Whisky (2004)

Ivan, can you turn the light on?
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Jacobo.
- Good morning, Marta.
- Good morning.
- Excuse me.
- Come in.
- Thanks.
I know a guy who repairs
window shades. Shall I ask him to come?
Yes, ask him to come shortly.
- Very well.
- Excuse me.
- Come on in.
I've made arrangements at your mother's cemetery.
- Sunday at ten.
- That's fine. Thank you.
- They've waited a year with the headstone?
- Strange, isn't it?
- What if the old lady woke up!
- Girls!
- I'm going out. Do you want me to deliver anything?
- No, just go.
can't we listen to something else?
- Do you want to listen to the radio?
- Yes, only for a bit.
- Is it the guy, again?
- You laugh at him, too.
- Okay.
- Thanks!
Kller, is your team going
to advance to first division?
Your team is a joke, Kller.
If everyone goes in for it,
you win 480 pesos.
Good, always at your service.
- Kller, how's it going?
- Hello, is Rogelio around?
No, I haven't seen him.
May I help you?
- I need to send a fax to Brazil.
- A fax to Brazil?
What do you say?
Brazil isn't exactly nearby.
- I'll speak to Rogelio later.
- All right.
- Come here, Kller. We're only joking.
- Of course we'll send the fax.
- How are things, Kller?
- Fine.
Mother's matzeiva on Sunday. Expecting your arrival. Jacobo.
Let's go, Marta.
- See you in the morning, god permitting.
- See you in the morning.
See you in the morning.
- Marta?
- Yes?
You remember my brother,
the one who lives in Brazil?
Yes. How come? Anything happened?
No, he will join mother's matzeiva.
Ceremony in connection
with the headstone.
Oh, how nice. He couldn't
make it to the burial, could he?
While my brother is here,
I could need some help.
I thought if you don't have
anything against it,
you could come and stay at my place.
Only for a couple of days.
Yes, of course. That's fine.
No, you must have dialed the wrong number.
- Wrong number.
- Yes, those things happen.
- You say...
- Is it one, two or three days?
I thought if you wanted
a form of compensation...
No, there's no need.
I perfectly understand.
There are a couple of things we need to settle.
Small matters, you know...
Yes, all right.
Let's talk about it in the morning.
- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow, god permitting.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Jacobo.
Excuse me.
The man that repairs window shades
said he would try to make it today.
That's good. Thanks.
- Excuse me.
- Come on in.
I thought we should take
a picture of us two.
Before your brother arrives.
Oh, yes. Good.
I can't find
the order from Grunberg.
It's in the receipt folder.
Oh, yes. Thanks.
- Kller.
- Sanchez. Is that Isaac in the backroom?
- Is it cold outside?
- Yes.
- How are you, dear friend?
- Fine.
- Where do I sign?
- You said you had a check.
You know what happened?
I ran out of checks.
Jacobo, don't be a shmok.
I'll pay half now,
then you get a check tomorrow.
- When is your mother's matzeiva?
- On Sunday.
We leave now, Marta.
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
- Come on in.
- Thanks.
My brother will sleep here.
- Are there any bedclothes for these beds?
- Yes, somewhere.
I'll look for it in the morning.
Living room.
- And these are for...
- Oh yes, of course.
- Did it belong to your mother?
- Yes.
- Excuse me.
- Yes, of course.
No, wrong number.
- Wrong number.
- Yes, those things happen.
It's too big for me.
I know a goldsmith.
- I can bring it to him.
- Good.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Jacobo.
- Excuse me.
- Come on in.
Marta, can you hand me the screwdriver?
We're leaving now.
- See you in the morning, god willing.
- See you in the morning.
- You look good today, Marta.
- Thank you.
See you in the morning.
Good. Move a little closer to each other.
Then the lady hold the man's arm.
Good. The gentleman a little lower.
Perfect. A little smile now. Say "whisky".
Very good.
- Jacobo, how are you?
- Herman.
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
- So the matzeiva is on Sunday
- Yes, half past ten.
how much is nine Brazilian reais?
Nine reais? That is...
- How come?
- No, nothing.
My wife Marta,
this is my brother Herman.
That's how you greet in Brazil.
- I'll take your suitcase.
- Yes, yes, thanks.
Well, finally solid ground under the feet.
- Jacobo have talked a lot about you.
- Nothing good I guess.
