Whirlpool (1949)

A grey convertible, please.
Yes, madam.
Turn off your motor, please.
Come on.
- Close that door. What do you want?
- I'm the store detective.
- I haven't time.
- It won't take long.
- Open your bag.
- I don't understand.
Open it, please!
I'm going home.
I won't be talked to like this!
- If you want it this way. Harry!
- Yes, Mr Hogan?
I just want you to witness this.
- See this pin?
- Yes, Mr Hogan.
Do you have a sales slip for it?
If you have, I'll take a look at it.
Come on, we're wasting time.
You'll have a crowd in a minute.
Main floor.
(Woman) She's probably just faking.
They usually do when they're caught,
especially the fancy-looking ones.
All right, lady. You're awake now.
Let's have your name.
No, I can't tell you my name.
We've got the goods on you, you can't
wiggle your way out of this!
The salesgirl saw you.
The mermaid pin was $300,
she wanted something more expensive.
I turned to the showcase
and I saw her reflection as she...
The pin was removed from your purse.
You can give me your name and come
clean or save it all for the police.
- The police?
- You'd better talk now.
You mustn't speak, Mrs Sutton. You're
still dizzy and too weak to remember.
Wait a minute. Is he a lawyer?
Mr Simms knows who I am.
Yes, but I'm busy, Mr Korvo.
If this woman is a friend...
She's no friend of mine.
It's you I'm concerned about.
And your wife,
who is a client and a dear friend.
She wouldn't like the trouble
you're making for yourself.
You don't have to worry about me,
I'm in no trouble.
Not yet. This could be the biggest
publicity mess any store got into.
This woman you're badgering
is Mrs William Sutton,
wife of the distinguished
Treating her like a thief will bring
discredit on you and your store.
- See if Mrs Sutton has an account.
- I'm sure she has.
Your job as manager is to protect
your clients and store from scandal.
I don't need advice about my job.
Wait till you see your name
splashed across the front pages
as the man who hounded a sick woman
into a nervous breakdown.
Oh, she's sick now(?)
You know she is.
You've had experience.
A woman that wealthy isn't a thief.
- The pin was in her purse!
- The thief didn't put it there.
You mean she's a kleptomaniac?
Dr and Mrs Sutton have a had
an account with us for five years.
I see.
Yes, I see.
Mrs Sutton is wealthy enough
to buy a dozen such pins.
- Now look, I don't want any trouble.
- Exactly what I thought.
However, we'll have to make
a record of this and keep it on file,
even if we don't report it.
Thank you, Mr Simms. Why not add the
cost of the pin to Mrs Sutton's bill?
It will solve the immediate problem
to everybody's advantage.
It's now legally yours, Mrs Sutton.
You've bought it, paid for it
and are free to wear it.
Without agitating the police.
Is there someone with my husband?
- Yes, there is.
- I must see him now.
- Please tell him.
- I have orders not to disturb him...
I know, I know.
- Of course, if you're ill or...
- Take a note.
Just give it to him.
I'll wait upstairs.
I must tell him.
Right away.
(Door opens and closes)
Ann, you all right?
- Hello, darling.
- What's wrong, dear?
Nothing, darling.
Thanks. Nothing.
You look terribly handsome
before your chattering patients
have worn you out.
Miss Hall told me you were very
disturbed. You insisted violently...
So silly, "violently"! I just stopped
to ask her if you were busy.
I wondered if you wanted to go
to the concert tonight.
You haven't heard any real music for
such a long time. It might relax you.
Hall must be losing her grip
on reality.
I guess she's so used
to my poor patients
that everything sounds
like hysteria to her.
I'd like to skip the concert if you
don't mind. I want to write tonight.
- Of course not, darling.
- Thanks.
I'm terribly sorry you had to leave
a patient for no reason.
It's no harm done.
He won't miss me. It's that
young veteran I told you about.
- The one who won't talk?
- Mm-hm.
After two weeks,
he still comes in every day.
He sits down, can't talk.
Why does he come to you
if he won't let you help him?
He will eventually.
It's difficult to begin unloading
fears and secrets and guilts.
Poor fellow. The war was an easier
conflict than the one he's in now.
Oh, Bill. Struggling with those sick
people and their wretched complexes.
How you must hate them.
I don't hate them, darling.
I try to help them. They're my job...
No, your job is using your brain
and finishing your book.
You said so yourself: They interfere.
Stop worrying about me
as a frustrated genius.
I'm not, I'm a busy doctor
and a happy husband,
a combination I wouldn't trade
for a dozen books.
Oh, Bill, you're wonderful.
You've always been
so very wonderful to me.
- I just wish that...
- Wish what?
That I could help you.
If I were only brighter
and you could talk to me
about your scientific problems.
Just stay as you are, as you've
always been: Healthy and adorable.
(Phone rings)
Dr Sutton's residence.
- Who is it?
- Who's calling? Just a minute.
Mr David Korvo.
Tell him I haven't time to...
Never mind. You can clean up later.
Hello, Mr Korvo.
(Door closes)
I'm sorry, but I can't.
I'm busy today.
Mr Korvo, it's utterly impossible.
I have a luncheon engagement.
But why should I see you?
I quite understand.
Of course if you insist...
Yes, I'll be there. One o'clock.
Thank you, Vincent.
You were wise
not to tell your husband.
A successful marriage
is usually based
on what a husband and wife
don't know.
- Too frightened to eat, Mrs Sutton?
- I'm not hungry.
Waiting for the wretched blackmailer
to remove his mask?
What do you want?
- You mean... how much?
- Yes.
Well, I saved you
from an ugly scandal,
one that could ruin
your distinguished husband's career.
What an advertisement
for a psychoanalyst:
"Married unaware to a kleptomaniac".
And you would pay me to keep this
whimsical fact out of the papers?
- Now?
- Yes, now.
I can see I was never cut out
to be a villain.
I dislike inspiring so much terror
in such a lovely woman.
Please don't talk to me.
Oh, yes, I forgot,
you're buying my silence.
$5,000! Dear me, that's quite a sum,
considering that it's tax-free.
I take it you don't intend to report
this to Uncle Sam or your husband.
Very few wives
are in so fortunate a position
with a bank account of their own,
obviously a large one.
