"I have not wanted to disturb you,
But let's have a conference
as soon as possible. "
All right, Nancy. Get that
out in the morning. That's all.
Yes, sir.
What's Griffith doing in there
For half an hour with Walter Kyne?
Good night, miss Donner, Mr. Loving.
Good night. 'Night.
Mil... until I clinch this new job,
I'm going to be like a
cat on a hot tin roof.
Oh, love, the boys have
gotten out of betting line.
You're their favorite and mine-6 to 5.
It's not that simple.
I'm plumping with everything
that I can think of:
This Midwest deal, influence...
I've written dozens of letters.
I'll have the pressure pouring in,
But Kyne keeps harping
on this murder thing,
As if solving it could be a factor.
Now, do you suppose that-
Why not?
It does credit to a better
brain than Walter Kyne's.
Yes. He'd get a scoop
and an executive director,
Without the trouble of
making up his little mind.
There's the guy now!
Darling, I thought you liked Jon.
Loving: well, there's no
room for love around here now.
What's he doing with Gerald Meade?
Mildred: well, darling, solving
the murder's the big thing.
He'd naturally want the
crime-Beat man on his team.
So why don't you try
and get him on yours?
Griffith's probably
sewing him up right now.
Mildred: Gerald would sell
his mother and deliver.
Loving: well, then, how
can I be sure of him?
Do I sleep with him?
You go to work on Meade,
And if it will ease your
mind, love, in a little while
I'll drop down to the dell
and, uh, feel out Griffith.
Griffith: hello.
Yes, sir?
Better have another, Carlo.
I've been upstairs with Walter Kyne.
A fine man.
He's a weak-spined,
blue-Eyed fish, you ask me!
I don't know him too well.
Well, I
- Make it 2.
No, make it 3.
Ed: hello, Jon.
Hi. Nancy: hi!
Let Nancy sit between us.
You and I can
Indian-Wrestle under the bar.
Rye and soda for me, and
I'll have it with music.
Yes, ma'am.
Old man upstairs is roaring like a lion.
"Get me the killer," he yells.
"Use all your best men:
"Reporters, editors, feature men,
"Photographers, wire service men,
But get me the killer!"
And the man who gets
the killer lands the job.
Who do you bet on, Ed-
On loving? Loving's smart,
Loving's fast,
Loving knows a lot of the right people,
But loving doesn't get the job.
No. I'm going to get it,
Because I spent my youth and $30,000
On whiskey and devotion to the job,
Because I have a long-Suffering
wife and two swell kids,
And because you and I together are
going to crack this murder thing.
Mr. Loving wants Ed on his team.
Yeah? Well, he's not going to have him,
Because Ed's going to help me!
And let me get one thing clear-
I don't promise you
a thing for yourself.
Not a thing!
Well, let me make myself clear, Jon.
I don't care who gets the job.
For one thing, I've been
off a crime beat for 5 years,
And for another, I'm not going to get
My throat torn open in any dogfight.
Now, Ed, I've been real nice to you.
Nancy, tell Ed I've
been real nice to him.
Mildred: I knew it all along...
just knew I was going to find
a friendly face down here.
Well, my face is friendly.
Hello, you lovely people.
I always see you two together, don't I?
You could do a column about it.
Oh, I'd love to, darling.
I'm all for romance.
Have a rum on the rocks or something.
Well, now, thank you, Jon.
That's right friendly of you.
And I do think we should
all be very friendly
During these trying times.
How is mark?
Oh, he's driving
home you-Know-Who.
Who is
Jon, Walter
- Walter Kyne.
I understand honest Harry
Kritzer's having dinner there.
One afternoon at the sands
in Vegas, I was taking a swim.
Then I looked up and saw
Dorothy sitting by the pool.
Saw her legs first
- Those beautiful, long legs.
Ha ha ha!
So I made kind of a
rough-And-Ready approach.
I'll never forget what she answered
- Two words.
You know what she answered, Harry?
Uh, no, I don't.
I said, "window shopping?"
Kyne: yes.
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha.
So, 3 nights later, I
settled for marriage!
Excuse me, sir.
Mr. Griffith is waiting
on the telephone.
Oh, I'll take it outside.
Excuse me.
Sit next to me, Harry.
I don't like the walls in this room.
Look like they've got sliding panels.
He's probably got microphones
behind those pictures, too.
Well, you don't need to kiss me so loud.
When's the next time you
can visit your mother?
Tomorrow night... I hope.
I don't like keeping up
this "mother" business.
Every time I mention mother to Walter,
I can't keep a straight face.
How do you think I stand
in the race, darling?
Oh, far behind, darling, far behind.
Well, darling, I don't think so.
Let Griffith and loving
beat their brains out.
What chance have I got send out
a cameraman? Am I a crime catcher?
Uh-Uh. I'll play it my own way...
as Walter's best friend.
With... Walter's best wife?
I don't want to involve you.
My hero.
You'll never guess who's moved in here-
Harry Kritzer.
Honest Harry?
Very mysterious-
No name on his mailbox.
Do you suppose old Harry's got a
blonde stashed away on the side?
If he ever sees me, he'll die.
He's right across the hall from me.
You know, my darling,
As I was telling you-
Between the fourth
and the fifth highball,
A most intelligent thing to do is
To find out before you get married-
The more the better.
I know quite a lot about you now:
Went to school not far from here;
Played stoop ball against the sidewalls
Of engine company number 18-
I didn't mean that kind of knowledge.
