Whirlwind (2007)

- There.
- What happened?
I made him take his foot bed.
- You're terrible.
- Is his problem.
Anyway, he should tell his wife.
It is incredible.
Broad shoulders, shelves ...
A cannon.
- You'll recall?
- No.
He is married.
No, I do not want him to ideas.
- I do not believe it.
- You do not kill, Des.
We rowed for a date, and you,
you throw like handkerchiefs.
It is true that it is not bad.
I did not need to know.
Mick, I have told you a thousand
times, but it tastes.
How quickly you become leader?
- A few years. Why?
- I should try.
I thought you liked your job.
Yeah, but this is what
I want to do.
I've heard that.
I should do something more
exciting or creative.
For your last job you wanted
more stability.
Before resigning, Sean and
I would like you help us.
We'll buy a flat.
Well, when did you decide that?
A few days ago.
The contract ends in a month,
I think it's time.
That's cool.
- All-You must be crazy.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I just fear not being
able to afford it.
This will be achieved.
I know.
- Provided that it is not tiny.
- So, JD?
I take care of rentals,
not sales.
- But I will find out.
- As long as it is economic.
Or barter.
I am willing to prostitute
myself to your cause.
Fun, but a flat barter
for genital warts?
I see.
Mick, just for that, I will
not do the dishes.
You can cook yourself next time.
More minute.
I'm in no hurry.
You're past the dry cleaners?
I'd do it tomorrow.
You realize that it's
been three years?
Not bad, eh?
- Do you believe ...
- What?
What you could you hurry?
I brush my teeth.
So that's it?
It takes time to perfect.
- I know what are your favorite.
- You're awesome.
Remind me never to get you out.
- No kids in fine restaurants?
- You do nothing else.
And then? There were?
Your mother.
Where is the cellophane?
You do not think it's time?
I think he would have liked
it happens to you.
This is not so simple.
- I have errands to run. At all.
- Wait.
- Hey, Desmond, right?
- Yes.
It was seen in Panache
a month ago.
- Ah, yes.
- You never recalled.
Sorry ...
I was overloaded. You know that.
Yeah. It was hot that night.
It's true.
- We should do it again.
- You read my thoughts.
- Here's my number, again.
- I would use it.
You can choose the restaurant.
- For dinner.
- Sure. Obviously.
- See you then.
- Sure.
- Look at that.
- Hi.
You're too cute.
I love these toasts.
- You thought it was for you?
- It would be better.
Listen, I know you've always
wanted to go to Aruba
and yesterday I found
a cheap flight.
Should be set aside.
It looks cool, but should rather
save for the apartment.
But we can continue
to have fun, right?
We'll have to tighten
their belts a bit.
I make an appointment
for a few visits.
- Ever?
- Just to see.
It would not hurt.
Tomorrow after work,
for example?
I thought we could see a show.
I am anxious to do it. Not you?
- Yeah.
- Super.
Why is the sexiest
who pays for sex?
Not listen? He said ...
In short, continues to smoke.
About, rotate, selfish.
- I get you something?
- Him.
After me.
- JD was first.
- You bring me a beer?
- I heard you.
- This is the beginning
of the end for you.
What does it mean?
You buy an apartment,
then you take a dog,
then you adopt a kid so cute
in a poor country ...
You ought to make T-shirts
awarded for your holiday.
Buy an apartment, it
just buy a flat.
Our apartment.
It will make you the
best parties.
- In your dreams.
- Shut up, you hear nothing.
Thank you.
You have brought the
drugs work, Des?
I'm not as anti-allergy tablets.
I want some too.
- What is love you?
- Something nice.
A movie is fun.
You know really fun, you.
No, I watch a movie
with the guys.
Saturday night?
- In fact ...
- Fiona is me.
- Nothing, relaxed with these hopeless.
- The what?
These rabbit and Mick.
What's New?
You play?
Of course, here we go!
Yes, all of us.
I speak for them, they are drunk.
I am the designated organizer.
We'll be there.
Ok, we remember later.
Why you said nothing
of the show?
- It has been very bad.
- Putting it mildly.
Let's go. It might be okay.
- Ok it was not terrible.
- You owe me a.
I thought my head would explode.
- It was bad.
- At least we have a party.
You look like little old.
- And this show?
- Fun for coming.
- I had something to do.
- Someone to make you.
Thank you very much for coming!
- Mom Congratulations.
- That's nice.
- You have been fantastic.
- Yes.
- Des, what do you prefer?
- All his interventions.
Stop, it was shabby,
and you know it.
But we are offered one evening.
- Ladies.
- Hi.