That's all I'll pay.
That's quite enough.
Isn't it?
You're rather disillusioning,
Mrs Sutton,
for the wife of so brilliant a man.
First for assuming you would get rid
of a blackmailer by giving him money,
secondly, and worse,
by identifying me as a nasty crook.
Here is your cheque, Mrs Sutton.
You've disturbed my vanity
rather deeply.
I always fancied
I had a fine, upright look,
and that an honest heart shone out
of my not-too-splendid face.
I'm joking, Mrs Sutton.
Please, Vincent is an old friend.
I wouldn't want him to think
I was on ogre
that makes beautiful
women cry into their soup.
That's better. Thank you.
May I tell you
why I insisted on meeting you?
I have something that I was sure will
make you feel better about yesterday.
I persuaded the manager, Mr Simms,
to give me the Mrs William Sutton
shoplifting report
from the store files. Here it is.
If you tear it up,
there will no longer be a record of
yesterday's episode on file anywhere.
I... I feel like such a fool.
How can I ever thank you?
Do you know Tina Cosgrove?
Not very well.
I've been to some of her parties.
She's giving one for me.
For you?
Then you must be a celebrity.
In Tina's eyes, anybody
who attends three of her parties
automatically becomes a celebrity.
I made the grade last month.
Tina, darling!
What a wonderful party!
Everybody's here!
I adore people
famous enough to know me.
How magnificent, Tina!
Wherever you are,
you always attract the best society!
Don't be silly! I don't have
to attract society, I manufacture it!
I want you to meet
my guest of honour. David!
This is Feruccio,
31st Baron of Ravallo,
and his adorable fiance, Taffy Lou.
I'm responsible
for bringing them together.
You're in the movies, Mr Korvo?
Mr Korvo reads souls, guides human
destinies with the aid of the stars
and makes fortunes for other people
at a nominal fee.
How wonderful! I have always admired
- I am not quite a fortune-teller.
- He's a genius!
Before you go, you must attend
one of his lectures on hypnotism.
Nor am I quite a hypnotist.
I use a number of sciences in my
experiments with the human family.
For instance, you, Baron,
are obviously born in November,
late November. Yes? Sagittarius.
How do you know that?
You are also a hyperthyroidic type
and from the droop of your eyelids
and your overstressed speech,
with a manic depressive tendency.
Adding up these informations,
we get a man of violent temper,
suffering from fits of melancholia,
who in the past year
has been preoccupied with suicide.
But how can you know? I have spoken
to nobody except my Taffy Lou.
How do stars tell you that?
Not the stars, my eyes.
They, too, are a science.
The cut is only recently healed.
A bad one.
This man is marvellous!
You mustn't move a step from now on
without consulting him.
I'll arrange everything! I'll bring
him to Italy for your wedding!
All it will cost you is expenses
for David and me in Rome.
A pleasure!
You make us sound like pickpockets,
which is unfair to one of us.
- Drink, Ann?
- Yes, please?
Arrivederci. I hope your new marriage
gives you something to live for.
If only a divorce.
A pure canasta, boys!
This will help your headache.
- Does it show?
- Not much. A squint in your eyes.
How could you tell the Baron
was born in November?
Taffy Lou's my protge.
I interviewed her before the party.
Very ingenious.
I'm so glad you're here.
You make Tina's party almost human.
You're remote
from this sort of people.
I want to help you, Ann. Your eyes
are full of fear and tension.
- Have you slept?
- No.
- Not since that day?
- I can't sleep.
- Pills any help?
- No. They don't put me to sleep.
- They just make me jump inside.
- Yes, I know.
I'll ask Bill for some other kind.
Don't. Your husband
is not entirely stupid.
If he finds out you have insomnia
he'll look for its cause
and probably stumble on it.
We don't want to appear like
the twisted customers on his couch.
If I could only sleep.
You need treatment
and you can't go to a doctor.
Your husband would hear of it at
the first caf klatsch he attended.
Perhaps you'll swallow your prejudice
against a humble astrologer
whose only medical diploma
is the gratitude of his patients.
Thank you, but I can't possibly
become a patient of yours.
You are already.
The fact I know of your kleptomania
and know that your mind is sick
and threatening to get out of hand
gives me a medical position
in your life, doesn't it?
Yes, I... I suppose it does.
With me, you don't have to exhaust
yourself trying to seem normal,
the serene and devoted wife who
doesn't dare upset her busy husband.
Your soul can undress in front of me.
That means that your cure
is already beginning.
I can make you sleep every night.
Nine hours of peaceful, happy sleep.
Trust me. Look at me.
There are no thoughts in your mind.
No fears.
Trust me. I can help you.
Don't think of anything.
There is nothing to remember.
Just close your eyes and forget.
(Softly) Forget.
Can you hear me, Ann?
You can hear only my voice.
All other sounds have faded away.
You will hear only my voice
until I wake you up.
You must do what I say.
You know that?
Co to the window, draw the curtains,
go to the door, close the door,
then come back and sit down.
Now, open your eyes.
Close the door.
Cive me your hand, Ann.
Put your hand in mine, Ann.
Hold my hand.
Close your eyes.
I'm going to leave an order
in your mind that you'll obey later.
Tonight at eleven o'clock
you will go to sleep.
I will go to sleep.
You will fall asleep
at eleven o'clock tonight,
and you will sleep for nine hours.
I will sleep for nine hours.
You will remember nothing
that has happened here. Nothing.
You will wake up
slowly and pleasantly.
Wake up now.
Was I asleep?
You relaxed for a moment.
Feel better?
Oh, yes! Much.
I really feel so rested.
You will sleep tonight
without any trouble.
- If I do...
- (Doors open)
- Sorry.
- Teri, come in.
Who was that?
A woman who no longer admires me
as much as she used to.
Her name is Theresa Randolph.
- Three o'clock tomorrow, Ann.
- What about three o'clock?
- At my apartment.
- Your apartment?
You give that simple word
a wealth of sinister meaning
that brings the Victorian era back.
I work at my hotel.
- More convenient and less expensive.
- I'm sorry.
- Three o'clock?
- Yes, I'll be there.
The Baron looks as if he may escape
with all his palaces in your absence.
Better do something.