I know you didn't.
I'm just trying to head off a disaster.
You know, you've seen these couples-
There's a big guy, 6 foot 7,
And a itty bitty girl, 4 feet 11.
How do they get along?
She doesn't even know if he likes music,
And she doesn't know if he likes books.
Maybe they get married to find out.
Well, I know about all I'm
likely to find out tonight.
Good night.
Good night.
Take care of yourself.
You know...
you have very nice legs.
Aren't you sweet?
Nice nylon stockings, too.
What holds your stockings up?
There's a lot your mother
should have told you.
I didn't ask my mother.
I asked you.
It's, uh... simply a matter
of scientific research.
Hadn't we said good night
Before you got interested in my nylons?
I can't remember when
I wasn't interested.
Don't you ever wait for
anything to be offered?
Ok, I'm open to an offer.
if it will get rid of you.
I should have a permit.
To kiss me?
Hmm! An explorer's permit.
Do explorers have to have permits?
They should have, especially when
They're headed for uncharted territory.
Oh, forgive me, angel.
I know not what I say.
Good night, drunk.
Oh, may I use your telephone?
How did you get in here?
Temper, temper.
Kyne enterprises.
Oh, yeah, Mr. Mobley.
Oh, get Gerald Meade for me.
Get him out of bed
- Anybody's bed.
Mr. Mobley, you're real George.
that Felton girl who was murdered-
Did she have a button lock on her door?
Why are you so interested?
Oh, I'm an employee of the society
For the protection of virtuous maidens.
You ought to get a
chain lock on that door.
Nancy's mad.
Too mad to offer a drink?
If you want one, fix it yourself.
You're darn right Nancy's mad!
Well, that's a fine way
for my future bride to be.
Oh, you don't want a bride.
What you want is an
illiterate common-Law woman.
Fix you a drink?
No, I don't want to get drunk with you.
Something else you'd prefer?
That Mildred Donner is
more your type. Try her.
Don't you sit there and
tell me who's my type.
Du verstehst?
You're my type.
Hey, let me tell you
just a little bit more.
Ed loves Nancy very dearly...
very much.
Ed wants to marry Nancy.
You only say that when you've had a few.
Want me to put it in writing?
How convenient.
The great reporter has no pencil.
And a darn good reporter, too.
And a darn good man...
a man with great kindness-
Maybe too much, because
it dampens ambition.
If you mean by that,
I should join the race, uh-Uh.
You watch, Nancy.
They'll all break
down-All three of them.
Maybe one won't.
Which one?
The reporter-Editor of the sentinel
But, still at heart, a reporter...
the one who offered
me nothing for myself-
A good offer
- The offer of a friend.
Then don't you think
you ought to help him?
Nobody ever helped me.
Now, you know that isn't true!
Amos Kyne did and Griffith would...
and I would.
I'd do anything you asked me.
You better stick to your
friend. He's your type.
You're my type.
Shall we phone my mother and father?
And ask them if you should marry
A reporter without a pencil?
To tell them I'm going to.
Oh, what do you know!
Is that your boss calling?
Does he usually call
at 3:00 in the morning?
Every night.
Just a moment.
It's for you.
Listen, Ed,
You're a real good pal of
lieutenant Kaufman's, aren't you?
Burt? We went to the
same school together,
Fought together, dated Janice behind
The saxophones in her
father's hockshop. Why?
They've got somebody, ed.
"Who"? How would I know?
Donald duck!
The cops won't say,
But Kaufman will meet
you at headquarters.
Congratulate me, Jon.
I'm engaged.
What do I care, you're engaged!
Now, do me a favor,
please, and get over there!
I already sent Meade,
And where do you think I located him?
In Loving's apartment.
Ed, stick with me!
But it's morning, so it's tuesday
- my day off!
Are you my friend or not?
All right.
I'll handle it just this
one time, but that's all.
Ask me, all things considered,
It's just as well.
Hey, what are they doin' in there?
Maybe some photographs,
Maybe they're questioning already.
Lt. Kaufman is expecting me
- Ed Mobley.
Hi, Gerald.
Hello, Burt.
Where were you?
Getting engaged.
No fooling.
Poor Nancy.
Who have they got, Burt?
The janitor of the girl's building,
But you can't use it
before a general release.
He's in questioning.
Any chance of having a listen?
Under the same conditions. Agreed?
Man: she was killed with your wrench.
Why do you lie to us, Pilsky?
I don't lie.
Yes, you do.
You told us that you went
To Judith Felton's apartment
at 9:00 and found her dead.
But the people at the drugstore tell us
That a package was delivered
to Judith Felton's at 8:00,
That you opened the door
and took the package.
Is that right?
Yes... I lied.
- I was frightened.
Then you do admit
That you were in the
Felton apartment at 8:00.
Y- Y-Yes. But
I don't kill!
I leave her when she take bath.
When I come back, I find her dead.
If you went away and came back, George,
How did you get into her apartment?
I use pass key.
The door was locked, then, huh?
Did anyone else in the
building have a pass key?
Are you trying to tell us
That somebody walked
through a locked door
And killed miss Felton?
I tell truth.
I don't kill her. I find her dead.
All right, Pilsky.
We're gonna start all
over from the beginning.
Sun's coming up.
Not for that old boy.
He didn't do it. You know he didn't.
4 days and no results.
Somebody had to be hauled
in for the howling public.
Or the crime commission.
But you'll let him go
before the day's over.