Was horribly invalid, but
you were beautiful.
Thank you.
- It bathes, Renee?
- Not in alcohol.
Where is the bar?
Is the star.
- And my favorite nephew?
- I'm fine. And you?
We discover new ailments
every day.
- Getting old is no picnic.
- Owen, okay.
- Then, more than a month?
- What is it?
- No, nothing.
- What a liar!
Next month, my uncle and
his lovely boyfriend
will celebrate their 25th anniversary
of living together.
- No kidding!
- Fantastic!
What will you do?
- Not much.
- What? Why not?
It does not really where
throwing a party.
It's small home. We dine out.
- You must have a party.
- It would be nice, Robert.
Come with me.
- Really?
- Sure.
I give him a hand.
Do not worry about it.
- You deserve it.
- I'll cook.
I assist you.
It's so nice that I do
not know what to say.
Thank you.
It goes straight to the heart.
We will use a glass.
It will be like them one day?
No. We do casera that much.
- Pardon?
- You're so gullible ...
Fiona, I'm sorry I
cut your reply.
Do not worry. Nobody noticed.
I know, but I apologize.
Let me introduce my friends.
Here is Lauren.
- Good job, congratulations.
- Not really, but thank you.
Your dress was beautiful.
- Yes, I always wanted to fly.
- Like him.
- Who is it?
- My friend, Drake.
- I should show it to you.
- Totally agreed.
And before me, I see the
biggest cock in my life.
Imagine a net full
of oranges ...
- Damn ...
- What did you do?
I wish I could say I met the challenge,
but I preferred to leave.
Thank you, Lauren, to take me to the
public in the middle of this story.
Okay, they have e
perienced similar.
Below Drake, Adam and Wayne.
And you will have to make,
I do not know your names.
I hope you got at least
some gossip about them.
Do not worry, there
are plenty here.
Incidentally, the guy with the huge dick ...
You have his number?
- Are you coming?
- I'm coming.
You're still in ponytails?
They said they would
be back soon.
- Damage.
- But we should reconsider.
- With pleasure.
- Pass Sunday, dinner at home.
I'd love to.
It will be nice.
A question you always
eat so well?
- When Mick kitchen.
- I sit.
- Me too.
- Good.
The vacuum cleaner for you,
and you, the windows.
I tasted lots of heads,
but that's something.
You have tasted a lot of heads?
I had my hand, yes.
I meetings as an
event organizer.
It looks great.
I probably should ...
When did you start?
After college, back
in New England.
And then I changed.
But it's a boring story.
How did you hear about us?
In sex clubs and
private parties.
In fact, our uncle and his
buddy ran a restaurant,
and they have presented.
I know that idiot
from high school.
Idiot? Listen to me.
Once Desmond was invited to
a reception at his teacher,
and she was caught sucking
her husband.
- You do not do that ...
- What has happened?
He has never returned
to the course.
Because I was a gentleman.
In addition, it is not me who was
nicknamed by alcohol abuse.
One night, he whistled two bottles
of Jack Daniels himself.
You had to be easy prey,
that evening.
JD comes from "Just Delicious".
Love you much.
Before I forget, Drake,
you would know a florist cheap?
We organized a party
for my uncle.
I could not tell you how
pleased they are.
Since when are they together?
- They are celebrating their 25 years together.
- 25!
- It's great.
- Yeah.
It's been years of infidelity.
- What?
- The gays are wrong,
it is known.
Okay, just kidding.
- What gym you frequent?
- Midtown.
We could train together?
You never go in a box?
- No.
- Sure, sometimes.
Good. It would make one.
- Drake.
- Oh, I'm listening.
Really, I adore you,
but you're spoiled.
How many times I asked
you to find me a guy?
- Too many times.
- And where is he?
- We need the right kind.
- No.
We must find a guy and
bring him right here.
- I call on the army.
- Thank you. A man organized!
Mick, you've hardly said anything.
Who is the lucky guy
in your life?
I do not go with anyone.
Why not?
So! Who wants a drink?
- Yes.
- Me too.
- We turn back one.
- Totally agree.
- It kills his mother.
- Yeah. I'm torn.
Try not to enjoy it.
You have the desire to make.
Who wants to go out?
I think I'll stay.
I could go out.
I want to know everything.
- Bad.
- In detail, or it will hurt.
It works.
It was so nice.
It was good, yes.
These are too funny!
I have not stopped laughing.
Are you sure it was not
the firecracker?
No. But this is not serious.
Drake wants to train with me.
Really? And it tells you?
If it's serious, why not.
We'll see.
Not so fast.
I am always ready first.