I'm delighted to have brought back
your wit.
Barone, perch andate via?
Siete il mio invitato favorito.
He speaks Italian, too!
Excuse me.
I'm out of powder.
- Care to use mine, Mrs Sutton?
- Thank you.
- It's a bit dark.
- I like that shade.
It keeps one from looking like
a corpse in the sunlight.
- I'm Theresa Randolph.
- How do you do?
I owe your husband a great deal.
He's a brilliant and honest man.
Yes, he is all of that.
Have you known David Korvo long?
Not very.
I have.
Of course, it's none of my business,
I belong to no
Wives' Protective Association.
What do you mean?
I mean to be helpful.
I'd like to warn you about David.
Warn me?
Aren't you being presumptuous?
You have no reason to be jealous.
I'm old enough to be your mother.
- Jealous?
- He's after your money, Mrs Sutton.
And he'll get it. He'll keep
after you till he has what he wants.
He's lived off women all his life.
That's contemptible! Don't ever talk
to me like this about David Korvo!
Cirls! Battling over David
in my bedroom!
It's the most dramatic thing
that ever happened in it!
Three days and three nights
without you.
That's a great sacrifice to
make for psychiatry.
Would you like me to go along?
I love San Francisco!
It would bore you to death,
afternoon and evening sessions.
I wouldn't go myself if I weren't
slated for the main discussion.
Of course you must go. I'll be
lonely, but very proud of you.
Oh, darling, I'm all greasy!
A minor handicap.
Did you have a good time
at the party?
- Yes, very nice.
- I'm glad.
- Who was there?
- Oh, the usual people.
The greatest kick I get
when we go to a party together
is when people stare at you and say
"Who is that lovely girl?"
"That's Dr Sutton's wife.
She's very devoted to him."
My head swells up like a balloon.
Thanks, darling.
Oh, I'm terribly sleepy.
What time is it?
Just eleven.
I'm sorry, but I've got to sleep.
I'll put out the light in a minute.
my sleeping beauty.
Take off your robe and slippers.
Hello, Daisy.
I'm expecting a Mrs Sutton.
Tell the desk to send her right up.
And don't put through any calls
until I let you know. Thank you.
(Phone rings)
Now, Daisy, I told you
I didn't want to be disturbed.
Palm Springs?
All right, put her through.
Oh, Teri! I was wondering who could
be in Palm Springs on a Wednesday.
I told you I'd have
the money for you by the first.
You're not going to exercise your new
martyr complex and ruin both of us.
You're going to pay every dollar
you owe to your loving daughter
and live on as an honest woman.
My dear old ex-adored,
it's none of your stupid business
just where I get the money, or how.
Yes, granted, I'm an oily rascal.
Yes, I agree, a liar, a swindler
and... What was that last one?
Oh, yes, without any conscience.
You're in top form today, Teri.
Almost makes me lonesome
for your faded charms.
No, I won't have it for you tomorrow.
I told you it would take a week.
Oh, and watch yourself, my dear.
Mars and the minor planets
are in your 7th house until the 21st.
That may mean serious trouble
for you unless you're very careful.
Have fun.
- Is Mr Korvo in?
- Mrs Sutton?
- Yes.
- Please go right up. Apartment 9B.
- Where's the house telephone?
- Over there, but he's expecting you.
Thank you.
Apartment 9B, please.
(Phone rings)
Hello? Oh, my dear Ann,
where are you?
You're very prompt, that's a virtue
in a patient. Please come up, 9B.
My dear Ann, you're being absurd.
I always see my patients
in my apartment.
But it's my office.
Very well, I...
I bow to your abysmal scruples.
Hello, my dear. Your conduct is a bit
disturbing to a man of integrity.
I'm sorry to disturb you.
I do not surround my work
with the impressive gadgets
favoured by your husband,
but my ethics do not include
practising medicine in a lobby.
Isn't there a bar or grill open?
Forgive me. It's not me
you're afraid of, but yourself.
Relax. Let's go in here,
and you'll be safe...
from any unwifely impulses.
You're a bit smug.
And rather stupid, Mr Korvo.
Indignation in a patient
is always a sign of progress.
(? Light jazz)
However, as your doctor, may I point
out the illogic of your behaviour?
How much better to sit, unnoticed,
in my apartment
than to squat here
and be seen by everybody
holding an alcoholic rendezvous
with a man.
You make me feel young.
I haven't heard that seductive line
...since my college days.
- Were they happy days?
- Yes.
- Happier than now?
I know you, Ann,
better than you know yourself.
You're unhappy. You're miserable.
You're locked in a characterisation,
"the serene and devoted wife".
That play-acting is destroying you.
You make me ashamed to be here.
Because I should have gone
to my husband, not to you.
Your husband can't cure you, Ann.
He's the one who made you sick.
That's nonsense.
Don't be afraid of what you want.
It's better than stealing.
Better than exploding with neuroses.
You misunderstand me.
I'm not looking for a love affair.
- Afraid of being plied with liquor?
- I'll have a martini.
- Two martinis, Vincent.
- Yes, Mr Korvo.
- Did you sleep last night?
- Yes.
Nine hours. I woke up this morning
absolutely a new woman.
As if nothing was wrong with me.
I should think that would inspire
a little trust toward your doctor.
- May I be frank?
- Please.
I heard things about you yesterday
which may or may not be true...
From Mrs Randolph,
who's transferred her hallucinations
to your husband's office.
Hardly a sound source of information.
Possibly not. But I'm grown-up enough
to know your technique.
You know how to make a woman
feel close and dependent on you.
I can release you from a torture
chamber called Mrs William Sutton.
I'm afraid you're wasting your time.
Sit down, please.
I understand you completely.
You adore your husband and want me
only as a man who can make you sleep,
rather than... wake you up.
Yes. And I'll pay you.
50 dollars for each treatment.
And I'll come every day.
Where do you want your treatments?
Here in a bar-room?
Why not?
Teri Randolph can be...
quite a nuisance.
Will you give me her address?
I feel awful about the way I talked
to her. I should write her a note.
Call her up. Right now.
Tell her you intend to use me
only as a doctor,
at a distance of four paces.
- What's her telephone number?
- The switchboard girl will get her.