You can call me Herman.
We are family, Marta.
How was your trip?
- Have you chosen a place?
- In the Iguazu Falls.
- How nice. Have you been there?
- No.
Neither have I.
- My little girls.
- So beautiful...
They will always be my little girls to me.
One has almost finished university.
How beautiful they are...
You know how I use this picture?
As a wallpaper on my computer.
- You speak in Spanish?
- No.
Well, a little. Only basic.
They love Uruguay.
- Do they know Uruguay?
- Yes, they've seen pictures.
And my wife's been here.
She was with me last time. Do you remember?
- We brought her to a football game.
- Oh, yes.
- Marta, have you been to Brazil?
- Only been to the Iguazu Falls.
- On our honeymoon.
- You must show me the pictures later.
Those nice ones at the Iguazu Falls,
you have to experience them for yourself.
You got that right.
here's a little present for you.
Oh, that wasn't necessary.
- Thank you.
- No big deal.
So nice and warm.
That is a new collection we're making.
Do you know where we sell most? In Chile.
Chileans are so friendly.
Now, let me clear the table.
- Would you like some more coffee?
- No thanks.
That's the future doctor in the family.
The youngest looks a little bit like mother,
doesn't she?
Maybe a little.
- Marta, have you ever met mother?
- Only briefly.
She couldn't recognise people.
She thought i was father.
- Occupied!
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Marta. Do you write it with or without "h"?
- Without "h".
- Yes, or else it would been "Martha".
- And last name?
- Acua, without "h".
A good one.
Martha Acua.
Excuse me.
can you give me the magnet?
- Do you mean this one?
- No, the one with thumbs up.
Very good.
I want to make these for my customers.
They don't hold many sheets.
I wanted to make some
with the firm's logo and a calendar.
But it was too expensive.
A magnet with calendar.
So sad Marta wouldn't join us.
She doesn't like football.
Haven't we just passed by the plant?
- Yes.
- Couldn't we drop by?
No, then we'll be late.
Come on! Let's drop by.
- Shall we go inside?
- No, the game will start soon.
Then we'll be late.
Come on, Culaca.
Come on, go for it!
Go back to the beauty parlour,
you fucking poof!
Fucking hell! Colon scored.
- What can one do, mate?
- Yeah, I wonder.
- What's the score?
- They're three goals ahead of us.
Hey, Jacobo.
That catalogue you have in your bathroom,
it's a bit old fashioned.
I used to have those machines.
They're good, they're Italian, but...
- Who's the side ref?
- Barcelo.
- He blew it for us once.
- Yes, that penalty...
If you want to modify the plant,
I can help you.
We could import socks
from Brazil and sell them here.
It's a good product. I've got
some samples you can show to your customers.
Go, go, go!
You always ruin it for us!
Ram that flag up your arse, you stupid cunt!
- Iguazu Falls were nice, weren't they?
- Yes, very nice.
I've lived in Brazil for 20 years,
but never been there.
Not that I live very close,
but it's not a long drive.
I will soon
bring my family there.
- Yes it's beautiful there.
- Yes, it is.
- Good evening.
- Oh, good evening.
Two of these, please.
- Do you like them, Marta?
- Yes.
I want to go for a holiday,
but I can't.
There's so much to do at the plant.
Do you like those?
- Yes.
- Two more.
But I can't complain.
It's good just to have a job.
- Definitely.
- One more of those.
Of course, it's important to have work.
My father, old Kller, always used to say...
Can I have three of these?
One has to work, he said.
He was a special man.
I watched him work all day.
I probably look like him.
One of these, please.
Every day when I see the plant,
I think of him.
- Do you want anything else, Marta?
- No.
That's all.
There was an awful silence,
and then he said:
"It must have fallen off,
because I never lose anything."
"It must have fallen off,
because I never lose anything."
Hold on, Marta. Just one more.
It is good and very short.
Old Isaac laid on his deathbed,
and his whole family was with him.
He was dying, and then he said:
"Rebecca, are you here?"
"Yes, daddy, I'm here."
"and you, Judith, my beloved wife?"
"Yes, Isaac, I'm here."
"Are you here, Samuel, my dear son?"
"Yes, daddy, I'm here."
"If everyone is here, who is
looking after the shop then?"
- Who is looking after the shop?
- Excuse me.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you for coming, Isaac.
I would like to talk
to Herman Kller?