What makes you so sure?
The evidence against him
is just too pat to be true.
Use your phone?
Not for publication.
The janitor.
If that old boy did it,
I'll sit on the hot seat for him.
Keep Meade on it. I'm gonna
go home and get some sleep.
Your pin-Ups?
All very murdered.
I was just looking for possible points
Of comparison with this Felton case.
Look for a young guy, Burt.
Now you're guessing.
Pre-Meditated murder
By a psycho, and not his first.
He didn't leave any fingerprints.
So he wore gloves.
Anyone who leaves fingerprints nowadays,
Even on his first
homicide, can't even read!
You know how much stuff
is written and published
For the instruction of
potential lawbreakers?
Take the so-Called comic books.
Sold to kids of all
ages, in drugstores and-
Why do you say this killer is young?
The lipstick bit.
There's nothing new about
that. Several years ago-
I know, I know.
What was it? "Catch me,
I can't control myself"?
This one only changed
the lyrics. "Ask mother. "
He's a mama's boy unless I'm mistaken.
Well, the message may have been a blind.
I think it's an impertinence.
He's laughing at the
police by leaving clues
But no fingerprints.
Keep on talking.
In the old days, before you
were above writing about crime,
You and I used to be
pretty good together.
What do you think of the
dresser drawers found open?
We searched the janitor's
room. We didn't find anything.
Of course, we don't know
that anything was stolen.
3:00 this morning.
Man: he entered through
the bedroom window.
Do we have any lipstick?
This joker's much too clever
Ever to leave lipstick again, Burt.
She got her hands in his hair.
We took a couple strands
From underneath her fingernails.
That's good.
No, he must have used gloves.
He left the book here deliberately,
To laugh at you, Burt.
And every time, he'll
leave a different clue.
Look, sergeant,
I've been here over 9
hours and all I've got
Is what every other
reporter in town has,
A general release on the Felton murder.
You and I have been
friends for a long time.
I need something special,
Something for myself.
Is this case any good against Pilsky?
Mm-Hmm. Pretty good.
Be specific, Tim. I won't forget you.
If I was to tell you
why we picked Pilsky up-
Yeah, why, why?
You wouldn't say where
you got it, promise?
Well, Pilsky's fingerprints
Are on the murder weapon.
Oh, thanks, Tim.
You won't regret it.
Wait till I'm out of the office.
Mark loving, sister, quick.
Mark? I've got the inside
dope on the Felton case.
Great work, Gerald!
That's great. Hold the line.
Phone in to Walter Kyne
That I've cracked the lipstick case.
Joe, Gerald Meade's on my line, take it.
Give me the call on Mr. Loving's line.
Don't give it to the copy desk,
Feed it directly to the wire.
Good morning.
'Morning, mark.
Want to make a bet?
On what?
On me.
Man: hold it, Jim.
Cal, who sent it?
Break them. Give this 4 bells.
Can I believe this?
You cracked the lipstick case.
Ha ha! I certainly did!
We've got a scoop on the
biggest story in the country.
Did this go over the wire?
For god's sake!
Oh, I'll be-
Mark's killing it.
Killing it? What's the matter with him?
That idiot Meade.
What's the matter with you?
Wasn't he quoting a cop?
Nothing a cop says outside
a courtroom is privileged.
What do you mean by that?
Anything you repeat,
No matter from what source,
If it doesn't sit under oath,
You'd better stand on it yourself.
What do you mean?
He means if the old man didn't kill her,
It's libel.
You could be sued.
Any newspaper that
uses your wire service
Could be sued.
Well, what kind of a wire
service are you running, anyway?
I killed it, didn't I?
You two don't have to
quote me the law of libel!
Of course not, Walter.
You missed something, ed.
Meade almost scuttled loving.
Read that copy, Jon.
Huh? Ha ha!
Can you substantiate?
May be a pipe dream.
But if it is, Kaufman and
I are smoking together.
In any case, I'm going on
the air with it in 5 minutes.
Hold it for the paper, ed.
Let me hit the street with it by 7:00.
Use it in your night show.
Is that what you want?
I want to get the job, that's the idea.
And to get the job,
I'll stick a knife in anybody I have to.
Oh, I know, I know!
If I had any ethics left,
I'd give it to loving for his wire.
Ok, ok. I'll take it to him myself.
Don't call yourself my
boy, Meade! You're through!
Meade, you're through.
When you killed that bulletin,
You promised your clients a new lead.
I think that will do it.
Great scot!
You got one-Minute lead
On Mobley's telecast.
That boyfriend of yours
who set out to help me,
He just put your boss
a mile out in front.
Announcer: Mr. Walter Kyne presents
The distinguished author, columnist,
And Pulitzer prize
- Winner Edward Mobley
In his perceptive
analysis of the day's news-
It's already on the
wire. Wait till you hear.
Ladies and gentlemen,
At approximately 3:00 a. m.
This morning, in our city,
One human being took
the life of another.
In our world, acts of
violence are not rare.
And so my excuse,
Or, I should say, my reason,
For giving importance
to this particular story,
Is my hope that the killer
may be listening to me.
For I believe that in
his progress to the chair
Or to the insane asylum
That he has reached a way station,
Where his sick and warped
ego demands to be fed
With the milk of self-Importance.
And so, with the consent of
a very good friend of mine,
Who is by way of being a
remarkable criminologist,
But who has also asked that
his name not be credited,
I'm going to say a few
things to the killer,
Face to face.