Please, will you get me
Mrs Theresa Randolph on the phone?
Vincent, there was a small accident.
Bring us two more martinis, will you?
Yes, sure, Mr Korvo, right away.
- Hurry it up, will you, Vincent?
- Yes, sir.
Mrs Randolph doesn't answer.
Shall I try later?
Yes, please.
I'll be in the bar with Mr Korvo.
- Well?
- She wasn't home.
Oh, too bad.
Now, finish your drink.
Relax, and we'll begin our treatment.
(Clock chimes)
(Lock clicks)
Cive me that.
Turn off the burglar alarm.
I'll call the police.
Operator? Police department, please.
This is your statement, Mrs Sutton.
If there's anything you don't
agree with, please mention it.
"Formal statement given by
Ann Sutton, resident of Westwood,
witnessed by Lieutenant James Colton,
Sergeant Robert Jeffreys
and Dr Peter Duval, psychiatrist,
the Los Angeles Police Station,
City Hall, 11.20pm, June 3rd, 1949."
What is your name, please?"
"Answer: Mrs William Sutton."
"Question: Where do you live?
Answer: 725 Willow Drive."
"Question: What time did you
leave your house this evening?"
"Answer: I don't remember."
"Question: Why did you go
to Mrs Theresa Randolph's house?"
"Answer: I don't know."
"Mrs Sutton, will you tell us how you
got into the home of Mrs Randolph?"
"Answer: I don't remember."
"Do you know that she was strangled
to death between nine and ten?"
"Answer: Yes, I know."
"Do you admit that the scarf
found round Mrs Randolph's neck,
now displayed before you, is yours?"
"Answer: Yes, it is my scarf."
"This pin with the clasp broken was
found on the floor near the body."
"Did you drop it while you were
strangling Theresa Randolph?"
"Answer: I don't know."
"Question: Had you any reason
for hating Mrs Randolph?"
"Answer: Yes."
That's not true! I didn't hate her!
But you said you did.
I heard you.
I couldn't have. I don't remember
going there, I tell you.
I couldn't have done it. I couldn't!
Unless I'm crazy.
Unless I'm crazy.
If you wish,
I can remove that remark about hating
Mrs Randolph from your statement.
Doesn't matter.
It's all so mad!
I'll continue reading, then.
"Question: Did you go to
Mrs Randolph's house to kill her?"
- "I don't remember going there."
- (Phone rings)
San Francisco.
This Dr William Sutton?
I'm sorry, I... I can't hear you.
Would you mind repeating...
Yes, Mrs Randolph's
a patient of mine.
You can make
the two o'clock plane, Doctor.
I'd appreciate it if you'd come
right to my office at City Hall.
He'll be here pretty soon.
You didn't have to tell him like that
over the telephone. He'll think...
- What'll he think, Mrs Sutton?
- That I did it. That I killed her.
Do you wish to state now
that you didn't, Mrs Sutton?
I don't know.
I don't know what happened.
I can't remember anything.
I'm dreaming all this!
What do you say, Doc? Can she follow?
Yes, I think so.
The shock is wearing off.
Just a little more, Mrs Sutton.
"Question: Is there anything more
you wish to add to this statement?"
"Answer: No."
"Do you admit that this statement was
given by you of your own free will,
no promise of immunity or threats
of violence were used on you
and, after it's reduced to writing,
you are ready to sign it?"
"Answer: I'll sign it."
"Finished: 11.43pm."
Here you are, Mrs Sutton.
Bottom of the page, please.
Thank you.
All right, Bob.
Let's go.
I don't care what she signed.
She's not guilty of murder.
I'll put it in the open, Doctor,
because I have some questions that
might clear things up for both of us.
Has your wife ever talked to you
about David Korvo?
What's David Korvo
got to do with her?
Dr Sutton,
I know this is tough for you
but you're entitled
to know all the facts.
Your wife was tied up
with David Korvo kind of intimately.
That's ridiculous.
I don't believe it.
I refuse to listen to
that kind of talk about my wife.
I'd listen, if I were you.
It's part of the case against her.
Don't tell me my wife and David...
Sorry, Doctor, to rub it in, but
we have witnesses to their relation.
The staff at Korvo's hotel.
That... can't be true.
It must be part of
some fantastic plot against Ann.
Last week, your wife denounced
Mrs Randolph in a fit of jealousy
for coming between her and Korvo.
It happened at a party.
Your wife paid daily visits to his
hotel for a week before the murder.
They sat drinking in the bar-room.
She quarrelled with him there
one day, broke a glass,
then rushed up
to telephone Mrs Randolph.
You have witnesses?
When can I talk to my wife?
Now, if you want to.
She's waiting in Dr Duval's office.
Cet her, will you, Bob?
You understand
it'll have to be in front of me.
- Can we have ten minutes alone?
- Sorry. Police regulations.
But we'll stay out of your way.
We're not trying to throw
any curves in this case, Doctor.
- Isn't necessary.
- (Door bangs)
Please... don't cry.
I won't.
Sit down, Ann.
Doctor, anything your wife says
in answer to your questions
may be used against her.
We understand.
there's something wrong with me.
Help me... please.
I'm going to help you
with everything I've got,
regardless of any...
other circumstances.
What other circumstances?
You'll tell me the truth, Ann,
will you?
Of course, darling.
I want to hear about David Korvo.
Why, I... I met him just a few times.
Co on.
That's all, Bill. He hasn't got
anything to do with this.
- He has.
- How?
- You've been to his hotel.
- No.
You were seen there with him
time and again, drinking.
Yes, I met him in the bar.
I meant I never went
to his apartment.
You fought with Mrs Randolph
at a party
because you were jealous of her.
(Softly) Jealous?
How can you think that?
Do you... love him, Ann?
Oh, no, no, Bill.
It's nothing like that.
Ann, forget that I'm your husband.
That doesn't matter now.
We'll talk about that side of it
later, when you're...
out of your present danger.
The truth is you've been seeing Korvo
for weeks, at his hotel.
He was helping me...
because I was sick.
And you went to a quack like Korvo
for doctoring?
You were sick?
What was the matter with you?
Ann, how did it start,
how did you meet him?
You wanted to tell me. Tell me!
I'm mixed up, Bill.