You have nothing else to do.
I guess it can wait.
Want some?
- What is happening with Mick?
- Do not worry.
He is ...
Forget it.
As if I had insulted his mother.
It is because of me?
Not Forget ....
I felt bad.
Her man has been dead two years ago,
and he does is not delivered.
He died of what?
In a car accident.
Do not take it for you.
Since when they come together,
Sean and Bobby?
Two years.
They are monogamous?
- Why? They interest you?
- No, I was wondering.
You know how it goes.
Well, the next.
Yes, on the table.
You've exhausted.
It was beastly.
- In one week, same time?
- Yes.
- It's what happens with Sean?
- Okay.
We'll buy a flat.
I heard that. It's crazy.
I do not know anyone who would
be willing to take that risk.
You know, we argue, is
broken, it's normal.
No, we're ready.
- You're fun, and you From?
- Yep, it was nice.
- You revisit?
- No.
- It looked like ...
- It's not serious.
You have forgotten how are the
guys after all this time.
You've never been in
a relationship?
It did not work.
So you're not interested Des.
As I said, it is not serious.
"Not serious"?
You're lucky, it is too good.
We should know, he
has a big dick?
- Fairly large.
- For you?
This must be a monster.
Shut up, you're jealous.
- I tell Mick.
- It will tell you
that is stupid.
I hope he will recover
a little out.
We must do something.
When we talk,
You should really think
about it life.
I'm soon to go then back
on the evening.
When decorating you thought?
Owen loves flowers.
We could put rows of lilies.
It's a birthday, not a marriage.
- Or a funeral.
- Find something else.
- And the drinks?
- A cascade of strong alcohol.
- A coffee to go?
- Yes.
Thank you.
It's good to see you.
And that one? "F2 in the west."
- That's a lot of money.
- We find nothing underneath.
Enough to buy three
homes elsewhere.
You really want to live
anywhere else?
You really want to eat hamburgers
throughout your life?
- You okay?
- We make the advertisements.
That sounds exciting.
Come tonight, he is
a party in a box.
I would love,
but we must do the housework
and complete records.
I'll forget that you said that.
- I'll see what I can do.
- Cool. See you later.
- Look ...
- It was Drake.
He invites us to
a party tonight.
- It was ...
- I know, but it looks great.
- We must take care of the paperwork.
- It can wait.
I really want.
- Well, but we will advance tomorrow.
- Well, sir.
I call the guys.
Here we go.
- Let's dance.
- No.
- Go.
- No, but c'mon, you.
- There is a lot of guys here, huh?
- But I do not see a single man.
- You want another?
- Thank you.
- Hi. Want to dance?
- No, thank you.
Are you sure?
It's hot. For me?
- For Mick, but I do not see him.
- In this case ...
- Sean seems to have some fun.
- It's true.
That you are missing
out on celibacy?
Not really. Why?
You would have much success.
They'll ogle all.
I'm happy with what I have.
You're lucky.
Thanks for the drink.
- Hi. This is for you.
- Thank you.
You often come here?
Not bad.
Especially for the room.
Most of these guys are stupid.
I had not noticed.
Desmond told me that
your man had died.
- Really?
- Yes. I'm sorry.
He said it's been a long time.
You do not see anyone?
I do not talk.
Okay. Sorry.
But it's been a while, right?
You end up relying.
Have you ever lost
someone you loved?
Then you should know we do
not say these things.
- Are you ready to dance now?
- No.
- A pipe, then?
- Fuck you!
Your buddies said you
wanted to share.
- Who told you that?
- The guys on the track.
- I go, I have a headache.
- Well, I'll tell the guys.
Shall we?
Already? It is too early.
Come, have fun.
- I'm tired. Shall we?
- A little later, okay?
Yes. It's crazy here.
I'm going to the toilet.
I come back.
At all.
- I saw you talking to this guy.
- Yeah.
- You'll go with him?
- Maybe.
- Would you rather go with me?
- Maybe.
What a bastard!
- Is everything okay?
- It was fine.
- Pardon?
- No, it has nothing
to do with you.
Want to dance?
You know what? Get out of here?
- You're fast.
- You have the rhythm?
Go, do not be like that.
I wanted to go for an hour.
- You made faces, admit it.
- It is not that.
We can not always do
the same thing.
We're going to bed?
- I want to listen to music.
- It is late.
And this! You want some?
Have fun.
Not funny.
- You have terrible hands.
- It's what I said.
Then I cash.
- I have a little business on the 13th.
- Sympa.
- My sister is a physiotherapist.
- I do not remember
your sister ...
No. You've got one bigger.