Item 1-
Mr. Unknown,
You will not for very
long remain unknown.
Item 2-
You're husky.
Strong enough to have
choked to death this morning
A poor schoolteacher by
the name of Laura Kelly.
Item 3-
You are the same killer
Who, last week, bludgeoned to death
A girl by the name of Judith Felton.
You are the lipstick killer.
Item 4-
You read the so-Called comic books.
Item 5-
You have dark-Brown hair.
A few strands of your hair were found
Beneath the fingernails
of your latest victim.
Item 6-
You're young.
A crime lab examination
of your hair reveals
That you're approximately
20 years of age.
Item 7-
You're a mama's boy.
Item 8-
The normal feeling of love
That you should have toward your mother
Has been twisted into hatred, for her-
And all of her sex.
Item 9-
Mother: may I come in, dear?
I heard the television,
so I knew you were up.
It must have been about 4:00
When I heard you come in this morning.
I don't like working so late.
Oh, I know.
I know how it is with my boy-
Studying all day, working all night,
And I know how difficult
it has been for you
Ever since your father left us.
He's not my father!
And you're not my mother.
Robert, don't say that.
Why not? It's true, isn't it?
When you adopted me, you
wanted a girl, didn't you?
And he wanted a boy!
Neither one of you was
satisfied, were you?
I remember once when I was 8 years old-
8 years old!
I was helping you dust the house,
And that woman from across
the street came over and said,
"My, my. "
And you said, "yes, I know.
"He's exactly like a
little girl, isn't he?"
But, Robert, you are my son
And my daughter
And all the children I ever
wished I could have had.
Don't you love your mother?
Shall I show you how
much I love my mother?
Oh, I have such a good boy!
Now I'll bring your breakfast.
You must be awfully hungry.
Mobley: and so, with
this most happy news
About my personal life,
I close until I visit with you again
At 11:00 tonight.
In the meantime,
For any further developments in
the case of the lipstick killer,
Read the sentinel, which
hits your newsstands
With its first edition
at 7:00 this evening.
Griffith: did he really get
Nancy's ok on this thing?
He must have.
Kaufman: here, he's bringing her.
Burt, it's good to see you.
Hello, Burt.
Nancy. Jon.
Tonight, we celebrate.
Thanks, Jon. It's worth getting engaged.
That was a pretty flossy
Telecast your boy did.
Now we've got to get
ready for the next step.
What do you mean?
Haven't you talked this over with Nancy?
The next step is to the altar.
I'm talking it over with her now.
Nancy, you got the idea of my telecast,
To insult the killer.
He'll get mad at me and anybody I like.
And if I know his maniacal mind,
Sooner or later, he'll come out,
After the bait.
what bait?
Ha! Some nice girl,
Like the other two.
Ha ha! A nice girl with
a button lock on her door.
You mean someone named "Nancy. "
Ahem! Nancy, you see
that man in the dark suit
Sitting over at the bar?
His name is Mike O'Leary.
He's a plainclothesman
from Burt's department.
From now on, he'll be your shadow.
He'll take you to the red cross tonight,
And then home to your room,
And make sure the door is locked.
Mornings, you won't leave
Until he's there to go
with you, wherever you go.
You'll be safer than you've
ever been in your life before.
That's the kind of guy
you're going to marry.
I like the kind of
guy I'm going to marry.
I told him last night
I'd do anything for him.
I won't let him down.
All right, darling, I'll do it.
Let's keep it in the family!
I was pretty sure you'd say yes,
But it's a good thing
You did say yes,
Because the announcement
Of our engagement
Is already in the paper.
What do you know? Nancy
engaged to Ed Mobley.
That nice little secretary
of yours, darling.
I wonder what she's got.
Well, apparently she's got Mobley.
No, I mean to attract a man.
Oh, forget them, love. I'm worried.
About the job?
What else?
Kyne worries me.
He was humiliated today
in front of everyone,
And it's my fault.
You made up for it with the scoop
on Mobley on his own telecast.
Let me tell you the facts of life.
That break was an accident of timing.
If only I had Mobley in my corner.
He knows the right people.
Don't you?
Oh, sure.
I know the head waiter of the stork,
And the colonnier, and "21,"
And I know the fellow at the dog show,
And the fellow at the dog show
Knows the fellow at the horse show,
And the fellow at the horse show
Knows the people at the Waldorf,
And the people at the Waldorf know me,
But Mobley knows the right cops.
Well, mark, talk to him.
It might do a great deal of harm
If he rats about it to Griffith.
Dear heart.
You want me to have this job, don't you?
You don't have to ask that.
Then go to Mobley for me.
You know him much better than I do.
You could tell him about me.
He'd listen to you.
I've seen him look at you.
You've seen him look at me, huh?
Those eyes of his.
Have you ever noticed those eyes?
Oh, yes. Ha! Yes, I've noticed them.
Ha ha!
Might be fun.
That's my baby.
Well, all right. I know what to say,
But how far do I have
to go to get it said?
Mildred, we're adults.
I love you very completely.
Anything you might do for me
Will make me love you all the more.
Thank you!
And I love you, too, mark.
And I certainly hope that you and
miss Liggett will be very happy.
I thank you, Carlo.
What day is this?
Still tuesday.
Ha! My day off. The rest is killing me.
Nancy's night at the red cross.
I could sure use some first aid.
Hello, hello!
Want to buy me a drink?
- Yes, sir.
Champagne cocktail, brandy float.