What are you asking me?
How did you meet David Korvo?
You won't believe me,
no matter what I tell you.
You don't want to hear the truth.
You won't let me tell it.
You think I'm lying!
- You are.
- Oh, no, Bill!
Are you willing to risk everything
to cover up for this cheap parasite?
- Cover up for him? How?!
- You saw him kill her.
Oh, no, no, Bill! I didn't see him!
You don't believe me!
I'm afraid
it's pretty obvious, Doctor.
She was lying.
Yes, she... seemed to be lying.
About David Korvo.
We've been married quite a while.
It's a very nice marriage.
I only mention it
because I want you to understand
why she had to lie to me.
It's very hard telling that kind of
truth to a husband who's trusted you.
I see.
Are you charging her with murder,
Tell your lawyer.
She didn't do it.
She's protecting Korvo.
He killed Mrs Randolph.
You see, I was Mrs Randolph's doctor.
Korvo made love to her
and swindled her out of $60,000.
Her daughter was to inherit
the money this month.
Mrs Randolph told you all this?
Yes, under analysis. You can hear the
recordings if you come to my office.
(Phone rings)
Lieutenant Colton.
Who'd you ask?
Cet a hold of the manager.
Maybe he'll know where he is.
That was a report on Korvo.
- He's not at his hotel.
- You've let him get away!
Take it easy, Doctor. If you have
any facts, I'll be glad to hear them.
- But he's gotten away, I tell you!
- Facts, Doctor.
You say Korvo and Mrs Randolph stole
$60,000 of her daughter's money?
I advised Mrs Randolph
to tell her daughter the truth,
and to take Korvo into court as the
only way she could keep her health.
She agreed.
She gave Korvo a week to return
the money before taking action.
He beat her up and threatened
to kill her. But she was determined.
She was going to notify
her daughter and a lawyer on Monday.
- Korvo killed her to avoid jail.
- (Phone rings)
Hold it a minute.
Sounds pretty solid to me.
Lieutenant Colton.
You have, eh?
Where is he?
OK, get over there.
I'll be right with you.
They've found Korvo.
You can come along if you want to.
In here, Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Colton, Homicide.
I'm Dr Wayne, house physician.
How long have you known
this patient, Doctor?
A year or so.
- He's David Korvo?
- That's right.
- I don't like to interfere, Doctor.
- Co right ahead.
- When was Mr Korvo operated on?
- 2pm yesterday.
That's about 16 hours ago.
You were present during the surgery?
I assisted Dr Winslow.
What surgery was done?
- Call bladder removal.
- How is he?
He'll be all right.
He let it go too long.
They usually do.
I advised him six months ago.
May I look at the chart?
- You're Dr Sutton, aren't you?
- Yes.
Thought I recognised you.
Cive Doctor the chart, Miss Eliot.
The fever's up.
This indicates an infection.
Yes, went up at night.
Had to do a lot of sewing inside,
it may be a stitch infection.
Penicillin ought to bring
that temperature down, few hours.
What's he getting?
Saline solution, intravenous.
He's kinda weak, lost a lot of blood.
Can't take food or water
for two days.
- Just wet his lips, Miss Carroll.
- Yes, Doctor.
Might I ask the reason
for these questions?
I'm checking
on Mr Korvo's whereabouts.
- Mm? When?
- Between nine and ten last night.
Cuess you found out.
Yes, guess we did.
- Thanks for the co-operation.
- Clad to be of any help.
There's something wrong with it.
There's something wrong
about what we saw at that hospital.
I know how you feel, Doctor.
I've had theories blow up in my face
kind of often.
I'd forget about Korvo and get
a lawyer for my wife if I were you.
It's not a theory, Lieutenant.
You'll get facts.
I didn't tell you half of them.
I don't care how, when or why,
but it's Korvo.
I put them in here myself.
(Door closes)
Miss Hall! Miss Hall,
where are the Randolph recordings?
I don't know, Doctor. You put them
away when you left for San Francisco.
Yes, that's right.
But they're not in here.
Anybody else know the combination?
- Miss Hall and my wife.
- Your wife?
Yes, she keeps her jewels in here.
- Did you open the safe, Miss Hall?
- No, Doctor, I did not.
How long have you worked
for Dr Sutton?
- Six years.
- She couldn't have taken them.
Try to remember. It's important.
- Did you move them?
- No, Doctor.
Did you ever hear what was on them?
No, I never heard
any of the recordings.
Dr Sutton ever tell you
what was on 'em?
No. Doctor never discusses
his patients with me.
You think I made it up.
You think there are no recordings.
You've got to believe me, Lieutenant!
Well, maybe they'll turn up.
I'd like to see the rest
of the house, if you don't mind.
Save me coming back.
This your wife's handwriting, Doctor?
Would you say
that was meant for you?
I don't know.
I'll take it along.
You'd better get yourself some sleep.
Well, I'll give you a ring
if I turn up anything new.
I'm Martin Avery, Dr Sutton's lawyer.
Lieutenant Colton.
Bill, you know how I feel.
Ann is like a sister to me.
I've just seen her.
I'm your friend
as well as your lawyer, Bill.
The situation may change
but right now...
well, it's very bad, Bill.
There's no use
beating around the bush.
Ann was not responsible. That's
our only and best defence, insanity.
The man Korvo drove her crazy.
We can prove this,
both medically and legally.
I know what a shock it must be to
have found out this thing about Ann.
Yes, it is a shock if it's true.
I'm afraid it is, Bill.
Of course, there's several angles.
She may have seen Korvo do the thing
and is trying to protect him.
Not much difference.
Or she may have been
taking treatments from the man.
The fellow's a hypnotist,
he may have hypnotised her, given her
a suggestion to kill the woman.
You can't make anyone act
under hypnosis
contrary to their strong
religious or moral convictions.
Unless she was jealous of the woman
and hated her... and he used that.
Yes, if she were jealous.
she loved him.
Sit down, Dr Sutton.
I'll try not to doze off
if you want to talk to me, Dr Sutton.
My fever's down,
back to 101, I think.
I'd give a lot for a sip of water.
Please sit down.
Easier for me to talk to you.
Police still holding Ann?
Stupid, arresting an innocent woman.