Emerges immediately.
- Not until you have not finished.
- And if I finish it?
Get ready for retaliation.
It looks nice. Like what?
There holds up my spine.
- Why this one?
- Owen loves it.
And this one, Sean?
- You still have the hangover?
- Maybe.
- It is no longer drinking?
- It is returned late yesterday.
It was great, we danced
for hours.
Yeah, it was deadly.
"Fatal", eh?
- You have busted?
- Some yes.
- Of course.
- And Drake.
He headed the guy Desmond?
It did not bother Des.
He went with someone else.
- I saw you with a guy.
- It was nothing.
- He was interested.
- You bet. This club is a mess.
It looks terrible.
Tons of guns trying to kiss.
How horrible!
You were lucky, JD?
I talked with some guys.
I would not be fit yesterday.
I should cut my hair?
They were all short.
Do not do it for them,
you do not want.
You, maybe.
And this one?
- No.
- My God, my head!
You know what you need?
I adore you.
Sorry I'm late. ... I missed
Fortunately, I hurried back.
You do not come here
for our coffee.
Especially since he is
facing this franchise.
But you come every day.
I wonder why.
The coffee is good.
You're cute when you lie.
Hold. It is for me.
Thank you.
My ears were whistling
for two days.
- It was the big party.
- And there was the choice.
True enough.
It does not bother
thee, is it not?
I can not complain.
There is peace?
- What was that Mick?
- An evening at the restaurant.
- And Bobby?
- It has customers
tomorrow morning.
- It's not an excuse.
- He works hard.
He goes to bed early.
- What do you want?
- I do not know, I go with you.
A scotch.
- Not bad.
- That's my style.
Mine too.
- Why not?
- It just seems that ...
you're looking for
guys who want ...
The huts are looking huts.
Simple as that.
Thank you.
I can not get a hit?
- It's not that ...
- You might just as well.
You see? Thanks.
Not enough.
With other clothes and some weight
training, you will be mortal.
I see.
I'll put music.
JD ...
- Was really necessary?
- Was a suggestion.
JD lack a bit of confidence sometimes.
You should soften
your suggestions.
How goes the search
for apartment?
It makes me tired a bit.
I can be frank with you?
- Go ahead.
- You're not the kind
you put them.
I know that loves you partying.
Are you sure you're ready?
Without wishing to interfere ...
No, that's good.
I'm not 100% sure.
Everything is going very fast.
- Bobby look convinced.
- He only talks about it.
Looks like he does what he wants without
thinking too much about you.
No, that's not it.
I want this room too, but ...
Is cumbersome, of course.
Do nothing that you're not sure.
You'll end up knowing.
You must have better things to
do than listen to me complain.
I'll see if JD is fine.
- What are you doing?
- What?
What are you doing?
I discuss it all.
There is no worries.
- Because you say that ...
- No worries.
The film we wanted to see
released this week.
Prices have increased.
This is perhaps not
the right time.
The market is favorable.
- We have no better ...
- I do not mean the market
but us.
What do you mean?
For work, our lives ...
I do not know.
You were quite hence before.
- You have told me.
- I know.
So what?
I do not know. Nothing.
I think that is what
we should do.
- But if you ...
- I must be tired.
Never mind.
You have three new messages.
- First message
- Louis.
Your messages have been deleted.
- Yes?
- It's JD.
I need advice on wine that
will be on the menu.
Not bad, eh?
It does not?
It's a bit too much for you.
No, Drake is the kind of
stuff all the time.
It does not suit me?
No, it's not like you.
This is Desmond, not to
Drake that you please.
Yes, but it will not affect my
opinion on your dress sense.
Of course it does.
At the slightest change
you make fun of me.
- It's not that, but ...
- Keep it for yourself.
You plunge.
We'll talk about wine.
It was great.
In fact, I can not wait
to get to Wednesday.
It's nice to train with someone.
- Sorry.
- I do not ...
It's my fault, I had
the wrong idea.
- It's okay.
- Okay. You gonna say what?
You and Sean ...
You do not seem to be on
the same wavelength.
You do not want the same thing.
I thought we had connected.
I hope you'll soon forget it.
It's good.
- Is everything okay?
- Yes, everything is fine.
- Sorry.
- Quiet.
See you later.
Who will come in the family?
- And those who have not responded?
- Here.
The last one said yes, actually.
Mick, you pass me the dumplings?
What's wrong?
Guys, we finish it?
- There are more important things.
- As your clothes?
- You do not like what I wear?
- It's not serious.
Mick and the menu?
It made me look good.
- We could change things?
- What?