Yes, ma'am.
Going someplace?
- No.
Well, you're all dressed up.
Like it?
Very much.
Well, thank you.
No, I don't think I'm going anywhere,
Now that I've found you down here.
Oh, well!
Sometimes I'm in a mood
Where I love to speak my mind.
Tonight's one of those times.
All right?
Sure, it's all right.
I think it's spectacular.
You're a pretty spectacular guy.
Believe me, I've known a couple.
Where's your gentleman friend?
Where's your lady friend?
Hee hee!
- Mmmmm.
Would I like?
- Mmmmm.
Aah, you can see it all later.
Oh, come on-
No, no, no! I said later!
Aa-Aa-Ah, I
said later.
Another drink, please.
Yes, ma'am.
One for Mr. Mobley, too.
You know, mark was terribly
upset by that libel business.
Don't worry, Mildred.
Your man may get in yet.
Darling, I wish you wouldn't
keep calling him "my man. "
Well, he's certainly not mine.
Why don't you come clean and confess?
He sent you here.
All right. He sent me.
But I hope it isn't
going to spoil things,
'Cause I wanted to come.
Quite a messenger.
Ohhh, you men! You're all polygamists.
You, too, Mobley.
Faithful as the day is long.
Mmm, if it's the
shortest day in the year.
But where would women like me be
If it wasn't for men like you?
If I take another drink tonight,
I'll fall flat on my face.
Where's Mrs. Kyne?
She had to go to her mother's, sir.
Well, anyway...
tonight I wouldn't
trade places with anyone.
Look at that. A doll of a front page.
Best front page in the city.
That's very nice, sir.
But I need a right-Hand man.
Today I made an ass of myself.
Who shall it be?
Or Griffith?
Mr. Loving...
a conniver.
Well, every business needs a conniver.
That Griffith.
A doll of a front page.
Harry Kritzer?
But which is your best, Walter?
You're B-E-S-T.
Mr. Walter Kyne's residence.
It's Mrs. Kyne, sir.
Hello, darling.
I'm still at mother's.
Oh, what's the matter, Walter?
Every once in a while,
I'd like to come home
And find you here, that's all.
I thought your mother
didn't have a telephone.
I came down to the
drug store especially.
I bought a copy of the final edition.
It's wonderful!
I thought Harry's artwork was marvelous.
All right, all right, I like it.
Now, how soon can you get here?
Then I'll have Steven meet you
At the door in his bvds. Ha ha!
Ok. Me, then!
Well! He swallowed it.
The question is, even for Walter,
How long will he?
Long enough, let's hope.
How long is "long enough"?
Long enough for me to get the job.
What else?
For me to get you the job.
That's what you mean, isn't it, darling?
However you want to put it,
Let's not fail.
And then?
And then?
What are you in this for, Harry?
Is getting the big job
like the satisfaction
Of having the big man's wife?
What's gotten into you?
And what am I in it for?
If you're just a pastime, sweet,
Oh, you're a very risky one.
With all I have, what is it I want?
Only the pleasure of paying
back the man who bought me
By giving his most prized
possession to someone else?
What are you driving at, Dorothy?
Just this.
If I make my husband
give you the big prize,
You won't be Walter's
man, you'll be mine.
And you'll do as I say,
And you won't forget that.
Ok, kitten,
If you want to imagine yourself
As lady Macbeth or someone-
You just think about that, darling,
Because I can always
still change my mind.
Ok, kitten.
We'll think...
and think...
and think.
I told him I'd come right home.
Don't you want me to do
my utmost in your behalf?
Oh, it's probably the drugstore.
That was the last bottle of scotch.
The drugstore.
One moment, please.
Keep the change.
Carlo. Carlo, we are
discussing romance, you know?
Of course, I gather we are
at the stage of discussing it
In rather general terms.
Well, it's something to think about.
You see, Carlo, there is also
A physical side to love,
And some women are more
demanding than others...
and some automobiles are blue.
Oh, darling, look.
Of course, I want mark to prosper.
I want him to be happy,
I want him to get the job,
But if you should ask me if it's love,
I would simply have to
say I just don't know.
So, when do you expect to find out?
Mm, maybe an hour or so, hmm?
Carlo's going to have a busy night.
Just Carlo?
Oh, Ed, look, am I attractive to you?
I'm in no condition...
But objectively speaking,
I would say yes... very.
Come on to my place.
I would also say that I am
a poisonous, black-souled,
So, all right. Your cigarettes.
Thank you.
Oh, I'm sorry, very sorry.
That's the, uh, famous
Ed Mobley, isn't it?
Well, he's something
less than famous tonight.
The, uh, woman he's
with-They're engaged, huh?
What's her name? Liggett, or something.
No, that's somebody quite different.
Oh, I hate kissing in taxis.
You do?
It's much more fun at home.
Didn't realize you
graded things like that.
Sure you do.
Your hands are cold.
Madame, I'm blasted.
The movement of this cab
is slightly inimical to me.
The fact that I can say "inimical"
proves just how drunk I am.
Oh, darling, I'm not just
doing this for mark, believe me.
And not out of any sense
of honesty or principle
Or faithfulness
to the bride-To-Be.
I have to tell you this.
I didn't get any sleep last night
and darn little the night before,
And on top of everything
else, I'm getting sick.
I'm human, and human beings get sick.
Oh. I'll make you some coffee when
we get home. I make marvelous coffee.
I wonder what the nice
people are doing tonight.