Medical chart meet
with your approval, Dr Sutton?
You were in great pain last night.
The notation of
an oversensitive nurse. A few spasms.
Does Ann know I'm here?
I don't know.
I meant to call her this morning
until I read the papers.
Rather, the nurse read them to me.
My eyes aren't focusing yet.
Typical police bungling,
the whole thing.
Ann isn't guilty.
What makes you certain?
The motive: Jealousy.
Completely stupid.
Ann wasn't jealous.
A few days ago in my apartment we
discussed Teri Randolph thoroughly.
My wife was never in your apartment.
If you insist.
What was said by you and my wife
about Mrs Randolph?
Wherever it was said.
I told Ann I was through with Teri
and she believed me.
A man of experience always knows
when a woman believes him.
She was all over her jealousy.
Oh... sorry.
It's hard to think.
Full of drugs.
I shouldn't have said that to you.
Why not?
Wrong to tell things to a husband.
What are you telling me?
Say it. Say it straight, Korvo.
I didn't know one had to blueprint
the facts of life for psychoanalysts.
You're lying.
You're not drugged, you're acting.
You want me to think Ann loved you.
You want me to believe it, don't you?
Don't you, you cheap rat?
Your bedside manner is a little odd,
even for a psychoanalyst.
Poor Ann, in jail...
in real danger,
and you bellowing
with wounded vanity.
If you can rid yourself
of some of your husbandly egomania,
maybe we can both help save her.
- What do you want?
- I'm Dr Sutton.
I was told
Lieutenant Colton was here.
- You'll have to wait downstairs.
- Let him in, Andy.
Nothing in any of these, Lieutenant.
Thought you'd be getting some sleep.
- Find anything?
- Nothing.
The fingerprints are all Korvo's.
Lot of correspondence, mostly bills.
Finally got a bite, Lieutenant.
(Colton) Looks like a woman's.
(Detective) Yeah.
Index, middle finger and thumb.
Looks like the lady was her,
all right.
Bring these to my office.
Keep looking.
Coming, Doctor?
Hello, Ann.
Come. Sit down.
Did you get any sleep, Ann?
I've talked it over with Bill and
we've decided on a line of procedure.
We'll plead not guilty
by reason of insanity.
Does Bill wants me put away
as a lunatic?
Is that the procedure?
Ann, we want to save you,
Bill as much as I.
We'll prove your relationship with
Korvo unbalanced you and drove you...
He had nothing to do with me.
He didn't unbalance me
or drive me to anything. Bill did!
I don't think there's any point
in my listening to this, Lieutenant.
No, don't listen to it.
Run away from the truth, as you have
ever since you married me.
I had to pretend I was healthy and
happy when I was sick and miserable.
Headaches, I couldn't sleep.
Afraid to tell you.
Afraid to lose your wonderful love.
Locked away in the characterisation
of a serene and devoted wife.
- Mr Korvo's diagnosis, I imagine?
- Yes, and he helped me sleep.
- By making love to you.
- I was never alone with him!
- You didn't visit his apartment?
- No, I refused, I didn't trust him.
Why do you stick to this story?
Ann, for your own sake, stop lying.
- I'm telling the truth!
- No, you're not.
I've been to his apartment.
You were there. There's proof.
You can't sit there and deny a love
affair that's known to everyone,
to the police, to me,
to a hundred witnesses.
You've made your choice,
you don't want my help.
I can't be of any more use here,
I'm sorry, Ann.
He'll be back.
No. He's gone.
He hates me now.
He doesn't hate you,
he's exhausted and miserable.
He was right.
I've been lying to him.
I can say it now
because it doesn't matter.
- I'll never see him again.
- Care to make a new statement?
- I'm entitled to hear it privately.
- That's up to her.
It doesn't matter.
I've brought him
such horrible troubles,
and I only wanted to love him.
My husband's a very nice man.
I don't think
there are any nicer or kinder.
It wasn't his fault.
It's the way I am.
I'm telling you all this
because it has something to do
with what happened to me.
I'm a thief.
I stole.
What did you steal, Mrs Sutton?
I stole.
It will be better if he divorces me.
He must. For his sake.
He can't be married to a thief!
I did it before, stole.
In school, when my father
wouldn't let me spend money.
And even after he'd died,
he'd tied it all up in a trust fund.
Thousands and thousands of dollars
but I could never have a new dress,
or have anything I wanted.
That's how I fooled my father,
by stealing.
He didn't love me.
He thought he did but he didn't.
Nobody ever caught me.
I thought it was over
when I left school and met Bill.
I wanted to tell him.
But I was afraid he couldn't
love anybody who'd done that.
I didn't tell him.
It came back!
Because he was like my father!
He treated me like my father did.
And I had to do it again.
I tried not to.
I couldn't sleep and got a pain
and had to do it again.
I stole a pin from a store.
The Wilshire Department Store.
- He saw me.
- Who?
He helped me get away
after they caught me.
And that began your relation
with Korvo?
I've told it!
Is there anything you wish to add,
Mrs Sutton?
Take her back now.
Well, Doc?
I don't know.
She may be telling the truth,
or laying the foundations
for an insanity plea.
She's telling the truth.
That gives us our first link
in Korvo's hold over her. Blackmail.
Quite a peculiar customer,
this Korvo.
(Door opens)
I'm Lieutenant Colton,
Homicide Bureau.
I saw you.
This morning, I think.
Feel like talking?
Not much.
I won't bother you too long, then.
How did you meet Mrs Sutton?
- I imagine she's told you.
- You tell me.
We're checking with
the Wiltshire Department Store,
so if it's true,
you might as well tell me.
It's true.
You saw her steal a pin
and helped her out?
That's right, Lieutenant.
I understand you had quite a talk
with her husband this morning.
Difficult conversation but civilised.
No blows struck.
Told all, eh?
Kind of let her down in a hurry.
I'm too adult to cover up
for that kind of woman.
What kind is that, Mr Korvo?
The disloyal wife.
Personally, I have nothing against
women betraying their husbands.
Even our government
is against monopoly.
I seem to have offended you.
I take it from your unpolicemanlike
blushes that you're...
a happily married man?
I was.
She died last month.
- Sorry.
- Call bladder operation like yours.