Instead of asparagus, you could make your pumpkin?
It's delicious.
The dishes and accompaniments
are complementary.
The fish is too risky.
People do not like too much.
You know what, forget it.
You can fend for themselves.
- Cook yourself.
- You do not mean ...
And you can shut up about me.
It is so serious you have
talked to John Drake?
It does not concern him.
Sorry, but this is not the biggest
secret in the world.
It is time to move on, admit it.
Not bad, from Mr. Blow-a-night.
- Guys ...
- No! Enough!
We all know.
I do not speak of your
business to others.
And I am not come to lynch
me by my friends.
You never loved anyone
more than one night,
and it is you who will tell me
it is time to turn the page?
I will turn the page
when I have decided.
I order pizza for the evening?
It was super nice.
I do not know what
happens to them.
- And you?
- Me?
You were very remote.
I was busy.
There was not much time.
I know.
But I feel it is time we ...
I think we should leave.
Well, I talk to guys.
To dance? Drink?
Just you and myself.
Oh, okay.
They say on Friday?
We will discover a new
box with Drake.
- You can do it again.
- But we expected ...
You have planned ...
Should we spend time together.
- I understand, but I say ...
- Wait.
It's good to get out a bit.
Guys are so uptight ...
- Why?
- This must be the anniversary.
They poked fun at
my new clothes.
Your clothes?
What do you say?
I think you hit.
Thank you.
- They put you down too.
- No, you think?
Like the other night when you
spoke of your kind of guys.
You can be whoever you want.
- That's what I think.
- Life is too short.
You gotta do what you want.
I've thought a lot.
... My work so bored
- Loose it.
- Yeah.
How long it will take you to do
what you've always dreamed of?
Ten years? If you're lucky.
You choose wrong, you crazy your life
away, and he left to do is nothing.
No one.
We need you to do. Now.
The others I never
speak like that.
- I control everything, and my life ...
- That's it! It's you.
All-control "is what
you are now.
- We should call you "TC."
- Very funny.
- So?
- Seriously?
Yeah. Yeah!
Yeah, I feel good.
- TC.
- Yeah, TC.
It feels good to be with you.
It's true. I'm glad we came out.
So do I.
You always have such strange
ideas about the apartment?
Odd? I think it's pretty normal.
You did not have them before.
That does not mean
they are weird.
I chose my words poorly.
I do not want to make a decision,
if it is not safe.
If you are not sure.
- Where is the difference?
- There is a big difference.
If you're not on the
same wavelength ...
Okay, homos?
Desmond is outside, on the
phone with a victory.
What are you doing here?
I told him to go after dinner.
It does not matter, after, right?
You can go find that box.
It was supposed to be
an intimate evening.
- I can go.
- You're already there.
- There was no plan, no?
- It has none.
Why not enjoy and have fun?
Sorry, it's my fault.
I'll do it.
- Where is Mick?
- Angry with Desmond, I guess.
- They have not discussed?
- I guess not.
Bobby, you come in box?
- I do not think so.
- Need we're celebrating it.
I dropped my job today.
What? Why?
My new self is preparing
for a new life.
You always say that I'm making
decisions, then that's it.
- You found something?
- No, but it will come.
Something much better real estate agent.
It must.
It is a bad idea, JD.
Call me TC.
All-control "is me.
You're not serious.
My new me wants to go dancing.
Come, Bobby.
We Gon.
You have come, great.
Where is Mick?
He is angry because you
spoke to her ex.
You do not say it was taboo.
He has to relax.
It is a difficult step to cross.
- I'm going to shoot me a drink.
- I'll follow you.
- Look who that is.
- Hi.
I feel I see you again.
- Cool.
- You have given more news.
I know. I was very busy.
Fortunately, I'm not vindictive.
I offer you a drink?
- Have you seen Bobby?
- I think he's gone.
Shit. When?
- I'm going.
- No, finish your drink.
If he just let go as we ...
As before.
Things change.
But you can not control it,
he does what he wants.
Think there are a bunch of guys
who would go out with you.
You have the choice, that's all.
- Okay.
- Good luck.
You have a plan for tonight?
Well, I think it is
there, my plan.
- Your friend has a problem?
- No, it is just too
much sometimes.
He forces too.
I help you?
It's so nice to bring
someone intoxicated.
I see.
- What are you doing?
- It is time, let's go.
Let me go, okay!
- Here we go.
- Go.
- The handsome, Des met!
- That's me.
He's cute ...
You should go out with him.
- He has good taste.
- Really?
It's nice to lending
me your DVDs.
We need to talk.
- Why do you play with them?
- With whom?
You know who I mean.