Did Mildred tell you, too?
Mildred's told everybody.
You ought to feel pretty good today.
Your telecast was picked up by nearly
Every paper in the country.
Of course, if this whole idea of
provoking the killer doesn't pan out,
You and I are going to
be way out on a limb.
My limb got sawed off.
Griffith: how is Mildred?
Everybody knows my business.
Nancy, too?
I called her in the middle of the night.
Mm-Hmm. You wanted her
to be the first to know.
I wanted her to hear it from me.
Everybody around here
has heard it from Mildred.
She says now she knows you won
the Pulitzer prize for writing.
It's not the way it was at all.
If I'm going to be hung,
don't hang me for a sheep.
Come to papa and confess.
I'm going to check with the
accounting department for this.
Mr. Loving's office.
I'm getting pretty sick of
your unreasonable attitude.
Heh heh heh heh heh heh!
Walter Kyne will fall off his chair.
Congratulations, Mr. Loving.
Thank you, my dear. Make 3 copies of it.
Send copies to Griffith and to Kritzer.
I'll show the original
to Walter Kyne, myself.
To Mr. Griffith and Mr. Kritzer.
Mr. Loving's office.
Walter Kyne's not in. Try him at home.
"M. Loving, Kyne enterprises,
New York, New York.
"Dear mark, your scoop on Mobley's
sensational telecast was the clincher.
"You may regard the Midwest
television deal as closed.
Congratulations. Joe. "
You're kidding.
That's what you get for being honest.
Where is Mobley?
I saw him go out a little while ago.
Try Mobley at the dell. If
he isn't there, find him.
Operator, is the Kyne
residence still busy?
He would be.
Well, I'm glad you're
pleased, Walter. Very glad.
Fine. Fine, mark. Yeah.
Yeah, we'll talk about it
when I come down to the office.
What is it, dear?
Ah, I'll tell you later.
Something worries my boy?
It's that darn race I started.
Oh, that.
Come over here, darling.
You're so far away.
I wish I could help you.
Don't you worry your-
Empty little head. Fix my back, huh...
and tell me your troubles.
Are you sorry you started it?
Of course not. I just don't
want to make a mistake.
You won't.
That was mark loving on the phone.
He brought in the big Midwest deal.
It's worth half a million
if it's worth a penny.
Just when I'd begun to favor Griffith,
Much as I personally dislike him.
Don't tell me you've narrowed
it down to just those two.
Ah, they're whaling away, but it's
the third one that worries me the most.
Did I hurt you?
No, darling. Nobody has such hands.
How do you know?
Well, certainly not from experience.
That I'd bet on.
Harry worries you?
Doesn't he want the job?
He's doing nothing. He's
just going on, doing his work.
Well, maybe it's just as well.
I'd more or less ruled him out.
Oh, I wouldn't do that.
I mean, angel,...
well, now, isn't that exactly
the faithful kind of man you want?
Did Harry write that speech for you?
You got a crush on this guy?
Did I tell you to invite him?
You're the one that brings him around.
Oh, I'm kidding, of course.
Oh, I'll get it. Your hands are oily.
Kyne: funny thought, though-
That duck-Legged
so-And-So Kritzer.
If the reason he doesn't seem
to be fighting like the others
Is because he's working
on me through you.
Oh, too funny for words.
If that's the office, I'm
staying here until late afternoon.
Dorothy, the roof's falling in
down here. I've got to see you.
Why, Mary, darling.
How nice, but I can't.
Walter's staying home with me today.
Oh, I'd love to go to the fashion show,
But Walter won't be going to
the office till late afternoon.
Get away. Use the old excuse.
Everything depends on it.
I know I promised, and
it would be divine, but...
call me in an hour or so, huh? Bye.
I wouldn't mind too much,
if it would be fun for you.
Oh, you don't want me to leave you
For a silly old fashion show, do you?
Buy things I shouldn't have.
Oh, go ahead, dear. I like you
to have nice things. I insist.
Well, darling, when
you put it that way...
if you insist, of course I'll do it.
Haven't you located Mobley yet?
Try It. Kaufman. Maybe he'll know.
The whole thing was a snide scheme.
You made Burt call me for lunch
just so you could get at me.
look, I may be a snide, doubled
in spades, but I didn't...
Mobley: there comes Burt, now.
Lover's spat?
Eh, she just called me a dirty name,
And not in a very
admiring tone of voice.
Ahh. Eddie was a bad boy, huh?
In a taxi cab.
I told you I got sick and went home.
Ask him what he was doing
there in the first place.
All right.
What were you doing
there in the first place?
I was seduced.
Loving sicked his dame on me.
I had a few drinks with
her, let her kiss me,
Told her "no" on mark loving,
And dropped her off
in front of her hotel.
I didn't even go up for a cup of coffee,
Invited though I was.
Another time.
Yes, sir?
And a hemlock for me.
Burt, it's not what he did or didn't do.
He just doesn't know how to say no.
The night we got engaged, I
told him he didn't mean it.
He said I was crazy.
The next thing I know, he's caressing
Mildred Donner in a common carrier.
If he wants to marry me,
why does he have to do that?
Stop the world and let me off.
Work your beef out later, children.
Let's get down to business.
Now, what I've got to say is strictly
Over this table, all right?
Mobley: sure.
Ok. The two murders
and maybe some before-
Were not committed by the same man.
They were.
We went back into the
Felton girl's place
And found a strand of hair,
Which matches the hair
from a second murder.