Hello? Hello?
... so I grabbed after my wallet,
but I didn't find it.
I didn't have my creditcard,
I had nothing.
So I went to talk to the owner.
And do you know where this happened?
- At Tony Ramos restaurant.
- Tony Ramos?
He's got a restaurant
right where I live.
Think of what my daughters would have said!
"So embarrassing, and in front of Tony Ramos!"
Do you know Tony Ramos in person?
We are not friends, but we have talked
sometimes. Tony is a nice guy.
The sets, the actors, aren't they?
We don't watch it at home.
But they are investing a lot of money in it.
What time you're supposed to be
at the airport tomorrow?
He is throwing me out! Please!
Let us finish this one first.
Come on. It's so little left.
Let us toast.
It was nice to see you again
after such a long time.
I'd like to propose
a toast for this meeting.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
That's been an enjoyable visit,
but it was too short.
That's why I'd like to invite you.
Do you want to come with me
to Piripolis for a couple of days.
- What do you say, Marta?
- I'd love to.
The guy who repairs shades
will be at the plant tomorrow.
- But, Jacobo! When was the last time you were there?
- This is not a good time.
He needs to repair the window shade.
Do you want to tell him?
Say it yourself, Marta.
- No, I get embarrassed.
- It was only a joke.
Marta told me that you
still like chocolate.
When I talked with the cashier,
and when nobody saw it, -
- Marta stole a chocolate.
A present for you, Jacobo.
- Pay attention to the road please.
- That was funny.
Breakfast is included and
is served between seven and ten o'clock.
Indoor pool is on
the first floor.
We have a restaurant with
live band and a casino.
Juan Carlos will show you the rooms.
If you need anything, just dial nine and ask
for Andres. I hope you'll enjoy it here.
Excuse me, could we get
separate beds in our room?
- My wife has a bad back.
- Let me look into that.
- It's all right. Forget about it.
- I hope you'll have a nice stay.
And this is your room.
Please, come in. Madame.
Over there is the bathroom.
Here is the refrigerator.
Here is your remote control.
If you need anything,
just dial nine and ask for Juan Carlos.
Thank you.
If you don't need anything else...
- Here.
- Thank you.
- Just make yourself at home.
- Thanks.
Here are your keys.
I hope you have a nice stay.
- How much did you give him?
- 20. Isn't that enough?
No, that's okay.
If it's fine by you, I would
like to take care of the expenses.
Here is your money.
He's got the upper hand.
- Marta, come and play.
- No, I have never tried it before.
It's easy.
Jacobo can teach you.
He used to beat me all the time.
Come on, Marta.
Just like that.
A little bit harder.
Thats good.
You are two against one.
I can't beat Jacobo.
- I lost.
- Let's play one more.
I'll buy another token.
Now he has started.
- Had you you ever been to Piripolis, when you were little?
- Yes.
And you haven't been here in a while?
Yes, haven't been here
for a very long time.
- And your brother?
- The same, I think.
Why didn't your brother show
up when your mother died?
What do you think?
That was expensive.
I'll buy water downstairs.
I can't sleep without water.
Me neither.
Did you also have trouble sleeping?
I went out to buy water,
it was too expensive here.
Could you please wait
for my husband?
- Yes, of course.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
- Don't mention it.
- Which floor?
- Fifth.
- You're newly married?
- Yes.
- Honeymoon?
- Yes.
We're from Argentina. We love Uruguay.
Excellent, my Argentinian friends.
It's been a while since
my honeymoon.
It hasn't been that long ago for him;
he's been at the Iguazu Falls.
It is very beautiful there.
I lost.
- Do you smoke, Marta?
- Yes, sometimes.
I have quit many years ago.
I smoked when I was young.
Do you want a cigarette?
No, but I'll gladly take a puff.
Thank you.
- Namreh Rellk.
- What did you say?
Your name spelled backwards.
Herman Kller.
- Can you say it once more?
- Namreh Rellk.
- Very good. Can you say something else?
- What do you want me to say?
- "Hi, how are you doing?"
- Ih, woh era uoy gniod?
Very good !
Say "the waves are choppy"
eht sevaw era yppohc
- "The girl plays with the dog."
- Eht lrig syalp htiw eht god.
- "The wind whistles in the palm tree."
- Eht dniw seltsihw ni eht mlap eert.
Good ! How do you do it?