I try to be nice.
We really need to back
through here?
How do you annoy people to
take revenge on Kyle?
I told you never talk to me.
I know it has been hard.
He left with your best
friend is rotten.
But it will destroy you if
you do not turn your page.
- Attention, JD.
- Sit down.
- My God ...
- I have done my good
deed for the day.
- It should not come here.
- It does not matter. Okay?
I hope he has a great hangover.
There are few people who would
have helped me like that.
I know how to compensate.
Listen, I want to be clear.
I ...
Thank you for the massage
the other night.
Okay.'s When you want.
Confused by what?
It was a little freaked
out, but that's all.
If it does not prepare
dinner, we must know.
- There is only one week.
- Yes, but he did not call back.
He wants to worry perhaps.
It's okay, I'll deal.
Good. where are the calls?
The list of Desmond.
They will not come for most.
For the most?
It's a bit confusing.
You probably should stop
out and get loaded.
- It is you who is gone.
- You have not noticed.
Mom and Dad argue.
- If you need help ...
- No, that's fine.
- Bobby, Uncle Robert will be ...
- ira.
Yes, everything is going
very well happen.
- It was really necessary?
- JD and Des And ask to dinner?
I have already said they
had no plans, so ...
I need to call Mick.
- Hi.
- God thank you, you're there.
Please, tell me you always
come to the party.
I do not know.
Desmond was wrong to
speak at Drake.
He has done much the last con.
But it needs you.
You're the best chef
in the world.
I think about it.
It will suck up all for today.
See you at home tomorrow.
Will you come?
Okay. I'll call you later.
How are you?
I can not complain. What's New?
You want to go out tonight?
No. I have a thing to be done.
Good. I was hoping we could ...
I gotta go. We remember.
- Yes?
- You do not look cheerful.
Hello. Sorry.
I have tired of the organization
of the dinner,
and Bobby did not let
go of the day.
You need to decompress.
Come on, we'll have a drink.
I'd love to, but I really
have finished it.
It will eventually happen.
I invite you to the first glass.
And shit. Where?
- Where you going?
- I digress slightly.
Are you kidding?
You bump tomorrow, and you've
got to do the dishes.
Later, okay?
What happens?
Just because we grow old
we must play the old.
What does it mean?
It is not Robert and Owen.
I need to get out.
Sean? Wait.
You hate to remind people, eh?
- Hi, Louis.
- I thought of you.
That's cool. Thank you.
Above all, cover your joy.
- Sorry, is that I work.
- I make you walk.
But it's true, I thought of you.
I wondered if you wanted
it is found.
We could have fun while
sitting for work.
- What time do you get?
- I was thinking out.
I'll take dinner, and we
learn about each other.
I'm busy this week.
So, this weekend?
I'll have to check.
You do not want to
know me, right?
- No, that's not it.
- So what?
Because ...
What you thought when
you slept together?
I thought I was interested,
we started something.
It was just sex, Louis.
I see.
I guess I've misjudged.
Sorry to make you
waste your time.
Louis ...
Then it got completely crushed
before Fiona and Renee.
It is supposed to help
me, do me a hard time.
Thank you.
- I thought we came out.
- One more, and here we go.
I'm getting drunk.
It should not do that
to you before others.
This is what I say!
He knows I'm overwhelmed
right now.
Looks like he is selfish.
Yeah ...
No. Finally, who knows?
I'm tired of his headaches.
My God, I can not
stop complaining.
It happens to you with
your friends?
When they start to annoy
me, I get rid of.
- No more?
- Course.
I can not let someone
run my life.
This happens to me ...
I am going.
You said it.
That is all that awaits me.
No way. You're young.
Not really.
I can not ever again.
I do not want to end up
like these frustrated
who can not maintain
their relationship.
But get me ...
a whole new world.
It depends on what you want.
I feel stupid.
I do not know why he wants
to stay with me.
You're talking nonsense.
You are intelligent,
funny, beautiful.
Everybody knows.
You just enjoy life.
Enjoy it thoroughly.
Enjoy it thoroughly.
If only ...
It's good.
Bobby ...
Enjoy thoroughly.
Stand up, you'll be
late for work.
I'm not going.
The hangover?
- You do not look well.
- Yeah.
Thank you for coming.
I do it for Robert and Owen.
You okay?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Forget fast.
At 20:30, they will all be there.
At 21:30, Fiona will
deliver his speech.
When do we put the music?
When people begin to arrive.
And for dancing, after
the speech, no?
It is in a meeting, or what?
Yes, sorry. You were saying?
- Music.
- Yes, anyone.