Well, what's the big secret?
I got more for you,
equally confidential.
Everything is confidential,
Except me and Mildred.
Now, listen.
We've run onto the record of a
string of unsolved burglaries,
Committed months ago.
We think that's the way
this boy may have started.
He steals only ladies' things,
from lone, unprotected girls.
This guy's a real nut on dames.
And this description
begins to fit Mobley.
Now, Burt, I know our next move.
Put Nancy's picture in the paper or-
Or use her on the telecast.
Oh, no, you don't. Print
Mildred's picture. Use her.
Where are you going?
Out of your life!
I'm so much in love with her, it aches.
Well, she's loved you, too.
She's treated you right.
But I didn't do anything.
You figure if you're drunk,
it doesn't count, huh?
I only kissed her.
The way I just heard it, she kissed you.
A few more times around, this is
going to be a pretty lively story.
But I didn't do anything!
The next time, you will.
Oh, there won't be a next time.
Well, tell Nancy that.
Yeah, tell Nancy.
For you, Mr. Mobley.
Aha! She made it just as far
as the first telephone booth.
Strong woman.
Honey, I graciously accept your apology.
Griffith: don't honey
me, miserable character!
Now mark loving is being
congratulated from Tokyo to Timbuktu!
Only a miracle can help me now.
And you dillydallying
in a haunt of pleasure.
Somebody has to have some fun.
That was Griffith.
Burt, let's think.
His crimes have become more and more
frequent... more violent, bolder.
He's got to have a new element
in them now, something, uh-
What do you mean?
Well, something daring.
Every murder he committed
has always been at night?
Then, maybe...
The next one will be in cold daylight.
You think, uh-
Yeah, that figures. The final insolence
- Broad daylight.
You mean, something that
will satisfy his urge to kill,
But at the same time,
increase his excitement, huh?
Burt! Maybe to kill
even while she's guarded.
Are you going to be in for
the next hour, miss Liggett?
All day.
I'll get some lights down at the corner.
The phone number's written on this card.
You change your mind,
be sure and let me know.
I promise.
Who is it?
Go away, Mobley. Leave me alone.
Please, leave me alone.
What do you want?
Get out of here!
Get away!
Help! Help!
Oh, let me in, please!
Close the door!
Stop him!
He's the killer! Stop him! Stop him!
Nancy, are you all right?
He ran around the corner! Hurry, hurry!
Get up there!
No! No! No!
Charles, you'd be amazed!
This phone hasn't stopped ringing.
I never knew I had so many friends.
Of course, it doesn't
necessarily mean the big thing.
At least, that's not official.
We got him, Jon.
We've really got him!
Are we ahead of the other papers?
Absolutely alone. An hour, maybe more.
Kaufman's got him here
now, in a precinct station.
He's questioning him in the next room.
If it gets on the police ticket,
It will be in every newsroom in town.
Don't worry, Jon.
It will get on as an
ordinary precinct arrest,
Man molesting a woman.
Happens every day.
No paper will bother to pick that up.
Everything worked.
This guy knocked on Nancy's door.
She wouldn't open it,
So he went after another
woman on the same floor.
We got it from O'Leary.
We're two hours away from deadline.
Have you got enough to go with now?
Yes. I've got murder, Jon.
The Kelly girl and the Felton girl
And at least two more before then.
How are you going to handle it?
Extra! What do you think I'd do?
And I don't want any boy scout talk
About loving and wire
service or anything else.
Anybody who's going to read this
will read it in the sentinel.
Hold on. I'll give it to Healey.
Jim! Jim!
Healey! Healey! Jim!
Take this right here. Make it quick.
I want the front page down to the fold.
Remake anything you've set.
We're putting out an extra.
Don't say anything about this.
Benny? Jon Griffith.
How many trucks you got handy?
Extra. And I want it spread midtown-
Grand central, Penn
station, bus terminal-
By 5:30.
Keep everybody's yaps shut.
First run, 20,000.
Jon? What about pictures?
We don't need pictures.
Kritzer doesn't have to
know anything about this.
Mrs. Kyne, please.
She left that long ago?
Well, thank you, Steve.
Nothing more about
the women he molested?
That's all up to now.
Just says she's a Mrs. Charles smith.
I'll call you back.
He should get another
Pulitzer prize for this.
You may get something, too.
I want the first paragraph
8 columns, 14-Point bold.
Nobody moves from this desk.
I wish I could trust you, Mildred.
Can't you, darling?
To get the woman's angle,
How I could use a sob story.
But I'm not your type of man.
You'd give it to loving.
I'm an independent operator now.
Can't complain, he turned me loose.
Ok, I'll take a chance.
There's a bonus in it for you,
If you deliver it just to me.
Very little mark could
do about it now, anyway.
It's a good story, Jon?
It's a pip.
Do you know where Nancy Liggett lives?
Nancy? Sure.
Go up and interview the
woman you'll find there.
Right now.
Right now.
Thank you.
Where have you been?
Here and there, darling.
You're the only one who
hasn't congratulated me.
Well, uh, congratulations.
You still my baby?
You ought to know that, love.
Thanks so much.
Mrs. Smith is very grateful.
That's all right.
Thanks very much for the sweater.
I'll return it as soon as possible.
No hurry, Mrs. Smith.
Miss Liggett-
We-We trust in your discretion,
Mrs. Smith and I.
And again, thanks so very much.
Thank you, miss Liggett.
Well, well, if it
isn't Mrs. Walter Kyne.