When I was little and bored,
I used to read words backwards.
I listened to conversations and spelled them
backwards. That's how I learned it.
"Jacobo is exasperated."
Obocaj si detarepsaxe.
Jacobo, did you win?
I'm supposed to push here, right?
Smile and say "whisky".
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
- Hi, can I help you?
- No, thanks. I'm just looking.
- Have you been hiking much.
- No, not much.
He's injured his leg when he was
showing off on our wedding.
No, my friends threw me up in the air,
and didn't catch me.
- Don't be angry.
- I'm not angry.
- The water is delicious. Aren't you going to join us?
- I'm only gaining courage.
- It's warm.
- Yes, very nice.
This is lovely.
I could stay here all afternoon.
So there you are then. I thought
I'd be here alone.
- How are the newlyweds doing?
- Fine.
- How do you like it here in Piripolis?
- Nice, except that he's injured.
- Is that right?
- Yes. I've hurt my knee.
- That's a pity.
- Yes.
What is it Marta? Have you lost something?
- The wedding ring.
- Damn.
- What's happened?
- She has lost a ring.
- Wedding ring?
- Yes.
Are you sure you wore it?
Rings don't fall off by themselves.
- Yes, they do fall off in water.
- That was strange.
We split the pool in two.
I search here, and you search over there.
- Do you take off your ring often?
- Sometimes.
You need to ask the reception for help.
Or write a letter to them.
The pool is big when you search for
a ring.
- Was it real gold?
- Yes.
Hey! Here it is!
- Thank you.
- That's great!
- I'll put it over here.
- You are my hero!
- Take off your ring.
- Mine won't fall off.
- It was made to measure.
- So was hers.
It was good he found it.
- Where is Jacobo?
- He's asleep.
- Aren't you going to dip your head?
- No, I'm too old for that.
No, you're not.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, and good luck.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, and thank you.
I'll come out of the pool, too. I'm cold.
Can't you stay a little bit longer.
I don't want to be alone.
Come on.
Jacobo, are you awake?
I'm going to buy water.
- Do you want me to come along?
- No, thanks.
I'll see you later, Marta.
Ees uoy retal.
"See you later." backwards.
Excuse me.
It was not easy for me
being away from Mum,
but I knew that you'd been taking care of her.
And you've been looking after the plant.
My job and family required that I was there.
I couldn't help you
during your tough times.
I want to give you this
as a kind of compensation.
It's a lot of money.
It's a compensation for the
time you devoted to Mum.
And it covers my share of the expenses.
A little extra for all these years
you've been caring for her.
I'll manage fine, Herman.
I don't need this money.
I think you will need it
now that you are married.
We manage well.
- You can get cheap soap.
- No thanks.
You can use them to buy new Italian
machinery for your plant.
Applause for Francisca from Montevideo.
We're going to play more hits for you.
I hope you'll like this one.
Herman promised
he would sing today.
- Did you know he could sing?
- No.
I'm not a real singer.
Sometimes I'll visit a karaoke bar
with my daughter.
- Do you want to sing now?
- It's kind of embarrassing.
Number 24 never wins.
It's waste of money.
It's your birthday, honey.
I will never play it again.
I said you shouldn't play 24.
You did it anyway.
Of course.
How is it going with the girls?
Good afternoon.
- Do you want me to exchange everything?
- Yes, everything.
Hold on a moment please.
Keep the bet.
Black 24.
- Hello?
- Good morning. It's your wake-up call.
Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Thanks, Jacobo. It's too much.
- They're nice.
- Yes.
You can read it on the plane.
If I could have travelled somewhere,
I would have travelled to Brazil.
A good choice.
Brazil is a beautiful country.
I travel a lot,
I'm almost never at home.
- Have a nice trip.
- Thanks.
- Have a nice trip.
- Goodbye.
- I'm ready.
- I'm going to call a taxi for you.
No, that's not necessary.
I'll take the bus.
Need a cab to Yata street 1421.
It's a block of flats...
yeah, thanks.
It'll arrive in three minutes.
Oh, yes.
- You shouldn't have done that.
- It's a kind of compensation.
That was not necessary.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- I'll see you tomorrow, god permitting.
Kller, is your team going to
advance to first division?
Your team is a joke, Kller.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Could we turn the radio on?
- I'd prefer you don't.
Thank you anyway.
- Ask for Marta, when she arrives.
- I will.