What's the matter?
You can advise me?
- Sure.
- What is it?
Do not hate me.
- I slept with Drake yesterday.
- What?
I know.
Bobby is what you better.
You want to fuck everything up?
- He knows
- No.
What you gonna do?
I do not know.
You have to fix it.
How did it happen?
Bobby and me, we recently
had a fight ...
I left a few drinks.
They discussed, Drake and me ...
I drank too much,
and from there ...
I let him.
I can not believe it.
What a bastard.
Bobby ...
- I do not want that to happen.
- Sure.
- Sorry that you have learned like this.
- I had to learn how?
I drank ...
- The oldest excuse in the world.
- It was stupid ...
I want to believe!
- I know I have done wrong, but ...
- But what?
You've put the pressure
with the flat ...
Do not put it on my back! "
- No, but ...
- Shut up!
- I did not ...
- You're weak.
He also threw on me
but I did not flinch.
Where are you going?
And to think I wanted to create
a home with you ...
You spy on me or what?
What happened yesterday
with Sean?
- It came out together.
- Bobby left.
It con.
- You should not have done that.
- Sean would not have said.
Why? You could be anyone.
Have you forgotten
our conversation.
You gotta do what you
want, take control.
- Even at the expense of others?
- It's not my problem.
You're asked if Sean and Bobby
had to be together?
I have a meeting.
Incidentally, I thought you
were busy last night.
Things change.
- Hello?
- Sean, Robert.
We are aware of what happened.
You okay?
- Not really.
- You know it's
omplicated, so ...
Owen and I cancel the evening.
What? No, Robert ...
We thought and we prefer
something intimate between us.
Do not do it because of me.
No, it's better.
But we wanted to thank
you, you and the boys.
You are all wonderful.
Warn others, please. And Sean,
take care of you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
He looked so cool ...
Nice career, fun, sexy ...
Why are all those bastards?
I do not know.
Why I have listened?
These clothes are stupid.
Forget it. Drake is a bastard.
Why I do not trust
my fashion sense?
A goal in my life, shit!
I really think I have a problem.
You do not want to
stop a second?
These things do happen.
In addition, he has
kissed a guy cased.
He played badly.
This is not what you did
with this guy married?
We must get him out
of the closet.
But he was stuffed, right?
You're exaggerating,
it's not so bad.
You know you're a big con.
I look angry?
But it was I who slept with him.
- You do not get nervous for nothing.
- Exactly.
We must go forward.
I'll leave for you to conclude.
As you wish.
Even if you're just playing, I
imagined that it was a phase,
in the background, you would
like something else.
What do I know?
"I am the jester Drake.
Fiona is Sean. Bobby is there?
Hello. One minute.
I'm sorry, Sean.
He does not see you.
Sorry. I'll call you later.
I can not reapply for my job.
I was stupid to leave.
Anyway, it did not
please me more.
- What do you want to do
- I do not know.
You think?
You have always asked this
question to everyone.
I know you've struggled
after college,
but you have to think about
what you want to do.
When I change something,
it falls into the water.
I am not bogged in
a job I dislike.
I do not know what to say.
And nobody wants me. Damn!
You might be right.
Do not make an effort,
flush, it's easier.
- You make me really swollen.
- What?
You are wasting all because
you do not think.
When things do not work,
you just cry,
and you want us to bring
you all the answers.
Life is not so hard as that.
You're a big boy.
Behave yourself as an adult.
I have an answer for you.
You will not go anywhere
because you spend your life playing
the loser and do anything.
And loose the nickname
"TC" is stupid.
The guys coming tonight?
No, I do not think they deserve.
What happened?
Sean and Bobby broke apparently.
Sean has deceived imagine.
- With whom?
- No idea.
And the others were shouted at.
Too bad.
What did you do?
Me? Nothing.
Relationships do not last.
You see this guy?
I'm going to do at home.
At all.
Is ...
I will forget that you've
been very stupid lately.
Nice to see you, too.
I need your help.
This is important.
What it is?
We have to do this evening.
What can I do?
- Thank you for coming.
- Thank you for calling.
I would not have told you that.
You have said many true things.
I need to center myself.
And I will.
You could take more than
gloves, but ...
You're not a loser.
You're one of my best friends.
- Listen ...
- Wait.
I did not talk like that.
And I never take lightly
what happened to you.
I know.
Well, we had to cut out.
I do not know, I'm not ready.
It is fair to remind the guests
and a time to come.
We take care of everything else.
It was Robert and Owen.
Thanks to them we
became friends.
- I'll do what I can.
- Thank you.
And another thing ...
You could talk to Sean.