Only it didn't turn out so well.
From a lot of angles.
That operation of yours
saved you a lot of trouble.
- In what way, Lieutenant?
- You'd have made a good suspect.
Better than poor Ann?
I'll talk it over with you sometime
when you're feeling better.
Just a minute.
You made a startling accusation,
It's not fair to leave on that.
We hear you extorted $60,000
from Mrs Randolph.
She was threatening to pull you
into court to get it back.
You beat up Mrs Randolph,
threatened to kill her
if she exposed you as a trimmer.
She died just in time
for you to miss that.
May I ask who's responsible
for these rather stupid rumours?
Dr Sutton.
The husband of a woman
who seems to be guilty of murder?
- At least according to the police.
- Maybe he has evidence.
The recordings of Mrs Randolph's
analysis by Dr Sutton?
You know about that?
It's one of the latest wrinkles
in psychiatry,
wiretapping the subconscious.
The babblings of an elderly siren
being treated for mental disorders
are hardly evidence.
Even for a third degree, Lieutenant.
That's why you're here!
You've been listening to Mrs Randolph
accusing me from beyond the grave.
Why not let me hear the recordings?
I think I'm entitled to know
what else is in them, Lieutenant.
I have a certain standing
that might be ruined by...
What else is in them, Lieutenant?
I'll tell you some other time.
I don't want to tire you now.
Cood night, Mr Korvo.
I had to see you, Lieutenant.
They told me you'd gone home.
I was going to turn in. I'd advise
you to go home and do the same.
No, but this is important.
All right, come on in.
Kind of empty in here.
I usually go in the kitchen.
This afternoon,
after I walked out on Ann,
I began to think.
You know, it's curious when a husband
can ignore eight years of devotion
when a tiny suspicion
flies into his heart.
- It's tough when it happens, Doc.
- But it didn't happen, Lieutenant.
It's the first sane thought that's
come to me since this thing started.
A woman like Ann
doesn't change suddenly.
Some fingerprints
and a few odd circumstances
can't wipe out a woman's heart and
character as if they'd never existed.
It's hard for a man
to believe his wife...
But I'm not believing it.
I've got the key to it and I want you
to listen with an open mind.
All right.
We'll talk it over if you insist.
I'll make some coffee.
You saw me behave like a blind idiot
this afternoon.
I'm supposed to have a brain,
a training,
a science for helping people.
I was sounding off,
attacking a woman that's consciously
never done a wrong thing.
- You've got to believe me.
- I'm listening.
When we found the recordings gone
from my office,
I knew who had taken them.
I couldn't bear to tell you.
Ann. No-one else
could have taken them.
I didn't tell you because it meant
she had stolen them to protect Korvo.
Consciously stolen them for him.
That's what I thought.
All the more reason for thinking
so now. She admits being a thief.
That's the point.
Avery told me what she said
after I left, her kleptomania.
It's probably a neurosis
from her childhood, I'm not sure,
and it'll take time to straighten her
out, but now that I know,
I've got lots of time, nothing
but time as soon as she gets home.
Her getting home is something
I wouldn't bank on too much, Doctor.
He couldn't make her steal
under hypnosis
unless she was already a thief.
He made her steal the records and
go to Mrs Randolph's under hypnosis
and be found with the dead woman.
It would make a good defence if we
could figure out who did the killing.
- Korvo.
- Wait a minute, Doctor.
I'd go along with you
but his alibi's solid.
I tell you, it was Korvo!
You're butting your head
against a stone wall.
I don't like him either
but he's accounted for. You saw him.
He's not accounted for.
His alibi stinks to high heaven!
Here, I brought this
out of my files for you.
It's a UP story under a Hamburg
dateline from December 10th, 1948,
absolutely authenticated.
Dr Theodore Hhr, a surgeon, operated
on himself under self-hypnosis.
Removed his appendix in an operation
that took four and a half hours.
He got up and went to work for the
rest of the day. No pain, no shock.
I can't go along with this, Doctor.
I tell you! Korvo hypnotised himself
and slipped out of the hospital,
and killed Mrs Randolph
as he'd threatened to do.
Then he came back,
his fever was up to 104.
The chart showed a sudden rise.
You're not helping your wife any
with these loony theories, Doctor.
I happen to know what
a gall bladder operation is like.
- Lieutenant, I'd like one favour.
- Can't do favours in a murder case.
- Ann can solve the case.
- I'll let her work on it tomorrow.
The solution is hidden in her brain,
and I can bring it out.
Let me take her
to Mrs Randolph's house.
- Her memory can be awakened...
- Enough theories, I'm tired.
There's a good chance I can get her
to retrace her movements,
tell us where the recordings are,
Korvo's orders. It can be done!
I have to do things my own way.
This is a special case, my wife...
There's nothing special
about your wife
any more than anybody else
mixed up in a murder case.
I've given you all the breaks I can.
- It means nothing, what I've said?
- Not a thing.
You won't take us there?
No chance. I'm not gonna
make a fool of myself
listening to
a punchy psychoanalyst.
I guess I'm the fool,
twice in one day.
I can't expect you to see Ann
with my eyes.
She's my wife, not yours.
Sorry to have bothered you.
See you tomorrow.
Daisy tells me the police were here
this morning.
It's a shame to bother you
when you're so sick.
That's the way the police are,
always walk right in.
I knew Mrs Randolph rather well.
Yes, the girls were saying...
What were the girls saying?
There's a big new story in the papers
about the police suspecting
somebody besides Mrs Sutton.
- Who?
- They don't give any names,
but it seems the recording's of Mrs
Randolph's accusing somebody.
They say these recordings
would show who the murderer was,
no matter what alibi he has.
And they're hunting all over town
for them.
- Who's hunting?
- The police.
They say a new arrest will be made
as soon as they find the recordings.
There. I think you'll sleep tonight.
In case you don't, Miss Carol
is on the floor, she has the pills.
Tell her not to disturb me, please.
Want your light out, Mr Korvo?
Yes, I just want to sleep.
- Cood night, Mr Korvo.
- Cood night.
I'm going into a deep trance.
All pain is leaving me.
I'm getting stronger, stronger.
There is no pain.
The pain is gone.
It doesn't hurt me.