Oh, no, you can't be the woman
I was supposed to interview.
Did mark loving put you up to this?
No, darling, he didn't.
I think you're lying.
Harry, I don't particularly
care what you think.
Who is this, Harry?
Mildred Donner, from the office.
Oh, well...
why don't we all have a drink?
Good idea.
Harry looks as though he needs one.
And then let's talk.
After all, we are 3
civilized human beings.
Well, of course, let's talk.
Yeah, let's.
Nancy... can't we let
bygones be bygones?
You got your story, Ed,
A big scoop.
So be happy.
But I don't want to be happy. I want-
Nancy? Nancy!
She hung up on me.
Here's the full text of the confession.
Would you like to have it exclusive?
Thanks, Burt.
You can buy me a drink sometime.
There she blows!
I haven't given very much
thought to my successor.
I'll keep you in mind. Ok. Bye.
Get this on the wire!
Neat but nasty.
Want to make a bet, mark?
On what?
On me.
Jon, how long have you had this story?
It seemed a lifetime.
Well, then, why didn't you
give it to the newswire?
You can ask that again.
I did.
After you'd extra'd!
Your newswire still had it first,
And your New York paper
was on the street with it.
Hey, maybe you were right.
That was good thinking, Jon.
It's every man for
himself around here now,
If it was good thinking.
Why haven't we got a
picture of the murderer?
Where was Kritzer when this thing broke?
I don't know.
You can ask him.
Well, I'd like a little more cooperation
Around here!
Well, where have you been?
Don't you work here?
You'll find out where I've been.
I've got something to take up with you.
Harry, who do you
think you're talking to?
And right now, Walter,
In the privacy of your office.
Come on.
Mildred... what's going on?
Oh, about the race, darling-
I have news for you.
You've both come in a tie-
For second place.
Laugh it off, Jon.
You're still the best newspaper
editor in the united states.
Of the sentinel, anyway.
And the whole thing figures.
How can you say that?
Harry Kritzer.
I say it figures.
There you were, you and loving,
Batting your brains out.
Loving brings in a television contract
Worth half a million dollars.
You and I cook up a
scheme to catch the killer-
Endangering, let us not forget,
The life of one of the
most wonderful gals in the-
Carlo, can you find me a sandwich
And a glass of milk, please?
You bet I can.
Continue. You get a great scoop.
The text of the full confession
of the killer, exclusively.
And who ends up on top?
Honest Harry Kritzer.
Because all the time
he's been playing footsie
With Walter's wife.
Shall I continue?
I love to be sad.
Harry Kritzer gets the job,
Walter Kyne gets his wife back,
And Mildred Donner ends up with
A syndicated column.
And you and I each get a $1,000 bonus.
They'll have to mail mine to me.
I've quit.
You don't mean that.
Kyne has my letter of resignation.
Am I supposed to laugh this off, too?
Every man protects
What is most precious to him.
It gets down to the squeeze, Jon.
That's it.
Big men protect big things,
And little men like Walter Kyne-
Don't stop on my account.
May I, uh, serve all you gentlemen
A drink on the house?
I'll have mine straight, Carlo.
Yes, sir.
I invited you to continue, Mobley.
Little men protect what they
consider most precious, too.
Walter Kyne-
What does he have to protect?
His face. Appearances.
The appearances that go
along with $10 million
And a smile from the
owner of the cub room
And a beautiful, faithless wife.
Feel sorry for him, Jon.
He carries his own cross
on his 2 x 4 shoulders.
He knows just how little he really is.
I'll mail you a postcard, Jon.
Ed! Ed!
I don't know why we
had to travel all night
To get married in Florida.
They do it nice here.
You folks read the local paper?
That's just why we came.
Thank you.
I'll take it.
My, my. They have it here, too.
"I confess:
"Full text of
"The New York lipstick
killer's confession,
By Edward Mobley. "
So I confess.
And listen to this-
"Mr. Walter Kyne announces the appointment
So he confesses, too.
"Announces the appointment
Look, I haven't had any
sleep for two nights, honey.
Get your things off.
It's your wedding day.
You want to look nice.
"Announces the appointment
of Jon day Griffith
"As executive director
of Kyne newspapers
And associated enterprises. "
Ahh, you're making that up.
"And announces that Mr. Harry Kritzer-
"Mr. Harry Kritzer, veteran
chief of Kyne pics...
"leaves immediately on a two-Year tour
"As a roving ambassador of goodwill
To friendly nations
all over the globe. "
Little boys grow up. You never know.
"At the same time, Mr. Kyne
disclosed the appointment
"Of Mildred Donner,
former women's writer,
"To the newly-Created post
Of personal assistant to Mr. Kyne. "
Now, that's better. Romance is not dead.
"Consistent with the policy
of rewarding merit...
Look at this beautiful nightgown.
And a shorty, too.
Put it down, darling, it's daylight.
And you can see right through it.
"Consistent with the
policy of rewarding merit,
"Mr. Edward Mobley will
be tendered the position
Of managing editor of
the New York sentinel. "
My, my. How warm it gets down here.
They can't do this!
Wait till I see him.
I'll tell him a few things.
What does he think?
Everybody has to jump when he whistles?
I did something for you this morning.
I know you did. You made
an honest man out of me.
I couldn't buy you that
explorer's license, darling.
They never heard of such a thing.
The best I could do
was a hunting license.
That would be Mr. Kyne.
Was there something you
wanted to say to him?