- He who sent you?
- You know me better than that.
That comes from us.
You have every right to be angry
but at least listen to it.
The ...
It was you who said he should
be given a second chance?
"You take it and throw"?
I appreciate you both very much,
and I do not see you make
stupid mistakes.
- No matter who started it.
- We do not forgive everything.
Bobby, I know Sean has long been
and he is happy with you.
He loves you, really.
You can not imagine
how painful it is.
If you can not forgive,
it's your choice.
But it is better that
thou mayest be sure,
because when it's over,
it's really over.
I thought about what you said.
You're right.
I am unable to move forward.
I do not know why.
I felt safer that way.
I know what you mean.
It may be time to move.
So, here we go.
He does not want to see
me, talk to me ...
I think it's really over.
- Why did you do that?
- This is the problem.
I do not know.
I asked myself a thousand
questions ...
Now it has no meaning.
Bobby wanted the best
for us both.
I can not lose.
So do not lose it.
Please do not leave.
I'm sorry.
I know I ruined everything,
I'm an idiot finished
and I know that I
deserve nothing,
but let me explain.
I'd do anything for it to break.
I love you so much ...
Bobby, please.
He is meeting. Can I leave ...
What a surprise!
How are you?
- I was miserable.
- I know.
I'm sorry.
And then?
If you're not too upset, you could do
what you were talking about dinner.
Well, Des, the thing is that ...
you'll have to pay
for this dinner.
And it'll cost you.
My God, Bobby ...
I really thought about
what happened.
You'd find it hard to see clearly,
and I've put the pressure.
I could not help myself.
I so want to be moved together.
I know. It scared me.
I should have seen.
But I want to do.
Having the apartment
and everything.
But above all, I want
you, forever.
You'd better not forget it.
it's me who remember
the kicking ass.
Really? Forget what?
What you need to pick?
I forgot my jacket the other night.
I recovered and went outside.
It's nice to bring us dinner.
It had to do something.
You could not stay
alone tonight.
Go. He left the door open.
Happy Birthday!
I hope it did not spoil
your evening.
Sorry for this story.
Forget. Bobby and you ...
I'm happy for you.
And here Louis. My boyfriend.
- Nice.
- Nice.
- It is adorable.
- And it's fun to read.
- I hear you.
- I know.
Good job.
You've done quickly.
- We broke the back.
- We ran everywhere.
They are so happy.
Thanks for everything, guys.
- It's when you want.
- Or not. It was no picnic.
Welcome to real life.
- They are cute, no?
- Yes.
- I hunger.
- Me too, let's go.
I'm coming.
- What's new?
- Hi, Drake.
You're at a party?
Yes, in Desmond.
And we do not invite me!
No problem, we have a
better plan tonight.
I misheard.
- I came to this party.
- Well, be off.
I do not think so.
- Adam is there too?
- Yes, but ...
I'm coming.
No, Drake ...
Okay. I'll get him out of here.
Are you crazy?
- I just get my mates.
- I will tell them
that you're down.
- I'll do it myself.
- Go away.
Adam Wayne, here we go.
We have a better evening ahead.
Let's go.
Go, you.
We need to talk.
No, Drake.
That's it.
Fuck you!
You're no better than Kyle.
You're a bunch of morons.
You suppliiez to me we have fun.
Things change.
- Everything all right?
- Now, yes.
Renee, I introduce
you to someone.
A new gay dude!
Where you go, this one?
My friend hetero, Jeremy.
He just moved to town.
It seeks someone to
show him around.
Thank you not to Thee away.
I was not far.
What nerve!
You think you will like Robert
Owen and one day?
No, we do casera that much.
You never know.
And Renee and Jeremy?
- It is too much.
- It had to attach it to bed.
I hope she feeds at least.
You've seen the eyes
of Robert and Owen?
They were amazed.
I want to be like them one day.
What was really cool ...
Your decision to
do this evening.
You've handled everything.
You've impressed.
Well done JD ... I mean, TC.
In this connection,
I would like you to
call me by my name.
Thank you God!
JD is much better.
No, I mean my real name.
It will sound terrible,
but what's your name?
I will time to get used
to, but agree.
I must think what is
important to me
what is true in my life.
And I always come back to you.
You are my family.
I do not want to see anything
wrong between us.
I love you a lot, really.
- And a good appetite.
- Well said.
I slab.
I must tell you what made
Louis the other day.
It was with me, and like much,
he pulled out a camcorder.
He looked at me and said: "You
want to make a movie?"
- That's it.
- I was so surprised
he is so cute ...
I looked and I told him:
"Come on, do it."