Nothing hurts me.
I can move without pain.
I can walk.
I'm strong.
I'm able to do what I want.
It doesn't hurt.
I can walk.
Colton talking. Who's this?
Listen, Andy,
get Mrs Sutton down to my office.
I'll be there in 15 minutes.
And what's Dr Sutton's number?
'Analysis: Mrs Theresa Randolph,
9th week, June 1st, 1949.'
(Randolph) 'I have so much
to tell you, Dr Sutton.'
'I saw David.'
(Sutton) 'I'm glad you did.'
(Randolph) 'I faced him.'
'He insisted on meeting me
at the Creen Star Motel.'
'We used to meet there
at the beginning.'
'He thought... '
'lt's all right, Mrs Randolph,
I can imagine what he thought.'
(Randolph) 'He came in beaming.'
'He put his arms around me
and started to make love to me.'
'I said to him "David, stop that,
you're ridiculous."'
'He kept trying to kiss me.
I laughed at him.'
'He stood pouting like an idiot.'
'I felt strong, Doctor,
and cleansed.'
'I could feel him out of my nerves,
out of my skin.'
'Even his voice.'
'Lt used to thrill me so.'
'Lt sounded stupid.'
'Did you tell him your plan? '
(Randolph) 'Yes, yes I told him.'
'I told him he had until Monday,
not one day longer.'
'Then I was writing
my daughter's guardian the full story
and going to my lawyer on Monday,
and that I wasn't afraid
to face what I'd done.'
(Sutton) 'Wouldn't you be more
comfortable if you removed your hat? '
(Randolph) 'I can't.'
(Sutton) 'Why not? '
(Randolph) 'I'm so ashamed.'
'I hoped
I wouldn't have to tell you.'
'But I will.'
'He beat me. He hit my face.'
(Car approaches)
'The hat hides the bruises.'
'He said he'd kill me before Monday
unless I changed my mind."
'The motel owner
really saved my life! '
Bill, I...
I can't remember anything.
I'm trying, but I can't.
You're resisting me.
You could tell me if you want to.
- I do want to.
- No.
You've always had to hide the truth
from me.
Your mind does it out of long habit.
But you know the truth now.
I'm not hiding any more.
I'm trying to remember.
When did you first
steal something?
Please tell me.
In school.
Several times.
When we married, I insisted you start
with me as a poor doctor's wife,
that you don't spend your own money.
That brought back the neurosis.
My acting like your father
made you steal again.
You hate me.
You can't love a thief.
You're not a thief.
You're someone I've injured
by being blind.
And I'll cure you, Ann.
It might take some time,
but if you'll trust me now.
Oh, I will.
I love you.
I don't like to interrupt, Doctor,
but I'm here as a police officer,
not a chaperon.
If your wife can't remember,
we might as well call it off.
She'll remember.
You don't have to hide anything
from me ever again.
There's something in my mind
that's stopping me from...
Korvo ordered you to forget.
He placed it in your mind
while you were under hypnosis.
You're obeying his order.
Don't obey him any more, Ann.
I remember.
The fireplace.
The log fell.
I put it back.
You're right.
He made me come here.
I remember.
He must have made me do things,
horrible things!
He made you do nothing horrible.
- Darling, try to remember, for me.
- I don't think it's going to work.
Yes. Wait!
I remember.
She was sitting here.
Her head was hanging down.
I touched her face.
Before you came here,
you went to my office. Remember?
I opened the safe.
To take something out.
The Randolph recordings.
Where did you take them?
- I hid them.
- Where?
- I don't know.
- Yes, you do.
Oh, Bill, I'm not lying!
I'll never lie any more.
You'll never have to, I won't
make you. I love you as you are.
Bill, I... I put them away.
In a closet.
In this house.
When I came in, I remember...
I moved them from one hand
to the other to open a door.
Yes, that door! I put them in there!
Bill, I... I'm frightened.
You're tired. When we get home,
we'll go away for a trip.
Nothing in here, Doctor.
A lot of coats hanging,
no sign of any records.
They must be there!
I put them on a shelf,
under the shelf paper.
I know she's telling the truth.
They must be there.
Don't move, Ann.
When they come back,
tell them the records are upstairs
in one of the bedrooms.
I can get away if you do that.
Otherwise, I shall have to shoot.
Please believe what I'm saying.
And don't rely on my sanity.
Send them upstairs.
If I get away, no-one will be killed.
(Door closes)
Ann, the records are not
in the closet.
- I want you to try remembering...
- She looks tired. We can come back.
- Her memory's working.
- It will work in the morning, too.
Yes, tomorrow.
You promised me an hour.
If she can't tell us any more,
we'll search the house.
Oh, Bill!
- I remember now!
- What?
- You took the recordings upstairs?
- Yes, to a bedroom.
- Are you certain?
- Yes, in a closet, on the shelf.
- We'll have a look.
- Bill, I'm lying!
I can't lie to you any more!
They're not upstairs.
He's here! He's hiding there!
Don't move your hand, Lieutenant.
I'll shoot.
Stand still.
The records you're looking for
are in a very natural place.
On the phonograph.
I found them somewhat amusing.
'I didn't see him after this.'
- They'll entertain you, I hope.
- 'But he telephoned me.'
- During my departure.
- 'He woke me in the night.'
'He said "I'm not pretending, Teri.
I will kill you if you force me to."'
"'Nobody'll know who did it."'
- Don't move.
- 'Then he denounced you, Dr Sutton.'
You're bleeding to death, Korvo.
'He said he hated you and you were
responsible for everything.'
Stay there.
- (Sobs) 'And I said "Yes!"'
- You'd better let us help you.
- "'Dr Sutton gave me strength...
- Stand back!
...to live as a human being."'
You're too clever for this, Korvo.
You know you can't get away.
I've done many things
too clever for you to understand.
- I've over looked nothing.
- You'll never make it.
'He's evil and dangerous.
I'm terrified! '
I'm afraid you're right.
Tonight, I was a bit stupid.
I'll pass Mrs Sutton over
to your custody, Doctor.
Emergency desk, please.
Nice to have a wife come home to you.
Hello, Lieutenant Colton
Send an ambulance to
1400 Kenyon Drive to pick up a body.